Example of prefix word dis

Prefixes are handy tools that create an impact on the Root Words that it attaches to. Among prefixes, negative prefixes are those which turn the root word into the negative. One of the most common negative prefixes used in English is “dis,”. The addition of the “dis” prefix adds ‘not’ or ‘incorrectly’ to the root word.

  • Example of Words with Prefix dis
  • Prefixes similar to dis
  • What does the prefix “dis” mean?
  • Is “dis” a suffix?
  • Give an example of the usage of the “dis” prefix to suggest the meaning “apart”?

So, where does the “dis” prefix come from? The prefix ‘dis-‘ has its origin in Latin, where it has the literal meaning ‘apart’. Today the prefix is commonly used to mean ‘opposite of’, ‘not’, ‘remove’ and ‘reverse’. It also has other meanings besides attributing a negative connotation. The common meanings include:

  • Apart
  • Lack of, or not
  • Away
  • Utterly

As mentioned, when you add “dis” to a word you often get a contrary meaning. Some examples include:

  • Honest – dishonest
  • Respect – disrespect
  • Please – displease
  • Allow – disallow
  • Trust – distrust
  • Similar – dissimilar

Example of Words with Prefix dis

Now that you know what a “de” prefix is, have a look at a few words that contain the prefix:

  • Disappointed
  • Disapproval
  • Disgust
  • Disbelief
  • Disrespect
  • Disgrace
  • Dismay
  • Disinterest
  • Distaste
  • Disregard
  • Discourage
  • Disdain
  • Discomfort
  • Displeasure
  • Dislike
  • Distrust

Prefixes similar to dis

Two prefixes “mis” and “un” are similar to “dis” and are used interchangeably in some cases.

1) “dis” and “mis”

The prefixes “dis” and “mis” are similar. The prefix “mis” can mean badly, unfavorably, or wrongly. Examples include:
misbehave, mismatch, mistake, etc. In some instances, “dis” and “mis” are interchangeable. For example trust – distrust – mistrust.

However, it is not possible to substitute “dis” for “mis” in all cases. For example, you cannot use words like “mishonest,” “misallow,” or “missimilar” for words like dishonest, disallow or dissimilar, etc.

2) “dis” and “un”

The prefix “dis” is also similar to “un,” but as with the previous example, it is not possible to substitute one prefix for another at all times. The prefix “un” signifies negation or reversal. Examples:

  • Available – unavailable.
  • Happy – unhappy
  • Wind – unwind

Words such as “organized” can take either of the prefixes dis or un. The words “disorganized” and “unorganized” are words that have very similar meanings. However, there exists a difference because “disorganized,” is usually used to refer to people, while “unorganized” is commonly used to describe a thing or place. For example:
Jake is disorganized and can never set things to order by himself. The event is unorganized.

Read More:

  • Affixes
  • De Prefix

FAQs on “dis” Prefix

1. What does the prefix “dis” mean?

The prefix “dis” is a negative prefix that has its origin in Latin. A negative prefix turns the root word into its negative meaning. The literal meaning of “dis” is ‘apart’ and is now commonly used to mean ‘remove”, ‘not’, opposite of’, ‘reverse’ etc.

2. Is “dis” a suffix?

No, “dis” is a negative prefix. The literal meaning of “dis” is ‘apart’ and is now commonly used to mean ‘remove”, ‘not’, opposite of’, ‘reverse’ etc. Examples of words include disrespect, disapproval, disguise, etc.

3. Give an example of the usage of the “dis” prefix to suggest the meaning “apart”?

The literal meaning of “dis” is ‘apart’ and is now commonly used to mean ‘remove”, ‘not’, opposite of’, ‘reverse’ etc. An example of a word that implies the meaning apart is disorder. The word refers to those who are “apart” from the remaining “ordered,” that is, those who are not ordered exist in quite a mess.


“Dis” is a commonly used negative prefix that reverses the meaning of the root word. The literal meaning of the prefix is “apart”, but it also signifies: ‘opposite of’, ‘not’, ‘remove’ and ‘reverse’. An understanding of such negative prefixes will help you easily change a word’s meaning to its opposite. Hence make sure you enrich your vocabulary by learning what the “dis” prefix is!

  • Words beginning with certain letters
  • Words with the prefix «dis-«

This morpheme tends to mean «from, reduce, or opposite«. Some of the most representative words that include it are: disagree, disadvantage, dishonest

