Excuse me how is this word pronounce





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How to pronounce Excuse Me

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  • #1


I’ve been pronouncing this phrase as «Iks’gju:z mi:» for almost 20 years. One of my students always pronounces as «Iks’kju:z mi». I asked one native speakers of English, he told the first one «gju:z» is the right one. I also looked up this and tried to find some native speakers’ pronunciation, to my surprise, I found some foreigners in movies pronounces it as «iks’kju:z».

I wonder if they both are acceptable while the first version is more common.

  • Loob

    • #2

    You might find this thread interesting, Silver pronunciation: p pronounced as b in «speech» and «stupid» — in particular, etb’s post 7, reproduced below (my highlighting):

    The English sounds after /s/, as in speech, star, school, are almost exactly the Mandarin sounds written <b d g> in pinyin. The sound of /p/ after the stress, as in stupid, is less strongly aspirated than when before it (pin), but is still closer to the pinyin <p>.


    • #3

    I don’t know also whether you are thinking about a word like exit, where it is possible to say either /ˈɛksɪt/ or /ˈɛɡzɪt/. Notice that the voiceless consonants go together: /k/ and /s/, or /g/ and /z/. There is no voiced option of excuse, and so it should be /k/. (And yes, the unaspirated /k/, which sounds like pinyin <g>.)

    Another thing to note is that in speech, ‘Excuse me’ often becomes ‘Scuse me’. (Well, I do it anyway.) ;)

    • #4

    I’ve been pronouncing this phrase as «Iks’gju:z mi:» for almost 20 years. One of my students always pronounces as «Iks’kju:z mi». I asked one native speakers of English, he told the first one «gju:z» is the right one. I also looked up this and tried to find some native speakers’ pronunciation, to my surprise, I found some foreigners in movies pronounces it as «iks’kju:z».

    I wonder if they both are acceptable while the first version is more common.

    If your question is whether the C in «excuse» is pronounced /k/ or /g/, the answer is /k/. You’ll see that in our dictionary, as well as the OED (/ɛkˈskjuːs/) and I think any other dictionary you care to check.


    • #5

    Thanks a lot, I asked many native speakers of English how to pronounce this word «Excuse», and I think I’d use the version of our dictionary:

    Excuse /iks’gjuz/ (It was written as «Iks’kjuz») but when read it, it’s «iks’kjuz»

    “Excuse me” is a phrase that can be used in various situations with various meanings.  Learn the different ways to use it, and learn how to say this phrase comfortably in conversational English: what words or syllables to reduce, how to link everything together, and the melodic shape of the phrase.

    Video Text:

    In this American English pronunciation video, we’re going to go over how to pronounce and use the phrase ‘excuse me’.

    The phrase ‘excuse me’ can be used in different situations to mean different things.  But first, let’s talk about the pronunciation of the word ‘excuse’.  I’m going to say it two different ways.  Can you hear the difference?  Excuse, excuse.  Excuse, excuse.  It’s a subtle difference, and it’s in the ending sound.  If the ending sound is voiced, in this case, a Z sound, excuse, then it’s a verb.  If it’s unvoiced, excuse, then it’s a noun.

    It’s a verb in the phrase ‘excuse me’.  So, for the most part, we will be using a Z sound.

    The different ways to use this phrase.  First, you can use it to get someone’s attention.

    >> Excuse me, where’s the bathroom?
    >> Around the corner.

    >> Excuse me, do you have the time?
    >> Ah, it’s about 9:15.
    >> Thank you sir.
    >> You’re welcome.

    Because we’re using it to get someone’s attention, excuse me, it has to be very clear and a little bit louder.  So, we begin with the IH as in SIT vowel.  Ih, ih, ih, a little jaw drop.  Ex-, ex-, ex-.

    To make the K, the back part of the tongue reaches up and touches the soft palate.  Ex-, kk, kk, ks, ks.  Do you see how my jaw closes?  That’s because the teeth have to be together to make the S.  The tongue tip is down, pressing here, to put a little tension in the tongue, behind the bottom front teeth.  Ex-, ex-.

