Excel vba set all column widths

Excel VBA Tutorial about Column Width Setting or AutofittingIn this VBA Tutorial, you learn how to use Excel VBA to set or autofit the width of columns in a variety of circumstances.

This VBA Tutorial is accompanied by Excel workbooks containing the data and macros I use in the examples below. You can get immediate free access to these example workbooks by subscribing to the Power Spreadsheets Newsletter.

Use the following Table of Contents to navigate to the section you’re interested in.

Related VBA and Macro Tutorials

The following VBA and Macro Tutorials may help you better understand and implement the contents below:

  • General VBA constructs and structures:
    • Learn about using variables here.
    • Learn about VBA data types here.
    • Learn about R1C1 and A1 style references here.
  • Practical VBA applications and macro examples:
    • Learn how to work with worksheets here.
    • Learn how to delete columns here.
    • Learn how to hide or unhide rows and columns here.

You can find additional VBA and Macro Tutorials in the Archives.

#1: Set Column Width

VBA Code to Set Column Width

To set the width of a column with VBA, use a statement with the following structure:

Worksheet.Range("A1CellReference").ColumnWidth = ColumnWidthUnits

Process Followed by VBA Code

Identify cell in column to set width for data-lazy-srcset= Specify column width in units” width=”316″ height=”102″>

VBA Statement Explanation

  1. Item: Worksheet.
    • VBA Construct: Workbook.Worksheets property.
    • Description: Returns a Worksheet object representing the worksheet you work with.
  2. Item: Range(“A1CellReference”).
    • VBA Construct: Worksheet.Range property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing a cell within the column whose width you set. You specify the cell using an A1-style cell reference (A1CellReference) enclosed within quotations (“”).
  3. Item: ColumnWidth.
    • VBA Construct: Range.ColumnWidth property.
    • Description: Sets the width of the column containing the Range object returned by item #2 above.
  4. Item: ColumnWidthUnits.
    • VBA Construct: New value of the Range.ColumnWidth property.
    • Description: Specifies the width, in units, of the column containing the Range object returned by item #2 above.
      • Column width isn’t measured in points, centimeters or inches. Excel measures column width units based on the size (width) of the font you use in the Normal style (for example, Calibri 11).
      • Therefore, 1 unit of column width is equal to 1 character of the Normal style font. Consider the following:
        • If your Normal style font is a fixed-width font, such as Courier New or Consolas, all characters have the same width.
        • If your Normal style font is a proportional font, Excel considers the width of the character “0” (the number zero).
      • If you explicitly declare a variable to represent ColumnWidthUnits, use a numeric data type that can handle the value you use to specify the column width in the appropriate units.

Macro Example

The following macro sets the width of column A of the worksheet named “Column width” to 15 units.

Sub columnWidth()

    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-column-width/

    Worksheets("Column width").Range("A5").columnWidth = 15

End Sub

Effects of Executing Macro Example

The following GIF illustrates the results of executing this macro example. As expected, VBA sets the width of column A to 15 units.

Macro sets column width

#2: Set Column Width for Multiple Contiguous Columns

VBA Code to Set Column Width for Multiple Contiguous Columns

To set the width of multiple contiguous columns with VBA, use a statement with the following structure:

Worksheet.Range("FirstColumnLetter:LastColumnLetter").ColumnWidth = ColumnWidthUnits

Process Followed by VBA Code

Identify columns to set width for data-lazy-srcset= Specify column width in units” width=”312″ height=”105″>

VBA Statement Explanation

  1. Item: Worksheet.
    • VBA Construct: Workbook.Worksheets property.
    • Description: Returns a Worksheet object representing the worksheet you work with.
  2. Item: Range(“FirstColumnLetter:LastColumnLetter”).
    • VBA Construct: Worksheet.Range property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing the columns whose width you set. Under this syntax:
      • You identify columns by the letters of their headers (FirstColumnLetter and LastColumnLetter).
      • The column letters are:
        • Separated by a colon (:), which allows you to set up an array.
        • Enclosed within quotations (“”).
  3. Item: ColumnWidth.
    • VBA Construct: Range.ColumnWidth property.
    • Description: Sets the width of the columns returned by item #2 above.
  4. Item: ColumnWidthUnits.
    • VBA Construct: New value of the Range.ColumnWidth property.
    • Description: Specifies the width, in units, of the columns returned by item #2 above.
      • Column width isn’t measured in points, centimeters or inches. Excel measures column width units based on the size (width) of the font you use in the Normal style (for example, Calibri 11).
      • Therefore, 1 unit of column width is equal to 1 character of the Normal style font. Consider the following:
        • If your Normal style font is a fixed-width font, such as Courier New or Consolas, all characters have the same width.
        • If your Normal style font is a proportional font, Excel considers the width of the character “0” (the number zero).
      • If you explicitly declare a variable to represent ColumnWidthUnits, use a numeric data type that can handle the value you use to specify the column width in the appropriate units.

Macro Example

The following macro sets the width of columns C through E (C, D and E) of the worksheet named “Column width” to 10 units.

Sub columnWidthMultipleColumns()

    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-column-width/

    Worksheets("Column width").Range("C:E").columnWidth = 10

End Sub

Effects of Executing Macro Example

The following GIF illustrates the results of executing this macro example. As expected, VBA sets the width of columns C through E to 10 units.

Macro sets column width for multiple columns

#3: Set Column Width for Multiple Non-Contiguous Columns

VBA Code to Set Column Width for Multiple Non-Contiguous Columns

To set the width of multiple non-contiguous columns with VBA, use a statement with the following structure:

Worksheet.Range("Column1Area1Letter:ColumnLastArea1Letter,Column1Area2Letter:ColumnLastArea2Letter, ... , Column1AreaLastLetter:ColumnLastAreaLastLetter").ColumnWidth = ColumnWidthUnits

Process Followed by VBA Code

Identify columns to set width for data-lazy-srcset= Specify column width in units” width=”312″ height=”105″>

VBA Statement Explanation

  1. Item: Worksheet.
    • VBA Construct: Workbook.Worksheets property.
    • Description: Returns a Worksheet object representing the worksheet you work with.
  2. Item: Range(“Column1Area1Letter:ColumnLastArea1Letter,Column1Area2Letter:ColumnLastArea2Letter, … , Column1AreaLastLetter:ColumnLastAreaLastLetter”).
    • VBA Construct: Worksheet.Range property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing the columns whose width you set. Under this syntax:
      • You identify columns by the letters of their headers (Column1Area1Letter, ColumnLastArea1Letter, Column1Area2Letter, ColumnLastArea2Letter, … , Column1AreaLastLetter and ColumnLastAreaLastLetter”).
      • The column letters identifying contiguous columns (within the same data area) are separated by a colon (:), which allows you to set up an array. If you’re only referring to a single column (for example, column B), include the letter reference twice and separate them with a colon (:) (for example “B:B”).
      • The column letters identifying non-contiguous columns (in separate data areas) are separated by the union operator, a comma (,).
      • The complete column reference is enclosed within quotations (“”).
  3. Item: ColumnWidth.
    • VBA Construct: Range.ColumnWidth property.
    • Description: Sets the width of the columns returned by item #2 above.
  4. Item: ColumnWidthUnits.
    • VBA Construct: New value of the Range.ColumnWidth property.
    • Description: Specifies the width, in units, of the columns returned by item #2 above.
      • Column width isn’t measured in points, centimeters or inches. Excel measures column width units based on the size (width) of the font you use in the Normal style (for example, Calibri 11).
      • Therefore, 1 unit of column width is equal to 1 character of the Normal style font. Consider the following:
        • If your Normal style font is a fixed-width font, such as Courier New or Consolas, all characters have the same width.
        • If your Normal style font is a proportional font, Excel considers the width of the character “0” (the number zero).
      • If you explicitly declare a variable to represent ColumnWidthUnits, use a numeric data type that can handle the value you use to specify the column width in the appropriate units.

Macro Example

The following macro sets the width of columns B, F and H of the worksheet named “Column width” to 20 units.

Sub columnWidthMultipleNonAdjacentColumns()

    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-column-width/

    Worksheets("Column width").Range("B:B,F:F,H:H").columnWidth = 20

End Sub

Effects of Executing Macro Example

The following GIF illustrates the results of executing this macro example. As expected, VBA sets the width of columns B, F and H to 20 units.

