Exercise in spanish word

exercise [ˈeksəsaɪz]


1 (physical) also (Educ) ejercicio (m)

to do (physical) exercises hacer gimnasia; to take exercise hacer ejercicio

2 (carrying out) ejercicio (m)

in the exercise of my duties en el ejercicio de mi cargo

3 (Mil) (manoeuvres) maniobras (f)

4 exercises (Dep) ejercicios (m); (US) (ceremony) ceremonia (f)

transitive verb

1 (use) [+authority, right, influence] ejercer; [+patience, tact] emplear; hacer uso de

to exercise care tener cuidado; proceder con cautela; to exercise restraint contenerse; mostrarse comedido

2 (preoccupy) [+mind] preocupar

3 (physically) [+muscle, limb] ejercitar; [+horse, team] entrenar; [+dog] sacar a pasear

intransitive verb

hacer ejercicio


exercise bicycle (n) bicicleta (f) estática

exercise book (n) cuaderno (m) de ejercicios

Exercise the muscles of arms, chest, waist, back and neck.

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Ejercita los músculos de brazos, pecho, cintura, espalda y cuello.

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Exercise your mind and your body regularly.

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Ejercite su mente y su cuerpo regularmente.

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Exercise your lungs by using an incentive spirometer to prevent problems after surgery.

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Ejercite sus pulmones usando un espirómetro de incentivo para evitar problemas después de la cirugía.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Exercise extreme care to prevent hands from contacting the blade.

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Ejercite extrema precaución para no tocar la hoja con las manos.

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Exercise patience and common sense in the ejection of players.

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Ejercite paciencia y sentido común en la expulsión de jugadores.

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Have her exercise these muscles by relaxing and tightening them, without moving her arm.

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Pídale que ejercite estos músculos apretándolos y relajándolos, sin mover el brazo.

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Next time, exercise at a lower intensity.

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La próxima vez, ejercite con menos intensidad.

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Intensity: Then, gradually exercise at a higher intensity.

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Intensidad: Luego, gradualmente, ejercite a una mayor intensidad.

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The elements and exercise of democratic government.

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You may exercise the objection as described above.

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You may exercise the objection as described above.

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Statements in exercise of the right of reply.

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It’s power, not the merits of its exercise.

Well, I exercise every day and I eat right.

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Bueno, me ejercito todos los días y como bien.

Your Betta»exercise» their fins when they see their reflection.

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Su Betta»ejercitará» sus aletas cuando vea su reflejo.

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Ejerzo mi derecho a cogerme al artículo 23.

In bodybuilding, we exercise the muscle and it grows bigger and stronger.

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En el gimnasio nosotros ejercitamos el músculo y se pone grande y fuerte.

I exercise vigorously once a day despite my entry and.

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Me ejercito vigorosamente una vez al día y.

I exercise parental authority over 100 orphans, so I can help.

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Yo ejerzo la patria potestad de más de 100 huérfanos,

así que puedo ayudarlo.

Both exercise your body, but only one makes a gift in sight.

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Ambos ejercitan tu cuerpo, pero solo uno le hace un regalo a la vista.

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Let’s instead exercise our brains… and try to solve this enigma.

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En lugar ejercitemos nuestros cerebros… y tratemos de resolver este enigma.

We exercise, we get a lot of fiber, we have sex.

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Nosotros nos ejercitamos, comemos fibras, tenemos sexo.

As a student, you voluntarily and responsibly exercise your right to enroll.

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Como estudiante, ejerces tu derecho de matricula de forma voluntaria y responsable.

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Ejerzo mi derecho a guardar silencio.

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Groups Individuals who exercise their rights with the Institute.

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Colectivos Personas físicas que ejercitan sus derechos ante el Instituto.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

The courts and procuratorates exercise judicial and supervisory authorities independently.

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Los tribunales y las fiscalías ejercían las facultades judiciales y de supervisión de manera independiente.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Results: 55319,
Time: 0.0621

exercise more) isn’t all that helpful.

great for beginners ballet exercise positions.

Health warning: exercise makes you fat?

Exercise your cake decoration skills first.

What happens when exercise becomes luxury?

Exercise tracking, both indoor and outdoor.

Make time for exercise and stretching.

That was enough exercise for all!

Exercise and health gets put off.

Exercise can greatly benefit any canine.





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Inflections of ‘exercise‘ (v): (⇒ conjugate)
v 3rd person singular
v pres p
v past
v past p
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WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2023:

Principal Translations
Inglés Español
exercise n uncountable (physical activity) ejercicio nm
  Exercise, such as running, is good for your health.
  El ejercicio, como por ejemplo correr, es bueno para tu salud.
exercise n often plural (physical movement for fitness) ejercicio nm
  I do my exercises before I take my morning shower.
  Hago mis ejercicios antes de ducharme a la mañana.
exercise n (mental activity) ejercicio nm
  Chess is an exercise for the mind.
  El ajedrez es ejercicio para la mente.
exercise n (training, homework) ejercicios nmpl
  The student did geometry exercises after school.
  El estudiante hizo ejercicios de geometría después de clase.
an exercise in [sth] n (project, endeavor) ejercicio de nm + prep
  Writing short stories was an exercise in technique for the author.
  Escribir cuentos era un ejercicio de técnica para el autor.
exercise n uncountable (application, use) uso nm
  The exercise of military power is more common than I would like.
  El uso del poder militar es más común de lo que me gustaría.
exercises npl (military) (milicia) maniobras nfpl
  The American and Korean militaries held joint exercises off the coast of Korea.
  Los militares americanos y coreanos llevaron a cabo maniobras conjuntas frente a las costas de Corea.
exercise⇒ vi (do physical activity) hacer ejercicio loc verb
    ejercitarse⇒ v prnl
  She exercises three times a week.
  Ella hace ejercicio tres veces por semana.
exercise [sth] vtr (use, call upon) ejercer⇒ vtr
  The citizen exercised his right to vote.
  El ciudadano ejerció su derecho al voto.
Additional Translations
Inglés Español
exercises npl US (ceremony) ceremonia nf
  Their wedding exercises will take place in June.
  La ceremonia matrimonial tendrá lugar en junio.
exercise [sth] vtr (use part of the body vigorously) ejercitar⇒ vtr
  The singer exercised his vocal chords daily.
  El cantante ejercitaba sus cuerdas vocales a diario.
exercise [sth] vtr (animal: allow physical activity) sacar a pasear loc verb
  I need to go exercise the dog. There is a field that he can run around in.
  Tengo que sacar a pasear al perro. Hay un campo donde puede correr.

WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2023:

Compound Forms:
Inglés Español
acute exercise n (short-lived exercise) ejercicio intenso nm + adj
aerobic exercise n (physical activity) gimnasia aeróbica loc nom f
exercise ball,
stability ball
(ball for physical exercises) pelota de ejercicios nf + loc adj
    pelota de gimnasia nf + loc adj
exercise bike,
exercise bicycle
informal (exercise machine like a bicycle) bicicleta estática nf + adj
   (AmL) bicicleta fija nf + adj
  I do 20 minutes on my exercise bike every morning.
  Hago 20 minutos de bicicleta estática todas las mañanas.
exercise book n UK (school notebook) cuaderno de ejercicios nm + loc adj
exercise book n US (book with exercises for students to do) libro de ejercicios nm + loc adj
    cuaderno de ejercicios nm + loc adj
exercise machine n (gym equipment) aparatos nmpl
    ejercitador nm
exercise mat n (padded safety surface) colchoneta nf
  My gym requires all particpants in yoga classes to bring their own exercise mats to class with them.
    alfombra de gimnasia nf + loc adj
  En mi gimnasio es obligatorio para los participantes en clases de yoga, traer consigo sus propias alfombras de gimnasia.
exercise of jurisdiction n (law: authority) ejercicio de la jurisdicción loc nom m
exercise routine n (systematic physical workout) tabla de ejercicios nf + loc adj
  Mrs. Peabody hired a personal trainer to create an exercise routine just for her.
    rutina de ejercicios nf + loc adj
  Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. La rutina de ejercicios que me dio el entrenador es bastante extenuante.
exercise yourself vtr + refl (worry) preocuparse⇒ v prnl
    hacerse problema loc verb
  Don’t exercise yourself about his broken promises.
good exercise n (activity encouraging fitness) buen ejercicio adj + nm
  Andar en bicicleta es buen ejercicio para las piernas.
mat exercise n (gymnastic activity done on floor) (AR) ejercicio en el suelo, ejercicio en la colchoneta nm + loc adj
  In the mat exercise, she did five handsprings.
  En el ejercicio en el suelo hizo cinco volteretas.
physical exercise n (bodily activity: sports, etc.) ejercicio físico nm + adj
stretching exercise n (warm up movement) ejercicio de estiramiento nm + loc adj
    ejercicio de elongación nm + loc adj
  The players were doing stretching exercises before the match.
  Los jugadores estaban haciendo ejercicios de estiramiento antes del partido.
tabletop exercise,
tabletop drill
US (emergency simulation) ejercicio de simulación nm + loc adj

exercise‘ aparece también en las siguientes entradas:

In the English description:


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  • Las casas colgadas de Cuenca

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    Meet this Argentinian girl’s adorable pet llama, whose name is Llama!! This reading and listening exercise can help you practise tener and ser in El Presente, possessive adjectives, yeísmo and yeísmo rehilado.

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  • Presentaciones en español

    El PresenteAdjetivoGénero femeninoVerbo irregularGender of nouns in Spanish: masculineFamily & Relationships

    Watch as María and Julio greet each other for the first time and then later, rather awkwardly, have to pretend to meet each other for the first time! This A1 exercise can help you practise greetings and introducing yourself in Spanish.

  • Pura Vida

    El PresentePluralAdjetivoVerbe irrégulierPreposiciónMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Travel through Costa Rica with Sara to discover this beautiful country. This A1 exercise can help you practise irregular verbs in El Presente, El Presente Progresivo, general use of the preposition sobre, using para (and not por) for purpose, gender and plural of nouns ending in -e and demonstrative adjectives.

  • Rafa Nadal

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    Get to know Rafa Nadal, the world-famous Spanish professional tennis player. This exercise can help you practise El Presente and generally describing someone.

  • Salamanca

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    This reading and listening exercise about the beautiful city of Salamanca can help you practise El Presente, using prepositions, and gender and number agreement.

  • Una vida nueva 1

    El PresenteAdjetivoGender of nouns in Spanish: masculineGénero femeninoGéneroFamily & Relationships

    Part 1 of a series. Practise El Presente with Ángela who is about to start a new life in Madrid far away from her family and her rather useless boyfriend.

