Everyday use word and sentence

There are some common sentences and words that we use every day from morning activities till tonight. If you are new to English these 100 common English sentences and words we use daily will help you a lot to learn the basic conversation and communication every day.

Sr. # Word Sentence 1. Get up I usually get up at 5 o’clock in the morning. 2. Alarm The alarm went of at 7 o’clock. 3. Bath I’ll have a bath before going to office. 4. Wash I always wash my hair when I get up early in the morning. 5. Exercise How often do you exercise? Exercise in the morning is very
important. 6. Brush We have to brush our teeth twice a day. 7. Toothpaste Could you give the tube of toothpaste please? 8. Comb I drag a comb through my hair before leaving the home. 9. Bag Could you put the book inside my bag mom? 10. Shoe I take my shoes and socks off after coming from school. 11. Sock My mother bought me a pair of socks yesterday. 12. Clock It was ten past six by the clock when I left the home. 13. Because I study English because it is an international language. 14. Morning Morning is a best time for studying. 15. night We are invited as guest in our relative’s home tonight. 16. Afternoon I a computer class in the afternoon. 17. evening What do you do in the evening? 18. Give Please give me your phone once. 19. Come Will you come today afternoon at our home? 20. Go I go to school everyday on time. 21. classroom Where is their classroom she asked the teacher. 22. office He was sent to the office to bring some papers. 23. teacher Could you tell me what your teacher’s name is? 24. duster Our teacher asked me to bring his duster from the office. 25. Marker Our teacher uses different color markers to write on the board. 26. Whiteboard We have a large whiteboard in our classroom. 27. pen I have 12 different color pens in my bag. 28. notebook Could you give your notebook to copy the note? 29. Book I forgot to bring my mathematics book from home today. 30. Now Please bring a glass of water now. 31. then When we did our home homework then went out. 32. people Nowadays we can trust the people easily. 33. take Please take me to the park, he asked his mom. 34. Thing I am fond of sweet things. 35. think What do you think about your future? 36. play What are the student playing now? 37. game Tomorrow we are having game in English period. 38. break Students should not the school roles. 39. breakfast What did you take in your breakfast today? 40. lunch Today we will have our lunch in a restaurant. 41. dinner Don’t take a heavy dinner the teacher advised the students. 42. see Can you see me now? 43. What What are you thinking right now? 44. which Which color do you like the most? 45. How How old are you? 46. many How many brothers and sisters do you have? 47. much How much water do you need? 48. also I learn English also practice it on learn ESL. 49. Have I have a lot of time to do my homework. 50. more Can you give me some more time please? 51. do Do you assignment on time always. 52. has She has a beautiful hand writing. 53. good He is very good in English. 54. should You should learn English on learn ESL web. 55. study What do you study every day. 56. write I have written an article about common English sentences and words. 57. read I am reading common English sentences and words we use daily. 58. speak He is having a good speaking power. 59. start When are we going to start the program? 60. during We are not allowed to eat during the class. 61. place Which place is a nice place for tourists to visit? 62. week What do yo do in the weekend? 63. year I have a lot of new plans for the year 2019. 64. thanks Thanks to the teacher who helped me. 65. welcome The teacher was welcomed by the students. 66. small We has a small garden at our school. 67. big We want to buy a big house next year. 68. Medium A medium size shirt will fit him. 69. change I need to change my clothes before going to the party. 70. shop Is there any shop near here? 71. market You need to go to the market for a shopping. 72. size What size are you asking for? Asked the shopkeeper. 73. Internet Internet is a good source of information. 74. Phone Which is the best phone of the year 2018, Note 9 or iPhone 10? 75. computer Everyone needs a computer to study on it. 76. table Could you put the cloth on the table please? 77. glass Could you bring me a glass of water? 78. plate We need two more plates please. 79. spoon How many spoon do you need? 80. bread We don’t take bread in our dinner. 81. cupboard They have a lot of furniture in their cupboard. 82. Light Recently the light went off. 83. car My father goes to work in his car. 84. television Don’t forget to turn off the television when you go to bed. 85. school You have to get up early in the morning for your school. 86. Show A big show is going to be held tonight in the park. 87. activity We have different activities in our school daily. 88. piece I need a piece of cloth to clean my car. 89. door Please close the door when leaving. 90. window My mother is cleaning the windows of our home everyday. 91. Shut Shut the windows, it’s cold outside. 92. close I forgot to close the door of the office. 93. open My father is going to open a new account. 94. washroom A room with attached washroom. 95. bedroom I am relaxing in my bedroom after coming from school. 96. bathroom I keep clean my bathroom. 97. Kitchen They have decorated their kitchen. 98. cloth Change your cloth when cooking. 99. shirt I wear a white shirt when going to the office. 100. trouser My mother is mending my trouser.

