Excel dates in different language

If you share Excel files and reports with users from different countries then you might want to give them a report in their language…and I don’t just mean converting from English to American 😉

It’d be a load of work to create a separate file for each language, so instead we can automate it like this:

Excel Dates Displayed in Different Languages

Note: if your users have their PC language set to their locale then you don’t need to use this technique, because Excel will automatically convert date formats to their local language. This is for users who want to view their reports in a language that’s different to their PC language settings.

We use the TEXT Function to convert the dates by specifying the language ID in the format argument of the formula. For example:


Where [$-0809] is the language ID for English, and dddd tells Excel to covert the date to the full name of the day.

List of Language ID’s

There is an extensive list of language ID’s available from Microsoft here. Below is a snippet:

language ID

In Excel 2016 we can either use the last four digits of the Language ID or the Language tag. For other versions of Excel it’s safer to use the last four digits of the Language ID.

For use with the TEXT Function we need to wrap the language tag or ID in [$- xxxx], like so:

for use with the text function

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Automating Date Translations

Now that our file contains a table with the different languages we want to support, we can use a Data Validation list to automate the translation:

using data validation to automate translations

The key to this is the TEXT formula. Let’s look closer at the formula in cell L6:

automating date translations

The VLOOKUP part of the formula references ‘Table1’ (image below) using Structured References, as opposed to cell references:

using structured references

Let’s translate the formula:

=TEXT($L$4,VLOOKUP($I$4,Table1[[Language]:[Language ID]],3,0)&"dddd")

In English it reads:

Convert the date in cell L4 to text by looking up the language selected in the data validation list in cell I4, in the Language column of Table1 and returning the language ID from the 3rd column. Join the language ID to ‘dddd’ so that Excel knows the language and date format to return.

Tip: in the file I’ve included in this post you’ll notice that cells L7, L8 and L9 contain similar TEXT formulas with different date formats (ddd, mmmm and mmm).

Note: if your PC language setting isn’t English then you may need to change the ddd/dddd/mmm/mmmm formats to that of your locale.

Automating Date Translations with Slicers

Another option is to use a Slicer to allow the user to select the language they want to see, like this:

automated display of different languages

Taking a closer look at the mechanics of this example you’ll see we have a PivotTable in cells I7:I8, which is purely for the Slicer. You can see in the image below that it only contains a single field in the row labels area:

automating date translations with slicers

Our TEXT Formula then references the PivotTable (cell I8), which displays the language selected in the Slicer:

reference the Pivottable

This translates the ‘Day’ in the first table and the ‘Month’ in the second table, which feed the charts.

Translate Chart Title

The Chart Title in cell I5 also changes to match the selected language, but if you look the formula you’ll see that it’s simply a VLOOKUP formula that returns the matching title from Table2:

chart title changes to match selected language

Note: Excel can convert dates into other languages, but it can’t convert words.


Thanks to Drazen from ExcelalaCarte.com, who shared this Excel Dates Displayed in Different Languages idea with me, which I extended to include the Slicer technique.


  1. Excel Dates Displayed in Different Languages
  2. Excel Dates Displayed in Different Languages
  3. List of Language ID’s
  4. Download the workbook and follow along
  5. Automating Date Translations
  6. Automating Date Translations with Slicers
  7. Translate Chart Title
  8. Thanks
  9. More Excel Formulas Posts
  10. AI Aided Excel Formula Editor
  11. Top Excel Functions for Data Analysts
  12. Excel Advanced Formula Environment
  13. Pro Excel Formula Writing Tips
  14. New Array Shaping Excel Functions
  15. Excel IF Formulas and What Not To Do
  16. Excel IMAGE Function
  17. Excel VSTACK and HSTACK Functions
  18. Identify overlapping dates and times in Excel
  20. Reader Interactions
  22. Specifying a Language for the TEXT Function

Excel Dates Displayed in Different Languages

If you share Excel files and reports with users from different countries then you might want to give them a report in their language…and I don’t just mean converting from English to American 😉

It’d be a load of work to create a separate file for each language, so instead we can automate it like this:

Note: if your users have their PC language set to their locale then you don’t need to use this technique, because Excel will automatically convert date formats to their local language. This is for users who want to view their reports in a language that’s different to their PC language settings.

