Examples of the word walk

ходьба, шаг, походка, тропа, расстояние, ходить, идти, гулять, идти пешком, обходить


- ходьба

sharp walk — прогулка быстрым шагом
the town is an hour’s walk from us — до города от нас час ходьбы
the station is only a short walk from my house — станция находится совсем близко от моего дома

- прогулка пешком

to go for a walk — пойти погулять, выйти на прогулку
to take a walk — погулять; прогуляться, пройтись
to go walks with children — водить детей гулять
to take smb. for a walk — вывести кого-л. на прогулку

- шаг

to go at a walk — идти шагом
the horse dropped into a walk — лошадь перешла на шаг
at the walk! — воен. шагом!

- походка, поступь

elastic [easy, clumsy] walk — упругая [лёгкая, неуклюжая] походка /поступь/
dignified walk — величавая поступь
shambling walk — шарканье, шаркающая походка
to know smb. by his walk — узнавать кого-л. по походке

- место, тропа, маршрут для прогулок

this is my favourite walk — здесь я больше всего люблю гулять; это мой излюбленный маршрут

ещё 19 вариантов


- ходить, идти пешком

to walk slowly [steadily, up and down] — ходить медленно [безостановочно, взад и вперёд]
to walk with a stick [on crutches, barefoot] — ходить с палкой [на костылях, босиком]
to walk along the road — идти по дороге
shall we walk it? — пойдём пешком?
he walked (for) fifteen miles — он прошёл пятнадцать миль
to walk in step — идти в ногу

- гулять, прогуливаться; прохаживаться

to walk about the room — прохаживаться по комнате

- идти или ехать шагом

don’t run, walk — не беги, иди шагом

- пускать шагом (лошадь)
- выводить на прогулку, водить гулять, прогуливать (кого-л.)

to walk a baby — поддерживать ребёнка, делающего первые шаги
to walk one’s dog — гулять с собакой

ещё 27 вариантов

Мои примеры


after the blizzard he shoveled the front walk — после метели он расчистил дорожку перед домом  
a brisk walk in the park — прогулка в парке быстрым шагом / энергичная прогулка в парке  
an easy walk around the block — лёгкая прогулка вокруг квартала  
to walk two blocks — пройти два квартала  
to walk by moonlight — гулять при свете луны  
to travel / walk a distance — проходить расстояние  
to walk a dog, to take a dog for a walk — выгуливать собаку  
to walk / tread upon eggshells — действовать с большой осторожностью  
to walk along the sea front — гулять по морской набережной  
to have a walk — прогуляться  
to walk smb. off his legs — сильно утомить кого-л. ходьбой, прогулкой  
to walk alongside of smb. — идти рядом с кем-л.  

Примеры с переводом

Let’s go for a walk.

Давай прогуляемся. / Пойдём на прогулку. / Пошли погуляем.

Walk this way.

Идите сюда. / Пройдёмте со мной.

I’ll walk you to your car.

Я провожу вас до машины.

Is it safe to walk here?

Тут безопасно гулять?

He walked to the store.

Он пошёл в магазин пешком.

It’s a long walk. Maybe we should get the bus.

Идти пешком очень долго. Наверное, нам надо сесть на автобус.

Would you care for a walk?

Не хотите пройтись?

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He loved walking in the hills.

She walked me to the front gate.

Let your arms swing as you walk.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

walk about — прогуливаться, прохаживаться, фланировать
walk away — уходить, унести, обходить стороной, уводить, украсть
walk back — отказываться от
walk in — входить, неожиданно нагрянуть, неожиданно появиться
walk off — уходить, унести, одержать легкую победу, украсть, уводить
walk on — идти вперед, продолжать ходьбу, играть роль без слов
walk out — выходить, уходить, демонстративно покинуть
walk over — перешагнуть, без труда опередить соперников, не считаться, плохо обращаться
walk through — проговаривать, коридор, мостки
walk up — подойти

Возможные однокоренные слова

walker  — ходок, скороход
walking  — ходьба, хождение, походка, гуляющий, ходячий, на шагающем ходу
overwalk  — ходить слишком много или слишком далеко, ходить слишком далеко
walkable  — проходимый, доступный пешеходу, удобный для ходьбы

