Expression with the word horses

I have put together another great list of useful English idioms. Today’s theme is idioms with horses. After some research, I found many common expressions and compound nouns that use the word horse. 

  1. Back In The Saddle
  2. Beat A Dead Horse
  3. Don’t Look A Gift Horse In The Mouth
  4. Don’t Shut The Barn Door After The Horses Get Out
  5. Dark Horse
  6. Get Something Straight From The Horse’s Mouth
  7. Hold Your Horses
  8. Horseplay
  9. Horse Power
  10. I Could Eat A Horse.
  11. One Horse Race
  12. One Horse Town
  13. Ponytail
  14. (Put) The Cart Before The Horse
  15. Put The Horse Out To Pasture
  16. Saddled With something
  17. Sawhorse
  18. Warhorse
  19. Wild Horses Couldn’t Drag Me Away
  20. You And The Horse You Rode In On
  21. You Can Lead A Horse To Water, But You Can’t Make It Drink

You’ll find definitions along with example sentences in conversations that will help you use these horse idioms naturally in your own English conversations.

  • Idioms with HORSE
  • Trojan horse story

*I have included a few idioms that use the word saddle in this list. Saddles are used to ride horses and these saddle idioms are ones that I often hear or use myself.

Back In The Saddle
Starting an activity again after some time away.

  • After not playing for 6 months due to injury, Richard suited up for tonight’s game. He’s fully healed and excited to get back in the saddle. 

Beat A Dead Horse

To waste time doing something that has already been tried.

  • “I’ve asked my boss for a raise 4 times already he always says ‘NO.’  I want to ask him again this year but I feel like I’m beating a dead horse.”
    (I feel like I am wasting my time asking for a raise.) 
  • A: “Do you think it’s worth sending my book to other publishers or am I just beating a dead horse?“
    B: “I think should keep trying, your book is really good. Don’t give up! 

Don’t Look A Gift Horse In The Mouth
You shouldn’t look for fault or focus on the negative points of a gift that was freely given to you. 

  • A: The engine of my car is a bit loud and I don’t really like the color.
    B: “You got the car for free from your brother and it works just fine. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, just be happy that you have your own working vehicle.
  • People who look a gift horse in the mouth are often seen as spoiled or ungrateful. 

Don’t Shut The Barn Door After The Horses Get Out
This refers to a meaningless action that was done too late. 

  • Your motorcycle is too old and rusty, I think it’s time to buy a new one. Putting brand new tires on that piece of junk is like shutting the barn door after the horses got out

Dark Horse
A dark horse is a competitor who comes out of nowhere and unexpectedly wins a contest or competition.

  • Everyone thought that the mayor would be re-elected this term but a dark horse candidate swept in out of nowhere and stole the election.
  • I think too many people underestimate Barry’s ability, I think she can be a real dark horse in this year’s tennis tournament. 

Get Something Straight From The Horse’s Mouth

To get information directly from the source of information.

  • I heard that Kyle will quit school but I don’t believe it, it’s not like him. I won’t believe it until I hear it straight from the horse’s mouth.
    (I won’t believe it until I hear it directly from Kyle.) 

This came straight from the horse’s mouth so you can believe it.

Hold Your Horses
This idiom means wait or slow down. 

  • Don’t worry kids, we’re leaving soon but you need to hold your horses until the car is packed. 

rough noisy play in which people push or hit each other for fun. SOURCE

  • I need you kids to cut out the horseplay and behave yourselves before our dinner guests arrive. 
  • My grandmother had one strict rule. Absolutely no horseplay in the house. If you’re going to be rough you need to take it outside. 

Horsepower is a unit for measuring the power of an engine

  • The new Mustang Dark Horse was made for racing, with a 500-horsepower engine.
    *Horsepower is often written as hp.
  • The car has a 500-hp engine.

Horses have a lot of POWER!

I Could Eat A Horse
This expression means I am very hungry.  I’m so hungry that I could eat a horse! A horse is quite a large animal so if you could eat a whole horse you must be starving. 

  • Will dinner be ready soon? I skipped lunch today and now I could eat a horse.

*You can also say eats like a horse to show that someone eats a lot.

  • Dave is coming over for dinner tonight so I hope you’re cooking a lot of food, that guy eats like a horse. 

One-Horse Race
A one-horse race is a contest where one competitor is so superior to everyone else that they are practically guaranteed to win. It’s like a race with only one horse, there’s no question about who will win because there’s only one contestant. 

