Excel vba if in between


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  16. Is there a BETWEEN function?
  17. Is there a BETWEEN function?
  18. Is there a BETWEEN function?
  19. RE: Is there a BETWEEN function?
  20. RE: Is there a BETWEEN function?
  21. RE: Is there a BETWEEN function?
  22. RE: Is there a BETWEEN function?
  23. RE: Is there a BETWEEN function?
  24. RE: Is there a BETWEEN function?
  25. RE: Is there a BETWEEN function?
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Оператор между. и

Применяется для: Access 2013 | Access 2016

Определяет, соответствует ли значение выражения указанному диапазону значений. Используйте этот оператор в инструкциях SQL.


expr [ Not ] Междузначением1изначением2

Синтаксис оператора между. и состоит из следующих элементов:

Часть Описание
expr Выражение, определяющее поле с данными, которые вы хотите оценить.
значение1, значение2 Выражения, по которым требуется оценить expr.


Если значение expr находится между значениями value1 и value2 (включительно), значение Между. Оператор And возвращает значение True; В противном случае возвращается значение False. Вы можете включить логический оператор Not для оценки противоположных условий (т.е. находится ли значение expr вне диапазона, определяемого value1 и value2 ).

Вы можете использовать оператор между. и для определения того, находится ли значение поля в указанном числовом диапазоне. В примере ниже определяется, доставлен ли заказ до места в диапазоне указанных почтовых индексов. Если почтовый индекс находится в диапазоне между 98101 и 98199, функция IIf возвращает «Local» . В противном случае возвращается «Nonlocal» .

Если expr, value1 или value2 имеет значение Null, Между. Возвращает значение NULL .

Так как подстановочный знак, например, * , всегда рассматриваются как литералы, вы не сможете использовать их с оператором между. и. Например,вы не можете использовать 980* и 989* для поиска почтовых индексов, которые начинаются с 980-989.

Вместо этого, у вас есть две основные альтернативы для решения данной задачи. Вы можете добавить выражение к запросу, который оставляет три символа текстового поля и использовать оператор между. и для этих символов. Или вы можете использовать высокие и низкие значения с дополнительными символами, в этом случае от 98000 до 98999 или от 98000 до 98999-9999 при использовании расширенных почтовых индексов. (Необходимо опустить значение — 0000 из низких значений, так как в противном случае значение 98000 удаляется, если некоторые почтовые индексы имеют расширенные разделы, а другие — нет.)


В данном примере перечислены имена и контактные данные каждого клиента, разместившего заказ во втором квартале 1995 года.

В этом примере вызывает процедуре EnumFields, которую можно найти в приведенном примере инструкции SELECT.

См. также

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Есть вопросы или отзывы, касающиеся Office VBA или этой статьи? Руководство по другим способам получения поддержки и отправки отзывов см. в статье Поддержка Office VBA и обратная связь.


Using «Between» in VBA? (1 Viewer)


Registered User.

Hi there,
this is just a quickie i’m sure.

I have used «Between» to indicate if a value is between two other values in queries for ages, and i know that i can use it with «WHERE» in an SQL string, BUT

When i just want to use it in an «If» statement Access doesn’t want to play?

If *** BETWEEN **** then

If *** BETWEEN **** = true then

Anyone know the secret?


Old registered user

Use the instead.

If Age >16 and Age


Registered User.

Thanks so far, but.

Hi Colin,
Thanks for that but i’m already doing that and just wanted to trim the code down by a few lines. It seems strange that you can’t use «BETWEEN» in VBA to find out if a value is between two others?

Here’s what i’m using so far.

Set rstSageData = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(«SELECT * FROM tblSageData ORDER BY AccountRef ;»)

If rstSageData.RecordCount > 0 Then
With rstSageData
Do While Not .EOF

If Val(!DaysOverdue) >= «0» Then
If Val(!DaysOverdue)

«The Shoe»


Registered User.

«The Shoe»


Registered User.

So is «BETWEEN» possible then?

The table is being created specifically to pull together data from a whole load of places, including other Access tables, Sage Line 50 tables etc.
The table is created specifically to deal with aged debt and is renewed each time it is required.

Certain values are calculated and stored in the table so that as the table is built the data remains static, to be viewed and commited to print in word.

. so is «BETWEEN» a No-No then?

«The Shoe»

basically what we’re saying is to do this

UPDATE table set FIELDNAME=VALUE where DaysOverDue >=0


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Is there a BETWEEN function?

Is there a BETWEEN function?

Is there a BETWEEN function?

Tried to find one, I know its simple enought to create, but I’m trying to get away from creating everything from scratch and dont want to use the IIf() function.

Looking to see if an equivalent function exists that mimics the keyword «Between» in queries.

If I have a number X, I want to know if it lies somewhere in the bounds of range A through B. For example:

Is 234 higher than 13 and less than 100? No
Is 55 higher than 13 and less than 100? Yes

The values Im using are calculated KEY_ID values that don’t exist in a table yet, and Im testing to prevent an overlap. This is the reason Im not using queries.

I don’t need to know HOW to write the code, just need to know if it already exists since I cant find one.

RE: Is there a BETWEEN function?

RE: Is there a BETWEEN function?

Seriously though, while indeed Select Case — in this case (pun intended) — does exactly what you are asking about (and seems to me the way to go). what is your problem with using IIf?

Option Explicit
Function CheckIt(TestMe As Long) As String
CheckIt = IIf(TestMe > 13 And TestMe RESULT? «No, it is not»
End Sub

Sub YaddaYadda2()
Dim j As Long
j = 55
MsgBox CheckIt(j) RESULT? «Yes, it is»
End Sub

Option Explicit
Function CheckIt(TestMe As Long, _
Bottom As Long, _
Top As Long) As String

CheckIt = IIf(TestMe > Bottom And TestMe RESULT? «No, it is not»

«A little piece of heaven
without that awkward dying part.»

advertisment for Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups (a chocolate/peanut butter confection)

RE: Is there a BETWEEN function?

Since no one has come right out and said «YES!» I’ll just assume it doesn’t exist.

I’ll give you a star since the simplicity of a SELECT CASE statement never crossed my mind. thanks.

As I said I wasn’t looking for a solution, was just tired of making code when something already existed (my last fiasco was creating a function that mimics the RegExp class in Excel :P. never knew it was out there already)

For anyone looking for another solution to the problem, I put this together to use:

Function IsBetween(hTestValue As Long, hRngMIN As Long, hRngMAX As Long) As Boolean
If (hTestValue >= hRngMIN) And (hTestValue fumei:
To answer your question, code execution/optimization is the reason. Everything that I’ve read talks about using plain old IF over the IIf(). I never bothered with using it before, but my last few projects have been big enough that I’ve been trimming anywhere I can. Even fractional seconds add up. If you search for code optimization you can see what I mean. The explanation usually given is that if you use an IF/THEN/ELSE statement, the code only has to execute one path, the True or False (based on your logic test). Whereas IIf(), Choose() and Switch(), all paths have to be evaluated because they are functions.

Its along the same lines as assigning vbNullString over «» (empty string) X = vbNullString. something about when using «», the system has to evaluate the entire length of the data type (10 bytes + number of characters used)? before it can determine if the value is an empty string.

While using IIf() looks more elegant and conserves space, I’ll take optimization.

Thanks for the inputs!

RE: Is there a BETWEEN function?

Public defaultLowerLimit As Integer
Public defaultUpperLimit As Integer

Public Sub Main()
defaultLowerLimit = 13
defaultUpperLimit = 100

MsgBox IsBetween(234)
MsgBox IsBetween(55)

Public Function IsBetween(value As Integer, Optional lowerLimit As Variant, Optional upperLimit As Variant) As Boolean
If (IsMissing(lowerLimit)) Then lowerLimit = defaultLowerLimit
If (IsMissing(upperLimit)) Then upperLimit = defaultUpperLimit
IsBetween = (lowerLimit

RE: Is there a BETWEEN function?

>all paths have to be evaluated because they are functions

I’m guessing all paths have to be evaluated IF they are functions; if they are Constants (as in Gerry’s examples)they are already evaluated.

RE: Is there a BETWEEN function?

Good point. I overlooked that direct assignment. Code already updated. Thanks.

Maybe someone knows more on the IIf() etc. (Im certainly not the expert), but everything I’ve read so far talks about dumping IIf for optimization (especially in queries).

RE: Is there a BETWEEN function?

Option Explicit
‘ if the paramters are NOT dynamic
Function IsBetween(num As Long) As Boolean
IsBetween = IIf(num > 13 And num ‘ if the paramters ARE dynamic
Function IsBetween2(num As Long, _
Bottom As Long, _
Top As Long) As Boolean
IsBetween2 = IIf(num > Bottom And num = hRngMIN) And _
(hTestValue Bottom And num both truepart (the -1), and falsepart (the 0).

So yeah, I can see why you are trying to avoid IIf if you are doing this a lot.

But, as was stated, PHV’s Select Case is probably the easiest way to do it.

«A little piece of heaven
without that awkward dying part.»

advertisment for Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups (a chocolate/peanut butter confection)

RE: Is there a BETWEEN function?


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Between…And operator

Applies to: Access 2013 | Access 2016

Determines whether the value of an expression falls within a specified range of values. Use this operator within SQL statements.


expr [ Not ] Between value1 And value2

The Between…And operator syntax has these parts:

Part Description
expr Expression identifying the field that contains the data you want to evaluate.
value1, value2 Expressions against which you want to evaluate expr.

If the value of expr is between value1 and value2 (inclusive), the Between…And operator returns True; otherwise, it returns False. You can include the Not logical operator to evaluate the opposite condition (that is, whether expr lies outside the range defined by value1 and value2 ).

You might use Between…And to determine whether the value of a field falls within a specified numeric range. The following example determines whether an order was shipped to a location within a range of postal codes. If the postal code is between 98101 and 98199, the IIf function returns «Local» . Otherwise, it returns «Nonlocal» .

If expr, value1, or value2 is Null, Between…And returns a Null value.

Because wildcard characters, such as * , are treated as literals, you cannot use them with the Between…And operator. For example, you cannot use 980* and 989* to find all postal codes that start with 980 to 989.

Instead, you have two alternatives for accomplishing this. You can add an expression to the query that takes the left three characters of the text field and use Between…And on those characters. Or you can pad the high and low values with extra characters—in this case, 98000 to 98999, or 98000 to 98999-9999 if using extended postal codes. (You must omit the — 0000 from the low values because otherwise 98000 is dropped if some postal codes have extended sections and others don’t.)


This example lists the name and contact of every customer who placed an order in the second quarter of 1995.

This example calls the EnumFields procedure, which you can find in the SELECT statement example.

See also

Support and feedback

Have questions or feedback about Office VBA or this documentation? Please see Office VBA support and feedback for guidance about the ways you can receive support and provide feedback.


  • #1

Hi there,
this is just a quickie i’m sure.

I have used «Between» to indicate if a value is between two other values in queries for ages, and i know that i can use it with «WHERE» in an SQL string, BUT

When i just want to use it in an «If» statement Access doesn’t want to play?

If *** BETWEEN **** then

If *** BETWEEN **** = true then


Anyone know the secret?


  • #2

Use the < or > instead.

If Age >16 and Age <32 Then
Do Something



End If


  • #3

Thanks so far, but…

Hi Colin,
Thanks for that but i’m already doing that and just wanted to trim the code down by a few lines. It seems strange that you can’t use «BETWEEN» in VBA to find out if a value is between two others?

Here’s what i’m using so far…

Set rstSageData = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(«SELECT * FROM tblSageData ORDER BY AccountRef ;»)

If rstSageData.RecordCount > 0 Then
With rstSageData
Do While Not .EOF

If Val(!DaysOverdue) >= «0» Then
If Val(!DaysOverdue) < «10» Then
!ChaseLetter = «1»
End If
End If

finishing up with updating the table…

End With
End If

  • #4

why not peform that check in the where clause (criteria) of the query..

  • #5

Kodo said:

why not peform that check in the where clause (criteria) of the query..

In fact, why not just use an update query? But then again, I’d ask why you’re storing a calculated number in your table.

  • #6

dcx693 said:

In fact, why not just use an update query? But then again, I’d ask why you’re storing a calculated number in your table.

:D .

  • #7

So is «BETWEEN» possible then?

The table is being created specifically to pull together data from a whole load of places, including other Access tables, Sage Line 50 tables etc.
The table is created specifically to deal with aged debt and is renewed each time it is required.

Certain values are calculated and stored in the table so that as the table is built the data remains static, to be viewed and commited to print in word.

…so is «BETWEEN» a No-No then?


  • #8

basically what we’re saying is to do this

UPDATE table set FIELDNAME=VALUE where DaysOverDue >=0 <10

between is only valid in SQL for dates.

  • #9

Kodo said:

basically what we’re saying is to do this

UPDATE table set FIELDNAME=VALUE where DaysOverDue >=0 <10

between is only valid in SQL for dates.

Actually, you can use Between for non-dates. Use a syntax like this:


UPDATE tblSageData SET ChaseLetter = 1 WHERE (([DaysOverdue] Between 0 And 10));

  • #10

learn something new every day…

  • #11

Kodo said:

learn something new every day…

Happens to me everyday!

  • #12

I’ve attempted to use > x and < y in a select statement and it isn’t working? Suggestions? The code follows:

Select Case IsNumeric(CCValue)
Case Is = True
Select Case CCValue
Case Is = 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 24
cc = cc & «:00 am»
Case Is >= 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
cc = cc & «:00 pm»
Case Is >= 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
cc = (cc — 12) & «:00 pm»

  • #13

Wow, you’ve resurrected an 18-year-old thread.» Impressive!

Case Statements are a slightly special case… Try the following syntax


Case 7 to 11, 24

Case 1 to 6

Case 13 to 23

  • #14

Between is NOT limited to dates. But it is limited to SQL. It is not a VBA command.



Access World Site Owner

  • #15

Does this work….?


Select Case IsNumeric(CCValue)
  Case Is = True
    Select Case CCValue
      Case 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 24
        cc = cc & ":00 am"
      Case 1 To 6
        cc = cc & ":00 pm"
      Case 13 To 23
        cc = (cc - 12) & ":00 pm"
    End Select
End Select

  • #16


? Eval("27 Between 10 AND 40")

Between would be usable in VBA, but surely that’s pretty bad style.


  • #17

Since I had a copy of the MS VBA Language Specification (v20140424, release date 30 Apr 2014), I did a simple search. At no time anywhere in that document is the word «BETWEEN» used in the context of a formal operator. All uses of «BETWEEN» (74 of them) are in discussions of the semantics of other syntax constructs. Therefore, I confirm Pat’s statement. BETWEEN is not a VBA operator unless it was added in a more recent release, and I have no evidence of such a change.

  • #18

Does this work….?


Select Case IsNumeric(CCValue)
  Case Is = True
    Select Case CCValue
      Case 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 24
        cc = cc & ":00 am"
      Case 1 To 6
        cc = cc & ":00 pm"
      Case 13 To 23
        cc = (cc - 12) & ":00 pm"
    End Select
End Select

Yes, the post of, Minty, AWF VIP, worked well: «Case 7 to 11, 24». It’s an honor to have your guidance. I have the ambition of being like all of you.

  • #19

Since I had a copy of the MS VBA Language Specification (v20140424, release date 30 Apr 2014), I did a simple search. At no time anywhere in that document is the word «BETWEEN» used in the context of a formal operator. All uses of «BETWEEN» (74 of them) are in discussions of the semantics of other syntax constructs. Therefore, I confirm Pat’s statement. BETWEEN is not a VBA operator unless it was added in a more recent release, and I have no evidence of such a change.

Thanks for the research. Forcing the use of ‘Between’ in the VBA context, when it is meant to dwell only in Query-SQL-land, is a bad idea.

  • #20


? Eval("27 Between 10 AND 40")

Between would be usable in VBA, but surely that’s pretty bad style.

Creative. Square pegs do fit in round holes after all.

    • #1

    Dim Age, Milage, Radius, NCB As Integer
    Age = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(«Sheet1»).Cells(9, 2).Value

    If Age = 45 Then ThisWorkbook.Sheets(«Sheet1»).Cells(9, 3).Value = 1
    If Age = (46 <= 50) Then ThisWorkbook.Sheets(«Sheet1»).Cells(9, 3).Value = 0.95
    If Age = (51 <= 54) Then ThisWorkbook.Sheets(«Sheet1»).Cells(9, 3).Value = 0.89
    If Age = (55 <= 65) Then ThisWorkbook.Sheets(«Sheet1»).Cells(9, 3).Value = 0.87
    If Age = (66 <= 69) Then ThisWorkbook.Sheets(«Sheet1»).Cells(9, 3).Value = 0.95

    This should be easy but I can’t seem to solve it, How do I get the Age ranges to work between 46 and 50, 51 and 54 etc. The one for 45 works fine but every other number I enter into Cell 9, 2 brings back 0.95 as its under 69.


    • #2

    Re: VBA Code Between Two Values

    Hi. Try:

    If Age = > 46 And age <= 50 Then

    an so on

    • #3

    Re: VBA Code Between Two Values

    Select Case should do this.

    Dim Age, Milage, Radius, NCB As Integer
        Age = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(9, 2).Value
        Select Case Age
            Case < 45
            Case = 45
                ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(9, 3).Value = 1
            Case <= 50
                ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(9, 3).Value = 0.95
            Case <= 54
                ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(9, 3).Value = 0.89
            Case <= 65
                ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(9, 3).Value = 0.87
            Case <= 69
                ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(9, 3).Value = 0.95
        End Select

    Display More

    • #4

    Re: VBA Code Between Two Values

    Thanks Omp65, I’ve only just started writing Vba code and finding it confusing. They should just have a between sign!

    • #5

    Re: VBA Code Between Two Values

    There is a ‘between’…

    Sub x()
       Dim i As Integer
       Randomize Timer
       i = Int(Rnd() * 10)
       Select Case i
       Case 1 To 5
          MsgBox "1 to 5"
       Case Is < 7
          MsgBox "< 7"
       Case 8, 10
          MsgBox "8 or 10"
       Case Else
          MsgBox "something else"
       End Select
    End Sub

    Display More


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Is there a BETWEEN function?

Is there a BETWEEN function?


21 Jul 09 11:38

Tried to find one, I know its simple enought to create, but I’m trying to get away from creating everything from scratch and dont want to use the IIf() function.

Looking to see if an equivalent function exists that mimics the keyword «Between» in queries.

If I have a number X, I want to know if it lies somewhere in the bounds of range A through B.  For example:

Is 234 higher than 13 and less than 100? No
Is 55 higher than 13 and less than 100? Yes

The values Im using are calculated KEY_ID values that don’t exist in a table yet, and Im testing to prevent an overlap. This is the reason Im not using queries.

I don’t need to know HOW to write the code, just need to know if it already exists since I cant find one.

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  • Excel Howtos

Between Formula in Excel [Quick Tips]

  • Last updated on June 24, 2010



In today’s quick tip, lets find how to check for between conditions in Excel using formulas, like this:

Between Formula - Testing for between condition in Excel

Between Formula in Excel for Numbers:

Lets say you have 3 values in A1, A2 and A3. And you want to find out if A1 falls between A2 and A3.

Now, the simplest formula for such a thing would be test whether the conditions A1>=A2, A1<=A3 are both true. Hence, it would look like,
=if(AND(A1>=A2,A1<=A3),"Yes", "No")

However, there are 2 problems with a formula like above:

1. It assumes that A2 is smaller than A3.
2. It is just too big.

Shouldn’t there be a shorter and simpler formula?!?

Well, there is. Last week when chatting with Daniel Ferry, he mentioned a darned clever use of MEDIAN formula to test this. It goes like,


Now, not only does the above formula look elegant and simple, it also works whether A2 is smaller or larger than A3.

Between Formula in Excel for Dates:

Well, dates are just numbers in Excel. So you can safely use the technique above to test if a given date in A1 falls between the two dates in A2 and A3, like this:

Between Formula for Text Values:

Lets say you want to find-out if the text in A1 is between text in A2 and A3 when arranged alphabetically, a la in dictionary. You can do so in Excel using,

wait for it…

that is right, <= and >= operators, like this:
=if(AND(A1>=A2,A1<=A3),"Yes", "No")

Between Formulas in Excel – Summary and Examples:

Here is a list of examples and the corresponding Excel Formulas to test the between condition.

Between Formula in Excel - Examples

Do you check for Between Conditions in Excel?

Checking if a value falls between 2 other values is fairly common when you are working with data. I would love to know how you test for such conditions in excel? What kind of formulas do you use?

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Recommended Excel Formula Tutorials:

  • Check for Either Or conditions in Excel
  • Find out if 2 ranges of dates overlap using formulas
  • Get my Excel Formulas e-Book, learn 75 most used formulas overnight

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    and(), between formula, Excel 101, if() excel formula, Learn Excel, logical operators in excel, median() formula, Microsoft Excel Formulas, quick tip, spreadsheets, using excel

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A smart technique to simplify lengthy nested IF formulas in Excel

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208 Responses to “Between Formula in Excel [Quick Tips]”

  1. Clever use of MEDIAN, but it returns «Yes» if you use the upper or lower number. Whether you want to consider 20 as being «between» 10 and 20 is up to you.

    Also, the examples made it harder to understand. In the first formula you use A1:A3 for the range, but the first picture looks like the formula is filled across rows, not columns.