Excel Dates Displayed in Different Languages

We use the TEXT Function to convert the dates by specifying the language ID in the format argument of the formula. For example:

Where [$-0809] is the language ID for English, and dddd tells Excel to covert the date to the full name of the day.

List of Language ID’s

There is an extensive list of language ID’s available from Microsoft here. Below is a snippet:

In Excel 2016 we can either use the last four digits of the Language ID or the Language tag. For other versions of Excel it’s safer to use the last four digits of the Language ID.

For use with the TEXT Function we need to wrap the language tag or ID in [$- xxxx], like so:

Download the workbook and follow along

Enter your email address below to download the sample workbook.

Automating Date Translations

Now that our file contains a table with the different languages we want to support, we can use a Data Validation list to automate the translation:

The key to this is the TEXT formula. Let’s look closer at the formula in cell L6:

The VLOOKUP part of the formula references ‘Table1’ (image below) using Structured References, as opposed to cell references:

Let’s translate the formula:

In English it reads:

Convert the date in cell L4 to text by looking up the language selected in the data validation list in cell I4 , in the Language column of Table1 and returning the language ID from the 3 rd column. Join the language ID to ‘dddd’ so that Excel knows the language and date format to return.

Tip: in the file I’ve included in this post you’ll notice that cells L7, L8 and L9 contain similar TEXT formulas with different date formats (ddd, mmmm and mmm).

Note: if your PC language setting isn’t English then you may need to change the ddd/dddd/mmm/mmmm formats to that of your locale.

Automating Date Translations with Slicers

Another option is to use a Slicer to allow the user to select the language they want to see, like this:

Taking a closer look at the mechanics of this example you’ll see we have a PivotTable in cells I7:I8, which is purely for the Slicer. You can see in the image below that it only contains a single field in the row labels area:

Our TEXT Formula then references the PivotTable (cell I8), which displays the language selected in the Slicer:

This translates the ‘Day’ in the first table and the ‘Month’ in the second table, which feed the charts.

Translate Chart Title

The Chart Title in cell I5 also changes to match the selected language, but if you look the formula you’ll see that it’s simply a VLOOKUP formula that returns the matching title from Table2:

Note: Excel can convert dates into other languages, but it can’t convert words.


Thanks to Drazen from ExcelalaCarte.com, who shared this Excel Dates Displayed in Different Languages idea with me, which I extended to include the Slicer technique.

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Identify overlapping dates and times in Excel


Reader Interactions

I am searching for common documentation about all available codes or id’s between [ ] that can be used for cell formatting.
in your blog you give a list of language id’s but for e.g. a time format you can use [u]:mm:ss.

Thanks in advance for you reply

I think you mean [h]:mm:ss and this isn’t a language setting, it simply tells Excel to sum the hours rather than show them as a time. I’m not aware of any language settings for anything other than date formats.

First thank you for this good explanation ot the “[$-xxx]” trick….

Then a question : do you have an idea (or solution) how to get rid of the Regional Settings set on the computer that launch the XLS file ?

I give you an example to clarify :
If you use =TEXT(“1/1/2017″,”[$-0809]dddd”) it works like a charm if the Regional Settings (in Windows) are configured for english, but if someone has the Regional Settings set to an other language he should use others “day code” like =TEXT(“1/1/2017″,”[$-0809]jjjj”) for french, because days are “jours” in french.

Thanks in advance
Best regards

If your users have their PC language set to their locale then you don’t need to use this technique, because Excel will automatically convert date formats to their local language. This is for users who want to view their reports in a language that’s different to their PC language settings.

Thank you for your answer. I understand that, but imagine a user wants to see the number as they are formated in an other coutry. For example, in US or GB you will write one million like this : 1,000,000.00 and in FR like this: 1’000’000,00

If the user also wants to see the numbers as they are displayed in an other settings.
Is there a trick to also change the display of the numbers ?

Thanks a lot
Best regards

Thanks for clarifying, Thierry. Unfortunately, this technique doesn’t apply to number values, sorry.

So unlucky…. thanks a lot for your answer, Mynda.

