Example sentences with the word because

The word because is a causal conjunction, that is to say a word that works as a link to introduce a subordinate clause that explains the cause of the main clause. In this sense, the conjunction because It is classified within the subordinate conjunctions. For instance:

  • «We had to take the car to fix because is making strange noises ”: the conjunction because join two predicates (we had to carry + is doing), so that the introductory sentence (subordinate) explains the cause of the first sentence (main)
  • «My dog ​​got very excited because I bought him a new toy ”: the conjunction because introduce the subordinate clause I bought him a new toy to explain the cause of the main sentence (Why did you get excited?)

On the other hand, it is important not to confuse this word with the noun because, or with the expressions because or why, which have a different meaning:

  • Because is a noun that means ‘cause’, ‘reason’ or ‘reason’: “I don’t understand the because of your actions.
  • Why is an interrogative construction to ask about the reason or cause of something, it forms direct or indirect interrogative sentences: “¿¿
    Why did you lie to all of us? «
  • Because works as a relative construction, and between the two an article can be placed: «That is the cause by (the) that we decided to get back together «
  • Continue with: Causal conjunctions

60 Sentences with the word because:

  1. In the afternoon we had a double training because next Monday the championship will begin.
  2. We have a lot of confidence because we have been through many difficulties together.
  3. The phone ran out of battery because since yesterday I have not put it to load completely.
  4. I had to have two coffees this morning because I was getting very sleepy.
  5. I didn’t want to accompany them to the bar they went to last night because he had to get up very early today to work.
  6. The sauce was very rich because they put it to cook over low heat for a long time.
  7. Andrés hardly drinks water because he is very used to sodas and sweet drinks.
  8. The judges decided to withdraw the award because they realized that part of his work was plagiarism.
  9. I was calling you all morning because there was something very important that I had to tell you.
  10. My brother Luis decided to change his university career because he realized that he had no vocation for that career.
  11. You have to be careful when handling this substance because he can be very irritating to the skin.
  12. We will take my dog ​​to basic obedience training because he ignores us and has a lot of bad behaviors.
  13. He got the highest score in the video game because she spends her time playing and practicing every day.
  14. The wound has to be washed two or three times a day because otherwise you may get an infection.
  15. We were very attentive to the development of the series because we became fans from the first chapters.
  16. They did not allow him to enter the place because She was accompanied by her pets and they do not allow animals to enter.
  17. Throughout my life, I have read this book about four times because It is one of my favorites.
  18. No internet signal because they forgot to make the payment on time and cut the service.
  19. The journalist decided to do a report on the subject because I had a lot of information to do it.
  20. I couldn’t make you a call because I lost the telephone signal in the place where I was.
  21. We partner because we both have similar businesses that can complement each other.
  22. They found out that she was lying because there were several inconsistencies in her statement.
  23. She is a person who knows how to solve problems because You don’t wait for others to give you the solutions, you give them.
  24. I don’t like to drink beer at room temperature because tastes best when very cold.
  25. We had to move the offices to another site because the place where we rented was put up for sale.
  26. The sky is already clear because it rained all morning.
  27. Smoking so many cigarettes a day is not a good idea because it can affect your health in the long run.
  28. We had a lot of fun as a family because we have a lot of confidence and we have hobbies in common.
  29. I had to back up my cell phone because I had to format it and I didn’t want to lose my personal information.
  30. They have a shelter with several dogs for responsible adoption because They rescue them from the streets to give them a better life.
  31. I stayed out of the situation because he didn’t want to have a problem with them.
  32. They gave the tenants a month to leave the house because they were not meeting the requirements.
  33. I want us to be friends because Even if we part, the love is still there
  34. They sent us several boxes of product because They wanted us to test it so they could offer it.
  35. We had a whole bottle of red wine because we wanted to relax and unwind.
  36. We were insisting on several phones and extensions because they do not answer emails or chat on the online page.
  37. I really like living with other people who think differently from me because I learn from your opinions.
  38. The cable was not installed at home because there is no coverage area in that part of the city.
  39. These garments must be hand washed because the fabric is very delicate and can be damaged.
  40. They opened two other branches in different parts of the city because the first branches were a success.
  41. I always listen carefully to the advice my grandfather gives me because I know that he has a lot of experience and that what he tells me can help me in my future.
  42. In the office you have to make an appointment days in advance because the doctor is in high demand and almost every week he is full of patients.
  43. We decided to trade our old television for a new one because we wanted to be able to watch videos and movies in the apps.
  44. I took two pills for the headache because it was very intense and one was not going to do me any good.
  45. They requested an extension of the scholarship because they required more time to complete the program activities.
  46. Her book has been translated into more than ten languages because it has been a success in its home country.
  47. I bought several things in this store because almost all clothing was fifty percent off.
  48. We found some errors in the formula because several steps in the process had not been verified.
  49. The song that she played had been censored long ago because it went against the political regime of that time.
  50. I will buy some new headphones because the ones I have are only heard from the right side.
  51. We all have to take responsibility for what happened because it is not the fault of just one person.
  52. They gave us several free promotional products because we make several purchases in the store.
  53. The color of his skin is of different shades because have a disease that changes pigmentation.
  54. My dogs always get anxious at this time of day. because They know it’s when I take them out for a walk.
  55. We buy a lot of cleaning and hygiene products because at this time of year the offers are very good.
  56. My house is full of mosquitoes because next to it there is a vacant lot where many are formed.
  57. Until she was older she discovered what her passions were because as a young woman she had no time but to work to survive.
  58. Yesterday we fell asleep watching the movie because I was very bored.
  59. This box must be treated with care because inside contains nothing but fragile products.
  60. I asked my friend Sofia for advice because she always knows what to say in matters of the heart.