Macro sets column width for multiple non-contiguous columns

#4: AutoFit Column Width Based on Entire Column

VBA Code to AutoFit Column Width Based on Entire Column

To autofit the width of a column with VBA, considering the contents of the entire column, use a statement with the following structure:


Process Followed by VBA Code

Identify cell data-lazy-srcset= return entire column > autofit entire column width” width=”497″ height=”107″>

VBA Statement Explanation

  1. Item: Worksheet.
    • VBA Construct: Workbook.Worksheets property.
    • Description: Returns a Worksheet object representing the worksheet you work with.
  2. Item: Range(“A1CellReference”).
    • VBA Construct: Worksheet.Range property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing a cell within the column you autofit. You specify the cell using an A1-style cell reference (A1CellReference) enclosed within quotations (“”).
  3. Item: EntireColumn.
    • VBA Construct: Range.EntireColumn property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing the entire column containing the Range object returned by item #2 above.
  4. Item: AutoFit.
    • VBA Construct: Range.AutoFit method.
    • Description: Modifies the width of the column represented by the Range object returned by item #3 above to achieve the best fit (autofits).

Macro Example

The following macro autofits the width of column G of the worksheet named “Column width” based on the contents of all the cells in the entire column.

Sub columnWidthAutoFitEntireColumn()

    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-column-width/

    Worksheets("Column width").Range("G5").EntireColumn.AutoFit

End Sub

Effects of Executing Macro Example

The following GIF illustrates the results of executing this macro example. As expected, VBA autofits the width of column G based on the contents of all the cells in the entire column. Notice the contents in cell G10 (Autofit based on entire column), which are used as the basis for the autofitting operation.

Macro autofits column width based on entire column

#5: AutoFit Column Width Based on Specific Cell

VBA Code to AutoFit Column Width Based on Specific Cell

To autofit the width of a column with VBA, considering the contents of a specific cell or row, use a statement with the following structure:


Process Followed by VBA Code

Identify cell data-lazy-srcset= return column > autofit entire column width to contents of cell” width=”493″ height=”105″>

VBA Statement Explanation

  1. Item: Worksheet.
    • VBA Construct: Workbook.Worksheets property.
    • Description: Returns a Worksheet object representing the worksheet you work with.
  2. Item: Range(“A1CellReference”).
    • VBA Construct: Worksheet.Range property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing a cell.
      • This cell:
        • Is within the column you autofit.
        • Is the cell whose contents Excel considers for purposes of achieving the best fit (autofitting).
      • You specify the cell using an A1-style cell reference (A1CellReference) enclosed within quotations (“”).
  3. Item: Columns.
    • VBA Construct: Range.Columns property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing the column containing the Range object returned by item #2 above.
  4. Item: AutoFit.
    • VBA Construct: Range.AutoFit method.
    • Description: Modifies the width of the column represented by the Range object returned by item #3 above to achieve the best fit (autofits) based on the contents within the cell represented by the Range object returned by item #2 above.

Macro Example

The following macro autofits the width of column I of the worksheet named “Column width” based on the contents of cell I5.

Sub columnWidthAutoFitRow()

    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-column-width/

    Worksheets("Column width").Range("I5").Columns.AutoFit

End Sub

Effects of Executing Macro Example

The following GIF illustrates the results of executing this macro example. As expected, VBA sets autofits the width of column I based on the contents of cell I5. Notice the contents in cell I10 (Autofit based on specific cell), which aren’t used as the basis for the autofitting operation.

Macro autofits column width based on cell contents

#6: Set Column Width in Points

VBA Code to Set Column Width in Points

To set the width of a column in points with VBA, use a macro with the following statement structure:

With Worksheet.Range("A1CellReference")
    For Counter = 1 To 3
        .ColumnWidth = ColumnWidthPoints * (.ColumnWidth / .Width)
    Next Counter
End With

Process Followed by VBA Code

Identify cell data-lazy-srcset= specify column width in points 3 times” width=”689″ height=”192″>

VBA Statement Explanation

Lines #1 and #5: With Worksheet.Range(“A1CellReference”) | End With

  1. Item: With… End With.
    • VBA Construct: With… End With statement.
    • Description: Statements within the With… End With statement (lines # through #4 below) are executed on the Range object returned by item #3 below.
  2. Item: Worksheet.
    • VBA Construct: Workbook.Worksheets property.
    • Description: Returns a Worksheet object representing the worksheet you work with.
  3. Item: Range(“A1CellReference”).
    • VBA Construct: Worksheet.Range property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing a cell within the column whose width you set. You specify the cell using an A1-style cell reference (A1CellReference) enclosed within quotations (“”).

Lines #2 and #4: For Counter = 1 To 3 | Next Counter

  1. Item: For… Next Counter.
    • VBA Construct: For… Next statement.
    • Description: Repeats the statement within the loop (line #3 below) 3 times, as required by item #3 below.
  2. Item: Counter.
    • VBA Construct: Counter of For… Next statement.
    • Description: Loop counter. If you explicitly declare a variable to represent the loop counter, use the Long data type.
  3. Item: 1 To 3.
    • VBA Construct: Counter Start (1) and Counter End (3) of For… Next statement.
    • Description: The statement within the loop (line #3 below) is executed 3 times (1 To 3).
      • Theoretically, line #3 below should be enough to set the column width in points without requiring the loop specified by these lines #2 and #4. In practice, this may not be the case. Some tests suggest that repeating line #3 below (or similar) 3 times generally gets you the closest to the specified column width.

Line #3: .ColumnWidth = ColumnWidthPoints * (.ColumnWidth / .Width)

  1. Item: .ColumnWidth.
    • VBA Construct: Range.ColumnWidth property.
    • Description:
      • Sets the width of the column containing the Range object within the opening statement of the With… End With block (line #1, item #3 above).
      • .ColumnWidth is included twice in the statement. In this first mention, (.ColumnWidth = …), ColumnWidth is the property to which a value is assigned. The value assigned to the ColumnWidth property is the value returned by the other items within this statement.
  2. Item: ColumnWidthPoints.
    • VBA Construct: Numeric (for example, Double) variable.
    • Description: Specifies the width (in points) of the columns containing the Range object within the opening statement of the With… End With block (line #1, item #3 above).
      • If you explicitly declare a variable to represent ColumnWidthPoints, use a numeric data type that can handle the value you use to specify the column width in points.
  3. Item: .ColumnWidth.
    • VBA Construct: Range.ColumnWidth property.
    • Description:
      • Returns the width of the column containing the Range object within the opening statement of the With… End With block (line #1, item #3 above).
      • .ColumnWidth is included twice in the statement. In this second mention, (.ColumnWidth), ColumnWidth returns the current value of the property.
      • The ColumnWidth property returns the column width in units based on the size (width) of the font you use in the Normal style (for example, Calibri 11). Therefore, 1 unit of column width is equal to 1 character of the Normal style font. If your Normal style font is a proportional (not fixed-width) font, Excel considers the width of the character “0” (the number zero).
  4. Item: .Width.
    • VBA Construct: Range.Width property.
    • Description:
      • Returns the width of the column containing the Range object within the opening statement of the With… End With block (line #1, item #3 above).
      • The Width property returns the column width in points.
  5. Item: (.ColumnWidth / .Width).
    • VBA Construct: Numeric expression.
    • Description:
      • Both ColumnWidth (item #3 above) and Width (item #4 above) return the width of the column containing the Range object within the opening statement of the With… End With block (line #1, item #3 above).
      • The units in which ColumnWidth and Width return the column width differ.
        • ColumnWidth expresses the column width in units based on the size (width) of the font you use in the Normal style.
        • Width expresses the column width in points.
      • ColumnWidth divided by Width (.ColumnWidth / .Width) returns the factor by which you must multiply the desired column width expressed in points (item #2 above) to obtain the appropriate column width in units based on the size (width) of the font you use in the Normal style. In other words, this expression converts ColumnWidthPoints from points to the units required by the ColumnWidth property.

Macro Example

The following macro sets the width of column J of the worksheet named “Column width” to 80 points.

Sub columnWidthPoints()

    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-column-width/

    Dim iCounter As Long

    With Worksheets("Column width").Range("J5")
        For iCounter = 1 To 3
            .columnWidth = 80 * (.columnWidth / .Width)
        Next iCounter
    End With

End Sub

Effects of Executing Macro Example

The following GIF illustrates the results of executing this macro example. As expected, VBA sets the width of column J to 80 points.

