Excel vba cell with formula

In this lesson you can learn how to add a formula to a cell using vba. There are several ways to insert formulas to cells automatically. We can use properties like Formula, Value and FormulaR1C1 of the Range object. This post explains five different ways to add formulas to cells.

Table of contents
How to add formula to cell using VBA
Add formula to cell and fill down using VBA
Add sum formula to cell using VBA
How to add If formula to cell using VBA
Add formula to cell with quotes using VBA
Add Vlookup formula to cell using VBA

We use formulas to calculate various things in Excel. Sometimes you may need to enter the same formula to hundreds or thousands of rows or columns only changing the row numbers or columns. For an example let’s consider this sample Excel sheet.

Add formula to first cell

In this Excel sheet I have added a very simple formula to the D2 cell.


So what if we want to add similar formulas for all the rows in column D. So the D3 cell will have the formula as =B3+C3 and D4 will have the formula as =B4+D4 and so on. Luckily we don’t need to type the formulas manually in all rows. There is a much easier way to do this. First select the cell containing the formula. Then take the cursor to the bottom right corner of the cell. Mouse pointer will change to a + sign. Then left click and drag the mouse until the end of the rows.

However if you want to add the same formula again and again for lots of Excel sheets then you can use a VBA macro to speed up the process. First let’s look at how to add a formula to one cell using vba.

How to add formula to cell using VBA

Lets see how we can enter above simple formula(=B2+C2) to cell D2 using VBA

In this method we are going to use the Formula property of the Range object.

Sub AddFormula_Method1()

     Dim WS As Worksheet

     Set WS = Worksheets(«Sheet1»)

     WS.Range(«D2»).Formula = «=B2+C2»

End Sub

We can also use the Value property of the Range object to add a formula to a cell.

Sub AddFormula_Method2()

    Dim WS As Worksheet

    Set WS = Worksheets(«Sheet1»)

    WS.Range(«D2»).Value = «=B2+C2»

End Sub

Next method is to use the FormulaR1C1 property of the Range object. There are few different ways to use FormulaR1C1 property. We can use absolute reference, relative reference or use both types of references inside the same formula.

In the absolute reference method cells are referred to using numbers. Excel sheets have numbers for each row. So you should think similarly for columns. So column A is number 1. Column B is number 2 etc. Then when writing the formula use R before the row number and C before the column number. So the cell A1 is referred to by R1C1. A2 is referred to by R2C1. B3 is referred to by R3C2 etc.

This is how you can use the absolute reference.

Sub AddFormula_Method3A()

    Dim WS As Worksheet

    Set WS = Worksheets(«Sheet1»)

    WS.Range(«D2»).FormulaR1C1 = «=R2C2+R2C3»

End Sub

If you use the absolute reference, the formula will be added like this.

Absolute reference

If you use the manual drag method explained above to fill down other rows, then the same formula will be copied to all the rows.

Same formula is copied to all the rows

In Majority cases this is not how you want to fill down the formula. However this won’t happen in the relative method. In the relative method, cells are given numbers relative to the cell where the formula is entered. You should use negative numbers when referring to the cells in upward direction or left. Also the numbers should be placed within the square brackets. And you can omit [0] when referring to cells on the same row or column. So you can use RC[-2] instead of R[0]C[-2]. The macro recorder also generates relative reference type code, if you enter a formula to a cell while enabling the macro recorder.

Below example shows how to put formula =B2+C2 in D2 cell using relative reference method.

Sub AddFormula_Method3B()

    Dim WS As Worksheet

    Set WS = Worksheets(«Sheet1»)

    WS.Range(«D2»).FormulaR1C1 = «=RC[-2]+RC[-1]»

End Sub

Relative reference

Now use the drag method to fill down all the rows.

Formulas are changed according to the row number

You can see that the formulas are changed according to the row numbers.

Also you can use both relative and absolute references in the same formula. Here is a typical example where you need a formula with both reference types.

Example sheet to use both relative and absolute references

We can add the formula to calculate Total Amount like this.

Sub AddFormula_Method3C()

     Dim WS As Worksheet

     Set WS = Worksheets(«Sheet2»)

     WS.Range(«C5»).FormulaR1C1 = «=RC[-1]+RC[-1]*R2C2»

End Sub

Add formula using both absolute and relative reference

In this formula we have a absolute reference after the * symbol. So when we fill down the formula using the drag method that part will remain the same for all the rows. Hence we will get correct results for all the rows.

Fill down formula using drag method - relative and absolute reference

Add formula to cell and fill down using VBA

So now you’ve learnt various methods to add a formula to a cell. Next let’s look at how to fill down the other rows with the added formula using VBA.

Thousand rows example

Assume we have to calculate cell D2 value using =B2+C2 formula and fill down up to 1000 rows. First let’s see how we can modify the first method to do this. Let’s name this subroutine as “AddFormula_Method1_1000Rows”

Sub AddFormula_Method1_1000Rows()

End Sub

Then we need an additional variable for the For Next statement

Dim WS As Worksheet
Dim i As Integer

Next, assign the worksheet to WS variable

Set WS = Worksheets(«Sheet1»)

Now we can add the For Next statement like this.

