Excel ole db connection

Провайдеры данных

Для работы с Excel 2003 (.Xls) можно использовать провайдер Microsoft Jet OLE DB 4.0.

	'Excel 12.0;Database=d:tmpTimeSheets.xlsx;HDR=YES;IMEX=1', 
	'SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]');

Для работы с Excel 2007 (.Xlsx) — Microsoft ACE OLEDB 12.0.

    'Excel 12.0;Database=d:tmpTimeSheets.xlsx;HDR=YES;IMEX=1',
    'SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]');

В Windows 10 открыть настройки источников данных ODBC можно написав «Источники данных ODBC» или через Панель управления Администрирование.

Extended Properties

  • HDR=YES|NO. HDR=YES означает, что первую строку листа, следует рассматривать как заголовки колонок. Т.о. значение из первой строки можно использовать как имена полей в sql запросах (любых: select, insert, update, delete).
  • IMEX=1|3. 1 — открыть соединение для чтения. 3 — для записи.

Создание Linked Server в Sql Server для доступа к Excel

EXEC sp_addLinkedServer
    @server= N'XLSX_2010',
    @srvproduct = N'Excel',
    @provider = N'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0',
    @datasrc = N'd:tmpTimeSheets.xlsx',
    @provstr = N'Excel 12.0; HDR=Yes';

После создания связанного сервера можно будет просмотреть имена доступных листов.

Затем, чтобы обратиться к сервису:

SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY (XLSX_2010, 'Select * from [Sheet1$]')
SELECT * FROM [XLSX_2010]...[Лист1$]

Обращение к лиcтам, диапазонам, полям

Для обращения к листу из SQL запроса нужно использовать имя листа, например: [Sheet1$] или [Лист1$]. Обращение к диапазону: [Sheet1$A16:F16].

Вставка данных в произвольное место

Примеры указания диапазона при вставке строк (insert)

  • [table1$B4:E20]
  • [table1$S4:U]
  • [table1$F:G]

При вставке должны выполняться следующие условия:

  • Первая строчка указанного диапазона дожна входить в диапазон ячеек с данными. Чтобы создать на листе диапазон с данными достаточно в углах некоторого прямоугольного диапазона (в левом верхнем и правом нижнем) вписать значение (C4:I7 на скриншоте). Т.е. сама первая строчка указанного в insert диапазона данные содержать не обязана, достаточно, чтобы она просто входила в такой диапазон. Иначе возникнет ошибка "This table contains cells that are outside the range of cells defined in this spreadsheet"
  • Хвост диапазона должен содержать пустые строки (хотя бы одну).

Пример: Дан лист, где заполнены только 2 ячейки: C4, I7. После выполнения команды INSERT INTO [table1$E6:G] VALUES(2, 'FF','2014-01-03') результат будет как на скриншоте. Поясним: строка E6:G6 является первой строкой диапазона для вставки. Она входит в заполненный диапазон C4:I7. Поэтому данные были вставлены на следующей пустой строке — 8. Из этого примера становится ясно, что через OleDb нельзя работать с несколькими независимыми диапазонами на одном листе, используя вставку (update будет работать).



  • System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException (0x80004005): Operation must use an updateable query. Соединение открыто для чтение, при этом происходит попытка внести изменения (выполнить insert, update или delete). Решение: открыть соединение для записи, установив свойство провайдера в строке соединения IMEX=3 (см. выше).
  • System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException (0x80004005): "This table contains cells that are outside the range of cells defined in this spreadsheet". Такая ошибка возникает при подпытке обновить (update) или вставить (insert) значения в диапазоне, в котором отсутствуют данные на листе.
    1. Если нужно произвести запись в определенные ячейки инструкцией update, то


  • https://www.codeproject.com/Tips/705470/Read-and-Write-Excel-Documents-Using-OLEDB
  • https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36987636/cannot-create-an-instance-of-ole-db-provider-microsoft-jet-oledb-4-0-for-linked
  • https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26267224/the-ole-db-provider-microsoft-ace-oledb-12-0-for-linked-server-null
  • http://www.ashishblog.com/importexport-excel-xlsx-or-xls-file-into-sql-server/
  • https://yoursandmyideas.com/2011/02/05/how-to-read-or-write-excel-file-using-ace-oledb-data-provider/
  • https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46373895/how-to-open-a-huge-excel-file-efficiently Несколько способов открыть большой Excel файл, в т.ч. с помощью OleDb.

CData ADO.NET Provider for Excel

Microsoft ACE OLEDB 12.0

Xlsx files

Connect to Excel 2007 (and later) files with the Xlsx file extension. That is the Office Open XML format with macros disabled.

Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=c:myFoldermyExcel2007file.xlsx;Extended Properties="Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES";

Treating data as text

Use this one when you want to treat all data in the file as text, overriding Excels column type «General» to guess what type of data is in the column.

Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=c:myFoldermyExcel2007file.xlsx;Extended Properties="Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES;IMEX=1";

Xlsb files

Connect to Excel 2007 (and later) files with the Xlsb file extension. That is the Office Open XML format saved in a binary format. I e the structure is similar but it’s not saved in a text readable format as the Xlsx files and can improve performance if the file contains a lot of data.

Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=c:myFoldermyBinaryExcel2007file.xlsb;Extended Properties="Excel 12.0;HDR=YES";

Xlsm files

Connect to Excel 2007 (and later) files with the Xlsm file extension. That is the Office Open XML format with macros enabled.

Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=c:myFoldermyExcel2007file.xlsm;Extended Properties="Excel 12.0 Macro;HDR=YES";

Excel 97-2003 Xls files with ACE OLEDB 12.0

You can use this connection string to use the Office 2007 OLEDB driver (ACE 12.0) to connect to older 97-2003 Excel workbooks.

Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=c:myFoldermyOldExcelFile.xls;Extended Properties="Excel 8.0;HDR=YES";

Microsoft Jet OLE DB 4.0

Standard (Excel)

Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:MyExcel.xls;Extended Properties="Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1";

Standard alternative

Try this one if the one above is not working. Some reports that Excel 2003 need the exta OLEDB; section in the beginning of the string.

OLEDB;Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:MyExcel.xls;Extended Properties="Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1";

.NET Framework Data Provider for OLE DB

Microsoft Excel 2007 ODBC Driver


Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsm, *.xlsb)};DBQ=C:MyExcel.xlsx;

Standard (for versions 97 — 2003)

Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsm, *.xlsb)};DBQ=C:MyExcel.xls;

Microsoft Excel ODBC Driver


Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};DriverId=790;Dbq=C:MyExcel.xls;DefaultDir=c:mypath;

Specify ReadOnly

[Microsoft][ODBC Excel Driver] Operation must use an updateable query. Use this connection string to avoid the error.

Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};Dbq=C:MyExcel.xls;ReadOnly=0;

.NET Framework Data Provider for ODBC

.NET xlReader for Microsoft Excel

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Building the Sample
  • Source code
  • Description
  • Common operations:
    • Microsoft PIA
    • OleDb option for exporting
      • Extended properties
    • Using OpenXML
    • Exception Handling
    • Location of excel operations
  • Conclusions
  • Special Note
  • See also


When creating data-centric business applications customers may require their data readily available in one or more formats such as Microsoft Excel or a requirement to import data from one or more formats where one may be Microsoft
Excel. This articles intent is to provide not only options for fulfilling these requirements but also do comparisons between various paths for interacting with Microsoft Excel.

