Excel vba запрос к sql server

Работа с внешними источниками данных

Материалы по работе с внешними источниками данных на примере Excel и SQL.

Рассмотрим способы передачи данных между Excel и внешней базой данной на SQL сервере с помощью ADO.

Задача первая. Подключаемся к внешней базе данных.

Для начала надо подключиться к внешней базе данных. Подключение возможно если на компьютере установлен драйвер. Список установленных драйверов для подключения к базам данных на компьютере под управлением Windows:

Панель управленияВсе элементы панели управленияАдминистрированиеИсточники данных (ODBC)

Проверить подключение к базе данных можно простым способом. Создаем пустой файл (например, «текстовый документ.txt»), затем изменяем имя и расширение на .udl (например, «connect.udl»). Двойной клик мышкой по новому файлу, далее приступаете к настройке и проверке подключения к базе данных. После того, как удалось настроить корректное подключение к базе данных, сохраняем файл «connect.udl». Открываем файл «connect.udl» обычным текстовым редактором (например, блокнотом), и видим в строке подключения все необходимые параметры. Про подключение к внешним базам данных можно посмотреть на ресурсе ConnectionStrings .

Теперь возвращаемся к нашему VBA для Excel. В редакторе VBA подключаем последнюю версию библиотеки:

 Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects Library

Пример кода:

Sub TestConnection()
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
cn.ConnectionString = "" 'Параметры строки подключения
cn.Open   'Открываем подключение
cn.Close   'Закрываем подключение
Set cn = Nothing   'Стираем объект из памяти
End Sub

Задача вторая. Загружаем данные из внешней базы данных на SQL сервере в Excel.

После того, как мы установили подключение к внешней базе данных можно приступать к чтению данных и выводу в Excel. Здесь потребуется знание языка запросов SQL. В результате выполнения SQL запроса к нам возвращается некая таблица с данными в объект RecordSet. Далее из объекта RecordSet можно выгружать данные непосредственно на лист или в сводную таблицу.

Пример кода простой процедуры:

Sub LoadData()

Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset

Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

cn.ConnectionString = "" 'Параметры строки подключения

rst.Open "SELECT TOP 10 * FROM <таблица>", cn 'SQL-запрос, подключение

ActiveSheet.Range("A1").CopyFromRecordset rst 'Извлекаем данные на лист


Set rst = Nothing
Set cn = Nothing

End Sub

Для удобства работы. Предлагаю создать собственный класс «tSQL» для работы с базой данных.  У класса будет одно свойство:

Public ConnectionSring As String

Для чтения данных напишем метод SelectFrom с параметрами TableName и ws. TableName — это имя таблицы, откуда будем считывать данные и ws — лист Excel, куда будем записывать данные.

Public Sub SelectFrom(TableName As String, ws As Worksheet)

Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
Dim SQLstring As String
Dim i As Long

Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
SQLstring = "SELECT * FROM " & TableName

cn.ConnectionString = ConnectionSring

rst.Open SQLstring, cn

For i = 1 To rst.Fields.Count
 ws.Cells(1, i) = rst.Fields(i - 1).Name
Next i
ws.Range("A2").CopyFromRecordset rst


Set rst = Nothing
Set cn = Nothing
SQLstring = Empty
i = Empty

End Sub

Пример использования класса tSQL в процедуре

Sub mySQL()
Dim ts As tSQL
Set ts = New tSQL

ts.ConnectionSring = '<Строка подключения>
ts.SelectFrom "Название таблицы", ActiveSheet

Set ts = Nothing
End Sub

Задача третья. Загружаем данные из Excel во внешнюю базу данных.

Для записи данных напишем метод InsertInto с параметрами TableName. rHead и rData. TableName — это имя таблицы, куда будем добавлять данные;  rHead — диапазон ячеек, с указанием полей; rData — диапазон ячеек с данными, которые будем добавлять.

