Excel to oracle toad

Are you trying to figure out how to load data from Excel into your database?

The problem: load data to Oracle

Many business analysts rely heavily upon Microsoft Excel as one of their primary sources for important business data. At some point they will need to load data into an Oracle database, and thus you will often hear them make requests such as the following:

  • Copying Excel data to Oracle
  • Importing Excel data to Oracle
  • Loading Excel data to Oracle
  • Transferring Excel data to Oracle

They key point is that regardless of how the business users ask, the request is essentially the same. Some very common ways they obtain such loading of the database data include:

Business user sending a formal data load request to their information systems people to perform and deliver the loaded Oracle table. However, this process can take time – sometimes more than the business user can wait.

Business user truly self-servicing by loading the database data themselves using a powerful tool like Quest®Toad® for Oracle, and then working with that data in Toad or some other database tool. This approach is quick and easy, plus Toad for Oracle integrates easily into the business analyst’s workflow.

In my recent blog titled “Copying database data to Microsoft Excel via Toad for Oracle” I showed how easily Toad for Oracle can export data into Excel — a favorite tool of many business analysts.

Toad for Oracle makes short work of this use case as well — how to load data from Excel into Oracle. For my example, I chose to use the Internet Movie Database (IMDB) and thus downloaded the movies title basic data. I then unzipped the file to obtain the 606 megabyte tab delimited text file named data.tsv. I then renamed that data file to movies.tsv so as not to forget what the file contains.


The solution to load data into Oracle

Many business analysts strongly favor the second choice of using Toad for Oracle to self-service and load data. In this blog I’ll review some common scenarios that facilitate easily copying Excel data to Oracle using Toad. The techniques that I’ll be showing work essentially the same in both of Toad’s primary interfaces for this task: the Schema Browser and Main-Menu—> Database —> Create —> Table. I’ll demonstrate using the Schema Browser, which is often the most common choice for this task.

Figure 1: Create a new table to load data.

Figure 1: Create a new table to load data

Now in Figure 2 below I’m inside the create table screen. First I chose to check the box for display advanced features, otherwise I would not see displayed the options which will be required. Second, I chose to open a file to read for the table’s column names. It uses the first row of data for that. Third, I chose my tab delimited text file. Finally, I pressed OK. Since my file was over 600 megabytes, it took a few seconds to process.

Figure 2: Method to populate the table columns to load data.

Figure 2: Method to populate the table columns to load data.

In Figure 3 below I now have all the columns for my table. Note that Toad has set the default datatype to VARCHAR2 for all columns. Moreover Toad also has set each column to be optional. You may need to modify these default choices as you know your data far better than Toad. Then press the OK button to create the table and load data.

Figure 3: Resulting population of table columns.

Figure 3: Resulting population of table columns.

In Figure 4 below I have now created the table required to hold all the data for the IMDB movies data file. Remember, the file is over 600 megabytes in size, so the data load will likely take a few moments. But we’re more than half-way home at this point. Now I just need to import the data into my newly created table.

Figure 4: Resulting table creation.

Figure 4: Resulting table creation.

In Figure 5 below I have now invoked Toad for Oracle’s Data Import wizard by opening the Right Hand Mouse (RHM) menu and select Import —> Data, or Main Menu —> Database—>Import—>Import Table Data. As you can now see, I am setup to initiate loading of the MOVIES table. However this is a multi-step wizard where we’ll need to specify additional information before the table can be loaded.

Figure 5: Page 1 of the data import wizard.

Figure 5: Page 1 of the data import wizard.

In Figure 6 below I am now on the second page of the data import wizard where I identify the file type and name. If you look back at Figure 2, you will see that we’ve answered two of the three key parameters. Note that we’ve yet to say that it’s a tab delimited file. Remember too that the first line in the file has the column names, so we’ll need to be able to tell Toad to skip over those.

Figure 6: Page 2 of the data import wizard.