  • Una vida nueva 2

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    Here’s part 2 of our series about Ángela. She’s moved to Madrid and seems to be finding her feet.

  • Una vida nueva 3

    El PresenteAdjetivoPluralGéneroGénero femeninoFamily & Relationships

    Here’s part 3 of our series about Ángela. Last week we learned that her boyfriend is not replying to her calls. But maybe there’s someone else out there looking for someone just like her?

  • Una vida nueva 4

    El PresenteAdjetivoGénero femeninoVerbo irregularSingularFamily & Relationships

    Here’s part 4 of our series about Ángela. This exercise can help you practise El Presente plus the gender and number of nouns.

  • Una vida nueva 5

    El PresenteGénero femeninoAdjetivoPreposiciónGéneroFamily & Relationships

    Here’s part 5 of our series about Ángela.

  • Vida en los Andes

    El PresentePreposiciónVerbe irrégulierAdjetivoPluralMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    This reading and listening exercise can help you practise El Presente and possessive adjectives.

  • Viviendas y mascotas en España

    PreposiciónPluralAdjetivo indefinidoAdjetivoSingularFamily & Relationships

    Find out what type of housing Spanish people live in and whether they have pets. This A1 exercise can help you practise hay vs. está, modal verbs, indefinite adjectives, and indefinite pronouns.

  • ¡A comer!

    El PresenteVerbo irregularSingularPluralAdjetivoFood & Drink

    Learn how to make a Spanish potato omelette: una tortilla de patata.

  • ¿Te gusta la televisión?

    El Pretérito IndefinidoEl PresenteVerbo irregularAdjetivoPreposiciónFilm & TV

    A2 Spanish interactive reading article

  • ¿Y a ti qué te ha dejado Santa?

    Verbo irregularPreposiciónEl Pretérito PerfectoJerga/ Expresión idiomáticaParticipioCelebrations & Important Dates

    It’s Christmas morning! Our gift to you is this reading and listening exercise that can help you practise El Pretérito Perfecto and El Imperfecto Progresivo.

  • Aguas de marzo

    AdjetivoGénero femeninoSingularGender of nouns in Spanish: masculineArtículo definidoMusic

    Listen to the Spanish-language version of a song originally written by the Brazilian Tom Jobim.

  • Arquitectura y pintura en España

    El PresenteAdjetivoVerbo irregularGénero femeninoAdverbioArt & Design

    Join this art student as they survey the many notable works of art and architectural marvels of Spain. This exercise can help you practise El Presente, using the preposition «de» with nouns for description, possessive adjectives, the regular adverbs, ir and ser in the preterite and tener in the preterite.

  • Ciudadanía española: la experiencia de María Virginia

    AdjetivoPluralPreposiciónVerbo irregularSingularImmigration & Citizenship

    Listen to María Virginia’s experience of applying for Spanish nationality and, in particular, the types of questions that came up in the General Culture exam. This A2 exercise can help you practise El Indefinido, El Imperfecto, and the use and position of the preposition de for descriptions.

  • Cómo escribir un correo electrónico formal

    Género femeninoPreposiciónGerundio/Spanish present participleAdverbioPor or Para?Employment

    Read and listen to this text describing how to write a formal email.

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    PreposiciónEl PresentePluralVerbo irregularAdjetivoMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Join us as we travel around Peru in this new series! This A2 exercise can help you practise Ser vs Estar, Por vs Para, El Pretérito Indefinido and El Futuro Próximo.

  • De mochilero por Perú 2

    PreposiciónAdjetivoEl PresenteGénero femeninoEl Pretérito IndefinidoMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    It’s time for part two of our trip round Peru! This exercise can help you practise El Pretérito Indefinido, gender of nouns with specific endings and quantitative adjectives.

  • De mochilero por Perú 3

    PreposiciónAdjetivoGénero femeninoAdverbioPluralMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Get ready for the final part of our trip round Peru! Last stop: Cusco. This exercise can help you practise exclamatory sentences with qué, El Pretérito Indefinido, quantitative adjectives and the gender of words with specific word endings.

  • El concierto de Aranjuez

    El PresentePreposiciónAdjetivoGéneroPluralMusic

    Learn about this beautiful guitar concerto, written by Joaquín Rodrigo while you practise El Futuro Próximo and the gender and number of nouns that do not end in -o/-a.

  • El día de engañar en Menorca

    PreposiciónAdjetivoPor or Para?El PresenteAdjetivo indefinidoCelebrations & Important Dates

    Did you know that the Spanish-speaking world doesn’t celebrate April Fool’s Day? For Spain and Latin America «prank day» is on 28 December: El día de los inocentes. But, there is ONE place that DOES celebrate April Fool’s Day, and that’s Menorca. Find out why!

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    El Pretérito IndefinidoRegularEl Pretérito ImperfectoVerbos regulares -er (presente)AdjetivoMusic

    A2 Spanish interactive reading article

  • Estamos hechas la una para la otra

    El PresentePreposiciónGender of nouns in Spanish: masculinePluralVerbo irregularFamily & Relationships

    Some friendships were just meant to be! This A2 exercise can help you practise using yo también and yo tampoco.

  • Francisco Salzillo

    El Pretérito IndefinidoAdjetivoVerbo irregularPluralEl PresenteArt & DesignCelebrations & Important Dates

    Francisco Salzillo was a celebrated Spanish Baroque sculptor who lived and worked in the 18th century. This A2 exercise can help you regular and irregular verbs in the Spanish preterite, the position of direct object pronouns and feminine nouns.

  • Haciendo la compra a mis mayores

    El PresentePreposiciónAdjetivoPluralGéneroFamily & Relationships

    This reading and listening exercise can help you practise El Pretérito Perfecto.

  • Halloween en España

    El PresentePreposiciónAdjetivoPluralSingularCelebrations & Important Dates

    Halloween is here so let’s all have a spooky time in Spain! This A2 exercise can help you practise indefinite adjectives, the gender of nouns and adjectives that don’t end in -o or -a, and prepositions.

  • Julieta, a film by Pedro Almodóvar

    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierEl Pretérito IndefinidoPreposiciónAdjetivoFilm & TV

    Pedro Almodóvar is Spain’s most successful film director of international renown. His quirky screenplays focus on pop culture, desire, passion, and strong female characters.

  • La Carrera de Reyes en San Pablo

    PreposiciónAdjetivoPluralEl PresenteSingularCelebrations & Important Dates

    Discover this fascinating Epiphany tradition that takes place in the Peruvian town of San Pablo. This A2 exercise can help you practise the gender of nouns and adjectives that don’t end in -a or -o, possessive adjectives and the near future

  • La cuesta de enero

    AdjetivoAdjetivo indefinidoLe Présent (Indicatif)ComparativoVerbos con cambio ortográfico e > i (presente)Celebrations & Important Dates

    The new year is here and with it annual price hikes. Learn about the uphill struggle known as «La cuesta de enero» with this A2 reading and listening exercise.

  • La fiesta de la independencia

    PluralAdjetivoPreposiciónEl Pretérito IndefinidoNombreMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Learn some of the history behind the many independence day celebrations that take place in September in Latin American countries. This exercise can help you practise El Pretérito Imperfecto, indefinite adjectives, El Pretérito Indefinido, the gender of nouns that don’t end in -o or -a, and how to use Roman numerals in Spanish.

  • La historia del ceviche

    El Pretérito IndefinidoVerbo irregularEl Pretérito ImperfectoAdjetivoPreposiciónFood & Drink

    A2 Spanish interactive reading article

  • La noche de las velas de Pedraza

    PluralEl Pretérito ImperfectoRegularPreposiciónAdjetivoMonuments, Tourism & VacationsCelebrations & Important Dates

    Visit this picturesque Segovian village by candlelight and practise El Pretérito Indefinido and El Pretérito Imperfecto.

  • La Roja baila

    El PresentePreposiciónVerbo irregularGender of nouns in Spanish: masculineGénero femeninoMusicSports & Leisure

    This reading and listening exercise is based on a song by the Spanish national football team.

  • La vendimia

    Verbo irregularEl Pretérito IndefinidoPreposiciónEl Pretérito ImperfectoEl PresenteFood & DrinkCelebrations & Important Dates

    Listen to this story about how one group of friends spent their time in the town of Jeréz de la Frontera during the annual grape harvest. This reading and listening exercise can help you practise El Pretérito Indefinido and El Pretérito Imperfecto.

  • Las tunas en el día de la Inmaculada

    AdjetivoEl PresentePluralGénero femeninoAdjetivo invariableMusic

    This reading and listening exercise is about the Spanish tradition of Las Tunas.

  • Los novios 5: final feliz

    El Pretérito IndefinidoEl Pretérito ImperfectoVerbo irregularRegularPronombre indefinidoFamily & Relationships

    After all they’ve been through, find out how it all turns our for Susana and Alfredo while you practise past tenses.

  • Martes y Trece — supersticiones

    El PresenteVerbo irregularLe Subjonctif PrésentAdjetivoPronombreCelebrations & Important Dates

    This exercise is about superstitions in Spain.

  • Mejorando mi español con Kwiziq

    PreposiciónJerga/ Expresión idiomáticaAdjetivoAdjetivo indefinidoPronombre indefinidoLanguage & Education

    This A2 exercise can help you practise El Pretérito Perfecto and indefinite pronouns.

  • Mi día en Ecuador

    El PresenteAdjetivoGénero femeninoPreposiciónVerbos con cambio ortográfico o > ue (presente)Family & Relationships

    Spend a day in Ecuador while practising regular and stem-changing verbs in El Presente, telling time, using para for purpose and the gender of nouns that don’t end in -o or -a.

  • Mi hermana

    PluralAdjetivoSingularEl PresenteGéneroFamily & Relationships

    Practise muy vs mucho, plus using tener and ser to describe people.

  • Narcisos

    El PresenteVerbo irregularAdjetivoGénero femeninoGender of nouns in Spanish: masculineSports & Leisure

    Let’s take a look at a flower that really heralds springtime! This A2 can help you practise irregular verbs in El Presente and the general use of prepositions.

  • No está lejos

    PreposiciónInfinitivoAdverbioJerga/ Expresión idiomáticaNombreMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Have you ever visited the Spanish city of Zaragoza? Practise directions and prepositions like desde/de/hasta/a for «from/to».

  • No tengo miedo — Halloween song

    El PresenteEl Pretérito ImperfectoPluralVerbo irregularSingularMusic

    It’s Halloween! How about practising your Spanish with this cute song?

  • Nuestra gran aventura de verano 1

    El PresenteAdjetivoPluralVerbo irregularSingularMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Meet Marian and Tania who are celebrating the end of exams by taking a break in the village of Tania’s grandparents. Part 1 of a series.

