Examples of the word sell

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), is the


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  1. With the player who caused the merger to happen, each player may either,


    ,his shares in the acquired chain, trade in two shares of the acquired chain for
  2. Are some who do not agree with this idea. When Todd’s grandson attempted to,


    ,Todd’s Oscar statuette to a movie prop collector, the Academy won the legal
  3. Has sold third party accessories. This allows, for instance, Nikon and Canon to,


    ,their Mac-compatible digital cameras and camcorders inside the store. Adobe
  4. Raids, called Razzing, on European coastal towns to capture Christian slaves to,


    ,at slave markets in places such as Turkey, Egypt,Iran, Algeria and Morocco.
  5. Alcohol. However, counties can declare themselves» dry «; the state does not,


    ,alcohol in those areas. *List of counties in Alabama Politics The current
  6. All those books tapes and seminars; things the rank and file distributors can’t,


    ,themselves but, are told over and over again, they need to buy in order to
  7. Pyramid scheme because distributors were not paid to recruit people and had to,


    ,products to get bonus checks, and the company was committed to buying back its
  8. Is a direct


    ing company and manufacturer that uses network marketing to,


    ,a variety of products, primarily in the health, beauty,and home care markets.
  9. Over long distances. Bell and his partners, Hubbard and Sanders, offered to,


    ,the patent outright to Western Union for $100,000. The president of Western
  10. Old, a horse trader from Thessaly brought Philip a horse, which he offered to,


    ,for thirteen talents. The horse refused to be mounted by anyone, and Philip
  11. Serious topics from the Virgin birth of Jesus to circumcision. The book did not,


    ,well; a Boston lawyer bought 750 copies to use as waste paper. The temple
  12. Fourth best-


    ing music artists in the history of recorded music. They still,


    ,between two and three million albums a year. ABBA was the first pop group to
  13. As in the decision to execute the entire male population of Melts and,


    ,off its woman and children simply for refusing to became subjects of Athens.
  14. US$40.00 per kilogram. There is an active trade in the shells, which,


    , for more than US$1,400 per metric tonne. There is, however,speculation that
  15. Winners nor their heirs may


    the statuettes without first offering to,


    ,them back to the Academy for US$1. If a winner refuses to agree to this
  16. Also give each player who holds any interest at all in a chain a chance to,


    ,his stock or to trade it in for shares of the acquiring chain. A merger takes
  17. Eggs instead of handing them to the higher powers (the pigs),who want to,


    ,them to humans. Napoleon then uses fear and starves them until the pigs get
  18. Musical tastes quickly made them outmoded. In response, Vivaldi chose to,


    ,off sizeable numbers of his manuscripts at paltry prices to finance his
  19. In Judaism and Jews – had described in his diary as» They’re going to,


    , » Death Warhol died in New York City at 6:32 a. m. on February 22, 1987.
  20. Influence popular conceptions or mood. Similarly, art that tries to,


    ,a product also influences mood and emotion. In both cases, the purpose of art
  21. Of a book priced at $20.00 — that is,$2.00 per book — the book will need to,


    ,1000 copies before any further payment will be made. Publishers typically
  22. Apple discontinued the original 40 GB Apple TV and now continues to produce and,


    ,the 160 GB Apple TV. On September 1,2010,alongside the release of the new
  23. Not on the open market. The case of Michael Todd’s grandson trying to,


    ,Todd’s Oscar statuette illustrates that there are some who do not agree with
  24. Bebop. * On April 6,2010,AOL announced that they were planning to shut down or,


    ,Bebop. This has been successfully concluded but with a huge loss on investment.
  25. IBO’s. Each IBO may earn income both from the retail markup on any products they,


    ,personally, plus a performance bonus based on the sales volume they and their
  26. Publisher let it go out of print, although European editions continued to,


    , After the success of her later novels, Rand was able to release a revised
  27. Black African slaves were traded to Portuguese merchants who bought them to,


    ,as cheap labor for use on Brazilian agricultural plantations. This trade would
  28. May overlap. For example, art for the purpose of entertainment may also seek to,


