Example of 200 word essay

Nursing Job Application Form

Nursing I have recently completed a Bachelors’s Degree in nursing and I am currently looking for suitable long-term employment. I am a hardworking person with a great personality benchmarked by excellent interpersonal skills which have helped me score great successes in the past. While at college I held several practical…

Topic: Nursing

Words: 200
Pages: 2

Analysis of Drug Classification

Radiologic technologists play an important role in providing patients with care and assessment. These medical specialists are responsible for conducting imaging procedures to examine people’s physical and emotional well-being and promote diagnostic accuracy (Suchsland et al., 2020). In clinical settings, radiologists should identify and prescribe different pharmacological agents during the…

Topic: Drugs

Words: 200
Pages: 1

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Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice

Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice is an 18th-century novel of manners set in rural England and portraying the relationships between the four daughters of the Bennet family and their neighbors. While accurately and vividly depicting the manners and social norms of that time, the novel also provides sharp observations on…

Topic: Pride and Prejudice

Words: 200
Pages: 1

Social Justice and Civil Rights

Justice has been one of the most discussed topics for thousands of years. As such, Steiner (1994) concluded that justice is primarily concerned with the termination of resolving conflicts that develop as one follows ambitions in a social setting, which means that there should be an authoritative source for fairness:…

Topic: Sociology

Words: 200
Pages: 1

Postmodern Criminology: the Violence of the Language

Starting from the 1990s, postmodern criminology has been gaining substantial importance. This discipline lays particular emphasis on such aspects as gender, class, and race in its theories of the origins of crime. According to Arrigo (2019), postmodern criminology recognizes the specific value of language as a non-neutral, politically charged instrument…

Topic: Crime Investigation

Words: 200
Pages: 2

A 200-word text usually takes about 1 page. All the major citation styles assume that an essay will take approximately 250 words per page. The most common format is double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt. The details might differ – for instance, in MLA 9 and APA 7, Calibri and Arial are also accepted. However, 12-point Times New Roman remains preferable.

A 200-word essay should include 2 to 4 paragraphs. In academic writing, a paragraph should contain at least 50 words and three sentences.

A 200-word essay is quite a short piece. However, it should be properly planned. Your essay should contain four to five concise paragraphs. It is to consist of an introduction paragraph, two to three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

It will take you about 4 to 8 minutes to type 200 words on your keyboard, depending on your typing speed. However, if you also need to perform research, make a reference list, add in-text citations, and graphic materials, you’ll need more time – not less than 0,5 hours for 200 words.

An average 200-word essay contains 1 to 2 paragraphs. Each paragraph should be 70 to 150 words long.

Variola Virus Prevention and Infection Control

As a technologist, I must learn the nature of different pathogens, even those that do not bother people today. This knowledge helps me predict the development of dangerous diseases and recognize symptoms fast. Many microorganisms like bacteria, fungi, viruses, and protozoa provoke mutations and diseases (Jensen & Peppers, 2006). Some…

Topic: Infection

Words: 200
Pages: 1

Company vs. Government Budgeting Processes

The budgeting processes of a company and a government have several differences. Governmental budgeting is less flexible compared to business; it requires allocating resources regarding various federal agencies. Authorities adopt top-down budgeting considering fiscal stress (Hendrick, 1989). A top-down approach means that the government implements the budgeting process with minimal…

Topic: Economics

Words: 200
Pages: 1

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Researching of Stakeholder Theory

When defining the target settings for the activities of an organization, the diverse interests of various parties should be acknowledged. Stakeholder theory presents a universal approach that considers the interests of stakeholders and an organization (Fernando and Lawrence, 2014). The main stakeholders are investors, consumers, competitors, suppliers, and financial institutions….

Topic: Economics

Words: 200
Pages: 1

Porter’s Factor Conditions in Sports and Business

Porter’s factor conditions explaining Switzerland’s victory of America’s Cup sailing competition in 2005 Porter’s factor conditions for countries’ competitiveness are demand condition, related industries, firm’s strategy, and the level of rivalry. Australia has been challenged for the trophy and there was an increased demand for the country to produce results…

Topic: Business

Words: 200
Pages: 2

The Disparities in the Legal System about Women

Women account for one of the groups most affected by the disparities in the legal system. Therefore, this sphere has been an area of intense interest for feminist researchers and activists. Subsequently, various standpoints are expressed through different means of communication, calling for an equal approach to justice for both…

Topic: Sociology

Words: 200
Pages: 2

“Managing Dilemmas: Homer’s “”The Odyssey”””

At this point of the story, Odysseus’ and Penelope’s strategies for dealing with the crises they face are similar in that both of them utilize cunning to gain their goals. Such a practice seems to signify the insecurity of both spouses since individuals who reach their objectives by negotiating are…

Topic: Homer

Words: 201
Pages: 1

Researching of Financial Ratios

Financial ratios allow a business to assess many aspects of the performance, being an integral part of financial statements analysis. The ratio compares companies, industries, different periods of activity of the same company, and the results of the organization with the average industry ones. In financial statement analysis, the following…

Topic: Economics

Words: 201
Pages: 1

Increase in Social Media Usage and Marketing Future

Today, billions of people worldwide use social media platforms, making it the most advanced technology for the current and future generations. Current statistics show that social media usage is estimated to cover over half of the world’s population, which accounts for 4.20 billion people who use the internet. For example,…

Topic: Entertainment & Media

Words: 201
Pages: 1

The Pay Gap in Women and Minorities

The frame of reference The gender wage gap persists in most countries, including the world’s most developed economies. The reasons why women are paid less than men for the same job with the same qualifications are often explained by differences in experience, education, working conditions, or even self-confidence (Binns, 2021)….

Topic: Sociology

Words: 202
Pages: 1

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Statistics. Dependent and Independent Variables

An explanatory variable is an independent variable. Normally, these variables are any factors that can influence the outcome generated by the response variable. On the other hand, a response variable is a dependent factor that evaluates the results of a particular study. It is the specific factor and quantity through…

Topic: Sciences

Words: 202
Pages: 1

Wolfgang Mozart and Lorenzo Da Ponte: the Winning Duo

Abstract A leading and most efficient composer of operatic music and plays, Mozart is a genius since his childhood. His mastery extended over a hundred plays and operas. He was assisted by his librettists in his success. One of the most noted librettist is Da Ponte. While Ponte’s work on…

Topic: Composer

Words: 202
Pages: 7

“Grit! By Angela Duckworth: “The Virtue of Hard Work”” by Smith

In her article “Grit! By Angela Duckworth:” The Virtue of Hard Work “, Esfahani Smith discusses the definition of “grit” and reviews the information of the original book. Referring to Duckworth, Smith describes grit as “a combination of passion and perseverance” in order to reach an achievement. Smith cites the…

Topic: Sociology

Words: 202
Pages: 1

Development at 4 Years Analysis

It is understandable if one is frustrated and impatient with his or her child’s development. One can behave in ways that are difficult for an adult to understand. However, such odd behaviors are a necessary part of a child’s development. At 4 years of age, the child is in the…

Topic: Psychology

Words: 203
Pages: 1

“On Care of Our Common Home” by Pope Francis

In his writing titled On Care of Our Common Home, Pope Francis contends that the evils and sources of suffering are part of labor that he uses to gain humans’ cooperation with Him. With the gospel of God’s love for all His creatures, the question then beckons; why would God…

Topic: Home

Words: 203
Pages: 1

Trans-ocean Transportation: Environmental Study

The ocean has always been an inseparable part of human existence. It serves as a source of food and a transportation network, linking all continents. Nowadays, airlines have given access to every place around the globe, but marine shipping continues to develop. The purpose of this paper is to give…

Topic: Environment

Words: 203
Pages: 2

Utilitarianism Theory and Its Subtypes

In general, utilitarianism is a theory in ethics that claims that the best actions are the ones that provide maximum utility. Regarding the utility, in this case, it is an overall pleasure which all parties receive during the time that the consequences of these actions are in effect. Utilitarianism is…

Topic: Utilitarianism

Words: 204
Pages: 1

Competence and Performance Definitions by Chomsky

Welcome to our sample paper on competence and performance definition. Get some inspiration for your paper while learning more about competence and performance with our essay example! Competence and Performance Definition Chomsky defines ‘competence’ as “the ability of the idealized speaker – hearer to associate sounds and meanings strictly following…

Topic: Performance

Words: 204
Pages: 2

Brain Disorders’ Effects on Human Health

Symptoms of Depression Negative moods. Lack of interest in usual activities. Troublesome sleeping. Lack of appetite, which may cause weight loss. Fatigue usually accompanied by low energy. Slowed physical movements/inactivity. Low self-esteem. Reduced or complete lack of concentration. Hopelessness. Recurrent thoughts about death. Effects of Long-Term Depression on Health Long-term…

Topic: Brain

Words: 205
Pages: 2

“The Game Changers” Documentary on Nutrition

The documentary titled “The Game Changers” had an ambitious objective of having a strong impact on society, as implied by its name. The film has assembled a team of prominent personalities in the spheres of sports and cinematography. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jackie Chan, Lewis Hamilton, and Novak Djokovic were among the…

Topic: Entertainment & Media

Words: 205
Pages: 1

Understanding “The Other Side of the Bar” by J. Kaida: Analysis

The author of the story primarily uses the descriptive type of narration incorporating metaphorical elements. Such a hidden comparison connects the emotions of the characters with the surrounding atmosphere. For example, “evening clarity reigned over the damp green and brown diamond” (Kaida, 2010, p. 1). This allows the reader to…

Topic: Literature

Words: 205
Pages: 1

Aviation Shortages: Problem Statement and Methodology

Problem Statement The world’s growing population and availability of plane trips mean more air travel consumption (Abdullah, Chew, & Hamid, 2016). Impending shortages might impede the industry from meeting consumers’ needs. It is well-known that the aviation industry lacks workplace diversity: out of all pilots, technicians, and cabin crew, only…

Topic: Aviation

Words: 205
Pages: 1

The Term “Oriental” as Discrimination Against Asian People

The term ‘oriental’ remains disputable because of the historical context and numerous cases of mistreatment. In some contexts, it is used to speak about violent and discriminative policies related to Asian people or culture. At the same time, it demonstrates that Asians were not integrated into U.S. society and were…

Topic: Culture

Words: 206
Pages: 1

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Nursing Knowledge and Theoretical Models in Practice

The Theoretical Model of Interpersonal Relations developed by Hildegard Peplau can be used to look at a conflict from a psychodynamic perspective. A nurse is able to understand the behavior of others and herself, applying the principles of human relationships to identified needs. It is a progressive process, evolving from…

Topic: Nursing

Words: 207
Pages: 1

Importance of Identity: The Value of Human Being

“As Though a Metaphor Was Tangible”: Baldwin’s Identities article by Aliyah I. Abdur-Rahman (2015) examines the concept of identity in James Baldwin’s “Giovanni’s Room” (1956) and “Going to Meet the Man” (1965). Abdur-Rahman argues that Baldwin politicizes identification by showing that it is not internally coherent. In addition, the article…

Topic: Sociology

Words: 207
Pages: 1

Adolescence and Human Development Challenges

There are various questions about how puberty affects adolescents because not all people are impacted in the same way. The fundamental answer is associated with the environment of a certain adolescent, experiencing cognitive, biological, and social changes. The three mentioned changes and the very context shape an adolescent’s perception of…

Topic: Adolescence

Words: 208
Pages: 1

Music Listening: “Say a Little Prayer“ Song by Bacharach & David

“I Say a Little Prayer” is written by Burt Bacharach and Hal David. The genre of the song is pop, but it can be called soul too. The song is about a woman praying for her husband who is fighting in Vietnam. It is very lovely and romantic, and the…

Topic: Music

Words: 208
Pages: 1

Conflict: Positives, Negatives, and Strategies

Conflict is a significant part of interpersonal interactions, arising from a perception of incompatible goals between interdependent parties. Conflict can have both positive and negative consequences, depending on the behavior of both parties. For example, two people can have shared plans to start a creative or business project, but disagree…

Topic: Conflict

Words: 209
Pages: 1

The Offer to Expand the Curriculum With New Topics

The initiative to update the curriculum with specific topics related to credibility and bias in the news is relevant. Your proposal is relevant because false facts and difficulties with validity do appear. We appreciate your objective to promote literacy on this topic. At the same time, updating the curriculum is…

Topic: Curriculum

Words: 210
Pages: 1

“Don’t Misrepresent Africa” TED Talk by Leslie Dodson

In this TED talk, Leslie Dodson explores the complexity encountered by journalists and researchers in presenting their narratives to the public. Journalists and researchers could be covering the same event or issue. However, their approaches to presenting them to the public are very different—sue contradictors ethics and practices in reporting….

Topic: Entertainment & Media

Words: 210
Pages: 1

Beauty and the Beast’: Movie Review

The beautiful, but swaggering Prince Adam was punished for arrogance and exorbitant pride. The sorceress cast a spell on Adam and his entire castle. The handsome Prince turned into a terrible furry monster, and his faithful servants became household items: utensils, candlesticks, watches, and other trinkets. This sorceress left Adam…

Topic: Cinema

Words: 210
Pages: 1

“Severn Cullis-Suzuki at Rio Summit” Speech Analysis

To achieve the desired level of attention to the issue, the author calls on the audience’s feelings of respect towards her and her peers for her effort, which provides ethos. Suzuki calls for the audience’s reason and rationale when she states that “if you don’t know how to fix it,…

Topic: Speech

Words: 210
Pages: 1

Rosetta Stone in Ancient Egyptian Culture

Rosetta Stone is famous because of its role in enabling experts to read Egyptian hieroglyphs. Aside from the hieroglyphs, the stone has demotic and Greek types of writing. The writers inscribed the same message on the stone using these writing styles. Therefore, experts who could read either demotic or Greek…

Topic: Ancient Egypt

Words: 211
Pages: 1

Food Safety Issues in Modern Agriculture

Food safety constitutes proper preparation, storage, and preservation of all foods. According to the United Nations Asian and Pacific Center for Agricultural Engineering and Machinery (APCAEM), an upsurge in international trade on agricultural products has made food safety a major concern. Furthermore, food safety is becoming a serious policy matter…

Topic: Agriculture

Words: 211
Pages: 1

Modern Issues in “The Myth of Sisyphus” by Camus

The article by Camus titled “The Myth of Sisyphus” is dedicated to the account of mythology and its reflection on the modern situation of the middle of the 20th century – the author ties the myth telling about eternal tortures of Sisyphus and the human sufferings that he sees at…

Topic: Literature

Words: 211
Pages: 2

Food Safety: A Policy Issue in Agriculture Today

Food safety constitutes proper preparation, storage, and preservation of all foods. According to the United Nations Asian and Pacific Center for Agricultural Engineering and Machinery (APCAEM), an upsurge in international trade on agricultural products has made food safety a major concern. Furthermore, food safety is becoming a serious policy matter…

Topic: Agriculture

Words: 212
Pages: 1

Graduate Nurses’ Required Leadership Attributes

Graduate nurses need certain attributes to perform optimally in their work. These attributes include self-awareness, accountability, time management, and social awareness (Finkelman & Kenner, 2010). Self-awareness means the proper understanding of one’s emotions and their effects on oneself and other people. Graduate nurses need to understand their emotions in order…

Topic: Leadership

Words: 212
Pages: 1

Tecnocap’s Recycled and Recyclable Aluminum Closures

Introduction Sustainability is a prominent trend. Recycling enables people to achieve sustainability. Tecnocap’s aluminum cans are 100% recyclable. Product Identification Tecnocap’s metal closures are made of recycled material. Tecnocap’s cans can be recycled themselves. Tecnocap’s products can be customized. Benefits for Consumers Tecnocap’s bottles are extremely durable. Consumers can use…

