Examples of the word lead

приводить, вести, свинец, руководство, шаг, свинцовый


- тех. освинцовывать, покрывать свинцом
- полигр. разделять шпонами, прокладывать шпоны; набирать на шпоны
- вести; показывать путь

to lead by the hand — вести за руку
to lead a blind man — вести слепого
to lead a horse — вести лошадь в поводу
to lead the way — а) показывать путь; вести за собой; б) сделать первый шаг, проявить инициативу
to lead for landing — ав. идти на посадку

- руководить, возглавлять; управлять

to lead an army — командовать армией
to lead an expedition — руководить экспедицией
to lead a mutiny — стоять во главе мятежа
to lead a choir — управлять хором
to lead the fashion — быть законодателем мод
to lead for the prosecution [defence] — юр. возглавлять обвинение [защиту]
to lead the Conservatives — быть лидером консервативной партии

- занимать первое место; быть впереди

to lead the advance — воен. двигаться в голове наступающих войск
a brass band led the regiment — впереди полка шёл духовой оркестр

ещё 15 вариантов


- хим. свинец

- грузило, отвес
- мор. лот

to cast /to heave/ the lead — бросать лот, мерить глубину лотом

- сл. пуля, пули; ≅ девять граммов свинца

lead poison — смерть от пули
a hail of lead — град свинца
to get the lead — быть застреленным; погибнуть от пули

- свинцовые полосы для покрытия крыши

ещё 36 вариантов

Мои примеры


a good lead for a job — хорошая подсказка для работы  
the female lead in the play — главная женская роль в этой пьесе  
the story of exposure to lead — рассказ о воздействии свинца  
lead bullion — свинцовый брусок  
to stage / lead / mount a coup — организовать, возглавить, подготовить переворот  
to lead by personal example — увлекать собственным примером  
to lead a certain existence — вести определённое существование  
to fit a new lead — вставлять новый грифель  
to follow the lead — следовать руководящему судебному прецеденту  
to lead a horse by the bridle — вести лошадь под уздцы  
hail of lead — град пуль  
lead pipes — свинцовые трубы  

Примеры с переводом

He leads a full, active life.

Он ведёт полноценную, активную жизнь.

All roads lead to Rome. посл.

Все дороги ведут в Рим.

Chance led him to London.

Случай привёл его в Лондон.

The path leads down to the main road.

Эта тропинка ведёт к главной дороге.

Social drinking may lead to alcoholism.

Употребление спиртного «за компанию» может привести к алкоголизму.

They filled him full of lead.

Они начинили его свинцом.

Road signs lead the traffic out of the city.

Дорожные знаки указывают транспорту выезд из города.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The leaking fuel rods will be encapsulated in lead.

…unexpectedly elevated to the throne, the new king acknowledged that many misdoubted his ability to lead his people…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

lead away — увести, увлечь
lead off — начинать, открывать, класть начало, отклонять, выходить из себя
lead on — завлекать, вводить в заблуждение, увлечь, подстрекать
lead out — выводить, выводной провод,
lead up — , собираться разыграть карту,
lead up to — наводить разговор на, постепенно подготовлять, служить введением

Возможные однокоренные слова

leaded  — освинцованный
leaden  — свинцовый, тяжелый, серый, неповоротливый, тяжкий, медлительный, инертный
leader  — лидер, руководитель, вождь, глава, ведущий, предводитель, вожак, командир, полководец
leading  — ведущий, передовой, головной, руководящий, руководство, директива, инструкция
mislead  — вводить в заблуждение, сбивать с толку, сбивать с пути
leadless  — безвыводной, не имеющий выводов, несвинцовый, неэтилированный

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: lead
he/she/it: leads
ing ф. (present participle): leading
2-я ф. (past tense): led
3-я ф. (past participle): led

ед. ч.(singular): lead
мн. ч.(plural): leads

лидер, руководитель, вождь, глава, ведущий, предводитель, вожак, командир, полководец


- руководитель; вождь; глава; командир; лидер

the leader of an expedition — глава, руководитель экспедиции
spiritual leader — духовный лидер, духовный глава
Pioneer leader — (пионер)вожатый
Leader of the House — а) лидер палаты общин; б) амер. лидер палаты представителей
Leader of the House of Lords — лидер палаты лордов
Leader of the Opposition — лидер оппозиции (в Великобритании)

- ведущий адвокат (на суде)

leader for the defence — адвокат, возглавляющий защиту
leader of the bar — руководящий барристер

- спорт. ведущий бег, гонку; лидер
- концертмейстер
- дирижёр; капельмейстер; регент (хора)

ещё 22 варианта

Мои примеры


the leader of an army — командующий армией  
the Times leader column — главная колонка газеты «Таймс»  
minority leader — лидер меньшинства  
opposition leader — лидер оппозиции  
undisputed leader — бесспорный лидер  
to choose a leader — избрать руководителя  
majority leader — лидер фракции большинства (в конгрессе)  
market leader — акции ведущих компаний  
follow my leader — , детская игра, в которой играющие подражают действиям ведущего  
leader branch — главная ветвь  
brand leader — лидирующая марка; лидирующий бренд; марка-лидер  
brigade-leader — бригадир  

Примеры с переводом

She was honoured as a community leader.