I’m using the language tag to produce charts in English and Welsh (separate), but ideally I need the months abbreviated to only the first three characters as in Jan / Feb etc, so Ion / Chw in Welsh. But Feb comes through as Chwef which takes up a lot of extra room.Reducing the mmm to mm obviously changes the months to numbers so is there any way I can change this (other than reverting to numerical dates?) Thanks. Deirdre

You could try wrapping the TEXT formula in LEFT e.g.

Hi Mynda, thanks so much. I was hoping to add it to the chart axis number format box – currently have [$-cy-GB,1]d mmm ‘yy which works fine for Jan (Ion), Mar (Maw), Apr (Ebr), May (Mai), Jun (Meh) and Oct (Hyd), but annoyingly not for Feb (which comes out as Chwef), Jul (Gorff), Aug (Awst), Sep (Medi), Nov (Tach) and Dec (Rhag). The longer ones, esp Chwef after Ion, spoils the layout. If you can help further that would be great. Deirdre

You can’t force the custom number format to truncate the last character for February. Better to put the format in the source data for the chart.


Specifying a Language for the TEXT Function

Written by Allen Wyatt (last updated July 20, 2019)
This tip applies to Excel 97, 2000, 2002, and 2003

Mikael uses a Danish version of Excel. If he uses the TEXT function to format dates, as in TEXT(A1,»mmmm, yyyy»), the textual format returned shows the months in Danish. He would like the months returned in English instead, and wonders how he can instruct the TEXT function as to which language it should use.

There are a couple of ways you can approach this problem. The first is applicable if you simply need to display a date (and nothing else) in a cell—simply don’t use the TEXT function. You can easily format a cell to display a date in any language; follow these steps:

  1. Select the cell (or cells) you want to format.
  2. Choose Cells from the Format menu. Excel displays the Format Cells dialog box.
  3. Make sure the Number tab is selected.
  4. Click Date at the left side of the dialog box. (See Figure 1.)

Figure 1. The Number tab of the Format Cells dialog box.

  • Using the Locale drop-down list, choose a country or region that uses the date format you want to use. In the case of Mikael’s need, picking English (United States) is a good choice. Excel modifies the date formats available to you.
  • Select the desired date format.
  • Click on OK.
  • If you are using the TEXT worksheet function because it is part of a larger formula, then you can instruct the function itself to use a different language for its output. You do this by including a language code (formally called an LCID) within brackets, in this manner:

    Note that the bracketed code is within the format string, and the code itself is preceded by a dollar sign and a dash. The code is either three or four hexadecimal digits. (Actually, all LCIDs can be expressed in four hexadecimal digits, but if the leading digit is a zero, you don’t need to include it.) The example, above, shows how to express results in English, but you can pick any of a wide range of countries:

    Code Language
    0436 Afrikaans
    041C Albanian
    045E Amharic
    0401 Arabic
    042B Armenian
    044D Assamese
    082C Azeri (Cyrillic)
    042C Azeri (Latin)
    042D Basque
    0423 Belarusian
    0445 Bengali
    0402 Bulgarian
    0403 Catalan
    045C Cherokee
    0804 Chinese (Simplified)
    0404 Chinese (Traditional)
    041A Croatian
    0405 Czech
    0406 Danish
    0465 Dhivehi
    0413 Dutch
    0466 Edo
    0C09 English (Australian)
    1009 English (Canadian)
    0809 English (U.K.)
    0409 English (U.S.)
    0425 Estonian
    0438 Faeroese
    0464 Filipino
    040B Finnish
    040C French
    0C0C French (Canadian)
    0462 Frisian
    0467 Fulfulde
    0456 Galician
    0437 Georgian
    0407 German
    0C07 German (Austrian)
    0807 German (Swiss)
    0408 Greek
    0447 Gujarati
    0468 Hausa
    0475 Hawaiian
    040D Hebrew
    0439 Hindi
    040E Hungarian
    0469 Ibibio
    040F Icelandic
    0470 Igbo
    0421 Indonesian
    045D Inuktitut
    0410 Italian
    0411 Japanese
    044B Kannada
    0471 Kanuri
    0460 Kashmiri (Arabic)
    043F Kazakh
    0457 Konkani
    0412 Korean
    0440 Kyrgyz
    0476 Latin
    0426 Latvian
    0427 Lithuanian
    042F Macedonian FYROM
    043E Malay
    044C Malayalam
    043A Maltese
    0458 Manipuri
    044E Marathi
    0450 Mongolian
    0461 Nepali
    0414 Norwegian Bokmal
    0814 Norwegian Nynorsk
    0448 Oriya
    0472 Oromo
    0463 Pashto
    0429 Persian
    0415 Polish
    0416 Portuguese (Brazil)
    0816 Portuguese (Portugal)
    0446 Punjabi
    0418 Romanian
    0419 Russian
    044F Sanskrit
    0C1A Serbian (Cyrillic)
    081A Serbian (Latin)
    0459 Sindhi
    045B Sinhalese
    041B Slovak
    0424 Slovenian
    0477 Somali
    0C0A Spanish
    0441 Swahili
    041D Swedish
    045A Syriac
    0428 Tajik
    045F Tamazight (Arabic)
    085F Tamazight (Latin)
    0449 Tamil
    0444 Tatar
    044A Telugu
    041E Thai
    0873 Tigrigna (Eritrea)
    0473 Tigrigna (Ethiopia)
    041F Turkish
    0442 Turkmen
    0422 Ukrainian
    0420 Urdu
    0843 Uzbek (Cyrillic)
    0443 Uzbek (Latin)
    042A Vietnamese
    0478 Yi
    043D Yiddish
    046A Yoruba

