Excel vba удалить строки диапазона

In this Article

  • Delete Entire Row or Column
    • Delete Multiple Rows or Columns
  • Delete Blank / Empty Rows
    • Delete Row if Cell is Blank
  • Delete Row Based on Cell Value
  • More Delete Row and Column Examples
    • Delete Duplicate Rows
    • Delete Table Rows
    • Delete Filtered Rows
    • Delete Rows in Range
    • Delete Selected Rows
    • Delete Last Row
    • Delete Columns by Number

This tutorial will demonstrate different ways to delete rows and columns in Excel using VBA.

Delete Entire Row or Column

To delete an entire row in VBA use this line of code:


Notice we use the Delete method to delete a row.

Instead of referencing the Rows Object, you can reference rows based on their Range Object with EntireRow:


Similarly to delete an entire column, use these lines of code:


Delete Multiple Rows or Columns

Using the same logic, you can also delete multiple rows at once:


or columns:


Notice here we reference the specific row and column numbers / letters surrounded by quotations.

Of course, you can also reference the EntireRow of a range:


Note: The examples below only demonstrate deleting rows, however as you can see above, the syntax is virtually identically to delete columns.

Delete Blank / Empty Rows

This example will delete a row if the entire row is blank:

Sub DeleteRows_EntireRowBlank()

Dim cell As Range

For Each cell In Range("b2:b20")
    If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(cell.EntireRow) = 0 Then
    End If
Next cell

End Sub

It makes use of the Excel worksheet function: COUNTA.

Delete Row if Cell is Blank

This will delete a row if specific column in that row is blank (in this case column B):


Delete Row Based on Cell Value

This will loop through a range, and delete rows if a certain cell value in that row says “delete”.

Sub DeleteRowswithSpecificValue()

Dim cell As Range

For Each cell In Range("b2:b20")
    If cell.Value = "delete" Then
    End If
Next cell

End Sub

More Delete Row and Column Examples

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Delete Duplicate Rows

This code will delete all duplicate rows in a range:

Range("b2:c100").RemoveDuplicates Columns:=2

Notice we set Columns:=2. This tells VBA to check both the first two columns of data when considering if rows are duplicates. A duplicate is only found when both columns have duplicate values.

If we had set this to 1, only the first row would’ve been checked for duplicate values.

Delete Table Rows

This code will delete the second row in a Table by referencing ListObjects.


Delete Filtered Rows

To delete only rows that are visible after filtering:


VBA Programming | Code Generator does work for you!

Delete Rows in Range

This code will delete all rows in range:


Delete Selected Rows

This code will delete all selected rows:


Delete Last Row

This will delete the last used row in column B:

Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).EntireRow.Delete

By changing 2 to 1, you can delete the last used row in column A, etc.:

Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).EntireRow.Delete

Delete Columns by Number

To delete a column by it’s number, use a code like this:

Columns (2).Delete

First, let me say categorically that there is nothing wrong with loops — they certainly have their place!

Recently we were presented with the below situation:

400000  |  Smith, John| 2.4   | 5.66|   =C1+D1
400001  |  Q, Suzy    | 4.6   | 5.47|   =C2+D2
400002  |  Schmoe, Joe| 3.8   | 0.14|   =C3+D3
Blank   |             |       |     |   #VALUE
Blank   |             |       |     |   #VALUE

The OP wanted to delete rows where Column A is blank, but there is a value in Column E.

I suggest that this is an example where we could make use of SpecialCells and a temporary Error Column to identify the rows to be deleted.

Consider that you might add a column H to try and identify those rows; in that row you could use a formula like below:


now, it is possible get that formula to put an error in the rows where I test returns True. The reason we would do this is a feature of Excel called SpecialCells.

In Excel select any empty cell, and in the formula bar type


Next, hit F5 or CTRL+G (Go to… on the Edit menu) then click the Special button to show the SpecialCells dialog.

In that dialog, click the radio next to ‘Formulas’ and underneath, clear the checkboxes so that only Errors is selected. Now click OK

Excel should have selected all the cells in the worksheet with an Error (#N/A) in them.

The code below takes advantage of this trick by creating a formula in column H that will put an #N/A in all the rows you want to delete, then calling SpecialCells to find the rows, and clear (delete) them…

    Sub clearCells()
    Dim sFormula As String
    ' this formula put's an error if the test returns true, 
    ' so we can use SpecialCells function to highlight the
    ' rows to be deleted!

Create a formula that will return #NA when the formula returns TRUE

sFormula = "=IF(AND(A:A="""",E:E<>""""),NA(),"""")"

Put that formula in Column H, to find the rows that are to be deleted…

Range("H5:H" & Range("E65536").End(xlUp).Row).Formula = sFormula

Now use SpecialCells to highlight the rows to be deleted:

Range("H5:H" & Range("E65536").End(xlUp).Row).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas, xlErrors).entirerow.select

This line of code would highlight just Column A by using OFFSET in case instead of deleting the entire row, you wanted to put some text in, or clear it

Range("H5:H" & Range("E65536").End(xlUp).Row).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas, xlErrors).Offset(0, -7).select

and the below line of code will delete thhe entire row because we can :)

Range("H5:H" & Range("E65536").End(xlUp).Row).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas, xlErrors).EntireRow.Delete shift:=xlup

' clean up the formula
Range("H5:H" & Range("E65536").End(xlUp).Row).Clear
End Sub

BTW, it’s also possible WITH A LOOP if you really want one :)

One more thing, before Excel 2010 there was a limit of 8192 rows (I think because this feature went all the way back to 8-bit versions of Excel maybe)

The VBA legend Ron de Bruin (on whose website I first picked up this technique, among others) has something to say about this


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20% ±

Excel 2010

Раз по правилам нужно под каждый вопрос заводить тему, так и буду делать.

У меня многостраничный .xls-файл.
На первой странице («Данные») я ввожу данные заказа (пластиковые карты, по работе), включая тираж и то, по сколько карт будет в коробке.
Другая страница («Этикетки») формируется сама, собирая данные с первой.
Если тираж 1000 карт, а в коробке их будет по 250, то этикеток должно быть 4. Соответственно мне нужно удалить на странице с этикетками все строки, начиная с 6 (2,3,4,5 — этикетки, 1-заголовки для дальнейшего импорта в .txt и объединение с Индизайном).

Если бы мне всегда было нужно удалять с 6-й, я бы использовал такой код:


Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp


Но мне надо, что бы вместо «6» бралась цифра, которая будет зависеть от тиража и высчитываться в, допустим, ячейке A2.
Взять эту цифру я могу:


Dim x
x = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(«Этикетка»).Cells(2, 1)


Но вот если я в верхнюю формулу вместо «6» вставлю «x», то это ошибка кода.
Подскажите, пожалуйста, что поменять в коде?

In this VBA Tutorial, you learn how to use Excel VBA to delete rows based on a variety of criteria.Excel VBA Tutorial about how to delete rows with macros

This VBA Tutorial is accompanied by Excel workbooks containing the data and macros I use in the examples below. You can get immediate free access to these example workbooks by subscribing to the Power Spreadsheets Newsletter.

Use the following Table of Contents to navigate to the section you’re interested in.

Related VBA and Macro Tutorials

The following VBA and Macro Tutorials may help you better understand and implement the contents below.

  • General VBA constructs and structures:
    • Learn about using variables here.
    • Learn about VBA data types here.
    • Learn about R1C1 style-references here.
    • Learn about using worksheet functions in VBA here.
  • Practical VBA applications and macro examples:
    • Learn how to work with worksheets here.
    • Learn how to insert rows here.
    • Learn how to delete columns here.
    • Learn how to find the last column in a worksheet here.

You can find additional VBA and Macro Tutorials in the Archives.

VBA Code to Delete a Row

To delete a row using VBA, use a statement with the following structure:


Process Followed by VBA Code

Identify row to delete > Delete row

VBA Statement Explanation


  1. Item: Worksheets.
    • VBA Construct: Workbook.Worksheets property.
    • Description: Returns a Worksheet object representing the worksheet you work with.
  2. Item: Rows(Row#).
    • VBA Construct: Worksheet.Rows property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing row number Row# of the worksheet returned by item #1 above.

      If you explicitly declare a variable to represent Row#, use the Long data type.

  3. Item: Delete.
    • VBA Construct: Range.Delete method.
    • Description: Deletes the Range object returned by item #2 above.

Macro Example

The following macro deletes row 6 of the worksheet named “Delete row”.

Sub deleteRow()

    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-delete-row/
    Worksheets("Delete row").Rows(6).Delete

End Sub

Effects of Executing Macro Example

The following GIF illustrates the results of executing this macro example. As expected, VBA deletes row 6 of the worksheet.

Macro deletes row 6

#2: Delete a Row and Shift Up

VBA Code to Delete a Row and Shift Up

To delete a row and explicitly shift cells up to replace the deleted row, use a statement with the following structure:

Worksheet.Rows(Row#).Delete Shift:=xlShiftUp

Process Followed by VBA Code

Identify row to delete > Delete row and shift cells up

VBA Statement Explanation

Worksheet.Rows(Row#).Delete Shift:=xlShiftUp

  1. Item: Worksheet.
    • VBA Construct: Workbook.Worksheets property.
    • Description: Returns a Worksheet object representing the worksheet you work with.
  2. Item: Rows(Row#).
    • VBA Construct: Worksheet.Rows property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing row number Row# of the worksheet returned by item #1 above.

      If you explicitly declare a variable to represent Row#, use the Long data type.

  3. Item: Delete.
    • VBA Construct: Range.Delete method.
    • Description: Deletes the Range object returned by item #2 above.
  4. Item: Shift:=xlShiftUp.
    • VBA Construct: Shift parameter of the Range.Delete method.
    • Description:
      • Shifts rows up (xlShiftUp) to replace the deleted row.
      • You can usually omit this parameter. By default, VBA decides how to shift the cells based on the range’s shape. When deleting a row, this generally results in Excel shifting the cells up.

Macro Example

The following macro deletes row 10 of the worksheet named “Delete row” and explicitly specifies to shift cells up to replace the deleted row.

Sub deleteRowShiftUp()

    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-delete-row/
    Worksheets("Delete row").Rows(10).Delete Shift:=xlShiftUp

End Sub

Effects of Executing Macro Example

The following GIF illustrates the results of executing this macro example. As expected, VBA deletes row 10 of the worksheet and shifts cells up to replace the deleted row.

Macro deletes row 10 and shift cells up

#3: Delete Multiple Rows

VBA Code to Delete Multiple Rows

To delete multiple rows, use a statement with the following structure:


Process Followed by VBA Code

Identify rows to delete > Delete rows

VBA Statement Explanation


  1. Item: Worksheet.
    • VBA Construct: Workbook.Worksheets property.
    • Description: Returns a Worksheet object representing the worksheet you work with.
  2. Item: Rows(“FirstRow#:LastRow#”).
    • VBA Construct: Worksheet.Rows property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing rows number FirstRow# through LastRow# of the worksheet returned by item #1 above.
  3. Item: Delete.
    • VBA Construct: Range.Delete method.
    • Description: Deletes the Range object returned by item #2 above.

Macro Example

The following macro deletes rows 14 to 18 of the worksheet named “Delete row”.

Sub deleteMultipleRows()

    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-delete-row/
    Worksheets("Delete row").Rows("14:18").Delete

End Sub

Effects of Executing Macro Example

The following GIF illustrates the results of executing this macro example. As expected, VBA deletes rows 14 to 18 of the worksheet.

