Excel numbers with column


  1. Columns and rows are labeled numerically in Excel
  2. Symptoms
  3. Cause
  4. Resolution
  5. More information
  6. A1 Reference Style vs. R1C1 Reference Style
  7. The A1 Reference Style
  8. The R1C1 Reference Style
  9. References
  10. Multiply a column of numbers by the same number
  11. Auto Numbering in Excel
  12. Automatic Numbering in Excel
  13. How to Auto Number in Excel?
  14. Top 3 ways to get Auto Numbering in Excel
  15. #1 – Filling the Column with a Series of Numbers
  16. #2 – Use ROW() Function
  17. #3 – Using Offset() Function
  18. Things to Remember about Auto Numbering in Excel
  19. Auto Numbering in Excel Video
  20. Recommended Articles
  21. Automatically number rows
  22. What do you want to do?
  23. Fill a column with a series of numbers
  24. Use the ROW function to number rows
  25. Display or hide the fill handle

Columns and rows are labeled numerically in Excel


Your column labels are numeric rather than alphabetic. For example, instead of seeing A, B, and C at the top of your worksheet columns, you see 1, 2, 3, and so on.


This behavior occurs when the R1C1 reference style check box is selected in the Options dialog box.


To change this behavior, follow these steps:

  1. Start Microsoft Excel.
  2. On the Tools menu, click Options.
  3. Click the Formulas tab.
  4. Under Working with formulas, click to clear the R1C1 reference style check box (upper-left corner), and then click OK.

If you select the R1C1 reference style check box, Excel changes the reference style of both row and column headings, and cell references from the A1 style to the R1C1 style.

More information

A1 Reference Style vs. R1C1 Reference Style

The A1 Reference Style

By default, Excel uses the A1 reference style, which refers to columns as letters (A through IV, for a total of 256 columns), and refers to rows as numbers (1 through 65,536). These letters and numbers are called row and column headings. To refer to a cell, type the column letter followed by the row number. For example, D50 refers to the cell at the intersection of column D and row 50. To refer to a range of cells, type the reference for the cell that is in the upper-left corner of the range, type a colon (:), and then type the reference to the cell that is in the lower-right corner of the range.

The R1C1 Reference Style

Excel can also use the R1C1 reference style, in which both the rows and the columns on the worksheet are numbered. The R1C1 reference style is useful if you want to compute row and column positions in macros. In the R1C1 style, Excel indicates the location of a cell with an «R» followed by a row number and a «C» followed by a column number.


For more information about this topic, click Microsoft Excel Help on the Help menu, type about cell and range references in the Office Assistant or the Answer Wizard, and then click Search to view the topic.


Multiply a column of numbers by the same number

Suppose you want to multiply a column of numbers by the same number in another cell. The trick to multiplying a column of numbers by one number is adding $ symbols to that number’s cell address in the formula before copying the formula.

In our example table below, we want to multiply all the numbers in column A by the number 3 in cell C2. The formula =A2*C2 will get the correct result (4500) in cell B2. But copying the formula down column B won’t work, because the cell reference C2 changes to C3, C4, and so on. Because there’s no data in those cells, the result in cells B3 through B6 will all be zero.

To multiply all the numbers in column A by cell C2, add $ symbols to the cell reference like this: $C$2, which you can see in the example below.

Using $ symbols tells Excel that the reference to C2 is “absolute,” so when you copy the formula to another cell, the reference will always be to cell C2. To create the formula:

In cell B2, type an equal (=) sign.

Click cell A2 to enter the cell in the formula.

Enter an asterisk (*).

Click cell C2 to enter the cell in the formula.

Now type a $ symbol in front of C, and a $ symbol in front of 2: $C$2.

Tip: Instead of typing the $ symbol, you can place the insertion point either before or after the cell reference that you want to make “absolute,” and press the F4 key, which adds the $ symbols.

Now we’ll step back a bit to see an easy way to copy the formula down the column after you press Enter in cell B2.

Double-click the small green square in the lower-right corner of the cell.

The formula automatically copies down through cell B6.

And with the formula copied, column B returns the correct answers.


