Example sentences with the word however

Sentences with However (50 Examples)Pin

“Sentences with however” is a blog post that will show you the use of word “however” at the beginning of sentences and in the middle as well. It may be hard to understand at first, but it’s really not that difficult. Read these 50 example sentences.

The word “however” is used in a sentence when something unexpected happens or when someone disagrees with what has been said before. A person can use this word as a way of showing that they disagree with what was previously stated and want to say something different.

  1. However, not all of these posts are going to be great and not all of them are going to be relevant to your customers.
  2. However, there’s a lot of pressure in the workplace to keep your head down and keep on working, especially if you’re in a more traditional role.
  3. However, there are many different ways to build your audience and Twitter is just one of them.
  4. However, it’s important that you always try to be genuine and authentic in your writing.
  5. However, it’s also important that you keep things fresh.
  6. However, it’s important to note that not everyone is a good fit for blogging.
  7. However, it’s important to note that when you’re first starting out, you don’t have to write a blog post every single day.
  8. However, there are a couple of things you can do to help with this problem.
  9. However, we should never neglect our health because it could lead to serious consequences later on down the line.
  10. However, it’s important to remember that you should never give your email address to anyone.
  11. However, if your blog doesn’t generate any traffic, then you need to ask yourself, why aren’t people reading it?
  12. However, the most important thing you can do is to find your own voice and to be yourself.
  13. However, people tend to forget about these things when they’re feeling enthusiastic about something.
  14. However, if you’re not interested in taking the time to research and write on a regular basis, then blogging probably isn’t right for you.
  15. However, you should always make sure that the content you’re creating is really valuable to your audience.
  16. However, it is important to realise that you’re not just competing against other companies for people’s attention, you’re also competing against their existing routines and distractions.
  17. However, blogging is not all about writing. You also need to learn how to get your blog noticed by search engines.
  18. However, it is important to remember that while branding is hugely important, it isn’t the most important thing.
  19. However, it is important to remember that although these platforms are important, it’s also incredibly important to understand the limitations of them.
  20. However, if you’re a small business, it’s often better to focus on a niche.
  21. However, it’s important to note that social media marketing can be a great way to build a brand and to help people find you.
  22. However, there are a few caveats to this.
  23. However, this doesn’t mean that you should always accept the first price that you’re quoted.
  24. However, the only way people are going to engage with your content on an ongoing basis is if it resonates with them in some way.
  25. However, as a marketer, you should never rely solely on social media to build your audience.
  26. However, it’s a good way to start.
  27. However, he would only care about himself.
  28. However, what you see is not always what you get.
  29. However, going on a holiday can be expensive.
  30. This sentence, however, has a comma in it.
  31. I could get it, however, I don`t want it.
  32. Today was, however, the day you left and never looked back.
  33. Let’s go out, however, we can get there whenever we wish to go.
  34. You can have it, however, it doesn’t matter to me now.
  35. It is not easy, however, try this trick now and then.
  36. I love pizza, however, I don’t like cheese on my pizza
  37. Julia couldn’t bribe Tina, however, she tried.
  38. I like to eat chocolate, however, too much can cause acne and weight gain.
  39. Dark chocolate has more benefits, however, it has more calories per ounce than milk chocolate does.
  40. However, only very little evaporates back into the air.
  41. However, it is also possible to get a sun tan if the UV-index is above three.
  42. However, I don’t think the position is compatible with your career goals to be honest.
  43. However, you should always wear a bike helmet.
  44. However, you should never touch a tiger.
  45. However, I shouldn’t eat chocolate before dinner.
  46. However, you must have a visible audience before the Facebook algorithm will rank your content.
  47. However, they can also be used for more than just work.
  48. However, people will be able to intervene on their own behalf.
  49. However, he had plenty of other good habits that could be copied.
  50. However, I don’t believe what the man says is the truth.
  51. However, there are many other ways to say the same thing.
  52. However, I knew this act could turn my friends against me.