Macro deletes rows 14 to 18

#4: Delete Selected Row

VBA Code to Delete Selected Row

To delete the selected row (the row containing the active cell), use the following statement:


Process Followed by VBA Code

Identify active cell > Return entire row > Delete row

VBA Statement Explanation


  1. Item: ActiveCell.
    • VBA Construct: Application.ActiveCell property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing the active cell.
  2. Item: EntireRow.
    • VBA Construct: Range.EntireRow property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing the entire row containing the cell range returned by item #1 above.
  3. Item: Delete.
    • VBA Construct: Range.Delete method.
    • Description: Deletes the Range object returned by item #2 above.

Macro Example

The following macro deletes the selected row (the row containing the active cell):

Sub deleteSelectedRow()

    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-delete-row/

End Sub

Effects of Executing Macro Example

The following GIF illustrates the results of executing this macro example. When I execute the macro, the active cell is B20. As expected, Excel deletes the selected row.

Macro deletes selected row

#5: Delete Multiple Selected Rows

VBA Code to Delete Multiple Selected Rows

To delete multiple selected rows, use the following statement:


Process Followed by VBA Code

Identify selected cells > Return entire rows > Delete rows

VBA Statement Explanation


  1. Item: Selection.
    • VBA Construct: Application.Selection property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing the current cell range selection.
  2. Item: EntireRow.
    • VBA Construct: Range.EntireRow property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing the entire row containing the Range object returned by item #1 above.
  3. Item: Delete.
    • VBA Construct: Range.Delete method.
    • Description: Deletes the Range object returned by item #2 above.

Macro Example

The following macro deletes the (multiple) selected rows.

Sub deleteSelectedRows()

    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-delete-row/

End Sub

Effects of Executing Macro Example

The following GIF illustrates the results of executing this macro example. When I execute the macro, the selected cells are B24 to B28. As expected, Excel deletes the selected rows.

Macro deletes selected rows

#6: Delete Blank Rows

VBA Code to Delete Blank Rows

To delete blank rows, use a macro with the following statement structure:

With Worksheet
    For Counter = LastRow To FirstRow Step -1
        If WorksheetFunction.CountA(.Rows(Counter)) = 0 Then
            If Not BlankRows Is Nothing Then
                Set BlankRows = Union(BlankRows, .Rows(Counter))
                Set BlankRows = .Rows(Counter)
            End If
        End If
    Next Counter
End With
If Not BlankRows Is Nothing Then BlankRows.Delete

Process Followed by VBA Code

Loop through all rows > Is row empty? > Add row to variable representing empty rows > Delete rows

VBA Statement Explanation

Lines #1 and #11: With Worksheet | End With

  1. Item: With… End With.
    • VBA Construct: With… End With statement.
    • Description: Statements within the With… End With statement (lines #2 through #10 below) are executed on the worksheet returned by item #2 below.
  2. Item: Worksheet.
    • VBA Construct: Workbook.Worksheets property.
    • Description: Returns a Worksheet object representing the worksheet you work with.

Lines #2 and #10: For Counter = LastRow To FirstRow Step -1 | Next Counter

  1. Item: For… Next Counter.
    • VBA Construct: For… Next statement.
    • Description: Repeats the statements within the loop (lines #3 through #9 below) for each row between (and including) FirstRow (item #4 below) and LastRow (item #3 below).
  2. Item: Counter.
    • VBA Construct: Counter of For… Next statement.
    • Description: Loop counter. If you explicitly declare a variable to represent the loop counter, use the Long data type.
  3. Item: LastRow.
    • VBA Construct: Counter Start of For… Next statement.
    • Description: Number of the last row (further down the worksheet) you want the macro to consider when identifying blank rows. The number of the last row is also the initial value of Counter (item #2 above).

      If you explicitly declare a variable to represent the number of the last row to consider, use the Long data type.

  4. Item: FirstRow.
    • VBA Construct: Counter End of For… Next statement.
    • Description: Number of the first row (closer to the top of the worksheet) you want the macro to consider when identifying blank rows. The number of the first row is also the final value of Counter (item (#2 above).

      If you explicitly declare a variable to represent the number of the first row to consider, use the Long data type.

  5. Item: Step -1.
    • VBA Construct: Step of For… Next statement.
    • Description: Amount by which Counter (item #2 above) changes every time a loop iteration occurs.

      In this scenario, you loop backwards: from LastRow (item #3 above) to FirstRow (item #4 above). Therefore, step is -1.

Line #3: If WorksheetFunction.CountA(.Rows(Counter)) = 0 Then

  1. Item: If… Then.
    • VBA Construct: Opening line of If… Then… Else statement.
    • Description: Conditionally executes the statements within the If… Then block (lines #4 through #8 below) if the condition specified by item #4 below is met.
  2. Item: WorksheetFunction.CountA.
    • VBA Construct: WorksheetFunction.CountA method.
    • Description: Counts the number of cells that aren’t empty in the range returned by item #3 below.

      Since the range returned by item #3 below represents the row through which the macro is currently looping, Worksheet.CountA counts the number of cells that aren’t empty in that row.

  3. Item: .Rows(Counter).
    • VBA Construct: Worksheet.Rows property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing the row through which the macro is currently looping.
  4. Item: WorksheetFunction.CountA(.Rows(Counter)) = 0.
    • VBA Construct: Condition of If… Then… Else statement.
    • Description: This condition is a numeric expression that evaluates to True or False, as follows:
      • True: When the WorksheetFunction.CountA method (item #2 above) returns 0. This happens when the row through which the macro is currently looping (item #3 above) is empty and, therefore, the number of non-empty cells is 0.
      • False: When WorksheetFunction.CountA returns a number other than 0. This happens when the row through which the macro is currently looping isn’t empty and, therefore, the number of non-empty cells isn’t 0.

Line #4: If Not BlankRows Is Nothing Then

  1. Item: If… Then.
    • VBA Construct: Opening line of If… Then… Else statement.
    • Description: Conditionally executes the statement within the If… Then… Else block (line #5 below) if the condition specified by item #6 below is met.
  2. Item: Not.
    • VBA Construct: Not operator.
    • Description: Carries out a logical negation on item #3 below. In other words, if item #3 returns:
      • True, the result is False.
      • False, the result is True.
  3. Item: BlankRows.
    • VBA Construct: Object (Range) variable.
    • Description: Holds a Range object representing the empty rows found by the macro.
  4. Item: Is.
    • VBA Construct: Is Operator.
    • Description: Compares 2 object reference variables: (i) Not BlankRows (items #2 and #3 above) vs. (ii) Nothing (item #5 below).

      If both object references refer to the same object, the Is operator returns True. If they refer to different objects, Is returns False.

  5. Item: Nothing.
    • Description: The default value for a data type. In the case of an object variable (such as BlankRows), a null reference.
  6. Item: Not BlankRows Is Nothing.
    • VBA Construct: Condition of If… Then… Else statement.
    • Description: The condition is an expression that evaluates to True or False, as follows:
      • True: When “Not BlankRows” (items #2 and #3 above) refers to the same object as Nothing (item #5 above). This happens when BlankRows is “something”.

        Since BlankRows holds a Range object representing cell ranges within the empty rows found by the macro, BlankRows is something if the macro finds at least one such row.

      • False: When “Not BlankRows” refers to a different object from Nothing. This happens when BlankRows itself is Nothing. This occurs prior to the macro finding the first empty row. This is because BlankRows isn’t assigned to anything prior to that moment.

Line #5: Set BlankRows = Union(BlankRows, .Rows(Counter))

  1. Item: Set… =.
    • VBA Construct: Set statement.
    • Description: Assigns the object reference returned by item #6 below to BlankRows (item #2 below).
  2. Item: BlankRows.
    • VBA Construct: Object (Range) variable of Set statement.
    • Description:
      • Holds a Range object representing the empty rows found by the macro.
      • BlankRows is included twice in the statement. In the first mention (Set BlankRows), BlankRows is the object variable to which an object reference is assigned.
  3. Item: Union.
    • VBA Construct: Application.Union method.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing the union of the Range objects returned by items #4 and #5 below.
  4. Item: BlankRows.
    • VBA Construct: Object (Range) variable.
    • Description:
      • Holds a Range object representing the empty rows found by the macro.
      • BlankRows is included twice in the statement. In the second mention (Union(BlankRows, .Rows(Counter)), BlankRows is one of the parameters of the Application.Union method.
  5. Item: .Rows(Counter).
    • VBA Construct: Worksheet.Rows property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing the row through which the macro is currently looping.
  6. Item: Union(BlankRows, .Rows(Counter).
    • VBA Construct: Object expression of Set statement.
    • Description: Returns the new Range object reference assigned to the BlankRows object variable (item #2 above). This is the union of the following 2 Range objects:
      • Prior to the Set statement, BlankRows represents cell ranges within the empty rows found by the macro prior to the row through which it’s currently looping.
      • “.Rows(Counter)” represents the row through which the macro is currently looping.

      Graphically, this looks as follows:

      Union(BlankRows, .Rows(Counter))

      In other words, any empty row the macro finds is “added” to BlankRows.

Line #6: Else

  1. Item: Else.
    • VBA Construct: Else clause of If… Then… Else statement.
    • Description: The statement following the Else clause (line #7 below) is executed if the condition tested in the opening line of the If… Then… Else statement (line #4 above) isn’t met and returns False.

Line #7: Set BlankRows = .Rows(Counter)

  1. Item: Set… =.
    • VBA Construct: Set statement.
    • Description: Assigns the object reference returned by item #3 below to BlankRows (item #2 below).
  2. Item: BlankRows.
    • VBA Construct: Object (Range) variable of Set statement.
    • Description: Holds a Range object representing the empty rows found by the macro.
  3. Item: .Rows(Counter).
    • VBA Construct: Worksheet.Rows property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing the row through which the macro is currently looping.

Lines #8 and #9: End If | End If

  1. Item: End If.
    • VBA Construct: Closing lines of If… Then… Else statements.
    • Description: Ends the If… Then… Else statements that began in lines #3 and #4 above.

Line #12: If Not BlankRows Is Nothing Then BlankRows.Delete

  1. Item: If… Then.
    • VBA Construct: If… Then… Else statement.
    • Description: Conditionally executes the statement at the end of the line (items #7 and #8 below) if the condition specified by item #6 below is met.
  2. Item: Not.
    • VBA Construct: Not operator.
    • Description: Carries out a logical negation on item #3 below. In other words, if item #3 returns:
      • True, the result is False.
      • False, the result is True.
  3. Item: BlankRows.
    • VBA Construct: Object (Range) variable.
    • Description: Holds a Range object representing the empty rows found by the macro.
  4. Item: Is.
    • VBA Construct: Is Operator.
    • Description: Compares 2 object reference variables: (i) Not BlankRows (items #2 and #3 above) vs. (ii) Nothing (item #5 below).

      If both object references refer to the same object, the Is operator returns True. If they refer to different objects, Is returns False.

  5. Item: Nothing.
    • Description: The default value for a data type. In the case of an object variable (such as BlankRows), a null reference.
  6. Item: Not BlankRows Is Nothing.
    • VBA Construct: Condition of If… Then… Else statement.
    • Description: The condition is an expression that evaluates to True or False, as follows:
      • True: When “Not BlankRows” (items #2 and #3 above) refers to the same object as Nothing (item #5 above). This happens when BlankRows is “something”.

        Since BlankRows holds a Range object representing cell ranges within the empty rows found by the macro, BlankRows is something if the macro has found at least 1 empty row.

      • False: When “Not BlankRows” refers to a different object from Nothing. This happens when BlankRows itself is Nothing. This, in turn, occurs when the macro founds no empty rows.
  7. Item: BlankRows.
    • VBA Construct: Object (Range) variable.
    • Description: Holds a Range object representing the empty rows found by the macro.
  8. Item: Delete.
    • VBA Construct: Range.Delete method.
    • Description: Deletes the Range object returned by item #7 above.