All code runs in a Windows desktop project yet all classes to interact with Excel are in class projects with no dependencies on Windows forms

Building the Sample

  • Requires SQL-Server Express edition or higher
  • NuGet packages have been removed from the solution as the total space is large. Use NuGet «restore packages» if you don’t have restore packages set by default. If you have a slow computer downloading the required packages may take five or more minutes.
  • Scripts to create and populate data is located under ExcelOperations project in the folder SqlScripts. Before running the script check the location of the database to ensure the script runs correctly. As is, the location is the
    default location for SQL-Server installation.
  • Some code makes use of C# 7 but with a little modification will work with earlier versions of C#
  • Source code.

Source code


This article explores working with Excel using automation, Open XML and OleDb for common tasks such as exporting from a DataGridView and much more. There will be farther in this startup series.

Most of the code can be executed in the Windows form project while there are bits of code which are not and when you come across code not presented/callable from the form there will be sample code in method headers on how to
call the method e.g. there are two examples (in ExcelOperations class) for exporting to delimited text files, they are self-contained so simply call them while in Operations class in ExcelOperations class/OleDbWork there is a method ReadPeopleNoHeaderRow which
has sample calls to the method in the method header.

There are examples for working with automation, Open XML and OleDb. Run each one and note time to execute. Every time Open XML will be faster than the other two while OleDb is a close second on some calls. But speed is not everything,
for example, we want a list of sheet names. Using OleDb the sheet names are in A-Z order while the other two methods are in ordinal position. Suppose you need to create a new Excel file, this is not possible with OleDb and similar OleDb has no methods for
formatting data. Knowing this one might use Excel automation and when doing so with a large data set the application may become unresponsive which means accept this or use a backgrounder worker component or use async techniques to overcome a non-responsive
application (async is shown in one code sample). 

There are 14 file formats for Excel were this article will work with one, .xlsx which is the default XML-based file format for Excel 2007 and higher versions while .xls is for Excel 97 through Excel 2003.

The reason the focus is on Excel 2007 file format is this is the industry standard. Excel prior versions are still used yet less and less
as time goes by.

Common operations:

  • Exporting a DataGridView bound to a DataTable or a List on a form with no formatting for column headers or cells.
  • Exporting a DataGridView bound to a DataTable List on a form with formatting for columns and/or cells.
  • Export a DataGridView without the DataSource property set. With or without formatting of cells and/or columns.
  • Export from a container such as a DataTable or List with or without a column or cell formatting.
  • Export from a database table(s) with or without a column or cell formatting.
  • Export from a text file or XML file with or without a column or cell formatting.
  • Import one or more WorkSheets into a database, text file, XML or similar container.

Note Not all of these operations are covered in this article yet the ones which are will provide insight into how to do those task which are not presented. Also there are several code samples not presented in
the main form application, these demos will have in the method headers how to use the method.

Exporting data to Excel without formatting for many the choice is to work with Excel automation or through OleDb manage data provider.

Considerations for working with Excel automation.

Several objects are needed to get started, Excel.Application, Excel.WorkBook and Excel.WorkSheet. First the Excel.Application object is created followed by a ExcelWorkBook which form the base for creating an Excel object in memory.
Next an Excel.WorkSheet is created with the option of providing a sheet name. If no sheet name is provided the sheet name will be the default, Sheet1. Once the Worksheet has been added to the Excel.Application by way of the Excel.WorkBook data can now be inserted
into the sole WorkSheet.

Many a developer will jump onto their favorite search engine and come up with a code sample such as the one shown below in figure 1. At first glance, this looks great so the developer drops the code into their project and then
realizes that there is no save method, easy enough to fix by adding the Save method.  The first issue is how a developer thinks about exception handling, in this case, a try-catch statement is used which displays a message that something failed. Usually when
there is a runtime exception with code as shown below all objects created to interact with Excel will usually (and it’s most of the time) stick around in memory unknown to the client who may make several attempts to use the cool export feature and on each
failure leaves more un-freed objects in memory and may very well require them to restart the machine to clear memory left around from failed export operations.

The next issue is the operation is performed within a form. These operations should be within a class dedicated to this and similar operations but not with data operations such as reading data from a database to populate a DataGridView.
Data operations belong in their own class. The form then calls methods in these classes to read data (and perform add/edit/delete operations) from a database then in the call methods in the Excel class to export to Excel. One way around these issues is to
move away from Excel automation as shown in figure 1A which uses a language extension method. The language extension converts data in a DataGridView to a DataTable were the DataGridView may have been populated by its DataSource or populated by adding rows
manually. The extension method provides an option to include or exclude column headers. Once the DataTable is returned from the extension method it’s passed to a method for a third-party library known as SpreadSheetLight which is free and installable via NuGet
inside Visual Studio. A single method call is used to export/import the DataTable into a new Excel file including options to name the WorkSheet. The benefit of this method is it is fairly universal, not tied to any set of data while the downsides are; requires
a third party library, the data inserted into Excel are all strings (which is the same for when using Excel automation). If we exclude the cells will all be strings and focus on having to use a third-party library the alternate is to create a method that a
DataTable is passed which uses either OpenXML to export data to Excel which in this case will require a considerable code base, no different if OleDb were to be used to export/import data into Excel. No matters which direction is taken there are advantages
and disadvantages. The last option is to go with a third party library paid for or free, two of them are EPPlus and GemBox. Using a paid library makes since only when you need efficient and flexible methods that you don’t have to maintain or that your methods
created in house are not performing as expected and time is critical to completing the application. 

Microsoft PIA

Primary Interop Assembly which are based on Component Object Model (COM). When you call a COM object of Office from managed code, a Runtime Callable Wrapper (RCW) is automatically created. The RCW marshals calls between the .NET
application and the COM object. The RCW keeps a reference count on the COM object. If all references have not been released on the RCW, the COM object of Office does not quit and may cause the Office application not to quit after your automation has finished
or not finished because of an exception.

Figure 1

Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;

sender, EventArgs e)




        Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application excel =

        excel.Visible =

        Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook workbook = excel.Workbooks.Add(System.Reflection.Missing.Value);

        Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet sheet1 = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet)workbook.Sheets[1];

StartCol = 1;

StartRow = 1;

j = 0, i = 0;

        //Write Headers

(j = 0; j < dgvSource.Columns.Count; j++)


            Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range myRange = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range)sheet1.Cells[StartRow, StartCol +

            myRange.Value2 = dgvSource.Columns[j].HeaderText;



        //Write datagridview content

(i = 0; i < dgvSource.Rows.Count; i++)


(j = 0; j < dgvSource.Columns.Count; j++)




                    Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range myRange = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range)sheet1.Cells[StartRow + i,
StartCol + j];

                    myRange.Value2 = dgvSource[j, i].Value ==
"" : dgvSource[j, i].Value;









(Exception ex)





This alternate method to export data from a DataGridView full source can be found here. The main parts are as follows. A language extension method to convert a DataGridView contents to a DataTable where all values will be strings.
Full source for the following code.

Figure 1A 









        /// <summary> 

        /// Given a DataGridView populates without a data source, 

        /// create a DataTable, populate from rows/cells from the 

        /// DataGridView with an option to include/exclude column names. 

        /// </summary> 

        /// <param name="pDataGridView"></param> 

        /// <param name="pColumnNames"></param> 

        /// <returns></returns> 

        /// <remarks> 

        /// There is no attempt made to figure out data types coming 

        /// from data in the DataGridView 

        /// </remarks> 

DataTable GetDataTable(
DataGridView pDataGridView, bool
pColumnNames = true


            DataTable dt =

(DataGridViewColumn column in






DataColumn() { ColumnName = column.Name }); 








            object[] cellValues =

(DataGridViewRow row in




i = 0; i < row.Cells.Count; i++) 


                        cellValues[i] = row.Cells[i].Value; 







        /// <summary> 

        /// Generates comma delimited rows into a string array. 