Sentences with However at the beginning & middlePin

Sentences with However at the beginning & middle

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The «However» construction is a locution that works as an adversative connector, this means that it expresses a sense of opposition or disappointment between two elements that it unites.

It is a conjunctive phrase, a phrase that works as a conjunction, so its main function is to link two sentences or sentences, and in this way establish between the two the sense of opposition. By joining two sentences, the phrase «however» creates a compound sentence. For example, let’s look at a couple of statements.

For instance:

  • “The mechanical game says it is for children under twelve; Nevertheless, there are several children who have been uploaded ”: the locution Nevertheless It works as a connector between two statements, to which it confers a sense of contradiction: It is for children under twelve / several children have been uploaded
  • “There were a lot of people lined up in line at the cashier; Nevertheless, the line advanced rapidly ”: the locution Nevertheless connect two ideas to oppose them to each other: there were a lot of people / I was moving fast

As for his correct wording, the locution Nevertheless must always be separated by a semicolon (;) or by a comma (,) of the previous statement. For example: “Lucas went to rehab, Nevertheless, it did not improve ”,“ They say that time heals everything; Nevertheless, we continue to feel a lot of pain «

Some other adversative connectors that have this same function are, for example, nevertheless, more, but, but, on the contraryFor example: “They argue a lot, but even so they love each other ”; “We have several products; Nevertheless, we have not released them for sale yet «