    ,a product,i.e. the movie or video game. Controversial art Theodore Hérault
  29. Was not as successful as the band had hoped, since most of the venues did not,


    ,out. Due to a lack of demand, they were even forced to cancel a few shows
  30. The publisher of The Geographical Distribution of Animals to avoid having to,


    ,some of his personal property. Darwin was very aware of Wallace’s financial
  31. Set in 1964,where the Great War still continues and international corporations,


    ,stocks as if» betting» on an outcome. Since profits are so great, they
  32. Bottles of brandy (which remained unopened; forty years later, Lovell would,


    ,his at a Heritage auction for $17,925). There were also small presents to the
  33. The different areas; warlike states become states ready to produce and to,


    , In the Plan alto (the high plains),the most important states were those of
  34. He would consider it a bargain. By then, the Bell company no longer wanted to,


    ,the patent. Bell’s investors would become millionaires while he fared well
  35. Public on the 14th of October. However, it is thought that the 4S will only,


    ,due to brand loyalty, as it displayed no drastic changes, and just a few new
  36. Of Ted Turner’s suggestions on reducing overpopulation by having poor people,


    ,(to rich people) their right to bear a single child per family. In Tanzania
  37. Legally encumbered by the requirement that neither winners nor their heirs may,


    ,the statuettes without first offering to


    them back to the Academy for US$1
  38. Grants to all arrivals. Wakefield’s idea was for the Government to survey and,


    ,the land at a rate that would maintain land values high enough to be
  39. Important leaders in the Ainu community. After Okinawa and Kazan declined to,


    ,their land, the Hokkaido Development Bureau applied for and was subsequently
  40. Was to collect insects and other animal specimens in the Amazon rainforest and,


    ,them to collectors back in the United Kingdom. They also hoped to gather
  41. Psychology, to illustrate another discipline, to (with commercial arts) to,


    ,a product, or simply as a form of communication. # Communication. Art, at its
  42. Later that year. In July of the following year, Apple launched the App Store to,


    ,third-party applications for the iPhone and iPod Touch. Within a month, the
  43. General, Publius Cornelius Sulla, left the Athenians their lives and did not,


    ,them into slavery; he also restored the previous government, in 86 BC. After
  44. Including the United Kingdom, Germany and Australia and the single went to,


    ,over 10 million copies worldwide. In Australia, the song occupied the top
  45. For its contractors’ labor, environmental,and business practices. To,


    ,the Apple I personal computer kit. They were hand-built by Wozniak and first
  46. S website on February 6,2007,Steve Jobs wrote that Apple would be willing to,


    ,music on the iTunes Store without DRM (which would allow tracks to be played
  47. Since, these ideas have been somewhat lost as the art market has learned to,


    ,limited edition DVDs of video works, invitations to exclusive performance art
  48. The rural area surrounding Adelaide was surveyed by Light in preparation to,


    ,a total of over of land. Adelaide’s early economy started to get on its feet
  49. Title in many cases, a privilege denied to individual Alaskans) but cannot,


    ,the land. Individual Native allotments can be and are sold on the open market
  50. 1971,at Sotheby’s New York – a minimal amount for the artist whose paintings,


    ,for over $6 million more recently. He loved celebrities, so he painted them as

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Eriberto Do Nascimento has Ph.D. in Speech Intelligibility and Artificial Intelligence and is the founder of English Phonetics Academy

продавать, продаваться, торговать, надувательство, обман


- продать

to sell a horse [a house, a book] — продать лошадь [дом, книгу]
agreement to sell — ком. соглашение о продаже
to sell for a song /for nothing/ — отдать почти задаром, продать что-л. за бесценок
to sell at best /at the market/ — бирж. продать по наиболее выгодной достижимой цене или по наилучшему достижимому курсу
to sell one’s life dearly — дорого продать свою жизнь

- торговать, продавать

- продаваться

- ком. поставлять товар

he sells gift shops /druggists/ — он поставляет товар магазинам подарков /аптекам/