  2. @JP —
    MEDIAN can be used regardless of your definition of «between.» To include the boundary points, I would write it like this:
    To exclude them:
    Daniel Ferry

    • Lucky says:

      Hi I want to find out the difference in two numbers. But if the second number is minus it should not turn into plus in the results. Could you tell me the formula for it. Example (21.32)(-6.37) MY expectation to get the difference in between these two numbers. The answer should be 14.95. I do not hope the answer as 27.69. The actual mathematical answer that turn the second minus into plus and adds together. But excel always give me the second answer but please tell me the formula for the first answer. The deference between the numbers. Thanks

      • @Lucky

  3. Rob says:

    Daniel —

    your formula to exclude the boundary points would only work if you’re dealing strictly with integers. For example, if you test if 19.5 is between 10 and 20 using A1=MEDIAN(A1,A2+1,A3+1), it would fail.


  4. Rob says:

    I should clarify…I think it’s a very creative use of MEDIAN and if you’re testing numbers and want to include the end points, it’s a simpler method, but you need to use the other style using just instead of = to properly not include end points.

  5. Rob says:

    darn…should have known my greater than and less than characters would be removed.

    Meant to say you need to use the and() style test using just less than and greater than characters without the equal signs.

  6. cALi says:

    I tried it using spanish MEDIANA(…) function, but it didn’t work. This is what I did, not such stylish, but it works fine: =IF(AND(A1=MIN(B1:C1)),»YES»,»NO»).


  7. @Rob —

    You bring up a good point that I should have clarified. When using the method I shared above to exclude the boundary points, the user is responsible for the precision. I have used this technique for years with operations scheduling and task management, often with a precision of days. However, I have used it with finer precision, hours, minutes, seconds. Again this is totally up to the user; he can use whatever value he wants instead of the integers of one:
    …of course those constants could/should be replaced by defined names.
    Taking this to the extreme, one could easily define a constant that equals the smallest positive value that Excel can represent:
    spv: =2.229E-308
    We can then write the formula as:
    …which will work for any possible decimal value between the boundary points. It’s a robust and elegant solution, imo.

    Daniel Ferry

  8. cALi says:

    Sorry, when copying and pasting, I should made some mistake, this is real one:

    A1: tested in Between Value
    B1 and C1: limits

  9. cALi says:

    I suppose HTML is in conflict with the code. Same code, different order of the arguments in the AND function:

  10. David says:

    The formula =IF(A1=MEDIAN(B1:C1),»Yes»,»No») does not work when I tested it. It returns «No» for any value in A1, regardless if it falls between B1 and C1 or not.

  11. @cALi —
    I have no experience with the Spanish version of Excel, but I would be very surprised to learn that the worksheet functions differed in their outputs! Can you provide the exact formula (in Spanish) that did not work for you?
    On a different note, here is an equivalent formula to yours, that does not use the AND() function, nor the IF() function:
    BTW, your formula (and hence my variation of it) has the characteristic where «between» includes the lower boundary point, but not the higher one. This can be altered in a similar fashion as my above example.
    Daniel Ferry

  12. @Daniel —
    We can also do both.

    For example, I created a data validation in cell H2 consisting of «True,False» values. (That is, True and False without quotes).

    This formula would then allow you to toggle the output as exclusive or inclusive of the start and end numbers by changing the value in H2 (True means exclude, False means include):


  13. @JP —
    That’s it!
    Imagine the nested IF monster that you just avoided! Good job.
    That is why I am always going on about better solutions to haplessly using IF(), when one understands the problem.
    Daniel Ferry

  14. cALi says:


    Thanks for your time, I made some mistake since testing both alternatives I received the same results:

    Indeed, your solution is not just elegant but also practical, I could name it «minimalist».

    Best regards,

  15. @David.. you have to include A1 as well to get it right. Like this,


  16. sam says:

    @ JP Instead of True/False use 1,0, we can then drop the N()


  17. Tim Buckingham says:

    Turned into UDF for kicks

    Function ISBETWEEN(Rng, num1, num2) As Boolean
    ‘ Checks if value between num1 and num2
    Dim Low As Double, Hi As Double

    ISBETWEEN = False

    Low = Application.Min(num1, num2)
    Hi = Application.Max(num1, num2)

    If Rng Is Nothing Then Exit Function
    If Rng = Application.WorksheetFunction.Median(Rng, Low, Hi) Then ISBETWEEN = True

    End Function

    I like how easy it is to read when wanting to count the values that fall between using


  18. Gerald Higgins says:

    I think the use of the MEDIAN function is very clever.

    Nitpicking now.
    If I understand correctly, Daniel’s suggestion for an amendment to exclude the =boundaries case as in
    assumes that all the numbers involved are positive.
    If one or both of the boundary numbers are negative, I think this formula will produce wrong results for values of A1 just outside the true boundary range.

    Also, this formula
    works as long as the C1 value is higher than the B1 value, but not the other way round, which was described asa fault in the OP.
    This formula solves that particular problem (it’s essentially the same as cALi’s)
    Replace < with <= as required.

  19. Gerald Higgins says:

    Sorry, lost symbols in my last post.
    I’ll try again.
    The last formula should be
    =AND(A1 (less than symbol) MAX(B1:C1),A1 (greater than symbol) MIN(B1:C1))

  20. elad says:

    CooL :)))) very elegant solution !

  21. Guest says:

    Great use of the function — I will be using this.
    As always though, formulaic results are only as good as the data on which they’re based (it’s spelled «coyote» instead of «cayote,» so your last text example should actually read yes. 🙂
    Not to nitpick….but to nitpick… 🙂

  22. @sam —

    «Instead of True/False use 1,0, we can then drop the N()»

    That’s true, but who’s going to understand that? If your users can, they’re much smarter than mine.

  23. […] the problem is similar to between formula trick we discussed a few days back, yet very […]

  24. […] Between Formula in Excel, Chandoo presents some formulas for determining if a given value is in between two known […]

  25. Daniel’s spv approach does not work because the spv addon never makes it into the mantissa of the floating point numbers.


  26. @Bernd —

    With all due respect, you should double check that.

  27. Daniel,
    Excel 2010 (version 14.0.4760.1000 32 bit), spv set to 2.229E-308, A1 = 1, A2 = 1, A3 = 2, result A1=MEDIAN(A1,A2+spv,A3-spv) = True (should be False).
    Again, if I am not mistaken, the very small value does not make it into the mantissa of the MEDIAN parameters which will then lead to MEDIAN(1,1,2) = True.

  28. Daniel,
    I do like the spv idea. My suggestion to fix the mantissa issue would be something like this:
    But this is sort of a monster formula again. Maybe two functions InfInc and InfDec (for infinitesimal increase / decrease) should be introduced which return the smallest float greater than the input (resp. the greatest float which is smaller).

  29. @Bernd —
    While the formula logic is correct, Excel does not handle the very, very small number correctly in this instance. Good bug catch.
    As I mentioned above, I have used the MEDIAN method countless times, but usually with dates, but also to the precision of hours, minutes, and seconds. I’ve never actually tried to use it with such fine precision before. I should have tested it before commenting, as Murphy’s Law always prevails.
    After testing I discovered that 1E-14 is the finest precision where my idea does work. To be sure, this will work in virtually every situation, as this is a very small number:
    In fact, this is exactly what your POWER/LOG formula results in. So there is no need to use the monster formula.
    Instead of defining spv as the smallest possible value (in Excel) we can simply enter it’s definition as:
    and now spv can stand for the smallest possible value (handled correctly).

  30. Daniel,
    I am sorry, but — no, you cannot take an absolute 1e-14. Please note that my POWER/LOG formula flexibly adjust itself to the number in question:
    For 1 it’s 1e-14, for 10 it’s 1e-13, for 100 it’s 1e-12, …
    It will exactly impact on the lowest digit of the mantissa. Please note that it can be different for the two MEDIAN border parameters. Please see my example at

  31. Rick Rothstein (MVP — Excel) says:

    There is always this purely mathematical method for determining if a value (A1) is between two limits (A2 and A3) excluding the end points…


    To make it include the end points, change the less than to less than or equal….


    Note that I used (with the surrounding dots) .LT. for the «less than» symbol and .LE. for the «less than or equal» symbol. Now, the only thing I am unsure of is how to adjust this for the spv that was brought up in the latter comments… anyone want to take a stab at it?

  32. Rick,
    Your ABS approach makes perfect sense for small numbers (ASCII code) or floats that are in the same ball park.
    But test the values 0, 1, 2, 3, …, 9 on the border values 1e16 and 5 with .LT. and with .LE.
    The ABS approach gets it horribly wrong here because the lower border value 5 gets off the mantissa when added or subtracted to or from 1e16.

  33. Rick Rothstein (MVP — Excel) says:


    While it is possible, of course, I would not normally expect a test for inclusion within a range to have such wildly divergent end points for the range.

  34. Rick,
    Why risk anything if you can only lose? If I deal with floating point numbers of unknown size and if I need to know whether a number is between two others I would use neither the MEDIAN approach nor the ABS approach.
    I think it’s far more important to know the basics about floating point numbers than to know this MEDIAN «trick» or the ABS comparison:

  35. Debbie says:

    Thanks for posting…! Worked perfectly for what I needed!!!

  36. sanjeev khendi says:

    i want to if function/ if total sales 200000 ,then com rate =5% give me information how to solve it with example

  37. Hui… says:

    Assuming you are entering this in the cell representing Com Rate
    =if(sum(sales range)>=200000,5%,10%)
    10% is the value for Com Rate if sales

  38. cALi says:

    Using Daniel Ferry approach about IF function, which I have embraced as mine:

    C D E
    Lower Limit Upper Limit Commission Rate

  39. cALi says:

    Using Daniel Ferry approach about IF function, which I have embraced as mine:

    C D E
    Lower Limit Upper Limit Commission Rate
    4 Range1 — 100,000.00 0%
    5 Range2 100,000.00 200,000.00 2%
    6 Range3 200,000.00 1,000,000.00 5%
    7 Range4 1,000,000.00 1E+100 6%
    9 Actual Sales 180,000.00
    Comm. Rate 2% =SUMPRODUCT((C4:C7

  40. cALi says:

    @ Chandoo, really sorry for the mess, the text editor is definitely not my friend… this will be my last chance, I hope it works…

    @ Sanjeev,
    Using Daniel Ferry IF function approach, and using some dummy data:

    A B C D
    Lower Limit Upper Limit Commission Rate
    3 Range1 — 100,000.00 0%
    4 Range2 100,000.00 200,000.00 2%
    5 Range3 200,000.00 1,000,000.00 5%
    6 Range4 1,000,000.00 1E+100 6%
    7 Actual Sales 180,000.00
    8 Comm. Rate 2% =SUMPRODUCT((B3:B6?$B$7)*($B$7?C3:C6)*D3:D6)

    Please replace ‘?’ with ‘less than or equal to’ and ‘?’ with ‘less than’ proper operators.
    By the way, C6 is a dummy value, is ‘upper infinite’ to make this approach work.


  41. […] Between Formula in Excel […]

  42. KM says:

    Sales Achievement
    15,001 — 20,000 EL
    20,001 — 50,000 E
    50,001 — 100,000 D
    100,001 — 160,000 C
    160,001 — 240,000 B
    240,001 & above A

    If the sales achievement fall in between 50,001-100,000 is under Class D, can you help if i have many column of acheivement data which fall under different class. How can i set the formula in one time?

  43. @KM
    Are your Ranges in 1 Column or 3
    ie: is 15,001 – 20,000 in 1 cell or 3 cells

  44. I want drop my serial no continuous automatically from the input value
    e.g I have list of TV I given code for that
    again i want add bike003 cotinuation from last number
    PLEASE SEND THIS TO MY EMAIL ADDRESS sent to mani.n@govasool.com

  45. Antony says:

    i have a problem: i have 2 rows, A1 and A2 are containing ID which are same. B1 has to be compared with B2 and B3, and if B1 falls between them then it should tell «YES» else «NO». How will I do this????

  46. @Antony
    Assuming B2 <= B3 then use:

  47. @ Hui,
    I have precisely the same situation as @KM has (in comment 40). I have the values in three colums («range begin», «range end», «category»). I need to find out in which range a given value lies and fetch the corresponding category. Help pls.

  48. Sid says:

    How do I use to it see if a time value is between 2 values
    Example if 09:18:24 is between 09:18:00 and 09:19:00

  49. Sid,
    Exactly the same way!
    Assume your times are in these cells:
    A1 = 09:18:24
    A2 = 09:18:00
    A3 = 09:19:00
    The formula from any other cell will determine if 09:18:24 is between the other two values:

    • Michael says:

      How can I make it tell me if the current time and date is between two other times and dates.

      I am working with the following:

      Lets say that the time right now is Thursday at 4 PM. How would this work out?
      Thursday: 11:00 AM — 2:00 AM (Friday)

      Then imagine that the current time is  Friday at 1 AM.


      • @Michael
        =MEDIAN(DATE(2012,12,10)+TIME(11,0,0), DATE(2012,12,11)+TIME(16,0,0), DATE(2012,12,12)+TIME(18,0,0)) = DATE(2012,12,11)+TIME(16,0,0)
        Adjust Dates/Times to suit


        =MEDIAN(A1, A2, A3)=A1
        where A1 is the Date/Time now
        A2 & A3 are the other dates/times

        • Michael says:

          Thanks for your help.

          I’m a little unsure how to interpret your answer….

          Also, where would I insert the following?


          I think I would substitute this in at the end of your answer’s equation for the «= DATE(2012,12,11)+TIME(16,0,0)» part, so that my equation will always work… right? thanks again!!!

          • The Format is:

            =Median(Start Date, End Date, Now)=Now
            it doesn’t matter what order the components go
            =Median(Now, End Date, Start Date)=Now
            is Just as valid
            If you use the Now() function that already includes the date & time
            So you can use
            =Median(Start Date+Time, End Date+Time, Now())=Now()
            =MEDIAN(DATE(2012,12,13)+TIME(11,0,0),DATE(2012,12,14)+TIME(2,0,0), Now())=Now()
            or if you want to use Today
            eg: 11am today until 2am tomorrow
            =MEDIAN(Int(Now())+Time(11,0,0),Int(Now()+1)+TIME(2,0,0), Now())=Now()

  50. msog says:


    I’m quite confused by the results I’m receiving when trying this formula. I’m using it to try to validate if a date is between two other dates using the «short date» format. I receive «NO» all statements except for the exact middle date (which is what the median actually is, mathematically speaking). Is there something wrong with my formula that prevents me from getting any date between the two values?

    Formula: =IF(A1=MEDIAN($E$1:$F$1),»YES», «NO»)

    Thanks in advance

  51. amal says:


    I need help:

    A2 contains name of staff
    C2 contains his weight
    I need to fill D2 with Lean, Fit, Fat or Obese base on which range his weight fits in based on below grid:
    50-60: Lean
    60-70: Fit
    70-80: fat
    80-100: obese

  52. Jesus Rodriguez says:

    Is there a list of the different symbols and what they represent, or what function they have when used in a formula? Example: = (equal to), < (greater than), etc.

    Actually, what I’d like to know, it’s if there is a symbol that represents “between”. Let’s say I want a formula like this: =IF(A1betweenA2andA3,”Yes”,”No”).

    Thank you in advance,
    Jesus R

  53. Jesus R

    There are only a few symbols useable in this context

    X > Y, X Greater than Y
    X < Y, X Less than Y
    X = Y, X equal to Y

    They can be combined
    X >= Y, X Greater than or equal to Y
    X <= Y, X Less than or equal to Y

    X <> Y, X not equal to Y

    you can often use other Excel functions to make other logic

    or(X=Y , Z=A), X=Y or Z=A will force this to be true
    and(X=Y , Z=A), X=Y and Z=A both have to be True for this to be True

    The above can be used in numerous ways to create quite complex logic

  54. Shishir says:

    There are a problem
    I requered to the formula for example below
    A1 B1 C1
    A+++ A +++
    A++ A ++
    A+ A +
    A A

    Kindly suggest me the formula for that in write segment.


  55. @Shishir
    Not sure but try the following
    B1: =Left(A1,1)
    C1: =Right(A1,Len(a1)-1)
    Select B1 + C1
    Copy down

  56. aa aa says:

    Hello, nice topic.. It’s clear to use between value when there s just one.. how d you determine where the values in a range fall between in another range.. lets say I have a list goes like
    1-5 100
    6-13 200
    14-32 300
    what I want s to expand the list like
    1- 100
    2- 100

    6- 200

    Guess first I need to find where the tax number fall between , then I ll reference to the cell just aside of that range.

    Need help, thenks in edvance

  57. neha says:

    Dear All,
    Plz help in formating the «if formula» in excel of the below condition
    Less than 95% = 0
    95.01% to 97.5% = 0.06
    97.51% to 100% = 0.12
    100.01% to 102.5% = 0.18
    102.51% to 105% = 0.25

  58. @Neha
    Try this:
    =IF(A1<=95%, 0, IF(A1<=97.5%, 0.06, IF(A1<=100%, 0.12, IF(A1<=102.5%, 0.18, 0.25))))
    or this odd one
    =CHOOSE( MIN( INT((( A1-95.001%)/2.5%)) + 2,5), 0, 0.06, 0.12, 0.18, 0.25)

  59. How about adding an else statement to this
    =if(AND(A1>=A2,A1<=A3),»Yes», «No»)

    So if cell A1 is empty I the result will be a blank cell or an entry of my choosing.

  60. Here is a better way of explaining what I’m looking for
    Can you add an ELSE statement to this: =if(AND(A1>=A2,A1<=A3),»Yes», «No»)

    What I need is to be able to return a null value if cell A1 doesn’t have any data in it yet

  61. @Jmichuck
    =IF(A1<>"",IF(AND(A1>=A2,A1<=A3),"Yes", "No"),"Null")
    Retype all » characters

  62. neha says:

    Dear hui,
    I have tried your suggested logic but it didn’t work.Err.502 come while putting it.Plz.help me out

  63. @Neha
    Did you try:
    =IF(A1<=0.95, 0, IF(A1<=0.975, 0.06, IF(A1<=1, 0.12, IF(A1<=1.025, 0.18, 0.25))))

  64. neha says:

    hai Hui Thanxxxxxxxxxx.a lot dear……….it works.With this i finally complited my report which need to submit by tomorrow.Thanks once again.

  65. Thank you, but there seems to be an error in the formula.

    By the way, thank you so much for your services. This will impress the boss for sure.

  66. What do you mean by «Retype all ” characters»?

  67. oK you literally mean they have to be re-typed. Strange but it worked. Thank you very much

    • Sometimes WordPress converts the » characters to something that looks like a » but isn’t
      When you copy/paste to excel, excel doesn’t understand what those » look-like characters are
      And returns an error

  68. baum schausberger says:

    problem. how to use ABS and IF here: (9-5)/2+9=11 but 11>9 so I need 11-9 = good. how to do this.

  69. =if((9-5)/2+9<11,11-((9-5)/2+9),(9-5)/2+9) )

  70. Pradhish says:

    nice use of median. just what was i looking for, but i would appreciate if you could extend the number of rows it checks for inclusion. for eg in the sample data you posted,

    i wish to find out if «22» falls under range B2:C9. (Assuming «Value» is in cell A1). kindly help me with this since the only solution i can think of is using nested functions which makes it a monster formula..

  71. thnks hui. now I got your formula =sqrt(A1^2+A2^)-1-IF(sqrt(A1^2+A2^2)-1>53,53,0) work good, now if it is possible, beside this I really need also in the same formula to use ABS value and ROUND, because I got negative numbers, and so many decimals, so to eliminate I need to use those functions, thank you.

  72. neha says:

    @ Dear Hui
    there is a condition —
    15001 — 20000 = Grade «C»
    20001 — 50000 = Grade «B»
    50001 — 100000 = Grade «A»
    100001 & Abiove = Grade +A
    I have used your earlier formula with some modification i.e.
    it works but I also want with the change of grade colour of the cell is also changed for eg Grade A comes with green backgroung & grade C comes with Red background & like wise.
    I tried conditional formatting but yet no appropriate result comes.
    Plz help.

  73. @Neha
    You will need to add 3 CF Rules and have them in the right order
    Select your Range I am assuming B2:B10
    Enter 3 CF Rules using formulas
    CF1: =$A2<=20000 CF Color X, Stop If true Yes
    CF2: =$A2<=50000 CF Color Y, Stop If true Yes
    CF3: =$A2<=100000 CF Color Z, Stop If true Yes
    Now apply this
    Apply a Default Color which will be applicable if the score is Greater than 100000
    That should be it
    Make sure that the 3 CF’s are in the order above, you can shift them up/down once entered

  74. Shishir says:

    Dear all
    I want to
    A B C
    BP03/44/00/12FC BP03/44/00/12 FC
    BP03/44/00/21SF BP03/44/00/21 SF

    Kindly suggest me how i will do by using the formulas.
    Thanks & Regards

    • B1: =Left(A1,Len(A1)-2)
      C1: =Right(A1,2)
      Copy both down

  75. Sonal says:

    Dear all
    on dated 10/01/1012i make a excel sheet. If after the day like tomorrow or day after tommorow somebody modify any cell indicate in a seperate colour which cell somebody modity. which formula i use for that. Kindly suggest me.


  76. walt says:

    Vlookup is an excellent formula to find «between» values:

    Value Multiplier
    Column A Column B
    0.00001 0.5
    4.826369861 1
    9.652739721 1.5
    14.47910958 2
    19.30547944 2.5
    24.1318493 3
    28.95821916 3.5
    33.78458902 4
    38.61095888 4.5
    43.43732875 5
    48.26369861 5.5
    53.09006847 6

    Lookup value (cell A1) -> 3
    vlookup(A1,$A$1:$B$12,2,TRUE) — will result in 0.5.

    Hope this helps.

