Examples of sentences with the word often


Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word often, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use often in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «often».

Often in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word often in a sentence.

  1. Franz’s room was often cold.

  2. It is often seen in Virginia.

  3. The covers, often by Earle K.

  4. He has often been exploited.».

  5. Its often helpful to rewrite:.

  6. Their nests are often confined.

  7. Multiple nests are often built.

  8. Older specimens are often paler.

  9. Scorpions are often kept as pets.

  10. How often this occurs is unknown.

  11. Female workers are often victims of these patterns.

  12. The lobes occur in pairs and are often symmetrical.

  13. Because of her ambition, she can often be stubborn.

  14. She should be seen again and often on the screen.».

  15. Olga was most often paired with her sister Tatiana.

  16. Compounding their image problem, they both often dressed in the Castilian manner.

  17. Megabat species often have eyesight as good as, if not better than, human vision.

  18. Elements of images were often cropped, giving the composition a spontaneous feel.

  19. Conditions above the studio floor were often dangerous due to the heat and smoke.

  20. This martin is often seen perched on wires, and sometimes rests on sandy beaches.

  21. Shielding gases with high helium contents are often used for higher penetration in thicker materials.

  22. Urinary difficulty is one of the earliest symptoms with multiple system atrophy, and is often severe.

  23. The family moved often because Ward Patton, a teacher, was assigned to a different school every year.

  24. Lang often spoke in the House of Lords about the treatment of Russian Christians in the Soviet Union.

  25. The sequence of events that led to Somerset’s removal from power has often been called a coup d’état.

  26. Respiratory therapists often work in intensive care units to monitor how well a patient is breathing.

  27. SDOs’ orbits are also highly inclined to the ecliptic plane and are often almost perpendicular to it.

  28. It is often used to mean this syndrome but may refer to other mood disorders or simply to a low mood.

  29. These lands, often given to heroes who perished in the line of duty were called bilavritti or kalnad.

  30. Wild condors maintain a large home range, often traveling 250 km (160 mi) a day in search of carrion.

  31. Reports came in from all over by later 1835, and often reported in newspapers of this time in Canada.

  32. Regency houses were typically built as terraces or crescents, often in a setting of trees and shrubs.

  33. During lean periods, it often preys on larger animals, which it can kill and return to feed on later.

  34. The record often includes stressed drum sounds and distinctive percussion such as congas and maracas.

  35. Nests are often solitary, although a few pairs may breed relatively close together at good locations.

  36. Novice anglers often mistake this shark for the mako, which has earned it the affectionate moniker «fako» in New England.

  37. Despite this, the Missoulian’s Jon Burlingame noted that the show often surrounds her with «offbeat settings and people».

  38. Highly mobile and migratory, this shark is most often found over the edge of the continental shelf down to 50 m (164 ft).

  39. Little Tich became interested in the travelling performers whom his father often employed to entertain guests at the inn.

  40. This display is antagonistic in a context where pigeon guillemots are in a group and often is the precursor to an attack.

  41. She often spent weekends at a riverside cottage that Ward rented on Astor’s country estate, Cliveden, in Buckinghamshire.

  42. It was often possible to open a pipe near a burning building and connect it to a hose to spray on a fire or fill buckets.

  43. Another hallmark of Achebe’s style is the use of proverbs, which often illustrate the values of the rural Igbo tradition.

  44. The gavundas who appear most often in inscriptions were the backbone of medieval polity of the southern Karnataka region.

  45. The sopera will often be covered by a cloth known as a pañuelo that is colored in accordance with the oricha in question.

  46. He became known locally as an industrious and good-humoured man who often entertained his clients by singing and dancing to them on their doorsteps while plying his trade.

  47. They did not pull the handle more often when a partner was pulling; both novices and experienced participants kept pulling even in situations where success was impossible.

  48. His relationship to both of these pharaohs remain uncertain, although it is often conjectured that Unas was Djedkare’s son, owing to the smooth transition between the two.

