Explain the word miss

miss meaning

The English language is full of homonyms, which are words with different meanings that are pronounced and spelt the same. One of the most common homonyms is miss.

Miss belongs to different parts of speech, so it has many definitions.

In this article, we’ll explain the various functions and meanings of miss, and show you plenty of examples to illustrate the difference.

What Does Miss Mean?

Miss can be used as a verb and a noun. It has multiple meanings depending on its grammatical function. Let’s explore the different definitions.

Miss Meaning: Verb

As a verb, miss can be used in its infinitive form (miss), present participle form (missing), and past participle form (missed). Below, we’ll look at its various meanings as a verb, and some examples of it in use.

definition of miss as a verb

  1. To fail to hit something. This is typically refers to an object that was thrown or shot:

    • She threw her phone at the door but managed to narrowly miss it.
  2. To fail to score a goal when playing sports:

    • The coach was annoyed that his star player missed the winning goal.
  3. To notice the absence of something:

    • Mary was too observant not to notice the money was missing.
  4. To fail to understand the significance of something:

    • I’m not surprised that you missed the point entirely.
  5. To arrive too late to an event or activity:

    • We weren’t surprised that Fay missed his flight.
  6. To feel sad about the absence of someone:

    • Even though Gregg had spent the entire day with Sharon, she still missed him once he left.
  7. To avoid or escape:

    • If you want to miss the morning traffic, take the detour route.
  8. To fail to be present:

    • They all agreed that the kids could miss a day of school.
  9. To fail to take advantage:

    • This opportunity is too good to miss.

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Miss Meaning: Noun

When used as a common noun, miss refers to a failure. Let’s take a look at the specific meanings and how you can use them in a sentence.

  1. A failure to hit something:

    • His first shot was a bad miss.
  2. A failure of any kind, such as not meeting a goal or getting a desired result:

    • We’ve been to that restaurant three times and it’s a bit hit and miss.

Definition of miss as a noun

Miss is also a title used to refer to a young woman or an unmarried woman. Always capitalize Miss when it’s used as a prefix for a name or surname. As it’s not a shortened form, there’s no need to follow it with a period.

  • Miss Smith will attend the dinner on Saturday as well.
  • Miss Mary Jones no longer goes by her married name.

If you’re unsure of a young girl’s name, miss is a polite way to address her. You might have heard older people use miss, because it’s an old-fashioned term. We don’t usually capitalize miss when it’s used as a term of address.

  • You dropped your hat, miss.
  • What can I do for you today miss?

Young children often use miss when addressing a female teacher too, whether she is married or not. This usage is common in the UK.

  • Excuse me miss, please can you mark my test?

Have you ever watched Miss Congeniality? Miss is a title given to a woman who wins a beauty contest.

It’s usually combined with the name of the place she’s representing, but it can also preface a competition name, like Miss Universe or Miss America.

  • Linn Bjurström Salonen was crowned Miss Sweden in 2022.

Definition of miss as a title

What Is a Miss?

A miss is a part of a British phrase that’s typically used in informal conversations. To give something a miss means to choose not to do something or to go somewhere.

  • I had homework to do, so I decided to give the party a miss.

What Is the Meaning of Misses?

Now that we’ve covered all the meanings of miss, what about misses?

Misses is the third-person singular form of miss. Normally, third person singular verbs end with an —S, however, miss follows a different rule. Instead, add —ES to the end to make the correct form.

  • He misses his husband so much.

Misses is also the plural of the noun miss. We use this if we’re referencing multiple failures.

  • Well done! You scored eight hits and only two misses.
  • Her movies have been a mixture of hits and misses.

As a plural noun, misses has an additional meaning. It refers to a range of standardized women’s clothing sizes, for example 6–20. You can also use misses to indicate the department where these garments are sold. This is a somewhat old-fashioned usage.

  • You’ll find the camel coat in the misses section.

How to Use the Word Miss

How you use miss and its forms depends on the function you want it to carry out. You can use miss as a noun or a verb, as long as it makes sense within the sentence structure.

You should look at the context of a sentence to decide whether miss is the appropriate word choice.

You’ll have frequently used miss in your own conversations—it appears in many well-known idioms. Here are some of the most common:

Miss a beat

When you miss a beat, you have hesitated. Alternatively, to not miss a beat means doing something without fault.

