Express in one word in english

Express in one word.

To provide someone with something dishonest or illegal behavior by officials to rest and allow yourself to become calm something very bad that causes damage to stimulate somebody to do something Say in English using the structure : Modal verb could + Perfect Infinitive Она могла бы заболеть.

Было очень холодно.

Он чуть не утонул, но брат его спас.

Она могла бы выиграть чемпионат, но неожиданно заболела.

Он мог бы стать спортсменом, но стал учителем.

Я мог бы поехать в Лондон учиться, но остался в Астане.

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Express in one word?. По уровню сложности вопрос рассчитан на учащихся
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The human qualities can be expressed in one word: hypocrisy.

The human qualities can be expressed in one word: hypocrisy.

Our internal requirements for the management of the trucking fleet can be expressed in one word: readiness.

Наши требования к организации работы собственных автомобилей можно выразить одним словом: готовность.

The key to a successful franchise, according to many texts on the subject, can be expressed in one word: «uniformity.»

Согласно данным множества статей на эту тему, ключ к успеху франшизы можно выразить одним словом: единообразие.

That one thing can be expressed in one word: conscience.

All changes of incarnations, the whole value of consciousness is expressed in one word.

The reason can be expressed in one word: globalization.

The reason for the implacability of demographic transition can be expressed in one word: education.

Причину этой неумолимой демографической тенденции можно описать одним словом: образование.

The answer can be expressed in one word: Land.

And it seemed to me, without pretending to any philosophical generalization, that all this can be expressed in one word — humanism.

И все это, не претендуя на некие философские обобщения, мне показалось возможным выразить в одном слове — гуманизм».

Therefore, a number of proclaimed rights may be placed under one general heading, expressed in one word, and that is the sustainability of return.

Поэтому некоторые из провозглашенных прав могут быть объединены в одну общую категорию под единым названием «устойчивость процесса возвращения».

The cynicism of Russia’s concern for ethnic minorities can be expressed in one word: Chechnya.

These ideas, expressed in one word, play an important role for Pushnitsky, linking his art to the creative process and to that of learning.

Для Пушницкого эти идеи, выраженные в одном слове, играют важную роль, они связывают его искусство как с творческим процессом, так и с процессами познания.

1The full meaning of the word kauthar, as used here, cannot perhaps be expressed in one word in any language of the world.

Полное значение слова «Каусар» («Кавсар») не может быть выражено одним словом ни на одном языке мира.

Particularly in the automotive industry, noise and vibration problems can be expressed in one word: NVH (noise, vibration, and harshness).

В автомобиле компоненты трансмиссии могут стать потенциальным источником так называемой проблемы NVH (Noise, Vibration, Harshness — «шум, вибрация и тряска»).

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 16. Точных совпадений: 16. Затраченное время: 60 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

express in one word перевод - express in one word русский как сказать

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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


Экспресс в одном слове

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


выразить в одном слове

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


выразить одним словом

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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Test yourself

1)Express in one word.

a) to provide someone with smth.;

b) dishonest or illegal behaviour by officials;

c) to rest and allow yourself to become calm;

d) smth. very bad that causes damage;

e) to stimulate smb. to do smth.

2) Say it in English using Modal verb could+ Perfect Infinitive:

A. Она могла бы заболеть. Было очень холодно;

B. Он чуть не утонул, но брат его спас;

C. Она могла бы выиграть чемпионат, но неожиданно заболела;

D. Он мог бы стать спортсменом, но стал учителем;

E. Я мог бы поехать в Лондон учиться, но остался в Москве.

3) Express your advice, using Modal verb should+ Perfect Infinitive.

A. The boy missed classes and failed his exams;

B.The girl didn’t wear warm clothes in winter and caught a cold;

C.She had the flue she didn’t take any medicine;

D. He spent too much time with computers and became tired;

E. He was rude with his little brother.

4)Use the appropriate articles where necessary.

A.______Internet is____ huge network of computers;

B. People communicate through__ e-mail;

C.____www is ___ part of ____ Internet;

D.You can play___ computer games through____ www;

E. ____ basic work of ___ computer is to process ___ information.

5) Translate into English:

A. Жаль что я сейчас не в Лондоне;

B. Жаль, что я знала китайский язык;

C. Жаль, что он не здесь;

D. Жаль, что он не с нами;

E. Как жаль, что я не знала об этом раньше.

a payment made in return for
one’s work, coming last at the end of smth., to do what one is told,
the effect produced on the mind or feelings, a side view of the human
face, pale in colour, to bring food and put it on the table,
something strange or secret, fond of society.

VIII. The following statements are not true to fact Correct them, using the conversational formulas given in the Reminder:

author turned up at Euston to meet a friend of his.

— Oh, no, he didn’t. He
turned up at Euston to see his friend off.

1. The seers-off felt quite at
ease on the platform. 2. No one tried to break the silence on the
platform. 3. The fit of coughing helped the situation. 4. There was
every sign of the train’s immediate departure when they came to the
plat­form. 5. The face of Le Ros didn’t seem familiar to the
narra­tor. 6. Le Ros was very sorry to see the narrator. 7. Le
Ros said he worked on the stage. 8. Le Ros said he was a director of
the Anglo-American Social Bureau. 9. The narrator fully understood
why Le Ros had been unsuccessful on the stage. 10. Le Ros explained
that all the fees were paid over to the employees. 11. Le Ros looked
like a beggar when the narra­tor saw him on the platform. 12. The
narrator didn’t envy Le Ros. 13. Le Ros said that one can act without
feeling. 14. There were no signs of Le Ros being moved when he saw
the young American off. 15. The narrator was not moved when seeing
his friend off. 16. The narrator wanted Le Ros to teach him to
conceal his feelings.

e m i n
d e r: I’m
afraid I don’t agree. I think you’re mis­taken (there). I don’t
think you are right. I see what you mean, but…. I’m not so sure. On
the contrary! You can’t be seriousl I doubt it. I disagree with you.
I should’t say so. I object to it. Far from it. Surely not. Noth’ing
of the sort! Just the other way round!

IX. Insert prepositions where necessary:

1. I saw the mysterious
stranger … the morning. 2. I met her … the first time … a warm
sunny morning … last spring. 3. I recognized her face … the
window. 4. I saw no sign … envy … her eyes. 5. Did you confess
… anything … return? 6. Wait… me … platform No. 3 … the St.
Petersburg railway-stafion … half past ten. 7. What have you got
… your hand? 8. I never acted … the stage. 9. She smiled … her
fellow-passengers. 10. I heard him recite … a concert … last
week. 11. Talk … her … the fee. 12. He struck the table … his
hand. 13. Did they supply you … everything? 14. I recognized her
… your description. 15. Just a minute. I shall consult… the
timetable. 16. What prevented you … confessing … every­thing?
17. The situation is very awkward, but I think I can help … it. 18.
… other words you haven’t obeyed … my in­structions. 19. They
ran … carriage … carriage … the plat­form. 20. He said
it… a fit… anger. 21. She nodded … me … a grave air. 22. It’s
a mystery … me. 23. I wasn’t satisfied … her vague answer. 24. I
can’t tell you how we all miss … you. 25. I can’t do … this
text-book. 26. I can hardly see anything … this light. 27. Do you
think I can do my lessons when you are standing … the light? 28.
Has he many pupils … hand?

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