Public Sub InsertInto(TableName As String, rHead As Range, rData As Range)

Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim SQLstring As String
Dim SQLstringH As String
Dim SQLstringV As String
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long

Dim arrHead()
Dim arrData()

arrHead = rHead.Value
arrData = rData.Value
Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
cn.ConnectionString = ConnectionSring

SQLstringH = "INSERT INTO " & TableName & "("
For j = LBound(arrHead, 2) To UBound(arrHead, 2)
 SQLstringH = SQLstringH & " " & arrHead(1, j)
 If j < UBound(arrHead, 2) Then
 SQLstringH = SQLstringH & ","
 SQLstringH = SQLstringH & ")"
 End If
Next j
SQLstringH = SQLstringH & " VALUES("

For i = LBound(arrData, 1) To UBound(arrData, 1)
 For j = LBound(arrData, 2) To UBound(arrData, 2)
 SQLstringV = SQLstringV & " " & arrData(i, j)
 If j < UBound(arrHead, 2) Then
 SQLstringV = SQLstringV & ","
 SQLstringV = SQLstringV & ") "
 End If
 Next j
 SQLstring = SQLstringH & SQLstringV
 SQLstringV = Empty
 cn.Execute SQLstring
Next i

Set cn = Nothing
SQLstring = Empty
i = Empty
j = Empty
SQLstring = Empty
SQLstringH = Empty
SQLstringV = Empty
Erase arrHead
Erase arrData

End Sub

Пример использования класса tSQL в процедуре

Sub mySQL()
Dim ts As tSQL
Set ts = New tSQL

ts.ConnectionSring = '<Строка подключения>
ts.InsertInto "Название таблицы", Range("B1:D1"), Range("B8:D300")

Set ts = Nothing
End Sub


Задача четвертая. Управляем внешней базой данных из Excel

Рекомендую использовать запросы в основном для чтения данных из внешней БД. Можно записывать данные в таблицы внешней БД.
Но крайне не желательно использовать Excel для управления внешней базой данных, лучше использовать стандартные средства разработки.

Полезные ссылки:

Data from Excel to SQL 


UPDATE 21.10.15 Добавил «обратный» макрос — VBA в SQL и макрос для доступа к строке запроса SQL

Некоторое время назад я прошел несколько курсов по SQL. И мне было очень интересно — какую часть из мощного инструмента под названием T-SQL можно применять без использования SQL-Server (не дают мне сервачек под мои нужды, хнык-хнык).

Итак… Начнем с простого — подключение через Query Table в VBA. Можно записать через макрорекордер — для этого нужно создать подключение через Microsoft Query.

Microsoft Query

Выбираем Excel Files, указываем путь к файлу (пытаясь при этом не ругать разработчиков за интерфейс из 90х годов), фильтруем как-угодно поля. Нам сейчас это не важно — главное получить код, который дальше можно будет корректировать.

Должно получится что-то вроде этого:

Sub Макрос1()
    With ActiveSheet.ListObjects.Add(SourceType:=0, Source:=Array(Array( _
        "ODBC;DSN=Excel Files;DBQ=D:DropboxExcelтест excel_SQL-2015.xlsx;DefaultDir=D:DropboxExcel;DriverId=1046;MaxBufferSize=2048;Page" _
        ), Array("Timeout=5;")), Destination:=Range("$A$1")).QueryTable
        .CommandType = 0
        .CommandText = Array( _
        "SELECT Продажи.F2, Продажи.F3" & Chr(13) & "FROM `D:DropboxExcelтест excel_SQL-2015.xlsx`.Продажи Продажи" _
        .RowNumbers = False
        .FillAdjacentFormulas = False
        .PreserveFormatting = True
        .RefreshOnFileOpen = False
        .BackgroundQuery = True
        .RefreshStyle = xlInsertDeleteCells
        .SavePassword = False
        .SaveData = True
        .AdjustColumnWidth = True
        .RefreshPeriod = 0
        .PreserveColumnInfo = True
        .ListObject.DisplayName = "Таблица_Запрос_из_Excel_Files"
        .Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
    End With
End Sub

Строчка .CommandText = «SELECT…» — отвечает за SQL запрос. Если хотя бы немного почитать поисковую выдачу google по запросу QueryTable можно упростить код до следующего:

Sub CopyFromRecordset_To_Range()
  DBPath = "C:InputData.xlsx"
  sconnect = "Provider=MSDASQL.1;DSN=Excel Files;DBQ=" & DBPath & ";HDR=Yes';"
  Conn.Open sconnect
  sSQLSting = "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]"

  rs.Open sSQLSting, Conn
  Set QT1 = ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(rs, Range("A1"))


End Sub

Теперь начинаем копаться глубже — какого уровня запросы можно строить из VBA. Самые-самые базовые, основные конструкции — все работает, все ок.