        /// </summary> 

        /// <param name="sender"></param> 

        /// <returns></returns> 

        /// <remarks></remarks> 

[] CommaDelimitedRows(this
DataGridView sender) 



                from row

                where !((DataGridViewRow)row).IsNewRow 

                let RowItem =
string.Join(",", Array.ConvertAll(((DataGridViewRow)row).Cells.Cast<DataGridViewCell>().ToArray(), (DataGridViewCell
c) => ((c.Value ==
null) ?
"" : c.Value.ToString()))) 

                select RowItem).ToArray(); 


DataGridView pSender, string


            File.WriteAllLines(Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, pFileName), pSender.CommaDelimitedRows()); 


DataGridView sender) 


(DataGridViewColumn col in


                col.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.AllCells; 





With the DataTable returned from the extension above the following class provides exporting capabilities





SysDraw = System.Drawing; 





        /// <summary> 

        /// True if last operation had a runtime exception 

        /// </summary> 

        /// <returns></returns> 

HasException {
set; } 

        /// <summary> 

        /// Exception of last operation ran that throw an exception 

        /// </summary> 

        /// <returns></returns> 

Exception Exception { get;
set; } 

        /// <summary> 

        /// Wraps Exception message 

        /// </summary> 

        /// <returns></returns> 















        /// <summary> 

        /// Export DataTable to a new Excel file 

        /// </summary> 

        /// <param name="pFileName">Path and Excel file name</param> 

        /// <param name="pSheetName">Sheet name to place data</param> 

        /// <param name="pDataTable">DataTable to import into pSheetName</param> 

        /// <param name="pColumnHeaders">Include or exclude columns</param> 

        /// <returns></returns> 

pSheetName, DataTable pDataTable,








(SLDocument doc = new



(pSheetName != "Sheet1"





                    // start at row 1, column A 

                    // SLConvert.ToColumnIndex("A") is kind of overkill but it exposes you to the convert class 

                    doc.ImportDataTable(1, SLConvert.ToColumnIndex("A"),
pDataTable, pColumnHeaders); 



                        var headerSyle = doc.CreateStyle(); 

                        headerSyle.Font.FontColor = SysDraw.Color.White; 

                        headerSyle.Font.Strike =

                        headerSyle.Fill.SetPattern(PatternValues.Solid, SysDraw.Color.Green, SysDraw.Color.White); 

                        headerSyle.Font.Underline = UnderlineValues.None; 

                        headerSyle.Font.Bold =

                        headerSyle.Font.Italic =

                        doc.SetCellStyle(1, 1, 1, pDataTable.Columns.Count, headerSyle); 


                    doc.AutoFitColumn(1, pDataTable.Columns.Count); 





(Exception ex) 


                HasException =

                Exception = ex; 




        /// <summary> 

        /// This represents the bare amount of code to import 

        /// a DataTable into a new Excel file. Please note if 

        /// there are dates they need to be format using a style. 


        /// For an example of date styling/formatting 

        /// Class project ExcelBackend, Operations class method ImportDataTable2  

        /// where I setup a style for a date as mm-dd-yyyy 


        /// Formatting is beyond this code sample as this code sample is meant 

        /// to be a generic method to take a DataGridView into a DataTable then 

        /// use the DataTable to import into a WorkSheet. I could had done dates 

        /// and other types but that is more specific to your data and as mentioned 

        /// the link above is my code sample that shows formatting/styling. 


        /// </summary> 

        /// <param name="pFileName"></param> 

        /// <param name="pSheetName"></param> 

        /// <param name="pDataTable"></param> 

        /// <param name="pColumnHeaders"></param> 

pFileName, string
pSheetName, DataTable pDataTable, bool


(SLDocument doc = new



(pSheetName != "Sheet1"





                doc.ImportDataTable(1, SLConvert.ToColumnIndex("A"),
pDataTable, pColumnHeaders); 






The key to exporting in this case, one sole method to perform the export. As mentioned earlier you could discard the idea of using a third party library and instead write this code yourself yet if not an expert with OpenXML there
really is no clear reason to go in this direction as we want easy to use methods without worrying about maintaining said code.

How to handle exceptions properly to ensure all objects are released? The key is persistence when designing and coding, in this case a method to export data to Excel using automation.

Start off by populating a DataGridView with perhaps 200 rows with a nominal column count. Run the operation, did all work properly, if so do the same operation with and without allowing users to add new rows to the DataGridView, 
in the sample above this would throw an exception if there is a new row in the DataGridView. A fix is to check for the new row while iterating the DataGridView.

If a runtime exception is thrown best to open Task Manager and kill any instances of Excel that are shown in the process window.

Tip:  Place a StatusStrip on the form, add a label on the status strip with images as shown in figure 2, use the image shown below from the sample project or whatever images work for you, images are easier to
see the text which is why images were used here. Add a Timer component and create the Tick event for the timer. In the Tick event add code as shown below (can be found in the source code for this article) and add the method IsExcelInMemory. Now when coding
and testing Excel operations when you see the square image Excel is not in memory while the Excel image indicates Excel is still in memory. Excel is notorious for staying in memory even if no runtime exception was thrown. The number one reason because a run
time exception being thrown for Excel to stay in memory is when you have a line of code where you have more than two dots to access a method or property e.g. Excel.WorkBook.WorkSheet.Range where there should be one object for Excel, one for the WorkBook then
one for the Sheet so when we access the Sheet there is only one dot in the code. When there are more than two dots the underlying COM objects will not release properly and tend to hang around in memory.

In each code sample for this article that demonstrates Excel automation, there are zero lines of code that have more than one dot in a method call to Excel for this very reason.

Another way to determine issues is to use an event in the class which does Excel operations. The following is an excerpt from the code provided with this article.

ExaminerEventArgs : EventArgs




        StatusMessage = message;


StatusMessage {
set; }


EventHandler<ExaminerEventArgs> ProgressUpdated;





Then at key areas in your code call OnProgressUpdate in the class which in turn (in this case) displays your text in a ListBox. We could instead write to a text file yet for development purposes immediate results are better.

xlWorkBooks = xlApp.Workbooks;

xlWorkBook = xlWorkBooks.Open(fileName);


#region Timer logic



Process.GetProcesses().Any(p => p.ProcessName.Contains("EXCEL"));


sender, EventArgs e)




        toolStripStatusLabel1.Image = Properties.Resources.ExcelInMemory;




        toolStripStatusLabel1.Image = Properties.Resources.ExcelNotInMemory;





Figure 2 (top image shows Excel is not in memory while the second indicates Excel is still in memory)

Coupling up the status image and event for displaying where we are at in code can greatly assist with debugging issues with Excel automation code in tangent with not using more than two dots in a call to Excel.

Another way to reduce the chances of objects staying in memory to avoid exceptions is to wrap the code which may have issues with a try-catch-finally.  The first step is to create a list of objects, each time a new object is
used to interact with Excel is created we add this object to the list. Then if an exception is thrown release the objects created prior to the exception. Chances are this will clutter your code to the point that it may become unmaintainable so the next option
is to discard the try-catch-finally and fully test your code but leave the list of objects part.