Topic: Environment

Words: 212
Pages: 5

Germany After Signing Versailles Treaty

The signing of the Versailles treaty was done on the 28th of June 1919 at the Versailles Palace. It is one of the critical pacts in history since it helped end World War I. According to the reports from the sessions, Germany was treated unfairly since it was the only…

Topic: History

Words: 212
Pages: 1

Newton’s Third Law With an Example

According to Newton’s Third Law of Motion, a body exerting force on another body experiences a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. As bodies experience acceleration proportional to the magnitude of the force and inversely proportional to their mass, lighter objects exerting force on heavier ones accelerate away…

Topic: Sciences

Words: 212
Pages: 1

Code of Ethics in Medical Practice

The code of ethics, which regulates the relations between clinical nurses and general practitioners, can be correlated with Peter Drucker’s theory of management. Specifically, according to the author of the insightful book about entrepreneurship, the structure, and effectiveness of working processes are damaged by the general practice of subordinate-directed relations…

Topic: Ethics

Words: 213
Pages: 2

Inspiration for Women to Address Inequality

When you think about inequality, according to you, what kind of people face it now more than others? Blacks? Latinos? The right answer is women. They share this planet fifty-fifty with men, but they are less respected. At the same time, you may ask – how women do not have…

Topic: Inspiration

Words: 213
Pages: 1

How Mass Media and Entertainment Influences Our Culture

Mass media are quickly becoming a real power in the political, social and spiritual spheres of people’s life. Lule (2016) states that “throughout U.S. history, evolving media technologies have changed the way we relate socially, economically, and politically” (6). Zengotita (2008) adds that human culture has always filtered reality through…

Topic: Entertainment & Media

Words: 215
Pages: 1

Organizational Change Management and Communication

The previous post emphasizes the importance of integrating organizational changes with the needs or input of the employees. As Belkis outlines, under-negotiated or poorly consulted changes can cause serious adverse effects. This caused a serious increase in workload for employees and therefore decreased their well-being, energy levels, and work satisfaction…

Topic: Business

Words: 215
Pages: 1

Personal Experiences and Social Imagination

There are a number of factors throughout my life that have shaped my understanding of the world and the self. In particular, I think that gender has been an interesting topic to think about and a theme that has given me considerable trouble throughout my life. Gender is a complicated…

Topic: Family, Life & Experiences

Words: 215
Pages: 1

Religious Beliefs in Egypt and Mesopotamia

Polytheism was the most outstanding feature of the ancient religious belief system among the Egyptians. Several deities or gods interacted with Egyptians. The gods had full control of nature and that nothing could take place without their influence. Hence, it was the role of individual Egyptians to act according to…

Topic: Ancient Civilizations

Words: 216
Pages: 1

Constructive Criticism in Public Administration

I was quite negative about any type of criticism as I did not want to hurt people’s feelings. I often felt uneasy when heard some criticism concerning my actions, behavior, ideas and so on. However, I have acknowledged the benefits of constructive criticism. In my studies, I find it rather…

Topic: Criticism

Words: 216
Pages: 1

Abstracting and Persuasive Discussion of “The Green Knight” Movie

The Green Knight is an aesthetically pleasing movie that managed to intrigue and mesmerizes the audience with its visual presentation. I have watched the film recently and came out of it thinking that the cinematic aspects of its presentation were the strongest, far outshining the story or the characters themselves….

Topic: Entertainment & Media

Words: 216
Pages: 1

The Problem of Microplastics Contamination

Technology is not standing still, and humanity is faced with innovative products that can change the quality of life every month. If breakthrough solutions have the right characteristics for everyday use, they become part of life. Nevertheless, there is a downside to inventions, such as the one with plastic. Indeed,…

Topic: Environment

Words: 217
Pages: 1

The Abortion Issue Regarding Human Rights

This article discusses how the ruling on laws about abortions can impact other rights rooted in privacy. These rights include gay rights, contraceptives, marriage, and others not written in the constitution but vested in the human race because people are human (Glenza). The court ruling seems to undermine these inalienable…

Topic: Human Rights

Words: 217
Pages: 1

Concept of God and Philosophy of Religion

What characterizes good? The concept of good, by definition, has two defining characteristics. The first one is the presence of perceivable benefits to either the person (personal good) or the community at large (community good) (Howing, 2016). The second characteristic of good typically involves the absence of harm to either…

Topic: God

Words: 217
Pages: 2

Chapter 9 of The Archetypes of Wisdom by Soccio

René Descartes was the first philosopher who focused on acquiring knowledge about knowledge, giving rise to the new era of epistemology in philosophy, becoming the pioneer of rationalism. According to rationalists, knowledge relies primarily on reason and not on sense evidence. The coherence theory of truth states that knowledge is…

Topic: Philosophy

Words: 217
Pages: 1

“The Slave Ship” by Turner: Romantic Landscape of Death

Joseph Turner, a prominent Romanticist, expressed strong opinions on the anti-slavery agenda, and The Slave Ship is a part of his activist statements. The background portrays a lost ship caught in the storm (Turner). Foreground displays sea creatures and chained black slaves pushed into the water. I find it fascinating…

Topic: Art

Words: 217
Pages: 1

Health Education and Promotion

Today, health promotion has become more relevant than ever in addressing challenges related to public health. The adverse effects of climate change, sedentary lifestyles, financial crises, security threats, and access to unhealthy foods contribute to public health challenges (FRAC, 2017). Therefore, implementing efforts to make healthier lifestyle choices can help…

Topic: Health & Medicine

Words: 218
Pages: 1

Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership

Five different practices of exemplary leadership are discussed in modern research. The first of them is “model the way,” which implies clarifying the values by finding your voice and affirming the shared values, and then aligning the actions with the shared values (Kouzes & Posner, 2017). One has to fully…

Topic: Business

Words: 218
Pages: 1

Mark Harris’ Pessimism as to Movie Industry

In his article on the current movie industry trends, Mark Harris expresses his extreme skepticism about the future of American cinematography. The title of the article, “The Birdcage”, stems from the famous “Birdman” film (Harris, 2014). The example is employed by the author to reveal the nature of contemporary movies’…

Topic: Cinema

Words: 218
Pages: 1

Biostatistics and Public Health Study Evidence

Biostatistics is the application of statistical knowledge to aid the interpretation of biological and public health related data. For research to provide scientific evidence, data should be correctly collected, analyzed and the findings interpreted. At this point, the role of biostatisticians becomes crucial because they engage in interdisciplinary collaborations through…

Topic: Health

Words: 218
Pages: 1

Effective Communication and Interpersonal Skills

Interpersonal Communication Process of developing a good relationship with other people Interpersonal skills can be learned and developed Effective communication is an essential skill and is related to success Principles of Interpersonal Communication Good listening is being interested in what you are being told Judgment should come after the information…

Topic: Communication

Words: 218
Pages: 5

Non-Literal Language Understanding: Sally-Anne Task

Before getting down to explaining why autistic children typically have difficulties in an understanding of non-literal language such as metaphor and irony utilizing the Sally-Anne task/test, the main idea of this test is to be considered. Sally-Anne task/test is the ability to recognize the false beliefs in others (Gehring, Debry…

Topic: Psychology

Words: 218
Pages: 2

Professional Networking: Advantages and Disadvantages

Available literature demonstrates that the use of online professional networking comes with obvious advantages, particularly in this era where many professionals and businesses rely on information and communication technologies not only to communicate but also to conduct business. The foremost advantage of online professional networking is that it can enhance…

Topic: Tech & Engineering

Words: 218
Pages: 2

Road Speed Limits Importance

Many drivers can find speed limits to be annoying, distracting, or lacking any meaningful contribution to road safety. However, there is an alarming trend that reveals the increase in the number of road fatalities in the past few years (Farmer, 2019). I believe that human lives must be put above…

Topic: Law

Words: 219
Pages: 1

Female Martyrs in Early Christianity

The persecution of early Christians was a process accompanying the development of religion in the past. From this perspective, a life of a missionary at the time was not easy, especially when the series of martyrdoms started with St. Stephen being the first victim of this policy initiated by Roman…

Topic: Christianity

Words: 220
Pages: 1

How Database Views Restrict Access to Data

Any database is, first and foremost, a large body of information, not all sections of which can be read by humans. Typically, databases have access levels, which determine whether a specific individual (basically a specific device) is allowed to access certain sections of the database. Views in SQL are database…

Topic: Tech & Engineering

Words: 220
Pages: 1

An Investigation of HIV/ AIDS Prevention Program

Dear Editor, Your article on the Investigation of HIV/AIDS prevention program targeted to a unique population group in Bangkok makes an important contribution to resolving the common problem of sexually transmitted diseases. (Svenkerud, 1998) Thai department of health statistics indicated that the overall number of HIV infected is more than…

Topic: AIDS

Words: 221
Pages: 2

Philosophy. The Problem of Personal Identity

A possible thesis of this reading is ‘personal identity is flexible on a number of levels but remains based on a solid foundation of rarely changing principles.’ The author says, “if you are like me and you have a strong attachment to the belief that we persist through time …,…

Topic: Philosophy

Words: 221
Pages: 2

Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes: Overciew

All creatures can be divided into two groups: prokaryotes or eukaryotes, depending on their cells’ structure. Prokaryotes are unicellular living organisms; they do not transform into a multicellular form, capable of autonomous existence. They can be bacteria, including cyanobacteria or blue-green algae and archaea. These organisms are the oldest and…

Topic: Sciences

Words: 221
Pages: 1

“Twentieth Century Crisis of Belief” by Marheine

The article by Marheine titled “Twentieth Century Crisis of Belief” summarizes many ideas and social phenomena that distinguished 20th-century ideology, philosophy, and art. The main trends discussed by the author in the compilation of famous artists’ abstracts are the disgusting wartime pictures in literature and reflection of despair and exhaustion…

Topic: Belief

Words: 222
Pages: 2

Analytic Philosophy and Its Conceptual Differences

The idea of analytic philosophy in contrast with other schools of philosophy Analytical philosophy has flourished in the United States and England. Analytical philosophy is characterized as a meta-linguistic discipline different from other schools of philosophy regarding empirical science (Stadler & Camilla, 2001). This philosophy is mainly concerned with our…

Topic: Philosophy

Words: 222
Pages: 1

Good Health and Well-Being Promotion Initiatives

It goes without saying that all people across the globe deserve good health and well-being. As I am pursuing a degree in nursing, I know that the responsibilities of health care specialists include not only the provision of quality health care delivery but the prevention of health issues as well….

Topic: Health Promotion

Words: 222
Pages: 1

State Vocational Rehabilitation Agency Staff Evaluation

The article is a study of the factors that bar or facilitate evidence by staff in a vocational agency. The report addresses, among other things, the ease of locating and comprehending research findings, implementation funds, professional collaboration, and upcoming research. This article relates to the professional association because it focuses…

Topic: Sociology

Words: 222
Pages: 2

Brief Description of the Tesla Company

Current Organizational (Model) Design and Features Started in 2003 as Tesla Motors, Inc., but became profitable in 2013, Tesla’s organizational model supports continuous growth development, corporate sustainability and profitability over the seasons under the u-form structure. With the function-based strategy, the company has several offices and units that manage both…

Topic: Tesla

Words: 222
Pages: 1

Chronic Conditions: Definition and Assessment

Chronic conditions are often complicated by psychological symptoms or emotional suffering (Conversano, 2019). As adolescence is a critical developmental stage associated with a high risk of mental conditions, chronic diseases “contribute to the risk of psychosocial stress and unhealthy psychosocial development” of the youth with higher intensity (Santos et al.,…

Topic: Psychology

Words: 222
Pages: 5

Cross-Sex Friendships: The Main Benefits

Although this is a subject of a very long debate, I believe that men and women can form platonic friendships. In the clip from “When Harry Met Sally,” Billy Crystal’s character, Harry, claims that the reason men and women cannot be friends is that sex always gets in the way….

Topic: Family, Life & Experiences

Words: 222
Pages: 1

Police Shooting of Richard Cabot in Pittsburgh

On September 7, a police officer shot a 32- year-old Richard Cabot. The incident unfolded near the sports bar in Pittsburgh, where the victim and his friends watched the Pittsburgh Pirates vs. St. Louis Cardinals game. “The family’s account differs vastly from the statements of dozens of witnesses,” officer Debra…

Topic: Police

Words: 223
Pages: 1

Leadership Qualities and Their Role in Nursing Practice

The most important leadership qualities that represent excellence in nursing practice are empathy, communication skills, conflict resolution, and delegation (Weberg, Porter-O’Grady, Mangold, & Malloch, 2018). They may be reflected in different nursing roles: Nursing leadership role Empathy Communication skills Conflict resolution skills Delegation At the bedside helps to understand patients’…

Topic: Leadership

Words: 223
Pages: 6

Vietnam’s Emerging Market Potential

The western countries can help Vietnam improve its business climate by assisting the country in improving its legal, political, and regulatory frameworks. Since Vietnam’s exports depend on multinationals such as Samsung, the country must focus on providing opportunities for local companies. Western nations can instruct the Vietnamese officials on how…

Topic: Economics

Words: 223
Pages: 1

“Metropolis Berlin”: History of Berlin

In the book Metropolis Berlin: 1880-1940, edited by Iain Boyd Whyte, and David Frisby, the authors write about the different stages of the city’s development. It reflects various events that influenced the structure, development, and population of the town. For example, one of the most important milestones in Berlin’s growth…

Topic: Literature

Words: 224
Pages: 2

“Children’s Visual Imagery” by DeWindt-King and Goldin

DeWindt-King and Goldin are considered the brains behind research in cognitive approaches to problem-solving and their qualifications and expertise in technological approaches in solving mathematics problems cannot be debated. Serving as full-time professors in their respective universities, the authors have made immense contributions to the field of mathematics education. Mediterranean…

Topic: Education

Words: 224
Pages: 2

General Understanding of It and Is Concepts

Whether one should purchase or build an information system (IS) is a decision that requires specialized expertise to make. For the upper-management, the outcome of both decisions may be the same, but the cost, risk time and labor requirement may differ greatly. Furthermore, the problem for which system acquisition is…

Topic: Tech & Engineering

Words: 224
Pages: 1

Graduate Nursing Role and Leadership Skills

Parsons and Cornett (2011) believe that leadership is a meaningful aspect of every level of nursing. Leadership competencies make it easier for nurses to inspire others and promote the most desirable health outcomes. Graduate-level nurses should have specific leadership skills and attributes in order to become competent promoters of health…

Topic: Leadership

Words: 224
Pages: 1

The Issues of Public Health, Ethics, and Human Rights

Thesis Point The modern development of medicine and human rights system appeared to be under the power of state government that is why challenges in the ethical behavior of the population, caused by right violations, can result in epidemic brunt and high spread of dangerous viruses within the society. Public…

Topic: Ethics

Words: 225
Pages: 4

Pulmonary Diseases’ Diagnostic and Assessment

Anamnesis and examination For assessing cough in adult patients, I would follow the PQRSTU mnemonic. I would ask when the cough started, whether the cough is productive, and what seems to aggravate it (Jang et al., 2017). I would also look for any of the following symptoms: chest pain or…

Topic: Disease

Words: 225
Pages: 2

Flexibility in Design Instructions

While processes and models can be useful, it is still significant to maintain flexibility in design instructions for a specific reason. In particular, it is necessary to remember that these instructions are not only a set of discrete steps that should be taken in any event (Dousay par. 17). The…

Topic: Design

Words: 225
Pages: 1

“Precision Conducting” by Timothy Sharp

In his book, Precision Conducting, Seven Disciplines for Excellence in Conducting, Timothy Sharp looks into the different ways of inspiring a conductor. Chapters 1 to 3 discuss analyzing, internalizing, and marking the score. The author argues that it is critical for the conductor to first analyze the score. At this…

Topic: Art

Words: 225
Pages: 2

End-of-Life Decision-Making Research Methodology

In their research, Ko, Nelson-Becker, Park, and Shin (2013) seek to locate the tools for building a more coherent framework for end-of-life issues management among Korean adults. Since there is no particular need for quantifying the outcomes of the analysis, the authors of the study use the qualitative research design….