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: walk
he/she/it: walks
ing ф. (present participle): walking
2-я ф. (past tense): walked
3-я ф. (past participle): walked

ед. ч.(singular): walk
мн. ч.(plural): walks

The word (


), is the


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  1. Another glimpse of what resort life was like in Alameda in the 1920s. A short,


    ,near Crab Cove will reveal many more historic gems. The vast majority of the
  2. Ball away from the batter in order to issue a base on balls. As with any other,


    , an intentional


    entitles the batter to first base without liability to be
  3. Centers::» May is 13,but she knows nothing, is unable to talk fluently, nor,


    , with ease due to for her bandy legs. Her father is dead and she has four elder
  4. One can take to get from place to place, but most of the locals choose to,


    ,to their destinations. However, an important mode of transportation is the
  5. To the arctic cold, less heat escapes the body. Its furry paws allow it to,


    ,on ice in search of food. The arctic fox has such keen hearing that it can
  6. Would lose a» good many friends «. Walters wondered that Speer did not now «,


    ,through life in a hair shirt, distributing his fortune among the victims of
  7. Example::» Consider a village near a lake. It is common for the villagers to,


    ,down to the lake to go fishing. In the early days of the community it’s hard
  8. Hitler’s inner circle; he was expected to call on Hitler in the morning for a,


    ,or chat, to provide consultation on architectural matters, and to discuss
  9. Appearing ready to take a pitch at the time the ball is thrown. An intentional,


    ,may be signaled at any time during the batter’s turn at the plate; in these
  10. These risks are rarely more beneficial to the offensive team than allowing the,


    , In the Major Leagues, the most recent example of a swing at an intentional
  11. In order to issue a base on balls. As with any other


    , an intentional,


    ,entitles the batter to first base without liability to be put out, and entitles
  12. In film, literature and television who have been described as» the last man to,


    ,on the Moon,» implying they were crew members on Apollo 17. One such character
  13. Stander). * Walking products to aid people with disabilities who are able to,


    ,or stand with assistance (canes, crutches,


    ers, gait trainers). *
  14. That the pigs have purchased more whiskey. Years pass, and the pigs learn to,


    ,upright, carry whips, and wear clothes. The Seven Commandments are reduced to a
  15. Such as paraplegia or cerebral palsy, who would not at all able to,


    ,or stand (exoskeletons). * Wheeled mobility products that enable people with
  16. Any effort on their part, who could potentially score a run. An intentional,


    ,is signaled by the catcher standing and extending one arm to the side away from
  17. Case it remains the same. A hit by pitch is not counted statistically as a,


    , though the effect is mostly the same, with the batter receiving a free pass to
  18. Vacate their base to allow the batter to take first base. If a batter draws a,


    ,with the bases loaded, all preceding runners are forced to advance, including
  19. For morning ablutions. After roll call, the Commando, or work details, would,


    , to their place of work, five abreast, wearing striped camp fatigues, no
  20. In Paris. He stated that Damrosch’s sluggish, dragging tempo caused him to,


    ,out of the hall during a matinée performance of this work. The audience
  21. Context because it is considered a faux pas for a professional player to,


    ,to first base (as opposed to physically running),and also to distinguish
  22. Trump, and magic. *Pattern: A character who has


    ed the pattern can,


    ,in shadow to any possible universe, and while there can manipulate probability.
  23. Added five pavilions, known as the Radar, between the garden and the lake. A,


    ,through the radar and chapati gives wonderful overlooking view of NASCAR
  24. Shower and undergo delousing. The victims would undress in an outer chamber and,


    ,into the gas chamber, which was disguised as a shower facility, complete with
  25. In 6.08 (a). It is called a»


    » because the batter is then entitled to,


    ,to first base, or more specifically (as defined in the rules of baseball) he
  26. And rocky bluff separating Aberdour’s two bays. From here is it a short,


    ,to the Silver Sands,Aberdour’s busiest and most popular beach. On the west
  27. 73 % drive alone,10 % carpool,6 % work from home,5 % take the bus,2 %,