  77. Gaurav says:

    Hi, can someone help me how to write this function in Excel.

    There are 100 rows of 3 diferent numbers (so, 100 rows, 3 columns, C1, C2, C3).
    I have to do the following:
    If C1, C2 and C3 are equal to 2, 4, and 5 respectively, then answer should be 1
    If C1 and C2, or C2 and C3, or C3 and C1 are able to match 2&4, or 4&5 or 5&2 respectively, [i.e, if two of the 3 entries match correctly] then answer should be 0.5
    If none of C1, C2, C3 match 2,4,5 respectively, then answer should be 0.


  78. Jessie says:

    I’m a complete noob at Excel Formulas. I’ve been trying to increase my knowledge of excel but I can’t seem to find how to create this formula.

    I have an employee that works from 6:00am to 2:30pm. She takes a 30 minute lunch and has two paid 15 minute breaks. At the end of the day she has 7.5 hours of productivity. The problem is some days she works in as many as 8 different queues. I have to record those times in each queue but at the end of the day her hours should not be more than 7.5. In a perfect world she’d work in one queue for 6-2:30pm and a simple formula would work to get 7.5 hours but that’s not the case. She may work 2 hours in one queue, 1 in another, 3 in another and 2 in another. How do I factor her breaks and her lunch in my formula. She goes to break at 8:30am, lunch at 12:00-12:30 and last break at 1:45.
    Also some other factors, employees working 4-6 hours get on break. 7 hours a lunch and break, 8-12 hours is lunch and two breaks. employees can’t work more than 12 hours in a day. I hope someone can help. I’m lost. Here’s one formula I was using. but sometimes my hours go above 7.5. =IF(SUM(D23-C23),(24*MOD(D23-C23,1.25)-LOOKUP(24*MOD(D23-C23,1.25),{0,4,4.5,5,5.5,6,6.5,7,7.5,8,8.5,9

    • Jessie says:

      sorry, I left that formula incomplete.


  79. I am using this formula have a formula in cell E1 =IF(A1″»,IF(AND(A1>=C1,A1<=D1),»PASS»,»FAIL»),» «)
    When I ener a value in cell A1, I get a pass/fail or null returned in cell E1.
    I would like to also place a value into B1 but have that take priority over A1.
    So If I was to only have an value in A1 the formula would work as stated above. If I was to place a value in Cell B1 it would then disregard cell A1 and return pass/fail based on input in B1.

    Hope that makes sense. Thank you

  80. @Jmichuck
    =IF(B1<>"","B1 not empty" ,IF(A1 ="", IF(AND (A1>=C1, A1<=D1), "PASS", "FAIL"), ""))

    you will have to retype all the » marks

    • Hui,

      Thank you but not quite correct. I would like the formula to take the value of A1 & B1 and evaluate if they fall between the values of C1 & D1. If so then I would get either a PASS/FAIL result. If there is a Value in B1 then it would disregard the value in A1. If both A1 and B1 are Empty then the cell with the formula would remain empty.

      Thank you so much for looking into this. I really appreciate it.


  81. jmichuck,

    Here’s one way:


    …or in the spirit of Chandoo’s article:


    Daniel Ferry
    Excel MVP

    • Daniel,

      Thank you very much. That worked out perfectly

    • OK one thing. If cells A1 thru D1 have no values, I would like to see the cell with the formula to be null/empty. Currently with the formulas above I will get #VALUE or #REF!

      Thanks again

      • Sorry the second formula returns #NUM! not #REF!

      • jmichuck,

        To satisfy this further requirement is easy for the first formula (we just add another null at the end:


        You would need to trap the condition with an IF() or IFERROR() wrapper on the second formula, so for your requirements I’d go with this formula directly above, even though I made the MEDIAN() suggestion to Chandoo in the first place!

        • Looks like its working perfectly. Thank you!

  82. Murray says:

    Since Excel stores date/times as numbers, using median will only work if the times you are actually in the range.

    This stumped me for a bit.

    If I want to check that «01/12/1972 9:15AM», is between «9:00AM» and «10:00AM», the median formula won’t work. You need to check if its between «01/12/1972 9:00AM» and «01/12/1972 10:00AM»

    Does anyone have an idea on how to quickly check if the date:time is between two times (with no date).

    • @Murray
      Use median with the times
      but instead of the date use

      • Murray says:


        Can you give an example? The date:time is in one cell.

      • Murray says:

        Oh, thanks Hui. I see what you mean now. Thanks again.

        • =MEDIAN(TIME(9,0,0),A1-INT(A1),TIME(10,0,0))
          the second will return True if it is between 9-10am

  83. In excel 2010 I need a formula If a cell is blank > 21 days send an email.

    Many thanks in advance!

  84. Tara says:

    I find this string very interesting and helpful. I am not sure I followed all of it, so if this has already been answered, I apologize.

    Here is what I have:
    Cell A1: =Today()
    Column B: List of Dates by Week ending — Begins with 2/19/12
    Column E: Percent completed

    I need a formula that will look at cell A1, determine which cell would apply in column B, and then populate the percentage from column E.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    • Tara says:

      I realized that I can do this with a simple VLOOKUP. So, based on the information in my previous post:


      In the past, I had only used VLOOKUP to find exact matches, so I did not realize that for the range_lookup I could either use TRUE, or omit the criteria, and find the closest match.

      Sometimes the simplest things elude us, so I just thought I would share this for anyone else who might be searching.

  85. shishir says:

    A B C D
    1 ABC Y

    2 ACB Y Y ACB

    3 CAB Y

    4 CBA Y Y CBA

    5 BCA Y Y BCA


  86. Krystian says:


    I wonder if someone could help me with this. How can I check if time beetween a and b fall in between the time c and d?

    Thank you in advance


  87. Krystian says:

    Following previous question: to be more specific, I need to check whether the time between 09:17:00 and 09:58:00 falls between the time 09:35:00 and 09:45:00?  
    Any help would be really appreciated

  88. where here, and how, is possible to upload a vba code, I need to add some condition more to the code but I don’t know how to do it.

  89. Syl says:

    I have two excel documents I’m trying to use a look up formula to see compare the peoples names on both of the documents but I can’t seem to have any luck. I have used vlookups before and never had to dealed with text. any help will be appreciate it! and just I’m new on excel.

  90. I’d like to use conditional formatting to highlight the rows where today’s date falls between various dates in a column but all those different dates need to be the range of plus 6 weeks.
    Am I on the right tack with this?
    CF1:=(today’s date=MEDIAN(DATEfirst cell/+DAY(42)CF color yello, stop IF true yes

  91. sixseven says:

    THis trick just saved me a ton of time.  I used absolute references for two of the numbers instead of a range.

  92. Rick January says:

    I want to use a conditional formula as follows.  If the result of a calculation produces a number less than -0.3 return a value.  If the number is between -0.3 and +0.3 return a second value.  If the number is greater than +0.3 return a third value.  I tried this formula
    =IF(E25<-0.3,»corrosive»,IF(E25>0.3,»scaling»,»balanced»)) and variations

    However, it returns «corrosive» even if the calculated number is -0.3 and «scaling» when the number is +0.3. 

  93. Boppa says:

    Hi All,

    I am trying to find formula for the below scenario.

    I have a object id and start date in spread sheet 1 and object id, 3 start date and 3 end dates for the same object in another spread sheet. I want to findout for which record in spread sheet 2 the start date of the spread sheet fall inbetween.

    Sheet 1


    Sheet 2




    Any help is much appreciated.


  94. Nitesh says:

    Guys, I work in middle east & they have two calendars here.. one islamic calendar (lunar one) & second is Gregorian. I need to know if any specific date falls between two dates, then it automatically converts in islamic month/ date. I have already made a calendar which have first & last dates (gregorian dates) of any islamic month. Can anybody help me??

    Thanks a lot in advance.

  95. Alam says:

    hi. it worked just like charm..
    but applying it seems it works only with three columns….for example
    column 1 (data)
    column 2 data
    column 3 (data)
    column5  (value)

    If(column5=median(column1,2,3),»yes», ‘no’)

    than this formula doesnt work…
    do u think u can find anyothe way

  96. Juls says:

    Hi there,

    I have tried your formula for a project plan. Basically, if the date at the top of the row is equal to or inbetween a start or end date (located in the first two columns), I want it to write «YES» into the calendar — so I know a task is running on that date. Kind of like a Gantt chart.

    However, this formula does not recognise that the 2nd of October is between the 1st and the 5th, and no formula I tried so far recognised the 1st is between the 1st and the 5th.

    Any ideas?

  97. […] Click here for more Excel home works, quizzes & challenges. Clue: Click here for a clue. Got […]

  98. Tan says:

    The conditional formatting does not work along with the AND function in Office 2007. Is this only for 2010?

    • @Tan
      I can confirm that both Conditional Formatting and And() functions work in Excel 2007, 2010 and 2013.

      If you have a specific issue or problem post a question at the Chandoo.org Forums:  http://chandoo.org/forums/?new=1

  99. GatesIsAntichrist says:

    Bravo! I simply could not make it to the end of all the posts above so forgive me if already covered:

    Below I will show that
    — the contiguous sequence A1,A2,A3 is not required, neither row-wise or column-wise.
    — Furthermore, A1 can be a formula, not just a cell.
    — So can A2 and A3!

    So you can hardcode 95% and 105% for A2 and A3; or Make A2 98% of something, etc.

    Assuming notation X for one general cell address (or formula!) and Y and Z for the pair to go between where Y <= X <= Z,
    =if(X=median(X,Y,Z),»yes»,»no») or minimally

    Example: =if(C3-C2=median(C3-C2,$E$1,$F$1),»yes»,»no»)
    where $E$1 is 95 and $F$1 is 105

    This capitalizes on the characteristic of ranges that you can build ranges noncontiguously with commas. You aren’t legally bound to that colon, you know, ha ha.

    1. Correct me if I was imprecise about endpoint inclusion.
    2. I saw some concern above about negative numbers. I have not tried to test that, much less an exhaustive bulletproofing.
    3. floating point «epsilon» issues may still apply.
    4. Tested only with XL2003 (because you’re crazy to use any later disastrous version, unless forced to do so)

  100. Mark R says:

    Could somebody help me with the below formula?
    I basically want it to sum column D but based on the criteria of column C……..i’m trying to ask the formula to look between codes 50000 and 60000……but this formula doesn’t work for me — what can I use instead of median to look between these codes?


    Many thanks in advance!

  101. Clinton says:

    Just wanted to say thanks so much for the tip on using Median. Saved me a lot of extra typing. Was working on a list of unit counts referencing a tiered pricing schedule. I utilized the following and it worked like a charm even though the counts and unit price schedule were in two different worksheets. Cheers!

  102. Sumeet says:

    Just a note of thanks. Due to this thread was able to solve a issue very quickly

  103. JAYANT says:

    =IF(A2=15, «OK», «Not OK»,IF(A2=15, «OK», «Not OK»,IF(A2=15, «OK», «Not OK»,IF(A2=15, «OK», «Not OK»,IF(A2=15, «OK», «Not OK»,IF(A2=15, «OK», «Not OK»,IF(A2=15, «OK», «Not OK»,IF(A2=15, «OK», «Not OK»,IF(A2=15, «OK», «Not OK»,IF(A2=15, «OK», «Not OK»,IF(A2=15, «OK», «Not OK»,)))))))))))

    • Not OK!

      Hi Jayant.. is this supposed to be a question? If so, please note that the formula gives an error.

  104. =(A1-A2)*(A1-A3)<=0

    • @Kirill.. good idea. Thanks for sharing.

  105. Magda says:


    I need help.

    I have 2 tables;

    1) Dates Column A and prices column B
    2) Date ranges column M and prices column Q

    I need a formula which will do the following
    — Identify if date in column A falls within the rangefrom column M
    — If the answer is positive then I need a price from column Q to deduct a price from column B

    Any ideas?


  106. ericb says:

    the median stuff saved my bacon. you rock!

  107. lucyolsen says:


    • lucyolsen says:

      Sorry, I mean

      Also, if you put () around the first statement, it returns a 0 or 1 rather than true/false.

      • lucyolsen says:

        …that doesn’t work for testing the number 0.

        but these should work for an entire range of numbers, not just 2:

        • lucyolsen says:

          try again…


          • lucyolsen says:

            one more time (damn html tags)

            {} are used in place of less/greater than


  108. Richard K says:

    This helped me figure out the basis to a formula to tell me if a number was between a set of numbers OR if it exceeded the top end of the numbers… Excel would not except the formula using the MEDIAN, probably since you are actually evaluating for three conditions.

    =IF(AND($D17>5000,$D1710000), «Excessive», «No»))

    Thanks for the assist on this =D

    • @Richard
      Try: =IF(MEDIAN(5000,$D17,10000)=$D17,»No»,IF($D17>10000,»Excessive»,»Lower»))

  109. Prasad TR says:

    I have situation, where Find number in between A:A to B:B, if find the number then put the value of Cell column of «C»


    what to find the number 24

    Column A B i have numbers
    A — B — C
    1 — 5 — ram
    8 — 10 — Ramesh
    18 — 20 — David
    23 — 31 — Abdul

    Out put / Answer = Abdul
    Please suggest.

    • @Prasad TR

  110. Gigi says:

    If number in cell M11 is between 500 and 1000 true value «DFG» but if the number is between 1001 and 1500,true value «ABC» but if the number is between 1501 and 5000, true value «ERT»

    • @Gigi
      You could use something like:

  111. Daniel S. Crisan says:

    I have a relatively simple question (i assume) but due to the fact that I am an Excel newbie, it is relatively challenging for me.

    Let us say that I am using 2 cells. Cell A1 & Cell A2

    I want to be able to input any random number from 0-665 in cell A1

    If the number in A1 is 15 but 20 but 30 but 50 but <66, I want cell A2 to show me 6.

    So on and so forth….

    I appreciate any help that i receive!



  112. Helpseeker says:

    Hi there, am looking to use a condition in conditional formatting and need to ABS and a formula fulfilling this condition. Please advise. Many
    thanks in advance.
    «if the values are between -0.25% and 0.25% then yellow»

  113. I need 3 date conditions met:
    A2 no date, B2 no date, C2 no date = Not Started
    A2 date, B2 date, C2 no date = Started
    A2 date, B2 date, C2 date — Complete

    Can you please help me? Thanks!

  114. Robbee T says:

    Thanks for the help. I’ve been looking for a way to do this formula.

  115. HelpSeeker says:

    if the value of school is 72 and class is 54, what will be the value of teacher?

  116. razak says:

    I have made in Excel sheet table of items location, some items are repeated in more than one location, how can i use lookup formula to find those items locatons?

  117. razak says:

    Item code Description LOC Bin Sys
    T82133008 SOCKET WRENCH BI-HEX. DIN 3120 SQUARE DRIVE: 1/2″ SIZE: 8 MM. 108 D12-3 8
    T82133010 SOCKET WRENCH BI-HEX. DIN 3120 SQUARE DRIVE: 1/2″ SIZE: 9 MM. 108 D12-3 8
    82133013 SOCKET WRENCH BI-HEX. DIN 3120 SQUARE DRIVE: 1/2″ SIZE: 10 MM. 108 D12-3 8
    82133013 SOCKET WRENCH BI-HEX. DIN 3120 SQUARE DRIVE: 1/2″ SIZE: 10 MM. 108 D12-3 2
    82133025 SOCKET WRENCH BI-HEX. DIN 3120 SQUARE DRIVE: 1/2″ SIZE: 11 MM. 108 D12-7 9
    82133025 SOCKET WRENCH BI-HEX. DIN 3120 SQUARE DRIVE: 1/2″ SIZE: 11 MM. 108 D12-7 3
    82133037 SOCKET WRENCH BI-HEX. DIN 3120 SQUARE DRIVE: 1/2″ SIZE: 12 MM. 108 D12-3 13
    82133037 SOCKET WRENCH BI-HEX. DIN 3120 SQUARE DRIVE: 1/2″ SIZE: 12 MM. 108 D12-3 2

  118. Ahmed Fathy says:

    i will give you a very quick example for what i want

    i have a dead line date 20/2/2015 ( thats the date in cell )

    if Today date is before it within 2 day ( 18/2/2015 )

    i want cell to be fill with another color and font

    if not then i need it to be the same as rest

  119. Havanai says:

    Why isn’t there a simple BETWEEN function like there is (or was) in FoxPro? To check to see if the value in field A3 is between .125 and .500 you’d write IF(BETWEEN(A3,.125,.500),»True»,»False»). Simple and straightforward.

    I want to generate a random number and check to see if it is between two other numbers. Using Microsoft’s FoxPro syntax it would be IF(BETWEEN(RAND(),.125,.500),»True»,»False»). But despite it also being a Microsoft product, there seems to be no such BETWEEN() function in Excel. Crazy.

  120. Feccc says:



  121. Linda says:

    Hello and thank you in advance for your help. I have a monthly bonus excel report which provides me a list of all employees who are subject to bonus changes. One column contains the date the bonus change was implemented as follows:

    1. Mark Jones — bonus target % on 02/05/2015
    2. Mary Freeze — Bonus type change on 02/15/2015
    3. John Camden — Bonus target % on 02/27/2015
    4. Freida Jones — Bonus type change on 03/03/2015
    5. Sam Carrera — Bonus target % on 03/16/2015

    However, our Bonus plan rule states, any change on/or before the 15th of the month will default to the 1st of the applicable month.

    Any change after the 15th, will default to the 1st of the following month. So, Mary Freeze bonus target change will take effect on 02/01/2015 and Sam’s will be effective 04/01/2015.

    How can I create a formula that would auto populate the effective date based on these rules? Is it possible to create this under and IF/OR = X statement?

  122. Hi and thank you in advance for your help. I have gone through all of the replies to see if my issue was answered but I can’t find anything. I have a time that I want to see if it falls between two other times. The formula =A1=MEDIAN(A1:A3) works for most of the times except for the following example… does 11:15 PM fall in between 8PM and 8AM. The answer the formula returns is NO, but it should be Yes. Any help would be appreciated!

    • Hi Stephen,

      In Excel there are no such thing as 8AM or 8PM. So, when you write 8AM in cell, it really is 8AM of January 0, year 1900.
      So in your case, 11:15 PM check is failing because 8AM is before 11:15 PM.

      To overcome this, you can try below approach.

      Assuming A1 is the time you want to check, A2 & A3 contain start & end times,

      =A1 = median (A1, A2, A3 + AND(HOUR(A2)>12, HOUR(A3)<12))

  123. Tolga says:

    This is what I am trying do
    if value on A1 between
    0-154 A2 0
    155-462 A2 -1
    463-770 A2 -2
    771-1049 A3 -3

  124. Adam says:

    This isn’t working for me.

    I’m trying to say whether a project that has a start and an end date is in progress in each week commencing.

    E.g. start 14/08/15 end 25/08/15

    The table has weeks commencing 03/08/15, 10/08/15, 17/08/15, 24/08/15, 31/08/15

    What I want to return is «No», «Yes»,»Yes», «Yes», «No» (in cells in the row below)

  125. Karlien says:


    I have a question:

    I have amounts ranging from 10-45

    I would like to make a rule that if it is between 10-24 it should show 7.5, if it is between 25-38 it should show 10 and if it between 39-45 it should show 13.

    How do I do this, I tried the IF formula, but I’m struggling.


  126. Joe says:

    I tried this in Excel 2010
    and the result is N.
    Shouldn’t the correct result be Y
    What did I do wrong?
    Please advise.
    Thank you.

    • @Joe
      Select the cell with the Formula =IF(1=MEDIAN(0,3),»Y»,»N»)
      Edit the cell and select the part MEDIAN(0,3)
      Now press F9
      Excel displays 1.5 which is the median of the two values
      So 1 NE 1.5 and so the If evaluates the False to be N

      NE = Not Equal

      Returns the median of the given numbers.
      The median is the number in the middle of a set of numbers.

  127. joe says:


    Thank you for your quick reply.

    I think I may have misunderstood about median and this part of the article — «Lets say you have 3 values in A1, A2 and A3. And you want to find out if A1 falls between A2 and A3.»

    For example, if I want to find out if 1 is between 0 and 3,

    then I tried =IF(1=MEDIAN(1,0,3),»Y»,»N»), the result is Y.

    Is this the correct formula?

    Thank you for you advice.

    • @Joe

      I can only comment on the question posted and your example had 2 values not 3

      To test if A1 is between A2 & A3
      =IF(A1=MEDIAN(A1, A2, A3),»Y»,»N»)

      Using the formula =IF(A1=MEDIAN(A2, A3),»Y»,»N»)
      will only work if A1 is exactly at the midpoint of A2 & A3
      A1 = 3
      A2 = 2
      A3 = 10

      Median(2,10) =6
      A1 NE 6

      Median(2,3,10) = 3

      NE = Not equal

  128. Sarita says:

    Can you please help me with the below conditions using IF or Nested IF formula?

    A1-67%, A2-120%, A3-157%


    Should i change it to 99.99% in place of 100%? or 149.99% for 150%??
    So in B1 i want to the value using if formula that if A1 is less than 75% B1 should display <75%, if value in A1 is between 150%,»>150″,IF(A1<=150%,»100%-150%»,IF(A1<100%,»75%-100%»,IF(A1<75%,»<75%»,IF(A1=0%,»0″,IF(A1=»»,»»))))))

    I am not sure what am i missing here, its giving !00%-150% whereas the value in A1 is 96% so it should display 75%-100%
    Can you please help at the earliest??

