Excel 6 module 6 travel and holidays


  1. «Holidays and Travel»
  2. Просмотр содержимого документа «»Holidays and Travel»»
  3. Unit Travel and holiday. Destination UK
  4. Просмотр содержимого документа «Unit Travel and holiday. Destination UK»
  5. 6 grade excel module 6 travel holidays
  6. 6 grade excel module 6 travelling holidays
  7. Excel 6th grade. Module 6. Travel and holiday. Types of holidays and holiday activities.

«Holidays and Travel»

По обновленнуму содержанию для 6 класса.Каникулы и путешествие групповая работа и креативная работа

Просмотр содержимого документа
«»Holidays and Travel»»

Long-term plan: Unit 6 “Holidays and Travel”

School: №1 Secondary school

Teacher name: Nurzhanova Gaukhar Khanatkaliyevna

Lesson title: Holidays and Travel

6.R2 understand independently specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

6.W6 link, with minimal support, sentences into coherent paragraphs using basic connectors on a growing range of familiar general topics

6.S3 give an opinion at sentence and discourse level on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

apply topic related vocabulary in speech appropriately arranging words and phrases into well-formed sentences;

understand and recognise specific information and details while reading;

give extended information about travelling and holidays;

discusses and selects an appropriate topical vocabulary on topic;

find translation of these words as quickly as possible.

Produce a poster

To teach learners to be cultural person, to develop esthetic taste

A secular society with high spirituality (“Mangilik Yel”, 3)

Cross curricular links

Smart board and projector to present the material

Vocabulary: Holidays and Travel

Greetings. “Circle of joy”

Greeting learners. Setting positive atmosphere by asking some ice breaking questions in the circle of joy

Pupils divide into 2 groups by pictures.

( brainstorm useful vocabulary related to the topic Holidays and Travel and fill in the table with as many words as they can

Example: A- air plane, B-beach…

Descriptor A learner

discusses and selects an appropriate topical vocabulary on topic;

completes the table;

Assess learners orally.

— Excellent! Nice One! Super Job!

Smart board and projector

Find new words in the text.Pupils write new words on the stickers and put them on “Hungry Tom” on the board.

Omar: I want to visit the USA. I have never visited Washington D. C. I have been to Scotland, Ireland. I have lived in a hotel in Wales.

Colin: I want to stay with my friend in Almaty and Astana. I have never been to Kazakhstan. I have been to France, Italy, Japan. I like to travel by air. I have stayed in hotels there, I like homes.

Asel: I want to visit New York. I think New York is the most beautiful and biggest city in the world. I have never been to the USA, I have been to Scotland, Ireland, Germany. I want to stay in a big hotel in New York.

Dmitry: I have never been to any Disneyland. I want to go to Los Angeles. I have never been to the USA. I want to see Hollywood. I have visited Mexico, Canada.

— writes key words

Omar: I want to visit the USA. I have never visited Washington D. C. I have been to Scotland, Ireland. I have lived in a hotel in Wales.

Colin: I want to stay with my friend in Almaty and Astana. I have never been to Kazakhstan. I have been to France, Italy, Japan. I like to travel by air. I have stayed in hotels there, I like homes.

Asel: I want to visit New York. I think New York is the most beautiful and biggest city in the world. I have never been to the USA, I have been to Scotland, Ireland, Germany. I want to stay in a big hotel in New York.

Dmitry: I have never been to any Disneyland. I want to go to Los Angeles. I have never been to the USA. I want to see Hollywood. I have visited Mexico, Canada.


Unit Travel and holiday. Destination UK

Lesson plan: Destination UK

Просмотр содержимого документа
«Unit Travel and holiday. Destination UK»

Unit 6. Travel and holidays

Student’s name :Mukhamadieva A.

Theme of the Lesson:

Learning objective(s) that this lesson is contributing to understand independently specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics deduce meaning from context on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts

To read about London and identify the writer’s purpose

To learn the tourist attractions of London

To read for specific information

A learner can identify the writer’s purpose

A learner can understand the text independently and do corresponding tasks

Cooperation, respect to each other, collaborative work, lifelong learning

Cross curricular links

Packing for holidays

T: -Good morning children, I am glad to see you.

P: -We are fine. And you?

T: -I’m fine, too. Thank you sit down.

T: -Who is on duty today?

P:-I am on duty today

P: -Today is absent___

T- What date is it today?

Let’s begin our lesson. Take out your books, pens and notebooks.

T: Look at the picture and say: what do you see?

-What can you say about it?

-These pictures about London.