Macro sets column width in points

#7: Set Column Width in Inches

VBA Code to Set Column Width in Inches

To set the width of a column in inches with VBA, use a macro with the following statement structure:

With Worksheet.Range("A1CellReference")
    For Counter = 1 To 3
        .ColumnWidth = Application.InchesToPoints(ColumnWidthInches) * (.ColumnWidth / .Width)
    Next Counter
End With

Process Followed by VBA Code

Identify cell data-lazy-srcset= specify column width in inches 3 times” width=”686″ height=”191″>

VBA Statement Explanation

Lines #1 and #5: With Worksheet.Range(“A1CellReference”) | End With

  1. Item: With… End With.
    • VBA Construct: With… End With statement.
    • Description: Statements within the With… End With statement (lines # through #4 below) are executed on the Range object returned by item #3 below.
  2. Item: Worksheet.
    • VBA Construct: Workbook.Worksheets property.
    • Description: Returns a Worksheet object representing the worksheet you work with.
  3. Item: Range(“A1CellReference”).
    • VBA Construct: Worksheet.Range property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing a cell within the column whose width you set. You specify the cell using an A1-style cell reference (A1CellReference) enclosed within quotations (“”).

Lines #2 and #4: For Counter = 1 To 3 | Next Counter

  1. Item: For… Next Counter.
    • VBA Construct: For… Next statement.
    • Description: Repeats the statement within the loop (line #3 below) 3 times, as required by item #3 below.
  2. Item: Counter.
    • VBA Construct: Counter of For… Next statement.
    • Description: Loop counter. If you explicitly declare a variable to represent the loop counter, use the Long data type.
  3. Item: 1 To 3.
    • VBA Construct: Counter Start (1) and Counter End (3) of For… Next statement.
    • Description: The statement within the loop (line #3 below) is executed 3 times (1 To 3).
      • Theoretically, line #3 below should be enough to set the column width in inches without requiring the loop specified by these lines #2 and #4. In practice, this may not be the case. Some tests suggest that repeating line #3 below (or similar) 3 times generally gets you the closest to the specified column width.

Line #3: .ColumnWidth = Application.InchesToPoints(ColumnWidthInches) * (.ColumnWidth / .Width)

  1. Item: .ColumnWidth.
    • VBA Construct: Range.ColumnWidth property.
    • Description:
      • Sets the width of the column containing the Range object within the opening statement of the With… End With block (line #1, item #3 above).
      • .ColumnWidth is included twice in the statement. In this first mention, (.ColumnWidth = …), ColumnWidth is the property to which a value is assigned. The value assigned to the ColumnWidth property is the value returned by the other items within this statement.
  2. Item: Application.InchesToPoints.
    • VBA Construct: Application.InchesToPoints method.
    • Description: Converts the measurement specified by item #3 below from inches to points.
  3. Item: ColumnWidthInches.
    • VBA Construct: Inches parameter of Application.InchesToPoints method.
    • Description: Specifies the width (in inches) of the columns containing the Range object within the opening statement of the With… End With block (line #1, item #3 above).
      • If you explicitly declare a variable to represent ColumnWidthInches, use a numeric data type that can handle the value you use to specify the column width in inches.
  4. Item: .ColumnWidth.
    • VBA Construct: Range.ColumnWidth property.
    • Description:
      • Returns the width of the column containing the Range object within the opening statement of the With… End With block (line #1, item #3 above).
      • .ColumnWidth is included twice in the statement. In this second mention, (.ColumnWidth), ColumnWidth returns the current value of the property.
      • The ColumnWidth property returns the column width in units based on the size (width) of the font you use in the Normal style (for example, Calibri 11). Therefore, 1 unit of column width is equal to 1 character of the Normal style font. If your Normal style font is a proportional (not fixed-width) font, Excel considers the width of the character “0” (the number zero).
  5. Item: .Width.
    • VBA Construct: Range.Width property.
    • Description:
      • Returns the width of the column containing the Range object within the opening statement of the With… End With block (line #1, item #3 above).
      • The Width property returns the column width in points.
  6. Item: (.ColumnWidth / .Width).
    • VBA Construct: Numeric expression.
    • Description:
      • Both ColumnWidth (item #4 above) and Width (item #5 above) return the width of the column containing the Range object within the opening statement of the With… End With block (line #1, item #3 above).
      • The units in which ColumnWidth and Width return the column width differ.
        • ColumnWidth expresses the column width in units based on the size (width) of the font you use in the Normal style.
        • Width expresses the column width in points.
      • ColumnWidth divided by Width (.ColumnWidth / .Width) returns the factor by which you must multiply the desired column width expressed in inches/points (items #2 and #3 above) to obtain the appropriate column width in units based on the size (width) of the font you use in the Normal style. In other words, this expression converts Application.InchesToPoints(ColumnWidthInches) from points to the units required by the ColumnWidth property.

Macro Example

The following macro sets the width of column K of the worksheet named “Column width” to 1 inch.

Sub columnWidthInches()

    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-column-width/

    Dim iCounter As Long

    With Worksheets("Column width").Range("K5")
        For iCounter = 1 To 3
            .columnWidth = Application.InchesToPoints(1) * (.columnWidth / .Width)
        Next iCounter
    End With

End Sub

Effects of Executing Macro Example

The following GIF illustrates the results of executing this macro example. As expected, VBA sets the width of column K to 1 inch.

Macro sets column width in inches

#8: Set Column Width in Centimeters

VBA Code to Set Column Width in Centimeters

To set the width of a column in centimeters with VBA, use a macro with the following statement structure:

With Worksheet.Range("A1CellReference")
    For Counter = 1 To 3
        .ColumnWidth = Application.CentimetersToPoints(ColumnWidthCentimeters) * (.ColumnWidth / .Width)
    Next Counter
End With

Process Followed by VBA Code

Identify cell data-lazy-srcset= specify column width in centimeters 3 times” width=”683″ height=”192″>

VBA Statement Explanation

Lines #1 and #5: With Worksheet.Range(“A1CellReference”) | End With

  1. Item: With… End With.
    • VBA Construct: With… End With statement.
    • Description: Statements within the With… End With statement (lines # through #4 below) are executed on the Range object returned by item #3 below.
  2. Item: Worksheet.
    • VBA Construct: Workbook.Worksheets property.
    • Description: Returns a Worksheet object representing the worksheet you work with.
  3. Item: Range(“A1CellReference”).
    • VBA Construct: Worksheet.Range property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing a cell within the column whose width you set. You specify the cell using an A1-style cell reference (A1CellReference) enclosed within quotations (“”).

Lines #2 and #4: For Counter = 1 To 3 | Next Counter

  1. Item: For… Next Counter.
    • VBA Construct: For… Next statement.
    • Description: Repeats the statement within the loop (line #3 below) 3 times, as required by item #3 below.
  2. Item: Counter.
    • VBA Construct: Counter of For… Next statement.
    • Description: Loop counter. If you explicitly declare a variable to represent the loop counter, use the Long data type.
  3. Item: 1 To 3.
    • VBA Construct: Counter Start (1) and Counter End (3) of For… Next statement.
    • Description: The statement within the loop (line #3 below) is executed 3 times (1 To 3).
      • Theoretically, line #3 below should be enough to set the column width in centimeters without requiring the loop specified by these lines #2 and #4. In practice, this may not be the case. Some tests suggest that repeating line #3 below (or similar) 3 times generally gets you the closest to the specified column width.

