Excel vba отфильтрованный значения

Стандартный Автофильтр для выборки из списков — вещь, безусловно, привычная и надежная. Но для создания сложных условий приходится выполнить не так уж мало действий. Например, чтобы отфильтровать значения попадающие в интервал от 100 до 200, необходимо развернуть список Автофильтра мышью, выбрать вариант Условие (Custom), а в новых версиях Excel: Числовые фильтры — Настраиваемый фильтр (Number filters — Custom filter). Затем в диалоговом окне задать два оператора сравнения, значения и логическую связку (И-ИЛИ) между ними:


Не так уж и долго, скажут некоторые. Да, но если в день приходится повторять эту процедуру по нескольку десятков раз? Выход есть — альтернативный фильтр с помощью макроса, который будет брать значения критериев отбора прямо из ячеек листа, куда мы их просто введем с клавиатуры. По сути, это будет похоже на расширенный фильтр, но работающий в реальном времени. Чтобы реализовать такую штуку, нам потребуется сделать всего два шага:

Шаг 1. Именованный диапазон для условий

Сначала надо создать именованный диапазон, куда мы будем вводить условия, и откуда макрос их будет брать. Для этого можно прямо над таблицей вставить пару-тройку пустых строк, затем выделить ячейки для будущих критериев (на рисунке это A2:F2) и дать им имя Условия, вписав его в поле имени в левом верхнем углу и нажав клавишу Enter. Для наглядности, я выделил эти ячейки желтым цветом:


Шаг 2. Добавляем макрос фильтрации

Теперь надо добавить к текущему листу макрос фильтрации по критериям из созданного диапазона Условия. Для этого щелкните правой кнопкой мыши по ярлычку листа и выберите команду Исходный текст (Source text). В открывшееся окно редактора Visual Basic надо скопировать и вставить текст вот такого макроса:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

    Dim FilterCol As Integer
    Dim FilterRange As Range
    Dim CondtitionString As Variant
    Dim Condition1 As String, Condition2 As String

    If Intersect(Target, Range("Условия")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub

    On Error Resume Next
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    'определяем диапазон данных списка
    Set FilterRange = Target.Parent.AutoFilter.Range
    'считываем условия из всех измененных ячеек диапазона условий
    For Each cell In Target.Cells
        FilterCol = cell.Column - FilterRange.Columns(1).Column + 1
        If IsEmpty(cell) Then
            Target.Parent.Range(FilterRange.Address).AutoFilter Field:=FilterCol
            If InStr(1, UCase(cell.Value), " ИЛИ ") > 0 Then
                LogicOperator = xlOr
                ConditionArray = Split(UCase(cell.Value), " ИЛИ ")
                If InStr(1, UCase(cell.Value), " И ") > 0 Then
                    LogicOperator = xlAnd
                    ConditionArray = Split(UCase(cell.Value), " И ")
                    ConditionArray = Array(cell.Text)
                End If
            End If
            'формируем первое условие
            If Left(ConditionArray(0), 1) = "<" Or Left(ConditionArray(0), 1) = ">" Then
                Condition1 = ConditionArray(0)
                Condition1 = "=" & ConditionArray(0)
            End If
            'формируем второе условие - если оно есть
            If UBound(ConditionArray) = 1 Then
                If Left(ConditionArray(1), 1) = "<" Or Left(ConditionArray(1), 1) = ">" Then
                    Condition2 = ConditionArray(1)
                    Condition2 = "=" & ConditionArray(1)
                End If
            End If
            'включаем фильтрацию
            If UBound(ConditionArray) = 0 Then
                Target.Parent.Range(FilterRange.Address).AutoFilter Field:=FilterCol, Criteria1:=Condition1
                Target.Parent.Range(FilterRange.Address).AutoFilter Field:=FilterCol, Criteria1:=Condition1, _
                    Operator:=LogicOperator, Criteria2:=Condition2
            End If
        End If
    Next cell
    Set FilterRange = Nothing
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub


Теперь при вводе любых условий в желтые ячейки нашего именованного диапазона тут же будет срабатывать фильтрация, отображая только нужные нам строки и скрывая ненужные:


Как и в случае с классическими Автофильтром (Filter) и Расширенным фильтром (Advanced Filter), в нашем фильтре макросом можно смело использовать символы подстановки:

  • * (звездочка) — заменяет любое количество любых символов
  • ? (вопросительный знак) — заменяет один любой символ

и операторы логической связки:

  • И — выполнение обоих условий
  • ИЛИ — выполнение хотя бы одного из двух условий

и любые математические символы неравенства (>,<,=,>=,<=,<>).

При удалении содержимого ячеек желтого диапазона Условия автоматически снимается фильтрация с соответствующих столбцов.


  • Если у вас Excel 2007 или 2010 не забудьте сохранить файл с поддержкой макросов (в формате xlsm), иначе добавленный макрос умрет.
  • Данный макрос не умеет работать с «умными таблицами»

Ссылки по теме

  • Что такое макросы, куда вставлять код макроса на VBA, как их использовать?
  • Умные таблицы Excel 2007/2010
  • Расширенный фильтр и немного магии

9 years, 5 months ago

2k times

Please see below picture in which a filter is applied in column a to choose Item «b» and then updated «OK» in comment field. Do you have any idea how this can be done through macro? Also, I need to know how to select the visible cells in a column when a filter is on and filtered.

enter image description here

Community's user avatar

asked Nov 7, 2013 at 11:46

Vivek's user avatar


Sub Copy_Filtered_Cells()
Set from = Application.InputBox("Select range of Cell to copy", Type:=8).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
'Set from = Selection
Set too = Application.InputBox("Select range to Paste Copied Cells", Type:=8)
For Each Cell In from
    For Each thing In too
        If thing.EntireRow.RowHeight > 0 Then
            Set too = thing.Offset(1).Resize(too.Rows.Count)
            Exit For
        End If
End Sub    

it might work for you.

answered Oct 16, 2014 at 10:47

Fahad Bin Zafar's user avatar

На чтение 11 мин. Просмотров 34.2k.

Итог: научиться создавать макросы, использовать фильтры на диапазоны и таблицы с помощью метода AutoFilter VBA. Статья содержит ссылки на примеры для фильтрации различных типов данных, включая текст, цифры, даты, цвета и значки.

Уровень мастерства: средний

Automate Filters with VBA Macros - AutoFilter Guide


  1. Скачать файл
  2. Написание макросов для фильтров
  3. Макро-рекордер — твой друг (или враг)
  4. Метод автофильтрации
  5. Написание кода автофильтра
  6. Автофильтр не является дополнением
  7. Как установить номер поля динамически
  8. Используйте таблицы Excel с фильтрами
  9. Фильтры и типы данных
  10. Почему метод автофильтрации такой сложный?

Скачать файл

Файл Excel, содержащий код, можно скачать ниже. Этот файл содержит код для фильтрации различных типов данных и типов фильтров.

VBA AutoFilters Guide.xlsm (100.5 KB)

Написание макросов для фильтров

Фильтры являются отличным инструментом для анализа данных в
Excel. Для большинства аналитиков и частых пользователей Excel фильтры являются
частью нашей повседневной жизни. Мы используем раскрывающиеся меню фильтров для
применения фильтров к отдельным столбцам в наборе данных. Это помогает нам
связывать цифры с отчетами и проводить исследование наших данных.

How Often Do You Apply Excel Filters

Фильтрация также может быть трудоемким процессом. Особенно,
когда мы применяем фильтры к нескольким столбцам на больших листах или фильтруем
данные, чтобы затем копировать / вставлять их в другие листы или книги.

В этой статье объясняется, как создавать макросы для
автоматизации процесса фильтрации. Это обширное руководство по методу
автофильтра в VBA.

У меня также есть статьи с примерами для различных фильтров и типов данных, в том числе: пробелы, текст, числа, даты, цвета и значки, и очищающие фильтры.

Макро-рекордер — твой друг (или враг)

Мы можем легко получить код VBA для фильтров, включив
макро-рекордер, а затем применив один или несколько фильтров к диапазону /

Вот шаги для создания макроса фильтра с помощью устройства
записи макросов:

  1. Включите рекордер макросов:
    1. Вкладка «Разработчик»> «Запись макроса».
    2. Дайте макросу имя, выберите, где вы хотите сохранить код, и нажмите ОК.
  2. Примените один или несколько фильтров, используя раскрывающиеся меню фильтров.
  3. Остановите рекордер.
  4. Откройте редактор VB (вкладка «Разработчик»> Visual Basic) для просмотра кода.

Если вы уже использовали макрос-рекордер для этого процесса,
то вы знаете, насколько он может быть полезен. Тем более, что наши критерии
фильтрации становятся более сложными.

Код будет выглядеть примерно так:

Sub Filters_Macro_Recorder()
' Filters_Macro_Recorder Macro

    ActiveSheet.ListObjects("tblData").Range.AutoFilter Field:=4, Criteria1:= _
        "Product 2"
    ActiveSheet.ListObjects("tblData").Range.AutoFilter Field:=4
    ActiveSheet.ListObjects("tblData").Range.AutoFilter Field:=5, Criteria1:= _
        ">=500", Operator:=xlAnd, Criteria2:="<=1000"
End Sub

Мы видим, что каждая строка использует метод AutoFilter для
применения фильтра к столбцу. Он также содержит информацию о критериях фильтра.

Мы видим, что каждая строка использует метод AutoFilter для
применения фильтра к столбцу. Он также содержит информацию о критериях фильтра.

Метод автофильтрации

Метод AutoFilter используется для очистки и применения
фильтров к одному столбцу в диапазоне или таблице в VBA. Он автоматизирует
процесс применения фильтров через выпадающие меню фильтров и делает, чтобы  все работало.

VBA AutoFilter Automates Filter Drop-down Menus

Его можно использовать для применения фильтров к нескольким
столбцам путем написания нескольких строк кода, по одной для каждого столбца.
Мы также можем использовать Автофильтр, чтобы применить несколько критериев
фильтрации к одному столбцу, так же, как в выпадающем меню фильтра, установив
несколько флажков или указав диапазон дат.

Написание кода автофильтра

Вот пошаговые инструкции по написанию строки кода для автофильтра.

Шаг 1: Ссылка на диапазон или таблицу

Метод AutoFilter является частью объекта Range. Поэтому мы
должны ссылаться на диапазон или таблицу, к которым применяются фильтры на
листе. Это будет весь диапазон, к которому применяются фильтры.

AutoFilter Method is Member of Range Object

Следующие примеры включают / отключают фильтры в диапазоне B3: G1000 на листе автофильтра.

Sub AutoFilter_Range()
'Автофильтр является членом объекта Range
  'Ссылка на весь диапазон, к которому применяются фильтры
  'Автофильтр включает / выключает фильтры, когда параметры не указаны.
  'Полностью квалифицированный справочник, начиная с уровня Workbook
  ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("AutoFilter Guide").Range("B3:G1000").AutoFilter

End Sub

Вот пример использования таблиц Excel.

Sub AutoFilter_Table()
'Автофильтры на таблицах работают одинаково.

Dim lo As ListObject 'Excel Table

  'Установить переменную ListObject (Table)
  Set lo = Sheet1.ListObjects(1)
  'Автофильтр является членом объекта Range
  'Родителем объекта Range является объект List
End Sub

Метод AutoFilter имеет 5 необязательных параметров, которые
мы рассмотрим далее. Если мы не укажем ни один из параметров, как в приведенных
выше примерах, метод AutoFilter включит / выключит фильтры для указанного
диапазона. Это переключение. Если фильтры включены, они будут выключены, и

Диапазоны или таблицы?

Фильтры работают одинаково как для обычных диапазонов, так и для таблиц

AutoFilter on Regular Range or Excel Table

Я отдаю предпочтение методу использования таблиц, потому что
нам не нужно беспокоиться об изменении ссылок на диапазон при увеличении или
уменьшении таблицы. Однако код будет одинаковым для обоих объектов. В остальных
примерах кода используются таблицы Excel, но вы можете легко изменить это для
обычных диапазонов.

5 (или 6) параметров автофильтра

AutoFilter имеет 5 (или 6) необязательных параметров, которые используются для
указания критериев фильтрации для столбца. Вот список параметров.

AutoFilter Parameters Optional Screentip in VB Editor VBA

Фильтры на VBA (AutoFilter Method) читать подробное руководство

Страница справки MSDN

Мы можем использовать комбинацию этих параметров, чтобы
применять различные критерии фильтрации для разных типов данных. Первые четыре
являются наиболее важными, поэтому давайте посмотрим, как их применять.

Шаг 2: Параметр поля

Первый параметр — это Field. Для параметра Field мы указываем число, которое является номером столбца, к которому будет применяться фильтр. Это номер столбца в диапазоне фильтра, который является родителем метода AutoFilter. Это НЕ номер столбца на рабочем листе.

В приведенном ниже примере поле 4 является столбцом
«Продукт», поскольку это 4-й столбец в диапазоне фильтра / таблице.

Field Parameter Value is Column Number of the Range or Table

Фильтр столбца очищается, когда мы указываем только параметр
Field, а другие критерии отсутствуют.

Field Parameter Only Clears Single Column Filter

Мы также можем использовать переменную для параметра Field и
установить ее динамически. Я объясню это более подробно ниже.

Шаг 3: Параметры критериев

Существует два параметра, которые можно использовать для указания фильтра Критерии, Criteria1 и Criteria2 . Мы используем комбинацию этих параметров и параметра Operator для разных типов фильтров. Здесь все становится сложнее, поэтому давайте начнем с простого примера.