    The back part of the tongue reaches up and touches the soft palate, kk, kk, kk.

    da-DA-da, excuse me.  It has the EW as in FEW diphthong.  So, the tongue tip is down, pressing behind the bottom front teeth.  For the first half of the diphthong, the front part of the tongue is reaching towards the roof of the mouth, yy, yy, to make that Y sound.  Excu-, yy, yy, yy.  Then we have the OO vowel, excu-, so the lips will round.  Excuse me, -se me, -se me.  Then we have the Z sound, the M consonant, and the EE vowel.  So, so make the Z sound, the tongue is here, touching the back of the bottom front teeth, and the teeth are closed, zz, zz.  It’s just like the S except I’m vibrating the vocal cords with my voice, zz.  ZZ-mm.  Then we just close the lips to go into the M sound.  Excuse me, ee.  And then the EE as in SHE vowel.  Lips will part, jaw won’t drop much because the tongue is lifting pretty high to the roof of the mouth.  The tongue tip is down, but the front part lifts.  Excuse me, excuse me.

    Let’s watch one more time.

    >> Excuse me, where’s the bathroom?
    >> Around the corner.

    >> Excuse me, do you have the time?
    >> Ah, it’s about 9:15.
    >> Thank you sir.
    >> You’re welcome.

    We also use this phrase to get around somebody, or if we accidentally bump into somebody in a crowd.  Now here, we don’t really need to get someone’s attention, so we might really mutter it, excuse me, ‘scuse me, ‘scuse me, dropping the first syllable altogether.  I’ve noticed sometimes I even almost just whisper it if I accidentally bump into somebody, or if I need to slide between two people, ‘scuse me [3x].  So this is very different from the first case where we needed to get someone’s attention, and we had to say it really clearly.  Excuse me, ‘scuse me, ‘scuse me.

    >> ‘Scuse me, ‘scuse me.
    >> ‘Scuse me, ‘scuse me, thank you.  ‘Scuse me.

    We can also use this phrase if we don’t understand, we need somebody to repeat what they’ve said.  Excuse me?  Excuse me?  Here again I’m dropping the first syllable.  You don’t have to.  Excuse me?  But it doesn’t have to be so clearly pronounced because we’re not getting someone’s attention.  We don’t have to get the focus here, we already have the focus.  Excuse me, excuse me?  Notice also, the voice is going up in pitch.  That means it’s a question.  That’s the signal to the person that I didn’t understand.  Excuse me?

    >> So I don’t know what I’m going to get.
    >> Excuse me?
    >> I don’t know what I’m going to get.
    >> Ah.

    >> How about three?
    >> Excuse me?
    >> How about three?
    >> Yeah, three works.
    >> Okay.

    >> Excuse me?   [6x]

    It’s just like saying ‘What did you say?’, only it’s a little faster.  Excuse me, excuse me?

    This phrase can also be used sarcastically, as a response to somebody overreacting to something.  For example, ‘Rachel, you always make a mess in the kitchen.’  ‘Excuse me.’  Now, when we use it sarcastically like that, we tend to really stretch out the stressed syllable, excuse, excuse.  Well excuse me.  Of course, it’s a little bit rude, you would be using this, maybe, in an argument with somebody.

    >> Dad, I can’t believe you ate the last cookie!
    >> Well excuse me!

    So there you go, four different ways to use and pronounce the phrase excuse me.  So the pronunciation matters.  Are we trying to get somebody’s attention?  Then we need to be really clear.  Are we signaling that we don’t understand?   Then we need to phrase it as a question with the pitch going up.  Excuse me?  Instead of, excuse me.

    >> [burp] Excuse me!
    >> Hi.
    >> Hi.

    I hope this video has helped you figure out how and when to use this phrase.  Don’t forget to like and share this video!

    That’s it, and thanks so much for using Rachel’s English.

    >> Did you touch your mic?  You can’t touch it.
    >> Well excuse me!!


    Sorry, excuse me and pardon are three words which are used very commonly in English communication. Knowing the proper usage of these words is essential as they are used in our daily conversations.Although all three words have different meaning and usages,sorry and pardon can be used interchangeably sometimes.In this blog, we will learn the difference in the meaning and the usage of sorry, excuse and pardon in English language.


    SorrySorry is used to express apology, convey condolences, to give unpleasant news or to express regret, to ask someone to repeat something, to refuse an offer etc.

    Examples:I am really sorry, I didn’t mean that.
    Sorry to hear about your loss.
    We are sorry but all the flights are delayed.
    I am sorry I couldn’t get you. Could you please repeat again?
    Sorry Ritu, we can’t go out for a movie today.

    Excuse meExcuse me is used to grab someone’s attention, to move so you could walk past by, to go away from the place you are in etc.