For i = 2 To 1000
     WS.Range(«D» & i).Formula = «=B» & i & «+C» & i
Next i

Here I have used «D» & i instead of D2 and «=B» & i & «+C» & i instead of «=B2+C2». So the formula keeps changing like =B3+C3, =B4+C4, =B5+C5 etc. when iterated through the For Next loop.

Below is the full code of the subroutine.

Sub AddFormula_Method1_1000Rows()

     Dim WS As Worksheet
     Dim i As Integer

     Set WS = Worksheets(«Sheet1»)

     For i = 2 To 1000
         WS.Range(«D» & i).Formula = «=B» & i & «+C» & i
     Next i

End Sub

So that’s how you can use VBA to add formulas to cells with variables.

Next example shows how to modify the absolute reference type of FormulaR1C1 method to add formulas upto 1000 rows.

Sub AddFormula_Method3A_1000Rows()

     Dim WS As Worksheet
     Dim i As Integer

     Set WS = Worksheets(«Sheet1»)

     For i = 2 To 1000
         WS.Range(«D» & i).FormulaR1C1 = «=R» & i & «C2+R» & i & «C3»
     Next i

End Sub

You don’t need to do any change to the formula section when modifying the relative reference type of the FormulaR1C1 method.

Sub AddFormula_Method3B_1000Rows()

     Dim WS As Worksheet
     Dim i As Integer

     Set WS = Worksheets(«Sheet1»)

     For i = 2 To 1000
         WS.Range(«D» & i).FormulaR1C1 = «=RC[-2]+RC[-1]»
     Next i

End Sub

Use similar techniques to modify other two types of subroutines to add formulas for multiple rows. Now you know how to add formulas to cells with a variable. Next let’s look at how to add formulas with some inbuilt functions using VBA.

How to add sum formula to a cell using VBA

Sample sheet for Sum formula example

Suppose we want the total of column D in the D16 cell. So this is the formula we need to create.


Now let’s see how to add this using VBA. Let’s name this subroutine as SumFormula.

First let’s declare a few variables.

Dim WS As Worksheet
Dim StartingRow As Long
Dim EndingRow As Long

Assign the worksheet to the variable.

Set WS = Worksheets(«Sheet3»)

Assign the starting row and the ending row to relevant variables.

StartingRow = 2
EndingRow = 1

Then the final step is to create the formula with the above variables.

WS.Range(«D16»).Formula = «=SUM(D» & StartingRow & «:D» & EndingRow & «)»

Below is the full code to add the Sum formula using VBA.

Sub SumFormula()

     Dim WS As Worksheet
     Dim StartingRow As Long
     Dim EndingRow As Long

     Set WS = Worksheets(«Sheet3»)
     StartingRow = 2
     EndingRow = 15

     WS.Range(«D16»).Formula = «=SUM(D» & StartingRow & «:D» & EndingRow & «)»

End Sub

How to add If Formula to a cell using VBA

If function is a very popular inbuilt worksheet function available in Microsoft Excel. This function has 3 arguments. Two of them are optional.

Arguments of the If formula

Now let’s see how to add a If formula to a cell using VBA. Here is a typical example where we need a simple If function.

Sample Excel sheet for If formula example

This is the results of students on an examination. Here we have names of students in column A and their marks in column B. Students should get “Pass” if he/she has marks equal or higher than 40. If marks are less than 40 then Excel should show the “Fail” in column C. We can simply obtain this result by adding an If function to column C. Below is the function we need in the C2 cell.


Now let’s look at how to add this If Formula to a C2 cell using VBA. Once you know how to add it then you can use the For Next statement to fill the rest of the rows like we did above. We discussed a few different ways to add formulas to a range object using VBA. For this particular example I’m going to use the Formula property of the Range object.

So now let’s see how we can develop this macro. Let’s name this subroutine as “AddIfFormula”

Sub AddIfFormula()

End Sub

However we can’t simply add this If formula using the Formula property like we did before. Because this If formula has quotes inside it. So if we try to add the formula to the cell with quotes, then we get a syntax error.

If we add the formula to the cell with quotes then we will get syntax error

Add formula to cell with quotes

There are two ways to add the formula to a cell with quotes.

Sub AddIfFormula_Method1()

     Dim WS As Worksheet

     Set WS = Worksheets(«Sheet4»)

     WS.Range(«C2»).Formula = «=IF(B2>=40,»»Pass»»,»»Fail»»)»

End Sub

Sub AddIfFormula_Method2()

     Dim WS As Worksheet

     Set WS = Worksheets(«Sheet4»)

     WS.Range(«C2»).Formula = «=IF(B2>=40,» & Chr(34) & «Pass» & Chr(34) & «,» & Chr(34) & «Fail» & Chr(34) & «)»

End Sub

Add vlookup formula to cell using VBA

Finally I will show you how to add a vlookup formula to a cell using VBA. So I created a very simple example where we can use a Vlookup function. Assume we have this section in the Sheet5 of the same workbook.

Sample Excel sheet for Vlookup formula example

So here when we change the name of the student in the C2 cell, his/her pass or fail status should automatically be shown in the C3 cell. If the original data(data we used in the above “If formula” example) is listed in the Sheet4 then we can write a Vlookup formula for the C3 cell like this.


We can use the Formula property of the Range object to add this Vlookup formula to the C3 using VBA.