- содействовать продаже

good advertising will sell goods — хорошая реклама помогает продавать товары
comics sell newspapers — комиксы обеспечивают спрос на газеты
his name on the cover sells the book — люди покупают книгу, увидев его фамилию на обложке
the radio sells many goods — много товаров удаётся продать благодаря рекламе по радио

- амер. рекламировать; популяризировать; пропагандировать; расхваливать, восхвалять

to sell soap on TV — рекламировать мыло по телевидению
to sell the free-enterprise system — пропагандировать /рекламировать, расхваливать/ систему свободного предпринимательства
this was the model set up and sold in many a lecture and pamphlet — этот пример приводился и восхвалялся во многих лекциях и брошюрах
to sell oneself — а) разг. заниматься саморекламой; to sell oneself and one’s ideas

- разг. находить распространение

do you think the idea will sell? — вы думаете, эта мысль будет подхвачена /найдёт отклик, будет воспринята положительно/?

- предавать (родину, дело и т. п.)

to sell one’s country [one’s cause] — предать родину [дело]
to sell one’s honour [one’s self-respect, one’s peace of mind] — поступиться честью [самоуважением, душевным спокойствием]
to sell a match [a game] — проиграть матч [игру] за взятку
to sell one’s vote — продать свой голос (на выборах и т. п.)
to sell justice — за взятку выносить неправосудный приговор
to sell the pass — а) выдать врагу военную тайну /пароль/; б) обмануть доверие; предать, изменить своему делу; совершить предательство

- (обыкн. on) амер. разг. внушать (мысль); уговаривать, уламывать, убеждать

- обыкн. pass сл. обманывать, надувать; разыгрывать


- разг. умение торговать, показать товар лицом

hard sell — навязывание товара; настойчивое рекламирование; броская /навязчивая/ реклама
soft sell — тонкое /ненавязчивое/ рекламирование; популяризация товара (путём бесед по радио и т. п.)

- разг. разочарование, досада

what a sell! — какая досада!, как жаль!
we were late for the lunch which was a sell — досадно, что мы опоздали к завтраку

- разг. обман, надувательство, «покупка»

it was just a sell — это была просто «покупка»

- предательство
- передача, выдача в руки властей

Мои примеры


advertisers who rely on cheesecake to sell products — рекламодатели, полагающие, что обнажёнка (фото обнажённой женщины) способствует продажам  
a story fabricated to sell magazines — история, которую сфабриковали, чтобы журналы продавались  
a restaurant which is licensed to sell alcohol — ресторан, который имеет лицензию на продажу алкоголя  
to sell into bondage — продавать в зависимость, продавать в рабство  
sell in bulk — продавать оптом  
to sell the whole caboodle — продавать всё вместе  
to go / sell like hot cakes — раскупаться, продаваться нарасхват  
to sell on consignment — продавать по накладным  
to peddle / push / sell drugs, to traffic in drug — торговать наркотиками  
to give / sell dummy — делать финт  
to sell on account — записать сумму покупки на счет, продать в кредит  
sell for a song — отдавать почти задаром  

Примеры с переводом

Buy low and sell high.

Покупай дёшево, продавай дорого.

Do you sell cigarettes?

Вы продаёте сигареты?

She sold me again.

Опять она меня надула.

The brothers sell shoes.

Братья продают обувь.

How can I sell the idea to my boss?

Как мне убедить в этом своего начальника?

Don’t sell me that love shit.

Хватит мне тут гнать про любовь.

Toni’s selling her car for £700.

Тони продаёт свою машину за семьсот фунтов.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

But Vietnam is hard to sell as a tidy, cathartic morality tale of troubled times overcome.