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  • disease

  • discussion

  • district

  • distance

  • distribution

  • display

  • discipline

  • discuss

  • distinction

  • dispute

  • distinct

  • discover

  • discovery

  • distant

  • disaster

  • disk

  • discourse

  • distinctive

  • disposal

  • discount

  • discrimination

  • distinguish

  • discretion

  • disorder

  • disc

  • dish

  • discharge

  • dismissal

  • disability

  • disappointment

  • distress

  • disappear

  • disadvantage

  • disastrous

  • disciplinary

  • disclosure

  • dislike

  • disruption

  • disturbance

  • dismiss

  • distinctly

  • disagreement

  • dissolution

  • disco

  • disagree

  • disguise

  • disclose

  • discomfort

  • distortion

  • disposition

  • disgust

  • disappearance

  • discontent

  • distribute

  • discretionary

  • disbelief

  • disturb

  • dispose

  • distal

  • dissatisfaction

  • dissent

  • distributor

  • dismay

  • discreet

  • disgrace

  • disapproval

  • discrete

  • discourage

  • disregard

  • discriminate

  • disarmament

  • dissolve

  • disposable

  • dismal

  • displacement

  • disruptive

  • discrepancy

  • dissident

  • distaste

  • distraction

  • disrupt

  • dishonest

  • disused

  • dissemination

  • distrust

  • dispersal

  • disintegration

  • discreetly

  • dismissive

  • dispatch

  • disgraceful

  • disparate

  • dispense

  • discernible

  • distract

  • distort

  • dissimilar

  • dissertation

  • discursive

  • disproportionate

  • discriminatory

  • discern

  • distraught

  • discard

  • dishonesty

  • disperse

  • disdain

  • disproportionately

  • disarray

  • distinguishable

  • disobedience

  • disparity

  • dispel

  • distasteful

  • disgruntled

  • disillusionment

  • discredit

  • dissociation

  • disorderly

  • distinctiveness

  • dishwasher

  • disqualification

  • dismantle

  • displeasure

  • disagreeable

  • disappoint

  • diseased

  • dislocation

  • disquiet

  • displace

  • disinterested

  • dispersion

  • disablement

  • discontinuity

  • disrepute

  • disclaimer

  • dismissively

  • distantly

  • distillation

  • disaffected

  • disenchantment

  • dissuade

  • disapprove

  • disciple

  • discord

  • disinfectant

  • dispensation

  • disaffection

  • distinctively

  • disincentive

  • distillery

  • discordant

  • dislodge

  • disseminate

  • distension

  • disarm

  • disrespect

  • dis

  • disuse

  • disillusion

  • dishonestly

  • dispenser

  • disastrously

  • disembodied

  • disturbingly

  • disinfection

  • disentangle

  • distributive

  • disappointingly

  • disprove

  • discontinue

  • disintegrate

  • discontinuous

  • disorientation

  • distally

  • disband

  • discus

  • dispassionate

  • dissipate

  • dissonance

  • dissection

  • disreputable

  • disloyal

  • dissipation

  • dissociate

  • disequilibrium

  • dissension

  • disunity

  • disrepair

  • dismally

  • disdainful

  • disingenuous

  • disobedient

  • disloyalty

  • discipleship

  • discouragement

  • dismount

  • disservice

  • distributional

  • disconnect

  • dishonour

  • dispassionately

  • disconcertingly

  • disobey

  • disqualify

  • discoverer

  • diss

  • disengagement

  • disbelieve

  • dispensary

  • discernment

  • discomfiture

  • disparagingly

  • disadvantageous

  • disulphate

  • disinterest

  • disapprovingly

  • disarmingly

  • dissonant

  • disharmony

  • disable

  • disrespectful

  • discharger

  • distributable

  • distemper

  • dissect

  • disengage

  • disbelievingly

  • disown

  • disinclination

  • distractedly

  • disciplinarian

  • disconsolate

  • discotheque

  • disinformation

  • disconnection

  • disjunction

  • disafforestment

  • distrustful

  • disbursement

  • disembark

  • disfavour

  • discman

  • dishonourable

  • disclaim

  • distil

  • discontinuance

  • dismemberment

  • discography

  • discriminant

  • disaggregation

  • diskless

  • disallow

  • dispensable

  • distalmost

  • discoloration

  • discreditable

  • discrepant

  • disgustingly

  • disconsolately

  • disestablishment

  • distention

  • disfigurement

  • dishy

  • discourteous

  • disaffiliation

  • disassociate

  • disavowal

  • dissenter

  • distaff

  • discolouration

  • dispositive

  • distinctness

  • diskette

  • displease

  • discourtesy

  • dismember

  • disparage

  • disavow

  • discernable

  • dissolute

  • dissimulation

  • disgracefully

  • disbandment

  • dispossession

  • disjunctive

  • disproportion

  • disambiguation

  • dishcloth

  • discoverable

  • dissidence

  • disinfect

  • distressingly

  • disulphide

  • disgorge

  • disaggregate

  • disorganisation

  • disproportionality

  • dishwashing

  • disembarkation

  • disfigure

  • disapprobation

  • disburse

  • disparagement

  • discolour

  • disputation

  • dissemble

  • disyllabic

  • dissipative

  • disorganization

  • discontinuation

  • dismutase

  • discretely

  • discriminative

  • distastefully

  • dissimilarity

  • disutility

  • disinherit

  • dispositional

  • distamycin

  • disconcert

  • distiller

  • disambiguate

  • disjuncture

  • distrain

  • disgruntlement

  • distributorship

  • disjoint

  • distractor

  • dispatcher

  • dispersive

  • disallowance

  • disjunct

  • disinvestment

  • disquisition

  • distempered

  • disenfranchisement

  • dis-ease

  • disabuse

  • disposer

  • disapply

  • disassociation

  • disputable

  • distraint

  • discomposed

  • dislocate

  • discriminability

  • dissentient

  • disgorgement

  • disbarment

  • disinheritance

  • discreteness

  • dispossess

  • discriminator

  • disenfranchise

  • dispiritedly

  • disagreeably

  • disputatious

  • dishwater

  • discursively

  • distillate

  • distractingly

  • dishabituation

  • dispassion

  • disassembly

  • distortionary

  • discordance

  • disingenuously

  • discriminable

  • distantiation

  • disproof

  • dispersant

  • disassemble

  • discernibly

  • dissociative

  • disinterestedly

  • disinterestedness

  • discounter

  • dislikeable

  • dissimilatory

  • disease-ridden

  • disaccharide

  • disafforestation

  • disappointedly

  • distend

  • disintermediation

  • dislodgement

  • distastefulness

  • discouragingly

  • disodium

  • displayable

  • dishearten

  • disadvantageously

  • disaffiliate

  • distributary

  • disproportionally

  • disbenefit

  • disinter

  • disorientate

  • disruptiveness

  • disrespectfully

  • discontentment

  • disintegrative

  • discoursal

  • disrupter

  • distensibility

  • disembowel

  • disempowerment

  • disendowment

  • disfiguration

  • dishonourably

  • dis-

  • distortive

  • disincorporation

  • disintegrator

  • dissensus

  • dist

  • discomposure

  • discordantly

  • dispirit

  • discursiveness

  • dissuasion

  • distressful

  • distorter

  • disentanglement

  • disentitlement

  • disablism

  • dissociable

  • disanalogy

  • disarticulate

  • distinguishability

  • distrustfully

  • disbeliever

  • discerningly

  • discomfit

  • disingenuousness

  • dismayingly

  • dismissible

  • disorganize

  • dismissable

  • disquietude

  • disproportional

  • disruptively

  • dissuasive

  • distributer

  • disfluency

  • disfranchisement

  • disgustin’

