Excel seconds to date


  1. Преобразование секунд в минуты / часы / время — Excel и Google Таблицы
  2. Преобразование секунд в минуты и секунды в Excel
  3. Преобразование в часы, минуты и секунды в Excel
  4. Преобразование в дни, часы, минуты и секунды в Excel
  5. Преобразование секунд в минуты и секунды в Google Таблицах
  6. Преобразование в часы, минуты и секунды в Google Таблицах
  7. Преобразование в дни, часы, минуты и секунды в Google Таблицах
  8. Convert Seconds to Minutes / Hours / Time – Excel & Google Sheets
  9. Convert Seconds to Minutes and Seconds
  10. Convert to Hours, Minutes and Seconds
  11. Convert to Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds in Excel
  12. Convert Seconds to Minutes and Seconds in Google Sheets
  13. Convert to Hours, Minutes and Seconds in Google Sheets
  14. Convert to Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds in Google Sheets
  15. How to convert seconds to time value in Excel
  16. Basics of date and time values in Excel
  17. Converting seconds into time values in Excel
  18. Convert Seconds to Time in Excel
  19. How to Convert Seconds to Time in Excel
  20. Examples of how to Convert Seconds to Time in Excel
  21. Formatting Cells to Display Times in Excel
  22. Method 1 — Formatting Through the Ribbon Options
  23. Method 2 — Formatting Through the ‘Format Cells’ Dialog Box
  24. Formatting Cells to Display More Than 24 Hours

Преобразование секунд в минуты / часы / время — Excel и Google Таблицы

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В этом руководстве будет показано, как преобразовать секунды во время в дни, минуты и часы в Excel и Google Таблицах.

Преобразование секунд в минуты и секунды в Excel

Первый шаг к преобразованию прошедшей секунды во время — это разделить значение на 86400. Причина в том, что в сутках 86400 секунд, то есть: в 24 часах.

Как только вы это сделаете, вы получите значение времени в виде числа. Чтобы отображать значение времени как действительное время, то есть в минутах и ​​секундах, вам необходимо отформатировать ячейку с помощью настраиваемого форматирования.

  1. Выделите ячейки, которые вы хотите отформатировать, например: D3: D10.
  2. На ленте выберите Главная> Номер и затем щелкните маленькую стрелку справа от группы номеров.

  1. Откроется диалоговое окно «Формат ячеек».

  1. Нажмите на Обычай внизу списка, а затем введите мм: сс в текстовое поле настраиваемого формата.

Преобразование в часы, минуты и секунды в Excel

Вы используете ту же формулу для преобразования секунд во время, разделив значение на 86400.

Затем вы используете настраиваемое форматирование для отображения часов, а также минут и секунд.

Преобразование в дни, часы, минуты и секунды в Excel

Вы используете ту же формулу для преобразования секунд во время, разделив значение на 86400.

Затем вы используете настраиваемое форматирование для отображения дней, а также часов, минут и секунд.

Преобразование секунд в минуты и секунды в Google Таблицах

Как и в случае с Excel, первым шагом к преобразованию прошедшей секунды во время является деление значения на 86400.

  1. Чтобы отформатировать ячейки для мм: сс, Выбрать Формат> Число> Дополнительные форматы> Дополнительные форматы даты и времени из меню.

  1. Удалите 3 показанных формата, щелкнув каждый формат и выбрав Удалить.

  1. Прокрутите список вниз и найдите формат с минутами и секундами.

  1. Щелкните этот формат, чтобы добавить его на панель вверху настраиваемого поля.

  1. Удалите формат «Час» из настраиваемого формата.
  2. Нажмите Применить, чтобы применить форматирование к вашему рабочему листу.

Преобразование в часы, минуты и секунды в Google Таблицах

Вы используете ту же формулу в Google Таблицах, что и в Excel, чтобы преобразовать секунды во время, разделив значение на 86400.

Затем вы используете настраиваемое форматирование для отображения часов, а также минут и секунд.

Преобразование в дни, часы, минуты и секунды в Google Таблицах

Вы используете ту же формулу в Google Таблицах, что и в Excel, чтобы преобразовать секунды во время, разделив значение на 86400.

Затем вы используете настраиваемое форматирование для отображения дней, а также часов, минут и секунд.

  1. Удалите форматирование в поле «Пользовательские форматы даты и времени», а затем щелкните раскрывающийся список справа от поля пользовательского формата, чтобы отобразить все параметры даты и времени.

  1. Выбирать День а затем введите «дни», выберите Час а затем введите «часы», выберите Минуты а затем введите «минуты» и выберите Второй и введите «секунды»


Convert Seconds to Minutes / Hours / Time – Excel & Google Sheets

Download the example workbook

This tutorial will demonstrate how to convert seconds to days, hours, and minutes in Excel and Google Sheets.

