Expressions with the word bed

In his bed the writer rolled over on his side and lay quite still.

He was hidden from the bed by a screen, but the woman guessed what he was doing.

«What is this, sister?» said Agnes to Gauchère, gazing at the little creature exposed, which was screaming and writhing on the wooden bed, terrified by so many glances.

«When are you coming to bed?» he always replied, very brave but in a whisper, as if he feared the bears and wolves might have him.

(for, as has been said, all the inns he lodged in were castles to his eyes), and that the daughter of the innkeeper was daughter of the lord of the castle, and that she, won by his high-bred bearing, had fallen in love with him, and had promised to come to his bed for a while that night without the knowledge of her parents; and holding all this fantasy that he had constructed as solid fact, he began to feel uneasy and to consider the perilous risk which his virtue was about to encounter, and he resolved in his heart to commit no treason to his lady Dulcinea del Toboso, even though the queen Guinevere herself and the dame Quintanona should present themselves before him.

Were it otherwise than what I am going to say, I should not be backward to disclose it, as it is apparent I have done in other cases in this account; but I affirm, that through all this conversation, abating the freedom of coming into the chamber when I or he was in bed, and abating the necessary offices of attending him night and day when he was sick, there had not passed the least immodest word or action between us.

And what of the maker of the bed? Were you not saying that he too makes, not the idea which, according to our view, is the essence of the bed, but only a particular bed?

But though the other boarders kept coming in by ones, twos, and threes, and going to bed, yet no sign of my harpooneer.

Tod’s bed. Nothing could be seen of the young family.

Now, however, that you have convinced me by showing that you know all about our bed (which no human being has ever seen but you and I and a single maidservant, the daughter of Actor, who was given me by my father on my marriage, and who keeps the doors of our room) hard of belief though I have been I can mistrust no longer.»

While the talk at the dinner-table flowed easily onward, the evening-time advanced to night—and it became necessary to think of sending the children to bed.

This serious question troubled her all through the evening, and kept her awake when she went to bed. In despair of her capacity to remove the obstacle that stood in her way, she decided on resuming her regular work at the Museum—turned her pillow to get at the cool side of it—and made up her mind to go asleep.

Well, with break of day she wakes and sits up in bed and is standing in the middle of the room.

His entrance awoke his wife, who was in bed and fast asleep when he came in.

He wished to sleep, but he knew he would not be able to and that most depressing thoughts came to him in bed. So he called Tikhon and went through the rooms with him to show him where to set up the bed for that night.

This is the transcript for the English with Stephen podcast episode that tells a story to illustrate expressions associated with the word “bed”.

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Hello and welcome to English with Stephen. My name’s Stephen Greene and today I am going to experiment with something new. Usually, I talk about the history of English, learning strategies or stories about the origins of words. But today I am just going to tell you a story.

But it is no ordinary story. It is a story about beds. In fact, it is a story that includes lots of expressions that include the word “bed”.

The idea is that you will hear lots of different phrases in context. Because you hear them in context, even if you have never heard them before, you should be able to understand them. And, hopefully, because they are in a story, it might make these expressions more memorable.

What do you think? Does it sound like a good idea? Like I said, it is an experiment, so please let me know what you think about it by leaving me a message on my site,, or on any of my social media. I really want your honest feedback, so please get in touch.

Before I tell you my bed story, I’d like to tell you about another podcast. It is called 1-800-goal-digger. The podcast host, Mika Liu, comes from Taiwan originally and she talks about her life and how she struggles to sometimes improve herself and other times just to survive. Her stories are full of honesty and humour, and I love it. I am recommending this for two reasons. First,  shows that you don’t need to be a “native-speaker” of English to be able to podcast beautifully in English. Second, although she doesn’t focus on language learning, a lot of her insights are invaluable for language learners. I am sure I am not alone when saying I suffer from procrastination when it comes to learning a language. Well, procrastination is just one of the topics she deals with. You can find the podcast on your podcast app by searching for 1-800-Goal-Digger, or I will post a link on my site

Before we start, I have a task for you. There are 10 expressions in the story that use the word “bed”. As you listen, try to identify the expressions and make a note of them. You could make a note on a piece of paper, on your computer o phone or even just a mental note in your head.