Figure 6: Page 2 of the data import wizard.

In Figure 7 below I am now on the third page of the data import wizard where I identify the file as tab delimited text.


Figure 7: Page 3 of the data import wizard.

In Figure 8 below I am now on the fourth page of the data import wizard where I identify that Toad should start reading the table data at line 2 because the first row contains the column names. You should take your time on this page of the wizard to make sure you review the dates, times, and numbers settings based upon how your data is formatted in the text file.

Figure 8: Page 4 of the data import wizard.

Figure 8: Page 4 of the data import wizard.

In Figure 9 below I am now on the fifth page of the data import wizard where Toad has read a sample of the data rows and displays them for you to verify. Moreover, Toad displays a pop-up to see how you want to map the columns of data to the table columns. In this case it really does not matter. But had I created the columns in the table in a different order or reordered them, then the choice would have to be by matching the names.

Figure 9: Page 5 of the data import wizard.

Figure 9: Page 5 of the data import wizard.

In Figure 10 below I am now on the sixth page of the data import wizard where Toad displays the results of your selection from the prior page’s pop up where you specified the data file field to table column mapping. Again if I had reordered the columns in the table, I would have had to make changes on this page to properly align the fields to columns.

Figure 10: Page 6 of the data import wizard.

Figure 10: Page 6 of the data import wizard.

In Figure 11 below I am now on the seventh page of the data import wizard where Toad displays the field to column matching results performed upon the sample data with the column header row removed. Note that the columns displayed here are sized based upon the column name size. I’ll need to press the size cols to data button if I wish to be able to see the column values displayed in their entirety.

Figure 11: Page 7 of the data import wizard.

Figure 11: Page 7 of the data import wizard.

In Figure 12 below I am now on the eighth page of the data import wizard where Toad allows one to specify a host of parameters or options that control the actual database transaction processing. As you can see, I have said to perform batch array inserts of 500 rows, to truncate the table before loading, and to commit after every 500 rows. These choices will affect how long the actual data load takes. Remember that my data file is over 600 megabytes, so setting these parameters is critical. Now when I press the execute button, the data import process will begin.


Figure 12: Page 8 of the data import wizard.

In Figure 13 below I am now executing the data import process. The first time I ran this I got errors because the default column data types and size were VARCHAR(32) and the movies titles are much longer than that. I just chose to abort, increased the column lengths, and restarted the wizard. It then ran to completion without error. Did you note that even on my small VM running on a desktop PC that I’m getting loads of over 66,000 records per second!

Figure 13: Page 9 of the data import wizard.

Figure 13: Page 9 of the data import wizard.


If you are a business user who wants to copy from Excel to Oracle, use Toad. You can easily do automatic table creation and data loading as shown above. Thus you can self-service without requesting help from your information systems people. No other database tool makes copying data from Excel to Oracle quicker and easier than Toad. Plus no matter whether you’re using Toad freeware or the commercial version of Toad, the process is essentially the same.

Need help managing data? Try Toad for free!

Quest Software® is here to help you simplify complexity, reduce cost and risk, and drive performance. Maybe that’s why we’re consistently voted #1 by DBTA readers and have 95%+ customer satisfaction rate.  

Try Toad for Oracle 

Toad® database management tools are cross-platform solutions from Quest® that can help new and veteran DBAs, and even “accidental” DBAs manage data in Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, SAP, MySQL, and Postgres environments. 

Related Toad World posts

Blog: Copying database data to Microsoft Excel via Toad for Oracle

Useful resources

Toad for Oracle general information

Technical brief: Top Five Reasons to Choose Toad Over SQL Developer

Case study: Opening doors and creating opportunities with data insights

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Head over to the Toad for Oracle forum on Toad World®!  Chat with Toad developers, and lots of experienced users. 