Line #3: .ColumnWidth = Application.CentimetersToPoints(ColumnWidthCentimeters) * (.ColumnWidth / .Width)

  1. Item: .ColumnWidth.
    • VBA Construct: Range.ColumnWidth property.
    • Description:
      • Sets the width of the column containing the Range object within the opening statement of the With… End With block (line #1, item #3 above).
      • .ColumnWidth is included twice in the statement. In this first mention, (.ColumnWidth = …), ColumnWidth is the property to which a value is assigned. The value assigned to the ColumnWidth property is the value returned by the other items within this statement.
  2. Item: Application.CentimetersToPoints.
    • VBA Construct: Application.CentimetersToPoints method.
    • Description: Converts the measurement specified by item #3 below from centimeters to points.
  3. Item: ColumnWidthCentimeters.
    • VBA Construct: Centimeters parameter of Application.CentimetersToPoints method.
    • Description: Specifies the width (in centimeters) of the columns containing the Range object within the opening statement of the With… End With block (line #1, item #3 above).
      • If you explicitly declare a variable to represent ColumnWidthCentimeters, use a numeric data type that can handle the value you use to specify the column width in centimeters.
  4. Item: .ColumnWidth.
    • VBA Construct: Range.ColumnWidth property.
    • Description:
      • Returns the width of the column containing the Range object within the opening statement of the With… End With block (line #1, item #3 above).
      • .ColumnWidth is included twice in the statement. In this second mention, (.ColumnWidth), ColumnWidth returns the current value of the property.
      • The ColumnWidth property returns the column width in units based on the size (width) of the font you use in the Normal style (for example, Calibri 11). Therefore, 1 unit of column width is equal to 1 character of the Normal style font. If your Normal style font is a proportional (not fixed-width) font, Excel considers the width of the character “0” (the number zero).
  5. Item: .Width.
    • VBA Construct: Range.Width property.
    • Description:
      • Returns the width of the column containing the Range object within the opening statement of the With… End With block (line #1, item #3 above).
      • The Width property returns the column width in points.
  6. Item: (.ColumnWidth / .Width).
    • VBA Construct: Numeric expression.
    • Description:
      • Both ColumnWidth (item #4 above) and Width (item #5 above) return the width of the column containing the Range object within the opening statement of the With… End With block (line #1, item #3 above).
      • The units in which ColumnWidth and Width return the column width differ.
        • ColumnWidth expresses the column width in units based on the size (width) of the font you use in the Normal style.
        • Width expresses the column width in points.
      • ColumnWidth divided by Width (.ColumnWidth / .Width) returns the factor by which you must multiply the desired column width expressed in centimeters/points (items #2 and #3 above) to obtain the appropriate column width in units based on the size (width) of the font you use in the Normal style. In other words, this expression converts Application.CentimetersToPoints(ColumnWidthCentimeters) from points to the units required by the ColumnWidth property.

Macro Example

The following macro sets the width of column L of the worksheet named “Column width” to 1 centimeter.

Sub columnWidthCentimeters()

    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-column-width/

    Dim iCounter As Long

    With Worksheets("Column width").Range("L5")
        For iCounter = 1 To 3
            .columnWidth = Application.CentimetersToPoints(1) * (.columnWidth / .Width)
        Next iCounter
    End With

End Sub

Effects of Executing Macro Example

The following GIF illustrates the results of executing this macro example. As expected, VBA sets the width of column L to 1 centimeter.

Macro sets column width in centimeters

Return to VBA Code Examples

In this Article

  • Set Column Width with VBA
  • Set Row Height with VBA
  • Autofit Column Width
  • Autofit Row Height
  • Set Cell Width
  • Set Cell Height
  • Obtain Column Width
  • Obtain Row Height
  • VBA Coding Made Easy

This tutorial will demonstrate how to set row height and column widths using VBA.

Excel Row heights and Columns widths can be changed in VBA by setting the .RowHeight and .ColumnWidth properties.

Set Column Width with VBA

Macro to set the column width of Columns A to E:

Sub Column_Width()
    Columns("A:E").ColumnWidth = 30
End Sub

Set Row Height with VBA

Macro to set the row height of Row 1:

Sub RowHeight()
    Rows("1:1").RowHeight = 30
End Sub

Autofit Column Width

Excel offers the ability to “Autofit” column widths. This feature adjusts the column width so that the column(s) is wide enough to fit all text found in that column.
vba autofit column width
To Autofit column widths in VBA:


We wrote more about this in another article on how to Autofit a Column from VBA, including how to Autofit all used columns.

Autofit Row Height

You can also autofit row heights using a similar method:


Set Cell Width

You can also adjust column widths by referencing a cell:

Range("a1").EntireColumn.ColumnWidth = 20

Set Cell Height

Or adjust row heights by referencing a cell:

Range("a1").EntireRow.RowHeight = 10

Obtain Column Width

To obtain the column width of a column:

dim iColumnWidth as long
iColumnWidth = columns("a").ColumnWidth

Note: This will return Null if all columns in the range do not have the same width.

Obtain Row Height

Similarly, you can obtain the row height:

dim iRowHeight as long
iRowHeight = rows("1").RowHeight

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vba set column width

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  1. Свойство ColumnWidths
  2. Синтаксис
  3. Settings
  4. Замечания
  5. См. также
  6. Поддержка и обратная связь
  7. VBA Set Column Width or Row Height
  8. Set Column Width with VBA
  9. Set Row Height with VBA
  10. Autofit Column Width
  11. Autofit Row Height
  12. Set Cell Width
  13. Set Cell Height
  14. Obtain Column Width
  15. Obtain Row Height
  16. VBA Coding Made Easy
  17. VBA Code Examples Add-in
  18. Excel VBA Column Width: Step-by-Step Guide and 8 Code Examples to Set or AutoFit the Column Width with Macros
  19. Related VBA and Macro Tutorials
  20. #1: Set Column Width
  21. VBA Code to Set Column Width
  22. Process Followed by VBA Code
  23. VBA Statement Explanation
  24. Macro Example
  25. Effects of Executing Macro Example
  26. #2: Set Column Width for Multiple Contiguous Columns
  27. VBA Code to Set Column Width for Multiple Contiguous Columns
  28. Process Followed by VBA Code
  29. VBA Statement Explanation
  30. Macro Example
  31. Effects of Executing Macro Example
  32. #3: Set Column Width for Multiple Non-Contiguous Columns
  33. VBA Code to Set Column Width for Multiple Non-Contiguous Columns
  34. Process Followed by VBA Code
  35. VBA Statement Explanation
  36. Macro Example
  37. Effects of Executing Macro Example
  38. #4: AutoFit Column Width Based on Entire Column
  39. VBA Code to AutoFit Column Width Based on Entire Column
  40. Process Followed by VBA Code
  41. VBA Statement Explanation
  42. Macro Example
  43. Effects of Executing Macro Example
  44. #5: AutoFit Column Width Based on Specific Cell
  45. VBA Code to AutoFit Column Width Based on Specific Cell
  46. Process Followed by VBA Code
  47. VBA Statement Explanation
  48. Macro Example
  49. Effects of Executing Macro Example
  50. #6: Set Column Width in Points
  51. VBA Code to Set Column Width in Points
  52. Process Followed by VBA Code
  53. VBA Statement Explanation
  54. Lines #1 and #5: With Worksheet.Range(“A1CellReference”) | End With
  55. Lines #2 and #4: For Counter = 1 To 3 | Next Counter
  56. Line #3: .ColumnWidth = ColumnWidthPoints * (.ColumnWidth / .Width)
  57. Macro Example
  58. Effects of Executing Macro Example
  59. #7: Set Column Width in Inches
  60. VBA Code to Set Column Width in Inches
  61. Process Followed by VBA Code
  62. VBA Statement Explanation
  63. Lines #1 and #5: With Worksheet.Range(“A1CellReference”) | End With
  64. Lines #2 and #4: For Counter = 1 To 3 | Next Counter
  65. Line #3: .ColumnWidth = Application.InchesToPoints(ColumnWidthInches) * (.ColumnWidth / .Width)
  66. Macro Example
  67. Effects of Executing Macro Example
  68. #8: Set Column Width in Centimeters
  69. VBA Code to Set Column Width in Centimeters
  70. Process Followed by VBA Code
  71. VBA Statement Explanation
  72. Lines #1 and #5: With Worksheet.Range(“A1CellReference”) | End With
  73. Lines #2 and #4: For Counter = 1 To 3 | Next Counter
  74. Line #3: .ColumnWidth = Application.CentimetersToPoints(ColumnWidthCentimeters) * (.ColumnWidth / .Width)
  75. Macro Example
  76. Effects of Executing Macro Example

Свойство ColumnWidths

Указывает ширину каждого столбца в поле со списком с несколькими столбцами.


object. ColumnWidths [= String ]

Синтаксис свойства ColumnWidths состоит из следующих частей:

Part Описание
object Обязательно. Допустимый объект.
String Необязательный параметр. Устанавливает ширину строки в точках. Параметр -1 или пустой приводит к вычисляемой ширине. Значение 0 приводит к скрытию столбца. Чтобы указать другую единицу измерения, добавьте ее. Значение больше 0 явно указывает ширину столбца.


Чтобы отделить записи в столбцах, используйте точку с запятой (;) в качестве разделителя списка. В Windows это значение можно изменить, указав разделитель списка в разделе «Язык и региональные стандарты» панели управления Windows.

Любые или все параметры свойства ColumnWidths могут оставаться пустыми. Пустой параметр можно создать, указав разделитель без предшествующего ему значения.