Заполнение нового столбца одинаковым значением

SELECT  'YTikhonov', * 
FROM    [Sheet1$]

Переименование столбцов

SELECT  [Advertiser] AS 'Рекламодатель', [Quantity] AS 'Количество'
FROM    [Sheet1$]

Фильтрация записей

FROM    [Sheet1$]
WHERE   [Year] = 2014


FROM     [Sheet1$]
ORDER BY [Advertiser] DESC

Агрегация записей

SELECT   [Advertiser], Sum([Cost]) 
FROM     [Sheet1$]
GROUP BY [Advertiser]

Работа с датой

Дату можно впрямую через конструкцию

[SomeDateField] = {ts '2015-01-01 00:00:00'}

Но я люблю отталкиваться от текущей даты. За пару текущая дата-время отвечает функция SYSDATETIME() и она может вернуть в том числе текущий день. Для этого нужна еще одна функция  — CONVERT(type,value)


С функцией DATEFROMPARTS строка запроса в Excel почему-то не дружит, поэтому придется использовать костыли функцию DATEADD:

DATEADD(minute, 59, DATEADD(hour, 23, DATEADD(month, MONTH(SYSDATETIME())+1, DATEADD(year, YEAR(SYSDATETIME()) - 1900, 0))))-1

Эта строчка в любой день октября 2015 вернет значение — 30.11.15 23:59

А теперь — немного best practice!

Объединение + Агрегация + Join + Подзапросы. И самое интересное — подключение к нескольким источникам:

SELECT [Year], O.Numbers, SCost, SVolume, SQuantity FROM
  SELECT [Year], Month, SUM([Cost RUB]) AS SCost, SUM(Volume) AS SVolume, SUM(Quantity) AS SQuantity FROM
     SELECT Advertiser, 2013 as [Year], Month, [Cost RUB], Quantity, Volume
     FROM [N:GKRadioМаркетингСлужебный2013.xlsb].[Мониторинг$]
     SELECT Advertiser, 2014 as [Year], Month, [Cost RUB], Quantity, Volume
     FROM [N:GKRadioМаркетингСлужебный2014.xlsb].[Мониторинг$]
     SELECT Advertiser, 2015 as [Year], Month, [Cost RUB], Quantity, Volume
     FROM [N:GKRadioМаркетингСлужебный2015.xlsb].[Мониторинг$]
   WHERE [Advertiser] = 'METRO GROUP'
   GROUP BY [Year], Month
 ) as T INNER JOIN [C:testMonth.xlsb].[Test$] AS O
ON T.[Month] = O.[Month]

Одна проблема — если осуществлять такого вида запрос для соединения нескольких Excel-файлов, он будет выполняться достаточно медленно. У меня вышло порядка 2 минут. Но не стоит думать что это бесполезно — если подобные запросы выполнять при подключении к SQL-серверу, то время обработки будет 1-2 секунды (само собой, все зависит от сложности запроса, базы, и прочие прочие факторы).


Формировать более-менее сложный запрос SQL вручную в VBA мягко говоря неудобно.  Поэтому я написал мини-макрос, который берет информацию из буфера обмена, и возвращает туда строчки для вставки в VBE.

'работа с буфером обмена http://excelvba.ru/code/clipboard
Private Function ClipboardText() ' чтение из буфера обмена
    With GetObject("New:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}")
        ClipboardText = .GetText
    End With
End Function
Private Sub SetClipboardText(ByVal txt$) ' запись в буфер обмена
    With GetObject("New:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}")
        .SetText txt$
    End With
End Sub

Public Sub SQL_String_To_VBA()
    Dim sInput As String, sOut As String
    Dim ArrInput, i As Integer
    Dim cIdent As Integer: cIdent = 1 'Count of tabs
    Dim sVar As String: sVar = "strSQL" 'Name of variable
    sInput = ClipboardText()
    ArrInput = Split(sInput, Chr(13))
    For i = LBound(ArrInput) To UBound(ArrInput)
        sOut = sOut & sVar & " = " & sVar & " & " & Chr(34)
        sOut = sOut & String(cIdent, Chr(9))
        sOut = sOut & Replace(ArrInput(i), Chr(10), "")
        sOut = sOut & Chr(34) & "& chr(10)" & Chr(10)
    Next i
    SetClipboardText (sOut)