  • Orgullosa de mis hijos

    AdjetivoVerbo irregularEl Futuro SimplePronombre de complemento indirectoGénero femeninoFamily & Relationships

    Here’s a short vignette narrated by a mother about her two sons.

  • Razones por las que aprender español

    AdjetivoPreposiciónGéneroPluralEl PresenteLanguage & Education

    We know you are already converted and know hundreds of reasons why learning Spanish is the way to go! But read on, just in case you need some extra incentives! This exercise can help you practise indirect object pronouns, indirect object pronouns and using indefinite pronouns.

  • Santiago Calatrava

    PreposiciónAdjetivoVerbo irregularEl Pretérito IndefinidoPluralArt & Design

    Discover the life and some of the most iconic works of Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava. This A2 exercise can help you practise El Indefinido and forming ordinal numbers in Spanish.

  • Ser perro durante la pandemia

    El PresenteEl Pretérito ImperfectoVerbo irregularVerbos regulares -ar (presente)Jerga/ Expresión idiomáticaFamily & Relationships

    A2 Spanish interactive reading article

  • Song «Mediterráneo» by Ana Belén and Joan Manuel Serrat

    El PresenteGender of nouns in Spanish: masculineAdjetivoVerbos con cambio ortográfico e > ie (presente)SingularMusic

    This reading and listening exercise is based on the lyrics of the Spanish song Mediterráneo written by singer-songwriter Joan Manuel Serrat.

  • Súbeme la radio — Enrique Iglesias

    El PresenteGerundio/Spanish present participlePronombreAdjetivoVerbo irregularMusic

    This reading and listening exercise is based on the song Súbeme La Radio by Enrique Iglesias. It can help you practise El Imperative and El Presente.

  • Swimmy, el AirBnb de las piscinas

    PreposiciónEl PresentePluralPor or Para?SingularMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Did you know that you can rent out your swimming pool the same way you can rent out a room or your home? This exercise can help you practise using the near future and the general use of the preposition en.

  • Un Halloween diferente

    AdjetivoPreposiciónVerbo irregularJerga/ Expresión idiomáticaAdjetivo posesivoCelebrations & Important Dates

    This Halloween-themed reading and listening exercise can help you practise El Pretérito Perfecto, El Futuro Próximo and Halloween vocabulary.

  • Un sábado con Edu

    PreposiciónAdjetivoGénero femeninoJerga/ Expresión idiomáticaEl PresenteFamily & Relationships

    It’s Saturday and hopefully Celeste’s day is going to work out exactly as she has planned! This A2 exercise can help you practise El Indefinido with completed actions, El Futuro Próximo, and the use and position of direct object pronouns.

  • Una cita a ciegas

    El Pretérito IndefinidoVerbe irrégulierPreposiciónAdjetivoIrregulares en Indefinido/mismas terminacionesFamily & Relationships

    Have you ever been on a disastrous blind date? This A2 exercise can help you practise El Pretérito Imperfecto and El Pretérito Indefinido.

  • V Centenario de la primera vuelta al mundo

    PreposiciónVerbo irregularAdjetivoPluralEl Pretérito IndefinidoPolitics, History & Economics

    Discover what happened 500 years ago when the first circumnavigation of the world took place. This A2 exercise can help you practise El Indefinido, El Pretérito Imperfecto, direct object pronouns and indefinite adjectives.

  • ¿Harás caso a todo lo que se dice? Coca-Cola Light advert

    El PresentePluralAdjetivoSingularArtículo definidoFilm & TV

    This advert for Coca-Cola Light can help you practise El Imperativo and El Futuro.

  • ¿Qué harías en Bilbao?

    El PresenteVerbo irregularPluralAdjetivoGéneroMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Learn about the delights of the Basque city of Bilbao while practising El Condicional.

  • ¿Sabías cuál es el origen del turrón?

    El PresenteAdjetivoGénero femeninoGender of nouns in Spanish: masculineVerbo irregularFood & Drink

    Discover the traditional Spanish Christmas nougat called turrón.

  • 23-F: Coup d’Etat in Spain

    El PresenteAdjetivoVerbe irrégulierAdverbioGénero femeninoPolitics, History & Economics

    This exercise is based on events that occurred on 23 February 1981, when Lieutenant-Colonel Tejero led 200 civil guards in a coup d’État against the recently-formed Spanish democracy.

  • Algo inesperado

    Verbo irregularAdjetivoEl Pretérito IndefinidoEl Pretérito ImperfectoPluralMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Have an unexpected encounter on the beach while practising El Imperfecto and El Indefinido and introduces El Pluscuamperfecto.

  • Almudena Grandes

    El Pretérito IndefinidoAdjetivoVerbo irregularEl Pretérito ImperfectoJerga/ Expresión idiomáticaLiterature, Poetry, Theatre

    Find out more about her life and work of author Almudena Grandes with this B1 reading and listening exercise that can help you practise the pasiva refleja, El Pretérito indefinido and El Pretérito imperfecto.

  • Atletismo

    Jerga/ Expresión idiomáticaPerífrasis verbalGerundio/Spanish present participlePronombre de complemento indirectoParticipe passé

    How sporty are you? This reading and listening exercise about athletics can help you practise verbal periphrasis

  • Aulas virtuales

    Verbo irregularEl Presente de SubjuntivoEl Futuro SimpleParticipioPronombre de complemento indirectoLanguage & Education

    This reading and listening exercise can help you practise El Futuro Simple, El Condicional Simple and some expressions followed by El Subjuntivo.

  • Campana sobre campana

    El PresenteAdverbio interrogativoWritten accents in SpanishAdjetivoPronombre de complemento indirectoCelebrations & Important DatesMusic

    The Christmas bells are ringing with this B1 reading and listening exercise that can help you practise the position of pronouns, diminutives and written accents.

  • Canción bonita

    Jerga/ Expresión idiomáticaPronombre de complemento indirectoNombreEl Pretérito IndefinidoPronombre relativoMusic

    Listen to this duet by Ricky Martín and Carlos Vives which is a celebration of Puerto Rico. This B1 exercise can help you practise si followed by present indicative + main clause and position of Spanish direct and indirect object pronouns with infinitive/gerund and affirmative commands.

  • Celebrando Acción de Gracias

    El Presente de SubjuntivoModo subjuntivoAdjetivoPreposiciónExpresión idiomática con «estar»Celebrations & Important DatesFamily & Relationships

    B1 Spanish interactive reading article

  • Cómo hacer un presupuesto para tu pequeña empresa

    El Futuro SimpleJerga/ Expresión idiomáticaEl Presente de SubjuntivoNombreVerbo irregularEmployment

    This reading and listening exercise can help you practise El Futuro Simple and El Condicional Simple.

  • Confundida

    El Pretérito PerfectoVerbe irrégulierParticipioPronombre indefinidoPronombreFamily & Relationships

    What advice would you give Sonia if you were her best friend Lidia? This reading and listening exercise can help you practise El Pretérito Perfecto for events in the past with no mention of specific date and experiences in life.

  • Cotilleando

    El PresenteVerbo irregularEl Pretérito IndefinidoVerbos regulares -er (presente)Ser or Estar?Family & Relationships

    This exercise can help you practise how to use gustar to say you find someone attractive.

  • De crucero por España 3

    Pronombre de complemento indirectoVerbe irrégulierParticipe passéLe Présent (Indicatif)El Futuro SimpleMonuments, Tourism & VacationsFamily & Relationships

    Daniel meets someone and then something unexpected happens. Are they connected?
    This exercise can help you practise past participles as adjectives and the position of pronouns with conjugated verbs. (Part 3 of 5)

  • Día Internacional de las Montañas

    El PresentePluralSingularVerbo irregularGénero femeninoCelebrations & Important Dates

    Find out why mountains are so important with this reading and listening exercise that can help you practise El Presente, El Imperativo and the position of pronouns after gerunds.

  • El Cid

    Verbo irregularEl Pretérito IndefinidoAdjetivoTilde diacríticaWritten accents in SpanishPolitics, History & Economics

    Learn about this famous Medieval warrior with this reading and listening exercise which can help you practise relative pronouns, past tenses and past participles as adjectives.

  • El clásico

    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierAdjetivoPluralAdjetivo invariableSports & Leisure

    This discussion of the traditional rivalry that exists between the Real Madrid and Barcelona football teams can help you practise comparatives and superlatives.

  • El desfile del Día de Muertos

    El Pretérito IndefinidoTilde diacríticaAdjetivoVerbo irregularWritten accents in SpanishCelebrations & Important Dates

    Make the journey to Mexico City and discover the parade that takes place on All Saints’ Day. This B1 exercise can help you practise que/ el cual/ la cual/ los cuales/ quien/ quienes (relative pronouns) and conjugating regular verbs in the conditional.

  • El Día de Muertos

    El PresenteAdjetivoGénero femeninoGéneroSingularCelebrations & Important Dates

    The Mexican celebration of El Día de Muertos (the Day of the Dead) actually lasts more than one day as it is celebrated on el Día de Todos los Santos (All Saints’ Day) and el Día de los Fieles Difuntos (All Souls’ Day), 1 and 2 November respectively.

  • El frotar se va a acabar

    Pronombre de complemento indirectoEl ImperativoÓrdenes y peticionesGénero femeninoAdverbio interrogativoFilm & TV

    An old school Spanish advert for washing powder full of great grammar.

  • El Gordo de Navidad

    AdjetivoEl PresentePluralGéneroVerbo irregularCelebrations & Important Dates

    This is about the Spanish Christmas tradition of playing the lottery known as El Gordo.

  • Granizado de sandía

    Verbo irregularPronombre de complemento indirectoPreposiciónPronombreTilde diacríticaFood & Drink

    Learn how to make a very refreshing drink and practise the position of pronouns in commands.

  • Guantanamera

    PreposiciónAdjetivoEl PresenteGéneroGénero femeninoMusic

    Guantanamera is probably the most famous Cuban song in the world. Its name means «woman from Guantánamo». The version in this video was recorded by Playing for Change, an organisation created to inspire and connect the world through music.

  • Hasta el cuarenta de mayo no te quites el sayo

    AdjetivoPreposiciónParticipioGénero femeninoPronombre impersonalLanguage & Education

    Discover the meaning of this Spanish saying.

  • La Casa de Bernarda Alba

    Verbe irrégulierEl PresenteEl Presente de SubjuntivoEl Pretérito IndefinidoSingularLiterature, Poetry, Theatre

    Federico Garcí­a Lorca is probably Spain’s most famous modern poet and playwright. La Casa de Bernarda Alba is one of his most well-known plays.