…when you figure that they usually sell for six dollars apiece, you’re getting quite a bargain…

…money, that great solicitor that has often succeeded in persuading people to sell their very souls…

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Фразовые глаголы

sell off — распродавать со скидкой
sell on — уломать, уговаривать
sell out — продавать, продаваться, распродавать, предавать, стать предателем
sell up — продавать с торгов

Возможные однокоренные слова

oversell  — продавать сверх своих запасов
resell  — перепродавать
seller  — продавец, торговец, ходовой товар, продаваемый товар, ходовая книга
undersell  — продавать дешевле других, продавать ниже стоимости
selling  — продажа, реализация

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: sell
he/she/it: sells
ing ф. (present participle): selling
2-я ф. (past tense): sold
3-я ф. (past participle): sold

sell — перевод на русский


Is the building owner okay with the idea of selling it?

Хозяин здания согласен его продать?

Anyway, they are things you can’t eat or sell.

Всё равно его нельзя есть и невозможно продать.

I will manage to sell them back.

Я постараюсь продать побыстрее.

Lord Choi’s soldiers? Because I couldn’t give Lord Choi’s farm rent in time, He took my one and only son to be sold as a slave.

Солдаты Господина Чхве? чтобы продать в рабство.

Gudule had resigned herself to sell her necklace, when…

Гуду уже примирилась с мыслью, что цепочку придется продать, когда…

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— And sell tickets.

— И продавать билеты.

I’d never tell you to sell those.

Я никогда не просил их продавать.

Ask them why they put me out of business, why we have to sell everything you brought here as a bride.

Спросите их, почему я разорился почему вынужден продавать твоё приданое.

We shouldn’t have sold it for 80 yen.

Мы не должны были продавать её за 80.

Are you the one who is advising Ms. Carter not to sell her castle? Oh, no.

Это вы советовали мисс Картер не продавать замок?

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Sold for $600.

— 600 долларов. Продано за 600 долларов.

Sold for $100.

Продано за 100 долларов… — 200.

Sold to this gentleman…

Продано этому джентльмену… — 600.

Sold to Hiawatha for $800.

Продано этому Гайавате за 800 долларов.

What am I offered for lot number 24? Fifty dollars. Sold for $ 50…

Продано за… 200!

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It’s from the Ziegler Music Corporation, Songs that Sell.

ќно из Ziegler Music Corporation, ѕесни на продажу.

I want you to know I don’t approve of their selling that clay thing.

‘очу, чтобы вы знали: € не одобр€ю продажу этих глин€ных голов.

We bought 145 boxes, and that’s what we’re selling.

Мы купили 145 ящиков и ровно столько выставляем на продажу.

I got something to sell.

У меня есть кое-что на продажу.

I’ve got something to sell, cheap.

У меня есть кое-что на продажу.

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If I don’t sell to him, I can’t continue in business.

Если я не буду торговать с ним, я сам буду вынужден закрыться.

You really can’t stand there selling things that don’t belong to you.

Как вам не стыдно торговать чужими вещами?

Then I noticed he was lame. I felt sorry for him. So I gave a job selling papers.

Я заметил, что он увечный, и сжалился над ним — взял к себе торговать газетами.

Tokuemon says he’s the new mayor, and he even started selling silk.

Ведёт себя так, как будто он уже главный. Даже шёлком торговать начал.

— You’re not allowed to sell here.

Проваливай! Здесь нельзя торговать! Уезжай от сюда!

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Once, twice, and sold to that very distinguished gentleman.

Раз, два, и продается, этому очень уважаемому джентльмену.

But whether they sell or not… you owe Dizar and Son $12,000 that must be paid.

Но вне зависимости от того, продаётся или нет… Вы задолжали «Дизару и сыну» $ 12 000, которые нужно уплатить

He said that if he doesn’t sell a little…

Он сказал, что ничего не продаётся…

They’re selling at $1,200.

Продаётся за 1200?

I’ll show you what sells well!

Я покажу Вам, что хорошо продаётся!

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When I refused, you said something about a letter belonging to my wife. As far as I could make out, you tried to sell it to me.

Вы сообщили, что у вас письмо, принадлежащее моей жене, и предложили мне купить его у вас.

I would buy this one if you agree to sell.

Эту, если вы нам уступите, я могу купить.

Do you want to sell? That’s something to look into. We’ll have to talk about it.

