Expressions with the word beat

1. mod. exhausted; worn-out. The whole family was beat after the game.

2. mod. down and out; ruined. This thing is beat. I don’t want it.

3. n. the area that a worker, a police officer, reporter, etc., is assigned to cover. That’s not on my beat. You’ll have to talk to someone else.

4. n. [in music] the rhythm, especially the bass. Man, that is just the kind of beat I like.

5. mod. having to do with the Bohemian youths of the 1950s. My brother looked sort of beat, but I was neat as a pin.

6. mod. broke. Man, I’m beat. I got no copper, no bread.

7. tv. to get free from a specific criminal charge or rap. I beat it twice, but there is no third time.

8. mod. having to do with counterfeit or bogus drugs. (Drugs.) This stuff is beat. Ditch it!

9. mod. having to do with marijuana after the smokable substance is exhausted; cashed. Who sold you this beat dope?

10. mod. lousy; unfortunate. (Collegiate.) What a beat deal you got!

McGraw-Hill’s Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


He knows he cannot beat me.

Он знает, что не сможет меня победить.

No reason why we should not beat them.

Абсолютно нет никаких причин, по которым мы не можем победить их.

I’ll probably keep humming it until I beat this game.

Скорее всего, я буду продолжать играть в это, пока я не могу бить первый уровень.

Ie checker should always beat checker, you should always beat most, king must also beat most.

В ней шашка всегда должна бить шашку противника, бить нужно всегда большинство, дамка также должна бить большинство.

My plan is to beat Ferguson.

Мой план заключается в том, чтобы избить Фергюсона.

See if you can beat him.

Сначала посмотрите, сможете ли вы победить его.

But I had an ambitious plan to beat it.

Но, у меня был амбициозный план, чтобы победить его.

Never beat someone that is already down or something like that.

Никогда не бейте кого-то, кто уже сломлен или что-то в этом роде.

We knew we were going to beat them.

Я знал, что мы собирались, чтобы победить их .

Although I doubt whether anyone can beat Ferrari.

Хотя я сомневаюсь, что кто-то сможет победить Феррари».

Three caregivers would beat me, they drank [alcohol] and beat everyone.

Три воспитательницы меня били: они напивались — всех били.

Rising from his knees Russia, conscious of its national interests, beat at all times, we beat today.

Поднимавшуюся с колен России, осознающую свои национальные интересы, били во все времена, бьют и сегодня.

After you beat Neil Robertson it proves you can still beat [top players].

После того как вы победили Нила Робертсона, это доказывает, что вы все еще можете победить их [топ-игроков].

We beat all teams that have travelled here.

Мы обошли те команды, которые были здесь уже несколько раз.

The man that no one could beat.

Я побил человека, которого никто не мог побить.

One day we will beat cancer.

Я надеюсь, что когда-нибудь мы победим рак.

I beat myself for time wasted at school.

Этим я бы сэкономила время, впустую потраченное в школе.

I always just try to beat the last record.

Я не всегда думаю лишь о том, чтобы побить очередной рекорд.

You have three chances to beat your own record.

У вас есть три возможности, чтобы побить свой собственный рекорд.

He wanted to beat me up for speaking Polish.

Он хотел побить меня за то, что я говорил по-польски.

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Beat   downThe sun beats down mercilessly on the dry forest

    4 слайд

    Beat down
    The sun beats down mercilessly on the dry forest

  • Beat  down  the price

    7 слайд

    Beat down the price

  • out

  • Beat   out

  • Beat out

  • Some expressions
 with phrasal verb

    16 слайд

    Some expressions
    with phrasal verb

  • to beat at the door — — колотить в дверь
the hail was beating against the win...

    17 слайд

    to beat at the door — — колотить в дверь
    the hail was beating against the window – град бил по стеклу
    waves beat against the shore – волны бились о берег
    my heart beats with joy – мое сердце бьется от радости

  • let’s beat it – давай смоемся
to beat the air – толочь воду в ступе
to beat a...

