Example sentence with the word her


Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word her, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use her in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «her».

Her in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word her in a sentence.

  1. Now go and bring her back.

  2. Yeats wrote of her death:.

  3. In her poem Borro Boedoor.

  4. She was found by her nurse.

  5. If I fell in love with her?

  6. Fight her till she sinks.».

  7. Lady Loch became her patron.

  8. After her return to the U.S.

  9. She awoke in her hotel room.

  10. In her preface, she writes:.

  11. In 1911 her crew numbered 758 officers and ratings.

  12. When Bian Koen chases her, he falls and passes out.

  13. She suffered several falls and broke her hip twice.

  14. Shōshi was 16 to 19 when Murasaki joined her court.

  15. Everything turned to dust and ashes in her hands.».

  16. Edgar Hoover Building, looking for someone who can help find her missing partner.

  17. Langston also characterized the album through her humor, which he called «sunny».

  18. She also had significant influence over her husband and the royal family as well.

  19. While President Nixon was in meetings, Pat toured through Peking in her red coat.

  20. The final design gave her the appearance of a motor yacht or fast passenger ship.

  21. In October 2018, she received her third nomination for induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

  22. John’s claims to have «discovered» her are unfounded, although he may have offered her encouragement.

  23. She spent the winters in Stockholm and her summers at the villa Lilla Kina near Drottningholm Palace.

  24. Janie serves as Shelly’s voice of reason, while Rita encourages her to be more impulsive with dating.

  25. She often carried a sketch of her on-screen missing husband, and asked people to help in finding him.

  26. The couple are entertaining that night, but are instead expecting Becky and her new boyfriend Trevor.

  27. Books praising Clinton did not sell nearly as well (other than her memoirs and those of her husband).

  28. She and her five siblings were reared there, receiving little education and working from a young age.

  29. After her death, west Mercian coin reverses were again the same as those on coins produced in Wessex.

  30. In 1930, her eldest daughter, Alice, suffered a nervous breakdown and was diagnosed as schizophrenic.

  31. On July 21, 2010, the rapper joined Rihanna on her Last Girl on Earth tour to perform in Los Angeles.

  32. Her market value was estimated at 235,238 zł (€57,000 as of July 2014), ranking her 67th on the list.

  33. Thus Evenings at Home, which she co-wrote with her brother, John Aikin, has a «systematic structure».

  34. Although staunchly liberal, she felt constant tensions between her liberal and feminist philosophies.

  35. Meitner found Hahn, who was her own age, less intimidating than older, more distinguished colleagues.

  36. In April 1916, Vanguard was transferred to the 4th Battle Squadron while her sisters remained in the 1st Battle Squadron.

  37. They insisted that they knew a relative of Tubman’s, and she took them into her home, where they stayed for several days.

  38. The ship then sailed for Durban, South Africa, to have the extent of her underwater damage assessed in the drydock there.

  39. At the age of fifteen, Mary became betrothed to her cousin, the Protestant Stadtholder of Holland, William III of Orange.

  40. During the last 11 years of her life, Steiger’s mother stayed sober and regularly attended Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.

  41. She would not comment on the name of the woman with whom her father had had an affair prior to his first European travel.

  42. The cause of her early death was never determined, and while murder was suspected at the time, no culprit was identified.

  43. The only known footage of the real Anne Frank comes from a 1941 silent film recorded for her newlywed next-door neighbor.

  44. As Leila is taken away, Zurga observes her giving one of the fishermen her necklace, asking for its return to her mother.

  45. The batteries scored several hits on the ship, but she was not significantly damaged and her crew suffered no casualties.

  46. The diverse imagery sprang from her varied roles; as Robert Steven Bianchi says, «Isis could represent anything to anyone and could be represented in any way imaginable.».

  47. From August 1953, Montalban ceased working for London Life, publishing her work in the magazine Prediction, one of the country’s best-selling esoteric-themed publications.

  48. On the morning of 21 April, Australia and her sister ships sailed again for the Skagerrak, this time to support efforts to disrupt the transport of Swedish ore to Germany.

  49. On her first Polish-language album Gaja Hornby, Margaret said she felt ready to open up and sing in her native language, and compared singing in English to wearing a mask.

  50. The marriage seemingly amounted to nothing more than an act of impulsive teenage rebellion, and Payton did not fight her parents’ insistence that the marriage be annulled.

General information about «her» example sentences

The example sentences for the word her that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «her» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «her».

