Excel to html table online

Сконвертируйте ваши xls-файлы в html онлайн и бесплатно

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Конвертировать в XLS


Лист Microsoft Excel (97-2003)

Формат XLS используется для описания документов программы Microsoft Excel. Этот файл представляет собой электронную таблицу. Все данные в документе распределены по ячейкам и хранятся в них. Каждая ячейка имеет уникальный адрес, обозначаемый буквами и арабскими цифрами. Ячейка может содержать неизменяемые данные и данные в виде формул, которые связывают несколько ячеек.

Конвертер HTML


Язык гипертекстовой разметки

HTML ― это файл веб-формата. Исходный код HTML можно изменить в текстовом редакторе. HTML-файлы разрабатываются для будущего использования в веб-браузерах пользователей и позволяют форматировать сайты с текстом, изображениями и другими необходимыми материалами. В файлах этого формата используются теги для создания веб-страниц. Интерпретация HTML-кода выполняется веб-браузером, и этот код, как правило, не показывается пользователю.

Как сконвертировать XLS в HTML

Шаг 1

Загрузите xls-файл(ы)

Выберите файлы с компьютера, Google Диска, Dropbox, по ссылке или перетащив их на страницу.

Шаг 2

Выберите «в html»

Выберите html или любой другой формат, который вам нужен (более 200 поддерживаемых форматов)

Шаг 3

Загрузите ваш html-файл

Позвольте файлу сконвертироваться и вы сразу сможете скачать ваш html-файл

Рейтинг XLS в HTML

4.5 (889 голосов)

Вам необходимо сконвертировать и скачать любой файл, чтобы оценить конвертацию!

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Enter Url

Here is a list of the best free online Exel to HTML table converter services. Excel spreadsheets are commonly used file formats for organizing and analyzing data. Although this file format works, it is not so common on the internet. An Excel to HTML converter tool allows you to quickly and easily convert your Excel files into web-friendly HTML tables. With HTML tables, you can easily embed that on websites and share it online.

This post covers 9 free websites where you can convert Excel to HTML Table online. All these websites offer dedicated tools to perform this conversion. Some tools can work with Excel file upload, and Excel data, and can even fetch spreadsheet data from a URL. Whereas some are limited to file upload or direct Excel data. Despite the input, you can easily turn the spreadsheet data into HTML table code. You get to configure some aspects for HTML output and then get the data as HTML code or an HTML file.

My Favorite Online Excel to HTML Table Converter

TableConvert.com is my favorite Excel to HTML table converter tool on this list. This is a versatile tool that not only shows the tabular data but also lets you edit it with ease. You can easily arrange cells, columns, rows, etc. On top of that, you can also configure some HTML parameters such as header, div table, etc.

You can check out our other lists of the best free online HTML List Generator websites, HTML Table to JSON Online Converter websites, and Image to Excel Converter online services.

Comparison Table:

Name Data Input Output Additional Options
TableConvert.com Data / File / URL Copy / Download Yes
ConversionTools.io File Download Yes
wTools.io File Copy / Download Yes
TechBrij.com Data Copy No
CodeBeautify.org Data / File Copy / Download No
URL-Decode.com Data / File Copy No
Tableizer.Journalistopia.com Data Copy Yes
Convertio.co File Download No
Zamzar.com File Download No


TableConvert.com is a free website packing multi-functional tools for tabular data. It provides a tool to convert Excel to HTML tables. The tool has three sections; Data Source, Table Editor, and Table Generator. The Data Source section has input ways to add data including pasting data, uploading a file, and fetching from a URL. For this conversion, you can simply upload your Excel file. When you do that, it loads the Excel data in a Table Editor. This section packs lots of options to easily edit and manipulate the added tabular data. After finalizing the data, scroll to the Table Generator section. This section lists various data formats including HTML. Simply select HTML to convert the table data into an HTML table. Alongside that, you also get a few HTML options to minify, set header, convert to div table, etc. You can use that as per your requirements and then get the HTML Table code. You can also download the output as an HTML file.


  • Input Method(s): Data / File / URL.
  • Output: Copy / Download (HTML File).
  • Configuration Options: Options to visually edit data and other HTML options.
Pros Cons
Multiple input methods No cloud integration
Shows Excel data & HTML Code preview No batch file conversion
Options to customize data before conversion
Options to tweak HTML output


ConversionTools.io has a vast collection of online converters that you can use for free. It has a tool to convert Excel to HTML. This tool takes an Excel file as input and converts the data to HTML. While doing it, it offers a few conversion options. These options are “Re-calculate Excel file before converting“, “Make columns sortable“, “Title for ‘Overview’ label“, and “Title for ‘Sheet X’ label“. You can toggle these options on or off as per your liking. With that, you can perform the conversion. After the conversion finishes, you get a green button to download the conversion file. This gets you an HTML file containing the equivalent HTML table.