  • dishevelment

  • disorderliness

  • disafforest

  • disponer

  • disaturated

  • disbound

  • discarnate

  • disinhibiting

  • disimpaction

  • disport

  • disputative

  • discobolus

  • disturber

  • discographical

  • discoid

  • discoidal

  • disconfirming

  • disconformable

  • disloyally

  • disinvest

  • disorient

  • displayer

  • dispositio

  • disquietingly

  • discriminately

  • discriminatingly

  • discussable

  • discussant

  • dissymmetry

  • distill

  • distich

  • distensible

  • distractability

  • distrait

  • disempower

  • disgustingness

  • disoblige

  • disimpact

  • dispensible

  • disjunctively

  • disarrangement

  • dissatisfy

  • disputant

  • dissention

  • disbar

  • disbudding

  • disburden

  • discernably

  • disopyramide

  • dismissiveness

  • dispend

  • disclosable

  • dissipatively

  • disseminator

  • distinguisher

  • distortionless

  • discographer

  • discombobulated

  • disconnectedness

  • discontentedly

  • disunion

  • disinflationary

  • disinhibition

  • dishwasher-safe

  • disjointedness

  • discoursive

  • discourteously

  • dismantlement

  • disorganise

  • disperser

  • discretional

  • disponee

  • dispossessor

  • discriminably

  • dishtowel

  • discriminated-against

  • dissimulate

  • dissoluble

  • dissolvent

  • distinguishably

  • disembarrass

  • distractible

  • disembowelment

  • distributism

  • dissuader

  • disyllable

  • disentitle

  • disfunction

  • disulfiram

  • disgruntledly

  • disharmonious

  • dishclout

  • disinhibit

  • disaccharidase

  • disidentification

  • disjointedly

  • dissert

  • disad

  • disincarnate

  • disownment

  • disagreeableness

  • disquietly

  • distractedness

  • disallowable

  • disinsection

  • disvalue

  • disilicate

  • disapprover

  • disarmer

  • disarrange

  • dispersity

  • disarticulation

  • dissolver

  • distonic

  • disbud

  • disburser

  • discal

  • discalced

  • disklike

  • dismemberer

  • dischargeable

  • disparition

  • dismission

  • disciform

  • dispiritingly

  • dispersionless

  • dispositionally

  • dissatisfier

  • disseisin

  • dissever

  • dissolvable

  • discloser

  • disqualifier

  • disclude

  • distemperature

  • distortedly

  • distributist

  • distracter

  • discolor

  • discombobulate

  • disunite

  • discomfortingly

  • discommode

  • discompose

  • disvaluation

  • disconcertion

  • disconcertment

  • disconfirmation

  • disconnectedly

  • disconnexion

  • discontiguous

  • discontinuously

  • discophile

  • disincorporate

  • disingenuity

  • disinhibitory

  • discorporate

  • disinterment

  • disjoin

  • discountable

  • diskspace

  • dismantler

  • dismantleable

  • disobligingly

  • disomy

  • discreditability

  • discreditably

  • dispase

  • dispensability

  • dispence

  • displacive

  • dispersedly

  • discretionally

  • disposability

  • dispraise

  • disremember

  • disruptor

  • dissector

  • disrupture

  • disproportionably

  • discusser

  • dissonantly

  • dissolutely

  • dissembler

  • diseconomy

  • distillment

  • distillated

  • diselenide

  • distortional

  • distractive

  • disembodiedness

  • disembodiment

  • disembody

  • distrainer

  • disemboweller

  • disenchant

  • distributionally

  • dishrack

  • disulphur

  • disequalizing

  • disert

  • disestablish

  • disesteem

  • disfavor

  • disforest

  • disfranchise

  • disgorger

  • disgracefull

  • dishabille

  • dishearteningly

  • disherison

  • dishful

  • dishmop

  • dishonorable

  • distylous

  • dishpan

  • DIS

  • disableable

  • disabled sport

  • disabled sports

  • disabledness

  • disabuser

  • disaccommodate

  • disaccommodation

  • disaccord

  • disaccordant

  • disadvantagedness

  • disadvantageousness

  • disadvauntage

  • disadventure

  • disadventurous

  • disadvise

  • disaffect

  • disaffectation

  • disaffectedly

  • disaffectedness

  • disaffectionate

  • disanalogously

  • disanchor

  • disangelical

  • disanimate

  • disanimation

  • disannex

  • disannul

  • disannuller

  • disannulment

  • disanoint

  • disapparate

  • disappearable

  • disappearer

  • disappearing act

  • disappearing carriage

  • disappearing disease

  • disappearingly

  • disappointer

  • disappointingness

  • disappoynt

  • disappreciate

  • disapprobative

  • disavowment

  • disbalance

  • disbalanced

  • disbark

  • disbarrable

  • disbase

  • disbecome

  • disbelievable

  • disbelievably

  • Disbelievers

  • disbench

  • disbend

  • disbind

  • disbloomed

  • disbodied

  • disboscation

  • disbosom

  • disbowel

  • disbranch

  • disburdenment

  • disbursal

  • disburthen

  • DISC assessment

  • disc brake

  • disc drive

  • disc golf

  • disc harrow

  • disc jockey

  • disc rot

  • disc-tongued frog

  • Disc.