— Have you ever been to London?

-Do you wanna be in London?

Firstly we need get more information about London.

Open your vocabulary copybook and write new words

Crown Jewels — асыл тәжі

Task: Work with the text.

1 Task: Mark the pictures and the words at the board

Descriptor: A learner

— finds the city’s attractions.

T: You should make 4 groups and take piece of paper

Read the text match the text to the picture and answer the question

1 What can you see there? (You can see famous

landmarks such as Big Ben and Westminster Abbey.)

2 How many shops does London have? (Over 40,000.)

3What’s the best way to get around? (By tube.)

4 Where can you stay? (In luxurious hotels or bed and

Descriptor: A learner

-reads the text and answer the question

— match the text to the picture

Home task: Learn by heart new words and do Ex-4,5,8 page 67

If students understand the lesson they go travelling by plane

If the students understand the lesson not fully they travel by bus

If the students do not understand anything they go hitchhiking


6 grade excel module 6 travel holidays

6сынып 3 тоқсан 2бжб Holidays and travel Демалыс және саяхат Excel 6 аудармасымен түсіндірмесіменСкачатьПодробнее

Excel 6 grade Types of holiday & holiday activities ex.1 p. 65СкачатьПодробнее

6 сынып Travel equipment/ 6 класс английский агылшынСкачатьПодробнее

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Excel 6 Module 6a страница 65,66СкачатьПодробнее

Excel, Grade 6, Unit 6, Travel and Holidays, Audio, London AquariumСкачатьПодробнее

EXCEL Grade 6 Module 6c ex 5СкачатьПодробнее

Excel, Grade 6, Unit 6, Travel and Holidays, London destinationСкачатьПодробнее

Destination LONDON, UK (Text) Excel 6 Module 6aСкачатьПодробнее

Travel and Holidays (Vocabulary) Excel 6 Module 6СкачатьПодробнее

Excel 6th grade. Module 6. Travel and holiday. Types of holidays and holiday activities.СкачатьПодробнее

EXCEL 6 for Kaz M6c / CHECK THESE WORDS / p.70СкачатьПодробнее

Excel 6. Module 6. Turgen Gorge.СкачатьПодробнее

Excel 6. Module 6. Destination London, UK.СкачатьПодробнее

Excel 6 module 6 p66 ex3 Destination London UK TextСкачатьПодробнее

Excel 6 module 6 p65 ex2 ListeningСкачатьПодробнее

Сарванова Фатима.Учитель англииского языка. Holidays and TravelСкачатьПодробнее


6 grade excel module 6 travelling holidays

6сынып 3 тоқсан 2бжб Holidays and travel Демалыс және саяхат Excel 6 аудармасымен түсіндірмесіменСкачатьПодробнее

Excel 6 grade Types of holiday & holiday activities ex.1 p. 65СкачатьПодробнее

6 сынып Travel equipment/ 6 класс английский агылшынСкачатьПодробнее

Excel. Grade 6. Lesson 58. Writing email about your holiday.СкачатьПодробнее

Excel, Grade 6, Unit 6, Travel and Holidays, The Time MachineСкачатьПодробнее

Excel, Grade 6, Unit 6, Travel and Holidays, Turgen GorgeСкачатьПодробнее

Excel. Grade 6. Lesson 52. Types of holiday and holiday activitiesСкачатьПодробнее

Excel 6 Module 6a страница 65,66СкачатьПодробнее

Excel, Grade 6, Unit 6, Travel and Holidays, Audio, London AquariumСкачатьПодробнее

EXCEL Grade 6 Module 6c ex 5СкачатьПодробнее

Excel, Grade 6, Unit 6, Travel and Holidays, London destinationСкачатьПодробнее

Travel and holidays. English Plus 6th gradeСкачатьПодробнее

Destination LONDON, UK (Text) Excel 6 Module 6aСкачатьПодробнее

Travel and Holidays (Vocabulary) Excel 6 Module 6СкачатьПодробнее

Excel 6th grade. Module 6. Travel and holiday. Types of holidays and holiday activities.СкачатьПодробнее

EXCEL 6 for Kaz M6c / CHECK THESE WORDS / p.70СкачатьПодробнее

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Excel 6. Module 6. Turgen Gorge.СкачатьПодробнее

Excel 6. Module 6. Destination London, UK.СкачатьПодробнее

Excel 6 module 6 p66 ex3 Destination London UK TextСкачатьПодробнее


Excel 6th grade. Module 6. Travel and holiday. Types of holidays and holiday activities.