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everyday versus every day

What’s the Difference Between Everyday and Every day?


  • 1 What’s the Difference Between Everyday and Every day?
  • 2 Using Everyday in a Sentence
  • 3 Using Every Day in a Sentence
  • 4 Remembering Everyday vs. Every day
  • 5 Outside Examples
  • 6 Quiz: Every day vs. Everyday
  • 7 Article Summary

Everyday and every day have the same meaning but they are different parts of speech. This means that they have different grammatical rules and can never be interchanged.

Everyday is an adjective that describes something that occurs daily.

  • The toddler’s screaming fits were an everyday occurrence, unfortunately.

Every day is a noun phrase. It means each day.

  • The athlete runs every day from 8AM to 9AM.

Now, let’s go over a few ways to use this word and phrase correctly.

Using Everyday in a Sentence

When to use everyday: Everyday is an adjective that describes an event that occurs daily.

For example,

  • These shoes aren’t anything special. I use them as my everyday pair.
  • It’s common to see cardinals in my backyard. In fact, it’s an everyday occurrence.

There are some common expressions and collocations that use everyday:

  • everyday life: normal life with nothing out of the ordinary
    • Most people don’t experience emergencies in their everyday life. Rather, emergencies occur rarely.
  • everyday activities: activities that happen daily
    • Soccer is an everyday activity in this household. On the days the kids don’t have practice, they play with their neighbors in the backyard.
  • everyday use: able to be used on a daily basis
    • This washing machine wasn’t designed for everyday use. It broke before we even had it for one year.

In addition to meaning daily, everyday can also refer to days that aren’t special. This means, for example, days that aren’t holidays.

Using Every Day in a Sentence

When to use every day: Every day is a noun phrase that is synonymous with each day.

For example,

  • It is important to drink eight cups of water every day.
  • If you stay in bed too long every day you will start to lose your health.

Every day
gives information about time. When it acts as a descriptor of the time it usually appears at the beginning or end of a clause, rather than the middle:

  • I run every day and sleep every night. (at the end of the clause I run)
  • Every day, the sun rises and she wakes up to go to school. (at the beginning of the clause the sun rises)

This usage shows every day functioning as an adverb phrase.

Remembering Everyday vs. Every day

There is one easy way to remember which word to use and when.

Remember that every day is synonymous with each day. Both of these expressions consist of two different words.

Whenever you are unsure of whether to use everyday or every day, try substituting the expression each day. If it makes sense, use every day. If it looks or sounds wrong, you should use everyday.

Outside Examples

  • In our everyday encounters, how we respond to others is determined by how we respond to them emotionally. Verbal cues — the words we string together in spoken utterances — are only part of the story. –New York Post
  • Designers have churned out deceptively simple pieces to solve everyday problems. Although these introductions firmly embrace utility, they maintain a refreshing air of flair and whimsy. –Denver Post
  • “I drink water all day. Between water and food, it’s driving me crazy,” Snyder said. “They give me X-number bottles of water every day, and I’ve had more water in the last four months than I’ve ever had in my entire life. I’ve also had more food placed in front of me in the same time period.” –The Washington Post
  • I wake up every day and say, ‘I’m grateful to have a chance to play. I’m healthy. And just let it fall into place. –Houston Chronicle

Quiz: Every day vs. Everyday

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the correct word or phrase, either every day or everyday, in the correct form.

  • If you want to do a good job on the standardized test it is very important to study __________________.
  • She screams ___________________ for incomprehensible reasons because she is grumpy and tired all the time.
  • This car was designed for ________________ use. It can withstand all types of weather and bad road conditions, as well as higher than average daily distances.
  • She wasn’t surprised when her boss yelled at her for no reason. On the contrary, this was an __________________ occurrence.
  • Waking up early, drinking a kale smoothie, and doing 100 situps and 50 pushups was all part of his ___________________ routine.

See answers below.

Article Summary

Should I use everyday or every day? The two spellings sound the same and have the same meaning. However, they are different parts of speech, so they follow different grammatical rules.

  • Everyday is an adjective that describes something that happens daily.
  • Every day is an adjective and noun together that form a phrase. Usually this phrase functions as an adverb. Use it anytime you could use each day.

Understanding the grammar of both everyday and every day can help you keep them each straight.


  • every day
  • every day
  • everyday
  • everyday
  • everyday

Hello students, today in this lesson, we have brought to you daily use English sentences that can be used in your daily life routine at home or school.