50 Sentences with the word though:

  1. He had to adapt to many new things in his life abroad; Nevertheless, once he adapted, life there was very comfortable and pleasant for him.
  2. Many of the programs that pass on this channel have little educational or relevant content; NeverthelessThey have a large audience and a large number of followers.
  3. The closing time of the place is at ten at night; Nevertheless, sometimes they close later when there are still a lot of customers.
  4. During the S. XIX this type of medical practices were used without any kind of foundation; Nevertheless, over time they were discredited by science.
  5. Throughout yesterday the sky was very cloudy and humidity was even felt in the air; Nevertheless, he didn’t rain like we all expected.
  6. This author has many internationally recognized works; NeverthelessSome of his early works are little read and actually have many interesting things to contribute.
  7. Many believe in the healing power of these plants; Nevertheless, studies reveal that these plants do not actually possess these types of properties.
  8. The gas was supplied at Andrés’s house a month ago and they have hardly used it; Nevertheless, this morning they realized it was over.
  9. The tv series game of Thrones it was very successful; Nevertheless, fans of the book saga do not agree with the decisions made by the directors of the series.
  10. At the back of the restaurant there is a sign that specifies that you cannot smoke; Nevertheless, there were several people smoking in that part of the building.
  11. It has been shown that the human brain has a great influence on the diseases of our body; NeverthelessThey are still studies that have not acquired so much credibility.
  12. The opening hours are from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm; NeverthelessWhen we arrived at 3:00 pm it was already closed.
  13. Many criticize the way of thinking of this professor; Nevertheless, I think he is very honest and raw in his opinions, and that is why it bothers people to hear him.
  14. We will not be able to take more than one hand luggage to the trip; Nevertheless, I think it will be enough to carry the changes of clothes we need.
  15. Andres’s face was very pale; Nevertheless, he said he felt perfectly fine and didn’t need anything.
  16. We believed that these types of cleaning products would sell very well in the market; Nevertheless, very few units were sold.
  17. The things he said during the meeting were true; NeverthelessIt was neither the time nor the place to bring up the subject.
  18. There is a high probability of risk during surgery; Nevertheless, the surgeon in charge is an experienced doctor who has performed this type of procedure before.
  19. At the beginning of the play, they ask viewers to turn off their cell phones; Nevertheless, there were some people who received text messages during the performance.
  20. The clock in the classroom reads 2:00 pm; Nevertheless, The exit bell has not sounded because it is delayed for one minute.
  21. The situation that the refugees are experiencing is very difficult and sad; Nevertheless, there are many people who prefer to ignore it or who criticize these vulnerable people.
  22. Swimming with sharks is a risky activity; Nevertheless, there are many people who are willing to do it.
  23. In another week it will be the wedding; Nevertheless, the preparations are not ready yet and they do not know if they will finish on time.
  24. This computer does not have a very fast processor nor does it have a lot of RAM; Nevertheless, It is efficient for doing schoolwork and surfing the internet.
  25. Most of the room cheered for the movie when it ended; NeverthelessThere were also some viewers who did not like the film.
  26. In the opinion of most synods, the thesis presented met all the requirements; Nevertheless, there was a judge who found the investigation carried out insufficient.
  27. The car has been in the repair shop for more than a month and is not ready yet; NeverthelessIt was a simple crash and it wasn’t a big hit.
  28. We planned to go to the beach when the sun went down and it wouldn’t burn so much; NeverthelessWe couldn’t get into the sea because the tide was high.
  29. There are many reasons why we should end our relationship; NeverthelessIf we both do our part, love will triumph in the end.
  30. Alejandro’s collection of replica cars is impressive; Nevertheless, he affirms that it still needs many pieces to consider itself a collection.
  31. My mother waters the plants constantly; NeverthelessInstead of turning green and leafy, they have rotted from excess water.
  32. The fruits looked very nice on the outside; NeverthelessThey were pale inside and the taste was bland.
  33. Some of his acquaintances have already married and had children; NeverthelessHe prefers to keep working and spend more time training.
  34. At a certain point in the presentation, there was a sound failure and nothing was heard; Nevertheless, the speaker raised the volume of his voice and everything he was saying was heard.
  35. My mother always used to be on time to pick us up after school; NeverthelessOne day he left us waiting for several hours because he had a setback.
  36. This song had everything to become a hit of the moment; Nevertheless, went unnoticed on most music platforms.
  37. She was sure that she had some health problem because she felt very bad; NeverthelessWhen medical studies were done, they ruled out any complications.
  38. I took my dog ​​for a run this morning; Nevertheless, I notice him very anxious and wanting to go out for a walk again.
  39. Spectators were warned to stay behind the yellow line; Nevertheless, there were several people who were not respecting the indication and wanted to exceed the assigned line.
  40. We are at a very cold temperature; Nevertheless, There are people who go out in shorts and t-shirts to the street because they are used to this climate.
  41. The waiter told us that none of the sauces was spicy; Nevertheless, all the ones we tried were quite itchy.
  42. There is still a chance that they will get back together; Nevertheless, it is best not to force things and leave everything at the same time.
  43. For a long time Carlos’s economic situation was very unstable; NeverthelessOver time he managed to stabilize thanks to his constant effort.
  44. Each fruit is worth a dollar; Nevertheless, the price drops to seventy cents if you carry a dozen.
  45. The police managed to gather several leads that could have helped solve the case; Nevertheless, several were lost during the course of the investigation.
  46. The doctor forbade him to drink soft drinks, coffee and sugars; Nevertheless, has continued to recklessly consume all of these products.
  47. The restaurant is only a few months old; Nevertheless, has positioned itself as one of the best in the city.
  48. There is a high probability of failure in the experiment; NeverthelessWe are all very excited and hope for the best.
  49. The fan has three speed levels; Nevertheless, it seems as if in all three the air comes out with the same power.
  50. There are some theories about what happened; NeverthelessAll of these theories seem drawn from unreliable sources.

The term «however» has been around as a valid word in English for centuries. However (no pun intended), its usage in texts is still not straightforward and could throw even some established writers in a minor state of delirium. The constant comparison between conjunctions such as «but» and «and» only complicates things further.

The adverb «however» means «to whatever extent or degree». It’s typically used in sentences to merge two independent clauses (or potential sentences) to make a single, compound sentence. The term could be used in the middle of a sentence, with or without punctuation. It can also begin a statement.

Using «however» in texts is not as straightforward as it seems. There are quite a few things to consider, and the fact that the word can assume different meanings based on how and where it gets placed in a text adds to the confusion. Read on to get a more in-depth look at the term, how to use it in texts the correct way, and lots more.

however spelled in wooden blocks 1

«However» – Meaning

The word «however» means «in whatever way or manner». It also means or could be used in place of «on the other hand», «on the contrary», «despite», «how in the world», etc, in texts. A few other synonyms or related terms of the word include «even so», «nevertheless», «howbeit», «notwithstanding», «withal», etc.

