Examples for the word connect

соединять, соединяться, связать, связывать, связываться, сочетать, сочетаться


- (with, to) соединять, связывать

to connect the two banks of a river by a bridge — соединить берега реки мостом, перекинуть мост через реку
to connect in parallel [in series] — эл. включать параллельно [последовательно]

- соединяться, связываться

this sentence does not seem to connect with the context — это предложение как-то выпадает из текста

- св. соединять (по телефону)

I was again connected to the wrong person — меня снова соединили не с тем, с кем нужно

- иметь или устанавливать (родственные) связи

we are distantly connected — мы дальние родственники
he is connected with the Smiths by marriage — Смиты

- преим. pass иметь связь, контакт (с фирмой и т. п.)

he is connected with the advertising division of the company — он связан с рекламным отделом компании

- связывать, ассоциировать; устанавливать мысленную связь

we always connect Malaya with rubber — Малайский полуостров обычно ассоциируется с каучуком
this train connects with the other at Birmingham — этот поезд приходит так, что в Бирмингеме можно сделать пересадку

- воен. устанавливать непосредственную связь
- попадать в цель (об ударе)
- амер. сл. встречаться, связаться (с кем-л.; особенно для получения наркотиков)
- амер. вор. жарг. добыть, получить (что-л. в результате кражи со взломом и т. п.)

Мои примеры


to connect closely / intimately — тесно, близко связывать  
to connect a TV set to an antenna — подключить телевизор к антенне  
to connect in parallel — эл. включать параллельно  
connect time — продолжительность (сеанса) связи  
connect — соединять  
connect the two banks of a river by a bridge — соединить берега реки мостом; перекинуть мост через реку  
connect by wire — соединять проводом  
connect in opposition — соединять встречно  
connect to — подключиться; соединяться; связываться  
connect with — соединяться с; связываться; соединяться  

Примеры с переводом

Connect the cable to the battery.

Подключите кабель к батарее / аккумулятору.

Are you connected with this firm?

У вас есть связи с этой фирмой?

The two bones connect at the elbow.

Эти две кости соединяются в локте.

Operator, please connect me with extension 123.

Оператор, пожалуйста, соедините меня с добавочным 123.

Connect the speakers to the CD player.

Подключите колонки к CD-плееру.

Is the house connected (up) to the electricity supply?

К этому дому подведено электричество?

Connect the yellow cable to the Video Output.

Подсоедините жёлтый провод к выходу «видео».

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…somehow listeners seem to connect with the songwriter, despite his deeply personal, often opaque lyrics…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

connected  — связанный, связный, соединенный, имеющий родственные связи
connection  — соединение, связь, связи, присоединение, сочленение, родство, родственник
connective  — соединительный, связующий, соединительное слово
disconnect  — отключать, разъединять, выключать, разобщать, расцеплять
connecting  — соединительный, соединяющий, связующий
connector  — соединитель, соединительное звено, (штепсельный) разъем, разъем, соединительная…
reconnect  — снова подключать, повторно подключать, повторно соединять, переключать
connecter  — объединитель, соединитель, сцепщик, муфта, разъем

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: connect
he/she/it: connects
ing ф. (present participle): connecting
2-я ф. (past tense): connected
3-я ф. (past participle): connected

connect — перевод на русский


You’re not connected with the Automobile Club, are you?

— Вы не связаны с «Автоклубом»?

Our roads and ships connect every corner of the earth.

Все уголки мира связаны дорогами и морскими путями.

Wouldn’t it be nice if my problems and your plans were somehow connected?

Как было бы хорошо, если бы мои проблемы и твои планы были связаны.

— They could be connected.

— Они могут быть связаны.

Conclusions based on experience… do not generally connect up… in the same way… as the facts behind the experience.

— Представления, основанные на опыте, обычно не связаны в той степени, в которой это происходит с вытекающими из опыта фактами.

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It’s the one thing that proves that Sam’s connected with this.

Она — единственная вещь, которая доказывает связь Сэма со всей этой историей.

If we’re gonna get power to the Tardis console, we’ll have to connect it up to the nuclear reactor.

Если мы подадим питание на консоль ТАРДИС, у нас будет связь с ядерным реактором.

It pretends to satisfy our longing to feel personally connected with the universe.

Как будто удовлетворяла наше стремление почувствовать личную связь со Вселенной.

We just don’t connect.

Мы просто утратили связь.

I told you we don’t connect.

Я говорил вам, что мы утратили связь.

