Expressions using the word two



Make 15 two-word expressions connected
with medicine by combining words from the two lists: A and B. Match each
expression with the appropriate phrase. Use each word once. The first one has
been done for you as an example.


































condition in which the heart has a
reduced blood supply because one of the
arteries becomes blocked by a blood clot, causing myocardial ischaemia and myocardial

heart attack


effect produced by a substance to which a person has an allergy, such as
sneezing or a skin rash.



A substance
given to make someone lose
consciousness so that a major surgical
operation can be carried out



A trial carried
out in a medical laboratory on a person or on tissue from a person.



Soft tissue in
cancellous bone.



A tumour which
is cancerous and can grow
again or spread into other parts of the
body, even if removed surgically.



The treatment
of disease or other condition by surgery.



A doctor who
provides first-line medical
care for all types of illness to people who
live locally, refers them to hospital if
necessary and encourages health



Any one of the
first twenty teeth which
develop in children between about six
months and two-and-a-half years of age,
and are replaced by the permanent teeth at
around the age of six.



The rhythm of
daily activities and bodily
processes such as eating, defecating or
sleeping, frequently controlled by
hormones, which repeats every twenty-four



Surgery to
repair damaged or malformed
parts of the body.



The set of
organs such as the stomach, liver
and pancreas which are associated with the
digestion of food.



A condition in
which the nerves in the brain stem have died, and the person can be certified
as dead, although the heart may not have stopped beating.



A diet that provides
all the nutrients needed in the correct proportions.



The way in
which a doctor behaves towards a patient, especially a patient who is in bed.




heart attack


general anaesthetic


bone marrow


surgical intervention


primary tooth


plastic surgery


brain death


bedside manner


allergic reaction


clinical trial




general practitioner




digestive system


balanced diet


Мария Марочкина


Сформируйте содержательные выражения, используя слова из двух
колонок. Вы можете использовать слова из правой колонки более одного
раза. Используйте текст из упр. 7 для того чтобы проверить Ваши ответы.
исследовать прошлое                      смысл смысл в чем-то
узнать исследовать                          захватывающий чья-то самобытность
семья прошлое                                 начать связи
предыдущий поколения                  добавить к информация
прямой в контексте                         дать кому-то
немедленный история                      поместить кого-то

ваш ответ

Можно ввести 4000 cимволов



Нажимая кнопку «отправить», вы принимаете условия  пользовательского соглашения

похожие темы

похожие вопросы 5

A common writing error occurs when students use the wrong version of a compound word or phrase. It’s important to know the difference between everyday and every day because these expressions have very different meanings. 

Improve your writing by learning the differences between expressions that are very similar but that fill very different roles when it comes to sentence structure.

A Lot or Alot?

“A lot” is a two-word phrase meaning very much. This is an informal expression, so you shouldn’t use it “a lot” in your writing.

“Alot” is not a word, so you should never use it!

It’s a good idea to avoid this expression altogether in formal writing.

All Together or Altogether?

Altogether is an adverb meaning completely, entirely, wholly, or «considering everything.» It often modifies an adjective.

«All together» means as a group.

The meal was altogether pleasing, but I would not have served those dishes all together.

Everyday or Every Day?

The two-word expression “every day” is used as an adverb (modifies a verb like wear), to express how often something is done:

I wear a dress every day.

The word “everyday” is an adjective that means common or ordinary. It modifies a noun.

I was horrified when I realized I’d worn an everyday dress to the formal dance.

They served an everyday meal—nothing special.

Never Mind or Nevermind?

The word “nevermind” is often used in error for the two-word term “never mind.” 

The phrase “never mind” is a two-word imperative meaning “please disregard” or “pay no attention to that.” This is the version you’ll use most often in your life.

Never mind that man behind the curtain.

All Right or Alright?

“Alright” is a word that appears in dictionaries, but it is a nonstandard version of “all right” and should not be used in formal writing.

To be safe, just use the two-word version.

Is everything all right in there?

Backup or Back Up?