'Фильтровать столбец «Продукт» для одного элемента
lo.Range.AutoFilter Field:=4, Criteria1:="Product 2"

Это то же самое, что выбрать один элемент из списка флажков в раскрывающемся меню фильтра.

VBA AutoFilter Code to Filter for Single Item in Filter Drop-down Menu

Общие правила для Criteria1 и Criteria2

Значения, которые мы указываем для Criteria1 и Criteria2,
могут быть хитрыми. Вот несколько общих рекомендаций о том, как ссылаться на
значения параметра Criteria.

  • Значением критерия является строка, заключенная в кавычки. Есть несколько исключений, когда критерии являются постоянными для периода времени даты и выше / ниже среднего.
  • При указании фильтров для отдельных чисел или дат форматирование чисел должно соответствовать форматированию чисел, применяемому в диапазоне / таблице.
  • Оператор сравнения больше / меньше чем также включен в кавычки перед числом.
  • Кавычки также используются для фильтров для пробелов «=» и не пробелов «<>».

General Rules for Criteria Parameters

'Фильтр на дату, большую или равную 1 января 2015 г.
lo.Range.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=">=1/1/2015"

' Оператор сравнения> = находится внутри кавычек
' для параметра Criteria1.

' Форматирование даты в коде соответствует форматированию
' применяется к ячейкам на листе.

Шаг 4: Параметр оператора

Что если мы хотим выбрать несколько элементов из
раскрывающегося списка фильтров? Или сделать фильтр для диапазона дат или

Для этого нам нужен Operator . Параметр Operator используется для указания типа фильтра, который мы хотим применить. Он может варьироваться в зависимости от типа данных в столбце. Для
Operator должна использоваться одна из следующих 11 констант.

Фильтры на VBA (AutoFilter Method) читать подробное руководство

Вот ссылка на страницу справки MSDN, которая содержит список констант для перечисления XlAutoFilterOperator.

Operator используется в сочетании с Criteria1 и / или Criteria2, в зависимости от типа данных и типа фильтра. Вот несколько примеров.

'Фильтр для списка нескольких элементов, оператор - xlFilterValues
lo.Range.AutoFilter _
          Field:=iCol, _
          Criteria1:=Array("Product 4", "Product 5", "Product 6"), _
'Фильтр для диапазона дат (между датами), оператор xlAnd
lo.Range.AutoFilter _
          Field:=iCol, _
          Criteria1:=">=1/1/2014", _
          Operator:=xlAnd, _

Это основы написания строки кода для метода AutoFilter. Будет сложнее с различными типами данных.

Итак, я привел много примеров ниже, которые содержат большинство комбинаций критериев и операторов для разных типов фильтров.

Автофильтр не является дополнением

При запуске строки кода автофильтра сначала удаляются все
фильтры, примененные к этому столбцу (полю), а затем применяются критерии
фильтра, указанные в строке кода.

Это означает, что это не дополнение. Следующие 2 строки НЕ создадут фильтр для Продукта 1 и Продукта 2. После запуска макроса столбец Продукт будет отфильтрован только для Продукта 2.

'Автофильтр НЕ ДОБАВЛЯЕТ. Это сначала любые фильтры, применяемые
'в столбце перед применением нового фильтра
lo.Range.AutoFilter Field:=4, Criteria1:="Product 3"
'Эта строка кода отфильтрует столбец только для продукта 2
'Фильтр для Продукта 3 выше будет очищен при запуске этой линии.
lo.Range.AutoFilter Field:=4, Criteria1:="Product 2"

Если вы хотите применить фильтр с несколькими критериями к одному столбцу, вы можете указать это с помощью параметров
Criteria и Operator .

Как установить номер поля динамически

Если мы добавим / удалим / переместим столбцы в диапазоне
фильтра, то номер поля для отфильтрованного столбца может измениться. Поэтому я
стараюсь по возможности избегать жесткого кодирования числа для параметра

Вместо этого мы можем использовать переменную и использовать некоторый код, чтобы найти номер столбца по его имени. Вот два примера для обычных диапазонов и таблиц.

Use Variable for Filter Field Column Number in VBA with Index Property

Sub Dynamic_Field_Number()
'Методы, чтобы найти и установить поле на основе имени столбца.
Dim lo As ListObject
Dim iCol As Long
  'Установить ссылку на первую таблицу на листе
  Set lo = Sheet1.ListObjects(1)
  'Установить поле фильтра
  iCol = lo.ListColumns("Product").Index
  'Использовать функцию соответствия для регулярных диапазонов
  'iCol = WorksheetFunction.Match("Product", Sheet1.Range("B3:G3"), 0)

  'Использовать переменную для значения параметра поля
  lo.Range.AutoFilter Field:=iCol, Criteria1:="Product 3"

End Sub

Номер столбца будет найден при каждом запуске макроса. Нам
не нужно беспокоиться об изменении номера поля при перемещении столбца. Это
экономит время и предотвращает ошибки (беспроигрышный вариант)!

Используйте таблицы Excel с фильтрами

Использование таблиц Excel дает множество преимуществ,
особенно при использовании метода автофильтрации. Вот несколько основных
причин, по которым я предпочитаю таблицы.

  • Нам не нужно переопределять диапазон в VBA, поскольку диапазон данных изменяет размер (строки / столбцы добавляются / удаляются). На всю таблицу ссылается объект ListObject.
  • Данные в таблице легко ссылаться после применения фильтров. Мы можем использовать свойство DataBodyRange для ссылки на видимые строки для копирования / вставки, форматирования, изменения значений и т.д.
  • Мы можем иметь несколько таблиц на одном листе и, следовательно, несколько диапазонов фильтров. С обычными диапазонами у нас может быть только один отфильтрованный диапазон на лист.
  • Код для очистки всех фильтров в таблице легче написать.

Фильтры и типы данных

Параметры раскрывающегося меню фильтра изменяются в
зависимости от типа данных в столбце. У нас есть разные фильтры для текста,
чисел, дат и цветов. Это создает МНОГО различных комбинаций операторов и
критериев для каждого типа фильтра.

Я создал отдельные посты для каждого из этих типов фильтров.
Посты содержат пояснения и примеры кода VBA.

  • Как очистить фильтры с помощью VBA
  • Как отфильтровать пустые и непустые клетки
  • Как фильтровать текст с помощью VBA
  • Как фильтровать числа с помощью VBA
  • Как отфильтровать даты с помощью VBA
  • Как отфильтровать цвета и значки с помощью VBA

Файл в разделе загрузок выше содержит все эти примеры кода в одном месте. Вы можете добавить его в свою личную книгу макросов и использовать макросы в своих проектах.

Почему метод автофильтрации такой сложный?

Этот пост был вдохновлен вопросом от Криса, участника The
VBA Pro Course. Комбинации Критерии и Операторы могут быть запутанными и
сложными. Почему это?

Ну, фильтры развивались на протяжении многих лет. Мы увидели много новых типов фильтров, представленных в Excel 2010, и эта функция продолжает улучшаться. Однако параметры метода автофильтра не изменились. Они отлично подходят для совместимости со старыми версиями, но также означает, что новые типы фильтров работают с существующими параметрами.

Большая часть кода фильтра имеет смысл, но сначала может быть
сложно разобраться. К счастью, у нас есть макро рекордер, чтобы помочь с этим.

Я надеюсь, что вы можете использовать эту статью и файл Excel в качестве руководства по написанию макросов для фильтров. Автоматизация фильтров может сэкономить нам и нашим пользователям массу времени, особенно при использовании этих методов в более крупном проекте автоматизации данных.

Step by Step Examples to Filter Data with MacrosIn this Excel VBA Tutorial, you learn to filter data in Excel with macros.

This Excel VBA AutoFilter Tutorial is accompanied by an Excel workbook containing the data and macros I use in the examples below. You can get free access to this example workbook by clicking the button below.

Get immediate free access to the Excel VBA AutoFilter workbook example

Use the following Table of Contents to navigate to the Section you’re interested in.

Related Excel VBA and Macro Training Materials

The following VBA and Macro training materials may help you better understand and implement the contents below:

  • Tutorials about general VBA constructs and structures:
    • Tutorials for Beginners:
      • Macro Tutorial for Beginners.
      • VBA Tutorial for Beginners.
    • Enable macros in Excel.
    • Work with the Visual Basic Editor (VBE).
    • Create Sub procedures.
    • Refer to objects, including:
      • Sheets.
      • Cells.
    • Work with properties and methods.
    • Declare variables and data types.
    • Create R1C1-style references.
    • Use Excel worksheet functions in VBA.
    • Work with arrays.
  • Tutorials with practical VBA applications and macro examples:
    • Find last row.
    • Set or get a cell’s value.
    • Copy paste.
    • Search and find.
    • Create message boxes.
  • The comprehensive and actionable Books at The Power Spreadsheets Library:
    • Excel Macros for Beginners Book Series.
    • VBA Fundamentals Book Series.

#1. Excel VBA AutoFilter Column Based on Cell Value

VBA Code to AutoFilter Column Based on Cell Value

To AutoFilter a column based on a cell value, use the following structure/template in the applicable statement:

RangeObjectColumnToFilter.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="ComparisonOperator" & RangeObjectCriteria.Value

The following Sections describe the main elements in this structure.


A Range object representing the column you AutoFilter.


The Range.AutoFilter method filters a list with Excel’s AutoFilter.


The Field parameter of the Range.AutoFilter method:

  • Specifies the field offset (column number) on which you base the AutoFilter.
  • Is specified as an integer, with the first/leftmost column in the AutoFiltered cell range (RangeObjectColumnToFilter) being field 1.

To AutoFilter a column based on a cell value, set the Field parameter to 1.

Criteria1:=”ComparisonOperator” & RangeObjectCriteria.Value

The Criteria1 parameter of the Range.AutoFilter method is:

  • As a general rule, a string specifying the AutoFiltering criteria.
  • Subject to a variety of rules. The specific rules (usually) depend on the data type of the AutoFiltered column.

To AutoFilter a column based on a cell value (and as a general rule), set the Criteria1 parameter to a string specifying the AutoFiltering criteria by specifying:

  • A comparison operator (ComparisonOperator); and
  • The cell (RangeObjectCriteria) whose value you use to AutoFilter the column.

For these purposes:

  • “ComparisonOperator” is a comparison operator specifying the type of comparison VBA carries out.
  • “&” is the concatenation operator.
  • “RangeObjectCriteria” is a Range object representing the cell whose value you use to AutoFilter the column (RangeObjectColumnToFilter).
  • “Value” refers to the Range.Value property. The Range.Value property returns the value/string stored in the applicable cell (RangeObjectCriteria).

Macro Example to AutoFilter Column Based on Cell Value

The macro below does the following:

  1. Filter column A (with the data set starting in cell A6) of the worksheet named “AutoFilter Column Cell Value” in the workbook where the procedure is stored.
  2. Display (only) entries whose value is not equal to the value stored in cell D6 of the worksheet named “AutoFilter Column Cell Value” in the workbook where the procedure is stored.
Sub AutoFilterColumnCellValue()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-autofilter/

    'This procedure:
        '(1) Filters the column/data starting on cell A6 of the "AutoFilter Column Cell Value" worksheet in this workbook based on the value stored in cell D6 of the same worksheet
        '(2) Displays (only) entries whose value is not equal to (<>) the value stored in cell D6 of the "AutoFilter Column Cell Value" worksheet in this workbook
    With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("AutoFilter Column Cell Value")
        .Range("A6").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="<>" & .Range("D6").Value
    End With

End Sub

Effects of Executing Macro Example to AutoFilter Column Based on Cell Value

The image below illustrates the effects of using the macro example. In this example:

  • Column A (cells A6 to A31) contains:
    • A header (cell A6); and
    • Randomly generated values (cells A7 to A31).
  • Cell D6 contains a randomly generated value (8).
  • A text box (Filter column A based on value of cell D6) executes the macro example when clicked.

When the macro is executed, Excel:

  • Filters column A based on the value in cell D6.
  • Displays (only) entries whose value is not equal to the value in cell D6 (8).
Example: AutoFilter column based on cell value with VBA macros

Get immediate free access to the Excel VBA AutoFilter workbook example

#2. Excel VBA AutoFilter Table Based on 1 Column and 1 Cell Value

VBA Code to AutoFilter Table Based on 1 Column and 1 Cell Value

To AutoFilter a table based on 1 column and 1 cell value, use the following structure/template in the applicable statement:

RangeObjectTableToFilter.AutoFilter Field:=ColumnCriteria, Criteria1:="ComparisonOperator" & RangeObjectCriteria.Value

The following Sections describe the main elements in this structure.


A Range object representing the table you AutoFilter.


The Range.AutoFilter method filters a list with Excel’s AutoFilter.


The Field parameter of the Range.AutoFilter method:

  • Specifies the field offset (column number) on which you base the AutoFilter.
  • Is specified as an integer, with the first/leftmost column in the AutoFiltered cell range (RangeObjectTableToFilter) being field 1.

To AutoFilter a table based on 1 column and 1 cell value, set the Field parameter to an integer specifying the number of the column (in RangeObjectTableToFilter) you use to AutoFilter the table.

Criteria1:=”ComparisonOperator” & RangeObjectCriteria.Value

The Criteria1 parameter of the Range.AutoFilter method is:

  • As a general rule, a string specifying the AutoFiltering criteria.
  • Subject to a variety of rules. The specific rules (usually) depend on the data type of the AutoFiltered column (ColumnCriteria).