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Toad for Oracle

Bert Scalzo

Written by Bert Scalzo

Bert Scalzo is a guest-blogger for Quest and a renowned database expert, Oracle® ACE, author, database technology consultant, and formerly a member of Dell Software’s TOAD dev team. With three decades of Oracle® database experience to draw on, Bert’s webcasts garner high attendance and participation rates. His work history includes time at both Oracle Education and Oracle Consulting. Bert holds several Oracle Masters certifications and has an extensive academic background that includes a BS, MS and Ph.D. in computer science, as well as an MBA, and insurance industry designations.

Bert is a highly sought-after speaker who has presented at numerous Oracle conferences and user groups, including OOW, ODTUG, IOUG, OAUG, RMOUG and many others. Bert enjoys sharing his vast knowledge on data modeling, database benchmarking, database tuning and optimization, «star schema» data warehouses, Linux® and VMware®.

As a prolific writer, Bert has produced educational articles, papers and blogs for such well-respected publications as the Oracle Technology Network (OTN), Oracle Magazine, Oracle Informant, PC Week (eWeek), Dell Power Solutions Magazine, The LINUX Journal, LINUX.com, Oracle FAQ, Ask Toad and Toad World.

This popular author is known throughout the industry for his instructive books, which include:

• Oracle DBA Guide to Data Warehousing and Star Schemas
• TOAD Handbook (1st Edition)
• TOAD Handbook (2nd Edition)
• TOAD Pocket Reference (2nd Edition)
• Database Benchmarking: Practical Methods for Oracle & SQL Server
• Advanced Oracle Utilities: The Definitive Reference
• Oracle on VMware: Expert Tips for Database Virtualization
• Introduction to Oracle: Basic Skills for Any Oracle User
• Introduction to SQL Server: Basic Skills for Any SQL Server User
• Toad Unleashed
• Leveraging Oracle Database 12cR2 Testing Tools
• Database Benchmarking and Stress Testing

Drop Bert an email at bertscalzo2@gmail.com and he’ll write you back, and maybe send you an autographed book!

try the following methods

METHOD 1: Click Tools → Import → Import Wizard. This window can be used to import data from various kinds of source files into a table.

METHOD 2: SQL*Loader You can use TOAD’s interface to a program from Oracle called sqlloader. Save the Excel file as a comma-delimited (.csv) or tab-delimited (.txt) file. If your data has commas within a text field, save your file as tab-delimited.

Open DBA→Sql Loader Wizard

Choose «build a new control file». Next.

Click «Add». Choose your comma-delimited or tab-delimited file. Next.

Click «Add». Choose your table.

If you are loading a comma-delimited file, type a comma in the «all fields delimited by» combo box. If you are loading a tab-delimited file, select «TAB» from the «all fields delimited by» combo box. Next.

Choose a «load method» noting the following:

TRUNCATE will erase whatever is in the table before loading.

INSERT will insert data if table is empty but will return an error if table has any data in it.

APPEND will insert data without deleting any existing data. You might get duplicates this way but it’s a good method if you’re trying to get that last line that somehow got munged for some reason or another.

If your file has column headers in its first row, type a 1 in the skip box. Next.

Type a control file name in the control file name box. Next.

Choose either «execute now» to load the data now or «just build the control file» to build the .ctl file. Once you have the ctl file theoretically you don’t even need TOAD, as you could just use sqlloader on any machine that has sqlloader and can connect to the database. But why would you want to. :) I choose execute now.

Note: If you are working with Oracle 8.0 or earlier on a Windows 2000 or later OS, uncheck «Watch Progress»

Note: once you have a ctl file you can:

Choose DBA→Sql Loader Wizard

Choose «Use control file». Next.

Select your control file. Next.

Choose «execute now». Finish.

After exporting table data to Excel files in Toad, we can do some import test. In this post, I’ll show you how to import data from an Excel file. It’s a little more complicated.

Select Import Function

We can right-click on the table and select Import in the menu.

Toad for Oracle - Table Menu - Import

Toad for Oracle — Table Menu — Import

Select Target Table

We make sure the target table is correct, or we can choose another one to be imported in this page.