Excel 6 grade Types of holiday & holiday activities ex.1 p. 65СкачатьПодробнее

Excel. Grade 6. Lesson 52. Types of holiday and holiday activitiesСкачатьПодробнее

Excel 6. Module 6. Destination London, UK.СкачатьПодробнее

Travel and Holidays (Vocabulary) Excel 6 Module 6СкачатьПодробнее

Excel 6 module 6 p65 ex2 ListeningСкачатьПодробнее

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Excel 6 module 6c p70 Turgen GorgeСкачатьПодробнее

Excel 6 module 6 p66 ex3 Destination London UK TextСкачатьПодробнее

Урок английского языка для 6х классов «Types of holiday», учитель Белекова Гулшайыр БаратбаевнаСкачатьПодробнее

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Сарванова Фатима.Учитель англииского языка. Holidays and TravelСкачатьПодробнее

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The Time Machine (Vocabulary) Excel 6 Module 6fСкачатьПодробнее

Excel 6 module 6 p66 ex3 Destination London UK TextСкачатьПодробнее


(W,G) Reading

Pre-reading. “Hungry Tom” 

Find new words in the text.Pupils write new words on the stickers and put them on “Hungry Tom” on the board.

Omar: I want to visit the USA. I have never visited Washington D. C. I have been to Scotland, Ireland. I have lived in a hotel in Wales.

Colin: I want to stay with my friend in Almaty and Astana. I have never been to Kazakhstan. I have been to France, Italy, Japan. I like to travel by air. I have stayed in hotels there, I like homes.

Asel: I want to visit New York. I think New York is the most beautiful and biggest city in the world. I have never been to the USA, I have been to Scotland, Ireland, Germany. I want to stay in a big hotel in New York.

Dmitry: I have never been to any Disneyland. I want to go to Los Angeles. I have never been to the USA. I want to see Hollywood. I have visited Mexico, Canada.


A learner

reads the text

— writes key words


Read the text

Omar: I want to visit the USA. I have never visited Washington D. C. I have been to Scotland, Ireland. I have lived in a hotel in Wales.

Colin: I want to stay with my friend in Almaty and Astana. I have never been to Kazakhstan. I have been to France, Italy, Japan. I like to travel by air. I have stayed in hotels there, I like homes.

Asel: I want to visit New York. I think New York is the most beautiful and biggest city in the world. I have never been to the USA, I have been to Scotland, Ireland, Germany. I want to stay in a big hotel in New York.

Dmitry: I have never been to any Disneyland. I want to go to Los Angeles. I have never been to the USA. I want to see Hollywood. I have visited Mexico, Canada.


A learner

  • reads the text attentively


Fill in the chart about four people




Want to go






A learner

  • completes the table according to the text

Differentiation by tasks

(G) Writing

1st group

Complete each sentences with a word from the list

buffet     coach-station     harbour     quay 

  departure-lounge     cabin     destination

           deck        platform      runway    

  1. Most of the young people on the boat slept on the __________ in their sleeping bags.

  2. As the train drew in to the station, Terry could see her sister waiting on the ______.

  3. I was so nervous about flying that I left my bag in the ___________.

  4. By the time I got to the ________, the express bus to Scotland had left.

  5. As soon as the boat left the ___________, the storm began.

  6. We hadn’t had anything to eat, but luckily there was a _________ on the train.

  7. I’m afraid there is only one first-class _________ free on the boat.

  8. Tim reached Paris safely, but his luggage didn’t reach its ____________.

  9. There was a queue of cars on the ________, waiting for the car-ferry to the island.

10. Our plane nearly crashed into a fire-engine on the _________.

Descriptor A learner

  • Completes the gaps with correct words;

2nd group

Choose the most suitable word or words underlined

  1. David’s plane was cancelled /delayed by thick fog.

  2. The ship’s owner agreed to give the crew /passengers a pay-rise.

  3. The plane from Geneva has just grounded /landed.

  4. We hope that you will enjoy your flight / flying.

  5. Because of heavy snow in London, their plane was diverted /deviated to Manchester.

  6. I won’t be long. I’m just packing my last luggage /suitcase.

  7. A sign above the seats in the plane says ‘Fasten your life belt /seat belt’.

  8. You have to check in /check up an hour before the plane leaves.

  9. All duty free goods must be declared /surrendered at the customs.

  10. On the plane a stewardess /waitress brought me a newspaper.

  11. The plane took off /took up and was soon high over the city.

I bought a simple /single ticket, as I was going to return by car.