    18 слайд

    let’s beat it – давай смоемся
    to beat the air – толочь воду в ступе
    to beat about the bush – ходить вокруг да около
    beat sb at their own game
    обыграть кого то их же методами

  • P. S    Beat it   - means   go away – уйти,  сбежать.  
Выражение  характерно...

    19 слайд

    P. S Beat it — means go away – уйти, сбежать.
    Выражение характерно для разговорной речи

Allan Williams, 86, English businessman and promoter The Beatles.

The Beatles want to hold your hand and


Rolling Stones want to burn your city.

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Битлы хотели держать тебя за руку, а Роллинги хотели сжечь город.


chorus borrows lyrically from The Beatles‘ song,»Revolution.

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Текст припева из песни в некоторой степени позаимствован из песни« Revolution» группы The Beatles.

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Битлы стали величайшей частью мировой музыкальной культуры.

It’s like listening to the Beatles‘ White Album for


first time.

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Это как слушать альбом Битлов» White» в первый раз.

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You know, it only took the Beatles a month to record»Abbey Road.

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Знаешь, Биттлз понадобился целый месяц только чтобы записать» Abbey Road.


Rolling Stones came after.

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Битлов, они были первыми, Роллинги появились позже.

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В Смоллвилле приземлились Битлы.

I thought I was the Beatles on Ed Sullivan or something.

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Я думал, что я был вроде Биттлз на Эдде Салливане или что-нибудь.

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Конечно фанаты Брэди скажут Битлс.

I listened to a lot of my parents’. So it would have been Joni Mitchell, the Beatles.

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Я слушал музыку родителей, это были Джони Митчелл,» Биттлз.

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The Beatles became


first musical group to perform at


Nippon Budokan Hall in Tokyo.

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Фэй стала первой кантопоп— певицей, выступившей в японском зале« Ниппон Будокан».

It first appeared on the Beatles‘ A Hard Day’s Night album.

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Впервые песня вышла на альбоме« A Hard Day’ s Night».

He was yelling,’Do you want The Beatles on this stage?’-‘Yeah!

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Значит, вы хотите избавиться от съемочной группы?»-» Да- а!»!

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Вы подали мне идею названия, когда упомянули про Битлз.


Four Pennies’ hit»Juliet» and The Beatles‘»Here, There and Everywhere» both use similar ascending progressions.

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The Four Pennies« Juliet» и« Here, There and Everywhere» группы Beatles используют одинаковые восходящие прогрессии.

At Benami’s audition she sang The Beatles‘ song»Hey Jude.

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И только инженер Абрамович из Москвы хочет слышать песни группы Beatles« Hey Jude».


stereo mixes of»Komm, gib mir deine Hand» and»Sie liebt dich» were mixed by George Martin on 13

March 1964 at Abbey Road Studios, while the Beatles were filming A Hard Day’s Night.

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Стерео версии« Komm, gib mir deine Hand» и« Sie liebt dich» сделал Джордж Мартин 13 марта

1964 в студии Эбби- Роуд, пока The Beatles снимались в фильме Вечер трудного дня.

Shears’ musical influences include


Bee Gees, Leo Sayer, ABBA, Blondie, David Bowie, Duran Duran, Roxy Music,


New York Dolls, Queen, Cher, Cyndi Lauper, Madonna, Paul McCartney,

Pet Shop Boys, The Beatles, and Dolly Parton.

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Среди музыкантов, оказавших музыкальное влияние на Ширза, числятся Лео Сейер, ABBA, Blondie, Дэвид Боуи, Duran Duran, Roxy Music,


New York Dolls, Queen, Шер, Синди Лопер, Мадонна, Пол МакКартни,

For many people, Liverpool is famous because the Beatles were born in this port

and started their career in


Cavern Club of




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Для многих, Ливерпуль знаменит благодоря Beatles, которые родились в этом портовом городе

и начали свой профессианальный подъем в Cavern Club.


