Excel and access jobs

Microsoft Access

Доработать существующую базу данных. Нужен программист MS Access/VBA топового уровня, если сработаемся, будет достаточно много работы. Доработка существующих программ, автоматизация. программы очень разные, но все ОЧЕНЬ СЛОЖНЫЕ. нужно хотя бы 10 лет опыта только в аксессе. также нужен хотя бы базовый английский, все поля и таблицы и переменные должны быть по английски, предоставлю доступ к компьютеру с английским аксессом все будем вместе обсуждать, придумывать как лучше сделать. у меня упор на то, чтобы пользователю приходилось кликать и думать как можно меньше и глубокая проработка деталей и внешнего вида программ. нужен человек, которого это не будет напрягать и у которого достаточно терпения на «вылизывание» программ. оплата почасовая. Что нужно ещё: разработать пользовательский интерфейс, интегрировать базу данных с другими системами.





Microsoft Access


от 500.00 руб.

Разработать базу данных с нуля. Это задание в университете, я скину все материалы и нужно будет создать эту базу данных, она небольшая.





Microsoft Access


от 300.00 руб.

Создание запросов на основе базы данных. Выполнить задание в Access. Необходимо создать несколько разных запросов по имеющимся базам данных.





Microsoft Access

Разработать базу данных с нуля. «Информационная система для автоматизации учета технического обслуживания газобаллонного оборудования (ГБО) автотранспортных средств» ИС должна содержать следующую информацию: * Сведения о ГБО (производитель, технические характеристики и т.д.). * Сведения о стоимости установки ГБО на различные марки автомобилей (марка автомобиля, количество цилиндров, объем баллона, цена и т.д.) * Сведения о стоимости технического осмотра на различные модели ГБО (модель ГБО, цена и т.д.) Установка * Сведения о транспортных средствах, которым было установлено ГБО (марка автомобиля, ФИО владельца, дата установки ГБО, оплаченная сумма и т.д.) * Сведения обо всех зарегистрированных в регионе автомобилях, имеющих ГБО (марка автомобиля, год выпуска, государственный номер, ФИО владельца, дата постановки на учет и т.д.) Владельцы * Сведения о транспортных средствах, которые проходят текущий осмотр ГБО (марка автомобиля, ФИО владельца, дата прохождения техосмотра ГБО, факт прохождения, оплаченная сумма и т.д.) ИС должна обеспечивать выполнение следующих функций (основных и дополнительных): * Ввод, удаление и редактирование той или иной информации, с возможностью автоматизации (подстановок из других таблиц, фиксированных наборов данных и т.д.) и входного контроля от некорректных действий. * Резервное копирование информационных баз по желанию пользователя (только администратора). * Осуществлять поиск по разнообразным признакам (не менее одного в каждой из информационных категорий, например, гос. номеру автомобиля и т.д.). * Осуществлять сортировку по различным признакам (не менее одного в каждой из информационных категорий, например, по марке автомобиля и т.д.). * Выдача списка всех автомобилей и их владельцев, которые должны пройти техосмотр ГБО в текущем месяце. Организовать возможность вывода списка в MSWord (или MSExcel). * Выдача списка всех автомобилей и их владельцев, которые не прошли вовремя техосмотр ГБО на текущий момент времени. * Выводить «исторические» сведения о том, сколько стоила установка ГБО в заданный пользователем момент времени. * Формировать статистические расчеты о прохождении техосмотра ГБО (в количественном и стоимостном выражении) за заданный промежуток времени. Организовать возможность печати статистических расчетов. * Формировать статистические расчеты об установленном ГБО (в количественном и стоимостном выражении) за заданный промежуток времени. Организовать возможность печати статистических расчетов.





Microsoft Access

Консультировать/обучать удаленно создавать и работать в MS Access. Ищу наставника, который поможет разобраться в работе MS Access: создание базы данных, связи таблиц, ввод данных, обработка данных, создание базы для нескольких клиентов с разным уровнем доступа к вводу, изменению, удалению информации; взаимодействие с Excel, Power BI; обновление данных через скачивание информации из интернета, автоматизация задач в Access. Что нужно ещё: провести инструктаж и обучить пользователей. Общение удаленно через Zoom, Teams, etc.





Microsoft Access

Разработать базу данных с нуля. Необходимо сделать карту течения анестезии. В данной карте отображаются параметры пациента во время течения анестезии (давление, пульс, чдд, параметры дыхания). Отображается что, когда, куда и в какой дозе вводили пациенту во время анестезии. Отображаются ходы операции и этапы анестезии. Отображаются данные пациента (Фио, возраст, номер медкарты, рост, вес, аллергии, группа крови и резус-фактор), отображаются метод анестезии, положение пациента на операционном столе. Пример карты утвердил департамент Москвы — можно для примера посмотреть в интернете. Примеры карт.





Microsoft Access


от 1000.00 руб.

Разработать базу данных с нуля. Имеются годовые планы набот на учебный год по по различной тематике (Пожарная безопасность, Детский дорожно транспортный травматизм, Охрана труда и т.д.). Документы в Ворде. Есть необходимость весь данный материал преобразовать (совместить) в общую базу данных, для более наглядной и оперативной работы. Что нужно ещё: поддержка и сопровождение. Оплата обсуждается при детальном рассмотрении данной заявки. Готов к дальнейшему сотрудничеству по наполнению исходной базы новыми пакетами данных.





Microsoft Access

Разработать базу данных с нуля. Разработать структуру базы данных для хранения необходимой информации. Что нужно ещё: поддержка и сопровождение.





Microsoft Access

Разработать базу данных с нуля. Сделать БД по заданию. примитивную, для зачёта. задание есть. Что нужно ещё: бд для зачета.





Microsoft Access

Доработать существующую базу данных. Сделать бэйджики на конференцию (всего 5 имен) и научить делать меня. Дело пяти минут для знающего человека, но я в этой программе пока плохо разбираюсь. Что нужно ещё: провести инструктаж и обучить пользователей, поддержка и сопровождение.





Microsoft Access

Разработать базу данных с нуля. Домашнее задание сделать простую базу данных на основе вводных представленных в задаче. Текст задачи вышлю в ответном сообщении на отклик.





Microsoft Access

Разработать базу данных с нуля. Учусь в РГУП, требуют уметь создавать базы данных, есть учебник В.Т. Королев. Что нужно ещё: поддержка и сопровождение.





Microsoft Access

Ответы на вопросы, помощь в решении проблем. Учусь создавать базы данных в Access. Уже имею одну базу с которой работаю (создала сама). Периодически появляются вопросы, на которые я устала искать ответы в интернете. Готова проплатить месяц консультаций. Прошу разумную цену, так как деньги трачу свои. Вопросы буду задавать онлайн. Присутствие не нужно. Что нужно ещё: поддержка и сопровождение.





Microsoft Access


от 50000.00 руб.

Доработать существующую базу данных. Имеются две базы на основе Access для торговли в одной небольшой фирме, необходимо их доработать применительно для фирмы, ставшей более крупной у которой появились филиалы и обособленные подразделения. Что нужно ещё: поддержка и сопровождение, провести инструктаж и обучить пользователей, разработать пользовательский интерфейс.





Microsoft Access

Разработать базу данных с нуля. Система учета хода реализации мелких договоров. Что нужно ещё: поддержка и сопровождение, разработать пользовательский интерфейс.





Microsoft Access

Разработать базу данных с нуля. Необходимо создать базу данных для нутрициолога для написания программ питания. должны быть созданы условия для создания параметров (каллораж, белки, жиры, углеводы). Вкладки для завтрака, обеда, ужина. где удобно будет выбирать из списка продуктов всё что необходимо. поле для описания приготовления. Также должны быть отчёты, у которых возможны разные шаблоны формирования ( от полного меню с рецептами, до просто списка блюд с КБЖУ). Что нужно ещё: поддержка и сопровождение.





Microsoft Access

научить. Создать базу со связанными таблицами — разделами сайта, при изменении состава одной таблицы — изменение остальных Таблицы выгружаются из эксель- один файл — каждая таблица на отдельном листе нужно чтобы при добавлении новых данных из таблицы эксель, они распределялись по соответствующим таблицам, согласно поля, которое в эксель может быть как перечисление через точку с запятой и возможен вариант как поле список в эксель.