To AutoFilter a table based on 1 column and 1 cell value (and as a general rule), set the Criteria1 parameter to a string specifying the AutoFiltering criteria by specifying:

  • A comparison operator (ComparisonOperator); and
  • The cell (RangeObjectCriteria) whose value you use to AutoFilter the table.

For these purposes:

  • “ComparisonOperator” is a comparison operator specifying the type of comparison VBA carries out.
  • “&” is the concatenation operator.
  • “RangeObjectCriteria” is a Range object representing the cell whose value you use to AutoFilter the table (RangeObjectTableToFilter).
  • “Value” refers to the Range.Value property. The Range.Value property returns the value/string stored in the applicable cell (RangeObjectCriteria).

Macro Example to AutoFilter Table Based on 1 Column and 1 Cell Value

The macro below does the following:

  1. Filter the table stored in cells A6 to H31 of the worksheet named “AutoFilter Table Column Value” in the workbook where the procedure is stored based on:
    1. The table’s fourth column; and
    2. The value stored in cell K6 of the same worksheet.
  2. Display (only) entries whose value in the fourth column of the AutoFiltered table is greater than or equal to the value stored in cell K6 of the worksheet named “AutoFilter Table Column Value” in the workbook where the procedure is stored.
Sub AutoFilterTable1Column1CellValue()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-autofilter/

    'This procedure:
        '(1) Filters the table in cells A6 to H31 of the "AutoFilter Table Column Value" worksheet in this workbook based on:
            'It's fourth column; and
            'The value stored in cell K6 of the same worksheet
        '(2) Displays (only) entries in rows where the value in the fourth table column is greater than or equal to (>=) the value stored in cell K6 of the "AutoFilter Table Column Value" worksheet in this workbook
    With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("AutoFilter Table Column Value")
        .Range("A6:H31").AutoFilter Field:=4, Criteria1:=">=" & .Range("K6").Value
    End With

End Sub

Effects of Executing Macro Example to AutoFilter Table Based on 1 Column and 1 Cell Value

The image below illustrates the effects of using the macro example. In this example:

  • Columns A through H (cells A6 to H31) contain a table organized as follows:
    • A header row (cells A6 to H6); and
    • Randomly generated values (cells A7 to H31).
  • Cell K6 contains a randomly generated value (8).
  • A text box (Filter table based on Column 4 and value of cell K6) executes the macro example when clicked.

When the macro is executed, Excel:

  • Filters the table based on:
    • Column 4; and
    • The value in cell K6.
  • Displays (only) entries whose value in Column 4 is greater than or equal to the value in cell K6 (8).
Example: AutoFilter table based on 1 column and 1 cell value with VBA macros

Get immediate free access to the Excel VBA AutoFilter workbook example

#3. Excel VBA AutoFilter Table by Column Header Name

VBA Code to AutoFilter Table by Column Header Name

To AutoFilter a table by column header name, use the following structure/template in the applicable procedure:

With RangeObjectTableToFilter
    ColumnNumberVariable = .Rows(1).Find(What:=ColumnHeaderName, LookIn:=XlFindLookInConstant, LookAt:=XlLookAtConstant, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlNext).Column - .Column + 1
    .AutoFilter Field:=ColumnNumberVariable, Criteria1:=AutoFilterCriterion
End With

The following Sections describe the main elements in this structure.

Lines #1 and #4: With RangeObjectTableToFilter | End With

With RangeObjectTableToFilter

The With statement (With) executes a set of statements (lines #2 and #3) on the object you refer to (RangeObjectTableToFilter).

“RangeObjectTableToFilter” is a Range object representing the table you AutoFilter.

End With

The End With statement (End With) ends a With… End With block.

Line #2: ColumnNumberVariable = .Rows(1).Find(What:=ColumnHeaderName, LookIn:=XlFindLookInConstant, LookAt:=XlLookAtConstant, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlNext).Column – .Column + 1


Variable of (usually) the Long data type holding/representing the number of the column (in RangeObjectTableToFilter) whose column header name (ColumnHeaderName) you use to AutoFilter the table.


The assignment operator assigns a value (.Rows(1).Find(What:=ColumnHeaderName, LookIn:=XlFindLookInConstant, LookAt:=XlLookAtConstant, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlNext).Column – .Column + 1) to a variable (ColumnNumberVariable).

.Rows(1).Find(What:=ColumnHeaderName, LookIn:=XlFindLookInConstant, LookAt:=XlLookAtConstant, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlNext).Column – .Column + 1

The expression whose value you assign to the ColumnNumberVariable.


The Range.Rows property (Rows) returns a Range object representing all rows in the applicable cell range (RangeObjectTableToFilter).

The Range.Item property (1) returns a Range object representing the first (1) row in the cell range represented by the applicable Range object (returned by the Range.Rows property).

Find(What:=ColumnHeaderName, LookIn:=XlFindLookInConstant, LookAt:=XlLookAtConstant, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlNext)

The Range.Find method:

  • Finds specific information (the column header name) in a cell range (Rows(1)).
  • Returns a Range object representing the first cell where the information is found.


The What parameter of the Range.Find method specifies the data to search for.

To find the header name of the column you use to AutoFilter a table, set the What parameter to the header name of the column you use to AutoFilter the table (ColumnHeaderName).


The LookIn parameter of the Range.Find method:

  • Specifies the type of data to search in.
  • Can take any of the built-in constants or values from the XlFindLookIn enumeration.

To find the header name of the column you use to AutoFilter a table, set the LookIn parameter to either of the following, as applicable:

  • xlFormulas (LookIn:=xlFormulas): To search in the applicable cell range’s formulas.
  • xlValues (LookIn:=xlValues): To search in the applicable cell range’s values.


The LookAt parameter of the Range.Find method:

  • Specifies against which of the following the data you are searching for is matched:
    • The entire/whole searched cell contents.
    • Any part of the searched cell contents.
  • Can take any of the built-in constants or values from the XlLookAt enumeration.

To find the header name of the column you use to AutoFilter a table, set the LookAt parameter to either of the following, as applicable:

  • xlWhole (LookAt:=xlWhole): To match against the entire/whole searched cell contents.
  • xlPart (LookAt:=xlPart): To match against any part of the searched cell contents.


The SearchOrder parameter of the Range.Find method:

  • Specifies the order in which the applicable cell range (Rows(1)) is searched:
    • By rows.
    • By columns.
  • Can take any of the built-in constants or values from the XlSearchOrder enumeration.

To find the header name of the column you use to AutoFilter a table, set the SearchOrder parameter to xlByColumns. xlByColumns searches by columns.


The SearchDirection parameter of the Range.Find method:

  • Specifies the search direction:
    • Search for the previous match.
    • Search for the next match.
  • Can take any of the built-in constants or values from the XlSearchDirection enumeration.

To find the header name of the column you use to AutoFilter a table, set the SearchDirection parameter to xlNext. xlNext searches for the next match.


The Range.Column property returns the number of the first column of the first area in a cell range.

When AutoFiltering a table by column header name, the Range.Column property returns the 2 following column numbers:

  • The column number of the cell represented by the Range object returned by the Range.Find method (Find(What:=ColumnHeaderName, LookIn:=XlFindLookInConstant, LookAt:=XlLookAtConstant, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlNext)).
  • The number of the first column in the table you AutoFilter (RangeObjectTableToFilter).
– .Column + 1

The number of the column you use to AutoFilter the table may vary depending on which of the following you use as reference (to calculate such column number):

  • The entire worksheet. From this perspective:
    • Column A is column #1.
    • Column B is column #2.
    • And so on.
  • The table you AutoFilter. From this perspective:
    • The first table column is column #1.
    • The second table column is column #2.
    • And so on.

As a general rule:

  • The column numbers will match if the first column of the table you AutoFilter (RangeObjectTableToFilter) is column A of the applicable worksheet.
  • The column numbers will not match if the first column of the table you AutoFilter (RangeObjectTableToFilter) is not column A of the applicable worksheet.

The Range.Column property (Column) uses the entire worksheet as reference. The Range.AutoFilter method (line #3) uses the table you AutoFilter as reference.

The following ensures the column numbers (returned by the Range.Column property and used by the Range.AutoFilter method) match, regardless of which worksheet column is the first column of the table you AutoFilter:

  • Subtract the number of the first column in the table you AutoFilter (RangeObjectTableToFilter) from the column number of the cell represented by the Range object returned by the Range.Find method (- .Column); and
  • Add 1 (+ 1).

Line #3: .AutoFilter Field:=ColumnNumberVariable, Criteria1:=AutoFilterCriterion


The Range.AutoFilter method filters a list with Excel’s AutoFilter.


The Field parameter of the Range.AutoFilter method:

  • Specifies the field offset (column number) on which you base the AutoFilter.
  • Is specified as an integer, with the first/leftmost column in the AutoFiltered cell range (RangeObjectTableToFilter) being field 1.

To AutoFilter a table by column header name, set the Field parameter to the number of the column (in RangeObjectTableToFilter) whose column header name you use to AutoFilter the table (ColumnNumberVariable).


The Criteria1 parameter of the Range.AutoFilter method is:

  • As a general rule, a string specifying the AutoFiltering criteria.
  • Subject to a variety of rules. The specific rules (usually) depend on the data type of the AutoFiltered column (ColumnNumberVariable).

To AutoFilter a table by column header name (and as a general rule), set the Criteria1 parameter to a string specifying the AutoFiltering criteria (AutoFilterCriterion) by specifying:

  • A comparison operator; and
  • The applicable criterion you use to AutoFilter the table.

Macro Example to AutoFilter Table by Column Header Name

The macro below does the following:

  1. Filter the table starting on cell B6 of the worksheet named “AutoFilter Table Column Name” in the workbook where the procedure is stored based on the column whose header name is “Column 4”.
  2. Display (only) entries in rows where the value in the table column whose column header name is “Column 4” is greater than or equal to 8.
Sub AutoFilterTableColumnHeaderName()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-autofilter/
    'This procedure:
        '(1) Filters the table starting on cell B6 of the "AutoFilter Table Column Name" worksheet in this workbook based on the column whose header name is "Column 4"
        '(2) Displays (only) entries in rows where the value in the table column whose column header name is "Column 4" is greater than or equal to (>=) 8
    'Declare object variable to represent the cell range of the AutoFiltered table
    Dim MyAutoFilteredTable As Range
    'Declare variable to hold/represent the number of the column (in the AutoFiltered table) whose column header name is "Column 4"
    Dim MyColumnNumber As Long
    'Assign an object reference (representing the cell range of the AutoFiltered table) to the MyAutoFilteredTable object variable
    Set MyAutoFilteredTable = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("AutoFilter Table Column Name").Range("B6").CurrentRegion
    'Refer to the cell range represented by the MyAutoFilteredTable object variable
    With MyAutoFilteredTable
        'Assign the number of the column (in the AutoFiltered table) whose column header name is "Column 4" to the MyColumnNumber variable
        MyColumnNumber = .Rows(1).Find(What:="Column 4", LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlNext).Column - .Column + 1
        'Filter the AutoFiltered table based on the column whose number is held/represented by the MyColumnNumber variable (the column whose header name is "Column 4")
        .AutoFilter Field:=MyColumnNumber, Criteria1:=">=8"
    End With

End Sub

Effects of Executing Macro Example to AutoFilter Table by Column Name

The image below illustrates the effects of using the macro example. In this example:

  • Columns B through I (cells B6 to I31) contain a table organized as follows:
    • A header row (cells B6 to I6); and
    • Randomly generated values (cells B7 to I31).
  • A text box (Filter table by Column 4) executes the macro example when clicked.

When the macro is executed, Excel:

  • Filters the table based on Column 4.
  • Displays (only) entries whose value in Column 4 is greater than or equal to 8.
Example: AutoFilter table by column name with VBA macros

Get immediate free access to the Excel VBA AutoFilter workbook example

#4. Excel VBA AutoFilter Excel Table by Column Header Name

VBA Code to AutoFilter Excel Table by Column Header Name

To AutoFilter an Excel Table by column header name, use the following structure/template in the applicable statement:

ListObjectObject.Range.AutoFilter Field:=ListObjectObject.ListColumns(ColumnHeaderName).Index, Criteria1:=AutoFilterCriterion

The following Sections describe the main elements in this structure.


A ListObject object representing the Excel Table you AutoFilter.


The ListObject.Range property returns a Range object representing the cell range to which the applicable Excel Table (ListObjectObject) applies.

AutoFilter Field:=ListObjectObject.ListColumns(ColumnHeaderName).Index, Criteria1:=AutoFilterCriterion


The Range.AutoFilter method filters a list with Excel’s AutoFilter.


The Field parameter of the Range.AutoFilter method:

  • Specifies the field offset (column number) on which you base the AutoFilter.
  • Is specified as an integer, with the first/leftmost column in the AutoFiltered cell range (ListObjectObject.Range) being field 1.

To AutoFilter an Excel Table by column header name, set the Field parameter to the number of the column (in the applicable Excel Table) whose column header name you use to AutoFilter the Excel Table. For these purposes:

  • “ListObjectObject” is a ListObject object representing the Excel Table you AutoFilter.
  • The ListObject.ListColumns property (ListColumns) returns a ListColumns collection representing all columns in the applicable Excel Table (ListObjectObject).
  • The ListColumns.Item property (ColumnHeaderName) returns a ListColumn object representing the column whose header name (ColumnHeaderName) you use to AutoFilter the Excel Table (ListObjectObject).
  • “ColumnHeaderName” is the header name of the column you use to AutoFilter the Excel Table (ListObjectObject).
  • The ListColumn.Index property (Index) returns a Long value representing the index (column) number of the column (whose header name is ColumnHeaderName) you use to AutoFilter the Excel Table (ListObjectObject).