Её уважали как общественного лидера.

Sol was the leader of the pack.

Сол был главарём банды.

He’s got all the qualities to be a leader.

У него есть все качества, необходимые для того, чтобы стать лидером.

The scouts grouped around their leader.

Скауты собрались вокруг своего лидера.

Party members united behind their leader.

Члены партии сплотились вокруг своего лидера.

You need to choose a team leader.

Вам нужно выбрать лидера команды.

The tour leader suggested several restaurants in the area.

Гид предложил несколько ресторанов в этом районе.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Islam was inspired by the teachings of the spiritual leader Mohammed.

…bagpipes played a haunting dirge at the funeral for the fallen leader…

…the leader thought we were still headed north on the trail, but I disagreed…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

lead  — приводить, вести, свинец, руководство, шаг, свинцовый
leaded  — освинцованный
leadership  — руководство, лидерство, руководящая роль, превосходство, предводительство
leading  — ведущий, передовой, головной, руководящий, руководство, директива, инструкция
leaders  — пунктир
leadless  — безвыводной, не имеющий выводов, несвинцовый, неэтилированный

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): leader
мн. ч.(plural): leaders

The word (


), is the


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Mastering contextual understanding of words and phrases is a vital skill for effective communication and English learning. Enhance your proficiency by practicing with our handpicked collection of 50 English phrases.

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  1. Before finally giving up the seat after losing in court. This ultimately would,


    ,to a collapse of support for Democrats at the ballot box in the next three or
  2. As a coloring agent in sweets. *Up to 2 % of arsenic is used in


    alloys for,


    ,shots and bullets. *Arsenic is added in small quantities to alpha-brass to make
  3. The Mexican Liberal Party was established and during the early 1910s it,


    ,a series of military offensives


    ing to the conquest and occupation of
  4. Annual production of antimony. Alloys Antimony forms a highly useful alloy with,


    , increasing its hardness and mechanical strength. The Sb-Pb alloy is used in
  5. Such as sulfur as cosmetic substances. The Egyptians worked deposits of the,


    ,ore galena at Rebel Rosa’s to make net sinkers, plumb bobs, and small figurines.
  6. The Trojans back from the beaches, but was killed by Hector before he could,


    ,a proper assault on the city of Troy. After receiving the news of the death of
  7. Or eliminated from practice. Lack of training in these areas is thought to,


    ,to an overall loss of effectiveness by some aikido practitioners. Conversely
  8. Bitumens contain sulfur and several heavy metals such as nickel, vanadium,


    , chromium, mercury and also arsenic, selenium,and other toxic elements.
  9. Have undergone a series of changes in recent years; future research may,


    ,to further changes and ultimately greater stability. The order is clearly
  10. Perceive other people’s actions as meaningful is critical for altruism «, said,


    , study investigator Harold Tankers. Religious viewpoints Most, if not all, of
  11. Even greater nutrient and pest control inputs. Further industrialization,


    ,to the use of monocultures, when one cultivar is planted on a large acreage.
  12. To read, but sacrifice the definiteness of the scientific systems, and may,


    ,to ambiguities,e.g. whether to interpret sh as a single sound, as in gash, or
  13. Anaerobic bacteria that live in the mouth and excrete substances that,


    ,to bad breath and unpleasant mouth taste. Usage Common use involves rinsing the
  14. 19th century as a coloring agent in sweets. *Up to 2 % of arsenic is used in,


    ,alloys for


    shots and bullets. *Arsenic is added in small quantities to
  15. Tests eliminated the possibility of the unknown element being thorium, radium,


    , bismuth, or thallium. The new product exhibited chemical properties of an
  16. Reactive oxygen species and oxidative stress. These metabolic interferences,


    ,to death from multi-system organ failure, it is presumed from necrotic cell
  17. S Muppets),Actress and founder of SAG Puppeteers’ Caucus * Joe Strummed,