    Examples:Excuse me, is this your wallet?
    Excuse me… Can I go inside?
    Excuse me for a moment. I’ll be right back.

    PardonPardon is not used as often as sorry and excuse me. Pardon is a very formal way of saying sorry. It is used to say sorry, to forgive someone for bad or wrong behavior.

    Examples:I beg your pardon, I didn’t see your dog coming.
    The two criminals were pardoned.
    John could never pardon Mona for her bad behavior.

    Hope you have understood the difference between sorry, excuse me and pardon and their correct usage. We will list down some phrases that can be used instead of saying sorry and excuse me:

    Please accept my humble apologies.
    I would like to apologize for…
    I can’t apologise enough for…
    It was not my intention…
    Please accept my deepest apologies.
    Please accept my sincere apologies.
    Please, forgive me for…
    I beg your pardon
    I regret to inform you that….
    I am afraid….
    Excuse me for …
    Please excuse the mess in my office.
    I am sorry to hear about….

    Once your concepts are clear, you can speak in English fluently by using appropriate words. Learning English will become easy if you do it with the help of examples, as shown above. Join our online spoken English class and learn the nuances of English.

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    Sorry in English — Excuse or sorry

    как переводится excuse me

    Hello dear readers! We are all human, and sometimes we do things that need to be apologized for. The Russian language is not stingy with apology words: “I beg your pardon”, “forgive me”, “excuse me” and the wrong “I apologize” — these are the expressions with which we admit our mistakes and want to justify ourselves. In English, for an apology, there are also several variants of expressions that are used in a given situation. What are these words?

    Apology in English

    The main thing in learning English is acquiring practical communication skills. All the subtleties of a foreign language are learned precisely through speaking practice. It is necessary to grasp all the nuances of using phrases. «Excuse me», «sorry» and other less common expressions.

    The Russian language, or rather our youth, even adopted the English word, and often instead of “sorry”, says “sorry”. Many also know that in English there is such an expression as «excuse me». But few people will be able to answer the questions: What option and when to use? Is there a difference between them, how does it manifest itself? How else can you apologize in English? But today we will try to find answers to all these questions within the framework of this article.

    What is the difference between «excuse me» and «sorry»?

    First of all, I would like to «clean up» the Russian language, and tell why the word «Sorry» is NOT the correct form of apology. The fact is that the postfix «-СЬ», which came to us from the Old Slavic language, indicates that the action is directed at oneself: «sya» — «oneself». It follows from this that when you say «I am sorry», then in fact you are saying «I am sorry myself.»

    That is, if you want to ask for forgiveness from yourself, then you can easily manage this form. If you want to get forgiveness from someone else, then apologize correctly! Use the «-i» or «-te» form: sorry, sorry.

    And now we turn directly to the intricacies of English speech. English «excuse me» can translate as «sorry» and «sorry», and «sorry» — «sorry» and «I’m sorry». In addition, in English there are also words that have the translation «sorry», «sorry» — these are «apologize», «pardon» and «forgive». You will say that they have the same meaning, but this is not entirely true.

    The difference is that these expressions are used in different situations.
    To remember under what circumstances a particular word is used, try to remember this universal rule:

    Difference between «excuse me» and «sorry»


    • I’m very sorry — I’m very sorry (but we will have to stay overnight at this hotel)
    • Oh, I’m so sorry — oh, sorry (when you stepped on someone’s foot)
    • Excuse me, this is my place. — Sorry, this is my seat (when, who took your seat on the bus)
    • Excuse me, can you please my jacket — Excuse me, please pass my jacket

    This picture most accurately reflects the essence: 

    As you can see, the word «excuse» is always written with «me».

    Other uses

    The word «Sorry» can also be used in other cases:

    • When you didn’t understand what it was about or didn’t hear a phrase or a question: Sorry, I didn’t hear — Sorry, I didn’t hear
    • Expression of Empathy: We feel deeply sorry for it. — We are very sorry for her.

    The phrase «Excuse me» is also used in various circumstances:

    • Excuse: He excused himself from the table. — In his defense, he left the table.
    • Dismissal, permission: I excused him from military service. — I released him from military service.

    As far as English grammar is concerned, these expressions also have very significant differences: “excuse” is a verb that, as you have seen, apart from “forgive”, can be translated as “liberate”, “justify”, “allow”; and “sorry” — refers to a part of speech — an adjective, and besides the meaning “sorry”, it can have the translation “sad, pitiful, unhappy, distressed”.