Если указать -1 на странице свойств, отображаемое значение на странице свойств будет пустым.

Чтобы вычислить ширину столбца, если columnWidths пуста или -1, ширина элемента управления делится поровну между всеми столбцами списка. Если сумма указанной ширины столбцов превышает ширину элемента управления, список выравнивается по левому краю в пределах элемента управления и один или несколько крайних правых столбцов не отображаются. Чтобы просмотреть их, пользователи могут прокрутить список с помощью горизонтальной полосы прокрутки.

Минимальная вычисляемая ширина столбца составляет 72 точки (2,54 см). Чтобы создать более узкий столбец, необходимо указать точную ширину.

Если не указано другое, ширина столбца измеряется в точках. Чтобы указать другую единицу измерения, добавьте ее к значению. В следующих примерах ширина столбца указывается в нескольких единицах измерения, а также приводится описание различных способов размещения трех столбцов в поле со списком шириной 10,16 см.

Setting Эффект
90;72;90 Ширина первого столбца — 90 точек (3,18 см); ширина второго столбца — 72 точки (2,54 см); ширина третьего столбца — 90 точек.
6 cm;0;6 cm Ширина первого столбца — 6 см; второй столбец скрыт; ширина третьего столбца — 6 см.
Так как третий столбец является частично видимым, отображается горизонтальная полоса прокрутки.
1.5 in;0;2.5 in Ширина первого столбца — 1,5 дюйма (3,81 см); второй столбец скрыт; ширина третьего столбца — 2,5 дюйма (6,35 см).
2 in;;2 in Ширина первого столбца — 2 дюйма (5,08 см); ширина второго столбца — 1 дюйм (2,54 см) (по умолчанию); ширина третьего столбца — 2 дюйма (5,08 см).
Так как только половина третьего столбца является видимой, отображается горизонтальная полоса прокрутки.
(Пусто) Все три столбца имеют одинаковую ширину (3,38 см).


В поле со списком система отображает столбец, назначаемый свойством TextColumn в текстовой части элемента управления.

См. также

Поддержка и обратная связь

Есть вопросы или отзывы, касающиеся Office VBA или этой статьи? Руководство по другим способам получения поддержки и отправки отзывов см. в статье Поддержка Office VBA и обратная связь.


VBA Set Column Width or Row Height

In this Article

This tutorial will demonstrate how to set row height and column widths using VBA.

Excel Row heights and Columns widths can be changed in VBA by setting the .RowHeight and .ColumnWidth properties.

Set Column Width with VBA

Macro to set the column width of Columns A to E:

Set Row Height with VBA

Macro to set the row height of Row 1:

Autofit Column Width

Excel offers the ability to “Autofit” column widths. This feature adjusts the column width so that the column(s) is wide enough to fit all text found in that column.

To Autofit column widths in VBA:

We wrote more about this in another article on how to Autofit a Column from VBA, including how to Autofit all used columns.

Autofit Row Height

You can also autofit row heights using a similar method:

Set Cell Width

You can also adjust column widths by referencing a cell:

Set Cell Height

Or adjust row heights by referencing a cell:

Obtain Column Width

To obtain the column width of a column:

Note: This will return Null if all columns in the range do not have the same width.

Obtain Row Height

Similarly, you can obtain the row height:

VBA Coding Made Easy

Stop searching for VBA code online. Learn more about AutoMacro – A VBA Code Builder that allows beginners to code procedures from scratch with minimal coding knowledge and with many time-saving features for all users!

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Excel VBA Column Width: Step-by-Step Guide and 8 Code Examples to Set or AutoFit the Column Width with Macros

In this VBA Tutorial, you learn how to use Excel VBA to set or autofit the width of columns in a variety of circumstances.

This VBA Tutorial is accompanied by Excel workbooks containing the data and macros I use in the examples below. You can get immediate free access to these example workbooks by subscribing to the Power Spreadsheets Newsletter.

Use the following Table of Contents to navigate to the section you’re interested in.

Table of Contents

The following VBA and Macro Tutorials may help you better understand and implement the contents below:

  • General VBA constructs and structures:
    • Learn about using variables here.
    • Learn about VBA data types here.
    • Learn about R1C1 and A1 style references here.
  • Practical VBA applications and macro examples:
    • Learn how to work with worksheets here.
    • Learn how to delete columns here.
    • Learn how to hide or unhide rows and columns here.

You can find additional VBA and Macro Tutorials in the Archives.

#1: Set Column Width

VBA Code to Set Column Width

To set the width of a column with VBA, use a statement with the following structure:

Process Followed by VBA Code

Specify column width in units” width=”316″ height=”102″>

VBA Statement Explanation

  1. Item: Worksheet.
    • VBA Construct: Workbook.Worksheets property.
    • Description: Returns a Worksheet object representing the worksheet you work with.
  2. Item: Range(“A1CellReference”).
    • VBA Construct: Worksheet.Range property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing a cell within the column whose width you set. You specify the cell using an A1-style cell reference (A1CellReference) enclosed within quotations (“”).
  3. Item: ColumnWidth.
    • VBA Construct: Range.ColumnWidth property.
    • Description: Sets the width of the column containing the Range object returned by item #2 above.
  4. Item: ColumnWidthUnits.
    • VBA Construct: New value of the Range.ColumnWidth property.
    • Description: Specifies the width, in units, of the column containing the Range object returned by item #2 above.
      • Column width isn’t measured in points, centimeters or inches. Excel measures column width units based on the size (width) of the font you use in the Normal style (for example, Calibri 11).
      • Therefore, 1 unit of column width is equal to 1 character of the Normal style font. Consider the following:
        • If your Normal style font is a fixed-width font, such as Courier New or Consolas, all characters have the same width.
        • If your Normal style font is a proportional font, Excel considers the width of the character “0” (the number zero).
      • If you explicitly declare a variable to represent ColumnWidthUnits, use a numeric data type that can handle the value you use to specify the column width in the appropriate units.

Macro Example

The following macro sets the width of column A of the worksheet named “Column width” to 15 units.

Effects of Executing Macro Example

The following GIF illustrates the results of executing this macro example. As expected, VBA sets the width of column A to 15 units.

#2: Set Column Width for Multiple Contiguous Columns

VBA Code to Set Column Width for Multiple Contiguous Columns

To set the width of multiple contiguous columns with VBA, use a statement with the following structure:

Process Followed by VBA Code

Specify column width in units” width=”312″ height=”105″>

VBA Statement Explanation

  1. Item: Worksheet.
    • VBA Construct: Workbook.Worksheets property.
    • Description: Returns a Worksheet object representing the worksheet you work with.
  2. Item: Range(“FirstColumnLetter:LastColumnLetter”).
    • VBA Construct: Worksheet.Range property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing the columns whose width you set. Under this syntax:
      • You identify columns by the letters of their headers (FirstColumnLetter and LastColumnLetter).
      • The column letters are:
        • Separated by a colon (:), which allows you to set up an array.
        • Enclosed within quotations (“”).
  3. Item: ColumnWidth.
    • VBA Construct: Range.ColumnWidth property.
    • Description: Sets the width of the columns returned by item #2 above.
  4. Item: ColumnWidthUnits.
    • VBA Construct: New value of the Range.ColumnWidth property.
    • Description: Specifies the width, in units, of the columns returned by item #2 above.
      • Column width isn’t measured in points, centimeters or inches. Excel measures column width units based on the size (width) of the font you use in the Normal style (for example, Calibri 11).
      • Therefore, 1 unit of column width is equal to 1 character of the Normal style font. Consider the following:
        • If your Normal style font is a fixed-width font, such as Courier New or Consolas, all characters have the same width.
        • If your Normal style font is a proportional font, Excel considers the width of the character “0” (the number zero).
      • If you explicitly declare a variable to represent ColumnWidthUnits, use a numeric data type that can handle the value you use to specify the column width in the appropriate units.

Macro Example

The following macro sets the width of columns C through E (C, D and E) of the worksheet named “Column width” to 10 units.

Effects of Executing Macro Example

The following GIF illustrates the results of executing this macro example. As expected, VBA sets the width of columns C through E to 10 units.