Topic: Health & Medicine

Words: 226
Pages: 3

The “Old Boys, Old Girls” Story by Edward Jones

According to Rolston (2018), Edward Jones’s stories, mainly Old Boys, Old Girls, reflect how institutions and social circumstances shape the life and struggles of the African American male ex-convicts. Indeed, by portraying the life of Caesar Matthews, Edward Jones’ stories give insight into the African-American individuals’ criminal record complicate their…

Topic: Literature

Words: 226
Pages: 1

Marketing Research of Competitors on the Market

Research Question There is no doubt that the development of business enterprises in conditions of the modern market is becoming challenging, caused by a number of political and economic factors, including the abundance of competitive core companies. This means that modern business cannot develop without hindrance, as when entering the…

Topic: Marketing Research

Words: 226
Pages: 4

The Art of Dancing: Public Education

Introduction Jacques d’ Amboise is an American dancer known for his widely successful program aimed at teaching young school children the art of dancing. He began by teaching just 30 kids, but the course was so popular that it quickly expanded to have over a thousand students and many talented…

Topic: Art

Words: 226
Pages: 2

Twinings Tea Firm’s Eco-Friendly Production

One of the components of the definition of the sustainable product is a life-sequence positioning, which implies that sustainable manufactured goods are continually ecological-friendly throughout its whole time of existence (Chopra 2003). To be more precise, if the product is claimed to be eco-friendly, from the second the raw resources…

Topic: Business

Words: 226
Pages: 2

Interview Report on the Presidential Debate

The first face-to-face presidential debate took place on September 26, 2016. Hillary Clinton kept her cool, while Donald Trump was impassioned and engaging. The meaningful part of it was dedicated to economic issues. Teresa Garcia, a 20-year-old civil engineering student, carefully followed the presidential campaign and the debate as well….

Topic: Politics & Government

Words: 226
Pages: 2

Traumatic Fractures: A Healthcare Research

It is hard to disagree that anyone can break a bone, though particular conditions and situations make it more likely. Compared to pathologic fractures, traumatic ones happen not from osteoporosis but sports injuries, car accidents, and falls. In other words, breaks may be caused by a bone impacted by a…

Topic: Health

Words: 227
Pages: 1

Paying More is Not Receiving More

In the present-day world, it becomes extremely difficult to make the right decision on a purchase since consumers’ perceptions do not align with the actual benefits of products. The reason for it is the seeming attractiveness of those goods that are believed to be better than others not because of…

Topic: Economics

Words: 227
Pages: 1

Substance and Alcohol Misuse among Adolescents

Substance and alcohol misuse among adolescents is a considerable bother for the US healthcare system. Since adolescence is commonly known as a time for experimentation, substance use disorder (SUB) and alcohol abuse are often rooted in the period (Beaton, Shubkin, & Chapman, 2016). In order to address the problem, I…

Topic: Alcohol

Words: 227
Pages: 5

Symbol Resulted From the Modern Digital World

Symbol Meaning(s): This symbol is new to society since it has been created as a result of the emergence of new digital technology. It looks like an upside-down drop with a circle in it. Its appearance resembles a hot air balloon or a pin that travelers put on the world…

Topic: Tech & Engineering

Words: 227
Pages: 1

The Role of Stem-cell Tissue in Neurodevelopment

Stem-cell Developments The attention towards the usage of stem cells in scientific studies is a subject of many controversies in the past decade. However, while some opponents of these experiments point out ethical issues related to the origin of this tissue, it is also essential to understand what these studies…

Topic: Health & Medicine

Words: 227
Pages: 1

Diversity Project Kickoff: Diversity in Health Care

Introduction. The Necessity for a Diversity Project Promotion of the population’s access to healthcare services. The outcomes of culturally competent: The better public acceptance of nurses; Meaningful client-provider communication. Aims of the Project Forming a Workforce Diversity Council. Appointing a person responsible for the inclusiveness policy. Raising the committee’s awareness….

Topic: Health & Medicine

Words: 227
Pages: 4

How Hate Took Hold of Him: Parrish Reflection

In this article, Parrish (2015) tries to clarify the reasons and factors that caused his hatred towards African-Americans. According to the discussions of the author, it is the impulse that is given by social prejudices and beliefs. For example, it is mentioned that the author’s parents were also against African-Americans…

Topic: Sociology

Words: 228
Pages: 1

Film Project: “Christopher Robin” by Marc Forster

The topic of the project should be formulated using tools of doubt and relevance assessment since there can not be a single consolidated opinion. Although various probabilities exist, the greatest deeds require sacrifice and discipline since dreams do not come true on their own. This statement is related to the…

Topic: Art

Words: 228
Pages: 1

Intelligent Robots, Their Benefits and Disadvantages

Benefits Intelligent robots have been a staple of science fiction for more than a century. An artificial brain that is able to understand the world and feel emotions akin to a human being may still be fiction today, but advances in the field of robotics show that it may become…

Topic: Robots

Words: 228
Pages: 1

The Current Breadth of Apple’s Product Line

The current breadth of Apple’s product line seems to be quite modest for the company of its size. However, it is important to keep in mind that Apple has to take extensive care of product quality, which explains the small range of product diversity. Nevertheless, there are ways for the…

Topic: Apple

Words: 229
Pages: 1

Short Attention Span as a Time Management Issue

The greatest challenges with time management I think that my biggest time management problem is my short attention span. Differently put, I tend to get distracted very easily. Also, I am surrounded by a multitude of potential distractions at any given time. Such distractions can be represented by other people,…

Topic: Family, Life & Experiences

Words: 229
Pages: 1

Leadership Theories Chart. Breakthrough Leadership

Leadership Theory Definition Main Concepts Situational leadership A leadership theory that merges both directive and supportive dimensions, which need to be applied correctly in a given situation (Ghazzawi, Shoughari, & Osta, 2017). Situational leadership is based on the relation between the task behavior, listening, support, and value. It claims that…

Topic: Leadership

Words: 229
Pages: 1

The Gilded Age and Modern Oppression of African Americans

Despite the fact that the Gilded Age was characterized by considerable advancements in the sphere of economy and production. At the same time, during the Gilded age, minorities, especially African Americans, were still discriminated against and oppressed. The level of racism in society was prominent during the Gilded Age, and…

Topic: Sociology

Words: 230
Pages: 1

Los Reyes Hospital Risk Assessment

Risk assessment is an important tool that helps to quantify the risk associated with an investment in a certain project. According to Gapenski and Pink (2015), there are three methods to quantify risk, including sensitivity analysis, scenario analysis, and Monte Carlo simulation. The most comprehendible way to assess associated risk…

Topic: Hospital

Words: 231
Pages: 2

Are African Americans More Harassed by Police?

Hypothesis: Members of the African American community are more likely to be harassed by the police than members of other ethnic groups Independent variable: Ethnic affiliation Response Category: Different ethnic groups willing to confess their interaction with the police Dependent variable: Police harassment Response category: Were you harassed by the…

Topic: African American

Words: 232
Pages: 1

Inaugural Speech of John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Introduction The speech was written by Kennedy himself with the assistance of Ted Sorensen. Kennedy served only two years of his term and did not have any significant domestic or foreign political achievements such as Roosevelt. Yet, for some reason, people still regard him highly. His ratings reach as high…

Topic: Speech

Words: 232
Pages: 1

Texas Political Events: Woodlands Incorporation Issue

The case of Woodland township incorporation is the focus of the article by Buckley. The residents of Woodlands are fighting to shift the location’s status from a township to a city, which might result in increased freedom of infrastructure management (Buckley, 2021). According to Lasswell’s definition of politics, successful city…

Topic: Politics & Government

Words: 232
Pages: 1

Pascal’s Triangle, the Sierpenski Triangle, and the Mandelbrot Set

Relation between Pascal’s triangle and the Sierpenski triangle Both Pascal’s and Sierpenski are triangles. The Sierpenski triangle is obtained from Pascal’s triangle by marking or coloring the odd numbers and leaving the even numbers without color. Properties of the Sierpenski triangle and the Mandelbrot set Both the Sierpenski triangle and…

Topic: Sciences

Words: 232
Pages: 6

Changing Claude Monet’s “The Truth of Nature”

I have chosen Claude Monet’s painting as it illustrates a very vibrant floral setting, demonstrating the pure beauty of nature. Considering my intentions of presenting a contrast between earlier depictions of nature and the modern environmental predicament, the brilliant green colors of the painting would facilitate the contrasting process. To…

Topic: Art

Words: 232
Pages: 1

Improving the Overall Health of Vulnerable Population: Hope House Residents

Introduction: Problem Statement Homeless persons: Health disparities, vulnerable, uninsured, use emergency departments (Grabovschi, Loignon, & Fortin, 2013; Lin, Bharel, Zhang, O’Connell, & Clark, 2015; Zlotnick, Zerger, & Wolfe, 2013) Project Description and Overall Goal(s) Participants, 45 homeless male residents Aged 18-75 years Long-term, sustainable life transformation at Hope House Mission…

Topic: Health

Words: 232
Pages: 5

Sustainability Business and Stakeholder Model

The application of the stakeholder model to a sustainable business A stakeholder’s model system is one where the decisions made by a company are evaluated according to the people whom it is going to affect. The move is that all parties affected by a decision should be evaluated. It is…

Topic: Business

Words: 233
Pages: 1

“The Gita Proudman Story” by Ontario Nurses’ Association

The story of Gita Proudman, a nurse who was wrongfully charged with second-degree murder of an infant, is a terrifying example of the unfair treatment nurses often get in the workplace and otherwise. A dedicated nursing professional, Proudman faced a difficult situation with an ill and deformed infant on a…

Topic: Law

Words: 233
Pages: 1

Crime Rates in the United States over 20 Years

When designing an informative report for the general public, it is most appropriate that its contents are simple and easy to understand. The following charts are obtained from the Federal Bureau Investigation (FBI) data that is stored on the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) website. The information revolves around rates of…

Topic: Crime

Words: 233
Pages: 1

Why Is Baroque Suite an International Music Genre?

A baroque suite is a musical genre or form primarily founded and developed during the Renaissance and Baroque periods. It primarily features instrumental music used for parties and dances. The structure consists of several movements performed in the same key and is separated into different pieces. The music was primarily…

Topic: Art

Words: 234
Pages: 3

Euhemerism Theory and Myths Across Cultures

Introduction to mythology Myths are the basis of our cultural construct. Myths are based on gods and heroes who narrators of myths insist should be emulated. Myths provide insights about the cultural past of modern society. Theories of mythology Euhemerism The euhemerism theory explains how myths are actual accounts of…

Topic: Literature

Words: 234
Pages: 6

Project Requirement Gathering Techniques

Requirement gathering is an important process to understand what the IT project should be about. Without that, a coder would not be able to develop a project which will be helpful for the end-user. While there are many approaches to the gathering, I think two techniques are especially valuable for…

Topic: Tech & Engineering

Words: 234
Pages: 1

Counsellor’s Professional Role and Ethics in Canadian Context

Counsellor’s Professional Role As a medical professional, a counsellor has the ability to work with people to promote their mental wellbeing and prosperity. Many individuals face problems during the course of their life, establishing a need for strong emotional and psychological support. The existence of a counsellor helps those that…

Topic: Health & Medicine

Words: 236
Pages: 1

Prevalence and Effectiveness of Laxative Use

It is necessary to admit that not all laxatives may be safe for patients and can be used for a long period. Sometimes, dependency and the worsening of bowel functions may be developed regarding the age of the patient (Chen et al., 2014). There are many reasons why nurses should…

Topic: Health & Medicine

Words: 236
Pages: 1

The Concept of Resilience in the Workplace

There are various strategies and supports that may be used to complement, improve, and enhance the quality of health and wellness in the workplace. The concept of resilience is currently gaining popularity in business research. It is defined as the professional ability to “withstand, recover and grow in the face…

Topic: Business

Words: 236
Pages: 1

Whiteness and Farmers Markets

In their multifaceted work, Alkon and McCullen discuss relevant cultural, political, and class issues through the prism of the American farmer markets, which are predominantly white in terms of race and culture, as the writers claim. Authors argue that “white farm imagery … romanticizes and universalizes an agrarian narrative specific…

Topic: Farming

Words: 237
Pages: 1

The Teenage Pregnancy Problem in the US

There is a big disparity between the rates of teen pregnancy in the United States of America and most parts of Europe and Canada. The main reason behind this trend is the American perceptions of morality and the hypocrisies behind it. America is a country where most policies are often…

Topic: Pregnancy

Words: 237
Pages: 1

SWOT Analysis of Škoda Company

The key weakness identified by Škoda was that the company is unable to fit into a fragmented and highly competitive market with its current brand perception in the general public. Market shares for Škoda are small, largely due to the fact that their reputation did not grow a sufficient amount…

Topic: Business

Words: 237
Pages: 1

The Importance of Hygiene in Gynecology

As a third-year medical student, I had a rotation in obstetrics and gynecology. At this rotation, I had an experience with a patient that transformed my professional path and encouraged my promotional community-based activity as a health care practitioner. The patient whom I encountered was a woman admitted for infertility…

Topic: Hygiene

Words: 237
Pages: 1

Concept of Educational Inequality

Responding to another post, I can state that when a post draws attention, it usually includes statistics, visual materials, such as videos, photos, and links to external websites that give more information on the issue. In the case of the educational inequality that we discuss, most people will agree with…

Topic: Inequality

Words: 238
Pages: 1

Biomolecules and the Human Body: Color Blindness

Color blindness, or color deficiency, occurs when an individual is unable to distinguish between certain colors and belongs to the most widespread genetic disorders. This happens “in an X-linked recessive pattern,” as the genes, and mutations that are responsible for the defect, OPN1LW, OPN1MW, and OPN1SW, reside in the X…

Topic: Sciences

Words: 238
Pages: 1

Celebrities as a Good Role Models

Celebrities ought to be good role models due to their significant impact on society and individuals. Although it is highly controversial and questionable whether the public needs to consider them as good examples of proper behavioral pattern, the fact is that some people do. Therefore, celebrities must acknowledge and realize…

Topic: Entertainment & Media

Words: 238
Pages: 3

How Are Websites Developed and Function?

A website is a set of pages or files that are located under a single domain name. It is a collection of pages linked together, including references to other resources that are available under a single domain. Each page of the site contains direct links that allow the user to…

Topic: Tech & Engineering

Words: 238
Pages: 1

Factors Affecting Lifespan Development

Various factors influence one’s lifespan development, such as health and well-being, parenting, education, socio-cultural contexts and diversity, and social policy. These factors vary significantly in their importance throughout one’s life. For instance, for a newborn baby, health and well-being are vital, as this is when a human organism is very…

Topic: Sociology

Words: 238
Pages: 1

Self-Management Support in Primary Care Nursing

The article is aimed at reporting the results of the research conducted by Kennedy et al. (2014) devoted to studying the use of self-management tools in patients with serious health issues. About the type of research and its design, the article outlines the results of a qualitative study involving a…

Topic: Nursing

Words: 239
Pages: 2

Project Estimating and Budgeting

The main topic of the current letter is to discuss the budget overrun regarding the restoration of the new school tailored for disabled children. According to the primary inquiry, the technological aspect of the school support was not mentioned. Conducting the detailed analysis of the initial request, some inconsistencies were…

Topic: Economics

Words: 239
Pages: 1

An Exploration of Current Practice of Cervical Spine Trauma Radiographs

Introduction The author of this article was Michael Fell. He wanted to determine the cervical spine radiographic imaging practices that were used in more recent examinations. These were used on patients who were suspected to have neck injuries. The author also examined the various causes of the variations in dosage….