In the following example a list of objects is created, each time an Excel object is created it’s added to the list. Once the Excel operations are completed the objects are disposed. There is one exception to using the list of
objects in the code sample presented below which is locating the intended WorkSheet to read via a for-next if the current sheet in the iteration is not the sheet we want to read then dispose of this object immediately. This is done, in this case by using a
C# 7 feature, local function and if not using C# 7 the method ReleaseComObject would be moved outside the method with a private scope.








            pComObject =




            pComObject =



    var annihilationList =

    var proceed =

    Excel.Application xlApp =

    Excel.Workbooks xlWorkBooks =

    Excel.Workbook xlWorkBook =

    Excel.Worksheet xlWorkSheet =

    Excel.Sheets xlWorkSheets =

    Excel.Range xlCells =

    xlApp =


    xlApp.DisplayAlerts =

    xlWorkBooks = xlApp.Workbooks;


    xlWorkBook = xlWorkBooks.Open(pFileName);


    xlApp.Visible =

    xlWorkSheets = xlWorkBook.Sheets;


(var intSheet = 1; intSheet <= xlWorkSheets.Count; intSheet++)




            xlWorkSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)xlWorkSheets[intSheet];

(xlWorkSheet.Name == pSheetName)


                proceed =








(Exception ex)


            HasErrors =

            ExceptionInfo.UnKnownException =

            ExceptionInfo.Message = $"Error finding sheet: '{ex.Message}'";

            ExceptionInfo.FileNotFound =

            ExceptionInfo.SheetNotFound =

            proceed =






        var firstSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)xlWorkSheets[1];

        xlWorkSheet = xlWorkSheets.Add(firstSheet);

        xlWorkSheet.Name = pSheetName;



        xlWorkSheet.Name = pSheetName;

        proceed =

        ExceptionInfo.CreatedSheet =















(var key in




                xlCells = xlWorkSheet.Range[key];

                ReturnDictionary[key] = xlCells.Value;



(Exception e)


                HasErrors =

                ExceptionInfo.Message = $"Error reading cell [{key}]: '{e.Message}'";

                ExceptionInfo.FileNotFound =

                ExceptionInfo.SheetNotFound =



                xlApp.UserControl =










            * Send information back to caller why we failed


        HasErrors =

        ExceptionInfo.SheetNotFound =

        ExceptionInfo.FileNotFound =


    // this is debatable, should we save the file after adding a non-existing sheet?






    xlApp.UserControl =



pFileName, string







            pComObject =




            pComObject =



    var annihilationList =

    var proceed =

    Excel.Application xlApp =

    Excel.Workbooks xlWorkBooks =

    Excel.Workbook xlWorkBook =

    Excel.Worksheet xlWorkSheet =

    Excel.Sheets xlWorkSheets =

    Excel.Range xlCells =

    xlApp =


    xlApp.DisplayAlerts =

    xlWorkBooks = xlApp.Workbooks;


    xlWorkBook = xlWorkBooks.Open(pFileName);


    xlApp.Visible =

    xlWorkSheets = xlWorkBook.Sheets;


(var intSheet = 1; intSheet <= xlWorkSheets.Count; intSheet++)




            xlWorkSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)xlWorkSheets[intSheet];

(xlWorkSheet.Name == pSheetName)


                proceed =








(Exception ex)


            HasErrors =

            ExceptionInfo.UnKnownException =

            ExceptionInfo.Message = $"Error finding sheet: '{ex.Message}'";

            ExceptionInfo.FileNotFound =

            ExceptionInfo.SheetNotFound =

            proceed =






        var firstSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)xlWorkSheets[1];

        xlWorkSheet = xlWorkSheets.Add(firstSheet);

        xlWorkSheet.Name = pSheetName;



        xlWorkSheet.Name = pSheetName;

        proceed =

        ExceptionInfo.CreatedSheet =















(var key in




                xlCells = xlWorkSheet.Range[key];

                ReturnDictionary[key] = xlCells.Value;



(Exception e)


                HasErrors =

                ExceptionInfo.Message = $"Error reading cell [{key}]: '{e.Message}'";

                ExceptionInfo.FileNotFound =

                ExceptionInfo.SheetNotFound =



                xlApp.UserControl =










            * Send information back to caller why we failed


        HasErrors =

        ExceptionInfo.SheetNotFound =

        ExceptionInfo.FileNotFound =


    // this is debatable, should we save the file after adding a non-existing sheet?






    xlApp.UserControl =




The last line, ReleaseObjects in this case resides in a base class which the method above implements. During the releasing of objects care is taken to ensure no runtime exception is thrown. If objects do not release as expected
you can set a break-point in ReleaseObjects method, inspect the list, see if something does not seem correct, by not seem correct, you may inspect these objects and one or more may be null which means a debug session is in order to examine how the objects
were created.

object> pAnnihilationList)


(var indexer = 0; indexer < pAnnihilationList.Count; indexer++)




(pAnnihilationList[indexer] != null)



                pAnnihilationList[indexer] =





            pAnnihilationList[indexer] =




Keeping with disposal of objects, a quick search on the web for “kill Excel…” is all over the web. There will be suggestions such as



        var processes = from p

                        select p;

(var process in


(process.MainWindowTitle == "Microsoft Excel - "
+ excelFileName)




Which look great and most of the time work yet the problem lies in a poor understanding of how to put objects together and dispose of them. By having proper understanding of how each object is created, used and disposed of the
only time for code presented above is while in the process of writing your code and a mistake is made causing Excel to stay in memory.

Here is a brute force method to release objects.





Again this is only needed when the developer created objects incorrectly. The number one reason is the developer interacted with Excel, changed objects and properties together passing two dots in the call to get at a property
in very common.

The number one reason for not releasing objects correctly as mentioned is from not understanding how to create and use objects but where does this originate from? Old code samples on the web where developers perhaps wrote code
in a code module within Excel, the code worked so it was ported to a Visual Studio project. While in Excel modules Excel took care of releasing objects internally and the developers who ported code from Excel to a project did not understand this or that most
of the time (but not all of the time) objects were released upon closing the project as the GC (Garbage Collector) disposed of these objects. Yet some object will never release as expected when a) violating the two-dot rule or when the construction of a command
is done incorrectly.

The following example works as expected and releases objects but note there is very little that might cause objects not to release.



    Excel.Application xlApp =

    Excel.Workbook xlWorkBook =

exportFileName = null;

    xlApp.Visible =

    xlWorkBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(Path.Combine(


    exportFileName = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory,

    xlWorkBook.SaveAs(exportFileName, Excel.XlFileFormat.xlCSV);

    xlWorkBook =



We got away with releasing all object yet as mentioned earlier this can lead to a false sense of security that objects were released. Better to always release objects as shown below in a modified version of the last code sample.
Note more objects were used which is how we take full control of the executing code.








            pComObject =




            pComObject =



    Excel.Application xlApp =

    Excel.Workbooks xlWorkBooks =

    Excel.Workbook xlWorkBook =

    Excel.Worksheet xlWorkSheet =

    xlApp =

    xlApp.DisplayAlerts =

    xlWorkBooks = xlApp.Workbooks;

    xlWorkBook = xlWorkBooks.Open(Path.Combine(


    xlWorkSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)xlWorkBook.ActiveSheet;



        FileFormat: Excel.XlFileFormat.xlCSVWindows);


    xlApp.UserControl =







When working with Excel automation be proactive, consider that whenever working with Excel automation that an object may not be released so take it upon yourself to fully test the code and release objects one by one.

OleDb option for exporting

Keeping with exporting a DataGridView bound or unbound with no formatting, a consideration should be with using OleDb. The main issue with interacting with Excel using OleDb is getting the connection string correct. There are
several pieces to a connection string.

The main parts we are interested are as follows.

Provider which is either Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 for .xls file format or Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 for .xlsx file format. Either is consider the OleDb data provider to interact with Microsoft Excel.