    ,singer, guitarist and lyricist of the English band The Clash Religious figures
  18. Possess secret knowledge that—with a» small» initial investment—would surely,


    ,to that goal. However, it is important to emphasize that the terms» chemical »
  19. She rejected anarchism as a naïve theory based in subjectivism that could only,


    ,to collectivism in practice. Some non-Objectivist philosophers, such as Norman
  20. And the stone represented a hidden spiritual truth or power that would,


    ,to that goal. In texts that are written according to this view, the cryptic
  21. And Hermetic practitioners, the heart of alchemy is spiritual. Transmutation of,


    ,into gold is presented as an analogy for personal transmutation, purification
  22. Uranium, rare earth elements, chromite,gold, zinc,talc, barites,sulfur,


    , marble, precious and semi-precious stones, natural gas, and petroleum among
  23. e. g., Paris Green (copper (II) acetoarsenite),calcium Senate, and,


    , hydrogen Senate. The latter three have been used as agricultural insecticides
  24. He took office the next March. On December 20, 1860,South Carolina took the,


    ,by adopting an ordinance of secession; by February 1,1861,Florida
  25. Period interpreted the purification of the soul to mean the transmutation of,


    ,into gold (in which they believed elemental mercury, or ‘quicksilver ‘, played
  26. Use of metallic arsenic is for strengthening alloys of copper and especially,


    ,(for example, in automotive batteries). Arsenic is a common n-type do pant in
  27. Great many blue and odd-eyed white cats have normal hearing, and even deaf cats,


    ,a very normal life if kept indoors. Ears are pointed and large, eyes are almond
  28. Impact on the other fields, the different methods and focuses of these fields,


    ,to different perspectives on altruism. Scientific viewpoints Anthropology
  29. Secessionists feared that the loss of slaves in the border states would,


    ,to emancipation, and that upper South slave states might be the next dominoes
  30. Under pressure from environmentalists, have removed it, along with,


    , Biological role Bacteria Some species of bacteria obtain their energy by
  31. And removing (or intentionally adding) ambiguity in arguments, because it can,


    ,to incorrect conclusions and can be used to deliberately conceal bad arguments.
  32. Leads to a mixture of products. The reaction is highly exothermic, and can,


    ,to an explosion. These reactions are an important industrial route to
  33. 180°,the putative average). In general application such an oversight will,


    ,to the average value artificially moving towards the middle of the numerical
  34. Low levels, led many to suicide. Thinking that this consequential death would,


    ,to freedom and access to the Taoist heavens, the ensuing deaths encouraged
  35. A split rail, resulting in the destruction of its diesel engine. His demands,


    ,to a coal-burning steam engine being attached to his train in its stead and
  36. He loved Crisis) and at the urging of Thesis, Achilles refused to fight or,


    ,his troops alongside the other Greek forces. At this same time, burning with
  37. Methyl Senate (DSM) – less toxic organic forms of arsenic – have replaced,


    ,Senate in agriculture. Arsenic is still added to animal food, in particular
  38. Gus Van Sent was planning a version of Warhol’s life with River Phoenix in the,


    ,role just before Phoenix’s death in 1993.; Documentaries *The 2001 documentary
  39. To Andrew Johnson, the military governor of Tennessee, encouraging him to,


    ,the way in raising black troops, Lincoln wrote,» The bare sight of 50,000
  40. Independence of Angola),founded in 1966. After many years of conflict that,


    ,to the weakening of all the insurgent parties, Angola gained its independence
  41. The main use of metallic arsenic is for alloying with copper and especially,


    , Lead components in automotive batteries are strengthened by the presence of a
  42. Of different humans. The arrival of Modernism in the late nineteenth century,


    ,to a radical break in the conception of the function of art, and then again in
  43. Pashtun’s territories were divided by the 1893 Durand Line, an action which would,


    ,to strained relations between Afghanistan and British India (later the new
  44. Or one coulomb per second constituting one ampere. The practical definition may,


    ,to confusion with the definition of a coulomb (i.e.,1 amp-second),but in
  45. Natural resources Egypt is rich in building and decorative stone, copper and,


    ,ores, gold,and semiprecious stones. These natural resources allowed the
  46. Husband quit shortly after Salt did and joined the strike some years later. Her,


    ,allows Deign to find Hugh Aston. *Dr. Thomas Hendricks is a famous brain
  47. The autumn of 1972,and sessions began on 26 September 1972. The women shared,


    ,vocal on» Nina, Pretty Ballerina» that day, and their voices in harmony for
  48. Remedy such as restitution or a permanent injunction. Criminal cases may,


    ,to fines or other punishment, such as imprisonment. The famous Latin Response
  49. Of the American colonies. Burgoyne’s invasion had two components: he would,


    ,about 8,000 men along Lake Champlain towards Albany, New York, while a second
  50. Plagued with problems, not the least of which was the firing of the original,


    ,actor, Shintaro Bats—creator of the very popular Satoshi character—due to an

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Recent Examples on the Web

Adam Driver stars as Daniel Jones, the lead investigator who plowed an increasingly lonely path to the truth, battling against political resistance and CIA interference all the way.

