Every word is a puzzle


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Do you know what that word means? Of course you know what you mean when you say it. But did you know that just a hundred years ago there was no word “hello”? In those days people said “How do you do?” or “Good morning” when they spoke to each other. And they could speak to each other only when they were together.

Then Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. People could talk to each other even when they were far apart. Everyone thought the new invention was wonderful. When a person heard a voice speaking over the telephone from miles away, he was too excited to say “How do you do?” or “Good morning.” But he was also afraid the person at the other end of the wire wouldn’t hear him if he didn’t shout. So he called out “Hullo”. This was a very old word.

After a while, people changed the word a little. They called “Hello!” instead. Later, they learned they didn’t have to shout at all. But by that time the word had become a habit. Today most people still say “Hello” when they pick up the telephone.

New words are born whenever they are needed. New words are being invented all the time.

Some new words become part of a language, just as hello did. That word was kept because it was so useful. Other new words that aren’t so useful may be forgotten soon. The world is changing all the time, so do words.

Every word has a kind of secret story behind it, just as hello has. Each word is a puzzle.

Some of the puzzles are easy to solve. The word “breakfast”, for example, is made up of two smaller words: “break” and “fast”. You know what break means. And when someone fasts, it means he doesn’t eat. Most people fast from the time they go to bed until they get up in the morning. They break their fast when they eat their morning meal — breakfast.

But some word puzzles are a little harder. The word “paper” comes from the name of a plant called papyrus. Papyrus grows in hot countries such as Egypt. Long ago in Egypt, men learned how to make sheets of paper from papyrus. They used the sheet to write on. That’s why today the word paper, from papyrus, is used for sheets that are written on. But today’s paper is not made of papyrus at all!



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were puzzled

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Jumble, anagram, word puzzle.

So, for example, here’s a word puzzle.

So, for example, here’s a word puzzle.

So here’s the word puzzle again.

Pixwords is a word puzzle game, where you have to guess a word by a picture, thus solving a crossword.

Pixwords это игра-головоломка слова, где вы должны угадать слово на картинке, тем самым решая кроссворд.

In this test, 502 members played 10 rounds of a word puzzle game.

Здесь 502 участника сыграли 10 раундов некой игры в слова.

In this experiment, 502 participants played 10 rounds of a word puzzle game.

В ходе второго эксперимента 502 участника сыграли десять раундов онлайн-игры.

Rather, it is similar to that of a man engaged in solving a well-designed word puzzle.

Скорее она похожа на свободу человека, занятого решением хорошо составленной загадки.

In an interesting study on this subject, an experimenter ridiculed a group of participants who were expected to complete an anagram word puzzle.

Интересное исследование на эту тему, экспериментатор высмеивал группу участников, которые должны были пройти анаграмму слова.

Unlike many other word puzzle games in the market, Pixwords sets itself apart from the rest as it supports the latest in technology.

В отличие от многих других головоломок на рынке, Pixwords отличает себя от остальных, поскольку поддерживает новейшие технологии.

Everyone’s favorite word puzzle is back!

Everyone’s favorite word puzzle is back!

You could prepare her very own word puzzle or crossword in which the final answer spells «Will you marry me?».

Вы можете приготовить, например, свой собственный пазл или кроссворд, разгадкой которого будут слова «Ты выйдешь за меня замуж?».

Alphabear is an original word puzzle game by Spry Fox, the developer of the award winning game Triple Town.

Alphabear — это оригинальная игра-головоломка от Spry Fox, разработчика отмеченной наградами Triple Town.

To install the different states into the three groups, each word puzzle‘s answers related to words that defined that particular state, for instance for polite, words used were ‘courteous’, ‘patiently’ and ‘behaved’.

Чтобы создать различные состояния в этих трёх группах, каждый пазл содержал слова, которые имели отношение к тому или иному состоянию, например, для вежливости использовались слова «учтивый», «терпеливый» и «вежливый».

Cryptogram puzzles are a fun word puzzle where you must crack a code to decipher a piece of text from the cipher text to plain text, or answer.

Кроссворд с криптограммой — забавная головоломка, в которой вы должны взломать код, чтобы расшифровать фрагмент текста из текста шифрования до простого текста или ответить.

One day in early December, pressured to devise a new game feature, he recalled a Victorian era word puzzle, Magic Square, which his grandfather had taught him.