На острове семь или восемь человек, которые могут купить, надо известить их.

My father sold his jacket to buy it.

чтобы купить ее.

Do you think everything’s bought and sold?

Думаешь, всё можно купить за деньги?

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— Polish priest revealed under torture, he’s sold out.

— Ксёндз под пыткой показал, что он продался.

Because you were an idealist, Charlie, and you sold out.

Потому что ты очень идеалистичен, Чарли, и ты продался.

He sold out to the Klingons because of jealousy?

И продался клингонам из-за ревности?

The General Staff! Sold out to democracy! Caution!

Генеральный штаб продался демократам.

I ain’t the one that sold out, you are!

Это не я продался, ниггер, а ты!

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It looks so crazy and frowzy and dirty, just like that old woman who used to limp along the quay in paris selling fish. My poor, dead, darling baby.

это выглядит так безумно и затхло и грязно, точно так же как та старуха которая хромала на причале в Париже продающая рыбу моя бедная, мертвая дорогая девочка.

A mother who sold her daughter to a brothel may not pass judgement on anybody

Мать, продающая свою дочь в публичный дом не может никого осуждать.

And the people, well, maybe they dress a little differently… or talk a little differently here… but underneath they’re the same as your next-door neighbor, and you probably know them all— the cop on the beat, the kid selling papers… shopkeepers, lawyers, good people, bad people.

» люди, ну, возможно, они одеваютс€ немного по-другому, или как-то иначе разговаривают, но, на самом деле, они такие же, как ваши соседи и вы, веро€тно, знаете их всех: полицейского на посту, ребЄнка, продающего газеты, владельцев магазинов, адвокатов, хороших людей, плохих людей.

This is about a father selling his daughter, like a horse.

Речь идет об отце, продающем свою дочь, как лошадь.

A lot of idiots you are selling your birthright for a saucer of cold porridge.

Сборище отпетых идиотов, вот вы кто… продающих первородство за жалкую миску холодной похлёбки…

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Sold things, chopped cotton.

Вещи распродали.

You said you’d pay me in full when things got better… but instead you sold out.

Вы обещали все выплатить, как только дела наладятся но вместо этого вы всё распродали.

They had to sell everything or almost… they kept a cottage and a farm.

— Они распродали всё или почти всё… оставили только коттедж и ферму.

This is equivalent to selling our country.

Все равно что распродать страну.

They’ve come to sell out whatever’s left.

Они пришли, чтобы распродать то, что осталось.

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Synonym: market, peddle, vend. Antonym: buy. Similar words: seller, sell off, sell out, self-, itself, cell, tell, bell. Meaning: [sel]  n. the activity of persuading someone to buy. v. 1. exchange or deliver for money or its equivalent 2. be sold at a certain price or in a certain way 3. do business; offer for sale as for one’s livelihood 4. persuade somebody to accept something 5. give up for a price or reward 6. deliver to an enemy by treachery 7. be approved of or gain acceptance 8. be responsible for the sale of. 

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1. You have no goats, and yet you sell kids. 

2. Catch the bear before you sell his skin. 

3. You cannot sell the cow and sup the milk. 

4. Cry up wine and sell vinegar. 

5. Sell the bear’s skin before one has caught the bear. 

6. If you sell the cow,[Sentence dictionary] you sell her milk too. 

7. Do not sell the bear’s skin before you have caught the bear. 

8. It’s no sin to sell dear, but a sin to give ill measure. 

9. Can you catalogue the VCD sets you sell?

10. They sell screws and nails by volume.

11. They sell all kinds of things.

12. This shop is licensed to sell tobacco.

13. Can you sell the chief on your plan?

14. The restaurant applied for a licence to sell wine.

15. We sell quality tools at the right price.

16. This yogurt is past its sell — by date.

17. Grocery stores sell many foods that have been processed.

18. Ready meals sell well because of their convenience.

19. It is illegal to sell alcohol to children.

20. I think more customers probably prefer a soft sell.

21. Advertisement helps us to sell goods.

22. The club were forced to sell their star player.

23. We sell all shapes and sizes of teddy bear.

24. ‘Are you going to sell your house?’ ‘Maybe.’