Toad for Oracle - Import Dataset - 1

Toad for Oracle — Import Dataset — 1

Select Source File

We select Excel file and specify the location of the source.

Toad for Oracle - Import Dataset - 2

Toad for Oracle — Import Dataset — 2

Specify Source Data

As you may have noticed, the first row is from line 2 because the column header takes the first line in the Excel file.

Toad for Oracle - Import Dataset - 3

Toad for Oracle — Import Dataset — 3

Map Columns

We can either map column name or their position between table and the Excel file.

Toad for Oracle - Import Dataset - 4

Toad for Oracle — Import Dataset — 4

Preview File

After mapping columns, we can preview the file content.

Toad for Oracle - Import Dataset - 5

Toad for Oracle — Import Dataset — 5

Specify Primary Key

We don’t specify anything here.

Toad for Oracle - Import Dataset - 6

Toad for Oracle — Import Dataset — 6

Preview Result

As we can see, the column header is excluded from data range.

Toad for Oracle - Import Dataset - 7

Toad for Oracle — Import Dataset — 7

Specify Import Mode

We select to commit all rows after import.

Toad for Oracle - Import Dataset - 8

Toad for Oracle — Import Dataset — 8

Import Completed

The progress bar show the percentage of completion.

Toad for Oracle - Import Dataset - 9

Toad for Oracle — Import Dataset — 9

Check Import Result

We should initiate another new session to check the result.

Toad for Oracle - Check Import Result

Toad for Oracle — Check Import Result

As we can see, the import is completed and committed.


  1. Русские Блоги
  2. Импортировать данные Excel с помощью PLSQL и TOAD
  3. How to load data from Excel into Oracle using Toad®
  4. The problem: load data to Oracle
  5. Conclusion
  6. Need help managing data? Try Toad for free!
  7. How to import excel data into Toad 9.5 table
  8. 2 Answers 2

Русские Блоги

Импортировать данные Excel с помощью PLSQL и TOAD

Недавно вам нужно импортировать данные в базу данных. Данные сложны, поля больше, а поле Clob также включено, мы хотим импортировать с Excel. PLSQL импортирует поле CLOB Excel, чтобы два инструмента были объяснены.

Во-первых, PLSQL импортированных данных Excel

Шаг 1: Инструменты -> Импортер ODBC

Если в красной коробке нет опции раскрывающегося вниз, это означает, что нет соответствующего диска. Это должно быть оплачено, чтобы выполнить следующий шаг.

Точка Connect Выберите соответствующий файл

Шаг 3: Настройте пользователей базы данных и имена таблиц

Поле Excel необходимо соответствовать поле в таблице. Наконец импортировать. Не забывайте, вы должны отправить это!

Во-вторых, TOAD импортирует данные Excel

Преимущества использования TOAD состоит в том, чтобы импортировать большое поле Clob, которое не может сделать PLSQL. Метод похож.

Шаг 2: Выберите пользователей базы данных и имена таблиц

Шаг 3: Выберите файл

Шаг 4: Установить параметры

Если Excel имеет соответствующий заголовок, первый ряд начинается со второй строки.

Наконец: установите метод отправки, а затем выполнить.


How to load data from Excel into Oracle using Toad®

Dec 21, 2021 3:56:00 PM by Bert Scalzo

Are you trying to figure out how to load data from Excel into your database?

The problem: load data to Oracle

Many business analysts rely heavily upon Microsoft Excel as one of their primary sources for important business data. At some point they will need to load data into an Oracle database, and thus you will often hear them make requests such as the following:

  • Copying Excel data to Oracle
  • Importing Excel data to Oracle
  • Loading Excel data to Oracle
  • Transferring Excel data to Oracle

They key point is that regardless of how the business users ask, the request is essentially the same. Some very common ways they obtain such loading of the database data include:

Business user sending a formal data load request to their information systems people to perform and deliver the loaded Oracle table. However, this process can take time – sometimes more than the business user can wait.