Однажды, в начале декабря, вынужденный создать новую головоломку, он вспомнил своего рода загадку викторианской эпохи, так называемый Магический квадрат, который научил решать его дед.

Word Connect game — word puzzle games

I also packed Word Puzzle 3-D if you have the nerve to take me on.

Я еще прихватил трехмерную головоломку, если у кого-то из вас хватит смелости, чтобы принять от меня вызов.

More word fun for those who enjoyed 4 Pics 1 Word Puzzle!

Более слово удовольствие для тех, кто пользуется 4 фото 1 слово puzzle!

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 22. Точных совпадений: 22. Затраченное время: 141 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Puzzle solving has an inherent appeal to ESL students and is an active way of learning or revising vocabulary. Students associate word puzzles with recreation and can be less daunting as review tools or even as a test. By substituting a visual-spacial relationship between meaning and definition, puzzles engage more students with the materials and deepen their mastery of the English lexis. No wonder people have used word puzzles in the classrooms for many years!

There are many types of word puzzles for all ages including adults! I like the fact that I can have a number of different unique word puzzles created to printout on the same topic. So when we are studying a topic in English, say “Family and Friends”, I can print out six different sets then split the class into six groups and give them each a unique puzzle to solve.

YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: Easy-to-use Online Vocabulary Games Generator

Recently, I decided to let the students (in their groups) create word puzzles themselves for their classmates to solve. I assign each group their “mission” and explain the kind of puzzle they should make online (you can download the instructions here). They have to send me the digital copy at the end of the lesson so I could produce enough copies for the rest of the class. During revision time, the group that created the puzzles take the center stage and discuss the answers.

Here are some word puzzles I use in my class.

Some of them sound complicated than they really are so don’t faint. If my students were able to do these, so can you! You will find the step-by-step guide how to create these word puzzles on the links provided.

1. Double-Puzzle

Double Puzzle

A double puzzle is a puzzle where students first need to unscramble clue words, then use letters from those clue words to decode the final word/phrase. The letters for the final phrase can be numbered, making the Double Puzzle slightly easier to solve.

2. Word Search

word search

Word Search is a type of word puzzles that consists of the letters of words placed in a grid, which usually has a rectangular or square shape. The objective of this puzzle is to find and mark all the words hidden inside the box.

3. Crossword

Probably the most popular of all, a crossword is another word puzzles that normally takes the form of a square or a rectangular grid of white and black shaded squares. The goal is to fill the white squares with letters, forming words or phrases, by solving clues which lead to the answers.

4. Caesar Cipher

The Caesar cipher is one of the simplest forms of encryption and is named after Julius Caesar who used it to communicate with his army. Also known as a shift cipher,  each letter in the original alphabet (called the plaintext) is replaced by a letter some fixed number of positions up or down the alphabet.

5. Cryptogram

A cryptogram is a type of puzzle that consists of a short piece of encrypted text where each letter is replaced by a different letter or number. You solve the cryptogram with a trial and error process, guessing the letters that have been replaced.

6. Polybius Square

polybius square

A Polybius Square is a table that allows someone to translate letters into numbers. Each letter is then represented by its coordinates in the grid. In order to fit the 26 letters of the alphabet into the 25 spots created by the table, the letters i and j are usually combined. To encipher a message you replace each letter with the row and column in which it appears. To decipher a message you find the letter that intersects the specified row and column.



The following links are lesson plans from Education World that provide an easy way to incorporate specific puzzles into your curriculum.

  • The Wright Puzzle
  • Puzzle Boxes for Any Subject
  • Heartbreaking Puzzle
  • Word-zles

And if you are looking for ready-to-use printable puzzles, Teacher Vision has got it all for you!

Are you on Pinterest? Pin this post!

word puzzle for students

What do you think about this activity? Let us know in the comments!

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Word puzzles have been around for ages, and they aren’t going anywhere any time soon. What, exactly, has people so fascinated? Why do we love them so much?

Well, for one thing, word puzzles are a great way to educate while entertaining for younger audiences. As you get older, word puzzles provide a way to keep yourself sharp with proven benefits for cognitive health. They encourage skills that are valuable to learn when you’re young, and valuable to practice as you get older.

Most importantly, of course, they’re just plain fun.

If you always enjoyed crosswords and word searches, or perhaps like the idea but never got into those particular games, there are a lot of options out there to expand your word puzzle repertoire! In this guide, we’re going to be taking you through the various types of word puzzles out there.