The Criteria1 parameter of the Range.AutoFilter method is:

  • As a general rule, a string specifying the AutoFiltering criteria.
  • Subject to a variety of rules. The specific rules (usually) depend on the data type of the AutoFiltered column.

To AutoFilter an Excel Table by column header name (and as a general rule), set the Criteria1 parameter to a string specifying the AutoFiltering criteria (AutoFilterCriterion) by specifying:

  • A comparison operator; and
  • The applicable criterion you use to AutoFilter the Excel Table.

Macro Example to AutoFilter Excel Table by Column Header Name

The macro below does the following:

  1. Filter the Excel Table named “Table1” in the worksheet named “AutoFilter Excel Table Column” in the workbook where the procedure is stored based on the column whose header name is “Column 4”.
  2. Display (only) entries in rows where the value in the Excel Table column whose column header name is “Column 4” is greater than or equal to 8.
Sub AutoFilterExcelTableColumnHeaderName()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-autofilter/

    'This procedure:
        '(1) Filters the "Table1" Excel Table in the "AutoFilter Excel Table Column" worksheet in this workbook based on the column whose header name is "Column 4"
        '(2) Displays (only) entries in rows where the value in the Excel Table column whose column header name is "Column 4" is greater than or equal to (>=) 8
    With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("AutoFilter Excel Table Column").ListObjects("Table1")
        .Range.AutoFilter Field:=.ListColumns("Column 4").Index, Criteria1:=">=8"
    End With

End Sub

Effects of Executing Macro Example to AutoFilter Excel Table by Column Name

The image below illustrates the effects of using the macro example. In this example:

  • Columns B through I (cells B6 to I31) contain an Excel Table (Table1) organized as follows:
    • A header row (cells B6 to I6); and
    • Randomly generated values (cells B7 to I31).
  • A text box (Filter Excel Table by Column 4) executes the macro example when clicked.

When the macro is executed, Excel:

  • Filters the Excel Table (Table1) based on Column 4.
  • Displays (only) entries whose value in Column 4 is greater than or equal to 8.
Example: AutoFilter Excel Table by column name with VBA macros

Get immediate free access to the Excel VBA AutoFilter workbook example

#5. Excel VBA AutoFilter with Multiple Criteria in Same Column (or Field) and Exact Matches

VBA Code to AutoFilter with Multiple Criteria in Same Column (or Field) and Exact Matches

To AutoFilter with multiple criteria in the same column (or field) and consider exact matches, use the following structure/template in the applicable statement:

RangeObjectToFilter.AutoFilter Field:=ColumnNumber, Criteria1:=ArrayMultipleCriteria, Operator:=xlFilterValues

The following Sections describe the main elements in this structure.


A Range object representing the data set you AutoFilter.


The Range.AutoFilter method filters a list with Excel’s AutoFilter.


The Field parameter of the Range.AutoFilter method:

  • Specifies the field offset (column number) on which you base the AutoFilter.
  • Is specified as an integer, with the first/leftmost column in the AutoFiltered cell range (RangeObjectToFilter) being field 1.

To AutoFilter with multiple criteria in the same column (or field) and consider exact matches, set the Field parameter to an integer specifying the number of the column (in RangeObjectToFilter) you use to AutoFilter the data set.


The Criteria1 parameter of the Range.AutoFilter method is:

  • As a general rule, a string specifying the AutoFiltering criteria.
  • Subject to a variety of rules. The specific rules (usually) depend on the data type of the AutoFiltered column (ColumnNumber).

To AutoFilter with multiple criteria in the same column (or field) and consider exact matches, set the Criteria1 parameter to an array. Each individual array element is (as a general rule) a string specifying an individual AutoFiltering criterion.


The Operator parameter of the Range.AutoFilter method:

  • Specifies the type of AutoFilter.
  • Can take any of the built-in constants or values from the XlAutoFilterOperator enumeration.

To AutoFilter with multiple criteria in the same column (or field) and consider exact matches, set the Operator parameter to xlFilterValues. xlFilterValues refers to values.

Macro Example to AutoFilter with Multiple Criteria in Same Column (or Field) and Exact Matches

The macro below does the following:

  1. Filter column A (with the data set starting in cell A6) of the worksheet named “AutoFilter Mult Criteria Column” in the workbook where the procedure is stored.
  2. Display (only) entries whose value is equal to one of the values stored in column C (with the AutoFiltering criteria starting in cell C7) of the worksheet named “AutoFilter Mult Criteria Column” in the workbook where the procedure is stored.
Sub AutoFilterMultipleCriteriaSameColumnExactMatch()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-autofilter/

    'This procedure:
        '(1) Filters the column/data starting on cell A6 of the "AutoFilter Mult Criteria Column" worksheet in this workbook based on the multiple criteria/values stored in the column starting on cell C7 of the same worksheet
        '(2) Displays (only) entries whose value is equal to one of the multiple values/criteria stored in the column starting on cell C7 of the "AutoFilter Mult Criteria Column" worksheet in this workbook
    'Declare array to hold/represent multiple criteria
    Dim MyArray As Variant
    'Identify worksheet with (i) data to AutoFilter, and (ii) multiple AutoFiltering criteria
    With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("AutoFilter Mult Criteria Column")
        'Fill MyArray with values/criteria stored in the column starting on cell C7
        MyArray = Split(Join(Application.Transpose(.Range(.Cells(7, 3), .Cells(.Range("C:C").Find(What:="*", LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row, 3)).Value)))
        'Filter column/data starting on cell A6 based on the multiple criteria/values held/represented by MyArray
        .Range("A6").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=MyArray, Operator:=xlFilterValues
    End With

End Sub

Effects of Executing Macro Example to AutoFilter with Multiple Criteria in Same Column (or Field) and Exact Matches

The image below illustrates the effects of using the macro example. In this example:

  • Column A (cells A6 to H31) contains:
    • A header (cell A6); and
    • Randomly generated values (cells A7 to A31).
  • Column C (cells C7 to C11) contains even numbers between (and including):
    • 2; and
    • 10.
  • A text box (Filter column A based on values in column C) executes the macro example when clicked.

When the macro is executed, Excel:

  • Filters column A based on the multiple criteria/values in column C.
  • Displays (only) entries whose value is equal to one of the values stored in column C (2, 4, 6, 8, 10).
Example: AutoFilter with Multiple Criteria in Same Column (or Field) and Exact Matches with VBA macros

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#6. Excel VBA AutoFilter with Multiple Criteria and xlAnd Operator

VBA Code to AutoFilter with Multiple Criteria and xlAnd Operator

To AutoFilter with multiple criteria and the xlAnd operator, use the following structure/template in the applicable statement:

RangeObjectToFilter.AutoFilter Field:=ColumnNumber, Criteria1:="ComparisonOperator" & FilteringCriterion1, Operator:=xlAnd, Criteria2:="ComparisonOperator" & FilteringCriterion2

The following Sections describe the main elements in this structure.


A Range object representing the data set you AutoFilter.


The Range.AutoFilter method filters a list with Excel’s AutoFilter.


The Field parameter of the Range.AutoFilter method:

  • Specifies the field offset (column number) on which you base the AutoFilter.
  • Is specified as an integer, with the first/leftmost column in the AutoFiltered cell range (RangeObjectToFilter) being field 1.

To AutoFilter with multiple criteria and the xlAnd operator, set the Field parameter to an integer specifying the number of the column (in RangeObjectToFilter) you use to AutoFilter the data set.

Criteria1:=”ComparisonOperator” & FilteringCriterion1

The Criteria1 parameter of the Range.AutoFilter method is:

  • As a general rule, a string specifying the first AutoFiltering criterion.
  • Subject to a variety of rules. The specific rules (usually) depend on the data type of the AutoFiltered column (ColumnNumber).

To AutoFilter with multiple criteria and the xlAnd operator (and as a general rule), set the Criteria1 parameter to a string specifying the first AutoFiltering criterion by specifying:

  • A comparison operator (ComparisonOperator); and
  • The applicable criterion you use to AutoFilter the data set.

For these purposes:

  • “ComparisonOperator” is a comparison operator specifying the type of comparison VBA carries out.
  • “&” is the concatenation operator.
  • “FilteringCriterion1” is the first criterion (for example, a value) you use to AutoFilter the data set (RangeObjectToFilter).

The Operator parameter of the Range.AutoFilter method:

  • Specifies the type of AutoFilter.
  • Can take any of the built-in constants or values from the XlAutoFilterOperator enumeration.

To AutoFilter with multiple criteria and the xlAnd operator, set the Operator parameter to xlAnd. xlAnd refers to the logical And operator (logical conjunction of Criteria1 and Criteria2).

Criteria2:=”ComparisonOperator” & FilteringCriterion2

The Criteria2 parameter of the Range.AutoFilter method is:

  • As a general rule, a string specifying the second AutoFiltering criterion.
  • Subject to a variety of rules. The specific rules (usually) depend on the data type of the AutoFiltered column (ColumnNumber).

To AutoFilter with multiple criteria and the xlAnd operator (and as a general rule), set the Criteria2 parameter to a string specifying the second AutoFiltering criterion by specifying:

  • A comparison operator (ComparisonOperator); and
  • The applicable criterion you use to AutoFilter the data set.

For these purposes:

  • “ComparisonOperator” is a comparison operator specifying the type of comparison VBA carries out.
  • “&” is the concatenation operator.
  • “FilteringCriterion2” is the second criterion (for example, a value) you use to AutoFilter the data set (RangeObjectToFilter).

Macro Example to AutoFilter with Multiple Criteria and xlAnd Operator

The macro below does the following:

  1. Filter column A (with the data set starting in cell A6) of the worksheet named “AutoFilter Mult Criteria xlAnd” in the workbook where the procedure is stored.
  2. Display (only) entries whose value is greater than or equal to (>=) the criterion/value stored in cell D6 and (xlAnd) less than or equal to (<=) the criterion/value stored in cell D7 of the worksheet named “AutoFilter Mult Criteria xlAnd” in the workbook where the procedure is stored.
Sub AutoFilterMultipleCriteriaXlAnd()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-autofilter/

    'This procedure:
        '(1) Filters the column/data starting on cell A6 of the "AutoFilter Mult Criteria xlAnd" worksheet in this workbook based on the multiple criteria/values stored in cells D6 and (xlAnd) D7 of the same worksheet
        '(2) Displays (only) entries whose value is greater than or equal to (>=) the criterion/value stored in cell D6 and (xlAnd) less than or equal to (<=) the criterion/value stored in cell D7 of the "AutoFilter Mult Criteria xlAnd" worksheet in this workbook
    'Identify worksheet with (i) data to AutoFilter, and (ii) multiple AutoFiltering criteria (xlAnd)
    With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("AutoFilter Mult Criteria xlAnd")
        'Filter column/data starting on cell A6 based on the multiple criteria/values stored in cells D6 and (xlAnd) D7
        .Range("A6").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=">=" & .Range("D6").Value, Operator:=xlAnd, Criteria2:="<=" & .Range("D7").Value
    End With

End Sub

Effects of Executing Macro Example to AutoFilter with Multiple Criteria and xlAnd Operator

The image below illustrates the effects of using the macro example. In this example:

  • Column A (cells A6 to H31) contains:
    • A header (cell A6); and
    • Randomly generated values (cells A7 to A31).
  • Cells D6 and D7 contain values (10 and 15).
  • A text box (Filter column A based on maximum and (xlAnd) minimum values) executes the macro example when clicked.

When the macro is executed, Excel:

  • Filters column A based on the multiple criteria/values in cells D6 and D7.
  • Displays (only) entries whose value is between the values stored in cells D6 (minimum 10) and (xlAnd) D7 (maximum 15).
Example: AutoFilter with Multiple Criteria and xlAnd Operator with VBA macros

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#7. Excel VBA AutoFilter with Multiple Criteria and xlOr Operator

VBA Code to AutoFilter with Multiple Criteria and xlOr Operator

To AutoFilter with multiple criteria and the xlOr operator, use the following structure/template in the applicable statement:

RangeObjectToFilter.AutoFilter Field:=ColumnNumber, Criteria1:="ComparisonOperator" & FilteringCriterion1, Operator:=xlOr, Criteria2:="ComparisonOperator" & FilteringCriterion2

The following Sections describe the main elements in this structure.


A Range object representing the data set you AutoFilter.


The Range.AutoFilter method filters a list with Excel’s AutoFilter.


The Field parameter of the Range.AutoFilter method:

  • Specifies the field offset (column number) on which you base the AutoFilter.
  • Is specified as an integer, with the first/leftmost column in the AutoFiltered cell range (RangeObjectToFilter) being field 1.

To AutoFilter with multiple criteria and the xlOr operator, set the Field parameter to an integer specifying the number of the column (in RangeObjectToFilter) you use to AutoFilter the data set.

Criteria1:=”ComparisonOperator” & FilteringCriterion1

The Criteria1 parameter of the Range.AutoFilter method is:

  • As a general rule, a string specifying the first AutoFiltering criterion.
  • Subject to a variety of rules. The specific rules (usually) depend on the data type of the AutoFiltered column (ColumnNumber).