Extended properties

  •  HDR: It represents Header of the fields in the excel table. Default is YES. If you don’t have fieldnames in the header of your worksheet, you can specify HDR=NO which will take the columns of the tables that
    it finds as F1,F2 etc. where Fn represents a column e.g. F1 is column A, F2 is column B. If when displaying data in a DataGridView for example where the first row is data and we don’t specify column names then we will see Fn for column names. Since when reading
    data A SELECT statement of SELECT * with three columns of data the DataGridView would show F1 F2 and F3 but if we were to write SELCT F1 As FirstName, F2 As LastName, F3 As Country then as with any SQL SELECT statement the alias names for the column will display
    and when interacting with these columns the aliases would be used except for the ORDER BY or WHERE clauses. In a section below a read operation is performed which shows how to read data that has unexpected data types, not mixed but simply not what we where

  • IMEX: This attribute works in tangent with MaxScanRows attribute when dealing with mixed data. Mixed data refers to the following. In the first eight rows of a WorkSheet in a column, all data is of one type vs
    eight rows of data where there may be strings in three rows, numeric to four rows and one row with a date, this is mixed data. Excel attempts to figure out what type of data is in a column and rows which is known as a range. If there is mixed data in the first
    eight rows what you get back may not be what you expected. For instance, if there are 100 rows of data which is mixed data and you expected dates you might get all rows typed as strings or even a numeric. If you were to get back data as numbers, more specifically
    a double there is a method DateTime.FromOADate which returns a DateTime equivalent to the specified OLE Automation Date. IMEX can be set to allow read-only access or read-write access. The suggested setting for most operations is IMEX=1.

What is common for a connection string is as follows (note ,xls file format is shown yet the same holds true for .xlsx)

connectionstring = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;   Data Source=c:\testexcel.xls; Extended Properties"Excel 8.0;HDR=YES"";

If you need to experiment with a connection string to get it right rather than using string concatenation directly in your code a class can be setup as follows.










pFileName, int
pImex = 1, ExcelHeader pHeader = ExcelHeader.No)


            OleDbConnectionStringBuilder builder =

(System.IO.Path.GetExtension(pFileName)?.ToUpper() ==


                builder.Provider =

                builder.Add("Extended Properties", $"Excel




                builder.Provider =

                builder.Add("Extended Properties", $"Excel


            builder.DataSource = pFileName;





To create a new connection, create a new instance of SmartConnection class. Call ConnectionString with the file name to read, IMEX setting followed by Yes or No for setting up the connection for first row as data or first row
as column names. The file name is as setup the only required argument to be passed to the method unless IMEX or header arguments need to be overridden. This way there is string concatenation in the method which creates the connection.

Note in the method ConnectionString there is a class used, OleDbConnectionStringBuilder which makes life easy to setup the connection. Not only can a connection be created but also broken apart later for examination or to change
the connection.

Getting back to exporting data, there are no methods for creating an Excel file with OleDb data provider. The best course here is to have a blank Excel file ready to use. This file might be stored in a folder below the application
folder when needed copy the file to where you need the user of the application to access the file. Once the file has been copied (and renamed if needed) you can open the Excel file and import data from a DataTable or a List of a concrete class.

Another method to have a new file is to include a third-party library for the sole purpose of creating a new Excel file. There are several out there, one is called SpreadSheetLight
(there are code samples in the code samples provided with this article) which is a free library installable via NuGet Package manager. If you are the type that enjoys writing code rather than uses a library see

the following article which explains how to create an Excel file using OpenXml.

In the code samples provided here is part of the process to import a DataTable into an Excel file. The full code is setup and ready to run to test this method out.

pFileName, DataTable pDataTable)


    mHasException =


        * Create field names for the create table (worksheet)


    var columnsPartsForCreateSheet = pDataTable.Columns.OfType<DataColumn>()

        .Select(col => $"{col.ColumnName.Replace("Column",
")} CHAR(255)")



        * Turn column name and type into a delimited string for the actual create statement

        * below.


    var columnsForCreateSheet =
string.Join(",", columnsPartsForCreateSheet);


        * Full SQL INSERT statement


    var createStatement = $"CREATE TABLE {pDataTable.TableName} ({columnsForCreateSheet})";


        * Column names for the INSERT SQL staetment.


    var columnsPartsForInsert = pDataTable.Columns.OfType<DataColumn>()

        .Select(col => col.ColumnName.Replace("Column",""))



        * Create named parameters for the insert statement. Note that OleDb

        * does not 'use' named parameters so we could had used a question mark

        * for each parameter name as OleDb parameters are done in ordinal position

        * which the parameters are anyways. The idea is for developers to get

        * use to named parameters as when moving to SQL-Server named parameters

        * allow parameters to be set out of order


    var paramsForInsert = pDataTable.Columns.OfType<DataColumn>()

        .Select(col =>
"@" + col.ColumnName.Replace("Column",""))



        * Insert statement for populating rows in the WorkSheet.


    var insertStatement =

        $"INSERT INTO {pDataTable.TableName} ({string.Join(",",
columnsPartsForInsert)}) + "

        $"VALUES ({string.Join(",",



        var con =


            * IMPORTANT: In the connection string, second parameter must be IMEX = 0 for this to work.


(var cn = new
OleDbConnection(con.ConnectionString(pFileName,0, ExcelHeader.Yes)))


(var cmd = new
OleDbCommand { Connection = cn })


                cmd.CommandText = createStatement;



                    * Create the WorkSheet




                    * Change our commandText for the INSERT


                cmd.CommandText = insertStatement;


                    * Create parameters once rather than creating them for each

                    * iteration of an insert, clearing or re-creating the parameters.


(var pName in


                    cmd.Parameters.Add(pName, OleDbType.VarWChar);



                    * Insert row into the WorkSheet.


rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < pDataTable.Rows.Count ; rowIndex++)


colIndex = 0; colIndex < pDataTable.Columns.Count ; colIndex++)



                            * Set each parameter's value



                            .Value = pDataTable.Rows[rowIndex]








(Exception e)


        mHasException =

        mLastException = e;



/// <summary>

/// Get WorkSheet names for a specific Excel file

/// </summary>

/// <param name="pFileName"></param>

/// <returns></returns>

List<string> SheetNames(string


    mHasException =

    var names =

    var con =



(var cn = new



            var dt = cn.GetSchema("Tables",
[] { null,
"Table" });

(DataRow row in






(Exception ex)


        mHasException =

        mLastException = ex;




The above shows one method to handle writing data to a WorkSheet, there are many other methods which can be used, this is one to help getting into writing data to a WorkSheet.

In the section above for setting up a connection for columns aliasing and unexpected data types there may be cases where the data types are different than expected. Suppose the operation calls for reading a WorkSheet into a list.
A connection is opened, a command object is setup, ExecuteReader is invoked off the command and while iterating the data a run time exception is thrown indicating the type you are asking for is incorrect and does not make sense so you try a different type
and this fails too. One way around this is to keep existing code, add code to read the data into a DataTable then iterate the columns and see what the data types are reported back as. For instance, you attempted to get column A as a Integer and failed. We
iterate the columns and see that what was returned as a Double, this now tells us to read column A as a Double. Column D was thought to be a Date but by iterating the columns what is reported is a string. This means a conversion is in order.

Here we have a reader to read by iterating results from the command object and also using the reader to populate a DataTable. The DataTable code can be removed once the data types are known. They have been left in for you the
reader to see this process in action by adding the DataTable and not disturbing the reader code for iterating data.

pFileName, string


    mHasException =

    List<Person> peopleList =

    var con =

    var dt =



(var cn = new
OleDbConnection { ConnectionString = con.ConnectionString(pFileName, 1, ExcelHeader.No) })


            var selectStatement =
"SELECT F1 AS Identifer, F2 AS FirstName, F3 As LastName, "

                                            "F4 AS Gender, F5 As BirthDate "

                                    $"FROM [{pSheetName}$]";

(var cmd = new
OleDbCommand { Connection = cn, CommandText = selectStatement })



                var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();



                reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

(reader != null
&& reader.Read())




                        Id = Convert.ToInt32(reader.GetDouble(0)),

                        FirstName = reader.GetString(1),

                        LastName = reader.GetString(2),

                        Gender = Convert.ToInt32(reader.GetDouble(3)),

                        BirthDay = Convert.ToDateTime(reader.GetString(4))







(Exception ex)


        mHasException =

        mLastException = ex;


(DataColumn col in





The following shows a clean example of reading data from a WorkSheet into a List. The class is different from above but the same process. 