Sub AddVlookupFormula()

     Dim WS As Worksheet

     Set WS = Worksheets(«Sheet5»)

     WS.Range(«C3»).Formula = «=VLOOKUP(Sheet5!C2,Sheet4!A2:C200,3,FALSE)»

End Sub

Completed Vlookup example

In this Article

  • Formulas in VBA
  • Macro Recorder and Cell Formulas
  • VBA FormulaR1C1 Property
    • Absolute References
    • Relative References
    • Mixed References
  • VBA Formula Property
  • VBA Formula Tips
    • Formula With Variable
    • Formula Quotations
    • Assign Cell Formula to String Variable
    • Different Ways to Add Formulas to a Cell
    • Refresh Formulas

This tutorial will teach you how to create cell formulas using VBA.

Formulas in VBA

Using VBA, you can write formulas directly to Ranges or Cells in Excel. It looks like this:

Sub Formula_Example()

    'Assign a hard-coded formula to a single cell
    Range("b3").Formula = "=b1+b2"
    'Assign a flexible formula to a range of cells
    Range("d1:d100").FormulaR1C1 = "=RC2+RC3"

End Sub

There are two Range properties you will need to know:

  • .Formula – Creates an exact formula (hard-coded cell references). Good for adding a formula to a single cell.
  • .FormulaR1C1 – Creates a flexible formula. Good for adding formulas to a range of cells where cell references should change.

For simple formulas, it’s fine to use the .Formula Property.  However, for everything else, we recommend using the Macro Recorder

Macro Recorder and Cell Formulas

The Macro Recorder is our go-to tool for writing cell formulas with VBA.  You can simply:

  • Start recording
  • Type the formula (with relative / absolute references as needed) into the cell & press enter
  • Stop recording
  • Open VBA and review the formula, adapting as needed and copying+pasting the code where needed.

I find it’s much easier to enter a formula into a cell than to type the corresponding formula in VBA.

vba formula formular1c1

Notice a couple of things:

  • The Macro Recorder will always use the .FormulaR1C1 property
  • The Macro Recorder recognizes Absolute vs. Relative Cell References

VBA FormulaR1C1 Property

The FormulaR1C1 property uses R1C1-style cell referencing (as opposed to the standard A1-style you are accustomed to seeing in Excel).

Here are some examples:

Sub FormulaR1C1_Examples()

    'Reference D5 (Absolute)
    Range("a1").FormulaR1C1 = "=R5C4"
    'Reference D5 (Relative) from cell A1
    Range("a1").FormulaR1C1 = "=R[4]C[3]"
    'Reference D5 (Absolute Row, Relative Column) from cell A1
    Range("a1").FormulaR1C1 = "=R5C[3]"
    'Reference D5 (Relative Row, Absolute Column) from cell A1
    Range("a1").FormulaR1C1 = "=R[4]C4"

End Sub

Notice that the R1C1-style cell referencing allows you to set absolute or relative references.

Absolute References

In standard A1 notation an absolute reference looks like this: “=$C$2”.  In R1C1 notation it looks like this: “=R2C3”.

To create an Absolute cell reference using R1C1-style type:

  • R + Row number
  • C + Column number

Example:  R2C3 would represent cell $C$2 (C is the 3rd column).

    'Reference D5 (Absolute)
    Range("a1").FormulaR1C1 = "=R5C4"

Relative References

Relative cell references are cell references that “move” when the formula is moved.

In standard A1 notation they look like this: “=C2”. In R1C1 notation, you use brackets [] to offset the cell reference from the current cell.

Example: Entering formula “=R[1]C[1]” in cell B3 would reference cell D4 (the cell 1 row below and 1 column to the right of the formula cell).

Use negative numbers to reference cells above or to the left of the current cell.

    'Reference D5 (Relative) from cell A1
    Range("a1").FormulaR1C1 = "=R[4]C[3]"

Mixed References

Cell references can be partially relative and partially absolute.  Example:

    'Reference D5 (Relative Row, Absolute Column) from cell A1
    Range("a1").FormulaR1C1 = "=R[4]C4"

VBA Coding Made Easy

Stop searching for VBA code online. Learn more about AutoMacro — A VBA Code Builder that allows beginners to code procedures from scratch with minimal coding knowledge and with many time-saving features for all users!


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VBA Formula Property

When setting formulas with the .Formula Property you will always use A1-style notation.  You enter the formula just like you would in an Excel cell, except surrounded by quotations:

    'Assign a hard-coded formula to a single cell
    Range("b3").Formula = "=b1+b2"

VBA Formula Tips

Formula With Variable

When working with Formulas in VBA, it’s very common to want to use variables within the cell formulas.  To use variables, you use & to combine the variables with the rest of the formula string. Example:

Sub Formula_Variable()
    Dim colNum As Long
    colNum = 4

    Range("a1").FormulaR1C1 = "=R1C" & colNum & "+R2C" & colNum

End Sub

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Formula Quotations

If you need to add a quotation (“) within a formula, enter the quotation twice (“”):

vba formula quotations

Sub Macro2()
    Range("B3").FormulaR1C1 = "=TEXT(RC[-1],""mm/dd/yyyy"")"
End Sub

A single quotation (“) signifies to VBA the end of a string of text. Whereas a double quotation (“”) is treated like a quotation within the string of text.