Macro Example

The following macro deletes all blank rows between rows number myFirstRow and LastRow.

  • myFirstRow is set to 6.
  • myLastRow is set to the number of the last row with data in the worksheet named “Delete empty rows”. The constructs used by the statement that finds the last row with data in the worksheet are the Worksheet.Cells property, the Range.Find method, and the Range.Row property.
Sub deleteEmptyRows()

    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-delete-row/

    Dim myFirstRow As Long
    Dim myLastRow As Long
    Dim myWorksheet As Worksheet
    Dim iCounter As Long
    Dim myBlankRows As Range

    myFirstRow = 6

    Set myWorksheet = Worksheets("Delete empty rows")

    With myWorksheet
        myLastRow = .Cells.Find(What:="*", LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
        For iCounter = myLastRow To myFirstRow Step -1
            If WorksheetFunction.CountA(.Rows(iCounter)) = 0 Then
                If Not myBlankRows Is Nothing Then
                    Set myBlankRows = Union(myBlankRows, .Rows(iCounter))
                    Set myBlankRows = .Rows(iCounter)
                End If
            End If
        Next iCounter
    End With

    If Not myBlankRows Is Nothing Then myBlankRows.Delete

End Sub

Effects of Executing Macro Example

The following GIF illustrates the results of executing this macro example. As expected, VBA deletes all blank rows between row 6 and the last row with data on the worksheet.

Macro deletes blank rows

#7: Delete Rows with Blank Cells

VBA Code to Delete Rows with Blank Cells

To delete rows with blank cells using VBA, use a macro with the following statement structure:

With Worksheet
    Set RangeForCriteria = .Range(.Cells(FirstRow, FirstColumn), .Cells(LastRow, LastColumn))
End With
On Error Resume Next

Process Followed by VBA Code

Identify cell range > Identify empty cells > Return entire rows > Delete rows

VBA Statement Explanation

Lines #1 and #3: With Worksheet | End With

  1. Item: With… End With.
    • VBA Construct: With… End With statement.
    • Description: The statement within the With… End With statement (line #2 below) is executed on the worksheet returned by item #2 below.
  2. Item: Worksheet.
    • VBA Construct: Workbook.Worksheets property.
    • Description: Returns a Worksheet object representing the worksheet you work with.

Line #2: Set RangeForCriteria = .Range(.Cells(FirstRow, FirstColumn), .Cells(LastRow, LastColumn))

  1. Item: Set… =.
    • VBA Construct: Set statement.
    • Description: Assigns the object reference returned by items #3 through #5 below to RangeForCriteria (item #2 below).
  2. Item: RangeForCriteria.
    • VBA Construct: Object (Range) variable.
    • Description: Holds a Range object representing the cell range you want the macro to search for blank cells.
  3. Item: .Range.
    • VBA Construct: Worksheet.Range property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing a cell range specified as follows:
      • Upper-left corner cell: Range object returned by item #4 below.
      • Lower-right corner cell: Range object returned by item #5 below.
  4. Item: .Cells(FirstRow, FirstColumn).
    • VBA Construct: Worksheet.Cells property and Range.Item property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing the cell at the intersection of row number FirstRow and column number FirstColumn.

      FirstRow and FirstColumn are the number of, respectively, the first row and first column in the cell range you want the macro to search for blank cells. If you explicitly declare a variable to represent FirstRow or FirstColumn, use the Long data type.

  5. Item: .Cells(LastRow, LastColumn).
    • VBA Construct: Worksheet.Cells property and Range.Item property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing the cell at the intersection of row number LastRow and column number LastColumn.

      LastRow and LastColumn are the number of, respectively, the last row and last column in the cell range you want the macro to search for blank cells. If you explicitly declare a variable to represent LastRow or LastColumn, use the Long data type.

Line #4: On Error Resume Next

  1. Item: On Error Resume Next.
    • VBA Construct: On Error Resume Next statement.
    • Description: Specifies that, when a run-time error occurs, control goes to the statement following the statement where the error occurs.

      The error-handler in this line #4 is necessary because, if the cell range you want the macro to search for blank cells doesn’t contain any such cells, line #5 below generates a run-time error.

Line #5: RangeForCriteria.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).EntireRow.Delete

  1. Item: RangeForCriteria.
    • VBA Construct: Object (Range) variable.
    • Description: Holds a Range object representing the cell range you want the macro to search for blank cells.
  2. Item: SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).
    • VBA Construct: Range.SpecialCells method and Type parameter of Range.SpecialCells method.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing all empty cells within the cell range returned by RangeForCriteria (item #1 above).
  3. Item: EntireRow.
    • VBA Construct: Range.EntireRow property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing the entire rows containing the Range object returned by item #2 above.
  4. Item: Delete.
    • VBA Construct: Range.Delete method.
    • Description: Deletes the Range object returned by item #3 above.

Macro Example

The following macro deletes all rows with blank cells between:

  • Rows number myFirstRow and myLastRow.
  • Columns number myFirstColumn and myLastColumn.

In this example:

  • myFirstRow is set to 6.
  • myFirstColumn is set to 2.
  • myLastRow is set to the number of the last row with data in the worksheet named “Delete row with blank cells”. The constructs used by the statement that finds the last row with data in the worksheet are the Worksheet.Cells property, the Range.Find method, and the Range.Row property.
  • myLastColumn is set to the number of the last column with data in the same worksheet. The constructs used by the statement that finds the last column with data in the worksheet are the Worksheet.Cells property, the Range.Find method, and the Range.Column property.
Sub deleteRowBlankCells()

    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-delete-row/

    Dim myFirstRow As Long
    Dim myLastRow As Long
    Dim myFirstColumn As Long
    Dim myLastColumn As Long
    Dim myWorksheet As Worksheet
    Dim myRange As Range

    myFirstRow = 6
    myFirstColumn = 2

    Set myWorksheet = Worksheets("Delete row with blank cells")

    With myWorksheet
        With .Cells
            myLastRow = .Find(What:="*", LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
            myLastColumn = .Find(What:="*", LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Column
        End With
        Set myRange = .Range(.Cells(myFirstRow, myFirstColumn), .Cells(myLastRow, myLastColumn))
    End With

    On Error Resume Next

End Sub

Effects of Executing Macro Example

The following GIF illustrates the results of executing this macro example. As expected, VBA deletes all rows with blank cells between (i) row 6 and the last row with data on the worksheet, and (ii) column 2 and the last column with data on the worksheet.

Macro deletes rows with blank cells

#8: Delete Rows with Blank Cells in a Specific Column

VBA Code to Delete Rows with Blank Cells in a Specific Column

To delete rows with blank cells in a specific column using VBA, use a macro with the following statement structure:

With Worksheet
    With .Range(.Cells(FirstRow, FirstColumn), .Cells(LastRow, LastColumn))
        .AutoFilter Field:=CriteriaField, Criteria1:="="
        On Error Resume Next
        .Offset(RowOffset:=1).Resize(RowSize:=(.Rows.Count - 1)).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).EntireRow.Delete
    End With
    .AutoFilterMode = False
End With

Process Followed by VBA Code

Identify cell range > Filter to find blank cells > Exclude headers > Identify visible cells > Return entire rows > Delete rows

VBA Statement Explanation

Lines #1 and #8: With Worksheet | End With

  1. Item: With… End With.
    • VBA Construct: With… End With statement.
    • Description: Statements within the With… End With statement (lines #2 through #7 below) are executed on the worksheet returned by item #2 below.
  2. Item: Worksheet.
    • VBA Construct: Workbook.Worksheets property.
    • Description: Returns a Worksheet object representing the worksheet you work with.

Lines #2 and #6: With .Range(.Cells(FirstRow, FirstColumn), .Cells(LastRow, LastColumn)) | End With

  1. Item: With… End With.
    1. VBA Construct: With… End With statement.
    2. Description: Statements within the With… End With statement (lines #3 through #6 below) are executed on the range object returned by items #2 through #4 below.
  2. Item: .Range.
    • VBA Construct: Worksheet.Range property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing a cell range specified as follows:
      • Upper-left corner cell: Range object returned by item #3 below.
      • Lower-right corner cell: Range object returned by item #4 below.
  3. Item: .Cells(FirstRow, FirstColumn).
    • VBA Construct: Worksheet.Cells property and Range.Item property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing the cell at the intersection of row number FirstRow and column number FirstColumn.

      FirstRow and FirstColumn are the number of, respectively, the first row and first column in the cell range you work with. If you explicitly declare a variable to represent FirstRow or FirstColumn, use the Long data type.

  4. Item: .Cells(LastRow, LastColumn).
    • VBA Construct: Worksheet.Cells property and Range.Item property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing the cell at the intersection of row number LastRow and column number LastColumn.

      LastRow and LastColumn are the number of, respectively, the last row and last column in the cell range you work with. If you explicitly declare a variable to represent LastRow or LastColumn, use the Long data type.

Line #3: .AutoFilter Field:=CriteriaField, Criteria1:=”=”

  1. Item: .AutoFilter.
    • VBA Construct: Range.AutoFilter method.
    • Description: Filter the data within the range you work with using the AutoFilter and according to the parameters specified by items #2 and #3 below.
  2. Item: Field:=CriteriaField.
    • VBA Construct: Field parameter of Range.AutoFilter method.
    • Description: Specifies the field on which you want to base the filter. The leftmost field of the range you work with is Field 1. The rightmost field is the number of fields in the cell range you work with.

      If you explicitly declare a variable to represent CriteriaField, use the Long data type.

  3. Item: Criteria1:=”=”.
    • VBA Construct: Criteria1 parameter of Range.AutoFilter method.
    • Description: Specifies the filtering criteria. “=” finds blank cells.

Line #4: On Error Resume Next

  1. Item: On Error Resume Next.
    • VBA Construct: On Error Resume Next statement.
    • Description: Specifies that, when a run-time error occurs, control goes to the statement following the statement where the error occurs.

      The error-handler in this line #4 is necessary because, if the field you filter by (line #3 above) doesn’t contain blank cells, line #5 below generates a run-time error.

Line #5: .Offset(RowOffset:=1).Resize(RowSize:=(.Rows.Count – 1)).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).EntireRow.Delete

  1. Item: Offset.
    • VBA Construct: Range.Offset property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object a number of rows above or below the cell range it works with, as returned by line #2 above.
  2. Item: RowOffset:=1.
    • VBA Construct: RowOffset parameter of Range.Offset property.
    • Description: Specifies that the cell range returned by Range.Offset (item #1 above) is 1 row below the range specified in line #2 above.

      Line #2 above specifies the cell range you work with. Therefore, the Range object that Range.Offset returns has the same size but is 1 row below the cell range you work with. This results in the following:

      • The headers of the cell range you work with are excluded from the Range object.
      • The first empty row below the last row with data (LastRow in line #2 above) is included. This extra line is handled by item #7 below.
  3. Item: Resize.
    • VBA Construct: Range.Resize property.
    • Description: Resizes the cell range returned by items #1 and #2 above.
  4. Item: RowSize.
    • VBA Construct: RowSize parameter of Range.Resize property.
    • Description: Specifies the number of rows in the new cell range returned by Range.Resize (item #3 above).
  5. Item: Rows.
    • VBA Construct: Range.Rows property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing the rows in the cell range it works with, as returned by line #2 above.
  6. Item: Count.
    • VBA Construct: Range.Count property.
    • Description: Returns the number of rows within the Range object returned by item #5 above.
  7. Item: Resize(RowSize:=(.Rows.Count – 1)).
    • VBA Construct: Range.Resize property.
    • Description: Resizes the cell range returned by items #1 and #2 above to reduce it by one row. The number of rows in the new range is obtained by subtracting 1 from the number of rows returned by line #2, as counted by items #5 and #6 above.