    The inclusion of a language specifier code in your TEXT format will work in at least Excel 2002 and Excel 2003. It may work in earlier versions, as well, but hasn’t been tested.

    ExcelTips is your source for cost-effective Microsoft Excel training. This tip (3299) applies to Microsoft Excel 97, 2000, 2002, and 2003. You can find a version of this tip for the ribbon interface of Excel (Excel 2007 and later) here: Specifying a Language for the TEXT Function.

    Author Bio

    With more than 50 non-fiction books and numerous magazine articles to his credit, Allen Wyatt is an internationally recognized author. He is president of Sharon Parq Associates, a computer and publishing services company. Learn more about Allen.


    Please Note:
    This article is written for users of the following Microsoft Excel versions: 97, 2000, 2002, and 2003. If you are using a later version (Excel 2007 or later), this tip may not work for you. For a version of this tip written specifically for later versions of Excel, click here: Specifying a Language for the TEXT Function.

    Written by Allen Wyatt (last updated July 20, 2019)
    This tip applies to Excel 97, 2000, 2002, and 2003

    Mikael uses a Danish version of Excel. If he uses the TEXT function to format dates, as in TEXT(A1,»mmmm, yyyy»), the textual format returned shows the months in Danish. He would like the months returned in English instead, and wonders how he can instruct the TEXT function as to which language it should use.

    There are a couple of ways you can approach this problem. The first is applicable if you simply need to display a date (and nothing else) in a cell—simply don’t use the TEXT function. You can easily format a cell to display a date in any language; follow these steps:

    1. Select the cell (or cells) you want to format.
    2. Choose Cells from the Format menu. Excel displays the Format Cells dialog box.
    3. Make sure the Number tab is selected.
    4. Click Date at the left side of the dialog box. (See Figure 1.)
    5. Figure 1. The Number tab of the Format Cells dialog box.

    6. Using the Locale drop-down list, choose a country or region that uses the date format you want to use. In the case of Mikael’s need, picking English (United States) is a good choice. Excel modifies the date formats available to you.
    7. Select the desired date format.
    8. Click on OK.

    If you are using the TEXT worksheet function because it is part of a larger formula, then you can instruct the function itself to use a different language for its output. You do this by including a language code (formally called an LCID) within brackets, in this manner:

    =TEXT(A1,"[$-409]mmmm, yyyy")

    Note that the bracketed code is within the format string, and the code itself is preceded by a dollar sign and a dash. The code is either three or four hexadecimal digits. (Actually, all LCIDs can be expressed in four hexadecimal digits, but if the leading digit is a zero, you don’t need to include it.) The example, above, shows how to express results in English, but you can pick any of a wide range of countries:

    Code   Language
    0436   Afrikaans
    041C   Albanian
    045E   Amharic
    0401   Arabic
    042B   Armenian
    044D   Assamese
    082C   Azeri (Cyrillic)
    042C   Azeri (Latin)
    042D   Basque
    0423   Belarusian
    0445   Bengali
    0402   Bulgarian
    0403   Catalan
    045C   Cherokee
    0804   Chinese (Simplified)
    0404   Chinese (Traditional)
    041A   Croatian
    0405   Czech
    0406   Danish
    0465   Dhivehi
    0413   Dutch
    0466   Edo
    0C09   English (Australian)
    1009   English (Canadian)
    0809   English (U.K.)
    0409   English (U.S.)
    0425   Estonian
    0438   Faeroese
    0464   Filipino
    040B   Finnish
    040C   French
    0C0C   French (Canadian)
    0462   Frisian
    0467   Fulfulde
    0456   Galician
    0437   Georgian
    0407   German
    0C07   German (Austrian)
    0807   German (Swiss)
    0408   Greek
    0447   Gujarati
    0468   Hausa
    0475   Hawaiian
    040D   Hebrew
    0439   Hindi
    040E   Hungarian
    0469   Ibibio
    040F   Icelandic
    0470   Igbo
    0421   Indonesian
    045D   Inuktitut
    0410   Italian
    0411   Japanese
    044B   Kannada
    0471   Kanuri
    0460   Kashmiri (Arabic)
    043F   Kazakh
    0457   Konkani
    0412   Korean
    0440   Kyrgyz
    0476   Latin
    0426   Latvian
    0427   Lithuanian
    042F   Macedonian FYROM
    043E   Malay
    044C   Malayalam
    043A   Maltese
    0458   Manipuri
    044E   Marathi
    0450   Mongolian
    0461   Nepali
    0414   Norwegian Bokmal
    0814   Norwegian Nynorsk
    0448   Oriya
    0472   Oromo
    0463   Pashto
    0429   Persian
    0415   Polish
    0416   Portuguese (Brazil)
    0816   Portuguese (Portugal)
    0446   Punjabi
    0418   Romanian
    0419   Russian
    044F   Sanskrit
    0C1A   Serbian (Cyrillic)
    081A   Serbian (Latin)
    0459   Sindhi
    045B   Sinhalese
    041B   Slovak
    0424   Slovenian
    0477   Somali
    0C0A   Spanish
    0441   Swahili
    041D   Swedish
    045A   Syriac
    0428   Tajik
    045F   Tamazight (Arabic)
    085F   Tamazight (Latin)
    0449   Tamil
    0444   Tatar
    044A   Telugu
    041E   Thai
    0873   Tigrigna (Eritrea)
    0473   Tigrigna (Ethiopia)
    041F   Turkish
    0442   Turkmen
    0422   Ukrainian
    0420   Urdu
    0843   Uzbek (Cyrillic)
    0443   Uzbek (Latin)
    042A   Vietnamese
    0478   Yi
    043D   Yiddish
    046A   Yoruba

    The inclusion of a language specifier code in your TEXT format will work in at least Excel 2002 and Excel 2003. It may work in earlier versions, as well, but hasn’t been tested.

    ExcelTips is your source for cost-effective Microsoft Excel training.
    This tip (3299) applies to Microsoft Excel 97, 2000, 2002, and 2003. You can find a version of this tip for the ribbon interface of Excel (Excel 2007 and later) here: Specifying a Language for the TEXT Function.

    Author Bio

    With more than 50 non-fiction books and numerous magazine articles to his credit, Allen Wyatt is an internationally recognized author. He is president of Sharon Parq Associates, a computer and publishing services company. Learn more about Allen…


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    I have a date value in cell A1 and in A2 I am converting this to show only its month name with TEXT formula. My locale is Turkish but need to show the month in English. Come up with below formula which works fine on my computer.

    But when this Excel file is opened at a computer with English locale, the user sees «aaaa» in the cell because in English locale, month formatting string is «mmmm» but not «aaaa«. When I change the string to «mmmm«, then I will not able to see the month but «mmmm» string instead.