Auto Numbering in Excel

While performing a simple numbering in Excel, we manually provide a cell number for the serial number; we can also do it automatically. To do auto numbering, we have two methods. First, we can fill the first two cells with the series of the number we want to be inserted and drag it down to the end of the table. The second method is to use the =ROW () formula which will give us the number, and then drag the formula similar to the end of the table.

For example, suppose you have a data set and want to start numbering them from 3 and step up by 4 until 40. First, you may select the cells containing the 3 and the 7. Then, click on the handle and drag to the other cells where you can see 40. You may then release and view that the numbers are filled in automatically.

You may also use the Excel ROW function = ROW() formula that returns the row number for reference. For example, ROW(A3) returns 3 as A3 is the third row in the spreadsheet. If not given any reference, ROW returns the cell’s row number, which consists of the formula.

Automatic Numbering in Excel

Numbering means giving serial numbers or numbers to a list of data. In Excel, no special button is provided that offers numbering for our data. As we already know, Excel does not provide a method, tool, or button to provide the sequential number to a list of data, which means we need to do it manually.

Table of contents

How to Auto Number in Excel?

We must remember that our AutoFill function Autofill Function AutoFill in excel can fill a range in a specific direction by using the fill handle. read more is always turned on to create auto numbering in Excel. By default, it is turned on. But in any case, if it is not enabled or mistakenly disabled “AutoFill,” here is how we can re-enable it.

Now we have checked that the “Autofill” is enabled. There are three methods for Excel auto-numbering:

  1. Fill a column with a series of numbers.
  2. Using the Row() function.
  3. Using the Offset() function.

The following are the steps for enabling fill handle and cell drag and drop: –

    In the “File” tab, go to “Options.”

In the advanced section, check the “Enable fill handle and cell drag and drop” in Excel under the editing options.

Top 3 ways to get Auto Numbering in Excel

There are various ways to get automatic numbering in Excel.

  1. Fill a column with a series of numbers.
  2. Use Row() function
  3. Use Offset() Function

Let us discuss all the above methods by examples.

#1 – Filling the Column with a Series of Numbers

We have the following data:

We will insert automatic numbers in Excel “column A” following the below steps:

  • We can select the cell we want to fill. In this example, we will choose cell A2.
  • We will write the number we want to start with. Let it be 1, fill the next cell in the same column with another number, and let it be 2.

  • To start a pattern, we have made the numbering 1 in cell A2 and 2 in cell A3. Next, we will select the starting values, i.e., cells A2 and A3.

  • The arrow shows the pointer (dot) in the selected cell. Then, click on it and drag it to the desired range, cell A11.

Now, we have sequential numbering for our data.

#2 – Use ROW() Function

  • Below is our data:

  • We select the specific cell where we want to start our automatic numbering in Excel (cell A2 in this case).

  • We type ROW() in cell A2 and press “Enter.”

As a result, it gave us the numbering from number 2 since the Row function throws the number for the current row.

  • To avoid the above situation, we can give the reference row to the Row function.

  • Next, we click on the pointer or the dot in the selected cell and drag it to the desired range for the current scenario to cell A11.

  • We have automatic numbering in Excel for the data using the Row() function.

#3 – Using Offset() Function

Let us use the same data to demonstrate the Offset function. Below is the data:

As we can see, we have removed the text written in cell A1 “Serial Number,” as the reference needs to be blank while using the Offset function.

The above screenshot shows the function arguments used in the Offset function.

  • In cell A2, we type offset(A2,-1,0)+1 for the automatic numbering in Excel.

A2 is the current cell address, which is the reference.

  • Press the “Enter” key. It will insert the first number.

  • Now, we select cell A2 and drag it down to cell A11.

  • So, now we have sequential numbering using the Offset function.

Things to Remember about Auto Numbering in Excel

  1. Excel does not auto-provide auto-numbering.
  2. Do not forget to check for the enabled “AutoFill” option.
  3. While filling a column with a series of numbers, we must make a pattern. We can use the starting values as 2 or 4 to create even sequential numbering.

Auto Numbering in Excel Video

Recommended Articles

This article is a guide to Auto Numbering in Excel. Here, we discuss how to auto-number in Excel, along with Excel examples and downloadable Excel templates. You may also look at these useful Excel tools: –


Automatically number rows

Unlike other Microsoft 365 programs, Excel does not provide a button to number data automatically. But, you can easily add sequential numbers to rows of data by dragging the fill handle to fill a column with a series of numbers or by using the ROW function.