#3: Set Column Width for Multiple Non-Contiguous Columns

VBA Code to Set Column Width for Multiple Non-Contiguous Columns

To set the width of multiple non-contiguous columns with VBA, use a statement with the following structure:

Process Followed by VBA Code

Specify column width in units” width=”312″ height=”105″>

VBA Statement Explanation

  1. Item: Worksheet.
    • VBA Construct: Workbook.Worksheets property.
    • Description: Returns a Worksheet object representing the worksheet you work with.
  2. Item:Range(“Column1Area1Letter:ColumnLastArea1Letter,Column1Area2Letter:ColumnLastArea2Letter, … , Column1AreaLastLetter:ColumnLastAreaLastLetter”).
    • VBA Construct: Worksheet.Range property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing the columns whose width you set. Under this syntax:
      • You identify columns by the letters of their headers (Column1Area1Letter, ColumnLastArea1Letter, Column1Area2Letter, ColumnLastArea2Letter, … , Column1AreaLastLetter and ColumnLastAreaLastLetter”).
      • The column letters identifying contiguous columns (within the same data area) are separated by a colon (:), which allows you to set up an array. If you’re only referring to a single column (for example, column B), include the letter reference twice and separate them with a colon (:) (for example “B:B”).
      • The column letters identifying non-contiguous columns (in separate data areas) are separated by the union operator, a comma (,).
      • The complete column reference is enclosed within quotations (“”).
  3. Item: ColumnWidth.
    • VBA Construct: Range.ColumnWidth property.
    • Description: Sets the width of the columns returned by item #2 above.
  4. Item: ColumnWidthUnits.
    • VBA Construct: New value of the Range.ColumnWidth property.
    • Description: Specifies the width, in units, of the columns returned by item #2 above.
      • Column width isn’t measured in points, centimeters or inches. Excel measures column width units based on the size (width) of the font you use in the Normal style (for example, Calibri 11).
      • Therefore, 1 unit of column width is equal to 1 character of the Normal style font. Consider the following:
        • If your Normal style font is a fixed-width font, such as Courier New or Consolas, all characters have the same width.
        • If your Normal style font is a proportional font, Excel considers the width of the character “0” (the number zero).
      • If you explicitly declare a variable to represent ColumnWidthUnits, use a numeric data type that can handle the value you use to specify the column width in the appropriate units.

Macro Example

The following macro sets the width of columns B, F and H of the worksheet named “Column width” to 20 units.

Effects of Executing Macro Example

The following GIF illustrates the results of executing this macro example. As expected, VBA sets the width of columns B, F and H to 20 units.

#4: AutoFit Column Width Based on Entire Column

VBA Code to AutoFit Column Width Based on Entire Column

To autofit the width of a column with VBA, considering the contents of the entire column, use a statement with the following structure:

Process Followed by VBA Code

return entire column > autofit entire column width” width=”497″ height=”107″>

VBA Statement Explanation

  1. Item: Worksheet.
    • VBA Construct: Workbook.Worksheets property.
    • Description: Returns a Worksheet object representing the worksheet you work with.
  2. Item: Range(“A1CellReference”).
    • VBA Construct: Worksheet.Range property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing a cell within the column you autofit. You specify the cell using an A1-style cell reference (A1CellReference) enclosed within quotations (“”).
  3. Item: EntireColumn.
    • VBA Construct: Range.EntireColumn property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing the entire column containing the Range object returned by item #2 above.
  4. Item: AutoFit.
    • VBA Construct: Range.AutoFit method.
    • Description: Modifies the width of the column represented by the Range object returned by item #3 above to achieve the best fit (autofits).

Macro Example

The following macro autofits the width of column G of the worksheet named “Column width” based on the contents of all the cells in the entire column.

Effects of Executing Macro Example

The following GIF illustrates the results of executing this macro example. As expected, VBA autofits the width of column G based on the contents of all the cells in the entire column. Notice the contents in cell G10 (Autofit based on entire column), which are used as the basis for the autofitting operation.

#5: AutoFit Column Width Based on Specific Cell

VBA Code to AutoFit Column Width Based on Specific Cell

To autofit the width of a column with VBA, considering the contents of a specific cell or row, use a statement with the following structure:

Process Followed by VBA Code

return column > autofit entire column width to contents of cell” width=”493″ height=”105″>

VBA Statement Explanation

  1. Item: Worksheet.
    • VBA Construct: Workbook.Worksheets property.
    • Description: Returns a Worksheet object representing the worksheet you work with.
  2. Item: Range(“A1CellReference”).
    • VBA Construct: Worksheet.Range property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing a cell.
      • This cell:
        • Is within the column you autofit.
        • Is the cell whose contents Excel considers for purposes of achieving the best fit (autofitting).
      • You specify the cell using an A1-style cell reference (A1CellReference) enclosed within quotations (“”).
  3. Item: Columns.
    • VBA Construct: Range.Columns property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing the column containing the Range object returned by item #2 above.
  4. Item: AutoFit.
    • VBA Construct: Range.AutoFit method.
    • Description: Modifies the width of the column represented by the Range object returned by item #3 above to achieve the best fit (autofits) based on the contents within the cell represented by the Range object returned by item #2 above.

Macro Example

The following macro autofits the width of column I of the worksheet named “Column width” based on the contents of cell I5.

Effects of Executing Macro Example

The following GIF illustrates the results of executing this macro example. As expected, VBA sets autofits the width of column I based on the contents of cell I5. Notice the contents in cell I10 (Autofit based on specific cell), which aren’t used as the basis for the autofitting operation.

#6: Set Column Width in Points

VBA Code to Set Column Width in Points

To set the width of a column in points with VBA, use a macro with the following statement structure:

Process Followed by VBA Code

specify column width in points 3 times” width=”689″ height=”192″>

VBA Statement Explanation

Lines #1 and #5: With Worksheet.Range(“A1CellReference”) | End With

  1. Item: With… End With.
    • VBA Construct: With… End With statement.
    • Description: Statements within the With… End With statement (lines # through #4 below) are executed on the Range object returned by item #3 below.
  2. Item: Worksheet.
    • VBA Construct: Workbook.Worksheets property.
    • Description: Returns a Worksheet object representing the worksheet you work with.
  3. Item: Range(“A1CellReference”).
    • VBA Construct: Worksheet.Range property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing a cell within the column whose width you set. You specify the cell using an A1-style cell reference (A1CellReference) enclosed within quotations (“”).

Lines #2 and #4: For Counter = 1 To 3 | Next Counter

  1. Item: For… Next Counter.
    • VBA Construct: For… Next statement.
    • Description: Repeats the statement within the loop (line #3 below) 3 times, as required by item #3 below.
  2. Item: Counter.
    • VBA Construct: Counter of For… Next statement.
    • Description: Loop counter. If you explicitly declare a variable to represent the loop counter, use the Long data type.
  3. Item: 1 To 3.
    • VBA Construct: Counter Start (1) and Counter End (3) of For… Next statement.
    • Description: The statement within the loop (line #3 below) is executed 3 times (1 To 3).
      • Theoretically, line #3 below should be enough to set the column width in points without requiring the loop specified by these lines #2 and #4. In practice, this may not be the case. Some tests suggest that repeating line #3 below (or similar) 3 times generally gets you the closest to the specified column width.

Line #3: .ColumnWidth = ColumnWidthPoints * (.ColumnWidth / .Width)

  1. Item: .ColumnWidth.
    • VBA Construct: Range.ColumnWidth property.
    • Description:
      • Sets the width of the column containing the Range object within the opening statement of the With… End With block (line #1, item #3 above).
      • .ColumnWidth is included twice in the statement. In this first mention, (.ColumnWidth = …), ColumnWidth is the property to which a value is assigned. The value assigned to the ColumnWidth property is the value returned by the other items within this statement.
  2. Item: ColumnWidthPoints.
    • VBA Construct: Numeric (for example, Double) variable.
    • Description: Specifies the width (in points) of the columns containing the Range object within the opening statement of the With… End With block (line #1, item #3 above).
      • If you explicitly declare a variable to represent ColumnWidthPoints, use a numeric data type that can handle the value you use to specify the column width in points.
  3. Item: .ColumnWidth.
    • VBA Construct: Range.ColumnWidth property.
    • Description:
      • Returns the width of the column containing the Range object within the opening statement of the With… End With block (line #1, item #3 above).
      • .ColumnWidth is included twice in the statement. In this second mention, (.ColumnWidth), ColumnWidth returns the current value of the property.
      • The ColumnWidth property returns the column width in units based on the size (width) of the font you use in the Normal style (for example, Calibri 11). Therefore, 1 unit of column width is equal to 1 character of the Normal style font. If your Normal style font is a proportional (not fixed-width) font, Excel considers the width of the character “0” (the number zero).
  4. Item: .Width.
    • VBA Construct: Range.Width property.
    • Description:
      • Returns the width of the column containing the Range object within the opening statement of the With… End With block (line #1, item #3 above).
      • The Width property returns the column width in points.
  5. Item: (.ColumnWidth / .Width).
    • VBA Construct: Numeric expression.
    • Description:
      • Both ColumnWidth (item #3 above) and Width (item #4 above) return the width of the column containing the Range object within the opening statement of the With… End With block (line #1, item #3 above).
      • The units in which ColumnWidth and Width return the column width differ.
        • ColumnWidth expresses the column width in units based on the size (width) of the font you use in the Normal style.
        • Width expresses the column width in points.
      • ColumnWidth divided by Width (.ColumnWidth / .Width) returns the factor by which you must multiply the desired column width expressed in points (item #2 above) to obtain the appropriate column width in units based on the size (width) of the font you use in the Normal style. In other words, this expression converts ColumnWidthPoints from points to the units required by the ColumnWidth property.