Microsoft Access


от 1500.00 руб.

Доработать существующую базу данных. Разработка БД.





Microsoft Access

Доработать существующую базу данных. Система Microsoft Dynamics AX. Добавлены таблицы Деталей, Каталогов и Товаров. Таблица Товаров связана со штатной таблицей Номенклатур 1:1 , фактически являясь ее продолжением. Таблица Деталей связана с таблицей Товаров 1:n. Таблица Каталогов связана с таблицей Товаров 1:n. Все перечисленные таблицы имеют : — ряд общих полей (например, код Детали присутствует во всех таблицах), — поля, значения которых формируются на основании значений полей из других таблиц Например, при изменении определенного признака в Каталоге должны быть изменены значения ряда полей в Товарах и Деталях. Требуется: — разработать быструю(!) синхронизацию данных по всем связанным таблицам при изменении любого (влияющего на значения других полей) поля любой таблицы; — разработать функционал по массовому переносу товара из детали в деталь (учитывая все связанные таблицы); — разработать функционал связывания нескольких товаров в один (при этом по номенклатуре может быть движение, необходимо использовать renamePrimaryKey с дополнительными модификациями) — разработать функционал импорта (из excel) деталей, товаров, изменения связей между ними и т.п. Что нужно ещё: интегрировать базу данных с другими системами, поддержка и сопровождение.





Microsoft Access

Доработать существующую базу данных. Нужен программист топового уровня, если сработаемся, будет достаточно много работы. Доработка существующих программ, автоматизация. Я сама пишу программы, я их продумываю, мне нужна помощь, просто не успеваю. Работа вся срочная. Excel/vba большой плюс. Так же плюс если умеете scrape с сайтов, не знаю как это называется по русски. Что нужно ещё: разработать пользовательский интерфейс.





Microsoft Access

Подключить базу access на сайт. Узнать, возможно ли внедрить базу данных access на сайт. Что нужно ещё: провести инструктаж и обучить пользователей, интегрировать базу данных с другими системами. Просто рассказать, возможна ли задача и если возможно, то показать как это сделать.





Microsoft Access

Информационные системы в экономике. Три этапа моделирования 1. Функциональная модель в методологии IDEF0. 2. Семантическая модель «сущность-связь» в нотации П.Чена ERD 3. Даталогическая модель для реализации в СУБД Access 1 Создать диаграмму в строгом соответствии с требованиями методологии IDEF0 как лично вы готовились и сдавали ЕГЭ. 2 Диаграмма должна содержать: контекстную диаграмму (А0), декомпозицию первого уровня (блоки А1…А6) и декомпозицию второго уровня любых трех блоков (например, получится еще три диаграммы, одна из которых с блоками А31…А36). Итого у вас получится 5 схем 5. Сеть магазинов Минимальный список характеристик: Номер, ФИО, адрес, телефон владельца магазина, размер вклада в магазин, номер регистрации, дата регистрации; номер, название, адрес и телефон магазина, уставной капитал, профиль; номер, ФИО, адрес, телефон поставщика, а также стоимость поставки данного поставщика в данный магазин. Один и тот же магазин может иметь несколько владельцев и один и тот же владелец может иметь в собственности много магазинов. Примечание: профиль — продуктовый, галантерейный, канцелярский и т.п. Выборки: Определить самого молодого предпринимателя, владеющего собственностью в районе ‘Киевский’. Определить случаи, когда регистрировалось владение лицами, не достигшими 18 лет. Определить случаи, когда больше 50% уставного капитала магазина внесено предпринимателем, проживающим в другом районе. Вывести список профилей магазинов, которыми владеет предприниматель ‘Кузнецов’ в порядке убывания вложенного в них капитала По индивид. Плану.





Microsoft Access

Доработать существующую базу данных. Делаю лабораторные работы и в некоторых моментах не получается доделать задание до конца. Что нужно ещё: Помочь с лабой.





Microsoft Access

Доработать существующую базу данных. Создание форм, кнопок с помощью Vba. +sql. Что нужно ещё: разработать пользовательский интерфейс.





Microsoft Access


от 500.00 руб.

Доработать существующую базу данных. Microsoft Access нужно добавить пару строк.





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    I am looking for an experienced C Developer to help with a project that involves both MIPS and DOCKER programming. The developer should have experience both with MIPS and DOCKER and be comfortable working remotely. The main responsibility of the developer is to create code and develop functionality while ensuring that the product meets performance and quality expectations. Code maintenance and bug fixing may be required as well.

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    — Advanced knowledge of Excel
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    — Experience with data manipulation and analysis

    If you are interested in this project, please provide examples of previous Excel Automation work you have done.

    Dear Freelan…plan (means payment before completion) I want to create a dynamic Excel calculation with flexible payment terms. I have a static one, but its not comfortable as a lot of calculation have to be done by hand.

    The Payment plan details should be editable. Some payment plans have 5 payments, some have 20! It should be adjustable as to needs.

    Some payment plans are even post-handover, means on handover you will only pay a fraction of the money.

    Then it should be able to calculate the appreciation based on a linar and one time gain.

    Please make only a bid if you have done something like that before. I am sending the old version that needs to be «smart». After the bid we can go through it in an online meeting (screen sharing) and I can tell you al…

    …We are seeking a results-driven and experienced salesperson to join our team and help us grow the sales of our U.S.-based media company called
    (we have both an online media company as well as a print publication called Do Some Good).

    The ideal candidate should have a strong background in sales, excellent communication skills, and a passion for media and advertising.
    Build and maintain relationships with potential clients to generate sales revenue for both our online and print media brands.
    Develop and implement effective sales strategies to achieve revenue targets.
    Analyze market trends and customer needs to identify new sales opportunities.
    Work closely with the editorial team to understand our content and

    Data Entry for existing business
    I need someone to help me with data input and organization. The ideal candidate should have experience in data management and be able to work with large sets of data. The final output should be delivered in an Excel spreadsheet format.
    Skills and Experience needed:
    — Proficiency in Microsoft Excel
    — Excellent data entry skills
    — Attention to detail
    — Ability to work with large sets of data
    — Experience in data management and organization

    I am looking for a skilled developer to create a word puzzle game for my mobile site. The game is primarily targeted towards adults and should be of moderate difficulty. The ideal candidate should have experience in developing word puzzle games, and be able to provide examples of previous work. The game should be visually appealing with high-quality graphics and animations. The ideal skills and experience for this job include:
    — Strong knowledge of game development for mobile devices
    — Proficiency in programming languages such as Java or C++
    — Experience with game engines such as Unity or Unreal Engine
    — Ability to create engaging gameplay mechanics and user interfaces
    — Knowledge of mobile app monetization strategies, such as in-app purchases or a…

    I am setting up a mortgage lender and need someone to build a data collection template and engine to power the data dasboard I have created. It will need to deal with up to 200 loans and will need to be able to calculate basis metrics like outstanding accrued balance, forward interest collections, weighted IRR, weighted loan returns etc. I need a simple data sheet where I can input new loans, change status (by drop down menu) when loans are repaid etc that powers the data sheet.

    Super important that anyone interest in this work has experience of financial services modelling and can share with me examples of previous work.

    I expect someone with the correct skills will not need more than 2 — 3 hours to complete the task and debug.

    …conducting a site visit to ensure that we provide reliable and accurate information to our client.

    • Conduct basic verification with the subject company’s authorized representative, such as line of business, key executives’ name, etc.
    • Take pictures of the subject company and its vicinity, as per Confirmis’ standard operating guidelines.
    • Provide observation about the company to gauge activeness, e.g., staff working at the premise, loading/unloading of goods, etc.