Once you have the note, link it to a meaning or definition. This will help you to remember and use the expression in the future.

Ready? Let’s go.

My normal bedtime is about 10 pm. I have to get up at 6 am every day, so I like to get to bed around 10 to get my 8 hours of beauty sleep. However, my football team here in Brazil was playing on TV and the game didn`t start until 9:30, so it was way past my bedtime by the time I actually got to bed.

The alarm went off at 6:30, just like every morning, and I was still exhausted. While I was brushing my teeth, I looked in the mirror and was shocked at my bedhead. My long hair was all over the place, as I had been dancing at an all-night rave in the middle of a hurricane and not fast asleep in bed.

I went downstairs and got breakfast ready, but it felt like everything was wrong. I got salt out of the cupboard instead of sugar. I put water on my cornflakes instead of milk and put bread in the fridge instead of the toaster. It was going to be one of those days when it feels like I got out of bed on the wrong side.

Anyway, it was all my fault. I had made my own bed the previous evening by not going to bed on time, and now I would have to lie in it.

Once I had finally finished breakfast, I sat down at my computer. The first item of the day was to book a place to stay for my trip. I decided on a bed and breakfast, or B and B, instead of a hotel because it is much cheaper and I won’t actually be staying in the room, so all I needed was a bed to sleep in and breakfast to start my day.

You won’t believe me, but it literally took me all day to sort out what should have been a really simple exercise.

I have been boycotting ever since they got into bed with Booble. I don’t like the fact that Booble doesn’t pay taxes, so when started working with them, I moved to

First of all, I had to set up an account and get a password and all that stuff. This took far longer than it needed to. The interface is not very easy to navigate and I got very frustrated trying to find any suitable accommodation. Eventually, I found half a dozen potentials when all of a sudden my computer froze.

I went through the operating system to find out what the problem was and eventually realised I needed a new update, so I downloaded that and decided it was time for lunch. I thought it would be a good idea to let the new update bed in, you know, get comfortable and ready, while I got something to eat.

After a long lunch, I switched the computer back on and I was pleasantly surprised to see everything was working really well. I went back to the BandBair page and quickly found the half a dozen properties I was interested in before everything had crashed.

But then I was hit with another unpleasant surprise. Everything was so expensive that I nearly wet the bed! How can they justify such high prices? After another hour’s searching, I managed to find a B and B that was just about in my price range, but it doesn’t look all that comfortable, I have to admit.

After such a disheartening day, at least I was finished with it all and I could put the whole project to bed! I thought about just lying on the sofa and watching Peaky Blinders, my favourite TV show, on Netflix. But then I had a better thought. I’d go to sleep early and maybe tomorrow I’d be in a much better mood to get stuff done.

After all, they don’t say “early to bed, early to rise, makes a man wealthy, healthy and wise” for no reason, do they?

Ok, how was that for you? Did you catch all of the expressions? If you want to listen again, please do. If you want to listen and read the transcript so you can see the expressions, you’ll find it on my site And don’t forget to leave your thoughts about this episode on my site or on my social media.

Oh, and one more thing. Take a moment to check out 1-800-Goal-Digger for some great ideas on setting goals to improve not just English but your whole life.

So long!

спать, ложиться в постель, кровать, постель, слой, ложе, постельный


- класть в постель; укладывать спать
- ложиться в постель

to bed with smb. — а) ночевать с кем-л.; спать с кем-л.; б) разг. спать /сожительствовать/ с кем-л.