    , and 1 % bicycle. Highways Central Austin is essentially bracketed by two major
  28. Rates remained generally lower than expected for both astronauts throughout the,


    , Mission Control granted the astronauts a 15-minute extension. Lunar ascent and
  29. Of the novel, one of the Seven Commandments is changed after the pigs learn to,


    ,on two legs and their shout changes to» four legs good, two legs better «.
  30. Through successive births. Their placement on the walls required the devotee to,


    ,through the aisles and ‘read’ the narratives depicted in various episodes. The
  31. The musical wings. The performers yell rather than talk and run rather than,


    , The dancing is the cream. » Alcopop is a colloquial term describing certain
  32. It appears, however,from the inscriptions on the plan itself, that the north,


    ,of the cloisters served for the purposes of a chapter-house, and was fitted up
  33. Moon


    were complete, Scott and Irwin became the seventh and eighth humans to,


    ,on the Moon, respectively. After unloading the Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV)
  34. Is simulated by rowdy noises made off-stage (alarms or alarms) while actors,


    ,on-stage, deliver their lines, and exit. To build anticipation for the duel
  35. Weigh bridge – Westminster Arcade – West work – Whispering gallery – Widow’s,


    ,– William Blackburn – Wimp erg – Windbreak – Window covering – Window screen –
  36. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. # Even though I,


    ,through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for you are with
  37. On second base, Baltimore pitcher Todd Williams was signaled to intentionally,


    ,the Marlins’ Miguel Cabrera. Noticing that the intentional ball came in too
  38. The holiest place in the world to Jews (observant Jews will not actually,


    ,inside the enclosure, but they pray at the outside wall) and the third holiest
  39. And Aldrin landed in the Sea of Tranquility and became the first humans to,


    ,on the Moon on July 21. Their Lunar Module, Eagle,spent 21 hours 31 minutes on
  40. Of the base on balls, an intentional base on balls (IBB) or intentional,


    ,is when the pitcher deliberately pitches the ball away from the batter in order
  41. All the life to God» and» the mind which was in Christ, enabling us to,


    ,as Christ


    ed. » It is» loving God with all our heart, and our neighbor as
  42. Even perhaps easier than the simulations … It’s absolutely no trouble to,


    ,around «. Apollo 11 was an engineering test of the Apollo system; therefore
  43. Receives four pitches that the umpire calls balls. It is better known as a,


    , The base on balls is defined in Section 2.00 of baseball’s Official Rules
  44. Ramidus had a more primitive


    ing ability than later hominids, and could not,


    ,or run for long distances. The teeth suggest omnivory, and are more generalized
  45. Buildings, theatre, palace of the Governor, casino … to form an elegant,


    ,bordered by arcades which is the boulevard today Che Guevara (ex-boulevard of
  46. S Official Rules, and further detail is given in 6.08 (a). It is called a «,


    ,» because the batter is then entitled to


    to first base, or more
  47. The prison yard. Measuring the path’s distance carefully, Speer set out to,


    ,the distance from Berlin to Heidelberg. He then expanded his idea into a
  48. Sauropod dinosaurs. The family includes some of the longest creatures ever to,


    ,the earth, including Diplodocus, Supersaurus, Suuwassea, and Apatosaurus. Within
  49. Him in Down Hill — for one night in May 1692,the Rev. Kirk went out for a,


    ,to the hill, in his nightshirt. Some accounts claim that he simply vanished
  50. And trading. During the excursion his horse broke and ran, forcing Pike to,


    ,the remaining 500 miles to Tao’s. After this he joined a trapping expedition to

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walk — перевод на русский


Can you walk?

Ты можешь ходить?

Now can you walk?

А теперь можешь ходить?

She can’t even walk anymore.

Она даже не может ходить.

You know, seeing my grandfather struggle to walk, it made me want to help him.

Знаете, видя как моему дедушке тяжело ходить, мне хочется помочь ему.

Do they actually walk on the legs?

На этих ногах дети могут по-настоящему ходить?

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Now, don’t worry about the walking, ’cause I can always shorten the train, or the length of the aisle.