    • Must be living in Pekanbaru, Indonesia
    • Has a camera or phone/tablet of quality with a camera, internet access

    Please see the attached file for the site visit guideline. You are only required to deliver the pictures…


    We are a small business in need of some web design changes to our current website. We’re looking for a skilled web…a skilled web designer who can help us with the following:

    Remove the «free consultation» text from our website.
    Make our menu smaller and easier to navigate.
    Change the banner photo on our homepage to something more fitting for our business.
    Move the menu to the right of the page.
    Add our company name to the menubar to the left of the page.
    Make the footer smaller and less intrusive.
    Make the «About Us» menu collapsible for better navigation.
    Change the picture background on our website to something more appealing.
    Move the review widget down to the bottom of the page.
    Add a floating «book consultation» button for easier

    Program something non python with an interface I can use

    …conducting a site visit to ensure that we provide reliable and accurate information to our client.

    • Conduct basic verification with the subject company’s authorized representative, such as line of business, key executives’ name, etc.
    • Take pictures of the subject company and its vicinity, as per Confirmis’ standard operating guidelines.
    • Provide observation about the company to gauge activeness, e.g., staff working at the premise, loading/unloading of goods, etc.

    • Must be living in Ketapang, Indonesia
    • Has a camera or phone/tablet of quality with a camera, internet access

    Please see the attached file for the site visit guideline. You are only required to deliver the pictures,…


    I am looking for a mobile card game, similar to blackjack, but with different rules. I have a clear idea of the game mechanics and rules, but I need a developer to bring it to life. The game should be developed for both iOS and Android platforms. Ideal skills and experience for this project include:
    — Mobile game development
    — Experience with card games or casino games
    — Proficiency in programming languages such as Java, Objective-C, or Swift
    — Understanding of mobile app design and user interface
    — Ability to deliver a high-quality, polished product within a reasonable timeframe.

    I am looking for someone to help me with a data scrapping project. I need someone who can access an online database and retrieve data for me. The type of data I need is solely textual, and the output that I need should be formatted in CSV. I am open to suggestions on the best technology to use for this. Please be sure to include all relevant experience you have with data scrapping projects when applying for this position. Thank you.


    i need an expert in One Note, Excel for help me organize a bunch of informations, create excel table with formula, need advice and help. you will try to take hand on my computer directly or jjust send me a template or homemade files.

    I am looking for someone proficient in RStudio to help me with 1…with 14 small tasks. The PDF file attached explains the data source. The Excel file is the raw data, and the R file has my notes, and some code starts. It has to be in a specific format, %>% for the pipe.

    I would really like to understand the process of each line, NOT just get the answer.
    Some of the answers are in the R file but we need the code to get that answer.

    We cant rearrange dataframe outputs unless specified by the question.
    rm(list = ls()) has to be first line of code.
    Use dplyr functions for all of the questions where possible.
    Do not create multiple copies of the BRFSS dataset in the script.
    Round all float/dbl values to two decimal places unless indicated otherwise.
    Also, please don&#…

    …created a excel/googel spreadsheets program analysing +100 trading strategies + 20 assets,
    Data consists of +10k buy/sells.

    Input: Strategy, Asset, date, time, buy/sell, qty.

    From there I’m analysing +30 KPIs, financial formulas, multiple charts (equity curve, rolling KPIS ex risk, profitability, max gain), I want to further add new features and display them in a report of +40 pages that updates automatically.

    (You do not need financial formulas/trading experience) only good at solving math and creating custom formulas/programs. I have a degree in enginering and management and will help you find solutions and formulas when stuck, (available daily if needed). You need to be a good developer though, flexible to collaborate on my preferenc…

    We have a team of C# .NET developers but we are currently seeking a C++ developer to make some minor changes to an open source Windows C++ desktop application project.

    The program does not have an API interface, we would like to add this. There C++ libra…currently seeking a C++ developer to make some minor changes to an open source Windows C++ desktop application project.

    The program does not have an API interface, we would like to add this. There C++ libraries available that offer this functionality. Then we will want the program to connect our web API and based on certain events we want the C++ application to query our web API and then display the results in the C++ interface. You should be familiar with Windows C++ applications and programming as well a…

    We are looking for an experienced software engineer to help us integrate the API of two popular food-ordering websites, Swiggy and Zomato. Our goal is to have a full API integration, so we need a proficient developer who can help us with the authentication parameters and ensure that our system can access the required data. Specifically, we need to use the API to extract restaurant information. We hope to find someone who is knowledgeable in API integration, familiar with these two food ordering websites, and has experience with authentication parameters. If you think this assignment is a good fit for you, please don’t hesitate to apply with your portfolio and qualifications. We look forward to hearing from you.

    I am looking for an experienced programmer to help create a self learning poker AI in C++. The AI should be able to recognise and play up to three (3) poker variants. The programming language of choice for this project is C++ or in unreal blueprints. I require that the AI have a beginner-level of complexity. If you have the expertise to help create this AI, I’d love to work with you. Thank you for your time and consideration.

    I am creating a lock opening…Raspberry Pi should verify the code’s validity and, if confirmed, notify the admin.

    To enhance the system’s security, please add a database to store both the admin contact information and all temporary codes generated by the system. This database should help us quickly communicate with the right people in case of a security breach or emergency and make it easier to manage and monitor access to the lock.

    In summary, please create a lock opening system that provides a secure and efficient way to grant access to authorized users while giving administrators greater control and oversight. The database should store both admin contact information and temporary codes generated by the system, e…

    Hello all,

    I would like someone to create a python script to get data from 1 table in Snowflake and write data into excel
    and then to perform some basic data analysis in excel.

    Needs to be completed soon.
    All development will be done on your end.

    Max pay 60 usd

    I am in need of a web scrapper and excel developer to help with a project I have. The project requires the extraction of text from websites, the presentation of the data in an Excel spreadsheet and analysis of the data. Additionally, I’d like any images, links and other relevant information that can be found on the websites included in the scraped output.

    I understand this project is a unique one but I am confident that there is someone who can meet my needs. I am open to working with individual or team of freelancers, as long as they are experienced, have good communication skills and can ensure my project is done on time. If you have experience with web scraping, developing data solutions and have the background to analyze the scrap…

    Hi Josphine K., I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.

    Seeking a skilled full-stack web develo…Knack to build a web app that allows users to manage multiple campaigns with custom display criteria and integrate it with a QR code generator API, as well as a CDN for image app will have both the user dashboard and admin panel,

    The user dashboard will allow for campaign creation and management, including image upload, selection of display criteria, and QR code generation, and campaign progress.

    The admin panel will enable the creation of accounts for multiple users.

    The developer should have proven experience building scalable web applications, strong proficiency in programming languages such as JavaScript, Python, and/or Ruby, familiarity with cloud-based storage solutions and CDNs, as…


    …Web, IOS and Android platforms.

    My project is 100% similar to the following link «», no need to Reinvent the wheel. Please subscribe for free and study this website very well.

    * Users types:
    — Assets management office: its company that has assets or managing assets for individual owners and providing services like rent resale.
    — Owner: company or person that has his own assets and managing he is assets by him self.
    — Clients: any one how is looking for services or should be informed by office or owners when his contract with them.
    — supplier: suppling owners and clients on ( Contracting works, commercial and logistic services )

    * We are looking to improve following:
    — Friendly landing page showing flowing information’…


    I am looking for an experienced programmer who is comfortable with designing and implementing an Intrusion Detection System that uses both Snort and Suricata. This largely involves the integration of Snort and Suricata with existing systems and ensuring a secure implementation.

    The aim here is to design a system which can detect any intrusion or malicious activity on existing networks. This system should be able to analyze incoming data to ensure that all operations listed in the security policy are implemented properly and no unauthorized data access, activities, or services are being conducted. Additionally, the system must be configured to alert the security team of any malicious activity and help them take appropriate action in these s…


    Looking for a Rust developer with experience in developing on Mac OS to assist with compiling a Rust project. The freelancer must have access to a Mac OS developer environment to complete the task successfully!

    The project can be built and run successfully using the command ‘cargo build —release —target aarch64-apple-ios’,

    And all necessary steps have been followed, including ‘rustup target add aarch64-apple-ios x86_64-apple-ios’.

    However, building with the command ‘cargo build —release —target x86_64-apple-ios’ results in an error.

    Assistance is required to successfully build the project for x86_64-apple-ios.

