Excel 7 module 7 natural disasters

7.3С Natural Disasters

Term 3 Unit 3

School: 19 Temirtau

Date: _____

Teacher’s name: Perminova M.G

Theme of the lesson:

Natural Disasters. Tornadoes”.

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

7.C8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion.

7.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings.

7.R2 understand specific information and detail in texts on a range of familiar general and curricular topics.

7.R5 deduce meaning from context in short texts on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics.

7.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics.

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

  • Understand specific information in the text and mark sentences as True or False;

  • Use vocabulary and simple sentences on the topic “ Natural Disasters” for developing their speech

Most learners will be able to:

  • Deduce meaning from context by finding the words in the text;

  • Provide unprepared speech to answer a variety of questions at sentence level and in conversations with some flexibility;

Some learners will be able to:

  • Use topic-related vocabulary in their own context independently with much freedom;

Assessment criteria

  • Revise vocabulary

  • Express thoughts/ ideas

Value links

Responsibility, Global Citizenship

Previous learning

Learning some subject-specific vocabulary and reading about hurricanes


Smart board , worksheets ( handouts)

Planned timings

Planned activities


2 minutes

5 min

Greeting ( 1 min)


Look at the pictures and tell what you see there ( pictures on the topic “ Disasters”- tornado, hurricane, flood, earthquake, cyclone,

What’s the topic of our lesson?

Lead in

LO: to increase students’ motivation to participate in the lesson

A Disaster Quiz” (Power point presentation)


-Individual work


  • Learners should try to answer the quiz questions as quickly as it is possible. They should raise their hands . The teacher may also think of any suitable reward for the best learner, eg. a candy or a colourful sticker, maybe smiles


Main part

5 min.

10 min.

15 min

The main part of the lesson

Pre-reading Activity

LO: To generate students’ interest in the topic


-Pair work


Before reading the text about tornadoes learners should work in pairs and discuss the following questions:

1) What kind of natural disasters do you know?

2) How can people predict the weather?

3) Can we prevent any natural disasters beforehand?

4) What can we do in case of emergency?


LO: To orientate students to the content of the text

Teacher suggests a reading activity to the learners. Appendix 1 Formative Reading “Tornadoes”

The text:

Tornado is a violent wind movement. They are also called twisters or cyclones. Most people recognize them as a towering black funnel extending downward from the base of a large cumulonimbus cloud. It rotates at speeds up to three hundred miles per hour (480 kpm.) or in some rare cases, even faster. In the centre of the tornado, the air pressure is very low in comparison to surrounding air pressure.

The speed of the wind is the primary cause of deaths and destruction of property. Many people are killed by flying objects and debris (missiles). They happen in certain parts of the world Australia, the Midwestern and Southern of United States.

They also occur more frequently in the spring and summer months. Tornadoes usually occur as part of a severe thunderstorm and often come in advance of cold fronts, however, they can also occur (although less frequently) ahead of warm fronts, and even behind cold fronts.

The greatest killer tornado in the United States occurred during the year 1925 in Indiana, Illinois, and Missouri. It killed six hundred ninety-five people and injured over two thousand”.

Reading Task 1

7.R2 understand specific information and detail in texts on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

7.R5 deduce meaning from context in short texts on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics

Learners read the passage “Tornadoes”. They get a sheet with the questions and mark if the sentences are True or False.

1. Tornadoes are also known as twisters. _____________

2. The speed of tornadoes is always the same. _____________

3. Tornadoes cannot damage property. _____________

4. Tornadoes mostly happen in specific places of the planet. _____________

5. One of the strongest tornadoes happened at the end of the 20th century in America. _____________


1. True

2. False

3. False

4. True

5. False

Reading Task 2

Find the words that mean:

6. Verb that means “turn around, revolve” (paragraph 1)- ________________________

7. Noun, synonym to the word damage (paragraph 2)- ________________________

8. Adverb, antonym to the word seldom, hardly ever (paragraph 3) -________________________

9. Synonym to the word happen (paragraph 4)- ________________________

10. Verb that means “hurt” (paragraph 4)- ________________________


6. Rotate

7. Destruction

8. Frequently

9. Occur


*Reading Task 3

Complete the sentences with NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS.