- ночевать, останавливаться на ночлег
- сажать, высаживать (растения)

to bed up — с.-х. напахивать борозды, гребневать

- стлать подстилку (для животных)

to bed down a horse with straw — подостлать лошади соломы

- спец. ставить на основание или на фундамент

to bed bricks in mortar — класть кирпичи на раствор

- геол. напластовываться

to bed up — с.-х. напахивать борозды, гребневать

- уст. брать жену на брачное ложе


- кровать, постель; ложе

- матрац, тюфяк; подстилка

feather bed — перина
bed of hay [leaves] — подстилка из сена [листьев]
bed of straw — соломенный тюфяк
the soldiers lay down on a bed of straw — солдаты улеглись на соломе
the dog on his bed in the corner — собака на своей подстилке в углу

- брачное ложе, брак

marriage /nuptial/ bed — брачное ложе
to be false to one’s bed — арх. изменять супругу
the eldest son of the second bed — старший сын от второго брака

- поэт. смертное ложе, могила (тж. narrow bed, bed of dust)

bed of honour — а) поле чести, поле брани; б) воинское кладбище, братская могила
to lie in the bed of honour — пасть на поле чести /в бою/; пасть смертью храбрых
to put to bed with a shovel — похоронить, закопать

- ночлег

bed and breakfast — ночлег и завтрак
to make up a bed — устроиться на ночлег

ещё 17 вариантов

Мои примеры


he sat on the edge of the bed — он сидел на краю кровати  
he worked in the coal beds — он работал на угольных пластах / на залежах угля  
bed of brick — нижняя грань кирпича  
confinement to bed — постельный режим  
cosy bed — удобная кровать  
to deepen the bed of the river — углублять русло реки  
the genial bed — брачное ложе  
head of the bed — изголовье  
to pass on in one’s bed — умереть естественной смертью  
mobile bed — неустойчивое русло ;аллювиальное русло  
river bed — речное русло  
rock bed — скалистое русло  

Примеры с переводом

He lay in bed all morning.

Он лежал в постели все утро.

You should go to bed early.

Тебе надо бы пораньше лечь спать.

Dad has a whisky before bed.

Перед сном папа выпивает порцию виски.

He goes to bed at the crack of dawn

Он ложится спать на рассвете.

Simon lay in bed thinking.

Саймон лежал в постели и размышлял.

I came home and found him in bed with (=having sex with) my best friend.

Я вернулась домой и застала его в постели (т.е. за сексом) с моей лучшей подругой.

Will you help me bed out the plants?

Поможешь мне высадить цветы?

ещё 22 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He wanted me to go to bed with him.

The foundations were bedded in cement.

The children were bedded at ten o’clock

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

bed down — уложить, устроить на ночь, улечься, устроиться на ночь, закреплять
bed in — закреплять, вкапывать, полностью отладить, оседать, отстаиваться

Возможные однокоренные слова

embed  — вставлять, встраивать, внедрять, врезать, вделывать, запечатлевать
imbed  — внедрять, врезать, вставлять, вделывать, запечатлевать
bedding  — постельные принадлежности, залегание, основание, напластование, ложе, наслоение
beddable  — соблазнительная, волнующая, соблазнительный, сексуально привлекательный
bedder  — растение, высаживаемое в грунт, лежняк, нижний жернов, тот, кто стелет постели

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: bed
he/she/it: beds
ing ф. (present participle): bedding
2-я ф. (past tense): bedded
3-я ф. (past participle): bedded

ед. ч.(singular): bed
мн. ч.(plural): beds

The flowers too, which decorated the room, showed by their freshness that they had not long left their beds.

Laboring harmoniously in united strength they crushed and ground and wore away the rocks in their march, making vast beds of soil, and at the same time developed and fashioned the landscapes into the delightful variety of hill and dale and lordly mountain that mortals call beauty.

It is but a poor place, but you will be welcome, and doubtless we can find two spare beds.

So with her own hands armed with a dagger, she approached the king‘s bed; having taken care to ply the grooms of his chamber so with wine, that they slept intoxicated, and careless of their charge.

CHAPTER LXIII TELLETH SOMEWHAT OF THE WOES OF GILES O THE BOW Six days and nights my Beltane kept his bed, seeing and speaking to no man; and it is like he would have died but for the fostering care of the good Friar Martin who came and went softly about him, who watched and tended and prayed over him long and silently but who, perceiving his heartsickness, spake him not at all.

