Existence of the word

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

But somehow the central fact of my life has been the existence of words and the possibility of weaving those words into poetry.

Но всё же самым главным в моей жизни было существование слов и возможность соединить их в поэзию.

The very existence of words traditionally called synonyms is disputed by some linguists; the nature and essence of the relationships of these words is hotly debated and treated in quite different ways by the representatives of different linguistic schools.

Часто подвергается само существование слов, традиционно называемых синонимами; ведутся жаркие споры относительно природы и сущности связей между этими словами, которые трактуются совершенно по-разному представителями различных лингвистических школ.

As a spoken language, some believe it to be even older than Tamil due to the existence of words which have more primitive forms than in Tamil.

Некоторые полагают, что разговорный каннада даже старше, чем тамильский язык, из-за существующих в языке слов, которые имеют примитивные формы, чем тамильский.

Другие результаты

They try to hide even the existence of these words for as long as they can.

Они пытаются сокрыть даже сам факт существования этих слов так долго, насколько это возможно.

The existence of the word indicates that the phenomenon is widespread.

Существование такого термина указывает на то, что это явление широко распространено.

And the reason for this reaction of my painful — is the existence of essential words in the Russian language, which does not need their English equivalent.

А причина такой моей болезненной реакции — это существование необходимых слов в русском языке, которые отнюдь не нуждаются в их английском эквиваленте.

The Oxford Dictionary acknowledged the existence of such words as «retweet»

The simplest option, on the other hand, allows you to check the existence of domains using words that are already available.

Самый простой вариант, с другой стороны, позволяет проверить наличие доменов с помощью слов, которые уже доступны.

Children love the sound of language long before they are able to understand the spoken word and long before they notice the existence of printed words on a page.

Дети учатся любить звук языка, прежде чем они замечают существование печатных слов на странице.

Recent linguistic fieldwork, however, has confirmed the existence of a word gangurru in the northeast Aboriginal language of Guugu Yimidhirr, referring to a species of kangaroo.

Однако, недавние лингвистические полевые исследования подтвердили существование слова gangurru в северо-восточном исконном языке, который называет так один из видов кенгуру — Guugu Yimidhirr.

We promise to offer games of adventure, action, fighting, education, logic, observation and many other, so that you forget about the existence of the word bored.

Мы обещаем предложить игры приключения, боевик, драки, образование, логику, наблюдательность и многие другие, так, что вы забудете о существовании слова скучно.

It was precisely this study of the unique occurrences of words, with the concomitant assumption that the basic «unit» of language is, in fact, the positive existence of these «word-elements,» that Saussure questioned.

Это — точно это исследование уникальных возникновений слов, с сопутствующим предположением, что основная «единица» языка, фактически, положительное существование этих «элементов слова», что Соссюр подверг сомнению.

The existence of the word proves the existence Of the concept.

You can combine these letters into words, feed them to automaton and finally check existence of some word in it. You can also search for word (one or more) by its prefix.

Из букв можно составлять слова, «накормить» ими автомат, а потом проверять наличие того или иного слова в автомате, а также выводить все слова с определенным началом.

Existence of the word «flying» in the project description is used by developers of the project to push people on their children’s dreams of the flying houses.

Наличие слова «летающие» в описании проекта используется разработчиками проекта для того, чтобы натолкнуть людей на их детские мечты о летающих домах.

Having best options, we will not take into account the lexicon of the Avesta, which is often taken by Abaev and other specialists as an argument in favor of the existence of such a word in the Ossetian as well.

При наличии лучших вариантов мы не будем принимать во внимание лексику Авесты, часто привлекаемую Абаевым и другими специалистами как аргумент в пользу существования подобного слова также и в осетинском.

The poet, giving the names of the essence of things , thereby introduces them into the real existence , fixing, stabilizing this existence by means of words.

Поэт, давая названия «сущности вещей», этим самым вводит их в область «подлинного существования«, закрепляя, стабилизируя это существование посредством слов.

The moment you understand your mechanical habit of verbalization, of changing existence into words, a gap is created.

Как только вы понимаете свою механическую привычку вербализации, перевода жизни в слова, образуется интервал, промежуток.

He brought them into existence by the Word of His power.

Hence, the existence of specific words and expressions and the facts of differences in the semantics of language do not refute, but, on the contrary, confirm the existence and necessity of a single language common to the whole people.