  • The presenter didn’t miss a beat with his speech, even as the angry protesters hurled insults.

Miss out on

If you miss out on something, it means you’ve lost an opportunity.

  • I really don’t want to miss out on this promotion.

Miss the boat

To miss the boat means you’ve failed to take advantage of a good opportunity.

  • The company missed the boat by not investing in the latest technology earlier.

Examples of Miss in Sentences

Now that you know all the different miss meanings, here are some examples of it being used in a sentence.

  • Oh, thank you, miss.
  • Try not to miss the plane tomorrow morning.
  • Sarah missed her colleagues when she was laid off.
  • Nathan is going to miss living in Paris.
  • Fiona missed the entrance because the sign has fallen over.
  • Craig spotted a crucial mistake everyone else had missed.
  • Maeve’s sharp eyes missed nothing.
  • The bullet just missed her heart.
  • I miss having so much free time.
  • I’m going to miss David when he moves away—the thought makes me sad.
  • Who could miss such a beautiful sunset?
  • In 2011, they crowned Teresa Scanlan Miss America.
  • Somehow, the batter managed to miss the ball entirely.
  • I want to get front-row seats at the theatre so we don’t miss the opening number.
  • At school today, miss told me my spelling is improving.

How Do You Define Miss?

As we’ve discovered, miss is a word with lots of different meanings.

As a verb, it means to fail to hit something, to avoid something, to feel the absence of someone or something, and even to arrive late. As a noun, miss means a failure, and it’s also used as a title and term of address for young women, female teachers, and beauty queens.

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Other forms: missed; missing; misses

To miss is to fail to do or sense something, or to be without. If you miss all your free throws, your basketball team probably won’t miss you if you skip a game.

The verb form of miss stems from the Old English missan “fail to hit what was aimed at,” while the noun form of miss, meaning a term of honor to a young woman is just the abbreviated form of mistress, which used to be a title of respect. You might not miss the days when every unmarried woman had to be called «Miss.»

Definitions of miss

  1. verb

    fail to perceive or to catch with the senses or the mind

    missed that remark”

    missed his point”



  2. verb

    fail to attend an event or activity

    missed the concert”

    missed school for a week”

  3. verb

    fail to reach or get to

  4. “The arrow
    missed the target”

  5. verb

    leave undone or leave out

    “How could I
    miss that typo?”

    “The workers on the conveyor belt
    miss one out of ten”


    drop, leave out, neglect, omit, overleap, overlook, pretermit

  6. “Fortunately, I
    missed the hurricane”



    see moresee less

    type of:


    stay clear from; keep away from; keep out of the way of someone or something

  7. noun

    a failure to hit (or meet or find etc)

  8. verb

    feel or suffer from the lack of

  9. “There is something
    missing in my jewelry box!”



  10. “The child had been
    missing for a week”

  11. synonyms:

    fille, girl, missy, young lady, young woman

    see moresee less


    show 29 types…
    hide 29 types…
    babe, baby, sister

    (slang) sometimes used as a term of address for attractive young women


    a young woman who is the most charming and beautiful of several rivals


    a young woman indulged by rich and powerful older men

    chachka, tchotchke, tchotchkeleh, tsatske, tshatshke

    (Yiddish) an attractive, unconventional woman


    a dismissive term for a girl who is immature or who lacks respect


    an Irish girl

    bird, chick, dame, doll, skirt

    informal terms for a (young) woman


    a young woman in the 1920s who flaunted her unconventional conduct and dress


    alliterative term for girl (or woman)


    a girl of impish appeal

    Gibson girl

    the idealized American girl of the 1890s as pictured by C. D. Gibson

    jeune fille, lass, lassie, young girl

    a girl or young woman who is unmarried

    maid, maiden

    an unmarried girl (especially a virgin)

    May queen, queen of the May

    the girl chosen queen of a May Day festival


    a girl who works in a mill

    party girl

    an attractive young woman hired to attend parties and entertain men


    a beautiful and graceful girl

    ring girl

    a young woman who holds up cards indicating the number of the next round at prize fights


    (a literary reference to) a pretty young girl

    sex bomb, sex kitten, sexpot

    a young woman who is thought to have sex appeal

    shop girl

    a young female shop assistant


    a pert or flirtatious young girl

    sweater girl

    a girl with an attractive bust who wears tight sweaters

    hoyden, romp, tomboy

    a girl who behaves in a boyish manner

    valley girl

    a fashionable girl who grew up in the San Fernando Valley

    working girl

    a young woman who is employed

    bobby-socker, bobbysoxer

    an adolescent girl wearing bobby socks (common in the 1940s)

    damoiselle, damosel, damozel, damsel, demoiselle

    a young unmarried woman


    a sexually precocious young girl

    type of:

    adult female, woman

    an adult female person (as opposed to a man)

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘miss’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Vocabulary.com or its editors.
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Английское произношение:

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Today we are going to “miss” things!