    Is there any pure-formula method to overcome this problem?


    asked May 31, 2018 at 13:31

    Hakan ERDOGAN's user avatar

    There may be a better method, but this one worked for me:


    answered May 31, 2018 at 13:42

    Scott Craner's user avatar

    Scott CranerScott Craner

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    Excel, Custom Formatting, Month Language

    Jun 12, 2015 in Custom Formatting

    If you’ve worked with dates in Excel there may be times you want to display dates in a language other than english. For example lets say you want to display the following date in german:

    Excel, Date Language
    German equivalent:

    Excel Date, German
    As previously explained in the article below you have 2 different options when working with dates in Excel:

    • Excel, Dates

    Option 1: Manually input dates using a text string.

    Option 2: Use a date value.

    If you decide to use option 1 then none of the topics discussed in this article will apply. But if you choose to use a date value (option 2) then you can specify the language the date appears using custom formatting. In the article below I’ve explained when working with custom formats in Excel, there is a language term at the beginning specified by an number, [$-409]mmmm d, yyyy;@:

    • Excel, Custom Date Formatting

    The custom formatting used in the first figure above is:

    • [$-409]mmmm d, yyyy;@

    In the expression above [$-409] represents the english language. In the second figure the custom formatting below was used:

    • [$-84]mmmm d, yyyy;@

    In the expression above [$-84] represents the german language.

    Below I have listed the result of using different numbers in the custom date format:

    Result Format Result Format
    March 1, 2013 [$-1]mmmm d, yyyy;@ март 1, 2013 [$-2]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    març 1, 2013 [$-3]mmmm d, yyyy;@ 三月 1, 2013 [$-4]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    březen 1, 2013 [$-5]mmmm d, yyyy;@ marts 1, 2013 [$-6]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    März 1, 2013 [$-7]mmmm d, yyyy;@ Μάρτιος 1, 2013 [$-8]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    March 1, 2013 [$-9]mmmm d, yyyy;@ marzo 1, 2013 [$-10]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    3月 1, 2013 [$-11]mmmm d, yyyy;@ 3월 1, 2013 [$-12]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    maart 1, 2013 [$-13]mmmm d, yyyy;@ mars 1, 2013 [$-14]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    marzec 1, 2013 [$-15]mmmm d, yyyy;@ março 1, 2013 [$-16]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    mars 1, 2013 [$-17]mmmm d, yyyy;@ martie 1, 2013 [$-18]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    Март 1, 2013 [$-19]mmmm d, yyyy;@ مارچ 1, 2013 [$-20]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    Maret 1, 2013 [$-21]mmmm d, yyyy;@ Березень 1, 2013 [$-22]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    Сакавік 1, 2013 [$-23]mmmm d, yyyy;@ marec 1, 2013 [$-24]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    märts 1, 2013 [$-25]mmmm d, yyyy;@ marts 1, 2013 [$-26]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    kovas 1, 2013 [$-27]mmmm d, yyyy;@ Март 1, 2013 [$-28]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    مارس 1, 2013 [$-29]mmmm d, yyyy;@ March 1, 2013 [$-30]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    March 1, 2013 [$-31]mmmm d, yyyy;@ Mopitloe 1, 2013 [$-32]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    March 1, 2013 [$-33]mmmm d, yyyy;@ Kwindla 1, 2013 [$-34]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    uNdasa 1, 2013 [$-35]mmmm d, yyyy;@ Maart 1, 2013 [$-36]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    მარტი 1, 2013 [$-37]mmmm d, yyyy;@ mars 1, 2013 [$-38]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    मार्च 1, 2013 [$-39]mmmm d, yyyy;@ Март 1, 2013 [$-40]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    Machi 1, 2013 [$-41]mmmm d, yyyy;@ Mart 1, 2013 [$-42]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    mart 1, 2013 [$-43]mmmm d, yyyy;@ Март 1, 2013 [$-44]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    মার্চ 1, 2013 [$-45]mmmm d, yyyy;@ ਮਾਰਚ 1, 2013 [$-46]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    માર્ચ 1, 2013 [$-47]mmmm d, yyyy;@ ମାର୍ଚ୍ଚ 1, 2013 [$-48]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    மார்ச் 1, 2013 [$-49]mmmm d, yyyy;@ 3 дугаар сар 1, 2013 [$-50]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    སྤྱི་ཟླ་གསུམ་པ། 1, 2013 [$-51]mmmm d, yyyy;@ Mawrth 1, 2013 [$-52]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    មិនា 1, 2013 [$-53]mmmm d, yyyy;@ ມີນາ 1, 2013 [$-54]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    March 1, 2013 [$-55]mmmm d, yyyy;@ marzo 1, 2013 [$-56]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    मार्च 1, 2013 [$-57]mmmm d, yyyy;@ March 1, 2013 [$-58]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    March 1, 2013 [$-59]mmmm d, yyyy;@ March 1, 2013 [$-60]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    मार्च 1, 2013 [$-61]mmmm d, yyyy;@ maart 1, 2013 [$-62]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    ورى 1, 2013 [$-63]mmmm d, yyyy;@ Marso 1, 2013 [$-64]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    މާޗް 1, 2013 [$-65]mmmm d, yyyy;@ March 1, 2013 [$-66]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    March 1, 2013 [$-67]mmmm d, yyyy;@ Maris 1, 2013 [$-68]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    March 1, 2013 [$-69]mmmm d, yyyy;@ Onwa ato 1, 2013 [$-70]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    March 1, 2013 [$-71]mmmm d, yyyy;@ March 1, 2013 [$-72]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    March 1, 2013 [$-73]mmmm d, yyyy;@ March 1, 2013 [$-74]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    March 1, 2013 [$-75]mmmm d, yyyy;@ March 1, 2013 [$-76]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    March 1, 2013 [$-77]mmmm d, yyyy;@ ꌕꆪ 1, 2013 [$-78]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    March 1, 2013 [$-79]mmmm d, yyyy;@ 3-ئاي 1, 2013 [$-80]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    Poutū-te-rangi 1, 2013 [$-81]mmmm d, yyyy;@ març 1, 2013 [$-82]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    marzu 1, 2013 [$-83]mmmm d, yyyy;@ März 1, 2013 [$-84]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    Кулун тутар 1, 2013 [$-85]mmmm d, yyyy;@ rox ik’ 1, 2013 [$-86]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    Werurwe 1, 2013 [$-87]mmmm d, yyyy;@ mars 1, 2013 [$-88]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    March 1, 2013 [$-89]mmmm d, yyyy;@ March 1, 2013 [$-90]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    Am Màrt 1, 2013 [$-91]mmmm d, yyyy;@ March 1, 2013 [$-401]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    март 1, 2013 [$-402]mmmm d, yyyy;@ març 1, 2013 [$-403]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    三月 1, 2013 [$-404]mmmm d, yyyy;@ březen 1, 2013 [$-405]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    marts 1, 2013 [$-406]mmmm d, yyyy;@ März 1, 2013 [$-407]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    Μάρτιος 1, 2013 [$-408]mmmm d, yyyy;@ March 1, 2013 [$-409]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    