      This results in a cell range that excludes the first empty row below the last row with data that the Range.Offset property (items #1 and #2 above) included.

  8. Item: SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).
    • VBA Construct: Range.SpecialCells method and Type parameter of Range.SpecialCells method.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing all visible cells within the cell range you work with, excluding the headers (as required by item #2 above).

      Since line #3 above filters the data according to the criteria you specify, the visible cells returned by Range.SpecialCells are those containing blank cells in the column (field) you specify.

  9. Item: EntireRow.
    • VBA Construct: Range.EntireRow property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing the entire rows containing the Range object returned by item #8 above.
  10. Item: Delete.
    • VBA Construct: Range.Delete method.
    • Description: Deletes the Range object returned by item #10 above.

Line #7: .AutoFilterMode = False

  1. Item: .AutoFilterMode = False.
    • VBA Construct: Worksheet.AutoFilterMode property.
    • Description: Specifies that the AutoFilter drop-down arrows aren’t displayed on the worksheet.

Macro Example

The following macro deletes all rows that meet the following conditions:

  • Are between:
    • Rows number (myFirstRow + 1) and myLastrow.
    • Columns number myFirstColumn and myLastColumn.
  • Contain a blank cell in field number myCriteriaField.

In this example:

  • myFirstRow is set to 5.
  • myFirstColumn is set to 2.
  • myCriteriaField is set to 1.
  • myLastRow is set to the number of the last row with data in the worksheet named “Delete row if cell is blank”. The constructs used by the statement that finds the last row with data in the worksheet are the Worksheet.Cells property, the Range.Find method, and the Range.Row property.
  • myLastColumn is set to the number of the last column with data in the same worksheet. The constructs used by the statement that finds the last column with data in the worksheet are the Worksheet.Cells property, the Range.Find method, and the Range.Column property.
Sub deleteRowBlankCell()

    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-delete-row/

    Dim myFirstRow As Long
    Dim myLastRow As Long
    Dim myFirstColumn As Long
    Dim myLastColumn As Long
    Dim myCriteriaField As Long
    Dim myWorksheet As Worksheet

    myFirstRow = 5
    myFirstColumn = 2
    myCriteriaField = 1

    Set myWorksheet = Worksheets("Delete row if cell is blank")

    With myWorksheet
        With .Cells
            myLastRow = .Find(What:="*", LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
            myLastColumn = .Find(What:="*", LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Column
        End With
        With .Range(.Cells(myFirstRow, myFirstColumn), .Cells(myLastRow, myLastColumn))
            .AutoFilter Field:=myCriteriaField, Criteria1:="="
            On Error Resume Next
            .Offset(RowOffset:=1).Resize(RowSize:=(.Rows.Count - 1)).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).EntireRow.Delete
        End With
        .AutoFilterMode = False
    End With

End Sub

Effects of Executing Macro Example

The following GIF illustrates the results of executing this macro example. As expected, VBA deletes the rows containing blank cells in myCriteriaField (1).

Macro deletes rows with blank cells in first column

#9: Delete Rows Containing Strings

VBA Code to Delete Rows Containing Strings

To delete rows containing strings using VBA, use a macro with the following statement structure:

With Worksheet
    Set RangeForCriteria = .Range(.Cells(FirstRow, FirstColumn), .Cells(LastRow, LastColumn))
End With
On Error Resume Next
RangeForCriteria.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, xlTextValues).EntireRow.Delete

Process Followed by VBA Code

Identify cell range > Identify cells with strings > Return entire rows > Delete rows

VBA Statement Explanation

Lines #1 and #3: With Worksheet | End With

  1. Item: With… End With.
    • VBA Construct: With… End With statement.
    • Description: The statement within the With… End With statement (line #2 below) is executed on the worksheet returned by item #2 below.
  2. Item: Worksheet.
    • VBA Construct: Workbook.Worksheets property.
    • Description: Returns a Worksheet object representing the worksheet you work with.

Line #2: Set RangeForCriteria = .Range(.Cells(FirstRow, FirstColumn), .Cells(LastRow, LastColumn))

  1. Item: Set… =.
    • VBA Construct: Set statement.
    • Description: Assigns the object reference returned by items #3 through #5 below to RangeForCriteria (item #2 below).
  2. Item: RangeForCriteria.
    • VBA Construct: Object (Range) variable.
    • Description: Holds a Range object representing the cell range you want the macro to search for cells containing strings.
  3. Item: .Range.
    • VBA Construct: Worksheet.Range property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing a cell range specified as follows:
      • Upper-left corner cell: Range object returned by item #4 below.
      • Lower-right corner cell: Range object returned by item #5 below.
  4. Item: .Cells(FirstRow, FirstColumn).
    • VBA Construct: Worksheet.Cells property and Range.Item property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing the cell at the intersection of row number FirstRow and column number FirstColumn.

      FirstRow and FirstColumn are the number of, respectively, the first row and first column in the cell range you want the macro to search for cells containing strings. If you explicitly declare a variable to represent FirstRow or FirstColumn, use the Long data type.

  5. Item: .Cells(LastRow, LastColumn).
    • VBA Construct: Worksheet.Cells property and Range.Item property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing the cell at the intersection of row number LastRow and column number LastColumn.

      LastRow and LastColumn are the number of, respectively, the last row and last column in the cell range you want the macro to search for cells containing strings. If you explicitly declare a variable to represent LastRow or LastColumn, use the Long data type.

Line #4: On Error Resume Next

  1. Item: On Error Resume Next.
    • VBA Construct: On Error Resume Next statement.
    • Description: Specifies that, when a run-time error occurs, control goes to the statement following the statement where the error occurs.
      The error-handler in this line #4 is necessary because, if the cell range you want the macro to search for cells containing strings doesn’t contain any such cells, line #5 below generates a run-time error.

Line #5: RangeForCriteria.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, xlTextValues).EntireRow.Delete

  1. Item: RangeForCriteria.
    • VBA Construct: Object (Range) variable.
    • Description: Holds a Range object representing the cell range you want the macro to search for cells containing strings.
  2. Item: SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, xlTextValues).
    • VBA Construct: Range.SpecialCells method, Type and Value parameters of Range.SpecialCells method.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing all cells containing constant (xlCellTypeConstants) text values (xlTextValues) within the cell range returned by RangeForCriteria (item #1 above). Those are the cells containing strings.
  3. Item: EntireRow.
    • VBA Construct: Range.EntireRow property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing the entire rows containing the Range object returned by item #2 above.
  4. Item: Delete.
    • VBA Construct: Range.Delete method.
    • Description: Deletes the Range object returned by item #3 above.

Macro Example

The following macro deletes all rows containing strings between:

  1. Rows number myFirstRow and myLastRow.
  2. Columns number myFirstColumn and myLastColumn.

In this example:

  • myFirstRow is set to 6.
  • myFirstColumn is set to 2.
  • myLastRow is set to the number of the last row with data in the worksheet named “Delete rows containing strings”. The constructs used by the statement that finds the last row with data in the worksheet are the Worksheet.Cells property, the Range.Find method, and the Range.Row property.
  • myLastColumn is set to the number of the last column with data in the same worksheet. The constructs used by the statement that finds the last column with data in the worksheet are the Worksheet.Cells property, the Range.Find method, and the Range.Column property.
Sub deleteRowContainingStrings()

    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-delete-row/

    Dim myFirstRow As Long
    Dim myLastRow As Long
    Dim myFirstColumn As Long
    Dim myLastColumn As Long
    Dim myWorksheet As Worksheet
    Dim myRange As Range

    myFirstRow = 6
    myFirstColumn = 2

    Set myWorksheet = Worksheets("Delete rows containing strings")

    With myWorksheet
        With .Cells
            myLastRow = .Find(What:="*", LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
            myLastColumn = .Find(What:="*", LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Column
        End With
        Set myRange = .Range(.Cells(myFirstRow, myFirstColumn), .Cells(myLastRow, myLastColumn))
    End With

    On Error Resume Next
    myRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, xlTextValues).EntireRow.Delete

End Sub

Effects of Executing Macro Example

The following GIF illustrates the results of executing this macro example. As expected, VBA deletes all rows containing strings between (i) row 6 and the last row with data on the worksheet, and (ii) column 2 and the last column with data on the worksheet.

Macro deletes rows containing strings

#10: Delete Row Based on Cell Value

VBA Code to Delete Row Based on Cell Value

To delete rows based on the value in a specific cell using VBA, use a macro with the following statement structure:

With Worksheet
    With .Range(.Cells(FirstRow, FirstColumn), .Cells(LastRow, LastColumn))
        .AutoFilter Field:=CriteriaField, Criteria1:=Value
        On Error Resume Next
        .Offset(RowOffset:=1).Resize(RowSize:=(.Rows.Count - 1)).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).EntireRow.Delete
    End With
    .AutoFilterMode = False
End With

Process Followed by VBA Code

Identify cell range > Filter cells with value > Exclude headers > Identify visible cells > Return entire rows > Delete rows

VBA Statement Explanation

Lines #1 and #8: With Worksheet | End With

  1. Item: With… End With.
    • VBA Construct: With… End With statement.
    • Description: Statements within the With… End With statement (lines #2 through #7 below) are executed on the worksheet returned by item #2 below.
  2. Item: Worksheet.
    • VBA Construct: Workbook.Worksheets property.
    • Description: Returns a Worksheet object representing the worksheet you work with.

Lines #2 and #6: With .Range(.Cells(FirstRow, FirstColumn), .Cells(LastRow, LastColumn)) | End With

  1. Item: With… End With.
    1. VBA Construct: With… End With statement.
    2. Description: Statements within the With… End With statement (lines #3 through #6 below) are executed on the range object returned by items #2 through #4 below.
  2. Item: .Range.
    • VBA Construct: Worksheet.Range property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing a cell range specified as follows:
      • Upper-left corner cell: Range object returned by item #3 below.
      • Lower-right corner cell: Range object returned by item #4 below.
  3. Item: .Cells(FirstRow, FirstColumn).
    • VBA Construct: Worksheet.Cells property and Range.Item property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing the cell at the intersection of row number FirstRow and column number FirstColumn.

      FirstRow and FirstColumn are the number of, respectively, the first row and first column in the cell range you work with. If you explicitly declare a variable to represent FirstRow or FirstColumn, use the Long data type.

  4. Item: .Cells(LastRow, LastColumn).
    • VBA Construct: Worksheet.Cells property and Range.Item property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing the cell at the intersection of row number LastRow and column number LastColumn.

      LastRow and LastColumn are the number of, respectively, the last row and last column in the cell range you work with. If you explicitly declare a variable to represent LastRow or LastColumn, use the Long data type.

Line #3: .AutoFilter Field:=CriteriaField, Criteria1:=Value

  1. Item: .AutoFilter.
    • VBA Construct: Range.AutoFilter method.
    • Description: Filter the data within the range you work with using the AutoFilter and according to the parameters specified by items #2 and #3 below.
  2. Item: Field:=CriteriaField.
    • VBA Construct: Field parameter of Range.AutoFilter method.
    • Description: Specifies the field on which you want to base the filter. The leftmost field of the range you work with is Field 1. The rightmost field is the number of fields in the cell range you work with.

      If you explicitly declare a variable to represent CriteriaField, use the Long data type.