  • discage

  • discalceate

  • discalceated

  • discalceation

  • discamp

  • discandium

  • discandy

  • discant

  • discapacitate

  • discardable

  • discarder

  • discardment

  • discolith

  • discolor’d

  • discolorer

  • discolorisation

  • discolorization

  • discolorment

  • discolorous

  • discolourer

  • discolourisation

  • discolourization

  • discolourment

  • discolourous


  • discom

  • discomania

  • discomboberate

  • discombobulatedly

  • discombobulatingly

  • discombobulator

  • discombooberate

  • discomfitingly

  • discomfortable

  • discomforter

  • discommend

  • discommendable

  • discommendably

  • discommendation

  • discommender

  • discommensurate

  • discommission

  • discommodate

  • discommodious

  • discommodiously

  • discommodiousness

  • discommodity

  • discommon

  • discommunity

  • discompany

  • discompassionate

  • discomplexion

  • discompliance

  • discomposing

  • discomposingly

  • discomposition

  • disconcerning

  • disconcertedly

  • disconcertedness

  • disconcur

  • disconfirm

  • disconfirmatory

  • disconfirmed expectancy

  • disconformably

  • disconformity

  • discongruity

  • disconjugate

  • disconnectable

  • disconnective

  • disconnectively

  • disconnectivity

  • disconnector

  • disconsecrate

  • disconsider

  • disconsolacy

  • disconsolance

  • disconsolated

  • disconsolateness

  • disconsolation

  • disconsonant

  • discontentation

  • discontentedness

  • discontentful

  • discontention

  • discontentive

  • discontinuable

  • discontinually

  • discontinuative

  • discontinuee

  • discontinuer

  • discontinuity in the flow

  • discontinuousness

  • disconvenience

  • disconvenient

  • discoordination

  • disyoke

  • disencumbrance

  • disendorse

  • disendorsement

  • disendow

  • disengagedness

  • disengager

  • disengagingly

  • disenjoy

  • disenjoyment

  • disennoble

  • disenrol

  • disenroll

  • disenrollment

  • disensanity

  • disenshroud

  • disenshrouded

  • disenslave

  • disentail

  • disenter

  • disenthral

  • disenthrall

  • disenthrallment

  • disenthralment

  • disenthrone

  • disentomb

  • disentrail

  • disentrailed

  • disentrance

  • disentrancement

  • disentwine

  • disenvowel

  • disepalous

  • disequalising

  • disequality

  • disequalize

  • disequilibration

  • disertly

  • disespouse

  • disestablisher

  • disestablishmentarian

  • disestablishmentarianism

  • disesteemer

  • disexcitation

  • disfame

  • disfancy

  • disfashion

  • disfavorable

  • disfavorably

  • disfavored

  • disfavorer

  • disfavourable

  • disfavourably

  • disfavourer

  • disfeature

  • disfellowship

  • disfellowshipment

  • disfigurative

  • disfigurer

  • disfiguringly

  • disfix

  • disflesh

  • disfluent

  • disfluently

  • disforestation

  • disform

  • disformal

  • disformally

  • disformity

  • disfrock

  • disfurnish

  • disfurnished

  • disfurnishment

  • disfurniture

  • disgage

  • disgarland

  • disgarnish

  • disgarrison

  • disgavel

  • disgenic

  • disgest

  • disgestion

  • disglorify

  • disglory

  • disgodded

  • disgospelling

  • disgown

  • disgracedness

  • disgracefulness

  • disgraceless

  • disgracious

  • disgracive

  • disgradation

  • disgrade

  • disgraduate

  • disgregate

  • disgregation

  • disgrossting

  • disgruntle

  • disguisable

  • disguisedly

  • disguisedness

  • disguiseless

  • disguisement

  • disguiser

  • disguize

  • Disgusta

  • disgustable

  • Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells

  • disgustedness

  • disgustful

  • disgustfully

  • disgustfulness

  • disgustology

  • DISH

  • dish antenna

  • dish bitch

  • dish out

  • dish pig

  • dish rack

  • dish stand

  • dish the dirt

  • dish towel

  • dish up

  • dish washer

  • dish-faced

  • dishabilitate

  • dishabilitation

  • dishabited

  • dishabituate

  • dishable

  • dishallow

  • disharmonic

  • disharmoniously

  • disharmonize

  • dishaunt

  • dishcloth gourd

  • dishdasha

  • dishdashi

  • disheart

  • disheartenedly

  • disheartenment

  • disheir

  • dishelm

  • disher

  • disherit

  • disheritance

  • disheritor

  • dishevel

  • dishevele

  • disheveledly

  • dishevelledly

  • dishily

  • dishiness

  • dishless

  • dishlicker

  • dishlike

  • Dishman

  • dishonestness

  • dishonnour

  • dishonor

  • dishonorableness

  • dishonorably

  • dishonorary

  • dishonorer

  • dishonourableness

  • dishonoured bill

Note: these words have been obtained from Wiktionary and have been classified and improved through automated computer linguistics processes.


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    В английском языке существует много отрицательных приставок, а именно: —dis, —mis, —un, —in, —im, —il, —ir,- non.

    Префиксы (приставки) добавляют к различным частям речи: к существительным, прилагательным, глаголам и так далее.

    Давайте рассмотрим каждую приставку подробнее: 

    Отрицательные префиксы —in, —im, —ir, —il

    В основном добавляются к прилагательным

    1)   Im добавляем к прилагательным, которые начинаются на буквы M, P


    Moral (Моральный) – Immoral (Аморальный, безнравственный)

    Possible (Возможный) – Impossible (Невозможный)

    Personal (Личный) – Impersonal (Неличный)

    Polite (Вежливый) – Impolite (Невежливый)

    It is impossible to move to another country now – Сейчас невозможно переехать в другую страну.

    Why are you so impolite? – Почему ты такой невежливый?

    2)   Ir добавляем к прилагательным, которые начинаются на букву R

    Regular (Регулярный) – Irregular (Нерегулярный)

    Relevant (Релевантный) – Irrelevant (Нерелевантный)

    Исключение: Reliable – Unreliable

    It doesnt work because you do irregular exercises – Это не работает, потому что ты делаешь нерегулярные упражнения.

    He is very unreliable person – Он очень ненадежный человек.

    3) – il добавляем к прилагательным, которые начинаются на букву L

    Legal (Легальный) – illegal (Нелегальный)

    Logical (Логический) – illogical (Нелогический)

    Исключение: limited (Ограниченный) – unlimited (Неограниченный)

    This company does illegal trades – Эта компания занимается нелегальной торговлей.

    I don’t understand his way of working. His behavior is illogical. – Я не понимаю его способ работы. Он поступает нелогично.

    4) In добавляется к прилагательным. Их желательно запоминать, так как нет правила, на какие буквы они должны начинаться.

    Active (Активный) – Inactive (Неактивный)

    Dependent (Зависимый) – Independent (Независимый)

    Different (Разный) – Indifferent (Одинаковый)

    Correct (Правильный) – Incorrect (Неправильный)

    We are speaking about absolutely indifferent issues – Мы говорим об абсолютно разных проблемах.

    All your homework is incorrect. Try to find your mistakes – Вся твоя домашняя работа неправильная. Попробуй найти свои ошибки.