  • La Feria de Abril

    PluralVerbo irregularGender of nouns in Spanish: masculineGénero femeninoEl Futuro SimpleCelebrations & Important Dates

    This exercise is about the Spanish festival La Feria de Abril.

  • La ley de nietos

    Verbo irregularEl Futuro SimpleConjunción subordinanteConjunciónGéneroImmigration & Citizenship

    Read about a new path to Spanish citizenship called La Ley de la Memoria Democrática, popularly referred to as La Ley de Nietos. This reading and listening exercise can help you practise la pasiva refleja, El Futuro Simple, and the gender of Spanish nouns with specific endings.

  • La Pedrera

    El Futuro SimpleAdjetivoEl Presente de SubjuntivoModo subjuntivoPronombre relativoMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Join us on a very special trip to Barcelona to visit the incredible works of architect Antoní Gaudí. This reading and listening exercise can help you practise El Futuro Simple.

  • La pradera de San Isidro

    AdjetivoPronombrePronombre relativoJerga/ Expresión idiomáticaPreposiciónCelebrations & Important Dates

    B1 Spanish interactive reading article

  • Las baleadas hondureñas

    El ImperativoInverted verbs like gustarExpressing desire (querer, gustar)Órdenes y peticionesPreposiciónFood & Drink

    Learn how to make this delicious dish from Honduras! This exercise can help you practise the imperative affirmative and the position of object pronouns with affirmative imperatives.

  • Las Doce Uvas

    El PresenteAdjetivoGénero femeninoVerbo irregularPreposiciónCelebrations & Important Dates

    Are you familiar with the Spanish New Year’s tradition of eating twelve grapes at midnight?

  • Las Fallas de Valencia

    Le Présent (Indicatif)AdjetivoGénero femeninoVerbe irrégulierAdjetivo invariableCelebrations & Important Dates

    The Spanish festival Las Fallas de Valencia lasts for 5 days in March.

  • Las hogueras de San Juan

    El PresenteAdjetivoGéneroPluralVerbo irregularCelebrations & Important Dates

    It’s officially summertime! In Spain (and many other countries) because the solstice and the feast day of Saint John the Baptist are so close, the eve of Saint John’s is celebrated as the start of summer.

  • Los Novios 1: Susana y Alfredo

    Modo subjuntivoEl Presente de SubjuntivoAdjetivoVerbe irrégulierEl PresenteFamily & Relationships

    This reading and listening exercise can help you practise the subjunctive.

  • Mario Testino

    El Pretérito IndefinidoJerga/ Expresión idiomáticaPronombre relativoEl Pretérito PerfectoPronombreArt & Design

    Learn about Mario Testino, the iconic and infamous Peruvian fashion and portrait photographer. This B1 exercise can help you practise past tenses, la pasiva refleja and past participles as adjectives.

  • Mi asistente

    Written accents in SpanishTilde diacríticaParticipioPronombre de complemento indirectoAdjetivoLanguage & Education

    Here’s a teacher who’s a big fan of Kwiziq! This exercise can help you practise the importance of written accents in Spanish and relative pronouns.

  • Mi gran noche

    Verbo irregularEl Futuro SimplePronombre relativoPronombre indefinidoAdjetivoMusic

    Listen to the song «Mi gran noche» made famous when it appeared in the 1968 film «Digan lo que digan» starring the Spanish singer and actor Raphael. This B1 exercise can help you practise «El Futuro Simple».

  • Mis aventuras por España 1

    AdjetivoVerbo irregularAdverbioEl Pretérito PerfectoParticipioMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Here’s part one of a new summer series! Take off with Laura as she heads to summer camp in Spain. Will she have a great time like her parents say she will?

  • Mis aventuras por España 2

    El Pretérito PerfectoJerga/ Expresión idiomáticaVerbo irregularPreposiciónRegularMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Will Laura make new friends? What will happen between Laura and Juan? Find out what summer has in store for Laura in part two of her summer adventure!

  • Moriría por vos

    PreposiciónPor or Para?NombreConjunción coordinanteTilde diacríticaCelebrations & Important Dates

    «Moriría por vos» was a hit single by Spanish rock duo Amaral. This exercise can help you practise voseo, El Condicional Simple and El Futuro Simple.

  • Noviembre sin ti

    AdjetivoPronombre de complemento indirectoJerga/ Expresión idiomáticaGerundio/Spanish present participleAdverbio interrogativoMusic

    Listen to this love song by Mexican band Reik taken from their eponymous 2015 album. This exercise can help you practise the position of pronouns with conjugated verbs and past participles as adjectives.

  • Nuestra gran aventura de verano 2

    El PresenteAdjetivoGender of nouns in Spanish: masculineGénero femeninoSingularMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    B1 Spanish interactive reading article

  • Nuestra gran aventura de verano 3

    PreposiciónEl Pretérito IndefinidoPronombreVerbo irregularInfinitivoMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    B1 Spanish interactive reading article

  • Nuestra gran aventura de verano 4

    El Pretérito ImperfectoRegularEl Pretérito IndefinidoPronombreAdjetivoMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    B1 Spanish interactive reading article

  • Nuestra gran aventura de verano 5

    AdjetivoEl Pretérito IndefinidoJerga/ Expresión idiomáticaEl Pretérito ImperfectoRegularMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    B1 Spanish interactive reading article

  • Organización territorial de España

    Modo subjuntivoJerga/ Expresión idiomáticaWritten accents in SpanishTilde diacríticaAdjetivoPolitics, History & EconomicsImmigration & Citizenship

    Learn some geographical statistics about Spain as well as how it is divided and organised administratively. This B2 exercise can help you practise past tenses generally, idiomatic expressions and gerunds.

  • Otoño, octubre

    Gerundio/Spanish present participleVerbo irregularTilde diacríticaEl Pretérito IndefinidoEl Futuro Simple

    This reading and listening exercise is based on a song by Spanish singer-songwriter Manuel Carrasco.

  • Paco de Lucía

    AdjetivoEl Pretérito IndefinidoPreposiciónVerbo irregularAdjetivo invariableMusic

    Learn about Paco de Lucía, pioneering guitarist who founded the new fusion flamenco genre. This B1 exercise can help you practise gender of nouns ending in -ista, shorter forms of ordinal numbers and using demasiado, bastante, suficiente, poco, tanto and mucho to express quantity.

  • Películas clásicas de miedo para Halloween

    AdjetivoParticipioEl Presente de SubjuntivoModo subjuntivoConjunción coordinanteCelebrations & Important Dates

    How about these scary movies to help you practise the subjunctive, the imperative, the position of pronouns and Halloween vocabulary?

  • Premio Planeta

    El Presente de SubjuntivoModo subjuntivoLe Futur Simple (Indicatif)AdjetivoVerbe irrégulierLiterature, Poetry, Theatre

    This reading and listening exercise is about the lucrative and well-respected book prize. It can help you practise El Futuro Simple, plus relative and subordinate clauses.

  • Queridos Reyes Magos

    AdjetivoVerbo irregularEl PresenteGénero femeninoSingularCelebrations & Important Dates

    This is about the Spanish tradition of the Three Kings — Los Reyes Magos.

  • Semana de la Moda Madrid

    El Futuro SimpleVerbo irregularPronombre de complemento indirectoAdjetivoEl Presente de SubjuntivoArt & Design

    The end of January sees the arrival of Madrid’s Fashion Week. This reading and listening exercise can help you practise El Futuro Simple.

  • Sevillanas de Nochebuena

    Pronombre de complemento indirectoRegularParticipioEl Pretérito PerfectoExpresión idiomática con «estar»Celebrations & Important DatesMusic

    Listen to this Sevillana-style song that incorporates the lyrics to a couple of more traditional Spanish Christmas carols.

  • Song «La vida es un carnaval» by Lucrecia

    AdjetivoPronombreEl PresentePluralOración negativaMusic

    This reading and listening exercise is based on the lyrics of the Spanish song La vida es un carnaval sung by Lucrecia.

  • Sorolla el pintor de la luz y la costa valenciana

    Pronombre relativoAdjetivoConjunción subordinanteWritten accents in SpanishTilde diacríticaArt & Design

    Joaquín Sorolla is a Spanish painter from Valencia. This exercise can help you practise using the relative pronouns and the pasiva refleja.

  • Torrijas

    Jerga/ Expresión idiomáticaEl Presente de SubjuntivoEl ImperativoÓrdenes y peticionesEl Futuro SimpleFood & Drink

    Make these traditional Easter treats and practise El Subjuntivo and El Imperativo.

  • Una vida nueva 10

    AdjetivoEl Pretérito ImperfectoVerbo irregularEl Pretérito IndefinidoEl Condicional SimpleFamily & Relationships

    Roberto asked Ángela a life-changing question. Will she say yes or no?

  • Una vida nueva 6

    El Pretérito ImperfectoRegularVerbo irregularEl Pretérito IndefinidoJerga/ Expresión idiomáticaFamily & Relationships

    The last time we met Ángela and Roberto they were just getting together and it was 2019. Let’s see what’s happened to them since then! This B1 exercise can help you practise past tenses and El Futuro Simple.

  • Una vida nueva 7

    El Pretérito IndefinidoEl Pretérito ImperfectoVerbo irregularRegularJerga/ Expresión idiomáticaFamily & Relationships

    Part 7 of a series: Roberto is up to something, and now Ángela doesn’t know if she can trust him anymore…

  • Una vida nueva 8

    Jerga/ Expresión idiomáticaAdverbioTilde diacríticaWritten accents in SpanishPronombre de complemento indirectoFamily & Relationships

    Part 8 of a series. Roberto and Ángela decide to go skiing. It’s very exciting as it’s Ángela’s first time! However, the excitement soon turns to something darker…
    This B1 exercise can help you practise the position of pronouns, El Futuro Simple and the difference between some accented/non-accented words.

  • Una vida nueva 9

    El Pretérito ImperfectoEl Pretérito IndefinidoAdjetivoVerbo irregularJerga/ Expresión idiomáticaFamily & Relationships

    Last time we were with Roberto and Ángela there was an avalanche! Find out what happens next…

  • ¿Qué? ¿ruidosas nosotras?

    Significados de «que»Pronombre interrogativo y exclamativoPronombre relativoJerga/ Expresión idiomáticaConjunciónFamily & Relationships

    The landlady is not happy with her noisy tenants.

  • ¿Quién es la Fallera Mayor de Valencia?

    Pronombre relativoEl Presente de SubjuntivoVoz pasivaModo subjuntivoAdjetivoCelebrations & Important Dates

    Valencia’s most spectacular, colourful and noisy celebration is Fallas, which takes place in March every year, culminating on 19 March: the feast day of Saint Joseph. Each year one lucky fallera is selected to be the Fallera Mayor de Valencia. This exercise can help you practise El Presente de Subjuntivo, El Futuro Simple, and the position of adjectives.