A 90 minute

walk through


heart of


capital’s rocking heritage: The Beatles,


Rolling Stones,

David Bowie and


Sex Pistols- it’s only Rock’n’Roll, but I like it!


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Полуторачасовая прогулка через сердце Наследия столицы: Битлз, Роллинг Стоунс, Дэвид Боуи и Секс

Пистолс- это всего лишь рок-н-ролл, но мне это нравится!



album cover prompted Ringo Starr to complain to Rolling Stone:»It made us look cheap and we never were cheap.

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Поскольку Tne Beatles были группой 1960- х, это вызвало фразу барабанщика The Beatles Ринго Старра, жалующегося в интервью журналу Rolling Stone:« Такое заставляет выглядеть нас дешевками- а мы никогда не были дешевками.

Liverpool is renowned for its cultural and sports heritage, with the Beatles,


Liverpool Poets,



two Premier League football teams spreading


city’s name across




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Ливерпуль славится своим культурным и спортивным наследием, связанным с Битлз, Ливерпульскими поэтами и двумя футбольными командами премьер-лиги,

которые разносят славу о Ливерпуле по всему миру.


You Know My Name(Look Up


Number)» is a song by the Beatles originally released as


B-side of


single»Let It Be»

on 20 March 1970.

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Ты знаешь мое имя( посмотри номер)»- песня группы The Beatles, первоначально выпущенная на стороне« Б» сингла« Let It Be»

6 марта 1970.



morning, the Beatles and their wives packed hurriedly,

while Mardas went to Dehradun to find taxis.

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Утром« Битлы» и их жены поспешно собрали вещи,

в то время как Мардас отправился в Дехрадун, чтобы найти такси.

By Robby

If you are new here please read this first.

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Improve Spoken English

Hello my friends foreign English speakers!

I’m back with another English irregular verb, and this time around it’s TO BEAT.

As you know from my previous videos (if you don’t, please watch it HERE, it’s super-important!), you shouldn’t be learning English irregular verbs by repeating and memorizing word strings such as BEAT, BEAT, BEATEN (these are the respective Present, Past and Past Participle forms of the verb TO BEAT).

Instead, you should learn each of those verb forms as part of a word combination and that way you’ll achieve all the following:

  • You’ll avoid getting mixed up when using BEAT and BEATEN in real life;
  • You’ll be able to use these irregular verb forms without much THINKING;
  • You’ll INSTINCTIVELY feel when to use them – just like a native speaker!

So, without a further ado, let’s look at the phrases containing the various forms of the irregular verb TO BEAT, and alternatively you can watch the video or listen to the podcast above to gain even more insight into using the following phrases:

It BEATS me;

I BEAT the traffic on the way to;

BEATEN to death.

Present Tense – BEAT

The present tense of TO BEAT is BEAT (quite obviously!), and here’s a useful phrase – “It BEATS me”.

This expression can be used whenever you’re really confused about some other person’s behavior or decisions, for example, and you’re responding to someone’s question about it:

“Why do you think our boss just signed off John’s request for a three week unpaid leave at the very height of the busy season?” – “It beats me…”

Past Tense – BEAT

This irregular English verb remains the same when used in the Past Tense, and here’s a handy phrase which would normally be used when referring to an event in the recent past: “I BEAT the traffic on the way to… (work, school etc.)”

To beat the traffic simply means that you AVOIDED a heavy traffic jam either by leaving early or taking an alternative route, and here’s a typical way of using this phrase:

“How did you manage to arrive on time while everyone else was at least 15 minutes late?” – “Well, I beat the traffic by taking a backroad only a few people know about!”

Past Participle – BEATEN

The third form of the verb TO BEAT is BEATEN, and while there are other ways of using it (get beaten in some sports or video game, for example), today let’s learn the following expression: “BEATEN to death”.