Read on if you want to see what other options there are for all you cunning wordsmiths – or, for that matter, anyone who would like to become a more cunning wordsmith. These games will sharpen your wit and expand your vocabulary. Let’s dive in!

1. Anagrams

Anagram Word Puzzle

This one is a personal favorite of this writer, so we’re happy to put it front and center!

An anagram is a type of puzzle where you are given a set of letters and try to create as many words as possible from those letters. There are plenty of mobile games floating around now based on this premise, but all you actually need to play this game is a collection of letter tiles (like you might find in a Scrabble or Bananagrams set).

Anagram puzzles challenge your vocabulary and ability to piece words together from the letters you’re given. It’s cool seeing how many different words you can come up with on a limited collection of letters – you’re likely to surprise yourself!

As an educational tool, the value is obvious. But we don’t play games to learn, even if it’s a nice side effect, so it’s good news that it’s also incredibly satisfying to create a long list of words from a very limited collection of letters.

2. Ciphers

Cipher Word puzzles

Also called a “cryptogram”, a cipher is a kind of code based on letter replacement. Essentially, each letter is substituted either for a different letter or a symbol. Ciphers are used in actual codes in the real world, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy them as word puzzles as well!

When used for puzzle games, a cipher usually includes clues to help you piece together what the correct letters might be to form the hidden word or phrase.

 Solving a cipher takes patience and persistence. It requires you to recognize patterns in the cipher that match real words. Cracking the code gives an awesome sense of accomplishment that makes all the effort more than worthwhile!

3. Crossword Puzzles

Crossword Puzzle

This one is obvious, but it wouldn’t be a proper list of word puzzles if we didn’t include it.

Crosswords are probably the first thing that spring to mind when somebody mentions “word puzzles” to you. The most common form of crossword is a grid of squares, some with numbers, which you fill in as you play based on clues along the side of the page. Usually these clues are definitions or uses of the word you are trying to guess.

There are also cryptic crosswords, to list one variation on that idea. In a cryptic crossword, the clues themselves are word puzzles rather than direct clues or definitions. This adds another layer of complexity, which could be good or bad depending on how much mental energy you want to dedicate to solving a puzzle.

No matter the form they take, crosswords are yet another excellent way to entertain and educate in one swoop. They expand your vocabulary and spelling skills, as well as your critical thinking skills – all of that adds up to be the perfect type of game for anyone looking for a way to give your brain some exercise.

4. Letter Arrangement Games

Scrabble Deluxe Edition with Rotating Wooden Game Board

Here’s another classic type of word puzzle.

Letter arrangement games are some of the most iconic word puzzles out there. In a letter arrangement puzzle, you are tasked with creating words from a limited pool of letters.

At the core, that’s all there is to it. Obviously it gets more complicated than that, sometimes scoring points based on the “quality” of your word as in Scrabble or turning the puzzle into a competitive race to make every letter fit into a word grid as in Bananagrams.

Letter arrangement games require quick and creative thinking and, like other types of puzzles on this list, will naturally expand your vocabulary. These puzzles encompass many of the more social games on the word puzzle spectrum, incorporating fun competitive elements into the formula.

5. Rebus Puzzles

Rebus Puzzles

Ready for a unique take on word puzzles?

A good rebus puzzle forces you to really think outside the box to solve it. They take the form of printed words, pictures, or symbols arranged in a way that acts as a clue to the solution. For example: an image of a star placed next to the word “lovers” printed twice, sharing a “v” as they cross vertically and horizontally, is hinting at “star-crossed lovers”.

A little more abstract in nature, these types of word puzzles encourage critical thinking skills over vocabulary. They often require unconventional methods to reach the solution. This makes them really stand out among other types of word puzzles for anybody looking for a unique experience.

6. Semantics Games

Best of Mad Libs

Not all word puzzles have to involve spelling or finding words. Semantics games focus instead on the meaning of words and the knowledge of players at the table.

A classic example of this is Mad Libs, which is by now a classic party game choice. Games like Codenames also fit into this category, though. The unifying theme of these types of puzzles is the focus on the word meanings and how they can be used.

Due to this different focus, semantics games offer up a great alternative to other types of word puzzles out there. They also usually include a more social element than other games on this list, and are usually intended to be played with groups.

7. Word Jumbles


Back to simpler forms of word puzzles, this is one we should all be very familiar with.