И не беспокойся, как я буду идти, потому что я всегда могу укоротить шлейф или расстояние до алтаря.

And then-— then I came outside… and it felt-— it felt so good to be alive that I started in to walk fast.

А затем… затем я вышел наружу… и у меня возникло чувство… чувство как прекрасно быть живым, что я стал идти быстрее.

A week ago you slipped up on your cue to walk into the lion’s den.

Ќеделю назад ты прозевал сигнал, что пора идти в клетку.

Sir Walter Raleigh, spreading his cloak in the mud… so that Queen Elizabeth might walk dry-shod.

Сэр Уолтер Рэли, распростёр свой плащ над грязью так, что королева Елизавета смогла идти, не испачкав своих ног.

Well, I’m quite sure that I don’t want to walk with you.

Совершенно точно, что с Вами я никуда идти не хочу.

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=Wear jeans and put on a cap,= and let’s go for a walk.

что-нибудь повседневное= и пойдем гулять. И за руки держаться.

-You can never guess. -We went walking.

Ни за что не догадаешься — мы пошли гулять.

You could never guess. We went walking.

Ты никогда не догадаешься — мы пошли гулять.

He will be walking the streets alive, breathing the air… listening to the birds, going to the opera, the movies. While I…

он будет гулять на свободе, дышать свежим воздухом, слушать пение птиц, ходить в оперу, кино… в то время как я…

If they’re girls, you can put hair ribbons on them and take them walking on Sundays.

Если они девочки, ты украсишь их волосы лентами, и будешь гулять с ними по воскресеньям.

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I also can’t take leisure walks with you…

Мы даже прогуляться вместе не можем…

Just.. let me walk with you till the office.

Просто… позвольте мне прогуляться с Вами до дома.

-What do you say, do we take a walk?

— Так как насчет «прогуляться»?

Peace. I can’t imagine how it easy it will be to walk peacefully without being shot at.

Мир я даже не представляю,как это просто мирно прогуляться не будучи подстреленным

Maybe if you take a little walk, huh?

А если тебе прогуляться?

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«Why don’t we have a short walk around the neighborhood »

«Я предлагаю небольшую прогулку по округе»

We’re going for a walk, Mrs. Faraday.

Мы уходим на прогулку, миссис Фарадей.

You didn’t take him for his walk this morning.

Вы не вывели его не прогулку.

Took her for a walk to Land’s End and shoved her into the Atlantic Ocean.

Пригласил ее на прогулку и спихнул в Атлантический океан с утеса.

No, I think it’s a good idea to continue our walk.

Нет, я думаю, что хорошая идея — продолжить нашу прогулку.

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«Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me.»

Если я пойду и долиною смертной тени, не убоюсь зла, потому что ты со мной.

I feel pretty low, too, about walking out on her,

А потом я решил, что не пойду к Филис.

-Suppose I walk there now.

— А если я пойду туда?

I’ll walk with him, see you at the exit.

— Я пойду с ними. Встретимся у выхода.

Yeah .. though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death.

Даже если пойду долиной тьмы, В этом суть дела

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You can’t walk out like this.

Ты не можешь уйти вот так.

It couldn’t have walked out by itself.

Не могла же она сама уйти.

— You can’t walk out on me like this!

— Ты не можешь так уйти!

If you should find it desirable to walk home, you’ll find that going downstairs…

Если захотите уйти домой, вы поймете, что спускаться…

But Ninotchka, you can’t walk out like this.

Ниночка, ты не можешь так уйти.

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If you’re gonna preach I’ll walk.

— Если будете поучать, я пойду пешком. — Извините.

He always had to walk.

ј он всегда ходил пешком.

— Did you have to walk back?

— Разве обязательно было идти пешком?

This is the first time I ever had to walk back from a boat ride.

Впервые после прогулки на лодке мне приходится возвращаться пешком.

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So now you want to walk.

Так теперь Вы хотите пройтись?

Remember when a decent woman couldn’t walk down the street in broad daylight?

Вы помните когда порядочная женщина не могла пройтись по улице посреди дня?

Yeah! He says we’ll walk the plank if we don’t.