Macro Example

The following macro sets the width of column J of the worksheet named “Column width” to 80 points.

Effects of Executing Macro Example

The following GIF illustrates the results of executing this macro example. As expected, VBA sets the width of column J to 80 points.

#7: Set Column Width in Inches

VBA Code to Set Column Width in Inches

To set the width of a column in inches with VBA, use a macro with the following statement structure:

Process Followed by VBA Code

specify column width in inches 3 times” width=”686″ height=”191″>

VBA Statement Explanation

Lines #1 and #5: With Worksheet.Range(“A1CellReference”) | End With

  1. Item: With… End With.
    • VBA Construct: With… End With statement.
    • Description: Statements within the With… End With statement (lines # through #4 below) are executed on the Range object returned by item #3 below.
  2. Item: Worksheet.
    • VBA Construct: Workbook.Worksheets property.
    • Description: Returns a Worksheet object representing the worksheet you work with.
  3. Item: Range(“A1CellReference”).
    • VBA Construct: Worksheet.Range property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing a cell within the column whose width you set. You specify the cell using an A1-style cell reference (A1CellReference) enclosed within quotations (“”).

Lines #2 and #4: For Counter = 1 To 3 | Next Counter

  1. Item: For… Next Counter.
    • VBA Construct: For… Next statement.
    • Description: Repeats the statement within the loop (line #3 below) 3 times, as required by item #3 below.
  2. Item: Counter.
    • VBA Construct: Counter of For… Next statement.
    • Description: Loop counter. If you explicitly declare a variable to represent the loop counter, use the Long data type.
  3. Item: 1 To 3.
    • VBA Construct: Counter Start (1) and Counter End (3) of For… Next statement.
    • Description: The statement within the loop (line #3 below) is executed 3 times (1 To 3).
      • Theoretically, line #3 below should be enough to set the column width in inches without requiring the loop specified by these lines #2 and #4. In practice, this may not be the case. Some tests suggest that repeating line #3 below (or similar) 3 times generally gets you the closest to the specified column width.

Line #3: .ColumnWidth = Application.InchesToPoints(ColumnWidthInches) * (.ColumnWidth / .Width)

  1. Item: .ColumnWidth.
    • VBA Construct: Range.ColumnWidth property.
    • Description:
      • Sets the width of the column containing the Range object within the opening statement of the With… End With block (line #1, item #3 above).
      • .ColumnWidth is included twice in the statement. In this first mention, (.ColumnWidth = …), ColumnWidth is the property to which a value is assigned. The value assigned to the ColumnWidth property is the value returned by the other items within this statement.
  2. Item: Application.InchesToPoints.
    • VBA Construct: Application.InchesToPoints method.
    • Description: Converts the measurement specified by item #3 below from inches to points.
  3. Item: ColumnWidthInches.
    • VBA Construct: Inches parameter of Application.InchesToPoints method.
    • Description: Specifies the width (in inches) of the columns containing the Range object within the opening statement of the With… End With block (line #1, item #3 above).
      • If you explicitly declare a variable to represent ColumnWidthInches, use a numeric data type that can handle the value you use to specify the column width in inches.
  4. Item: .ColumnWidth.
    • VBA Construct: Range.ColumnWidth property.
    • Description:
      • Returns the width of the column containing the Range object within the opening statement of the With… End With block (line #1, item #3 above).
      • .ColumnWidth is included twice in the statement. In this second mention, (.ColumnWidth), ColumnWidth returns the current value of the property.
      • The ColumnWidth property returns the column width in units based on the size (width) of the font you use in the Normal style (for example, Calibri 11). Therefore, 1 unit of column width is equal to 1 character of the Normal style font. If your Normal style font is a proportional (not fixed-width) font, Excel considers the width of the character “0” (the number zero).
  5. Item: .Width.
    • VBA Construct: Range.Width property.
    • Description:
      • Returns the width of the column containing the Range object within the opening statement of the With… End With block (line #1, item #3 above).
      • The Width property returns the column width in points.
  6. Item: (.ColumnWidth / .Width).
    • VBA Construct: Numeric expression.
    • Description:
      • Both ColumnWidth (item #4 above) and Width (item #5 above) return the width of the column containing the Range object within the opening statement of the With… End With block (line #1, item #3 above).
      • The units in which ColumnWidth and Width return the column width differ.
        • ColumnWidth expresses the column width in units based on the size (width) of the font you use in the Normal style.
        • Width expresses the column width in points.
      • ColumnWidth divided by Width (.ColumnWidth / .Width) returns the factor by which you must multiply the desired column width expressed in inches/points (items #2 and #3 above) to obtain the appropriate column width in units based on the size (width) of the font you use in the Normal style. In other words, this expression converts Application.InchesToPoints(ColumnWidthInches) from points to the units required by the ColumnWidth property.

Macro Example

The following macro sets the width of column K of the worksheet named “Column width” to 1 inch.

Effects of Executing Macro Example

The following GIF illustrates the results of executing this macro example. As expected, VBA sets the width of column K to 1 inch.

#8: Set Column Width in Centimeters

VBA Code to Set Column Width in Centimeters

To set the width of a column in centimeters with VBA, use a macro with the following statement structure:

Process Followed by VBA Code

specify column width in centimeters 3 times” width=”683″ height=”192″>

VBA Statement Explanation

Lines #1 and #5: With Worksheet.Range(“A1CellReference”) | End With

  1. Item: With… End With.
    • VBA Construct: With… End With statement.
    • Description: Statements within the With… End With statement (lines # through #4 below) are executed on the Range object returned by item #3 below.
  2. Item: Worksheet.
    • VBA Construct: Workbook.Worksheets property.
    • Description: Returns a Worksheet object representing the worksheet you work with.
  3. Item: Range(“A1CellReference”).
    • VBA Construct: Worksheet.Range property.
    • Description: Returns a Range object representing a cell within the column whose width you set. You specify the cell using an A1-style cell reference (A1CellReference) enclosed within quotations (“”).

Lines #2 and #4: For Counter = 1 To 3 | Next Counter

  1. Item: For… Next Counter.
    • VBA Construct: For… Next statement.
    • Description: Repeats the statement within the loop (line #3 below) 3 times, as required by item #3 below.
  2. Item: Counter.
    • VBA Construct: Counter of For… Next statement.
    • Description: Loop counter. If you explicitly declare a variable to represent the loop counter, use the Long data type.
  3. Item: 1 To 3.
    • VBA Construct: Counter Start (1) and Counter End (3) of For… Next statement.
    • Description: The statement within the loop (line #3 below) is executed 3 times (1 To 3).
      • Theoretically, line #3 below should be enough to set the column width in centimeters without requiring the loop specified by these lines #2 and #4. In practice, this may not be the case. Some tests suggest that repeating line #3 below (or similar) 3 times generally gets you the closest to the specified column width.