A word jumble puzzle gives you a random looking arrangement of letters that you have to re-arrange into a proper word. This kind of game tests and strengthens your spelling skills, which is why it sees so much use in schools when teaching children to read and write.

That doesn’t mean we have to stop playing them when we get older, though!

As with other games on this list, solving these kinds of word puzzles has a positive effect on cognitive health as we age.

8. Word Search

Word Search Puzzles : Classic Word Searches For Everyone

We’re rounding out our list with a type of word puzzle you’re sure to be familiar with. I always had a soft spot for these word puzzles, and not just because they usually got handed out when the teacher felt like taking an easy day for that class period. That is already a pretty good reason, though.

A word search puzzle gives you a square grid of letters, usually with a series of clues or a theme. You then have to try to locate those words within the grid. They might be going up and down, left to right, diagonally, and in some cases the puzzle may include words printed backwards just to complicate the formula.

These kinds of word puzzles go a long way to reinforcing vocabulary and correct spelling for kids, since you have to know the words and how they are properly spelled to find them in the grid. As we get older, they remain a good way to keep your mind in shape.


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Are you wondering about different types of word puzzles? I’ll bet there are a bunch more than you think. In this article, we’ll list out 10 and a bit about each one.
10 Different Types of Word Puzzles – Do You Know Them All?

Letter Arrangement

Hasbro Gaming Scrabble Game

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The goal of this type of word puzzle is to try to spell or form a word using the letters that you are given.
There are a number of different types of this game, with every game having the same end goal of trying to create as many correct words as possible.
Each player will be given set letters and will have to use them to create words, generally on a grid, and usually intersecting with other letters and words that have already been played.
This is a great way to test not only spelling, but also vocabulary skills and even lateral thinking skills.
As players place more and more letters on the board, these games tend to become much more difficult, as there are fewer spaces that are left for players to play their letters.
Any letters that can’t be used can often be replaced with new letters, although this will generally cost a turn.

Word Search

Large Print Word-Finds Puzzle Book-Word Search Volume 329

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Word search puzzles require players to try to find specific words in a jumble of other letters.
The letters are usually laid out in a traditional grid, with letters neatly in rows and columns, which allows players to quickly and easily find the words they are looking for.
Generally speaking, players can look horizontally, vertically, and diagonally when searching for words. Words can be written forwards and backwards, which can make these puzzles difficult.
There are some types of word search puzzles where the user is able to make turns when circling a word, which means that they don’t have to try to stay in a straight line. This can make it easier for some users to find the word that they are looking for, but can also make the puzzle much more difficult for others.
These puzzles come in a variety of skill levels for adults and children.


Simon & Schuster Mega Crossword Puzzle Book #18 (18) (S&S Mega Crossword Puzzles)

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Crosswords are word puzzles where the user must fill in empty squares with the letters of a word that fits the listed clue.
Puzzlers must not only be able to come up with the answer to the problem off the top of their head, but also must be able to spell the word correctly, which can be difficult for some players.
The words all connect with other words in the puzzle, which can make it a bit easier for players to figure out the correct answer.
In addition to having blank spaces for the words and letters to be written on the sheet, these puzzles also have blacked out squares, which serve to separate words and are used to fill in empty spots on the puzzle.
These puzzles generally have a theme and come in a wide variety of difficulty levels. Understanding the theme and choosing the correct difficulty level makes them more fun.


Best of Mad Libs: World's Greatest Word Game

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These puzzles, or games, focus more on the semantics of words than the spelling of words, and often involve a group of people working together, rather than a single person working on their own.
These puzzles can vary widely in the theme and how they are played. Some puzzles require players to be able to come up with certain parts of speech to fill out a humorous story or anecdote.
Other types of these word puzzles rely on players having shared knowledge to win. These games will often require players to know different meanings of words, how they can be grouped together, and features that will set them apart from other words on the list.
Because they are generally played by more than one person, these games tend to be much more involved and often get noisier, making them a fun option for parties and for events.


MengTing Alphabet Letter Word Spelling Game Spell Words Board Game for Kids Preschoolers Learning Great Educational Play Set

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Spelling word puzzles are a great option for adults to complete with children, as they all require children to work on their spelling skills and also provide a wonderful opportunity for children to learn more about definitions and vocabulary.
These games are also ideal for older players and adults who are learning English as a second language or who may struggle with memory loss, as they are generally easier than other word puzzles, fun to play, and have bright and colorful pictures that make them very inviting.
These spelling puzzles focus on smaller words, which means that they are not ideal for players who are greatly improving their spelling and able to easily spell larger words.
Because they can easily be grown out of as the person using them improves their spelling, these are often used in school settings or then donated to younger children who can benefit from this type of puzzle.