Topic: Health & Medicine

Words: 239
Pages: 3

Discussing the Plan Language Act and Six C’s of Communication

Thoughtful evaluation of words utilized is a crucial factor of any author’s success. Plain Language Action and Information Network (PLAIN) states that it is vital to “Choose your words carefully” to avoid overly complex structures when writing a governmental document (The Plain Language Action and Information Network, n.d.). PLAIN’s suggestion…

Topic: Education

Words: 239
Pages: 1

Hoarding and Opportunistic Behavior during COVID-19 Pandemics

The “Hoarding and Opportunistic Behavior during the Covid-19 Pandemic” article demonstrates that there has been a rise in unethical practices. The practices include opportunistic behaviors, such as hoarding of products and profiteering (Sobirova, 2020). For instance, the digital thermometer, which was retailing at $18 before the pandemic, now retails at…

Topic: Pandemic

Words: 239
Pages: 1

The Cold War’s History and Consequences

The Cold War, formed as a result of the development of nuclear weapons and the confrontation between two massive world powers, had many consequences that affected the entire world. First of all, this war left a mark on the arms sphere, since many countries, not only the USSR and America,…

Topic: History

Words: 240
Pages: 1

Organizational Profits and Their Limits

Profits earned by an organization have a limit. The capital structure of an organization determines the profit levels which can be achieved. Profits are made when revenues exceed costs and there are many factors that determine the revenues as well as costs involved in trade (Boland, 2005). Over-exploitation of resources…

Topic: Business

Words: 240
Pages: 1

Homeric Worldview’ Main Features – Greek Mythology

The Homeric worldview resembles the orthodox Greek perspective (Cunningham & Reich 39). The Homeric conception of the world characterized a flat and rounded disk of land enclosed by an endless ocean stream. Based on the above representation, it was believed that the earth’s plateau was amid Oceanus. The sun, the…

Topic: Literature

Words: 240
Pages: 1

What are the Main Features of the Homeric Worldview?

The Homeric worldview resembles the orthodox Greek perspective (Cunningham & Reich 39). Homeric conception of the world characterized a flat and rounded disk of land enclosed by an endless ocean stream. Based on the above representation, it was believed that the earth’s plateau was amid Oceanus. The sun, the moon,…

Topic: Philosophy

Words: 241
Pages: 1

What Social Factors Prevent Adolescents to Acquire Appropriate Education in Their Later Life

The choice of the topic for the research is justified by several factors. First, juvenile detention and the further rehabilitation and socialization of individuals acquire the top priority today because of the growing rates of juvenile incarceration. Statistics show that over the past decade, the number of young people with…

Topic: Sociology

Words: 241
Pages: 1

INA Corp.’s Acquisition in Islamic Republic of Iran

Facts A company that is an affiliate of the INA Corporation acquired a significant ownership of an Iranian insurance company. It acquired 20 percent ownership in shares of Bimek Shargh and the process got approval from the Iranian insurance authority. This transaction was made in 1977 when the company paid…

Topic: Acquisition

Words: 241
Pages: 1

American Nurses Association Code of Ethics

Out of the nine provisions explained in the American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics, the following two seem to be the most crucial: provision 1 and 2. Provision 1 states that nurses should practice “with compassion and respect for the inherent dignity, worth, and unique attributes of every person”…

Topic: Ethics

Words: 242
Pages: 6

Fear as Catalyst of Madness in the “The Fall of the House of Usher” by Poe

Introduction “The Fall of the House of Usher” by Edgar Allen Poe presents a dramatic tale of a protagonist visiting his childhood friend who is ill and has gone mad. In a story full of dark imagery and psychological built-up tension, Poe creates an atmosphere that becomes deeply disturbing to…

Topic: Literature

Words: 242
Pages: 1

Discussion of Respiratory Acidosis

Acids are substances that can give off hydrogen ions, and bases are substances that can accept these ions. The acid-base balance is an important parameter that is maintained in the human blood within certain limits. This is necessary for the normal functioning of various body systems, biochemical reactions, and the…

Topic: Respiratory Disorders

Words: 242
Pages: 1

Existing Health Policy and the Older People Needs

The serious problem is that there is no clearly defined government nutrition program for Australian older people. In fact, according to Shine (2019), there is no diversity of health centers for older people that allow patients to receive counseling or assistance. Indeed, several organizations provide this service, but to receive…

Topic: Health & Medicine

Words: 242
Pages: 1

Snake Handling in Churches Myth Spread by Activists

The practice of snake handling in churches is not a new tradition, and its emergence was underpinned by the spread of interpretations of the Bible. They were quite literal as the words “They shall cast out devils, they shall speak with new tongues, they shall take up serpents” were considered…

Topic: Temple

Words: 243
Pages: 1

Health & Medicine: Breast Cancer in XIX Century

The disease of breast cancer was a disease of women, which began to be actively noticed from the beginning of the nineteenth century. John Adams’ daughter, Nabby Smith, was also at the mercy of the disease. Lack of knowledge forced the girl to wander around the doctors in search of…

Topic: Breast Cancer

Words: 243
Pages: 1

The Description of Wallpaper in “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Gilman

In “The Yellow Wallpaper” (1981), Gilman describes the wallpaper using different epithets, metaphors, and comparisons. Among the most interesting ones, there were phrases concerning the pattern, It “commits suicide” and “destroys itself in unheard of contradictions” (78) as if it were a living creature. The paper is the cause of…

Topic: Literature

Words: 243
Pages: 1

“The Value of Reanalysis: TV Viewing and Attention Problems.” Summary

In the study, Foster and Watkins employ the reanalysis procedure in order to explore the developmental issue of interrelation between watching television and attention disorders in children.

Fisher’s Personal Transition Curve

Thereafter, an individual comes to the stage of denial. The subsequent stage leads to better understanding of an individual’s real level of competency relative to the essential level.

The Birth of Venus

The Birth of Venus is a famous painting produced in the year 1863 by a French painter Alexandre Cabanel. This paper analyses the painting The Birth of Venus and gives a brief background of its […]

Public Art in Education

I am interested in understanding the effectiveness of public art in education, creating awareness as well as social identity of communities and uniqueness of towns.

Age and Sex Difference

As long as older people keep revising the information that they already know and put their skills to the proper use, it will be possible to remain mentally active.

How Ethnicity Affects Normal and Abnormal Behavior

Geographic location, ethnic believes, ethnic traditions, and ethnic dispositions are some of the universal philosophies binding every ethnic group into a unique whole subset in the world.

Social Relationships in Childhood

The caregiver should be sensitivity to the needs of a child and offer effective response that matches the child’s emotional state.

Characteristics of Incarcerated Women

The fifth characteristic of incarcerated women is that they are more likely to exhibit a violent temperament than the general population.

The Relationships of Working Memory, Secondary Memory, and General Fluid Intelligence: Working Memory Is Special

In the article the writer aims are investigating the robustness secondary memory in the ability to predict higher order cognition. To people with knowledge in memory psychology, the article is relevant and well researched.

Cultural Awareness and Diversity in the Workplace

Employees can do research about the culture of their work mates during their free time in order to enhance their cultural knowledge and understanding.

My Classroom From Hell: Teacher Experience

This was an inner city school and from the start, he was warned it was not going to be easy. The skills that he had picked up during summer from the TFA was not helpful […]

Mrs. Dutta writes a letter

In the story Mrs. Dutta’s singing helps her to reminisce about the life she left back in India.

The Tang Dynasty Analysis

Secondly, the emperors exempted the Buddhist monks from taxation, which promoted the flourishing of the religion by more people joining the monasteries. However, the rulers promoted corruption and social discrimination, which led to the fall […]

A True Profession

A true profession is characterized by a lifetime devotion to one’s specialized area of training when serving others while adding value to one’s quality of work in addition to Integrity of character, sound knowledge, and […]

French Geopolitics in Europe and Africa

As a matter of fact, the aspect of location of Africa and Europe has been the major determining factor that has shaped how France configures its international relations with other nations.

Loyola and Calvin’s Beliefs

Some were drawn to Calvin’s teaching because they felt it was comforting, as they did not have to do anything to earn salvation but hope that God had elected them.

The Entrance of Bling H2O Into the Bottled Water Market

The entrance of Bling H2O into the bottled water market has offered an exquisite product to the consumers. If this product were introduced into the Australian Market, it would inevitably receive a mix of reactions […]

Lateral Ankle Sprains Orthotic Materials

Is it applicable in making of coverings and cushioning material. It is of medium rigid density and widely applied in making of orthotic cushions.

Charles Kennedy’s Speech About Drinking Problem

Charles admitted that after struggling for a long time he had not had a drink for the two consecutive months, in other words, up to the time he gave the speech, and had no intention […]

“Howl” by Allen Ginsberg Literature Analysis

Thus, the poets question on the role of the «sphinx of cement and aluminum» in the life of people makes people think of numerous issues.

Ethical Leadership Rules and Virtues

Ethical leadership for me is based on such virtues as justice and fidelity which are normally perceived as a part of a leader’s moral identity.

Eye Glasses Market In UAE

This segment forms the majority of potential customers for eyeglasses in the UAE. The old-aged segment consists of people who are old and need eyeglasses to enhance their vision.

Enhanced Decision Making: Agent Technology

In addition, the authors posit that collaborative learning environment and communities of practice are two key areas of knowledge management systems that are embedded in technology.

Stages of a Policy Cycle

Fink stresses this point by arguing that «…program evaluation can be used also to appraise the achievement of a project’s goals and objectives and the extent of its impact and costs».

Descriptive and Inferential Statistics’ Relationship

For example, in a variable such as incomes of patients, the best statistics to represent the typical income would be the mean the mean and / or the median.

Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives and Adult Learning

When speaking about Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives, one is to keep in mind that Bloom described the process of thinking in such a way that his traditional hierarchy of thinking skills is still used […]

Film Studies: Stop Motion Animation’s Understanding

Stop motion animation is a technique that promotes the manipulation of an object when one frame at a time is taken and changed.

Buddhism and Hinduism Differences

One of the main differences between Buddhism and Hinduism is the fact that Theravada Buddhism has no gods, as Buddha is not a god, he is an enlightened being that has reached and realised the […]

Graduate Employment Plan: Checklist

Graduate employment offers special opportunities for new graduates to gain important skills. The following Graduate Employment Plan Checklist offers important insights for graduates: Develop an action plan Develop goals and timelines Focus on increasing self-awareness […]

Differentiated Learning: the Pledge of Allegiance

In particular, learners who may have severe short-term memory impairments should be allowed to use the text of the Pledge while presenting it to the class. It may be difficult for them to memorize the […]

College Students’ Challenges: Prices and Competition

The most common challenges the students face nowadays are the high prices for college education and the high competitiveness in the college community.

Media’s Role in Public Interest in the Mafia

The Godfather film brought out the image that the mafia is a romantic group of criminals. The film helped in hyping the mafia in the television, especially the focus on the Italian mafia.

Dropbox Company’s Marketing Tactics and Mistakes

Furthermore, one of the letdowns was the underestimation of the professional assistance, as the purchase of AdWords was a failure due to low initial return on investment.

Early Childhood Education Centre in New Zealand

The primary benefit of such an environment is that it does not restrict a number of activities available for children’s learning.

Yang’s and Dooley’s Human Resource Development Theories

The theory is also beneficial when applied to the context of relationships between employees in an organization and how quickly they can learn from each other and share experiences.

Adult Learners’ Features and Attitude to Knowledge

Another characteristic of adult learners is their willingness to see the connection of the newly acquired knowledge to their daily life and the translation of the learned material to practice.

Nursing Career Management and Its Steps

It is a continuous procedure in which the nurse incessantly learns about his or her individuality and the nursing career. From that moment, all of the interactions assist the nurse in learning more about himself […]

Schein’s Career Anchor Theory in the 21st Century

Also, an individual may have several anchors at a time, and that would not make their choice of a career easier or determine their loyalty to a certain sphere.

Global Positioning System and Its Use in Business

Such companies as Nordic Parcel and ARI Logistics usually use the advanced GPS for navigation of their vehicles in long routes. In this case, the routes for vehicles are applied automatically, and the system can […]

US Environmental Inequality After Disasters

The quality of the environment in the United States is subject to the socioeconomic status of the people. The disaster also revealed that the communities living near the industrial corridor had complained repetitively about the […]

General Electric Capital and Financial Regulations

The reasons for this include the regulations introduced to the market since the GFC’s inception, the management decisions made by the GE’s executives, and, to some degree, their leadership practices.

Nile River Conflict Between Egypt, Ethiopia, Sudan

The only reasonable way to handle the conflict is to allow Ethiopia to build the dam due to the financial instability in this country.

Food Regulations by Companies and Governments

Consumers International and the World Obesity Federation recommend that corporations and governments make regulations of the food and drink industry through evaluating prices, levying duties, reviewing authorization measures, as well as investing highly in studies […]

China’s Religion, Literature and Art

Chinese music was shaped by both the political traditions of Confucianism and the philosophical traditions of Daoism. With the introduction of Buddhism, its monophonic nature was transformed by the influence of the religion that was […]

The Issue of Stem Cells

One of the common misconceptions is that stem cells research violates ethical principles since it uses embryonic stem cells or the so-called fetus.

Racial Differences in Clinical Treatment

The racial differences in the response to different drugs should be taken into account when prescribing medications and treatments, for instance, if the potential risk and impact of side effects may be crucial.

Chocolate and Lumosity Performance Index

These aspects will contribute to the proof or disproof of the hypothesis due to the presence of the components required for the measurement.

Egyptian Pharaoh’s Power and Personalities

The records gathered from the offices of pharaohs helped to comprehend the importance of a gender issue in Ancient Egypt. The power of the pharaoh was impressive and could change history.

Sexual Harassment at the Workplace Issue

Sexual harassment at the workplace may cause serious frustration and even disrupt the career development of those affected by it. In the end, she internalized a new belief, strengthened her values, and acknowledged the need […]

Ban Smoking Near the Child: Issues of Morality

The decision to ban smoking near the child on father’s request is one of the demonstrative examples. The father’s appeal to the Supreme Court of California with the requirement to prohibit his ex-wife from smoking […]

The UAE’s Healthcare System and Insurance

The UAE has made incredible progress in its healthcare sector, owing to the government’s plan to establish comprehensible health initiatives and programs that target both private and public health sectors. The World Health Organization now […]

Dubai Islamic Bank: Quality Improvement Strategies

According to the review of the organization’s activities, its current success is logical since its practices and operations may be applied not only within the UAE but also in non-Muslim communities.

Business Excellence Models: DAEP and DEWA

The presentation discusses the BEMs of DAEP and DEWA based on the results of the interviews with the staff of the organizations.

“My Year of No Shopping” by Ann Patchett

Still, during the experiment, the author realized that many goods that she used to purchase without thinking did not matter to her.

Business Excellence Model in Decision-Making

Through the study, it was noted that a significant group of managers, who had a more in-depth approach, explored the audit role of BEM.

E-Mail Interviewing in Research: Benefits and Limits

E-mail interviews allow researchers and participants to review questions and responses and allow interviewees to reveal in-depth details about questions. Researchers can conduct multiple interviews simultaneously, create a rapport, and help to overcome the interviewer […]

The 2011 Canadian Federal Election

The NDP ranked second for the first time in Canadian history, the Greens party got the first parliamentary seat, more women were elected into parliament, and the Quebec Bloc and Liberal party landed humiliating defeats […]

Democracy in the Arab World

Ousting of long serving dictators in Egypt and Tunisia early this year is an attest to the growing discomfort of citizens in dictatorial states in the world.