Two rows of the plushy branches overlapping along the middle, and a crescent of smaller plumes mixed with ferns and flowers for a pillow, form the very best bed imaginable.

«I really think that the time has come for us all to seek our beds.

The room contained seven other beds besides their own, two of which were as yet still vacant, waiting the arrival of boys who had not turned up on the first day.

Time gnaws an English gravestone with wonderful appetite; and when the inscription is quite illegible, the sexton takes the useless slab away, and perhaps makes a hearthstone of it, and digs up the unripe bones which it ineffectually tried to memorialize, and gives the bed to another sleeper.

Abe had led him that chase over at the Station, Samuel was convinced, «apurpose« to punish him for having so soundly berated him when he lay abed.

So came he to a certain cave hollowed within the hillsideone of many suchbut the rough walls of this cave Black Roger had adorned with a rich arras, and had prepared also a bed of costly furs; here Beltane laid the captive, and sitting within the mouth of the cavebeyond which a fire burnedfell to scowling at the flame.

We saw his bed but a few rods from where we landed, and from which our dogs had aroused him, though they, in their excitement, had overrun his scent, and dashed off after a deer.

Tom was his sole companion, sharing his bed, and sitting beside him on a stool with much the same drowsy expression of eye as his master.

And he‘s taken the bed from under us, and the baby‘s cradle, although it‘s said in the Bible as you‘re not to take poor folks bed.

They were nine in number, and occupied by triplets the three other beds which the room contained.

« He turned in his bed; she was there again!

The toddlers go round the beds of herbs, pinching the leaves with their tiny fingers and then putting their fingers to their noses.

They passed Fremont‘s Peak, Long‘s Peak, The Twins, and other summits, but had great difficulties to overcome in forcing their way over other mountains of the rugged Utah range, sometimes following the stony bed of torrents, the headwaters of some of the mightiest rivers of our continent, and sometimes literally cutting their road through heavy and ragged timber.

Those will fill a whole bed,« she continued, upon receiving a large bunch of plants from her kind friend.

The idea of having a Wallerstätten for a guest and offering him a bed which has been used already.

They cross the chasmy torrent‘s foamlit bed, Rocked on the dizzy larch‘s narrow tread; Or steal beneath loose mountains, half deterr’d, That sigh and shudder to the lowing herd.

The oysterdredger takes one of these machines in his boat, and when he has reached the oysterbed the dredge is tossed overboard; as soon as it has sunk to the bottom the rope is paid out sufficiently to prevent it from pulling the dredge directly upwards, and is then made fast while the boat goes ahead.

In the garden they laid out a strawberry bed of two thousand plants, helped to plant corn and beans, picked beans and other vegetables.

HeroismSeward, «the brave Earl of Northumberland,« feeling in his sickness that he drew near his end, quitted his bed and put on his armour, saying, «That it became not a man to die like a beast,« on which he died standing; an act as singular as it was heroic.

In the alcove stood the bed which had been Patricia‘s.

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When I was a kid, I used to imagine animals running under my bed. I told my dad, and he solved the problem quickly. He cut the legs off the bed.

Lou Brock



Old English bedd; related to Old Norse bethr, Old High German betti, Gothic badi.


Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.






Bed is a verb and can also act as a noun.

A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.

The verb is the part of the sentence that is conjugated and expresses action and state of being.

See the conjugation of the verb bed in English.




A bed ( listen (help·info)) is a piece of furniture used as a place to sleep or relax. It has a secondary use as a location to engage in sexual relations. Most modern beds consist of a soft mattress on a bed frame, with the mattress resting either on a solid base, often wooden slats, or a sprung base. In North America many beds include a box spring inner-sprung base, a large mattress-sized box containing wood and springs that provide additional support and suspension for the mattress. Most beds have a headboard for resting against, with others also having side rails and footboards (or «footers»). «Headboard only» beds often incorporate a «dust ruffle», «bed skirt», or «valance sheet» to hide the bed frame. For greater head support, most people use a pillow, placed on the top of a mattress. Also used is some form of covering blanket to insulate the sleeper, often bed sheets, a quilt, or a duvet, collectively referred to as bedding. Bedding is the removable non-furniture portion of a sleeping environment. A bed can be thought of as a body and the bedding its clothing.