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50 Example Sentences with Because ConjunctionPin

Because conjunction is used before a noun or pronoun to indicate the reason for something. The conjunction is commonly used in formal writing, but it is common in day-to-day speech too. You will find here 50 sentences with “because conjunction”.

Read also: Types of Conjunctions with Examples

  1. It is important to brush your teeth because you do not want to have a bad breath.
  2. I’ll tell you why because I want you to know.
  3. I couldn’t do that project because I don’t have access to the software.
  4. I’ll explain them about the current situation because it is good for them to know.
  5. I love to paint because it is fascinating.
  6. I wasn’t able to complete that project because I don’t have access to the software.
  7. Will you help me with my English homework because it should be easy for you?
  8. Because your English is so good, will you help me with my English homework?
  9. They agreed to come because they thought there would be free food.
  10. I like to watch TV because it is popular.
  11. My wedding band goes with my engagement ring because they fit together.
  12. Butter makes toast soft because of the amount of fat in it.
  13. There were five winners because their super raffle number was the lucky number seven.
  14. Dresses are wide at the top because they are meant to be fitted at the waist.
  15. Fruits are high in sugar content because they are loaded with carbohydrates.
  16. I like to play computer games because my friends play them too.
  17. I like the color of the Vans because they are easy to match with my outfits.
  18. We can go to the movies because it is raining outside.
  19. I am choosing to go to the concert instead of the museum because I like music better than art.
  20. She ordered pizza for dinner because she does not like cooking.
  21. Let’s get pizza for dinner because I do not want to cook tonight.
  22. You must be wary of your talking when in public because so many people are using cell phones.
  23. Chips are used in so many different products because they are so minuscule.
  24. It is very important to run your car on bio-fuels instead of gasoline because there is so much pollution in the air.
  25. She could not do her job well because she was sick.
  26. You have to leave now because you have more things to do today.
  27. The boys could not play outdoors because of the weather.
  28. Everybody was late for class because the bus was late.
  29. Children don’t run because they are afraid of the dark.
  30. I didn’t get on my bike because it was raining outside.
  31. He looked up at the sky because it had started to snow.
  32. I guess you didn’t go out for dinner because you were feeling unwell.
  33. They won’t be offended if you say no because they know how busy you are.
  34. The girl wept because we were mean to her.
  35. The children ran away because they were afraid.
  36. I got up early because I had a day planned.
  37. I studied hard because I wanted to pass the exam.
  38. He took his umbrella with him because it was raining.
  39. They usually listen to music because they like it.
  40. She would not do the dishes; she said, “because I don’t really want to”.
  41. We are late because we got busy.
  42. I started early because I had a big project due at work.
  43. You are so beautiful, because you are kind.
  44. He is so serious, because he is working hard.
  45. My parents don’t go out anywhere because of their old age.
  46. He surprised me because he rode a horse to the stadium, but didn’t dismount before entering his luxury box.
  47. Their work wasn’t as good as yours because they weren’t as experienced as you all.
  48. The reason I got up so early is because my grandmother was visiting.
  49. He thought that it was a possibility to ask her out because she was very friendly with him.
  50. She regularly had to approach the CEO as well as give him his cutlery because of her job as a waitress.
  51. She is professional due to acting like a servant to the CEO because of her job.

Sentences with Because ConjunctionPin

Sentences with Because Conjunction

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word because, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use because in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «because».

Because in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word because in a sentence.