    How else can you apologize in English?

    Except for the two agreed-upon forms of apology. In English, there are several other options for «begging forgiveness»:

    «Forgive me» — a phrase with a pronounced emotional connotation of deep remorse and regret. This phrase is used when you have very much offended a person, for example, changed and are very repentant for your act: I am very guilty, Please, forgive me. — I am very guilty, please forgive me.

    The same expression, oddly enough, is used when they ask for forgiveness for being late or not arriving at an event that is extremely important or vital. For example, you missed the plane that would take you on a romantic trip with your wife.

    How can you apologize in English?

    «Pardon» — this word was borrowed by English speakers from French, it can be used both as a verb and as a noun:

    • Pardon me — Sorry
    • I beg your pardon — I beg your pardon

    «Pardon» like «Sorry» can be used when you have heard the words of the interlocutor: Pardon, I didn’t understand — Sorry, I did not understand

    «Apologize» — the official form that is used in business conversations, ceremonies and receptions:

    • Most often, it is used in a letter when, for example, a company apologizes to a client for a poor-quality product or service: We apologize for any inconvenience — We apologize for any inconvenience caused
    • It can also be used as an excuse for a serious offense: I apologize for the damage my cat — I apologize for the damage my cat has done

    As you can see, English is as rich in apologies as Russian. However, try to still not commit such acts for which you will need to apologize, and since you have made a mistake, be sure to ask for forgiveness, and do it right!

    Good luck! Bye!

    Source: https://englishfull.ru/leksika/excuse-ili-sorry.html

    sorry-excuse me. Difference and examples

    как переводится excuse me

    : 5/5

    A polite person cannot do without phrases in everyday communication. sorry и excuse meDifference may seem insignificant, but it is available. Today we will try to figure out how to be polite in English and at the same time not seem illiterate.

    sorry-excuse me and the difference between them

    There is one important rule of thumb for using sorry и excuse me. difference between these phrases is that SORRY will come in handy when you have already done something and want to ask for forgiveness for it.

    For example, you might accidentally push someone on the subway. You have already caused discomfort and say “sorry” to express regret. As for EXCUSE ME, the opposite is true. You are only going to bother to ask a question, for example.

    You are not pushing anyone, but simply, perhaps, distracting from some business in order to obtain information.

    Let’s pay attention to the difference in the translation of sorry and excuse me. Sorry is not considered a verb. It is an adjective with the following meanings: «regretful», «upset». It is for this reason that such a phrase as «I’m sorry» = «I’m sorry» appeared. It would hardly be nice to say something like: «I’m sorry, how can I get to the city center?» What is there to be sorry about if you just ask? So it would be correct to address like this: «Excuse me, how to get to the city center?»

    As for excuse, it is a verb that includes a fairly large number of meanings. Some of them don’t even have anything to do with apologies. Excuse translates as «apologize»; “Leave”, “leave” (premises); «Justify», «release» (from any position).

    Difference between sorry and excuse me with examples

    But is everything so simple in the topic “difference between sorry and excuse me«? Unfortunately no. There are a number of times when it is important to use one of these phrases. Let’s consider them together with examples.

    sorry excuse me
    Ideal for expressing empathySorry! She didn’t understand it was so important for you. — Regret! She did not understand that it was so important to you. Will help to politely «bow out» when you need to leave the roomExcuse me I have to go. — I am sorry, I have to go.
    May sound when you need to refuse any servicesSorry we have decided to change the hotel. — Sorry, we decided to change the hotel. Serves as the beginning of a request to give way or moveExcuse me could you make way for the child? — Excuse me, could you make way for the child?
    Used to indicate that you did not hear or understand something — Will you date with me? — Sorry?— Will you go on a date with me? — Sorry? Used to show the interlocutor surprise or dissatisfaction with what he said — You must pay $ 100 just now. — Excusez moi?— You have to pay $ 100 right now. — Sorry?

    I think you now understand the difference between sorry and excuse me. Don’t forget to apologize (sorry) or draw attention to yourself (excuse me) correctly! Good luck!

    Source: http://fluenglish.com/stati/studentam-na-zametku/beginner-elementary/410-sorry-excuse-me-raznitsa-i-primery.html

    How to apologize correctly in English

    как переводится excuse me

    Sage Mahatma Gandhi said that the ability to forgive is a property of the strong. It’s hard to disagree.