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Connect me with Mr. Hardwick’s apartment, please.

Соедините с номером мистера Хардвика.

Please connect me with Mercier.

Пожалуйста, соедините меня с Мерсье.

Would you connect me, please?

Соедините меня пожалуйста.

Connect me to extension 895 please

Ладно соедините с номером 45-89.

Well, connect me with him now.

Ну, соедините меня с ним.

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# Your footbone connected to your heelbone

# Твои кости ног соединены с костями пяток

# Your heelbone connected to your anklebone

# Кости пяток соединены с костями лодыжек

# Your anklebone connected to your legbone

# Кости лодыжек соединены с костями ног

# Your legbone connected to your kneebone

# Кости ног соединены с костями коленей

# Your kneebone connected to your thighbone

# Кости коленей соединены с костями бедер

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Something that connects you with this crime in a more definite way than prayer?

Кое-что, что связывает тебя с этим преступлением более прямым путем, чем молитва?

The only thing connecting us with the case is those shotguns.

Единственное, что связывает нас с этим делом — это ружья.

If Generys is dead, nothing connects you with it.

Ну, если Генерис мертва, тебя с этим ничего не связывает

Anything that connects him to the Mayor?

Что-нибудь в нем связывает его с Мэром?

— What connects us to life?

— Что связывает нас с жизнью?

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You don’t like the initials on a ring and connect it up with a newspaper clipping.

Ты могла бы показать инициалы на кольце и связать это с сообщением в газете.

Connect myself to the child?

Связать себя с ребёнком?

This is just an overlap of two connected worlds.

Ты, кажется, и двух слов связать не можешь.

He knows we can connect him to her.

И знал, что мы можем связать ее с ним.

— Yeah, him. Can you connect him to the dead witness?

Что у вас есть чтобы связать его с убитым свидетелем?

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You may connect Mrs. Sullivan.

Соединяю Вас, Миссис Салливан.

Yes, in one piece… Sorry, I meant to say I’m connecting you.

Ой, извините, я хотела сказать: соединяю.

Just a second, I’m connecting you.

А, минуточку, соединяю. Что с вами?

— I’ll connect you.


I’ll connect you with my supervisor.

Соединяю тебя с моим начальником.

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But the man’s connected up the kazoo. KGB, military.

Но он как-то связан с КГБ и военными.

You think Ambassador Wu is connected to the dead refugees from the boat?

Думаете, посол Ву как-то связан с мертвыми беженцами с корабля?

You say this man claimed the U.S. Census Bureau had data information that he was after that connects to this man who was shot on the White House lawn?

Вы сказали, этот человек заявлял что Бюро Переписи США имеет данные что он был как-то связан с тем человеком, который был застрелен на газоне Белого Дома?

That demon you’re seeking, I think I’m connected to it.

Тот демон, которого вы ищете. Я думаю, что я как-то связан с ним.

Wasn’t the key connected to this place?

Ключ ведь как-то связан с этим местом?

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Connect automatic radar tracking.

Подключить радар автоматического слежения.

Now all we have to do is connect it up to the manipulator circuits.

Теперь все, что нам нужно сделать, это подключить его к схемам манипулятора.

We could connect it through an optical sensor.

Мы можем подключить его через оптические сенсоры.

You can connect the hoses?

Можешь подключить эти шланги?

Connecting simulation bodies to the system.

Подключить к системе модельные тела.

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It’s connected to the studio by shortwave, and it also carries…

Он подключен к студии на коротких волнах. В нём так же есть…

Ariel, in turn, is connected to the Internet via modem.

Ариэль был подключён к Интернету через модем.

We’re gonna be, we’re gonna be together again I’ve been connected to the right line We’ll be together and nobody ain’t never

* » мы будем, мы снова будем вместе * * я был подключен правильной волне * * ћы будем вместе » никто и никогда *

While Cerebro is working, Charles’s mind is connected to every person on the planet.

Пока Церебро работает, Чарльз подключен ко всем живым существам.

Is that tracer connected well?

Определитель хорошо подключен?

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intransitive verb


: to become joined

The two rooms connect by a hallway.

ideas that connect easily to form a theory



: to meet for the transference of passengers


: to transfer (as from one airplane to another) as a step in traveling to a final destination

passengers connecting with international flights


: to make a successful hit, shot, or throw

He connected on 60 percent of his shots.


: to have or establish a rapport

tried to connect with the younger generation

transitive verb


: to join or fasten together usually by something intervening

A highway connects the two towns.


