5. Express the following in one word.
waste, procrastinate, excuse, failure, deadline
1 delay action
2 use without a good purpose
3 fixed date for finishing (doing) something
4 reason given (true or invented) to explain or defend one’s conduct
5 lack of success
6. Fill in the correct word from the list below.
avoid, put off, excuses, success, discipline, procrastinated, wasted
1 There’s always the temptation to … the most difficult task till last.
2 He … until it was too late.
3 He’s always making … for being late.
4 Try to … danger.
5 The thought of … years behind him made Mark sick with bitterness.
6 He had all the attributes of a great leader: charisma, energy,… and resourcefulness.
7 All great leaders share certain characteristics which must be seen as the key to their….
7. Complete the following text with the words in the box.
successful, famous, nervous, deal, managed, carefully, prepare
How to Succeed
Let me make a suggestion to help you (1) ____ with difficult situations. If, for example, you are taking part in a sports competition, meeting someone important, or giving a performance in front of a large audience, you will probably be quite (2) ____, and worry that you will not be as (3) ____ as you would like to be. What you need to do is to (4) ____ yourself thoroughly by running through the whole activity over and over again in your mind, (5) ____ going through every detail. For example, a (6) ____ pianist, imprisoned for seven years for political reasons, could still play magnificently on his release. When asked how he (7) ____ to play so well, his explanation was that he had practiced every day in his mind.
Расчетные и графические задания Равновесный объем — это объем, определяемый равенством спроса и предложения… |
Кардиналистский и ординалистский подходы Кардиналистский (количественный подход) к анализу полезности основан на представлении о возможности измерения различных благ в условных единицах полезности… |
Обзор компонентов Multisim Компоненты – это основа любой схемы, это все элементы, из которых она состоит. Multisim оперирует с двумя категориями… |
Композиция из абстрактных геометрических фигур Данная композиция состоит из линий, штриховки, абстрактных геометрических форм… |
Express the mening of each of the following phrases in one word
1. an answer expressing agreement — y ________( three letters)
2. to have a desire — w___(four letters)
3. very rude, low, or bad-mannered — v__ (six letters)
4. up to the time when- u____(five letters)
5. a group of people of the same race,beliefs, language- t___(five letters)
6. to die or suffer from lack of food — s __ (six letters)
7. waste material to be thrown away — r__( seven letters)
8. a stated number of people, without whom a meeting cannot be help- q__( six letters)
Автор ответа: CloserToTheEdge
1 yes, 2 wish, 3 violent, 4 until, 6 starve
Интересные вопросы
[Деактивированный пользователь]
Express the following in one word or a word combination
1)a person who waits you on a restaurant
2)a plant with a round dark red sweet root that you cook or eat as a vegetable
3)a counter, where one may buy food and drink
4)fruit, nut and sweet things at the end of a meal
5)a meal of several courses, having only a limited choice at a fixed price
6)German food consisting of cabbage cut up, salted and allowed to get sour
7)potatoes beaten or crushed
8)not having a sharp edge or point
9)a person, who buys
10)filled completely of a stomach
11)two slices of buttered bread with meat, egg, cheese or tomato, etc, between them
12)not fresh
13)the particular taste of a food or a drink
14)a flat piece of wood, metal, etc with raised edges, used for holding or carrying light articles
15)a thin flat piece of smth
16)a dish of meat or fruit, covered with a layer of pastry or with the meat enclosed in pastry baked
17)to be fond of sweet food
18)a collective term for hens, ducks, turkeys
19)the flesh of a cow
Статьи, которые тебе могут быть интересны
Еще статьи
1 |
A |
2 |
B |
3 |
C |
4 |
D forget |
5 |
E |
6 |
F |
7 remember |
G |
8. Express the following in one word.
polite, |
1 to tell someone’s name
to a person or group of people, so that they meet formally
2 a form of words or an
action used on meeting someone
3 having or showing good
manners and consideration for other people
4 way of feeling, thinking
or behaving
5 knowing a lot about life,
people, etc.