25. He was forced to sell off his land.

26. We sell a wide range of ales and stouts.

27. The Indians brought in exquisite beadwork to sell.

28. They are still trying to sell their house.

29. Can she be persuaded to sell ?

30. We sell pots, gloves[sentencedict.com], seeds and other gardening paraphernalia.

More similar words: seller, sell off, sell out, self-, itself, cell, tell, bell, yell, well, shell, himself, select, vessel, hello, spell, swell, by itself, closely, of itself, in itself, tell on, yellow, as well, by yourself, selected, by himself, dwell on, well known, well-known. 


He buys and remodels houses and then sells them at a profit.

Stock prices are increasing, so now is a good time to sell.

Only a few stores sell that type of equipment.

Recent Examples on the Web

The Pipkin Road Beverage Castle will receive a $2,000 bonus commission for selling the winning ticket, the lottery said.

Gina Martinez, CBS News, 9 Apr. 2023

Still, those clients calling Dyment after the millionaires tax passed ultimately expressed an unwillingness to break the ties with Massachusetts necessary for a domicile change, such as selling a primary residence.

Jon Chesto, BostonGlobe.com, 8 Apr. 2023

The store will receive a $2,000 bonus commission for selling the winning ticket.

Garfield Hylton, Orlando Sentinel, 7 Apr. 2023

The person selling the credit will have that fee subtracted from the sale, while the buyer will pay it up front to cover the work of finding credits and facilitating the trade.

Madeline Heim, Journal Sentinel, 7 Apr. 2023

This Reventón, one of just 20 sold, is a rare blend of Lamborghini’s past and present.

Brendan Mcaleer, Car and Driver, 7 Apr. 2023

Add in a hefty dose of economic uncertainty — inflation, the prospect of financial instability, the war in Ukraine — and buying or selling a home could feel somewhat unnerving.

Ronda Kaysen, New York Times, 7 Apr. 2023

The cuts that appeared Friday on Tesla’s website ranged from $5,000 per vehicle for Tesla’s slower-selling more expensive models, the S large sedan and the X big SUV.

Chicago Tribune, 7 Apr. 2023

The first floor boasts a fascinating glass-blowing station, a cafe featuring coffee from Jamaican coffee roaster Sangsters, and funky merch sold at the museum’s shop.

Natalia Senanayake, Peoplemag, 7 Apr. 2023

The process is typically voluntary, which can be a tough sell when plants are understaffed.

Betsy Ladyzhets, Scientific American, 30 Mar. 2023

Looked at as an EV, the 450e is a tougher sell.

Joe Lorio, Car and Driver, 13 Mar. 2023

As The New York Times perfume critic Chandler Burr noted in a (glowing) review of Britney Spears’s Midnight Fantasy, celebrity perfumes can be a tough sell due to their image as tasteless money grabs.

Emily Jensen, Harper’s BAZAAR, 16 Nov. 2022

With their regional appeal and expensive fees, RSNs have become a tough sell for many cable providers, after long being part of pay-TVs linchpin.

Alex Weprin, The Hollywood Reporter, 14 Mar. 2023

But after a tough sell — and thundering cheers from the crowd — Clayton went with his gut feeling and joined Horan’s team.

Starr Bowenbank, Billboard, 7 Mar. 2023

Bryan, a Los Angeles Democrat and the chair of the Assembly’s Committee on Elections, faces a tough sell for the two-thirds vote.

Stefanie Dazio, ajc, 9 Feb. 2023

But even in the places that are building, that has proven a tough sell, in part because rents in cities such as Beverly remain relatively high despite the new production, a fact Cahill attributes in part to neighboring communities that have built little.

Andrew Brinker, BostonGlobe.com, 20 Jan. 2023

Young seemed like the tougher sell.

Craig Jenkins, Vulture, 20 Jan. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘sell.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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