: to place or establish in relationship

Police were unable to connect her to the crime.


or less commonly connectible


or less commonly connecter


connect the dots

: to link together logically related elements in order to draw a conclusion

trying to connect the dots in the investigation


Choose the Right Synonym for connect

joined forces in an effort to win

combine implies some merging or mingling with corresponding loss of identity of each unit.

combined jazz and rock to create a new music

unite implies somewhat greater loss of separate identity.

the colonies united to form a republic

connect suggests a loose or external attachment with little or no loss of identity.

a mutual defense treaty connected the two nations

link may imply strong connection or inseparability of elements still retaining identity.

a name forever linked with liberty

associate stresses the mere fact of frequent occurrence or existence together in space or in logical relation.

opera is popularly associated with high society

relate suggests the existence of a real or presumed logical connection.

related what he observed to what he already knew

Example Sentences

Can you connect the hose to the sprinkler?

Connect the cable to the battery.

A hallway connects the two rooms.

It’s the major highway connecting the two towns.

A common theme connects the stories.

The two bones connect at the elbow.

The hose connects easily to the sprinkler.

The bedroom connects to the kitchen.

I never connected you with that group of people.

There’s no evidence connecting the company directly to the scandal.

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Recent Examples on the Web

And we got connected that way.

Alan Sepinwall, Rolling Stone, 6 Apr. 2023

Wireless networks are connected by a series of towers; the networks could become overloaded if passengers flying over these ground networks are all using their phones.

Doug Drury, CNN, 6 Apr. 2023

The reference to a broken hip connects this scene with the biblical story of Jacob, who wrestled with an angel and came away with a similar wound.

Adam Kirsch, The New Republic, 6 Apr. 2023

The prince and Suits actress first connect online through a mutual friend.

Harper’s BAZAAR, 6 Apr. 2023

Those two things are not necessarily connected.

Josh Chesler, SPIN, 5 Apr. 2023

Police are investigating whether they are connected.

Courtney King, The Enquirer, 4 Apr. 2023

She’s connected to the Red River Institute, which Kripke previously teased to EW was going to take on a larger part in the show’s universe.

Nick Romano, EW.com, 4 Apr. 2023

Crimea is connected to mainland Ukraine by a narrow, swampy passage of land that could stall an offensive.

Adam Taylor, Júlia Ledur, Francesca Ebel And Mary Ilyushina, The Washington Post, Anchorage Daily News, 4 Apr. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘connect.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History


Middle English, from Latin conectere, connectere, from com- + nectere to bind

First Known Use

15th century, in the meaning defined at intransitive sense 1

Time Traveler

The first known use of connect was
in the 15th century

Dictionary Entries Near connect

Cite this Entry

“Connect.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/connect. Accessed 13 Apr. 2023.


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Last Updated:
9 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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Merriam-Webster unabridged

April 11, 2023
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We have a right to connect this later period with the Renaissance, because the diststcted state of the Netherlands during the 16th century suspended, while it could not extinguish, their aesthetic development.

Unless it be quite short, it can scarcely ever be planned simply to connect its two terminal points, without regard to the intervening country; in order to be of the greatest utility and to secure the greatest.

C. Behr, to connect Liverpool and Manchester, was sanctioned by Parliament in 1901.

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That they have been attributed to Beowulf in particular might seem to be adequately accounted for by the general tendency to connect mythical achievements with the name of any famous hero.

The Black Isle branch of the Highland railway runs from Muir of Ord to Fortrose; steamers connect Cromarty with Invergordon and Inverness, and Fortrose with Inverness; and there are ferries, on the southern coast, at North Kessock (for Inverness) and Chanonry (for Fort George), and, on the northern coast, at Alcaig (for Dingwall), Newhallpoint (for Invergordon), and Cromarty (for Nigg).

Theoretically this branch of the subject should connect with and form the completion of morphological anatomy, but the field, has not yet been sufficiently explored to allow of the necessary synthesis.

They all connect and interchange passengers freely; so that the ordinary American five-cent fare enables a passenger to travel between almost any two points over an area of 100 sq.

In 1890 the construction of the Transvaal section of the railway to connect Pretoria with Delagoa Bay was begun, the line from Lourenco Marques having been completed to Komati Poort in December 1887.

Tramways connect Alkmaar with Egmond and with the pretty summer resort of Bergen, which lies sheltered by woods and dunes.