List<Customer> ReadCustomers(string


    mHasException =

    var selectStatement =
"SELECT CompanyName, ContactName,ContactTitle FROM [Customers$]";

    List<Customer> customers =

    var con =



(var cn = new
OleDbConnection { ConnectionString = con.ConnectionString(pFileName,1, ExcelHeader.Yes) })


(var cmd = new
OleDbCommand { Connection = cn, CommandText = selectStatement })



                var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

(reader != null
&& reader.Read())




                        CompanyName = reader.GetString(0),

                        ContactName = reader.GetString(1),

                        ContactTitle = reader.GetString(2)






(Exception ex)


        mHasException =

        mLastException = ex;




Other operations that OleDb excels at (although in some cases OpenXML is a better choice) is transferring data from a database directly to Excel. See
the following code sample for transferring MS-Access to Excel. Going in the opposite direction, this time switching it up to transfer from SQL-Server to Excel see
the following code sample. There is a bit more work involved for this process which is explained in the code sample and to get started is best to do the steps in SQL-Server Management

Using OpenXML

So far Excel automation and OleDb have been touched on, another option for working with Excel is using OpenXml. The downside to working with OpenXML is there are many more moving parts and with that, without fully understanding
how pieces need to fall into place the end result is typically an unusable file. Unlike Excel automation, OpenXML does not leave objects in memory if there is an exception thrown at runtime.

The following code sample creates a new Excel file, a WorkSheet and populates the sheet with a list of a class.

pFileName, string
pSheetName, List<Person> pList)


    mHasException =



(var document = SpreadsheetDocument.Create(pFileName, SpreadsheetDocumentType.Workbook))


            WorkbookPart wbp = document.AddWorkbookPart();

            wbp.Workbook =

            var wsp = wbp.AddNewPart<WorksheetPart>();

            wsp.Worksheet =

            var sheets = wbp.Workbook.AppendChild(new

            var sheet =


                Id = wbp.GetIdOfPart(wsp),

                SheetId = 1,

                Name =


            // ReSharper disable once PossiblyMistakenUseOfParamsMethod



            WorkbookStylesPart stylePart = wbp.AddNewPart<WorkbookStylesPart>();

            stylePart.Stylesheet = CreateStylesheet();


            var sheetData = wsp.Worksheet.AppendChild(new

            var headerRow = sheetData.AppendChild(new



                CellValue =

                DataType = CellValues.String,

                StyleIndex = 2




                CellValue =
"First Name"),

                DataType = CellValues.String,

                StyleIndex = 2




                CellValue =
"Last Name"),

                DataType = CellValues.String,

                StyleIndex = 2




                CellValue =

                DataType = CellValues.String,

                StyleIndex = 2




                CellValue =

                DataType = CellValues.String,

                StyleIndex = 2


            // insert people data

(var person in


                var row =


                    ConstructCell(person.Id.ToString(), CellValues.Number),

                    ConstructCell(person.FirstName, CellValues.String),

                    ConstructCell(person.LastName, CellValues.String),

                    ConstructCell(person.Role, CellValues.String),







(Exception ex)


        mHasException =

        mLastException = ex;



Stylesheet CreateStylesheet()


    Stylesheet styleSheet =

    // 0 is default

    // 1 is header

    var fonts =

FontSize() { Val = 10 }),

FontSize() { Val = 12 },new
Color() { Rgb = "FFFFFF"

    var fills =

PatternFill() { PatternType = PatternValues.None }),
// Index 0 - default

PatternFill() { PatternType = PatternValues.Gray125 }),
// Index 1 - default

ForegroundColor { Rgb = new
HexBinaryValue() { Value = "000000"
} })

            { PatternType = PatternValues.Solid })
// Index 2 - header


    var borders =



Color()   { Auto = true
}) { Style = BorderStyleValues.None },

Color()  { Auto = true
}) { Style = BorderStyleValues.None },

Color()    { Auto = true
}) { Style = BorderStyleValues.Thin },

Color() { Auto = true
}) { Style = BorderStyleValues.Thin },



    var cellFormats =

CellFormat(), // default

CellFormat { FontId = 0, FillId = 0, BorderId = 1, ApplyBorder =
// body

CellFormat { FontId = 1, FillId = 2, BorderId = 1, ApplyFill =
// header


    styleSheet =
Stylesheet(fonts, fills, borders, cellFormats);



/// <summary>

/// Construct cell of specific type

/// </summary>

/// <param name="value"></param>

/// <param name="dataType"></param>

/// <returns></returns>

Cell ConstructCell(string
value, CellValues dataType)




        CellValue =

        DataType =



When working with OpenXML it’s best to take your time and learn how things fit together rather than attempting to code this in a project on a tight timeline.

In the code that comes with this article, there are several examples of working with OpenXML which will allow you to get a handle on coding with OpenXML.

Comparing Excel Automation, OleDb and OpenXML performance.

When working with a fair amount of data e.g. thousands of rows and a fair amount of columns Excel automation is the slowest followed by OleDb. OpenXML is lighting fast yet as mention above the downside is OpenXML is more difficult
to grasp for someone with zero experience with OpenXML. This is one reason developers will work with Excel automation yet the pitfalls here is ensuring all objects are released. OleDb has pitfalls also, no method to create a new Excel file or to format cells.

Which one should you use? This is dependent on the task, is there a lot of data, first look at OpenXML. Is there a good deal of formatting, consider time which is needed to work out styles in OpenXML. With the samples provided
they give you a decent start. Is the task simply to export to Excel without formatting and is not a huge data set then consider OleDb in tangent (if needed) with the new file idea mentioned above.

Another road block with OleDb is learning where to append data too while with OpenXML and Excel automation there are methods which will provide the last used row and last used column in a WorkSheet. The library mentioned above
SpreadSheetLight also provides last used row and column (this is because at its core it OpenXML).

Some developers who frequently work with Excel will sometimes use OleDb while other times Excel automation and perhaps other times OpenXML.

There is another method which is to create a anML template for an Excel file/WorkSheet and use

embedded expressions coupled with
XML literals. The only issue is this is only possible with VB.NET. Since C# does not support this the way around this issue is to create a VB.NET class project and call the VB.NET methods from the C# project.

Steps to write this up.

Create a new Excel file as Excel 2003 XML. Create your column headers and style the headers then save the file which you can open in NotePad and then copy into a method in a class as a XDocument.

Next, locate the worksheet node e.g.


The next element is the table element

ss:ExpandedColumnCount=<%= columnCount %> ss:ExpandedRowCount=<%= customers.Count + 1 %> x:FullColumns="1"

Note columnCount and customers.Count, these refer to the count of columns and rows in the data source. The DataSource could be a DataTable or a List of a class.

This is followed by locating the row element directly below the Table element. Here we setup the column names followed by the data source.

The last step is to save the xml as a .xml file. When a user double clicks on the xml file in Windows Explorer Excel is the default program which will open the xml file. Once in Excel do a save as Excel 2007 format and now you
have a proper Excel file. This may not be for everyone but the benefit of this method is working with huge data sets is extremely fast.