11. Tornado can be described as a strong ____________________________________.

12. Tornadoes cause __________________________________________.

13. Three states ______________________________________ were hit by severe tornadoes in the past.


11. Wind movement

12. Death and destruction

13. Indiana, Illinois, Missouri.


  • Comprehend the task and marks True or False;

  • Understand the meaning of the words from the text;

  • Fill in the missing words where necessary

Assessment: Learners evaluate their own progress, using the “Keys” to the tasks.

To get achieved – -5-8 points for all students, most students- 9-11 points, some students12- 13 points.

All students will be able to express their thoughts with support

More students will be able provide unprepared speech with some flexibility.

Some students will be able to use topic-related vocabulary with much freedom.

Less-able students will be able to do Level 1 ( maybe only TASK A),

more-able students will be able to do Level 1. TASK A and B

Some students will be able to do Level 2 ( A,B,C)

2 min.

Reflection “Here I am!” technique

The teacher puts three pictures on the walls around the classroom: the top of the mountain (success), the deserted island (frustration), the cross-roads (hesitation)

The learners write their names on the sticky papers and place their stickers on the appropriate picture, expressing spiritual, emotional state.



Feedback: Teacher asks students what task was difficult to them and which pair worked well.

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Critical thinking

More support:

Provide less able learners with easier reading tasks

More able learners:

Get an extra reading task

Make analysis of their work and help weaker ones to arrange information.

  • Monitor learners to check they can do the reading tasks properly

  • Observe learners when participating in speaking. Did each learner contribute to the speaking and discussion? If not, why not?

Some questions provide critical thinking while answering to them.

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?



What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?



What have I learned from the lesson about this class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?


Английский язык 7 класс

Ф.И.О. учителя

Артыкбаева Б.А.


Excel 7 Module-7 Natural Disasters

Урок № 79 , тема урока


Unit revision (Повторение главы)

Цели обучения


7.C6 Organise and present information clearly to others

7.R2 Understand specific information and detail in texts on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

7.W1 Plan, write, edit and proofread work at text

Ф.И. учащегося (заполняется учеником)

Порядок действий


(заполняется учителем)


(заполняется учеником)


(Отметь знаком «+» материал, с которым ознакомился(лась)

Good day, dear pupil.

1. Read the text Seriously powerful weather satellite put into space. (Прочитайте и ознакомьтесь с содеожанием текста)

Приложение 1


(отправить учителю через кунделик или по ватсапу )

2. Formative assessment: (Формативное оценивание)

Приложение 2

(Обвести кружочком правильную букву T или F, буква Tесли преложение соответствует содержанию текста и букву F, если нет)


(Поставь знаки «+» или «-»)

1. Я понял о чем говорится в тексте.

2.Я смог выполнить задание по формативному оцениванию.

Обратная связь от учителя

(словесная оценка и/или комментарий)

Дорогой ученик, все задания ты должен выполнять в тетради и четко следовать моим инструкциям, чтобы хорошо изучить тему. Будь внимателен и у тебя всё получится.Good luck

Приложение 1 .

Text. Seriously powerful weather satellite put into space

The USA has put into space the world’s most advanced and powerful weather satellite. Scientists say it will revolutionize how we predict the weather and how we look at weather events. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) said its $ 1 billion Environmental Geostationary Operational Satellite (GOES — R) will take weather photographs five times faster than other satellites, and with four times higher image quality. The NOAA said: “Without a doubt, GOES-R revolutionize weather forecasting as we know it”. A weather forecaster said the difference in the speed and quality of the satellite’s images is like the difference between old black and white TV pictures and today’s HD televisions.

The new satellite will give us powerful, real-time images and information. These will make the world a safer place. Airline pilots will receive better data to stay away from turbulence. The satellite will be able to zoom in on severe weather events to get much more detailed and accurate pictures. This will help emergency services to warn people more quickly and reduce the costs to human life and property. People will have better information about hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding, volcanic ash clouds, and wildfires. A scientist at the NOAA said: “It will give the weather as it’s looking now rather than the weather that happened 15 to 30 minutes ago”. The NOAA said weather forecasters couldn’t wait to use it.

Приложение 2. Formative Assessment Reading


7.3С Writing a newspaper article about a disaster for a school magazine

Learning Objectives

7.R2 understand specific information and detail in texts on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

Level of thinking skills

Comprehension Application Analysis

Assessment criteria

  • Identify the specific information in the text;

  • You will get “Achieved” if you have 8 right answers out of 10.