This expression comes in handy in situations when you have to describe an unfortunate situation when some person has been beaten to death by attackers. It’s a scenario we quite often hear on the radio, so whenever you’re telling your friends or work colleagues about it, you can use this phrase:

“Did you hear about a guy who was beaten to death in the early morning hours just because he refused to share a cigarette?”


There are many other ways of using the three forms of the irregular verb TO BEAT, of course, but the point I’m trying to make here is the following:

Learn how to use them in certain situations by learning useful phrases containing these verbs, and then it’s going to be a whole lot easier for you to remember them!

And by the way – if you’re really interested in improving your spoken English and learning all irregular verbs contextually, check out the English Harmony System HERE – it’s stuffed full with irregular verbs and you’ll learn how to use them instinctively, without much thinking at all!


Robby 😉

English Idiomatic Expressions

P.S. Are you serious about your spoken English improvement? Check out the English Harmony System HERE!

English Harmony System

бить, биться, отбивать, удар, ритм, биение, бой, такт, усталый, измотавшийся


- бить, ударять; колотить, стучать

to beat at /on/ the door — колотить /стучать/ в дверь
to beat a nut-tree — сбивать орехи с дерева (с помощью шеста)
the hail was beating against the window-panes — град барабанил в окна
waves beat against the shore — волны бились /разбивались/ о берег
the hailstorm had beaten the wheat — град побил пшеницу
the eagle beats the air with its wings — орёл машет /хлопает/ крыльями

- бить, побить; избивать

badly beaten — сильно избитый
to beat with a stick — отдубасить палкой
to beat with a whip — (от)хлестать, (от)стегать кнутом
to beat to death — забить до смерти
to beat black and blue — избить до синяков
you ought to be well beaten! — тебя надо бы хорошенько вздуть!

- колоть, измельчать

to beat to powder, to beat small — истолочь в порошок
to beat to pieces — расколоть на куски

- побить, победить

to beat smb. on points — спорт. победить по очкам
to beat for the loss of only two games — спорт. выиграть с потерей только двух игр
to beat smb. to his /her/ knees — сломить, унизить кого-л.
their team was beaten — их команда потерпела поражение
I can beat you at swimming — в плавании я тебя побью, плаваю я лучше тебя
the enemy was beaten and scattered — враг был разбит и обращён в бегство

- разг. превосходить; быть лучше, выше

to beat all — превзойти всё
as a story-teller Chaucer beats all his contemporaries — как рассказчик Чосер выше всех своих современников
that beats everything I ever heard — это поразительно, никогда ничего подобного не слышал

ещё 24 варианта


- удар; бой

the beat of a drum — барабанный бой
the beat of waves on a beach — прибой

- спец. пульсация (напр., сердца); колебание (маятника и т. п.)

the beat of the heart — биение сердца
his heart missed a beat — его сердце замерло (от волнения)

- ритм; такт

in beat — в ритме
off the beat — не в ритме
off beat — а) синкопический (о музыке); б) неровный (о поведении человека);

- отсчитывание такта

he kept beat with his hand — он отбивал такт рукой

- доля (единица ритма, метра)

strong [weak] beat — сильная [слабая] доля
four beats to a measure — четырёхдольный размер, четырёхдольный такт

ещё 14 вариантов


- амер. разг. усталый, измотавшийся, разбитый, выдохшийся (о человеке)
- амер. разг. ошарашенный
- относящийся к битникам

beat poetry — поэзия битников

Мои примеры


a man accused of beating his wife — мужчина, которого обвиняют в избиении жены  
a heart rate of 80 beats a minute — пульс восемьдесят ударов в минуту  
the steady beat of the drum — мерный ритм барабана  
beat a path through the forest — протоптать в лесу дорожку  
beat the living hell out of him — выбить к чёрту дух из него  
to beat a carpet — выбивать, выколачивать ковёр  
to beat the chest — бить себя кулаком в грудь  
to beat / bang the drum — бить в барабан  
to beat the gong — курить опиум  
to beat / flog a dead horse — обсуждать уже решённый вопрос  
to beat smb. to smithereens — разбить кого-л. наголову  
to beat eggs — амер. взбивать яйца  

Примеры с переводом

You look dead beat.