Robert Browning’s “Porphyria’s Lover”

In this line, Browning uses personification to portray the general mood of the poem. Porphyria’s Lover: The Oxford Book of English Verse.

Law: Sentences to Fix the Imprisonment Term

The law defines a range of definite sentences that the judge can issue, upon considering the circumstances of the crime. The judge has no power to change any part of the sentence to suit the […]

Medical Students’ Ethics: Posting Placenta Picture

These three are examples of ethical dilemmas that medical students may find themselves faced with once in a while in the course of their training and professional conduct as they learn and attend patients.

Medical Practitioners’ Ethics and Trustworthiness

As a health care professional, my trustworthiness is always at the forefront of my patients’ minds. It is the central value in a productive and efficient health care practice, which presents a good avenue to […]

“Handling Digital Brains” by Morana Alac

Alac refers to the practitioners’ observation as multi-modal because she notes that the researchers are not passive and actively involve themselves in laboratory practices.

“Where the Red Fern Grows” by Wilson Rawls

The entire story is a documentation of the happiness that the dogs brought to Bill, and its conclusion is practically an illustration of how fond memories always stay with the individuals left behind after the […]

Acoa-Apeca Website Analysis

This website is easy to navigate due to the provision of the links that are simply identified as clickable. The website’s purpose is clear, and since the aim may vary, the main objective is a […]

The US History and War on Mexico

The US president declared war on Mexico after the kidnapping of the American soldiers in the American land. With time, this led to the American Revolution that granted independence to the locals.

Government Policies and Sources of Latecomer Firms

It analyses how the environment in the countries as manipulated by the governments results in the firms developing new strategies of adapting so as to remain relevant in business.

The Governmental Policy Effect on the Transnational Companies

The strength of the article is the manner it describes how transnational companies can engage in activities that attract the public interest which would then put them on the right side with the politicians of […]

Consumer Protection in Islam: The Case of Pakistan

The purpose of this framework is to prevent injustice as it gives the customer the right to forgive or sue in case of deception.

Consuming Technology: Why Marketers Sometimes Get It Wrong?

This article has described the role of technology in business. This has been emphasized, and when marketers read this article, they get to know the place of technology in business.

Tactical Strategic Principles Used by the US and France

With regard to the tactics that the United States chose for controlling the Philippines, the counterinsurgency is considered one of the most sophisticated forms of conflict that military service can face.

Black Death of Archbishop and Scientific Progress

The death led to the development of potential domains in modern medicine. His closeness to the king would have contributed to the rapid development of science.

Sustainability and Community in the Hospitality Sector

The level of community involvement and environmental sustainability determines the success of a company in the hospitality industry. The sustainability of the environment offers the best conditions for business performance and growth.

Default: The Student Loan Documentary Critique

The documentary features personal student stories, as well as professional comments from the Student Loan Justice official, emphasizing that it is rather corporate than personal irresponsibility to blame for the existing situation.

Prostitution, Its Definition and Legalization Debates

The practice may be practiced by either a man or a woman and the person carrying out the practice is called a prostitute.

“Western Renaissance” in Europe After World War II

Modernization in the economical sphere, particularly in trade and agriculture created an opportunity to improve the activities of such countries as Italy, Great Britain, Western Germany, and the USA. However, the problems remained and in […]

Demographic Reports, Variables and Categories

In four demographic reports for zip code 60614, race, gender, age, and class will be the most appropriate way to collapse the data. The household population information can then be added to the main categories […]

Workplace Gender Equality and Discrimination Laws

Gender equality in the workplace is also important to achieve competitive benefits, as well as a complex and competitive worldwide economy.

Redundancy, Its Reasons and Preventive Measures

To make redundancy fair, employees should be given prior warning about possible redundancies, reasonable steps should be taken when redeploying employees affected by redundancy, and due payment for redundancy should be made.

Newcrest Mining Firm’s Risks and Operations

However, despite its substantial success in the lucrative business of treasure, the company has faced constant challenges and risks over the last year, as a result of disruptions such as heavy rains and storms.

Online Sales and Economic Activity Monitoring

Retail sales refer to the sum total of all receipts that go to those who sell merchandise and other consumer goods.

Dick Tuck: Political Consultant and Prankster

While he was at the University of California, he was able to network with some of the most powerful politicians like Richard Nixon.

Walt Rostow’s Linear Model of Development

This, according to the model, is due to the failure to meet the conditions for that particular stage of economic development.

Human Geography as the Study of Space and Place

Human geography emphasizes the need to understand the relationships among different places and regions of the world and its people. For the first concept, human geography, unlike the time in history, deals with spaces.

Communication and Weather Satellites

The communications satellites are designed to use geostationary orbit. The second types are the weather satellites.

World-System Analysis by Immanuel Wallerstein

This saw increased production that the Europeans wanted to explore other parts of the world. During the 20th century, the world system was at its peak with the capitalist markets had spread throughout the world.

National Arts and Humanities Youth Program Awards

As a result, the necessary funding to provide the organization’s development and communications support is given to the best projects which can contribute to the changes of situation in the sphere.

Elected Representatives as Trustees and Delegates

The first approach holds that political representatives should indeed be trustees who first listen to their constituents’ opinions and viewpoints before employing their sense of judgment to chart the way forward and act sorely in […]

“Capitalism and Freedom” by Milton Friedman

In turn, the competition will be one of the factors that can improve the quality of education. Moreover, the increased competition can make school administrators more responsive to the suggestions and critique of parents who […]

Elisa in “The Chrysanthemums” by John Steinbeck

In the last conversation she has with the husband, she seems to be more like a woman as she ends up crying and hiding her weakness.

Crime Analysis Writing and Alert Website Content

In the crime alert website, the logical organization of the wanted criminals and the missing persons in a limited space attracts the attention of the viewers as described ineffective crime analysis and presentation chapter readings. […]

Sales Promotional Mix and Advertising

Sales promotion and management of sales communication with the potential and existing clientele is vital to raise the sales performance of the company.

“Winter Dreams” Story by F. Scott Fitzgerald

His emotions and dreams get the best of him as he even refuses to be treated as inferior by Miss Judy Jones, a lady who presents to him the picture of being an American elite.

European Land Explorations in 1400-1650

In 1492, Christopher Columbus became the first European to step on the American continent. After the success of this exploration, the European nations started to establish their presence in Africa and the Americas.

World of Love in Shakespeare’s “Much Ado About Nothing”

This is seen when every person celebrates the marriages of the two couples, Benedick and Beatrice, and Claudio and Hero, as the play ends. The scene in which Hero is accused of sleeping with a […]

Wikipedia and Its Noble Mission in Information Age

So far, the founder of Wikipedia has achieved his noble mission of sharing information with anyone regardless of location and time. Consequently, the accuracy of Wikipedia information is under compromise-with errors.

Email as a Dead Technology for Teenagers

However, with the emancipation of the internet and the development of social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Gamma the number of youth who use email as a mode of communication has reduced.

Due Process and Fair Dismissal of Teachers in Texas

Specifically, the due process does not explain why a teacher should be dismissed but provides the procedures that should be followed by a school to dismiss a teacher.

Bloody Mary Ritual Under Alan Dundes’ Psychoanalysis

Alan Dundes defines the subject of Bloody Mary in a standard way while sketching a psychoanalytic theory to explain the folklore.

Childhood Definition Reflecting Cultural Changes

The changes in culture have affected the definitions of kids because adults do not want to grow up due to the difficulties they are undergoing in society.

E-Commerce and Its Effects on Business and Trade

The emergence of digital and online technologies has paved the way for new opportunities and trends in global trade. In particular, the Internet has provided businesses with new communication channels that have sharpened the competition […]

American Express Company’s Diversity Plan

To begin with, flexibility is indispensible to ensuring convenience and high performance of the personnel because the company works with employees from different social and cultural backgrounds.

Autism: Main Symptoms and Research

Major symptoms of the disorder are repetitive behavior, abnormal communication development, and motor skills development. Major symptoms of autism are repetitive behavior, abnormal motor skills, and communication development.

Flixborough Disaster and Its Health Effects

The accident was believed to have been caused by the crack that was detected on the reactor number 5 in the company.

Diversity and Learning in Adult Classrooms

In many cases, the diversity that plays a significant role in the structure and type of the lessons, as well as the teacher’s approach, is based on the learning capacities and styles of the students.

Employee Training Needs Analysis and Its Components

The questions I would have to ask to design a future program would refer to the desired level of knowledge and skills for the new personnel.

Cultural Products in Strategic Plan Development

According to Liyu, there is no particular definition for cultural products as the industry that produces cultural products can only be recognized with the presence of another industry, and the classification of this industry is […]

Practice-Related and Unrelated Diversification Strategies

Firms practice-related and unrelated diversification strategies. They can merge several businesses into one operation, or make use of the popularity of one brand to influence customer’s perception of a related product.

Boston Consulting Group Matrix: Benefits and Limitations

The BCG Matrix shows the disparities among divisions with respect to relative market share positioning and determines the relations or standing of the organization’s businesses, and market position of products, which also shows the product […]

Annual Objectives for Strategy Implementation

First, they can be the basis for allotting resources; second, they can be a means for assessing managers; third, they can be a primary tool for checking progress toward attaining long-term goals; and lastly, they […]

Divisional Organizational Structure: Pros and Cons

The divisional structure, also known as the decentralized one, improves the motivation of employees and control of operations in different locations.

Marketing-Mix Component Variables and Examples

Under the variable component «place», we have distribution channels and coverage which determine how the product reaches the market and eventually to the customer.

Rumelt’s Criteria for Strategy Evaluation

Another of Rumelt’s criteria is «consonance,» which emphasizes the importance of examining «sets of trends,» in relation to «individual trends». A strategy symbolizes an adjustment to an external stimulus or changes in the environment.

Contingency Plans Established by Companies

Some call it «plan B,» but there are a number of scenarios stated below, which are in the form of questions that can be used to prepare contingency plans. If targets are not met, what […]

Positive Ethical Culture in Business Organizations

Disney’s guidelines on corporate social responsibility and business ethics have been published online, and have become a model and benchmark for other companies.

Sustainability Report and Its Purpose

Their efforts in the area of environmental sustainability are contents of sustainability reporting that show how businesses affect the natural environment and the community in which they thrive.

Environmental Movement and Individual Choices

Additionally, it is important to focus on the internationalization of the environmental movement. In the long term, this person can contribute to the changes in production practices of many automakers.

Human Population Growth and Carrying Capacity

There are several factors that contribute to this process; for instance, one can speak about the improvement of healthcare, increasing life expectancy, and the growing availability of food in various developing countries.

Competitive Intelligence vs. Corporate Espionage

«Corporate intelligence is not corporate espionage because 95 percent of the information a company needs to make strategic decisions is available and accessible to the public».

How Does an Orange Feel to Touch?

As my longhand sprung to sample one of these eye-pleasing fruits, my fingers stretched with expectation while my feet struggled to lift my lean body to a higher level where the oranges hung vicariously from […]

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    My Ideal Family of the Future

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    Probably everyone has their own idea of the ideal family and their views about the family in general. I’ll tell you what I think about it. In my opinion, the ideal family should begin with «laying the foundation» of their own relations, also with confidence and understanding of each other. In any family should prevail friendly atmosphere, along with love and mutual respect for all its members. An ideal family is when they always support you in every difficult moment…

    My Family

  • 2

    Analysis of Advertisement

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    In a Hasbro commercial regarding a ‘Rose Petal Cottage. In which a toddler girl talks about the house and how it lets her use inanimate objects clean, cook, and take care of the ‘children’. And after the advertisement is put out to the public. And in this advertisement, the brand focuses and suggests that the little girl’s ‘interest’ is towards home and ‘house duties. So that leads me to the question over if Hasbro’s advertisement techniques for the ‘Rose Petal…


  • 3

    Compare And Contrast Songs

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    The two songs “Indian Reservation” by Paul Revere and The Raiders, and “Seminole Wind” by John Anderson expressed emotion, culture, and religion. “Indian Reservation” song has more of an ‘upbeat’ tempo, and the lyrics that the band sang are a personal view of a Native American or Cherokee tribe. The lyrics seemed angry as they sang about how the Cherokee tribe turned into a mess by becoming “Americans”. For example: when the song said , “and all the beads we…

    Compare And Contrast

  • 4

    Women Are Better Driver Than Men

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    There are valid reasons that women are better drivers than men. Firstly, women drive more carefully than men. According to a research at Carnegie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh, 70 percent of serious car crashes is linked to men even if women had a higher number of minor accidents like a fender bender. Therefore women take the wheel more safely and prudently. Secondly, women obey traffic regulations better than men do. They generally fasten their seat belts, observe the traffic signal and…


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    What is Effective Communication?

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    Effective communication is the bridge between Student and the teacher. It is must that two-way communication was establish between the relevant party so the information can be flow positively between each other. Positive communication encourage student to learn more and explore on the subject and raise more quarries for clarification to further understand the teaching topic. Teachers need to show positive relationships with each other in front of children and parents so that the child can copy this behaviour this…

    EducationEffective Communication

  • 6

    Corruptibility in “Young Goodman Brown”

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    In ‘Young Goodman Brown,’ Hawthorne reveals what he sees as the corruptibility that results from Puritan society’s emphasis on public morality, which often weakens private religious faith. Although Goodman Brown has decided to come into the forest and meet with the devil, he still hides when he sees Goody Cloyse and hears the minister and Deacon Gookin. He seems more concerned with how his faith appears to other people than with the fact that he has decided to meet with…


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    Chinese Communism DBQ

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    Communism in China from 1925 to 1950 was a very interesting period in China, especially in terms of relationship between the Chinese Communist Party and Chinese peasants. Communism in China survived through the Japanese invasion and control of China during the Second World War. Based on evidence provided in the documents, the Chinese Communists and peasants both disliked and fought against landlords, the communists supported peasants in their fight against the Japanese, and made the lives of peasants over all…


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    Healthy environment

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    A healthy environment to me would be a community with low pollution, stable economical levels, clean water and communicates who communicate well with one another. The residents in this community would be happy, and would encourage others to come live in their community (Maurer & Smith, 2013). There would be quality health care services available and good schools for the children to promote knowledge. This would help provide education to promote successful lifestyles (Maurer & Smith, 2013). Nursing cares could…


  • 9

    Napoleon Bonaparte: Good Or Bad

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    Who was Napoleon Bonaparte? He was a French military leader who rose to power during the French Revolution and led several successful campaigns throughout Europe before being defeated at Waterloo. Was he good or bad? Napoleon Bonaparte actually was not a good leader and although he did help France he was too bloodthirsty and arrogant to be considered a good ruler. He did gain much land and wealth for France however; there was too much bloodshed involved. He said that…


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    Celebrity Gossip

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    In middle school, it was not uncommon to see girls, crowded in a small space chatting noisily and gossiping. As the internet and people developed, it had gotten worse, instead of better. Nowadays, there are thousands of sites about celebrity gossip in the internet. Also, you can find in grocery stores, convenience stores, and etc. stacks of tabloids and magazines with covers that have ridiculous and false statements which all focus on a particular celebrity. Some may argue that this…


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    Acknowledgement Paper

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    First of all, we would like to thank our Almighty God for giving us the determination to complete this project and to improve ourselves in a situation that we never imagined that the developer can surpassed. The courage to make this work done with the strength, time and efforts that the proponents have. Second, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to Ms. Liz Manalansan, manager of Avon Muntinlupa. To Mr. Jandy and all staffs of the said company…