  49. Because the series usually has a dark atmosphere, often consisting of «sets with grime and a sense of danger», Kripke wanted there to be a contrast between the two worlds.

  50. The anglophone guards often could not communicate with the prisoners or even pronounce their names, resorting to nicknames and complicating efforts in prisoner management.

Synonyms for often

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word often has the following synonyms: frequently, oftentimes, oft, ofttimes, much and a great deal.

General information about «often» example sentences

The example sentences for the word often that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «often» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «often».

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


I often found problems with definition.

Знаете, в последнее время у меня часто возникают сложности с определениями.

Penguins often huddle together to keep warm.

Пингвины часто собираются в кучу и прижимаются друг к другу, чтобы сохранить тепло.

Environmental litigation often transcends national jurisdictions.

Судебные процессы в области охраны окружающей среды зачастую выходят за пределы национальных юрисдикций.

Situations involving minorities often have international repercussions.

Кризисные ситуации, связанные с меньшинствами, зачастую влекут за собой международные последствия.

Women also often benefit less from reconstruction efforts.

Кроме того, нередко интересы женщин в меньшей степени учитываются и при проведении восстановительных работ.

These cases often involve consumer protection issues.

Однако в данных условиях нередко возникают проблемные ситуации, связанные с защитой прав потребителей.

Attackers often scan or probe before attacking.

Часто злоумышленники сканируют систему и «проверяют ее на зуб» перед атакой.

The media often strengthens these stereotypes.

При этом средства массовой информации, зачастую, поддерживают подобного рода стереотипы.

Words often sound like what they mean.

Слова часто по своему звучанию схожи с тем, что они предположительно выражают.

Probably pretty often actually, especially this year.

Да, его действительно играют очень часто, в том числе в этом году.

Even those who succeed often know…

Даже те, кто очень много заработал, зачастую не знают его…

Adolescents often felt judged by adult patients.

Молодые люди также нередко сообщали, что чувствуют их оценку со стороны взрослых пациентов.

Unknowns often seem larger than they are.

Неизвестные вещи часто кажутся более ужасными, чем они есть на самом деле.

Pregnant women often want something unusual.

Беременные женщины часто хотят чего-нибудь необычного, причём хочется этого очень сильно.

And smaller projects often employ remote independent professionals.

А малые проекты, в свою очередь, зачастую привлекают независимых профессионалов на дистанционной основе.

Affordable and often very original jewelry.

Доступные по цене и, зачастую, очень оригинальные, интересные ювелирные изделия.

We often forget this seemingly obvious fact.

Мы часто забываем об этом, казалось бы, простом и очевидном факте.

Free options are often better than commercial options.

При этом есть бесплатные варианты, которые зачастую оказываются более подходящими, чем коммерческие решения.

Remember that people often have families.

А надо знать, что в них нередко были и семьи.

Even such a competition turns unhealthy often.

И так же как и во всем, эта конкуренция зачастую является нездоровой.

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Sentences with the word Often?



