Example of the word too in a sentence

Example Sentences with Too in themPin

Too is an adverb which means “also”, “over”. This blog post contains 75 example sentences with too.

  1. There are too many teenagers spending time with video games.
  2. The car was too slow to take the corner.
  3. The ball was too small to play with.
  4. I was too hot – I had to take off my coat.
  5. The cake was too sweet – I couldn’t finish it.
  6. The sandwich was too salty.
  7. I went too fast and overshot the turn.
  8. It was a cake, but it was too dry to eat.
  9. I, too, like flying.
  10. I didn’t know that, too.
  11. The car was too expensive to buy.
  12. Her eyes were too big for her face.
  13. The movie was too long.
  14. I’m too excited to sleep.
  15. You are too young to vote here.
  16. It’s too dangerous for me to come alone.
  17. I look too good in this dress.
  18. He speaks too good English for my liking.
  19. There were too many security cameras in the building.
  20. I ate too much for dinner.
  21. The baby has grown too much since her last visit to the doctor’s.
  22. I have worked at my company for too long.
  23. This hot air balloon is too big to fly.
  24. That river is too wide to swim across.
  25. Karen is too young to drive.
  26. Their dog is too old to play Frisbee anymore.
  27. She is too busy to see you today.
  28. I am too tired to make dinner tonight.
  29. It was too cold to go outside today.
  30. She has too many problems with her work.
  31. We are too short on time to do that now.
  32. The water was too hot.
  33. I am too shy to ask her out.
  34. He is too smart to do something like that.
  35. The soup was too salty.
  36. I am too exhausted to go to work.
  37. I was too ill to do anything today.
  38. The picture is too dark to see clearly.
  39. It was too windy to go outside.
  40. He was too impatient to listen to others.
  41. This room is too small for all of us.
  42. It’s too early for me to go to bed.
  43. She talks too much for my liking.
  44. I feel too excited to eat.
  45. He writes too quickly.
  46. My wife has been eating too much lately.
  47. You have been eating too much pizza recently.
  48. She was too tired to eat dinner.
  49. It was so hot, I was too tired to study for my test.
  50. I had too many assignments to get them all done by Friday.
  51. He is too ill to work.
  52. She has been working too hard to pass the test.
  53. There was too much traffic to get there on time.
  54. She was too tired to go to the party.
  55. The cake was too hot, so I waited before I ate it.
  56. They were talking too loudly, so I asked them to keep it down.
  57. The room was too quiet, so I turned on the TV.
  58. The line at the shop was too long, so I decided to go somewhere else.
  59. She is too nice for me.
  60. This job is too hard for me.
  61. It was dark and cold, and I was too scared to go out.
  62. I am too old for the job.
  63. We had eaten too much food, so we could not eat dinner.
  64. It was too hot for us to go outside.
  65. It was too cold to play outside, so we all stayed inside.
  66. I didn’t want to try the food – it looked too good.
  67. I’ve been there many times, and it’s too far for me to go there today.
  68. It was too early, and so we decided to change the plan and go out for lunch.
  69. I suppose it’s true; I’m too busy to watch her.
  70. The room was a mess. It was too messy to invite anyone to the party.
  71. Mireya is too strict with her kids when it comes to grades.
  72. I cannot go with you to the mall today because I have too much work at home to attend to.
  73. I don’t want to use too many colors.
  74. It would work too if you wore blue jeans.
  75. I don’t know if it would look too short on you, though, as your legs are quite long and slender.

Sentences with TooPin

Sentences with Too

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  1. Over the reddish pink used to color the woman’s ear lobe, considered far,


    ,suggestive and supposedly ruining the high-society model’s reputation. In the
  2. Force him to take a carriage ride because she was concerned he was working,


    ,hard. Lincoln had learned from General Winfield Scott the need to control
  3. The well-ordering principle to be counterintuitive, and Zorn’s lemma to be,


    ,complex for any intuition. » The Axiom of Choice is necessary to select a set
  4. Of the d’Antonia dynasty. Escaped from Spain because of expressing his opinions,


    ,freely and coming in conflict with the Inquisition, leaving behind a palace and
  5. 127 Pouch finds in it Ovarian star,» hero. » 128 The first etymology is,