These English sentences will enhance your spoken English, and If you are at the beginner level, these sentences will surely be helpful for you.

daily use english sentences

English Sentences Used in Daily Life

  1. Good morning!
  2. Good day to you, Sir!
  3. He is still not well.
  4. well done! Keep it up!
  5. I will call you later.
  6. I will catch you soon.
  7. Please give me your hand.
  8. Get out of my sight.
  9. I did not understand.
  10. What do you mean?
  11. What are you talking about?
  12. Could you stay away from my stuff?
  13. I am sorry.
  14. I am feeling tired today
  15. It’s none of your business.
  16. I don’t know. 
  17. We both like each other.
  18. Come quickly.
  19. Talk to you later.
  20. Thank You very much.
  21. What is your problem?
  22. Can I ask you something?
  23. It was nice meeting you.
  24. How are you?
  25. What is going on?
  26. What are your likes and dislikes?
  27. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  28. What can I do for you?
  29. Will you please help me with this?
  30. This is not a joke.
  31. Stop kidding.
  32. What is happening here?
  33. Everything is fine.
  34. Did you get my point?
  35. What do you want from me?
  36. How old are you?
  37. Where is your office?
  38. Get ready to go to school.
  39. I will try my level best.
  40. Are you joining us?
  41. I am very pleased to meet you.
  42. You are my responsibility.
  43. This is not fair.
  44. What are you doing today?
  45. Please say something.
  46. I will come again.
  47. What would you like to have?
  48. Thank you for inviting us.
  49. It’s my pleasure.
  50. Thank you for the advice.
  51. Many happy returns of the day.
  52. Happy birthday!
  53. I wish you a happy married life.
  54. Please be seated.
  55. I’m on my way.
  56. When will you reach?
  57. Nice to meet you.
  58. Is everything alright?
  59. Hope to see you next time.
  60. Do you speak English?
  61. You are getting late for school.
  62. I missed my school bus.
  63. Who is your class teacher?
  64. Please clean the board.
  65. Read the sentences carefully.
  66. What is your favorite subject?
  67. Who is your favorite teacher?
  68. I have completed my homework.
  69. Improve your handwriting.
  70. Why are you late?
  71. What is your contact number?
  72. Could you show me your answer sheet?
  73. I appreciate it.
  74. Do you agree with me?
  75. Do you know what I mean?
  76. It was nice to talk with you.
  77. I made it.
  78. I feel sad about your loss.
  79. Let’s celebrate!
  80. What do you like the most?
  81. Do not disturb!
  82. Try to open this door.
  83. I read books.
  84. I do not want to know anything.
  85. Drive carefully.
  86. I love to play video games.
  87. Go slow from the crowd.
  88. This is your updated version.
  89. The sun rises from the east.
  90. We cook everyday
  91. Daily exercise makes you fit and healthy.
  92. Have a nice day.
  93. Excuse me!
  94. Stop crying.
  95. Are you fooling me?
  96. Could you give me some money?
  97. Girls do not want to stay in the gum.
  98. She wakes early in the morning.
  99. He sleeps in the afternoon.
  100. How can I help you?

English Conversation Sentences

  1. Good Morning!
  2. Hello Uncle!
  3. May God bless you!
  4. How are you?
  5. Excuse me.
  6. I am sorry!
  7. It’s my pleasure.
  8. That is alright.
  9. What is going on?
  10. Everything is fine.
  11. I am on the way.
  12. Do you speak English?
  13. What are you doing?
  14. Anything else?
  15. Stop Kidding!
  16. Please keep quiet!
  17. Pleased to meet you!
  18. Bye, See you again!
  19. As you, please.
  20. How dare you say that!
  21. Can you please repeat that?
  22. Hurrah! I won!
  23. What an idea!
  24. Thanks for this honor.
  25. No, not at all.
  26. That is too much.
  27. Doesn’t matter.
  28. Walk slowly.
  29. Mind your own business.
  30. Think before you speak.

Daily use of English Sentences in Home

  1. I love you, mummy.
  2. Could you bring me a glass of water?
  3. Leave me alone.
  4. I will get up early in the morning.
  5. She is not my cousin’s sister.
  6. Where is the father?
  7. They are my friends.
  8. I am going to the playground.
  9. It is very hot today. Isn’t it?
  10. I want more money.
  11. I am sick.
  12. I remember everything.
  13. Have a heart.
  14. Don’t cut jokes.
  15. Did you miss your bus?
  16. I missed my school bus.
  17. I just made it
  18. I love to play video games.
  19. I apologize.
  20. Thank you, mummy, bye.