Ты выглядишь смертельно усталой.

You can’t beat the system.

Против системы не попрешь.

Beat the eggs into the flour.

Вбейте яйца в муку

The drums beat all night.

Барабаны били всю ночь.

He was questioned and beaten.

Его допрашивали и избивали.

Beat the eggs, then add the milk.

Взбейте яйца, затем добавьте молоко.

I beat the traffic.

Мне удалось проскочить без пробок.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He beat me fairly and squarely.

They beat him with clubs.

Waves beat against the cliffs.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

beat about — метаться, изменять направление, беспокойно искать, разыскивать
beat back — отбивать, отражать
beat down — сбивать, сломить
beat in — проломить, раздавить
beat off — отбивать, отражать, отгонять, заниматься мастурбацией
beat out — выбивать, ковать, сбивать с толку
beat up — взбить, избивать, взбивать, вербовать, зверски избивать, отколотить

Возможные однокоренные слова

beaten  — избитый, битый, разбитый, побежденный, чеканный, проторенный, измученный, утомленный
beater  — колотушка, било, битер, загонщик, трепало, выбивалка, пестик, цеп, пест, сбивалка
beatify  — канонизировать, благословлять, делать счастливым, давать блаженство
beating  — битье, биение, поражение, порка, выволочка, массаж, взмахивание

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: beat
he/she/it: beats
ing ф. (present participle): beating
2-я ф. (past tense): beat
3-я ф. (past participle): beaten

ед. ч.(singular): beat
мн. ч.(plural): beats

beat — перевод на русский


Suddenly, they attack the servants and they beat them off.

Неожиданно они нападают на носильщиков и начинают их бить.

You can beat and starve us Saxons now… … but when King Richard escapes, he’ll take you by the scruff of the neck… … andflingyouintothesea!

Вы можете бить нас, саксов, и морить голодом, но когда король Ричард вырвется из плена, он возьмет вас за шкирку и вышвырнет в море!

No. You can beat me.

Нет, вы можете бить меня.

If three genies arrive here and start to beat you, to swear, and carry you around, just say the magic spell:

Если к тебе прилетят три джина, начнут тебя бить, ругать, куда-нибудь понесут, ты произноси волшебные заклинания:

You’ll both take a beating till someone uses that phone.

Буду вас бить, пока один из вас не захочет позвонить.

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Six can very well beat a weak one.

Шестеро могут хорошо побить одного слабо.

— Hard to beat, lady.

— Это сложно побить, леди.

Frenchy, have I got you beat?

Фрэнчи я могу тебя побить.

You ought to beat me.

— Тебе следует побить меня.

— You could beat him up again, right? — Naturally.

— Ты ведь сможешь побить его ещё раз?

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No wonder people beat you up.

Неудивительно, что Вас избили.

She’s been beaten, badly hurt.

Ее избили. Поторопитесь!

They’ve beaten him half to death.

Вы сами видите — его избили до полусмерти.

— They beat him up when they arrested him.

Но они его избили! Прямо во время ареста!

I got beat up with two soldiers.

Меня избили два солдата.

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You know, it must be hard, knowing all the facts, to still believe you can actually beat this.

Должно быть трудно, зная все факты, все же верить, что можно это победить.

You can beat that, but you can’t tie it.

Вы можете победить, но не связать его.

Miss Sayo, there’s only one man who can beat Sugata. It’s me.

Единственный, кто может победить Сугата… это я.

There ain’t anything else can beat Lady Julia, either.

А кто же ещё может победить леди Джулию, как не он?

You could have beaten Porthos?