Tip: If you are looking for a more advanced auto-numbering system for your data, and Access is installed on your computer, you can import the Excel data to an Access database. In an Access database, you can create a field that automatically generates a unique number when you enter a new record in a table.

What do you want to do?

Fill a column with a series of numbers

Select the first cell in the range that you want to fill.

Type the starting value for the series.

Type a value in the next cell to establish a pattern.

Tip: For example, if you want the series 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. type 1 and 2 in the first two cells. If you want the series 2, 4, 6, 8. type 2 and 4.

Select the cells that contain the starting values.

Note: In Excel 2013 and later, the Quick Analysis button is displayed by default when you select more than one cell containing data. You can ignore the button to complete this procedure.

Drag the fill handle across the range that you want to fill.

Note: As you drag the fill handle across each cell, Excel displays a preview of the value. If you want a different pattern, drag the fill handle by holding down the right-click button, and then choose a pattern.

To fill in increasing order, drag down or to the right. To fill in decreasing order, drag up or to the left.

Tip: If you do not see the fill handle, you may have to display it first. For more information, see Display or hide the fill handle.

Note: These numbers are not automatically updated when you add, move, or remove rows. You can manually update the sequential numbering by selecting two numbers that are in the right sequence, and then dragging the fill handle to the end of the numbered range.

Use the ROW function to number rows

In the first cell of the range that you want to number, type =ROW(A1).

The ROW function returns the number of the row that you reference. For example, =ROW(A1) returns the number 1.

Drag the fill handle across the range that you want to fill.

Tip: If you do not see the fill handle, you may have to display it first. For more information, see Display or hide the fill handle.

These numbers are updated when you sort them with your data. The sequence may be interrupted if you add, move, or delete rows. You can manually update the numbering by selecting two numbers that are in the right sequence, and then dragging the fill handle to the end of the numbered range.

If you are using the ROW function, and you want the numbers to be inserted automatically as you add new rows of data, turn that range of data into an Excel table. All rows that are added at the end of the table are numbered in sequence. For more information, see Create or delete an Excel table in a worksheet.

To enter specific sequential number codes, such as purchase order numbers, you can use the ROW function together with the TEXT function. For example, to start a numbered list by using 000-001, you enter the formula =TEXT(ROW(A1),»000-000″) in the first cell of the range that you want to number, and then drag the fill handle to the end of the range.

Display or hide the fill handle

The fill handle displays by default, but you can turn it on or off.

In Excel 2010 and later, click the File tab, and then click Options.

In Excel 2007, click the Microsoft Office Button , and then click Excel Options.

In the Advanced category, under Editing options, select or clear the Enable fill handle and cell drag-and-drop check box to display or hide the fill handle.

Note: To help prevent replacing existing data when you drag the fill handle, ensure the Alert before overwriting cells check box is selected. If you do not want Excel to display a message about overwriting cells, you can clear this check box.


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To quickly get a total instead of typing each number into a calculator.


  1. Click the first empty cell below a column of numbers.

    After you click AutoSum, the selection area and formula are displayed

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Excel 2016 for Mac: : On the Home tab, click AutoSum.

      AutoSum on the Home tab

    • Excel for Mac 2011: On the Standard toolbar, click AutoSum.

      Click AutoSum on Standard toolbar

    Tip: If the blue border does not contain all of the numbers that you want to add, adjust it by dragging the sizing handles on each corner of the border.

  3. Press RETURN .

    After selecting AutoSum, the selection area and formula are displayed


  • If you want a quick total that doesn’t have to appear on the sheet, select all the numbers in the list, and then look at the status bar at the bottom of the workbook window.

    Select a column of numbers to see the sum at the bottom of the page

  • You can quickly insert the AutoSum formula by typing the The Command button.+ SHIFT + T keyboard shortcut.

Need more help?

Bottom Line: Learn 4 different techniques for creating a list of numbers in Excel. These include both static and dynamic lists that change when items are added or deleted from the list.

Skill Level: Beginner

Watch the Tutorial

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Download the Excel File

You can download the worksheet that I use in the video here:

Four ways to make numbered lists

If you have a list of items in Excel and you’d like to insert a column that numbers the items, there are several ways to accomplish this. Let’s look at four of those ways.