Definition of bed in the English dictionary

The first definition of bed in the dictionary is a piece of furniture on which to sleep. Other definition of bed is the mattress and bedclothes on such a piece of furniture. Bed is also sleep or rest.




I bed

you bed

he/she/it beds

we bed

you bed

they bed

Present continuous

I am bedding

you are bedding

he/she/it is bedding

we are bedding

you are bedding

they are bedding

Present perfect

I have bedded

you have bedded

he/she/it has bedded

we have bedded

you have bedded

they have bedded

Present perfect continuous

I have been bedding

you have been bedding

he/she/it has been bedding

we have been bedding

you have been bedding

they have been bedding

Present tense is used to refer to circumstances that exist at the present time or over a period that includes the present time. The present perfect refers to past events, although it can be considered to denote primarily the resulting present situation rather than the events themselves.



I bedded

you bedded

he/she/it bedded

we bedded

you bedded

they bedded

Past continuous

I was bedding

you were bedding

he/she/it was bedding

we were bedding

you were bedding

they were bedding

Past perfect

I had bedded

you had bedded

he/she/it had bedded

we had bedded

you had bedded

they had bedded

Past perfect continuous

I had been bedding

you had been bedding

he/she/it had been bedding

we had been bedding

you had been bedding

they had been bedding

Past tense forms express circumstances existing at some time in the past,



I will bed

you will bed

he/she/it will bed

we will bed

you will bed

they will bed

Future continuous

I will be bedding

you will be bedding

he/she/it will be bedding

we will be bedding

you will be bedding

they will be bedding

Future perfect

I will have bedded

you will have bedded

he/she/it will have bedded

we will have bedded

you will have bedded

they will have bedded

Future perfect continuous

I will have been bedding

you will have been bedding

he/she/it will have been bedding

we will have been bedding

you will have been bedding

they will have been bedding

The future is used to express circumstances that will occur at a later time.



I would bed

you would bed

he/she/it would bed

we would bed

you would bed

they would bed

Conditional continuous

I would be bedding

you would be bedding

he/she/it would be bedding

we would be bedding

you would be bedding

they would be bedding

Conditional perfect

I would have bed

you would have bed

he/she/it would have bed

we would have bed

you would have bed

they would have bed

Conditional perfect continuous

I would have been bedding

you would have been bedding

he/she/it would have been bedding

we would have been bedding

you would have been bedding

they would have been bedding

Conditional or «future-in-the-past» tense refers to hypothetical or possible actions.



you bed
we let´s bed
you bed

The imperative is used to form commands or requests.


Present Participle


Infinitive shows the action beyond temporal perspective. The present participle or gerund shows the action during the session. The past participle shows the action after completion.

Synonyms and antonyms of bed in the English dictionary of synonyms


The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «bed» and belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «bed» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of bed to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of bed from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «bed» in English.

Translator English — Chinese

1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish


570 millions of speakers



510 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi


380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic


280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian


278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese


270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali


260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French


220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay


190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German


180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese


80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish


70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian


65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish


50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian


40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian


30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek


15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans


14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish


10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian


5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of bed


The term «bed» is very widely used and occupies the 1.535 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Very widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «bed» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of bed

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «bed».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «bed» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «bed» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about bed


Famous quotes and sentences with the word bed.

I’m obsessed with socks. I even wear them to bed!

The work of Nigeria is not complete for as long as there is any one Nigerian who goes to bed on empty stomach.

We rise with the lark and go to bed with the lamb.

When I was a kid, I used to imagine animals running under my bed. I told my dad, and he solved the problem quickly. He cut the legs off the bed.

Stormy in love, stormy in interviews, breakfast in bed — that’s me, love.

There’s been a lot of coming home in the early mornings after funny nights out, having bizarre sandwiches in bed.