To AutoFilter with multiple criteria and the xlOr operator (and as a general rule), set the Criteria1 parameter to a string specifying the first AutoFiltering criterion by specifying:

  • A comparison operator (ComparisonOperator); and
  • The applicable criterion you use to AutoFilter the data set.

For these purposes:

  • “ComparisonOperator” is a comparison operator specifying the type of comparison VBA carries out.
  • “&” is the concatenation operator.
  • “FilteringCriterion1” is the first criterion (for example, a value) you use to AutoFilter the data set (RangeObjectToFilter).

The Operator parameter of the Range.AutoFilter method:

  • Specifies the type of AutoFilter.
  • Can take any of the built-in constants or values from the XlAutoFilterOperator enumeration.

To AutoFilter with multiple criteria and the xlOr operator, set the Operator parameter to xlOr. xlOr refers to the logical Or operator (logical disjunction of Criteria1 and Criteria2).

Criteria2:=”ComparisonOperator” & FilteringCriterion2

The Criteria2 parameter of the Range.AutoFilter method is:

  • As a general rule, a string specifying the second AutoFiltering criterion.
  • Subject to a variety of rules. The specific rules (usually) depend on the data type of the AutoFiltered column (ColumnNumber).

To AutoFilter with multiple criteria and the xlOr operator (and as a general rule), set the Criteria2 parameter to a string specifying the second AutoFiltering criterion by specifying:

  • A comparison operator (ComparisonOperator); and
  • The applicable criterion you use to AutoFilter the data set.

For these purposes:

  • “ComparisonOperator” is a comparison operator specifying the type of comparison VBA carries out.
  • “&” is the concatenation operator.
  • “FilteringCriterion2” is the second criterion (for example, a value) you use to AutoFilter the data set (RangeObjectToFilter).

Macro Example to AutoFilter with Multiple Criteria and xlOr Operator

The macro below does the following:

  1. Filter column A (with the data set starting in cell A6) of the worksheet named “AutoFilter Mult Criteria xlOr” in the workbook where the procedure is stored.
  2. Display (only) entries whose value is either:
    1. Less than (<) the criterion/value stored in cell D6 of the worksheet named “AutoFilter Mult Criteria xlOr” in the workbook where the procedure is stored; or (xlOr)
    2. Greater than (>) the criterion value stored in cell D7 of the worksheet named “AutoFilter Mult Criteria xlOr” in the workbook where the procedure is stored.
Sub AutoFilterMultipleCriteriaXlOr()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-autofilter/

    'This procedure:
        '(1) Filters the column/data starting on cell A6 of the "AutoFilter Mult Criteria xlOr"" worksheet in this workbook based on the multiple criteria/values stored in cells D6 or (xlOr) D7 of the same worksheet
        '(2) Displays (only) entries whose value is less than (<) the criterion/value stored in cell D6 or (xlOr) greater than (>) the criterion/value stored in cell D7 of the "AutoFilter Mult Criteria xlOr" worksheet in this workbook
    'Identify worksheet with (i) data to AutoFilter, and (ii) multiple AutoFiltering criteria (xlOr)
    With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("AutoFilter Mult Criteria xlOr")
        'Filter column/data starting on cell A6 based on the multiple criteria/values stored in cells D6 or (xlOr) D7
        .Range("A6").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="<" & .Range("D6").Value, Operator:=xlOr, Criteria2:=">" & .Range("D7").Value
    End With

End Sub

Effects of Executing Macro Example to AutoFilter with Multiple Criteria and xlOr Operator

The image below illustrates the effects of using the macro example. In this example:

  • Column A (cells A6 to H31) contains:
    • A header (cell A6); and
    • Randomly generated values (cells A7 to A31).
  • Cells D6 and D7 contain values (10 and 15).
  • A text box (Filter column A based on criteria in column D (xlOr)) executes the macro example when clicked.

When the macro is executed, Excel:

  • Filters column A based on the multiple criteria/values in cells D6 and D7.
  • Displays (only) entries whose value is:
    • Less than the value stored in cell D6 (10); or (xlOr)
    • Greater than the value stored in cell D7 (15).
Example: AutoFilter with Multiple Criteria and xlOr Operator with VBA macros

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#8. Excel VBA AutoFilter Multiple Fields

VBA Code to AutoFilter Multiple Fields

To AutoFilter multiple fields, use the following structure/template in the applicable procedure:

With RangeObjectTableToFilter
    .AutoFilter Field:=ColumnCriteria1, Criteria1:="ComparisonOperator" & FilteringCriterion1
    .AutoFilter Field:=ColumnCriteria2, Criteria1:="ComparisonOperator" & FilteringCriterion2
    .AutoFilter Field:=ColumnCriteria#, Criteria1:="ComparisonOperator" & FilteringCriterion#
End With

The following Sections describe the main elements in this structure.

Lines #1 and #6: With RangeObjectTableToFilter | End With

With RangeObjectTableToFilter

The With statement (With) executes a set of statements (lines #2 to #5) on the object you refer to (RangeObjectTableToFilter).

“RangeObjectTableToFilter” is a Range object representing the data set you AutoFilter.

End With

The End With statement (End With) ends a With… End With block.

Lines #2 to #5: .AutoFilter Field:=ColumnCriteria#, Criteria1:=”ComparisonOperator” & FilteringCriterion#

The set of statements executed on the object you refer to in the opening statement of the With… End With block (RangeObjectTableToFilter).

To AutoFilter multiple fields, include a separate statement (inside the With… End With block) for each AutoFiltered field. Each (separate) statement works with (AutoFilters) a field. The basic syntax/structure of (all) these statements:

  • Follows the same principles; and
  • Uses (substantially) the same VBA constructs.

The Range.AutoFilter method filters a list with Excel’s AutoFilter.


The Field parameter of the Range.AutoFilter method:

  • Specifies the field offset (column number) on which you base the AutoFilter.
  • Is specified as an integer, with the first/leftmost column in the AutoFiltered cell range (RangeObjectToFilter) being field 1.

To AutoFilter multiple fields, set the Field parameter to an integer specifying the number of the applicable column (as appropriate, one of the AutoFiltered fields in RangeObjectToFilter) you use to AutoFilter the data set.

Criteria1:=”ComparisonOperator” & FilteringCriterion#

The Criteria1 parameter of the Range.AutoFilter method is:

  • As a general rule, a string specifying the AutoFiltering criteria.
  • Subject to a variety of rules. The specific rules (usually) depend on the data type of the AutoFiltered column (ColumnCriteria#).

To AutoFilter multiple fields (and as a general rule), set the Criteria1 parameter to a string specifying the AutoFiltering criteria by specifying:

  • A comparison operator (ComparisonOperator); and
  • The applicable criterion you use to AutoFilter the column (ColumnCriteria#).

More precisely:

  • “ComparisonOperator” is a comparison operator specifying the type of comparison VBA carries out.
  • “&” is the concatenation operator.
  • “FilteringCriterion#” is the criterion (for example, a value) you use to AutoFilter the column (ColumnCriteria#).

Macro Example to AutoFilter Multiple Fields

The macro below does the following:

  1. Filter the table stored in cells A6 to H31 of the worksheet named “AutoFilter Multiple Fields” in the workbook where the procedure is stored based on multiple fields:
    1. The table’s first column; and
    2. The table’s fourth column.
  2. Display (only) entries whose values in (both) the first and fourth columns of the AutoFiltered table are greater than or equal to 5.
Sub AutoFilterMultipleFields()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-autofilter/

    'This procedure:
        '(1) Filters the table in cells A6 to H31 of the "AutoFilter Multiple Fields" worksheet in this workbook based on multiple fields (the first and fourth columns)
        '(2) Displays (only) entries in rows where the values in (both) the first and fourth table columns are greater than or equal to (>=) 5
    With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("AutoFilter Multiple Fields").Range("A6:H31")
        .AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=">=5"
        .AutoFilter Field:=4, Criteria1:=">=5"
    End With

End Sub

Effects of Executing Macro Example to AutoFilter Multiple Fields

The image below illustrates the effects of using the macro example. In this example:

  • Columns A through H (cells A6 to H31) contain a table organized as follows:
    • A header row (cells A6 to H6); and
    • Randomly generated values (cells A7 to H31).
  • A text box (Filter table based on multiple fields) executes the macro example when clicked.

When the macro is executed, Excel:

  • Filters the table based on Column 1 and Column 4.
  • Displays (only) entries whose values in (both) Column 1 and Column 4 are greater than or equal to 5.
Example: AutoFilter multiple fields with VBA macros

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#9. Excel VBA AutoFilter Between 2 Dates

VBA Code to AutoFilter Between 2 Dates

To AutoFilter between 2 dates, use the following structure/template in the applicable statement:

RangeObjectToFilter.AutoFilter Field:=ColumnNumber, Criteria1:=">Or>=" & StartDate, Operator:=xlAnd, Criteria2:="<Or<=" & EndDate

The following Sections describe the main elements in this structure.


A Range object representing the data set you AutoFilter.


The Range.AutoFilter method filters a list with Excel’s AutoFilter.


The Field parameter of the Range.AutoFilter method:

  • Specifies the field offset (column number) on which you base the AutoFilter.
  • Is specified as an integer, with the first/leftmost column in the AutoFiltered cell range (RangeObjectToFilter) being field 1.

To AutoFilter between 2 dates, set the Field parameter to an integer specifying the number of the column (in RangeObjectToFilter) you use to AutoFilter the data set.

Criteria1:=”>Or>=” & StartDate

The Criteria1 parameter of the Range.AutoFilter method is:

  • As a general rule, a string specifying the first AutoFiltering criterion.
  • Subject to a variety of rules. The specific rules (usually) depend on the data type of the AutoFiltered column (ColumnNumber).

To AutoFilter between 2 dates, set the Criteria1 parameter to a string specifying the first AutoFiltering criterion by concatenating the following 2 items:

  • The greater than (>) or greater than or equal to (>=) operator (“>Or>=”); and
  • The starting date you use to AutoFilter the data set (StartDate).

For these purposes:

  • “>Or>=” is one of the following comparison operators (as applicable):
    • Greater than (“>”).
    • Greater than or equal to (“>=”).
  • “&” is the concatenation operator.
  • “StartDate” is the starting date (for example, held/represented by a variable of the Long data type) you use to AutoFilter the data set (RangeObjectToFilter).

The Operator parameter of the Range.AutoFilter method:

  • Specifies the type of AutoFilter.
  • Can take any of the built-in constants or values from the XlAutoFilterOperator enumeration.

To AutoFilter between 2 dates, set the Operator parameter to xlAnd. xlAnd refers to the logical And operator (logical conjunction of Criteria1 and Criteria2).

Criteria2:=”<Or<=” & EndDate

The Criteria2 parameter of the Range.AutoFilter method is:

  • As a general rule, a string specifying the second AutoFiltering criterion.
  • Subject to a variety of rules. The specific rules (usually) depend on the data type of the AutoFiltered column (ColumnNumber).

To AutoFilter between 2 dates, set the Criteria2 parameter to a string specifying the second AutoFiltering criterion by concatenating the following 2 items:

  • The less than (<) or less than or equal to (<=) operator (“<Or<=”); and
  • The end date you use to AutoFilter the data set (EndDate).

For these purposes:

  • “<Or<=” is one of the following comparison operators (as applicable):
    • Less than (“<“).
    • Less than or equal to (“<=”).
  • “&” is the concatenation operator.
  • “EndDate” is the end date (for example, held/represented by a variable of the Long data type) you use to AutoFilter the data set (RangeObjectToFilter).

Macro Example to AutoFilter Between 2 Dates

The macro below does the following:

  1. Filter the data set stored in cells A6 to B31 of the worksheet named “AutoFilter Between 2 Dates” in the workbook where the procedure is stored based on:
    1. The table’s first column; and
    2. (Between and including) 2 dates:
      1. 1 January 2025; and
      2. 31 December 2034.
  2. Display (only) entries whose date in the first column is between (and including) 2 dates:
    1. 1 January 2025; and
    2. 31 December 2034.
Sub AutoFilterBetween2Dates()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-autofilter/

    'This procedure:
        '(1) Filters the table in cells A6 to B31 of the "AutoFilter Between 2 Dates" worksheet in this workbook based on:
            'It's first column; and
            '(Between and including) 2 dates:
                '1 January 2025
                '31 December 2034
        '(2) Displays (only) entries in rows where the date in the first table column is between (and including) 2 dates (1 January 2025 and 31 December 2034)
    'Declare variables to hold/represent dates used to AutoFilter
    Dim StartDate As Long
    Dim EndDate As Long
    'Specify dates used to AutoFilter
    StartDate = DateSerial(2025, 1, 1)
    EndDate = DateSerial(2034, 12, 31)
    'Identify worksheet with dates and data to AutoFilter
    With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("AutoFilter Between 2 Dates")
        'Filter data set in cells A6 to B31 to display data/dates between (and including) 2 dates
        .Range("A6:B31").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=">=" & StartDate, Operator:=xlAnd, Criteria2:="<=" & EndDate
    End With

End Sub

Effects of Executing Macro Example to AutoFilter Between 2 Dates

The image below illustrates the effects of using the macro example. In this example:

  • Columns A and B (cells A6 to B31) contain a table organized as follows:
    • A header row (cells A6 and B6);
    • Randomly generated dates (cells A7 to A31); and
    • Randomly generated values (cells B7 to B31).
  • A text box (AutoFilter between 2 dates in column A) executes the macro example when clicked.