    Отрицательный префикс —Un

    1). Добавляется к прилагательным с суффиксами able, но и с другими прилагательными тоже часто употребляется

    Reliable (Надежный) – Unreliable (Ненадежный)

    Believable (Вероятный, правдоподобный) – Unbelievable (Невероятный)

    Suitable (Подходящий) – Unsuitable (Неподходящий)

    2). Прилагательные без суффикса able

    Attractive (Привлекательный) – Unattractive (Непривлекательный)

    Real (Настоящий, реальный) – Unreal (Ненастоящий, нереальный)

    Pleasant (Приятный) – Unpleasant (Неприятный)

    His friendship is so unreliable. Try to be careful – Его дружба очень ненадежная. Постарайся быть осторожным.

    I saw his unpleasant man yesterday – Я видел этого неприятного человека вчера.

    3). Добавляется к глаголам. Значение меняется на противоположное

    Button (застёгивать на пуговицы) – Unbutton (расстёгивать пуговицы)

    Dress (одеваться) Undress (раздеваться)

    Отрицательный префикс —dis

    При добавлении к глаголам, меняется их значение на противоположное

    Appear (Появиться)  – Disappear (Исчезать))

    Connect (Подключиться)  – Disconnect (Отключиться)

    Тоже самое происходит, когда мы добавляем к другим частям речи

    Pleasure (Удовольствие) – Displeasure (Недовольство)

    Honest (Честный) – Dishonest (Нечестный)

    I absolutely disagree with you – Я с тобой абсолютно не согласен.

    My keys have disappeared today. I cannot find them anywhere – Мои ключи сегодня пропали. Я не могу их нигде найти.

    Отрицательный префикс —mis

    Добавляется к различным частям речи. Значение будет неправильного сделанного действия.

    Understand (Понимать) – Misunderstand (Не понимать)

    Spell (писать или произносить по буквам) – Misspell (Делать орфографические ошибки при написании)

    Use (Использовать) – Misuse (Использовать неправильно, злоупотреблять)

    There is total misunderstanding between us – Между нами абсолютное недопонимание.

    I always misspell this word – Я всегда неправильно произношу это слово.

    Отрицательный префикс —non

    Добавляется к различным частям речи. Многие слова пишутся либо слитно, либо через дефис. Однако бывают примеры, когда два варианта написания возможны. В основном слова с данной приставкой надо запоминать.

    Stop (Останавливаться) – Non-stop (Без остановки)

    Profit (Прибыль) – Nonprofit (Без прибыли)

    Verbal (Вербальный, словесный) – Nonverbal (Невербальный)

    Fiction (Фантастика, вымышленный) – Nonfiction (Документальный, созданный на основании фактов, доказательств)

    Sense (Смысл) – Nonsense (Чепуха, бессмыслица)

    Ability (Способность) – Nonability (Неспособность)

    Образуйте новое слово при помощи приставки

    Задание 1.

    I cannot put up with his .

    Задание 2.

    More than half of the population still stays on the continent of Africa.

    Задание 3.

    How many English verbs do you know?

    Задание 4.

    The smell of fried bacon and eggs was .

    Задание 5.

    It was for him to forgive her.

    Задание 6.

    Usually children are so .

    Задание 7.

    His style of life puts me off.

    Задание 8.

    The book was so difficult to read and full of complex ideas, that it was totally .

    Задание 9.

    I would like to take part in expeditions to areas of our planet.

    Задание 10.

    Jim would not tolerate so much .

    Задание 11.

    The concrete at a construction site was .

    Задание 12.

    Despite the fact that the film was unusual it was rather .

    Задание 13.

    Smoking is habit.

    Задание 14.

    The actions, directed at saving the company from collapse, were .

    Задание 15.

    What a pity! All his endeavors were futile and .

    Задание 16.

    His actions lead to drastic consequences.

    Задание 17.

    You should have told me the truth! I won’t tolerate .

    Задание 18.

    I believe we will find the way out! It all looks like huge .

    Задание 19.

    He stared at us in as we told him what happened.

    Задание 20.

    I think I will order drink.

    Тест недоступен для мобильных устройств.

    Asked by: Mr. Alphonso Walter

    Score: 4.4/5
    (26 votes)

    dis- 1. a Latin prefix meaning “apart,” “asunder,” “away,” “utterly,” or having a privative, negative, or reversing force (see de-, un-2); used freely, especially with these latter senses, as an English formative: disability; disaffirm; disbar; disbelief; discontent; dishearten; dislike; disown.

    What is prefix UN and dis?

    The. prefixes dis- and un- mean not.

    How do we use prefixes?

    A prefix is a group of letters (or an affix) that’s added to the beginning of a word. Prefixes modify the meaning of a word. They can make a word negative, show repetition, or indicate opinion. When you add a prefix to a word, you shouldn’t change the spelling of the original word or the prefix.

    Is dis correct a word?

    Dis- is a negative prefix. It means not or none. When we add dis- to the beginning of a word, we give it the opposite meaning. Take a look at these example sentences.

    Does disease have a prefix?

    A large number of English vocabulary words contain the prefix dis-, which means “apart.” Examples using this prefix include distant, disease, and disqualify.

    31 related questions found

    Does the prefix dis mean not?

    What does the prefix dis- mean? It means ‘not‘ or ‘the opposite of’.

    What does re mean as a prefix?

    1 : again : anew retell. 2 : back : backward recall.

    What does Ly suffix mean?

    a suffix meaning “every,” attached to certain nouns denoting units of time: hourly; daily. an adjective suffix meaning “-like”: saintly; cowardly.

    Do all medical words have a prefix?

    All medical terms have a root word. They may also have a prefix, a suffix, or both a prefix and a suffix. Prefixes have a droppable «o», which acts to connect the prefix to root words which begin with a consonant. … Most medical words derive from ancient Greek and Latin.

    What does the prefix ex mean?

    ex- 1. a prefix meaning “out of,” “from,” and hence “utterly,” “thoroughly,” and sometimes meaning “not” or “without” or indicating a former title, status, etc.; freely used as an English formative: exstipulate; exterritorial; ex-president (former president); ex-member; ex-wife. Also e-1, ef-.

    Is dis a slang?