Convert Seconds to Minutes and Seconds

First divide the number of seconds by 86400 (the number of seconds in a day).

Once you have done this, you will get the time value as a number. To display the time value as a valid time (i.e. in minutes and seconds) format the cell with custom formatting.

  1. Highlight the cells you wish to format eg: D3:D10.
  2. In the Ribbon, select Home > Number and then click on the little arrow on the right-hand side of the number group.

  1. The Format Cells dialog box will be shown.

  1. Click on Custom at the bottom of the list, and then type mm:ss into the custom format text box.

Convert to Hours, Minutes and Seconds

Use hh:mm:ss format to display in hours, minutes, and seconds.

Convert to Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds in Excel

To display days as well, you can create custom formatting like below.

Convert Seconds to Minutes and Seconds in Google Sheets

As with Excel, the first step to converting elapsed second to time is to divide the value by 86400.

  1. To format the cells for mm:ss, select Format > Number > More Formats > More date and time formats from the Menu.

  1. Delete the 3 formats shown by clicking on each format and selecting Delete.

  1. Scroll down the list and find a format with minutes and seconds.

  1. Click on that format to add it to the bar at the top of the custom box.

  1. Delete the Hour format from the custom format.
  2. Click Apply to apply the formatting to your worksheet.

Convert to Hours, Minutes and Seconds in Google Sheets

You use the same formula in Google Sheets as you do in Excel to convert the seconds to time by dividing the value by 86400.

You then use custom formatting to display the hours as well as the minutes and seconds.

Convert to Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds in Google Sheets

You use the same formula in Google Sheets as you do in Excel to convert the seconds to time by dividing the value by 86400.

You then use custom formatting to display the days as well as the hours, minutes and seconds.

  1. Delete the formatting in the Custom date and time formats box, and then click on the drop-down box to the right of the custom format box to display all the date and time options.

  1. Select Day and then type “days’, select Hour and then type “hours”, select Minute and then type “minutes” and then select Second and type “seconds”


How to convert seconds to time value in Excel

When it comes to date and time values, Excel evaluates them a bit differently than how we process them. For Excel, date and time values are numbers in a date or time display. Although this behavior allows making date and time calculations easier, it can be helpful to know your way around converting time values like seconds, into Excel time format. In this guide, we are going to show you how to convert seconds to time value in Excel.

Basics of date and time values in Excel

Excel stores date and time as numbers. Excel assumes that the date 1/1/1900 is “1″, and increases this number by 1 for each day. In a similar way, the time values can be any number between 0 and 0.999999999. For example; 6:00 AM is equal to 0.25.

Converting seconds into time values in Excel

Since time values are numbers in Excel, there are basically no restrictions in using a mathematical operation to convert seconds to time values in Excel. As mentioned in the previous section, Excel assumes that time values are distributed in 1 day. So, we know that 1 day is equal to to 24 hours, 1 hour is equal to 60 minutes and 1 minute is equal to 60 seconds. With this idea, 1 day is equal to 86400 seconds. All you need to do is to divide the seconds value by 86400 to convert seconds into 1-day base.

Here is table that shows what you would see when you divide some numbers by 86,400. Also, the third column shows the same value in a time number format «[h]:mm:ss;@».


Convert Seconds to Time in Excel

How to Convert Seconds to Time in Excel

If you want to convert a number of seconds to a time in Excel, the easiest way is to:

    Divide the number of seconds by 86400 (the number of seconds in a day);

Format the result as a time.

(To format an Excel cell to display a time, select the cell and then select the ‘Time’ format from the drop-down menu in the Home tab of the Excel ribbon).

This method of converting a number of seconds to a time works because dates and times in Excel are stored as simple decimal values, with one day represented by the decimal value 1.0, and one second represented by the decimal value 1/86400 (i.e. 1.0 divided by the number of seconds in a day).

Therefore, any number of seconds can be converted into an Excel time using the formula:

Examples of how to Convert Seconds to Time in Excel

1 Seconds Time
2 145 =A2 / 86400
3 5460 =A3 / 86400
4 84532 =A4 / 86400
5 8 =A5 / 86400
1 Seconds Time
2 145 0.001678241
3 5460 0.063194444
4 84532 0.97837963
5 8 9.25926E-05
1 Seconds Time
2 145 00:02:25
3 5460 01:31:00
4 84532 23:28:52
5 8 00:00:08

Note that, in order to display the values in column B of above spreadsheet as times, the cells must be formatted as times.