Similarly, use 3 quotation marks (“””) to surround a string with a quotation mark (“)

MsgBox """Use 3 to surround a string with quotes"""
' This will print <"Use 3 to surround a string with quotes"> immediate window

Assign Cell Formula to String Variable

We can read the formula in a given cell or range and assign it to a string variable:

'Assign Cell Formula to Variable
Dim strFormula as String
strFormula = Range("B1").Formula

Different Ways to Add Formulas to a Cell

Here are a few more examples for how to assign a formula to a cell:

  1. Directly Assign Formula
  2. Define a String Variable Containing the Formula
  3. Use Variables to Create Formula
Sub MoreFormulaExamples ()
' Alternate ways to add SUM formula
' to cell B1
  Dim strFormula as String
  Dim cell as Range
  dim fromRow as long, toRow as long

  Set cell = Range("B1")

  ' Directly assigning a String
  cell.Formula = "=SUM(A1:A10)"

  ' Storing string to a variable
  ' and assigning to "Formula" property
  strFormula = "=SUM(A1:A10)"
  cell.Formula = strFormula

  ' Using variables to build a string 
  ' and assigning it to "Formula" property
  fromRow = 1
  toRow   = 10
  strFormula = "=SUM(A" & fromValue & ":A" & toValue & ")
  cell.Formula = strFormula
End Sub

Refresh Formulas

As a reminder, to refresh formulas, you can use the Calculate command:


To refresh single formula, range, or entire worksheet use .Calculate instead:


Вставка формулы со ссылками в стиле A1 и R1C1 в ячейку (диапазон) из кода VBA Excel. Свойства Range.FormulaLocal и Range.FormulaR1C1Local.

Свойство Range.FormulaLocal

FormulaLocal — это свойство объекта Range, которое возвращает или задает формулу на языке пользователя, используя ссылки в стиле A1.

В качестве примера будем использовать диапазон A1:E10, заполненный числами, которые необходимо сложить построчно и результат отобразить в столбце F:

Примеры вставки формул суммирования в ячейку F1:

Range(«F1»).FormulaLocal = «=СУММ(A1:E1)»

Range(«F1»).FormulaLocal = «=СУММ(A1;B1;C1;D1;E1)»

Пример вставки формул суммирования со ссылками в стиле A1 в диапазон F1:F10:

Sub Primer1()

Dim i As Byte

    For i = 1 To 10

        Range(«F» & i).FormulaLocal = «=СУММ(A» & i & «:E» & i & «)»


End Sub

В этой статье я не рассматриваю свойство Range.Formula, но если вы решите его применить для вставки формулы в ячейку, используйте англоязычные функции, а в качестве разделителей аргументов — запятые (,) вместо точек с запятой (;):

Range(«F1»).Formula = «=SUM(A1,B1,C1,D1,E1)»

После вставки формула автоматически преобразуется в локальную (на языке пользователя).

Свойство Range.FormulaR1C1Local

FormulaR1C1Local — это свойство объекта Range, которое возвращает или задает формулу на языке пользователя, используя ссылки в стиле R1C1.

Формулы со ссылками в стиле R1C1 можно вставлять в ячейки рабочей книги Excel, в которой по умолчанию установлены ссылки в стиле A1. Вставленные ссылки в стиле R1C1 будут автоматически преобразованы в ссылки в стиле A1.

Примеры вставки формул суммирования со ссылками в стиле R1C1 в ячейку F1 (для той же таблицы):

‘Абсолютные ссылки в стиле R1C1:

Range(«F1»).FormulaR1C1Local = «=СУММ(R1C1:R1C5)»

Range(«F1»).FormulaR1C1Local = «=СУММ(R1C1;R1C2;R1C3;R1C4;R1C5)»

‘Ссылки в стиле R1C1, абсолютные по столбцам и относительные по строкам:

Range(«F1»).FormulaR1C1Local = «=СУММ(RC1:RC5)»

Range(«F1»).FormulaR1C1Local = «=СУММ(RC1;RC2;RC3;RC4;RC5)»

‘Относительные ссылки в стиле R1C1:

Range(«F1»).FormulaR1C1Local = «=СУММ(RC[-5]:RC[-1])»

Range(«F2»).FormulaR1C1Local = «=СУММ(RC[-5];RC[-4];RC[-3];RC[-2];RC[-1])»

Пример вставки формул суммирования со ссылками в стиле R1C1 в диапазон F1:F10:

‘Ссылки в стиле R1C1, абсолютные по столбцам и относительные по строкам:

Range(«F1:F10»).FormulaR1C1Local = «=СУММ(RC1:RC5)»

‘Относительные ссылки в стиле R1C1:

Range(«F1:F10»).FormulaR1C1Local = «=СУММ(RC[-5]:RC[-1])»

Так как формулы с относительными ссылками и относительными по строкам ссылками в стиле R1C1 для всех ячеек столбца F одинаковы, их можно вставить сразу, без использования цикла, во весь диапазон.