The town formerly known as St. Louis is now ‘Defiance.’ The scope of the show and game is going to be massive because you have the people who love the genre of gaming who love sci-fi; they’re in bed together, normally.

Modern women are just bombarded. There’s nothing but media telling us we’re all supposed to be great cooks, have great style, be great in bed, be the best mothers, speak seven languages, and be able to understand derivatives. And we don’t really have women we’re modeling after, so we’re all looking for how to do this.

I think my real depressions started when I was about 16 and doing The Patty Duke Show. I would go to bed at about 10 o’clock on a Friday night and not get up again until 6:30 Monday morning.

I am very grateful to the electronic world for making my life easier, but there is something about holding a book — the smell and the world of association. Even when e-books are perfected, as they surely will be, it will be like being in bed with a very well-made robot rather than a warm, soft, human being whom you love.


Discover the use of bed in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to bed and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.

College students, recent graduates, and their parents work at Denny’s, volunteer at a public library in suburban Florida, attend satanic ska/punk concerts, eat Chinese food with the homeless of New York City, and go to the same Japanese …


A Bed for the Night: Humanitarianism in Crisis

Draws on first-hand accounts from war zones throughout the world to illustrate a growing gap between humanitarian ambition and capability, tracing the histories of major organizations while noting the impact of their advocacy beliefs.


Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed

A counting book in which one by one the little monkeys jump on the bed only to fall off and bump their heads.

A woman has vanished while digging a dinosaur bone bed in the remote wilderness of Canada.


It’s Time to Sleep in Your Own Bed

Contains a children’s story about sleeping alone and advice for parents.

Lawrence E. Shapiro, 2008


The Bed and Breakfast Star

Not since we lost our lovely house and had to move into a bed and breakfast hotel . . . This ever-popular story now with an extra-special new introduction by Jacqueline!

A patient’s personal view of long term care. Seen through the eyes of a patient totally paralyzed with Guillain-Barré syndrome, this moving book takes you through the psychological and physical pain of an eleven month hospital stay.

Sue Baier, Mary Zimmeth Schomaker, 1989


100 Strokes of the Brush Before Bed

A fictionalized memior relates the sexual awakening of Melissa P., an Italian teenager who regards sex as a means of self-discovery and engages in a wide variety of lascivious and libertine acts with an even wider variety of partners.


The Bed of Procrustes: Philosophical and Practical Aphorisms

The other books in the series are Fooled by Randomness, The Black Swan, and Antifragile. By the author of the modern classic The Black Swan, this collection of aphorisms and meditations expresses his major ideas in ways you least expect.

Nassim Nicholas Taleb, 2010

Flower’s Bed is an incredible tale of Flower Abrams; a young lady cared for by her loving mother and her deceitful father.


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term bed is used in the context of the following news items.

Woman shot, killed while in bed in Lawrence

LAWRENCE, Mass. —Three people face charges after a woman was shot and killed while lying in her bed in Lawrence on Saturday morning. «WCVB Boston, Jul 15»

Terror Suspect Released To Halfway House Kept Box Cutter Under …

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) – A Minneapolis man convicted of trying to help ISIS is back in jail after a box cutter was found under his bed at a … «CBS Local, Jul 15»

Ask the Expert: My son is nine and still wets the bed

Q I’m at my wit’s end about my son who has just turned nine and wets his bed. We have tried everything and are now using a bed-wetting alarm … «Irish Times, Jul 15»

Stray bullet lands on couple’s empty bed on Roaches Line

It’s common for Brad and Sherry Colbourne to spend their Saturday mornings on the deck outside their secluded home on Roaches Line, … «, Jul 15»

Halifax woman speaks out after awaking to strange man in her bed

They say a 27-year-old woman awoke to find a man in her bed. She told police she yelled at the man and he fled the apartment on foot. «CTV News, Jul 15»

Photos Of Whitney Surrounded Bobbi Kristina Brown’s Hospice Bed

BOBBI KRISTINA BROWN spent her final days in a hospice care facility surrounded by her heartbroken family and her mother’s music. «The National Enquirer, Jul 15»

Art Kaufman: Adopt flower bed, beautify city

A couple of years ago I adopted a flower bed at Chautauqua. I was out for a mid-winter walk, saw the «Adopt Me» sign planted in front of the bed … «Boulder Daily Camera, Jul 15»

Lawrence woman found fatally shot in her bed

Police are investigating after a woman was found shot to death in her bed in Lawrence. Police responded to a 911 call that a person had been … «WHDH-TV, Jul 15»

Un-convent-ional bed and breakfast in Val Marie, Sask.