И думали, что могли победить Портоса? — Возможно. — А меня?

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Я думаю, оно бьётся.

-I can fairly hear my heart beating.

А я слышу, как бьется мое сердце.

It’s beating.

Оно бьется.

From now on, inhuman hatred is beating in my chest instead of the heart.

Отныне в груди моей бьётся нечеловеческая ненависть вместо сердца.

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— Never beat up a reporter, they say.

— Никогда не избивали репортера, говорят они.

They never had to beat victims, or pull the lever that released gas into the chambers.

Они не избивали арестованных, не тянули рычаги, открывавшие створки в газовых камерах.

Using pieces of metal pipes, steel rods, clubs and simply their fists… the racists beat up the defenseless young people.

Орудуя кусками металлических труб железными прутьями, дубинками и просто кулаками расисты избивали беззащитных, молодых людей

Everybody, who supposedly beat you, stand now before our Lord’s court. From your warrant!

Все те, что, якобы, вас избивали, сейчас уже пред божьим судом.

Uncle lsamu has been beaten up often enough to stop him from participating in demonstrations

Дядю Исаму частенько избивали, чтобы он не участвовал в демонстрациях.

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— Why did you beat them up?

— Почему ты ударил его?

— Did he beat you?

Ударил тебя?

I beat a poor peasant because he threatened me…

Я ударил несчастного крестьянина, который мне угрожал.

You beat me.

Ты ударил меня.

Why did you beat him?

Зачем ты его ударил?

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Now beat it.

А теперь проваливай.

If you want it, okay. If you don’t, turn around and beat it.

Согласен — хорошо, а если нет -разворачивайся и проваливай.

Beat it, you jackass.

Проваливай, ты осёл.

I said, beat it!

— Я сказала, проваливай.

Beat it, cheapskate!

Ну и проваливай, скряга!

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And beaten up some before the strangling set in.

И слегка избит перед тем, как удушение имело место.

Suppose I’d been beating you or something like that…

Предположим, я был избит тобой или что-то в этом роде…

The poor man was beaten up until he lost his speech.

Бедный старик был избит перед тем, как потерял свою речь.

He’s been beaten up — by an expert, I’d say.

Он был избит — профессионалом, я бы сказал.

J. Johansson claims to have been beaten by Stig Nyman in jail.

У. Йоханссон утверждает, что был избит в камере Стигом Нюманом.

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Now beat it and don’t come back here again.

Теперь убирайся и не приходи сюда снова.

Beat it, Robie!

Убирайся, Руби.

I said beat it!


Beat it, crumb.

Убирайся, шваль.

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Well, if you pick a fight with somebody that’s smaller than you and you beat them, where’s the honor in that?

Carol Moseley Braun



Old English bēatan; related to Old Norse bauta, Old High German bōzan.


Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.






Beat is a verb and can also act as a noun and an adjective.

A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.

The adjective is the word that accompanies the noun to determine or qualify it.

The verb is the part of the sentence that is conjugated and expresses action and state of being.

See the conjugation of the verb beat in English.


Definition of beat in the English dictionary

The first definition of beat in the dictionary is when intr, often foll by against, on, etc to strike with or as if with a series of violent blows; dash or pound repeatedly. Other definition of beat is to punish by striking; flog. Beat is also to move or cause to move up and down; flap.




I beat

you beat

he/she/it beats

we beat

you beat

they beat

Present continuous

I am beating

you are beating

he/she/it is beating

we are beating

you are beating

they are beating

Present perfect

I have beaten

you have beaten

he/she/it has beaten

we have beaten

you have beaten

they have beaten

Present perfect continuous

I have been beating

you have been beating

he/she/it has been beating

we have been beating

you have been beating

they have been beating

Present tense is used to refer to circumstances that exist at the present time or over a period that includes the present time. The present perfect refers to past events, although it can be considered to denote primarily the resulting present situation rather than the events themselves.