Simple English Sentences for Daily Use

  1. God bless you.
  2. I do not understand.
  3. Whatever he says is not true.
  4. Don’t be so childish.
  5. Read the sentences carefully.
  6. That’s so kind of you.
  7. It’s none of your business.
  8. I beg your pardon.
  9. I’m at the office.
  10. His words have weight.
  11. Would you please speak slowly?
  12. What are you doing?
  13. Rod is the logic of fools.
  14. A crease is formed on the cloth.
  15. I shall reach by the 5.30 train.
  16. What are you doing today?
  17. It’s very thoughtful of you.
  18. The temperature will come down tomorrow.
  19. Have a good trip.
  20. Do you understand me?
  21. What nonsense!
  22. You are my responsibility.
  23. How can I go to the town center?
  24. He has a nasal accent.
  25. Can I ask you something?
  26. I am busy at the moment.
  27. The soil of that place is fertile.
  28. Who is your favorite teacher?
  29. How old are you?
  30. Hurry up! otherwise, you will miss the train.

Spoken English Sentences Everyday

  1. How was your weekend?
  2. What do you want?
  3. Please write down this address.
  4. No, I don’t want.
  5. It is a strange thing.
  6. Could you show me your answer sheet?
  7. I’m sorry to interrupt you.
  8. Will you go there or shall I?
  9. How can I go to the city?
  10. Do me a favor.
  11. I like fairly hot tea.
  12. Is everything alright?
  13. Can you turn the volume up?
  14. What do you think?
  15. What did you succeed in?
  16. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  17. Your name is on the list.
  18. Not the least!
  19. What is going on?
  20. The advantages of this are many.
  21. A lovely day, isn’t it?
  22. That’s so kind of you.
  23. Where is your office?
  24. You’re driving too fast.
  25. Have a good weekend.
  26. I don’t like long talks.
  27. I have completed my homework.
  28. I’m on a diet
  29. He tells a lie.
  30. Who is your class teacher?

Daily use of English Sentences for Students

  1. May I go out, please?
  2. After lunch, we will go to the library.
  3. Could you give me a pen?
  4. May I come in sir?
  5. Good evening teacher.
  6. Can I go to the toilet?
  7. Mam, I haven’t done my homework.
  8. Sorry, for being late.
  9. Who is your class teacher?
  10. You will not be able to deal with him.
  11. Did you get my point?
  12. I have a lot to talk about.
  13. Please clean the board.
  14. Please come as soon as possible.
  15. How are you today?
  16. Is the last lesson in English?
  17. I am sorry, I didn’t hear.
  18. Do you have a stapler?
  19. I don’t understand.
  20. May, I have a pencil, please?

Daily use English Sentences for Teachers

  1. Good morning everybody!
  2. Let’s begin our lesson now.
  3. Put your books away.
  4. Prepare the next chapter for Tuesday.
  5. Please clean the board.
  6. Why are you late?
  7. Are you lying?
  8. Don’t abuse him.
  9. Are the books put in the bag?
  10. Please sharpen the pencil.
  11. Our school has a clean floor.
  12. Who is your teacher?

Simple English Sentences for Students

  1. Talk to you later.
  2. I will try my level best.
  3. I cannot agree with your opinions.
  4. Well done! Keep it up!
  5. Anything else?
  6. Stop making such a noise!
  7. Walk carefully.
  8. Go slow from the crowd.
  9. How do you feel?
  10. I am very strict on this matter.
  11. I am busy at the moment.
  12. It has to be done.
  13. What is your favorite subject?
  14. All my calculations went wrong.
  15. He scored a goal in the match.
  16. Drive carefully.
  17. Forgive me!
  18. God bless you!
  19. Do not disturb!
  20. Come what may!

Daily use of English Sentences for Child

  1. Get up early.
  2. Go and play.
  3. Listen to me.
  4. Do you have any homework?
  5. Have your breakfast.
  6. What’s going on?
  7. Comb your hair.
  8. You may fall down.
  9. Enjoy yourself.
  10. See you next time.
  11. I am Hungry.
  12. Wash your face.
  13. Respect your elders.
  14. Take a bite.
  15. Listen to me.
  16. don,t be afraid.
  17. Turn off the light.
  18. Go ahead.
  19. Turn on the light.
  20. Prepare the bed.

Small Sentences for child

  1. It’s ok.
  2. I agree.
  3. Get up.
  4. Ask me.
  5. Try again.
  6. So I do.
  7. Wake up.
  8. All right
  9. Bring it.
  10. Drink water.