  • Alaska y Dinarama — Mi novio es un zombi

    Pronombre de complemento indirectoPronombreEl Pretérito ImperfectoEl Futuro SimpleAdverbioMusic

    The song «Mi novio es un zombi» was released in 1989 by new wave band Alaska y Dinarama. This B2 exercise can help you practise the Spanish Preterite, using hacer with the subjunctive/infinitive = to make [someone] do something and prepositions followed by infinitives.

  • Andalucía turismo con Antonio Banderas

    Jerga/ Expresión idiomáticaTilde diacríticaWritten accents in SpanishGerundio/Spanish present participleEl Pretérito ImperfectoMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Here Antonio Banderas shares a story about an important message he received when he was in hospital following his 2017 heart attack. This exercise can help you practise the general use of El Pretérito Imperfecto versus El Pretérito Indefinido and the position of adjectives.

  • Aplausos a los sanitarios

    Verbe irrégulierVerbos pronominalesLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)ParticipioPronombre de complemento indirectoFamily & Relationships

    B2 Spanish interactive reading article

  • Aprende a decorar mesas navideñas

    Gerundio/Spanish present participleModo subjuntivoPronombre relativoPronombreInfinitivoArt & Design

    It’s time to add a seasonal touch to really get in the festive sprit! This exercise can help you practise subordinate clauses in the subjunctive and the indicative plus relative clauses with prepositions.

  • Arabismos

    El Pretérito ImperfectoEl Pretérito IndefinidoParticipe passéEl Presente de SubjuntivoModo subjuntivoPolitics, History & Economics

    This B2 reading and listening exercise can help you practise El Pretérito Perfecto, and El Pretérito Indefinido.

  • Cabalgata Feria de Manizales

    El Presente de SubjuntivoJerga/ Expresión idiomáticaVerbo irregularEl Pretérito ImperfectoEl Pretérito IndefinidoCelebrations & Important Dates

    Discover one of the spectacular events that takes place during the Feria de Manizales — an annual event every January in Colombia. This exercise can help you practise relative pronouns, relative clauses with the indicative and the subjunctive and position of adjectives.

  • Canción «Como yo» de Tonina Saputo

    Gerundio/Spanish present participleInfinitivoPronombre reflexivoEl ImperativoÓrdenes y peticionesMusic

    Listen to this poetic and rather melancholy song to practise cuando followed by the subjunctive and como vs cómo (with and without written accent).

  • Canción de primavera

    Pronombre de complemento indirectoGerundio/Spanish present participleJerga/ Expresión idiomáticaAdjetivo posesivoVerbos pronominalesMusic

    This B2 exercise about Spanish poet and singer-songwriter, Joaquín Sabina, can help you practise El Imperfecto vs El indefinido.

  • Carlos Ruiz Zafón

    PreposiciónEl Pretérito IndefinidoAdjetivoVerbe irrégulierPronombreLiterature, Poetry, Theatre

    On Friday 19th June 2020, the Spanish writer Carlos Ruiz Zafón, best known for the novel La Sombra del Viento, passed away. We pay homage with this bilingual reader.

  • Carlos Vives — Cumbiana

    Pronombre de complemento indirectoEl Futuro SimpleJerga/ Expresión idiomáticaEl PresenteTilde diacríticaMusic

    Listen to this song by Carlos Vives where he celebrates the cumbia musical genre as well as promoting the biodiversity of the swamps and rivers of Colombia. This exercise can help you practise El Futuro Simple, using ya, and the difference between decir and contar.

  • Chefs Estrella Damm 2021

    Gerundio/Spanish present participleJerga/ Expresión idiomáticaVerbo irregularEl Futuro SimpleTilde diacríticaFood & Drink

    Watch this video where Spanish chefs have collaborated with a well-known Spanish brand of beer to boost their sector, hard-hit by the pandemic in 2021. This exercise can help you practise El Futuro Simple and different uses of the gerund.

  • Confesiones de una enamorada

    Oración subordinada temporalModo subjuntivoModo indicativoOración subordinada condicionalPreposiciónFamily & Relationships

    Practise subordinate clauses while listening to the confessions of a girl in love.

  • De crucero por España 1

    Verbe irrégulierPronombre relativoPreposiciónEl Futuro SimpleAdverbio interrogativoMonuments, Tourism & VacationsFamily & Relationships

    Meet Daniel, he’s just found out that he’s been hired as a lifeguard on a cruise ship! This exercise can help you practise El Futuro Perfecto and El Infinitivo Compuesto. (Part 1 of 5)

  • De crucero por España 2

    El Presente de SubjuntivoModo subjuntivoAdjetivoEl Pretérito Imperfecto SubjuntivoGerundio/Spanish present participleMonuments, Tourism & VacationsFamily & Relationships

    It’s Daniel’s first day at work on the cruise ship and he’s a bit nervous. This exercise can help you practise the position of adjectives and El Presente de Subjuntivo. (Part 2 of 5)

  • De crucero por España 4

    El Futuro SimpleAdjetivoVerbo irregularJerga/ Expresión idiomáticaOración impersonalMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    The ship makes a stop in Valencia and the police call with some news! This exercise can help you practise past participles as adjectives, the position of pronouns with conjugated verbs and El Futuro Simple. (Part 4 of 5)

  • De crucero por España 5

    Pronombre de complemento indirectoLe Passé Composé (Indicatif)Gerundio/Spanish present participleParticipioExpressing ability (poder, saber)Family & Relationships

    Here’s the final part of our summer series! Sofia is in police custody. How will this end? This xercise can help you practise past participles as adjectives, the position of pronouns with conjugated verbs and El Subjuntivo. (Part 5 of 5)

  • Desde mi balcón

    AdjetivoPronombre relativoEl Futuro SimpleEl Presente de SubjuntivoConjunción subordinanteArt & Design

    instead of being a physical event, 2020’s PhotoEspaña will be an online event. This reading and listening exercise can help you practise El Subjuntivo.

  • Despacito

    El PresenteVerbo irregularEl Presente de SubjuntivoVerbos con cambio ortográfico e > ie (presente)SingularMusic

    Despacito by Luis Fonsi featuring Daddy Yankee was one of the hot hits of 2017 and the first Youtube video to get more than 4 billion views! Both artists are from Puerto Rico.

  • Día Internacional de la lengua materna

    Pronombre relativoPronombreJerga/ Expresión idiomáticaExpressing ability (poder, saber)Tilde diacríticaLanguage & Education

    Practise relative pronouns while learning about International Mother Tongue Day.

  • Dia internacional del libro y la lengua española

    Gerundio/Spanish present participleAdjetivoVoz pasivaJerga/ Expresión idiomáticaEl Pretérito Imperfecto

    3 April book lovers is International Book Day and also United Nations Spanish Language Day

  • Disfraz de Calavera Mexicana para Halloween

    Modo subjuntivoEl Presente de SubjuntivoGerundio/Spanish present participlePronombre de complemento indirectoTilde diacríticaCelebrations & Important Dates

    This reading and listening exercise shows you how to recreate the make-up for the Mexican Day of the Dead skull, also known as Catrina. It can help you practise relative clauses with the Indicative and the Subjunctive.

  • El cuento de mi abuelo para el día de Reyes

    Jerga/ Expresión idiomáticaEl Pretérito ImperfectoEl Pretérito IndefinidoWritten accents in SpanishConjunción subordinanteCelebrations & Important DatesFamily & Relationships

    This B1 online reading and listening exercise can help you practise El Pretérito Indefinido and El Pretérito Imperfecto.

  • El Parchís

    Verbo irregularEl Presente de SubjuntivoModo subjuntivoEl Futuro SimpleGerundio/Spanish present participleSports & Leisure

    If you love traditional board games then you have probably played a version of known in the Spanish-speaking world as parchís. This B2 exercise can help you practise past participles as adjectives, relative clauses with the indicative and the subjunctive, using prepositions + relative pronouns, and cualquier(a).

  • El Peine del Viento

    Tilde diacríticaWritten accents in SpanishParticipioPronombre relativoAdjetivoArt & DesignMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    B2 Spanish interactive reading article

  • El presidente Nayib Bukele le promete a El Salvador una Ciudad Bitcoin

    Modo subjuntivoEl Condicional SimpleAdjetivoVerbe irrégulierEl Presente de SubjuntivoTechnology & Science

    Discover the ambitious plans Nayib Bukele, El Salvador’s president, has for his country’s future. This B2 exercise can help you practise relative clauses with the subjunctive, the position of adjectives, and uses of the conditional.

  • Feria de Cuenca, Ecuador

    Jerga/ Expresión idiomáticaGerundio/Spanish present participleAdjetivoPerífrasis verbalPronombre de complemento indirectoMonuments, Tourism & VacationsCelebrations & Important Dates

    Read about the craft fairs that take place in Cuenca for its Independence Day celebrations, it’s a city in Equador and a UNESCO World Heritage site. This B2 exercise can help you practise using the infinitive after prepositions and la pasiva refleja.

  • Fiesta Nacional de la Manzana

    Jerga/ Expresión idiomáticaAdjetivoGerundio/Spanish present participleVerbos pronominalesEl Futuro SimpleFood & DrinkCelebrations & Important Dates

    Discover this Argentinian celebration of the apple! This exercise can help you practise la pasiva refleja, conjunction al + infinitive/perfect infinitive, relative pronouns, and position of adjectives.

  • Galicia, un paraíso en el noroeste

    Written accents in SpanishTilde diacríticaJerga/ Expresión idiomáticaGerundio/Spanish present participleOración condicional con siMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Discover Galicia with this exercise which can help you practise the pasiva refleja and also indicative and subjunctive clauses.

  • Guillermo, el trapecista de circo

    Jerga/ Expresión idiomáticaEl Pretérito ImperfectoEl Pretérito IndefinidoTilde diacríticaPronombre de complemento indirectoLanguage & Education

    Enjoy a night out at the circus and meet Guillermo, a talented young trapeze artist! This B2 exercise can help you learn Spanish idiomatic expressions using the word boca, practise past tenses generally, pronominal verbs, and subordinate clauses with El Imperfecto de Subjuntivo.

  • Hamburguesas veganas de avena

    Pronombre de complemento indirectoOración negativaEl ImperativoÓrdenes y peticionesVerbos pronominalesFood & Drink

    Learn how to make these vegan burgers and practise El Futuro Simple.