They restored it and turned it into a bed-and-breakfast a year later. READ MORE: ‘Aurora Hunters’ enjoy busy Saskatchewan sky. A tiny chapel … «, Jul 15»

Grandchamps Brings a Taste of Haiti to Bed-Stuy; Croque Monsieur …

BED-STUY — Husband and wife Shawn and Sabrina Brockman recently opened a space called Grandchamps that’s one part cafe/lunch … «Eater NY, Jul 15»


« EDUCALINGO. Bed [online]. Available <>. Apr 2023 ».

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This is an extract from my book: A and The Explained
Download this explanation in PDF here.


‘Bed’ is a strange word! If we don’t use an article, it means a place where we sleep, not a particular object:

  • The children are in bed.
  • We didn’t get out of bed until after one o’clock.
  • She got home and went straight to bed.

But when we are thinking about a bed as an object, we use articles in the normal way:

  • She sat on the bed in my room [I choose ‘the’ because the listener knows which bed I mean].
  • I need to buy a new bed [I choose ‘a’ because I don’t know which bed yet, I’m not talking about a specific one].


The word ‘home’ is also a bit strange. We usually use ‘no article’:

  • They went home.*
  • I stayed at home.
  • Julie works from home.
  • It’s time to go home.
  • Lucy is at home at the moment.

*Notice we don’t need ‘to’ with ‘go home’ (NOT: ‘go to home’).
But we can use an article with ‘home’ when it means ‘the building that somebody lives (or used to live) in’. In this case we use articles in the normal way:

  • We visited the home of Jackie Kennedy.
  • My sister has made her flat into a beautiful home.

[It’s also possible to use ‘home’ as short for ‘retirement home’ or similar expression. We use articles in the normal way:
Her grandmother is too frail to stay in her own house, so she lives in a (retirement) home.]

Work (used as a noun)

When we use ‘work’ to mean a place, then we don’t need to use an article:

  • She’s at work.
  • I arrive at work at nine.
  • We leave work every day at six.
  • You should go to work earlier.

When we use ‘work’ to mean a project that we are working on now, ‘work’ is a normal uncountable noun. So, we can use ‘the’ if we are talking about some specific work that the listener knows about:

  • The work I’m doing at the moment is very interesting.

[An exception is when work means a piece of art/literature/music. In this case work is a normal countable noun].


When we are thinking about the town centre near to us, we often use ‘no article’ with certain expressions:

  • In town: John’s in town at the moment.
  • Go into town: Shall we go into town this afternoon?
  • Leave town: He left town after he argued with his wife.

‘Town’ can also be a normal noun:

  • The town where I live is quite small [we use ‘the’ because the listener knows which one].

Try an exercise about this here.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


My bed is better than any bed that’s not my bed.

Bigger room has double bed and one single bed can be added.

Больше номере двуспальная кровать и одна односпальная кровать может быть установлена.

The hotel provides comfortable guest rooms with full facilities including double bed, twin bed, and single bed.

Отель предлагает комфортабельные номера с полным объекты, включая двуспальную кровать, две кровати, и кровать.

A trundle bed is simply a bed that has a pull-out bed underneath it.

For this purpose sometimes incline a bed by establishment of small whetstones under bed legs from the head or use a special medical bed.

С этой целью иногда наклоняют кровать путем установления небольших брусков под ножки кровати со стороны головы либо используют специальную медицинскую кровать.

And there is a dichotomy between my body and my bed, and therefore I can use this bed.