  1. Excel VBA Formulas – The Ultimate Guide
  2. Formulas in VBA
  3. Macro Recorder and Cell Formulas
  4. VBA FormulaR1C1 Property
  5. Absolute References
  6. Relative References
  7. Mixed References
  8. VBA Coding Made Easy
  9. VBA Formula Property
  10. VBA Formula Tips
  11. Formula With Variable
  12. Formula Quotations
  13. Assign Cell Formula to String Variable
  14. Different Ways to Add Formulas to a Cell
  15. Refresh Formulas
  16. VBA Code Examples Add-in
  17. How to add a Formula To Cell using VBA [duplicate]
  18. 5 Answers 5
  19. VBA setting the formula for a cell
  20. 4 Answers 4
  21. VBA Excel. Вставка формулы в ячейку
  22. Свойство Range.FormulaLocal
  23. Свойство Range.FormulaR1C1Local
  24. 19 комментариев для “VBA Excel. Вставка формулы в ячейку”
  25. Write a formula in an Excel Cell using VBA
  26. 5 Answers 5

Excel VBA Formulas – The Ultimate Guide

In this Article

This tutorial will teach you how to create cell formulas using VBA.

Formulas in VBA

Using VBA, you can write formulas directly to Ranges or Cells in Excel. It looks like this:

There are two Range properties you will need to know:

  • .Formula – Creates an exact formula (hard-coded cell references). Good for adding a formula to a single cell.
  • .FormulaR1C1 – Creates a flexible formula. Good for adding formulas to a range of cells where cell references should change.

For simple formulas, it’s fine to use the .Formula Property. However, for everything else, we recommend using the Macro Recorder

Macro Recorder and Cell Formulas

The Macro Recorder is our go-to tool for writing cell formulas with VBA. You can simply:

  • Start recording
  • Type the formula (with relative / absolute references as needed) into the cell & press enter
  • Stop recording
  • Open VBA and review the formula, adapting as needed and copying+pasting the code where needed.

I find it’s much easier to enter a formula into a cell than to type the corresponding formula in VBA.

Notice a couple of things:

  • The Macro Recorder will always use the .FormulaR1C1 property
  • The Macro Recorder recognizes Absolute vs. Relative Cell References

VBA FormulaR1C1 Property

The FormulaR1C1 property uses R1C1-style cell referencing (as opposed to the standard A1-style you are accustomed to seeing in Excel).

Here are some examples:

Notice that the R1C1-style cell referencing allows you to set absolute or relative references.

Absolute References

In standard A1 notation an absolute reference looks like this: “=$C$2”. In R1C1 notation it looks like this: “=R2C3”.

To create an Absolute cell reference using R1C1-style type:

  • R + Row number
  • C + Column number

Example: R2C3 would represent cell $C$2 (C is the 3rd column).

Relative References

Relative cell references are cell references that “move” when the formula is moved.

In standard A1 notation they look like this: “=C2”. In R1C1 notation, you use brackets [] to offset the cell reference from the current cell.

Example: Entering formula “=R[1]C[1]” in cell B3 would reference cell D4 (the cell 1 row below and 1 column to the right of the formula cell).

Use negative numbers to reference cells above or to the left of the current cell.

Mixed References

Cell references can be partially relative and partially absolute. Example:

VBA Coding Made Easy

Stop searching for VBA code online. Learn more about AutoMacro — A VBA Code Builder that allows beginners to code procedures from scratch with minimal coding knowledge and with many time-saving features for all users!

VBA Formula Property

When setting formulas with the .Formula Property you will always use A1-style notation. You enter the formula just like you would in an Excel cell, except surrounded by quotations:

VBA Formula Tips

Formula With Variable

When working with Formulas in VBA, it’s very common to want to use variables within the cell formulas. To use variables, you use & to combine the variables with the rest of the formula string. Example:

Formula Quotations

If you need to add a quotation (“) within a formula, enter the quotation twice (“”):

A single quotation (“) signifies to VBA the end of a string of text. Whereas a double quotation (“”) is treated like a quotation within the string of text.

Similarly, use 3 quotation marks (“””) to surround a string with a quotation mark (“)

Assign Cell Formula to String Variable

Different Ways to Add Formulas to a Cell

Here are a few more examples for how to assign a formula to a cell:

  1. Directly Assign Formula
  2. Define a String Variable Containing the Formula
  3. Use Variables to Create Formula

Refresh Formulas

As a reminder, to refresh formulas, you can use the Calculate command:

To refresh single formula, range, or entire worksheet use .Calculate instead:

VBA Code Examples Add-in

Easily access all of the code examples found on our site.

Simply navigate to the menu, click, and the code will be inserted directly into your module. .xlam add-in.


How to add a Formula To Cell using VBA [duplicate]

I am attempting to write some VBA which will add header text to 3 cells then fill a formula all the way down to the last row. I have written the below, which writes the headers no problems, but when it get’s to my first .Formula it throws a

Application Defined or Object Defined error

What needs to be altered so that this macro will execute successfully? (The formulas were pulled directly from the formula in the cell, so I know they are valid formulas at least on the «front-end»)

5 Answers 5

The problem is likely that you are escaping the quotes with the formula.

What you need is:

for the first one, for example. The other quotes need to be doubled as well.

As a side-note, it would also be best to specify the sheet you are working on with something like:

If you don’t do this, you can sometimes have errors happen while running the code.