    However, given that there are still many more weak on our planet (judging by the touchy and vindictive), humanity has come up with an original move: to apologize.

    Here, it seems, I accidentally stepped on my foot on the bus and you think that now this bogey will tear you apart. And one has only to add a modest «sorry», as in response a wide smile will appear and the words «yes, it’s okay, I already spat on your back.»

    So that you can meet such friendly communication and complete mutual understanding abroad as well, you should learn to apologize in English. Moreover, it is customary there to ask for forgiveness for every sneeze.

    If we are asked to apologize for pushing a person and he fell into a puddle, then THERE will be at least “sorry” and a guilty smile for walking too close. That is, they violated the personal space. For some, this space extends beyond the boundaries of their own body by a meter.

    But in most cases, moving at a distance of 50 cm will be sufficient.

    What is the right way to ask for forgiveness for actions or words that you regret? Only irregular verbs can most likely be completely incorrect, and everything else is experience (the one that is the son of difficult mistakes). Let’s get down to business.

    1. «Excuse me» vs «I’m sorry»

    Back in your wonderful school years, you probably learned two cherished words «sorry» and «excuse me«. Both are translated as «sorry», which is why many are confused in the use. Let’s dispel the last doubts!

    1.1 Excuse me Is a pre-forgiveness. That is, you apologize in advance for the fact that some nasty thing will happen on your part, for example: you ask what time it is / offer to get out of your seat / demand to open a window or pass the fare to the minibus driver.

    Excuse me, could you tell me the time? Excuse me, but this is my place. “Sorry, but this is my place.

    Excuse me, where is the shop? — Excuse me, can you tell me where the store is?

    That is, excuse me is a kind of reason to attract a person’s attention. This is what polite people do, and the ill-mannered can, of course, attract attention by alternative methods: pat on the shoulder or simply address without any excuses.

    1.2 Sorry — this is an apology for the dirty trick already done. Literally it can be translated as «sorry, sorry.» But more often we translate into Russian as “sorry”.

    I’m sorry I have broken your favorite cup.
    I’m sorry about that .- I’m sorry about that.

    If you can feel the difference between regretting and trying to apologize in advance, you will understand how much the meaning of the sentence changes if you confuse excuse with sorry.

    I’m sorry, but this is my place. — I’m sorry, but this is my place.

    In this case, you will have to play your role to the end and portray universal grief mixed with tears on your face when you drive someone else out of your rightful place in the cinema. But if they used «excuse me», then you can pronounce it even through your teeth and with a demonic gleam in your eyes: then the person will immediately jump up, muttering «sorry, sorry!»

    The original presentation of the difference between sorry and excuse can be found on the Internet, even in pictures. May the admirers of Pushkin forgive me (excuse me!).

    2. Sorry, I didn’t hear

    There are two main options here:

    — Sorry? (it will do quite well in your company and among well-known people)
    — Pardon? (a more polite option, almost universal and is currently associated only with such a situation when you did not hear the interlocutor)

    There is, of course, a very rude one:

    What? (well, this is already for completely shameless people)

    And there are more sophisticated forms:

    — Pardon me?
    — Pard me?

    3. Gradation of apologies from common people to high society communication

    There are different ways to apologize for the nasty things you’ve already done.

    Source: https://iloveenglish.ru/stories/view/kak_pravilno_izvinyatsya_po_anglijski

    We buy in English

    • Life
    • We buy in English

    Useful words and phrases to make shopping easier in an English speaking country. The names of stores and departments, basic vocabulary and typical phrases on the topic. We read, remember, buy!

    Today we are going to talk about a useful and enjoyable activity, which is called the understandable English word shopping, formed from the verb to shop — «to buy.»

    According to scientists, in women, shopping leads to an increase in the level of «hormones of happiness», prolonging life (who would doubt it). However, with men, everything is not so simple: on average, they can only withstand 26 minutes of this lesson.

    Our article is intended for both: English expressions about shopping and shopping will help make shopping in an English-speaking country more enjoyable and productive.