    The budget for the compilation part of the project is a maximum of $80. After this task is complete, there will be add…

    $201 / hr

    Avg Bid

    11 bids

    I am looking for a freelancer who can help me merge and fix 6000 Outlook contacts. The main issue with the contacts is duplicate entries. My preferred method for verifying current contact information is through manual research . I would like the final contact list to be in an Excel spreadsheet format.

    Ideal Skills and Experience:
    — Proficiency in Microsoft Outlook and Excel
    — Experience with managing and organizing large sets of data
    — Attention to detail to ensure accuracy in merging and fixing contacts
    — Ability to conduct manual research to verify contact information.

    I am seeking a freelancer with expertise in VBA to create an automated report generator for data analysis purposes using Microsoft Excel. The ideal candidate should have experience in statistical analysis and be able to integrate custom formulas as needed. The report generator should be compatible with Microsoft Excel and must be user-friendly for non-technical individuals.

    I am in need of a freelancer who can create a pricing comparison chart between two companies using Excel. The data that will be provided is summarized data. As for the format or layout of the chart, I am open to suggestions. There are only 1-3 variables or factors that need to be compared.

    Ideal Skills and experience:
    — Extensive knowledge in Excel and creating charts
    — Experience in analyzing and summarizing data
    — Attention to detail and ability to create a visually appealing chart

    i have some files which i need to some to help me to marg in one format the company format is with me , almost 5 file need to be marg into one format plus i have some extra names which need to be add that format as wall , The format in three sheet in sheet 2 we have to work on it , depending my company instruction maybe i need some to work in three sheets too , It may not take more …which i need to some to help me to marg in one format the company format is with me , almost 5 file need to be marg into one format plus i have some extra names which need to be add that format as wall , The format in three sheet in sheet 2 we have to work on it , depending my company instruction maybe i need some to work in three sheets too , It may not take more then 40 mint to finish its simple and

    Deploy Smart Contract on Polygon Mainnet Network for Token Creation using Solidity

    The client is looking for a developer who can dep…client is looking for a developer who can deploy a smart contract on the Polygon Mainnet Network. The purpose of the smart contract is for token creation, and the client has a preference for Solidity programming language. The client did not specify any specific token features, so the developer can use their discretion.

    Ideal skills and experience for the job:

    — Strong experience in deploying smart contracts on the Polygon Mainnet Network
    — Proficiency in Solidity programming language
    — Knowledge of token standards and best practices
    — Experience in creating and deploying ERC-20 tokens
    — Familiarity with burnable…

    A new program of existing system of crane (lifting and travel on 11 stations)
    A back up of the original program for the PLC exist
    A backup image (), memory card backup, and pro save backup exist for the HMI
    Basically we need to reverse engineer the HMI project to modify the HMI program
    (back transfer was not activated, original HMI project files are not available)
    Electrical schematics are available
    Blocks know how protection is removed

    As a freelancer, I am looking for an experienced BrightSign programmer to help me with a project I am working on. It requires programming in the BrightSign Experience Protocol in order to create videos and other content. Additionally, there may be a need for an artificial intelligence (AI) component, but I’m not sure – so I’m seeking someone with appropriate experience in case that becomes necessary. I look forward to hearing from anyone who is an experienced BrightSign programmer and is interested in taking on this project! Thank you.

    Rocket League RLBOT that can perform both offensive and defensive plays, using Python programming language. The level of customization required is advanced, which means that the ideal freelancer for this job should have experience in:
    — Python programming language
    — Artificial Intelligence and machine learning
    — Rocket League game mechanics and strategies
    — Custom game physics and car control
    — Integration with Twitch and other streaming platforms.

    The code needs to be scripts that can be copied into the src folder in RLBot enviroment. The bot needs to have advanced ability in aerial play, dribbling, defense and shooting. Ideally to the level where it can outperform some of the best bots available.

    I’m looking for an AI text to speech video solution developer who can create a web-based platform from that can generate highly realistic and human-like voices for different category contents such as social media, educational, marketing, and entertainment. The ideal candidate should have experience in developing AI solutions and be knowledgeable in creating web-based platforms. The project requires highly customized text-to-speech voices to ensure a more engaging and immersive experience for the users.


    Strong expertise in Saas based software development.

    Expertise in Paython, Java or Java script programming.

    Understanding of ai concepts and experience with machine learning frameworks, such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, or scikit-le…

    Hello Everyone,
    I’m looking for data entry work and copy paste work. and I have almost 6months of experience as form filling data entry operator including copy paste work. If given a chance, I assure you that I will prove myself as an asset to your work.
    only for indians

    Delaunay triangulation using Python with efficient programming

    We are a small non-profit that is moving into digital acquisition and needing to find a specialist that can help program Constituent Marketing Journey for this campaign within Dynamics 365. A general Dynamics 365 specialist would specifically need to have knowledge of the marketing module of 365 and these constituent journeys in order to fulfill the brief.

    I’m looking for an experienced and qualified programmer to help me with an XV6 programming and OS project using C. It needs to be completed in less than a week, so the timeline is very tight. The project requires experience with both C and C++, as well as a solid understanding of operating system programming and development in XV6. If you think you have the necessary skills and experience, I’d love to hear from you!

    This role requires you to make phone calls resourcing and getting availability of doctors in the UK.

    This will be monitored and calls will be recorded.

    Access to a call making software will be given.


    Is Microsoft Excel good for freelancing?

    Yes, Microsoft Excel is a valuable skill for freelancers as it is widely used across industries for data management and analysis.

    Can I earn money through Excel?

    Yes, you can earn money through Excel by offering your services as an Excel expert, creating and selling Excel templates or tools, or using Excel to manage and analyze data for a business or organization.

    Is Excel a high-demand skill?

    Yes, Excel is a high demand skill as it is used extensively in many industries for data management and analysis.

    What skills do you need to be a freelancer in Excel?

    To be a successful freelance Excel expert, you should have strong skills in data analysis, formula and function creation, data visualization, and project management.

    How do I get freelance work on Excel?

    You can find freelance work on Excel by searching for projects on job boards, bidding on relevant projects, or creating a profile on freelance marketplaces like Truelancer.

    How do I create a tracking database in Excel?

    To create a tracking database in Excel, you can start by creating a table with relevant columns and rows, setting up data validation, creating formulas for calculations, and using conditional formatting to highlight important information.

    How do I create a KPI tracker in Excel?

    To create a KPI tracker in Excel, you can start by identifying the key performance indicators (KPIs) for your project or business, creating a dashboard with charts and graphs to visualize the data, and setting up formulas and calculations to track progress.

    How do you prove you are good at Excel?

    You can prove your skills in Excel by showcasing your experience and qualifications on your resume or portfolio, completing relevant certifications or courses, and providing examples of past Excel projects or work.

    Jobs that use Excel are becoming more popular with the rise of technology and online work. Proficiency in this software guarantees a pathway to the highest-paying jobs, even for employees without a degree. Read below to learn about the best jobs that use Excel and how to start a career with this software. 

    What Is Excel?

    Excel is one of the main components of the Microsoft Office suite software. It is a spreadsheet application, similar to Google Sheets, built and published by Microsoft for Windows, Android, macOS, and iOS. This powerful program uses spreadsheets to organize data and numbers with functions and formulas.

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    For the past three decades, Microsoft Excel has grown in popularity. This is primarily due to its versatility and ease of use. These spreadsheets can map even the most complex data into organized rows and columns. With Excel, you can also make charts and plan presentations. 

    Is Excel in High Demand?

    Yes, Excel is in high demand. According to a report from Statista, around 731,000 companies in the US use Microsoft Office as of June 2021. This number grows even larger when considering companies worldwide. Since so many organizations use Excel and other Microsoft software, hiring managers always look for Excel skills on new resumes.

    Types of Excel Jobs

    Microsoft Excel is a powerful tool in many professions. Dozens of common tasks can easily be automated with Excel, which makes it an asset for job seekers. You can use this spreadsheet’s user-friendly and straightforward interface for almost anything. The types of jobs below make particular use of Excel.