Business user truly self-servicing by loading the database data themselves using a powerful tool like Quest®Toad® for Oracle, and then working with that data in Toad or some other database tool. This approach is quick and easy, plus Toad for Oracle integrates easily into the business analyst’s workflow.

In my recent blog titled “Copying database data to Microsoft Excel via Toad for Oracle” I showed how easily Toad for Oracle can export data into Excel — a favorite tool of many business analysts.

Toad for Oracle makes short work of this use case as well — how to load data from Excel into Oracle. For my example, I chose to use the Internet Movie Database (IMDB) and thus downloaded the movies title basic data. I then unzipped the file to obtain the 606 megabyte tab delimited text file named data.tsv. I then renamed that data file to movies.tsv so as not to forget what the file contains.

The solution to load data into Oracle

Many business analysts strongly favor the second choice of using Toad for Oracle to self-service and load data. In this blog I’ll review some common scenarios that facilitate easily copying Excel data to Oracle using Toad. The techniques that I’ll be showing work essentially the same in both of Toad’s primary interfaces for this task: the Schema Browser and Main-Menu —> Database —> Create —> Table . I’ll demonstrate using the Schema Browser, which is often the most common choice for this task.

Figure 1: Create a new table to load data

Now in Figure 2 below I’m inside the create table screen. First I chose to check the box for display advanced features, otherwise I would not see displayed the options which will be required. Second, I chose to open a file to read for the table’s column names. It uses the first row of data for that. Third, I chose my tab delimited text file. Finally, I pressed OK. Since my file was over 600 megabytes, it took a few seconds to process.

Figure 2: Method to populate the table columns to load data.

In Figure 3 below I now have all the columns for my table. Note that Toad has set the default datatype to VARCHAR2 for all columns. Moreover Toad also has set each column to be optional. You may need to modify these default choices as you know your data far better than Toad. Then press the OK button to create the table and load data.

Figure 3: Resulting population of table columns.

In Figure 4 below I have now created the table required to hold all the data for the IMDB movies data file. Remember, the file is over 600 megabytes in size, so the data load will likely take a few moments. But we’re more than half-way home at this point. Now I just need to import the data into my newly created table.

Figure 4: Resulting table creation.

In Figure 5 below I have now invoked Toad for Oracle’s Data Import wizard by opening the Right Hand Mouse (RHM) menu and select Import —> Data , or Main Menu —> Database—>Import—>Import Table Data . As you can now see, I am setup to initiate loading of the MOVIES table. However this is a multi-step wizard where we’ll need to specify additional information before the table can be loaded.

Figure 5: Page 1 of the data import wizard.

In Figure 6 below I am now on the second page of the data import wizard where I identify the file type and name. If you look back at Figure 2, you will see that we’ve answered two of the three key parameters. Note that we’ve yet to say that it’s a tab delimited file. Remember too that the first line in the file has the column names, so we’ll need to be able to tell Toad to skip over those.

Figure 6: Page 2 of the data import wizard.

In Figure 7 below I am now on the third page of the data import wizard where I identify the file as tab delimited text.

Figure 7: Page 3 of the data import wizard.

In Figure 8 below I am now on the fourth page of the data import wizard where I identify that Toad should start reading the table data at line 2 because the first row contains the column names. You should take your time on this page of the wizard to make sure you review the dates, times, and numbers settings based upon how your data is formatted in the text file.

Figure 8: Page 4 of the data import wizard.

In Figure 9 below I am now on the fifth page of the data import wizard where Toad has read a sample of the data rows and displays them for you to verify. Moreover, Toad displays a pop-up to see how you want to map the columns of data to the table columns. In this case it really does not matter. But had I created the columns in the table in a different order or reordered them, then the choice would have to be by matching the names.

Figure 9: Page 5 of the data import wizard.