    ,farfetched to be taken seriously, the second is nonsense. » The name has many
  6. S most powerful horse. Since she cannot comfortably ride a horse that goes,


    ,fast, she must bridle it down to her level, even if that means it will never
  7. Because no local Loyalists attacked the town from behind. The Loyalists were,


    ,poorly organized to be effective, but as late as 1781 senior officials in
  8. More sunlight. Small-scale effects Albedo works on a smaller scale,


    , People who wear dark clothes in the summer put themselves at a greater
  9. Relationship problems with a husband or partner, the perception that she is,


    ,young, and unemployment. A 2004 study in which American women at clinics
  10. Cause problems at low temperatures and in polar regions, where the fuel becomes,


    ,thick to flow correctly. Alkanes from headcase upwards form the most
  11. Prison ships in New York. This tally of deaths from disease is undoubtedly,


    ,low, however; 2,500 Americans died while encamped at Valley Forge in the winter
  12. Who had been active in the Continental Army, complained that the Articles were,


    ,weak for an effective government. There was no president, no executive agencies
  13. The aircraft body is shaped to produce lift. If there are any wings, they are,


    ,small to provide significant lift and are used only for stability and control.
  14. Political aspirations. On the other hand, the Radicals denounced his policy as,


    ,lenient, and passed their own plan, the Wade-Davis Bill, in 1864. When Lincoln
  15. The popular tune today. Just as Bates had been inspired to write her poem, Ward,


    , was inspired to compose his tune. The tune came to him while he was on a
  16. And civil service accommodation. Although many gecekondus still remain, they,


    , are gradually being replaced by mass housing compounds, as empty land plots in
  17. My boy, you must find a kingdom big enough for your ambitions. Macedon is,


    ,small for you «, and bought the horse for him. Adolescence and education When
  18. Workers would work less. Furthermore,» in the mercantilist view no child was,


    ,young to go into industry «. In those times, the » somewhat more humane
  19. William Seward. Seward’s initial reaction to the Trent affair, however,was,


    ,bellicose, so Lincoln also turned to Sen. Charles Sumner, the chairman of the
  20. Had detected a slight sound on his first test, the bullet may have been lodged,


    ,deeply to be detected by the crude apparatus. The experimental boats were
  21. Assistance to the revolutionaries since the very beginning of the war. So,


    ,had the Dutch Republic, which was formally brought into the war at the end of
  22. All the stars and the earth screens none of them. » In places, Aristotle goes,


    ,far in deriving ‘laws of the universe’ from simple observation and
  23. Nevertheless, the confederation type of national government proved to be,


    ,weak and in 1789 it was replaced with a federal government with the adoption of
  24. That» For this kind of commodity will not bear exportation, and flesh being of,


    ,tender a consistence, to admit a long continuance in salt, although perhaps I
  25. Slavery issue. Conversely, the Radical Republicans criticized him for moving,


    ,slowly in abolishing slavery. On August 6,1861,Lincoln signed the
  26. Processing circuitry developed by Atari themselves. As the 6502 by itself was,


    ,slow to control both the game play and the vector hardware at the same time
  27. To others, he would appear even during their navigation, if they were not,


    ,far away, and would instruct them as to which part of the island they would
  28. The scorn of the neighboring farmers suggests the windmill’s walls were,


    ,thin. Once Snowball becomes a scapegoat, Napoleon begins purging the farm
  29. Machines «; see more at Algorithm characterizations. But not to be outdone he,


    ,presented» a plan somewhat analogous, I apprehend, to Prof. Jevon’s abacus
  30. Commented in his Rhetoric that a society cannot be happy unless women are happy,


    ,: In places like Sparta where the lot of women is bad, there can only be
  31. Concerning this story, however. First, the condition of the texts is far,


    ,good for them to have suffered considerable damage followed by Apellicon’s
  32. Using these instructions; on the other hand» it is also possible, and not,


    ,hard, to write badly structured programs in a structured language «. Tamworth
  33. Is a hobby whose participants enjoy watching the night sky (and the day sky,


    , for sunspots, eclipses,etc.),and the plethora of objects found in it
  34. The philosophic family, : By all admired, and by all reverenced;: There Plato,