    Analyst Jobs

    Analysts compile, interpret, and apply complex data to actionable steps. Since analysts deal with extensive data daily, the slightest hiccup can have consequences. Excel helps analysts organize data and interpret their findings. These experts include data analysts, business analysts, financial analysts, performance analysts, and human resources analysts.

    Accounting Jobs

    Accounting departments keep up with financial statements, monitor cash flow, submit tax returns, and tender expense reports. Documenting these numbers in an organized manner requires experience with spreadsheets. Adequate knowledge of the Excel formula function will also help accounting professionals to perform calculations within a spreadsheet. 

    Administrative Jobs

    Spreadsheet skills are baseline computer skills that come in handy for administration managers and their assistants. They make the most of basic formulas to prepare reports, manage records, schedule appointments, and organize documents. These routine tasks are fundamental to the smooth operation of businesses.

    How to Establish a Career in Excel

    There are many diverse job opportunities that require Excel skills. However, you need to do more than just learn Excel to succeed. The steps below will help prepare you to start one of the best jobs that use Excel.

    1. Identify your career path. Since different types of jobs require spreadsheet knowledge, it is crucial to identify your area of specialty. From this, you can learn if you need to study basic spreadsheets or seek advanced knowledge in Excel.
    2. Identify your Excel skills. If you do not know spreadsheets already, you can learn through Excel projects or coding bootcamps. However, if you are already proficient, you can work on tailoring your data entry skills to your career choice. 
    3. Consult experts. There’s no better way to understand a concept than by interacting with experts. Online courses and resources are good starting points. You can gain insight from teachers and mentors on establishing your career with Excel. 
    4. Be confident. It might take a while to become an experienced Excel user, but that doesn’t mean you can’t succeed. Be confident in the skills you already possess and start with them. No matter what you do, you will keep learning on the job.
    5. Gain mastery. Once you know the basics, it is time to become the expert that beginners can consult. You should continue to hone your skills to thrive in the field and get high-paying jobs.

    The 15 Best Jobs That Use Excel

    A specialist giving a presentation on Excel. Jobs That Use Excel

    Excel is used by project managers, administrative managers, project coordinators, and other leaders within businesses.

    Excel is a widely used program used in various career fields. These range from low-skill to high-skill positions that are fundamental to the progress of organizations. Below, we have compiled a list of some of the best jobs that use Excel in 2022. 

    Job Title Average Salary Job Outlook
    Sales Manager $132,290 7%
    Quality Analyst $110,140 22%
    Economist $108,350 13%
    Construction Manager $97,180 11%
    Statistician $93,290 33%
    Management Analyst $87,660 14%
    Operations Research Analyst $86,200 25%
    Financial Analyst $83,660 6%
    Accountant $73,560 7%
    Purchasing Manager $72,270 6%
    Cost Estimator $66,610 1%
    Market Research Analyst $65,810 22%
    Human Resource Analyst $63,490 10%
    Administrative Assistant $40,990 -7%
    Office Clerk $35,330 -2%

    What Careers Use Excel? An In-Depth List

    Sales Manager

    Sales managers are leaders in a sales team who set sales goals, manage and mentor teams, and achieve growth by hitting sales targets. Excel helps sales managers collate data into a standard table to give a visual representation of the sales team’s performance. These performance presentations help gauge business goals. 

    Quality Analyst

    Quality analysts guarantee the integrity of products with an organization’s compliance standards by testing their functionality and components. To improve quality assurance, they must measure and interpret data. Excel provides an avenue to analyze the data to understand and decipher any issues.


    Economists study and apply economic concepts to boost profits and create better public policies. Excel is a primary tool in analyzing, reporting, and managing financial data. This spreadsheet program can give professionals hands-on economics experience, applying economic theories and concepts to different projects.

    Construction Manager

    Construction managers are specialists that employ specialized project management techniques to oversee the stages of a construction project. Since Excel is a helpful tool in budgeting, these professionals use it to create estimates, track production rates, calculate material usage, and track expenses.


    Statisticians are experts who apply statistical methods to real-life problems. They decide what data to collect and how to manage, analyze, and interpret it. Statisticians use Excel PivotTable and efficiently manipulate rows and columns in statistical analysis. Learning Excel is vital if you want to become a statistician.

    Management Analyst

    These professionals are management consultants that offer recommendations on improving a company’s efficiency. They advise managers on how an organization can maximize profit and manage its departments. Knowledge of VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, arrays, and macros are also important Excel skills for a management consultant.

    Operations Research Analyst

    Operations research analysts are expert problem-solvers. They apply advanced techniques such as the mining, optimization, and interpretation of data to provide solutions and develop new methods for business operations. 

    Excel provides a user-friendly platform for generating random numbers to perform simulations and repetitive calculations. It also has a DecisionTools Suite that helps carry out the required mathematical models.

    Financial Analyst

    Financial analysts are professionals that analyze a company’s current and historical financial plan and annual revenues. This analysis helps identify trends that can influence business decisions. Excel helps these experts perform technical calculations with financial functions.


    Accounting professionals are high-level personnel who prepare and maintain an organization’s financial records and verify their accuracy. Excel supports accounting functions such as budgeting, creating balance sheets, and preparing financial statements. These functions simplify even the most extensive accounting issues.

    Purchasing Manager

    Purchasing managers procure goods and services for a company’s use or resale. They negotiate contracts to get the highest-quality products for the lowest prices. Competency in Excel is one of the most vital skills for a purchasing director. You can allocate resources, document business progress, and maintain participants’ records with Excel features. 

    Cost Estimator

    Cost estimators analyze data to approximate the resources that a company will need to manufacture a product, provide a service, or complete construction. Excel formulas and functions offer many benefits in cost estimation. You can calculate estimates much faster by entering different line items for costs and multiplying across floors.

    Market Research Analyst

    Market research analysts are marketing experts that analyze data and survey market conditions to predict potential sales of a product or service. These business experts provide actionable insights for everything from focus group responses to product pricing trends. 

    Human Resources Analyst

    Human resources (HR) analysts collect, compile, structure, and analyze human resources processes. Excel is a convenient tool when creating and automating these metrics and analytical techniques. For example, pivot tables and pivot charts are both good choices for performing automated report writing.

    Administrative Assistant

    Spreadsheet software is vital to an administrative assistant’s toolbox. Excel databases enable these professionals to enter and store important administrative data. It also helps them facilitate day-to-day tasks such as invoicing and record-keeping. Most job listings for administrative assistants require strong Excel skills.

    Office Clerk

    Office clerks are administrative professionals who perform various clerical duties such as typing, filing, recording data, and other minor bookkeeping activities. Basic knowledge in SUM/VLOOKUP/INDEX & MATCH is indispensable in automating office tasks. Excel also eases the task of making spreadsheets and organizing data.

    Venus profile photo

    «Career Karma entered my life when I needed it most and quickly helped me match with a bootcamp. Two months after graduating, I found my dream job that aligned with my values and goals in life!»

    Venus, Software Engineer at Rockbot

    Should You Get a Job in Excel?

    Yes, you should get a job in Excel if you want to succeed in any industry from finance to administration. Whether you’re a novice or an expert, knowing Excel offers lucrative opportunities. Excel skills will also boost your career confidence. The best Excel bootcamps are your first step to learning this software and starting a new job.

    Jobs That Use Excel FAQ

    Do you need a degree to get a job in Excel?

    No, you don’t necessarily need a degree to get a job in Excel. Certificates from online courses and Excel bootcamps suffice in many cases.

    Can I work with Excel as a freelancer?

    Yes, you can work with Excel as a freelancer. In fact, it can be a very useful tool for freelancers. Many platforms like Upwork and Fiverr have thousands of opportunities for people who know Excel.

    Do I need to know how to code for Excel?

    No, you don’t need to know how to code to learn Excel, but it can help. Excel VBA is the coding language that Microsoft developed for Excel, and it can be useful if you want to perform advanced functions.

    Can I work remotely with Excel?

    Yes, you can do many Excel jobs from the comfort of your home. Many companies are willing to recruit remote workers because Excel can be used from any computer.

