Every word that she wants

На данной странице находятся лексико-грамматические упражнения с ответами по английскому языку из учебника Spotlight 10 из раздела Progress Check 1.

Exercise 1. Fill in: dishonest, aggressive, patient, jealous, selfish, mean, caring, loyal, moody, trusting.
Упражнение 1. dishonest, aggressive, patient, jealous, selfish, mean, caring, loyal, moody, trusting.


1. You are just too ___! You shouldn’t believe everything people tell you!
2. She is so ___. She only thinks of herself!
3. Thanks for your support. You’re such a(n) ___ friend.
4. John is happy one minute and sad the next. He’s so ___.
5. Lee can be very ___ at times. I thought he was going to hit you.
6. I know the queue is long, but we must be ___ and wait our turn.
7. Violet is so helpful. She’s a(n) ___ person.
8. Bill always says unkind things to me. He’s so ___.
9. Every word that comes out of her mouth is a lie. She is a very ___ person.
10. Stop being ___. You can’t have it all for yourself.

1. You are just too trusting! You shouldn’t believe everything people tell you! – Ты слишком доверчив! Тебе не стоит верить всему, что люди говорят тебе.
2. She is so selfish. She only thinks of herself! – Она такая эгоистичная. Она думает только о себе!
3. Thanks for your support. You’re such a loyal friend. – Спасибо за твою поддержку. ТЫ такой верный друг.
4. John is happy one minute and sad the next. He’s so moody. – Джон в одну минуту счастлив, в другую – печален. Он так легко поддается сменам настроения.
5. Lee can be very aggressive at times. I thought he was going to hit you. – Временами Ли может быть очень агрессивным. Я думал, что он вот-вот ударит тебя.
6. I know the queue is long, but we must be patient and wait our turn. – Я знаю, что очередь длинная, но мы должны быть терпеливы и ждать нашей очереди.
7. Violet is so helpful. She’s a caring person. – Виолетта такая любезная. Она заботливый человек.
8. Bill always says unkind things to me. He’s so mean. Билл всегда говорит мне злые вещи. Он такой злобный.
9. Every word that comes out of her mouth is a lie. She is a very dishonest person. – Каждое слово из ее уст – это лoжь. Она очень нечестный человек.
10. Stop being jealous. You can’t have it all for yourself. – Хватит завидовать. Ты не можешь иметь все.

Exercise 2. Fill in: window, the great, top, mobile, grab, hit, shopping, extreme, brand, all-time.
Упражнение 2. Вставьте: window, the great, top, mobile, grab, hit, shopping, extreme, brand, all-time.


1. ___ centres
2. ___ favourite
3. ___ names
4. ___ shopping
5. ___ sports
6. ___ a bite
7. ___ the shops
8. ___ designers
9. ___ phones
10. ___ outdoors

1. shopping centres – торговые центры
2. all-time favourite – любимый во все времена
3. brand names – бренды, торговые марки
4. window shopping – рассматривание витрин
5. extreme sports – экстремальные виды спорта
6. grab a bite – перекусить
7. hit the shops – опустошать магазины
8. top designers – топ дизайнеры
9. mobile phones – мобильные телефоны
10. the great outdoors – отличная улица

Exercise 3. Put the verbs in the correct present tense.
Упражнение 3. Поставьте глагол в правильное настоящее время.


1. I (save) my money for three weeks now. I’ve almost got enough.
2. (you/see) the new King Kong film yet?
3. Hurry up, Tom! The film (start) in half an hour!
4. Luke, do you have any special plans for tonight? (you/go) out with your friends?
5. Helen is a very loyal friend. I (know) her for ten years now.
6. This road (get) you there quicker than that one.

1. I have been saving my money for three weeks now. I’ve almost got enough. – Я экономлю деньги уже три недели. Мне почти достаточно.
2. Have you seen the new King Kong film yet? – Ты видел новый фильм “Кинг Конг”?
3. Hurry up, Tom! The film starts in half an hour! – Поторопись, Том! Фильм начинается через полчаса!
4. Luke, do you have any special plans for tonight? Are you going out with your friends? – Люк, у тебя есть какие-либо особые планы на сегодняшний вечер?
5. Helen is a very loyal friend. I have known her for ten years now. – Хелен очень верная подруга. Я знаю ее уже в течение десяти лет.
6. This road gets you there quicker than that one. – Это дорога доведет тебя до туда быстрее, чем та.

Exercise 4. Form adjectives from the words in brackets.
Упражнение 4. Образуйте прилагательные из слов в скобках.


1. Andrea is a (beauty) little girl.
2. I won’t lend him my car – he’s too (care).
3. Don’t be (self)! There’s enough for everyone!
4. He is а (talent) teacher.
5. My mum is very (resource).