Exception Handling

When working with Excel no matter which path is taken there should be proper exception handling rather than simply writing code and expecting it to function. For instance, a user creates an Excel file from your application then
opens the Excel file outside of the application. Then they forget and run the process again and fails because the file is open and can’t be created. Another failure point is when working with Excel automation the customer gets an update to Office with updates
the version of Excel Interop library and causes a runtime exception because the newer software is incompatible with methods used to perform operations you coded into the application.

For a repeatable pattern consider creating a base exception class which your class performing Excel operations implements.

A basic exception class

using System;

using System.Data.SqlClient;

namespace ExceptionsLibrary


    public class BaseExceptionsHandler


        protected bool mHasException;

        /// <summary>

        /// Indicate the last operation thrown an 

        /// exception or not

        /// </summary>

        /// <returns></returns>

        public bool HasException => mHasException;

        protected Exception mLastException;

        /// <summary>

        /// Provides access to the last exception thrown

        /// </summary>

        /// <returns></returns>

        public Exception LastException => mLastException;

        /// <summary>

        /// Indicates if there was a sql related exception

        /// </summary>

        public bool HasSqlException => mLastException is SqlException;

        /// <summary>

        /// If you don't need the entire exception as in 

        /// LastException this provides just the text of the exception

        /// </summary>

        /// <returns></returns>

        public string LastExceptionMessage => mLastException.Message;

        /// <summary>

        /// Indicate for return of a function if there was an 

        /// exception thrown or not.

        /// </summary>

        /// <returns></returns>

        public bool IsSuccessFul => !mHasException;



Setup for a class working with Excel

OpenXmlExamples : BaseExceptionsHandler

Using with Open XML



    mHasException =



(var doc = SpreadsheetDocument.Create(pFileName, SpreadsheetDocumentType.Workbook))


            var wbp = doc.AddWorkbookPart();

            wbp.Workbook =

            var wsp = wbp.AddNewPart<WorksheetPart>();

            wsp.Worksheet =

            var sheets = wbp.Workbook.AppendChild(new

            var sheet =


                Id = wbp.GetIdOfPart(wsp),

                SheetId = 1,

                Name = pSheetName






(Exception ex)


        mHasException =

        mLastException = ex;



With OleDb

List<string> SheetNames(string


    mHasException =

    var names =

    var con =



(var cn = new



            var dt = cn.GetSchema("Tables",
[] { null,
"Table" });

(DataRow row in






(Exception ex)


        mHasException =

        mLastException = ex;




Keeping with the last example, if there is no exception a list of strings is returned and if there is an exception a empty list of strings is returned. We can see if there was an exception or not as follows

sender, EventArgs e)


    var example =

    var fileName = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory,

    var sheetNames = example.GetWorkSheetNames(fileName);



"Select sheet");

        cboSheetNamesAutomation.DataSource = sheetNames;




        // notifiy user



Location of excel operations

The best place for these operations is not within a form but instead within a class dedicated to working with Excel. This is no different than where should operations go for interacting with databases. We can decouple the Excel
operations into a class project so that if other projects need similar functionality all you need to do is add a reference to the class project with Excel operations.

Within the supplied code samples this is shown, Excel operations are in their own class project.  The following screen shot is from the code sample which goes with this article. Note that specific operations are separated into
various class projects and are all used in MainApplication. Several of the class projects were brought in from other solutions and simply work as they were intended to be plug and play.


There is more than one way to work with Excel, which method is best all depends on your requirements. In this article I, have briefly touched on several methods to interact with Excel. In part two of this series formatting of cells will be discussed along with
working with ranges, references tables. Part three in this series will cover reporting which includes working with charts. Part four in the series will deal with working with mixed data types along with suggestions for importing and exporting data from unknown

Special Note

When trying out the demonstrations in the sample code, when the main application executes Excel files in the bindebug folder are removed and or removed with fresh copies. This means for any write operations done on the last
execution will be lost on the new execution. All files which are expected to be in the application folder are in a folder at solution level. All operations are within the FolderLibrary project and are called in FormShown event of the main form.

NuGet packages used in the solution, there are a great deal of packages which in short are required by Open XML. So don’t be alarmed by the list of packages.

To list all packages in the NuGet console

Get-Package | ft -AutoSize

See also

Excel patterns for properly releasing memory once finished with Excel operations (C#).
Excel get last row and column for sheet, column or range (C#).
Export Excel from SQL-Server (VB.NET and C#).
DataGridView unbound to Excel or Text file (C#).
Alternate methods for with Microsoft Excel in VB.NET projects.
Export MS-Access table to MS-Excel Worksheet (VB.NET and C#).
Read ranges in Excel using OleDb data provider (VB.NET).
Set row height and column width for all cells in an Excel sheet using automation (VB.NET with C# helpers).

Open XML SDK on GitHub.

Excel Object Model Overview.

В этой статье опишу как прочитать Excel с помощью OleDB.

Иногда бывает нужно вытянуть таблицу из Excel документа, записать в DataTable для последующей обработки.

Не всегда это удобно делать с помощью циклов, поэтому будем считывать таблицы, содержащиеся в документе и запрашивать из них данные с помощью SQL запросов.

oledb C#

Определение строки подключения

Для разных версий Excel будут свои строки подключения.

Строка подключения для Excel 2007 и более новых версий

//Можно использовать, если количество строк менее 65536
Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source={0};Extended Properties='Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes'

//Если строк больше 65536
Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source={0}; Extended Properties="Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES";

Для работы с данными версиями необходимо установить Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable.

Так же C# может выбрасывать исключения по поводу недостающих драйверов. В этом случае необходимо скачать соответствующие драйверы с сайта Microsoft.

Строка подключения для более ранних версий

Строка подключения для Excel версии 2003 может иметь такой вид:

Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source={0};Extended Properties='Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes'

Если C# выбросит исключение, скачайте недостающий драйвер, Visual Studio подскажет, какой.

Как сделать SQL запрос из таблицы Excel

Для выполнения SQL запроса нужно найти таблицу в документе и выполнить к ней запрос:

//Объявляем OleDB соединение
using(OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(conStr))
  //Открываем подключение
  //Запрашиваем таблицы
  DataTable schemaTable = conn.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, new object[] { null, null, null, "TABLE" });
  DataRow schemaRow = schemaTable.Rows[0];
  //Получаеи имя таблицы
  string sheet = schemaRow["TABLE_NAME"].ToString();
  //Объявляем команду
  OleDbCommand com = conn.CreateCommand();
  //Создаем SQL запрос
  com.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM [" + sheet + "]";
  //Выполняем SQL запрос
  OleDbDataReader reader = com.ExecuteReader();
  //Записываем результат в DataTable
  DataTable table = new DataTable();
  //Выводим DataTable в таблицу на форму (если нужно)
  gridControl1.DataSource = table;

На этом шаге мы имеем считанные данные из Excel документа в DataTable.

После обработки данных можно сохранить данные в другой документ или оформить сводную таблицу.

Как работать с Excel с помощью C# обсуждалось ранее.

Так же можете посмотреть, как работать со сводными таблицами в Excel с помощью C# и редактора VBA, встроенного в Excel.

7 446

This reference section describes additional connection string information when using EDT to load data directly from an Excel spreadsheet file.

The Excel Database Tasks (EDT) software can load data from ANY source either as an Excel report,

or Validate and send the data to any destination Table or Stored Procedure. 

Supporting MS SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, Access, DB2 databases.

Download EDT Free Trial

A connection string can be pasted into the EDT Data Source connection string text box as highlighted below.

