Expressions using the word best

For example if i’m designing a parking space, I want to find the most appropriate design that will let the maximum number of cars park with minimum space lost, so I need a design that will help me make best use of the space. I’m pretty sure that is another word that better describes these expressions «make best use of» or «have the least amount of lost space»…

JMB's user avatar


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asked Jun 4, 2015 at 10:07

user3340627's user avatar


It sounds as if you’re trying for the most efficient usage of space. Efficient means maximum productivity or outcome with minimum waste.

answered Jun 4, 2015 at 14:01

JimM's user avatar


8241 gold badge7 silver badges15 bronze badges



Make the best or most effective use of (a situation, opportunity, or resource)

answered Jun 4, 2015 at 12:03

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In this lesson, your tutor will help you go over this topic: recommend something. First, read the following dialogue out loud with your tutor, then switch roles and try again. 

Dorothy and Kevin are talking about getting a new job.


Kevin, I want to work for Cambly. Can you put in a good word for me?


Yes, I can. I know a lot of people that speak highly of you.


Thanks, I appreciate it. Perhaps I should talk with the owners.


I highly recommend it.


Maybe we could talk with them together?


That’s a good idea, but if I were you, I would talk to them by yourself first.


Ok, I will. What about my resume? Can you give it to them?


I can, but I think it’s best for you to give it to them in person.


I understand. Can you look at my resume first? Maybe you could recommend some changes to me.


I would be more than happy to do that for you. Just remember to be confident when you talk to the owners.


Go over the following vocabulary and expressions with your tutor. Read the word/expression and definition out loud, and your tutor will go over anything you do not understand. Practice creating a sentence or two to make sure you know how to use the word/expression properly.

Vocabulary/ Expressions

put in a good word (expression) to say something good about someone
Can you put in a good word for me with your boss? 
speak highly of (expression) to speak well about someone; say really good things
Your boss always speaks highly of his workers.
perhaps (adv) used to express a possibility of doing something; to recommend a possibility
Perhaps you should edit your resume.
highly (adv) to a great degree
I highly recommend that you see the doctor about your cough.
maybe we could (expression) to express the possibility of doing something; a way to recommend
Maybe we could finish the research paper tomorrow.
if I were you, I would (expression) to express what you would do
If I were you, I would stay home until you feel better.
what about (expression) used to recommend or suggest something
What about taking a vacation to Italy?
I think it’s best (expression) to express what you think is the best thing to do
I think it’s best we end the meeting.
you could (expression) used to recommend or suggest something
You could always apply for another job.
just remember (expression) used to tell someone not to forget something
Just remember to include a cover letter with your resume.


Practice answering the following questions with your tutors. You can use the sample answers to come up with your own answer. You can use the phrases you learned above.

  1. Your best friend wants to buy a car. What would you recommend?
    1. I think it’s best to buy a car that saves gas.
    2. Just remember to test drive it first.
    3. Your answer:
  2. Your spouse wants to go on a vacation next year. Where would you recommend?
    1. What about going to Saint Petersburg, Russia? I heard there are lots of things to do.
    2. Maybe we could go to Italy? They have lots of historical places to visit.
    3. Your answer:
  3. A co-worker wants a job in your department. How would you tell him you’ll put in a good word.
    1. My boss likes me so I will put in a good word for you.
    2. I will talk to my boss and put in a good word.
    3. Your answer:
  4. A student is trying to decide which university to attend. What would you recommend?
    1. Perhaps you should pick the university closest to home.
    2. I highly recommend Cambridge University.
    3. Your answer:
  5. Your brother wants to study English abroad. What would you recommend he do?
    1. Maybe you could go to New Zealand. My friend went there to study English and liked it.
    2. You can always ask your English teachers what they think.
    3. Your answer:


Use the following questions as a guideline to form an interesting conversation with your tutor. Feel free to diverge from these suggestions if anything interesting comes up.