Стало быть, наличие специфических слов и выражений и факты различия в семантике языка не опровергают, а, наоборот, подтверждают наличие и необходимость единого общенародного языка.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Suppose I’m given a large dictionary in flat file with 200 million words and my function needs to check the existence of any given word in the dictionary, what’s the fastest way to do it? You can’t store the dictionary in the memory because you only have 1GB of memory. You can store it in the database, however querying it would still be very very slow without any optimization. You can’t index the full words because you don’t have enough resources.

Edit: in addition to the file optimization approach mentioned below, are there any database optimization? I’m thinking of creating partial indices, say for every 2 letters in the word up to a limit, I create an index. Would this speed up the db query?

asked Aug 26, 2009 at 2:46


Binary search

Assuming the dictionary has the words in alphabetical order, I would attempt a modified binary search. Divide and conquer the file by jumping to a midpoint location in the file and seeing what word is there. If guessed to high, split the lower in half and try again until there’s no file location to attempt or the word is found.

(As outis mentioned in a comment, after jumping to a file location, you’ll need to scan backwards and forwards to find the boundaries of the word you jumped to.)

You might be able to optimize this by guessing a location chunk right off the bat based on the first letter of the word. For example, if the word begins with «c» start your search around the 3/26th section of the file. Though, in reality, I think this early guess will only make a negligible difference overall.

Other optimizations could include keeping a small subset of an index. For example, keep an index of the first word that starts with each letter of the alphabet, or keep an index of each word that starts with each possible two letter combination. This would allow you to immediately narrow your search area.

O(log n)

Community's user avatar

answered Aug 26, 2009 at 2:57

Ryan McGeary's user avatar

Ryan McGearyRyan McGeary

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This is a classic use case for a Bloom filter. A Bloom filter is a probabilistic data structure which is optimized for membership tests («is X a member of this collection?»), and provides O(1) lookup. In exchange, you introduce an arbitrarily small probability of a false positive — that is, the filter will say a particular word is present, but it is actually not there. The more memory you use, the smaller you can make this probability. However, the probability of false negatives is zero: the filter will never say that a word is absent if it is actually present.

In your specific case, with 8 billion bits (1 GB) to work with, you can get a false positive rate a little better than 1 in every 1,000,000,000 trials. That’s an extremely low false positive rate. If you looked up 200 million random strings, the probability that you’d never hit a single false positive is about 82%.

This does not require the dictionary to be sorted, is highly space-efficient, and does not need a database or other ancillary storage structure. Overall, it’s probably a good choice for your needs.

answered Aug 26, 2009 at 3:04

John Feminella's user avatar

John FeminellaJohn Feminella

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Classically word lookup problems can be efficiently solved using a Trie. Unfortunately, as you mentioned, you can’t store all of the data you need in memory, but that shouldn’t stop you from using a Trie to reduce the search space. Suppose instead of storing the entire set of words in the Trie you store only the initial segment, and your end nodes point to small collections of data that are easily (and quickly) searched in the database.

answered Aug 26, 2009 at 3:07

Mark Elliot's user avatar

Mark ElliotMark Elliot

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If the words share a lot of prefixes and suffixes, you can probably load them all into memory using a Directed Acyclic Word Graph (What up, DAWG!)

It’s like a trie, but compresses shared suffixes. Whether this will be useful depends on what’s in your dictionary, but fitting 200M into 1GB ram might be feasible.

answered May 7, 2011 at 4:24

Sam Barnum's user avatar

Sam BarnumSam Barnum

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answered Aug 26, 2009 at 2:48

BenB's user avatar


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If you have no index just use a stream.

Sometimes the most simple solution is the best.

   public Int32 IndexOf(FileStream file, Byte[] ascii_bytes, Int32 start_index)
       Int32 index = -1;
           Int32 current = 0;
           Int64 original_index = 0;
           Boolean found = true;

           file.Position = start_index;
           current = file.ReadByte();
           while (current >= 0)
               if ((Byte)current == ascii_bytes[0])
                   found = true;
                   original_index = file.Position - 1;
                   for (Int32 i = 1; (i < ascii_bytes.Length && current > 0); i++)
                       current = file.ReadByte();
                       if ((Byte)current != ascii_bytes[i])
                           found = false;

                   if (found)
                       file.Position = original_index;
                       index = (Int32)original_index;
               current = file.ReadByte();
       return index;

answered Aug 26, 2009 at 2:54

ChaosPandion's user avatar


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  1. You’re going to search for a word many times in the lifetime of a process (as opposed to starting a process each time you look for a word).
  2. The file is sorted.