  • «Her husband often abuses alcohol»; «while she was pregnant, she abused drugs»
  • «you may actually be doing the right thing by walking out»; «she actually spoke Latin»; «they thought they made the rules but in reality they were only puppets»; «people who seem stand-offish are in reality often simply nervous»
  • «adultery is often cited as grounds for divorce»
  • «a contract advantageous to our country»; «socially advantageous to entertain often«
  • «he often worked after hours»
  • «brains and computers are often considered analogous»; «salmon roe is marketed as analogous to caviar»
  • «irrigation often produces bumper crops from apparently desert land»; «the child is seemingly healthy but the doctor is concerned»; «had been ostensibly frank as to his purpose while really concealing it»-Thomas Hardy; «on the face of it the problem seems minor»
  • «Immigrants often want to assimilate quickly»
  • «She refrains from calling her therapist too often«; «He should avoid publishing his wife’s memories»
  • «grandparents often pamper the children»; «Let’s not mollycoddle our students!»
  • «Indonesian fabrics are often batiked»
  • «a biennial life cycle»; «parsnips and carrots are biennial plants often grown as annuals»
  • «since blocks are often defined as a single sector, the terms `block’ and `sector’ are sometimes used interchangeably»
  • «requests for character references are all too often answered evasively»
  • «too often the narrative was interrupted by long word pictures»; «the author gives a depressing picture of life in Poland»; «the pamphlet contained brief characterizations of famous Vermonters»
  • «classicism often derived its models from the ancient Greeks and Romans»
  • «the lead climber looked strong still but his partner often slumped in his ropes»
  • «Fall weather often overcasts our beaches»
  • «The sales clerk quickly seized the money on the counter»; «She clutched her purse»; «The mother seized her child by the arm»; «Birds of prey often seize small mammals»
  • «the blind are too often objects of pity»
  • «Dyslexics often transpose letters in a word»
  • «compressed air is often used to power machines»
  • «bituminous coal is often treated as a consistent and homogeneous product»
  • «Social relations impose courtesy»; «duty constrains one to act often contrary to one’s desires or inclinations»
  • «a rise in interest rates is often contemporaneous with an increase in inflation»; «the composer Salieri was contemporary with Mozart»
  • «`continual’ is often used interchangeably with `continuous'»
  • «The mime imitated the passers-by»; «Children often copy their parents or older siblings»
  • «He often courses hares»
  • «crackers are often mistakenly called hackers»
  • «cunning men often pass for wise»; «deep political machinations»; «a foxy scheme»; «a slick evasive answer»; «sly as a fox»; «tricky Dick»; «a wily old attorney»
  • «European children learn the breast stroke; they often don’t know how to crawl»
  • «Those who criticize others often are not perfect, either»
  • «Scientists often cannot date precisely archeological or prehistorical findings»
  • «The vote in New Hampshire often decides the outcome of the Presidential election»
  • «old houses are often so densely packed that perhaps three or four have to be demolished for every new one built»; «a thickly populated area»
  • «elderly parents often depend on their adult children»
  • «early detection can often lead to a cure»
  • «experience often determines ability»; «mold public opinion»
  • «We often dine with friends in this restaurant»
  • «dirty» is often used in combination; «a dirty (or dingy) white»; «the muddied grey of the sea»; «muddy colors»; «dirty-green walls»; «dirty-blonde hair»
  • «diplopia often disappears when one eye is covered»
  • «as he looks at the mess he has left behind he must wonder how the Brits so often managed to succeed in the kind of situation where he has so dismally failed»
  • «often drugs and crime are not dissociable»; «the siamese twins were not considered separable»; «a song…never conceived of as severable from the melody»
  • «scuba diving is provided as a diversion for tourists»; «for recreation he wrote poetry and solved crossword puzzles»; «drug abuse is often regarded as a form of recreation»
  • «dry humor»; «an ironic remark often conveys an intended meaning obliquely»; «an ironic novel»; «an ironical smile»; «with a wry Scottish wit»
  • «In the 19th century, men often dueled over small matters»
  • «The Sun eclipses the moon today»; «Planets and stars often are occulted by other celestial bodies»
  • «people who will do nothing unless they get something out of it for themselves are often highly effective persons…»-G.B.Shaw; «effective personnel»; «an efficient secretary»; «the efficient cause of the revolution»
  • «Europeans often laugh at American energy»
  • «every so often she visits her father»
  • «the children of psychologists are often raised in an atmosphere of experimentalism»