1. Andrea is a beautiful little girl. – Андреа – маленькая красивая девочка.
2. I won’t lend him my car – he’s too careless. – Я не дам мою машину ему напрокат – он слишком небрежный.
3. Don’t be selfish! There’s enough for everyone! – Не будь эгоистичным! Хватит на всех!
4. He is а talented teacher. – Он талантливый учитель.
5. My mum is very resourceful. – Моя мама очень изобретательна.

Exercise 5.
Упражнение 5.

а) Fill in: forward to, up, out for, after, down on.


1. Can you look ___ my cat while I’m away?
2. If you don’t know her phone number, then look it ___ in the phone directory.
3. If you go swimming, look ___ boats.
4. I’ve been looking ___ this holiday for ages.
5. You shouldn’t discriminate against people. It’s not right to look ___ others.

1. Can you look after my cat while I’m away? – Ты можешь присмотреть за моей кошкой, пока меня нет?
2. If you don’t know her phone number, then look it up in the phone directory. – Если ты не знаешь номер ее телефона, то посмотри в телефонном справочнике.
3. If you go swimming, look out for boats. – Если идешь плавать, то остерегайся лодок.
4. I’ve been looking forward to this holiday for ages. – Я уже сто лет с нетерпением жду этот отпуск.
5. You shouldn’t discriminate against people. It’s not right to look down on others. – Тебе не следует дискриминировать людей. Смотреть свысока на других – это не правильно.

b) Fill in: at, with, on, about.


1. Are you good ___ sports?
2. Be careful ___ your money. Don’t spend it all at once.
3. Tina is very excited ___ going shopping later.
4. Don’t be careless ___ other people’s things.
5. I’m not keen ___ watching TV

1. Are you good at sports? – Вы способны к занятиям спортом?
2. Be careful with your money. Don’t spend it all at once. – Будь осторожен со своими деньгами. Не тратьте их все сразу.
3. Tina is very excited about going shopping later. – Тина приятно взволнована предстоящим шопингом.
4. Don’t be careless with other people’s things. – Не будь беспечным с вещами других людей.
5. I’m not keen on watching TV. – Я не увлекаюсь просмотром телевидения.

Exercise 6. Choose the correct answer.
Упражнение 6. Выберите правильный ответ.


A: How’s it going?
B: a) Not too bad. And you? b) To the park with my dog.

A: What do you think of rock climbing?
В: a) I find it very excited. b) I find it very exciting.

A: You’re looking very well.
B: a) Thanks, so are you. b) Thanks, so am I.

A: Do you enjoy surfing the Net?
B: a) I’m fine. b) I’m really into it.

A: How’s it going? – Как дела?
B: Not too bad. And you? – Не так уж и плохо. А у тебя?

A: What do you think of rock climbing? – Что ты думаешь о скалолазании?
В: I find it very exciting. – Я нахожу его очень волнительным.

A: You’re looking very well. – Ты выглядишь очень хорошо.
B: Thanks, so are you. – Спасибо, ты тоже.

A: Do you enjoy surfing the Net? – Тебе нравится лазить в интернете?
B: I’m really into it. – Я по-настоящему увлекаюсь этим.


Choose the best word to complete the sentence! 1) Jo is so smart that she ________ every exam without even trying. pass passies passes 2) It ________ almost every day in Manchester. raines rain rains 3) The train _______ every morning at 8 AM. leavies leave leaves

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With Sam’s permission, here is her analysis, including links to the speech:Was the acceptance speech Oprah Winfrey gave at the Golden Globes the BEST 9 minute speech … ever?

Here are my thoughts on why her talk was so masterful and meaningful. I’d love to hear what you think.

1. She showed up to serve. She was there to inspire, not to impress. This was about creating a rising tide raising all involved, not about self-aggrandizement.

2. She spoke naturally and without notes. Oprah invested the effort to memorize her talk so she could connect with her audience and speak from the heart instead of being “in her head” reading a transcript (verbatim) from a teleprompter. This freed her up to be “in the moment” and “in flow” so she could fully focus on giving the speech of a lifetime, the speech she was born to give.

3. Her content was superbly crafted and condensed. I can only imagine the weeks of preparation that went into distilling this message into an “every word matters” momentum that swept us up in its elegance and eloquence. Imagine all the things she wanted to say yet disciplined herselt to edit out.

4. There was no embellishing, no grand-standing. No try-too-hard language that rang false or self-conscious mannerisms that detracted from the message.

5. It had a reveal. Original talks delight us because they introduce something new and meaningful we weren’t aware of before. When Oprah revealed that the investigator assigned to Recy Taylor’s case was none other than … (wait for it) … Rosa Parks, there was an audible “I didn’t know that” gasp from the audience.