Similar words: he, hear, herb, here, hero, hers, hey, per. Meaning: [hɜː]  pron.1. the objective case of she: We saw her this morning. Give this book to her. 2. the possessive case of she (used as an attributive adjective): Her coat is the one on the chair. I’m sorry about her leaving. Cf. hers. 3. the dative case of she: I gave her the book. 4. Informal. (used instead of the pronoun she in the predicate after the verb to be): It’s her. It isn’t her. n. 5. Slang. a female: Is the new baby a her or a him?. 

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1. Virtue is her [its] own reward. 

2. Grain by grain, and the hen fills her belly. 

3. The crow thinks her own birds fairest. 

4. Virtue is her (or its) own reward. 

5. Change lays not her hand upon truth. 

6. Industry is fortune’s right hand, and frugality her left. 

7. Would you know your daughter, see her in company. 

8. Every mother thinks her child beautiful. 

9. Industry if fortune’s right hand, and frugality her left. 

10. Grain by grain and hen fills her belly. 

11. Experience keeps no school, she teaches her pupils singly. 

11. Sentencedict.com try its best to collect and make good sentences.

12. The greatest friend of truth is time, her greatest enemy is prejudice, and her constant companion is humility. 

13. If you sell the cow, you sell her milk too. 

14. Nor fame I slight, nor for her favours call; she come unlooked for, if she comes at all. 

15. Where the deer is slain, some of her blood will lie. 

16. The cow knows not what her tail is worth until she has lost it. 

17. To marry a woman for her beauty is like buying a house for its paint. 

18. When the owl sings, the nightingale will hold her peace. 

19. The excellence of a wife consists not in her beauty, but in her virtue. 

20. The girl threaded the needle for her mother.

21. The new evidence weakens the case against her.

22. Her mother was a brilliant scientist.

23. The leader beckoned the others to follow her.

24. Her boss did not display any human traits.

25. The only secret a woman can keep is that of her age. 

26. My son is my son till he hath got him a wife; but my daughter’s my daughter all the days of her life. 

27. Fortune is good to him who knows to make good use of her

28. It is harder to marry a daughter well than to bring her up well. 

29. Fortune often rewards with interest those that have patience to wait for her

30. What does the moon care if the dogs bark at her

More similar words: he, hear, herb, here, hero, hers, hey, per, air, bar, be, beg, bet, car, cheer, chef, chew, deer, era, ever, far, fee, few, for, fur, gear, get, ha, hair, hard. 

Examples of how to use the word “her” in a sentence. How to connect “her” with other words to make correct English sentences.

her (pron, det): used, usually as the object of a verb or preposition, to refer to a woman, girl, or female animal that has just been mentioned or is just about to be mentioned; belonging to or connected with a woman, girl, or female animal that has just been mentioned or is known about

Use “her” in a sentence

This concise guide gives you a detailed look at differences and examples of she, her and herself. We’ll also see some grammar rules to properly use these words in sentences and avoid further confusion.

Have you ever thought why is grammar so important for us? Why should we spend hours and hours improving our level of English Grammar?

Now, moving ahead with the grammar sessions, the first and foremost thing that needs to be understood is nouns and pronouns and their usage in appropriate places and sentences.

She is a pronoun used for feminine pronouns in a sentence. It is preferably used when a proper noun is the subject of the sentence.

Her: The forms her is used when a feminine pronoun is the object of a sentence.

Now, as we are quite clear with the difference between both the nouns, let’s see how we can implement them in our sentences and learn grammar in a better way.

The pronouns “She” and “her” are both referred to as gender-specific pronouns. As we have known till now that a pronoun is a word that is used in place of a noun. This can better be explained with an example. For example:

Laura scored good marks. She is quite intelligent.

In the above example, “Laura” is a proper noun, and “she,” which is used in replacement of the proper noun, is a pronoun that completes the sentences with keeping the meaning of the sentence same, and hence the name “Laura” does not have to be repeated again and again.

Now, let’s see the next example:

This is Joe’s bag. Give her the bag.

Here we can see that “Joe” is a proper noun, and “her” is used in place of the proper noun.

By the English grammar rule, pronouns may be categorized into three types, namely; subjective, objective, and possessive. While in the above sentence “she” and “her” are pronouns, the usage and treatment of both are different.

She a Subjective Pronoun

The word “She” is a subjective pronoun. When the pronoun is used as the subject of a sentence, then it is called a subjective pronoun. The subject pronoun will simply replace the noun in a simple sentence and will take it’s place. For instance, check the sentence below:

  • Anne is lovely.
  • She is lovely.