Сегодня мы будем «терять, пропускать» разные вещи (предметы, явления)!

“Miss” is a word which we can use in several different ways. Here are some of them.

Слово «miss» имеет несколько разных употреблений. Вот примеры.

Kevin is at a football match. United, the team which he supports, is losing 1-0, and there is only five minutes before the final whistle.

Кевин находится на футбольном матче. Команда «Юнайтед», за которую он болеет, проигрывает со счётом 1-0, и до финального свистка остаётся всего 5 минут.

Then United’s star striker gets the ball. He runs down the field, past one, two, three of the players from the other team.

И тут мяч попадает к лучшему бомбардиру «Юнайтед». Он бежит через поле, обходит одного, другого, третьего соперника.

Now he is only 10 meters from the goal. He kicks. Does he score a goal? No, he misses.

Вот уже от гола его отделяет всего 10 метров. Он бьёт. Забивает гол? Нет, он промахивается (misses).

The ball goes over the cross-bar. Kevin groans and buries his head in his hands. United have scored only three goals since Christmas.

Мяч летит выше ворот. Кевин со стоном отчаяния обхватывает голову руками. С рождества его команда «Юнайтед» забила всего три гола!

You can miss other things too. You can miss your English class – that means, you do not go to your English class.

Можно упускать (miss) и другие вещи. Вы можете пропустить занятия по английскому языку — то есть не ходить на них.

Perhaps you are ill. Perhaps you forgot to do your homework. You can miss a meal.

Например, по болезни. Или из-за того, что не сделали домашнего задания. Можно пропустить еду (приём пищи).

If you wake up late, perhaps you rush out of the house without eating anything. You miss your breakfast.

Если вы утром встаёте поздно, то выбегаете из дому, ничего не поев. Вы пропускаете завтрак (остаётесь без завтрака).

And, of course, you can miss a bus or a train, if you arrive too late at the station.

И конечно, можно пропустить автобус или поезд, если прийти на станцию слишком поздно.

Here is another way of using the word “miss”. Imagine you have come to England for three months to learn English.

Вот ещё один способ использования слова «miss». Представьте себе, что вы приехали на три месяца в Англию изучать английский язык.

Here are probably lots of things about England that you like. But there are probably some things as well that make you sad or anxious.

Вероятно, в Англии вам многое понравилось. Но кое-что может испортить вам настроение, вызвать тревогу.

Perhaps you miss your friends – you would like to be able to meet them and chat to them.

Например, вы скучаете (miss) по своим друзьям — вам хочется встретиться с ними и поболтать.

Perhaps you miss the food of your country – English food is awful! And perhaps you miss hearing people speaking your own language.

Или же вы скучаете по привычной еде — английская кухня (еда) ужасна! Или же вы можете скучать по звукам родной речи.

Now lets look at the word “missing”. If something is missing, it is not where it should be. It is gone.

А теперь рассмотрим слово «missing«. Оно означает, что вещь исчезла, её нет на привычном месте. Вы не можете её найти.

Joanne’s niece Sarah is seven years old. Her milk teeth (that is, her baby teeth) have started to fall out and her adult teeth have started to grow.

Племяннице Джоан, Саре, семь лет. У неё начали выпадать молочные зубы и вместо них вырастать «взрослые».

At the moment, she has a big hole where her front teeth should be. She has two front teeth missing.

Сейчас вместо передних зубов у неё большая дыра. У неё не хватает (missing) двух передних зубов.

Joanne is shopping in the supermarket. At the till, she gets out her purse to pay. She looks in her purse.

Джоан пришла за покупками в супермаркет. У кассы она достаёт кошелёк, смотрит в него.

“That is strange,” she says to herself. “I am sure that I had a £10 note. The £10 is missing. Did I loose it? Did someone steal it?”