Иначе нам придётся пройтись по доске.

It’s a beautiful night. Time for a walk before my trip.

Действительно здорово, но надо пройтись перед отъездом.

We’ll walk back from the university together.

Тогда мы сможем пройтись от университета до дома.

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Aw, I’ve walked the plank 10 times already.

Я уже десять раз прошёл по доске.

Your father walked by without even a look.

Твой отец прошел мимо, даже не взглянув.

In the war, he walked halfway across Europe with a rifle in his hand.

Во время войны он прошел через всю Европу с винтовкой в руках.

Look, I walked a mile so I wouldn’t park a hot car on you.

Слушай, я прошел милю, чтобы не оставлять краденую машину возле твоего дома.

Now, say he walked six blocks before he found a place to hole up.

Скажем, он прошёл шесть кварталов, прежде чем нашёл место, где скрыться.

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Is your grandson walking yet?

He walks home from school every day.

It’s not far; you can walk there in five minutes.

It was a while after the accident before she could walk again.

He walked away without saying goodbye!

She turned and walked away from him.

The driver walked away from the accident unharmed.

They walk around the neighborhood every morning for exercise.

We walked around the city all day seeing the sights.

He walked to the store.


The cliff walk along the ocean is very popular.

Many exotic plants can be found along the walk.

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Recent Examples on the Web

In Indonesia, beverages like these are everywhere—cafés, homes, and on the backs of mostly female purveyors who walk the streets carrying bottles of their blends to sell on the streets.

Brian Underwood, Women’s Health, 5 Apr. 2023

Saer then followed a large group of people that marched from the rally to the Capitol and entered the Senate Wing door and walked through the Crypt and Hall of Columns.

oregonlive, 5 Apr. 2023

Many standard dog harnesses have a leash attachment at the back of the harness, which works fine for dogs who walk calmly on leash.

goodhousekeeping.com, 4 Apr. 2023

Everybody just kind of sagged and walked away.

Christina Capatides, CBS News, 4 Apr. 2023

But security was loose enough in the neighborhood that plenty of passers-by walked through the park just to see what was going on.

Bobby Caina Calvan, Fortune, 4 Apr. 2023

The nearest garimpo village was just beyond the tree line, a few minutes’ walk away.

Jon Lee Anderson, The New Yorker, 3 Apr. 2023

The 36-year-old woman from Oak Park, who police said was walking around before the second crash, was pronounced dead at the scene while the 38-year-old ambulance driver was transported to a local hospital and pronounced dead on arrival.

Marina Johnson, Detroit Free Press, 2 Apr. 2023

During a series of WrestleMania weekend interviews, WWE and NXT Superstars Bianca Belair, Carmelo Hayes, Legado Del Fantasma, Valhalla, Ivar, Zoey Stark and Grayson Waller all picked Cody Rhodes to walk away as Undisputed WWE Universal champion.

Alfred Konuwa, Forbes, 2 Apr. 2023

The Gargunnock Inn, for example, is a short 10-minute walk.

Dobrina Zhekova, Travel + Leisure, 24 Mar. 2023

Return to menu Just a short walk from the Takoma Metro station lies Rhizome, a community arts space that strives to promote creativity in D.C.

Olivia Mccormack, Washington Post, 23 Mar. 2023

Santo Pure is just five-minute walk from the Minoan eruption site, which is one of the largest volcanic eruptions of the last 10,000 years.

Demetrius Simms, Robb Report, 23 Mar. 2023

Japan loaded the bases in the second on singles by Okamoto and Sosuke Genda, and a walk to Yuhei Nakamura.

CBS News, 22 Mar. 2023

But their upcoming tilt with Princeton will not be a walk in the park, even with the Tigers being a 15th-seed notwithstanding.

Eddie Timanus, USA TODAY, 22 Mar. 2023

Prenzlauer Berg was filled with charming cafes, coffee shops, and boutiques, plus a U-Bahn subway station about a five minute walk from the apartment.

Jessica Puckett, Condé Nast Traveler, 22 Mar. 2023

With plenty of darkness and even an observation station a short walk uphill, Björkliden proved good place to stay entertained—on both trains and on skis—while waiting for the aurora to show.