  3. Item: Criteria1:=Value.
    • VBA Construct: Criteria1 parameter of Range.AutoFilter method.
    • Description: Specifies the filtering criteria. If you explicitly declare a variable to represent Value, ensure that the data type you use can handle the value you use as criteria.

Line #4: On Error Resume Next

  1. Item: On Error Resume Next.
    • VBA Construct: On Error Resume Next statement.
    • Description: Specifies that, when a run-time error occurs, control goes to the statement following the statement where the error occurs.

      The error-handler in this line #4 is necessary because, if the field you filter by (line #3 above) doesn’t contain cells with the value you use as criteria, line #5 below generates a run-time error.

Line #5: .Offset(RowOffset:=1).Resize(RowSize:=(.Rows.Count – 1)).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).EntireRow.Delete

  1. Item: Offset.
    • VBA Construct: Range.Offset property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object a number of rows above or below the cell range it works with, as returned by line #2 above.
  2. Item: RowOffset:=1.
    • VBA Construct: RowOffset parameter of Range.Offset property.
    • Description: Specifies that the cell range returned by Range.Offset (item #1 above) is 1 row below the range specified in line #2 above.

      Line #2 above specifies the cell range you work with. Therefore, the Range object that Range.Offset returns has the same size but is 1 row below the cell range you work with. This results in the following:

      • The headers of the cell range you work with are excluded from the Range object.
      • The first empty row below the last row with data (LastRow in line #2 above) is included. This extra line is handled by item #7 below.
  3. Item: Resize.
    • VBA Construct: Range.Resize property.
    • Description: Resizes the cell range returned by items #1 and #2 above.
  4. Item: RowSize.
    • VBA Construct: RowSize parameter of Range.Resize property.
    • Description: Specifies the number of rows in the new cell range returned by Range.Resize (item #3 above).
  5. Item: Rows.
    • VBA Construct: Range.Rows property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing the rows in the cell range it works with, as returned by line #2 above.
  6. Item: Count.
    • VBA Construct: Range.Count property.
    • Description: Returns the number of rows within the Range object returned by item #5 above.
  7. Item: Resize(RowSize:=(.Rows.Count – 1)).
    1. VBA Construct: Range.Resize property.
    2. Description: Resizes the cell range returned by items #1 and #2 above to reduce it by one row. The number of rows in the new range is obtained by subtracting 1 from the number of rows returned by line #2, as counted by items #5 and #6 above.

      This results in a cell range that excludes the first empty row below the last row with data that the Range.Offset property (items #1 and #2 above) included.

  8. Item: SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).
    • VBA Construct: Range.SpecialCells method and Type parameter of Range.SpecialCells method.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing all visible cells within the cell range you work with, excluding the headers (as required by item #2 above).

      Since line #3 above filters the data according to the criteria you specify, the visible cells returned by Range.SpecialCells are those containing the value you’re looking for in the column (field) you specify.

  9. Item: EntireRow.
    • VBA Construct: Range.EntireRow property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing the entire rows containing the Range object returned by item #8 above.
  10. Item: Delete.
    • VBA Construct: Range.Delete method.
    • Description: Deletes the Range object returned by item #10 above.

Line #7: .AutoFilterMode = False

  1. Item: .AutoFilterMode = False.
    • VBA Construct: Worksheet.AutoFilterMode property.
    • Description: Specifies that the AutoFilter drop-down arrows aren’t displayed on the worksheet.

Macro Example

The following macro deletes all rows that meet the following conditions:

  • Are between:
    • Rows number (myFirstRow + 1) and myLastRow.
    • Columns number myFirstColumn and myLastColumn.
  • Contain the value myValue in field number myCriteriaField.

In this example:

  • myFirstRow is set to 5.
  • myFirstColumn is set to 2.
  • myCriteriaField is set to 1.
  • myValue is set to 5.
  • myLastRow is set to the number of the last row with data in the worksheet named “Delete row based on value”. The constructs used by the statement that finds the last row with data in the worksheet are the Worksheet.Cells property, the Range.Find method, and the Range.Row property.
  • myLastColumn is set to the number of the last column with data in the same worksheet. The constructs used by the statement that finds the last column with data in the worksheet are the Worksheet.Cells property, the Range.Find method, and the Range.Column property.
Sub deleteRowBasedOnValue()

    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-delete-row/

    Dim myFirstRow As Long
    Dim myLastRow As Long
    Dim myFirstColumn As Long
    Dim myLastColumn As Long
    Dim myCriteriaField As Long
    Dim myValue As Double
    Dim myWorksheet As Worksheet

    myFirstRow = 5
    myFirstColumn = 2
    myCriteriaField = 1
    myValue = 5

    Set myWorksheet = Worksheets("Delete row based on value")

    With myWorksheet
        With .Cells
            myLastRow = .Find(What:="*", LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
            myLastColumn = .Find(What:="*", LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Column
        End With
        With .Range(.Cells(myFirstRow, myFirstColumn), .Cells(myLastRow, myLastColumn))
            .AutoFilter Field:=myCriteriaField, Criteria1:=myValue
            On Error Resume Next
            .Offset(RowOffset:=1).Resize(RowSize:=(.Rows.Count - 1)).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).EntireRow.Delete
        End With
        .AutoFilterMode = False
    End With

End Sub

Effects of Executing Macro Example

The following GIF illustrates the results of executing this macro example. As expected, VBA deletes the rows containing myValue (5) in myCriteriaField (1).

Macro deletes rows based on value

#11: Delete Row Based on Date

VBA Code to Delete Row Based on Date

To delete rows based on the date in a specific cell using VBA, use a macro with the following statement structure:

With Worksheet
    For Counter = LastRow To FirstRow Step -1
        With .Cells(Counter, CriteriaColumn)
            If .Value = Date Then
                If Not RowsWithDate Is Nothing Then
                    Set RowsWithDate = Union(RowsWithDate, .Cells)
                    Set RowsWithDate = .Cells
                End If
            End If
        End With
    Next Counter
End With
If Not RowsWithDate Is Nothing Then RowsWithDate.EntireRow.Delete

Process Followed by VBA Code

Loop through all rows > Does row contain date? > Add cell with date to object variable representing cells with date > Return entire rows > Delete rows

VBA Statement Explanation

Lines #1 and #13: With Worksheet | End With

  1. Item: With… End With.
    • VBA Construct: With… End With statement.
    • Description: Statements within the With… End With statement (lines #2 through #12 below) are executed on the worksheet returned by item #2 below.
  2. Item: Worksheet.
    • VBA Construct: Workbook.Worksheets property.
    • Description: Returns a Worksheet object representing the worksheet you work with.

Lines #2 and #12: For Counter = LastRow To FirstRow Step -1 | Next Counter

  1. Item: For… Next Counter.
    • VBA Construct: For… Next statement.
    • Description: Repeats the statements within the loop (lines #3 through #11 below) for each row between (and including FirstRow (item #4 below) and LastRow (item #3 below).
  2. Item: Counter.
    • VBA Construct: Counter of For… Next statement.
    • Description: Loop counter. If you explicitly declare a variable to represent the loop counter, use the Long data type.
  3. Item: LastRow.
    • VBA Construct: Counter Start of For… Next statement.
    • Description: Number of the last row (further down the worksheet) you want the macro to consider when identifying blank rows. The number of the last row is also the initial value of Counter (item #2 above).

      If you explicitly declare a variable to represent the number of the last row to consider, use the Long data type.

  4. Item: FirstRow.
    • VBA Construct: Counter End of For… Next statement.
    • Description: Number of the first row (closer to the top of the worksheet) you want the macro to consider when identifying blank rows. The number of the first row is also the final value of Counter (item (#2 above).

      If you explicitly declare a variable to represent the number of the first row to consider, use the Long data type.

  5. Item: Step -1.
    • VBA Construct: Step of For… Next statement.
    • Description: Amount by which Counter (item #2 above) changes every time a loop iteration occurs.

      In this scenario, you loop backwards: from LastRow (item #3 above) to FirstRow (item #4 above). Therefore, step is -1.

Lines #3 and #11: With .Cells(Counter, CriteriaColumn) | End With

  1. Item: With… End With.
    • VBA Construct: With… End With statement.
    • Description: Statements within the With… End With statement (lines #4 through #10 below) are executed on the cell returned by item #2 below.
  2. Item: .Cells(Counter, CriteriaColumn).
    • VBA Construct: Worksheet.Cells property and Range.Item property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing the cell at the intersection of row number Counter and column number CriteriaColumn.

      At any given time, the value of the loop counter (Counter) is the same as that of the row through which the macro is currently looping. CriteriaColumn is the number of the column containing the cells with dates you consider.

Line #4: If .Value = Date Then

  1. Item: If… Then.
    • VBA Construct: Opening line of If… Then… Else statement.
    • Description: Conditionally executes the statements within the If… Then block (lines #5 through #9 below) if the condition specified by item #3 below is met.
  2. Item: .Value.
    • VBA Construct: Range.Value property.
    • Description: Returns the value of the cell represented by the Range object returned by line #3 above (.Cells(Counter, CriteriaColumn)). This is the value of the cell at the intersection of the row through which the macro is currently looping and the column containing the cells with dates you consider.
  3. Item: .Value = Date.
    • VBA Construct: Condition of If… Then… Else statement.
    • Description: This condition is a numeric expression that evaluates to True or False, as follows:
      • True: When the value of the cell at the intersection of the row through which the macro is currently looping and the column containing the cells with dates you consider is equal to the date you specify (Date).
      • False: When the value of the cell at the intersection of the row through which the macro is currently looping and the column containing the cells with dates you consider isn’t equal to the date you specify (Date).

      If you explicitly declare a variable to represent Date, ensure that the data type you use can handle the value you use as criteria. Consider, for example, using the Date data type.

      When specifying the date you use as criteria, ensure that you specify the date as a value as required by VBA. For these purposes, you can use VBA constructs such as the DateValue or DateSerial Functions.

Line #5: If Not RowsWithDate Is Nothing Then

  1. Item: If… Then.
    • VBA Construct: Opening line of If… Then… Else statement.
    • Description: Conditionally executes the statement within the If… Then… Else block (line #6 below) if the condition specified by item #6 below is met.
  2. Item: Not.
    • VBA Construct: Not operator.
    • Description: Carries out a logical negation on item #3 below. In other words, if item #3 returns:
      • True, the result is False.
      • False, the result is True.
  3. Item: RowsWithDate.
    • VBA Construct: Object (Range) variable.
    • Description: Holds a Range object representing the cells in the column you specify (CriteriaColumn in line #3 above) containing the date you use as criteria.
  4. Item: Is.
    • VBA Construct: Is Operator.
    • Description: Compares 2 object reference variables: (i) Not RowsWithDate (items #2 and #3 above) vs. (ii) Nothing (item #5 below).

      If both object references refer to the same object, the Is operator returns True. If they refer to different objects, Is returns False.

  5. Item: Nothing.
    • Description: The default value for a data type. In the case of an object variable (such as RowsWithDate), a null reference.
  6. Item: Not RowsWithDate Is Nothing.
    • VBA Construct: Condition of If… Then… Else statement.
    • Description: The condition is an expression that evaluates to True or False, as follows:
      • True: When “Not RowsWithDate” (items #2 and #3 above) refers to the same object as Nothing (item #5 above). This happens when RowsWithDate is “something”.

        Since RowsWithDate holds a Range object representing the cells with the criteria date found by the macro in a specific column (CriteriaColumn in line #3 above), RowsWithDate is something after the macro finds the first such cell.