There are many compound words that confuse us because they sound similar to a verb phrase. In general, the verb form usually consists of two words and the similar compound word version is a noun or adjective.

Verb: Please back up your work when using a word processor.
Adjective: Make a backup copy of your work.
Noun: Did you remember to make a backup?

Makeup or Make Up?

Verb: Make up your bed before you leave the house.
Adjective: Study for your makeup exam before you leave the house.
Noun: Apply your makeup before you leave the house.

Workout or Work Out?

Verb: I need to work out more often.
Adjective: I need to wear workout clothing when I go to the gym.
Noun: That jog gave me a good workout.

Pickup or Pick Up?

Verb: Please pick up your clothes.
Adjective: Don’t use a pickup line on me!
Noun: I’m driving my pickup to the mall.

Setup or Set Up?

Verb: You’ll have to set up the chairs for the puppet show.
Adjective: Unfortunately, there is no setup manual for a puppet show.
Noun: The setup will take you all day.

Wake-Up or Wake Up?

Verb: I could not wake up this morning.
Adjective: I should have asked for a wake-up call.
Noun: The accident was a good wake-up.


“Expressions using the word sun»
I’m Anna Matteo with expressions using the word «sun. “The first expression
is about everything, everything under the sun. If you
a store that sold
many different
, your advertisements could say you sell everything
under the sun. This would not be
true, of course. But what would
advertising be without some creative descriptions?
Here is
example: Let’s say you are talking with a friend you
have not seen for a long time. The two of you could have a lot of
do. So, you talk about everything under the sun.
Under the sun is an old expression — at least 3,000 years old. It means
everywhere the sun
.King Solomon of Israel used it in the Bible.
that nothing under the sun is new. What has been will be again,
he said, and what has been done will be done
If there is nothing new under the
anywhere. New or old, few things can be
there is nothing new
in the bright light of the sun.​

enjoy english 10

Биболетова 10 класс Unit 2 Section 1 p. 54 — 58 ex. 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13.

Talking on family matters – Поговорим о семейных делах
Exploring your family — Исследуя свою семью

Ex. 2 Match the proverbs with their explanations and give the Russian equivalents. Then interpret the proverbs. Соотнесите пословицы с их объяснениями и привидите русские эквиваленты. Затем интепретируйте (дайте пояснения) пословицы.

1. It runs in the family. b) an ability or talent that is passed on through the generations — быть семейной чертой, семейным приданием — способность или талант, который передается из поколения в поколение.

2. Your own flesh and blood. a) a member of your family, no matter what — Ваша собственная плоть и кровь — один из членов вашей семьи, без разницы какой.

3. Blood is thicker than water. c) family ties are stronger than any others, despite arguments — Кровь не водица — семейные узы сильнее, чем любые другие, несмотря на аргументы

Stress is the strength with which syllables are pronounced. English words with more than one syllable mostly have a fixed pattern.
There are not many rules to indicate which syllable of a word should be stressed. You have to learn the stress pattern together with its meaning, spelling and pronunciation.

Ударение — это сила, с которой произносятся слоги. Английские слова, состоящие из более чем одного слога в основном имеют фиксированный шаблон.
Есть не так много правил, указывающих, какой слог слова является ударным. Вы должны научиться распределению ударений вместе со смыслом, написанием и произношением.

Ex. 3 Listen to the words and repeat them. Put them into the following categories according to their pronunciation pattern. Use your Workbook. Послушайте слова и повторите их. Распределите их по категориям, в зависимости от произношения. Ипользуйте рабочую тетрадь.

. . • . . • . . • .. . . • .



Ex. 4 Put the words from Ex. 3 in two groups positive and negative. Use your Workbook. Look up the words you don’t know in a dictionary. Разделите слова из упр. 3 на две группы положительные и отрицательные. Используйте рабочую тетрадь. Посмотрите слова, которые вы не знаете, в словаре.

Positive: fascinating — увлекательный, attractive — привлекательный, charming — обаятельный, funny — забавный, stunning — потрясающий, enjoyable — приятный, original — оригинальный, fantastic — фантастический, striking – яркий (поразительный), remarkable — замечательный, captivating – увлекательный (пленительный).