Examples of she in sentences:

  1. She is a brilliant girl
  2. She helps other
  3. She is focused and intelligent
  4. She cleans her room
  5. She gets up early morning to water the plants
  6. She looks after her parents
  7. She take her pet dog for a morning walk
  8. She plays with her friends
  9. She goes for cycling everyday
  10. She walks down to school

Her a Possessive Pronoun

The word “Her” is a possessive pronoun. Here in the sentence, “Her” is also used as the object of a verb and preposition. For instance:

  1. It is Sarah’s book.
  2. It is her book. (Possessive pronoun.)
  3. Give her the book. (Object of a verb.)
  4. Give it to her. (Object of a preposition.)
  5. Her parents are very helpful.
  6. Her library is huge.
  7. He books are neatly covered.
  8. Her clothes are neatly ironed.
  9. Her bed is properly kept.

There are some situations, in which both “she” and “her” may be used in the same sentence. For instance,

  1. Kelly is Joe’s dentist.
  2. Kelly is her dentist.
  3. She is her dentist.
  4. She writes her daily book.
  5. She wants her books back.
  6. She takes her cycle for repairs.
  7. She has her grand mother.
  8. She runs to catch her school bus.

In this case, “Kelly” is used as the subject and “Joe” is used as the object. So the words are respectively replaced by the subject and object pronouns, namely, “she” and “her.”

Till now, we saw the difference between the usage of the pronouns “she” and “her”. Next is to observe the difference between “her” and “herself” and their usage in different sentences.

She vs Herself – with Sentence Examples

The word “herself” is a reflexive third person singular which is used as the object of the verb or preposition needs to be referred to a female person (it is also called the subject of the sentence or clause).

Now let’s see the examples given below:

  1. “She should have defended herself.”
  2. She had to go herself.
  3. “Jenny made herself a cup of coffee yesterday.”
  4. She stayed at home by herself
  5. She has this big room all to herself.
  6. She does all by herself.
  7. She herself ironed her clothes.
  8. She herself goes to market for purchasing.
  9. She herself gets up for the school.
  10. She herself dress for the school.
  11. She goes herself for a walk.
  12. She herself finished all her home work.
  13. She is so focused that she herself finished all her work.
  14. She herself made all home arrangements.
  15. She herself made her own breakfast.

As you saw till now that it is important to constantly brush up on your English grammar for quite a few valid reasons. With improvising on your command on the English language it will not only help you land jobs with big MNCs, but it will also increase your chances of potentially finding a great opportunity. Always remember that it’s never too late to learn or work on your English grammar, so hit the books and start today!

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Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

On this page you’ll find 36 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to her, such as: me, you, him, it, them, and ver.


What is a synonym for her?

We don’t traditionally think of the word her as having synonyms, but there are several situations in which it can replace—or be replaced with—another word, phrase, or series of words.


Many sentences that use the word hers can be reworded to mean the same (or just about the same) thing using the possessive sense of the word her, and vice versa. Instead of saying, “Is this her book?” you could say, “Is this book hers?” Instead of saying, “Her house is on the left,” you could say, “Hers is the house on the left.”


Sometimes a sentence can be reworded to replace the object her with the equivalent subject she. For example, the question, “When do you expect her to arrive?” could be reworded as “When do you expect she will arrive?”

Her is commonly used after linking verbs (like is and was) in sentences like It was her that I saw on the train or It is her in that picture, but sometimes the word she is used in such constructions, such as when saying, “This is she” when answering the phone.


In some cases, the word herself  is used as another way of saying her. For example, it’s common to say things like She should think for herself. Herself is also sometimes used in place of her after the words as, than, and but, as in She saw at the door a girl no older than herself and She has no one to blame but herself. 


Like they, them has a long history of being used to refer to an unspecified individual or to a person whose gender and other personal details are unknown or irrelevant, as in If a student is absent, they must bring in a note with them when they return to school. Sentences like this sometimes use constructions like he or she and him or her, but the use of they and them has become very common in such instances, with many people preferring them as less awkward and more inclusive.

What can you use instead of the word her?

What kind of pronoun is her?


See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.

How to use her in a sentence

Ay, murmured the sick woman, relapsing into her former drowsy state, what about her?what aboutI know!


Wants to wear the boots just once, she says, to lay the ghost of this what’s-her-name—Maria Modena.


Her virtues are merely milk-and-morality-her intelligence is pure spiritual whey.


After the fall of the Ramessidian kings, the priestly Dynasty of Her-hor does not appear to have made use of them very largely.


There his descendants, the Her-a-cli´dæ, soon began fighting with the Pelopidæ for the possession of the land.


One of these was the courtier Her-a-cli´des, who, instead of showing his dislike openly, began to plot against him in secret.


The strain consisted of three notes in loud, ringing tones, which syllabled themselves very plainly in my ear as «Whip-for-her



OCTOBER 26, 1985


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Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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