Excel to adobe indesign

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Доброе время суток!

Подскажите, не получается вставить таблицу в индиз из экселя:/
Вернее она вставляется, но все криво-косо:( Все столбики смещаются, приходится табом их двигать к нужной колонке. А таких таблиц штук двести, я двинусь их все выравнивать:)
Есть ли способ чтобы таблица открылась ровненько, как она выглядит в экселе??


UPD если это важно у меня версия cs2

  • #7

Ответ: Как вставить таблицу из Excel в Indesign

Спасибо всем за помощь, буду пробовать:)

Maria_T, ну а ежели не выйдет, пришлю тогда табличку свою злополучную:)

Steve Werner

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Feb 01, 2018
Feb 01, 2018

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Nothing has changed in the way tables work.

But I have a hunch you may have forgotten an important point: When you’re replacing cell data in an InDesign table, first select the cells that need to be replaced, then paste the exact same number of cells from Excel/Word that you’re replacing them with.

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Feb 01, 2018
Feb 01, 2018

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In Response To Steve Werner

Hi Steve, thanks for your reply.

I know this is how it works, I’ve been doing some intensive copy/pasting of tables over the last years

The excel files are on a shared server and I open them on Citrix in a Windows environment. I then copy/paste them to InDesign which is running locally on my macbook in iOS. I now found when I first copy paste the tables to a local excel file in iOS, the copy/paste works… At least this is a way around that might already save me some time!

But until recently, the copy/paste also worked directly from excels in a Citrix environment (my colleague is having the same issue). Strange but probably it has nothing to do with InDesign then.

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Steve Werner

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Feb 01, 2018
Feb 01, 2018

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In Response To steffenm32535037

Yes, I don’t work in those fancy server-based environments. It adds whole new ways for things to screw up!

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Dec 19, 2018
Dec 19, 2018

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In Response To Steve Werner

these are pretty lame responses to be honest.

I’ve seen several threads where this has been blown off as a user error — most def isn’t!

Reality is. Copying from excel to InDesign used to paste into text areas as Tabs and Paragraph Breaks, now it pastes only with paragraph breaks.

nothing may have changed in the way tables work, but indesign (or OSX?) has certainly changed how it pastes copied (command + C) data from excel spreadsheets. bit of a hassle when you don’t want to «place» a whole excel doc, just a few cells, and then have to spend a bunch of time formatting it again in indesign.

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Feb 05, 2019
Feb 05, 2019

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In Response To leond22801685

So I am trying to do the exact same thing. Very experienced InDesign user here. I’m copying and pasting a very large excel document into a table and even the hard returns (and tabs) are not formatting into proper rows in the table! I have to go in one by one!

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Steve Werner

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Feb 05, 2019
Feb 05, 2019

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In Response To Sandi_S_

Check your settings in Clipboard Handling Preferences > When Pasting Text and Tables from Other Applications: there are two choices

* All information (Index Markers, Swatches, Styles, etc.)

* Text only

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Nov 05, 2019
Nov 05, 2019

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In Response To Steve Werner

Dear Steve, this two choices nothing solves when you want to update old table e.x. pricelist, tech specs etc.

I have the same problem. Copy table from excel and than paste it to InDD — it pastes all data in the same column. But, when copy table from excel to word, and than to InDD — it works. But, this way with word is very harsh and timewasting.

Same problem when I use local Numbers, it paste in one same column.

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Nov 05, 2019
Nov 05, 2019

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Hi Lukas,

I came accross something similar weeks ago on an updated Mac OS X system.

Usually I could select some tab delimited text with InDesign, copy it to the clipboard, select one cell in Excel and paste all the contents in so that every tab delimited contents landed in its own cell. Not so with a recent version of Excel. I had to convert the text to a table in InDesign, select all cells in the table, copy to the clipboard, select one single cell in Excel and paste it.

I still can copy tab delimited text from InDesign to Excel on Windows 10 and every delimited contents is transferred to its own cell.

Maybe something changed with OS X or with the latest version of Excel on Mac OS X ?

Uwe Laubender

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Nov 05, 2019

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In Response To Laubender

Hi Uwe,

OK, I understand your case. You describe way from InDD to Excel.

But I have problem with opposite way — from Excel (or Numbers) to InDD. steffenm32535037 in first post it described — table with more collumn is pasting to InDD to one column.

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Nov 05, 2019
Nov 05, 2019

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Hi Lukas,

yes, but I wonder if my issue and your issue shares the same reason.

Did you try the following:

Just select only one cell in your InDesign table before pasting.

On Windows 10 this is still working; just tested that.