1. Create a Static List Using Auto-Fill

The first way to number a list is really easy. Start by filling in the first two numbers of your list, select those two numbers, and then hover over the bottom right corner of your selection until your cursor turns into a plus symbol. This is the fill handle.

Use fill handle to complete a numbered list

When you double-click on that fill handle (or drag it down to the end of your list), Excel will fill in the blanks with the next numbers in the sequence.

Fill handle

An alternate way to create this same numbered list is to type a 1 in the first cell and then double-click the fill handle. Because Excel doesn’t have a second number to identify a sequence or pattern, it will fill down the columns with 1s. But you will notice that a menu is available at the end of your column, and from that menu, you can select the option to Fill Series. This will change the 1s to a sequential list of numbers.

Fill Series for Numbered List

The numbered column we’ve created in both instances is static. This means it doesn’t change when you make additions or deletions to the corresponding list of items. For example, if I insert a new row in order to add another task, there is a break in the numbered column as well, and I would have to repeat the same steps to correct the list.

Static Numbered List problem

So, unless we want the numbers to always remain as they are, a better option would be to create a dynamic list.

2. Create a Dynamic List Using a Formula

We can use formulas to create a dynamic list where the numbers update when we add or delete rows from the list.

To use a formula for creating a dynamic number list, we can use the ROW function. The ROW function returns the row number of a cell. If we don’t specify a cell for ROW, it just returns the current row number of whatever is selected.

In our example, the first cell in our list doesn’t start on Row 1. It starts on Row 4. But we don’t want our list to start at 4; we want it to start at 1. To subtract the extra 3, our formula will include a minus sign and then the ROW function again, but this time pointed to the cell above our formula (which is in Row 3).

dynamic numbered list using a formula

We use the absolute values (dollar signs) in our cell selection because we don’t want that number to change as we copy the formula down the list. In other words, we always want to subtract 3 from the row number to give us our list number.

When we copy down the formula, we have a numbered list that will adjust when we add or delete rows. However, when adding a row, we will have to copy the formula into the newly inserted cell.

Add the formula to new cells in the dynamic list

This additional step of copying the formula into new rows can be avoided if we use Excel Tables.

3. Create a Dynamic List Using a Formula in an Excel Table

If we write the same formula but we use an Excel table, the only difference we will make in the formula is that we reference the column header instead of the absolute cell value.

Use the ROW Function in an Excel Table

Because we are using an Excel Table, the formula automatically fills down to the other rows. When we add a row to the table, the formula will automatically populate in the new cell.

Dynamic numbered list in an excel table

4. Create a Dynamic List Using Dynamic Array Formulas

Below, I have a table that is populated using Dynamic Array Formulas. The FILTER formula spills a range of results based on whatever name is selected in the orange cell.

spill range filter function

The Dynamic Array formula we will use is SEQUENCE. This will return a sequence for the number of rows we identify in the formula. To tell Excel how many rows there are, we will use the ROW function as the argument for sequence. The argument for ROW is just the spill range. The way to notate the spill range is to simply place a hashtag after the name of the first cell in the range. So our formula looks like this:


Once we complete our formula and hit Enter, the list will be numbered.

Dynamic Array Numbered List

With this formula in place, if the size of the range changes when a new name is selected, the numbered column for the list will automatically adjust as well.

Dynamic Array Numbered List Adjusted Spill Range

Bonus Tip: Formatting Your Numbered List

If you want to add periods or other punctuation to your numbered list:

  1. Select the entire list and right-click to choose Format Cells. Or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + 1.
  2. Choose the Custom option on the Number tab.
  3. Then in the Type field, type in the number 0 with whatever punctuation you would like to surround your number.

Here, I’ve just added a period.

Custom format for numbered list

When you hit OK, you will have formatted the entire selection.

Related Posts

Here are a few similar posts that may interest you.

  • Excel Tables Tutorial Video – Beginners Guide for Windows & Mac
  • New Excel Features: Dynamic Array Formulas & Spill Ranges
  • How to Prevent Excel from Freezing or Taking A Long Time when Deleting Rows


I hope these four ways to create ordered lists are helpful for you. If you have questions or feedback, I would love to hear them in the comments. Have a great week!