Существует дихотомия между моим телом и моей кроватью, благодаря которой я могу использовать кровать.

It is virtually impossible to disguise a hospital bed as a traditional flat bed.

Практически невозможно замаскировать больничную койку как традиционную плоскую кровать.

In many cases, you can find a high quality bed at the price of a cheap bed.

Во многих случаях вы можете найти качественную кровать по цене дешевой кровати.

A used bed can be an affordable option to an expensive new home bed.

Использованная кровать может быть доступным вариантом для дорогой новой домашней кровати.

You basically have two choices in the style of your bed: a traditional horizontal bed and a standing booth.

У вас в основном есть два варианта в стиле вашей кровати: традиционная горизонтальная кровать и стойка.

Suitable for a family of 2 adults and 2/3 children, this apartment offers 1 double bed, 2/3 single bed.

Подходит для семьи из З взрослых и 2/3 детей, это апартаменты с 1 двуспальная кровать, 1 односпальные кровати.

We provide full spectrum of services-transportation from bed to bed.

Обеспечиваем полных спектр услуг-транспортировка от кровати до кровати.

A box spring may simply be placed in a crib and bed base and does not always have a fully upholstered bed.

Пружинными может просто быть помещены в кроватку и основание кровати и не всегда полностью мягкой постели.

Any bed is better than no bed.

A slatted bed base is a fine and also the best-selling bed base.

Решетчатая базы кровати штрафа, а также бестселлер кровать базы.

We also sell the bed mattress so as to match your bed.

Мы также продаем тюфяк кровати для того чтобы соответствовать вашей кровати.

3 suites, double bed, bed complement, lounge, toilets and private bathrooms…

З апартаментов, большая двуспальная кровать, дополнять, комната для отдыха, туалеты и ванные ком…

This room includes 1 double bed or 2 twin beds, and 1 extra bed.

В этом номере установлены двуспальная кровать либо две односпальные кровати, а также одна дополнительная кровать.

You know, I want this bed to be our bed.

Third adult on additional bed pays 80% of price of the bed in the booked type of accommodation.

Третий взрослый на дополнительной кровати оплачивает 80% от стоимости кровати в забронированном типа жилья.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат bed

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Image "Another Bed Jump" by Gregory Tonon on

Image “Another Bed Jump” by Gregory Tonon on

How are you feeling? Sleepy? If you are, then this probably isn’t the post for you as I’m going introduce a number of expressions and phrases with word ‘bed’ in them. So, reading this might make you even more tired.  But if you are wide awake and ready to learn some new English phrases you have come to the right place!  If you do get tired while reading about these bed-related idioms, wait until the end of the post to take your nap 🙂

Here are some commonly used English expressions and phrases with the word ‘bed’ in them:

a bed of roses = an easy life or a life of luxury

Example: James has been laying in a bed of roses ever since he won the lottery.

to be in bed with somebody = to be involved with someone (or a company) in a way that others don’t trust

Example: Our competition for the city contract accused us of being in bed with the mayor, but we have had no contact with him at all.

to bed down = to put something or someone to bed

Example: We bedded down the horses in the stables right before the storm hit.

Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. – This is a proverb that suggests going to bed early and waking up early is good for success.

Example: My grandmother always said, early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise, but she grew up on a farm and always had to wake up early. I like to sleep in and I think I am still pretty successful!

to get up on the wrong side of bed = to be grouchy, cranky, or upset

Example: Did you get up on the wrong side of bed this morning? You are in a really bad mood.

to put (something) to bed = to complete something and move on

Example: We are going to put this argument to bed once and for all; let’s look up the answer on Google right now.

you made your bed now you have to lie in it – This is an expression that is used when trying to tell someone they have to accept the result of their actions, even if they are unpleasant.

Example: You decided not to study last night and you got an F on the test; don’t complain to me, you made your bed now you have to lie in it.

To finish off this look at phrases with ‘bed’ in them, here are a few English names for different types of beds that you might want to also add to your vocabulary.


bunk bed

Murphy bed

sofa bed


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