Excel to base64 online

Best Free Online Excel to Base64 Converter

  • To convert one file type to another, you can use this app’s feature for free. Without registration and a captcha. Here you can convert documents online and save them in the format you need on your computer or any other device.
  • Excel to Base64 Converter is your multipurpose conversion tool for almost all popular file formats. You can make it online in seconds for free.
  • You can use our online tool without downloading any software and free of charge. Just use your browser.
  • Even though the tool is free, no one limits you by the number and size. It significantly distinguishes the Excel to Base64 Converter from competitors.
  • Forget about malware, viruses, and storage space. With our application, you only upload the edited file and nothing else.
  • Quick and easy

    Excel to Base64 Converter is a service for online file conversion from one type to another. We support many popular formats for work, all possible image formats, multimedia file formats, etc. Our Excel to Base64 conversion tool is easy to use: select the desired file type, then define the output format of your document, upload the file and click ‘Upload’.

    Security guaranteed

    We guarantee secure and private. We do not get the right to your file and there will be no manual checking. We care about your privacy and your files. In this regard, we will also not share your data with other parties. It is essential that you have the opportunity to immediately delete the files you have uploaded from our server. If you forget to do this, they will be automatically deleted from our server after 24 hours. We completely secure your information.

    Universal conversion

    You can convert files to Excel to Base64 from any OS or device with an internet connection. Our service works on any OS including Windows, Mac, and Linux.

    Most popular conversions

    We support the most common conversion options for work and study. Use our Free application to decrease your workload, when dealing with both document and image files.

    Fast and Easy Conversion

    Fast and Easy Conversion

    Upload your document, choose the save format type and click on “Convert” button. You will get the download link as soon as the file is converted.

    Convert from Anywhere

    Convert from Anywhere

    It works from all platforms including Windows, Mac, Android and iOS. All files are processed on our servers. No plugin or software installation required for you.

    Conversion Quality

    Conversion Quality

    . All files are processed using Aspose APIs, which are being used by many Fortune 100 companies across 114 countries.


    Meet Base64 Decode and Encode, a simple online tool that does exactly what it says: decodes from Base64 encoding as well as encodes into it quickly and easily. Base64 encode your data without hassles or decode it into a human-readable format.

    Base64 encoding schemes are commonly used when there is a need to encode binary data, especially when that data needs to be stored and transferred over media that are designed to deal with text. This encoding helps to ensure that the data remains intact without modification during transport. Base64 is used commonly in a number of applications including email via MIME, as well as storing complex data in XML or JSON.

    Advanced options

    • Character set: Our website uses the UTF-8 character set, so your input data is transmitted in that format. Change this option if you want to convert the data to another character set before encoding. Note that in case of text data, the encoding scheme does not contain the character set, so you may have to specify the appropriate set during the decoding process. As for files, the binary option is the default, which will omit any conversion; this option is required for everything except plain text documents.
    • Newline separator: Unix and Windows systems use different line break characters, so prior to encoding either variant will be replaced within your data by the selected option. For the files section, this is partially irrelevant since files already contain the corresponding separators, but you can define which one to use for the «encode each line separately» and «split lines into chunks» functions.
    • Encode each line separately: Even newline characters are converted to their Base64-encoded forms. Use this option if you want to encode multiple independent data entries separated with line breaks. (*)
    • Split lines into chunks: The encoded data will become a continuous text without any whitespaces, so check this option if you want to break it up into multiple lines. The applied character limit is defined in the MIME (RFC 2045) specification, which states that the encoded lines must be no more than 76 characters long. (*)
    • Perform URL-safe encoding: Using standard Base64 in URLs requires encoding of «+», «/» and «=» characters into their percent-encoded form, which makes the string unnecessarily longer. Enable this option to encode into an URL- and filename- friendly Base64 variant (RFC 4648 / Base64URL) where the «+» and «/» characters are respectively replaced by «-» and «_», as well as the padding «=» signs are omitted.
    • Live mode: When you turn on this option the entered data is encoded immediately with your browser’s built-in JavaScript functions, without sending any information to our servers. Currently this mode supports only the UTF-8 character set.

    (*) These options cannot be enabled simultaneously since the resulting output would not be valid for the majority of applications.

    Safe and secure

    All communications with our servers come through secure SSL encrypted connections (https). We delete uploaded files from our servers immediately after being processed and the resulting downloadable file is deleted right after the first download attempt or 15 minutes of inactivity (whichever is shorter). We do not keep or inspect the contents of the submitted data or uploaded files in any way. Read our privacy policy below for more details.

    Completely free

    Our tool is free to use. From now on, you don’t need to download any software for such simple tasks.

    Details of the Base64 encoding

    Base64 is a generic term for a number of similar encoding schemes that encode binary data by treating it numerically and translating it into a base-64 representation. The Base64 term originates from a specific MIME-content transfer encoding.


    The particular choice of characters to make up the 64 characters required for Base64 varies between implementations. The general rule is to choose a set of 64 characters that is both 1) part of a subset common to most encodings, and 2) also printable. This combination leaves the data unlikely to be modified in transit through systems such as email, which were traditionally not 8-bit clean. For example, MIME’s Base64 implementation uses A-Z, a-z, and 0-9 for the first 62 values, as well as «+» and «/» for the last two. Other variations, usually derived from Base64, share this property but differ in the symbols chosen for the last two values; an example is the URL and filename safe «RFC 4648 / Base64URL» variant, which uses «-» and «_».