Negative: boring — скучный, puzzling — недоумевающий, tiring — утомительный, repetitive — повторяющийся, monotonous – монотонный (однообразный), striking — разительный
NB: the word striking can be both positive and negative

Ex. 7 Read the family stories and match them with the pictures. Прочитайте семейные истории и сопоставьте их с картинками.

A -3
Exploring her family’s past, Frances discovered that history does sometimes repeat itself — it’s surprising what can be unknowingly handed down through a family.
«I set out to find out about my family. But not having known about their history, or even who they were until I started out, I was surprised to find out about some of the connections we had. They did things the way I do them. Somehow we were a mirror of each other’s lives.
And that was the really exciting thing. What I discovered did actually give me a sense of knowing who I was. It’s somehow comforting to know that it’s all been done before and that you are truly your great grandfather’s great granddaughter! It’s a bit like saying you know that you are like your parents.
So it turns out I did exactly what my great grandfather did. I started a football team and encouraged the lads to build it up from there. It’s quite a coincidence because it’s just what he did.”

Исследуя прошлое своей семьи, Фрэнсис обнаружила, что история действительно иногда повторяется — это удивительно, что может бессознательно передаваться через поколения.
«Я намеревалась узнать о моей семье. Я не знала об их истории, или даже кем они были, пока не начала, и я была удивлена узнав о некоторых связях, которые у нас были. Они делали некоторые вещи, так же, как делаю их я. Так или иначе мы были отражением жизней друг друга.
И это было действительно увлекательно. То, что я обнаружила на самом деле дало мне чувство понимания кем я была.
Как-то приятно знать, что всё это было сделано до тебя и что ты действительно правнучка своего прадеда! Это немного походит на высказывание, вы знаете, что вы, похожи на своих родителей.
Вот и получается, я сделала именно то, что сделал мой прадед. Я собрала футбольную команду и призвала парней вступить в нее. Это настоящее совпадение, потому что это именно то, что он сделал когда-то».

B – 2
“If you can find out which of your ancestors lived through a particular era, you’ll find the history of that time really comes alive.” says John.
“You’ve got an immediate connection between members of your family going back, and the events that were happening at the time. I’ve managed to find a paper trail for my family back to about 1603.
I feel I have a direct connection with that period. Knowing some details about my family from that time, like where they were living, makes that period come alive, especially when I’ve actually visited some of the places they lived. And not only do you get a real sense of history when you set foot on a place where things have happened historically, but you also have that direct personal connection with it. It takes you back in time. It transports you to a different era.”

«Если вы выясните, кто из ваших предков пережил ту или иную эпоху, вы увидите, что история того времени действительно оживает.», говорит Джон.
«Возвращаясь назад вы получаете непосредственную связь между членами вашей семьи и событиями, которые происходили в то время. Мне удалось найти документальные сведения о моей семье, датируемые 1603 годом.
Я чувствую, что у меня есть прямая связь с тем периодом. Знания некоторых подробностей о моей семье из того времени, например где они жили, заставляет тот период ожить, особенно, когда я фактически посетил некоторые места, где они жили. И вы не только получите реальное чувство истории, когда вы ступите на место, где вещи произошли исторически, но у вас будет прямая личная связь с этим. Вас унесет назад во времени. Перенесет в другую эпоху.»

C – 4
Gary’s curiosity about his family led him to discovering a lot of fascinating information in his grandmother’s house.
«People did more personal things, like send postcards. I’ve discovered a lot of postcards in my grandmother’s house, all with these wonderful little messages on the back. It’s all part of the family research. You know… your family research isn’t just clicking on the internet and looking for the statistics to see just who lived where and when. It involves researching newspapers, old boxes and even drawers!
If only you could see the boxes and drawers I’ve looked through in the years that I’ve visited my grandmother’s house! She seems to have put everything into a box or drawer. And at the bottom there is often a photograph which if I simply ask, «Who’s that?» she responds «Oh, that’s Uncle Tim,” and soon I am getting a complete story from that. I’ve been lucky because my grandmother has saved so much of our history.