    • Sarita says:

      Please provide me the formula you think will work

    • @Saita
      If(A1=»»,»»,if(A1 lt 75%,»lt 75%»,if(A1 lt 100%,»75%-100%»,if(A1 Lt 150%,»100%-150%»,»gt 150%»))))

      LT = Less Than sign
      GT = Greater Than sign

      If you copy this from here change all the » to » signs

      100% will show as 100%-150% as it is not less than 100% it is less than 150%
      If you want it to show up as 75%-100% change the formula to:
      If(A1=»»,»»,if(A1 Lt= 75%,»Lt 75%»,if(A1 Lt= 100%,»75%-100%»,if(A1 Lt= 150%,»100%-150%»,»Gt 150%»))))

  129. Sarita says:

    Hi Hui,

    Thank you sooooooo much..it worked…. 🙂

  130. Carrie says:

    Need a formula that strings 2 formulas together:

    A2 has a value of 0
    A3 has a value of 5

    A1 has a value that falls between A2&A3 it will equal 40

    B2 has a value of 4
    B3 has a value of 13

    If B1 falls between B2&B3 it will have a value of 25


  131. Meghna says:


    i want to put an equation if A = (between 25 to 30) then this formula will apply, if not another formula
    can u help me how can i do it?

    • @Meghna

      Lets assume that your talking about cell A2
      In A3 or elsewhere: =If(And(A2>25, A2<30), «A», Other formula goes here)

      • Meghna says:

        Thank you so much

  132. PK says:

    Column A | Column B Column C | Column D
    —————|————— —————-|————
    0000000000001 000000000999 000000000001 032258064500
    0300000000010 031000001999 032258064500 064516129030
    0620000010010 080000010999 064516129031 096774193550

    I need a script or a formula to determine if the Range Between Column (A & B) falls between the Range of Column (C & D) to highlight them certain color.
    If range overlaps multiple range to state the overlap.


    • @PK
      Sorry I was travelling when you posted this and missed it

      Select the Range A1:B3
      Conditional Format
      New Rule
      Use a Formula =AND($A1<=$D1,$B1>=$C1)
      Apply a Format

  133. Debbie says:

    I’ve been searching for a formula that seems like it would be very simple, but have been unable to find. I want a certain cell to do this: if anything at all is typed into the cell, it will return «Yes.» If the cell is left blank, it would remain blank. So, no matter what is typed into the cell, it will simply say «Yes.» Is this possible?

    • @Debbie
      Yes it is

      Select the Cell/s
      Ctrl 1 or Right click and Format Cells
      Number, Custom
      Apply a Custom Number Format of «Yes»;»Yes»;»Yes»;»Yes»

  134. Debbie says:

    Thank you! That did it.

  135. Kurt Kramer says:

    I want to generate a random number between 1 and 10000, maybe using this function: =RANDBETWEEN(1,10000)

    Then, in that cell, if the randomly generated number is between 1 and 1500 I want to populate the cell with «Empty», and if it’s between 1501 and 7500, I want «Small», and if it’s between 7501 and 10000, I want «Large».

    Can someone come up with a formula to do that?


    • @Kurt

      In the cell enter =Randbetween(1,10000)

      Then apply a Custom Number format of:

      If you really want a formula you can use:

      But you should note that the second Randbetween will be using a different number than the first

      • Kurt Kramer says:

        Hui, Thank you. That’s a good start. But I need more. Your response works for 3 options. I actually need 5 ranges/options. For example:

        8000 then Tony

        Your nested IF-statement won’t work because of the caveat you gave, that each nested RandBetween would be a different number.

        Thanks again.

  136. Kurt Kramer says:

    Accch. Some of my text got deleted upon saving. I need something like this:

    8000 then Tony.

  137. Kurt Kramer says:

    What the hell? I am listing five ranges and options in my text here, but when I post, the first four disappear! Maybe I cannot use the less than or greater than symbols. Try this:

    Accch. Some of my text got deleted upon saving. I need something like this:

    less than 1500 then Bill; between 1501 and 3500 then Nick; between 3501 and 4000 then Phil; between 4001 and 8000 then Fred; greater than 8000 then Tony.

  138. ramkumar says:

    it is correct or not

  139. ramkumar says:

    can you please help me the below mentioned formula
    i used this formula but wrongly shows the result

    please help me the formula


  140. Craig says:

    I have over 500,000 lines of data I need to determine the fiscal year the shipping date falls between. Here is a brief example of the data. What is the best formula to get this without a long nested if/then?
    Ship Date Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Beg. Fiscal End
    1/8/2008 2016 1/3/2016 12/31/2016
    12/30/2007 2015 1/4/2015 1/2/2016
    1/2/2015 2014 12/29/2013 1/3/2015
    1/2/2012 2013 12/30/2012 12/28/2013
    1/1/2011 2012 1/1/2012 12/29/2012
    2011 1/2/2011 12/31/2011
    2010 12/27/2009 1/1/2011
    2009 12/28/2008 12/26/2009
    2008 12/30/2007 12/27/2008

    • @Craig

      It is hard to understand what data goes in which column, so I didn’t

      But assuming the Fiscal year is July 1 to June 30, and it is Named the later year
      eg: 1 July 15 to 30 June 16 is the 2016 Fiscal year
      Then I would use:

      If it is named after the preceding year use:

      • Craig says:

        The data I provided was supposed to be in columns. First column has all shipping dates that are random and I need to determine the Fiscal year for those dates which is not the calendar date (over 500,000 rows). The next set of columns would have the Fiscal Year, Beginning date, and then Ending Date for that year, in a small area to the right.

    • Craig says:

      The data I provided was supposed to be in columns. First column has all shipping dates that are random and I need to determine the Fiscal year for those dates which is not the calendar date (over 500,000 rows). The next set of columns would have the Fiscal Year, Beginning date, and then Ending Date for that year, in a small area to the right. These are the reference point to determine the fiscal year for the shipping date.
      Here is an attempt to put it in CSV format.
      Ship Date,Fiscal Year,,Fiscal Year,Beg. Date,End Date

  141. Shams Mahallati says:

    I need a formula for this condition:
    Consider the following table:
    Col.T Col.U
    3075 HDU2
    4565 HDU4
    5645 HDU5
    6970 HDU8
    9535 HDU11
    14390 HDU14

    Now I have a value in Cell A1: 3568
    This value (3568) sits between 3075 and 4565. So , I need a formula in cell, say, B1, to return «HDU4». For any value < 3075, I need a return of «HDU2».
    Similarly, if my value in A1 is 6000, I need he formula go to the table above and returns: «HDU8» in cell B1. Because 6000 is 5645
    If my value is 10000, I need cell B1 shows «HDU14».
    If my value > 14390, I need a return of «HDU14».

    I have tried Vlookup and Index formulas, but it does not work.
    thanks. Shams

    In cell A1 I have a value

  142. Jaan says:

    Hi Guys, I’m really stuck and desperately need help with this timesheet that I’m trying to build…

    if worker works between 6am-9pm, the hourly rate is $50.
    if worker works between 9pm-6am next day, the hourly rate is $75.
    if where any hour of the job cuts across both rates, the higher rate of $75/hr will be used for that hour (e.g 8.10pm — 9.10pm = $75)
    the above pro-rated by minutes as well.

    can any kind soul please help me with this formula?


    Dear sir

    following formula is correct


    Kailash Chavanke

  144. Chriss says:


    Could you please help with formula for following.

    In Formula cell I need to appear a number (price per person), which depend on interval it fits (e.g. between 1-6 person price would be 20 EUR per person, between 7-12 persons — 15 EUR/person, 12-16 persons — 10 EUR/person).

    There is no problem for me to make between formula with one condition, but I do not know how to make it with 3 different intervals.
    Many thanks!

  145. Usman says:

    want to implement following logic in Excel
    F2 = 1/22/2016 2:57:00 PM
    H2 = 1/22/2016

    o If the day in column H is the same as the day in column F:
    If the timestamp in column F is earlier than 8:00, then 8:00 AM on the day in column H
    If the timestamp in column F is after 5:00 PM, then 5:00 PM on the day in column H
    Else, the value from column F
    o Else, 8:00 AM on the day in column H

  146. HarryS says:

    Like the median trick for numbers =
    a vba function that is within 5% of the speed but works for
    strings Dates Numbers = but not

    Function InLH(Vx, Va, Vb, Optional TestAsEq As Boolean = True) As Boolean
    Dim LV, HV
    If Va > Vb Then
    HV = Va
    LV = Vb
    ElseIf Va = Vb Then
    If Vx = Va Then GoTo IsIn Else GoTo IsBad
    LV = Va
    HV = Vb
    End If
    If TestAsEq Then
    If Vx HV Then GoTo IsBad
    If Vx = HV Then GoTo IsBad
    End If
    InLH = True

    End Function

  147. HarryS says:

    parte copied incorrectly
    If TestAsEq Then
    If Vx HV Then GoTo IsBad ‘GT
    If Vx = HV Then GoTo IsBad ‘ Gte
    End If

  148. HarryS says:

    It seems to remove «=»

  149. Donovan says:

    Hi Guys

    Is it no possible to have the =if(and formula as a nested formula between a table of 10 different tiers.

    Kindly advise

    • @Donovan

      The answer is yes, but only in Excel versions 2007+

      It is however not recomended

      If you can post a question in the forums and attach a sample file we can probably provide a better, more efficent, solution

  150. Paramjeet says:


  151. I see you don’t monetize your blog, don’t
    waste your traffic, you can earn extra bucks every month because you’ve got hi quality content.
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    Boorfe’s tips best adsense alternative

  152. Shuja Abbasi says:

    i want can i check these two values falls (380225 380275 ) falls in bellow mentioned values

    380000 380065
    380065 380100
    380100 380125
    380125 380200
    380200 380225
    380225 380275
    380275 380325
    380325 380800
    380800 380810
    380810 380835
    380910 381000
    381000 381025
    381025 381050
    381050 381065
    381065 381085
    381085 381100
    381100 381600

    • @Shuja

      Assuming your data is in A2:B18
      In C2: =AND(A2<=380225,B2>=380275)
      copy down

  153. Shuja Abbasi says:


    sir i want to sort out the values from two column with the other to column values, that the values falls or overlap or not, just like i mentioned below. and i want value in return answer in one rang column formula, just look at 1st values of column C & D only from 38000 to 38035 is overlapping. please help me i am searching that kind of formula

    (Values) (Values for checking)
    A B C D
    380000 380065 379000 380035
    380065 380100 380225 380275
    380100 380125 380525 380575
    380125 380200 380575 380625
    380200 380225 380625 380800
    380225 380275 380910 381025
    380275 380325 381050 381100
    380325 380800 381100 381600
    380800 380810 381600 381675
    380810 380835 381675 383025
    380910 381000 383025 383075
    381000 381025 383090 383150
    381025 381050 383175 383350
    381050 381065 383350 383700
    381065 381085 383700 383850
    381085 381100 383850 383900
    381100 381600 383900 383975
    381600 381675 383975 384025
    381675 382000 384025 384075

    • @Shuja

      Can you please ask the question in the Chandoo.org Forums

      Please attach a sample file with an example of the output you expect

  154. MOHAN k says:

    581.17 581.66 148 48
    581.67 582.46 148 49
    582.47 583.33 149 49

    My lookup value is 581.91 from above data and I need an answer from right side mentioned value of (148 & 49) from column C & D
    finally, I don’t want true or false statement instead of that i want answer of 148 & 49, please help me

    • @Mohan K
      assuming your data is in A2:D4
      =VLOOKUP(581.91,A2:D4,3) &» & » & VLOOKUP(581.91,A2:D4,4)

  155. Jei says:

    Hi! Can someone help me with writing an Excel «if condition» the say «if cell H3 has «At Risk», then change cell fill to Red. I wrote the following: =If $H$3 ‘At Risk’ ($C$3, colour Red)

    • Hi Jei,

      Welcome to Chandoo.org and thanks for your comment. You need to conditional formatting to do this. Follow below instructions.

      1. Select all cells you want to check.
      2. Go to Home > Conditional Formatting > Highlight Cell Rules > Equal to…
      3. Type «At Risk» as the condition and Click ok

      Click here to learn more about conditional formatting.

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Excel VBA Select Case: Step-by-Step Examples to Use the Select Case Statement in MacrosIn this Excel VBA Select Case Tutorial, you learn how to use the Select Case statement in macros.

This Excel VBA Select Case Tutorial is currently under development. Subscribe to the Power Spreadsheets Newsletter and get future updates to this Excel VBA Select Case Tutorial.

This Excel VBA Select Case Tutorial is accompanied by an Excel workbook with the data and VBA code I use in the examples below. Get this example workbook (for free) by clicking the button below.

Get immediate free access to the Excel VBA Select Case example workbook

The VBA code in the Excel workbook that accompanies this Excel VBA Select Case Tutorial is (always) stored in the Visual Basic Editor (VBE). If you don’t know how to work with the VBE, I suggest you read my Visual Basic Editor (VBE) Tutorial. I link to this Tutorial in the Related Excel Macro and VBA Training Materials and Resources Section below.

The following Excel Macro and VBA Tutorials may help you better understand and implement the contents below.

  • Tutorials about general macro and VBA constructs and structures:
    • Tutorials for Beginners:
      • Excel Macros: Click here to open.
      • Excel VBA: Click here to open.
    • Enable macros in Excel: Click here to open.
    • Work with the Visual Basic Editor (VBE): Click here to open.
    • Create Sub procedures: Click here to open.
    • Work with:
      • Variables: Click here to open.
      • Data types: Click here to open.
      • Functions: Click here to open.
  • Tutorials with practical VBA applications and macro examples:
    • Excel VBA Change Font Color Based on Cell Value: Click here to open.
    • Create a message box: Click here to open.
    • Create an input box: Click here to open.

This Excel VBA Select Case Tutorial is part of a more comprehensive series of Excel VBA Select Case Tutorials.

  • Excel VBA Select Case Tutorial: Click here to open.
  • Excel VBA Select Case Or: Click here to open.
  • Excel VBA Select Case And Operator: Click here to open.
  • Excel VBA Select Case Multiple Test Expressions: Click here to open.
  • Excel VBA Select Case Like Wildcard: Click here to open.
  • Excel VBA Select Case Inside For… Next Loop: Click here to open.
  • Excel VBA Select Case Range of Cells: Click here to open.

You can find more Excel and VBA Tutorials in the organized Tutorials Archive: Click here to visit the Archives. The following are some of my most popular Excel Tutorials and Training Resources:

  • Excel Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet: Click here to open.
  • Work with the Excel XLOOKUP Function: Click here to open.
  • Excel Power Query (Get & Transform) Tutorial for Beginners: Click here to open.

If you want to learn how to automate Excel (and save time) by working with macros and VBA, you may be interested in the following Premium Excel Macro and VBA Training Materials:

  • Premium Courses at the Power Spreadsheets Academy: Click here to open.
  • Books at the Power Spreadsheets Library: Click here to open.
  • VBA Cheat Sheets: Click here to open.

If you want to save time when working with macros and VBA, you may be interested in AutoMacro: Click here to learn more about AutoMacro (affiliate link). AutoMacro is an add-in for VBA that installs directly into the VBE. Depending on the version, AutoMacro comes loaded with:

  • Code generators.
  • An extensive code library.
  • The ability to create your own code library.
  • Advanced coding tools.

If you need help with Excel tasks/projects, you may be interested in working with me: Click here to learn more about working with me.

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(1) Excel VBA Select Case Without Case Else

In this Section, you learn how to create a basic Excel VBA Select Case statement (without the Case Else clause) to conditionally execute a set of statements based on an expression’s value.

Excel VBA Select Case Without Case Else Snippet Template/Structure

The following is the Excel VBA Select Case Without Case Else snippet template/structure I explain (step-by-step) in the Sections below.

'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
Select Case TestExpression
    Case CaseExpression1
    Case CaseExpression2
    Case CaseExpression#
End Select

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Step-by-Step Process to Set Up an Excel VBA Select Case Without Case Else Statement

Do the following to create an Excel VBA Select Case Without Case Else statement:

(1) Enter the opening and closing statements of the Select Case statement.

  • Select Case.
  • End Select.
'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
Select Case '...
End Select

(2) Specify the test expression VBA uses to identify the set of statements to execute: TestExpression.

'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
Select Case TestExpression
End Select

(3) Specify the case expressions used by VBA to identify the set of statements to execute:

  • CaseExpression1.
  • CaseExpression2.
  • CaseExpression#.

You can (as a general rule) include as many case expressions as required inside a single Select Case statement.

Each case expression is preceded by the Case keyword:

  • Case CaseExpression1.
  • Case CaseExpression2.
  • Case CaseExpression#.
'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
Select Case TestExpression
    Case CaseExpression1
    Case CaseExpression2
    Case CaseExpression#
End Select

The Case keyword plus associated case expression (Case CaseExpression#) form a Case clause.

When the test expression (you specified in step #2) matches an individual case expression, the Select Case statement:

  1. Executes the set of statements (you specify in step #4) associated to the applicable Case clause (whose case expression matched the test expression); and
  2. Exits the Select Case statement.

(4) Specify the set of statements to be executed when the applicable case expression (you specified in step #3) matches the test expression (you specified in step #2).

  • CaseStatements1.
  • CaseStatements2.
  • CaseStatements#.
'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
Select Case TestExpression
    Case CaseExpression1
    Case CaseExpression2
    Case CaseExpression#
End Select

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Additional Cues for Excel VBA Select Case Without Case Else

(1) The Select Case statement is an alternative to complex If… Then… Else statements (Select Case vs. If… Then… Else). Consider using the Select Case statement when dealing with (more) complex cases.

(2) Consider indenting the statements inside Select Case statements.

(3) Consider working with the separator character (:) to separate the Case clause (Case CaseExpression#) and the statements to be executed (CaseStatements#), when the following 2 conditions are met:

  1. The case results in a single statement (CaseStatement#) being executed; and
  2. The resulting line of VBA code is not excessively long.

(4) You have a significant degree of flexibility when specifying case expressions inside a Select Case statement.

Please refer to the Section on Excel VBA Select Case Multiple Conditions (in this Excel VBA Select Case Tutorial) for a more detailed explanation on how to create a Select Case statement to conditionally execute a set of statements based on multiple conditions (grouping several cases inside a single case expression).

(5) As a general rule: Organize case expressions:

  • By decreasing order of probability.
  • In such a way that any case expression excludes subsequent case expressions.

(6) The Select Case statement contains a set of catch-all statements executed if no case expression matches the test expression. These statements follow the Case Else keyword. The Case Else keyword (and clause) is optional.

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Excel VBA Select Case Without Case Else Example Macro

This Excel VBA Select Case Tutorial is accompanied by an Excel workbook with the data and VBA code I use in the examples inside this Tutorial (including this Select Case Without Case Else example). Get this example workbook (for free) by clicking the button below.

Get immediate free access to the Excel VBA Select Case example workbook

I create the Excel VBA Select Case without Case Else example macro as follows:

(1) Declare a Sub procedure (SelectCaseWithoutCaseElse).

Sub SelectCaseWithoutCaseElse()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
End Sub

(2) Declare a variable (MyWeekdayMessage) of the String data type.

Sub SelectCaseWithoutCaseElse()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/

    'Declare variable to represent message to be displayed in message box
    Dim MyWeekdayMessage As String

End Sub

(3) Enter the opening and closing statements of the Select Case statement.

Sub SelectCaseWithoutCaseElse()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/

    'Declare variable to represent message to be displayed in message box
    Dim MyWeekdayMessage As String

    Select Case '...
    End Select
End Sub

(4) Specify the test expression VBA uses to identify the set of statements to execute.

The test expression I use (Weekday(Date:=Date, FirstDayOfWeek:=vbMonday)) returns an integer (1 to 7) representing the current day of the week.

Sub SelectCaseWithoutCaseElse()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/

    'Declare variable to represent message to be displayed in message box
    Dim MyWeekdayMessage As String

    Select Case Weekday(Date:=Date, FirstDayOfWeek:=vbMonday)
    End Select
End Sub

(5) Specify the case expressions used by VBA to identify the set of statements to execute.

The test expression I specified in step #4 returns an integer between 1 and 7. The case expressions I specify are (therefore):

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7.
Sub SelectCaseWithoutCaseElse()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/

    'Declare variable to represent message to be displayed in message box
    Dim MyWeekdayMessage As String

    Select Case Weekday(Date:=Date, FirstDayOfWeek:=vbMonday)
        Case 1: '...
        Case 2: '...
        Case 3: '...
        Case 4: '...
        Case 5: '...
        Case 6: '...
        Case 7: '...
    End Select
End Sub

(6) Specify the statement to be executed when the applicable case expression (I specified in step #5) matches the test expression (I specified in step #4).

The statements I use assign a string to the MyWeekdayMessage variable (I declared in step #2). The assigned string varies, depending on the applicable case expression (I specified in step #5):

  • Case expression is 1: Assigned string is “It’s Monday”.
  • Case expression is 2: Assigned string is “It’s Tuesday”.
  • Case expression is 3: Assigned string is “It’s Wednesday”.
  • Case expression is 4: Assigned string is “It’s Thursday”.
  • Case expression is 5: Assigned string is “It’s Friday”.
  • Case expression is 6: Assigned string is “It’s Saturday”.
  • Case expression is 7: Assigned string is “It’s Sunday”.
Sub SelectCaseWithoutCaseElse()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/

    'Declare variable to represent message to be displayed in message box
    Dim MyWeekdayMessage As String

    'Assign a string to the MyWeekdayMessage variable, depending on the current day of the week
    Select Case Weekday(Date:=Date, FirstDayOfWeek:=vbMonday)
        Case 1: MyWeekdayMessage = "It's Monday"
        Case 2: MyWeekdayMessage = "It's Tuesday"
        Case 3: MyWeekdayMessage = "It's Wednesday"
        Case 4: MyWeekdayMessage = "It's Thursday"
        Case 5: MyWeekdayMessage = "It's Friday"
        Case 6: MyWeekdayMessage = "It's Saturday"
        Case 7: MyWeekdayMessage = "It's Sunday"
    End Select
End Sub

(6) Display a message box (MsgBox) with the value held by the MyWeekdayMessage variable.