    Shopping — basic concepts

    Barcode Barcode
    Basketball Shopping basket
    Cash Cash
    Cashier, cash desk Cashier
    Change Delivery
    Changing room, fitting room Dressing room
    Check (UK) check (US) Check (bank)
    Coin Coin
    Credit card Credit card
    Customer Customer
    debit card Payment (debit) card
    Discount Discount
    Escalator Escalator
    note, banknote, bill (US) Bill
    Purse, money bag TST Wallet
    receipt Check (about purchase)
    sales person, personnel Seller (s)
    Scales Libra
    Shelf A shelf
    Shelves Shelves
    Shop Shop
    Showcase, shop-window, window showcase
    Trolley, basket trolley, shopping cart Shopping cart
    Trolley park Parking place for shopping carts
    Wallet Wallet

    Store types and department store names

    Appliance department Household appliances department
    Athletic wear department, sportswear store Sportswear department

    Source: https://skyeng.ru/articles/pokupaem-po-anglijski

    Expressions of courtesy in English

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    There are many forms of apology in English. Below are the most common options.

    Excuse me

    This expression is used when you need to politely attract the attention of a person. If you are going to ask a passer-by or a person who is busy about something, you need to start the sentence with this particular phrase.

    Excuse me, could you tell me where a restaurant is?

    I’m sorry, can you tell me where the restaurant is?

    Sorry and I’m sorry

    These forms of apology are used if you have already committed any wrongdoing. Thus, you want to convey to the interlocutor that you regret what happened.

    I’m sorry, but I haven’t done my part of work in time.

    I’m sorry, but I didn’t do my part on time.

    To increase the degree, you can use the following forms of apology:

    I’m very sorry, I’m really sorry,I’m so sorry.

    In this case, phrases are used in the same situations, the emotional color only intensifies.

    Sorry (or pardon) is also used in case you did not hear the interlocutor and want to ask again.

    forgive me

    Translated as «forgive me.» In this form, you should apologize when you made a mistake in front of a person you know who is very offended. For example, betrayed, framed.

    Please forgive me! I understood my mistake.

    Please forgive me! I realized my mistake.


    This is a formal form of apology. Usually it is used in writing in business correspondence, as well as in case of being late for work.

    We apologize for this mission.

    We apologize for this oversight.

    How to respond to an apology

    The answer to an apology depends on what the other person wants to convey, but the following phrases are most often used as standard politeness.

    It’s all right — that’s all right.

    forget it — Forget about it.

    Never mind — that’s all right.

    That’s OK, It’s OK — everything is fine.

    Do not worry — do not worry, everything is fine.

    -I’m sorry for my behavior.

    -Don’t worry.

    -I apologize for my behavior.

    -Do not worry.

    How to say «thank you»

    Gratitude in English is expressed using the word «Thanks»or «Thank you»which translate as «thank you». Depending on the situation, the emotional level can be enhanced.

    More formal ways of expressing:

    Thank you so much, Thank you very much — Thank you very much.

    That’sverychildofyou — that’s very kind of you. Can be used in a more formal setting.

    Conversational options:

    Thanks a lot, Many thanks — Thank you very much.

    Thanks a lot! Your help was really important to me.

    Many thanks! Your help was really important to me.

    Thank you very much. We appreciate your efforts.

    Thanks a lot. We appreciate your efforts.

    How to respond to gratitude

    There are three main answers to “thank you” in English: It’s OK, Sure, and You’re welcome.

    It’s OK

    This is a friendly answer. Translated as «Not at all», «Please». It should be used if gratitude is expressed for the help provided, service.

    Thanks that you borrowed me money — Thanks for lending me money.

    It’s OK — Not at all.


    This answer is relevant if you helped a friend out. At the same time, this is a self-evident event for you. It can be translated as «no problem,» you are always welcome. «

    -Thank you so much that you helped me to repair the car. — Thank you very much for helping me fix the car.

    -Sure — You’re welcome.

    You’re welcome

    This is the most neutral and polite answer. Most often it is used in relation to strangers or unfamiliar people. For example, when a passerby tells you something.

    -Excuse me, could you tell me where I can find a museum? — Sorry, could you tell me where I can find the museum?

    -You should go this way. — You need to go this way.

    -Thanks. -Thanks.

    -You’re welcome. — Please.

    Source: http://englishgu.ru/be-polite/

    Gerund. Gerund for beginners (what is a gerund in English)

    If you are studying English, then you, even if you are a beginner, need to get an idea of ​​this part of speech, which is called gerund. In this tutorial we will look at what is a gerundand also when a gerund is used in a sentence.


    Thank you for coming… — Thanks that came.
    Excuse me for being late. — Sorry what was late.