Любопытство Гари о семье привело его к открытию увлекательной информации в доме его бабушки.
«Люди делали личные вещи, например посылали открытки. Я обнаружил много открыток в доме моей бабушки, все с этими замечательными небольшими сообщениями на обороте. Это все часть семейного исследования. Знаете ли … ваше исследование семьи не просто клики в интернеле и просмотр статистики, что бы всего лишь увидеть кто, где и когда жил. Оно включает исследование газет, старых коробок и даже ящиков стола!
Если только вы могли видеть коробки и ящики, которые я просмотрел за годы в которые я навещал бабушкин дом. Она, кажется, складывала все в коробку или ящик. А на дне которых часто есть фотография, и если я просто спрошу «Кто это?», она отвечает «О, это дядя Тим», и в ближайшее время я получаю полную историю о нем. Мне повезло, потому что бабушка сохранила так много нашей истории.

D – 1
The birth of new children in a family causes many people, like Madeline, to think back to previous generations.
“When my first son was born … we were given one of those books where you put the first lock of hair, and first photography and all those sorts of things. There was also a section for filling in your family history. I realized straight away we didn’t know who my grandfather was. I was fascinated to find out where he came from and who he was, which started my favourite pastime. I’ve been doing this now for over 35 years.
It sparked in me the … the desire to find out as much as I could about the family.
I think it adds to your identity. It gives you a sense of who you are and where you’ve come from. It puts you in context. Particularly, these days when there’s a lot of divorce and family break-up … it’s perhaps even more important now than it once was.

Рождение новых детей в семье побуждает многих людей, например Мэдлин, вспомнить предыдущие поколения.
«Когда родился мой первый сын …, нам дали одну из тех книг, куда вы складываете первую прядь волос, первую фотографию и подобные вещи. Там так же был раздел для вашей семейной истории. Я сразу поняла, что мы не знали, кем был мой дедушка. Я была очарована выяснив откуда он происходил, и кем он был, и это стало моим любимым времяпрепровождением. Теперь я занимаюсь этим более 35 лет.
Это зажгло во мне … желание узнать о семье столько, сколько я смогу.
Я думаю, что это обогащает вашу личность. Это дает вам знание того, кто вы и откуда вы произошли. Это помещает вас в ту обстановку. Особенно в эти дни, когда много разводов и распадов семей … это, возможно, даже более важно, чем было раньше.

Ex. 8 Read the stories again and say which of the speakers… Прочитайте истории снова и скажите, кто из говорящих

a) had known nothing about his / her family before he / she started the research. (A, D) – ничего не знал о семье прежде чем начал исследования.
b) mentions different sources of information. (C) — упоминает различные источники информации.
c) felt as if he / she lived together with his / her ancestors for some time. (B) – чувствовал словно жил вместе со своими предками некоторое время.
d) believes family history helps him / her understand better who he / she is. (A, D) – считает, что семейная история поможет лучше понять кем он является.
e) values his / her grandmother’s stories a lot. (C) – очень ценит истории своей бабушки.
f) travelled to the places where his / her relatives had lived. (B) — ездил в те места, где жили его / ее родственники.
g) took his / her great grandfather’s occupation. (A) – перенял занятие прадедушки.

Ex. 9 Find in the texts (Ex. 7) the following verbs and match them with the definitions. Найдите в текстах следующие глаголы и соедините их с определениями.