Sub SelectCaseWithoutCaseElse()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
    'Declare variable to represent message to be displayed in message box
    Dim MyWeekdayMessage As String
    'Assign a string to the MyWeekdayMessage variable, depending on the current day of the week
    Select Case Weekday(Date:=Date, FirstDayOfWeek:=vbMonday)
        Case 1: MyWeekdayMessage = "It's Monday"
        Case 2: MyWeekdayMessage = "It's Tuesday"
        Case 3: MyWeekdayMessage = "It's Wednesday"
        Case 4: MyWeekdayMessage = "It's Thursday"
        Case 5: MyWeekdayMessage = "It's Friday"
        Case 6: MyWeekdayMessage = "It's Saturday"
        Case 7: MyWeekdayMessage = "It's Sunday"
    End Select
    'Display message box with string held by the MyWeekdayMessage variable
    MsgBox MyWeekdayMessage
End Sub

The image below displays the message box shown by Excel when I execute the Excel VBA Select Case without Case Else example macro. I execute the example macro (and create this screenshot) on a Sunday.

Excel VBA Select Case Without Case Else example macro results

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Select Case Without Case Else vs. If… Then… ElseIf… Example Macro

The following If… Then… ElseIf… example macro is an equivalent example macro (to the Select Case without Case Else example macro I explain above) working with the If… Then… Else statement (vs. the Select Case statement).

Sub SelectCaseWithoutCaseElseVsIfThenElseIf()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
    'Declare variables to represent:
        '(1) Number representing day of the week
        '(2) Message to be displayed in message box
    Dim MyWeekday As Integer
    Dim MyWeekdayMessage As String
    'Assign number representing day of the week to the MyWeekday variable
    MyWeekday = Weekday(Date:=Date, FirstDayOfWeek:=vbMonday)
    'Assign a string to the MyWeekdayMessage variable, depending on the current day of the week
    If MyWeekday = 1 Then
        MyWeekdayMessage = "It's Monday"
    ElseIf MyWeekday = 2 Then
        MyWeekdayMessage = "It's Tuesday"
    ElseIf MyWeekday = 3 Then
        MyWeekdayMessage = "It's Wednesday"
    ElseIf MyWeekday = 4 Then
        MyWeekdayMessage = "It's Thursday"
    ElseIf MyWeekday = 5 Then
        MyWeekdayMessage = "It's Friday"
    ElseIf MyWeekday = 6 Then
        MyWeekdayMessage = "It's Saturday"
    ElseIf MyWeekday = 7 Then
        MyWeekdayMessage = "It's Sunday"
    End If
    'Display message box with string held by the MyWeekdayMessage variable
    MsgBox MyWeekdayMessage
End Sub

Notice how the Select Case statement results in more efficient VBA code that’s easier to:

  • Read;
  • Follow;
  • Understand; and
  • Work with.

The image below displays the message box shown by Excel when I execute the Excel VBA If… Then… ElseIf… example macro. I execute the example macro (and create this screenshot) on a Sunday.

Excel VBA Select Case Without Case Else vs. If... Then... ElseIf... example macro results

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In this Section, you learn how to create a basic Excel VBA Select Case statement (with the Case Else clause) to:

  • Conditionally execute a set of statements based on an expression’s value; and
  • Specify a set of catch-all statements that are executed when none of the conditions you (originally) expected is met.

Excel VBA Select Case Else Snippet Template/Structure

The following is the Excel VBA Select Case Else snippet template/structure I explain (step-by-step) in the Sections below.

'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
Select Case TestExpression
    Case CaseExpression1
    Case CaseExpression2
    Case CaseExpression#
    Case Else
End Select

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Step-by-Step Process to Set Up an Excel VBA Select Case Else Statement

Do the following to create an Excel VBA Select Case Else statement:

(1) Enter the opening and closing statements of the Select Case statement.

  • Select Case.
  • End Select.
'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
Select Case '...
End Select

(2) Specify the test expression VBA uses to identify the set of statements to execute: TestExpression.

'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
Select Case TestExpression
End Select

(3) Specify the case expressions used by VBA to identify the set of statements to execute:

  • CaseExpression1.
  • CaseExpression2.
  • CaseExpression#.

You can (as a general rule) include as many case expressions as required inside a single Select Case statement.

Each case expression is preceded by the Case keyword:

  • Case CaseExpression1.
  • Case CaseExpression2.
  • Case CaseExpression#.
'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
Select Case TestExpression
    Case CaseExpression1
    Case CaseExpression2
    Case CaseExpression#
End Select

The Case keyword plus associated case expression (Case CaseExpression#) form a Case clause.

When the test expression (you specified in step #2) matches an individual case expression, the Select Case statement:

  1. Executes the set of statements (you specify in step #4) associated to the applicable Case clause (whose case expression matched the test expression); and
  2. Exits the Select Case statement.

(4) Specify the set of statements to be executed when the applicable case expression (you specified in step #3) matches the test expression (you specified in step #2).

  • CaseStatements1.
  • CaseStatements2.
  • CaseStatements#.
'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
Select Case TestExpression
    Case CaseExpression1
    Case CaseExpression2
    Case CaseExpression#
End Select

(5) Specify the set of statements to be executed if no case expression (you specified in step #3) matches the test expression (you specified in step #2). These catch-all statements follow the Case Else keyword.

'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
Select Case TestExpression
    Case CaseExpression1
    Case CaseExpression2
    Case CaseExpression#
    Case Else
End Select

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Additional Cues for Excel VBA Select Case Else

(1) The Select Case statement is an alternative to complex If… Then… Else statements (Select Case vs. If… Then… Else). Consider using the Select Case statement when dealing with (more) complex cases.

(2) Consider indenting the statements inside Select Case statements.

(3) Consider working with the separator character (:) to separate:

  • The Case clause (Case CaseExpression#) and the statements to be executed (CaseStatements#); or
  • The Case Else keyword (Case Else) and the catch-all statements (ElseStatements);

When the following 2 conditions are met:

  1. The case results in a single statement (CaseStatement#) being executed or there’s (only) a single catch-all statement (ElseStatement); and
  2. The resulting line of VBA code is not excessively long.

(3) You have a significant degree of flexibility when specifying case expressions inside a Select Case statement.

Please refer to the Section on Excel VBA Select Case Multiple Conditions (in this Excel VBA Select Case Tutorial) for a more detailed explanation on how to create a Select Case statement to conditionally execute a set of statements based on multiple conditions (grouping several cases inside a single case expression).

(4) As a general rule: Organize case expressions:

  • By decreasing order of probability.
  • In such a way that any case expression excludes subsequent case expressions.

(5) The Case Else keyword/clause (Case Else: ElseStatements) is optional.

Work with the Case Else clause to specify a set of catch-all statements that are executed when none of the conditions you (originally) expected is met (no case expression matches the test expression).

(6) If:

  • You omit the Case Else clause; and
  • No case expression matches the test expression;

Procedure execution continues with the first statement after the end of the Select Case statement (after “End Select”).

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Excel VBA Select Case Else Example Macro

This Excel VBA Select Case Tutorial is accompanied by an Excel workbook with the data and VBA code I use in the examples inside this Tutorial (including this Select Case Else example). Get this example workbook (for free) by clicking the button below.

Get immediate free access to the Excel VBA Select Case example workbook

I create the Excel VBA Select Case Else example macro as follows:

(1) Declare a Sub procedure (SelectCaseElse).

Sub SelectCaseElse()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
End Sub

(2) Declare a variable (MyMonthPartMessage) of the String data type.

Sub SelectCaseElse()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
    'Declare variable to represent message to be displayed in message box
    Dim MyMonthPartMessage As String
End Sub

(3) Enter the opening and closing statements of the Select Case statement.

Sub SelectCaseElse()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
    'Declare variable to represent message to be displayed in message box
    Dim MyMonthPartMessage As String
    Select Case '…
    End Select
End Sub

(4) Specify the test expression VBA uses to identify the set of statements to execute.

The test expression I use (Day(Date:=Date)) returns an integer (1 to 31) representing the current day of the month.

Sub SelectCaseElse()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
    'Declare variable to represent message to be displayed in message box
    Dim MyMonthPartMessage As String
    Select Case Day(Date:=Date)
    End Select
End Sub

(5) Specify the case expressions used by VBA to identify the set of statements to execute.

The test expression I specified in step #4 returns an integer between 1 and 31. The case expressions I specify are (therefore):

  • 1 To 5.
  • 6 To 10.
  • 11 To 15.
  • 16 To 20.
  • 21 To 25.
Sub SelectCaseElse()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
    'Declare variable to represent message to be displayed in message box
    Dim MyMonthPartMessage As String
    Select Case Day(Date:=Date)
        Case 1 To 5: '…
        Case 6 To 10: '…
        Case 11 To 15: '…
        Case 16 To 20: '…
        Case 21 To 25: '…
    End Select
End Sub

(6) Specify the statement to be executed when the applicable case expression (I specified in step #5) matches the test expression (I specified in step #4).

The statements I use assign a string to the MyMonthPartMessage variable (I declared in step #2). The assigned string varies, depending on the applicable case expression (I specified in step #5):

  • Case expression is 1 to 5 (both inclusive): Assigned string is “We’re between the first and the fifth of the month”.
  • Case expression is 6 to 10 (both inclusive): Assigned string is “We’re between the sixth and the tenth of the month”.
  • Case expression is 11 to 15 (both inclusive): Assigned string is “We’re between the eleventh and the fifteenth of the month”.
  • Case expression is 16 to 20 (both inclusive): Assigned string is “We’re between the sixteenth and the twentieth of the month”.
  • Case expression is 21 to 25 (both inclusive): Assigned string is “We’re between the twenty-first and the twenty-fifth of the month”.
Sub SelectCaseElse()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
    'Declare variable to represent message to be displayed in message box
    Dim MyMonthPartMessage As String
    'Assign a string to the MyMonthPartMessage variable, depending on the current day of the month
    Select Case Day(Date:=Date)
        Case 1 To 5: MyMonthPartMessage = "We're between the first and the fifth of the month"
        Case 6 To 10: MyMonthPartMessage = "We're between the sixth and the tenth of the month"
        Case 11 To 15: MyMonthPartMessage = "We're between the eleventh and the fifteenth of the month"
        Case 16 To 20: MyMonthPartMessage = "We're between the sixteenth and the twentieth of the month"
        Case 21 To 25: MyMonthPartMessage = "We're between the twenty-first and the twenty-fifth of the month"
    End Select
End Sub

(7) Specify the catch-all statement to be executed if no case expression (from the case expressions I specified in step #5) matches the test expression (I specified in step #4).

The statement I use assigns a string to the MyMonthPartMessage variable (I declared in step #2): “We’re past the twenty-fifth of the month”.

Sub SelectCaseElse()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
    'Declare variable to represent message to be displayed in message box
    Dim MyMonthPartMessage As String
    'Assign a string to the MyMonthPartMessage variable, depending on the current day of the month
    Select Case Day(Date:=Date)
        Case 1 To 5: MyMonthPartMessage = "We're between the first and the fifth of the month"
        Case 6 To 10: MyMonthPartMessage = "We're between the sixth and the tenth of the month"
        Case 11 To 15: MyMonthPartMessage = "We're between the eleventh and the fifteenth of the month"
        Case 16 To 20: MyMonthPartMessage = "We're between the sixteenth and the twentieth of the month"
        Case 21 To 25: MyMonthPartMessage = "We're between the twenty-first and the twenty-fifth of the month"
        Case Else: MyMonthPartMessage = "We're past the twenty-fifth of the month"
    End Select
End Sub

(8) Display a message box (MsgBox) with the value held by the MyMonthPartMessage variable.

Sub SelectCaseElse()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
    'Declare variable to represent message to be displayed in message box
    Dim MyMonthPartMessage As String
    'Assign a string to the MyMonthPartMessage variable, depending on the current day of the month
    Select Case Day(Date:=Date)
        Case 1 To 5: MyMonthPartMessage = "We're between the first and the fifth of the month"
        Case 6 To 10: MyMonthPartMessage = "We're between the sixth and the tenth of the month"
        Case 11 To 15: MyMonthPartMessage = "We're between the eleventh and the fifteenth of the month"
        Case 16 To 20: MyMonthPartMessage = "We're between the sixteenth and the twentieth of the month"
        Case 21 To 25: MyMonthPartMessage = "We're between the twenty-first and the twenty-fifth of the month"
        Case Else: MyMonthPartMessage = "We're past the twenty-fifth of the month"
    End Select
    'Display message box with string held by the MyMonthPartMessage variable
    MsgBox MyMonthPartMessage
End Sub

The image below displays the message box shown by Excel when I execute the Excel VBA Select Case Else example macro. I execute the example macro (and create this screenshot) on day 13 of the month.

Excel VBA Select Case Else example macro results

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Select Case Else vs. If… Then… ElseIf… Else Example Macro

The following If… Then… ElseIf… Else example macro is an equivalent example macro (to the Select Case Else example macro I explain above) working with the If… Then… Else statement (vs. the Select Case statement).

Sub SelectCaseElseVsIfThenElseIfElse()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
    'Declare variables to represent:
        '(1) Number representing day of the month
        '(2) Message to be displayed in message box
    Dim MyMonthDay As Integer
    Dim MyMonthPartMessage As String
    'Assign number representing day of the month to the MyMonthDay variable
    MyMonthDay = Day(Date:=Date)
    'Assign a string to the MyMonthPartMessage variable, depending on the current day of the month
    If MyMonthDay <= 5 Then
        MyMonthPartMessage = "We're between the first and the fifth of the month"
    ElseIf (MyMonthDay >= 6) And (MyMonthDay <= 10) Then
        MyMonthPartMessage = "We're between the sixth and the tenth of the month"
    ElseIf (MyMonthDay >= 11) And (MyMonthDay <= 15) Then
        MyMonthPartMessage = "We're between the eleventh and the fifteenth of the month"
    ElseIf (MyMonthDay >= 16) And (MyMonthDay <= 20) Then
        MyMonthPartMessage = "We're between the sixteenth and the twentieth of the month"
    ElseIf (MyMonthDay >= 21) And (MyMonthDay <= 25) Then
        MyMonthPartMessage = "We're between the twenty-first and the twenty-fifth of the month"
        MyMonthPartMessage = "We're past the twenty-fifth of the month"
    End If
    'Display message box with string held by the MyMonthPartMessage variable
    MsgBox MyMonthPartMessage
End Sub

Notice how the Select Case statement results in more efficient VBA code that’s easier to:

  • Read;
  • Follow;
  • Understand; and
  • Work with.

The image below displays the message box shown by Excel when I execute the Excel VBA If… Then… ElseIf… Else example macro. I execute the example macro (and create this screenshot) on day 13 of the month.

Excel VBA Select Case vs. If... Then... ElseIf... Else example macro results

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(3) Excel VBA Select Case String

In this Section, you learn how to create an Excel VBA Select Case string statement, to conditionally execute a set of statements based on a string.

Excel VBA Select Case String Formula/Snippet Template/Structure

The following is the Excel VBA Select Case string snippet template/structure I explain (step-by-step) in the Sections below.

'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
Select Case StringTestExpression
    Case StringCaseExpression1
    Case StringCaseExpression2
    Case StringCaseExpression#
    Case Else
End Select

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Step-by-Step Process to Set Up an Excel VBA Select Case String Statement

Do the following to create an Excel VBA Select Case string statement:

(1) Enter the opening and closing statements of the Select Case statement.

  • Select Case.
  • End Select.
'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
Select Case '...
End Select

(2) Specify the string test expression VBA uses to identify the set of statements to execute: StringTestExpression.

To create an Excel VBA Select Case string statement, specify this string test expression as:

  • A string; or
  • A string expression.
'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
Select Case StringTestExpression
End Select

(3) Specify the string case expressions used by VBA to identify the set of statements to execute:

  • StringCaseExpression1.
  • StringCaseExpression2.
  • StringCaseExpression#.

You can (as a general rule) include as many string case expressions as required inside a single Select Case statement.

Each string case expression is preceded by the Case keyword:

  • Case StringCaseExpression1.
  • Case StringCaseExpression2.
  • Case StringCaseExpression#.

To create an Excel VBA Select Case string statement, specify case expressions as:

  • A string; or
  • A string expression.
'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
Select Case StringTestExpression
    Case StringCaseExpression1
    Case StringCaseExpression2
    Case StringCaseExpression#
End Select

The Case keyword plus associated string case expression (Case StringCaseExpression#) form a Case clause.

When the string test expression (you specified in step #2) matches an individual string case expression, the Select Case statement:

  1. Executes the set of statements (you specify in step #4) associated to the applicable Case clause (whose string case expression matched the string test expression); and
  2. Exits the Select Case statement.

(4) Specify the set of statements to be executed when the applicable string case expression (you specified in step #3) matches the string test expression (you specified in step #2).

  • CaseStatements1.
  • CaseStatements2.
  • CaseStatements#.
'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
Select Case StringTestExpression
    Case StringCaseExpression1
    Case StringCaseExpression2
    Case StringCaseExpression#
End Select

(5) Specify the set of statements to be executed if no string case expression (you specified in step #3) matches the string test expression (you specified in step #2). These catch-all statements:

  • Follow the Case Else keyword; and
  • Are optional.
'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
Select Case StringTestExpression
    Case StringCaseExpression1
    Case StringCaseExpression2
    Case StringCaseExpression#
    Case Else
End Select

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Additional Cues for Excel VBA Select Case String

(1) The Select Case statement is an alternative to complex If… Then… Else statements (Select Case vs. If… Then… Else). Consider using the Select Case statement when dealing with (more) complex cases.

(2) Consider indenting the statements inside Select Case statements.

(3) Consider working with the separator character (:) to separate:

  • The Case clause (Case StringCaseExpression#) and the statements to be executed (CaseStatements#); or
  • The Case Else keyword (Case Else) and the catch-all statements (ElseStatements);

When the following 2 conditions are met:

  1. The case results in a single statement (CaseStatement#) being executed or there’s (only) a single catch-all statement (ElseStatement); and
  2. The resulting line of VBA code is not excessively long.

(3) You have a significant degree of flexibility when specifying case expressions inside a Select Case statement. This flexibility includes the possibility to group several cases inside a single case expression.

Please refer to the Section on Excel VBA Select Case Multiple Conditions (in this Excel VBA Select Case Tutorial) for a more detailed explanation on how to create a Select Case statement to conditionally execute a set of statements based on multiple conditions (grouping several cases inside a single case expression).

(5) Use the Option Compare statement (at the module level) to specify the default comparison method VBA uses when comparing strings:

  • Option Compare Binary; or
  • Option Compare Text.

Option Compare Binary results in a case sensitive comparison. Option Compare Text results in a case insensitive comparison.

The default string comparison method is binary.

(6) As a general rule: Organize case expressions:

  • By decreasing order of probability.
  • In such a way that any case expression excludes subsequent case expressions.

(7) The Case Else keyword/clause (Case Else: ElseStatements) is optional.

Work with the Case Else clause to specify a set of catch-all statements that are executed when none of the conditions you (originally) expected is met (no string case expression matches the string test expression).

(8) If:

  • You omit the Case Else clause; and
  • No string case expression matches the string test expression;

Procedure execution continues with the first statement after the end of the Select Case statement (after “End Select”).

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Excel VBA Select Case String Example Macro

This Excel VBA Select Case Tutorial is accompanied by an Excel workbook with the data and VBA code I use in the examples inside this Tutorial (including this example). Get this example workbook (for free) by clicking the button below.

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I create the Excel VBA Select Case string example macro as follows:

(1) Declare a Sub procedure (SelectCaseString).

Sub SelectCaseString()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
End Sub

(2) Declare a variable (MyQuarterMessage) of the String data type.

Sub SelectCaseString()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
    'Declare variable to represent message to be displayed in message box
    Dim MyQuarterMessage As String
End Sub

(3) Enter the opening and closing statements of the Select Case statement.

Sub SelectCaseString()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
    'Declare variable to represent message to be displayed in message box
    Dim MyQuarterMessage As String
    Select Case '...
    End Select
End Sub

(4) Specify the string test expression VBA uses to identify the set of statements to execute.

The test expression I use (MonthName(Month(Date:=Date))) returns the current month’s name.

Sub SelectCaseString()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
    'Declare variable to represent message to be displayed in message box
    Dim MyQuarterMessage As String
    Select Case MonthName(Month(Date:=Date))
    End Select
End Sub

(5) Specify the string case expressions used by VBA to identify the set of statements to execute.

The string test expression I specified in step #4 returns a month’s name (“January” to “December”). Additionally, I use commas to separate multiple strings inside a single string case expression.

The string case expressions I specify are (therefore):

  • “January”, “February”, “March”.
  • “April”, “May”, “June”.
  • “July”, “August”, “September”.
  • “October”, “November”, “December”.
Sub SelectCaseString()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
    'Declare variable to represent message to be displayed in message box
    Dim MyQuarterMessage As String

    Select Case MonthName(Month(Date:=Date))
        Case "January", "February", "March" '...
        Case "April", "May", "June" '...
        Case "July", "August", "September" '...
        Case "October", "November", "December" '...
    End Select
End Sub

(6) Specify the statement to be executed when the applicable string case expression (I specified in step #5) matches the string test expression (I specified in step #4).