I suspect a Mac OS X issue.

Uwe Laubender

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Nov 06, 2019
Nov 06, 2019

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In Response To Laubender


I solved problem. Problem was in Citrix Workspace and in version of Office. I have had version 2010. After upgrade to 2016 version is problem solved.

I think, that very big problem is in constantly new updations with Adobe CC, updations with MacOS etc.


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Nov 06, 2019
Nov 06, 2019

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Hi Lukas,

thank you for sharing your experience.

So now you are working with Office 2016.

What’s your exact OS X version?

Uwe Laubender

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Nov 06, 2019

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In Response To Laubender

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Nov 19, 2019
Nov 19, 2019

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In Response To Lukas4

Hey guys, my problem with copy/paste is back. It function about one week. No update system MAC, no update citrix, no update adobe cc.

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Sep 09, 2020
Sep 09, 2020

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I found a quick fix for this today guys which might be useful for you. If you paste the content from Excel or Numbers into TextEdit first (or WordPad for Windows I guess) then copy it again from there and it keeps the tabs so you can paste it into your InDesign table. I only tried this with one column so can’t say for sure if it works across multiple columns. Hope this helps!

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Dec 17, 2020
Dec 17, 2020

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In Response To tomrootstudio

Worked like a dream. Pasted multiple columns and rows from Numbers into TextEdit as plain text and then copied and pasted into formatted tables in InDesign. Copy pasted perfectly respecting all the styles set-up in the InDesign file.

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Aug 31, 2021
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In Response To tomrootstudio

Worked beautifully here on Windows, but using the Notepad (not Wordpad).
Also, worked with multiple columns.

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Jan 21, 2021
Jan 21, 2021

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Printscreen key on your keyboard.

It takes a picture of your screen and keeps it in your clipboard.

All you have to do is ctrl+v (paste) and crop it 

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Jan 22, 2021
Jan 22, 2021

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Hi steffenm32535037,

did you mark Nina5F88’s solution as the «Correct Answer» here?

I do not think, that this answer is correct at all, because a printscreen is just an image, a bunch of pixels.

And if you paste it inside from the clipboard you even cannot tell with InDesign’s functionality what effective resolution is used when scaling it. ( Unless you trigger InDesign’s Preflight in a special way. )

For now I will unmark this answer as the correct one.

Of course you could convince me otherwise, but one need some very good reasons using a screen shot of an Excel table instead of an InDesign table with editable table cells.

Uwe Laubender

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Oct 18, 2021

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The solution for me, on Windows Excel 365 -> InDesign, was to change InDesign’s clipboard handling to text only. After that, copying and pasting directly multiple rows and columns works as intended, preserving all preset styles in InDesign, without the need to use in intermediary application.

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Feb 15, 2023
Feb 15, 2023

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When I copy and paste from Excel into an existing table in InDesign, it causes an extra empty row between every existing row, which is frustrating to clean up. I found that if I copy from Excel -> Word -> InDesign, then the entire table is pasted correctly in InDesign with no extra rows/spaces.

I guess InDesign doesn’t correctly interpret the data and formatting from Excel, but when copied from Word, which is an actual table, InDesign has no problem pasting it correctly.

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Feb 15, 2023
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In Response To Jeppe27002532ayuh

Hi @Jeppe27002532ayuh ,

just a guess: perhaps every other row in the Excel table is a hidden row?

( And Word consolidates the table? )

Currently I have no Excel at hand to test this…

Uwe Laubender
( Adobe Community Expert )

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In Response To Laubender

Hi @Laubender 

No hidden rows. It’s just a simple Excel sheet.
But — I just did a test, and have discovered the problem now. If I copy from an Excel sheet that is opened in Sharepoint in the browser, then the additional empty rows are added. If I open the same document in the desktop app, then I can copy and paste just fine. So the clipboard input from Excel in the browser probably contain some additional hidden data, that InDesign then create rows for. That just a guess on my part.

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Feb 15, 2023
Feb 15, 2023

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In Response To Jeppe27002532ayuh

I would like to add that: if you want to keep excel formatting, the best way, imo, is to place the excel.


Turn on: Show import options


and place as a Formatted Table.


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InDesign is intended for use as a graphics program, but graphics often overlap with other segments of business, and incorporating a spreadsheet into a design is not uncommon. Luckily, importing a spreadsheet is really easy with the program. You can quickly bring the spreadsheet into the design, using one of several different methods.

Combining Graphics and Spreadsheets

The reasons for combining the two programs vary, according to the purpose. In many cases, Excel is used to organize and format data, whereas InDesign is used to make the spreadsheet look great visually. They serve opposite purposes, but ultimately, they create a terrific end result, when used together.