Formatting Cells to Display Times in Excel

If the result of your time calculation is displayed as a decimal, you need to set the cell’s formatting to an Excel time format. This can be done using one of the following methods:

Method 1 — Formatting Through the Ribbon Options

The easiest way to change cell formatting to a simple ‘Time’ format is to select the cell(s) to be formatted and then select the Time option from the drop-down menu in the ribbon. This is found in the ‘Number’ group on the Home tab (see below):

Method 2 — Formatting Through the ‘Format Cells’ Dialog Box

If you require a greater selection of time formats, you may prefer to apply cell formatting using the ‘Format Cells’ dialog box:

    Select the cell(s) to be formatted;

Open up the ‘Format Cells’ dialog box by either:

  • Clicking on the dialog box launcher in the ‘Number’ grouping, on the Home tab of the Excel ribbon (see right above ).


  • Using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + 1 (i.e. press the Ctrl key and while holding this down press 1).
  • Ensure the Number tab of the ‘Format Cells’ dialog box is selected;
  • From the Category: list, select the option Time.

    (If you want a time other than the default, you can then select one of the options from the list on the right hand side of the ‘Format Cells’ dialog box).

  • Click OK to apply the formatting and close the dialog box.
  • Formatting Cells to Display More Than 24 Hours

    It is likely that the standard time format (applied when you use the ribbon option to format a time) will only display times up to 24 hours.

    However, If you use the ‘Format Cells’ dialog box to format your cell(s), when you select the Time option from the ‘Categories:’ list, a further ‘Type’ list will appear on the right hand side of the dialog box (shown below).

    From within the ‘Type’ list, select a time format that displays an hour value that is greater than 24, before clicking on the OK button, to close the dialog box.


    Return to Excel Formulas List

    Download Example Workbook

    Download the example workbook

    This tutorial will demonstrate how to convert seconds to days, hours, and minutes in Excel and Google Sheets.

    convert seconds to minutes hours Main Function

    Convert Seconds to Minutes and Seconds

    First divide the number of seconds by 86400 (the number of seconds in a day).



    Once you have done this, you will get the time value as a number. To display the time value as a valid time (i.e. in minutes and seconds) format the cell with custom formatting.

    1. Highlight the cells you wish to format eg: D3:D10.
    2. In the Ribbon, select Home > Number and then click on the little arrow on the right-hand side of the number group.

    Number Format

    1. This brings up the Format Cells dialog box.

    Number Format 2

    1. Click on Custom at the bottom of the list, and then type mm:ss into the custom format text box.

    Number Format 3

    1. Click OK.

    Convert to Hours, Minutes and Seconds

    Use hh:mm:ss format to display in hours, minutes, and seconds.


    Convert to Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds in Excel

    To display days as well, you can create custom formatting like below.


    Convert Seconds to Minutes and Seconds in Google Sheets

    As with Excel, the first step to converting elapsed second to time is to divide the value by 86400.

    1. To format the cells for mm:ss, select Format > Number > More Formats > More date and time formats from the Menu.

    Google 01

    Google 02

    1. Delete the 3 formats shown by clicking on each format and selecting Delete.

    Google 03

    1. Scroll down the list and find a format with minutes and seconds.

    Google 04

    1. Click on that format to add it to the bar at the top of the custom box.

    Google 5

    1. Delete the Hour format from the custom format.Google 06
    2. Click Apply to apply the formatting to your worksheet.Google 07

    Convert to Hours, Minutes and Seconds in Google Sheets

    You use the same formula in Google Sheets as you do in Excel to convert the seconds to time by dividing the value by 86400.


    Google 08

    You then use custom formatting to display the hours as well as the minutes and seconds.

    Google 09

    Convert to Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds in Google Sheets

    You use the same formula in Google Sheets as you do in Excel to convert the seconds to time by dividing the value by 86400.


    You then use custom formatting to display the days as well as the hours, minutes and seconds.

    1. Delete the formatting in the Custom date and time formats box, and then click on the drop-down box to the right of the custom format box to display all the date and time options.

    Google 10

    1. Select Day and then type “days’, select Hour and then type “hours”, select Minute and then type “minutes” and then select Second and type “seconds”

    Google 11

    1. Click Apply.

    Google 12

    When it comes to date and time values, Excel evaluates them a bit differently than how we process them. For Excel, date and time values are numbers in a date or time display. Although this behavior allows making date and time calculations easier, it can be helpful to know your way around converting time values like seconds, into Excel time format. In this guide, we are going to show you how to convert seconds to time value in Excel.

    Download Workbook

    Basics of date and time values in Excel

    Excel stores date and time as numbers. Excel assumes that the date 1/1/1900 is “1″, and increases this number by 1 for each day. In a similar way, the time values can be any number between 0 and 0.999999999. For example; 6:00 AM is equal to 0.25.

    You can see the numeric value of a date or time value by changing number format of a cell contains a date or number.