I beat

you beat

he/she/it beat

we beat

you beat

they beat

Past continuous

I was beating

you were beating

he/she/it was beating

we were beating

you were beating

they were beating

Past perfect

I had beaten

you had beaten

he/she/it had beaten

we had beaten

you had beaten

they had beaten

Past perfect continuous

I had been beating

you had been beating

he/she/it had been beating

we had been beating

you had been beating

they had been beating

Past tense forms express circumstances existing at some time in the past,



I will beat

you will beat

he/she/it will beat

we will beat

you will beat

they will beat

Future continuous

I will be beating

you will be beating

he/she/it will be beating

we will be beating

you will be beating

they will be beating

Future perfect

I will have beaten

you will have beaten

he/she/it will have beaten

we will have beaten

you will have beaten

they will have beaten

Future perfect continuous

I will have been beating

you will have been beating

he/she/it will have been beating

we will have been beating

you will have been beating

they will have been beating

The future is used to express circumstances that will occur at a later time.



I would beat

you would beat

he/she/it would beat

we would beat

you would beat

they would beat

Conditional continuous

I would be beating

you would be beating

he/she/it would be beating

we would be beating

you would be beating

they would be beating

Conditional perfect

I would have beat

you would have beat

he/she/it would have beat

we would have beat

you would have beat

they would have beat

Conditional perfect continuous

I would have been beating

you would have been beating

he/she/it would have been beating

we would have been beating

you would have been beating

they would have been beating

Conditional or «future-in-the-past» tense refers to hypothetical or possible actions.



you beat
we let´s beat
you beat

The imperative is used to form commands or requests.


Present Participle


Infinitive shows the action beyond temporal perspective. The present participle or gerund shows the action during the session. The past participle shows the action after completion.


Synonyms and antonyms of beat in the English dictionary of synonyms


The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «beat» and belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «beat» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of beat to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of beat from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «beat» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish


570 millions of speakers



510 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi


380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic


280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian


278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese


270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali


260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French


220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay


190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German


180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese


80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish


70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian


65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish


50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian


40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian


30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek


15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans


14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish


10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian


5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of beat


The term «beat» is very widely used and occupies the 2.838 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Very widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «beat» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of beat

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «beat».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «beat» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «beat» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about beat


Famous quotes and sentences with the word beat.

Having a dance background, I became used to rejection at an early age. Dance is very competitive, especially for a sensitive person like me. But I realized it’s better not to take it so seriously. If you beat yourself up, it’s hard to keep going.

If somebody hits you with an object you should beat the hell out of them.

I think I was more or less, convinced of that by just the press, the US press. By people who were pressuring you, saying that you gotta beat the Russian’s, if you don’t win anything else, win the Russian meet and so forth.

Well, if you pick a fight with somebody that’s smaller than you and you beat them, where’s the honor in that?

A jazz beat is a dynamic changing rhythm.

I always admired Stanley Kubrick for the fact that he managed to beat the system somehow. I think he kind of had it all figured out.

Italians can not beat us, but we can certainly lose against them.

I love to compete. To me, business is the ultimate sport. It’s always on. There is always someone trying to beat me.

Yeah, I know I’m ugly… I said to a bartender, ‘Make me a zombie.’ He said ‘God beat me to it.’

There’s stuff I don’t like to rehearse, really emotional things, I don’t like to rehearse. You just beat it to death.


Discover the use of beat in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to beat and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


The Beat Book: Writings from the Beat Generation

The Beat Movement that emerged in the early 1950s was not just another literary genre, but a literary and social revolution.

The most comprehensive photography collection of the people, players and friends of the Beat era in American literature.


The Beat Generation in San Francisco: A Literary Tour

The ultimate literary guide to San Francisco, packed with fabulous photos and scintillating anecdotes.


Beat the Odds in Forex Trading: How to Identify and Profit …

In this book, skilled currencies trader and trainer Igor Toshchakov (L.