The term has been used in English as an adverb since the 14th century. Modern English has also been around since then. In other words, the word was born right alongside the variant of English people currently use.

Talking about the past, «however» also meant «although». But that meaning is now considered archaic or incorrect.

Using «However» in Texts

Generally, «however» is used in a sentence to say something that contrasts with or is different from a previous statement.

The word is usually incorporated into texts as an adverb or conjunction (kind of), and the punctuation or comma usage varies accordingly.

When used as an adverb (usually before another adverb or an adjective), «however» usually begins a sentence. For example:

  • However hard he tried, he couldn’t convince her.

When used as a «conjunctive adverb», the term brings together two simple sentences or independent clauses to form a new sentence. The two clauses are invariably opposing or in contrast with each other. For example:

  • The manufacturer claimed the phone was splash-resistant; however, it still wasn’t keen to officially market it as a «waterproof» offering.

When two independent clauses come together to make a compound sentence, «however» is used with a semicolon (;) before it and a comma (,) right after.

«However» is not your standard «conjunction». Proper conjunctions such as «but», «and», «since», etc., do not require a semicolon. They certainly do not need a comma right after them.

The conjunctions usually have just one comma before them when used somewhere in the middle of a sentence. When they are not merging two dependent clauses or one independent and one dependent clause, even the solitary comma could be missing.

When «however» is used as a conjunction or conjunctive adverb, the semicolon plays the «conjunction» role equally, if not more than «however».

But «however» does exhibit a relationship between two clauses as more rhetorical or semantic than grammatical. It’s, therefore, preceded with a semicolon. But when «however» is not used as a «conjunction» or doesn’t link two independent clauses, it has no preceding semicolon.

Here are a couple of sentences that further explain the same. The first sentence uses «however» as conjunction. The following sentence breaks the same compound sentence into two individual sentences, keeping the «however» and communicating its purpose/significance.

  • The iPhone 12 Mini is the «compact flagship» device buyers have been yearning for; however, the phone’s sales have been poor, which may not inspire an iPhone 13 Mini or whatever Apple would have likely named the next generation of the phone.
  • The iPhone 12 Mini is the «compact flagship» device buyers have been yearning for. However, the phone’s sales have been poor, which may not inspire an iPhone 13 Mini or whatever Apple would have likely named the next generation of the phone.

When used at the start of a sentence, «however» has just a comma after it. For example:

  • However, there was no need for her to apologize.

In the above sentence, «however» represents a contrast. But because it’s used in a simple sentence or the text right before it is unknown, it may be difficult for sentences beginning with «however» to stand on their own or convey complete meaning.

It’s, therefore, advised not to start sentences with «however» and resort to compound sentences instead. Besides the «sentence fragmentation» issue, using «however» at the very beginning makes the term seem a lot more significant than the actual sentence it’s a part of.

however definition in dictionary 1

But using «however» at the start of a sentence is not controversial if it doesn’t have a comma after it, or it doesn’t seem like it’s the continuation of or based on a sentence immediately prior. For example:

  • However long it takes, I’ll wait for it to complete.

When «however» is not used at a sentence’s start and does not bring two independent clauses together, it is accompanied by two parenthetical commas. For example:

  • It is, however, tough to say a well-made replica Rolex apart from the real deal.
  • It is, however, unlikely the prices will continue to rise.

Can «However» Be Used without Commas?

It’s not rare to see «however» used without commas, regardless of whether it’s positioned at a sentence’s beginning or in the middle of a text. For example:

  • However hard she tried, she couldn’t resist the temptation the cake presented and eventually broke her fast.
  • I’ll stay put however long it takes.
  • You cannot add ingredients however you want to.
  • However you see it, it’s not good news.