The statements I use assign a string to the MyQuarterMessage variable (I declared in step #2). The assigned string varies, depending on the applicable string case expression (I specified in step #5):

  • String case expression is “January”, “February”, “March”: Assigned string is “It’s Q1”.
  • String case expression is “April”, “May”, “June”: Assigned string is “It’s Q2”.
  • String case expression is “July”, “August”, “September”: Assigned string is “It’s Q3”.
  • String case expression is “October”, “November”, “December”: Assigned string is “It’s Q4”.
Sub SelectCaseString()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
    'Declare variable to represent message to be displayed in message box
    Dim MyQuarterMessage As String
    'Assign a string to the MyQuarterMessage variable, depending on the current month
    Select Case MonthName(Month(Date:=Date))
        Case "January", "February", "March": MyQuarterMessage = "It's Q1"
        Case "April", "May", "June": MyQuarterMessage = "It's Q2"
        Case "July", "August", "September": MyQuarterMessage = "It's Q3"
        Case "October", "November", "December": MyQuarterMessage = "It's Q4"
    End Select
End Sub

(7) Display a message box (MsgBox) with the value held by the MyQuarterMessage variable.

Sub SelectCaseString()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
    'Declare variable to represent message to be displayed in message box
    Dim MyQuarterMessage As String
    'Assign a string to the MyQuarterMessage variable, depending on the current month
    Select Case MonthName(Month(Date:=Date))
        Case "January", "February", "March": MyQuarterMessage = "It's Q1"
        Case "April", "May", "June": MyQuarterMessage = "It's Q2"
        Case "July", "August", "September": MyQuarterMessage = "It's Q3"
        Case "October", "November", "December": MyQuarterMessage = "It's Q4"
    End Select
    'Display message box with string held by the MyQuarterMessage variable
    MsgBox MyQuarterMessage
End Sub

The image below displays the message box shown by Excel when I execute the Excel VBA Select Case string example macro. I execute the example macro (and create this screenshot) during April.

Excel VBA Select Case string example macro results

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Select Case String vs. If… Then… Else String Example Macro

The following If… Then… Else string example macro is an equivalent example macro (to the Select Case string example macro I explain above) working with the If… Then… Else statement (vs. the Select Case statement).

Sub SelectCaseStringVsIfThenElseIfString()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
    'Declare variables to represent:
        '(1) Month name
        '(2) Message to be displayed in message box
    Dim MyMonth As String
    Dim MyQuarterMessage As String
    'Assign current month's name to the MyMonth variable
    MyMonth = MonthName(Month(Date:=Date))
    'Assign a string to the MyQuarterMessage variable, depending on the current month
    If (MyMonth = "January") Or (MyMonth = "February") Or (MyMonth = "March") Then
        MyQuarterMessage = "It's Q1"
    ElseIf (MyMonth = "April") Or (MyMonth = "May") Or (MyMonth = "June") Then
        MyQuarterMessage = "It's Q2"
    ElseIf (MyMonth = "July") Or (MyMonth = "August") Or (MyMonth = "September") Then
        MyQuarterMessage = "It's Q3"
    ElseIf (MyMonth = "October") Or (MyMonth = "November") Or (MyMonth = "December") Then
        MyQuarterMessage = "It's Q4"
    End If
    'Display message box with string held by the MyQuarterMessage variable
    MsgBox MyQuarterMessage
End Sub

Notice how the Select Case statement results in more efficient VBA code that’s easier to:

  • Read;
  • Follow;
  • Understand; and
  • Work with.

The image below displays the message box shown by Excel when I execute the Excel VBA If… Then… Else string example macro. I execute the example macro (and create this screenshot) during April.

Excel VBA Select Case string vs. If... Then... Else string example macro results

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(4) Excel VBA Select Case Between 2 Values

In this Section, you learn how to create an Excel VBA Select Case between 2 values statement to conditionally execute a set of statements based on whether an expression returns a value between 2 (other) values.

Excel VBA Select Case Between 2 Values Snippet Template/Structure

The following is the Excel VBA Select Case between 2 values snippet template/structure I explain (step-by-step) in the Sections below.

'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
Select Case NumericTestExpression
    Case LowerBoundCase1 To UpperBoundCase1
    Case LowerBoundCase2 To UpperBoundCase2
    Case LowerBoundCase# To UpperBoundCase#
    Case Else
End Select

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Step-by-Step Process to Set Up an Excel VBA Select Case Between 2 Values Statement

Do the following to create an Excel VBA Select Case between 2 values statement:

(1) Enter the opening and closing statements of the Select Case statement.

  • Select Case.
  • End Select.
'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
Select Case '...
End Select

(2) Specify the test expression VBA uses to identify the set of statements to execute, as a numeric expression (an expression that can be evaluated as a number): NumericTestExpression.

'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
Select Case NumericTestExpression
End Select

(3) Specify the numeric case expressions used by VBA to identify the set of statements to execute. Use the To keyword to specify a range of values for each single case expression.

  • LowerBoundCase1 To UpperBoundCase1.
  • LowerBoundCase2 To UpperBoundCase2.
  • LowerBoundCase# To UpperBoundCase#.

For these purposes:

  • LowerBoundCase# is the smaller value in the specified range of values; and
  • UpperBoundCase# is the larger value in the specified range of values.

You can (as a general rule) include as many case expressions as required inside a single Select Case statement.

Each case expression is preceded by the Case keyword:

  • Case LowerBoundCase1 To UpperBoundCase1.
  • Case LowerBoundCase2 To UpperBoundCase2.
  • Case LowerBoundCase# To UpperBoundCase#.
'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
Select Case NumericTestExpression
    Case LowerBoundCase1 To UpperBoundCase1
    Case LowerBoundCase2 To UpperBoundCase2
    Case LowerBoundCase# To UpperBoundCase#
End Select

The Case keyword plus associated case expression (Case LowerBoundCase# To UpperBoundCase#) form a Case clause.

When the value returned by the numeric test expression (you specified in step #2) is between a case expression’s 2 values, the Select Case statement:

  1. Executes the set of statements (you specify in step #4) associated to the applicable Case clause (whose case expression matched the test expression); and
  2. Exits the Select Case statement.

(4) Specify the set of statements to be executed when the value returned by the numeric test expression (you specified in step #2) is between a case expression’s 2 values (you specified in step #3).

  • CaseStatements1.
  • CaseStatements2.
  • CaseStatements#.
'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
Select Case NumericTestExpression
    Case LowerBoundCase1 To UpperBoundCase1
    Case LowerBoundCase2 To UpperBoundCase2
    Case LowerBoundCase# To UpperBoundCase#
End Select

(5) Specify the set of statements to be executed if the value returned by the numeric test expression (you specified in step #2) isn’t between any case expression’s 2 values (you specified in step #3). These catch-all statements follow the Case Else keyword.

'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
Select Case NumericTestExpression
    Case LowerBoundCase1 To UpperBoundCase1
    Case LowerBoundCase2 To UpperBoundCase2
    Case LowerBoundCase# To UpperBoundCase#
    Case Else
End Select

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Additional Cues for Excel VBA Select Case Between 2 Values

(1) The Select Case statement is an alternative to complex If… Then… Else statements (Select Case vs. If… Then… Else). Consider using the Select Case statement when dealing with (more) complex cases.

(2) Consider indenting the statements inside Select Case statements.

(3) Consider working with the separator character (:) to separate:

  • The Case clause (Case LowerBoundCase# To UpperBoundCase#) and the statements to be executed (CaseStatements#); or
  • The Case Else keyword (Case Else) and the catch-all statements (ElseStatements);

When the following 2 conditions are met:

  1. The case results in a single statement (CaseStatement#) being executed or there’s (only) a single catch-all statement (ElseStatement); and
  2. The resulting line of VBA code is not excessively long.

(3) You have a significant degree of flexibility when specifying case expressions inside a Select Case statement. This flexibility includes the possibility to specify a range of values for a single case expression (as you learned in this Section).

Please refer to the Section on Excel VBA Select Case Multiple Conditions (in this Excel VBA Select Case Tutorial) for a more detailed explanation on how to create a Select Case statement to conditionally execute a set of statements based on multiple conditions (grouping several cases inside a single case expression).

(4) As a general rule: Organize case expressions:

  • By decreasing order of probability.
  • In such a way that any case expression excludes subsequent case expressions.

(5) The Case Else keyword/clause (Case Else: ElseStatements) is optional.

Work with the Case Else clause to specify a set of catch-all statements that are executed when none of the conditions you (originally) expected is met (no case expression matches the test expression).

(6) If:

  • You omit the Case Else clause; and
  • No case expression matches the test expression;

Procedure execution continues with the first statement after the end of the Select Case statement (after “End Select”).

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Excel VBA Select Case Between 2 Values Example Macro

This Excel VBA Select Case Tutorial is accompanied by an Excel workbook with the data and VBA code I use in the examples inside this Tutorial (including this example). Get this example workbook (for free) by clicking the button below.

Get immediate free access to the Excel VBA Select Case example workbook

I create the Excel VBA Select Case between 2 values example macro as follows:

(1) Declare a Sub procedure (SelectCaseBetween2Values).

Sub SelectCaseBetween2Values()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/

End Sub

(2) Declare a variable (MyQuarterMessage) of the String data type.

Sub SelectCaseBetween2Values()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
    'Declare variable to represent message to be displayed in message box
    Dim MyQuarterMessage As String

End Sub

(3) Enter the opening and closing statements of the Select Case statement.

Sub SelectCaseBetween2Values()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
    'Declare variable to represent message to be displayed in message box
    Dim MyQuarterMessage As String
    Select Case '...
    End Select

End Sub

(4) Specify the numeric test expression VBA uses to identify the set of statements to execute, as a numeric expression.

The test expression I use (Month(Date:=Date)) returns an integer (1 to 12) representing the current month of the year.

Sub SelectCaseBetween2Values()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
    'Declare variable to represent message to be displayed in message box
    Dim MyQuarterMessage As String
    Select Case Month(Date:=Date)
    End Select

End Sub

(5) Specify the numeric case expressions used by VBA to identify the set of statements to execute. I use the To keyword to specify a range of values for each single case expression.

The test expression I specified in step #4 returns an integer between 1 and 12.

The case expressions I specify (considering the above) are:

  • 1 To 3.
  • 4 To 6.
  • 7 To 9.
  • 10 To 12.
Sub SelectCaseBetween2Values()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
    'Declare variable to represent message to be displayed in message box
    Dim MyQuarterMessage As String
    Select Case Month(Date:=Date)
        Case 1 To 3: '...
        Case 4 To 6: '...
        Case 7 To 9: '...
        Case 10 To 12: '...
    End Select

End Sub

(6) Specify the statement to be executed when the value returned by the numeric test expression (I specified in step #4) is between a case expression’s 2 values (I specified in step #5).

The statements I use assign a string to the MyQuarterMessage variable (I declared in step #2). The assigned string varies, depending on the applicable numeric case expression (I specified in step #5):

  • 1 To 3: Assigned string is “It’s Q1”.
  • 4 To 6: Assigned string is “It’s Q2”.
  • 7 To 9: Assigned string is “It’s Q3”.
  • 10 To 12: Assigned string is “It’s Q4”.
Sub SelectCaseBetween2Values()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
    'Declare variable to represent message to be displayed in message box
    Dim MyQuarterMessage As String
    'Assign a string to the MyQuarterMessage variable, depending on the current month
    Select Case Month(Date:=Date)
        Case 1 To 3: MyQuarterMessage = "It's Q1"
        Case 4 To 6: MyQuarterMessage = "It's Q2"
        Case 7 To 9: MyQuarterMessage = "It's Q3"
        Case 10 To 12: MyQuarterMessage = "It's Q4"
    End Select

End Sub

(7) Display a message box (MsgBox) with the value held by the MyQuarterMessage variable.

Sub SelectCaseBetween2Values()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
    'Declare variable to represent message to be displayed in message box
    Dim MyQuarterMessage As String
    'Assign a string to the MyQuarterMessage variable, depending on the current month
    Select Case Month(Date:=Date)
        Case 1 To 3: MyQuarterMessage = "It's Q1"
        Case 4 To 6: MyQuarterMessage = "It's Q2"
        Case 7 To 9: MyQuarterMessage = "It's Q3"
        Case 10 To 12: MyQuarterMessage = "It's Q4"
    End Select
    'Display message box with string held by the MyQuarterMessage variable
    MsgBox MyQuarterMessage

End Sub

The image below displays the message box shown by Excel when I execute the Excel VBA Select Case between 2 values example macro. I execute the example macro (and create this screenshot) during April.

Excel VBA Select Case between 2 values example macro results

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Select Case Between 2 Values vs. If… Then… ElseIf… Between 2 Values Example Macro

The following If… Then… ElseIf… between 2 values example macro is an equivalent example macro (to the Select Case between 2 values example macro I explain above) working with the If… Then… Else statement (vs. the Select Case statement).

Sub SelectCaseBetween2ValuesVsIfThenElseIfBetween2Values()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
    'Declare variables to represent:
        '(1) Number representing month
        '(2) Message to be displayed in message box
    Dim MyCurrentMonth As Integer
    Dim MyQuarterMessage As String
    'Assign number representing month to the MyCurrentMonth variable
    MyCurrentMonth = Month(Date:=Date)
    'Assign a string to the MyQuarterMessage variable, depending on the current month
    If (MyCurrentMonth >= 1) And (MyCurrentMonth <= 3) Then
        MyQuarterMessage = "It's Q1"
    ElseIf (MyCurrentMonth >= 4) And (MyCurrentMonth <= 6) Then
        MyQuarterMessage = "It's Q2"
    ElseIf (MyCurrentMonth >= 7) And (MyCurrentMonth <= 9) Then
        MyQuarterMessage = "It's Q3"
    ElseIf (MyCurrentMonth >= 10) And (MyCurrentMonth <= 12) Then
        MyQuarterMessage = "It's Q4"
    End If
    'Display message box with string held by the MyQuarterMessage variable
    MsgBox MyQuarterMessage

End Sub

Notice how the Select Case statement results in more efficient VBA code that’s easier to:

  • Read;
  • Follow;
  • Understand; and
  • Work with.

The image below displays the message box shown by Excel when I execute the Excel VBA If… Then… ElseIf… between 2 values example macro. I execute the example macro (and create this screenshot) during April.

Excel VBA Select Case between 2 values vs. If... Then... ElseIf... between 2 values example macro results

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(5) Excel VBA Select Case Multiple Values

In this Section, you learn how to create a VBA Select Case multiple values statement to conditionally execute a set of statements based on whether an expression returns one of multiple (other) values.

Excel VBA Select Case Multiple Values Snippet Template/Structure

The following is the Excel VBA Select Case multiple values snippet template/structure I explain (step-by-step) in the Sections below.

'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
Select Case NumericTestExpression
    Case Value1Case1, Value2Case1, ..., Value#Case1
    Case Value1Case2, Value2Case2, ..., Value#Case2
    Case Value1Case#, Value2Case#, ..., Value#Case#
    Case Else
End Select

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Step-by-Step Process to Set Up an Excel VBA Select Case Multiple Values Statement

Do the following to create an Excel VBA Select Case multiple values statement:

(1) Enter the opening and closing statements of the Select Case statement.

  • Select Case.
  • End Select.
'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
Select Case '...
End Select

(2) Specify the test expression VBA uses to identify the set of statements to execute, as a numeric expression (an expression that can be evaluated as a number): NumericTestExpression.

'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
Select Case NumericTestExpression
End Select

(3) Specify the numeric case expressions used by VBA to identify the set of statements to execute. Use commas to separate multiple values inside a single numeric case expression.

  • Value1Case1, Value2Case1, …, Value#Case1.
  • Value1Case2, Value2Case2, …, Value#Case2.
  • Value1Case#, Value2Case#, …, Value#Case#.

You can (as a general rule) include as many case expressions as required inside a single Select Case statement.

Each case expression is preceded by the Case keyword:

  • Case Value1Case1, Value2Case1, …, Value#Case1.
  • Case Value1Case2, Value2Case2, …, Value#Case2.
  • Case Value1Case#, Value2Case#, …, Value#Case#.
'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
Select Case NumericTestExpression
    Case Value1Case1, Value2Case1, ..., Value#Case1
    Case Value1Case2, Value2Case2, ..., Value#Case2
    Case Value1Case#, Value2Case#, ..., Value#Case#
End Select

The Case keyword plus associated case expression (Case Value1Case#, Value2Case#, …, Value#Case#) form a Case clause.

When the value returned by the numeric test expression (you specified in step #2) is equal to one of the multiple values inside a case expression, the Select Case statement:

  1. Executes the set of statements (you specify in step #4) associated to the applicable Case clause (whose case expression matched the test expression); and
  2. Exits the Select Case statement.

(4) Specify the set of statements to be executed when the value returned by the numeric test expression (you specified in step #2) is equal to one of the multiple values (you specified in step #3) inside a case expression.

  • CaseStatements1.
  • CaseStatements2.
  • CaseStatements#.
'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
Select Case NumericTestExpression
    Case Value1Case1, Value2Case1, ..., Value#Case1
    Case Value1Case2, Value2Case2, ..., Value#Case2
    Case Value1Case#, Value2Case#, ..., Value#Case#
End Select

(5) Specify the set of statements to be executed if the value returned by the numeric test expression (you specified in step #2) isn’t equal to any of the multiple values inside any of the case expressions (you specified in step #3). These catch-all statements follow the Case Else keyword.

'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
Select Case NumericTestExpression
    Case Value1Case1, Value2Case1, ..., Value#Case1
    Case Value1Case2, Value2Case2, ..., Value#Case2
    Case Value1Case#, Value2Case#, ..., Value#Case#
    Case Else
End Select

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Additional Cues for Excel VBA Select Case Multiple Values

(1) The Select Case statement is an alternative to complex If… Then… Else statements (Select Case vs. If… Then… Else). Consider using the Select Case statement when dealing with (more) complex cases.

(2) Consider indenting the statements inside Select Case statements.

(3) Consider working with the separator character (:) to separate:

  • The Case clause (Case Value1Case#, Value2Case#, …, Value#Case#) and the statements to be executed (CaseStatements#); or
  • The Case Else keyword (Case Else) and the catch-all statements (ElseStatements);

When the following 2 conditions are met:

  1. The case results in a single statement (CaseStatement#) being executed or there’s (only) a single catch-all statement (ElseStatement); and
  2. The resulting line of VBA code is not excessively long.

(3) You have a significant degree of flexibility when specifying case expressions inside a Select Case statement. This flexibility includes the possibility to specify multiple values for a single case expression (as you learned in this Section).

Please refer to the Section on Excel VBA Select Case Multiple Conditions (in this Excel VBA Select Case Tutorial) for a more detailed explanation on how to create a Select Case statement to conditionally execute a set of statements based on multiple conditions (grouping several cases inside a single case expression).

(4) As a general rule: Organize case expressions:

  • By decreasing order of probability.
  • In such a way that any case expression excludes subsequent case expressions.

(5) The Case Else keyword/clause (Case Else: ElseStatements) is optional.

Work with the Case Else clause to specify a set of catch-all statements that are executed when none of the conditions you (originally) expected is met (no case expression matches the test expression).

(6) If:

  • You omit the Case Else clause; and
  • No case expression matches the test expression;

Procedure execution continues with the first statement after the end of the Select Case statement (after “End Select”).

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Excel VBA Select Case Multiple Values Example Macro

This Excel VBA Select Case Tutorial is accompanied by an Excel workbook with the data and VBA code I use in the examples inside this Tutorial (including this example). Get this example workbook (for free) by clicking the button below.

Get immediate free access to the Excel VBA Select Case example workbook

I create the VBA Select Case multiple values example macro as follows:

(1) Declare a Sub procedure (SelectCaseMultipleValues).

Sub SelectCaseMultipleValues()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/

End Sub

(2) Declare a variable (MyMonthMessage) of the String data type.

Sub SelectCaseMultipleValues()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
    'Declare variable to represent message to be displayed in message box
    Dim MyMonthMessage As String

End Sub

(3) Enter the opening and closing statements of the Select Case statement.

Sub SelectCaseMultipleValues()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
    'Declare variable to represent message to be displayed in message box
    Dim MyMonthMessage As String
    Select Case '...
    End Select

End Sub

(4) Specify the numeric test expression VBA uses to identify the set of statements to execute, as a numeric expression.

The test expression I use (Month(Date:=Date)) returns an integer (1 to 12) representing the current month of the year.

Sub SelectCaseMultipleValues()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
    'Declare variable to represent message to be displayed in message box
    Dim MyMonthMessage As String
    Select Case Month(Date:=Date)
    End Select

End Sub

(5) Specify the numeric case expressions used by VBA to identify the set of statements to execute. I use commas to separate multiple values inside a single numeric case expression.

The test expression I specified in step #4 returns an integer between 1 and 12.

The case expressions I specify (considering the above) are:

  • 1, 4, 7, 10.
  • 2, 5, 8, 11.
  • 3, 6, 9, 12.
Sub SelectCaseMultipleValues()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
    'Declare variable to represent message to be displayed in message box
    Dim MyMonthMessage As String
    Select Case Month(Date:=Date)
        Case 1, 4, 7, 10: '...
        Case 2, 5, 8, 11: '...
        Case 3, 6, 9, 12: '...
    End Select

End Sub

(6) Specify the statement to be executed when the value returned by the numeric test expression (I specified in step #4) is equal to one of the multiple values (I specified in step #5) inside a case expression.