  • Our prime minister will be re-elected for sure this term. The competition is really terrible, it’s practically a 1 horse race

*We can also say 2 horse race if two of the competitors out of a larger group of competitors are very strong favorites. 

  • Five candidates are running for the prime minister but three of them don’t have a chance. it’s basically a 2 horse race

One Horse Town
A small place that is not significant or important. 

  • As soon as I turn 18 I’m going to pack up my car and move out of this one-horse town. I can easily see myself living in a big city.

A ponytail is a bunch of hair tied at the back of the head so that it hangs like a horse’s tail SOURCE

  • When Anna came to work with her hair down I almost didn’t recognize her. She always has her hair in a ponytail.

Simone puts her hair in a ponytail whenever she does her chores.

(Put) The Cart Before The Horse

To do something before you should have. Specifically when it is smart to wait.

  • A: I heard the city has approved the construction of the new baseball stadium.
    B: Really? The pro team hasn’t even agreed to come to our city! I think they’re putting the cart before the horse.
    (The city has decided to build a stadium before the pro team has decided to come. It would be smarter to wait.) 

Put A Horse (someone/something) Out To Pasture
This is the equivalent of an older horse retiring from work, now it is free to spend time in the field (or pasture) 

  • I’ve had this horse for many years and he has worked hard for me but he’s getting older now. I think it’s time to put him out to pasture

This idiom can be used if someone is being forced out of their job, they are being made to retire even if they don’t want to. 

  • The company president will turn 65 this year and the board of directors decided to put him out to pasture

We can use this expression with machines or electronics that we stop using and replace with a newer model. 

  • The tablet has done a good job for the past 3 years but I think it’s time to buy a new one. Time to put my old tablet computer out to pasture.

We put him out to pasture last year and I think he is happy to just relax and eat all day.

Saddled With (something)
Settle with is a phrasal verb that means to give somebody/yourself an unpleasant responsibility, task, debt, etc. SOURCE

  • Making preparations for the company year-end party is a thankless job. Benjamin got saddled with it this year. 
  • If you travel with it proper health insurance you could be saddled with a large bill if an unexpected medical emergency happened. 

A sawhorse is the name given to triangular pieces of wood that balance another piece of wood on top so that it may be cut easily with a saw.

  • My brother and I would play games in the garage on a table that we made from a piece of plywood resting on my dad’s sawhorses


My Dad made this sawhorse out of old wood.

A warhorse is an old soldier or politician who has a lot of experience

  • If you have any questions you can ask Timothy. He’s an old warhorse with lots of experience. He can probably answer most of your questions. 

Wild Horses Couldn’t Drag Me Away
A person is very committed to doing something or staying somewhere.

  • I was so excited to watch the movie on opening day I didn’t mind waiting in line for two and a half hours. Wild horses couldn’t drag me away

This is a popular song from 1987 by a Canadian singer named Gino Vannelli called Wild Horses.

The song uses this expression to say wild horses couldn’t drag me away from you as a romantic gesture to his lover. He is saying (signing) that he is so committed to his girlfriend.

I included a video with lyrics so you can read-a-long as you listen. 

You And The Horse You Rode In On
These words can be added to another negative English expression to make it stronger. It’s a very powerful way to tell someone to leave.

  • What do you get lost, you and the horse you rode in on.
    (I’m so angry I don’t just want you to leave but I want whatever brought you here to leave also.) 

You Can Lead A Horse To Water, But You Can’t Make It Drink
This means you can offer somebody something or present an opportunity but you can’t make them accept it if they don’t want to. 

  • We can set up programs to help the unemployed find jobs but sadly, some people just don’t want to work. You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink

Trojan horse story

Do you know the story of the Trojan Horse? 

Trojan Horse refers to a wooden horse said to have been used by the Greeks, during the Trojan War, to enter the city of Troy and win the war. SOURCE

During the long War between the Trojans and the Greeks, it is reported that the Greeks built a large wooden horse and left it in front of the gate of the city of Troy. The Greeks then left the city and “sailed away.” The people of Troy brought the wooden horse inside their walled city, not knowing that there were Greek soldiers waiting inside. 

As part of the Greek plan, the rest of the army sailed back to Troy during the night. The Greek soldiers hiding inside the wooden horse came out, opened the gates, and let the rest of the Greek soldiers inside. Once inside the walls of the city, the Greek army easily took the city and won the war. 

Trojan horse has come to mean any trick or strategy that causes an enemy to invite a foe into a secure area.

