Every word she speaks

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  4. Strings And The Box

  5. Every Word She Spoke

Every Word She Spoke

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  • Strings And The Box

  • Strings And The Box

  • 04:02

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#Country Music

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  • She speaks poniards, and every word stabs.

    ‘Much Ado About Nothing’ (1598-9) act 2, sc. 1, l. [257]

She speaks poniards, and every word stabs. - William Shakespeare


Adjectives and Adverbs

Adjectives: kind, cold, angry, bad, mad….

Adverbs: kindly, coldly, angrily, badly, madly….

To form an adverb we usually add –ly to an adjective:

Example: kind+ ly kindly

bad+ ly badly

Adjectives ending in “-y” change it to “-ily”

Example: angry-angrily


We use adjectives to say how something is, seems, becomes, looks, feels, sounds or tastes.

Example: She is kind. She seems kind.

He is angry. He felt angry.

We use adverbs with other verbs to say how something happens or is done.

Example: She spoke kindly.

He answered me coldly.

Some adverbs are the same as their adjectives

Adjective Adverb

hard hard

fast fast

early early

late late

wide wide

near near

high high

1.Supply the right adverb

Example: He is a bad driver. He drives badly.

1. She is glad to help us.- She helps …

2. He is a quick thinker.- He thinks…

3. Be careful.- Act…

4. She was brave.- She acted…

5. The train was slow.- The train was moving …

6. He made a sudden move.- He moved….

7. She is a hard worker.- She works…

8. The train was late.- It arrived….

9. He is a fast runner.- He runs ….

10. What a wide window.- Open it …

2. Complete the sentences with words from the box. More than one answer may be correct.

beautiful / beautifully, clear/clearly, soft/softly, unhappy/

unhappily, calm/calmly, terrible/terribly, cheap/cheaply.

1. This house is small and rather simple, but Ann has decorated it … .

2. Good computers are getting quite … now.

3. He looks really … . I wonder what’s wrong.

4. The team played … last Saturday.

5. He spoke very … but she heard every word like a shout.

6. This is a … house. I enjoy looking at it every time I walk past.

7. Mary doesn’t speak very … . I often have trouble understanding her.

8. This soup tastes … .

9. “ I suppose, we’ll never see each other again”, she said … .


Some adverbs have two forms: one without –ly and one with –ly.

These forms have different meanings and uses: hard – hardly, late –

lately, near – nearly, high – highly …

3. Choose the right adverb in each sentence.

1. Farm workers have to work …. ( hard/hardly) during the harvest.

2. Farm workers earn … ( hard/hardly) enough money to pay their bills.

3. The postman brings my mail so … ( late/lately), that I rarely see it before I go to work.

4. We have received a lot of mail … ( late/lately).

5. I’m sure the boss thinks very … ( high/highly) of you.

6. If you want to succeed , you should aim … ( high/highly).

7. Please, don’t go too … edge of the platform ( near/nearly).

8. I …. ( near/nearly) fell of the edge of the platform.

4. Complete the stories about Ann and Pete and retell them:

1. Pete is a …. learner.

a) quick b) quickly

2. He always does his homework … .

a) quick b) quickly

3. He listens to his teachers … .

a) careful b) carefully

4. When he crosses the street he’s always very … .

a) careful b) carefully

5. He likes English folk music and sings … and … .

a) loudly …. beautifully b) loud … beautiful

6. He is always very … .

a) politely b) polite

7. When he steps on somebody’s foot, he says, “I’m … sorry.”

a) terrible b) terribly

8. He acts … and never speaks … .

a) politely … angrily b) polite …. angry

9. Ann is a … girl.

a) wonderfully b) wonderful

10. She lives … and …. .

a) happy … merry b) happily … merrily

11. She adores English traditions and follows some of the English adverbs – “… to bed, … to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.”

a) early … early b) earlier … earlier

12. So she is an … riser.

a) early b) earlier

13. Ann reads very … .

a) quick b) quickly

14. She has read fi ve new books … .

a) late b) lately

15. She draws … and writes … .

a) beautiful … neat b) beautifully …. neatly

16. She behaves … in class and at home.

a) good b) well

17. Her homework is usually … .

a) good b) well

18. Ann always looks and feels … .

a) wonderful b) wonderfully


Some adjectives end in –ly: friendly, lively, lovely, motherly, …

If we want to use them as adverbs, we say: in a friendly way / manner

5. Change the adjectives into adverbs or adverbial phrases:

1. That was a cowardly thing to do. You acted … .

2. It was a quick response. She responded … .

3. You don’t have to be so unfriendly. You needn’t look at me … .

4. She is a lovely teacher. She handles young children … .

5. The orchestra gave a lively performance. They performed … .

6. That was a silly thing to do. She acted … .

7. The music was very loud. The band played … .

8. The singers gave a bad performance. They performed … .

9. She delivered a careful speech. She spoke … .

6. Read this text. If you fi nd a mistake correct it.

I love travelling on any vehicle that goes fastly. The Bullet Train in Japan is very fast indeed! It is so smooth, you hardly notice its speed. It is extremely punctual, but if it arrives lately, you can get your money back. You can see very good out of the train windows and admire Mount Fujiyama. Some people take it easy and enjoy the trip, eating a meal slow, while the train moves quick across the country. Others like to work hard before they get to the offi ce. The train is highly regarded throughout the world. A ride on the Bullet train really is an experience.

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