The statements I use assign a string to the MyMonthMessage variable (I declared in step #2). The assigned string varies, depending on the applicable numeric case expression (I specified in step #5):

  • 1, 4, 7, 10: Assigned string is “It’s January, April, July, or October”.
  • 2, 5, 8, 11: Assigned string is “It’s February, May, August, or November”.
  • 3, 6, 9, 12: Assigned string is “It’s March, June, September, or December”.
Sub SelectCaseMultipleValues()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
    'Declare variable to represent message to be displayed in message box
    Dim MyMonthMessage As String
    'Assign a string to the MyMonthMessage variable, depending on the current month
    Select Case Month(Date:=Date)
        Case 1, 4, 7, 10: MyMonthMessage = "It's January, April, July, or October"
        Case 2, 5, 8, 11: MyMonthMessage = "It's February, May, August, or November"
        Case 3, 6, 9, 12: MyMonthMessage = "It's March, June, September, or December"
    End Select

End Sub

(7) Display a message box (MsgBox) with the value held by the MyMonthMessage variable.

Sub SelectCaseMultipleValues()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
    'Declare variable to represent message to be displayed in message box
    Dim MyMonthMessage As String
    'Assign a string to the MyMonthMessage variable, depending on the current month
    Select Case Month(Date:=Date)
        Case 1, 4, 7, 10: MyMonthMessage = "It's January, April, July, or October"
        Case 2, 5, 8, 11: MyMonthMessage = "It's February, May, August, or November"
        Case 3, 6, 9, 12: MyMonthMessage = "It's March, June, September, or December"
    End Select
    'Display message box with string held by the MyMonthMessage variable
    MsgBox MyMonthMessage

End Sub

The image below displays the message box shown by Excel when I execute the Excel VBA Select Case multiple values example macro. I execute the example macro (and create this screenshot) during May.

Excel VBA Select Case multiple values example macro results

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Select Case Multiple Values vs. If… Then… ElseIf… Multiple Values Example Macro

The following If… Then… ElseIf… multiple values example macro is an equivalent example macro (to the Select Case multiple values example macro I explain above) working with the If… Then… Else statement (vs. the Select Case statement).

Sub SelectCaseMultipleValuesVsIfThenElseIfMultipleValues()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
    'Declare variables to represent:
        '(1) Number representing month
        '(2) Message to be displayed in message box
    Dim MyCurrentMonth As Integer
    Dim MyMonthMessage As String
    'Assign number representing month to the MyCurrentMonth variable
    MyCurrentMonth = Month(Date:=Date)
    'Assign a string to the MyMonthMessage variable, depending on the current month
    If (MyCurrentMonth = 1) Or (MyCurrentMonth = 4) Or (MyCurrentMonth = 7) Or (MyCurrentMonth = 10) Then
        MyMonthMessage = "It's January, April, July, or October"
    ElseIf (MyCurrentMonth = 2) Or (MyCurrentMonth = 5) Or (MyCurrentMonth = 8) Or (MyCurrentMonth = 11) Then
        MyMonthMessage = "It's February, May, August, or November"
    ElseIf (MyCurrentMonth = 3) Or (MyCurrentMonth = 6) Or (MyCurrentMonth = 9) Or (MyCurrentMonth = 12) Then
        MyMonthMessage = "It's March, June, September, or December"
    End If
    'Display message box with string held by the MyMonthMessage variable
    MsgBox MyMonthMessage

End Sub

Notice how the Select Case statement results in more efficient VBA code that’s easier to:

  • Read;
  • Follow;
  • Understand; and
  • Work with.

The image below displays the message box shown by Excel when I execute the Excel VBA If… Then… ElseIf… multiple values example macro. I execute the example macro (and create this screenshot) during May.

Excel VBA Select Case vs. If... Then... Else multiple values example macro results

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(6) Excel VBA Select Case Multiple Conditions

In this Section, you learn how to create an Excel VBA Select Case statement to conditionally execute a set of statements based on:

  • An expression’s value; and
  • Multiple conditions (grouping several cases inside a single case expression).

Excel VBA Select Case Multiple Conditions Snippet Template/Structure

The following is the Excel VBA Select Case multiple conditions snippet template/structure I explain (step-by-step) in the Sections below.

'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
Select Case TestExpression
    Case CaseExpression1
    Case CaseExpression2
    Case CaseExpression#
    Case Else
End Select

When creating a Select Case multiple conditions statement, each CaseExpression# can follow (as appropriate) one of the following templates/structures:

'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/

LowerBoundCase To UpperBoundCase

Is ComparisonOperator ComparisonCase

Case1, Case2, Case3, …, Case#

CaseRange1, CaseRange2, CaseRange3, …, CaseRange#

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Step-by-Step Process to Set Up an Excel VBA Select Case Multiple Conditions Statement

Do the following to create an Excel VBA Select Case multiple conditions statement:

(1) Enter the opening and closing statements of the Select Case statement.

  • Select Case.
  • End Select.
'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
Select Case '...
End Select

(2) Specify the test expression VBA uses to identify the set of statements to execute: TestExpression.

'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
Select Case TestExpression
End Select

(3) Specify the case expressions used by VBA to identify the set of statements to execute:

  • CaseExpression1.
  • CaseExpression2.
  • CaseExpression#.

You can (as a general rule) include as many case expressions as required inside a single Select Case statement.

Each case expression is preceded by the Case keyword:

  • Case CaseExpression1.
  • Case CaseExpression2.
  • Case CaseExpression#.
'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
Select Case TestExpression
    Case CaseExpression1
    Case CaseExpression2
    Case CaseExpression#
End Select

When creating a Select Case multiple conditions statement, use the following constructs and structures to group several cases inside a single case expression:

(3.1.) Use the To and Is keywords to specify a range of values or strings for a single case expression.

'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/

'To keyword
LowerBoundCase To UpperBoundCase

'Is keyword
Is ComparisonOperator ComparisonCase

(3.2.) Use commas to separate multiple:

  • Values or strings; or
  • Value or string ranges (usually created by working with the To or Is keywords I explain above);

Inside a single case expression.

'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/

'Values or strings
Case1, Case2, Case3, …, Case#

'Value or string ranges
CaseRange1, CaseRange2, CaseRange3, …, CaseRange#

The Case keyword plus associated case expression (Case CaseExpression#) form a Case clause.

When the test expression (you specified in step #2) matches an individual case expression, the Select Case statement:

  1. Executes the set of statements (you specify in step #4) associated to the applicable Case clause (whose case expression matched the test expression); and
  2. Exits the Select Case statement.

(4) Specify the set of statements to be executed when the applicable case expression (you specified in step #3) matches the test expression (you specified in step #2).

  • CaseStatements1.
  • CaseStatements2.
  • CaseStatements#.
'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
Select Case TestExpression
    Case CaseExpression1
    Case CaseExpression2
    Case CaseExpression#
End Select

(5) Specify the set of statements to be executed if no case expression (you specified in step #3) matches the test expression (you specified in step #2). These catch-all statements follow the Case Else keyword.

'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
Select Case TestExpression
    Case CaseExpression1
    Case CaseExpression2
    Case CaseExpression#
    Case Else
End Select

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Additional Cues for Excel VBA Select Case Multiple Conditions

(1) The Select Case statement is an alternative to complex If… Then… Else statements (Select Case vs. If… Then… Else). Consider using the Select Case statement when dealing with (more) complex cases.

(2) Consider indenting the statements inside Select Case statements.

(3) Consider working with the separator character (:) to separate:

  • The Case clause (Case CaseExpression#) and the statements to be executed (CaseStatements#); or
  • The Case Else keyword (Case Else) and the catch-all statements (ElseStatements);

When the following 2 conditions are met:

  1. The case results in a single statement (CaseStatement#) being executed or there’s (only) a single catch-all statement (ElseStatement); and
  2. The resulting line of VBA code is not excessively long.

(3) You have a significant degree of flexibility when specifying case expressions inside a Select Case statement. This flexibility includes the possibility to group several cases inside a single case expression (as you learned in this Section).

(4) When using the Is keyword to specify a range of values or strings for a single case expression (Is ComparisonOperator ComparisonCase), ComparisonOperator is a comparison operator, excluding the following operators:

  • Is.
  • Like.

(5) As a general rule: Organize case expressions:

  • By decreasing order of probability.
  • In such a way that any case expression excludes subsequent case expressions.

(6) The Case Else keyword/clause (Case Else: ElseStatements) is optional.

Work with the Case Else clause to specify a set of catch-all statements that are executed when none of the conditions you (originally) expected is met (no case expression matches the test expression).

(7) If:

  • You omit the Case Else clause; and
  • No case expression matches the test expression;

Procedure execution continues with the first statement after the end of the Select Case statement (after “End Select”).

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Excel VBA Select Case Multiple Conditions Example Macro

This Excel VBA Select Case Tutorial is accompanied by an Excel workbook with the data and VBA code I use in the examples inside this Tutorial (including this example). Get this example workbook (for free) by clicking the button below.

Get immediate free access to the Excel VBA Select Case example workbook

I create the Excel VBA Select Case multiple conditions example macro as follows:

(1) Declare a Sub procedure (SelectCaseMultipleConditions).

Sub SelectCaseMultipleConditions()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/

End Sub

(2) Declare a variable (MyMonthMessage) of the String data type.

Sub SelectCaseMultipleConditions()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
    'Declare variable to represent message to be displayed in message box
    Dim MyMonthMessage As String

End Sub

(3) Enter the opening and closing statements of the Select Case statement.

Sub SelectCaseMultipleConditions()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
    'Declare variable to represent message to be displayed in message box
    Dim MyMonthMessage As String
    Select Case '...
    End Select

End Sub

(4) Specify the test expression VBA uses to identify the set of statements to execute.

The test expression I use (Month(Date:=Date)) returns an integer (1 to 12) representing the current month of the year.

Sub SelectCaseMultipleConditions()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
    'Declare variable to represent message to be displayed in message box
    Dim MyMonthMessage As String
    Select Case Month(Date:=Date)
    End Select

End Sub

(5) Specify the case expressions used by VBA to identify the set of statements to execute.

I use the following constructs and structures to group several cases inside a single case expression:

  • The To and Is keywords to specify a range of values or strings for a single case expression.
  • Commas to separate multiple values or strings.

The test expression I specified in step #4 returns an integer between 1 and 12.

The case expressions I specify (considering the above) are:

  • Is < 7.
  • 7 To 9.
  • 10, 11.
Sub SelectCaseMultipleConditions()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
    'Declare variable to represent message to be displayed in message box
    Dim MyMonthMessage As String
    Select Case Month(Date:=Date)
        Case Is < 7: '...
        Case 7 To 9: '...
        Case 10, 11: '...
        Case Else: '...
    End Select

End Sub

(6) Specify the statement to be executed when the applicable case expression (I specified in step #5) matches the test expression (I specified in step #4).

The statements I use assign a string to the MyMonthMessage variable (I declared in step #2). The assigned string varies, depending on the applicable case expression (I specified in step #5):

  • Is < 7: Assigned string is “It’s H1”.
  • 7 To 9: Assigned string is “It’s Q3”.
  • 10, 11: Assigned string is “It’s Q4, but not yet December”.
Sub SelectCaseMultipleConditions()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
    'Declare variable to represent message to be displayed in message box
    Dim MyMonthMessage As String
    'Assign a string to the MyMonthMessage variable, depending on the current month
    Select Case Month(Date:=Date)
        'If the current month is less than 7, message is "It's H1"
        Case Is < 7: MyMonthMessage = "It's H1"
        'If the current month is from 7 to 9, message is "It's Q3"
        Case 7 To 9: MyMonthMessage = "It's Q3"
        'If the current month is 10 or 11, message is "It's Q4, but not yet December"
        Case 10, 11: MyMonthMessage = "It's Q4, but not yet December"
    End Select

End Sub

(7) Specify the catch-all statement to be executed if no case expression (from the case expressions I specified in step #5) matches the test expression (I specified in step #4).

The statement I use assigns a string to the MyMonthMessage variable (I declared in step #2): “It’s December”.

Sub SelectCaseMultipleConditions()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
    'Declare variable to represent message to be displayed in message box
    Dim MyMonthMessage As String
    'Assign a string to the MyMonthMessage variable, depending on the current month
    Select Case Month(Date:=Date)
        'If the current month is less than 7, message is "It's H1"
        Case Is < 7: MyMonthMessage = "It's H1"
        'If the current month is from 7 to 9, message is "It's Q3"
        Case 7 To 9: MyMonthMessage = "It's Q3"
        'If the current month is 10 or 11, message is "It's Q4, but not yet December"
        Case 10, 11: MyMonthMessage = "It's Q4, but not yet December"
        'If the current month doesn't match any of the previous case expressions, message is "It's December"
        Case Else: MyMonthMessage = "It's December"
    End Select

End Sub

(8) Display a message box (MsgBox) with the value held by the MyMonthMessage variable.

Sub SelectCaseMultipleConditions()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
    'Declare variable to represent message to be displayed in message box
    Dim MyMonthMessage As String
    'Assign a string to the MyMonthMessage variable, depending on the current month
    Select Case Month(Date:=Date)
        'If the current month is less than 7, message is "It's H1"
        Case Is < 7: MyMonthMessage = "It's H1"
        'If the current month is from 7 to 9, message is "It's Q3"
        Case 7 To 9: MyMonthMessage = "It's Q3"
        'If the current month is 10 or 11, message is "It's Q4, but not yet December"
        Case 10, 11: MyMonthMessage = "It's Q4, but not yet December"
        'If the current month doesn't match any of the previous case expressions, message is "It's December"
        Case Else: MyMonthMessage = "It's December"
    End Select
    'Display message box with string held by the MyMonthMessage variable
    MsgBox MyMonthMessage

End Sub

The image below displays the message box shown by Excel when I execute the Excel VBA Select Case multiple conditions example macro. I execute the example macro (and create this screenshot) during March.

Excel VBA Select Case multiple conditions example macro results

Get immediate free access to the Excel VBA Select Case example workbook

Select Case Multiple Conditions vs. If… Then… ElseIf… Else Multiple Conditions Example Macro

The following If… Then… ElseIf… Else multiple conditions example macro is an equivalent example macro (to the Select Case multiple conditions example macro I explain above) working with the If… Then… Else statement (vs. the Select Case statement).

Sub SelectCaseMultipleConditionsVsIfThenElseIfElseMultipleConditions()
    'Source: https://powerspreadsheets.com/
    'More information: https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-select-case/
    'Declare variables to represent:
        '(1) Number representing month
        '(2) Message to be displayed in message box
    Dim MyCurrentMonth As Integer
    Dim MyMonthMessage As String
    'Assign number representing month to the MyCurrentMonth variable
    MyCurrentMonth = Month(Date:=Date)
    'Assign a string to the MyMonthMessage variable, depending on the current month
    If MyCurrentMonth < 7 Then
        MyMonthMessage = "It's H1"
    ElseIf (MyCurrentMonth >= 7) And (MyCurrentMonth <= 9) Then
        MyMonthMessage = "It's Q3"
    ElseIf (MyCurrentMonth = 10) Or (MyCurrentMonth = 11) Then
        MyMonthMessage = "It's Q4, but not yet December"
        MyMonthMessage = "It's December"
    End If
    'Display message box with string held by the MyMonthMessage variable
    MsgBox MyMonthMessage

End Sub

Notice how the Select Case statement results in more efficient VBA code that’s easier to:

  • Read;
  • Follow;
  • Understand; and
  • Work with.

The image below displays the message box shown by Excel when I execute the Excel VBA If… Then… ElseIf… Else multiple conditions example macro. I execute the example macro (and create this screenshot) during March.

Excel VBA Select Case vs. If... Then... Else multiple conditions example macro results

Get immediate free access to the Excel VBA Select Case example workbook

Download the Excel VBA Select Case Example Workbook

This Excel VBA Select Case Tutorial is accompanied by an Excel workbook with the data and VBA code I use in the examples above. Get this example workbook (for free) by clicking the button below.

Get immediate free access to the Excel VBA Select Case example workbook

The following Excel Macro and VBA Tutorials may help you better understand and implement the contents above.

  • Tutorials about general macro and VBA constructs and structures:
    • Tutorials for Beginners:
      • Excel Macros: Click here to open.
      • Excel VBA: Click here to open.
    • Enable macros in Excel: Click here to open.
    • Work with the Visual Basic Editor (VBE): Click here to open.
    • Create Sub procedures: Click here to open.
    • Work with:
      • Variables: Click here to open.
      • Data types: Click here to open.
      • Functions: Click here to open.
  • Tutorials with practical VBA applications and macro examples:
    • Excel VBA Change Font Color Based on Cell Value: Click here to open.
    • Create a message box: Click here to open.
    • Create an input box: Click here to open.

This Excel VBA Select Case Tutorial is part of a more comprehensive series of Excel VBA Select Case Tutorials.

  • Excel VBA Select Case Tutorial: Click here to open.
  • Excel VBA Select Case Or: Click here to open.
  • Excel VBA Select Case And Operator: Click here to open.
  • Excel VBA Select Case Multiple Test Expressions: Click here to open.
  • Excel VBA Select Case Like Wildcard: Click here to open.
  • Excel VBA Select Case Inside For… Next Loop: Click here to open.
  • Excel VBA Select Case Range of Cells: Click here to open.

You can find more Excel and VBA Tutorials in the organized Tutorials Archive: Click here to visit the Archives. The following are some of my most popular Excel Tutorials and Training Resources:

  • Excel Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet: Click here to open.
  • Work with the Excel XLOOKUP Function: Click here to open.
  • Excel Power Query (Get & Transform) Tutorial for Beginners: Click here to open.

If you want to learn how to automate Excel (and save time) by working with macros and VBA, you may be interested in the following Premium Excel Macro and VBA Training Materials:

  • Premium Courses at the Power Spreadsheets Academy: Click here to open.
  • Books at the Power Spreadsheets Library: Click here to open.
  • VBA Cheat Sheets: Click here to open.

If you want to save time when working with macros and VBA, you may be interested in AutoMacro: Click here to learn more about AutoMacro (affiliate link). AutoMacro is an add-in for VBA that installs directly into the VBE. Depending on the version, AutoMacro comes loaded with:

  • Code generators.
  • An extensive code library.
  • The ability to create your own code library.
  • Advanced coding tools.

If you need help with Excel tasks/projects, you may be interested in working with me: Click here to learn more about working with me.

Get immediate free access to the Excel VBA Select Case example workbook

This post provides a complete guide to the VBA If Statement in VBA. If you are looking for the syntax then check out the quick guide in the first section which includes some examples.

The table of contents below provides an overview of what is included in the post. You use this to navigate to the section you want or you can read the post from start to finish.

“Guess, if you can, and choose, if you dare.” – Pierre Corneille

Quick Guide to the VBA If Statement

Description Format Example
If Then If [condition is true] Then
    [do something]
End If
If score = 100 Then
       Debug.Print «Perfect»
End If
If Else If [condition is true] Then
    [do something]
    [do something]
End If
If score = 100 Then
       Debug.Print «Perfect»
       Debug.Print «Try again»
End If
If ElseIf If [condition 1 is true] Then
    [do something]
ElseIf [condition 2 is true] Then
    [do something]
End If
If score = 100 Then
       Debug.Print «Perfect»
ElseIf score > 50 Then
       Debug.Print «Passed»
ElseIf score <= 50 Then
       Debug.Print «Try again»
End If
Else and ElseIf
(Else must come
after ElseIf’s)
If [condition 1 is true] Then
      [do something]
ElseIf [condition 2 is true] Then
      [do something]
      [do something]
End If
If score = 100 Then
       Debug.Print «Perfect»
ElseIf score > 50 Then
       Debug.Print «Passed»
ElseIf score > 30 Then
       Debug.Print «Try again»
       Debug.Print «Yikes»
End If
If without Endif
(One line only)
If [condition is true] Then [do something] If value <= 0 Then value = 0

The following code shows a simple example of using the VBA If statement

If Sheet1.Range("A1").Value > 5 Then
    Debug.Print "Value is greater than five."
ElseIf Sheet1.Range("A1").Value < 5 Then
    Debug.Print "value is less than five."
    Debug.Print "value is equal to five."
End If

The Webinar

Members of the Webinar Archives can access the webinar for this article by clicking on the image below.

(Note: Website members have access to the full webinar archive.)

What is the VBA If Statement

The VBA If statement is used to allow your code to make choices when it is running.

You will often want to make choices based on the data your macros reads.

For example, you may want to read only the students who have marks greater than 70. As you read through each student you would use the If Statement to check the marks of each student.

The important word in the last sentence is check. The If statement is used to check a value and then to perform a task based on the results of that check.

The Test Data and Source Code

We’re going to use the following test data for the code examples in this post:

VBA If Sample Data

You can download the test data with all the source code for post plus the solution to the exercise at the end:

Format of the VBA If-Then Statement

The format of the If Then statement is as follows

If [condition is true] Then

The If keyword is followed by a Condition and the keyword Then

Every time you use an If Then statement you must use a matching End If statement.
When the condition evaluates to true, all the lines between If Then and End If are processed.

If [condition is true] Then
    [lines of code]
    [lines of code]
    [lines of code]
End If

To make your code more readable it is good practice to indent the lines between the If Then and End If statements.

Indenting Between If and End If

Indenting simply means to move a line of code one tab to the right. The rule of thumb is to indent between start and end statements like

Sub … End Sub
If Then … End If
If Then… ElseIf … Else … Endif
For … Next
Do While … Loop
Select Case … End Case

To indent the code you can highlight the lines to indent and press the Tab key. Pressing Shift + Tab will Outdent the code i.e. move it one tab to the left.