    Full Definition of dis

    (Entry 1 of 5) transitive verb. 1 slang : to treat with disrespect or contempt : insult dissed her former co-star in the interview was dissed and ignored at the party. 2 slang : to find fault with : criticize dissed her wardrobe.

    Is ex short for example?

    Ex. is actually an English abbreviation. Many people think that it’s the short form of “example,” but it actually stands for “exercise.” Now that we understand what each abbreviation actually stands for, it becomes much easier to use them properly.

    What is the ex girlfriend?

    : a former girlfriend (sense 3)

    Who is called ex?

    In social relationships, an ex (plural is exes) is someone with whom a person was once associated, in a relationship or marriage. … When used alone, ex as a noun is assumed to refer to a former sexual or romantic partner, especially a former spouse.

    What is the prefix for difficult?

    The prefix, dys-, indicates abnormal, impaired, difficult or bad.

    What are two things a prefix can tell you?

    A prefix is a group of letters (or an affix) that’s added to the beginning of a word. Prefixes modify the meaning of a word. They can make a word negative, show repetition, or indicate opinion.

    What is an example of a prefix word?

    A prefix is a group of letters placed before the root of a word. For example, the word “unhappy” consists of the prefix “un-” [which means “not”] combined with the root (or stem) word “happy”; the word “unhappy” means “not happy.”

    Can a medical prefix be a single letter?

    All medical words must contain at least one prefix. … Prefixes can be a single letter. B. Prefixes modify the meaning of the combining form.

    Is Cardi a root word?

    Cardi — root means heart. … Cardiology — the study of the heart.


    Alternative forms[edit]

    • di-, dif-


    From Middle English dis-, borrowed from Latin dis-, from Proto-Indo-European *dwís.


    • IPA(key): /dɪs/



    1. reversal or removal
      disassociate, disarray, disconnect, disafforest
    2. Used as an intensifier of words with negative valence.
      disembowel, disannul, disgruntled
    3. incorrect
      disadaptation, disalign
    4. to fail (to)
      disagree, disanalogy, disremember
    5. not
      discontinue, disaccordant, discoherent, disacknowledge
    6. against
      dissuade, disadvise, disrecommend

    Usage notes[edit]

    When attached to a verbal root, prefixes often change the first vowel (whether initial or preceded by a consonant/consonant cluster) of that verb. These phonological changes took place in Latin and usually do not apply to words created (as in Modern Latin) from Latin components since Latin became a ‘dead’ language. Note: the combination of prefix and following vowel did not always yield the same change. (see examples below at con- + -a-) Also, these changes in vowels are not necessarily particular to being prefixed with dis- (i.e. other prefixes sometimes cause the same vowel change- see con-, ex-).


    • (reversal): un-, de-
    • (incorrect): para-, dys-, mis-, mal-
    • (to fail): dys-, mis-
    • (not): a-, an-, i-/ig-/il-/im-/in-/ir-, mal-, non-, un-
    • (against): anti-, counter-, contra-, ob-

    Derived terms[edit]


    NOTE: Words using the prefix dis- do not necessarily use the prefixes given here when translated. See individual words for more accurate translations.

    reversal or removal

    • Armenian: ապ- (ap-)
    • French: dé- (fr)
    • Georgian: please add this translation if you can
    • German: ent- (de)
    • Greek: απο- (el) (apo-)
    • Hungarian: el- (hu), le- (hu), ki- (hu)
    • Ido: des-
    • Indonesian: dis-
    • Malay: nyah- (ms)
    • Middle English: dis-, de-
    • Polish: de- (pl), dez-, roz- (pl), od- (pl)
    • Russian: без(ъ)- (ru) (bez()-), бес(ъ)- (ru) (bes()-), не- (ru) (ne-), дис- (ru) (dis-), де- (ru) (de-)
    • Scottish Gaelic: di-, eas-


    • Dutch: ont- (nl)
    • French: dé- (fr)
    • Georgian: please add this translation if you can
    • German: ent- (de)
    • Greek: απο- (el) (apo-)
    • Hungarian: szét- (hu)
    • Ido: dis-
    • Indonesian: dis-
    • Russian: от(ъ)- (ru) (ot()-), с(ъ)- (ru) (s()-)

    See also[edit]

    • dys-


    • dis- at OneLook Dictionary Search
    • “dis-”, in The Century Dictionary [], New York, N.Y.: The Century Co., 1911, →OCLC.


    • DSI, I.D.s, IDS, IDs, ISD, SDI, SID, Sid, ids, sid, sid’


    Etymology 1[edit]

    From Ancient Greek δυσ- (dus-).



    1. dys- (bad)

    Etymology 2[edit]

    Borrowed from Latin dis-. Compare the inherited des-.



    1. Indicates negation.
      dis- + ‎sort (luck) → ‎dissort (misfortune)
    Derived terms[edit]

    Further reading[edit]

    • “dis-” in Diccionari de la llengua catalana, segona edició, Institut d’Estudis Catalans.
    • “dis-”, in Gran Diccionari de la Llengua Catalana, Grup Enciclopèdia Catalana, 2023
    • “dis-” in Diccionari normatiu valencià, Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua.



    Ultimately from Latin dis-.


    • IPA(key): /dɪs/



    1. dis-



    Borrowed from Latin dis-, from Proto-Indo-European *dwís.


    • IPA(key): /dis/



    1. shows separation, dissemination, e.g. semi (sow) > dissemi (disseminate) ; ŝiri (tear) > disŝiri (tear to pieces).

    Derived terms[edit]



    Borrowed from Latin dis-. Compare the inherited dé-.


    • IPA(key): /dis/



    1. dis-

    Derived terms[edit]



    From Latin dis-, from Proto-Indo-European *dwís. See also s-.



    1. dis-
      dis- + ‎sglonfâ (to inflate) → ‎disglonfâ (to deflate)
      dis- + ‎florî (to bloom) → ‎disflorî (to wither)
    2. as intensifier
      dis- + ‎sfidâ (to challenge) → ‎disfidâ (to compete)
      dis- + ‎scuvierzi (to discover, to uncover) → ‎discuvierzi (to find out, to unveil)

    Derived terms[edit]




    1. Romanization of 𐌳𐌹𐍃-



    Borrowed from Esperanto dis-, from Latin dis-, from Proto-Indo-European *dwís.