    Excel Jobs

    Microsoft Excel is a powerful spreadsheet software that can greatly improve the productivity and efficiency of your business. By harnessing the full potential of Excel, you can organize, analyze, and visualize your data to make more informed decisions. Our expert Excel Experts can help streamline your operations, build custom solutions to your unique problems, and provide invaluable assistance to help you get the most out of this versatile tool.

    Here’s some projects that our Excel Experts made real:

    • Creating customized templates for easy data management and reporting
    • Efficient data entry and organization for various types of projects
    • Data mining and extraction from multiple sources and formats
    • Resolving issues and making improvements within existing Excel files
    • Retyping documents and converting them into organized spreadsheets
    • Web scraping data from websites for further analysis and processing
    • Designing powerful matrices for complex calculations and comparisons

    By hiring Excel Experts from Freelancer.com, you not only get access to their valuable skills and experience but also a flexible workforce that’s ready to tackle any challenge. Whether you need a one-time project or ongoing support, our experienced professionals can provide tailored solutions that fit within your budget and timeline. With a vast global talent pool, finding the perfect match for your project is just a few clicks away.

    Don’t let valuable insights go to waste or struggle with inefficient systems any longer. Post your project today on Freelancer.com, and let our Excel Experts help unlock the full potential of your data so your business can thrive. Experience firsthand how hiring an expert can transform your operations, save time, and give you a competitive edge in the market.

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      Статус работы

      Hi there! Do you have experince good sheet scripts. Thanks


      Ср. заявка

      15 заявок(-ки)

      I am in need of a data entry specialist who can assist me with adding product listings to my WordPress website. Specifically, I need someone who can input information about 100 products onto my website. The ideal candidate will have experience with data entry and be able to work efficiently and accurately.

      100 entries —> i pay $40

      i made a sample lisitng here

      is the website so please DO NOT ASK ME for admin login just createa quick user and start uploading .

      We will use ebay to find items like here


      Ср. заявка

      38 заявок(-ки)

      I’m looking for someone to take on a simple retyping job. Specifically, I need documents retyped and I need the formatting and layout to remain intact after retyping. There are more than 7 files that need retyping and the turnaround time needs to be quick. It would be great if the freelancer applying for this job has prior experience doing tasks like this and can meet my timeline.

      $444 / hr

      Ср. заявка

      5 заявок(-ки)

      Looking a excel or equivalent job production schedule designed up,

      We need to log job types due dates delivery dates ect…


      Ср. заявка

      10 заявок(-ки)

      I am looking for a freelancer who can help me with an Excel Automation project. The ideal candidate will have experience with automating basic tasks in Excel.

      — Automating data input from different sources
      — Automating formatting and sorting of data
      — Automating basic calculations and formulas

      — Advanced knowledge of Excel
      — Proficiency in VBA and macros
      — Experience with data manipulation and analysis

      If you are interested in this project, please provide examples of previous Excel Automation work you have done.

      $22 / hr

      Ср. заявка

      11 заявок(-ки)

      Dear Freelancers,

      for buying a property off plan (means payment before completion) I want to create a dynamic Excel calculation with flexible payment terms. I have a static one, but its not comfortable as a lot of calculation have to be done by hand.

      The Payment plan details should be editable. Some payment plans have 5 payments, some have 20! It should be adjustable as to needs.

      Some payment plans are even post-handover, means on handover you will only pay a fraction of the money.

      Then it should be able to calculate the appreciation based on a linar and one time gain.

      Please make only a bid if you have done something like that before. I am sending the old version that needs to be «smart». After the bid we can go through it in an online meeting (screen sharing) and I can te…


      Ср. заявка

      24 заявок(-ки)

      Data Entry for existing business
      I need someone to help me with data input and organization. The ideal candidate should have experience in data management and be able to work with large sets of data. The final output should be delivered in an Excel spreadsheet format.
      Skills and Experience needed:
      — Proficiency in Microsoft Excel
      — Excellent data entry skills
      — Attention to detail
      — Ability to work with large sets of data
      — Experience in data management and organization


      Ср. заявка

      38 заявок(-ки)

      I am setting up a mortgage lender and need someone to build a data collection template and engine to power the data dasboard I have created. It will need to deal with up to 200 loans and will need to be able to calculate basis metrics like outstanding accrued balance, forward interest collections, weighted IRR, weighted loan returns etc. I need a simple data sheet where I can input new loans, change status (by drop down menu) when loans are repaid etc that powers the data sheet.

      Super important that anyone interest in this work has experience of financial services modelling and can share with me examples of previous work.

      I expect someone with the correct skills will not need more than 2 — 3 hours to complete the task and debug.


      Ср. заявка

      11 заявок(-ки)

      I need a good freelancer who can handle this typing task kindly make your bid

      $15 / hr

      Ср. заявка

      91 заявок(-ки)

      I am looking for a reliable freelance data entry specialist to help me with a project. I need someone to enter customer records, in either physical or digital format. The data may need to be transferred to an existing system — I’m not certain at this point. The ideal candidate must understand the importance of precision and accuracy when entering data. The right person for this job will also have a proven track record of following instructions and providing high-quality work promptly. If you are interested in this project and think you have the necessary skills and experience, please let me know.

      $11 / hr

      Ср. заявка

      36 заявок(-ки)

      I am looking for someone to help me with a data scrapping project. I need someone who can access an online database and retrieve data for me. The type of data I need is solely textual, and the output that I need should be formatted in CSV. I am open to suggestions on the best technology to use for this. Please be sure to include all relevant experience you have with data scrapping projects when applying for this position. Thank you.


      Ср. заявка

      18 заявок(-ки)

      Hello, I am looking for a Virtual Assistant to help me increase the size of my comic book collection. The VA’s primary responsibility will be to search for comic book sales across the world in order to generate an up-to-date editable list. This task needs to be done on a weekly basis. The VA should be proficient with Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel. Additionally, the VA will also be tasked with helping me with price checking, creating sales listings of comic books. If you think you would make an ideal VA, please reach out to me!

      $2 / hr

      Ср. заявка

      21 заявок(-ки)


      i need an expert in One Note, Excel for help me organize a bunch of informations, create excel table with formula, need advice and help. you will try to take hand on my computer directly or jjust send me a template or homemade files.


      Ср. заявка

      19 заявок(-ки)

      Do you want to work with me to continously develop my trading dashboard?
      I have created a excel/googel spreadsheets program analysing +100 trading strategies + 20 assets,
      Data consists of +10k buy/sells.

      Input: Strategy, Asset, date, time, buy/sell, qty.

      From there I’m analysing +30 KPIs, financial formulas, multiple charts (equity curve, rolling KPIS ex risk, profitability, max gain), I want to further add new features and display them in a report of +40 pages that updates automatically.

      (You do not need financial formulas/trading experience) only good at solving math and creating custom formulas/programs. I have a degree in enginering and management and will help you find solutions and formulas when stuck, (available daily if needed). You need to be a good developer though, flex…

      $13 / hr

      Ср. заявка

      9 заявок(-ки)

      I am looking for a reliable freelance data entry specialist to help me with a project. I need someone to enter customer records, in either physical or digital format. The data may need to be transferred to an existing system — I’m not certain at this point. The ideal candidate must understand the importance of precision and accuracy when entering data. The right person for this job will also have a proven track record of following instructions and providing high-quality work promptly. If you are interested in this project and think you have the necessary skills and experience, please let me know.

      $11 / hr

      Ср. заявка

      31 заявок(-ки)

      It is a multi line recycling program with 6 main lines of revenues.
      We need to develop a dynamic financial model proformas and actuals for 1 to 7, 10 15 20.
      With capex and opex reporting plus full financial statements.
      Accounting for debt amortization over 7 yrs with sinking fund and depreciation of capex over 20 yrs.


      Ср. заявка

      19 заявок(-ки)

      I am in need of an advanced Typing Master to work on my business documents within a 4-7 day turnaround time. The ideal candidate should have the following skills and experience:
      — Expertise in advanced typing skills
      — Experience in typing business documents
      — Ability to deliver work within the given timeframe
      — Attention to detail and accuracy in typing
      — Excellent communication skills
      — Availability to work on the project full-time until completion.