  • 12

    Tissue and organs and bioengineering

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    1. Explain how cells specialize to form specific tissue and organs. Cells specialize to form specific tissue and organs by getting the right balance of temperature, ph balance, and hormones. They also must make sure that these soon to be tissues are exposed to things that would normally happen inside the body. 2. Explain what is already being accomplished in the areas of tissue and organ bioengineering and what still remains to be accomplished. Bioengineering is the discipline that applies…

    BodyHealthHuman rightsSociety

  • 13

    Marine Corps Mci Answers Math For Marines

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    Getting Marine Corps Mci Answers Math For Marines PDF Ebook is easy and simple. Mostly you need to spend much time to search on search engine and doesnt get Marine Corps Mci Answers Math For Marines documents that you need. We are here to serve you, so you can easily access, read and download its. No need to wasting time to lookup on another place to get Marine Corps Mci Answers Math For Marines PDF Ebook. We provide you Marine…


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    Corn Pone Opinions

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    In Mark Twain’s essay “Corn­Pone Opinions” he uses different strategies to express his position on how people’s actions and thoughts are excessively influenced by others. He changes the pronoun “I” to “we”. Twain does this by first explaining his own opinion then addresses everyone else as a collaborative group in order to support his point. He basically states that people follow trends whether they like them or not. He gives a few examples to support his point. The anecdote that…

    BeliefCommunicationCritical ThinkingEthicsHumanPhilosophy

  • 15

    Personal Financial Management

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    1. You need to hire a receptionist that will be handling cash. What steps would you take to make sure you hire the right person? Inquire about previous cash handling experience, ask about their personal financial management, how they handle their personal finances. 2. Why should you teach your employees the importance of personal financial management? What are some creative ways of doing this? How employees handle their income reflects their work performance, if someone is having financial issues it…


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    A Bad Experience and What I Learned From It

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    I was never a great public speaker. I tend to get nervous, and my voice goes up a little bit and gets higher pitched. But when I was about 13 years old, I joined some speech contests at my school. I wasn’t really sure why—I don’t think it was something that any of my friends were interested in doing. But the people who ran them were really enthusiastic, so it seemed like something fun to do with them. Later, when…


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    Antigone Letter

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    Dear Antigone, You are my sister. apparently the gods mean nothing to you. I know that our brother should have the right to an honorable burial, and you and I shall bury our brother with honor. Think about it Antigone, our brother’s soul will never be able to rest in peace, unless we do something. I understand you not being sure about this through the price that Creon will sentence us, but in the name of our brother not to…

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    The next 50 years for environment

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    If we keep going on like this we will soon run out of all the unrenewable and the renewable and the natural resources like: coal, fossil fuel, gold, oil petrol, gas and silver. We will run out of all the vitamins and minerals. There will be a lot of air, water and other pollutions and if there is pollution in the air there will be clouds and the natural vegetation and trees will get no sunlight. The trees will have…


  • 19

    Explaining the Order of Operations

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    Order of operations is the order in which to evaluate different operations. The order of operations is critical to solving different algebraic problems. Without it people will get different answers when there is no right one because there is no correct order to interpret an expression. In order of operations you evaluate from left to right in the following order You may remember this as «Please excuse my dear Aunt Sally» Parentheses Exponents Multiplication & Division Addition & Subtraction Remember…

    MathProblem Solving

  • 20

    “The Principle of the Mercantile System” (1776) Summary

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    In «The Principle of the Mercantile System,» Adam Smith explains the mercantile system, a theory that says that countries should trade with each other instead of making their own products. The mercantile theory states that countries should have colonies in order to be prosperous. The theory also says that a nation’s wealth comes from gold, silver and other precious metals it has in its possession. Smith argues against this idea by saying that there are other sources of wealth besides…


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    Chad Foster’s “Teenagers Preparing for the real world”

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    Chad Foster’s book Teenagers Preparing for the Real World, is a great motivational piece for teens and leaves a lasting impression on the reader. In the chapter «Mr. X and Mr. President,» Foster instills the importance of contacts and friendship in a person’s life. His example of Mr. X shows kids that a friendship formed in a person’s younger years can pay off greatly down the road, emotionally and even financially. He then tells the tale of his father’s first…


  • 22

    Lessons from D.A.R.E.: Dangers of Drugs & Alcohol

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    While participating with D.A.R.E., I learned that drugs and alcohol are not good for you. I also learned that tobacco and alcohol and any other drug can hurt different parts of your body. Marijuana causes breathing problems, short term memory loss, slows coordination and reflexes, and effects ones ability to judge distance, speed and reaction time. Marijuana can become addictive and is illegal in the United States. Smoking tobacco has over 200 unknown poisons in the smoke, and contains nicotine…

    AddictionDrug AddictionHealthMarijuanaSmokingTobacco

  • 23

    Ancient Agricultural Tools and Techniques

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    Agricultural tools and techniques have evolved over time. The earliest agricultural tools were made of stone and wood, and the first farming crops were wheat, barley, and rice. These early tools included sickles, hoes, spades, and rakes. The oldest known agricultural tool is the sickle, which was invented in about 6000 BC. Sickles were made out of stone, wood, or metal and were used to cut wheat and barley stalks. Farmers in Medieval times did not have tractors or farm…


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    Fetal Pig Dissection Quiz

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    1. How do the locations of the endocrine organs in the fetal pig compare with those in the human? The pigs pancreas is above the kidneys and adrenal gland in the pig. The thymus covers the thyroid in the pig. For the humans though, they have thymus above the thyroid. 2. Name the two endocrine organs located in the throat region The thymus and the thyroid are both in the throat region 3. Name 3 endocrine organs located in the…


  • 25

    Balancing Profit Margin and Asset Turnover with Du Pont System

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    The Dupont Analysis is a tool used by businesses to evaluate the many factors that affect their success. It was developed by E. I. Dupont de Nemours and Company, which is now known as DuPont Corporation. The process works by identifying key factors in the business and measuring them against each other. The analysis can be used to look at any part of the business, from marketing to production to human resources and more. The goal is to identify how…


  • 26

    In The Novel Heroes Robert Cormier

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    In the novel heroes, Robert Cormier uses language and literary devices to explore the character of Larry LaSalle in terms of his physical appearance, speech patterns, reputation, public behaviour and secret actions. Heroes is a book set in, Frenchtown, America which explore the themes of secrecy, guilt, love and heroism. Cormier slowly reveals why Francis and 18 year old wants to kill, Larry LaSalle a man he once worshiped. Francis tells us in the first chapter that LaSalle is ‘the…


  • 27

    The Neglect of the Elderly People

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    The neglect of the elderly has become an ongoing epidemic. Older people are living longer and are in better health than years ago. Even though most elderly people are living at home, this is where most of the abuse takes place. Elderly abuse does not necessarily mean physical abuse; in most case it can be mental or emotional. Studies estimate that 4 million older Americans are victims of physical and psychological abuse and neglect. The fact is elderly abuse can…

    Elderly PeopleHealthPsychology

  • 28

    Acid and bases on tensile strength of fibre

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    “Acid & Bases on Tensile Strength of Strength of Fibres” being submitted to is an original piece of work done by me and has not been published or submitted elsewhere for any other degree in full or in part. (Signature)Project Report on Effects of Acids & Bases on the Tensile Strength of FibresObjectives»Project Report Effects of Acids & Bases on the Tensile Strength of Fibres»The aim and objective of this project is to(i) Compare the tensile strength of given samples…


  • 29

    Case Discussion: Learning Curve “B” – Assignment

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    What do you estimate the buyer should pay per unit for the next 700 pieces assuming the supplier demonstrates a 75% learning curve? What if the learning rate is actually 85%? What do you estimate is the per unit cost of the next 700 pieces? 1.A:$178/unit at a 75% Learning Curve 212/unit at an 85% Learning Curve 2. Under what conditions can we use learning curves to estimate prices? In other words, when does the learning curve apply? 2. A:The…


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    Lab Report on Acid-Base Titration

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    Aim: To determine the weight-to-volume percent of acetic acid present in commercial vinegar and the weight-to-volume percent of ammonia present in window cleaners. Acid-base titrations can be conducted using the above samples against standardized aqueous NaOH and standardized aqueous HCl solutions respectively. Introduction: Acetic acid, commonly known as ethanoic acid CH3COOH, is found in commercial vinegar. It is a weak organic acid that gives vinegar its characteristic pungent smell, sour taste and slight acidity. Being an acid, vinegar is used…


  • 31

    Finance Textbook

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    Growth rate: Your finance textbook sold 53,250 copies in its first year. The publishing company expects the sales to grow at a rate of 20 percent each year for the next three years and by 10 percent in the fourth year. Calculate the total number of copies that the publisher expects to sell in years 3 and 4. Draw a time line to show the sales level for each of the next four years. 1) 53250 x 1.20 = 2)…


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    All information is to be kept up to date and accurate and stored securely in a locked cupboard or computer with passwords so only certified people can access it. Information is only to be used for a specific purposed concerning to the individual. This is to protect the individuals humans rights to privacy and confidentiality. Bi. Describe where to get information and advice about handling information. You can gather information and advice about handling information from senior members of staff…


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    Example of informative speech

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    1. Share 1-3 informative topics in class. (Audience analysis). Poll your audience of peers for their interests…unless you are very passionate about a specific topic. YOU select your proposed topic. Get proposed informative topic approved by instructor. 2. Informative speech should have a minimum of five recent & quality references in Bibliography. You must cite at least three of these sources during your speech. 3. Informative speech is four — six minutes in length. A one-minute (1 min.) “grace” period…

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    Sturgeon Point Productions is offering website tie-ins with every educational video title in our catalogue, at no additional cost. What that means for you is more of our award-winning content for your students and a wider reach for in-depth coverage of your preferred subjects for teachers to use in their lesson plans. Our company has taken top-notch web production team to work with our producers and staff to create interactive multi-media-tie-ins for all our future educational titles. As educators who…

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    This essay will focus on some of the advantages and disadvantages of public transportation. First of all, I’d like to talk about the advantages of public transportation. Using public transportation can reduce the number of people who drive their own car. It can ease traffic jams and improve road conditions. There is a short list of pros and cons: Advantages: It’s cheap! Public transportation costs less than driving or taking an Uber, so it can save you money in the…


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    Psychological Barriers in Communication

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    A barrier is anything that prevents something from getting through to its destination or receiver as intended. In communication, a barrier will prevent a message from traveling in a manner that gives it proper meaning. Although invisible, psychological barriers can be just as impenetrable as more obvious barriers, such as language differences, unless you become aware of them. Psychological barriers in communication are barriers that prevent successful communication between two or more people. These barriers can be external, such as…

    Barriers To CommunicationPsychology

  • 39

    Non-medical incidents and emergencies that may occur in the work setting

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    Sampling methods

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    Sampling methods are classified as either probability or nonprobability. In probability samples, each member of the population has a known non-zero probability of being selected. Probability methods include random sampling, systematic sampling, and stratified sampling. In nonprobability sampling, members are selected from the population in some non random manner. These include convenience sampling, judgment sampling, quota sampling, and snowball sampling. The advantage of probability sampling is that sampling error can be calculated. Sampling error is the degree to which a…

    Free Essays

  • We’ve found 43 200 word essay Examples

    FAQ about 200 word essay Examples

    What is Effective Communication?

    …Communication is a lifeline of relationship with children, young people and adults, a lack communication may result in confusion, misunderstanding, poor communication patterns and lack of interest in subject. As a teaching assistant, if we fail to ha…

    A Bad Experience and What I Learned From It

    …Later, when my dad asked if I wanted to participate in a recital contest, which was citywide, I agreed without hesitation. I was a proud peacock thinking that it was impossible for me not to win, so I neglected practicing. But when I turned on the mi…

    A 200-word essay is a relatively short piece of writing, so you’ll need to focus on the most important points. To start, introduce your topic and state your main point. Then, develop your argument with evidence and examples. Finally, refute any opposing arguments and provide a strong conclusion.

    In this essay writing guide, we will discuss: What is a 200-word essay, how long it should be, and how to write a good 200 word essay using examples and templates provided below.

    10 Important tips for writing a 200 word essay

    Here are 10 self-explanatory tips to keep in mind when writing a 200 word essay on any given topic:

    You Might Be Interested In

    1. Introduce your topic and state your main point.
    2. Develop your argument with evidence and examples.
    3. Refute any opposing arguments and provide a strong conclusion.
    4. Use clear and concise language throughout your essay.
    5. Stick to the point and avoid rambling on unnecessarily.
    6. Make sure all of your points are logically interconnected.
    7. Use strong and persuasive language to make your case.
    8. Edit and proofread your essay for spelling mistakes and grammatical errors.
    9. Check for any factual inaccuracies or inconsistencies in your argumentation.
    10. Make sure your essay is well-organized and flows smoothly from one point to the next.

    200 word essay outline / structure 

    The structure of a 200 words essay is very simple. It has an introduction, body and conclusion.

    Note that you can’t write this essay as a 200 word paragraph text. It must be structured like other academic essays.

    1. Introduction: The essay introduction paragraph should be short and concise. It should introduce the topic of the essay and state the main argument.
    2. Body: The body of an essay should have two paragraphs that develop the argument stated in the introduction. Each paragraph should be around 50 words long.
    3. Conclusion: The conclusion should restate the main argument and provide a short summary.

    Here is an example of how a 200 word essay might be structured:


    In today’s society, there is a lot of pressure to succeed. This pressure can be especially felt by students, who are often told that they need to get straight A’s in order to be successful.


    One way to deal with the pressure is to set realistic goals. This means not trying to do too much at once and instead focusing on one task or goal at a time.


    The pressure to succeed can be overwhelming, but it is important to remember that setting realistic goals is the key to success.

    Above is an example of how to structure your essay in 3 paragraphs. Let us now look at the step-by-step guide.

    How to write a 200 word essay step by step

    In order to write a 200 word essay, you will need to plan and organize your thoughts. Make sure that you stay on topic, and use strong evidence to support your points. Be sure to edit and proofread your work before submitting it.

    Here is a step by step process of writing a 200 words essay for school:

    Step #1. Read and understand the instructions.

    The first step in writing a good 200-word essay is to read and understand the instructions. Make sure that you know what is expected of you, and brainstorm some ideas.

    Step #2. Choose a topic.

    Make sure that you are interested in the topic, and that you can find enough information to write about it. Once you have chosen a good essay topic, brainstorm some ideas and make a list of points that you want to cover. Next, choose a topic that you are interested in and knowledgeable about. This will make it easier to write the essay.

    Step #3. Conduct research.

    Once you have chosen a topic, research it thoroughly. gather as much information as you can so that you can write a well-informed essay.

    Step #4. Create an outline.

    The next step is to outline your essay. The essay outline should include your introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Each body paragraph should cover one point, and be supported by evidence. Now that you have gathered information, it is time to outline your essay. This will help ensure that your essay flows logically and makes sense overall.

    Step #5. Create a thesis statement.

    Your thesis statement should be a brief, one-sentence summary of your argument. It should state your position on the topic, and be supported by evidence.

    Step #6. Write the introduction.

    The introduction should introduce your topic and thesis statement, and provide some background information. Be sure to hook your readers so that they will want to read more.

    Step #7. Write the body paragraphs.

    Each body paragraph should cover one point, and be supported by evidence. Make sure that your points are logically interconnected, and that each paragraph flows smoothly into the next.

    Step #8. Write the conclusion.

    The conclusion should restate your thesis statement, and briefly summarize the main points that you have made. It should also provide a strong closing statement that will leave your readers thinking about your argument.

    Step #9. Edit and proofread your essay.

    Be sure to edit and proofread your essay for grammar mistakes, spelling errors, and factual inaccuracies. Revise your essay to correct any mistakes. This is an important step, and can make the difference between a good essay and a great one.

    Step #10. Submit your essay for grading.

    Once you have finished writing your essay, submit it to your teacher or professor for grading.