Jamie Carter, Forbes, 21 Mar. 2023

Drag has deep historical ties to the LGBTQ community, and the The Center is just a short walk away from the iconic Stonewall Inn, arguably the birthplace of the modern LGBTQ rights movement.

Matt Lavietes, NBC News, 20 Mar. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘walk.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.


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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.








Take the word ‘walk’, for example.

Возьмем, например, слово «ходить».

100 teenage boys are part of an annual competition called ‘The Long Walk’.

По сюжету, 100 тщательно отбираемых юношей ежегодно участвуют в соревновании под названием «Долгая прогулка».

‘The Long Walk’, in the story, is an annual walking contest which is participated by a hundred of teenage boys.

Ее действие происходит в будущем и рассказывает о ежегодном соревновании «Долгая прогулка», в котором участвуют 100 мальчиков-подростков.

They also have a ‘dinosaur walk’.

Было издано также «Прогулки с динозаврами.

Can players toggle a, walk’ function instead of running everywhere?

Могут ли игроки включить функцию прогулки, вместо того, чтобы бегать по всему миру?

‘The Morning Walk’, a 1785 portrait by Thomas Gainsborough, suffered two long scratches that penetrated the paint layers.

Пострадала «Утренняя прогулка», написанная Томасом Гейнсборо в 1785 году, — на ней было обнаружено две длинных царапины, повредивших слои краски.

Moreover, a ‘Green ME’ campaign was launched to raise awareness about forests and FSC, including celebrity spokespersons, ‘Green Walk’ events, advertisements, and Sustainable Consumption Week events.

Кроме того, они запустили кампанию «Зеленый Я», направленную на повышение осведомленности о лесах и FSC, подключили знаменитостей, организовали мероприятия «Зеленая прогулка», запустили рекламу и праздник «Неделя устойчивого потребления».

Eventually they told us ‘Your daughter will never walk’.

Их слова: «ваша дочь никогда не будет ходить».

An Axolotl must NEVER be removed from the water and forced to ‘walk’ on land.

Аксолотль НИКОГДА не должен удаляться из воды и вынужден «ходить» на суше.

Detection of these EEG signals is used to trigger commands such as ‘stand’, ‘walk’, ‘faster’ or ‘slower’.

Обнаружение этих ЭЭГ-сигналов используется для запуска команд, таких как «Встать», «Прогулка», «Быстрый» или «Медленный» шаг.

An ‘Elephant Walk’ is a fundamental training element when preparing for global strike missions.

«Прогулка слонов« является фундаментальным элементом обучения при подготовке к глобальным ударным миссиям.

‘Random Walk’ author talks about what has changed in the 40 years since its publication.

Автор «Случайной прогулки» рассказывает о том, что изменилось за 40 лет с момента ее публикации.

Walk ‘im around and wipe ‘im down.

Пустите его по кругу и протрите.

Walk ‘em over, would you, Jake?

Обведи их вокруг пальца, ладно, Джейк?

It is a horse-shoe-shaped glass bridge, by which you can go several dozens of meters literally above the abyss (the entrance to ‘Sky Walk’ costs 26 U.S. dollars).

Это мост из стекла в виде подковы, по которому можно на несколько десятков метров пройти буквально над бездной (вход на Небесную тропу стоит 26 долларов).

Forget about your diet while there because plenty of chocolate shops offer endless types and forms of chocolate, they even form the so called ‘Chocolate Walk’.

Забудьте о своей диете, пока там, потому что множество шоколадных магазинов предлагают бесконечные виды и формы шоколада, они даже образуют так называемую «Шоколадную прогулку».

The calendar of the ‘Heritage Walk’ series is as follows

Итак, актерский состав сериала «Наследие» следующий

‘A Dinner at Poplar Walk’ was Dickens’s first published sketch.

«Обед на Поплар-Уок» был первым напечатанным очерком Диккенса.

I originated ‘the Moon Walk’ later popularised by Michael Jackson.

Это он придумал «лунную походку», которая впоследствии прославила Майкла Джексона

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат Walk ‘

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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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