      $11 / hr

      Ср. заявка

      32 заявок(-ки)

      I am looking to hire a freelancer for a data entry project involving Kannada language. The data that needs to be entered is text-based, and I require it to be completed within 48 hours. I have some specific formatting requirements as well, which I would discuss with the chosen freelancer. The successful candidate should have experience working with Kannada data, as well as an understanding of the local regulations if any. They should also have a good knowledge of data entry software. Payment will be commensurate with the work completed.


      Ср. заявка

      6 заявок(-ки)

      Data Entry Project for Page Writing

      I am looking for a freelancer who can assist me with a data entry project for page writing. The ideal candidate should have experience in transcription, database management and spreadsheet data entry.

      Source Material Format

      The source material for this project is currently unknown.


      The timeline for this project is currently unknown.

      Overall, I need someone who is detail-oriented, efficient and able to work with minimal supervision. If you have the necessary skills and experience, please apply for this job.

      $11 / hr

      Ср. заявка

      36 заявок(-ки)

      I am in need of a web scrapper and excel developer to help with a project I have. The project requires the extraction of text from websites, the presentation of the data in an Excel spreadsheet and analysis of the data. Additionally, I’d like any images, links and other relevant information that can be found on the websites included in the scraped output.

      I understand this project is a unique one but I am confident that there is someone who can meet my needs. I am open to working with individual or team of freelancers, as long as they are experienced, have good communication skills and can ensure my project is done on time. If you have experience with web scraping, developing data solutions and have the background to analyze the scraped data, I’d be more than happy to discuss …


      Ср. заявка

      44 заявок(-ки)

      I am looking for a freelancer who can help me merge and fix 6000 Outlook contacts. The main issue with the contacts is duplicate entries. My preferred method for verifying current contact information is through manual research . I would like the final contact list to be in an Excel spreadsheet format.

      Ideal Skills and Experience:
      — Proficiency in Microsoft Outlook and Excel
      — Experience with managing and organizing large sets of data
      — Attention to detail to ensure accuracy in merging and fixing contacts
      — Ability to conduct manual research to verify contact information.

      $10 / hr

      Ср. заявка

      89 заявок(-ки)

      I am seeking a freelancer with expertise in VBA to create an automated report generator for data analysis purposes using Microsoft Excel. The ideal candidate should have experience in statistical analysis and be able to integrate custom formulas as needed. The report generator should be compatible with Microsoft Excel and must be user-friendly for non-technical individuals.


      Ср. заявка

      15 заявок(-ки)

      I am in need of a freelancer who can create a pricing comparison chart between two companies using Excel. The data that will be provided is summarized data. As for the format or layout of the chart, I am open to suggestions. There are only 1-3 variables or factors that need to be compared.

      Ideal Skills and experience:
      — Extensive knowledge in Excel and creating charts
      — Experience in analyzing and summarizing data
      — Attention to detail and ability to create a visually appealing chart


      Ср. заявка

      40 заявок(-ки)

      i have some files which i need to some to help me to marg in one format the company format is with me , almost 5 file need to be marg into one format plus i have some extra names which need to be add that format as wall , The format in three sheet in sheet 2 we have to work on it , depending my company instruction maybe i need some to work in three sheets too , It may not take more then 40 mint to finish its simple and easy job .


      Ср. заявка

      97 заявок(-ки)

      Data input along with translation


      Ср. заявка

      131 заявок(-ки)

      The position is listed as a personal assistant position, but we are looking for something specific.

      We are hiring for a contract to prepare visualizations using Tableau/PowerBI/Excel.

      The project involves preparing charts on Stock Prices, et cetera, using Tableau/PowerBI/Excel. For this project, we need someone with at least 1.5 years of experience using Tableau/PowerBI/Excel.

      If your experience is with other similar products (e.g. Powerpoint), please do not submit a bid here. We have another project coming up. You can submit your bid there, if and when it is posted.

      We pay at the rate of 3000 rupees (Indian currency) per week. We pay on a weekly basis to make it better for the freelancer (this is so that they don’t have to wait for payment.)

      Thanks for your attention and have a …


      Ср. заявка

      18 заявок(-ки)

      We are looking for a reliable and experienced Data Entry Specialist to assist us with our monthly data entry tasks on a long-term basis. The ideal candidate should have a proven track record of accurate and timely data entry and should be comfortable working with large amounts of data.


      Enter data accurately and efficiently into our system
      Verify and review data for completeness and accuracy
      Maintain accurate and up-to-date records of all data entry activities
      Communicate effectively with team members and management regarding any issues or concerns
      Meet project deadlines and maintain a high level of accuracy and attention to detail

      Proven experience as a Data Entry Specialist or similar role
      Excellent typing and data entry skills with a high degree of accu…


      Ср. заявка

      140 заявок(-ки)

      Transcription of a clean read audio file that is less than 1 hour in length is required for this project. The ideal candidate for this job should have experience in transcription and be able to deliver accurate and timely results. The following skills are required:

      — Proficiency in English language
      — Strong listening and typing skills
      — Attention to detail
      — Ability to work independently and meet deadlines

      It is important that the transcription is error-free and follows the guidelines provided by the client. The ideal candidate should also be able to communicate effectively with the client to ensure the project is completed to their satisfaction.


      Ср. заявка

      76 заявок(-ки)

      I am looking for a freelancer who can create a VBS script for extracting data from a specific website. The data that needs to be extracted is from web pages. I have only one website that I need to extract data from. The desired output format for the extracted data is an Excel file.

      Skills and experience required for this job include:
      — Proficiency in VBS script
      — Experience in web scraping and data extraction
      — Knowledge of Excel and data formatting
      — Attention to detail and accuracy in data extraction

      1. Go to ( ,ctype-MACD,duration-1d,exchange-50,marketcap-largecap%252Cmidcap,pageno-1,pid-237,sort-intraday,sortby-volume, )

      2. Got to Left tab and click on «Technical Screener»

      3. Extract from each of the tab ( click on next page if there is more data )


      Ср. заявка

      6 заявок(-ки)

      Hi there! I’m in need of a data entry expert to enter about 2300 lines into an Excel spreadsheet (3 datapoints each). All of the instructions will be provided, as well as any necessary references. Templates will be provided.
      Accuracy and attention to detail are essential to the success of this project.
      Internet connection to get the data is required too from this webpage:


      Ср. заявка

      106 заявок(-ки)

      I am looking for a data entry specialist to assist me with data conversion and formatting. The final output should be in PDF format, and I will provide a template for the formatting requirements.
      The ideal candidate should have experience in data entry, data conversion and formatting, and be proficient in using Excel/CSV and Google Sheets. Attention to detail and accuracy is crucial for this project.

      $16 / hr

      Ср. заявка

      61 заявок(-ки)

      Need a stock Broker who could work on my Robinhood Account


      Ср. заявка

      9 заявок(-ки)

      I need someone to scrape information from a website and provide me with a CSV excel sheet. My goal is to have all the information of the restaurants, include but not only
      1/ restaurant name
      2/ address
      3/ Region(Area)
      4/ Phone number
      5/ Rating
      6/ Rating Amount in total
      6/ Price range
      7/ Category of cuisine
      8/ Operating hours
      9/ Amount of people bookmarked this restaurant
      10/ Link of that restaurant in this site
      11/ More, but I need to see what can you scrape. I want all if you can.

      Top left corner can change to English for better understanding. But I want Chinese as the end result.

      I expect the task to be completed professionally and accurately, so accuracy and timely delivery are very important. The data should be presented in a organized fashion that is easy to understand. Finally, I …


      Ср. заявка

      105 заявок(-ки)

      I am looking for an experienced professional to provide consistent and reliable Excel support on a weekly basis. My primary requirement is for assistance with report development; this includes transforming data from a different format into an Excel file and then developing reports from the data that meets my specific requirements. This requires a deep understanding and experience with complex data sets, formulas, pivot tables, and analytics to develop the data into usable reports. Ultimately, I am seeking an Excel expert who can take raw data and turn it into actionable insights.