«Странно», — говорит она про себя — «Я уверена, что у меня была банкнота в 10 фунтов. Но 10 фунтов исчезли. Может, я их потеряла? Может, их украли?»

Then she remembers. She spent the £10 note yesterday.

Потом она вспоминает, что потратила эти 10 фунтов вчера.

It is not just money or teeth which can be missing. People can be missing, too. Every year in Britain, the police deal with over 200,000 cases of missing people, or missing persons.

Пропасть, могут не только деньги или зубы. Пропадать могут и люди. Ежегодно в Британии полиция расследует более 200 тысяч дел о пропаже людей.

What sort of people go missing? Many of them are children or young people. Perhaps they had an argument with their parents, and ran away from home without saying where they were going. Perhaps they were frightened, or badly treated.

Какие люди пропадают? Среди них много детей и молодёжи. Например, поссорились с родителями и убежали из дому, никому не сказав. А может, были напуганы или их обижали.

Adults can be missing too. If you are an adult, you can leave home if you want to. You can run away from your family and your job without saying where you are going.

Пропадают и взрослые люди. Взрослый может уйти из дому, когда пожелает. Может убежать от семьи или от работы, никому не сказав.

It may not be a responsible thing to do, but it is not illegal. Some adults gradually lose touch with their friends or family – they never write or telephone, and after a time the family does not know where they are.

Возможно, это неразумно, но не является противозаконным. Некоторые (взрослые) люди постепенно отдаляются от друзей и родных — никогда не пишут, не звонят. И через некоторое время родные уже не знают, где эти люди.

Some missing adults are people with drugs problems or mental health problems.

Порой пропадают люди, употребляющие наркотики, или душевнобольные.

Happily, most missing persons are not missing for ever. Angry young teenagers calm down and return home.

К счастью, в основном пропавшие люди потом находятся. У подростков проходит обида (гнев), и они возвращаются домой.

Adults get in touch with their families again, or send a message to say that they are safe and well.

Взрослые вновь появляются у родных или присылают сообщение, что у них всё в порядке.

There are charities that help to find missing people, and which help people who have left their homes and families.

Есть благотворительные организации, которые занимаются поиском пропавших людей, ушедших из дома.

There are only a very few missing persons cases which end with the police finding a body on a railway line or in an abandoned house.

Лишь в очень малом числе случаев полиция находит (тело) пропавшего человека на ж/д путях или в заброшенном доме.

So now you know all about the words “miss” and “missing”. Listen to the podcast again, to make sure that you did not miss anything!

Вот вы теперь и знаете всё о словах «miss» и «missing«. Прослушайте этот подкаст ещё раз. Убедитесь, что вы ничего не пропустили (did not miss anything)!

Peter Carter

  • Приложение 1

Когда «missing» используется как прилагательное, оно ведёт себя как причастие, например, «missing pages (недостающие страницы)» = «pages that are missing (страницы, которые отсутствуют)». Поэтому «missing» часто ставится после существительного, которое оно квалифицирует, а не перед ним:

Did you know there are five pages missing from this book?
Знаете ли вы, что в этой книге отсутствуют пять страниц (дословно — есть пять страниц, которые отсутствуют)?

Did you know you’ve got a button missing from your shirt?
Ты знаешь, что у тебя на рубашке нет пуговицы (дословно — у тебя есть пуговица, которая отсутствует)?

  • Приложение 2

Английские идиомы со словом «miss«:

  • miss out on something — упустить выгодную возможность

    He didn’t have all the advantages of a proper education and really missed out.
    У него не было преимуществ, которые давало соответствующее образования, и он действительно упустил выгодные возможности.

  • hit and miss / hit or miss — что-то, закачивающееся иногда очень успешно, а иногда неудачно

    Growing asparagus is very difficult and can be a very hit-and-miss affair.
    Выращивание спаржи — очень сложное дело, которое может быть удачным, а может и нет.

  • miss the boat — прозевать, упустить возможность, которая может и не повториться

    He’s failed his exams again and I think he has missed the boat as far as higher education is concerned.
    Он опять не сдал экзамены и я думаю, что он упустил возможность получить высшее образование.

  • miss the point — не понимать главного, не понимать сути дела, упустить суть

    What you say is true, but you’ve missed the point of my argument.
    То, что вы говорите, правда, но вы не поняли смысла моего довода.