In Figure 10 below I am now on the sixth page of the data import wizard where Toad displays the results of your selection from the prior page’s pop up where you specified the data file field to table column mapping. Again if I had reordered the columns in the table, I would have had to make changes on this page to properly align the fields to columns.

Figure 10: Page 6 of the data import wizard.

In Figure 11 below I am now on the seventh page of the data import wizard where Toad displays the field to column matching results performed upon the sample data with the column header row removed. Note that the columns displayed here are sized based upon the column name size. I’ll need to press the size cols to data button if I wish to be able to see the column values displayed in their entirety.

Figure 11: Page 7 of the data import wizard.

In Figure 12 below I am now on the eighth page of the data import wizard where Toad allows one to specify a host of parameters or options that control the actual database transaction processing. As you can see, I have said to perform batch array inserts of 500 rows, to truncate the table before loading, and to commit after every 500 rows. These choices will affect how long the actual data load takes. Remember that my data file is over 600 megabytes, so setting these parameters is critical. Now when I press the execute button, the data import process will begin.

Figure 12: Page 8 of the data import wizard.

In Figure 13 below I am now executing the data import process. The first time I ran this I got errors because the default column data types and size were VARCHAR(32) and the movies titles are much longer than that. I just chose to abort, increased the column lengths, and restarted the wizard. It then ran to completion without error. Did you note that even on my small VM running on a desktop PC that I’m getting loads of over 66,000 records per second!

Figure 13: Page 9 of the data import wizard.


If you are a business user who wants to copy from Excel to Oracle, use Toad. You can easily do automatic table creation and data loading as shown above. Thus you can self-service without requesting help from your information systems people. No other database tool makes copying data from Excel to Oracle quicker and easier than Toad. Plus no matter whether you’re using Toad freeware or the commercial version of Toad, the process is essentially the same.

Need help managing data? Try Toad for free!

Quest Software® is here to help you simplify complexity, reduce cost and risk, and drive performance. Maybe that’s why we’re consistently voted #1 by DBTA readers and have 95%+ customer satisfaction rate.

Toad® database management tools are cross-platform solutions from Quest® that can help new and veteran DBAs, and even “accidental” DBAs manage data in Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, SAP, MySQL, and Postgres environments.


How to import excel data into Toad 9.5 table

How to import Excel data into Toad 9.5 Table

I have Toad for Oracle 9.5 and MS Excel 2007. I want to import Excel data into Oracle table using Toad.

Please let me know the steps, how to do that. Thanks

2 Answers 2

try the following methods

METHOD 1: Click Tools → Import → Import Wizard. This window can be used to import data from various kinds of source files into a table.

METHOD 2: SQL*Loader You can use TOAD’s interface to a program from Oracle called sqlloader. Save the Excel file as a comma-delimited (.csv) or tab-delimited (.txt) file. If your data has commas within a text field, save your file as tab-delimited.

Open DBA→Sql Loader Wizard

Choose «build a new control file». Next.

Click «Add». Choose your comma-delimited or tab-delimited file. Next.

Click «Add». Choose your table.

If you are loading a comma-delimited file, type a comma in the «all fields delimited by» combo box. If you are loading a tab-delimited file, select «TAB» from the «all fields delimited by» combo box. Next.

Choose a «load method» noting the following:

TRUNCATE will erase whatever is in the table before loading.

INSERT will insert data if table is empty but will return an error if table has any data in it.

APPEND will insert data without deleting any existing data. You might get duplicates this way but it’s a good method if you’re trying to get that last line that somehow got munged for some reason or another.

If your file has column headers in its first row, type a 1 in the skip box. Next.

Type a control file name in the control file name box. Next.

Choose either «execute now» to load the data now or «just build the control file» to build the .ctl file. Once you have the ctl file theoretically you don’t even need TOAD, as you could just use sqlloader on any machine that has sqlloader and can connect to the database. But why would you want to. 🙂 I choose execute now.