  1. As suggested by OpiesDad, to minimize ambiguity, avoid ActiveCell and the like.
  2. Using Select will also slow down performance a lot compared to assigning to cells directly.
  3. I’m pretty sure you need to escape quotes in Excel formulas inside of VBA by doubling the quotes, so a normal empty string becomes «»»» . You also have Issue in single quotes in a formula, which I’m pretty sure will error in Excel; that should be in escaped double quotes as well.
  4. I’m having a hard time figuring out what Range(«E2:E» & Cells(Rows.Count, «C»).End(xlUp).Row) actually does, but it sounds like you want to select E2 to the last used row of the sheet. Avoid Rows.Count or just generally referring to the rows of a sheet, as that will go to row 10^31. Use Worksheet.UsedRange to get the range from the first row and column with content to the last row and column with content. This also includes empty strings and can be a bit tricky sometimes, but is usually better than dealing with thousands of extra rows.

You don’t need to use With if your only enclosing one statement, although it won’t cause any problems.

I would not mix use of Range.Formula and Range.FormulaR1C1 unless you have a reason to.

The first issue is the selecting of cells. This requires the macro to select the cell, then determine the cell address. If you need to actually select a cell, use Application.ScreenUpdating = False . Then the macro doesn’t have to show the cursor selection of a cell. Dropping the select and incorporating the range into the formula assignment code line like below will gain some speed/efficiency.

Range(«E2:E» & Cells(Rows.Count, «C»).End(xlUp).Row) is the code version of selecting the last cell in a blank column (row 1048576), then using the keystroke of ctrl and the up key to determine the lowest/last used cell. This gets you a row count of 1 every time since the column is blank. Since you’re looking for the last row. It may be faster to count down from the top. My favorite method for this is a loop. Increment a variable within a loop, while looking for the last row. Then, the variable can be used instead of your bottom up strategy.

Just like TSQL, quote characters need their own quote characters.

Here’s the resulting code. This will fill the range starting from the last row in Excel.


VBA setting the formula for a cell

I’m trying to set the formula for a cell using a (dynamically created) sheet name and a fixed cell address. I’m using the following line but can’t seem to get it working:

Any advice on why this isn’t working or a prod in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

4 Answers 4

Not sure what isn’t working in your case, but the following code will put a formula into cell A1 that will retrieve the value in the cell G2.

The workbook and worksheet that strProjectName references must exist at the time that this formula is placed. Excel will immediately try to evaluate the formula. You might be able to stop that from happening by turning off automatic recalculation until the workbook does exist.

If your worksheet name ( strProjectName ) has spaces, you need to include the single quotes in the formula string.

If this does not resolve it, please provide more information about the specific error or failure.


In comments you indicate you’re replacing spaces with underscores. Perhaps you are doing something like:

But if you’re not also pushing that change to the Worksheet.Name property, you can expect these to happen:

  1. The file browse dialog appears
  2. The formula returns #REF error

The reason for both is that you are passing a reference to a worksheet that doesn’t exist, which is why you get the #REF error. The file dialog is an attempt to let you correct that reference, by pointing to a file wherein that sheet name does exist. When you cancel out, the #REF error is expected.


VBA Excel. Вставка формулы в ячейку

Вставка формулы со ссылками в стиле A1 и R1C1 в ячейку (диапазон) из кода VBA Excel. Свойства Range.FormulaLocal и Range.FormulaR1C1Local.

Свойство Range.FormulaLocal

В качестве примера будем использовать диапазон A1:E10, заполненный числами, которые необходимо сложить построчно и результат отобразить в столбце F:

Примеры вставки формул суммирования в ячейку F1:

Пример вставки формул суммирования со ссылками в стиле A1 в диапазон F1:F10:

В этой статье я не рассматриваю свойство Range.Formula, но если вы решите его применить для вставки формулы в ячейку, используйте англоязычные функции, а в качестве разделителей аргументов — запятые (,) вместо точек с запятой (;):

После вставки формула автоматически преобразуется в локальную (на языке пользователя).

Свойство Range.FormulaR1C1Local

Формулы со ссылками в стиле R1C1 можно вставлять в ячейки рабочей книги Excel, в которой по умолчанию установлены ссылки в стиле A1. Вставленные ссылки в стиле R1C1 будут автоматически преобразованы в ссылки в стиле A1.

Примеры вставки формул суммирования со ссылками в стиле R1C1 в ячейку F1 (для той же таблицы):

Пример вставки формул суммирования со ссылками в стиле R1C1 в диапазон F1:F10:

Так как формулы с относительными ссылками и относительными по строкам ссылками в стиле R1C1 для всех ячеек столбца F одинаковы, их можно вставить сразу, без использования цикла, во весь диапазон.

19 комментариев для “VBA Excel. Вставка формулы в ячейку”

Доброго времени суток.
Кто-нибудь подскажет, как написать в vba excel вот такую формулу: =»пример текста » & D1 в ячейку, где «пример текста » и D1 должна быть выражена в виде переменных. В итоге в ячейке должно отобразиться: пример текста 50 при условии, что d1=50

Привет, Nik!
Записываем формулу в ячейку «A1» , собрав ее из переменных:

Спасибо большое! Совсем из вида упустил, что можно применить Chr(34).

