Excel to mysql converter

О преобразовании XLS в SQL запросы

Конвертер Excel в SQL была создана для быстрого преобразования Excel файлов в запросы SQL(Structured Query Language) для вставки в базу данных. Этот удивительный инструмент поддерживает настраиваемое имя таблицы и несколько команд MySQL для вставки. Нет необходимости загружать или устанавливать какое-либо программное обеспечение.

В результате вы получите несколько запросов:

  • SQL-запрос для создания таблицы. Но это всего лишь пример «create table»; на самом деле не рекомендуется выполнять этот запрос, потому что он не содержит индексы, ключи, правильные типы и т.д.
  • Insert или Replace запросы.

Как это работает?

Просто выберите нужные параметры и загрузите Excel(XLS или XLSX) файл и вы сразу получите SQL запросы.

После преобразования вы можете выполнить эти команды на вашем SQL сервере и добавить все данные в вашу базу данных.

Input file

Our API accepts one or multiple Excel .XLSX files as input.

Max file size for web uploads: 50 GB
Register to upload big files via Amazon S3.

Output file

The API will return a ZIP archive that contains a .SQL file.
This .SQL is a MySQL dump file and can be restored into your MySQL installation.

Conversion methods

Using our Java tool

Download the

RebaseData client Java tool
To convert your database using RebaseData, run the following command:

                    java -jar client-0.0.5.jar convert --output-format=mysql file.xlsx output-dir/

Using CURL

Replace file.xlsx with the path to the Excel file you want to convert.

The file output.zip will contain a MySQL .SQL file with your data or the error message if something went wrong.

curl -F files[]=@file.xlsx 'https://www.rebasedata.com/api/v1/convert?outputFormat=mysql&errorResponse=zip' -o output.zip

How long does it take?

The conversion process takes between 15 seconds and multiple minutes. It depends on the size of the database.

You can also use your favourite tool

  • Read Excel using PHP
  • Read Excel using Python
  • Read Excel using Ubuntu

Why use RebaseData?

  • Strong security.
  • Convert online without installing Microsoft Excel.
  • Works with Windows, Mac and Linux.
  • Use an API to convert your databases.
  • Professional support.


  • We don’t guarantee for the success or correctness of the conversion
  • You are only allowed to convert your own database files
  • By using RebaseData, you agree to our general terms

We pride ourselves in building software that’s easy to use, but security is also our top priority.

We understand that some data uploaded might be sensitive, so we ensure that your data is only kept when needed.

We follow widely accepted industry standard practices when it comes to security:

  • HTTPS is enforced for all communications with our server
  • We enforce a strict access policy and employees or external collaborators
    never have access
    to user data
  • All data is always encrypted at rest
  • All data is automatically deleted forever
    24 hours after being uploaded.

We allow time before deleting files just in case you’re not done with the data, if you’re done with viewing or converting a file and want to delete it right away, you can do it yourself through the API.

Note that all files files uploaded without an account are acessible by a unique URL that is hidden but accesible by anyone, so we recommend you to sign up with an account if you want your files to be private, only your account will be able to access your files.

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Immediately delete the uploaded & processed files.

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Using Excel to MySQL conversion and synchronization tools.

When you start DBConvert or DBSync application in GUI mode it guides you through several steps to set up
the database migration or synchronization:

1. Connect to Excel source database.

If a source database requires you to log in, you can specify a
user name/ password and host/ port

Connect to Excel source database from DBConvert

2. Connect to MySQL destination database.

Specifying parameters for destination database looks like the same as for source. Usually, it consists of
defining connection settings and username/password pairs.

Connect to MySQL target database from DBConvert

NOTE #1: Every DBConvert or DBSync tool has two different
databases in its
name. That means any specified database from a pair can be set up as a source or destination.
Besides, the same type of database may be set up both as a source or destination.

As an example, here is the list of possible migration directions with on-premises databases:

  • Excel to MySQL
  • MySQL to Excel
  • Excel to Excel
  • MySQL to MySQL

NOTE #2: Don’t be confused by the fact that connections to
cloud databases like
Amazon RDS, Google Cloud, and Heroku are not explicitly
in the configuration of a source or destination in the DBConvert / DBSync
interface. To connect to Cloud database instances, use the same settings as you do for traditional
on-premises databases.

NOTE #3: Your connections to source and target databases stay active until you close
DBConvert/ DBSync application or reopen new connections on «source» and «destination» steps.

Read more about the specific
source/ destination configurations for different

3. Configure database migration options.

At the next step, you can specify precisely which tables, fields, indices, views you want to transfer to
the MySQL destination database. Just check/ uncheck the box in front of each
database object you want to convert.

Customize general database/ tables settings. Or set up a particular table , field, index individually when
migrating data from Excel to MySQL.

Check out our articles about Configure database migration options. for detailed information.

The screenshot below sums up general features available in DBConvert software solutions.

DBConvert screenshot

  1. Workaround
    for firewalls and access rights

  3. Flexible
    customization for all db elements
  4. Bulk Insert and
    Quantization options for speed-up processing of big volume of data
  5. Conditional data
    migration. Data Filters.
  6. Full UNICODE architecture support
  7. Data mapping
  8. Proactive detection of
    potential data migration issues
  9. Command line
  10. Savable

4. Detection of potential database migration issues. Errors and Warnings

The database typically constrains certain relations on the data that cannot be violated. On the
customization step, a smart error checker verifies all possible Data integrity
and Referential integrity issues and highlights them, if any, before performing a migration.

By default, DBConvert tries to automatically map the database types of the source
Excel database to the closest equivalent of the target MySQL
database types. However, you can manually change the data types for the entire database globally using the
«Global mapping» or individually for each field.

Check out Smart error checker. Errors and Warnings for more

5. Execution. The final stage of data migration from Excel

Once you configure source and destination databases for migration in the previous steps, you can start
the actual conversion or synchronization process.

Click the «Commit» button to start
conversion. Also, here, you can monitor the migtation/ synchronization process.

Optionally save connection settings and configuration parameters into the session file to
schedule the launching of sync or migration jobs regularly.

Execution step of DBConvert products

Read more about execution stage available options.

Command line mode

Previously saved sessions can be passed as parameters to Command-Line DBConvert Client. A session keeps
Excel source and MySQL target database connection settings
with other specified options.

C:Program FilesDBConvertexcel2mysqlProexcel2mysqlPro_Cons.exe /Session:"Session_Name"

NOTE: First, you have to run the software in GUI mode
to create a session file with
initial parameters.

Built-in scheduler.

Our applications come with a built-in scheduler to run database migration and sync jobs at
times. Just set the scheduled date and time to execute job sessions automatically.

Find more Information about built-in scheduler

DBConvert screenshot

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