Note: If you are working with Oracle 8.0 or earlier on a Windows 2000 or later OS, uncheck «Watch Progress»


How to Import from Excel to Oracle with SQL Developer

  1. Step 0: The Empty Oracle Table and your Excel File.
  2. Step 1: Mouse-right click – Import Data.
  3. Step 2: Select your input (XLSX) file and verify the data.
  4. Step 3: Create a script or import automatically.
  5. Step 4: Select the Excel Columns to be Imported.


  • 1 How do I import data from Excel to Oracle in Toad?
  • 2 How do I import Excel data into an SQL table?
  • 3 How do you load a table in Oracle?
  • 4 How do I import a CSV file into Oracle?
  • 5 How do I load an Excel file using SQL Loader?
  • 6 How do I load a text file into Oracle table using Toad?
  • 7 How read data from Excel sheet and insert into database table?
  • 8 How do I import data from Excel to SQL Workbench?
  • 9 How do you load a table in SQL?
  • 10 How do I import data into SQL Developer?
  • 11 What is SQL Loader in Oracle?
  • 12 How do I import an Excel file into SQL Developer?
  • 13 How do I import a CSV file into Oracle table using shell script?
  • 14 How do I import a CSV file into SQL table?
  • 15 How do I import data from Excel to Oracle using PL SQL Developer?
  • 16 How do I import data into toad?
  • 17 How do I export data from CSV toad?
  • 18 What is Toad data Point?
  • 19 How do I insert data into a database in Excel?
  • 20 How do I convert Excel to CSV file?

How do I import data from Excel to Oracle in Toad?

METHOD 1: Click Tools → Import → Import Wizard. This window can be used to import data from various kinds of source files into a table. METHOD 2: SQL*Loader You can use TOAD’s interface to a program from Oracle called sqlloader. Save the Excel file as a comma-delimited (.

How do I import Excel data into an SQL table?

The quickest way to get your Excel file into SQL is by using the import wizard:

  1. Open SSMS (Sql Server Management Studio) and connect to the database where you want to import your file into.
  2. Import Data: in SSMS in Object Explorer under ‘Databases’ right-click the destination database, select Tasks, Import Data.

How do you load a table in Oracle?

To load the REGIONS table:

  1. Log in to the Oracle Database XE graphical user interface as any user other than SYSTEM or HR .
  2. On the Database Home Page, click the Utilities icon, and then click the Data Load/Unload icon.
  3. On the Data Load/Unload page, click the Load icon, and then click the Load Text Data icon.

How do I import a CSV file into Oracle?

Right-click the PURCHASE_ORDERS table and select Import Data. The Open dialog box appears. Navigate to and select the load. csv file that includes the data you want to import into the table, and then click Open.

How do I load an Excel file using SQL Loader?

SQL*Loader – Load Excel/CSV file into Oracle Database Table

  1. STEP1: I saved this file as CSV using Excel – Save As – “CSV UTF-8 (Comma Delimited)(*.csv)”
  2. STEP2: Created a new table in my database.
  3. STEP3: Created following control file with name “load.ctl”
  4. STEP4: Load started with SQL*Loader.

How do I load a text file into Oracle table using Toad?

Steps to Import CSV into Oracle Table Using Toad

  1. Click on Database menu > Import > Import Table Data.
  2. Select table name from Object Name drop-down list then click on Show Data.
  3. Select Text file radio button and enter the file name and path using browse button, then click Next.

How read data from Excel sheet and insert into database table?

Create a function to read and insert an Excel File into the database as:

  1. private void InsertExcelRecords(string FilePath)
  2. {
  3. ExcelConn(FilePath);
  4. Query = string.
  5. OleDbCommand Ecom = new OleDbCommand(Query, Econ);
  6. Econ.
  7. DataSet ds=new DataSet();
  8. OleDbDataAdapter oda = new OleDbDataAdapter(Query, Econ);

How do I import data from Excel to SQL Workbench?