  • Inspiración otoñal

    Le Futur Simple (Indicatif)Verbo irregularModo subjuntivoJerga/ Expresión idiomáticaEl Presente de SubjuntivoCelebrations & Important Dates

    In the northern hemisphere the leaves are changing colour to accompany the changing season. This B2 exercise can help you practise El Futuro, El Condicional and El Subjuntivo.

  • Jorge Drexler — Hermana duda

    Pronombre reflexivoPronombreJerga/ Expresión idiomáticaEl Futuro SimplePronombre de complemento indirectoMusic

    Meet Academy Award winner Jorge Drexler, Uruguayan musician, actor and doctor. This B2 exercise can help you practise relative clauses using the infinitive and seguir + present participle.

  • La Familia Addams

    Le Présent (Indicatif)Verbe irrégulierAdjetivoEl Pretérito PerfectoModo subjuntivoMusic

    There’s a lot of spooky excitement in Madrid right now because of the new Addams Family musical! Practise your Spanish with this video filmed after the premiere.

  • La Gritería

    Written accents in SpanishGerundio/Spanish present participleTilde diacríticaVerbe irrégulierEl Presente de SubjuntivoCelebrations & Important Dates

    Every year on December 8, Nicaragua celebrates the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary with La Gritería. This B2 exercise can help you practise using seguir/continuar + present participle, decir vs contar, and the imperfect vs the preterite.

  • La herencia árabe en España

    AdjetivoPluralVerbo irregularSingularGéneroArt & DesignPolitics, History & Economics

    This exercise is about the influence of Arabic culture on Spain and the Spanish language.

  • La monarquía española

    Modo subjuntivoInfinitivoConjunción subordinanteOración subordinada modalConjunción coordinantePolitics, History & EconomicsImmigration & Citizenship

    Learn about the current Spanish monarchy and its recent history. This reading and listening exercise can help you practise the passive se with modal verbs deber/poder, relative pronouns, using the infinitive after prepositions, and how to use Roman numerals in Spanish.

  • La vuelta al cole

    Tilde diacríticaModo subjuntivoWritten accents in SpanishEl Infinitivo CompuestoAdverbioLanguage & EducationFamily & Relationships

    This exercise can help you practise clauses using El inidicativo and El subjuntivo.

  • La vuelta al cole con Kwiziq

    Modo subjuntivoVerbo irregularEl Presente de SubjuntivoParticipioPronombre relativoLanguage & Education

    Let’s catch up with Laura, the American studying to be a doctor whom we met for the first time in «Mejorando mi español con Kwiziq» (A2). This exercise can help you practise «cuando» with past tenses, «seguir/continuar» + gerund and pronominal verbs.

  • Los caballos de Sanlúcar de Barrameda

    El Presente de SubjuntivoModo subjuntivoAdjetivoPronombre de complemento indirectoVoz pasivaSports & Leisure

    B2 Spanish interactive reading article

  • Los Novios 2: Alfredo desconfía

    Jerga/ Expresión idiomáticaEl Pretérito IndefinidoAdjetivoPronombreEl Pretérito Imperfecto SubjuntivoFamily & Relationships

    More from the «will they-won’t they» couple Susana and Alfredo. Let’s just say things are getting complicated.

  • Los Novios 3: malentendidos

    PreposiciónEl Pretérito Imperfecto SubjuntivoEl Pretérito ImperfectoPronombrePronombre relativoFamily & Relationships

    Part 3 of the «will they-won’t they» couple Susana and Alfredo. There seems to have been some kind of terrible misunderstanding.

  • Maradona — Song by Andrés Calamaro

    Pronombre de complemento indirectoGerundio/Spanish present participleAdjetivoApócopeModo imperativoMusic

    This tribute to Maradona can help you practise. using cualquier/cualquiera, el Presente de Subjuntivo and using the infinitive after prepositions.

  • Mediterráneo — Los Rebeldes

    El PresenteTilde diacríticaWritten accents in SpanishPronombre de complemento indirectoVerbe irrégulierMusic

    This song, Mediterráneo, appeared on the best-selling album of Spanish rockabilly band Los Rebeldes and was the 1988 hit song of the summer.

  • Mi príncipe azul

    Modo subjuntivoJerga/ Expresión idiomáticaInfinitivoPronombre de complemento indirectoGerundio/Spanish present participleLanguage & Education

    This B2 exercise can help you practise idioms related to colours and also has instances of the letter d being omitted in colloquial Spanish.

  • Mi rutina durante el Ramadán

    AdjetivoInfinitivoJerga/ Expresión idiomáticaGerundio/Spanish present participleAdverbioCelebrations & Important Dates

    Have a look at what a typical day during Ramadan is like. This reading and listening exercise can help you practise using cualquier/a to express any, Para que followed by El Presente de Subjuntivo and the position of pronouns with conjugated verbs.

  • Miguel Delibes

    El Pretérito ImperfectoEl Pretérito IndefinidoPreposiciónVerbo irregularPronombreLiterature, Poetry, Theatre

    As well as being a famous author, Miguel Delibes was a journalist and newspaper editor. Discover more about his life with this bilingual article. This B2 exercise can help you practise El Pretérito indefinido and El Pretérito Imperfecto

  • Mis aventuras por España 3

    Jerga/ Expresión idiomáticaPronombre de complemento indirectoAdjetivoGerundio/Spanish present participleEl Presente de SubjuntivoMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Laura’s time in Spain is coming to an end. Part 3 of a 3 part series. This B1 exercise can help you practise past tenses generally, Impersonal sentences using the «ellos» form, prepositions followed by infinitives and repetition of indirect objects.

  • Ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente

    Jerga/ Expresión idiomáticaEl PresenteEl Futuro SimpleModo subjuntivoPronombre reflexivoLanguage & Education

    B2 Spanish interactive reading article

  • Otoño romántico

    Jerga/ Expresión idiomáticaPronombre relativoPronombreWritten accents in SpanishTilde diacríticaFamily & Relationships

    B2 Spanish interactive reading article

  • Quesos españoles

    Voz pasivaVerbo modalPronombre de complemento indirectoAdjetivoJerga/ Expresión idiomáticaFood & Drink

    Did you know that there are more than 100 varieties of cheese in Spain?

  • Refranes de Octubre

    Written accents in SpanishJerga/ Expresión idiomáticaAdverbioTilde diacríticaAdverbio interrogativoLanguage & Education

    Discover a few Spanish proverbs and sayings about autumn in this bilingual reader.

  • Regalos invisibles

    AdjetivoPronombre de complemento indirectoTilde diacríticaWritten accents in SpanishJerga/ Expresión idiomáticaCelebrations & Important DatesFamily & Relationships

    What is the true spirit of Christmas? This exercise can help you practise El Imperfecto vs El indefinido and the position of pronouns with conjugated verbs.

  • Resistiré

    El Presente de SubjuntivoGerundio/Spanish present participlePronombre de complemento indirectoOración negativaJerga/ Expresión idiomáticaMusic

    During the 2020 pandemic lockdown people started playing this song by the Dúo Dinámico from their balconies so much that it has become an literal song of resistance

  • Rosalía cantante revelación

    Jerga/ Expresión idiomáticaPronombre de complemento indirectoInfinitivoGerundio/Spanish present participlePronombre relativoFamous PeopleMusic

    Learn about the young Spanish singer called Rosalía Vila Tobella whose modern take on flamenco music led her to fame.

  • Semana Santa

    AdjetivoEl PresenteGéneroVerbo irregularPluralCelebrations & Important Dates

    Like many Catholic countries, Easter is a very special celebration in Spain; it’s not just a holiday weekend, it’s called Semana Santa — Holy Week. This reader has a particular focus on the use of the passive voice.

  • Solicitando un trabajo

    Gerundio/Spanish present participlePronombre de complemento indirectoAdjetivoApócopeAdjetivo indefinidoEmployment

    Read and listen to this text describing how to write a formal email for a job application.

  • Un crimen perfecto 1

    El Pretérito IndefinidoEl Pretérito ImperfectoPronombre de complemento indirectoEl Pretérito PerfectoExpressing ability (poder, saber)Literature, Poetry, Theatre

    Meet Ramón who thinks he’s just going to have breakfast and ends up witnessing a horrible crime!

  • Un crimen perfecto 2

    El Pretérito IndefinidoEl Pretérito ImperfectoPronombre indefinidoPronombre de complemento indirectoPronombre relativoLiterature, Poetry, Theatre

    The police investigate and think there’s more to this than meets the eye.

  • Un crimen perfecto 3

    El Pretérito ImperfectoEl Pretérito IndefinidoPronombreConjunción subordinanteAdverbio interrogativoLiterature, Poetry, Theatre

    The police have new suspects!

  • Un crimen perfecto 4

    PronombreJerga/ Expresión idiomáticaEl Condicional SimplePronombre relativoPronombre indefinidoLiterature, Poetry, Theatre

    Get closer to finding out who the killer is while practising El Condicional Simple.

  • Un crimen perfecto 5

    Verbo irregularParticipioEl Pretérito IndefinidoEl Pretérito PerfectoIrregularLiterature, Poetry, Theatre

    Here’s the final installment where we finally find out who really killed Pablo and why.

  • Un hotel que sea céntrico

    Pronombre de complemento indirectoPalabras agudasJerga/ Expresión idiomáticaAdverbioEl Futuro SimpleMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Set in Salamanca, this exercise can help you practise El Subjuntivo.

  • Un sueño de Navidad

    Jerga/ Expresión idiomáticaPronombreAdjetivoModo subjuntivoWritten accents in SpanishCelebrations & Important Dates

    Ever had a weird dream that you nevertheless wished was real? This exercise can help you practise relative clauses, and El Imperfecto de Subjuntivo

  • Una sesión de belleza

    Verbe irrégulierEl Futuro SimpleEl Presente de SubjuntivoParticipe passéAdjetivoSports & Leisure

    This reading and listening exercise can help you practise how to say “to have something done” in a beauty and treatment context.

  • Una sorpresa inesperada

    Modo subjuntivoParticipioGerundio/Spanish present participleEl Pretérito ImperfectoEl Pretérito IndefinidoLanguage & Education

    This reading and listening exercise can help you practise false friends.

  • Videomatón de Isabel Allende

    Jerga/ Expresión idiomáticaPronombre de complemento indirectoPronombre reflexivoReflexive verbsVerbos pronominalesLiterature, Poetry, Theatre

    Isabel Allende is a Chilean writer, her best known novel is «La casa de los espíritus» (1982) which was turned into an English-language film in 1993 with a star-studded cast. This B2 exercise can help you practise different uses of se: pronominal verbs, dativo de interés, pronouns le / les become se when used with lo, la, los, las.