You could partially index the data, taking up most of the available memory: store words and their starting position in the file using either a B-tree or a sorted array (latter is more space efficient, but requires a single continuous block; also, b-tree requires you store the end position of a chunk while array does not). Leave enough memory space to load a single chunk of words from the file. Search the index (tree traversal or binary search) for the chunk that would contain the word. Once you’ve found the specific chunk from the partial index, load the corresponding chunk from the file into memory and perform a binary search on it.

If you need additional memory, you can toss some elements from the index. With the array, you can reduce the index to n elements using the following pseudo-C pseudocode:

struct chunk {
    string word;
    int start;
chunk index[];
d = index.length / n;
for (i=0;i<n; ++i) {
    index[i] = index[i*d];
realloc(index, sizeof(chunk) * n);

As the end of chunk i is index[i+1].start, the algorithm is dead simple for an array implementation. For B-tree based indices, you can easily merge leaves with their parents.

answered Aug 26, 2009 at 3:05

outis's user avatar


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If some words are consulted with much higher frequency than others then it may make sense to have an in memory LRU cache and a database behind it.

answered Aug 26, 2009 at 3:47

David Plumpton's user avatar

существование, наличие, бытие, жизнь, существо, житие, все существующее


- существование; наличие

- жизнь, существование

air and water are necessary for existence — для жизни необходимы воздух и вода
to lead a wretched existence — влачить жалкое существование
to lead a dangerous existence — вести жизнь, полную опасностей
to lead a nomad existence — вести кочевой образ жизни
the newspaper had a very short-lived existence — газета просуществовала очень недолго

- книжн. существо, нечто существующее

Мои примеры


the temporal character of human existence — временный характер человеческого существования  
a humdrum existence; all work and no play — скучное существование: всё время работа, никаких развлечений  
a beggarly existence in the slums — нищенское существование в трущобах  
to call into existence / being — вызывать к жизни, создавать, осуществлять  
to come into being / existence — возникать  
drab / miserable / wretched existence — однообразное, жалкое, нищенское существование  
struggle for existence — борьба за существование  
to lead a certain existence — вести определённое существование  
to eke out miserable existence — влачить жалкое существование, перебиваться кое-как  
the existence of other worlds — существование иных миров  
to go out of existence — исчезнуть, прекратить существование  
hymns that celebrate the wonder of existence — гимны, прославляющие чудо мироздания  

Примеры с переводом

Dragons have no objective existence.

Драконы не существуют в действительности.

Many people question the existence of God.

Многие люди сомневаются в существовании Бога.

He led a rather solitary existence.

Он вёл довольно уединённый образ жизни.

God wills our existence.

Бог желает нашего существования. / Мы существуем по воле Божией.

They lead a nomadic existence.

Они ведут кочевой образ жизни.

She began to doubt the existence of God.

Она начала сомневаться в существовании Бога.

He led a remarkably frugal existence.

Он вел удивительно скромный образ жизни.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…a barren and drear existence in a remote village…

We want an acknowledgement of the existence of the problem.

I have always doubted the existence of life on other planets.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): existence
мн. ч.(plural): existences

Sometimes a person’s spoken, and written words reveal something about their character. That person writes and says it as they understand it, which could confuse the spelling of a word. Is it «existance» or «existence»?

«Existence» means «the state of having or being, independently of human consciousness.» It is the knowledge of all forms of reality. Additionally, it is the ability to be aware of the exact presence and occurrence of something. «Existance» is a misspelling of the word existence.

The definition of a word like existence includes a lot of baggage. The description of the word will bring us answers to questions about the meaning of life and help us understand our existence. Existence is not only being real but also believing that something or someone is real. The word could also be defined as «the state of being alive or real.»

existense word in dictionary

For example, a person that believes that BigFoot is real believes in the existence of BigFoot. As such, there could be a difference in the interpretation of existence. A person may believe in BigFoot while others don’t. The same thing applies to gods and religion. A group of people may believe in it, and others don’t. These are examples of a disagreement about the word existence.

The Dictionary of Philosophy defined the word existence as «empirical reality, the substance of the physical universe.» This means that existence is something that is proved through observation and evidence. It is something that is opposed to the imagination. To put it in simpler terms, a reality.

What About The Word «Existance»?