Wired Staff, WIRED, 31 Mar. 2023

Ted Padich, lead investigator of the PPP Fraud Task Force and Sober Homes Task Force, said investigators expect to bring charges of scheme to defraud, grand theft and money laundering.

Angie Dimichele, Sun Sentinel, 29 Mar. 2023

Megan Sandel is co-director of the GROW clinic, co-lead principal investigator of Children’s HealthWatch at Boston Medical Center, and a professor of pediatrics at Boston University Chobanian and Avedisian School of Medicine and BU School of Public Health.

Megan Sandel And Charlotte Bruce, STAT, 28 Mar. 2023

The state was likely helped during the pandemic by its relatively low poverty rate and high level of educational attainment, said Emma Castro, a researcher at the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington in Seattle and a co-lead author on the paper.

Angela Roberts, Baltimore Sun, 27 Mar. 2023

May was the lead author of a paper that describes A. buccei in the journal Palaeontologia Electrictronica, with an overview of beavers on the Texas Gulf Coast from 15 to 22 million ago based on fossils in the University of Texas collections.

Greg Garrison | , al, 27 Mar. 2023

Study affirms climate change Jay Zwally, a researcher at NASA Cryospheric Sciences Laboratory and the lead author of the 2015 paper, told USA TODAY the paper does not disprove climate change.

Kate S. Petersen, USA TODAY, 24 Mar. 2023

It’s hosted by one of the lead authors.

Lila Maclellan, Fortune, 24 Mar. 2023

The lead author of the study, Elizabeth Archer, a postgraduate researcher at the University of East Anglia, said infections in the late 1980s were mostly seen in Gulf Coast states and areas along the southern Atlantic coast but rarely north of Georgia.

Denise Chow, NBC News, 23 Mar. 2023

His 3-pointer with 5:04 left gave the Huskies a 63-55 lead and provided the perfect response to the Aztecs’ run.

Paul Myerberg, USA TODAY, 4 Apr. 2023

Hachimura elevated toward the rim, double-pumped and scored on a layup just before the clock struck zero to give the Lakers an 18-point lead.

Broderick Turner, Los Angeles Times, 3 Apr. 2023

Here was Yordan Alvarez giving the @Astros the lead, as heard on @AstrosRadioMLB.

Michael Shapiro, Chron, 2 Apr. 2023

San Antonio wide receiver Fred Brown went 96 yards for the XFL’s first kickoff-return touchdown of the season in the second quarter to give the Brahmas the lead, but the Vegas Vipers scored the game’s final 17 points for a 26-12 victory on Saturday.

Mark Inabinett | Minabinett@al.com, al, 2 Apr. 2023

The Blazers started strong in the first quarter, but ultimately fell behind and trailed for most of the game until new guard Jeenathan Williams, signed Friday out of the G League, made a three-pointer and then scored on a drive to give his new team a 91-88 lead with 7:57 to go.

Afentres, oregonlive, 2 Apr. 2023

But Antetokounmpo reeled off seven straight points with a three-point play, a layup and a dunk that gave the Bucks a 96-82 lead heading into the fourth quarter.

Ben Steele, Journal Sentinel, 2 Apr. 2023

Machado originally was called safe but the Rockies challenged and the call was overturned. Carpenter, who signed as a free agent in December, gave the Padres a 4-0 lead with his double into right field with one out in the third.

Bernie Wilson, BostonGlobe.com, 2 Apr. 2023

But a wild touchdown pass from DiNucci to former NFL wide receiver Josh Gordon with eight seconds left before halftime gave the Sea Dragons a 21-9 lead that the Renegades couldn’t recover from.

Sportsday Staff, Dallas News, 1 Apr. 2023

Never Shop Hungry This can lead to making impulsive purchases.

Redbook, 6 Apr. 2023

Trying new things outside of your comfort zone on vacation can lead to some of the most exhilarating and unforgettable experiences of your life.

James Barrett, Men’s Health, 6 Apr. 2023

But in rarer cases, chlamydia can lead to itching and irritation of the genital area, discomfort when urinating, and an unusual discharge.