      • False: When “Not RowsWithDate” refers to a different object from Nothing. This happens when RowsWithDate itself is Nothing. This occurs prior to the macro finding the first cell with the criteria date. This is because RowsWithDate isn’t assigned to anything prior to that moment.

Line #6: Set RowsWithDate = Union(RowsWithDate, .Cells)

  1. Item: Set… =.
    • VBA Construct: Set statement.
    • Description: Assigns the object reference returned by item #6 below to RowsWithDate (item #2 below).
  2. Item: RowsWithDate.
    • VBA Construct: Object (Range) variable of Set statement.
    • Description:
      • Holds a Range object representing the cells in the column you specify (CriteriaColumn in line #3 above) containing the date you use as criteria.
      • RowsWithDate is included twice in the statement. In the first mention (Set RowsWithDate), RowsWithDate is the object variable to which an object reference is assigned.
  3. Item: Union.
    • VBA Construct: Application.Union method.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing the union of the Range objects returned by items #4 and #5 below.
  4. Item: RowsWithDate.
    • VBA Construct: Object (Range) variable.
    • Description:
      • Holds a Range object representing the cells in the column you specify (CriteriaColumn in line #3 above) containing the date you use as criteria.
      • RowsWithDate is included twice in the statement. In the second mention (Union(RowsWithDate, .Cells), RowsWithDate is one of the parameters of the Application.Union method.
  5. Item: .Cells.
    • VBA Construct: Range.Cells property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing the cell represented by the Range object returned by line #3 above (.Cells(Counter, CriteriaColumn)). This is the cell at the intersection of the row through which the macro is currently looping and the column containing the cells with dates you consider.
  6. Item: Union(RowsWithDate, .Cells).
    • VBA Construct: Object expression of Set statement.
    • Description: Returns the new Range object reference assigned to the RowsWithDate object variable (item #2 above). This is the union of the following 2 Range objects:
      • Prior to the Set statement, RowsWithDate represents cells in the column you specify containing the date you use as criteria found by the macro prior to the row through which it’s currently looping.
      • “.Cells” represents the cell at the intersection of the row through which the macro is currently looping and the column containing the cells with dates you consider.

      Graphically, this looks as follows:

      Union(RowsWithDate, .Cells)

      In other words, any cell containing the criteria date the macro finds is “added” to RowsWithDate.

Line #7: Else

  1. Item: Else.
    • VBA Construct: Else clause of If… Then… Else statement.
    • Description: The statement following the Else clause (line #8 below) is executed if the condition tested in the opening line of the If… Then… Else statement (line #5 above) isn’t met and returns False.

Line #8: Set RowsWithDate = .Cells

  1. Item: Set… =.
    • VBA Construct: Set statement.
    • Description: Assigns the object reference returned by item #3 below to RowsWithDate (item #2 below).
  2. Item: RowsWithDate.
    • VBA Construct: Object (Range) variable of Set statement.
    • Description: Holds a Range object representing the cells in the column you specify (CriteriaColumn in line #3 above) containing the date you use as criteria.
  3. Item: .Cells.
    • VBA Construct: Range.Cells property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing the cell represented by the Range object returned by line #3 above (.Cells(Counter, CriteriaColumn)). This is the cell at the intersection of the row through which the macro is currently looping and the column containing the cells with dates you consider.

Lines #9 and #10: End If | End If

  1. Item: End If.
    • VBA Construct: Closing lines of If… Then… Else statements.
    • Description: Ends the If… Then… Else statements that began in lines #4 and #5 above.

Line #14: If Not RowsWithDate Is Nothing Then RowsWithDate.EntireRow.Delete

  1. Item: If… Then.
    • VBA Construct: If… Then… Else statement.
    • Description: Conditionally executes the statement within at the end of the line (items #7 through #9 below) if the condition specified by item #6 below is met.
  2. Item: Not.
    • VBA Construct: Not operator.
    • Description: Carries out a logical negation on item #3 below. In other words, if item #3 returns:
      • True, the result is False.
      • False, the result is True.
  3. Item: RowsWithDate.
    • VBA Construct: Object (Range) variable.
    • Description: Holds a Range object representing the cells in the column you specify (CriteriaColumn in line #3 above) containing the date you use as criteria.
  4. Item: Is.
    • VBA Construct: Is Operator.
    • Description: Compares 2 object reference variables: (i) Not RowsWithDate (items #2 and #3 above) vs. (ii) Nothing (item #5 below).

      If both object references refer to the same object, the Is operator returns True. If they refer to different objects, Is returns False.

  5. Item: Nothing.
    • Description: The default value for a data type. In the case of an object variable (such as RowsWithDate), a null reference.
  6. Item: Not RowsWithDate Is Nothing.
    • VBA Construct: Condition of If… Then… Else statement.
    • Description: The condition is an expression that evaluates to True or False, as follows:
      • True: When “Not RowsWithDate” (items #2 and #3 above) refers to the same object as Nothing (item #5 above). This happens when RowsWithDate is “something”.

        Since RowsWithDate holds a Range object representing the cells with the criteria date found by the macro in a specific column (CriteriaColumn in line #3 above), RowsWithDate is something if the macro finds at least one such cell.

      • False: When “Not RowsWithDate” refers to a different object from Nothing. This happens when RowsWithDate itself is Nothing. This, in turn, occurs when the macro founds no cells with the criteria date within the specified column.
  7. Item: RowsWithDate.
    • VBA Construct: Object (Range) variable.
    • Description: Holds a Range object representing the cells in the column you specify (CriteriaColumn in line #3 above) containing the date you use as criteria.
  8. Item: EntireRow.
    • VBA Construct: Range.EntireRow property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing the entire row containing the cell range returned by item #7 above.
  9. Item: Delete.
    • VBA Construct: Range.Delete method.
    • Description: Deletes the Range object returned by item #8 above.

Macro Example

The following macro deletes all rows that meet the following conditions:

  • Are between rows number myFirstRow and myLastRow.
  • Contain the date myDate in column number myCriteriaColumn.

In this example:

  • myFirstRow is set to 5.
  • myDate is set to the serial number representing June 15, 2017. For purposes of obtaining the appropriate serial number, I use the DateValue Function.
  • myCriteriaColumn is set to 2.
  • myLastRow is set to the number of the last row with data in the worksheet named “Delete row based on date”. The constructs used by the statement that finds the last row with data in the worksheet are the Worksheet.Cells property, the Range.Find method, and the Range.Row property.
Sub deleteRowBasedOnDate()

    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-delete-row/

    Dim myFirstRow As Long
    Dim myLastRow As Long
    Dim myCriteriaColumn As Long
    Dim myDate As Date
    Dim myWorksheet As Worksheet
    Dim iCounter As Long
    Dim myRowsWithDate As Range

    myFirstRow = 6
    myCriteriaColumn = 2
    myDate = DateValue("June 15, 2017")

    Set myWorksheet = Worksheets("Delete row based on date")

    With myWorksheet
        myLastRow = .Cells.Find(What:="*", LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
        For iCounter = myLastRow To myFirstRow Step -1
            With .Cells(iCounter, myCriteriaColumn)
                If .Value = myDate Then
                    If Not myRowsWithDate Is Nothing Then
                        Set myRowsWithDate = Union(myRowsWithDate, .Cells)
                        Set myRowsWithDate = .Cells
                    End If
                End If
            End With
        Next iCounter
    End With

    If Not myRowsWithDate Is Nothing Then myRowsWithDate.EntireRow.Delete

End Sub

Effects of Executing Macro Example

The following GIF illustrates the results of executing this macro example. As expected, VBA deletes the rows containing myDate (June 15, 2017) in myCriteriaColumn (2).

Macro deletes rows based on date

#12: Delete Row Based on String Criteria

VBA Code to Delete Row Based on String Criteria

To delete rows based on the string in a specific cell using VBA, use a macro with the following statement structure:

With Worksheet
    With .Range(.Cells(FirstRow, FirstColumn), .Cells(LastRow, LastColumn))
        .AutoFilter Field:=CriteriaField, Criteria1:=String
        On Error Resume Next
        .Offset(RowOffset:=1).Resize(RowSize:=(.Rows.Count - 1)).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).EntireRow.Delete
    End With
    .AutoFilterMode = False
End With

Process Followed by VBA Code

Identify cell range > Filter cells with string > Exclude headers > Identify visible cells > Return entire rows > Delete rows

VBA Statement Explanation

Lines #1 and #8: With Worksheet | End With

  1. Item: With… End With.
    • VBA Construct: With… End With statement.
    • Description: Statements within the With… End With statement (lines #2 through #7 below) are executed on the worksheet returned by item #2 below.
  2. Item: Worksheet.
    • VBA Construct: Workbook.Worksheets property.
    • Description: Returns a Worksheet object representing the worksheet you work with.

Lines #2 and #6: With .Range(.Cells(FirstRow, FirstColumn), .Cells(LastRow, LastColumn)) | End With

  1. Item: With… End With.
    1. VBA Construct: With… End With statement.
    2. Description: Statements within the With… End With statement (lines #3 through #6 below) are executed on the range object returned by items #2 through #4 below.
  2. Item: .Range.
    • VBA Construct: Worksheet.Range property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing a cell range specified as follows:
      • Upper-left corner cell: Range object returned by item #3 below.
      • Lower-right corner cell: Range object returned by item #4 below.
  3. Item: .Cells(FirstRow, FirstColumn).
    • VBA Construct: Worksheet.Cells property and Range.Item property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing the cell at the intersection of row number FirstRow and column number FirstColumn.

      FirstRow and FirstColumn are the number of, respectively, the first row and first column in the cell range you work with. If you explicitly declare a variable to represent FirstRow or FirstColumn, use the Long data type.

  4. Item: .Cells(LastRow, LastColumn).
    • VBA Construct: Worksheet.Cells property and Range.Item property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing the cell at the intersection of row number LastRow and column number LastColumn.

      LastRow and LastColumn are the number of, respectively, the last row and last column in the cell range you work with. If you explicitly declare a variable to represent LastRow or LastColumn, use the Long data type.

Line #3: .AutoFilter Field:=CriteriaField, Criteria1:=String

  1. Item: .AutoFilter.
    • VBA Construct: Range.AutoFilter method.
    • Description: Filter the data within the range you work with using the AutoFilter and according to the parameters specified by items #2 and #3 below.
  2. Item: Field:=CriteriaField.
    • VBA Construct: Field parameter of Range.AutoFilter method.
    • Description: Specifies the field on which you want to base the filter. The leftmost field of the range you work with is Field 1. The rightmost field is the number of fields in the cell range you work with.

      If you explicitly declare a variable to represent CriteriaField, use the Long data type.

  3. Item: Criteria1:=String.
    • VBA Construct: Criteria1 parameter of Range.AutoFilter method.
    • Description: Specifies the filtering criteria. If you explicitly declare a variable to represent String, use the String data type.

Line #4: On Error Resume Next

  1. Item: On Error Resume Next.
    • VBA Construct: On Error Resume Next statement.
    • Description: Specifies that, when a run-time error occurs, control goes to the statement following the statement where the error occurs.

      The error-handler in this line #4 is necessary because, if the field you filter by (line #3 above) doesn’t contain cells with the string you use as criteria, line #5 below generates a run-time error.

Line #5: .Offset(RowOffset:=1).Resize(RowSize:=(.Rows.Count – 1)).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).EntireRow.Delete

  1. Item: Offset.
    • VBA Construct: Range.Offset property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object a number of rows above or below the cell range it works with, as returned by line #2 above.
  2. Item: RowOffset:=1.
    • VBA Construct: RowOffset parameter of Range.Offset property.
    • Description: Specifies that the cell range returned by Range.Offset (item #1 above) is 1 row below the range specified in line #2 above.