Task: Are the sentences connected with the text you have read True or False?

a) Scientists say the satellite will cause arevolution in space. T / F

b) The satellite cost a billion dollars.- T / F

c) The satellite can take photos ten times faster than other satellites.- T / F

d) The pictures from the satellite are like those from black and white TVs.- T / F

e) The satellite will give us real-time photos of the weather.- T / F

f) The satellite will help airplanes to avoid turbulence.- T / F

g) We will not have to rely on weather information that is 15 minutes old.- T / F

h) Weather forecasters will wait patiently to use the satellite.- T / F


A learner

  • comprehends the task and marks sentences True or false

Ф.И.учащегося (заполнить)_____________________________________________________

Добро пожаловать на сайт otvetkz.com, ты сделал верный выбор!

Насыщенная программа обучения включает в себя множество дисциплин.
Каждый новый урок несёт поток терминов, теорем, примеров. Уроки в классе,
домашняя подготовка, дополнительные занятия, факультативы забирают много
сил и времени у современного школьника. Порой, информация данная учителем,
сложно воспринимается и не усваивается за сорок минут. Придя домой, ученик не
может грамотно выполнить «домашку», чувствует себя глупо, снижается интерес к учёбе.
В такие моменты пригодится специализированная литература, которую наша команда заботливо
оставила для тебя.

Тут собраны все решения и правильные ответы по самым сложным наукам: математика, алгебра
и геометрия, физика и химия.

Мы отмечаем полезные функции решебников:

  • самопроверка, анализ своей работы на предмет ошибок, выявление пробелов в знаниях на начальной стадии
  • подмога в выполнении сложный задач
  • возможность родителей курировать образовательный процесс ребёнка, а также дать объяснение той или иной терминологии
  • повышение самооценки и уверенности в себе, адаптация к школьному курсу, проявление конкурентной заинтересованности.

Знание-сила, будь в этом уверен!

«ГДЗ» — это не про бездумное списывание, это, в первую очередь,
инструмент для увеличения успеваемости в школе, получения максимальной пользы
и удовольствия из учебной деятельности. Пособие так же отлично подойдет для мам и пап,
преподавателей и репетиторов.


Сайтқа қош келдіңіз, Сіз дұрыс таңдау жасадыңыз!

Мазмұнды оқу бағдарламасы көптеген пәндерді қамтиды. Әрбір жаңа сабақта терминдер, теоремалар, мысалдар ағыны болады. Сыныптағы сабақтар, үйде оқыту, қосымша сабақтар, элективтер қазіргі оқушыдан көп уақыт пен күш алады. Кейде мұғалім берген ақпаратты қабылдау қиын және қырық минут ішінде игерілмейді. Үйге келгенде оқушы «үйді» сауатты орындай алмайды, өзін ақымақ сезінеді, оқуға деген қызығушылық төмендейді. Мұндай сәттерде біздің команда сізге мұқият қалдырған мамандандырылған әдебиеттер пайдалы болады.

Мұнда ең күрделі ғылымдар бойынша барлық шешімдер мен дұрыс жауаптар жинақталған: математика, алгебра және геометрия, физика және химия.

Шешушілердің пайдалы функцияларын атап өтеміз:

өзін-өзі тексеру, өз жұмысын қателіктер тұрғысынан талдау, бастапқы кезеңде білімдегі олқылықтарды анықтау
күрделі тапсырмаларды орындауда көмек
ата-аналардың баланың оқу процесін бақылау мүмкіндігі, сонымен қатар белгілі бір терминологияға түсінік беру мүмкіндігі
өзін-өзі бағалау мен өзіне деген сенімділікті арттыру, мектеп курсына бейімделу, бәсекелестік қызығушылықтың көрінісі.
Білім-бұл күш, оған сенімді болыңыз!

«ГДЗ» — бұл ойланбастан алдау туралы емес, бұл, ең алдымен, мектептегі үлгерімді арттыру, оқу іс-әрекетінен максималды пайда мен ләззат алу құралы. Жәрдемақы де жақсы үйлеседі ата-аналарға, оқытушыларға және репетиторов.

Дата публикации:

14.02.2021 22:51








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