End Sub

Public Sub VBA_String_To_SQL()
    Dim sInput As String, sOut As String
    Dim ArrInput, i As Integer, sTemp
    sInput = ClipboardText()
    ArrInput = Split(sInput, Chr(10))
    For i = LBound(ArrInput) To UBound(ArrInput)
      sTemp = Replace(ArrInput(i), "& chr(10)", "")
      If Right(sTemp, 1) = " " Then sTemp = Left(sTemp, Len(sTemp) - 1)
      If Right(sTemp, 1) = Chr(34) Then sTemp = Left(sTemp, Len(sTemp) - 1)
      If Len(sTemp) > 0 Then
        sTemp = Right(sTemp, Len(sTemp) - InStr(1, sTemp, Chr(34)))
        sOut = sOut & Chr(10) & sTemp
      End If
    Next i
    SetClipboardText (sOut)

End Sub

Сами запросы просто и удобно создавать, например, используя Notepad++. Создали многострочный запрос SQL, копируете его в буфер обмена, запускаете макрос и вуаля — в буфере обмена строчки кода, готовые для вставки в ваши макросы. При желании вы можете настроить название переменной и количество табуляций.

И еще один небольшой бонус. Если у вас есть отчет по менеджерам/руководителям, построенный на запросах, то вам наверняка потребуется получать доступ к строке запроса через VBA. Сделать это можно через замечательную команду .CommandText — работает на чтение и запись. Мне для формирования отчета на 25 человек очень пригодился.

Public Sub ReplaceCommandText()
Dim con As WorkbookConnection
Dim sTemp As String
  For Each con In ActiveWorkbook.Connections
    sTemp = con.ODBCConnection.CommandText
    con.ODBCConnection.CommandText = sTemp
  Next con
End Sub

PS Ссылка с ответом на вопрос — как вставить данные из Excel в SQL

Приятного использования!

Although we can create External Data Sets in Excel that pull information from a SQL Server Database there are times when you want to check a value or lookup a value from an underlying SQL Server database directly from an Excel formula.

Using VBA we can do this!

We will look at an example that enables us to lookup a customer’s total revenue value from an Excel Formula.

The VBA To Query a SQL Server Database

The following VBA Function can be used from within an Excel VBA Project. You will, however need to add the ADODB library to the project first.

Public Function LookupAWCustomerRevenue(intID As Long) As Currency
    Dim conn As ADODB.Connection
    Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
    Dim strConnString As String
    If intID = 0 Then
        LookupAWCustomerRevenue = 0
        strConnString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=W10NBMJDSQL2014;" _
                        & "Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks2014;Integrated Security=SSPI;"
        Set conn = New ADODB.Connection
        conn.Open strConnString

        Set rs = conn.Execute("SELECT SUM(TotalDue) AS CustRev FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader WHERE CustomerID = " & intID)
        If Not IsNumeric(rs.Fields("CustRev").Value) Then
            LookupAWCustomerRevenue = 0
            LookupAWCustomerRevenue = rs.Fields("CustRev").Value
        End If
    End If
End Function

In this example we use an ADO connection to connect to a SQL Server instance (DBSRVSQL2014):

        strConnString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=DBSRVSQL2014;" _
                        & "Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks2014;Integrated Security=SSPI;"
  • The Provider parameter indicates that an OLDEB connection will be established and the Data Source parameter points to the SQL Server Instance.
  • The Initial Catalog parameter identifies the database to be queried (AdventureWorks2014)
  • The Integrated Security parameter indicates that Windows Authemtication will be used to authenticate with SQL Server.

A RecordSet object (rs) is used to create a record set from a SELECT statement:

        Set rs = conn.Execute("SELECT SUM(TotalDue) AS CustRev FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader WHERE CustomerID = " & intID)

The SELECT statement is constructed from a literal string and the value for the variable intID that is passed into the function when it is called.