      $6 / hr

      Ср. заявка

      66 заявок(-ки)

      I am looking for an experienced data entry specialist to help me with an ongoing project. The project will involve entering customer data on a daily basis. Unfortunately, I am currently unsure of the data format that I would like used, therefore I need assistance settling on an appropriate template and format. The chosen contractor must have experience in this area and the understanding that accuracy is a must.

      $2 / hr

      Ср. заявка

      82 заявок(-ки)

      I’m looking for a virtual assistant to help me with an instagram account. NO design work is needed. A good level of English writing IS NEEDED. Start your application with — its my pleasure to apply -to be considered for the position.
      What I am looking for:
      Someone who is looking to work on a regular basis with me for a minimum of 12 months.
      Someone with good English writing skills
      Someone who is organized
      Someone who understands how to use google sheets
      Someone who is responsive
      Someone able to work Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Money, Tuesday for around 4-6 hours a day
      Someone able to do repetitive work diligently.
      Work role consists of:
      Finding content on instagram
      Messaging instagram influencers
      Tracking your work
      Updating a content calendar
      Doing regula…


      Ср. заявка

      62 заявок(-ки)

      I need a telecom engineer with python skills to make a ID plan to my cells, I will give python code which define the neighboring cells and I need a python code which assign IDs to this cells by avoiding :

      — Assigning the same ID to neighboring cells.
      — Assign same mod 3
      — Assign same mod 4
      — Assign same mod 30

      I can give 10$ for this eady job.

      If you are interested, please contact me


      Ср. заявка

      8 заявок(-ки)

      I am looking for a professional data entry specialist for a project I am working on. The data I need entered includes both static and variable data and I’m looking for someone to enter the data manually. The type of data I need entered is text, so someone with experience entering data into a spreadsheet or other program is ideal. I’m looking for someone who is accurate and fast and can deliver the data I need without any mistakes. The project should take no longer than a few days to complete, depending on the skills and speed of the individual. If you think you have the skills necessary to complete this project to my satisfaction, please get in touch.

      $12 / hr

      Ср. заявка

      76 заявок(-ки)

      I’m looking for an experienced data entry specialist to help with a project. The project requires copy and paste data entry as well as data entry into forms. It is essential that the data is verified for accuracy. The data is both numerical and textual in nature. I’m looking for someone who is proficient and reliable, with experience in the data entry field. If you think you’d be a fit for the job, please let me know.

      $11 / hr

      Ср. заявка

      74 заявок(-ки)

      My company is looking for someone with experience in WhatsApp to create groups. Our company provides WhatsApp user numbers. Every day our company needs a large number of WhatsApp groups, and all group members are provided by our company. Therefore, we need a professional who can successfully import group members. If you have the necessary experience and can meet our needs, then we are happy to cooperate with you, create a group and successfully import 200 people in the group, we will pay 10 dollars, and we need 50 to 100 groups a day, so you can earn $500 to $1,000


      Ср. заявка

      52 заявок(-ки)

      I received a detailed CRM report every week from my franchisor. I am needing to extract specific data from this CRM and organize it in a FORM for presentation and review with each of my customers. The form needs to include the specific data I’m needing and needs to be «dynamic» so that I can pull up any specific customer’s data by their company name or account number to populate their specific sales data, history and trends. I need this form, if it can be done, to serve as a «dashboard» with my weekly CRM file. It will need to be embedded in the weekly CRM file, which my franchisor will do. They will not design the form, but they may embed it in the weekly file they send to me. Interested in any input and direction you may have.


      Ср. заявка

      34 заявок(-ки)

      #### Do not bid without watching the video. And bid for 430 agency leads, your bid will be the final price. ####

      I need 430 agency leads.

      Agency Name
      Website LinkedIn
      Owner Email

      #### You have to use the FREE «Kendo-Linkedin Email Finder» to find the owner’s email. Because this tool can find Gmail emails.

      The job is super easy. Here is the video instruction.

      Please bid for 430 leads.


      Ср. заявка

      58 заявок(-ки)

      I need an excel file, where salesmen will introduce data after all visits to customers

      File description
      1. Two loggin levels : admins and user. Admins can see all the data, users only that introduced by them

      2. Admin panel lookout:
      -visit overview by date
      -visit overview by salesmen
      -visit overview by region
      -posting comments to visits or overall coments to salesmen — user is notified in his panel of any comment made by admin
      3. User panel lookout:
      -visit overview by customer, region, date or tax id
      -replying to comments made by admin
      -introducing new visits (date, customer, region, tax id, remarks), making a checkilist:

      3.1. Adding Tax id, region of the customer
      3.2. Saying hello, small talk – YES/NO
      3.3. Products talk YES/NO — description – what products?
      3.4. Showing ne…


      Ср. заявка

      5 заявок(-ки)

      I’m looking for an expert Excel developer to help me with an auto-carrier rating system. The project involves creating a calculation sheet to allow for the automated rating of carriers. I’m looking for someone who has a track record of past work in Excel programming and can present evidence of their experience. I’ll also need detailed proposals for the project. Finally, the rating system should use a number rating for accuracy. If you think you have what it takes, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

      I have a old copy and an outline of what it should look like — If you do not have a sample to share to demo your work please do not big only those with a proof source will be selected


      Ср. заявка

      28 заявок(-ки)

      I am looking for an experienced data entry specialist to enter text into a Microsoft Excel file. The data entry process will involve verifying the accuracy of the entered data, so experience with verification systems is a must. The data entry specialist must be experienced and organized, with a high attention to detail. Ability to work independently and manage multiple tasks is also a plus. The successful applicant will be given access to all necessary documents and software to complete the data entry. Your job will be to ensure that all data is accurately entered in a timely manner and with no errors.
      Thank you for your interest and I look forward to working with you.

      $17 / hr

      Ср. заявка

      44 заявок(-ки)

      I am looking for a skilled freelancer who can retrieve Excel sheet data from SharePoint and represent it in a website. The ideal candidate should have experience with SharePoint and web development, and possess the following skills:

      — Proficiency in Excel sheet data retrieval from SharePoint
      — Strong web development skills using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
      — Knowledge of custom visualization tools for data representation

      The website should display the data in custom visualizations, with dynamic filtering and sorting options for basic interactivity. The ideal candidate should also be able to provide real-time updates for a seamless user experience. The project deliverables should include:

      — A fully functional website that retrieves and displays Excel sheet data from SharePoint
      — Custom vis…


      Ср. заявка

      12 заявок(-ки)

      Build an application from XL file using MS Power BI tools. Store it on Share Point.


      Ср. заявка

      25 заявок(-ки)

      Hello! My name is [Client Name], and I’m looking for someone who can help me with my data entry project. I need someone who can enter text into a digital format for me. I don’t have a standard format that my data needs to follow, so I’m open to ideas. I anticipate this project to take more than 2 hours to complete. If you’re interested in taking on this project, please let me know. Thank you.


      Ср. заявка

      58 заявок(-ки)

      I am looking to create a web-based project dashboard to enable data visualization and assist with making informed decisions. With this dashboard, users will be able to clearly view graphs and charts to present data more effectively and efficiently. The primary goal of this dashboard is to provide visibility into various aspects of data, allowing for patterns and trends to be discovered quickly. This dashboard will give users the ability to examine figures in greater detail and easily spot correlations between different variables. It will also help streamline decision-making and make prevailing data more accessible for analysis.


      Ср. заявка

      20 заявок(-ки)

      A data entry clerk is a member of staff employed to enter or update data into a computer system. Data is often entered into a computer from paper documents using a keyboard. The keyboards used can often have special keys and multiple colors to help in the task and speed up the work

      $14 / hr

      Ср. заявка

      67 заявок(-ки)

      Рекомендуемые статьи специально для вас

      Data entry is an important task, but choosing the wrong solution can seriously harm your company’s productivity.

      6 MIN READ

      Are you in need of a reliable translator but don’t know where to start looking?

      18 MIN READ

      In need of Microsoft Word assistance from local professionals? Look no further.

      17 MIN READ

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    • Excel and 2 vlookups
    • Excel alt стрелка вниз
    • Excel alt tab два раза
    • Excel alt enter знак
    • Excel all tabs in one