While performing a simple numbering in Excel, we manually provide a cell number for the serial number; we can also do it automatically. To do auto numbering, we have two methods. First, we can fill the first two cells with the series of the number we want to be inserted and drag it down to the end of the table. The second method is to use the =ROW () formula which will give us the number, and then drag the formula similar to the end of the table.

For example, suppose you have a data set and want to start numbering them from 3 and step up by 4 until 40. First, you may select the cells containing the 3 and the 7. Then, click on the handle and drag to the other cells where you can see 40. You may then release and view that the numbers are filled in automatically.

You may also use the Excel ROW function = ROW() formula that returns the row number for reference. For example, ROW(A3) returns 3 as A3 is the third row in the spreadsheet. If not given any reference, ROW returns the cell’s row number, which consists of the formula.

Automatic Numbering in Excel

Numbering means giving serial numbers or numbers to a list of data. In Excel, no special button is provided that offers numbering for our data. As we already know, Excel does not provide a method, tool, or button to provide the sequential number to a list of data, which means we need to do it manually.

Table of contents
  • Automatic Numbering in Excel
    • How to Auto Number in Excel?
    • Top 3 ways to get Auto Numbering in Excel
      • #1 – Filling the Column with a Series of Numbers
      • #2 – Use ROW() Function
      • #3 – Using Offset() Function
    • Things to Remember about Auto Numbering in Excel
    • Auto Numbering in Excel Video
    • Recommended Articles

How to Auto Number in Excel?

We must remember that our AutoFill functionAutoFill in excel can fill a range in a specific direction by using the fill handle.read more is always turned on to create auto numbering in Excel. By default, it is turned on. But in any case, if it is not enabled or mistakenly disabled “AutoFill,” here is how we can re-enable it.

Now we have checked that the “Autofill” is enabled. There are three methods for Excel auto-numbering:

  1. Fill a column with a series of numbers.
  2. Using the Row() function.
  3. Using the Offset() function.

The following are the steps for enabling fill handle and cell drag and drop: –

  1. In the “File” tab, go to “Options.”

    auto numbering example 1

  2. In the advanced section, check the “Enable fill handle and cell drag and drop” in Excel under the editing options.

    auto numbering example 1-1

Top 3 ways to get Auto Numbering in Excel

There are various ways to get automatic numbering in Excel.

You can download this Auto Numbering Excel Template here – Auto Numbering Excel Template

  1. Fill a column with a series of numbers.
  2. Use Row() function
  3. Use Offset() Function

Let us discuss all the above methods by examples.

#1 – Filling the Column with a Series of Numbers

We have the following data:

Fill the Series with Number Example 1

We will insert automatic numbers in Excel “column A” following the below steps:

  • We can select the cell we want to fill. In this example, we will choose cell A2.
  • We will write the number we want to start with. Let it be 1, fill the next cell in the same column with another number, and let it be 2.

Fill the Series with Number Example 1-1

  • To start a pattern, we have made the numbering 1 in cell A2 and 2 in cell A3. Next, we will select the starting values, i.e., cells A2 and A3.

Fill the Series with Number Example 1-2

  • The arrow shows the pointer (dot) in the selected cell. Then, click on it and drag it to the desired range, cell A11.

Fill the Series with Number Example 1-3

Now, we have sequential numbering for our data.

#2 – Use ROW() Function

We will use the same data to demonstrate the sequential numbering by the Row() functionThe row function in Excel is a worksheet function that displays the current row index number of the selected or target cell. The syntax to use this function is as follows: =ROW( Value ).read more.

  • Below is our data:

Use Row Function Example 1

  • We select the specific cell where we want to start our automatic numbering in Excel (cell A2 in this case).

Use Row Function Example 1-1

  • We type ROW() in cell A2 and press “Enter.”

Use Row Function Example 1-2

As a result, it gave us the numbering from number 2 since the Row function throws the number for the current row.

  • To avoid the above situation, we can give the reference row to the Row function.

Use Row Function Example 1-3

  • Next, we click on the pointer or the dot in the selected cell and drag it to the desired range for the current scenario to cell A11.