When the macro is executed, Excel:

  • Filters the table based on:
    • Column 1; and
    • (Between and including) 2 dates:
      • 1 January 2025; and
      • 31 December 2034.
  • Displays (only) entries whose date in column 1 is between 2 dates:
    • 1 January 2025; and
    • 31 December 2034.
Example: AutoFilter between 2 dates with VBA macros

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#10. Excel VBA AutoFilter by Month

VBA Code to AutoFilter by Month

To AutoFilter by month, use the following structure/template in the applicable statement:

RangeObjectToFilter.AutoFilter Field:=ColumnNumber, Criteria1:=XlDynamicFilterCriteriaConstant, Operator:=xlFilterDynamic

The following Sections describe the main elements in this structure.


A Range object representing the data set you AutoFilter.


The Range.AutoFilter method filters a list with Excel’s AutoFilter.


The Field parameter of the Range.AutoFilter method:

  • Specifies the field offset (column number) on which you base the AutoFilter.
  • Is specified as an integer, with the first/leftmost column in the AutoFiltered cell range (RangeObjectToFilter) being field 1.

To AutoFilter by month, set the Field parameter to an integer specifying the number of the column (in RangeObjectToFilter) you use to AutoFilter the data set.


The Criteria1 parameter of the Range.AutoFilter method is:

  • As a general rule, a string specifying the AutoFiltering criteria.
  • Subject to a variety of rules. The specific rules (usually) depend on the data type of the AutoFiltered column (ColumnNumber).

To AutoFilter by month, set the Criteria1 parameter to a built-in constant or value from the XlDynamicFilterCriteria enumeration. The XlDynamicFilterCriteria enumeration specifies the filter criterion.

The following Table lists some useful built-in constants and values (to AutoFilter by month) from the XlDynamicFilterCriteria enumeration.

Built-in Constant Value Description
xlFilterAllDatesInPeriodJanuary 21 Filter all dates in January
xlFilterAllDatesInPeriodFebruary 22 Filter all dates in February
xlFilterAllDatesInPeriodMarch 23 Filter all dates in March
xlFilterAllDatesInPeriodApril 24 Filter all dates in April
xlFilterAllDatesInPeriodMay 25 Filter all dates in May
xlFilterAllDatesInPeriodJune 26 Filter all dates in June
xlFilterAllDatesInPeriodJuly 27 Filter all dates in July
xlFilterAllDatesInPeriodAugust 28 Filter all dates in August
xlFilterAllDatesInPeriodSeptember 29 Filter all dates in September
xlFilterAllDatesInPeriodOctober 30 Filter all dates in October
xlFilterAllDatesInPeriodNovember 31 Filter all dates in November
xlFilterAllDatesInPeriodDecember 32 Filter all dates in December
xlFilterThisMonth 7 Filter all dates in the current month
xlFilterLastMonth 8 Filter all dates in the last month
xlFilterNextMonth 9 Filter all dates in the next month

The Operator parameter of the Range.AutoFilter method:

  • Specifies the type of AutoFilter.
  • Can take any of the built-in constants or values from the XlAutoFilterOperator enumeration.

To AutoFilter by month, set the Operator parameter to xlFilterDynamic. xlFilterDynamic refers to dynamic filtering.

Macro Example to AutoFilter by Month

The macro below does the following:

  1. Filter the data set stored in cells A6 to B31 of the worksheet named “AutoFilter by Month” in the workbook where the procedure is stored by a month (July).
  2. Display (only) entries whose date in the first column is in the applicable month (July).
Sub AutoFilterByMonth()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-autofilter/
    'This procedure:
        '(1) Filters the table in cells A6 to B31 of the "AutoFilter By Month" worksheet in this workbook by a month (July)
        '(2) Displays (only) entries in rows where the date in the first table column is in the applicable month (July)

    ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("AutoFilter By Month").Range("A6:B31").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=xlFilterAllDatesInPeriodJuly, Operator:=xlFilterDynamic

End Sub

Effects of Executing Macro Example to AutoFilter by Month

The image below illustrates the effects of using the macro example. In this example:

  • Columns A and B (cells A6 to B31) contain a table organized as follows:
    • A header row (cells A6 and B6);
    • Randomly generated dates (cells A7 to A31); and
    • Randomly generated values (cells B7 to B31).
  • A text box (AutoFilter column A by month) executes the macro example when clicked.

When the macro is executed, Excel:

  • Filters the table:
    • Based on column 1; and
    • By month.
  • Displays (only) entries whose date in column 1 is in the applicable month (July).
Example: AutoFilter by month with VBA macros

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#11. Excel VBA AutoFilter Contains

VBA Code to AutoFilter Contains

To AutoFilter with “contains” criteria, use the following structure/template in the applicable statement:

RangeObjectToFilter.AutoFilter Field:=ColumnContains, Criteria1:="=*" & AutoFilterContainsCriterion & "*"

The following Sections describe the main elements in this structure.


A Range object representing the cell range you AutoFilter.


The Range.AutoFilter method filters a list with Excel’s AutoFilter.


The Field parameter of the Range.AutoFilter method:

  • Specifies the field offset (column number) on which you base the AutoFilter.
  • Is specified as an integer, with the first/leftmost column in the AutoFiltered cell range (RangeObjectToFilter) being field 1.

To AutoFilter with “contains” criteria, set the Field parameter to an integer specifying the number of the column (in RangeObjectToFilter) you use to AutoFilter the cell range.

Criteria1:=”=*” & AutoFilterContainsCriterion & “*”

The Criteria1 parameter of the Range.AutoFilter method is:

  • As a general rule, a string specifying the AutoFiltering criteria.
  • Subject to a variety of rules. The specific rules (usually) depend on the data type of the AutoFiltered column.

To AutoFilter with “contains” criteria, set the Criteria1 parameter to a string specifying the AutoFiltering criterion by (usually) concatenating the 3 following strings with the concatenation operator (&):

  1. The equal to operator followed by the asterisk wildcard (“=*”).
  2. The “contains” criteria you use to AutoFilter (AutoFilterContainsCriterion).
  3. The asterisk wildcard (“*”).

The asterisk wildcard represents any character sequence.

Macro Example to AutoFilter Contains

The macro below does the following:

  1. Filter column A (with the data set starting in cell A6) of the worksheet named “AutoFilter Contains” in the workbook where the procedure is stored.
  2. Display (only) entries containing the string stored in cell D6 of the worksheet named “AutoFilter Contains” in the workbook where the procedure is stored.
Sub AutoFilterContains()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-autofilter/

    'This procedure:
        '(1) Filters the column/data starting on cell A6 of the "AutoFilter Contains" worksheet in this workbook based on whether strings contain the string stored in cell D6 of the same worksheet
        '(2) Displays (only) entries whose string contains the string stored in cell D6 of the "AutoFilter Contains" worksheet in this workbook
    With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("AutoFilter Contains")
        .Range("A6").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="=*" & .Range("D6").Value & "*"
    End With

End Sub

Effects of Executing Macro Example to AutoFilter Contains

The image below illustrates the effects of using the macro example. In this example:

  • Column A (cells A6 to A31) contains:
    • A header (cell A6); and
    • Randomly generated strings (cells A7 to A31).
  • Cell D6 contains a randomly generated string (a).
  • A text box (Filter column A for cells that contain string in cell D6) executes the macro example when clicked.

When the macro is executed, Excel:

  • Filters column A based on the string in cell D6.
  • Displays (only) entries containing the string in cell D6 (a).
Example: AutoFilter contains with VBA macros

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#12. Excel VBA AutoFilter Blanks

VBA Code to AutoFilter Blanks

To AutoFilter blanks, use the following structure/template in the applicable statement:

RangeObjectToFilter.AutoFilter Field:=ColumnWithBlanks, Criteria1:="=Or<>"

The following Sections describe the main elements in this structure.


A Range object representing the cell range you AutoFilter.


The Range.AutoFilter method filters a list with Excel’s AutoFilter.


The Field parameter of the Range.AutoFilter method:

  • Specifies the field offset (column number) on which you base the AutoFilter.
  • Is specified as an integer, with the first/leftmost column in the AutoFiltered cell range (RangeObjectToFilter) being field 1.

To AutoFilter blanks, set the Field parameter to an integer specifying the number of the column (in RangeObjectToFilter) which:

  • Contains blanks; and
  • You use to AutoFilter the cell range.

The Criteria1 parameter of the Range.AutoFilter method is:

  • As a general rule, a string specifying the AutoFiltering criteria.
  • Subject to a variety of rules. The specific rules (usually) depend on the data type of the AutoFiltered column.

To AutoFilter blanks, set the Criteria1 parameter to one of the following strings (as applicable):

  • “=”: To filter (display) blanks.
  • “<>”: To filter out blanks (display non-blanks).

Macro Example to AutoFilter Blanks

The following macro filters out blanks in column A (with the data set starting in cell A6) of the worksheet named “AutoFilter Out Blanks” in the workbook where the procedure is stored.

Sub AutoFilterOutBlanks()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-autofilter/
    'This procedure filters out blanks in the column/data starting on cell A6 of the "AutoFilter Out Blanks" worksheet in this workbook
    With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("AutoFilter Out Blanks")
        .Range("A6").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="<>"
    End With

End Sub

Effects of Executing Macro Example to AutoFilter Blanks

The image below illustrates the effects of using the macro example. In this example:

  • Column A (cells A6 to A31) contains:
    • A header (cell A6);
    • Randomly generated values; and
    • A few empty cells.
  • A text box (AutoFilter out blanks in column A) executes the macro example when clicked.

When the macro is executed, Excel:

  • Filters out blanks in column A.
  • Displays (only) non-blanks.
Example: AutoFilter blanks with VBA macros

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#13. Excel VBA Turn On AutoFilter

VBA Code to Turn On AutoFilter

To turn on AutoFilter, use the following structure/template in the applicable statement:

If Not WorksheetObject.AutoFilterMode Then WorksheetObject.RangeObjectToFilter.AutoFilter

The following Sections describe the main elements in this structure.

If… Then…

The If… Then… Else statement:

  • Conditionally executes a statement (WorksheetObject.RangeObjectToFilter.AutoFilter);
  • Depending on an expression’s value (Not WorksheetObject.AutoFilterMode).

Not WorksheetObject.AutoFilterMode

The condition of an If… Then… Else statement is an expression evaluating to True or False. If the expression returns True, the applicable statement (WorksheetObject.RangeObjectToFilter.AutoFilter) is executed.

In this expression:

  • “WorksheetObject” is a Worksheet object representing the worksheet where you turn on AutoFilter.
  • The Worksheet.AutoFilterMode property returns a Boolean value (True or False) indicating whether AutoFilter drop-down arrows are currently displayed on the worksheet (WorksheetObject).
    • True: AutoFilter drop-down arrows are currently displayed on the worksheet (WorksheetObject).
    • False: AutoFilter drop-down arrows aren’t currently displayed on the worksheet (WorksheetObject).
  • The Not operator performs a logical negation of an expression (WorksheetObject.AutoFilterMode). Therefore, it returns the following:
    • True if:
      • The Worksheet.AutoFilterMode property returns False; and (therefore)
      • AutoFilter drop-down arrows aren’t currently displayed on the worksheet (WorksheetObject).
    • False:
      • If the Worksheet.AutoFilterMode property returns True; and (therefore)
      • AutoFilter drop-down arrows are currently displayed on the worksheet (WorksheetObject).


Statement conditionally executed by the If… Then… Else statement if the condition (Not WorksheetObject.AutoFilterMode) returns True (the AutoFilter drop-down arrows aren’t currently displayed on the worksheet).

In this statement:

  • “WorksheetObject” is a Worksheet object representing the worksheet where you turn on AutoFilter.
  • “RangeObjectToFilter” is a Range object representing the cell range for which you turn on AutoFilter.
  • The Range.AutoFilter method filters a list with Excel’s AutoFilter. When you omit all method parameters, the Range.AutoFilter method toggles the display of AutoFilter drop-down arrows in the applicable cell range (RangeObjectToFilter).

Macro Example to Turn On AutoFilter

The macro below turns on AutoFilter for cells A6 to H31 of the worksheet named “Turn On AutoFilter” in the workbook where the procedure is stored.

Sub TurnOnAutoFilter()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-autofilter/
    'This procedure:
        '(1) Tests if the AutoFilter drop-down arrows are currently displayed in the "Turn On AutoFilter" worksheet in this workbook
        '(2) If the AutoFilter drop-down arrows aren't currently displayed in the "Turn On AutoFilter" worksheet in this workbook, turns on AutoFilter for cells A6 to H31 of the worksheet
    With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Turn On AutoFilter")
        If Not .AutoFilterMode Then .Range("A6:H31").AutoFilter
    End With
End Sub

Effects of Executing Macro Example to Turn On AutoFilter

The image below illustrates the effects of using the macro example. In this example:

  • Columns A through H (cells A6 to H31) contain a table with the following characteristics:
    • A header row (cells A6 to H6).
    • Randomly generated values (cells A7 to H31).
  • A text box (Turn On AutoFilter) executes the macro example when clicked.