The word «existance» probably owes its origins to how existence sounds when spoken. Take, for example, the word «substance.» The second part of the word «substance» sounds very similar to «existence.» Confusion might have risen from a similar situation. Additionally, historically the word «existance» has been used by many authors in their books. American authors like Herman Melville and Henry David Thoreau have both used the word «existance» in their works.

British authors like Arthur Conan Doyle and C.S. Lewis also employed it. As a result, for a long time, it was meant to believe that maybe the difference in spelling was due to the differences between North American and British English. To better explain this, let’s suppose the authors of the adventures of «Sherlock Holmes’ ‘ and «Chronicles of Narnia’ ‘ wrote «existance» in their writings. This would lead us to believe that it is a real word. Right? Well, not exactly. It is still a common misspelling of «existence.»

C.S Lewis confirms the misspelling in a vivid letter to the Times Educational Supplement, a British publication about education first published in 1910. Lewis defended using the word «existance,» considering there is a distinctive use of words depending on the person. Part of the letter reads: «But for the rest, who would be a penny the worse if though and tho, existence and existance, sieze, seize and seeze were all equally tolerated

C.S. Lewis questioned the apparent necessity for everyone to spell the same way. He even said that sometimes logic is more important when analyzing a common person’s writing. Conan Doyle, Thoreau, Melville, and C.S Lewis were all known to have common writing for their times. It is one of the reasons why their books reach a broad audience.

happy senior couple throw leaves in the wind

Origin Of The Word «Existence»

The origin of the word is from the 14th century. «Existence» comes from the Old French word «existence.» Additionally, from the Medieval Latin Existentia, Exsistentia; from Latin existere, meaning to stand forth, emerge, appear, and be visible.

How To Use «Existence» In Sentences

The most common use of the word existence is to refer to something or someone real, a person that exists or has existed. Examples:

  • People need to acknowledge the existence of a pandemic so they can take proper precautions.
  • A lot of people believed in the existence of many gods. I only believed in one.
  • Maria is obsessed with proving the existence of ghosts. She has slept in that abandoned house for the past week.
  • The meaning of our existence is still beyond our understanding.
  • Being loved is one of the greatest feelings of our existence.

Synonyms for existence

We can use several terms to describe something similar to the word existence, such as actuality, reality, and subsistence.

Actuality: the quality of being actual. A fact. For example, the damaging effects of the new virus are an actuality. 

Reality: the state of being real. For example, going out late at night is still dangerous, that’s the reality of our town.

Subsistence: the condition of remaining in existence. For example, a healthy planet is vital for our subsistence. 

Antonyms For «Existence»

People may be confused and think that the opposite of «existence» is death. However, dying implies you already existed. Therefore, here are a few terms that can indicate the opposite of existence: inexistent, nonbeing, and nonexistent.

Inexistent: not having existence. For example, the evidence of people getting chips into their bodies for being controlled is inexistent.

Nonbeing: absence or lack of being. For example, many people believe in nonbeings because it makes their lives easier.

Nonexistent: the absence of existence or Negation of being. For example, Your feelings towards me have always been nonexistent.

contemplating existence by the ocean

Is There A Meaning To Existence?

When people talk about existence, they tend to become philosophers and try to explain the meaning of life. We are not going to do this here, but there is always room for light conversation about existence.

Experts in psychology say that people understand the meaning of existence as being happy. Hence, people search for happiness wherever they can find it. But finding happiness for the sake of it leads to a fleeting moment and plenty of disappointment.

Antti Kauppinen, a philosophy professor from Finland, states that: «while purpose and happiness are distinctly different concepts, feeling a sense of meaning in your life can be a key factor in experiencing happiness.»

This quote refers to the need to look for a purpose to understand one’s existence and achieve a deeper happiness level—that meaning changes with age. When we are young, happiness is excitement; when we get older, happiness is peace. Experts say there are four simple factors to follow to be able to achieve meaning in existence. These are:

  • Mental and physical well-being: this means taking care of your state of mind, emotional education, and your body.
  • Belonging and recognition: referring to being valued and validated. Feeling like your peers understand you.
  • Personally treasured activities: hobbies, spending time with family, learning to spend time with yourself.
  • Spiritual closeness and connectedness: feeling related to all the living things in the world or finding mental peace thanks to religion.

The meaning of existence for a person changes constantly. It could change after a significant or minor event in a person’s life. Self-reflection is often recommended in these cases. It is the best way to find what matters in a person’s life.