6. She started with WHERE. Oprah’s first words were, “In 1964, I was a little girl sitting on the linoleum floor of my mother’s house in Milwaukee watching Anne Bancroft present the Oscar for best actor at the 36th Academy Awards. She opened the envelope and said five words that literally made history: ‘The winner is Sidney Poitier.’ Up to the stage came the most elegant man I ever remembered. His tie was white, his skin was black—and he was being celebrated. I’d never seen a black man being celebrated like that. I tried many times to explain what a moment like that means to a little girl watching from the cheap seats as my mom came through the door bone tired from cleaning other people’s houses. But … ”

By putting us in the scene of WHERE she was and what it was like watching a black man receive an award, we understood the significance of her (the first black woman) receiving this award. It fleshed out what an incredible full circle Hero Journey story this is. She put us THERE by jumping right into her WHERE.

7. The truth is in the details. Oprah’s specificity of visual details not only helped us see what she was saying, it caused us to conclude she was telling the truth. We don’t believe vague stories. We wonder if the speaker is making them up, and if the speaker is making this up, what else are they making up?

Mark Twain talked about the importance of carefully chosen words: the difference between lightning and lightning bug. She didn’t just watch Sidney Poitier receive his award, she was sitting on the linoleum floor while she did. That one word linoleum made this story real and relatable and viscerally engaged us because we were picturing the linoleum floor of our childhood.

8. She linked historical and current events. She referenced the true story of Recy Taylor to show that brutality has been happening for decades, and then segued into what’s happening now with Recy serving as a metaphor for all people (past and present) who have suffered abuse and have not been heard, seen, recognized or respected.

9. She didn’t call people OUT, she called them UP. Instead of throwing people under the bus and making this about race or gender, (which would only have created further polarizing divisiveness), Oprah’s goal was to bring people together and galvanize us to move forward in cooperation, not conflict.

10. It featured repeatable, retweetable sound-bites and memorable memes that will take her talk viral. Her enduring one-liners “What I know for sure is that speaking your truth is the most powerful tool we all have.” “Their time is up. Their time is up.” “A new day is on the horizon.” ensure that her message will be shared on social media platforms which means it will reach even more people globally and will remain top-of-mind for a long time. And isn’t that what we want?

11. It was inclusive. She spoke of “phenomenal men who choose to listen” so this was not male-bashing. She expanded the scope of her intended audience by naming diverse industries which increased relevance and the likelihood that people from all walks of life would feel she was talking to them.

She said, “It’s not just a story affecting the entertainment industry. It’s one that transcends any culture, geography, race, religion, politics, or workplace. So I want to express gratitude to all the women who have endured years of abuse and assault because they, like my mother, had children to feed and bills to pay and dreams to pursue. They’re the women whose names we’ll never know. They are domestic workers and farm workers.They are working in factories, in restaurants, in academia, engineering, medicine, and science. They’re part of the world of tech and politics and business. They’re our athletes in the Olympics and our soldiers in the military.”

12. She created an emotional crescendo. Just as a symphony increases intensity to lead to a dramatic finale, Oprah ramped up her energy and vocal volume towards the end. Yet it didn’t feel artificial, it felt authentic. Whatever we want our audience to feel, we’ve got to feel first. If we want people to care passionately and feel empowered, we’ve got to model that by speaking with passion and power. We must launch the emotional bandwagon we want people to jump on in the final minute of our talk.

13. It ended on a note of hope.

She closed with, “I’ve interviewed and portrayed people who’ve withstood some of the ugliest things life can throw at you, but the one quality all of them seem to share is an ability to maintain hope for a brighter morning, even during our darkest nights. So I want all the girls watching here, now, to know that a new day is on the horizon! And when that new day finally dawns, it will be because of a lot of magnificent women, many of whom are right here in this room tonight, and some pretty phenomenal men, fighting hard to make sure that they become the leaders who take us to the time when nobody ever has to say ‘Me too’ again.”

The best talks have book-ends, call-backs and continuity. They repeat and refer back to what was said in the beginning to create a satisfying full-circle experience. Oprah used the words she wanted us to remember and act on in her send-off. She wanted us to believe it’s possible to feel hope when dealing with ugliness, to see a new day in the midst of darkness. So, instead of being subtle about that, she used and imprinted the exact “rally cry” words she wants us to carry forward.

In doing all the above, she delivered what I believe will become this century’s version of Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech What were your take-aways from Oprah’s speech? How did it impact you – as a person – as a leader – as a speaker?

My take-away is that EVERY speaking opportunity matters. There’s no such thing as a throw-away talk. If we’re receiving an award, participating on a panel, presenting a keynote or giving a report at a staff, board or annual meeting; we have a responsibility to honor the occasion and say something that matters.

We CAN make an enduring difference (even in a few minutes) if we invest the time and effort to craft a meaningful message – and if we put our mind to it.

The @YouTube clip of Oprah’s speech is at this link – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fN5HV79_8B8

About Sam Horn

Sam Horn, CEO of Intrigue Agency, helps people create quality books, businesses, presentation that add value for all involved. Her books – POP!, Tongue Fu! and Got Your Attention – have been featured in New York Times, Forbes, Fast Company and presented to Boeing, Capital One, Intel, Cisco and National Geographic. For more articles and to watch her TEDx talk – visit www.SamHorn.com

Thanks so much Sam!

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