marzo 1, 2013 [$-410]mmmm d, yyyy;@ 3月 1, 2013 [$-411]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    3월 1, 2013 [$-412]mmmm d, yyyy;@ maart 1, 2013 [$-413]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    mars 1, 2013 [$-414]mmmm d, yyyy;@ marzec 1, 2013 [$-415]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    março 1, 2013 [$-416]mmmm d, yyyy;@ mars 1, 2013 [$-417]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    martie 1, 2013 [$-418]mmmm d, yyyy;@ Март 1, 2013 [$-419]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    مارچ 1, 2013 [$-420]mmmm d, yyyy;@ Maret 1, 2013 [$-421]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    Березень 1, 2013 [$-422]mmmm d, yyyy;@ Сакавік 1, 2013 [$-423]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    marec 1, 2013 [$-424]mmmm d, yyyy;@ märts 1, 2013 [$-425]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    marts 1, 2013 [$-426]mmmm d, yyyy;@ kovas 1, 2013 [$-427]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    Март 1, 2013 [$-428]mmmm d, yyyy;@ مارس 1, 2013 [$-429]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    Hlakubele 1, 2013 [$-430]mmmm d, yyyy;@ Nyenyankulu 1, 2013 [$-431]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    Mopitloe 1, 2013 [$-432]mmmm d, yyyy;@ Ṱhafamuhwe 1, 2013 [$-433]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    eyoKwindla 1, 2013 [$-434]mmmm d, yyyy;@ uNdasa 1, 2013 [$-435]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    Maart 1, 2013 [$-436]mmmm d, yyyy;@ მარტი 1, 2013 [$-437]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    mars 1, 2013 [$-438]mmmm d, yyyy;@ मार्च 1, 2013 [$-439]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    Март 1, 2013 [$-440]mmmm d, yyyy;@ Machi 1, 2013 [$-441]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    Nowruz 1, 2013 [$-442]mmmm d, yyyy;@ mart 1, 2013 [$-443]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    Март 1, 2013 [$-444]mmmm d, yyyy;@ মার্চ 1, 2013 [$-445]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    ਮਾਰਚ 1, 2013 [$-446]mmmm d, yyyy;@ માર્ચ 1, 2013 [$-447]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    ମାର୍ଛ୍ 1, 2013 [$-448]mmmm d, yyyy;@ மார்ச் 1, 2013 [$-449]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    3 дугаар сар 1, 2013 [$-450]mmmm d, yyyy;@ སྤྱི་ཟླ་གསུམ་པ། 1, 2013 [$-451]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    Mawrth 1, 2013 [$-452]mmmm d, yyyy;@ មិនា 1, 2013 [$-453]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    ມີນາ 1, 2013 [$-454]mmmm d, yyyy;@ မတ် 1, 2013 [$-455]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    marzo 1, 2013 [$-456]mmmm d, yyyy;@ मार्च 1, 2013 [$-457]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    লমদা 1, 2013 [$-458]mmmm d, yyyy;@ मारच 1, 2013 [$-459]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    مارس 1, 2013 [$-460]mmmm d, yyyy;@ मार्च 1, 2013 [$-461]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    maart 1, 2013 [$-462]mmmm d, yyyy;@ مارچ 1, 2013 [$-463]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    Marso 1, 2013 [$-464]mmmm d, yyyy;@ މާޗް 1, 2013 [$-465]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    March 1, 2013 [$-466]mmmm d, yyyy;@ March 1, 2013 [$-467]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    Maris 1, 2013 [$-468]mmmm d, yyyy;@ March 1, 2013 [$-469]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    Onwa ato 1, 2013 [$-470]mmmm d, yyyy;@ March 1, 2013 [$-471]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    Bitooteessa 1, 2013 [$-472]mmmm d, yyyy;@ መጋቢት 1, 2013 [$-473]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    jasyapy 1, 2013 [$-474]mmmm d, yyyy;@ March 1, 2013 [$-475]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    Martius 1, 2013 [$-476]mmmm d, yyyy;@ Bisha Saddexaad 1, 2013 [$-477]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    ꌕꆪ 1, 2013 [$-478]mmmm d, yyyy;@ maart 1, 2013 [$-479]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    مارت 1, 2013 [$-480]mmmm d, yyyy;@ Poutū-te-rangi 1, 2013 [$-481]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    març 1, 2013 [$-482]mmmm d, yyyy;@ marzu 1, 2013 [$-483]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    März 1, 2013 [$-484]mmmm d, yyyy;@ Кулун тутар 1, 2013 [$-485]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    rox ik’ 1, 2013 [$-486]mmmm d, yyyy;@ Werurwe 1, 2013 [$-487]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    mars 1, 2013 [$-488]mmmm d, yyyy;@ March 1, 2013 [$-489]mmmm d, yyyy;@
    March 1, 2013 [$-490]mmmm d, yyyy;@ Am Màrt 1, 2013 [$-491]mmmm d, yyyy;@

    I probably wasn’t able to produce all the languages on my system, but you can use the application below to find the number matching the language you are looking for:

    Excel, Date Language Finder
    By pressing the next button a new set of custom formats will be displayed. If the date displayed in column A is in the correct language then you will know you’ve found the correct format:

    Excel, Date Language Finder, Next Button

    File and code related to article:

    • Download link

    See also:

    • Excel, Dates
    • Excel, Custom Formatting, Month Language
    • Excel, Custom Formatting Semicolon Character
    • Excel Custom Formatting, @ Character
    • Excel, Custom Date Formatting

    If you need assistance with your code, or you are looking for a VBA programmer to hire feel free to contact me. Also please visit my website  www.software-solutions-online.com

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