After modifying the connection string,  click the Test button to verify the connection:

Microsoft ACE OLEDB 12.0

Microsoft ACE driver will allow you to query Office files (Including Access database AND Excel files)

ACE driver is available from Microsoft here:

Xlsx files 

Connect to Excel 2007 (and later) files with the Xlsx file extension. That is the Office Open XML format with macros disabled.

Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=c:myFoldermyExcel2007file.xlsx;

Extended Properties=»Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES»;

«HDR=Yes;» indicates that the first row contains column names, not data. «HDR=No;» indicates the opposite.

Treating data as text

Use this one when you want to treat all data in the file as text, overriding Excels column type «General» to guess what type of data is in the column.

Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=c:myFoldermyExcel2007file.xlsx;

Extended Properties=»Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES;IMEX=1″;

If you want to read the column headers into the result set (using HDR=NO even though there is a header) and the column data is numeric, use IMEX=1 to avoid crash.To always use IMEX=1 is a safer way to retrieve data for mixed data columns. Consider the scenario that one Excel file might work fine cause that file’s data causes the driver to guess one data type while another file, containing other data, causes the driver to guess another data type. This can cause your app to crash.

Xlsb files

Connect to Excel 2007 (and later) files with the Xlsb file extension. That is the Office Open XML format saved in a binary format. I e the structure is similar but it’s not saved in a text readable format as the Xlsx files and can improve performance if the file contains a lot of data.


Data Source=c:myFoldermyBinaryExcel2007file.xlsb;

Extended Properties=»Excel 12.0;HDR=YES»;

You can also use this connection string to connect to older 97-2003 Excel workbooks.»HDR=Yes;» indicates that the first row contains columnnames, not data. «HDR=No;» indicates the opposite.

Xlsm files
Connect to Excel 2007 (and later) files with the Xlsm file extension. That is the Office Open XML format with macros enabled.

Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=c:myFoldermyExcel2007file.xlsm;

Extended Properties=»Excel 12.0 Macro;HDR=YES»;

«HDR=Yes;» indicates that the first row contains column names, not data. «HDR=No;» indicates the opposite.

Excel 97-2003 Xls files with ACE OLEDB 12.0

You can use this connection string to use the Office 2007 OLEDB driver (ACE 12.0) to connect to older 97-2003 Excel workbooks.

Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=c:myFoldermyOldExcelFile.xls;

Extended Properties=»Excel 8.0;HDR=YES»;

«HDR=Yes;» indicates that the first row contains column names, not data. «HDR=No;» indicates the opposite. 

Microsoft Jet OLE DB 4.0

Standard (Excel)

Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:MyExcel.xls;

Extended Properties=»Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1″;

How to Use JET in 64 bit environments 

Standard alternative

Try this one if the one above is not working. Some reports that Excel 2003 need the exta OLEDB; section in the beginning of the string.

OLEDB;Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:MyExcel.xls;Extended Properties=»Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1″;

«HDR=Yes;» indicates that the first row contains column names, not data. «HDR=No;» indicates the opposite.»IMEX=1;» tells the driver to always read «intermixed» (numbers, dates, strings etc) data columns as text. Note that this option might affect excel sheet write access negative.SQL syntax «SELECT [Column Name One], [Column Name Two] FROM [Sheet One$]». I.e. excel worksheet name followed by a «$» and wrapped in «[» «]» brackets.Check out the [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftJet4.0EnginesExcel] located registry REG_DWORD «TypeGuessRows». That’s the key to not letting Excel use only the first 8 rows to guess the columns data type. Set this value to 0 to scan all rows. This might hurt performance. Please also note that adding the IMEX=1 option might cause the IMEX feature to set in after just 8 rows. Use IMEX=0 instead to be sure to force the registry TypeGuessRows=0 (scan all rows) to work.If the Excel workbook is protected by a password, you cannot open it for data access, even by supplying the correct password with your connection string. If you try, you receive the following error message: «Could not decrypt file.»

.NET Framework Data Provider for OLE DB

Use an OLE DB provider from .NET

Provider=any oledb provider’s name;OledbKey1=someValue;OledbKey2=someValue;

See the respective OLEDB provider’s connection strings options. The .net OleDbConnection will just pass on the connection string to the specified OLEDB provider. 

Microsoft Excel 2007 ODBC Driver


Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsm, *.xlsb)};


Standard (for versions 97 — 2003)

Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsm, *.xlsb)};



Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};DriverId=790;Dbq=C:MyExcel.xls;


SQL syntax «SELECT [Column Name One], [Column Name Two] FROM [Sheet One$]». I.e. excel worksheet name followed by a «$» and wrapped in «[» «]» brackets.

Specify ReadOnly

[Microsoft][ODBC Excel Driver] Operation must use an updateable query. Use this connection string to avoid the error.

Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};Dbq=C:MyExcel.xls;ReadOnly=0;

ReadOnly = 0 specifies the connection to be updateable. 

.NET Framework Data Provider for ODBC

Use an ODBC driver from .NET

Driver={any odbc driver’s name};OdbcKey1=someValue;OdbcKey2=someValue;

See the respective ODBC driver’s connection strings options. The .net Odbc Connection will just pass on the connection string to the specified ODBC driver.

.NET xlReader for Microsoft Excel

Excel file with header row

Data Source =c:myExcelFile.xlsx;HDR=yes;Format=xlsx;

Excel file without header row

Data Source =c:myExcelFile.xlsx;HDR=no;Format=xlsx;

Excel file with header row (for versions 97 — 2003)

Data Source =c:myExcelFile.xls;HDR=yes;Format=xls;

Excel file without header row (for versions 97 — 2003)

Data Source =c:myExcelFile.xls;HDR=no;Format=xls;

RSSBus ADO.NET Provider for Excel

Excel File=C:myExcelFile.xlsx;

No headers in Excel sheet

Excel File=C:myExcelFile.xlsx;Header=False;
Pseudo column names (A,B,C) are used instead. 

Caching data

Excel File=C:myExcelFile.xlsx;Cache Location=C:cache.db;Auto Cache=true;
To retrieve data from the cache, add «#Cache» to the table name. For example, to query cached data from the «Sheet» table, execute «SELECT * FROM [Sheet#Cache]». 

Caching data and metadata

Excel File=C:myExcelFile.xlsx;Cache Location=C:cache.db;Auto Cache=true;
Offline=false;Cache Metadata=true;
The table metadata will also be cached instead of retrieving it from the data source. This improves connection performance. 

Cached data only / Offline mode

Excel File=C:myExcelFile.xlsx;Offline=true;Query Passthrough=true;
Cache Location=C:cache.db;
SELECT statements will always retrieve data from the cache. DELETE/UPDATE/INSERT statements is not allowed and will throw an exception. Excel 2000Excel 2002Excel 2003Excel 2007Excel 2010Excel 2013Excel 97

Using an External Cache Provider

RSSBus drivers have the ability to cache data in a separate database such as SQL Server or MySQL instead of in a local file using the following syntax:
Cache Provider=Provider.Namespace;
Cache Connection=’Connection String to Cache Database’;
Above is just an example to show how it works. It can be used both with «Auto Cache» and with «Cached Data Only / Offline Mode». 

Empty cells always NULL

Excel File=C:myExcelFile.xlsx;Empty Text Mode=EmptyAsNull;

Empty cells always empty string

Excel File=C:myExcelFile.xlsx;Empty Text Mode=NullAsEmpty;

Suppress formula calculation errors

Excel File=C:myExcelFile.xlsx;Ignore Calc Error=true;

Read «tilted sheets», where rows are headers and columns are rows

Excel File=C:myExcelFile.xlsx;Orientation=Horizontal;

Do not use formulas, only values

Do not treat values starting with equals (=) as formulas during inserts and updates.
Excel File=C:myExcelFile.xlsx;Allow Formula=false;

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