    These are 10 important steps to follow when writing an essay about 200 words long.

    200 word essay examples

    Below is an example of 200 words essay.

    200 word essay example 1

    The first example on how to write a 200 words essay is an essay about myself. This is similar to: a who am I essay example listed on the personal essay writing section.

    A 200-word essay example about myself

    My name is Kaitlyn and I am a 20-year-old female. I was born and raised in a small town in upstate New York. I moved to the city for college and I love it! I study criminal justice at John Jay College of Criminal Justice in Manhattan.

    I am the oldest of four kids. I have two younger brothers and a younger sister. I am very close with my family and we spend a lot of time together. We are all active in our community. My parents are both Irish immigrants, so we are very involved in the Irish community as well.

    I am a very friendly person and I get along with just about everyone. I have a lot of friends from all different walks of life. I love to talk and learn about new things. I am also a bit of a nerd, I love to read and learn about new things. I am excited to start my career and continue to grow as a person.

    200 word essay example 2

    The following is an example of a 200-word essay example on Veganism.

    In recent years, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of people who identify as vegan. Veganism is a lifestyle that abstains from using animal products, such as meat, dairy, and eggs. Some people choose to go vegan for ethical reasons, while others do it for health reasons.

    There are many benefits to being vegan. For one, vegans tend to have a lower risk of heart disease and certain types of cancer. They also typically have a lower BMI and are less likely to be obese. Vegans also tend to have better blood sugar control, which can be beneficial for those with diabetes or prediabetes.

    There are some common myths about veganism that need to be debunked. One is that vegans are always malnourished and unhealthy. This is simply not true. In fact, there are many vegan athletes who are in excellent health. Another common myth is that it is difficult to be a vegan. This also isn’t true. There are plenty of vegan-friendly foods available, and with a little bit of planning, it is easy to follow a vegan diet.

    Despite the many benefits of veganism, there are some people who choose not to go vegan for a variety of reasons. Some people feel that they need animal products in their diet in order to be healthy. Others may not agree with the ethical standpoint of veganism. Still, more and more people are choosing to go vegan each year, and the number of vegan-friendly restaurants and products is growing.

    A 200-word essay example about friends and friendships

    Friendships are one of the most important things in life. They can make us laugh, they can make us cry, and sometimes they can just be there for us when we need them. I have been extremely lucky to have some amazing friends throughout my life, and I wouldn’t trade them for anything.

    My best friend is someone who I have known since we were in the second grade. We have been through a lot together, and I know that I can always count on her. She is someone who I can talk to about anything, and she is always there for me when I need her.

    Another great friend of mine is someone who I met when I was in college. We became friends because we had a lot in common, and I could tell that she was someone who I could trust. We have spent many hours talking on the phone, and I know that she is always there for me when I need her.

    I am grateful for all of the amazing friends that I have in my life, and I know that they will always be there for me. Friends are someone who we can rely on, and they are always there to make us laugh. I am so lucky to have such great friends, and I know that they will continue to be a part of my life for years to come.

    Example 3: 200 word essay on a topic of personal interest

    The topic of my interest is to discuss whether or not children raised by same-sex couples are disadvantaged. This is a highly debated topic with many different perspectives. I believe that children who are raised by same-sex couples are just as advantaged as any other children.

    The reasoning for this belief comes from the fact that these children are being raised in homes where they are loved and cared for unconditionally. This is in contrast to homes where the parents are in a strained or unhappy relationship. Another reason why I feel that these children are advantaged is because they learn to be more tolerant and accepting of others at an early age. This is due to the fact that they have diverse family structures within their own family unit.

    In conclusion, I believe that children who are raised by same-sex couples are just as advantaged as any other children.

    Examples of 200 word essay templates

    You can use the 200-words essay templates and outlines below to create a good essay.

    A 200 word essay template on a personal experience

    The most memorable experience of my life was when I____. It was a life-changing event for me because____. Ever since then, I have been more interested in____. This experience has also made me realize that____. I will never forget the lessons I learned from that experience, which are____. In conclusion, this experience has taught me to be more____.

    200 word essay template on a topic of personal interest

    The topic I have chosen is____. There are many different perspectives on this topic, but I believe that____. My reasoning for this belief is____. One of the main reasons I am interested in this topic is because____. Another reason why this topic interests me is because____. In conclusion, I feel very passionately about this topic because____.


    If you are struggling with writing a 200 word essay, it might be due to the fact that you need more practice. Thankfully, we have lots of tips and templates for essays in our blog post on how to write an effective 200-word essay. If this all sounds like too much work or if you want help getting started, let us help you out. Our professional 200 words essay writers are more than happy to help you out, and they can do so in a very short amount of time.

    To get started, click here to ask for help!

    200 Words Essay Writing FAQs

    What is a 200 word essay?

    A 200 word essay is a very short piece of writing, but it can be one of the most difficult essays to write. A 200 word essay usually consists of 2 to 3 paragraphs.

    The introduction should introduce the topic and state your main point. The body of the essay should develop your point with evidence and examples. The conclusion should restate your main point and leave the reader with something to think about.

    How do I write a 200 word essay?

    There is no one formula for writing a 200 word essay, but here are some tips that can help:

    1. Start by brainstorming what you want to say.
    2. Organize your thoughts into a logical sequence.
    3. Use clear, concise language.
    4. Be specific and provide examples.
    5. Avoid unnecessary padding.
    6. Check your grammar and spelling.
    7. Make sure your essay is properly formatted.

    What are some common topics for 200 word essays?

    Some common topics for 200 word essays include:

    1. How to achieve success
    2. The power of positive thinking
    3. How to overcome adversity
    4. Why education is important
    5. The benefits of teamwork
    6. How to be a good leader
    7. How to stay motivated
    8. What makes a good friend
    9. The importance of family values
    10. What is happiness?
    11. Is there such thing as luck?
    12. How do you define success?
    13. How i spent my christmas vacation essay
    14. A frightening experience essay 200 words
    15. A journey by train essay 200 words
    16. How i spent my holiday essay 200 words
    17. A narrow escape from trouble essay 200 words,
    18. Can money buy happiness essay
    19. Are cell phones dangerous essay
    20. A camping trip
    21. A dangerous experience
    22. How i spent my christmas holiday

    These are just a few 200-words essay topic examples – feel free to choose any 200 words essay topic that interests you.

    How long is a 200-300 word essay?

    A 200-300 word essay is typically about 2-3 paragraphs long. See more details on how to write a short essay.

    How do I shorten my essay to 200 words?

    If your essay is longer than 200 words, you may need to re-evaluate your arguments and trim down your points. Try to be concise and focus on the most important information. You may also want to consider splitting your essay into two or more shorter essays. Here is more information of how to shorten an essay without loosing the original meaning.

    Can I get help writing a 200 word essay?

    If you need help writing a 200 word essay, you can seek out assistance from a tutor or writing service. Some online services offer feedback and editing for a fee. You can also find helpful resources online, such as writing tutorials and guidelines.

    Ask for essay writing help online from professional academic essay writers.

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    Let us guess: you were assigned to a 200-word essay and immediately rejoiced, assuming that it won’t take you long to
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    at how hard it is to cram all necessary facts and ideas into just 200-words! Remember that aside from a few
    arguments, you should fit in a thesis statement, an introduction, and a conclusion, too. Besides, it is essential to
    sound formal, eliminate all unnecessary details, and stick to the required format. Sounds perplexing enough? Don’t
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    While some students often struggle to write longer essays and come up with enough words to hit the required word count, others are challenged to write shorter ones. In fact, 200-word essays are among the toughest to write as students must convey a complicated message in four short paragraphs. In this article you will find effective tips on how to write a great 200-word essay, as well as some examples.

    General Essay Writing Tips

    Brainstorm Ideas

    Take another look at the prompts for the essay to gain a deeper understanding of the topic at hand. Make sure you fully understand what your teacher expects before starting to write. Don’t jump into writing an essay blindly without understanding what the paper is supposed to be about. The document may be 200 words, but it still needs a compelling structure like any other essay. Take advantage of all the other fundamentals of essay writing, you know. Create an attention-grabbing introduction and introduce a new idea with each paragraph.

    Choose an Appropriate Topic

    Choosing a topic you know about and familiar with is vital for any essay, especially a short one. Write your paper on something that means something to you or is otherwise essential to you. Choosing an appropriate subject helps you create an authentic and excellent piece. Your essay reflects your familiarity with the issue. A perfect quality paper increases your chances of achieving your goal, such as landing a scholarship.

    Do Some Research

    Be sure to dedicate some time to researching the subject. Understand the topic at hand. Doing research gives you the information you can use to write a better essay backed up with facts and figures to convince the audience to your way of thinking.

    Give Yourself Enough Time

    Be sure to take your time when writing the essay and think about the prompt. Create a plan and draft and revise them to put together the best possible paper. Essays and personal statements that you take the time to write correctly are sure to stand out and improve your chances of success.

    Be Brief

    You don’t have much room to play with for a 200-word essay. As such, you should keep things brief and avoid using jargon and complicated terminology. Stick to direct and efficient language to send your message.

    Have a Thesis Statement

    The thesis statement covers the main themes of an essay. The statement introduces readers to what they should expect from the piece. You can develop a short, two-sentence statement after creating an outline for the paper. This statement should introduce the purpose of the essay, so having an outline in mind helps to create one. This statement also gives you something to refer back to when writing the essay.

    Write the Introduction

    Once you’ve created a thesis statement and written the body of the essay, go back and write a compelling introduction. The introduction fascinates readers and encourages them to keep reading. Busy openings discourage people from reading and send the wrong message. Use an exciting story, quote, summary, revelation, or other hooks to start your paper and introduce the topic. Your hook should tie into the thesis statement.

    Write the Essay Body

    The essay body is the bulk of the text. This is where you describe your topic and make your arguments. The body is where you discuss the main ideas identified in your outline. Each paragraph in the body introduces one new concept or idea. Don’t forget to give each section an introductory sentence and ensure they serve a purpose.

    Explaining the themes and ideas of the essay comes after this introductory sentence. Be sure to back up your claims with credible sources and information. Cite any material you reference or quotes you use according to the assigned essay format.

    Stick to the Word Count

    The desired word count is one of the most essential parts of writing an essay. If your piece comes with a word limit, then make sure that you respect that word count and convey your message in an appropriate number of words. Slight deviations are acceptable, but don’t severely under-write or over-write your essay. Also, avoid repeating information covered in companion pieces, such as a resume. The paper should be brief and written with perfect grammar. Go through the essay and correct grammar and spelling mistakes.

    Write a Conclusion and Proofread the Essay

    Make sure the points of your essay are appropriately organized. Avoid writing too much in the paper, or you risk losing control of the writing. Your essay conclusion summarizes the paper and the main points covered. The conclusion should be no more than five sentences long. Don’t introduce any new ideas during the closing statements. With that said, you can restate your thesis statement. Some people like to write conclusions by restating the introduction. When finished, go through the paper and correct any mistakes or other issues you find.

    Guideline For Writing a 200-Word Essay

    • Create the Plan and Outline. Creating an outline is as vital for a 200-word essay as it is for any other piece. These papers are concise and require an introduction and conclusion and the body. Keep the word count in mind as you put together the outline and ensure each section gets enough attention.
    • Find Some Essay Templates. Check 200-word essay templates and examples. These will help you create your paper by giving you an idea of the format and writing style to use.
    • Explain Ideas. Be sure to explain facts instead of using long quotes. This helps to keep the word count to a minimum.
    • Use Complete But Concise Sentences. Use concise sentences to spread your message without using too many words.
    • Proofread. Proofreading is one of the most essential parts of writing an essay. Proofreading is also the last thing you do after completing the paper. Read through your essay one more time and correct any mistakes you made when writing it. Check for grammar and punctuation errors, typos, punctuation marks, and structural problems to ensure the piece reads smoothly.

    The Key Features of a Short Essay

    • Thesis Statement. The thesis statement is crucial to any essay, no matter how long it is. However, how you formulate that statement can change. This statement should be placed in the first three sentences of the essay. Ensure that your thesis statement appears at the start of the essay.
    • Opening Sentences. Each new paragraph must begin with a topic phrase. Approach the topic sentences from different angles and choose the most persuasive argument to create the most substantial opening sentences in a 200-word essay.
    • Supporting Phrases. Writing such a short essay means ensuring each paragraph has supporting evidence that backs up the main arguments. However, avoid using over-long sentences or wordy facts to save room in the piece. Remove quotes that don’t add to the paper.
    • Conclusion. Cover the thesis statement in the conclusion and provide a summary of the paper.

    How to Reduce Word Count For a 200-Word Essay

    Writing a 200-word essay is a challenge for students and professionals. Summarizing a complex idea in 200 words is a challenge for anyone. One way to approach the issue is to write a longer essay and then remove words to bring it down to 200. If your paper is longer than 200 words, you need to go through it and remove unnecessary words and sentences. Here are some tips on how to reduce the word count in a 200-word essay.

    • Highlight key sentences you need in the essay and remove ones that aren’t.
    • Single out and remove unnecessary words to ensure the essay only contains essential data.
    • Evaluate the essay to see if sentences are connected to your main point or not. Delete any unnecessary sentences.
    • Simplify long and complex sentences into simpler and shorter ones.

    200-Word Essay Examples

    Scholarship Essay Example #1

    Many people who attended college in my area did so using loans. Reliance on student loans is an issue because there are many who can’t afford these loans, cutting them off from higher education. I want this scholarship because I want to achieve both my and my mother’s dream of attending college and studying for a degree.
    I have two siblings attending college already because my mother always wanted us to have a better life than she did. I’ve watched her sell most of her possessions to send my siblings to college and borrow money herself, so they don’t have to. Our father died years ago in a fatal accident.
    These struggles have not stopped me from dreaming of creating a better future. I work harder than anyone else I know. I am dedicated to success, but I don’t have the money to attend college and achieve that success.
    I deserve this scholarship because of the hard work in my education. I have always worked hard to get top grades. I promise to work harder than anyone else to ensure I succeed in college. I eagerly await your response to my application.

    Narrative Essay Example # 2

    The mahogany coffin was covered in rocks and weeds. I was ashamed of myself for sending my brother off so dutifully when I grabbed the shovel. I was ashamed because I hadn’t given him a proper goodbye. As I stood there, shoveling dirt on my brother and letting him go, I had to accept that he was no more. I couldn’t believe that disease could take my beloved one away from me.
    I learned my brother had sickle cell anemia when I was ten years old. I got mad at myself when he died. I couldn’t let go of how I abandoned him by watching TV or playing with friends instead of being with him.
    I threw myself into my education. I wanted to learn everything I could about sickle cell anemia. I promised myself that I would learn and memorize everything I could about the disease.
    Sickle cell anemia is just one small part of a person’s life. Sufferers like my brother are so much more than their disease. I want to become a specialist to help people suffering from sickle cell anemia. I want to provide others with the emotional and physical support I couldn’t give my brother. My work allows me to say goodbye to my brother without forgetting him.

    Essay Example #3

    Friendship is one of the most critical parts of being human. We learn the most essential lessons from our friends. People are shaped by their environment and become the person their friends want them to be.
    There’s no such thing as a friend who will leave you in rough times. Someone who leaves you when you are in trouble is not a real friend. A real friend sticks with you to ensure you are always happy and motivated. They stay with you and help you achieve your goals.
    Friendships also teach us to be loyal to one another. Friendships teach people how to be faithful and have people return that loyalty with their own. Everyone wants loyal companions in their lives. Friendships make people stronger. They test us and show us we can overcome our problems. Sometimes we end up fighting our friends, but we always reconcile and reconnect to friends. This is what it means to become stronger.
    A best friend is someone who will be there during the low times and lift you back up. Our friends are there during the tough times in our life. Friends offer advice and guidance that helps you avoid danger and conflict. A loyal friend is the best thing you could ask for in life.