A movie was made about this event called Troy starring Brad Pitt and Eric Bana. (2004)
*I like this movie 🙂

Troy – Imdb

You can watch the Troy movie trailer below >>

The Trojan Horse is even the name of a kind of computer virus that hides inside one piece of software and then attacks your computer from the inside.

If you can think of some idioms that I left out, please tell me in the comments!

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Collocations for «horses»

Common phrases and expressions where native English speakers use the word «horses» in context.

WordReference English Collocations © 2023


Most examples are given in US English. We have labeled exceptions as UK.


  1. a [work, cart, racing, shire, Mustang, rodeo] horse
  2. a [roan, chestnut, palomino] horse
  3. a [wild, broken] horse
  4. the horse needs breaking
  5. break the horse
  6. is a Trojan horse
  7. ride on a rocking horse
  8. [groom, shoe, saddle] the horse
  9. put a saddle on the horse
  10. lead a horse to water
  11. a pasture for horses
  12. the horses are grazing
  13. the horse was [galloping, trotting]
  14. the horse [was favorite for, won] the race
  15. [won gold at, sailed over] the vaulting horse
  16. straight from the horse’s mouth
  17. hold your horses!
  18. UK: wild horses couldn’t stop me!
  19. (don’t) look a gift horse in the mouth
  20. UK: the white horses of the waves

n as adj

  1. a horse [stable, trailer, saddle]
  2. [go to, bet on] the horse race
  3. horse racing
  4. go on a horse ride
  5. is a horse groom
  6. in a horse pasture
  7. a horse [doctor, hospital]


  1. horsing around at [school, work, home]
  2. stop horsing around
  3. horse it [up, down] the stairs
  4. horse it into place

horses‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

«A famous horse! a mad rider!» growled the captain.

«Do you hear me?» shouted D’Artagnan, whose horse had just stumbled.

Excursion to Colonia del Sacramiento — Value of an Estancia — Cattle, how counted — Singular Breed of Oxen — Perforated Pebbles — Shepherd Dogs — Horses broken-in, Gauchos riding — Character of Inhabitants — Rio Plata — Flocks of Butterflies — Aeronaut Spiders — Phosphorescence of the Sea — Port Desire — Guanaco — Port St.

On a former excursion I crossed the Lucia near its mouth, and I was surprised to observe how easily our horses, although not used to swim, passed over a width of at least six hundred yards.

«There he is!» said Boris, thinking Rostov had said «His Highness,» and pointing to the Grand Duke who with his high shoulders and frowning brows stood a hundred paces away from them in his helmet and Horse Guards’ jacket, shouting something to a pale, white uniformed Austrian officer.

«But that’s the Grand Duke, and I want the commander in chief or the Emperor,» said Rostov, and was about to spur his horse.

«I seem to hear the noise of a troop of horsemen,» exclaimed Porthos, leaning over his horse‘s mane.

The horses seemed to become more lively with each successive step; their nostrils reddened like glowing furnaces.

Vasili Andreevich screwed up his eyes, bent down his head, and looked out for the way-marks, but trusted mainly to the horse‘s sagacity, letting it take its own way.

So they travelled on for about ten minutes, when suddenly, through the slanting screen of wind-driven snow, something black showed up which moved in front of the horse.

«Is it possible that you are a Real Horse?» he murmured.

The rest of the powder seemed to have vanished into the body of the horse.

When the Nez Perces, Flatheads, and Pends Oreilles are encamped in a dangerous neighborhood, says Captain Bonneville, the greatest care is taken of their horses, those prime articles of Indian wealth, and objects of Indian depredation.

Winkle soothingly—‘poor fellow— good old horse.’ The ‘poor fellow’ was proof against flattery; the more Mr.

«For fashion!» said the old horse with a stamp of his foot; «for fashion!

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a dark horse: a person who wins a race or competition although no one expected them to

Example: 19-year-old David Patrick could be a dark horse for a medal (= she could win) in the Olympics.

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a Trojan horsesomeone or something that attacks the group or organization it belongs to

Example: Traditional Republican supporters have accused the new leadership of being a Trojan horse trying to destroy the party from within.

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to back the wrong horse: to support someone or something that cannot win or succeed

Example: Fred backed the wrong horse and lost his bet.

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to beat (or to flog) a dead horse: to waste time doing something that has already been attempted

Example: Do you think it’s worth sending my manuscript to other publishers or I am just beating a dead horse?

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to put the cart before the horse: to switch around the proper order of things, to not do things in the right order

Example: Don’t put the cart before the horse, you need to finish your studies before you get married.