    ,I saw, and Socrates, : Who s


    d beside him closer than the rest. Influence on
  35. The judgment below. (This would happen, for example, if the appellant waited,


    ,long, under the appellate court’s rules, to file the appeal. ) In England and
  36. Forces in North America when the rebellion started, was criticized for being,


    ,lenient (perhaps influenced by his American wife). General Jeffrey Amherst
  37. And architecture. Further east, religion dominated artistic styles and forms,


    , India and Tibet saw emphasis on painted sculptures and dance, while religious
  38. Has the ability to carry. Like Hank, she believes they want to live, but are,


    ,stupid and incompetent to realize how their duties and altruistic projects
  39. Made commonplace specializations rarely seen in hunter-gatherer cultures. So,


    , are arts such as epic literature and monumental architecture, as well as
  40. But instead rots in storage; also, the soybean crop is lost, having been reaped,


    ,early. *Dan Conway is the middle-aged president of the Phoenix-Durango railroad
  41. Centuries must not have been religious texts only, but historical chronicles,


    , They are mentioned by the humanist Marin Ballet, who,in his book Rethink i
  42. To him, films in color are like moving paintings or photographs, which are,


    ,beautiful to be a realistic depiction of life. Vadim Yukon Tchaikovsky worked in
  43. To a torture machine, about to be killed by the looters (who recognize,


    , that he is the only man who can save them from economic collapse),that she
  44. The Earth in the distance. NASA officials said the talons of the eagle looked,


    ,» warlike» and after some discussion, the olive branch was moved to the claws.
  45. Via setting and composition. Japan names its styles after imperial dynasties,


    , and also saw much interplay between the styles of calligraphy and painting.
  46. And bloodied, Alex collapses at the door of an isolated cottage, realizing,


    , late that it is the house he and his druids invaded in the first half of the
  47. Critics doubted the viability of four-wheel drive racers, thinking them to be,


    ,heavy and complex, yet the Quarto was to become a successful car. Leading its
  48. Of the new» socialist» Marxist state would become a new elite had proved all,


    ,true. The victory of the Bolsheviks in the October Revolution and the resulting
  49. Cylinder engine was a successful and robust power plant, it was still a little,


    ,different for the target market. With the introduction of an all-new Audi 100
  50. No national court. Although historians generally agree that the Articles were,


    ,weak to hold the fast-growing nation together, they do give credit to the

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word too, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use too in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «too».

Too in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word too in a sentence.