Use Row Function Example 1-4

  • We have automatic numbering in Excel for the data using the Row() function.

Use Row Function Example 1-5

#3 – Using Offset() Function

We can also achieve auto numbering in Excel using the Offset() functionThe OFFSET function in excel returns the value of a cell or a range (of adjacent cells) which is a particular number of rows and columns from the reference point. read more also.

Let us use the same data to demonstrate the Offset function. Below is the data:

Using Offset() Function Example 1

As we can see, we have removed the text written in cell A1 “Serial Number,” as the reference needs to be blank while using the Offset function.

Using Offset() Function Example 1-1

The above screenshot shows the function arguments used in the Offset function.

  • In cell A2, we type offset(A2,-1,0)+1 for the automatic numbering in Excel.

Using Offset() Function Example 1-2

A2 is the current cell address, which is the reference.

  • Press the “Enter” key. It will insert the first number.

Using Offset() Function Example 1-3

  • Now, we select cell A2 and drag it down to cell A11.

Using Offset() Function Example 1-4

  • So, now we have sequential numbering using the Offset function.

Using Offset() Function Example 1-5

Things to Remember about Auto Numbering in Excel

  1. Excel does not auto-provide auto-numbering.
  2. Do not forget to check for the enabled “AutoFill” option.
  3. While filling a column with a series of numbers, we must make a pattern. We can use the starting values as 2 or 4 to create even sequential numbering.

Auto Numbering in Excel Video

Recommended Articles

This article is a guide to Auto Numbering in Excel. Here, we discuss how to auto-number in Excel, along with Excel examples and downloadable Excel templates. You may also look at these useful Excel tools: –

  • Excel VBA OFFSET
  • Numbering in Excel
  • WEEKDAY in ExcelThe WEEKDAY function in excel returns the day corresponding to a specified date. The date is supplied as an argument to this function. read more
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Here is a quick reference for Excel column letter to number mapping. Many times I needed to find the column number associated with a column letter in order to use it in Excel Macro. For a lazy developer like me, It is very time consuming 😉 to use my Math skill to get the answer so I created this quick reference lookup for myself.

Jump to specific column list

If you are looking for a specific column, click on the following links to jump to a specific list of columns

Excel Columns A-Z

Column Letter Column Number
A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4
E 5
F 6
G 7
H 8
I 9
J 10
K 11
L 12
M 13
N 14
O 15
P 16
Q 17
R 18
S 19
T 20
U 21
V 22
W 23
X 24
Y 25
Z 26

Excel Columns AA-AZ

Column Letter Column Number
AA 27
AB 28
AC 29
AD 30
AE 31
AF 32
AG 33
AH 34
AI 35
AJ 36
AK 37
AL 38
AM 39
AN 40
AO 41
AP 42
AQ 43
AR 44
AS 45
AT 46
AU 47
AV 48
AW 49
AX 50
AY 51
AZ 52

Excel Columns BA-BZ

Column Letter Column Number
BA 53
BB 54
BC 55
BD 56
BE 57
BF 58
BG 59
BH 60
BI 61
BJ 62
BK 63
BL 64
BM 65
BN 66
BO 67
BP 68
BQ 69
BR 70
BS 71
BT 72
BU 73
BV 74
BW 75
BX 76
BY 77
BZ 78

Excel Columns CA-CZ

Column Letter Column Number
CA 79
CB 80
CC 81
CD 82
CE 83
CF 84
CG 85
CH 86
CI 87
CJ 88
CK 89
CL 90
CM 91
CN 92
CO 93
CP 94
CQ 95
CR 96
CS 97
CT 98
CU 99
CV 100
CW 101
CX 102
CY 103
CZ 104

Excel Columns DA-DZ

Column Letter Column Number
DA 105
DB 106
DC 107
DD 108
DE 109
DF 110
DG 111
DH 112
DI 113
DJ 114
DK 115
DL 116
DM 117
DN 118
DO 119
DP 120
DQ 121
DR 122
DS 123
DT 124
DU 125
DV 126
DW 127
DX 128
DY 129
DZ 130

Excel Columns EA-EZ

Column Letter Column Number
EA 131
EB 132
EC 133
ED 134
EE 135
EF 136
EG 137
EH 138
EI 139
EJ 140
EK 141
EL 142
EM 143
EN 144
EO 145
EP 146
EQ 147
ER 148
ES 149
ET 150
EU 151
EV 152
EW 153
EX 154
EY 155
EZ 156