Sarah Bradley, Women’s Health, 6 Apr. 2023

View Photos The Prime’s shape leads to good visibility in all directions, but the cabin does suffer from some ergonomic concerns.

Andrew Krok, Car and Driver, 6 Apr. 2023

Her transition from news to the arts would eventually lead her to trailblaze a vibrant television career that has now spanned seven decades.

Diane J. Cho, Peoplemag, 5 Apr. 2023

But Stan Trout, founder of the rare earths and magnetic materials consultancy Spontaneous Materials, thinks that Tesla’s decision can lead to ripple effects.

Mary Hui, Quartz, 5 Apr. 2023

There’s the agony of filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form, which is akin to filing your taxes and which can lead to federal aid in the form of Pell grants.

Nicole Laporte, Town & Country, 5 Apr. 2023

In the committee hearing, Cabrera bristled at the notion that her bill could lead to fewer dollars for police and fire.

Ryan Gillespie, Orlando Sentinel, 5 Apr. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘lead.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.


: something that leads: such as


: a primary or terminal shoot of a plant


: tendon, sinew

the leaders in his wrists moved like baling wireDillon Anderson


leaders plural

: dots or hyphens (as in an index) used to lead the eye horizontally : ellipsis sense 2


chiefly British

: a newspaper editorial


: something for guiding fish into a trap


: a short length of material for attaching the end of a fishing line to a lure or hook


: something that ranks first

the leaders among communicable diseases


: a blank section at the beginning or end of a reel of film or recorded tape


: a person who leads: such as


: guide, conductor

The tour leader recommended several restaurants in the area.


: a person who directs a military force or unit


: a person who has commanding authority or influence

a leader in the reform movement


: the principal officer of a British political party


: a party member chosen to manage party activities in a legislative body


: such a party member presiding over the whole legislative body when the party constitutes a majority


: a first or principal performer of a group

The concertmaster is the leader of the violin section.


: a horse placed in advance of the other horses of a team


Example Sentences

The tour leader suggested several restaurants in the area.

She was the leader for most of the race, but she eventually finished second.

The class focused on the great religious leaders of the last century.

the leader of an army

a leader of the antiwar movement

Some people are leaders, and some people are followers.

The company has become a leader in developing new technology.

the leader of a popular big band of the 1930s

The Times attacked the government in a leader today.

See More

Recent Examples on the Web

Russell, a computer science professor at the University of California, Berkeley, has spent decades as a leader in the AI field.

Tim Newcomb, Popular Mechanics, 9 Apr. 2023

Bezalel Smotrich — a settler leader and high-ranking member of Netanyahu’s cabinet — said Friday that his willingness to tolerate action that does not include more extreme measures in the territories was waning.

Louisa Loveluck, Washington Post, 8 Apr. 2023

The fraudulent activity was not discovered until August 2019, when a church leader received a letter from the church’s bank indicating there were insufficient funds to cover a $75.00 check written against the church’s account.

Carol Robinson | Crobinson@al.com, al, 8 Apr. 2023

The Defense Ministry is under the command of an active-duty general, not a civilian leader, is not required to publicly release documents or report on its activities and often refuses to appear before Mexico’s Congress to answer questions.

Galia García Palafox Alejandro Cegarra, New York Times, 7 Apr. 2023

On Wednesday, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., defied Chinese threats of retaliation by appearing with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen in California, the most senior U.S. official to meet with a Taiwanese leader on U.S. soil in decades.

Megan Lebowitz, NBC News, 7 Apr. 2023

McKee has scheduled a press conference at the State House for 11 a.m. Langevin, a Democrat who became a national leader on cyber security issues during his 11 terms in the House, retired from Congress in January after not seeking reelection last year.

Dan Mcgowan, BostonGlobe.com, 7 Apr. 2023

DeBerry left quietly at the beginning of this season, and Alterra has yet to name a replacement leader.

oregonlive, 7 Apr. 2023

Chisholm finished his college career as Dayton’s all-time leader in all-purpose yards while also ranking top 3 in career rushing yards and total touchdowns.

Shelby Dermer, The Enquirer, 6 Apr. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘leader.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

First Known Use

14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1

Time Traveler

The first known use of leader was
in the 14th century

Dictionary Entries Near leader

Cite this Entry

“Leader.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/leader. Accessed 13 Apr. 2023.


More from Merriam-Webster on leader

Last Updated:
10 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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Merriam-Webster unabridged

Понравилась статья? Поделить с друзьями:
  • Examples of the word finally
  • Examples of the word derivation
  • Examples of the word deal
  • Examples of the word aspects
  • Examples of the word action