Read Also:

  1. Simple sentences for kids
  2. Common questions and answers

Learn English The Fun WayFun & Easy Way to Learn English

The Most Common English Sentences Used in Daily Life with audio. Learn these English phrases to communicate in English effortlessly. Learn every sentence and apply them to your daily English conversations.

365 Common English Sentences Used In Daily LifePin

All 365 English phrases and sentences for your daily life are chosen from our everyday English conversations These sentences will surely assist you with speaking and listening to English. These sentences can improve your English speaking ability by 100 percent.

Above are some typical English phrases that are used in everyday life. English speaking and everyday conversations will help you communicate with your friends confidently. These sentences are among the most popular English phrases used daily. After you have read all these sentences and memorizing them, you are able to use them in your daily conversations to improve your everyday English speaking skills by using these sentences.

If you want to download all of these Common English Sentences lessons, just leave your email in the comment. We will send them to you!

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The SUCCESS clothing is suitable both for everyday use and for special occasions.

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leaving skin feeling supple, softer, and younger.

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оставляет ощущение упругой, мягкой и молодой кожи.

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The line consists of the shampoo for everyday use, hair mask and serum.

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They do sometimes create simple, unobtrusive ornamental objects for everyday use.

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Well protects against scratches and dirt during everyday use.

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Results: 223,
Time: 0.0324





The words everyday vs every day can get confusing in the English language because they sound identical in spoken language.

When two words or phrases sound the same in spoken English, choosing the right word is challenging for writers. This is the case with the word “everyday” and “every day.” This guide will break down everyday vs. every day so you can make the right choice over which one to use in your writing.

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  • Everyday vs Every Day – What Are the Differences?
  • Use Each to Determine Correct Usage
  • Try the Single Test
  • The Final Word on Everyday vs Every Day
  • Author

Everyday vs Every Day – What Are the Differences?

Everyday vs every day which is right-FB

“Every day” and “everyday” are not just alternative spellings for the same word, but they are different parts of speech with different meanings. “Everyday” as a single word is an adjective to describe nouns and pronouns. “Every day” is an adverbial phrase that starts a phrase that describes verbs, adjectives or other adverbs.

Using “Everyday” Correctly

“Everyday” as a single word is an adjective. It means:

  • Commonplace
  • Usual
  • Suitable to use daily or for ordinary days

Use this word in a sentence when modifying a noun. It often appears before the noun or near it in some way. Here are some examples:

  • Everyday clothes
  • Everyday activity
  • Everyday conversation
  • Everyday dishes
  • Everyday shoes

Example Sentences Using the Word Everyday

In the English language, seeing different parts of speech used properly can help solidify the concept for writers and readers. These sentences use “everyday” as an adjective every time:

  • When I do my everyday chores, my house looks much tidier.

The everyday dishes would be fine for this party instead of the holiday dishes.

  • He slipped the fact that he was published in The Washington Post into everyday conversation on a regular basis.

In each of these sentences, the adjective “everyday” describes the word coming right after. Because it is an adjective, the one-word form is the correct form of the word.

Using Every Day Correctly

The two-word phrase “every day” is an adverb. This means the phrase is a modifier for verbs, adjectives and other adverbs.  

“Every day” can also show up as a noun and adjective, such as if the writer is referring literally to every day of the week. In this case, the phrase actually uses two different words in two different parts of speech. The first word, “every,” is an adjective to describe the noun “day.”  

Example Sentences of the Adverbial Phrase Every Day

Seeing this phrase used correctly helps solidify the idea. Most often, “every day” describes verbs. Though technically adverbial phrases can modify adjectives and adverbs, this rarely happens because “every day” refers to timing, and timing is typically connected to verbs.

These examples use the adverbial phrase “every day” correctly to describe a verb:

  • I take a walk every day to help me stay fit. (Describes when you walk.)
  • The birds visit my bird feeder every day first thing in the morning. (Describes when they visit.)
  • Every day, the young man looked forward to returning home to his wife and baby. (Describes when the young man looked forward.)

Example Sentences of Every Day Used as an Adjective and Noun

In these sentences, “every day” is not modifying a noun, adjective or adverb, and thus it is not an adverbial phrase. Instead, it is the adjective “every” describing the word “day” used as a noun. These are also correct uses of “every day:”

  • After nearly dying in a car crash, the young woman vowed to make every day count.
  • Every day is a chance to wake up and enjoy life.

These sentences technically do not use “every day” as an adverbial phrase, but they are still correct according to grammar rules.