Instead export your excel file in Excel to CSV and import that in MySQL Workbench. It allows you to import CSV and JSON data. Select your file on the next page, set import options too (e.g. separator and quote char) and then let it run.

How do you load a table in SQL?

Data import method #2: When you want to import data from a . csv file

  1. COPY is the SQL keyword.
  2. table_name is the name of the table that you want to put the data into.
  3. FROM is another SQL keyword.
  4. Then you have to specify the filename and the location of the file that you want to copy the data from between apostrophes.

How do I import data into SQL Developer?

  1. Create a connection to the database in SQL Developer.
  2. right click on tables folder.
  3. Choose Import data.
  4. select xls.
  5. use the wizzard (provide table name, row limit, select columns, datatype per column)
  6. Finish.

What is SQL Loader in Oracle?

SQL*Loader loads data from external files into tables of an Oracle database. It has a powerful data parsing engine that puts little limitation on the format of the data in the datafile.Load data from multiple datafiles during the same load session. Load data into multiple tables during the same load session.

How do I import an Excel file into SQL Developer?

Export Query Output to Excel in SQL Developer

  1. Step 1: Run your query. To start, you’ll need to run your query in SQL Developer.
  2. Step 2: Open the Export Wizard.
  3. Step 3: Select the Excel format and the location to export your file.
  4. Step 4: Export the query output to Excel.

How do I import a CSV file into Oracle table using shell script?

you can load csv file through sql loader . Define control file in sql loader to load the file into target table. Call that control file through shell script.

  1. SQL> spool empData. csv ;
  2. SQL> select name || ‘,’ || age || ‘,’ || salary from EMPLOYEE;
  3. SQL> spool off;

How do I import a CSV file into SQL table?

Import CSV file into SQL server using SQL server management Studio

  1. Step 1: Select database, right-click on it -> “Tasks”->Select “Import flat file”
  2. Step 2: Browse file and give table name.
  3. Step 3: Preview data before saving it.
  4. Step 4: Check Data-type and map it properly, to successfully import csv.

How do I import data from Excel to Oracle using PL SQL Developer?

How to Import from Excel to Oracle with SQL Developer

  1. Step 0: The Empty Oracle Table and your Excel File.
  2. Step 1: Mouse-right click – Import Data.
  3. Step 2: Select your input (XLSX) file and verify the data.
  4. Step 3: Create a script or import automatically.
  5. Step 4: Select the Excel Columns to be Imported.

How do I import data into toad?

Importing Data

  1. Select the database connection on which you want to import data. Note: The Import Wizard will import data to the currently-active open connection.
  2. Select Tools | Import | Import Wizard.
  3. Use the Import Wizard to specify a data source and import options.
  4. Click Finish to import the data and close the wizard.

How do I export data from CSV toad?

In the Export Data window, select the options as shown in below image to export the data into CSV file from Toad. Select the option Delimited Text from the Export Format drop-down. Specify the file location and name in File field. Specify the delimiter and click OK to export.

What is Toad data Point?

Toad Data Point is a single, easy-to-use tool that enables users to access all data sources. This solution is a cross-platform self-service data-integration tool. Toad Data Point simplifies data access, data preparation, and provisioning. Users can quickly and easily access, integrate, prepare and provision data.

How do I insert data into a database in Excel?

Learn how to import Excel data into a MySQL database

  1. Open your Excel file and click Save As.
  2. Log into your MySQL shell and create a database.
  3. Next we’ll define the schema for our boat table using the CREATE TABLE command.
  4. Run show tables to verify that your table was created.

How do I convert Excel to CSV file?

You can convert an Excel worksheet to a text file by using the Save As command.

  1. Go to File > Save As.
  2. Click Browse.
  3. In the Save As dialog box, under Save as type box, choose the text file format for the worksheet; for example, click Text (Tab delimited) or CSV (Comma delimited).

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