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to get something straight from the horse’s mouth: to get information from a reliable source, from someone who knows for sure

Example: If you don’t believe me you can go get it straight from the horse’s mouth and Jake, he’s the one who saw it happen.

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to get off your high horse: to stop acting as if you are better or more intelligent than other people, to be more humble

Example: Who do you think you are?! Get off your high horse and listen to what other people have to say, you might learn something.

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to hold one’s horses: to slow down, to be patient

Example: Hold your horses, if you hurry too much you’ll make a mistake.


She arrived in a coupe, her maid with her, and mounted her horse from the block.

The snow becomes soft in the sunshine, and freezes at night, making the mass hard and compact, like ice, so that during the months of April and May you can ride a horse over the prostrate groves without catching sight of a single leaf.

Toward spring, when the weather is warm during the day and frosty at night, repeated thawing and freezing and new layers of snow render the bridgingmasses dense and firm, so that one may safely walk across the streams, or even lead a horse across them without danger of falling through.

He took the horse and returned immediately.

On our return to Rolla we heard a great deal of talk about the approaching fall races at St. Louis, and Wild Bill having brought a fast running horse from the mountains, determined to take him to that city and match him against some of the highflyers there; and down to St. Louis we went with this running horse, placing our hopes very high on him.

They carried off nearly everything of value in the house and about the premises; then going to the pasture, they drove off all the horses; my pony Prince afterward succeeding in breaking away from them and came back home.

General Bankhead thereupon sent for Captain Laufer and ordered him to turn the horse and mule over to me.

After riding some distance down the ravine that led to the river, I left my horse at the foot of a hill; then, creeping to the top, I looked cautiously over the summit upon the Solomon, below.

Acting under the order of General Forsyth, the men retreated to a small island, tied their horses in a circle to the bushes, and then, throwing themselves upon the ground, they began the defense by firing at the approaching enemy, who came pretty close and gave them a raking fire.

In the fall of 1861 I made a trip to Fort Larned, Kansas, carrying military dispatches, and in the winter I accompanied George Long through the country, and assisted him in buying horses for the government.

«Hold your horses, beauty!

«Lieutenant, give me that note, and I will take it to the General,« said I. He gladly handed me the dispatch, and spurring my horse I dashed up the creek.

But not until his heart is imbued with a spiritual conception of honesty, as the law of God, will he steal a stray horse no more.

« But how Mr. Pickwick dropped his whip, how Mr. Winkle got off his tall horse to pick it up, how he tried in vain to remount while his horse went round and round, how they were all spilt out upon the bridge and how finally they walked to Manor Farmthese things are known to everybody with an inch of reading.

One day, when I had nothing else to do, I saddled up an extra pony express horse, and arming myself with a good rifle and pair of revolvers, struck out for the foot hills of Laramie Peak for a bearhunt.

We were all rather disgusted, as sometimes one sees pretty little Arab horses in Paris.

The Missourians shouted themselves hoarse in urging their horse, but all to no avail.

« With this defiance, I walked nonchalantly out of the dumbfoundered group, found my horse, and rode homewards.

Unfortunately he did not hear me, but kept straight on, not stopping his horse until he reached the camp.

« «The Major has given you a fine horse, and you‘ll soon find yourself at home in the saddle,« said I. The command soon pulled out for the South Platte River, which was very wide and high, owing to recent mountain rains, and in crossing it we had to swim our horses in some places.

But now, she who sat her horse near by so proud and stately, reached forth a white hand, touching Ulf the Strong upon the arm, and lo!

The stocktender had been killed there that morning, and all the stock had been driven off by the Indians, and as I was therefore unable to change horses, I continued on to Ploutz‘s Stationtwelve miles furtherthus making twentyfour miles straight run with one horse.

The two Indians who had fired at me and had killed my horse were retreating across the creek on a beaver dam.

We see him bathing in perfumes, sailing ships in wine, feeding horses on grapes and lions on parrots, peppering fish with pearls, wearing gems on the soles of his feet, strewing his floor with golddust, paving the public streets with precious marbles, driving teams of stags, scorning to eat fish by the seaside, deploring his lot that he has never yet been able to dine on a phoenix.

The Earl of Warwick, dreading the consequences of this disaster, at a time when a decisive action was every hour expected, immediately ordered his horse to be brought him, which he stabbed before the whole army, and, kissing the hilt of his sword, swore that he was determined to share the fate of the meanest soldier.

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