  1. Which city would you recommend to me to visit in your country? Why?
  2. Would you recommend learning English on Cambly to your friends? Why or why not?
  3. Tell me about a time you made a recommendation to someone.
  4. Which car would you recommend to me to buy? Why?
  5. Have you ever put in a good word for someone? If yes, who and why? If no, would you?


Go over any new expressions or vocabulary that you learned today.


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The word turn is both a verb and a noun. As such, it forms many idioms, collocations, phrasal verbs and other expressions. In that sense, we will look at 10 expressions using the word “turn”.

  1. Turn of speed
  2. Turn over a new leaf
  3. One good turn deserves another
  4. Turn of mind
  5. Do someone a good/bad turn
  6. Speak out of turn
  7. Turn and turn about
  8. Not know which way to turn
  9. Turn a blind eye
  10. Turn a deaf ear

10 Expressions Using the Word “Turn”

Turn of speed

Meaning: refers to the ability to move extremely fast if needed.

This football player has a fantastic turn of speed.
Although the cheetah has an incredible turn of speed, it is helpless when attacked by armed and motorized humans.

Turn over a new leaf

Meaning: if you turn over a new leaf, you change your behaviour in a positive way.

Lisa turned over a new leaf. She no longer smokes.
Apparently, Steven has stopped overeating and promised to turn over a new leaf.

 Expressions Using the Word "Turn"

10 Expressions Using the Word “Turn”

Turn and turn about

Meaning: one after another.

Lorna and Sally worked in rotation turn and turn about until the project was done.
Little Johnny distributed the candies equally between his pockets and ate them turn and turn about.

One good turn deserves another

Meaning: used to say that if someone does you a favour, you should help them in return.

You looked after our cat while we were on holiday and I’ll be happy to give you a lift to the airport. One good turn deserves another.

10 Expressions Using the Word “Turn”

Turn of mind

Meaning: refers to a particular way of thinking.

Tom is a hard-working man with a practical turn of mind.
Children in my school have an independent turn of mind.

Do someone a good/bad turn

Meaning: to do something helpful/unhelpful for someone.

You did me a good turn by picking me up on your way to work. Thanks a bunch!
The tourist agent did us a bad turn by recommending this expensive and uninteresting place for our holiday. What a shame!

10 Expressions Using the Word “Turn”

 Expressions Using the Word "Turn"

10 Expressions Using the Word “Turn”

Speak/talk out of turn

Meaning: if you speak out of turn, then you speak foolishly and probably without authority.

Our teacher hates students who speak out of turn, especially when they interrupt her.
I hope I don’t talk out of turn, but I think that dress is not what you should wear to the party.

Not know which way to turn

Meaning: if you’re not sure what to do, or whom to ask for help or advice, you can say that you don’t know which way to turn.

After her father died, she could no longer pay the bills and rent. She didn’t know which way to turn for help.
When I first retired, I didn’t know which way to turn. I had too much free time.

10 Expressions Using the Word “Turn”

Turn a blind eye

if you turn a blind eye to something, then you ignore something bad and wrong.

I read in the newspapers that a policeman turned a blind eye when some hooligans beat an old man in the street.
Some teachers turn a blind eye when it comes to using drugs in our school.

Turn a deaf ear

Meaning: if you turn a deaf ear, you ignore what someone says.

When I asked Milly to babysit for me she just turned a deaf ear.
Some people are capable of turning a deaf ear to the crying victims of wars.