  1. He is too noble for that».

  2. I loved the Bar too much».

  3. I think it was too perfect.

  4. And a tomboyish streak too.

  5. Soon it was too late to act.

  6. And this too afflicts us all.

  7. It too saw no further action.

  8. It was just far too rushed.».

  9. It too ran into difficulties.

  10. Eagle was traveling too fast.

  11. Others said Leslie was too unintelligent and ditzy.

  12. They too presumably perished in similar conditions.

  13. The Justiciarship too was created in David’s reign.

  14. He came to feel, «I dressed too young for my age ..

  15. This gene, too, harbors a thyroid response element.

  16. But I had this cartoon painting in my studio, and it was a little too formidable.

  17. Hume countered that these islets were probably too small to sustain a population.

  18. But just as #1 Record had fallen victim to poor marketing, so too did Radio City.

  19. An annual competition in Mid-Lothian, Scotland during the 1790s is reported, too.

  20. She decided that if he could be active outside of the Pixies, then she could too.

  21. In the countries in which the disease burden is highest, however, the vaccine is still too expensive.

  22. On the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939 Holloway, who was 49, was too old for active service.

  23. Serevi blamed his love for rugby, saying he «played too much and didn’t spend enough time studying.».

  24. However, its known fossils are too fragmentary to tell if it was a dinosaur or only a close relative.

  25. She entered the doubles draw too, the partner was Kirsten Flipkens, but they lost in the first round.

  26. Mexico’s tourist industry, too, took almost a year to rebuild its damaged cruise ship infrastructure.

  27. George VI was now too ill for travel, and the Royal Tour was indefinitely postponed later that month.

  28. An almshouse was set up at Leure (near Harfleur) to care for survivors too injured to work as seamen.

  29. Under the influence of his father-in-law, Hethum I, Bohemond too submitted Antioch to Hulagu in 1260.

  30. Impétueux was in too damaged a state to move at all, and was soon seized by sailors from HMS Russell.

  31. Such maps were common at the time, and were even embellished by artists if deemed too simple or drab.

  32. Then too, critics started to focus on Hamlet’s delay as a character trait, rather than a plot device.

  33. By the time the Mississaugas moved to New Credit, Jones was too ill to move to an unbuilt settlement.

  34. Stephen feared that Henry would be too powerful as archbishop, and would attempt to control the king.

  35. She asked about the child and learned that the youngster’s parents were too poor to afford treatment.

  36. Crocodilians are unable to chew and need to swallow food whole, so prey that is too large to swallow is torn into pieces.

  37. Crispin Wright argues that Putnam’s formulation of the brain-in-a-vat scenario is too narrow to refute global skepticism.

  38. But because of her own mythological links with queenship, Isis too was given the same titles and regalia as human queens.

  39. Arthur convinces Eva to leave Tempest Key for a few days, but it comes too late as Nadia injures Eva and captures Arthur.

  40. Ann Powers of Los Angeles Times discussed about the malfunction, saying: «As a pop queen, Beyoncé is almost too perfect..

  41. You could have made a century», to which the fallen batsman retorted, «Haven’t you made a few mistakes in your time, too?

  42. Similarly, Jaekel interpreted the Halberstadt finds as animals that waded too deep into swamps, became mired and drowned.

  43. If the weather is unsuitable, for instance a too hot night in the Southeast, she delays the process until later at night.

  44. The only confirmed isotope of oganesson, Og, has much too short a half-life to be chemically investigated experimentally.

  45. But it was rejected; the acquisitions described it as ‘of too intimate a character for inclusion in a public collection’.

  46. In the epilogue as South Park is rebuilt, the group retrieves the Stick of Truth; they decide its power is too great for any person to hold and throw it into Stark’s Pond.

  47. As it turned out, Wilhelm did share his father’s conviction that the position of the chancellor was too strong and should be modified in favour of a more powerful Emperor.

  48. However, O’Connor remarked that American audiences might find the «languorous walks across meadows» and «ornately choreographed dances» of the British production too slow.

  49. The limitations of this system and the difficulty of coordinating three games proved too complicated, so the project was scaled back to two games at Miyamoto’s suggestion.

  50. So revered was Hippocrates that his teachings were largely taken as too great to be improved upon and no significant advancements of his methods were made for a long time.

Synonyms for too

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word too has the following synonyms: besides, also, likewise, as well, excessively, overly and to a fault.

General information about «too» example sentences

The example sentences for the word too that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «too» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «too».

Examples of how to use the word “too” in a sentence. How to connect “too” with other words to make correct English sentences.

too (adv): more than is needed or wanted; more than is suitable or enough

Use “too” in a sentence

This pillow is too soft for me.
We’re spending too much money.
This soup is too spicy for me.
This tea is too sweet.
This tea is too bitter.
This hat is too tight for me.
I arrived there too early.
This coffee is too bitter.
I advised him not to drink too much.
It is too good to be true.
Don’t worry too much about unimportant things.
The radio is too loud. Turn the volume down.
You’re too weak to do that.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”

Main To vs. Too Takeaways:

  • To is typically a preposition or infinitive verb.It shows a relationship between words or elements.
  • Too is always an adverb.
  • It can also indicate an excessive amount. Therefore, when you need a word that means more, use too with more ‘Os’.
  • What’s more, too can be a synonym for really, also, and in addition.
  • When you aren’t sure whether to use to vs. too, replace the word with really, also, or in addition. If the sentence still makes sense, too is correct.
  • Too can also indicate agreement. Since you need at least two people to come to an agreement, think of the two ‘Os’ in too.
  • Two is always a number.

To vs. too: which one is correct? And what about two? We break things down in this super easy guide.

Two cartoon characters face off. One is a female ballerina. Her costume is labeled TO. The other is a male athlete with a backwards baseball cap. His shirt is labeled TOO.

Remember, ‘to’ can be a preposition or an infinitive verb, while ‘too’ is always an adverb.