1 hand down d) to give knowledge and skill to someone who is younger than you and will live on after you have died – передать — дать знания и умения тому, кто моложе чем вы и продолжит жить после вашей смерти.
2 find out g) to discover a fact or piece of information – выяснить — обнаружить факт или информацию.
3 start out i) to intend to do something, to begin doing something – начать – намереваться что-то сделать, начать что-то делать.
4 go back f) to return to a person, place, subject or activity – вернуться — вернуться к человеку, месту, предмету или деятельности.
5 come alive h) to seem to still exist, and be interesting and exciting – оживать — казаться, что все еще существует, и быть интересным и захватывающим.
6 take (someone) back a) to remind someone of something in the past – относить – напомнить кому-то о чем-то в прошлом.
7 take out e) to remove something from a pocket, bag, etc – вынести – убрать что-то из кармана, сумки.
8 think back b) to think about something that happened in the past – вспоминать – думать о чем-то, что случилось в прошлом.
9 come from c) to have been born in a particular place, to belong to a particular family or a social group – происходить из – быть рожденным в определенном месте, принадлежать к определенной семье или социальной группе.

Ex. 10 Fill in the gaps in the sentences using the verbs from Ex. 9. Make necessary changes. Заполните пропуски в предложениях используя глаголы из упр.9. Сделайте необходимые изменения.

1 My father comes from Novosibirsk. He finished school there and then his family moved here. – Мой отец родом из Новосибирска. Там он окончил школу и затем его семья переехала сюда.
2 This film always takes me back to my childhood. — Этот фильм всегда возвращает меня в детство.
3 Alex took out his camera to take a family photo. — Алекс достал камеру, чтобы сделать семейную фотографию.
4 Our town usually comes alive in summer when a lot of visitors come to spend their holidays near the lake. — Наш город обычно оживает летом, когда много посетителей приходят, чтобы провести свои выходные на берегу озера.
5 I started out on my research about five years ago and now I know a lot about my ancestors. Я начал свое исследование около пяти лет назад, и теперь я знаю многое о моих предках.
6 I’ve been trying to think back to our last meeting to understand what happened. — Я пытался вспомнить нашу последнюю встречу, чтобы понять, что произошло.
7 A talent for drawing has been handed down from generation to generation in the family. — Талант к рисованию передается из поколения в поколение в семье.
8 We had a wonderful time here and I’d like to go back to this place next winter. — Мы замечательно провели здесь время, и я хотел бы вернуться на это место следующей зимой.
9 We may never find out the truth about what happened. – Мы можем никогда не узнать правду о том, что произошло.

Ex. 11 Form meaningful expressions using the words from the two columns. You may use the words from the right column more than once. Use the texts from Ex. 7 to check your answers. Составьте значимые выражения, используя слова из двух колонок. Вы можете использовать слова из правой колонки более чем один раз. Используйте тексты из упр. 7 чтобы проверить свои ответы.

explore the past / history — исследовать прошлое / историю
find out a pastime / someone’s identity / connections / information — узнать (выяснить) времяпрепровождение / чью-то идентичность / связи / информацию
family research / history – семейное исследование / история
previous generations – предыдущие поколения
direct / immediate connections — прямые / непосредственные связи
a sense of history — чувство истории
fascinating history / pastime / information — захватывающая история / времяпрепровождение / информация
start research — начать исследование
add to someone’s identity — добавить к чьей-либо идентичности
put someone in context – поместить кого-то в обстановку
give someone a sense of something – дать кому-то чувство чего-то

Ex. 13 Do the tasks: Вполните задания

a) Complete the commentary from the TV talk show Stories from the past where Frances, John and Gary took part. Use the expressions following the conversation. – Дополните комментарии из ТВ ток-шоу Истории из прошлого, где Фрэнсис, Джон и Гари принимают участие. Используйте выражения, данные после разговора.

Host: Unfortunately, many of us know very little about our ancestors. But some people prove how much we can learn if we are really interested in family history.
Frances: That’s true. You know. I knew almost nothing even about my great grandparents. I was lucky because I found a lot of information in our local archive and from talking to some of our distant relatives.
John: Yes,… It’s a bit like reading a thrilling historical novel! It gives you a feeling you are a part of it. I was really surprised how much one can learn from old newspapers and archives.
Host: This is all really fascinating, but many people can’t spend the time in archives, and libraries may not have the necessary information. What would you advise them to do?
Gary: When I started my research I realised how much I can learn at home, just looking through old photos and some old things that are around in every family home, and, of course, the internet — a lot of curious facts can be found there: archive references and articles from newspapers.
Frances: Yes, you are right, but I feel we should talk more with our relatives — our grandparents. They do have a lot to tell us! It gives you a sense of belonging to a family and helps you understand yourself better. That’s exactly what has happened to me!