When used in sentences without a comma, «however» usually denotes «irrespective of», «regardless», «whichever/whatever way», etc.

Comparing «However» with «But» and «And»

To understand how «however» is not the same as «but» and «and», here are a few example sentences:

  • The company made a net profit of 5% in the second quarter of 2018, but it’s not necessarily great news for the firm, which made 10% in net profit in the same period the previous year.
  • The company made a net profit of 5% in the second quarter of 2018; however, it’s not necessarily great news for the firm, which made 10% in net profit in the same period last year.

Though punctuation usage between the two varies, both «however» and «but» bring together contradicting or negative statements. The conjunction «and», on the other hand, is not used to bring together differing views.

To use «and» in the sentence above, the sentence’s message must be upended. For example:

  • The company made a net profit of 5% in the second quarter of 2018, and it’s set to make more in the coming quarter.

Possibly, the only similarity between «but» and «and» (besides the two being conjunctions) is the punctuation usage. Both do not have commas after them, and they also usually have just a comma right before when merging two independent clauses instead of a semicolon, unlike «however».

Example Sentences with the Term «However»

The following are sentences incorporating the term «however» in different ways, with or without commas:

  • However, there were several challenges.
  • I like the dress; however, it’s available in just one color.
  • I have lots of things to do tonight; however, I am going out with her because I promised her I’d come.
  • The CEO was quite confident of the product’s success. The board, however, wasn’t mighty convinced.
  • Diamond mining is hugely profitable; however, there are quite a few risks involved in the trade.
  • I am happy you are back. However, I hope you do not try to justify what happened last night.
  • We are not going to cancel this trip under any circumstances. However, we hope the expenses do not go out of hand.
  • We let them decorate their personal spaces however they choose to.
  • Let her do it however she likes.
  • I shall help you however I can.
  • Some protestors, however, want the president to be a lot more aggressive in his stance.
  • However, retail store owners resisted the ordinance and threatened to increase the price, cut employee salaries, and even shut some of their marquee stores.
  • The team, however, made it to the top of the table after starting slow.
  • However you sing it, it does not sound correct.
  • The car was quite old and outdated. However, it managed to take us home safely.

anyway synonym of however


«However» is a relatively versatile term, as far as its meaning is concerned and how it gets incorporated into sentences. It also can be placed in various positions in a sentence, with the punctuation changing accordingly.

Whether you use the term at the very beginning of a sentence, in the middle of it, and with or without a comma or a semicolon, the word «however» is not a conjunction.

It’s purely an adverb that can do conjunction duties when the need arises or when two independent clauses are a bit too loaded or complex for traditional conjunctions like «but» and «and» to glue or shoulder.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it okay to put «however» in the middle of a sentence?

Of course, it is! This is one of the main uses of the word, however, it can also be used at the beginning of a sentence. (See what I did there?)

Do you put a comma before or after «however»?

If «however» is used in the middle of a sentence, then you put a comma both before and after the word. If used at the beginning of a sentence, you would obviously only use a comma after «however».

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

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Наречие however употребляется, когда мы хотим сфокусировать наше внимание на контрастирующем факте.


На русский язык however чаше всего переводится как: однако; несмотря на это; в тоже время; между тем; тем не менее; впрочем; при этом и т.д.


This is one possible solution to the problem. However, there are others.
Это одно из возможных решений данной проблемы. Однако существуют и другие.

There may, however, be other reasons that we don’t know about.
Однако могут быть другие причины, о которых мы не знаем.

You could fly via Frankfurt; however, this is not the only way.
Вы можете лететь через Франкфурт; однако это не единственный путь.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word however, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use however in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «however».

However in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word however in a sentence.