Excel Columns FA-FZ

Column Letter Column Number
FA 157
FB 158
FC 159
FD 160
FE 161
FF 162
FG 163
FH 164
FI 165
FJ 166
FK 167
FL 168
FM 169
FN 170
FO 171
FP 172
FQ 173
FR 174
FS 175
FT 176
FU 177
FV 178
FW 179
FX 180
FY 181
FZ 182

Excel Columns GA-GZ

Column Letter Column Number
GA 183
GB 184
GC 185
GD 186
GE 187
GF 188
GG 189
GH 190
GI 191
GJ 192
GK 193
GL 194
GM 195
GN 196
GO 197
GP 198
GQ 199
GR 200
GS 201
GT 202
GU 203
GV 204
GW 205
GX 206
GY 207
GZ 208

Excel Columns HA-HZ

Column Letter Column Number
HA 209
HB 210
HC 211
HD 212
HE 213
HF 214
HG 215
HH 216
HI 217
HJ 218
HK 219
HL 220
HM 221
HN 222
HO 223
HP 224
HQ 225
HR 226
HS 227
HT 228
HU 229
HV 230
HW 231
HX 232
HY 233
HZ 234

Excel Columns IA-IZ

Column Letter Column Number
IA 235
IB 236
IC 237
ID 238
IE 239
IF 240
IG 241
IH 242
II 243
IJ 244
IK 245
IL 246
IM 247
IN 248
IO 249
IP 250
IQ 251
IR 252
IS 253
IT 254
IU 255
IV 256
IW 257
IX 258
IY 259
IZ 260

Excel Columns JA-JZ

Column Letter Column Number
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JB 262
JC 263
JD 264
JE 265
JF 266
JG 267
JH 268
JI 269
JJ 270
JK 271
JL 272
JM 273
JN 274
JO 275
JP 276
JQ 277
JR 278
JS 279
JT 280
JU 281
JV 282
JW 283
JX 284
JY 285
JZ 286

Excel Columns KA-KZ

Column Letter Column Number
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KB 288
KC 289
KD 290
KE 291
KF 292
KG 293
KH 294
KI 295
KJ 296
KK 297
KL 298
KM 299
KN 300
KO 301
KP 302
KQ 303
KR 304
KS 305
KT 306
KU 307
KV 308
KW 309
KX 310
KY 311
KZ 312

Excel Columns LA-LZ

Column Letter Column Number
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LB 314
LC 315
LD 316
LE 317
LF 318
LG 319
LH 320
LI 321
LJ 322
LK 323
LL 324
LM 325
LN 326
LO 327
LP 328
LQ 329
LR 330
LS 331
LT 332
LU 333
LV 334
LW 335
LX 336
LY 337
LZ 338

Excel Columns MA-MZ

Column Letter Column Number
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MB 340
MC 341
MD 342
ME 343
MF 344
MG 345
MH 346
MI 347
MJ 348
MK 349
ML 350
MM 351
MN 352
MO 353
MP 354
MQ 355
MR 356
MS 357
MT 358
MU 359
MV 360
MW 361
MX 362
MY 363
MZ 364

Excel Columns NA-NZ

Column Letter Column Number
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NB 366
NC 367
ND 368
NE 369
NF 370
NG 371
NH 372
NI 373
NJ 374
NK 375
NL 376
NM 377
NN 378
NO 379
NP 380
NQ 381
NR 382
NS 383
NT 384
NU 385
NV 386
NW 387
NX 388
NY 389
NZ 390

Excel Columns OA-OZ

Column Letter Column Number
OA 391
OB 392
OC 393
OD 394
OE 395
OF 396
OG 397
OH 398
OI 399
OJ 400
OK 401
OL 402
OM 403
ON 404
OO 405
OP 406
OQ 407
OR 408
OS 409
OT 410
OU 411
OV 412
OW 413
OX 414
OY 415
OZ 416