The If statement at the start checks for an intID value of 0. Integer variables default to a value of zero if not initialised (in other words if no value is provided when the function is called). If no value is passed in to the function a value of 0  is returned as the revenue value.

        If intID = 0 Then
               LookupAWCustomerRevenue = 0

The second If statement tests for a non numeric value being returned by the SELECT statement. If a customerID passed in to the function is valid, but they have plaved no orders the SUM(TotalDue) expression will return a NULL value. If this happens then the funvtion will return a value of 0 instead.

        If Not IsNumeric(rs.Fields("CustRev").Value) Then
            LookupAWCustomerRevenue = 0

The NULL value scenario can be seen in the following screen shot.

I placed a breakpoint on the line of VBA code containing the If statement and opened the Locals Window so that I could see all the variable values at that point of execution.

I tested the function by executing it from the Immediate Window in the VBA editor:


With a breakpoint set the code execution automatically stops at the marked line and enables us to view the environment at that point of execution.

The Locals Window in the above screen shot shows the Recordset object variable rs, and specifically the value for the first field from rs, “CustRev”. We can see that it is set to Null. This is because a Customer with CustomerID value 1 has not placed any orders and, therefore, has no resulting revenue value.

The following screnn shot shows that the query returns NULL when run directly on the SQL Server instance:

Assuming that a valid CustomerID is passed into the function and a non NULL value is returned by the SELECT statement, the function will return the total sales revenue for that customer as a currency value.

        LookupAWCustomerRevenue = rs.Fields("CustRev").Value

Calling The VBA Function From An Excel Formula

Calling a VBA function from an Excel Formula is simple. When you construct an Excel Formula by typing it into a cell intellisense will display matching VBA functions as well as built in functions. The following screen shot shows this:

You can see that there are two VBA functions listed above that start with Lo: LookupAWCustomerRevenue and LookupPersonName.

The following example shows the LookupAWCustomerRevemue function being used in an cell to calvulate the total revenue for the CustomerID value sepcified in Column A of the worksheet:


In this article we have seen a bit of VBA coding, some VBA Error Handling and Debugging techniques, and we have seen how we can call VBA functions from an Excel formula. Feel free to email us at info@ptr.co.uk if you have any questions relating to this article. There is also an Access version of this article.

If you would like to learn more about any of the techniques seen in this article or VBA programming why not take a look at our Excel and Access VBA Training courses.

If you would like to learn more about working with a SQL Server Database then take a look at our SQL Server Training Courses.

You might find that these courses come up on a Late Availability offer from time to time, offering savings of 30%.

When it comes to big amount of data, Excel application is not the best solution to work with, in case of storage. Much better fit would be a database like Access or MSSM. In this article I’m going to show You how to connect to Microsoft SQL Server using VBA.

Database & server

In my case I got AdventureWorks2016 database installed on my PC. I connected to that base and the view of Object Explorer in Managament Studio looks like this.

Here You can see the server name, database name and tables name in Tables folder, which all will be necessary in further steps.


To be able to create connection and then operate on pulled data from database, You need to check in the Tools/References 2 checkboxes: Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects Library and Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects Recordset Library.

It doesn’t have to be the version 2.8, just like in the screen above. You have much more possibilities.

When choosing the references try to think about the future users (ot their Office version) of this code You create.

ADODB Connection

After setting up the references You can declare connection of ADODB library.

Dim connection As ADODB.connection
Set connection = New ADODB.connection

Connection String

This is the main thing of ADODB connection, to be able to connect to the database. You need to know at least the provider, server name, database name and authentication method.

For MS SQL use SQLOLEDB.1 as provider. That should always work, unless You know that the provider for your database is different.

The server name You can see at the top of the object explorer.

So in my case it is (LocalDb)LocalDbTest.

Let server_name = "(LocalDb)LocalDbTest"

The database name is the name under the Databases folder tree in Object Explorer.

In my case this is AdventureWorks2016.

Let database_name = "AdventureWorks2016"

The authentication method depends on that if You pass the credentials in the connection string or use windows authentication and on provider. You can choose from the values: true , false, yes, no and sspi.

So putting all together it can look like this.