  1. With all this, however, Mr.

  2. The next day, however, a U.S.

  3. The ship, however, passed by.

  4. In time, however, Warner Bros.

  5. Manion, however, lost his seat.

  6. For the moment, however, he did.

  7. There is, however, evidence of A.

  8. The story, however, is an old one.

  9. This, however, was not publicized.

  10. Rahman did, however, provide M.I.A.

  11. The parade did not however, include a staged rally.

  12. Thorpe, however, defeated Wieslander by 688 points.

  13. The present organ, however, was built in 1929 by J.

  14. The helicopter, however, included real smoke bombs.

  15. More recently, however, Alf Salkin has argued that.

  16. His legal studies, however, were delayed, and by 1937 he had still not graduated.

  17. He was forced to submerge, however, when another aircraft attacked the submarine.

  18. This third marriage boon is not, however, uniform across all the folk traditions.

  19. Jogaila’s succession, however, soon placed this system of dual rule under strain.

  20. Newsweek, however, rated Georgetown among its top «Gay-Friendly Schools» in 2010.

  21. The STANAG magazines should only be used in emergencies, however, due to their high malfunction rate.

  22. Coghill, however, described the showcases, and the performances in Austin, as «worthwhile» and «fun».

  23. The song did however gain popularity later on, as a soundtrack for various popular television series.

  24. Schopenhauer qualified this, however, by suggesting that the Will to Live is not limited in duration.

  25. From its general shape, the describers inferred however, it was about as long as the preceding spine.

  26. Anne, however, had already acquiesced to the new line of succession created by the Act of Settlement.

  27. His unwillingness to campaign for the nomination seriously hurt his viability as a candidate however.

  28. He remains firm, however, on his decision to stay out of the England team for the sake of his health.

  29. Tajiri, however, countered by tossing both himself and Benoit over the top rope onto the arena floor.

  30. Three fully-fledged cantatas for soloists, orchestra and choir have, however, entered the repertoire.

  31. Disraeli regretted this, hoping for an opportunity, however brief, to show himself capable in office.

  32. The bill was killed in the Senate, however, by the tie-breaking vote of Lieutenant Governor Robert B.

  33. The success of Thriller’s singles, however, marked a brief resurgence in the sales of the format.

  34. Schumann did, however, respond positively to the pieces of Les mois (originally part published as Op.

  35. In the countries in which the disease burden is highest, however, the vaccine is still too expensive.

  36. There were no passenger casualties of the 300 people on board, however, one airport fireman was killed fighting the fire.

  37. William, however, did not consider him a viable alternative and correctly assumed that Monmouth had insufficient support.

  38. Forster’s main interest, however, was again focused on the social behavior of people, as 15 years earlier in the Pacific.

  39. As Louisville began to enter Tech territory in earnest, however, the Cardinals suffered their first turnover of the game.

  40. The bill was not immediately introduced into parliament, however, as Idenburg was given until 10 August to comment on it.

  41. The more electropositive atoms, however, tend to instead lose electrons, creating a «sea» of electrons engulfing cations.

  42. The fruit of many species has never been collected or properly examined, however, so other species may have edible fruit.

  43. Occasionally, however, a female will lay her eggs in the nest of another pair, leading to three or four eggs in the nest.

  44. The following week, however, it dropped to number three, with a 62-percent sales decrease—consequently reaching platinum.

  45. There is, however, evidence that in the new naval bases in Palestine shipwrights from Persia and Iraq were also employed.

  46. In early November 1939, however, Voorhis announced his support for repealing the arms embargo mandated by the Act, at the same time urging that the country remain neutral.

  47. The scene originally ended with «snipers emerging through the jungle in these incredible, elaborate, jungle camouflage uniforms»; however, this was cut in post-production.

  48. By the time of the BCS selection, however, Kansas’s strength of schedule had climbed by a small amount, reaching 88th in the Sagarin rankings and 74th in the CBS rankings.

  49. After graduating, he intended on going into social work; however, he enlisted in the Army in 1943, and served in the 100th Infantry Division in Europe during World War II.

  50. Bruce, however, was now 62 and indicated that he felt himself too old for the position, instead preferring a less demanding role considering economic and social questions.

Synonyms for however

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word however has the following synonyms: nevertheless, withal, still, yet, all the same, even so, nonetheless and notwithstandin.

General information about «however» example sentences

The example sentences for the word however that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «however» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «however».

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