  • Ya es Navidad

    PronombreVoz pasivaSignificados de «que»Pronombre relativoConjunción subordinanteCelebrations & Important Dates

    Ventino is a girl band from Colombia. This B2 exercise can help you practise forming the Spanish passive with se and using ya/ya no.

  • ¡Está como una cabra!

    Jerga/ Expresión idiomáticaInfinitivoConjunciónOración negativaOración subordinada concesivaLanguage & Education

    This C1 reading and listening exercise can help you practise idioms with animals.

  • ¡Somos la leche!

    El Pretérito Imperfecto SubjuntivoAdverbioWritten accents in SpanishTilde diacríticaVerbos pronominalesLanguage & Education

    What if your best friend was also your sibling? This C1 exercise can help you practise idioms related to food.

  • ¿Cúal es la capital de Bolivia?

    Jerga/ Expresión idiomáticaVerbos pronominalesConjunción coordinanteVoz pasivaWritten accents in SpanishMonuments, Tourism & VacationsPolitics, History & Economics

    Do you know which city is the capital of Bolivia? Not as simple a question as you might think! This exercise can help you practise la pasiva de estado, por mí que vs para mí que, using ni… ni… and subordinate causal clauses.

  • ¿Qué tipo de viajero eres?

    Jerga/ Expresión idiomáticaPerífrasis verbalArtículo neutroVerbos pronominalesParticipioMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    This C1 exercise can help you practise pronominal verbs, relative pronouns and the general use of idiomatic expressions.

  • Alquilando un piso

    Jerga/ Expresión idiomáticaPerífrasis verbalVerbos pronominalesConjunción subordinanteOración subordinada modalSports & Leisure

    This reading and listening exercise can help you practise pronominal verbs, verbal periphrasis and subordinate clauses.

  • Cartagena

    PronombrePronombre relativoOración subordinada causalAdverbio interrogativoWritten accents in SpanishMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Discover the beautiful city of Cartagena, in the province of Murcia, Spain. This reading and listening exercise can help you review relative pronouns.

  • Coincidencias — Mundial Qatar 2022

    El Pretérito IndefinidoEl Pretérito ImperfectoJerga/ Expresión idiomáticaPronombre de complemento indirectoPronombreSports & Leisure

    Check out this clever video comparing what’s happening in 2022 to what happened in 1986, which was the last time Argentina won the World Cup. This C1 exercise can help you practise using the Preterite, repetition of indirect object pronouns and you will also hear the very characteristic voseo and yeísmo rehilado present in Argentinian Spanish.

  • Comiendo pipas

    Jerga/ Expresión idiomáticaOración subordinada causalInfinitivoConjunciónPerífrasis verbalFood & DrinkFamily & Relationships

    Read and listen to this C1-level story with an unexpected protagonist who learns to love pipas.

  • Cómo distinguir acentos y expresiones de distintos países de Centroamérica

    Pronombre de complemento indirectoPronombrePronombre relativoJerga/ Expresión idiomáticaConjunción coordinanteLanguage & Education

    Could you identify which Central American country someone came from just from their accent? Watch this video to discover what the giveaway clues for each country are! This C1 exercise can help you practise Latin American colloquial expressions, pronominal verbs, relative pronouns, use of the dieresis in Spanish, omission of the letter d in colloquial spoken Spanish, Latin America Spanish generally.

  • Cotilleo

    Jerga/ Expresión idiomáticaModo subjuntivoEl Presente de SubjuntivoConjunción subordinanteOración subordinada causalFamily & Relationships

    When you’re stuck at home with a broken leg everyone else’s life seems much more interesting! This reading and listening exercise can help you practise the «se» aspectual, andar + gerundio, and expressions with the verb echar.

  • Día de Pachamama

    PronombreModo subjuntivoEl Futuro PerfectoEl Condicional SimpleEl Presente de SubjuntivoCelebrations & Important Dates

    Discover the indiginous Latin American celebration of Pachamama and practise using El Futuro Simple when narrating past actions.

  • Diferentes formas de llamar a la comida

    Gerundio/Spanish present participlePronombre de complemento indirectoPronombreEl Pretérito Imperfecto SubjuntivoModo subjuntivoFood & DrinkLanguage & Education

    Discover just a few of the many foodstuffs that have different names depending on which country you are from! This B2 exercise can help you practise the differences in food vocabulary between different Spanish-speaking countries, the use of cualquier, the position of pronouns, impersonal sentences with se, the passive se and the use of the apóstrofo.

  • El desorden que dejas

    Jerga/ Expresión idiomáticaEl Pretérito Imperfecto SubjuntivoPronombrePronombre relativoOración subordinada modalFilm & TV

    View the trailer of the Netflix series is El desorden que dejas, known in English as «The Mess You Leave Behind». This C1 exercise can help you practise idiomatic expressions.

  • El español en Filipinas

    Tiempo compuestoEl Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto de SubjuntivoParticipioAdjetivoEl Pretérito Perfecto SubjuntivoPolitics, History & EconomicsLanguage & Education

    This reading and listening exercise can help you practise the passive voice, El Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto de Subjuntivo and using cuyo, cuya, cuyos, cuyas.

  • El Guernica, símbolo de una historia

    AdjetivoPronombre relativoParticipioModo indicativoModo subjuntivoArt & DesignPolitics, History & Economics

    Pablo Ruiz Picasso is probably Spain’s best-known artist and 2023 is the 50th anniversary of his death. To participate in this special moment, we look more closely at one of his most emblematic and political works, the massive painting of Guernica. This exercise can help you practise forming the passive voice with ser + participle, using the present to narrate past events and using the gerund to say “by doing something”.

  • El mensaje de Margarita Salas para las niñas que quieren ser científicas

    InfinitivoGerundio/Spanish present participleAdjetivoModo subjuntivoOración subordinada causalTechnology & Science

    Read and listen to this interview with Margarita Salas, a renowned Spanish scientist and advocate for women in science.

  • El origen del Black Friday

    Jerga/ Expresión idiomáticaModo indicativoEl Pretérito ImperfectoPronombre relativoModo subjuntivoCelebrations & Important Dates

    Black Friday has become a date to watch for many bargain-hunters around the world. But what’s the origin of this mega-shopping day? This C1 exercise can help you practise passive voice with ser + participle and idiomatic expressions.

  • El Valle del Jerte y la Picota: una cereza única

    Jerga/ Expresión idiomáticaWritten accents in SpanishAdjetivoGénero femeninoVerbe irrégulierFood & Drink

    There is an area in Spain that grows a very special kind of cherry. This C1 exercise can help you practise la pasiva refleja, the position of adjectives, and verbal structures and relative pronouns using the subjunctive or the indicative.

  • El veraneo

    Jerga/ Expresión idiomáticaInfinitivoPerífrasis verbalVerbos pronominalesArtículo neutroMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Have you ever wondered how the concept of summer holidays came about? This exercise can help you practise idiomatic expressions.

  • Ensalada de verano

    Jerga/ Expresión idiomáticaOración subordinada causalWritten accents in SpanishVerbos pronominalesOración impersonalFood & Drink

    Enjoy a refreshing and unusual salad while practising using cuyo, cuya, cuyos, cuyas and relative clauses.

  • Felipe II

    El Pretérito ImperfectoEl Pretérito IndefinidoVerbo irregularAdjetivoParticipioPolitics, History & Economics

    Practise El Presente Historico.

  • Flotadores muy originales

    Jerga/ Expresión idiomáticaPor or Para?El ImperativoÓrdenes y peticionesEl Presente de SubjuntivoMonuments, Tourism & Vacations

    Practise using El Pluscuamperfecto Subjuntivo in hypothetical clauses, idioms with ser, and relatives.

  • Janucá

    El Presente de SubjuntivoModo subjuntivoEl Pretérito IndefinidoVerbo modalJerga/ Expresión idiomáticaCelebrations & Important Dates

    Hanukkah Sameach! This reading and listening exercise discusses the story behind the Jewish celebration of Hanukkah.

  • La Constitución española de 1978

    Pronombre relativoEl Pretérito ImperfectoEl Pretérito IndefinidoPronombreGerundio/Spanish present participlePolitics, History & EconomicsImmigration & Citizenship

    Learn about how the Spanish Constitution was established in 1978 following the transition to democracy after years of dictatorship. This C1 exercise can help you practise legal vocabulary, relative pronouns and passive forms.

  • La Erizada

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    This reading and listening exercise is suitable for level C1 Spanish students because of the pace of speech and the number of idiomatic expressions.

  • Los otros héroes

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    A look at the ordinary people making sure that there is food on the shelves, cleaning the streets and collenting the trash during the pandemic lockdown.

  • Los zumos — Eva Hache

    El Pretérito ImperfectoEl Pretérito IndefinidoParticipioGerundio/Spanish present participleOración negativaFilm & TV

    This reading and listening exercise can help you practise idiomatic expressions with «ni» and «ya». It is suitable for level C1 Spanish students because of the pace of speech and the number of idiomatic expressions.

  • Más vale sola que mal acompañada

    Tilde diacríticaModo subjuntivoJerga/ Expresión idiomáticaWritten accents in SpanishPalabras agudasFamily & Relationships

    When your love life is in tatters, who are you gonna call? Your best friend of course! This exercise can help you practise using «se aspectual», «if» clauses and adverbial clauses.

  • México lindo y querido

    El Presente de SubjuntivoPronombre de complemento indirectoModo subjuntivoVerbos con cambio ortográfico e>ie (presente subjuntivo)Verbos yo-go (presente subjuntivo)Music

    Alejandro Fernández is a Mexican singer and a best-selling Latin music artist; study one of his songs and practise «que + El Presente de Subjuntivo» to express a wish/command.

  • Mujeres

    Jerga/ Expresión idiomáticaPerífrasis verbalPor or Para?Expressing need and obligation (deber, tener que, haber que, necesitar [que])Pronombre de complemento directoCelebrations & Important Dates

    Every year on 8 March we celebrate International Women’s Day. This C1 reading and listening exercise can help you practise relative pronouns and idiomatic expressions.

  • Museo del Prado

    El Pretérito IndefinidoAdjetivoGerundio/Spanish present participleParticipioVoz pasivaArt & Design

    El Museo Nacional del Prado, located in Madrid, is Spain’s most important museum with a magnificent collection of European art. This C1 exercise can help you practise using El Presente to narrate past events, the passive voice and past tenses generally.

  • Pajarillo

    Tilde diacríticaWritten accents in SpanishModo subjuntivoPronombre de complemento indirectoPronombre tónicoMusic

    The traditional Venezuelan song «Pajarillo» is a «joropo», a typically Venezuelan style of music and dance. This exercise can help you practise particularly poetic uses of El Imperfecto Subjuntivo.