Even by definition, the word «existence» brings a thorough and sometimes difficult conversation. Existence is the state of being alive and being real. «Existance» is a misspelling of the word «existence,» a prevalent one. As a general rule, we just need to remember that sometimes words are not necessarily written in the same way that they sound.

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

Asked by: Melba Friesen

Score: 4.6/5
(32 votes)

Existence is the state of being alive or being real. … The noun existence can be used many different ways, but it always has to do with being alive or with simply «being». You can talk about the survival of something as its existence, like your yo-yo club having lost so many members that its existence is in danger.

Which is correct existance or existence?

Common misspelling of existence.

What are two correct meanings of existence?

2 : actual or present occurrence existence of a state of war. 3a(1) : the totality of existent things. (2) : a particular being all the fair existences of heaven— John Keats. b : sentient or living being : life. c : reality as presented in experience.

What part of speech is the word existence?

The state of being, existing, or occurring.

Is existence a noun or verb?

existence noun — Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes | Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary at OxfordLearnersDictionaries.com.

39 related questions found

What is the verb of existence?

exist. to be; have existence; have being or reality.

What is the noun of lazy?

laziness ˈlā-​zē-​nəs noun. lazyish ˈlā-​zē-​ish adjective.

What does the word non existence mean?

: absence of existence : the negation of being.

How do you use existence?

  1. [S] [T] I’m sick of this hand-to-mouth existence. ( …
  2. [S] [T] A new law has come into existence. ( …
  3. [S] [T] We believe in the existence of God. ( …
  4. [S] [T] Malaysia came into existence in 1957. ( …
  5. [S] [T] This law came into existence in 1918. ( …
  6. [S] [T] Do you believe in the existence of God? (

What is existence example?

Existence is the state of being alive or being real. For example, you and your best friend disagree about the existence of Bigfoot if you think it’s real and your friend doesn’t. The noun existence can be used many different ways, but it always has to do with being alive or with simply «being».

What is the meaning of my existence?

n. 1 the fact or state of existing; being. 2 the continuance or maintenance of life; living, esp. in adverse circumstances.

How do you use existence in a sentence?

everything that exists anywhere.

  1. He does not believe in the existence of ghosts.
  2. We lead such a humdrum life/existence.
  3. My love, in dreams and destruction in existence.
  4. The idea of heaven presupposes the existence of God.
  5. It is impossible to prove the existence of God.

What is the meaning of Exitance?

/ (ˈɛksɪtəns) / noun. a measure of the ability of a surface to emit radiationSee luminous exitance, radiant exitance.

What shows action and existence?

Answer: Verb shows action or existence in a sentence.

What is a sentence for explanation?

Explanation sentence example. I couldn’t come up with an explanation that would keep him from notifying the police. There was probably an innocent explanation for the scene at the building. «I imagine I owe you an explanation ,» Mr.

What is existence philosophy?

Existence is the ability of an entity to interact with physical or mental reality. In philosophy, it refers to the ontological property of being.

How do you use non existence?

Non-existent sentence example

  1. The moon was non-existent, and the waves sparkled in starlight. …
  2. This means that lift lines are non-existent. …
  3. The administration of justice, he declared, had fallen to so low an ebb as to be practically non-existent.

What’s another word for non existence?

In this page you can discover 12 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for nonexistence, like: nonbeing, , non-existence, nothingness, oblivion, nihility, nothing, absence, negation, nonentity and existence.

Can non existence exist?

Nonexistence is the absence of existence, by definition. So, nonexistence does not exist. Therefore there is no such thing as nonexistence. To say that something does not exist thus seems to be a fallacy, since NOTHING does not exist.

Is it a sin to be lazy?

Laziness is a sin, but you can rest in Jesus at any time, even when you’re working and even in the most chaotic and stressful of times. God is offering you and me grace when we repent and ask for help with our laziness.

What God says about laziness?

» Diligent hands will rule, but laziness ends in forced labor.» «A sluggard’s appetite is never filled, but the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied.» «All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.» «Whoever is lazy regarding his work is also a brother to the master of destruction.»

Is existed or exist?

The word exist is an intransitive verb, so we don’t use it in the passive voice, and we also don’t use existed as an adjective. This rules out existed. Both existing and existent could be used with something that exists, to refer to the state of existing (or existence).

What is the verb of defense?

defend. (transitive, obsolete) To ward off, repel (an attack or attacker). (transitive, obsolete) To prevent, to keep (from doing something).

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  • Exercises with word derivatives

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