    Writing a 200-word essay is more complicated than it sounds. We hope you understand how to write such a short essay correctly with our advice. Please don’t hesitate to reach out and contact the best essay writing services if you still need help writing essays of any length, not just 200-word essays.

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    Men`s violence that is directed to women is one of the main public health issues globally. Violence against women has transformed over the past four centuries from being a private affair that is rarely spoken off to an extent where issues of violence against women are discussed openly. According to the United Nations ,violence against women is defined as any act violence that is based upon the gender of an individual  and is likely to result to physical , sexual or mental harm or suffering of a woman (Women, U. N. 2015).Violence against women also involves being threatened, coerced or being denied liberty or basic rights either privately or publicly. WHO indicates that more than 34% of women worldwide have experienced some form of violence (World Health Organization, 2012). Violence against women is mostly caused by intimate partners or is usually sexually based. According to a survey conducted in the year 2013 by WHO through the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in collaboration with the Medical Research Council of South Africa found out that in every three women, one experiences either physical or sexual violence from their partners(Women, U. N. 2015). This paper therefore seeks to establish why decision making on health matters should be made based on critical economic thinking and analysis. Additionally, the paper also discusses ways in which social factors contribute to violence against women and how this can be solved through social-economic programs.

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    According to a special report of Human Rights Commission for violence against women, major strides have been made in the fight to end violence against women (Whitehead et al, 2016). Despite these efforts, mot much has changed and very few women have benefited from these campaigns. The strides have mainly been achieved in countries and areas where women are financially independent. In families and regions where poverty levels of high, a lot needs to be done in order to eradicate gender based violence.Poverty/income inequality is a major  economic factor which is attributed to violence against women. Women represent more than 70% of the people living in poverty worldwide (Dalal, 2011). This means that most women cannot afford their basic needs. According to the WHO, most women continue to work in harsh conditions where they face endless discrimination. The existing socioeconomic and cultural factors have increased vulnerability of women to violence, sexual exploitation and various injustices. Research indicates that men`s violence against women is higher among countries where there is widespread poverty compared to high income countries. According to the research 23.2% of intimate partners in high-income countries experience violence while women violence in low income countries stands at 37.7% (Levy & Sidel, 2013). Violence against women in countries developing nations is at 25.7%. from the above statistics, it is clear that there is a direct relationship between the level of income and violence on women(Levy & Sidel, 2013, p.g 286). One of the ways in which poverty among women has contributed to them being abused is that some men put women at their mercy economically and hence taking advantage of them.More than 35% of women who report violence depend on men financially. (Rahman, Hoque & Makinoda, 2011) Men take advantage of this situation and they physically abuse women even when small domestic issues arise in the family.

    According to (Hughes, Bolis, Fries & Finigan,2015) , many women find that their home is the most dangerous place for them. He explains that this is due to the economic inequality which exists in the society. In today`s society, there are many cases where oppression and discrimination against women is prevailing and women are viewed to be of weaker gender. The society perception on women explains why a man with the same qualifications with a man is more than two times likely to secure a job at the expense of a woman (Hughes et al, 2015).Unemployment among women becomes high and this means that their levels of income are very low.Due to this reason, women end up becoming vulnerable and they get abused. For example, when many women in underdeveloped developed nations find it difficult to secure employment, they end up trying to seek employment in other countries (Jewkes,  Flood & Lang, 2015). The men take advantage of these women`s situation and traffic them to other countries promising to get them jobs elsewhere. Due to poverty and desperation, the women end up getting abused by men as they try to earn a better living(Jewkes et al, 2015). The women are abused both physically and sexually in the hands of men who sometimes end up making them sex slaves. This therefore strengthens the need to economically empower women to solve the public health problem of violence against women.

    Poverty also contributes to the violence experienced by women. This is because, women who are poor find themselves working in very harsh and inhumane working conditions (García-Moreno et al, 2015). They work in this situations in order to make ends meet for the sake of their families. As women work in this harsh environment in occupations mostly occupied by men, they may come across men who are abusive towards women.  The women face discrimination due to their gender and they may end up getting physically abused by men(García-Moreno et al, 2015, P.g 117). These men could be sometimes their workmates or their bosses at the workplace.

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    Research also indicates that poor women are sexually abused by men with a promise of jobs or work-related favors. Other women are coerced by their bosses to engage in sexual acts and failure to accept their advances may lead to them losing their jobs. Additionally, women face high levels of discrimination when it comes to wages. According to DeKeseredy, (2011), there is huge disparity  in income between women working in the same job. A research conducted in US in the year 2018 indicated that most men in the same kind of jobs as women earn more than twice what women in the same positions earn. This discrimination in terms of earning makes women vulnerable to be abused by men.This therefore means that this is a serious public healthcare concern which should be addressed by getting women out of poverty.

    Inequalities in terms of education also contribute to the public health problem of violence against women by men. Inequality in education has rendered women vulnerable to violence which is meted to them by men who are either their husbands or other men in the society (Ghosh, 2012) In many developing countries many women are not offered a chance to go to school and get education. This is partly due to culture as well as misconceptions in certain societies. There are many communities where women are not allowed to go to school and this greatly renders them to poverty due to lack of education (Gupta et al, 2015). When women are deprived of education, it denies them a chance for a better livelihood and it means that they will struggle to earn a decent income. Men therefore take advantage of the poor uneducated women and abuse them both physically and sexually.

    According to Duflo, (2012), various improvements should be taken into consideration for the income levels of women to be improved  to help minimize cases of violence directed towards women. From the previous research, it has been found that poverty among women has contributed to violence against them. One of the ways in which this economic injustice can be addressed is by advocating education of the girl child. In underdeveloped countries, the difference between educated men and women can be as high as 80% (Ellsberg, et al. 2015). Boys go to school while girls are left to do domestic chores at home. Many girls are also married at an early age and hence they end up losing a chance to get quality education. It is therefore critical to address this social-economic issue in order to reduce poverty and reduce cases of violence against women (Ellsberg et al, 2015.P.g447). A lot of resources need to be allocated to carry out awareness campaigns on the need for education of women.when women get quality education, it em,powers them to become independent and hence they become less vulnerable to violence.

    Here’s A Glimpse Of Some Of The Most Crucial Essay Genres We Specialize In:

    Women can improve their income and avoid poverty by  starting their own businesses. Once women are able to establish alternative means of income apart from their salaries, they become financially independent. By becoming financially independent, it becomes difficult for men to take advantage of their economic situation and lure them into situations which exposes the women to all types of violence(Klugman et al, 2014). A woman who is financially independent is less likely to be trafficked unlike a person who is poor.

    It is also critical that discrimination against women at workplace especially in regard to wages is abolished. When women get paid less for the same amount of work as men, there is a likelihood that men will feel superior and this may result to violence against women. Paying the same wages to women as those of men will economically empower women and hence they can be able to support their families even in situations where they decide to leave an abusive marriage (Semahegn & Mengistie, 2015).

    Other ways in which the public health problem of men`s violence against women can be solved includes formation of women support groups. The women support groups could be critical in economic empowerment especially in rural areas in underdeveloped countries (True,2012). The women groups should be supported by the government and non-governmental organizations to help the vulnerable women become financially stable (Klugman et al, 2014). Some of the projects which could be carried by the support groups include;group farming activities and starting small businesses. Awareness campaigns should also be carried out to reduce discrimination and violence against women.


    According to the United Nations defines violence against women as any act violence that is based upon the gender of an individual  and is likely to result to physical , sexual or mental harm or suffering of a woman. Violence against women also involves threats, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty either privately or publicly. According to WHO indicates that about 35% of women globally have experienced violence of any form. Violence on women is contributed by a variety of factors. Some of these factors could be cultural, economical or social problems. The paper begins with an analysis of the impact of low levels of income and poverty contributes to violence against women. Research from various researchers shows that women from families and countries which are poor/underdeveloped are more likely to experience violence. The issue of women receiving lesser wages as compared to men and how this contributes to violence against women has been discussed in this report. This report establishes the need of solving the public health issue of violence against women through critical economic thinking and analysis.

    Here’s A List Of Different Word Count Essay We Specialize In:


    Dalal, K. (2011). Does economic empowerment protect women from intimate partner violence?. Journal of injury and violence research, 3(1), 35.

    DeKeseredy, W. S. (2011). Feminist contributions to understanding woman abuse: Myths, controversies, and realities. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 16(4), 297-302.

    Duflo, E. (2012). Women empowerment and economic development. Journal of Economic literature, 50(4), 1051-79.

    Ellsberg, M., Arango, D. J., Morton, M., Gennari, F., Kiplesund, S., Contreras, M., & Watts, C. (2015). Prevention of violence against women and girls: what does the evidence say?. The Lancet, 385(9977), 1555-1566.

    García-Moreno, C., Zimmerman, C., Morris-Gehring, A., Heise, L., Amin, A., Abrahams, N., … & Watts, C. (2015). Addressing violence against women: a call to action. The Lancet, 385(9978), 1685-1695.

    Gupta, J., Falb, K. L., Lehmann, H., Kpebo, D., Xuan, Z., Hossain, M., … & Annan, J. (2013). Gender norms and economic empowerment intervention to reduce intimate partner violence against women in rural Côte d’Ivoire: a randomized controlled pilot study. BMC international health and human rights, 13(1), 46.

    Hughes, C., Bolis, M., Fries, R., & Finigan, S. (2015). Women’s economic inequality and domestic violence: exploring the links and empowering women. Gender & Development, 23(2), 279-297.

    Jewkes, R., Flood, M., & Lang, J. (2015). From work with men and boys to changes of social norms and reduction of inequities in gender relations: a conceptual shift in prevention of violence against women and girls. The Lancet, 385(9977), 1580-1589.

    Klugman, J., Hanmer, L., Twigg, S., Hasan, T., McCleary-Sills, J., & Santamaria, J. (2014). Voice and agency: Empowering women and girls for shared prosperity. The World Bank.

    Rahman, M., Hoque, M. A., & Makinoda, S. (2011). Intimate partner violence against women: Is women empowerment a reducing factor? A study from a national Bangladeshi sample. Journal of Family Violence, 26(5), 411-420.

    Semahegn, A., & Mengistie, B. (2015). Domestic violence against women and associated factors in Ethiopia; systematic review. Reproductive health, 12(1), 78.

    True, J. (2012). The political economy of violence against women. Oxford University Press.

    Whitehead, M., Pennington, A., Orton, L., Nayak, S., Petticrew, M., Sowden, A., & White, M. (2016). How could differences in ‘control over destiny’lead to socio-economic inequalities in health? A synthesis of theories and pathways in the living environment. Health & place, 39, 51-61.

    Women, U. N. (2015). Progress of the World’ s Women 2015-2016: Transforming Economies, Realizing Rights (No. id: 7688).

    World Health Organization. (2012). Understanding and addressing violence against women: Intimate partner violence (No. WHO/RHR/12.36). World Health Organization.

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    1. How long does it take to write a 200-word essay? 

    Ans: Well, the duration should essentially depend upon a couple of factors. For example, the topic and intricacies associated with the same, proficiency of the student in terms of attempting and concluding a 200- word essay, availability of enough references and ideas, referential clarity, choice of words and phrases, time spent on revision, and the likes. Ideally, writing a 200-word essay should take about an hour or so for students to wrap up. 

    1. How long would it take to create the first draft of a 200-word essay? 

    Ans: The first draft of a 200 — word essay might not be an easy drill for students. The student needs to focus on the primary topic, references needed, research avenues, and ideas that would align well with your 200-word essay subject. So, ideally speaking, the first draft of a 200-word essay should not take more than an hour if the student gets the hang of the essay essentials in the way it is supposed to be. 

    1. If a professor says to write an essay that is 200 words does that mean I can stop at 200?

    Ans: Yes, you can stop at 200 words but always keep an eye out for scopes and opportunities to develop the essay further. If required, you can stretch the essay to a maximum of 250-270 words for the sake of making the essay more credible and referentially accurate in all shapes and forms. 

    1. If I wrote more than 200 words for a 200-word essay, would I get a good grade? 

    Ans: The word count of an essay should not necessarily decide your grade and its parameters. Rather, what would matter in the long run is the fact how enriched the essay is, in terms of textual reference, ideas, insights, and approaches. If the 200 word essay is credible enough, it will automatically fetch you good grades every semester. 

    1. How difficult is it to write a 200-word essay in a day? 

    Ans: Writing a 200-word essay in a day should not be a difficult task. Students simply need to abide by the following suggestions. 

    • Focus on the primary topic 
    • Accumulate all references beforehand 
    • Keep an eye out for unique information, data, ideas, and the like. 
    • Try and explore unique research avenues and ideate how you should go about the essay in a crisp yet impactful manner. 
    1. How to write a 200-word essay in one night?

    Ans: Follow these simple steps to write a 200-word essay in one night. 

    • Start early, preferably in the evening. 
    • Focus on the primary topic. 
    • Consider writing and revising the paper at the same time. 
    • That way, you will be able to save a lot of time in the long run. 
    • Set your own target, fix a deadline, and make it a point to meet the same at any cost. 

    Ideally, writing a 200-word essay in one night should not be a big deal. In case, you would still find things way too complicated to proceed with, lean on the potential of MyAssignmenthelp.com and get your 200-word essay written in a night. 

    1. How to write a good 200-word essay in two weeks? 

    Ans: Here’s how you can write a good 200-word essay in two weeks. 

    • Start early and focus on the primary subject matter. 
    • Keep an eye out for relevant references and useful research slants. 
    • Set your own deadline and make sure to meet the same without fail. 
    • Write daily, refer to good ideas, read good books and learn how to summarize a broader idea in an impactfully concise manner. 

    Ans: Well, in case, you would still find things challenging, you can sign up with MyAssignmenthelp.com in order to seek the right assistance for writing 200 words essay in a week. 

    1. Will my professor be impressed if I write more than 200 words? 

    Ans: You should not ideally cross the mark of 250-270 words for a 200-words essay. If your essay is impressive enough and offers an in-depth insight into the primary topic of the discussion, then your professor will surely be impressed by it. 

    1. How long should an introduction be for a 200-word essay? 

    Ans: An introduction for a 200-words essay should not be more than 50-70 words. 

    1. How long should a conclusion be for a 200-word essay? 

    Ans:  A conclusion for a 200-word essay should ideally be 10% of the overall word count of your essay. 

    1. I have a 200-word essay due. What should I do?

    Ans: You can get in touch with MyAssignmenthelp.com at any time of the day. Our in-house experts are right here, available round the clock to help you overcome the odds of pending essays and more. 

    List Of Few Important Essay Topic

    charlemagne essay Black Boy Essays Psychodynamic Approach Essay Expansionism Essay Those Who Walk Away From Omelas Essay
    sun tzu essay Hamlet Character Essay Descriptive Essay Wiccan Religion Essay White Heron Essay
    grendel essay Ordinary Men Essay Literary Analysis Essay The Birthmark Essay Goethe Faust Essay
    pericles essay Ethan Frome Essay Oresteia Essay Dulce Et Decorum Est Essay Bambara the Lesson Essay
    auteur essay Public Policy Essays Containment Policy Essay Othello Iago Essay Master Harold Essay
    teen sex essay Lucretius Essay Roman Religion Essay Sonnys Blues Essay John Kennedy Essay
    olaudah equiano essay Color of Water Essay Mayan Civilization Essay Overcoming Fear Essay Voodoo Essay
    absolute power corrupts essay Spanish Essay Yeats the Second Coming Essay Nietzsche Essays Garden of Forking Paths Essay
    screwtape letters essay Desiree Baby Essay Robert Hayden Essay American Education System Essay Hurricane Katrina 

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