  • miss a trick — не воспользоваться возможностью, допустить оплошность

    I think I’ve missed a trick here in failing to consult my accountant about tax returns.
    Думаю, что я допустил оплошность, не проконсультировав своего бухгалтера о возврате налоговых отчислений.

  • give something a miss — избегать чего-то

    I think I’ll give the book signing ceremony a miss. What about you? ~ No, I’m going.
    Думаю, что я не пойду на церемонию подписания книги. А как вы? ~ А я собираюсь.

  • a miss is as good as a mile — промах есть промах, какой бы небольшой он не был

    They came fourth in the league and missed promotion by only one point, but as the old saying goes: a miss is as good as a mile.
    Они заняли четвертое место в лиге и до более высокого места им не хватило одного очка, но, как говорится в старой поговорке, чуть-чуть не считается.


Указатель изучаемых английских слов и словосочетаний:

A, B
C, D
E, F
G, H
I, J
K, L
M, N
O, P
Q, R
S, T
U, V
W, X
Y, Z

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Miss (pronounced ) is an English language honorific typically used for a girl, for an unmarried woman (when not using another title such as «Doctor» or «Dame»), or for a married woman retaining her maiden name. Originating in the 17th century, it is a contraction of mistress. Its counterparts are Mrs., used for a married women who has taken her husband’s name, and Ms., which can be used for married or unmarried women.

The plural Misses may be used, such as in The Misses Doe. The traditional French «Mademoiselle» (abbreviation «Mlle«) may also be used as the plural in English language conversation or correspondence. In Australian, British, and Irish schools the term ‘miss’ is often used by pupils in addressing any female teacher.

Use alone as a form of address[edit]

Miss is an honorific for addressing a woman who is not married, and is known by her maiden name. It is a shortened form of mistress, and departed from misses/missus which became used to signify marital attachment in the 18th and 19th centuries. It does not imply age, though youth corresponds (as marriage implies adulthood).

Racial discrimination and the term Miss[edit]

Being addressed with «Miss» or «Mrs.» was frequently denied to black women in the Southern United States in the past. Mary Hamilton, a civil rights protester arrested in 1963 in Gadsden, Alabama, refused to answer the prosecutor in a subsequent hearing unless he stopped addressing her as «Mary», demanding that instead she be called «Miss Hamilton».[1][2] She was subsequently jailed for contempt of court after refusing to pay a fine. This led to Hamilton v. Alabama, 376 U.S. 650 (1964), a United States Supreme Court case in which the court held that Mary Hamilton was entitled to the same courteous forms of address customarily reserved solely for whites in the Southern United States[3] and that calling a black person by their first name in a formal context was «a form of racial discrimination».[2][4]

See also[edit]

  • Fräulein (German-language term for Miss, gained popularity due to the Fräuleinwunder, lit. Miracle of the Miss)[dubious – discuss]


  1. ^ Lawless, Joseph F. (2008). Prosecutorial Misconduct: Law, Procedure, Forms. LexisNexis. p. 1207. ISBN 9781422422137.
  2. ^ a b «Call Her Miss». Time. April 10, 1964. Archived from the original on July 19, 2005. Retrieved July 13, 2013. (Subscription required.)
  3. ^ Bobrow, Jerry (2005). Barron’s How to Prepare for the LSAT, Law School Admission Test. Barron’s Educational Series. p. 587. ISBN 978-0-7641-2412-9. Retrieved July 13, 2013.
  4. ^ «Hamilton v. Alabama, 376 US 650 — Supreme Court 1964 — Google Scholar».

мисс, промах, отсутствие, барышня, потеря, скучать, пропускать, упускать


- промах, осечка

ten hits and one miss — десять попаданий и один промах
near miss — а) попадание /разрыв/ вблизи цели; б) близкая догадка

- неудача

we don’t know whether this venture will be a hit or a miss — мы не знаем, удастся это предприятие или нет
they voted the record a miss — они посчитали, что эта пластинка не удалась /была неудачной/

- отсутствие, потеря

he is no great miss — никто не жалеет об его отсутствии

- кикс (бильярд)

to give a miss — а) промахнуться (в бильярде); б) избежать

- уст. ошибка

- (обыкн. Miss) мисс (ставится перед фамилией девушки или незамужней женщины или употребляется при обращении к девушке или незамужней женщине; при обращении к старшей дочери ставится перед фамилией, при обращении к остальным дочерям употребляется