    These examples show that gerund (coming and being late) Is a form of a verb with an ending — ing. The gerund is translated into Russian by a verb.

    What is a gerund?

    Gerund — This is the English part of speech, which has the properties of a noun and a verb. In English, there are also parts of speech that coincide in form with gerund.  This is verbal noun и valid participle.

    So, what is a gerund in English and how is it formed?

    Gerund — it is a form of the verb with the ending ING, which is translated into Russian by a verb, but has the properties of a noun.

    If it’s roughly clear, what is a gerund, then let’s look at its forms:

    * * *

    Gerund forms

    So, as you can see from the table, The gerund changes over time and has 4 forms:  writing & having written (in the active voice) and being written & having been written (in the passive voice).

    Beginners need to learn to use only the basic form in speech — writing (this is the form of the gerund in the present tense in the active voice).

    Perform gerund subject exercise and practice translating it.

    EXAMPLE. Riding a bike is fun! — To ride a bike — funny!

    Exercise 1. Form a gerund from the verb in brackets and translate the sentence.

    1. too much television gives Mrs Harris a headache. (watch)
    2. to loud music is bad for your ears. (listen)

    Source: http://englishinn.ru/gerundiy-dlya-nachinayushhih-ili-chto-takoe-gerundiy-v-angliyskom-yazyike.html

    В английском языке есть очень много форм извинения, как устных, так и письменных. Две самые распространённые — это «excuse me» и «I’m sorry». В чём их различие?

    «Excuse me» употребляется для привлечения внимания, это своего рода предупреждение. Эту фразу можно употребить, когда вы отрываете человека от какого-то занятия, вот-вот что-то уроните на него или толкнёте. Услышав «excuse me», человек внутренне готовится к чему-то неожиданному.

    Например, если вы сидите в компании, и вдруг вам нужно уйти (или если вы хотите оборвать телефонный разговор), то можно сказать:

    «If you will excuse me…» — Прошу меня извинить.

    Более твёрдый вариант:

    «You will have to excuse me» — дословно «вам придётся меня извинить».

    Ответом на такие извинения может быть только «Sure/Of course», и, произнося их, говорящий даёт понять, что он всё равно сделает так, как ему нужно, и извиняется лишь для проформы. Это довольно резкие фразы, и употреблять их нужно лишь в крайнем случае.

    «I’m sorry» используется, когда вы уже что-то натворили и сожалеете о результате.

    Оба вышеназванных выражения могут быть заменены фразой

    «I beg your pardon» — прошу прощения,

    но она звучит довольно-таки изысканно и чуть книжно, так что будет уместна только с малознакомыми или вышестоящими людьми.

    Упрощённый вариант этой фразы — «Pardon/Pard me» может быть использован ещё и тогда, когда вы что-то не расслышали. Если вы скажете «Pard me?» с вопросительной интонацией, то собеседник воспримет это как просьбу повторить свои последние слова погромче или пояснить их.

    Что же касается глагола «forgive» (прощать), то он употребляется не для минутных светских извинений, а при каких-то сильных, надолго затаённых обидах, как правило между близкими людьми, при очень серьёзных разговорах. Не случайно во фразе «Will you ever forgive me?» (Ты меня когда-нибудь простишь?) используется именно этот глагол.

    Также есть несколько способов выразить сожаление на письме:

    (Please accept) our (humble/humblest/sincere) apology — (Просим принять/Выражаем) наши (нижайшие/искреннейшие) извинения.

    We’re genuinely/deeply sorry — Мы искренне/глубоко сожалеем.

    We apologize for any inconvenience — Приносим извинения за предоставленные неудобства.

    Words (We) cannot express how sorry we are about — Нельзя выразить, насколько мы сожалеем о…

    Кроме этого, нужно различать глаголы «to apologize» и «to excuse» (извиняться и извинять), а также существительные «apology» и «excuse» (извинение и оправдание).

    Глагол «извиняться» пишется и спрягается так: apologize, apologized, apologizing. Извиняться может только виноватый.
    Глагол «извинять» пишется и спрягается так: excuse, excused, excusing. Извинять может только потерпевший.

    Существительное «apology/apologies» означает приносимые виноватым извинения, а вот «excuse(s)» — извинения, выдаваемые потерпевшим.

    Пример: «This is not an excuse» — это не оправдание, это не извиняет тебя.

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    3. И конечно же, оставьте свой комментарий ниже :)

    Как говорить на английском свободно

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