Ещё один вопрос, почему абсолютная ссылка получается =»Пример текста «&$D$1 , как сделать, что бы была относительная =»Пример текста «&D1 ?

Ещё раз большое спасибо за оперативность.

Здравствуйте. Помогите , пожалуйста. Возникает такая проблема: после замены части формулы с помощью функции Replace,значение в ячейке воспринимается как текст, а не как формула.

не помогли)). При этом, если подобную замену делать штатным экселевским Заменить, то полученный результат воспринимается как формула и вычисляется сразу.

Здравствуйте, Сусанна!
У меня работает так:

Огромное спасибо) В понедельник приду на работу, и обязательно попробую Ваш вариант.

Добрый вечер. Мне нужно использовать математические операции, опираясь только на переменные. Например:
Cells(i, SOH).Formula = (Cells(i, Stock_rep_date) + Cells(i, Consig_Stock_rep_date)) / 1
Но в ячейках получаются сами значения, а нужна формула с ссылками на ячейки Cells.

Здравствуйте, Дмитрий!
Cells(i, SOH).Formula = «=(» & Cells(i, Stock_rep_date).Address & «+» & Cells(i, Consig_Stock_rep_date).Address & «)/1»

Здравствуйте, Евгений!
Можете помочь?
1. В ячейках D1 и D2 некие текстовые данные, которые необходимо объединить в ячейку D3
Range(«D3»).FormulaR1C1 = «=R[-2]C&R[-1]C»

2. Потом в Ячейку D4 получившийся результат вставить как значение
Range(«D4»).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False

3. И в ячейке D4 между данными вставить перенос на вторую строку. К примеру:
Range(«C4»).FormulaR1C1 = «Видеокарта» & Chr(10) & «GTX 3090») .

Но проблема в том, что данные неизвестны и могут меняться.
А объединить первый макрос с третьим у меня не получается.
Подскажите как можно одним макросом объединить данные двух ячеек сразу с переносом данных второй ячейки во вторую строку ячейки.

Не совсем понял, что нужно, поэтому привожу пример, как объединить текст из двух ячеек (D1 и D2) в одну строку и как — в две:


Write a formula in an Excel Cell using VBA

I’m trying to use VBA to write a formula into a cell in Excel. My problem is that when I use a semicolon ( ; ) in my formula, I get an error:

My macro is the following :

5 Answers 5

You can try using FormulaLocal property instead of Formula. Then the semicolon should work.

The correct character to use in this case is a full colon ( : ), not a semicolon ( ; ).

The correct character (comma or colon) depends on the purpose.

Comma ( , ) will sum only the two cells in question.

Colon ( : ) will sum all the cells within the range with corners defined by those two cells.

Treb, Matthieu’s problem was caused by using Excel in a non-English language. In many language versions «;» is the correct separator. Even functions are translated (SUM can be SOMMA, SUMME or whatever depending on what language you work in). Excel will generally understand these differences and if a French-created workbook is opened by a Brazilian they will normally not have any problem. But VBA speaks only US English so for those of us working in one (or more) foreign langauges, this can be a headache. You and CharlesB both gave answers that would have been OK for a US user but Mikko understod the REAL problem and gave the correct answer (which was also the correct one for me too — I’m a Brit working in Italy for a German-speaking company).

I don’t know why, but if you use

(‘,‘ instead of ‘;‘), it works.

If you step through your sub in the VB script editor (F8), you can add Range(«F2»).Formula to the watch window and see what the formular looks like from a VB point of view. It seems that the formular shown in Excel itself is sometimes different from the formular that VB sees.





Сообщений: 172
Регистрация: 23.12.2012

Добрый вечер.Коротко суть проблемы.  
Нужно в коде VBA вставить формулу ActiveCell.Formula = «=SUM(ActiveSheet(«111″).Range(Cell(1,переменная),(5,переменная))»  
Вроде просто а решить проблема.Давайте думать вместе




Сообщений: 7998
Регистрация: 21.12.2012

ActiveCell.Formula = «=SUM(ActiveSheet(«111»).Range(Cells(1,переменная), _  




Сообщений: 172
Регистрация: 23.12.2012

Не работает.Сами попробуйте, я так уже експериментировал




Сообщений: 3071
Регистрация: 22.12.2012

ActiveCell.Formula = «=СУММ(» & Range(«A2»).Address & «,» & Range(«A3»).Address & «)»




Сообщений: 23249
Регистрация: 22.12.2012

Идиотская конструкция получилась…  

    With Sheets(«111»)  
ActiveCell.Formula = «=SUM(» & .Cells(1, m).Address & «,» & .Cells(5, n).Address & «)»  
End With




Сообщений: 23249
Регистрация: 22.12.2012

Лист потерялся, не заметил…  

    ActiveCell.Formula = «=SUM(111!» & Cells(1, m).Address & «,111!» & Cells(5, n).Address & «)»




Сообщений: 23249
Регистрация: 22.12.2012


Насчет ActiveSheet(«111») согласен Prist.Спешил.Все остальное работает спасибо ребята




Сообщений: 172
Регистрация: 23.12.2012

Ребятки посоветуйте книгу по RibbonX,или прикольную статейку в Нете.Буду благодарен