When the macro is executed, Excel:

  • Turns on AutoFilter for the cell range (cells A6 to H31); and
  • Displays the AutoFilter drop-down arrows in the header row (cells A6 to H6).
Example: Turn on AutoFilter with VBA macros

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#14. Excel VBA Clear AutoFilter

VBA Code to Clear AutoFilter

To clear AutoFilters in a worksheet, use the following structure/template in the applicable statement:

If WorksheetObject.AutoFilterMode Then WorksheetObject.AutoFilter.ShowAllData

The following Sections describe the main elements in this structure.

If… Then…

The If… Then… Else statement:

  • Conditionally executes a statement (WorksheetObject.AutoFilter.ShowAllData);
  • Depending on an expression’s value (WorksheetObject.AutoFilterMode).


The condition of an If… Then… Else statement is an expression evaluating to True or False. If the expression returns True, the applicable statement (WorksheetObject.AutoFilter.ShowAllData) is executed.

In this expression:

  • “WorksheetObject” is a Worksheet object representing the worksheet where you clear AutoFilters.
  • The Worksheet.AutoFilterMode property returns a Boolean value (True or False) indicating whether AutoFilter drop-down arrows are currently displayed on the worksheet (WorksheetObject).
    • True: AutoFilter drop-down arrows are currently displayed on the worksheet (WorksheetObject).
    • False: AutoFilter drop-down arrows aren’t currently displayed on the worksheet (WorksheetObject).


Statement conditionally executed by the If… Then… Else statement if the condition (WorksheetObject.AutoFilterMode) returns True (the AutoFilter drop-down arrows are currently displayed on the worksheet).

In this statement:

  • “WorksheetObject” is a Worksheet object representing the worksheet where you clear AutoFilters.
  • The Worksheet.AutoFilter property (AutoFilter) returns:
    • An AutoFilter object (representing AutoFiltering for the worksheet) if AutoFiltering is on.
    • Nothing if AutoFiltering is off.
  • The AutoFilter.ShowAllData method (ShowAllData) displays all data returned by the AutoFilter object.

Macro Example to Clear AutoFilter

The macro below displays all data (clears AutoFilters) in the worksheet named “Clear AutoFilter” in the workbook where the procedure is stored.

Sub ClearAutoFilter()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-autofilter/
    'This procedure:
        '(1) Tests if the AutoFilter drop-down arrows are currently displayed in the "Clear AutoFilter" worksheet in this workbook
        '(2) If the AutoFilter drop-down arrows are currently displayed in the "Clear AutoFilter" worksheet in this workbook, displays all data (clears AutoFilters)

    With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Clear AutoFilter")
        If .AutoFilterMode Then .AutoFilter.ShowAllData
    End With

End Sub

Effects of Executing Macro Example to Clear AutoFilter

The image below illustrates the effects of using the macro example. In this example:

  • Columns A through H (cells A6 to H31) contain an AutoFiltered table with the following characteristics:
    • A header row (cells A6 to H6).
    • Randomly generated values (cells A7 to H31).
    • Filters.
  • A text box (Clear AutoFilter) executes the macro example when clicked.

When the macro is executed, Excel:

  • Clears AutoFilters in the worksheet.
  • Displays all data.
Example: Clear AutoFilter with VBA macros

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VBA Code to Turn AutoFilter Off

To turn the AutoFilter off, use the following structure/template in the applicable statement:

WorksheetObject.AutoFilterMode = False

The following Sections describe the main elements in this structure.


Worksheet object representing the worksheet where you turn the AutoFilter off.

AutoFilterMode = False

The Worksheet.AutoFilterMode property specifies whether AutoFilter drop-down arrows are displayed on the worksheet (WorksheetObject):

  • True: AutoFilter drop-down arrows are displayed on the worksheet (AutoFilter on).
  • False: AutoFilter drop-down arrows are not displayed on the worksheet (AutoFilter off).

To turn the AutoFilter off, set the Worksheet.AutoFilterMode property to False (AutoFilterMode = False).

Macro Example to Turn AutoFilter Off

The macro below turns AutoFilter off in the worksheet named “AutoFilter Off” in the workbook where the procedure is stored.

Sub AutoFilterOff()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-autofilter/
    'This procedure removes the AutoFilter drop-down arrows (turns AutoFilter Off) in the "AutoFilter Off" worksheet in this workbook
    ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("AutoFilter Off").AutoFilterMode = False
End Sub

Effects of Executing Macro Example to Turn AutoFilter Off

The image below illustrates the effects of using the macro example. In this example:

  • Columns A through H (cells A6 to H31) contain a table with the following characteristics:
    • A header row (cells A6 to H6).
    • Randomly generated values (cells A7 to H31).
    • AutoFilter drop-down arrows are currently displayed (AutoFilter is on) in the header row (cells A6 to H6).
  • A text box (AutoFilter Off) executes the macro example when clicked.

When the macro is executed, Excel:

  • Turns AutoFilter off in the worksheet; and
  • Removes the AutoFilter drop-down arrows in the header row (cells A6 to H6).

Example: AutoFilter off with VBA macros

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#16. Excel VBA Protect Sheet Allow Filter

VBA Code to Protect Sheet Allow Filter

To protect a sheet and allow the user to filter (with a previously-enabled filter), use the following structure/template in the applicable statement:

WorksheetObjectToProtect.Protect WorksheetProtectMethodParameters, AllowFiltering:=True

The following Sections describe the main elements in this structure.


A Worksheet object representing the sheet you protect and allow the user to filter (with a previously-enabled filter).


The Worksheet.Protect method protects a worksheet (so that it can’t be modified).


The Worksheet.Protect method accepts the following 16 optional parameters.

Parameter Description and Comments

String specifying the (case-sensitive) password for the worksheet (WorksheetObjectToProtect).

If you omit the Password parameter, the worksheet can be unprotected without a password.

DrawingObjects If set to True, shapes are protected. The default value is True.
Contents If set to True, contents (locked cells) are protected. The default value is True.
Scenarios If set to True, scenarios are protected. The default value is True.

If set to True, the worksheet (WorksheetObjectToProtect):

  • Is protected from changes (attempted to be) made through Excel’s user interface.
  • Isn’t protected from changes made through macros.

If you omit the UserInterfaceOnly parameter, the worksheet (WorksheetObjectToProtect) is protected from changes (attempted to be) made through (both):

  • Excel’s user interface; and
  • Macros.
AllowFormattingCells If set to True, the user may format any cell in the worksheet (WorksheetObjectToProtect). The default value is False.
AllowFormattingColumns If set to True, the user may format any column in the worksheet (WorksheetObjectToProtect). The default value is False.
AllowFormattingRows If set to True, the user may format any row in the worksheet (WorksheetObjectToProtect). The default value is False.
AllowInsertingColumns If set to True, the user may insert columns in the worksheet (WorksheetObjectToProtect). The default value is False.
AllowInsertingRows If set to True, the user may insert rows in the worksheet (WorksheetObjectToProtect). The default value is False.
AllowInsertingHyperlinks If set to True, the user may insert hyperlinks in the worksheet (WorksheetObjectToProtect). The default value is False.
AllowDeletingColumns If set to True, the user may delete columns in the worksheet (WorksheetObjectToProtect) where every cell in the column is unlocked. The default value is False.
AllowDeletingRows If set to True, the user may delete rows in the worksheet (WorksheetObjectToProtect) where every cell in the row is unlocked. The default value is False.
AllowSorting If set to True, the user may sort the worksheet (WorksheetObjectToProtect). Cells in the sorted cell range must be unlocked or unprotected. The default value is False.
AllowFiltering See description and comments below.
AllowUsingPivotTables If set to True, the user may use Pivot Table reports in the worksheet (WorksheetObjectToProtect). The default value is False.

To protect a sheet and allow the user to filter (with a previously-enabled filter):

  • Work with the parameters of the Worksheet.Protect method to specify the worksheet protection settings.
  • Set the AllowFiltering parameter to True (as explained below).

The AllowFiltering parameter of the Worksheet.Protect method:

  • Specifies whether the user may work with filters in the worksheet (WorksheetObjectToProtect).
  • Can take either of the following 2 values:
    • True: The user may work with filters in the worksheet. Therefore, the user:
      • Can change filtering criteria and set filters in a previously-enabled AutoFilter.
      • Cannot enable or disable AutoFilters.
    • False: The user may not work with filters in the worksheet. The default value of the AllowFiltering parameter is False.

To protect a sheet and allow the user to filter (with a previously-enabled filter), set the AllowFiltering parameter to True (AllowFiltering:=True).

Macro Example to Protect Sheet Allow Filter

The macro below does the following:

  • Protect the worksheet named “Protect Sheet Allow Filter” in the workbook where the procedure is stored, with a password (ExcelVBAAutoFilter).
  • Allow the user to work with the (previously-enabled) AutoFilter in the worksheet.
Sub ProtectSheetAllowFilter()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-autofilter/
    'This procedure protects the "Protect Sheet Allow Filter" worksheet in this workbook (with password), but allows the user to work with the (previously-enabled) AutoFilter

    ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Protect Sheet Allow Filter").Protect Password:="ExcelVBAAutoFilter", AllowFiltering:=True

End Sub

Effects of Executing Macro Example to Protect Sheet Allow Filter

The image below illustrates the effects of using the macro example. In this example:

  • Columns A through H (cells A6 to H31) contain a table with the following characteristics:
    • A header row (cells A6 to H6).
    • Randomly generated values (cells A7 to H31).
    • Enabled AutoFilter.
  • A text box (Protect Sheet Allow Filter) executes the macro example when clicked.

When the macro is executed, Excel protects the sheet and allows the user to filter (with a previously-enabled filter). Notice the following:

  • The Protect sheet button in the Review tab of the Ribbon changes to the Unprotect Sheet button.
  • The worksheet tab displays a padlock icon (indicating the worksheet is protected).
  • Certain Ribbon buttons (for ex., Spelling and Allow Edit Ranges) are disabled.
  • If the user attempts to edit a locked cell, Excel displays a message box informing the user that the cell is on a protected sheet.
  • The user may work with the (previously-enabled) AutoFilter.
Example: Protect Sheet Allow Filter with VBA macros

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#17. Excel VBA Get AutoFiltered Range

VBA Code to Get AutoFiltered Range

To get an AutoFiltered range (containing the visible cells), use the following structure/template in the applicable statement:


The following Sections describe the main elements in this structure.


A Range object representing the entire cell range (including visible and hidden cells) to which the AutoFilter applies.

As a general rule, to get an AutoFiltered range (containing the visible cells) with the structure/template described in this Section, RangeObjectEntireRange must represent a multicell cell range.

If the cell range represented by RangeObjectEntireRange contains a single cell, the Range.SpecialCells method (usually) works with the applicable worksheet’s used range. This (usually) leads to unexpected results.


The Range.SpecialCells method:

  • Returns a Range object representing all cells matching a specified type and value.
  • Accepts 2 parameters:
    • Type: Required parameter.
    • Value: Optional parameter.

The Type parameter of the Range.SpecialCells method:

  • Specifies the cells to include in the Range object returned by the Range.SpecialCells method.
  • Can take any of the built-in constants or values from the XlCellType enumeration.

To get an AutoFiltered range (containing the visible cells), set the Type parameter of the Range.SpecialCells method to xlCellTypeVisible. xlCellTypeVisible results in the Range object returned by the Range.SpecialCells method including visible cells.

Macro Example to Get AutoFiltered Range

The macro below displays a message box with the address of the AutoFiltered range in the worksheet named “Get AutoFiltered Range” in the workbook where the procedure is stored.

Sub GetAutoFilteredRange()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-autofilter/

    'This procedure displays a message box with the address of the AutoFiltered cell range in the "Get AutoFiltered Range" worksheet in this workbook
    MsgBox ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Get AutoFiltered Range").AutoFilter.Range.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Address

End Sub

Effects of Executing Macro Example to Get AutoFiltered Range

The image below illustrates the effects of using the macro example. In this example:

  • Columns A through H (cells A6 to H31) contain an AutoFiltered table with the following characteristics:
    • A header row (cells A6 to H6).
    • Randomly generated values (cells A7 to H31).
    • Filters. These filters result in Excel displaying (only) entries whose values in (both) Column 1 and Column 4 are greater than or equal to 5.
  • A text box (Get AutoFiltered range address) executes the macro example when clicked.

When the macro is executed, Excel displays a message box with the address of the AutoFiltered range.

Example: Get AutoFiltered range with VBA macros

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#18. Excel VBA Copy Visible Rows in AutoFiltered Range

VBA Code to Copy Visible Rows in AutoFiltered Range

To copy the visible rows in an AutoFiltered range (excluding the header row), use the following structure/template in the applicable statement:

RangeObjectEntireRange.Resize(RangeObjectEntireRange.Rows.Count - 1).Offset(1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Copy DestinationParameter

The following Sections describe the main elements in this structure.


A Range object representing the entire cell range (including visible and hidden cells) to which the AutoFilter applies.

As a general rule, to copy the visible rows in an AutoFiltered range (excluding the header row) with the structure/template described in this Section, RangeObjectEntireRange must represent a multicell cell range.

Resize(RangeObjectEntireRange.Rows.Count – 1)

The Range.Resize property:

  • Resizes a cell range.
  • Returns a Range object representing the resized cell range.
  • Accepts 2 parameters:
    • RowSize: The number of rows in the new/resized cell range.
    • ColumnSize: The number of columns in the new/resized cell range.

To copy the visible rows in an AutoFiltered range (excluding the header row), do the following to specify the RowSize parameter of the Range.Resize property:

  1. Count the number of rows in the cell range to which the AutoFilter applies (RangeObjectEntireRange).
  2. Subtract 1 (- 1).