6 good at learning and
understanding things quickly
7 ability to do something
9. Read and translate the sentences.
Good evening, Raymond. Let me introduce
David Bruce, one of my colleagues. 2. “Mrs Johnson?” “Please,
call me by my first
3. We don’t use surnames
– it’s too formal. 4. Her name’s Tanya and she’s
Los Angeles. We both graduated
the same high school in LA. 5. Ever heard of a girl named
Emma Handley? 6. When she was at school she was
good at
art. 7. Actually I’m
very keen
modern art. 8. You may not like her, but you have to admit
that she’s
good at
her job. 9. I
must admit
I never was
dancing. 10. I’ve
interested in cars,
ever since I was a child. 11. Margaret became
interested in
acting when she was a student at Cambridge.
12. She has her likes
and dislikes
as we all have. 13. I don’t know why you dislike
my father so much. 14. Josh turned round to shake
and exchange
some of his friends. 15. Their behaviour
towards their guests tends to be rather formal. 16. What time does
Jim arrive?
17. Half
our guests arrived
late, making the usual excuses.
18. Let me know the date and time of your arrival.
19. Their guests were given a very warm welcome on
20. During my stay in Japan, I was
great politeness
by everyone I met. 21. Mrs Thomas is a very able
22. Laura’s
and she has plenty of ambition. She’s sure to get a good job.
23. You
have to be very intelligent
to go to Oxford University.
24. My
sister was always the
student in her class.
25. Ann
has very good language
26. Adrian
was a skilled
27. Gascoigne is an extremely skilful
player. 28. I feel very proud
when people admire my work. 29. Mr
Bruce is a very experienced
teacher; he has been working in this school for twenty years.
30. I
realize now that at
the age of
eighteen I was very naïve and inexperienced.
31. The pop star’s wife politely
refused any requests
for interviews. 32. Alan
tried to start a conversation, but when Lockwood made
no response,
he gave up.
33. Her response
his suggestion was a simple refusal. 34. His
to his new job seemed to be very negative.
35. When
I told them I was a doctor their whole attitude
36. Why
did you choose
such a bright colour?
37. You
You can go to university now or wait until next September.
38. I
sometimes wonder why she chose
Jerry as her assistant. He’s useless.
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Кисленко Татьяна Николаевна
Тест. Английский язык, 9 класс
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Тест по теме «Family Matters » к учебнику Афанасьевой О.В. и Михеевой И.В.
Список вопросов теста
Вопрос 1
Express the following in one word. Выбери слово, которое обознаячает обозначает следующее?
The official ending of a marriage
Варианты ответов
- kinsfolk
- divorce
- marriage
Вопрос 2
Express the following in one word. Выбери слово, которое обознаячает обозначает следующее?
Always allow a child to have or do everything he want, so that he learn to think only of himself
Варианты ответов
- to love
- to spoil
- to argue
Вопрос 3
Express the following in one word. Выбери слово, которое обознаячает обозначает следующее?
To go out with someone
Варианты ответов
- to date
- to spend
- to marry
Вопрос 4
Express the following in one word. Выбери слово, которое обознаячает обозначает следующее?
A couple just married
Варианты ответов
- to become educated
- to become a lawyer
- to become newlyweds
Вопрос 5
Express the following in one word. Выбери слово, которое обознаячает обозначает следующее?
A women about to be married or just married
Варианты ответов
- woman-in-law
- bride
- aunt
Вопрос 6
Express the following in one word.Выбери слово, которое обозначает следующее:
A man about to be married or just married
Варианты ответов
- groom
- grandson
- uncle
Вопрос 7
Express the following in one word:
The right to look after someone and make decisions about their education, medical treatment etc.
Варианты ответов
- court
- custody
- criticize
Вопрос 8
Express the following in one word:
Closest relative or relatives
Варианты ответов
- next of kin
- next of law
- next to you
Вопрос 9
Express the following in the word.
The ability to accept pain, trouble or anything that causes annoyance without complainingor losing one`s self-controll.
Варианты ответов
- patience
- hypocrisy
- marrying
Вопрос 10
Express the following in one word.
A marriage where the parents choose a husband or a wife for their child.
Варианты ответов
- an arranged marriage
- a marriage for money
- a marriage of convenience