You can also use the icons from the Visual Basic Toolbar to indent/outdent the code


Select code and click icons to indent/outdent

If you look at any code examples on this website you will see that the code is indented.

A Simple If Then Example

The following code prints out the names of all students with marks greater than 50 in French.

' https://excelmacromastery.com/
Sub ReadMarks()
    Dim i As Long
    ' Go through the marks columns
    For i = 2 To 11
        ' Check if marks greater than 50
        If Sheet1.Range("C" & i).Value > 50 Then
            ' Print student name to the Immediate Window(Ctrl + G)
            Debug.Print Sheet1.Range("A" & i).Value & " " & Sheet1.Range("B" & i).Value
        End If
End Sub

Bryan Snyder
Juanita Moody
Douglas Blair
Leah Frank
Monica Banks

Play around with this example and check the value or the > sign and see how the results change.

Using Conditions with the VBA If Statement

The piece of code between the If and the Then keywords is called the condition. A condition is a statement that evaluates to true or false. They are mostly used with Loops and If statements. When you create a condition you use signs like >,<,<>,>=,<=,=.

The following are examples of conditions

Condition This is true when
x < 5 x is less than 5
x <= 5 x is less than or equal to 5
x > 5 x is greater than 5
x >= 5 x is greater than or equal to 5
x = 5 x is equal to 5
x <> 5 x does not equal 5
x > 5 And x < 10 x is greater than 5 AND x is less than 10
x = 2 Or x >10 x is equal to 2 OR x is greater than 10
Range(«A1») = «John» Cell A1 contains text «John»
Range(«A1») <> «John» Cell A1 does not contain text «John»

You may have noticed x=5 as a condition. This should not be confused with x=5 when used as an assignment.

When equals is used in a condition it means “is the left side equal to the right side”.

The following table demonstrates how the equals sign is used in conditions and assignments

Using Equals Statement Type Meaning
Loop Until x = 5 Condition Is x equal to 5
Do While x = 5 Condition Is x equal to 5
If x = 5 Then Condition Is x equal to 5
For x = 1 To 5 Assignment Set the value of x to 1, then to 2 etc.
x = 5 Assignment Set the value of x to 5
b = 6 = 5 Assignment and Condition Assign b to the result of condition 6 = 5
x = MyFunc(5,6) Assignment Assign x to the value returned from the function

The last entry in the above table shows a statement with two equals. The first equals sign is the assignment and any following equals signs are conditions.

This might seem confusing at first but think of it like this. Any statement that starts with a variable and an equals is in the following format

[variable] [=] [evaluate this part]

So whatever is on the right of the equals sign is evaluated and the result is placed in the variable. Taking the last three assignments again, you could look at them like this

[x] [=] [5]
[b] [=] [6 = 5]
[x] [=] [MyFunc(5,6)]

Using ElseIf with the VBA If Statement

The ElseIf statement allows you to choose from more than one option. In the following example we print for marks that are in the Distinction or High Distinction range.

' https://excelmacromastery.com/
Sub UseElseIf()
    If Marks >= 85 Then
        Debug.Print "High Destinction"
    ElseIf Marks >= 75 Then
        Debug.Print "Destinction"
    End If
End Sub

The important thing to understand is that order is important. The If condition is checked first.
If it is true then “High Distinction” is printed and the If statement ends.
If it is false then the code moves to the next ElseIf and checks it condition.

Let’s swap around the If and ElseIf from the last example. The code now look like this

' https://excelmacromastery.com/
Sub UseElseIfWrong()
    ' This code is incorrect as the ElseIf will never be true
    If Marks >= 75 Then
        Debug.Print "Destinction"
    ElseIf Marks >= 85 Then
        ' code will never reach here
        Debug.Print "High Destinction"
    End If
End Sub

In this case we check for a value being over 75 first. We will never print “High Distinction” because if a value is over 85 is will trigger the first if statement.

To avoid these kind of problems we should use two conditions. These help state exactly what you are looking for a remove any confusion. The example below shows how to use these. We will look at more multiple conditions in the section below.

If marks >= 75 And marks < 85 Then
    Debug.Print "Destinction"
ElseIf marks >= 85 And marks <= 100 Then
    Debug.Print "High Destinction"
End If

Let’s expand the original code. You can use as many ElseIf statements as you like. We will add some more to take into account all our mark classifications.

If you want to try out these examples you can download the code from the top of this post.

Using Else With the VBA If Statement

The VBA Else statement is used as a catch all. It basically means “if no conditions were true” or “everything else”. In the previous code example, we didn’t include a print statement for a fail mark. We can add this using Else.

' https://excelmacromastery.com/
Sub UseElse()
    If Marks >= 85 Then
        Debug.Print "High Destinction"
    ElseIf Marks >= 75 Then
        Debug.Print "Destinction"
    ElseIf Marks >= 55 Then
        Debug.Print "Credit"
    ElseIf Marks >= 40 Then
        Debug.Print "Pass"
        ' For all other marks
        Debug.Print "Fail"
    End If
End Sub

So if it is not one of the other types then it is a fail.

Let’s write some code to go through our sample data and print the student and their classification:

' https://excelmacromastery.com/
Sub AddClass()
    ' get the last row
    Dim startRow As Long, lastRow As Long
    startRow = 2
    lastRow = Sheet1.Cells(Sheet1.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
    Dim i As Long, Marks As Long
    Dim sClass As String

    ' Go through the marks columns
    For i = startRow To lastRow
        Marks = Sheet1.Range("C" & i).Value
        ' Check marks and classify accordingly
        If Marks >= 85 Then
            sClass = "High Destinction"
        ElseIf Marks >= 75 Then
            sClass = "Destinction"
        ElseIf Marks >= 55 Then
            sClass = "Credit"
        ElseIf Marks >= 40 Then
            sClass = "Pass"
            ' For all other marks
            sClass = "Fail"
        End If
        ' Write out the class to column E
        Sheet1.Range("E" & i).Value = sClass
End Sub

The results look like this with column E containing the classification of the marks

VBA If ElseIf Class


Remember that you can try these examples for yourself with the code download from the top of this post.

Using Logical Operators with the VBA If Statement

You can have more than one condition in an If Statement. The VBA keywords And and Or allow use of multiple conditions.

These words work in a similar way to how you would use them in English.

Let’s look at our sample data again. We now want to print all the students that got over between 50 and 80 marks.
We use And to add an extra condition. The code is saying: if the mark is greater than or equal 50 and less than 75 then print the student name.

' https://excelmacromastery.com/
Sub CheckMarkRange()

    Dim i As Long, marks As Long
    For i = 2 To 11
        ' Store marks for current student
        marks = Sheet1.Range("C" & i).Value
        ' Check if marks greater than 50 and less than 75
        If marks >= 50 And marks < 80 Then
             ' Print first and last name to Immediate window(Ctrl G)
             Debug.Print Sheet1.Range("A" & i).Value & Sheet1.Range("B" & i).Value
        End If

End Sub

Douglas Blair
Leah Frank
Monica Banks

In our next example we want the students who did History or French. So in this case we are saying if the student did History OR if the student did French:

' Description: Uses OR to check the study took History or French.
' Worksheet: Marks
' Output: Result are printed to the Immediate Windows(Ctrl + G)
' https://excelmacromastery.com/vba-if
Sub UseOr()
    ' Get the data range
    Dim rg As Range
    Set rg = shMarks.Range("A1").CurrentRegion

    Dim i As Long, subject As String
    ' Read through the data
    For i = 2 To rg.Rows.Count
        ' Get the subject
        subject = rg.Cells(i, 4).Value
        ' Check if subject greater than 50 and less than 80
        If subject = "History" Or subject = "French" Then
            ' Print first name and subject to Immediate window(Ctrl G)
            Debug.Print rg.Cells(i, 1).Value & " " & rg.Cells(i, 4).Value
        End If
End Sub

Bryan History
Bradford French
Douglas History
Ken French
Leah French
Rosalie History
Jackie History

Using Multiple conditions like this is often a source of errors. The rule of thumb to remember is to keep them as simple as possible.

Using If And

The AND works as follows

Condition 1 Condition 2 Result

What you will notice is that AND is only true when all conditions are true

Using If Or

The OR keyword works as follows

Condition 1 Condition 2 Result

What you will notice is that OR is only false when all the conditions are false.

Mixing AND and OR together can make the code difficult to read and lead to errors. Using parenthesis can make the conditions clearer.

' https://excelmacromastery.com/
Sub OrWithAnd()
 Dim subject As String, marks As Long
 subject = "History"
 marks = 5
 If (subject = "French" Or subject = "History") And marks >= 6 Then
     Debug.Print "True"
     Debug.Print "False"
 End If
End Sub

Using If Not

There is also a NOT operator. This returns the opposite result of the condition.

Condition Result

The following two lines of code are equivalent.

If marks < 40 Then 
If Not marks >= 40 Then

as are

If True Then 
If Not False Then 


If False Then 
If Not True Then 

Putting the condition in parenthesis makes the code easier to read

If Not (marks >= 40) Then

A common usage of Not when checking if an object has been set. Take a worksheet for example. Here we declare the worksheet

Dim mySheet As Worksheet
' Some code here

We want to check mySheet is valid before we use it. We can check if it is nothing.

If mySheet Is Nothing Then

There is no way to check if it is something as there is many different ways it could be something. Therefore we use Not with Nothing

If Not mySheet Is Nothing Then

If you find this a bit confusing you can use parenthesis like this

If Not (mySheet Is Nothing) Then

The IIF function

Note that you can download the IIF examples below and all source code from the top of this post.

VBA has an fuction similar to the Excel If function. In Excel you will often use the If function as follows:


The format is

=If(condition, action if true, action if false).

VBA has the IIf statement which works the same way. Let’s look at an example. In the following code we use IIf to check the value of the variable val. If the value is greater than 10 we print true otherwise we print false:

' Description: Using the IIF function to check a number.
' Worksheet: Marks
' Output: Result are printed to the Immediate Windows(Ctrl + G)
' https://excelmacromastery.com/vba-if
Sub CheckNumberIIF()
    Dim result As Boolean
    Dim number As Long
    ' Prints True
    number = 11
    result = IIf(number > 10, True, False)
    Debug.Print "Number " & number & " greater than 10 is " & result
    ' Prints false
    number = 5
    result = IIf(number > 10, True, False)
    Debug.Print "Number " & number & " greater than 10 is " & result
End Sub

In our next example we want to print out Pass or Fail beside each student depending on their marks. In the first piece of code we will use the normal VBA If statement to do this:

' https://excelmacromastery.com/
Sub CheckMarkRange()

    Dim i As Long, marks As Long
    For i = 2 To 11
        ' Store marks for current student
        marks = Sheet1.Range("C" & i).Value
        ' Check if student passes or fails
        If marks >= 40 Then
             ' Write out names to to Column F
             Sheet1.Range("E" & i) = "Pass"
             Sheet1.Range("E" & i) = "Fail"
        End If

End Sub

In the next piece of code we will use the IIf function. You can see that the code is much neater here:

' Description: Using the IIF function to check marks.
' Worksheet: Marks
' Output: Result are printed to the Immediate Windows(Ctrl + G)
' https://excelmacromastery.com/vba-if
Sub CheckMarkRange()

    ' Get the data range
    Dim rg As Range
    Set rg = shMarks.Range("A1").CurrentRegion
    Dim i As Long, marks As Long, result As String
    ' Go through the marks columns
    For i = 2 To rg.Rows.Count
        ' Store marks for current student
        marks = rg.Cells(i, 3).Value
        ' Check if student passes or fails
        result = IIf(marks >= 40, "Pass", "Fail")
        ' Print the name and result
        Debug.Print rg.Cells(i, 1).Value, result

End Sub

You can see the IIf function is very useful for simple cases where you are dealing with two possible options.

Using Nested IIf

You can also nest IIf statements like in Excel. This means using the result of one IIf with another. Let’s add another result type to our previous examples. Now we want to print Distinction, Pass or Fail for each student.

Using the normal VBA we would do it like this

' https://excelmacromastery.com/
Sub CheckResultType2()

    Dim i As Long, marks As Long
    For i = 2 To 11
        ' Store marks for current student
        marks = Sheet1.Range("C" & i).Value
        If marks >= 75 Then
             Sheet1.Range("E" & i).Value = "Distinction"
        ElseIf marks >= 40 Then
             ' Write out names to to Column F
             Sheet1.Range("E" & i).Value = "Pass"
             Sheet1.Range("E" & i).Value = "Fail"
        End If

End Sub

Using nested IIfs we could do it like this:

' Description: Using a nested IIF function to check marks.
' Worksheet: Marks
' Output: Result are printed to the Immediate Windows(Ctrl + G)
' https://excelmacromastery.com/vba-if
Sub UsingNestedIIF()

    ' Get the data range
    Dim rg As Range
    Set rg = shMarks.Range("A1").CurrentRegion
    Dim i As Long, marks As Long, result As String
    ' Go through the marks columns
    For i = 2 To rg.Rows.Count
        marks = rg.Cells(i, 3).Value
        result = IIf(marks >= 55, "Credit", IIf(marks >= 40, "Pass", "Fail"))
        Debug.Print marks, result
    Next i

End Sub

Using nested IIf is fine in simple cases like this. The code is simple to read and therefore not likely to have errors.

What to Watch Out For

It is important to understand that the IIf function always evaluates both the True and False parts of the statement regardless of the condition.

In the following example we want to divide by marks when it does not equal zero. If it equals zero we want to return zero.

marks = 0
total = IIf(marks = 0, 0, 60 / marks)

However, when marks is zero the code will give a “Divide by zero” error. This is because it evaluates both the True and False statements. The False statement here i.e. (60 / Marks) evaluates to an error because marks is zero.

If we use a normal IF statement it will only run the appropriate line.

marks = 0
If marks = 0 Then
    'Only executes this line when marks is zero
    total = 0
    'Only executes this line when marks is Not zero
    total = 60 / marks
End If

What this also means is that if you have Functions for True and False then both will be executed. So IIF will run both Functions even though it only uses one return value. For example

'Both Functions will be executed every time
total = IIf(marks = 0, Func1, Func2)

(Thanks to David for pointing out this behaviour in the comments)

If Versus IIf

So which is better?

You can see for this case that IIf is shorter to write and neater. However if the conditions get complicated you are better off using the normal If statement. A disadvantage of IIf is that it is not well known so other users may not understand it as well as code written with a normal if statement.

Also as we discussed in the last section IIF always evaluates the True and False parts so if you are dealing with a lot of data the IF statement would be faster.

My rule of thumb is to use IIf when it will be simple to read and doesn’t require function calls. For more complex cases use the normal If statement.

Using Select Case

The Select Case statement is an alternative way to write an If statment with lots of ElseIf’s. You will find this type of statement in most popular programming languages where it is called the Switch statement. For example Java, C#, C++ and Javascript all have a switch statement.

The format is

Select Case [variable]
    Case [condition 1]
    Case [condition 2]
    Case [condition n]
    Case Else
End Select

Let’s take our AddClass example from above and rewrite it using a Select Case statement.

' https://excelmacromastery.com/
Sub AddClass()
    ' get the last row
    Dim startRow As Long, lastRow As Long
    startRow = 2
    lastRow = Sheet1.Cells(Sheet1.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
    Dim i As Long, Marks As Long
    Dim sClass As String

    ' Go through the marks columns
    For i = startRow To lastRow
        Marks = Sheet1.Range("C" & i).Value
        ' Check marks and classify accordingly
        If Marks >= 85 Then
            sClass = "High Destinction"
        ElseIf Marks >= 75 Then
            sClass = "Destinction"
        ElseIf Marks >= 55 Then
            sClass = "Credit"
        ElseIf Marks >= 40 Then
            sClass = "Pass"
            ' For all other marks
            sClass = "Fail"
        End If
        ' Write out the class to column E
        Sheet1.Range("E" & i).Value = sClass
End Sub

The following is the same code using a Select Case statement. The main thing you will notice is that we use “Case 85 to 100” rather than “marks >=85 And marks <=100”.

' https://excelmacromastery.com/
Sub AddClassWithSelect()
    ' get the first and last row
    Dim firstRow As Long, lastRow As Long
    firstRow = 2
    lastRow = Cells(Cells.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
    Dim i As Long, marks As Long
    Dim sClass As String

    ' Go through the marks columns
    For i = firstRow To lastRow
        marks = Sheet1.Range("C" & i).Value
        ' Check marks and classify accordingly
        Select Case marks
        Case 85 To 100
            sClass = "High Destinction"
        Case 75 To 84
            sClass = "Destinction"
        Case 55 To 74
            sClass = "Credit"
        Case 40 To 54
            sClass = "Pass"
        Case Else
            ' For all other marks
            sClass = "Fail"
        End Select
        ' Write out the class to column E
        Sheet1.Range("E" & i).Value = sClass
End Sub

Using Case Is

You could rewrite the select statement in the same format as the original ElseIf. You can use Is with Case.

' https://excelmacromastery.com/
Select Case marks
    Case Is >= 85
         sClass = "High Destinction"
    Case Is >= 75
        sClass = "Destinction"
    Case Is >= 55
        sClass = "Credit"
    Case Is >= 40
        sClass = "Pass"
    Case Else
        ' For all other marks
        sClass = "Fail"
End Select

You can use Is to check for multiple values. In the following code we are checking if marks equals 5, 7 or 9.

' https://excelmacromastery.com/
Sub TestMultiValues()
    Dim marks As Long
    marks = 7
    Select Case marks
        Case Is = 5, 7, 9
            Debug.Print True
        Case Else
            Debug.Print False
    End Select
End Sub

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There is no explicit Between formula in Excel, however, we can come up with creative ways to create this functionality. Our goal is to evaluate if a given value is between a range, for example, is 6 between 1 and 10?

We have three possible scenarios:

  • Between formula in Excel for Numbers
  • Between formula in Excel for Dates
  • Between formula in Excel for Text

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Between formula in Excel for Numbers

OPTION 1:Using a combination of MIN, MAX & AND function

In the example below, you have the start of the range in Column A, end of the range in Column B and the value to be evaluated in Column C.

You need to check whether the number entered in Column C is in between the numbers in Column A & Column B using a creatively formulated BETWEEN formula in Excel.

BETWEEN Formula in Excel | MyExcelOnline

The function that can be used to determine if the value in cell D7 is in-between values in cell A7 & B7 is

=IF(AND(C7>=MIN(A7,B7),C7<=MAX(A7,B7)), “Yes”, “No”)

Let’s break this formula into parts to understand it better:

  • C7 >= MIN(A7, B7) –  This expression checks whether the value in cell C7 is greater than (or equal to) the smaller of the two numbers in cell A7 and B7.
  • C7 <= MAX(A7, B7) –  This expression checks whether the value in cell C7 is smaller than (or equal to) the larger of the two numbers in cell A7 and B7.
  • AND( C7 >= MIN(A7, B7), C7 <= MAX(A7, B7)) – AND function simply checks whether the above two conditions are met or not i.e. whether the value in cell C7 is greater than (or equal to) the smaller number and less than (or equal to) the larger number.

BETWEEN Formula in Excel | MyExcelOnline

OPTION 2:Using a MEDIAN function

You can use a simpler version of this complicated function by creatively using the Median formula:


=IF(C7=MEDIAN(A7:C7), “Yes”, “No”)

In our first example above, the range is 20-60, upon checking the value 50, it is in between this range.

The median formula will return the value in the middle of these 3 values when arranged in increasing order: 20, 50, 60. The median value is 50.

Since it matches the value we are evaluating, then the answer we get is a Yes, this value (50) is in between the range.

Now that you have learned how to use Excel if between two numbers, let’s move forward to dates and text.

Between formula in Excel for Dates

Irrespective of how you format a cell to display a date, Excel always stores it as a number. The number stored for each date actually represents the number of days since 0-Jan-1990.

1st Jan 1990 is stored as 1 (representing 1 day since 0-Jan-1990) and 23rd June 2020 is stored as 44,005 (representing 44005 days since 0-Jan-1990).

So, to check whether a date is in between two mentioned dateswe have the same application as the median formula.

Below is an example of how to use the median function to check dates.


=IF(C10=MEDIAN(A10:C10), “Yes”, “No”)

In our first example above, the range is May 1 – July 1, upon checking the date June 1, it is in between this range.

The median formula will return the value in the middle of these 3 dates when arranged in increasing order: May 1, June 1, July 1. The median value is June 1.

Since it matches the value we are evaluating, then the answer we get is a Yes, this value (June 1) is in between the range.

Between formula in Excel for Text

For text, we are checking if the value is alphabetically in the middle. We will be using the and formula:


=IF(AND(C12>=A12, C12<=B12, “Yes”, “No”)

Interestingly enough, you can compare texts using the >= and <= operators.  Excel is able to compare them which goes alphabetically first or last.

In our first example above, the range is Cat – Dog, upon checking the text Cow, it is in between this range. As when arranged alphabetically, it would be: Cat, Cow, Dog.

The And formula checks if Cow >= Cat, and Cow <= Dog. You will see that both of these are true, as Cow is alphabetically later than Cat, while Cow is alphabetically ahead of Dog. Which is why we get a Yes result.


In this tutorial, you have learned how to use Between formula in Excel even when there is no explicit formula available to do this. You can use a combination of various other available function to create Excel if between range functionality.

You can use MIN, MAX, MEDIAN & AND functions to create a creative Between function in Excel for numbers, dates and text.



Make sure to download our FREE PDF on the 333 Excel keyboard Shortcuts here:

BETWEEN Formula in Excel | MyExcelOnline

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