Hopefully, things turn out well for you! 😀

 10 Expressions Using the Word "Turn"

10 Expressions Using the Word “Turn”

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Мария Марочкина


Сформируйте содержательные выражения, используя слова из двух
колонок. Вы можете использовать слова из правой колонки более одного
раза. Используйте текст из упр. 7 для того чтобы проверить Ваши ответы.
исследовать прошлое                      смысл смысл в чем-то
узнать исследовать                          захватывающий чья-то самобытность
семья прошлое                                 начать связи
предыдущий поколения                  добавить к информация
прямой в контексте                         дать кому-то
немедленный история                      поместить кого-то

ваш ответ

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“Expressions using the word sun»
I’m Anna Matteo with expressions using the word «sun. “The first expression
is about everything, everything under the sun. If you
a store that sold
many different
, your advertisements could say you sell everything
under the sun. This would not be
true, of course. But what would
advertising be without some creative descriptions?
Here is
example: Let’s say you are talking with a friend you
have not seen for a long time. The two of you could have a lot of
do. So, you talk about everything under the sun.
Under the sun is an old expression — at least 3,000 years old. It means
everywhere the sun
.King Solomon of Israel used it in the Bible.
that nothing under the sun is new. What has been will be again,
he said, and what has been done will be done
If there is nothing new under the
anywhere. New or old, few things can be
there is nothing new
in the bright light of the sun.​

Check out IH Bristol’s extensive list of over 1000 of the most useful expressions in English, available for free for Beginner/Elementary students to Advanced speakers.

Learning English is one of the best ways to improve your life and the prospects of getting a good job. English is used all over the world as the language of education and business and it is becoming normal to expect everybody to be able to speak it. IH Bristol has more than 30 years’ experience of teaching English as a foreign language, of helping students to pass Cambridge Exams, to achieve the right score in IELTS or OET or just to learn to communicate more effectively in the language. Whatever your reasons for learning English, we know the kind of language you need to learn. We want to share our expertise with students of all ages from every corner of the planet. All you need is a desire to be better at speaking or writing in English.

However, not everybody can come to Bristol to learn in person. So, IH Bristol has created hundreds of pages of Useful Expressions in English at three different levels, Elementary, Intermediate and Advanced. These are free to anybody using our website and can help you to improve your English. Check out IH Bristol’s extensive list of over 1000 of the most useful expressions in English.

How to use the Useful Expressions
1. Choose the level you want to work at
2. Click on the expression you are interested in
3. Read the expression and the explanation
4. Try to use the expression in a sentence
5. Use one of our other free online areas to test your English or to practice by doing Grammar or vocabulary exercises: Free Exercises, Phrase of the Day and Test your English level
6. Sign up for one of our Face-to-Face English courses or one of our Online English courses!

We’ve covered a wide range of everyday situations, and for each one there are 10 common phrases with explanations of how or when you would use each one. Context and cultural understanding is important: for example, some phrases are more polite/formal than others, while some are more colloquial and should be used in informal situations with friends. Learning these frequently used expressions and the will help you sound more natural when speaking to native speakers of English.

The more you use them, the more you will improve! IH Bristol offers courses and social events online – contact us for more information, and don’t forget to check out our phrase of the day, too.

9 Расставьте слова и выражения в таблицу. Некоторые из них могут относиться к обеим категориям. Используйте свою рабочую тетрадь.

творческий, хорошо образованный, профессиональный, хорошо организованный, хорошо осведомленный, возможность работать в сжатые сроки, компьютерная грамотность, творческий, умеет работать в команде, коммуникабельность, телефонные навыки, уметь принимать решения, в состоянии решить проблемы, в состоянии для проведения исследований, навыки ведения переговоров, инициативный, компетентный, энтузиазм, ответственный, конкурентоспособный, настойчивый, вдохновляющий, в состоянии справиться со стрессом, уметь рисковать, мотивированный, порученный

Personal qualities: imaginative, well-organized, knowledgeable, able to work to tight deadlines, creative, interpersonal skills, able to make decisions, able to solve problems, negotiation skills, initiative, enthusiastic, responsible, competitive, persistent, inspirational, able to cope with stress, able to take risks, motivated, committed.

Professional qualities or knowledge: well-educated, professional, knowledgeable, computer literate, able to work in a team, telephone skills, able to do research, negotiation skills, competent.

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