For example, you can input revenue data into Excel and then import that data to InDesign to create a visually appealing presentation for an annual report. The ability to make data look great provides a significant edge for any presentation purpose.

Another great use for the import that of the product pricing, menus and catalogs. The spreadsheet will manage the data, whereas the design makes it look great. Linking the Excel sheet to InDesign for automated updates also creates a more dynamic end product.

Excel comes with a reasonable suite of design options, but they do not compare to the powerful tools delivered by InDesign. A nice Excel sheet looks fine and you can import basic graphics into the spreadsheet itself but with InDesign you can create an entire template that surrounds the spreadsheet.

InDesign Excel Plugins

One easy way to insert tables into InDesign is through a plugin. Several plugins exist that work with Excel and multiple other Microsoft programs, such as Word. A dedicated plugin is not necessary for the occasional import – but in many cases – importing data into a template is efficient for regular use.

In this case, you can design the templates in advance and simply pull the data out of Excel and into the design. It’s quick, effective and works great when you present weekly or monthly reports.

Several plugins also skirt the need for Excel by adding tables with basic formula functions directly into InDesign. If you only use very basic equations, a plugin that manages simple tables is adequate.

For a completely custom, one-off design however, doing a manual import is still easy. Some plugins do require a fee and are really only worth the investment when they are frequently used. Regular use means they are saving you time and the price is easy to justify when weighed against the hours saved on manual imports over the course of a business year.

Manual Import Process

Manually importing a table from Excel or even Word requires only a few steps to complete. The imported table will sit within a text frame as well, making it flow naturally with the design. You can manipulate the design around the table and easily make adjustments to the location and sizing based on your design needs.

First, head to the main menu and click Choose File, followed by Place to open a dialogue box. Locate the Excel file within the box and click on the file to generate the options for import. Choose the Formatted Table options and click OK to import the table.

If you have an active cursor clicked on the design, the table will insert at that location. If no cursor is active, the program will prompt you to click on an insertion point. Simply hover the cursor and click to import the InDesign spreadsheet.

Linking the Tables

At this point, your Excel spreadsheet is sitting on the design template and you are free to manipulate the graphics. You can however go one step further and link the tables in your Excel spreadsheet to the imported table in the design.

The linked tables allow you to make changes in the Excel workbook to update the data located within InDesign. The connection essentially automates the workflow when you are constantly changing the data. This means you are not required to complete a new import with every change and it essentially creates a dynamic design.

When you are importing the spreadsheet, the import options dialogue box offers the option to Create Links. Select this option to connect the original spreadsheet to the import. When you want to update the imported tables, click the Link option on the design panel to pull in the new data and it will automatically update.

Alternatively, you can access Preferences in the main menu and choose File Handling. Use this menu to add a link between the two documents after the file has already been imported.

Design Elements for Spreadsheets

The spreadsheet can function within the design in any desired position. You may position it centrally and work logos and graphics around the sheet. A small table will easily shift into corners and off-center locations, as well.

The big advantage of bringing the spreadsheet into the design is the ability to mask it as a spreadsheet. Remove the cell lines, rework the fonts and play with the text colors. You can make everything consistent with the overarching design elements.

After working away the straight line elements associated with the spreadsheet, the data can really stand out and flow naturall_y. You can add curved edges_ or make the individual cell styling disappear entirely while maintaining the functionality of the table.

Managing the Data

Importing the Excel spreadsheet into InDesign and linking the original file to the design is fairly easy. The actual design is completely subjective and dependent on creative style and personal preference.

One note to consider is the limitations of exceptionally large spreadsheets. The InDesign file is most often designed to fit within specific parameters for printing or for its viewability on a screen. The number of rows and columns on the spreadsheet can have a significant negative affect on the design, when they are excessive.

One workaround is to make an interactive design that allows for scrolling through the spreadsheet. Using this technique, you can easily maintain size parameters. However, it will not be a print-friendly option.

Scrolling is effective for on-screen presentations when you have control over the document and when you can view it within the InDesign ecosystem. Once saved into a static file, maintaining that feature is not always possible.

Multi-Page Design Options

The other option for working against large data sets is a multi-page format. You can print the design when it is spread across several pages. Here, the best option is to build a template that will repeat across each page – making it consistent with rows of data.

Consolidate data when possible and limit the number of columns that fit within a printable page size. After achieving a good column width, you can add a greater number of rows to distribute across the pages. The system works well for a consistent, multi-page document layout. The template is also available for use in different documents that have data sets that are similar to each other.

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