  • Input Method(s): File.
  • Output: Download (HTML File).
  • Configuration Options: Options for recalculation, sortable columns, title, label, etc.
Pros Cons
Easy to use No data preview
Options to tweak HTML output No batch file conversion
File to file conversion only


wTools.io has a free Excel-to-HTML converter tool. You can use this tool to turn Excel data into HTML tables. To do that, you have to upload the Excel files to this tool. You can add multiple files if you want. After adding the files, you can configure the additional options. These options allow to use of the first row as column names and remove blank lines from the data. With that, you can perform the conversion. Once done, it shows the HTML output on the screen. From there, you can copy the HTML code and can also download it as an HTML file.


  • Input Method(s): File(s).
  • Output: Copy / Download (HTML File).
  • Configuration Options: Options to remove blank lines and change the first row for column names.
Pros Cons
Easy to use No data preview
Options to tweak HTML output No batch file conversion
No direct data input


TechBrij.com is another website to convert Excel data to HTML tables. Unlike other converters, this one takes the data input. There is no option to upload a file or fetch from a URL. Instead, you have to copy the data from your Excel and paste it directly into this converter. After that, you have to pick the correct separator used in the data. After adding the data, you can simply perform the conversion. This gets you the HTML table code in a box. From there, you can select and copy the HTML code.


  • Input Method(s): Data.
  • Output: Copy.
  • Configuration Options: Option to set the data separator.
Pros Cons
Easy to use No file upload
Generates HTML/Full HTML No batch file conversion
Data preview


CodeBeautify.org is a popular website to format and beautify various types of data. It also offers tools to convert data from one format to another. This also includes an Excel to HTML converter. This converter turns the Excel sheet into an HTML table. To perform such a conversion, either you can copy-paste the Excel data directly into the converter. Or, you can upload the Excel file. When you add the data, it shows that on the screen. Then you can simply click the “Show HTML” button. This replaces the Excel data with HTML table data on the screen. From there, you can copy the HTML data or download it as an HTML file.


  • Input Method(s): Data / File.
  • Output: Copy / Download (HTML File).
  • Configuration Options: No additional options.
Pros Cons
Easy to use No conversion options
Preview data No batch file conversion
Good for large data file


URL-Decode.com is another free website with a simple Excel to HTML converter. This converter has two text boxes aligned vertically. The top box is for the input where it shows the Excel data. You can directly copy-paste the Excel data into that box. Alternatively, you can upload an Excel file to fetch the data into the converter. After adding the Excel data, you can perform the conversion. This gets you the HTML table code in the box at the bottom. Alongside the box, there is a “copy” button that you can use to copy the HTML code directly to the clipboard. This way, you can perform Excel to HTML conversion using this tool.


  • Input Method(s): Data / File.
  • Output: Copy.
  • Configuration Options: No additional options.
Pros Cons
Multiple input methods No conversion options
Preview data No batch file conversion
Easy to use


Tableizer.Journalistopia.com has a free online Spreadsheets-to-HTML <Table> Tool. This tool takes Excel data as input and turns that into HTML code. To perform this conversion, you have to copy-paste the Excel data into this tool. Along with that, you get a few options to set header color, font size, etc. You can configure these options as per your liking. When you perform the conversion, it loads a result page where you get the HTML code. You can copy the HTML code with a click. Alongside that, this tool also visualizes the data in tabular form. This can come in handy to validate the converted data.


  • Input Method(s): Data.
  • Output: Copy.
  • Configuration Options: Options for header and font size.
Pros Cons
Easy to use No file input
Options for font and header No batch file conversion
Data preview


Convertio.co offers a wide collection of web applications for file conversion. It has an online tool to convert Excel to HTML online. This tool deals with files only with no data preview. You can upload your Excel files and convert those to HTML files. You can use this tool to convert up to 2 files per conversion. It has cloud integration as well that lets you import Excel files directly from Google Drive or Dropbox. Similarly, you can download the converted HTML files or export those directly to your cloud storage.


  • Input: Excel File(s).
  • Output: Download HTML file(s).
  • Configuration Options: No additional options.
Pros Cons
Can convert multiple files at once No data or URL input
Supports cloud import No data preview


Zamzar.com is another free file conversion platform where you can convert Excel to HTML online. The process of conversion is similar to what you get on Convetio.co. It works with files only with no preview of Excel data or HTML code. You can simply upload the Excel files and perform the conversion. You also have the option to import files from cloud storage. You can use either method to add up to 2 files and convert. The output gets you the HTML file with the equivalent HTML table code inside.


  • Input: Excel File(s).
  • Output: Download HTML file(s).
  • Configuration Options: No additional options.
Pros Cons
Can convert multiple files at once No data or URL input
Supports cloud import No data preview
Limited to 2 file conversations per day

Published Date: 27 Mar, 2023

Modified Date: 27 Mar, 2023

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