    1. shows separation or dissemination

    Derived terms[edit]



    From Dutch dis-, from Latin dis-, from Proto-Indo-European *dwís.


    • IPA(key): [dɪs]
    • Hyphenation: dis



    1. dis- (reversal, removal; apart)

    Derived terms[edit]

    Further reading[edit]

    • “dis-” in Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, Jakarta: Language Development and Fostering Agency — Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic Indonesia, 2016.




    1. Alternative form of dios-


    Irish mutation
    Radical Lenition Eclipsis
    dis- dhis- ndis-
    Note: Some of these forms may be hypothetical. Not every possible mutated form of every word actually occurs.



    From Latin dis-, from Proto-Indo-European *dwís. See also s-.



    1. dis-
      dis- + ‎fare (do) → ‎disfare (undo)
      dis- + ‎organizzare (organize) → ‎disorganizzare (disorganize)

    Derived terms[edit]

    See also[edit]

    • s-
    • in-


    Alternative forms[edit]

    • dī-
    • dif-
    • dir-


    From Proto-Italic *dwis-, from Proto-Indo-European *dwís. Cognate with Ancient Greek δίς (dís), Sanskrit द्विस् (dvis). Doublet of bis.



    1. asunder, apart, in two
      mittōdismiss, disband
      discēdōpart, separate
    2. reversal, removal
      dissimulōdisguise, conceal
    3. utterly, exceedingly
      differtusstuffed full

    Usage notes[edit]

    • Before b, d, g, l, m, n, r, sc, sp, st and v, the prefix becomes dī-.
    • Before f, the prefix becomes dif-.
    • Before a consonantal i, the prefix may become dī- or remain as dis-.
    • Before a vowel or h, the prefix becomes dir- in the two verbs diribeō and dirimō, which arose early enough to be subject to rhotacism, but from Classical Latin onwards, dis- is used (see, for example, dishiascō in Cato).

    Derived terms[edit]


    • bis
    • duo


    • Catalan: des-; dis-
    • English: dis-
    • Esperanto: dis-
    • French: dé-, dés-; dis-
    • Friulian: dis-
    • Gothic: 𐌳𐌹𐍃- (dis-)
    • Italian: dis-, s-
    • Norman: des-
    • Occitan: des-
    • Portuguese: des-; dis-
    • Romanian: des-, dez-
    • Sicilian: sdi-, s-
    • Spanish: des-; dis-


    • dis-”, in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press

    Middle English[edit]

    Alternative forms[edit]

    • des-, dys-


    Borrowed from Old French des- and its source Latin dis-.


    • IPA(key): /dis-/, /dɛs-/



    1. Forms words denoting reversal or removal; dis-, de-.
      Synonym: de-
    2. Intensifies words with a negative connotation; dis-, de-.
      Synonym: de-

    Usage notes[edit]

    • Sometimes used interchangeably with de-; see that entry for more.

    Derived terms[edit]


    • English: dis- (obsolete des-)


    • “des-, pref.”, in MED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan, 2007.
    • “dis-, pref.”, in MED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan, 2007.



    • (Brazil) IPA(key): /ˈd͡ʒis/
      • (Rio de Janeiro) IPA(key): /ˈd͡ʒiʃ/

    Etymology 1[edit]

    Borrowed from Latin dis-. Compare the inherited des-.



    1. dis- (indicates separation)
    Derived terms[edit]

    Etymology 2[edit]

    Borrowed from New Latin dys-, from Ancient Greek δυσ- (dus-, bad, hard).

    Alternative forms[edit]

    • dys- (obsolete)



    1. (medicine) dys- (forms the names of conditions characterised by difficult or inadequate function)
    2. dys- (bad or wrong)



    Borrowed from Latin dis-. Compare the inherited des-.



    1. dis-

    Derived terms[edit]

    Further reading[edit]

    • “dis-”, in Diccionario de la lengua española, Vigésima tercera edición, Real Academia Española, 2014



    • IPA(key): /dɪs/



    1. intensifying prefix
      dis- + ‎taw (quiet, silent) → ‎distaw (silent, noiseless)
      dis- + ‎pwyll (consideration) → ‎disbwyll (discretion, prudence)
    2. negative prefix
      dis- + ‎cloff (lame) → ‎disgloff (sure footed, agile)
      Synonyms: af-, an-, di-

    Derived terms[edit]


    Welsh mutation
    radical soft nasal aspirate
    dis- ddis- nis- unchanged
    Note: Some of these forms may be hypothetical. Not every possible mutated form of every word actually occurs.

    Когда нужно придать глаголу, прилагательному, наречию или существительному противоположное значение, используются отрицательные префиксы. В английском языке их несколько, но они не взаимозаменяемы. Каждый применим только для определенной группы слов. Рассмотрим, как образуются и когда употребляются такие приставки.


    Все типы отрицательных префиксов добавляются к словам по стандартному механизму. Они присоединяются к основе начальной формы. При этом учитывается, с какой буквы начинается слово.

    Orient + dis = disorient.

    Mobile + im = immobile.

    Prepared + un = unprepared.

    Resistible + ir = irresistible.        

    Но, к примеру, одно прилагательное не может употребляться в разных предложениях с несколькими приставками. Для каждого слова существует свой префикс.


    Задача отрицательных приставок – внести противоположное значение. Они не просто задают отрицание, а показывают диаметрально иной смысл. Для этих целей обычно используются антонимы, но подобрать их можно не всегда. Если у слова в английском языке нет пары с обратным определением, то к нему подставляется специальная приставка. На то, какую именно выбрать в конкретном случае, указывает первая буква в слове.

    • «dis-» используется, когда слово начинается с согласной или гласной;
    • «im-» применяется, когда слово начинается с «p» либо «m»;
    • «un-» добавляется к словам, которые начинаются с гласной или согласной;
    • «ir-» подставляется в начало слов, начинающихся с буквы «r».