    Here’s a quote snippet from Thomas Hobbes’s Leviathan:

    «Man is distinguished, not only by his reason, but …«

    This is represented as an ASCII byte sequence and encoded in MIME’s Base64 scheme as follows:


    In the above quote the encoded value of Man is TWFu. Encoded in ASCII, the letters «M», «a», and «n» are stored as the bytes 77, 97, 110, which are equivalent to «01001101», «01100001», and «01101110» in base-2. These three bytes are joined together in a 24 bit buffer producing the binary sequence «010011010110000101101110». Packs of 6 bits (6 bits have a maximum of 64 different binary values) are converted into 4 numbers (24 = 4 * 6 bits) which are then converted to their corresponding values in Base64.

    As this example illustrates, Base64 encoding converts 3 uncoded bytes (in this case, ASCII characters) into 4 encoded ASCII characters.

    World’s simplest online base64 file encoder for web developers and programmers. Just select your file or drag & drop it below, press the Convert to Base64 button, and you’ll get a base64 string. Press a button – get base64. No ads, nonsense, or garbage. The input file can also be an mp3 or mp4. Works only in modern browsers.

    Announcement: We just launched Online Fractal Tools – a collection of browser-based fractal generators. Check it out!

    Using a File to Base64 Converter in Cross-browser Testing

    A file to base64 converter can be useful if you’re doing cross-browser testing. For example, if you’re using atob() or btoa() functions in your code and your code has to run in older browsers, then these functions won’t work as they are relatively new. With this tool, you can convert a tiny image or a music file to base64 and use it in various browser tests. Several other use cases are transmitting binary data over GET requests (in URLs) as well as sending binary attachments over text medium.

    Pro tip: You can use ?input=text query argument to pass text to tools.

    We put a browser in your browser!

    Check out our project Browserling – get a browser in your browser.

    Pro tips
    Master online csv tools

    You can pass input to this tool via


    query argument and it will automatically compute output. Here’s how to type it in your browser’s address bar. Click to try!




    Coming soon
    These csv tools are on the way

    Print CSV Statistics

    Display detailed information about a CSV file.

    Convert CSV to HTML

    Convert CSV to an HTML table.

    Convert HTML to CSV

    Convert an HTML table to a CSV file.

    Convert CSV to ASCII Table

    Draw an ASCII table from CSV data.

    Convert CSV to ANSI Table

    Draw an ANSI table from CSV data.

    Convert CSV to PDF

    Convert CSV to a PDF document.

    Convert PDF to CSV

    Extract data from a PDF and create a CSV file.

    Convert CSV to an Image

    Draw a CSV file as a PNG, JPG or GIF picture.

    Convert Image to CSV

    Extract data from an image and create a CSV file.

    Convert CSV to Excel

    Convert CSV to an Excel spreadsheet.

    Convert CSV to LaTeX

    Convert CSV to a LaTeX table.

    Convert CSV to SQL

    Generate SQL queries from a CSV file.

    Convert CSV to INI

    Convert a CSV file to an INI file.

    Convert INI to CSV

    Convert an INI file to an CSV file.

    Preview CSV in the Browser

    Show the contents of CSV in your browser.

    Merge CSV Files

    Merge together two CSV files.

    Find Data in CSV

    Find CSV cells that contain certain data.

    Filter CSV Cells

    Return data in a CSV file that matches a pattern.

    Rotate CSV Columns

    Move CSV columns to the left or right.

    Rotate CSV Rows

    Move CSV data rows up or down.

    Sort CSV Columns

    Sort the data in one or more CSV columns.

    Sort CSV Rows

    Sort the data in one or more CSV rows.

    Shuffle CSV Columns

    Randomly change the positions of CSV columns.

    Shuffle CSV Rows

    Randomly change the order of CSV rows.

    Shuffle CSV Values

    Randomly change the order of all CSV values.

    Create a Random CSV

    Generate a random CSV of any size.

    Unquote CSV Fields

    Remove double quotes from all CSV fields.

    Quote CSV Fields

    Wrap all CSV fields in double quotes.

    Change CSV Quote Character

    Change the character that CSV fields are wrapped in.

    Delete Empty CSV Columns

    Delete columns that are completely empty.

    Delete Empty CSV Rows

    Delete rows that are completely empty.

    Delete Empty CSV Values

    Delete all items in a CSV file that are empty.

    Remove CSV Separator

    Delete the comma separator from CSV files.

    Minify CSV

    Compress a CSV file and remove unnecessary spaces.

    Add Extra Spaces in CSV

    Add extra spaces between CSV columns.

    Compare Two CSV Files

    Diff CSV files and show differences visually.

    Convert CSV Columns to an Array

    Convert CSV columns to a flat array or a list.

    Convert CSV Rows to an Array

    Convert CSV rows to a flat array or a list.

    Find CSV Dimensions

    Find the number of rows and columns of a CSV file.

    Add Color to CSV

    Use different colors for CSV data, quotes, and commas.

    Animate a CSV File

    Animate CSV data by showing column after column.

    Fix a Broken CSV

    Automatically fix a broken CSV.

    Validate CSV

    Check if the given CSV file doesn’t contain syntax errors.

    Visualize CSV

    Create a visual drawing that shows the CSV structure.

    Инструмент кодирует данные файла в формат данных MIME base64. Для обратного раскодирования данных используйте инструмент Base64 в файл.


    MIME base64 строка (результат кодирования):

    Комбинации клавиш: Ctrl+A — выделить всё, Ctrl+C — скопировать, Ctrl+V — вставить.

    Комментарии (3) — Файл в base64

    2020-06-23 16:09:13

    2020-07-18 15:44:52

    2021-12-23 15:33:33
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