Use Each to Determine Correct Usage

If you find the everyday vs. every day question confusing still, one simple way to check your usage is to substitute “each” for “every.” If the sentence makes sense with the word “each,” then you need the two-word phrase. If it does not, then you need the single-word.

Here is an example:

  • Each day I come home at 5:00 in the evening.

This would mean the same thing if you said:

  • Each day I come home at 5:00 in the evening.

Thus, the two-word phrase is correct. Similarly:

  • Johnathan wanted a pair of shoes for everyday use.

In this case, it would not make sense to use each, so “everyday” is correct. For example:

  • Johnathan wanted a pair of shoes for each day use.

Try the Single Test

Everyday vs every day

One way to test the correct use of these words is with the word “single”

Another way to test the correct use of these words is with the word “single.” If you can add “single” in-between “every” and “day” then you need to use the two-word version. For example:

  • You need to eat healthy every day to make a difference in your diet.

Can also read,

  • You need to eat healthy every single day to make a difference in your diet.


  • You need to add more veggies to your everyday diet.

Compared to

  • You need to add more veggies to your every single day diet.

Does not work.  

The Final Word on Everyday vs Every Day

“Everyday” is an adjective and almost always comes right next to a noun. “Every day” is an adverbial phrase or an adjective and a noun. Most of the time ti describes when the action of the verb takes place. The easiest way to distinguish between these two commonly misused words is with the word “each.” if you can substitute “each” for “every,” then you need to two-word option. If not, then you need the single-word option.

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  • Nicole Harms has been writing professionally since 2006. She specializes in education content and real estate writing but enjoys a wide gamut of topics. Her goal is to connect with the reader in an engaging, but informative way. Her work has been featured on USA Today, and she ghostwrites for many high-profile companies. As a former teacher, she is passionate about both research and grammar, giving her clients the quality they demand in today’s online marketing world.

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into trivia and the minutiae of everyday life

There were a few dirt legs that wore their everyday jeans and such, but

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He knew where everything may be found and put hand to whether it was the everyday tools of the trade, or the paperwork for the administration of those activities

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‘In such a state we are above everyday

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I think it would be better to send it with your other things to Michigan and just bring the essential wear everyday you on the plane

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But his camouflage was everyday attire: hat, boots, and all

Everyday I shed tears

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supplements stresses that you need you supplement your diet in this pill form; however it is best to receive these nutrients through everyday foods and not from supplements

news of everyday about all sorts of thieves and

Everyday that goes by, reduces the chance that they will still be

smile at them everyday, chances are by next week, they shall have

To dream about time indicates your fears of not being able to cope with the pressures and stresses of everyday life

Learning a skill in isolation is not only non-productive, but also non-motivating; so making the connection between math problems and everyday situations is essential – making change, figuring out how much allowance needs to be saved to purchase a toy truck, or measuring a patio to decide where to place a new outdoor rug

Story problems in the classroom help; but children need you to reinforce those skills in everyday, hands-on activities so they can understand how to transfer information from one place to another to make them real – otherwise, story problems remain just stories

Being in the moment allows you to break free of the limits of your everyday way of thinking

The wooden partitions contained carved reliefs depicting various scenes from everyday life

[88] Meditation can be a way of recharging your spiritual batteries so that you can better deal with your everyday life

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For a little while, you leave your everyday cares behind and go to visit a wonderful place

His collection? Clearly, in the Professor’s little fantasy world, the simplest everyday objects could be misinterpreted as something marvellous and strange

A person who can focus attention at will, and thereby control the content of consciousness, and who can concentrate on a task for as long as it takes to complete it, usually enjoys everyday life

Yes indeed! Away with everyday traffic jams, be gone tiresome railway waiting rooms and congested bus terminals, with DOCTOR GLORIA PLANKTON’s new flying course it’s Hello Blue Skies as you soar gracefully through the heavens like something that soars gracefully through the heavens quite a lot

Alistair’s face looked like it should — the real ugliness beneath the thin veneer of the everyday

was asking myself that life changing question everyday

After all, there are enough concerns about everyday life

“I want us to do this I live with death everyday just like you and I want a chance at some life with the boy I love can you understand that?” I kissed her softly and every bit of love I felt for her was in it I did not touch her nor did she touch me

I saw my everyday employment as a way to pay my bills

Things were really bad now and I might have gone completely round the bend if it hadn’t been for the Countess Yvette she came everyday and we talked about everything and she was true to her word and her cook now fed me meals fit for a king

“Your grave will be tended as long as my family lives in the village and I will visit your grave everyday until the time comes when we meet again” and having said this she turned and called the guard to open the door

We will continue to hold teron everyday to preserve our life force

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“He worked out hard everyday