Descriptor A learner

  • Chooses the most suitable word;

  • complete sentences correctly;

(G,f) Speaking ( Creative work)

The 1st group The 2nd group

Produce a poster about Holidays Produce a poster about Travelling

And give 3 facts And give 3 facts

Descriptor A learner

  • creates a poster

  • gives 3 facts

  • presents poster to class

Let’s check the answers


If students understand the lesson they go travelling by plane

If the students understand the lesson not fully they travel by bus

If the students do not understand anything they go hitchhiking



A different language is a different vision of life How many languages you know — that many times you are a person.    ОСНОВНЫЕ ЗАДАЧИ МОДЕРНИЗАЦИИ КАЗАХСТАНСКОГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ:   повышение доступности, качества и эффективности образования. Это предполагает не только масштабные структурные, организационно-экономические изменения, но и в первую очередь - значительное обновление содержания образования .

A different language is a different vision of life

How many languages you know — that many times you are a person.


  • повышение доступности, качества и эффективности образования.
  • Это предполагает не только масштабные структурные, организационно-экономические изменения, но и в первую очередь — значительное обновление содержания образования .

ОСНОВНЫЕ ПРИНЦИПЫ РАЗРАБОТКИ СИСТЕМЫ УЧЕБНИКОВ:  УМК Excel 6 for Kazakhstan: Индивидуальные особенности учащихся Подача материала с учетом этих особенностей Знания как средства для  формирования личности  учащихся Собственная активная деятельность учащихся


УМК Excel 6 for Kazakhstan:

  • Индивидуальные особенности учащихся
  • Подача материала с учетом этих особенностей
  • Знания как средства для

формирования личности


  • Собственная активная деятельность учащихся

ОТЛИЧИТЕЛЬНЫЕ ОСОБЕННОСТИ УМК EXCEL 6 FOR KAZAKHSTAN: Задания направлены на формирование и развитие коммуникативных умений в реальных ситуациях общения Осуществление меж предметных связей как фактора оптимизации процесса обучения английскому языку Проектная деятельность формирующая опыт творческой и поисковой работы


  • Задания направлены на формирование и развитие коммуникативных умений в реальных ситуациях общения
  • Осуществление меж предметных связей как фактора оптимизации процесса обучения английскому языку
  • Проектная деятельность формирующая опыт творческой и поисковой работы

 Данный курс позволяет учителю реализовать обучающий, развивающий и воспитательный потенциал каждого урока. Данный школьный возраст является благоприятным для развития творческого воображения, поэтому в учебник включены задания, способствующие приобретению детьми опыта творческой деятельности

Данный курс позволяет учителю реализовать обучающий, развивающий и воспитательный потенциал каждого урока. Данный школьный возраст является благоприятным для развития творческого воображения, поэтому в учебник включены задания, способствующие приобретению детьми опыта творческой деятельности

Знакомство с новыми словами Формирование предтекстовых ожиданий Понимание прочитанного, узнавание языковых структур Тренировочные и коммуникативно-ориентированные упражнения Песни Упражнения на развитие аудитивных навыков и умений

  • Знакомство с новыми словами
  • Формирование предтекстовых ожиданий
  • Понимание прочитанного, узнавание языковых структур
  • Тренировочные и коммуникативно-ориентированные упражнения
  • Песни
  • Упражнения на развитие аудитивных навыков и умений

СТРУКТУРНЫЕ КОМПОНЕНТЫ СОСТАВЛЯЮЩИЕ УМК: Student’s Book ( SB ), Teacher’s Book (TB),  Workbook and Use of English DVD Activity Book, DVD Activity Book Key, Class CD (1, 2, 3 ) Interactive Whiteboard Software , PAL Express DVD Video, eBook. Teacher’s Resource Pack and Tests ( CD-ROM )


  • Student’s Book ( SB ),
  • Teacher’s Book (TB),
  • Workbook and Use of English
  • DVD Activity Book,
  • DVD Activity Book Key,
  • Class CD (1, 2, 3 )
  • Interactive
  • Whiteboard Software ,
  • PAL Express DVD
  • Video,
  • eBook.
  • Teacher’s Resource
  • Pack
  • and Tests ( CD-ROM )

В УМК «Excel 6 for Kazakhstan» материал разделен на 9 тематических модулей: полностью соответствует содержанию основного общего образования по английскому языку: предметное содержание речи, коммуникативные умения по видам речевой деятельности, языковые средства и навыки пользования ими.  Our class  Helping & Heroes  Our countryside  Drama & Comedy  Our health  Travel & Holidays  Reading for Pleasure  Our neighbourhood  Transport

В УМК «Excel 6 for Kazakhstan» материал разделен на 9 тематических модулей: полностью соответствует содержанию основного общего образования по английскому языку: предметное содержание речи, коммуникативные умения по видам речевой деятельности, языковые средства и навыки пользования ими.