      Line #2 above specifies the cell range you work with. Therefore, the Range object that Range.Offset returns has the same size but is 1 row below the cell range you work with. This results in the following:

      • The headers of the cell range you work with are excluded from the Range object.
      • The first empty row below the last row with data (LastRow in line #2 above) is included. This extra line is handled by item #7 below.
  3. Item: Resize.
    • VBA Construct: Range.Resize property.
    • Description: Resizes the cell range returned by items #1 and #2 above.
  4. Item: RowSize.
    • VBA Construct: RowSize parameter of Range.Resize property.
    • Description: Specifies the number of rows in the new cell range returned by Range.Resize (item #3 above).
  5. Item: Rows.
    • VBA Construct: Range.Rows property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing the rows in the cell range it works with, as returned by line #2 above.
  6. Item: Count.
    • VBA Construct: Range.Count property.
    • Description: Returns the number of rows within the Range object returned by item #5 above.
  7. Item: Resize(RowSize:=(.Rows.Count – 1)).
    1. VBA Construct: Range.Resize property.
    2. Description: Resizes the cell range returned by items #1 and #2 above to reduce it by one row. The number of rows in the new range is obtained by subtracting 1 from the number of rows returned by line #2, as counted by items #5 and #6 above.

      This results in a cell range that excludes the first empty row below the last row with data that the Range.Offset property (items #1 and #2 above) included.

  8. Item: SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).
    • VBA Construct: Range.SpecialCells method and Type parameter of Range.SpecialCells method.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing all visible cells within the cell range you work with, excluding the headers (as required by item #2 above).

      Since line #3 above filters the data according to the criteria you specify, the visible cells returned by Range.SpecialCells are those containing the string you’re looking for in the column (field) you specify.

  9. Item: EntireRow.
    • VBA Construct: Range.EntireRow property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing the entire rows containing the Range object returned by item #8 above.
  10. Item: Delete.
    • VBA Construct: Range.Delete method.
    • Description: Deletes the Range object returned by item #10 above.

Line #7: .AutoFilterMode = False

  1. Item: .AutoFilterMode = False.
    • VBA Construct: Worksheet.AutoFilterMode property.
    • Description: Specifies that the AutoFilter drop-down arrows aren’t displayed on the worksheet.

Macro Example

The following macro deletes all rows that meet the following conditions:

  • Are between:
    • Rows number (myFirstRow + 1) and myLastRow.
    • Columns number myFirstColumn and myLastColumn.
  • Contain the string myString in field number myCriteriaField.

In this example:

  • myFirstRow is set to 5.
  • myFirstColumn is set to 2.
  • myCriteriaField is set to 1.
  • myString is set to “*to delete*”.

    The asterisks at the beginning and end of the string act as wildcards representing any number of characters. Therefore, myString includes any strings that contain “to delete”, regardless of the text before or after it.

    For example, in the example below, I use this macro to delete rows where the cell in the first column contains the string “Rows to delete now”. “to delete” is between the strings “Rows ” and ” now”, both of which are covered by the asterisk wildcard.

  • myLastRow is set to the number of the last row with data in the worksheet named “Delete row based on string”. The constructs used by the statement that finds the last row with data in the worksheet are the Worksheet.Cells property, the Range.Find method, and the Range.Row property.
  • myLastColumn is set to the number of the last column with data in the same worksheet. The constructs used by the statement that finds the last column with data in the worksheet are the Worksheet.Cells property, the Range.Find method, and the Range.Column property.
Sub deleteRowBasedOnString()

    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-delete-row/

    Dim myFirstRow As Long
    Dim myLastRow As Long
    Dim myFirstColumn As Long
    Dim myLastColumn As Long
    Dim myCriteriaField As Long
    Dim myString As String
    Dim myWorksheet As Worksheet

    myFirstRow = 5
    myFirstColumn = 2
    myCriteriaField = 1
    myString = "*to delete*"

    Set myWorksheet = Worksheets("Delete row based on string")

    With myWorksheet
        With .Cells
            myLastRow = .Find(What:="*", LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
            myLastColumn = .Find(What:="*", LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Column
        End With
        With .Range(.Cells(myFirstRow, myFirstColumn), .Cells(myLastRow, myLastColumn))
            .AutoFilter Field:=myCriteriaField, Criteria1:=myString
            On Error Resume Next
            .Offset(RowOffset:=1).Resize(RowSize:=(.Rows.Count - 1)).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).EntireRow.Delete
        End With
        .AutoFilterMode = False
    End With

End Sub

Effects of Executing Macro Example

The following GIF illustrates the results of executing this macro example. As expected, VBA deletes the rows containing myString (“*to delete*”) in myCriteriaField (1).

Macro deletes rows based on string criteria

References to VBA Constructs Used in this VBA Tutorial

Use the following links to visit the appropriate webpage within the Microsoft Office Dev Center:

  1. Identify the worksheet you work with:
    • Workbook.Worksheets property.
  2. Find last row and last column with data in a worksheet and count number of rows in a cell range:
    • Range.Find method.
    • Range.Count property.
  3. Return Range objects:
    • Application.ActiveCell property.
    • Worksheet.Cells property.
    • Range.Cells property.
    • Range.Offset property.
    • Range.Resize property.
    • Application.Union method.
  4. Return Range objects representing rows:
    • Worksheet.Rows property.
    • Range.Rows property.
    • Range.EntireRow property.
  5. Loop through rows:
    • For… Next statement.
  6. Specify criteria for row deletion:
    • DateSerial Function.
    • DateValue Function.
    • Range.Value property.
  7. Test if (i) rows meet criteria for deletion, or (ii) the macro has found rows or cells meeting the criteria for deletion:
    • If… Then… Else statement.
    • Range.AutoFilter method.
    • Range.SpecialCells method.
    • WorksheetFunction.CountA method.
    • Not operator.
    • Is operator.
  8. Delete rows.
    • Range.Delete method.
  9. Work with variables:
    • Dim statement.
    • Set statement.
    • Data types:
      • Data data type.
      • Double data type.
      • Long data type.
      • Object data type.
      • String data type.
      • Variant data type.
  10. Simplify object references:
    • With… End With statement.
  11. Handle errors:
    • On Error statement.
  12. Remove AutoFilter drop-down arrows:
    • Worksheet.AutoFilterMode property.




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Регистрация: 01.01.1970

Приветствую форумчан!  
Подскажите, плиз, как удалить строки не смежных диапазонов в столбце (в VBA).  
Предпологаю, диапазоны нужно выделить и удалить.  
С удалением понятно: Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp  
А как выделить строки не смежных диапазонов???  
Заранее благодарен….




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Регистрация: 01.01.1970

Выделение строк по параметру X имеет вид    

  Rows((X1) & «:» & (X2)).Select  

  А если таких диапазонов несколько…?!?


А макрорекордером не пробовали воспользоваться?  

  Sub Макрос1()  
   Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp  
End Sub




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{quote}{login=ALEX1377}{date=23.05.2011 11:58}{post}Предпологаю, диапазоны нужно выделить и удалить.  
выделять необязательно

фрилансер Excel, VBA — контакты в профиле
«Совершенствоваться не обязательно. Выживание — дело добровольное.» Э.Деминг




Сообщений: 8
Регистрация: 01.01.1970

{quote}{login=Михаил С.}{date=24.05.2011 12:21}{thema=}{post}А макрорекордером не пробовали воспользоваться?{/post}{/quote}  
Михаил, я конечно извиняюсь, но вы для чего VBA пользуетесь — чтобы создать код для одного конкретного случая? — тогда лучше удалять вручную, без VBA. Интересует код на все случаи жизни, когда несмежные диапазоны могут быть в разных ячейках одного конкретного столбца…. Определение диапазонов необходимо выполнить в VBA…


Как вариант, не углубляясь..  




Сообщений: 8
Регистрация: 01.01.1970

Данный код удаляет пустые ячейки между диапазонами. Необходимо наоборот, удалить заполненные ячейки. (Наверное я не очень понятно описал ситуацию )))


Range(«A:A»).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, 23).EntireRow.Delete  ))


Спасибо МАУГЛИ, ПОМОГ, РАБОТАЕТ !!! )))) Вопросик попутный по коду — 23 в коде что означает (по остальному вроде понятно)….


числа 1  
текст 2  
логические 4  
ошибки 16


to Маугли: а как выделить диапазоны в столбце, значения ячеек которых равны 0?  
может есть в методе    
Range(«A:A»).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, 23).EntireRow.Delete  

  решение и такой задачи? )  



Как вариант — сначала заменить нули на пусто, потом удалить пустые:  

  with columns(1)  
.replace 0,»»,xlwhole  
end with


а если нужно удалить не смежные строки,    
  заранее неизвестно сколько будет диапазонов и строк… много.  
данные по индексам строк, которые надо удалить, хранятся в массиве…..  
Пробовал записывать адрес диапазона в строковую переменную, а потом удалять но…  
способ «Range(«5:8,14:16″).Select» не подходит, так как если количество диапазонов превышает 35  и кол строк 190, этот метод перестает работать..  
UNION — не знаю как прикрутить  
по одной удалять в цикле — не хочу  

  может кто что подскажет???


Юрий М


Сообщений: 60570
Регистрация: 14.09.2012

Контакты см. в профиле

{quote}{login=drx}{date=30.08.2012 06:19}{thema=}{post} UNION — не знаю как прикрутить{/post}{/quote}А справка по Union не помогает?  
Union(Range1, Range2, … Range30)


я заранее..не могу написать Union(Range1, Range2, … Range30) так как не знаю сколько их будет этих рендж…  
  … как это сделать?  может в цикле можно к УНИОН добавлять РЕНДЖ  как то?


никто не поможет?….  
ведь многим может понадобиться….  
…или я туплю насчет УНИОН,  ….ну не могу догнать как к нему РЕНДЖ добавлять по ходу программы…


Маугли, спасибо, но этот вариант у меня уже был. кроме того можно около 35 диапазонов за один шаг удалять… но вот все за раз ….уже чисто спортивный интерес.




Сообщений: 14868
Регистрация: 21.12.2012

E-mail и реквизиты в профиле.

>> никто не поможет?….  
drx, можно сидеть и тупо ждать, пока кто-то за Вас нарисует пример, чтоб удовлетворить Ваш «чисто спортивный интерес». А можно воспользоваться поиском. И я и мои друзья выкладывали сотни примеров наполнения диапазона через Union в цикле. Можно еще прочесть Правила и выложить свой пример, со своими попытками.

Я сам — дурнее всякого примера! …


kuklp —  можно же сказать, что было уже, поищи по таким-то ключам.  
так нет надо обязательно в форме «тупо», «за вас нарисует» и т.д….  
ну да ладно…




Сообщений: 14868
Регистрация: 21.12.2012

E-mail и реквизиты в профиле.

Все это давным-давно сказано в правилах форума! Только никто не желает себя утруждать их прочтением. А именно тупо постят в форум. А нам не осточертевает по сотне раз отвечать на один вопрос, как думаете? Да еще при таких тормозах форума. Вот например ссылка, наслаждайтесь:  


Я сам — дурнее всякого примера! …


Юрий М


Сообщений: 60570
Регистрация: 14.09.2012

Контакты см. в профиле


31.08.2012 16:37:24

{quote}{login=drx}{date=31.08.2012 02:08}{thema=}{post}kuklp —  можно же сказать, что было уже, поищи по таким-то ключам. так нет надо обязательно в форме «тупо», «за вас нарисует» и т.д.{/post}{/quote}drx, а Вы действительно считаете, что перед тем, как подсказать Вам решение, человек ещё должен за Вас (именно за Вас) создать файл, где заполнит таблицу, определит, — какие строки подлежат удалению…? Или эту работу должен сделать тот, кому нужна помощь? Очень хочу услышать Ваш ответ.