To vs. Too vs. Two

On one hand, to (one ‘O’) shows the relationship between two words. Itcan be a preposition or an infinitive verb that joins words or clauses together. When it comes before a verb, it helps form an infinitive verb, or a verb that is not conjugated. Sometimes to also acts as an adverb, but this is rare. On the other hand, too (two ‘Os’) is always an adverb. It has several meanings and uses. First, too means also. In other cases, it refers to an excessive amount, such astoomuch. What’s more, too can indicate agreement, such as me too. Conversely, two is always a number. It’s how we write out the number 2.

Two is always a number. You can never use two in place of too or to.

Remember, to and too are never interchangeable. You also can’t use two instead of to or too.

How do you Remember the Difference Between To and Too?

Here is the easiest way to remember the difference between to and too: use the ‘O’ trick. Too can indicate something excessive or be a synonym for also or in addition. Remember that when a word means more, you need more ‘Os’. Similarly, it takes at least two people to agree on something, so you need two ‘Os’ to express that (I think sotoo.). Another trick is to replace the word with really, very, or also. If the sentence still makes sense, the use too. If not, you probably should use to.

On the other hand, since to is a preposition or infinitive verb that links parts of a sentence together, think of the one ‘O’ as one link. When you need a link to show direction or to show that a verb is an infinitive, use to.

Do you Need a Comma Before or After too?

There really is no fixed grammar rule when it comes to using commas with the adverb too. Because the overall meaning usually depends on the writer’s intent, adding a comma before too is more of a stylistic or personal choice. That said, if your sentence would be clearer with a comma, use one. All in all, if too functions as an interrupter or nonrestrictive clause that appears in the middle of the sentence, you can offset it with commas (I, too, love pizza). However, if too appears at the end of the sentence and means also or in addition, including the comma after too is up to you.

Three images. First image, two friends with their arms around each other's shoulder. Boy on the left is labeled 'to' while boy on the right is labeled verb. Text reads TO: a preposition used with infinitive verbs. Second image is of number two. Text reads: TO always a number. Third image is of a girl standing on top of a huge popcorn basket. Popcorn pieces are being thrown out of the basket.Text reads: TOO another word for 'also' indicates excess.

To, too, and two are homophones. They all sound the same when pronounced but have different meanings and functions.

How do you use the Word Too in a Sentence?

Too Sentence Examples:

[/example]There is too much shouting and not enough problem solving.[/example]

too definition:(adverb) also; excessive; a higher degree than expected or permitted.

To Sentence Examples:

to definition:(preposition) a word that governs a noun or pronoun and conveys a relationship between another word or element in a clause.

Is it Love you too or to?

If someone tells you that they love you and you would like to say it back, the correct sentence to say is I love you too. This is because too(with two ‘o’s) means also in this complete sentence. However, the phrase I love you might be part of a longer sentence instead of a complete sentence in itself. For example, in the phrase I love youtothe moon and back, you should use to (with one ‘o’). The reason is because the word is part of a longer sentence where to acts as a preposition or infinitive verb.

Is it to Fast or too Fast?

If you’re talking about excessive velocity or speeds, the correct phrase is too fast. In this way, too(two ‘Os’) is an adverb that refers to an excessive amount (of speed). However, if you’re talking about the act of fasting or abstaining from eating, then the correct phrase would be the to fast. In this case, to (one ‘O’) is helping to create the infinitive verb to fast. The third option is Fast is the name of a place. In this case, the to would be a preposition that indicates a direction toward a place called Fast, and the correct phrase would be to Fast.

To vs. Too vs. Two: Test Your Skills

Too Question #1

A. Noun

B. Pronoun

C. Adjective

D. Adverb


The answer is D. “Too” is an adverb that indicates agreement or an excessive or higher-than-expected amount.

To Question #2


The answer is FALSE. “To” can be a preposition. When it precedes a verb, it can help form an infinitive verb.

To vs. Too Question #3

A. Barry ran to fast, and Clark couldn’t keep up.

B. Barry ran too fast, and Clark couldn’t keep up.


The answer is B. “Too” in this sentence indicates an excessive amount of speed.

To or Too Question #4

A. Do you want to build a snowman?

B. Do you want too build a snowman?


The answer is A. “To” in this sentence acts as a preposition.

Read More: Whoever vs. Whomever: How to use Them Properly in a Sentence

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