Ведущий: К сожалению, многие из нас знают очень мало о наших предках. Но некоторые люди показывают, сколько мы можем узнать, если мы действительно заинтересованы в семейной истории.
Фрэнсис: Это правда. Знаете ли. Я почти ничего не знал даже о моих прабабушке и прадедушке. Мне повезло, потому что я нашел много информации в нашем местном архиве и поговорив с нашими дальними родственниками.
Джон: Да, … Это немного похоже на чтение захватывающего исторического романа! Это дает тебе чувство, словно ты часть его. Я был действительно удивлен, как много можно узнать из старых газет и архивов.
Ведущий: Все это действительно увлекательно, но многие люди не могут проводить время в архивах, а в библиотеках может не быть необходимой информации. Что бы вы посоветовали им делать?
Гэри: Когда я начал свое исследование, я понял, как много я могу узнать дома, просто просматривая старые фотографии и некоторые старые вещи, которые есть в каждом доме, и, конечно, интернет – там можно найти много любопытных фактов: архивные справки и статьи из газет.
Фрэнсис: Да, вы правы, но я считаю, что мы больше должны говорить с нашими родственниками — нашими бабушками и дедушками. У них действительно есть что рассказать! Это дает вам чувство принадлежности к семье и помогает вам лучше понять себя. Это именно то, что случилось со мной!

and Learn: The Intonation of Two-Word Expressions

Many people think that pronunciation is what
makes up an accent. It may be that pronunciation
is very important for an understandable accent.
But it is intonation that gives the final
touch that makes an accent correct or native.

Intonation is the «music» of a language,
and is perhaps the most important element of a correct
accent. Often we hear someone speaking with perfect
grammar, and perfect formation of the sounds of
English but with a little something that gives her
away as not being a native speaker.

Therefore, it is necessary to realize that there
is more than the correct pronunciation of the vowels
and consonants of a language. This is very important
and we do stress it in other articles. But it is
only one of the three components to an accent,
pronunciation, intonation, and linking.

In other places we will examine the correct pronunciation
of vowels and consonants, and linking, the way that
syllables within a word, and the beginning and ending
of words come together.

But in this article we will look at how the difference
that intonation makes in the daily use of a proper
North American English accent. The practice will
help you to notice, practice, and master the different
intonation patterns that you will discover as you
concentrate more on your use of North American English.

Two Word Stress

Knowing when and where to stress the words you use
is very important for understanding, and therefore,
as part of a good accent. A clear example is that
of stress in two word expressions.

According to whether it is an ordinary two-word
expression or a special, set expression, the place
of the stress changes. In an ordinary expression
the two words are used to describe something like
a «white HOUSE» (meaning a house that
is painted white, and not blue or gray). In this
case the most important note is the noun
because we are talking about a house that
happens to be white. Similarly, a «fat BOY» is an overweight young male.

But sometimes short two word expressions are set
or «consecrated»
, (that is, they mean
something special) and have to be made different
from similar expressions. One example is «the
WHITE house» where Mr. Bush lives. In this
case, the emphasis is on the adjective because
we are more interested in stressing that it is the
house that is known because it is white.
In the same way, «FAT boy» is the nickname
of a boy, chosen because the word fat emphasizes
his weight.

It will be useful for you to be aware of both types
of two word expressions. Here is a list of a few
that will get you thinking and give you some practice
in identifying them and using them correctly. Underline
the syllable that is stressed, and write a brief
explanation, for both uses of each phrase. I start
the exercise with two examples. You do the rest.
Make sure you say the phrases OUT LOUD!