It is the cell-walls which connect the different cells of a tissue (see below), and it is upon their characters (thickness, sculpture and constitution) that the qualities of the tissue largely depend.

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from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • intransitive verb To join or fasten together.
  • intransitive verb To associate or consider as related: synonym: join.
  • intransitive verb To join to or by means of a communications circuit.
  • intransitive verb To plug in (an electrical cord or device) to an outlet.
  • intransitive verb To become joined or united.
  • intransitive verb To be scheduled so as to provide continuing service, as between airplanes or buses.
  • intransitive verb To establish a rapport or relationship; relate.
  • intransitive verb Sports To hit or play a ball or puck successfully.
  • idiom (connect the dots) To draw connecting lines between a seemingly random arrangement of numbered dots so as to produce a picture or design.
  • idiom (connect the dots) To draw logical inferences connecting items of information to reveal something previously hidden or unknown.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • To bind or fasten together; join or unite; conjoin; combine; associate closely: as, to connect ideas; the strait of Gibraltar connects the Mediterranean with the Atlantic.
  • To join, unite, or cohere.
  • To make connection in time and place (with another train or boat): as, the boat connects with the train at Fall River.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • intransitive verb To join, unite, or cohere; to have a close relation.
  • transitive verb To join, or fasten together, as by something intervening; to associate; to combine; to unite or link together; to establish a bond or relation between.
  • transitive verb To associate (a person or thing, or one’s self) with another person, thing, business, or affair.
  • transitive verb To establish a communication link; — used with with.
  • transitive verb To electronically or mechanically link (a device) to another device, or to link a device to a common communication line; — used with with.
  • transitive verb (Mach.) a rod or bar joined to, and connecting, two or more moving parts; esp. a rod connecting a crank wrist with a beam, crosshead, piston rod, or piston, as in a steam engine.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • verb intransitive, of an object To join (to another object): to attach, or to be intended to attach or capable of attaching, to another object.
  • verb intransitive, of two objects To join: to attach, or to be intended to attach or capable of attaching, to each other.
  • verb transitive, of an object To join (two other objects), or to join (one object) to (another object): to be a link between two objects, thereby attaching them to each other.
  • verb transitive, of a person To join (two other objects), or to join (one object) to (another object): to take one object and attach it to another.
  • verb To join an electrical or telephone line to a circuit or network.
  • verb To associate.
  • verb To make a travel connection; to switch from one means of transport to another as part of the same trip.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • verb land on or hit solidly
  • verb be or become joined or united or linked
  • verb join for the purpose of communication
  • verb establish a rapport or relationship
  • verb plug into an outlet
  • verb join by means of communication equipment
  • verb make a logical or causal connection
  • verb hit or play a ball successfully
  • verb connect, fasten, or put together two or more pieces
  • verb be scheduled so as to provide continuing service, as in transportation
  • verb establish communication with someone


from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition

[Middle English connecten, from Latin cōnectere, connectere : cō-, com-, com- + nectere, to bind; see ned- in Indo-European roots.]

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From Latin cōnnectō («fasten together»), from con («together») + nectō («bind, tie»).


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  • $connect = mysql_connect ($hostname, $username, $password) or die ( «Error: could not connect to database»);

    Blah, Blah! Technology

  • $connect = mysql_connect ($hostname, $username, $password) or die ( «Error: could not connect to database»);

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  • The way he and the four soldiers connect is something of a miracle.

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  • How they connect is both coincidental and haunting.

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  • One site that does a quality job (however sobering and gloomy) of collecting dismal dots to connect, is so-called Mike Ruppert’s so-called blog.

    Take me out to the shell game (Jack Bog’s Blog)

  • Though I’m not shy, I know many people are and giving them an opportunity to connect is absolutely priceless.

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  • Cutler couldn’t connect from the Bills ’15-yard line on consecutive passes to the end zone to Brandon Stokley, sure made the Chargers happy.

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  • The issue on which we seem to not connect is the polarized partisan political environment which lets thugs like Rove and Gingrich and Cheney work their wonders, such as putting the failed oil man, Bush, in the White House, in the first place.


  • The issue on which we seem to not connect is the polarized partisan political environment which lets thugs like Rove and Gingrich and Cheney work their wonders, such as putting the failed oil man, Bush, in the White House, in the first place.


  • The issue on which we seem to not connect is the polarized partisan political environment which lets thugs like Rove and Gingrich and Cheney work their wonders, such as putting the failed oil man, Bush, in the White House, in the first place.


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