  • Our class
  • Helping & Heroes
  • Our countryside
  • Drama & Comedy
  • Our health
  • Travel & Holidays
  • Reading for Pleasure
  • Our neighbourhood
  • Transport



MODULE 1 Reading Vocabulary




MODULE 1 Use of English Skills


Use of English


MODULE 1 Everyday English Across Culture


Everyday English

Across Culture

MODULE 1 Across Culture Writing


Across Culture


MODULE 1 Edutainment List of words



List of words

MODULE 1 Language review Self-check


Language review


MODULE 1 WB Vocabulary bank Translator’s corner


Vocabulary bank

Translator’s corner

MODULE 1 Presentation skills Teacher’s book


Presentation skills

Teacher’s book



Organizational moment

I Greeting

T: -Good morning children,  I am glad to see you.

— How are you?

P: -We are fine. And you?

T: -I’m fine, too. Thank you sit down.

T: -Who is on duty today?

P:-I am on duty today

T:-Who is absent?

P: -Today is absent___

T- What date is it today?

P: February 8th

Let’s begin our lesson. Take out your books, pens and notebooks.

Pre-learning :


T: Look at the picture and say: what do you see?

-What can you say about it?

-These pictures about London.

— Have you ever been to London?

-Do you wanna be in London?

Firstly we need get more information about London.

Open your vocabulary copybook and write new words

Heritage- Мұра

Cosmopolitan- Космополитикалық

Sight — Көзқарас

attraction- тартылыс

precious- қымбат

Crown Jewels — асыл тәжі

Ceremony- Рәсім

local — жергілікті

try — тырысу

tube- түтік

single — жеке

Task: Work with the text.

1 Task: Mark the pictures and the words at the board

Descriptor: A learner

— finds the city’s attractions.

T: You should make 4 groups and take piece of paper

Read the text match the text to the picture and answer the question

1 What can you see there? (You can see famous

landmarks such as Big Ben and Westminster Abbey.)

2 How many shops does London have? (Over 40,000.)

3What’s the best way to get around? (By tube.)

4 Where can you stay? (In luxurious hotels or bed and


Descriptor: A learner

-reads the text and answer the question

match the text to the picture

Home task: Learn by heart new words and do Ex-4,5,8 page 67


If students understand the lesson they go travelling by plane

If the students understand the lesson not fully they travel by bus

If the students do not understand anything they go hitchhiking


Сайтқа қош келдіңіз, Сіз дұрыс таңдау жасадыңыз!

Мазмұнды оқу бағдарламасы көптеген пәндерді қамтиды. Әрбір жаңа сабақта терминдер, теоремалар, мысалдар ағыны болады. Сыныптағы сабақтар, үйде оқыту, қосымша сабақтар, элективтер қазіргі оқушыдан көп уақыт пен күш алады. Кейде мұғалім берген ақпаратты қабылдау қиын және қырық минут ішінде игерілмейді. Үйге келгенде оқушы «үйді» сауатты орындай алмайды, өзін ақымақ сезінеді, оқуға деген қызығушылық төмендейді. Мұндай сәттерде біздің команда сізге мұқият қалдырған мамандандырылған әдебиеттер пайдалы болады.

Мұнда ең күрделі ғылымдар бойынша барлық шешімдер мен дұрыс жауаптар жинақталған: математика, алгебра және геометрия, физика және химия.

Шешушілердің пайдалы функцияларын атап өтеміз:

өзін-өзі тексеру, өз жұмысын қателіктер тұрғысынан талдау, бастапқы кезеңде білімдегі олқылықтарды анықтау
күрделі тапсырмаларды орындауда көмек
ата-аналардың баланың оқу процесін бақылау мүмкіндігі, сонымен қатар белгілі бір терминологияға түсінік беру мүмкіндігі
өзін-өзі бағалау мен өзіне деген сенімділікті арттыру, мектеп курсына бейімделу, бәсекелестік қызығушылықтың көрінісі.
Білім-бұл күш, оған сенімді болыңыз!

«ГДЗ» — бұл ойланбастан алдау туралы емес, бұл, ең алдымен, мектептегі үлгерімді арттыру, оқу іс-әрекетінен максималды пайда мен ләззат алу құралы. Жәрдемақы де жақсы үйлеседі ата-аналарға, оқытушыларға және репетиторов.

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