Line #3: .ColumnWidth = Application.CentimetersToPoints(ColumnWidthCentimeters) * (.ColumnWidth / .Width)

  1. Item: .ColumnWidth.
    • VBA Construct: Range.ColumnWidth property.
    • Description:
      • Sets the width of the column containing the Range object within the opening statement of the With… End With block (line #1, item #3 above).
      • .ColumnWidth is included twice in the statement. In this first mention, (.ColumnWidth = …), ColumnWidth is the property to which a value is assigned. The value assigned to the ColumnWidth property is the value returned by the other items within this statement.
  2. Item: Application.CentimetersToPoints.
    • VBA Construct: Application.CentimetersToPoints method.
    • Description: Converts the measurement specified by item #3 below from centimeters to points.
  3. Item: ColumnWidthCentimeters.
    • VBA Construct: Centimeters parameter of Application.CentimetersToPoints method.
    • Description: Specifies the width (in centimeters) of the columns containing the Range object within the opening statement of the With… End With block (line #1, item #3 above).
      • If you explicitly declare a variable to represent ColumnWidthCentimeters, use a numeric data type that can handle the value you use to specify the column width in centimeters.
  4. Item: .ColumnWidth.
    • VBA Construct: Range.ColumnWidth property.
    • Description:
      • Returns the width of the column containing the Range object within the opening statement of the With… End With block (line #1, item #3 above).
      • .ColumnWidth is included twice in the statement. In this second mention, (.ColumnWidth), ColumnWidth returns the current value of the property.
      • The ColumnWidth property returns the column width in units based on the size (width) of the font you use in the Normal style (for example, Calibri 11). Therefore, 1 unit of column width is equal to 1 character of the Normal style font. If your Normal style font is a proportional (not fixed-width) font, Excel considers the width of the character “0” (the number zero).
  5. Item: .Width.
    • VBA Construct: Range.Width property.
    • Description:
      • Returns the width of the column containing the Range object within the opening statement of the With… End With block (line #1, item #3 above).
      • The Width property returns the column width in points.
  6. Item: (.ColumnWidth / .Width).
    • VBA Construct: Numeric expression.
    • Description:
      • Both ColumnWidth (item #4 above) and Width (item #5 above) return the width of the column containing the Range object within the opening statement of the With… End With block (line #1, item #3 above).
      • The units in which ColumnWidth and Width return the column width differ.
        • ColumnWidth expresses the column width in units based on the size (width) of the font you use in the Normal style.
        • Width expresses the column width in points.
      • ColumnWidth divided by Width (.ColumnWidth / .Width) returns the factor by which you must multiply the desired column width expressed in centimeters/points (items #2 and #3 above) to obtain the appropriate column width in units based on the size (width) of the font you use in the Normal style. In other words, this expression converts Application.CentimetersToPoints(ColumnWidthCentimeters) from points to the units required by the ColumnWidth property.

Macro Example

The following macro sets the width of column L of the worksheet named “Column width” to 1 centimeter.

Effects of Executing Macro Example

The following GIF illustrates the results of executing this macro example. As expected, VBA sets the width of column L to 1 centimeter.


Updated: August 2021; Works on Excel 365, 2019, 2016.

In today’s Excel automation tutorial we will learn how to quickly change the width of a worksheet column as needed – but programmatically using VBA (Visual Basic for Applications).


In order to write VBA code, you’ll need to first and foremost, ensure that your developer tab is enabled. If you are unsure about the procedure, make sure to look into our detailed procedure.

  • In your Windows computer, open Microsoft Excel.
  • On the main Ribbon hit Developer.
  • Hit the Visual Basic Command. This will open the VBA Editor.
  • In the left hand side project explorer, highlight a specific sheet into which you’ll insert your code. Alternatively, you can insert a new module or add our code to an existing VBA module.

Setting one column width

In this example, we’ll select one column in the active Worksheet and modify it accordingly.

  • Using the VBA Editor, Copy the following code to your worksheet or module.

Sub Set_Column_Width()

Dim MySheet As Worksheet
Set MySheet = ActiveSheet

' Select one or multiple columns, set your column width as needed

With MySheet.Columns("B")

    .ColumnWidth = 50
End With

End Sub
  • Run your code by hitting on F5 or pick Run >> Run Sub or Form.
  • Save your work by hitting File >> Save or the Disk icon.

Change width of a multiple column range

In this example we pick a range of columns , then change the width.

You can apply the code in the same fashion as described in the previous section.

Sub Set_Column_Range_Width()

Dim MySheet As Worksheet

Set MySheet = ActiveSheet

' Set your column width as needed
With MySheet.Range("A:F")

    .ColumnWidth = .ColumnWidth * 1.5
End With

End Sub

Next Steps

Starting out with VBA? Make sure to look into VBA basics for Excel guide.

Изменение размера ячейки в VBA Excel. Высота строки, ширина столбца, автоподбор ширины ячейки. Свойства RowHeight и ColumnWidth объекта Range.

Размер ячейки

Размер ячейки по высоте и ширине определяется высотой строки и шириной столбца, на пересечении которых она находится. Если, в вашем случае, нежелательно изменять размеры всей строки или всего столбца, используйте объединенные ячейки нужной величины.

Обратите внимание, что высота строки задается в пунктах, а ширина столбца в символах, поэтому их числовые значения не соответствуют друг другу по фактическому размеру.

Информационные окна с высотой строки и шириной столбца в Excel

Высота строки и ширина столбца в Excel

Программно, без дополнительных макросов, можно изменять высоту строки только в пунктах, а ширину столбца только в символах.

На сайте поддержки офисных приложений Microsoft так написано об этих величинах:

  • высота строки может принимать значение от 0 до 409 пунктов, причем 1 пункт приблизительно равен 1/72 дюйма или 0,035 см;
  • ширина столбца может принимать значение от 0 до 255, причем это значение соответствует количеству символов, которые могут быть отображены в ячейке.

Смотрите, как сделать все ячейки рабочего листа квадратными.

Высота строки

Для изменения высоты строки используйте свойство RowHeight объекта Range. И не важно, будет объект Range представлять из себя выделенный произвольный диапазон, отдельную ячейку, целую строку или целый столбец — высота всех строк, пересекающихся с объектом Range будет изменена после присвоения свойству RowHeight этого объекта нового значения.

Примеры изменения высоты строк:

Пример 1
Изменение высоты отдельной ячейки:

ActiveCell.RowHeight = 10

в результате, строка, в которой находится активная ячейка, приобретает высоту, равную 10 пунктам.

Пример 2
Изменение высоты строки:

в результате, третья строка рабочего листа приобретает высоту, равную 30 пунктам.

Пример 3
Изменение высоты ячеек заданного диапазона:

Range(«A1:D6»).RowHeight = 20

в результате, каждой из первых шести строк рабочего листа будет задана высота, равная 20 пунктам.

Пример 4
Изменение высоты ячеек целого столбца:

Columns(5).RowHeight = 15

в результате, всем строкам рабочего листа будет назначена высота, равная 15 пунктам.

Ширина столбца

Для изменения ширины столбца используйте свойство ColumnWidth объекта Range. Как и в случае с высотой строки, не важно, будет объект Range представлять из себя выделенный произвольный диапазон, отдельную ячейку, целую строку или целый столбец — ширина всех столбцов, пересекающихся с объектом Range будет изменена после присвоения свойству ColumnWidth этого объекта нового значения.

Примеры изменения ширины столбцов:

Пример 1
Изменение ширины отдельной ячейки:

ActiveCell.ColumnWidth = 15

в результате, столбец, в котором находится активная ячейка, приобретает ширину, равную 15 символам.

Пример 2
Изменение ширины столбца:

Columns(3).ColumnWidth = 50

в результате, третий столбец рабочего листа (столбец «C») приобретает ширину, равную 50 символам.

Пример 3
Изменение ширины ячеек заданного диапазона:

Range(«A1:D6»).ColumnWidth = 25

в результате, каждому из первых четырех столбцов рабочего листа будет задана ширина, равная 25 символам.

Пример 4
Изменение ширины ячеек целой строки:

в результате, всем столбцам рабочего листа будет назначена ширина, равная 35 символам.

Автоподбор ширины

Для автоподбора ширины ячейки в соответствие с размером ее содержимого используйте следующий код:

‘запишем для примера в любую ячейку рабочего

‘листа какой-нибудь текст, например, такой:

Cells(5, 5) = «Автоподбор ширины ячейки»

‘теперь подгоним ширину ячейки, а точнее

‘столбца, в котором эта ячейка находится:

Cells(5, 5).EntireColumn.AutoFit

Имейте в виду, что ширина столбца будет подогнана по расположенной в этом столбце ячейке с самым длинным содержимым. Например, если длина содержимого ячейки Cells(7, 5) будет превышать длину содержимого ячейки Cells(5, 5), то автоподбор ширины пятого столбца произойдет по содержимому ячейки Cells(7, 5), несмотря на то, что в строке кода указана другая ячейка.

Как осуществить автоподбор ширины объединенной ячейки, в которой метод AutoFit не работает, смотрите в следующей статье.

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