For these purposes:

  • “RangeObjectEntireRange” is a Range object representing the entire cell range (including visible and hidden cells) to which the AutoFilter applies.
  • The Range.Rows property (Rows) returns a Range object representing the rows in the applicable cell range (RangeObjectEntireRange).
  • The Range.Count property (Count) returns the number of rows in the Range object returned by the Range.Rows property (RangeObjectEntireRange.Rows).
  • The minus sign operator subtracts 1 (- 1) from the number of rows returned by the Range.Count property (RangeObjectEntireRange.Rows.Count).

To copy the visible rows in an AutoFiltered range (excluding the header row), omit the ColumnSize parameter of the Range.Resize property. This results in the number of columns (in the resized cell range) remaining the same (as in the source/original cell range).


The Range.Offset property:

  • Returns a Range object representing a cell range a number of rows/columns away (at an offset) from the source/original cell range.
  • Accepts 2 parameters:
    • RowOffset: The number of rows by which you move away (offset) from the source/original cell range.
    • ColumnOffset: The number of columns by which you move away (offset) from the source/original cell range.

RowOffset and ColumnOffset can be any of the following:

  • Positive numbers, which result in offsetting:
    • Downwards, in the case of RowOffset.
    • To the right, in the case of ColumnOffset.
  • Negative numbers, which result in offsetting:
    • Upwards, in the case of RowOffset.
    • To the left, in the case of ColumnOffset.
  • 0, which results in no offsetting. 0 is (also) the default value of the RowOffset and ColumnOffset parameters.

To copy the visible rows in an AutoFiltered range (excluding the header row):

  • Set the RowOffset parameter of the Range.Offset property to 1 (1).
  • Omit the ColumnOffset parameter of the Range.Offset property.


The Range.SpecialCells method:

  • Returns a Range object representing all cells matching a specified type and value.
  • Accepts 2 parameters:
    • Type: Required parameter.
    • Value: Optional parameter.

The Type parameter of the Range.SpecialCells method:

  • Specifies the cells to include in the Range object returned by the Range.SpecialCells method.
  • Can take any of the built-in constants or values from the XlCellType enumeration.

To copy the visible rows in an AutoFiltered range (excluding the header row), set the Type parameter of the Range.SpecialCells method to xlCellTypeVisible. xlCellTypeVisible results in the Range object returned by the Range.SpecialCells method including visible cells.

Copy DestinationParameter

The Range.Copy method copies the applicable cell range to either of the following:

  • The cell range specified by the Destination parameter (DestinationParameter).
  • The Clipboard.

The Destination parameter of the Range.Copy method (DestinationParameter):

  • Is optional.
  • Specifies the cell range to which the copied cell range is copied.

If you omit the Destination parameter, Excel copies the copied cell range to the Clipboard.

To copy the visible rows in an AutoFiltered range (excluding the header row), do either of the following (as applicable):

  • Work with the Destination parameter of the Range.Copy method (DestinationParameter) to specify the destination of the copied cell range.
  • Omit the Destination parameter of the Range.Copy method to copy the applicable cell range to the Clipboard.

Macro Example to Copy Visible Rows in AutoFiltered Range

The macro below does the following:

  1. Copy the visible rows in the AutoFiltered range in the “Copy Visible Rows” worksheet of the workbook where the procedure is stored to the Clipboard.
  2. Paste values in the cell range starting on cell A33 of the “Copy Visible Rows” worksheet of the workbook where the procedure is stored.
Sub AutoFilterCopyVisibleRows()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-autofilter/
    'This procedure:
        '(1) Copies visible rows in the AutoFiltered range (excluding the first row, with headers) in the "Copy Visible Rows" worksheet in this workbook
        '(2) Pastes values in the cell range starting on cell A33 of the "Copy Visible Rows worksheet in this workbook"
    'Refer to "Copy Visible Rows" worksheet in this workbook
    With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Copy Visible Rows")
        'Copy visible rows in the AutoFiltered range (excluding the first row, with headers)
        With .AutoFilter.Range
            .Resize(.Rows.Count - 1).Offset(1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Copy
        End With
        'Paste values in the cell range starting on cell A33
        .Range("A33").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
    End With

End Sub

Effects of Executing Macro Example to Copy Visible Rows in AutoFiltered Range

The image below illustrates the effects of using the macro example. In this example:

  • Columns A through H (cells A6 to H31) contain an AutoFiltered table with the following characteristics:
    • A header row (cells A6 to H6).
    • Randomly generated values (cells A7 to H31).
    • Filters. These filters result in Excel displaying (only) entries whose values in (both) Column 1 and Column 4 are greater than or equal to 6.
  • A text box (Copy visible rows) executes the macro example when clicked.

When the macro is executed, Excel does the following:

  • Copy visible rows in the AutoFiltered range (excluding the header row) to the Clipboard.
  • Paste values in the cell range starting on cell A33 of the worksheet.
Example: Copy Visible Rows in AutoFiltered Range with VBA macros

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#19. Excel VBA Select First Visible Cell in AutoFiltered Range

VBA Code to Select First Visible Cell in AutoFiltered Range

To select the first visible cell in an AutoFiltered range, use the following structure/template in the applicable statement:

RangeObjectEntireRange.Resize(RangeObjectEntireRange.Rows.Count - 1).Offset(1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Cells(1).Select

The following Sections describe the main elements in this structure.


A Range object representing the entire cell range (including visible and hidden cells) to which the AutoFilter applies.

As a general rule, to select the first visible cell in an AutoFiltered range with the structure/template described in this Section, RangeObjectEntireRange must represent a multicell cell range.

Resize(RangeObjectEntireRange.Rows.Count – 1)

The Range.Resize property:

  • Resizes a cell range.
  • Returns a Range object representing the resized cell range.
  • Accepts 2 parameters:
    • RowSize: The number of rows in the new/resized cell range.
    • ColumnSize: The number of columns in the new/resized cell range.

To select the first visible cell in an AutoFiltered range, do the following to specify the RowSize parameter of the Range.Resize property:

  1. Count the number of rows in the cell range to which the AutoFilter applies (RangeObjectEntireRange).
  2. Subtract 1 (- 1).

For these purposes:

  • “RangeObjectEntireRange” is a Range object representing the entire cell range (including visible and hidden cells) to which the AutoFilter applies.
  • The Range.Rows property (Rows) returns a Range object representing the rows in the applicable cell range (RangeObjectEntireRange).
  • The Range.Count property (Count) returns the number of rows in the Range object returned by the Range.Rows property (RangeObjectEntireRange.Rows).
  • The minus sign operator subtracts 1 (- 1) from the number of rows returned by the Range.Count property (RangeObjectEntireRange.Rows.Count).

To select the first visible cell in an AutoFiltered range, omit the ColumnSize parameter of the Range.Resize property. This results in the number of columns (in the resized cell range) remaining the same (as in the source/original cell range).


The Range.Offset property:

  • Returns a Range object representing a cell range a number of rows/columns away (at an offset) from the source/original cell range.
  • Accepts 2 parameters:
    • RowOffset: The number of rows by which you move away (offset) from the source/original cell range.
    • ColumnOffset: The number of columns by which you move away (offset) from the source/original cell range.

RowOffset and ColumnOffset can be any of the following:

  • Positive numbers, which result in offsetting:
    • Downwards, in the case of RowOffset.
    • To the right, in the case of ColumnOffset.
  • Negative numbers, which result in offsetting:
    • Upwards, in the case of RowOffset.
    • To the left, in the case of ColumnOffset.
  • 0, which results in no offsetting. 0 is (also) the default value of the RowOffset and ColumnOffset parameters.

To select the first visible cell in an AutoFiltered range:

  • Set the RowOffset parameter of the Range.Offset property to 1 (1).
  • Omit the ColumnOffset parameter of the Range.Offset property.


The Range.SpecialCells method:

  • Returns a Range object representing all cells matching a specified type and value.
  • Accepts 2 parameters:
    • Type: Required parameter.
    • Value: Optional parameter.

The Type parameter of the Range.SpecialCells method:

  • Specifies the cells to include in the Range object returned by the Range.SpecialCells method.
  • Can take any of the built-in constants or values from the XlCellType enumeration.

To select the first visible cell in an AutoFiltered range, set the Type parameter of the Range.SpecialCells method to xlCellTypeVisible. xlCellTypeVisible results in the Range object returned by the Range.SpecialCells method including visible cells.


The Range.Cells property (Cells) returns a Range object representing the cells in the applicable source/original cell range.

The Range.Item property (1):

  • Returns a Range object representing a cell at an offset of the source/original cell range.
  • Is (in some cases) the default property of the Range object.
  • Accepts two parameters:
    • RowIndex:
      • If the ColumnIndex parameter is specified: The row number (relative to the source/original cell range) of the cell to return.
      • If the ColumnIndex parameter is omitted: The index (cell number) of the subrange to return.
    • ColumnIndex: The column number (relative to the source/original cell range) of the cell to return.

To select the first visible cell in an AutoFiltered range:

  • Set the RowIndex parameter of the Range.Item property to 1 (1).
  • Omit the ColumnIndex parameter of the Range.Item property.

This results in the Range.Cells property and the Range.Item property returning a Range object representing the first cell in the cell range represented by the Range object returned by the Range.SpecialCells method (SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)).


The Range.Select method selects the applicable cell.

Macro Example to Select First Visible Cell in AutoFiltered Range

The macro below selects the first visible cell in the AutoFiltered range in the “Select First Visible Cell” worksheet of the workbook where the procedure is stored.

Sub SelectFirstVisibleCellFilteredRange()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'For further information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-autofilter/

    'This procedure selects the first visible cell in the AutoFiltered range in the "Select First Visible Cell" worksheet of this workbook
    With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Select First Visible Cell").AutoFilter.Range
            .Resize(.Rows.Count - 1).Offset(1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Cells(1).Select
    End With

End Sub

Effects of Executing Macro Example to Select First Visible Cell in AutoFiltered Range

The image below illustrates the effects of using the macro example. In this example:

  • Columns A through H (cells A6 to H31) contain an AutoFiltered table with the following characteristics:
    • A header row (cells A6 to H6).
    • Randomly generated values (cells A7 to H31).
    • Filters. These filters result in Excel displaying (only) entries whose values in (both) Column 1 and Column 4 are greater than or equal to 6.
  • Cell M24 is the active cell.
  • A text box (Select first visible cell in filtered range) executes the macro example when clicked.

When the macro is executed, Excel selects cell A9. This is the first visible cell in the AutoFiltered range.

Example: Select First Visible Cell in AutoFiltered Range with VBA macros

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Workbook Example Used in this Excel VBA AutoFilter Tutorial

This Excel VBA AutoFilter Tutorial is accompanied by an Excel workbook containing the data and macros I use in the examples above. You can get free access to this example workbook by clicking the button below.

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Фильтрация одномерного массива в VBA Excel с помощью функции Filter. Синтаксис и параметры функции Filter. Пример фильтрации одномерного массива.

Filter – это функция, которая возвращает массив, содержащий строки исходного одномерного массива, соответствующие заданным условиям фильтрации.


  • исходный (фильтруемый) массив должен быть одномерным и содержать строки;
  • индексация возвращенного массива начинается с нуля;
  • возвращенный массив содержит ровно столько элементов, сколько строк исходного массива соответствуют заданным условиям фильтрации;
  • переменная, которой присваивается возвращенный массив, должна быть универсального типа (As Variant) и объявлена не как массив (не myArray() со скобками, а myArray без скобок).

Функция Filter автоматически преобразует обычную переменную универсального типа, которой присваивается отфильтрованный список, в одномерный массив с необходимым количеством элементов.


Filter(sourcearray, match, [include], [compare])


Параметр Описание
sourcearray Обязательный параметр. Одномерный массив, элементы которого требуется отфильтровать
match Обязательный параметр. Искомая строка.
include Необязательный параметр. Значение Boolean, которое указывает:

  • True – возвращаются строки, содержащие match (значение по умолчанию);
  • False – возвращаются строки, не содержащие match.
compare Необязательный параметр. Числовое значение (константа), указывающее тип сравнения строк. По умолчанию – 0 (vbBinaryCompare).

Compare (значения)

Параметр compare может принимать следующие значения:

Константа Значение Описание
vbUseCompareOption -1 используется тип сравнения, заданный оператором Option Compare
vbBinaryCompare 0 выполняется двоичное сравнение (регистр имеет значение)
vbTextCompare 1 выполняется текстовое сравнение (без учета регистра)

Пример фильтрации

Фильтрация списка в столбце «A» по словам, начинающимся с буквы «К», и загрузка результатов в столбец «B»:

Пример кода VBA Excel с функцией Filter:


















Sub Primer()

    Dim arr1, arr2, arr3, i As Long

    ‘Присваиваем переменной arr1 массив значений столбца A

    arr1 = Range(«A1:A» & Range(«A1»).End(xlDown).Row)

    ‘Копируем строки двумерного массива arr1 в одномерный arr2

    ReDim arr2(1 To UBound(arr1))

        For i = 1 To UBound(arr1)

            arr2(i) = arr1(i, 1)


    ‘Фильтруем строки массива arr2 по вхождению подстроки «К»

    ‘и присваиваем отфильтрованные строки переменной arr3

    arr3 = Filter(arr2, «К»)

    ‘Копируем строки из массива arr3 в столбец «B»

        For i = 0 To UBound(arr3)

            Cells(i + 1, 2) = arr3(i)


End Sub

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