  • «Those who recidivate are often minor criminals»
  • «a federal system like that of the United States»; «federal governments often evolved out of confederations»
  • «The teacher often flogged the students»; «The children were severely trounced»
  • «pay one’s formal respects»; «formal dress»; «a formal ball»; «the requirement was only formal and often ignored»; «a formal education»
  • «belief in a world filled with…formless but often malevolent beings»
  • «we often met over a cup of coffee»
  • «a gallery quite often is added to make use of space vertically as well as horizontally»
  • «Goering often hunted wild boars in Poland»; «The dogs are running deer»; «The Duke hunted in these woods»
  • «ill-considered actions often result in disaster»; «an ill-judged attempt»
  • «illusive hopes of finding a better job»; «Secret activities offer presidents the alluring but often illusory promise that they can achieve foreign policy goals without the bothersome debate and open decision that are staples of democracy»
  • «he often acts impulsively and later regrets it»
  • «pointed out the insufficiencies in my report»; «juvenile offenses often reflect an inadequacy in the parents»
  • «motives inspired by Mammon were often inextricably blended with things pertaining to Caesar and to God»
  • «the edict was subject to many interpretations»; «he annoyed us with his interpreting of parables»; «often imitations are extended to provide a more accurate rendition of the child’s intended meaning»
  • «He often jokes even when he appears serious»
  • «misunderstandings can often be traced to a looseness of expression»
  • «MDMA is often used at parties because it enables partygoers to remain active for long periods of time»
  • «misused words are often laughable but one weeps for misused talents»
  • «We don’t know the woman who posed for Leonardo so often«
  • «primitive art such as that by Grandma Moses is often colorful and striking»
  • «immigrants of the same nationality often seek each other out»; «such images define their sense of nationality»
  • «rural students often come from nonverbal backgrounds»
  • «the dance often becomes flagrantly obscene»-Margaret Mead
  • «The beam of light occults every so often«
  • «The teacher is overworking his students»; «Overdriving people often suffer stress»
  • «she often has to work overtime»
  • «pampering parents often have spoilt children»; «a very pampering cruise experience»
  • «parity is often used to check the integrity of transmitted data»
  • «at the present time the transmission is very often done hydraulically or pneumatically»
  • «policy makers often make the right decision for the wrong reason»
  • «office politics is often counterproductive»
  • «a large Praetorian bureaucracy filled with ambitious…and often sycophantic people makes work and makes trouble»- Arthur M.Schlesinger Jr.
  • «the resolution of one dissonance is often the preparation for another dissonance»
  • «They turned away hundreds of fans»; «Black people were often rejected by country clubs»
  • «Greek wines are often resinated»
  • «children are often the quickest and most responsive members of the audience»
  • «their quarterback was a good scrambler»; «scramblers can often unnerve a better tennis player»
  • «too often the significant episode deteriorates into sententious conversation»- Kathleen Barnes
  • «the silent `h’ at the beginning of `honor'»; «in French certain letters are often unsounded»
  • «The Dutch often skate along the canals in winter»
  • «We often talk business»; «Actions talk louder than words»
  • «Income distribution often stratifies a society»
  • «her suppers often included celebrities»
  • «my younger brother often tagged along when I went out with my friends»
  • «term insurance is most often associated with life insurance policies»
  • «the restaurant often themes its menus»
  • «poetry often does not translate»; «Tolstoy’s novels translate well into English»
  • «uncoordinated scheduling often resulted in conflicting games»
  • «unleavened bread is often simply flour mixed with water»
  • «an unstructured situation with no one in authority»; «a neighborhood gang with a relatively unstructured system»; «children in an unstructured environment often feel insecure»; «unstructured inkblots»
  • «Mathematicians often visualize»

Examples of how to use the word “often” in a sentence. How to connect “often” with other words to make correct English sentences.

often (adv): many times

Use “often” in a sentence

I encouraged him to exercise more often.
I often take a walk with my dog in the evening.
He is often absent from school.
My dog often lies on the grass.
Politicians often answer questions indirectly.
Do you often listen to audiobooks?
He lives alone and often feels lonely.
Words often have several meanings.
I often wake up at midnight.
We often have lunch together.
Do you often go shopping?
That doesn’t happen often.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”


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