Miss Smith — мисс Смит
Miss Mary — мисс Мэри
the Miss Browns, the Misses Brown — сёстры /барышни/ Браун
I knew her when she was Miss Smith — я знал её девушкой /до замужества/
Miss England 1980 — мисс Англия тысяча девятьсот восьмидесятого года

- прост. мисс, девушка (употребляется без фамилии и имени)

yes, miss — хорошо, мисс
a cup of tea, miss — девушка, чашку чая

- шутл., пренебр. девочка, особ. школьница; девица, девушка

a modern miss — современная девушка
a pert miss — бойкая девица

- уст. любовница

ещё 4 варианта


- промахнуться, промазать; не попасть в цель

to miss one’s aim /the target/ — не попасть в цель
his blow missed the mark — его удар не попал в цель
that’s the third time you’ve missed — вы промахнулись в третий раз
the plane just missed the trees — самолёт чуть не врезался в деревья
the bullet missed me by a hair’s breadth — пуля едва меня не задела
to miss a ball — скиксовать шара (бильярд)

- не достичь цели, потерпеть неудачу

to miss one’s /the/ mark — а) не достичь цели; б) не соответствовать, не отвечать требованиям;

- пропустить; не поймать; не удержать

to miss a ball — скиксовать шара (бильярд)
he tried to catch the ball but missed it — он пытался поймать мяч, но не смог
he missed his hold of the cord — он выпустил из рук верёвку

- не удержаться; оступиться

he missed his footing — он не удержался (на ногах); он оступился
she missed the step and fell — она оступилась на лестнице и упала

- пропустить; пройти мимо; не заметить, проглядеть

I missed the house — я прошла мимо этого дома
to miss one’s way — заблудиться, сбиться с пути
I missed him — я его не встретила, я его прозевала
to miss the flags — пропустить ворота (слалом)
don’t miss the Louvre! — обязательно побывайте в Лувре!

ещё 9 вариантов

Мои примеры


a bevy of ever-smiling aspirants for the Miss America title — стайка вечно улыбающихся претенденток на титул Мисс Америка  
to miss / lose a chapel — пропустить службу  
casual / hit-or-miss manner — несерьёзное поведение  
to miss smb.’s report — прослушать, пропустить мимо ушей чьё-л. выступление  
to catch / miss the post — успеть, не успеть отправить письмо, корреспонденцию  
to miss a shot — промахнуться  
to miss / overshoot a target — промахнуться, не попасть в цель  
to miss a train — опаздывать на поезд  
to miss the basket — не забросить мяч в корзину  
to miss an opportunity — упустить возможность  
to miss classes — пропускать занятия  

Примеры с переводом

She missed her train

Она опоздала на свой поезд.

Will you miss me?

Вы будете по мне скучать?

I missed you so much.

Я так по тебе скучала.

I missed the point of the speech.

Я потерял суть разговора /выступления/.

We felt the miss of you.

Мы чувствовали, как нам тебя не хватает.

Hurry up or we’ll miss the bus!

Поспешите иначе мы пропустим автобус!

Fortunately, I missed the hurricane.

К счастью, я не попал в этот ураган.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

I crossed out ‘Miss’ and wrote ‘Ms’.

Ms/Miss/Mrs/Mr Please delete as applicable.

John didn’t miss a trick (=noticed every opportunity to get an advantage) when it came to cutting costs.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

miss out — упускать, пропускать, не обращать внимания

Возможные однокоренные слова

dismiss  — увольнять, освобождать, распускать, отклонять, отпускать, прекращать, отделываться
miser  — скряга, скупец, жмот, бур, скупой
missal  — служебник, молитвенная книга
missing  — отсутствующий, недостающий, без вести пропавшие
mission  — миссия, задание, цель, миссионерский, посылать с поручением
missive  — послание, официальное письмо, посланный, метательный
remiss  — небрежный, нерадивый, невнимательный, вялый, слабый, разжиженный, растворенный
missed  — скучать, пропускать, упускать, не заметить, недоставать, промахиваться, избежать
missish  — жеманный, чувствительный, сентиментальный

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: miss
he/she/it: misses
ing ф. (present participle): missing
2-я ф. (past tense): missed
3-я ф. (past participle): missed

ед. ч.(singular): miss
мн. ч.(plural): misses

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