.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Server=" & server_name & _
    ";database=" & database_name & ";Integrated Security=SSPI;"

Solution to connect local database

In case of MS SQL use SQLOLEDB.1 as provider, but if You got your database locally, as I have, go with SQLNCLI11. This is something I was fighting with and looking for hours to connect.

.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLNCLI11;Server=" & server_name & _
    ";database=" & database_name & ";Integrated Security=SSPI;"

Open connection & state check

After completing the connection string, You can also set other properties like timeout. In the end open the connection using .Open.

With connection
    .ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLNCLI11;Server=" & server_name & _
        ";database=" & database_name & ";Integrated Security=SSPI;"
    .ConnectionTimeout = 10
End With

If there was no error check the state of database You connected.

If connection.State = 1 Then
    Debug.Print "Connected!"
End If

SQL query

Having opened database connection You need to ask for data, I mean to build SQL query. In my case I just want to take all (*) data from TestTable table. The database name in this query is not really needed, because it is already in the connection string.

Dim sqlQuery As String
sqlQuery = "Select * from [AdventureWorks2016].[dbo].[TestTable]"

If You are not familiar with SQL I can say that the basics are even easier than VBA. As I said, basics of SQL.

Recordset – copy paste data from database

If You want to get the data from the query, You need to create Recordset of ADODB library. There are 2 main things – sqlQuery and connection. About the rest of properties You can read here.

Dim rsSql As New ADODB.Recordset
rsSql.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rsSql.Open sqlQuery, connection, adOpenStatic

After You .Open the recordset – get the data from database with SQL query using created connection, You can paste everything in chosen location.

ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Range("A1").CopyFromRecordset rsSql

And just like that all the data from the specified table is in the chosen range of your Workbook.

And remember that this method is not pasting headers, only the values of the columns below headline!

Connect to MS SQL code

Option Explicit

Sub connect2mssql()

Dim connection As ADODB.connection
Set connection = New ADODB.connection

Dim server_name As String, database_name As String
Let server_name = "(LocalDb)LocalDbTest"
Let database_name = "AdventureWorks2016"

With connection
    .ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLNCLI11;Server=" & server_name & _
        ";database=" & database_name & ";Integrated Security=SSPI;"
    .ConnectionTimeout = 10
End With

If connection.State = 1 Then
    Debug.Print "Connected!"
End If

Dim sqlQuery As String
sqlQuery = "Select * from [AdventureWorks2016].[dbo].[TestTable]"

Dim rsSql As New ADODB.Recordset
rsSql.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rsSql.Open sqlQuery, connection, adOpenStatic

ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Range("A1").CopyFromRecordset rsSql

End Sub

So, this is how You connect to Microsoft SQL Server using Excel VBA!

At first sight it seems like complex stuff, but in the end it is not that hard and it opens wide range of possibilities to automate data from other sources than only Excel workbooks. Combining the VBA knowledge with some more complex SQL queries can lead to really big tools dealing with tons of data. It is much easier to connect to the source than converting the data to Excel format and then start the macro. Also it speeds up the whole work a lot.

I’m very advanced in VBA, Excel, also easily linking VBA with other Office applications (e.g. PowerPoint) and external applications (e.g. SAP). I take part also in RPA processes (WebQuery, DataCache, IBM Access Client Solutions) where I can also use my SQL basic skillset. I’m trying now to widen my knowledge into TypeScript/JavaScript direction.
View all posts by Tomasz Płociński

Learn how to easily run a plain SQL query with Visual Basic for Applications on your Excel Spreadsheet.

In the last days, I received an unusual request from a friend that is working on something curious because of an assignment of the University. For this assignment, it’s necessary to find the answer or data as response of a query. Instead of a database, we are going to query plain data from an excel spreadsheet (yeah, just as it sounds). For example, for this article, we are going to use the following Sheet in Excel Plus 2016:

Excel Spreadsheet Run SQL Query

The goal of this task is to write raw SQL Queries against the available data in the spreadsheet to find the answer of the following questions:

  • Which users live in Boston.
  • Which users are boys and live in Boston.
  • Which users were born in 2012.
  • Which users were born in 2010 and were ranked in place #1.

Of course, finding such information as a regular user is quite easy and simple using filters and so, however the assignment requires to do the queries using SQL and Visual Basic for the job. In this article, I will explain you from scratch how to use Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications to develop your own macros and run some SQL queries against plain data in your excel spreadsheets.