    Иногда «подсказками» выступают сами префиксы. Так «dis-» указывает на противоположность. Это сильная степень отрицания. Такая приставка чаще подставляется к глаголам. А «un-» подразумевает нетипичность черт объекта. Имеется в виду «вовсе нет». Это легкая форма отрицания. Данный префикс совместим со всеми частями речи, он подходит даже для абстрактных существительных. Но обычно он присоединяется к латинским производным, которые заканчиваются суффиксами «-ed» и «-able» («unassailable», «unfounded»).


    Чаще всего отрицательный оттенок нужен при характеристике предмета. По этой причине такие префиксы в большинстве случаев употребляются с прилагательными.

    Disproportionate. / Непропорциональный.

    Imprecise. / Неточный.

    Unavailable. / Недоступный.

    Irresistible. / Непреодолимый.

    Но встречаются и варианты использования отрицательных префиксов с существительными, наречиями и глаголами.

    Disinfect. / Дезинфицировать.

    Immaturity. / Незрелость.

    Uncertainly. / Неуверенно.

    Irresponsibility. / Безответственность.


    Обычно такие отрицания добавляются к слову, когда нужно сопоставить два объекта. В результате в одном предложении стоит одно и то же слово, но с абсолютно разными оттенками.

    You all agree with the plan, but I still disagree. / Вы все согласны с планом, но я все еще не согласен.

    Sara is reliable, you can trust her to do anything you ask. Her sister Clara, on the other hand, is unreliable, you cannot rely on her. / Сара надежна, вы можете доверить ей сделать все, что вы попросите. Ее сестра Клара, с другой стороны, ненадежна, на нее нельзя положиться.

    Лжеотрицательные префиксы

    Ошибочным будет переводить с противоположным смыслом все слова, начинающиеся подобными сочетаниями. В ряде случаев речь идет вовсе не о противопоставлении. Просто в английском языке есть слова, которые начинаются с таких букв, но при этом имеют нейтральное значение. К ним относятся:

    Irrigate. / Поливать.

    Universe. / Вселенная.

    Important. / Важный.

    Discuss. / Обсуждать.

    Есть и еще одна сложность. Она связана с разными смысловыми оттенками, которые приобретают слова с отрицательными приставками. К примеру, «tasteful» переводится как «вкусный, изящный». Это прилагательное используется в равной степени и по отношению к еде, и касательно какого-то объекта. А «distasteful» носители языка, как правило, употребляют в значении «неприятный», подразумевая отсутствие эстетического вкуса. Если нужно сказать «невкусный» в плане еды, то они произносят слово «tasteless» («пресный, безвкусный»).

    Отрицательные префиксы имеют свои особенности употребления. Они всегда образуются по одинаковой схеме, но каждый из них подходит для определенной группы слов. Разобраться во всех нюансах их использования поможет правильно подобранный метод обучения. Мы предлагаем естественное усвоение языка.  Наши студенты постигают все азы английского на бессознательном уровне: не через зубрежку, а через просмотр обучающего видео. В итоге вы интуитивно улавливаете и запоминаете всю информацию, в том числе отрицательные префиксы. Вам не нужно их заучивать, достаточно чаще слышать в речи и фиксировать в своей памяти. Тогда вы без труда запомните, какая приставка и с каким словом используется.  

    What is the meaning of prefix dis? The following article introduces the definition of prefix and dis prefix with the histories of the word. You will also learn several similar prefixes with dis such as prefix mis-, prefix un-, etc. Now, let’s take a look!


    A prefix is a word, number or letter that is placed before something else. One of the most common places that we see a prefix used in numbers is the first three digits of your phone number. So if my phone number is 555-4200, the “555” is the prefix. It is the part that “comes before” the final set of numbers.

    The Prefix Dis Meaning

    Prefixes are also used in language. One of the most common prefixes is “dis,” which is a Latin prefix that can be used to reverse the meaning of a word. You can use any of the following to specifically describe it:

    • Apart,
    • Lack of, or not,
    • Asunder,
    • Away,
    • Utterly

    When you add “dis” to a word you are often reversing the meaning. Some examples are:

    • Honest – dishonest,
    • Allow – disallow,
    • Trust – distrust,
    • Similar – dissimilar,
    • Respect – disrespect,
    • Please – displease.

    Word Histories

    But what about when “dis” is used in a word and it does not seem to directly reverse it? In many cases, you need to look at the origin and meaning of the word itself. A perfect example of this is the word “discover.”

    “Discover” means to find, reveal, expose, or lay open. But in modern English, we generally use the word “cover” in a slightly different way. Most often, people will say things like:

    • The cover of the book has beautiful artwork.
    • I put the cover back on the plastic case.
    • I covered myself with blankets.

    We are using “cover” to describe something that is on top of something else. But the word “cover” actually originates from Old French and means to protect or conceal. That definition still fits with our modern usage (you “covered” yourself with blankets to protect you from the cold), we just no longer make the direct connection.

    As a result, we might say that we “discovered the necklace my grandmother hid in the attic.” We probably would not say that our “grandmother covered the necklace in the attic.”

    Similar Prefixes to the Prefix Dis

    “Dis” is similar to the prefix “mis,” which can mean badly, unfavorably, or wrongly. In some cases, “dis” and “mis” are interchangeable. For example: trust – distrust – mistrust. Unfortunately, you cannot just substitute “dis” for “mis.” You could not say, “mishonest,” “misallow,” or “missimilar.”

    The prefix “un” is also similar to “dis,” but as with “mis,” you cannot simply substitute one prefix for another. “Un” indicates negation or reversal such as:

    • Happy – unhappy
    • Wind – unwind
    • Available – unavailable.

    You can add either “dis” or “un” to some words such as “organized.” Both “disorganized” and “unorganized” are words that have very similar meanings. “Disorganized,” however, is usually used to describe people, while “unorganized” is usually used to describe a thing or place. For example:

    • Jake is disorganized: he can never find his cell-phone.
    • There is paperwork all over Jake’s office: it is very unorganized.

    Although both “mis” and “un” are prefixes that are similar to “dis,” in most cases, you cannot simply substitute one for the other. They all add a reverse, or negative context to a word, but they are used differently in language.

    In many cases, the prefix “dis” is used to reverse the meaning of a word. It is also used to describe a lack or removal of something.

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    Dis- PrefixPin

    Last Updated on March 11, 2021

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