  • Pase lo que pase, yo estoy a tu lado

    Jerga/ Expresión idiomáticaEl Pretérito ImperfectoEl Pretérito IndefinidoVerbos pronominalesModo subjuntivoFilm & TV

    Sometimes when things go wrong pizza is the only answer! Practise using ir + y to introduce something unexpected and sudden, special uses of the conjunction «que» and El Presente to make requests.

  • Poema XX: Puedo escribir los versos más tristes esta noche

    Modo subjuntivoJerga/ Expresión idiomáticaEl Pretérito ImperfectoModo indicativoInfinitivoLiterature, Poetry, Theatre

    The poem was published when Pablo Neruda was just 19 years old. This C1 exercise can help you practise the perfect infinitive, using el de/la de/los de/las de and using Qué + noun/adjective/adverb + que + subjunctive to express feelings.

  • Preparando la Nochevieja

    Jerga/ Expresión idiomáticaVerbos pronominalesAdverbioArtículo neutroOración subordinada causalCelebrations & Important Dates

    Having guests over for New Year’s Eve can be rather stressful. Catch up with our host as she prepares for the big night when everyone eats 12 grapes at midnight! This C1 exercise can help you practise idioms with the word uva, pronominal verbs and pensar + infinitive to express intention.

  • Ropa de invierno

    Jerga/ Expresión idiomáticaConjunción subordinanteConjunción coordinanteExpressing need and obligation (deber, tener que, haber que, necesitar [que])Perífrasis verbalSports & Leisure

    C1 Spanish interactive reading article

  • Rosalía, song by Juan Luis Guerra

    Jerga/ Expresión idiomáticaEl Pretérito Imperfecto SubjuntivoGerundio/Spanish present participleFormalExpressing desire (querer, gustar)Music

    Juan Luis Guerra is a best-selling singer-songwriter from the Dominican Republic. This C1 exercise can help you practise using El Imperfecto vs El indefinido, subordinate clauses with para que, uses of mira/oye and the position of pronouns.

  • SEMINCI: Semana Internacional de Cine de Valladolid

    Modo subjuntivoVerbos pronominalesPerífrasis verbalModo indicativoOración subordinada temporalFilm & TV

    This week-long film festival held in Valladolid every year is considered by many as the most important festival for independent cinema.

  • Signos de interrogación y de exclamación

    Jerga/ Expresión idiomáticaEl Pretérito ImperfectoEl Pretérito IndefinidoPronombre relativoEl Presente de SubjuntivoLanguage & Education

    ¿Have you ever wondered about the upside-down punctuation marks used in Spanish? ¡Watch this video and read the transcript to learn more! This reading and listening exercise can help you practise El Pretérito Indefinido, El Pretérito Imperfecto, forming the imperative for usted/ustedes/nosotros/nosotras, time clauses.

  • Tacones rojos — Sebastián Yatra

    PronombreExpressing ability (poder, saber)Jerga/ Expresión idiomáticaInfinitivoGerundio/Spanish present participleMusic

    Sebastián Yatra is a Colombian singer-songwriter originally known for his ballads but with a breakout success in fusion reggaeton. This C1 exercise can help you practise relative pronouns, se aspectual, use of the apostrophe and omission of the final -s in plural words.

  • Teotihuacán vive el equinoccio de primavera

    Jerga/ Expresión idiomáticaTilde diacríticaWritten accents in SpanishVerbos pronominalesOración impersonalMonuments, Tourism & VacationsCelebrations & Important Dates

    Not far from Mexico City is the important Aztec site of Teotihuacán.

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    PronombrePronombre relativoArtículo neutroPor or Para?Employment

    Practise relative pronouns while learning about volunteer work.

  • Un mal amigo

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  • Un viaje a la España despoblada

    Jerga/ Expresión idiomáticaPronombreEl Presente de SubjuntivoModo subjuntivoPerífrasis verbalPolitics, History & Economics

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  • Una fiesta en Algemesí

    Verbos pronominalesWritten accents in SpanishAdjetivoGerundio/Spanish present participleJerga/ Expresión idiomáticaCelebrations & Important Dates

    Learn about the fabulous fiesta of La Mare de Déu de la Salut that takes place every year in Algemesí, in Valencia, Spain. This C1 exercise can help you practise pronominal verbs, the passive voice and position of adjectives for emphasis.

  • Yeísmo

    InfinitivoGerundio/Spanish present participleJerga/ Expresión idiomáticaPerífrasis verbalVerbos pronominalesLanguage & Education

    Watch this video and read the transcript to understand more about the unique way Argentinos and Uruguayos pronounce the letters «y» and «ll».

You can exercise these rights at any time.

Puede usar estos derechos en cualquier momento…

I’m very fat because I don’t exercise at all. (m)

Estoy muy gordo porque no hago nada de ejercicio.

The doctor advised her to exercise.

El doctor le aconsejó que hiciera ejercicios.


el ejercicio

You should take more exercise.

Deberías hacer más ejercicio.

Do a little exercise every day.

Haga usted un poco de ejercicio todos los días.

This is an exercise.

Esto es un ejercicio.

These are games created specifically to exercise your brain.

Son juegos creados específicamente para ejercitar tu cerebro.

The exercise (The lesson) is easy.

El ejercicio (La lección) es fácil.

Do you know how to exercise the abdominal muscles?

¿Sabes cómo ejercitar los músculos abdominales?

You are a little fat. Exercise!

Estás un poco gordo, ¡haz ejercicio!

Last night, we didn’t do one exercise. We did it today just before class.

Anoche nos faltó resolver un ejercicio. Lo hicimos hoy antes de la clase.

Report to the yard for exercise.

Preséntese al patio para hacer ejercicio.

Last night, we still had one exercise to do when you came.

Anoche nos faltaba resolver un ejercicio cuando tú llegaste.

They ask us to exercise more.

Nos piden que hagamos más ejercicio.

to write in an exercise book

Escribir en un cuaderno

I hope that you exercise more this week.

Espero que hagas más ejercicio esta semana.

We hope to exercise more this week.

Esperamos hacer más ejercicio esta semana.

Maybe exercise will alleviate my arthritis.

Quizás el ejercicio me alivie la artritis.

I take a bath after I exercise.

Me baño después de hacer ejercicios.

That is the purpose of the exercise.

Ése es precisamente el objetivo del ejercicio.

It was a fascinating exercise.

Ha sido un ejercicio fascinante.

This is a huge exercise.

Es una operación de gran envergadura.

That is not what the whole exercise is all about.

No es ese el propósito de todo este procedimiento.

This is not an exercise in sympathy.

No es un concurso de simpatías.

It is a simple exercise.

Es algo muy sencillo.

If we believe an exercise will work, we will pursue that exercise.

Si creemos que un ejercicio funcionará, nos dedicaremos a él.

This would be a marvellous exercise in supervision!

¡Sería un excelente control!

We are again going to have to go through the same sort of exercise.

Deberemos volver a realizar esas mismas labores de rastreo.

This truly would be an enabling exercise.

Esto sería un verdadero ejercicio de capacitación.

Perhaps that is what this whole exercise demands.

Quizás es el propio ejercicio el que así lo quiere.

We are all convinced of the usefulness of this exercise, of course.

Evidentemente, todos estamos convencidos de su utilidad.

This is a tidying-up exercise.

Ésta es una operación de aliño.

This seems a very enjoyable exercise.

Me parece muy placentero.

That would have made the exercise easier.

Esto habría facilitado las cosas.

This in itself has proved to be a difficult exercise.

Este ejercicio ha resultado ser difícil.

It has an influence over the Palestinians and it should exercise that influence.

La Unión Europea tiene influencia sobre los palestinos y debería ejercer dicha influencia.

We should at least exercise some caution here.

Al menos habría que proceder con cautela.

It is up to you, of course, whether you exercise it.

Naturalmente, está abierta para usted.

We reject this pointless exercise.

Rechazamos ese ejercicio inútil.

This custody he could never exercise.

El Sr. Comet no pudo llegar a ejercerla.

One has to exercise excessive caution.

Tenemos que actuar con grandísima cautela.

This should be seen as just one exercise.

Este vuelo debería verse como un único uso del espacio aéreo.

That strikes me as a futile exercise.

Me parece un ejercicio fútil.

Parliament is able to exercise that influence.

El Parlamento puede influir en ello.

Setting up the committee has been a worthwhile exercise.

La constitución de la comisión mereció la pena.

They have taken it on board and they exercise it.

Lo han interiorizado y lo ejercen.

We are unable to exercise parliamentary control.

No tenemos capacidad para ejercer el control parlamentario.

We trust you also with this exercise.

Confiamos también en usted para esta labor.

I believe that would be a good exercise.

Creo que es un buen ejercicio.

He is determined to focus all his attention on that exercise.

Está decidido a dedicar toda su atención a ese ejercicio.

This is an exercise in transparency, no more, no less.

Este es un ejercicio de transparencia, ni más ni menos.

They should be able to exercise their right to choose.

Los consumidores deben poder ejercer su derecho de elección.

This proved to be a very useful exercise.

Esto ha demostrado ser un ejercicio muy útil.

It is that the Commission should exercise special vigilance.

El remedio es que la Comisión ejerza una especial vigilancia.

This is a massive recruitment and training exercise.

Eso supone un ejercicio masivo de contratación y de formación.

Time is at a premium, but this is a worthwhile exercise.

El tiempo es escaso pero el ejercicio merece la pena.

It is my responsibility and I shall exercise that responsibility.

La responsabilidad es mía y me propongo ejercerla.

The key aim of the exercise has not been achieved.

No se ha conseguido el principal objetivo del ejercicio.

It cannot be a unilateral exercise, however.

Sin embargo, no puede ser un ejercicio unilateral.

This is a tidying-up exercise.

Se trata de un ejercicio de ordenación.

This is a fact-finding exercise.

Se trata de un ejercicio de constatación de hechos.

I was pleased to hear that we have had a simulation exercise.

Me ha complacido saber que hemos llevado a cabo un simulacro.

This is why we had the exercise: to identify the weaknesses.

Por eso hicimos el simulacro: para identificar las deficiencias.

It is truly a highly political exercise.

Se trata de un ejercicio de gran calado político.

This is an exercise with which we can have no truck.

Es un ejercicio que no podemos consentir.

All he did was exercise his human rights.

Todo lo que hizo fue ejercer sus derechos humanos.

This will be a serious, rigorous exercise.

Será un ejercicio serio, riguroso.

All sides must exercise restraint.

Todas las partes deben mostrar contención.

He or she is entitled to exercise that choice.

Esta persona tiene derecho a realizar dicha elección.

[ view all sentence pairs ]

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