The Race Beat: The Press, the Civil Rights Struggle, and the …

Meticulously researched and vividly rendered, The Race Beat is an extraordinary account of one of the most calamitous periods in our nation’s history, as told by those who covered it. From the Trade Paperback edition.

Gene Roberts, Hank Klibanoff, 2008


Beat Sugar Addiction Now!: The Cutting-Edge Program That …

In this groundbreaking book, nationally recognized physician Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum uncovers four types of sugar addiction and gives a step-by-step plan for resolving their underlying causes, breaking sugar cravings forever, and achieving …

Jacob Teitelbaum, Chrystle Fiedler, 2010


Help Your Teenager Beat an Eating Disorder

Always harmful and potentially deadly, eating disorders can wreak havoc on families. This powerful and controversial book by top researchers argues that parents are not the culprits but the key to their teen’s recovery.

James Lock, Daniel Le Grange, 2005


Women of the Beat Generation: The Writers, Artists and Muses …


Beat Culture: Lifestyles, Icons, and Impact

The coverage of this book ranges from Jack Kerouac’s tales of freedom-seeking Bohemian youth to the frenetic paintings of Jackson Pollock, including 60 years of the Beat Generation and the artists of the Age of Spontaneity.


The Smart Money: How the World’s Best Sports Bettors Beat

A tour of the lucrative world of high-stakes sports betting reveals how a small coterie of professional gamblers became wealthy by beating the Vegas lines and exploiting the offshore betting circuit.


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term beat is used in the context of the following news items.

United States wins third Women’s World Cup title, beats Japan on …

In the 3rd minute, Lloyd beat Japan defender Azusa Iwashimizu to the ball on Megan Rapinoe’s corner kick, and two minutes later Lloyd beat … «, Jul 15»

Police: Boy dies after his mother’s boyfriend beat him for eating cake

A 9-year-old boy has died after his mother’s boyfriend beat him for eating a piece of birthday cake without permission, police said. The boy was … «Washington Post, Jul 15»

Sale’s strikeout streak ends as Sox beat Jays 4-2

CHICAGO — Chris Sale’s bid for a record strikeout streak ended, but he pitched a six-hitter that led the Chicago White Sox past the Toronto Blue … «CTV News, Jul 15»

Suarez’s homer breaks deadlock, Reds beat Nationals 3-2

WASHINGTON (AP) — Eugenio Suarez could only watch and hope as the baseball headed toward the left-field foul pole. »My first reaction was … «Yahoo Sports, Jul 15»

That Welterweight Title Mayweather Won When He Beat Pacquiao …

The World Boxing Organization has stripped Floyd Mayweather Jr. of the welterweight world title he earned two months ago, when he defeated … «TIME, Jul 15»

Get the Free K-Pop streaming app ‘BEAT‘ and listen to your idols …

The ‘BEAT‘ app, created by ‘The Beatpacking Company,’ is notably the easiest and the fastest way to stream your favorite K-Pop songs and … «allkpop, Jul 15»

Trio beat, rob man in schoolyard

Hamilton Police are investigating a robbery after three males assaulted a man after asking him for a cigarette. The victim was walking through a … «Hamilton Spectator, Jul 15»

Moonee Ponds police shooting: For cops on the beat, anything can …

Moonee Ponds police shooting: For cops on the beat, anything can happen. Date: July 7, 2015 — 11:03AM. (29); Read later … «Brisbane Times, Jul 15»

A cute little girl beat up dinosaurs at the box office this weekend

“Terminator Genisys» and “Magic Mike XXL» both came in well below projections based on advance audience surveys for the long July Fourth … «New York Post, Jul 15»

Serena Williams favourite to beat Venus but form may bring sisters …

World No1 Serena Williams was far from perfect in coming back to beat Heather Watson, whereas her sister Venus is yet to drop a set this … «The Guardian, Jul 15»


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