    How to convert seconds to time value in Excel 01

    Converting seconds into time values in Excel

    Since time values are numbers in Excel, there are basically no restrictions in using a mathematical operation to convert seconds to time values in Excel. As mentioned in the previous section, Excel assumes that time values are distributed in 1 day. So, we know that 1 day is equal to to 24 hours, 1 hour is equal to 60 minutes and 1 minute is equal to 60 seconds. With this idea, 1 day is equal to 86400 seconds. All you need to do is to divide the seconds value by 86400 to convert seconds into 1-day base.

    Time value = Seconds / 86400

    Here is table that shows what you would see when you divide some numbers by 86,400. Also, the third column shows the same value in a time number format «[h]:mm:ss;@».

    How to convert seconds to time value in Excel 02

    The last several posts have shown how to convert and aggregate a given number of seconds that represent song duration. A simple example because song duration never exceeded one hour.

    But what if your data has values greater than 3600 seconds? How would you convert those seconds into an hour:minute:second format?

    Luckily, the previously mentioned functions: TIME, INT, MOD still work. However, the arguments get a little more complicated.

    To simplify things we’ll look individually at the three TIME Function arguments: Hours, Minutes, Seconds. Going so far as to create a formula for each, then combining into one big formula.

    A Short Review

    The INT Function returns the integer portion of a division and the MOD Function returns the remainder. If I divide 7 by 2, then INT(7/2) = 3 and MOD(7,2) = 1. Two goes into seven, three times, with one left over.

    Additionally, there are two conversion factors.

    • 1 hour = 60 minutes/hour x 60 seconds/minute = 3600 seconds
    • 1 minute = 60 seconds/minute = 60 seconds

    The TIME Function Arguments

    In the following example, the value in cell A2 is 3661 seconds, which is 1 hour, 1  minute and 1 second.

    Hours Argument

    Getting the number of hours is easy, just use A2/3600 for the INT Function argument.

    Hours Argument

    Minutes Argument

    We need the remainder of A2/3600, which is MOD(A2,3600) = 61, but still have to convert these seconds to minutes. The answer is to divide MOD(A2,3600) by 60 and get the integer portion for the number of minutes.

    Minutes Argument

    In other words, 3600 goes into 3661 once, with 61 seconds left over. The MOD function gives us the 61 seconds. The INT function argument then reduces to INT(61/60), which gives us one (1), because 60 goes into 61 once.

    Seconds Argument

    MOD(A2/3600) gives us 61 seconds, so we need to divide by 60 and get the remaining seconds by using the MOD function again.

    Seconds Argument

    Since the inside MOD function equals 61 seconds, MOD(61,60) gives the us one (1), because after you divide 61 by 60 there is one (1) second left.

    TIME Function

    Putting all of these together inside the TIME Function makes the formula rather large.

    TIME Function using Hours

    Yet knowing how the functions work in each argument makes things a little more understandable.

    Another TIME Function Example

    Since 1:01:01 was easy math, but lousy use of too many 1’s I’ll use the value in cell A3, 7510, as a second example.

    • Hours: INT(7510/3600) = 2 hours
    • Remainder: MOD(7510, 3600) = 510 seconds
    • Minutes: INT(510/60) = 5 minutes
    • Seconds: MOD(510,60) = 10 seconds
    • TIME(2,5,10) = 2:5:10

    Notice the Remainder of the first division (7510/3600) is the central argument for Minutes and Seconds.

    Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...

    =A2/(24*60*60) OR =A2/86400

    =TEXT(A2/(24*60*60),«hh:mm:ss») // to store result as a TEXT value

    =TEXT(A2/(86400),«hh:mm:ss») // to store result as a TEXT value

    A2 = data cell

    Check below for a detailed explanation with pictures and how to use formulas in Excel and Google Sheets.

    Convert seconds to time format in Excel

    How to convert seconds to time format in Excel?


    1. =A2/(24*60*60)

    2. =A3/86400

    3. =TEXT(A2/(24*60*60),«hh:mm:ss») // result will be stored as a TEXT value

    4. =TEXT(A2/(86400),«hh:mm:ss») // result will be stored as a TEXT value

    • A2 = date cell

    • C2 = cell formatted as a time

    • C3 = raw number

    Convert seconds to time format in Google Sheets

    How to convert seconds to time format in Google Sheets?


    1. =A2/(24*60*60)

    2. =A3/86400

    3. =TEXT(A2/(24*60*60),«hh:mm:ss») // result will be stored as a TEXT value

    4. =TEXT(A2/(86400),«hh:mm:ss») // result will be stored as a TEXT value

    • A2 = date cell

    • C2 = cell formatted as a time

    • C3 = raw number

    Coming | Subscribe here for the custom Excel/Sheets formulas E-book (PDF) >

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