Adding and deleting rows is part of everyday common tasks when working with Excel.

While you can do this easily from the worksheet itself, sometimes you may want to use the VBA route to delete rows in Excel. These could be deleting a specific row, multiple rows in the selection, deleting alternate rows or those that have a specific value in it.

In this tutorial, I will show you how to delete rows in Excel using VBA (multiple scenarios).

So let’s get started!

Delete an Entire Row using VBA

To delete an entire row in Excel using VBA, you need to use the EntireRow.Delete method.

For example, if you want to delete the entire first row in a worksheet, you can use the below code:

Sub DeleteEntireRow()
End Sub

The above code first specifies the row that needs to be deleted (which is done by specifying the number in bracket) and then uses the EntireRow.Delete method to delete it.

You can also delete multiple rows by specifying these rows in the code.

For example, the below code will delete row number 1, 5 and 9 in the worksheet:

Sub DeleteEntireRow()
End Sub

The above code uses the same logic, where it specifies the row numbers and Excel will delete these rows one by one.

IMPORTANT: When you’re deleting rows with something similar to the above code, remember to start deleting from the bottom and then go up. For example, in case you start at the top and delete row 1 first, all the rows below it would be shifted one row up and the numbering would be off (as row 5 would become row 4 and so on)

Delete All Rows in the Selection

In case you want to delete all the rows in a selected range of cells, you can use the VBA macro code below:

Sub DeleteEntireRow()
End Sub

The above code applies to the EntireRow.Delete method to the entire selection.

Delete Alternate rows (or Delete Every Third/Fourth/Nth Row)

Sometimes, you may get a data dump where every second row (or third, fourth or Nth rows) is useless and needs to be deleted.

I used to work with financial data where every second row was empty and had to be deleted.

This is the type of scenario where VBA really shines.

Below is the VBA code that will go through all the rows in the selection and delete every second row:

Sub DeleteAlternateRows()
RCount = Selection.Rows.Count
For i = RCount To 1 Step -2
Next i
End Sub

Let me explain how this VBA code works.

First, I have used a variable RCount to get the total number of rows in the selection.

Then I have used a For Next loop to run this as many times as many rows are there. For example, if there are 12 rows, this loop will run from 12 to 1 (i.e., 12 times). It’s important to run this from the last row in the selection to the first as we don’t want the row numbers to change when a row is deleted.

Also, Step -2 is used since we need to delete every other row (from bottom to top). In case you want to delete every third row, you can use -3.

Within the VBA loop, I have used the Selection.Rows(i).EntireRow.Delete method to delete every alternate row.

Delete Blank Rows with VBA

You can also use the EntireRow.Delete method to delete all blank rows.

Below is the VBA code that will select blank cells in the selected dataset and delete the entire row.

Sub DeleteBlankRows()
End Sub

The above code uses the SpecialCells property to select and delete all the cells that are blank. This is the same method that also allows us to use ‘Go To Special’ dialog box to select all blank cells.

Once these blank cells are identified using SpecialCell, these are then deleted using the EntireRow.Delete method.

Note: This method selects cells that are blank and don’t check whether the entire row is blank or not. So if anyone cell is empty in a row, this would still delete the entire row.

Delete Rows with a Specific Word/Value

You can also use a simple VBA code to go through each cell in the selected range and delete all the rows where a cell contains a specific text or value.

For example, suppose you have a dataset and I want to delete all cells that have the text Printer in column 2 of the selection.

Dataset from where delete entire row with specific value

Below is the code that will do this:

Sub DeleteRowswithSpecificValue()
For i = Selection.Rows.Count To 1 Step -1
If Cells(i, 2).Value = "Printer" Then
Cells(i, 2).EntireRow.Delete
End If
Next i
End Sub

The above code first counts the total number of rows in the selection. This will make sure the loop is run only these many times. It then uses the ‘For Next loop’ to go through all the cells in Column 2.

The IF THEN ELSE statement is then used to check the value in each cell in column 2. And in case the value/text matches the specified text (which is ‘Printer’ in this example).

In this example, I have checked whether the text matches a specific string or not. You can also do this with values. For example, you can delete all rows where the sale value is less than 1000 or more than 1000.

Note: An important thing to note here is that the loop runs from Selection.Rows.Count To 1 to make sure when a row is deleted, it doesn’t impact the rows above it.

How to Use This VBA Code

Now let me show you how to use all the codes mentioned in this tutorial to delete the entire row.

You need to copy and paste these codes in a module in Excel VB Editor. Once you have these codes copied, you can then run the macro codes.

Below are the steps to copy and paste these VBA codes in a module:

  1. Hold the ALT key and press the F11 key (or Function + Option + F11 in Mac). This will open the VB Editor
  2. In the VB Editor, you will have the project explorer on the left. If you don’t see it, go to the View option and then click on Project Explorer.Click on Project Explorer
  3. Right-click on any object in the Project Explorer (for the workbook in which you want to run the code).Insert Module
  4. Go to Insert and then click on Module. This will insert a new Module for the workbookCopy and paste to delete entire row in the module
  5. Copy and Paste the above codes in the module.

And to run these codes, you can place the cursor anywhere in the code (that you want to run) and hit the F5 key (or click on the green triangle in the VBA toolbar).

I have also written a detailed tutorial on different ways to run VBA macro codes in Excel.

In case you need to use any of these codes quite often, you can also consider adding these to the Personal Macro Workbook and then to the QAT. This way, the code will be available to you in any of your workbooks with a single click.

So these were some VBA codes that you can use to delete entire rows in Excel (in different scenarios). The same logic can also be applied in case you want to delete columns instead of rows (with the corresponding adjustment in the code examples).

Hope you found this tutorial useful!

You may also like the following Excel tutorials:

  • Excel VBA Autofilter: A Complete Guide with Examples
  • Delete Rows Based on a Cell Value (or Condition) in Excel
  • Insert a Blank Row after Every Row in Excel (or Every Nth Row)
  • How to Quickly Unhide COLUMNS in Excel

Chris Nielsen’s solution is simple and will work well. A slightly shorter option would be…


…note there is no need to specify a Shift when deleting a row as, by definition, it’s not possible to shift left

Incidentally, my preferred method for deleting rows is to use…

ws.Rows(Rand) = ""

…in the initial loop. I then use a Sort function to push these rows to the bottom of the data. The main reason for this is because deleting single rows can be a very slow procedure (if you are deleting >100). It also ensures nothing gets missed as per Robert Ilbrink’s comment

You can learn the code for sorting by recording a macro and reducing the code as demonstrated in this expert Excel video. I have a suspicion that the neatest method (Range(«A1:Z10»).Sort Key1:=Range(«A1»), Order1:=xlSortAscending/Descending, Header:=xlYes/No) can only be discovered on pre-2007 versions of Excel…but you can always reduce the 2007/2010 equivalent code

Couple more points…if your list is not already sorted by a column and you wish to retain the order, you can stick the row number ‘Rand’ in a spare column to the right of each row as you loop through. You would then sort by that comment and eliminate it

If your data rows contain formatting, you may wish to find the end of the new data range and delete the rows that you cleared earlier. That’s to keep the file size down. Note that a single large delete at the end of the procedure will not impair your code’s performance in the same way that deleting single rows does

Удаление пустых строк с помощью кода VBA из всего задействованного диапазона рабочего листа Excel и из отдельного заданного диапазона.

Главный секрет удаления пустых строк кодом VBA Excel – это построчный просмотр диапазона или отдельного столбца снизу вверх, что исключает возможность при удалении найденных пустых строк получить бесконечный цикл и зависание программы.

Удаление пустых строк в используемом диапазоне

Рассмотрим удаление пустых строк из всего используемого диапазона на рабочем листе. Это может быть как таблица, так и любые наборы данных и произвольные записи, внутри которых присутствуют пустые строки, от которых надо избавиться.

Определить границы используемого диапазона на рабочем листе из кода VBA Excel нам поможет последняя ячейка используемого диапазона: Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).

Самый простой код удаления пустых строк

Сначала определяем номер строки последней ячейки задействованного на рабочем листе диапазона. Затем, с этой строки начинаем построчный просмотр используемого диапазона снизу вверх с поиском и удалением пустых строк.

Пример кода VBA Excel для активного листа:

Sub Primer1()

Dim n As Long, i As Long

‘Определяем номер строки последней ячейки

‘используемого диапазона на рабочем листе

n = Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row

    ‘Ищем и удаляем пустые строки

    For i = n To 1 Step 1

        If Rows(i).Text = «» Then Rows(i).Delete


End Sub

То же самое, но с указанием книги и рабочего листа:

Sub Primer2()

Dim n As Long, i As Long

    With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(«Лист1»)

        n = .Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row

            For i = n To 1 Step 1

                If .Rows(i).Text = «» Then .Rows(i).Delete


    End With

End Sub

Программа определения времени выполнения макроса показала, что этот код отработал в диапазоне из 3000 строк за 17,5 секунд.

Улучшенный код удаления пустых строк

Предыдущий код VBA Excel анализирует на наличие текста каждую строку по всей длине в пределах рабочего листа. Эта процедура проверяет каждую строку по длине только в переделах используемого диапазона:

Sub Primer3()

Dim n As Long, i As Long, myRange As Range

‘Присваиваем объектной переменной ссылку на диапазон от первой ячейки

‘рабочего листа до последней ячейки используемого диапазона

Set myRange = Range(Range(«A1»), Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell))

    With myRange

        n = .Rows.Count

        For i = n To 1 Step 1

            If .Rows(i).Text = «» Then .Rows(i).Delete


    End With

End Sub

Программа определения времени выполнения макроса показала, что этот код отработал в диапазоне из 3000 строк за 13,3 секунды.

Удаление строк по пустым ячейкам

Иногда может появиться необходимость удалить не только полностью пустые строки, но и строки с пустыми ячейками в определенном столбце. Тогда следует действовать так:

Sub Primer4()

Dim n As Long, i As Long

n = Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row

    For i = n To 1 Step 1

        If Cells(i, 1).Text = «» Then Rows(i).Delete


End Sub

или так:

Sub Primer5()

Dim n As Long, i As Long, myRange As Range

Set myRange = Range(Range(«A1»), Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell))

    With myRange

        n = .Rows.Count

        For i = n To 1 Step 1

            If .Cells(i, 1).Text = «» Then .Rows(i).Delete


    End With

End Sub

В этих примерах поиск пустой ячейки производится в первом столбце: Cells(i, 1).

Удаление пустых строк в заданном диапазоне

Процедуры VBA Excel для удаления пустых строк из заданного диапазона рассмотрим на примере объекта Selection, который можно заменить на любой диапазон, указанный явно.

Удаление полностью пустых строк в пределах заданного диапазона:

Sub Primer6()

Dim n As Long, i As Long

    With Selection

        n = .Rows.Count

        For i = n To 1 Step 1

            If .Rows(i).Text = «» Then .Rows(i).Delete


    End With

End Sub

Удаление строк по пустым ячейкам в одном из столбцов:

Sub Primer7()

Dim n As Long, i As Long

    With Selection

        n = .Rows.Count

        For i = n To 1 Step 1

            If .Cells(i, 1).Text = «» Then .Rows(i).Delete


    End With

End Sub

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  • Excel vba удалить символы в строке
  • Excel vba удалить последний символ строки
  • Excel vba удалить перенос строки
  • Excel vba удалить массив строк
  • Excel vba удалить листы кроме активного