Excel Columns PA-PZ

Column Letter Column Number
PA 417
PB 418
PC 419
PD 420
PE 421
PF 422
PG 423
PH 424
PI 425
PJ 426
PK 427
PL 428
PM 429
PN 430
PO 431
PP 432
PQ 433
PR 434
PS 435
PT 436
PU 437
PV 438
PW 439
PX 440
PY 441
PZ 442

Excel Columns QA-QZ

Column Letter Column Number
QA 443
QB 444
QC 445
QD 446
QE 447
QF 448
QG 449
QH 450
QI 451
QJ 452
QK 453
QL 454
QM 455
QN 456
QO 457
QP 458
QQ 459
QR 460
QS 461
QT 462
QU 463
QV 464
QW 465
QX 466
QY 467
QZ 468

Excel Columns RA-RZ

Column Letter Column Number
RA 469
RB 470
RC 471
RD 472
RE 473
RF 474
RG 475
RH 476
RI 477
RJ 478
RK 479
RL 480
RM 481
RN 482
RO 483
RP 484
RQ 485
RR 486
RS 487
RT 488
RU 489
RV 490
RW 491
RX 492
RY 493
RZ 494

Excel Columns SA-SZ

Column Letter Column Number
SA 495
SB 496
SC 497
SD 498
SE 499
SF 500
SG 501
SH 502
SI 503
SJ 504
SK 505
SL 506
SM 507
SN 508
SO 509
SP 510
SQ 511
SR 512
SS 513
ST 514
SU 515
SV 516
SW 517
SX 518
SY 519
SZ 520

Excel Columns TA-TZ

Column Letter Column Number
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TB 522
TC 523
TD 524
TE 525
TF 526
TG 527
TH 528
TI 529
TJ 530
TK 531
TL 532
TM 533
TN 534
TO 535
TP 536
TQ 537
TR 538
TS 539
TT 540
TU 541
TV 542
TW 543
TX 544
TY 545
TZ 546

Excel Columns UA-UZ

Column Letter Column Number
UA 547
UB 548
UC 549
UD 550
UE 551
UF 552
UG 553
UH 554
UI 555
UJ 556
UK 557
UL 558
UM 559
UN 560
UO 561
UP 562
UQ 563
UR 564
US 565
UT 566
UU 567
UV 568
UW 569
UX 570
UY 571
UZ 572

Excel Columns VA-VZ

Column Letter Column Number
VA 573
VB 574
VC 575
VD 576
VE 577
VF 578
VG 579
VH 580
VI 581
VJ 582
VK 583
VL 584
VM 585
VN 586
VO 587
VP 588
VQ 589
VR 590
VS 591
VT 592
VU 593
VV 594
VW 595
VX 596
VY 597
VZ 598

Excel Columns WA-WZ

Column Letter Column Number
WA 599
WB 600
WC 601
WD 602
WE 603
WF 604
WG 605
WH 606
WI 607
WJ 608
WK 609
WL 610
WM 611
WN 612
WO 613
WP 614
WQ 615
WR 616
WS 617
WT 618
WU 619
WV 620
WW 621
WX 622
WY 623
WZ 624

Excel Columns XA-XZ

Column Letter Column Number
XA 625
XB 626
XC 627
XD 628
XE 629
XF 630
XG 631
XH 632
XI 633
XJ 634
XK 635
XL 636
XM 637
XN 638
XO 639
XP 640
XQ 641
XR 642
XS 643
XT 644
XU 645
XV 646
XW 647
XX 648
XY 649
XZ 650

Excel Columns YA-YZ

Column Letter Column Number
YA 651
YB 652
YC 653
YD 654
YE 655
YF 656
YG 657
YH 658
YI 659
YJ 660
YK 661
YL 662
YM 663
YN 664
YO 665
YP 666
YQ 667
YR 668
YS 669
YT 670
YU 671
YV 672
YW 673
YX 674
YY 675
YZ 676

Excel Columns ZA-ZZ

Column Letter Column Number
ZA 677
ZB 678
ZC 679
ZD 680
ZE 681
ZF 682
ZG 683
ZH 684
ZI 685
ZJ 686
ZK 687
ZL 688
ZM 689
ZN 690
ZO 691
ZP 692
ZQ 693
ZR 694
ZS 695
ZT 696
ZU 697
ZV 698
ZW 699
ZX 700
ZY 701
ZZ 702

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