My everyday selling and office

Thus they had an unspoken, tacit agreement: the Mayor gave grand speeches and made bold promises every once in a while, while Forgo got to do what he wanted without too much intrusion, yet dealt with the everyday problems in the village

‖ The Conservative Movement, I believe, has yet to fully recognize the vast pool of potential converts, people who are principle conservatives in their everyday lives yet are seemingly unable to define themselves politically because their values are not being properly reinforced by the ―mainstream‖ media or are not being ―targeted‖ by conservative groups, including members of the Hispanic and African American communities, who, aside from their voting ―habits‖, are otherwise socially conservative in many respects

In view of the fact that vehicular congestion on our major highways, especially during commuter rush ―hour,‖ understood as falling between the hours of three and eight at night, has become a common, everyday event that seldom seems to vary, why not simply pre-record radio (traffic) advisory updates, revising them every so often whenever some unlikely event should happen to occur such as the miraculous absence of traffic!

Indexing is one of those Microsoft features that is good in theory and not so good when the theory is tested by everyday life

For the wicked increase in their iniquity everyday,

A mere contact with terrorists was not seen as much of an emergency but an everyday occurrence

Your family will follow bringing order even in the midst of the everyday challenges and the extraordinary challenges

Suicide to escape everyday problems though is prohibited by the Holy Koran and frowned upon as is with most religions

My failure to write sooner shows how getting caught up in everyday life overshadows the responsibility we all have in voicing our objections against mixed-messages that fail to instill proper meaning to words like Character

Most survivors tell me that they were busy with everyday life and the next moment all hell broke loose

It‘s a necessary diversion that draws our attention away from the stressful anxieties associated with our everyday lives

I was never afraid to eat out by myself after that – everyday dining paled by comparison

The authorities had no option but to respond in kind, and within a few short months of enactment of the new measures, the sight of truckloads of police officers toting automatic weapons became an everyday occurrence

Even everyday words weren’t safe, and it was obvious that this woman did not grow up on the planet Earth

Yes, absolutely, it’s influencing everyday behavior in a non-labeled and non-deliberate way

At this time of need with an uprising boiling right under her feet and the child almost on its way, what should she do? Run away, fearing for their lives everyday? Never knowing who to trust, with war raging throughout the Territories? No, she decided that that would be foolish

There is little that is more terrifying than the everyday becoming hostile and unfamiliar and such was the effect of this presence which had set foot in his bedroom

theories of motion are still used to predict the motions of everyday objects

Their grief seemed to paralyze his younger brothers, who turned to him more and more for the everyday decisions necessary in the operations of their household

A moment later he was peeking through the window blinds; he looked at the garden plaza and saw the same, tiny swarm of men that he saw everyday

The horse, translator of power and motive force, both before as well as in his day, was as ubiquitous in his vision as it was in the hierarchy of power in his time, while today we deal regularly in multiples of that force applicator in our everyday life situations

Her view is that many modern Thais, whilst they are Buddhist, don’t actually put the teachings into practice in their everyday lives

“The book’s title refers to the idea that our emotional states are themselves examples of what Minsky dubs ‘ways to think,’” Shapiro offers, as he continues quoting Minsky: “‘…general methods of problem-solving that our brains use to tackle the tasks of everyday life…Rather than being impediments to reasoning,’ Minsky argues, ‘emotions can actually help us to focus our attention in ways that are relevant to our immediate goals…They do this by changing the “resources,” or processes, that our brains use at any given moment

The statistics always exhibits its cruel numbers and the press registers its misfortunes everyday

But today the everyday itinerary of the world seems to rest upon the “broad backs” of the minions of these new ideas, but still the aged patriarch insists that his wisdom of the ages be given the respect that longevity deserves

and learning to trust Him everyday (even the oatmeal days) as i did

The phone was ringing off the hook everyday

For philosophical discussion purposes, we will look at the aspect of time that we function in as everyday living individuals

keep the flow of promotional material and sales pitches out of her everyday inbox, plus

Everyday it’s the sunrise

Here are “Everyday” Tips You Can Use “Every Day”

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“Everyday” and “every day” are not interchangeable. We’ll explain the difference between these two words and teach you how to use them correctly.

Everyday vs every day. Learn the difference.

“Everyday” is one word, whereas “every day” is a two-word phrase.
What is the difference between “everyday” and “every day”?
  • Everyday is an adjective that means “used or seen daily,” “ordinary” or “commonplace” (e.g., I brought my everyday clothing). Every day is a two-word adverb phrase that means “each day” or “daily” (e.g., We read every day).