Сообщений: 3071
Регистрация: 22.12.2012

Но его радость была бы не полной. Позвольте добавить идиотизма : )  

  ActiveCell.Formula = «=СУММ(‘» & Sheets(«111»).Name & «‘!» & Range(«A2»).Address & «,» & Range(«A3»).Address & «)»




Сообщений: 3071
Регистрация: 22.12.2012


02.07.2011 10:50:13

{quote}{login=The_Prist}{date=02.07.2011 09:58}{thema=Re: }{post}{quote}{login=nerv}{date=01.07.2011 11:22}{thema=}{post}Но его радость была бы не полной. Позвольте добавить идиотизма : )  

  ActiveCell.Formula = «=СУММ(‘» & Sheets(«111»).Name & «‘!» & Range(«A2»).Address & «,» & Range(«A3»).Address & «)»{/post}{/quote}А Вы уверены, что в таком случае суммироваться будут ячейки с одного только листа «111»? :-)  
Может тогда так:  
ActiveCell.Formula = «=SUM(‘» & Sheets(«111»).Name & «‘!» & Range(«A2»).Address & «,'» & Sheets(«111»).Name & «‘!» & Range(«A3»).Address & «)»  

  Специально заменил СУММ на SUM, т.к. в таком случае локализация не влияет и формула не выдаст ИМЯ.{/post}{/quote}не уверен :D    
За пояснение про локализацию отдельное спасибо!

Чебурашка стал символом олимпийских игр. А чего достиг ты?
Тишина — самый громкий звук

Bottom line: Learn 3 tips for writing and creating formulas in your VBA macros with this article and video.

Skill level: Intermediate

Video Tutorial

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Automate Formula Writing

Writing formulas can be one of the most time consuming parts of your weekly or monthly Excel task.  If you’re working on automating that process with a macro, then you can have VBA write the formula and input it into the cells for you.

Writing formulas in VBA can be a bit tricky at first, so here are 3 tips to help save time and make the process easier.

Tip #1: The Formula Property

The Formula property is a member of the Range object in VBA.  We can use it to set/create a formula for a single cell or range of cells.

There are a few requirements for the value of the formula that we set with the Formula property:

  1. The formula is a string of text that is wrapped in quotation marks.  The value of the formula must start and end in quotation marks.
  2. The formula string must start with an equal sign = after the first quotation mark.

Here is a simple example of a formula in a macro.

Sub Formula_Property()

  'Formula is a string of text wrapped in quotation marks
  'Starts with an = sign
  Range("B10").Formula = "=SUM(B4:B9)"

End Sub

The Formula property can also be used to read an existing formula in a cell.

Tip #2: Use the Macro Recorder

When your formulas are more complex or contain special characters, they can be more challenging to write in VBA.  Fortunately we can use the macro recorder to create the code for us.

Create Formula VBA code with the Macro Recorder

Here are the steps to creating the formula property code with the macro recorder.

  1. Turn on the macro recorder (Developer tab > Record Macro)
  2. Type your formula or edit an existing formula.
  3. Press Enter to enter the formula.
  4. The code is created in the macro.

If your formula contains quotation marks or ampersand symbols, the macro recorder will account for this.  It creates all the sub-strings and wraps everything in quotes properly. Here is an example.

Sub Macro10()
'Use the macro recorder to create code for complex formulas with
'special characters and relative references

  ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=""Total Sales: "" & TEXT(R[-5]C,""$#,###"")"
End Sub

Tip #3: R1C1 Style Formula Notation

If you use the macro recorder for formulas, you will notices that it creates code with the FormulaR1C1 property.

R1C1 style notation allows us to create both relative (A1), absolute ($A$1), and mixed ($A1, A$1) references in our macro code.

R1C1 stands for Rows and Columns.

Relative References

For relative references we specify the number of rows and columns we want to offset from the cell that the formula is in.  The number of rows and columns are referenced in square brackets.

The following would create a reference to a cell that is 3 rows above and 2 rows to the right of the cell that contains the formula.


Negative numbers go up rows and columns to the left.

Positive numbers go down rows and columns to the right.

Absolute References

We can also use R1C1 notation for absolute references.  This would typically look like $A$2.

For absolute references we do NOT use the square brackets.  The following would create a direct reference to cell $A$2, row 2 column 1


Mixed References

with mixed references we add the square brackets for either the row or column reference, and no brackets for the other reference.  The following formula in cell B2 would create this reference to A$2, where the row is absolute and the column is relative.


When creating mixed references, the relative row or column number will depend on what cell the formula is in.

It’s easiest to just use the macro recorder to figure these out.

FormulaR1C1 Property versus Formula Property

The FormulaR1C1 property reads the R1C1 notation and creates the proper references in the cells.  If you use the regular Formula property with R1C1 notation, then VBA will attempt to put those letters in the formula, and it will likely result in a formula error.

Therefore, use the Formula property when your code contains cell references ($A$1), the FormulaR1C1 property when you need relative references that are applied to multiple cells or dependent on where the formula is entered.

If your spreadsheet changes based on conditions outside your control, like new columns or rows of data are imported from the data source, then relative references and R1C1 style notation will probably be best.

I hope those tips help.  Please leave a comment below with questions or suggestions.

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