WHITE house
In Washington

white HOUSE
House painted white

LIGHT bulb
Shines with electricity

Light BULB
A bulb that is not heavy

Now do these, underling the syllable that is
stressed, and defining the word that has the indicated

Dark room, Dark room
A cold fish, A gold fish
The paper box, The paper box
An old key, A door key
A nice watch, A wrist watch
A sticky web, A spider web
A clean cup, A coffee cup
A toy gun, A water gun
A bright star, A movie star
A new ball, A foot ball
A sharp knife, A steak knife
An old brush, A hair brush
A dry leaf, A fig leaf
A pointy tack, A thumb tack
A blackboard, A black board
A green house, A green house

For more articles on intonation, search with the
keyword «intonation».

About the Author: Frank Gerace Ph.D has worked
in Latin America on UN and national Educational and
Communication Projects, and has taught in Bolivian
and Peruvian Universities. He currently teaches English
in New York City at La Guardia College/CUNY. He provides
resources on accent reduction and the proper American
English accent at

The word turn is both a verb and a noun. As such, it forms many idioms, collocations, phrasal verbs and other expressions. In that sense, we will look at 10 expressions using the word “turn”.

  1. Turn of speed
  2. Turn over a new leaf
  3. One good turn deserves another
  4. Turn of mind
  5. Do someone a good/bad turn
  6. Speak out of turn
  7. Turn and turn about
  8. Not know which way to turn
  9. Turn a blind eye
  10. Turn a deaf ear

10 Expressions Using the Word “Turn”

Turn of speed

Meaning: refers to the ability to move extremely fast if needed.

This football player has a fantastic turn of speed.
Although the cheetah has an incredible turn of speed, it is helpless when attacked by armed and motorized humans.

Turn over a new leaf

Meaning: if you turn over a new leaf, you change your behaviour in a positive way.

Lisa turned over a new leaf. She no longer smokes.
Apparently, Steven has stopped overeating and promised to turn over a new leaf.

 Expressions Using the Word "Turn"

10 Expressions Using the Word “Turn”

Turn and turn about

Meaning: one after another.

Lorna and Sally worked in rotation turn and turn about until the project was done.
Little Johnny distributed the candies equally between his pockets and ate them turn and turn about.

One good turn deserves another

Meaning: used to say that if someone does you a favour, you should help them in return.

You looked after our cat while we were on holiday and I’ll be happy to give you a lift to the airport. One good turn deserves another.

10 Expressions Using the Word “Turn”

Turn of mind

Meaning: refers to a particular way of thinking.

Tom is a hard-working man with a practical turn of mind.
Children in my school have an independent turn of mind.

Do someone a good/bad turn

Meaning: to do something helpful/unhelpful for someone.

You did me a good turn by picking me up on your way to work. Thanks a bunch!
The tourist agent did us a bad turn by recommending this expensive and uninteresting place for our holiday. What a shame!

10 Expressions Using the Word “Turn”

 Expressions Using the Word "Turn"

10 Expressions Using the Word “Turn”

Speak/talk out of turn

Meaning: if you speak out of turn, then you speak foolishly and probably without authority.

Our teacher hates students who speak out of turn, especially when they interrupt her.
I hope I don’t talk out of turn, but I think that dress is not what you should wear to the party.

Not know which way to turn

Meaning: if you’re not sure what to do, or whom to ask for help or advice, you can say that you don’t know which way to turn.

After her father died, she could no longer pay the bills and rent. She didn’t know which way to turn for help.
When I first retired, I didn’t know which way to turn. I had too much free time.

10 Expressions Using the Word “Turn”

Turn a blind eye

if you turn a blind eye to something, then you ignore something bad and wrong.

I read in the newspapers that a policeman turned a blind eye when some hooligans beat an old man in the street.
Some teachers turn a blind eye when it comes to using drugs in our school.

Turn a deaf ear

Meaning: if you turn a deaf ear, you ignore what someone says.

When I asked Milly to babysit for me she just turned a deaf ear.
Some people are capable of turning a deaf ear to the crying victims of wars.

Hopefully, things turn out well for you! 😀

 10 Expressions Using the Word "Turn"

10 Expressions Using the Word “Turn”

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