Express in one word to provide

Предмет: Английский язык,

автор: hisbilmiss


Автор ответа: gagaaguilerovna


a — supply
b — corruption
c — recreation
d — harm
e — encouragement

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7 лет назад

Найди верный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Express in one word. to provide someone with something dishonest or illegal behavior by officials to rest and allow yourself to become calm …» по предмету 📙 Английский язык, а если ответа нет или никто не дал верного ответа, то воспользуйся поиском и попробуй найти ответ среди похожих вопросов.

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Главная » Английский язык » Express in one word. to provide someone with something dishonest or illegal behavior by officials to rest and allow yourself to become calm something very bad that causes damage to stimulate somebody to do something Say in English using the

Test yourself

1)Express in one word.

a) to provide someone with smth.;

b) dishonest or illegal behaviour by officials;

c) to rest and allow yourself to become calm;

d) smth. very bad that causes damage;

e) to stimulate smb. to do smth.

2) Say it in English using Modal verb could+ Perfect Infinitive:

A. Она могла бы заболеть. Было очень холодно;

B. Он чуть не утонул, но брат его спас;

C. Она могла бы выиграть чемпионат, но неожиданно заболела;

D. Он мог бы стать спортсменом, но стал учителем;

E. Я мог бы поехать в Лондон учиться, но остался в Москве.

3) Express your advice, using Modal verb should+ Perfect Infinitive.

A. The boy missed classes and failed his exams;

B.The girl didn’t wear warm clothes in winter and caught a cold;

C.She had the flue she didn’t take any medicine;

D. He spent too much time with computers and became tired;

E. He was rude with his little brother.

4)Use the appropriate articles where necessary.

A.______Internet is____ huge network of computers;

B. People communicate through__ e-mail;

C.____www is ___ part of ____ Internet;

D.You can play___ computer games through____ www;

E. ____ basic work of ___ computer is to process ___ information.

5) Translate into English:

A. Жаль что я сейчас не в Лондоне;

B. Жаль, что я знала китайский язык;

C. Жаль, что он не здесь;

D. Жаль, что он не с нами;

E. Как жаль, что я не знала об этом раньше.

Test yourself
1)Express in one word.
a) to provide someone with smth.;
b) dishonest or illegal behaviour by officials;
c) to rest and allow yourself to become calm;
d) smth. very bad that causes damage;
e) to stimulate smb. to do smth.
2) Say it in English using Modal verb could+ Perfect Infinitive:
A. Она могла бы заболеть. Было очень холодно;
B. Он чуть не утонул, но брат его спас;
C. Она могла бы выиграть чемпионат, но неожиданно заболела;
D. Он мог бы стать спортсменом, но стал учителем;
E. Я мог бы поехать в Лондон учиться, но остался в Москве.
3) Express your advice, using Modal verb should+ Perfect Infinitive.
A. The boy missed classes and failed his exams;
B.The girl didn’t wear warm clothes in winter and caught a cold;
C.She had the flue she didn’t take any medicine;
D. He spent too much time with computers and became tired;
E. He was rude with his little brother.
4)Use the appropriate articles where necessary.
A.______Internet is____ huge network of computers;
B. People communicate through__ e-mail;
C.____www is ___ part of ____ Internet;
D.You can play___ computer games through____ www;
E. ____ basic work of ___ computer is to process ___ information.
5) Translate into English:
A. Жаль что я сейчас не в Лондоне;
B. Жаль, что я знала китайский язык;
C. Жаль, что он не здесь;
D. Жаль, что он не с нами;
E. Как жаль, что я не знала об этом раньше.

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A. She might get sick. It was very cold;
B. He almost drowned, but his brother saved him;
C. She could win the championship, but suddenly got sick;
D. He could become an athlete, but became a teacher;
E. I could go to London to study, but stayed in Moscow.

A. I wish I was in London now;
B. I wish I knew Chinese;
C. It is a pity that he is not here;
D. It is a pity that he is not with us;
E. What a pity that I did not know about this before

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