1. Launch Microsoft Visual Basic For Applications

In order to launch the window of Visual Basic to run some code on your spreadsheets, you will need to enable the Developer tab on the excel Ribbon. You can do this easily opening the Excel options (File > Options) and searching for the Customize Ribbon tab, in this Tab you need to check the Developer checkbox to enable it in your regular interface:

Excel Ribbon Developer Tab

Click on Ok and now you should be able to find the Developer tab on your excel ribbon. In this tab, launch the Visual Basic window:

Visual Basic Ribbon Developer Excel

In this new interface you will be able to run your VB code.

2. Building connection

In the Visual Basic window, open the code window of your sheet and let’s type some code! According to your needs you may create a custom macro and assign them to the action of buttons or other kind of stuff. In this example, we are going to work with plain code and will run them independently to test them. You need to understand how to connect to the workbook data source that will be handled with the following code:

Dim connection As Object
'--- Connect to the current datasource of the Excel file
Set connection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
With connection
    .Provider = "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0"
    .ConnectionString = "Data Source=" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "" & ThisWorkbook.Name & ";" & _
    "Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=NO"";"
End With

The connection properties are described as follows:

  • Provider: we will use the Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 (Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0)
  • ConnectionString: we will use the current excel file as the database.
  • HDR=Yes;: indicates that the first row contains the column names, not data. HDR=No; indicates the opposite.

You will use this connection to run the SQL.

3. Printing whole table data

The following example, will use the mentioned logic to connect to the current spreadsheet and will query the range A1:E6 (selecting the whole table in the example excel) and will print every row in the immediate window:

Sub MyMethod()
    '--- Declare Variables to store the connection, the result and the SQL query
    Dim connection As Object, result As Object, sql As String, recordCount As Integer
    '--- Connect to the current datasource of the Excel file
    Set connection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    With connection
        .Provider = "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0"
        .ConnectionString = "Data Source=" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "" & ThisWorkbook.Name & ";" & _
        "Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES"";"
    End With
    '--- Write the SQL Query. In this case, we are going to select manually the data range
    '--- To print the whole information of the table
    sql = "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$A1:E6]"
    '--- Run the SQL query
    Set result = connection.Execute(sql)
    '--- Fetch information
        ' Print the information of every column of the result
        Debug.Print result(0); ";" & result(1) & ";" & result(2) & ";" & result(3) & ";" & result(4)
        recordCount = recordCount + 1
    Loop Until result.EOF
    '--- Print the amount of results
    Debug.Print vbNewLine & recordCount & " results found."
End Sub

Note that we are using HDR so the query will use the first row of data as the column headers, so the result will be the following one:

Excel Spreadsheet Result Query

4. Query by columns

Now that you are able to connect to the worksheet, you may now customize the SQL to fit your needs. It is necessary to explain you the most basic thing you need to know about querying some data in your excel file. The range needs to specify the Sheet Name and the regular excel range (e.g. A1:Z1) and the whole data should be selected, not individual columns. You may filter by individual columns using regular SQL statements as WHERE, AND, OR, etc.

Depending if  you use HDR (first row contains the column names), the query syntax will change:


If you have HDR enabled (in the extended properties of the connection), you may query through the column name, considering that you selected the appropriate range:

SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$A1:E6] WHERE [city] = 'Boston'


If you don’t use HDR, the nomenclature of the columns will follow the F1, F2, F3, …, FN pattern:

Query Columns Excel VBA

The following query would work perfectly if you don’t have HDR enabled (note that the range changes):

SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$A2:E6] WHERE [F5] = 'Boston'

In both cases, the output will be the same in the immediate window:


3 results found.

5. Answering questions

The SQL that should solve the initial questions will be the following ones (with HDR disabled):

Which users live in Boston.

SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$A2:E6] WHERE [F5] = 'Boston'

Which users are boys and live in Boston.

SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$A2:E6] WHERE [F5] = 'Boston' and [F3] = 'boy'

Which users were born in 2012.

SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$A2:E6] WHERE [F4] = 2012

Which users were born in 2010 and were ranked in place #1.

SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$A2:E6] WHERE [F2] = 1 AND [F4] = 2010

Happy coding ❤️!

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