If you find yourself asking, “Is it everyday or every day?,” you aren’t alone. Many people use these words incorrectly. It comes down to this: if you do something every day, it becomes an everyday habit. Still puzzled? Don’t worry. Below, we’ll elaborate on what these words mean, and show you a trick to remember how to use them correctly every day.

How To Use “Everyday”

Everyday is a single word that means “encountered daily,” “used routinely,” or “commonplace.”  It’s an adjective, which means it describes or modifies nouns.

My mom told me to pack my everyday shoes for our upcoming vacation.

In this example sentence, everyday modifies the noun shoes. Everyday is synonymous with ordinary or usual. Therefore, the example sentence above has the same message as:

My mom told me to pack my usual shoes for our upcoming vacation.

Other words you can use in place of everyday are:

  • standard
  • routine
  • ordinary

Here are some more examples of everyday used in a sentence:

Everyday tasks can become monotonous.

My grandma prided herself in coming up with easy, everyday recipes.

One of the most important things my mentor taught me is not to stress over minor, everyday problems.

How To Use “Every Day”

Every is an adjective, while day is a noun. Together, they make a two-word adverb phrase that means “daily” or “each day.” Whereas the adjective everyday usually comes before a noun, the adverb phrase every day is typically seen after a verb.

My teammates and I practice every day.

In the sentence above, practice is the verb that is getting modified.

Here are a few more examples of every day in a sentence:

Fortunately, my mom doesn’t make me do chores every day.

Mr. Lewis assigns homework every day.

Every day, Mr. Whiskers waits by the door until my husband gets home.

How To Remember When To Use “Everyday” and “Every Day”

We get it. The similarities between everyday and every day mean they are easy to confuse.  There are two simple tests to make sure you’re using the correct word.

The first is to replace the word in question with each day. If it still makes sense, then every day is the word you want to use.

They feed the ducks by the lake every day.

They feed the ducks by the lake each day.

Both sentences above make sense.

We were discussing everyday scenarios.

We were discussing each day scenarios.

Here, the last sentence isn’t grammatically correct, and therefore you would know that the word you should use is everyday.

Another test you can use is to add the word “single” between every and day.

We talked on the phone every day after school.

We talked on the phone every single day after school.

Because every single day makes sense in the sentence above, then every day is the correct option to use.

I was told to consider my everyday habits before I make my decision.

I was told to consider my every single day habits before I make my decision.

Using every single day in the sentence above doesn’t fit as well, so you would know to use everyday instead.

Even if you’re acutely aware of the differences between two words, typos happen every day. It’s better to play it safe by using LanguageTool as your writing assistant. Not only will it correct spelling and grammar mistakes as you type, but it will also provide synonyms and offer stylistic improvements.

Use Everyday in a sentence. How to use the word Everyday in a sentence? Sentence examples with the word Everyday. Sentence for Everyday.

Use Everyday in a Sentence - How to use "Everyday" in a sentence

Source: pixabay.com

Examples of Everyday in a sentence

  1. Everyday life changes every day.
  2. Learning occurs naturally, everyday!
  3. She uses a variety of everyday objects in her art.
  4. I used the “N” word, antisemitic, homophobic, racist language everyday.
  5. Elizabeth listened with rapture to everyday incidents of family life.
  6. Valentine hearts beat more passionately than everyday hearts.
  7. The word ‘everyday‘ belongs to two parts of speech: adjective and noun.
  8.  Specifically, the digital redesign of broad categories of everyday living.
  9. Zora Hurston once stated that happiness is nothing but everyday living seen through a veil.
  10. With Dayli, we’re taking the guesswork out and making it easy to add whole food nutrition to your everyday.
  11. Boston reporter Juliana Mazza proved that we can all be everyday heroes—all it takes is our wits and a little bit of luck.
  12. Shilpi Samson is an Indian artist who makes funny yet relatable comics featuring everyday life situations under the name of ‘Survive office doodles.’
  13. Misogyny, the term used to describe societal inequity, is evidenced by many everyday things, like the gendered wage gap, pink tax, lack of women in positions of power, and the unmistakable influence of patriarchy penetrating every level of our lives, from households to politics.
  14. Just a car stopped,–a great plain, clumsy everyday electric car, and from the front platform of it a girl with a suitcase in one hand, a hat box in the other, and goodness-knows-what tucked under one elbow, jumped down into the mud.
  15. Good heavens, how would a fine gentleman appear if obliged to knock but once at the door of a fashionable lady to whose party he had been invited, while at the same moment a number of his everyday friends, passing by, might observe the circumstance!

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