  1. However, it failed because E.

  2. I did it because I wanted to.

  3. I like it because it’s different.

  4. Folks all scared, because you die.

  5. Brockway (Parley Baer) because Mr.

  6. Don’t vote for him because he’s tough.

  7. Banksia because of its straight styles.

  8. Partly because they turned back the U.S.

  9. Bennet) because of her thick, heavy hair.

  10. He is a war hero because he was captured.

  11. Powel threatened to disinherit him because of this.

  12. I don’t do it just because it is another reference.

  13. It’s easier, because when you’re done, you’re done.

  14. Tetragonae because of its pendulous inflorescences.

  15. Perhaps because it was the lead cruiser in the U.S.

  16. This was presumed to have happened because of a drop in sea-surface temperatures.

  17. We have been wandering around and around the mountain roads because of the enemy.

  18. Helens, perhaps because of its reawakening, has regained its appeal for tourists.

  19. I put everything of me into this because it was much more than a role in a movie.

  20. As a result, teens avoided joining the site because of the associated risks (e.g.

  21. In 1906 Outram Bangs suggested that because Linnaeus had wholly copied Catesby’s text when coining C.

  22. The endowment effect has found that people ascribe more value to things merely because they own them.

  23. He said: «I am quite convinced that Simpson killed himself because he just did not know when to stop.

  24. Bach had to travel to Leipzig early because he was not familiar with the location and the performers.

  25. Childe was never required to enlist in the army, most likely because of his poor health and eyesight.

  26. His foalhood nickname was «Lazarus» because he appeared lifeless at birth, but spontaneously revived.

  27. Heinsohn felt that Russell resented him because the former was named the 1957 NBA Rookie of the Year.

  28. Cirrostratus clouds commonly produce halos because they are composed almost entirely of ice crystals.

  29. This is because it was assumed that the charge carriers were much heavier hydrogen or nitrogen atoms.

  30. The Eurasian tree sparrow’s common name is given because of its preference of tree holes for nesting.

  31. Early in the game, Quistis is discharged as an instructor because she «[lacks] leadership qualities».

  32. Jake and Brett have a relationship that becomes destructive because their love cannot be consummated.

  33. Gable dressed but did not play because of a groin injury suffered just before the trip to Washington.

  34. Firestone told the departing lawyer that he would never amount to anything because he was a Democrat.

  35. Spielberg was one of the few to remain healthy because he ate food and water he brought from England.

  36. Sometimes because of high winds it is carried about 100 m (300 ft), it then falls, inert and wings closed, to the ground.

  37. A visible piece of astatine would immediately vaporize itself because of the heat generated by its intense radioactivity.

  38. Recalled to the witness box, Moore said that he had refused to employ James Orsborne because he considered him dishonest.

  39. The 1948 Australia team that toured England has become known as The Invincibles, because they did not lose a single game.

  40. He may have survived the purges because of being imprisoned in Poland for illegal labor-organizing activities in 1938–39.

  41. He had done so with a previous work, and it affected the way he wrote it because he was imagining it in the other medium.

  42. On September 9, two captured Americans revealed that Clark’s expedition had been called off because of a shortage of men.

  43. Mismanagement of delirium is a particular concern because of the risks to people with DLB associated with antipsychotics.

  44. Former president Marc Ravalomana lost the second round and he did not accept the results because of allegations of fraud.

  45. The Cleveland Bay was used in the creation of the Oldenburg breed, because of its stamina, strength, and jumping ability.

  46. The external mandibular fenestra, an opening at the outer side of the mandible, was larger than that of Erlikosaurus because the surangular was shallow from top to bottom.

  47. Anna was frequently in poor health during the marriage, primarily because of her many pregnancies, yet she outlived William by 23 years, dying on February 25, 1864, at 88.

  48. Capturing the stunt was difficult because it was impossible for a human operator to refocus the camera fast enough to prevent the image from blurring as Rickman fell away.

  49. However, oil drops were more stable than water drops because of their slower evaporation rate, and thus more suited to precise experimentation over longer periods of time.

  50. Known as Murderers’ Row because of the power of its lineup, the team clinched first place on Labor Day, won a then-AL-record 110 games and took the AL pennant by 19 games.

General information about «because» example sentences

The example sentences for the word because that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «because» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «because».

What does because mean?

According to the oxford dictionary, As a conjunction form, the Definition of because /bēˈkəz/ is for a reason that; since.

Here are 23 examples of sentences with the preposition because. If you have any questions, please write them in the comments below.

  1. She didn’t want to wear clothes because she felt her body was hot.
  2. Budi will buy clothes at the market because his clothes are too tight
  3. Rizki’s mother bought clothes alone because no customers could accompany her.
  4. There are no new clothes here because there are no stock items in the store,
  5. Buying clothes here is cheap because this shop is a shopping center in our city.
  6. I’m hiding here because Muharik wants to take me to play.
  7. They invite you to play because they have no friends.
  8. He didn’t want to take me to play because he was sleepy.
  9. We feel weak because we haven’t had breakfast this morning.
  10. Are you happy now because you have received a gift from the Teacher? 
  11. No. We are happy because we find our bodies are still healthy and robust.
  12. This shop is very spacious because it was built with great care and planning.
  13. I didn’t go to Surabaya because the ticket price needed to be lowered.
  14. I didn’t go to Bali because I needed to know the actual condition of Bali.
  15. Kuta Beach is very crowded because many tourists visit and stay there.
  16. This hotel is expensive because there are many facilities provided by it.
  17. This shop is very bright because it uses many lights.
  18. He had to put on his clothes first because his clothes were already tight.
  19. I like red because red is beautiful.
  20. Refrain from taking off your sandals when you walk because your feet can hurt.
  21. He couldn’t drink on his own because he broke his right arm.
  22. He was hospitalized because he was suffering from grade 4 diabetes.
  23. His body was bruised and swollen because his diabetes was at its peak.

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