Educational Toys, Alphabet Learning Toys Flash Card Game for Toddlers 3 4 5 Year Old Preschool Matching Letter Spelling Reading Games for Kids 3-8 Years Old Boys Girls Birthday Christmas Gift

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Matching puzzles take away the stress of having to come up with a certain word on your own and allow people completing these puzzles to simply match words or letters to each other to form words.
They are typically hands-on and require the person completing the puzzle to handle blocks or other items in an attempt to create a specific word.
Because they engage more of the senses, these are a great way for players to learn certain words and to work on their spelling.
They are commonly used with younger children who need help seeing how words can match and making their own words, but are ideal for memory loss patients, as well, who need extra practice without feeling the stress of getting the answers wrong.
These puzzles are generally fun and easy, making them a great option for a low-stress learning tool for users of all ages.


Anagram Puzzles

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These word puzzles consist of a word or a phrase that can then be rearranged to form a completely different word or phrase.
All of the letters in the original word or phrase can only be used once in the answer.
The original word or phrase is called the subject, while any word or phrase that reproduces all of the letters is known as the anagram.
These can often be used as a commentary on the original subject or can even be made to create an anagram that is the opposite.
This is a form of word play or word puzzles that is best suited to people who have a strong command of the language and who are able to visualize the way that words and letters move and work together.
Because they involve a higher level of thinking and don’t require a game or components, anagrams are a wonderful way for adults to pass the time when they are unable to entertain themselves in other ways.


Jumble® Mania: A Collection for Passionate Puzzlers (Jumbles®)

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These word puzzles vary from others because all of the letters are given to the person completing the puzzle, but none of them are in the correct order to spell a word.
Puzzlers must try to rearrange the letters to make a word that is spelled correctly.
Often, there are certain letters of the words that are then combined and rearranged to answer a specific question that was asked about the puzzle.
Getting any of the original words incorrect when trying to solve this puzzle will make it impossible to answer the original question, as only certain letters of the answers will be used.
These puzzles tend to be very involved and often take a while to complete, especially when there are a lot of letters that are required for use for the final puzzle.
There is sometimes an accompanying picture to help users better understand and solve the puzzle.


Wordplay: The Philosophy, Art, and Science of Ambigrams

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These puzzles consist of a word, symbolic representation, or piece of art that can be viewed in different ways and interpreted according to how it is viewed.
They are generally an exercise not only in thought and determining the word that is represented, but also in trying to read the word from a variety of different angles to see how many ways it can be read.
There are no universal ways to create ambigrams, although there are a few different ways that the problems can be approached.
Many times people turn to computers to create ambigrams, although the first ones were obviously created by hand. These still remain some of the most popular ambigrams available.
It’s only by viewing the ambigram from a variety of different angles that users can uncover the true meaning of the puzzle and determine what it says.


1001 Word Rebuses

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These are puzzles where a specific word is represented through the use of illustrated pictures. Individual letters, phrases, or words can all be represented by these pictures.
While these small pictures were originally used as part of stories and were used for illustrative purposes, rebuses are now considered a word puzzle and require word play to understand and to determine their true meaning.
They can be made up completely of letters, and are then known as gramograms. Others can include numbers and are a great way to fit letters or a symbol into a single square in a crossword puzzle.
Reading the rebus requires puzzlers to not only take it at face value in some cases, but also to see it as a puzzle that needs to be solved, as some rebuses are a play on words. These can be very difficult and are often used as brain teasers in school settings.

Puzzle Creator: (example: Mrs. Jones)

Enter your word list in the box below.

  • Use a comma or press enter between words.
  • Minimum word length: 3 letters
  • Maximum word length: 16 letters
  • Recommended number of words: 20

Level — Intermediate

· 18 x 12 grid
· Words hidden across, down, and diagonally
· No backwards words
· Medium font size
· Recommended for grades 2 — 4

Please note:

  • There may be a limit to the number and lengths of words hidden. If you have too many words or your words are too long, they may be left out of the puzzle. Please check your puzzle carefully to make sure all of your words are there.
  • Our word search generator uses a basic word filter to prevent the accidental, random creation of offensive words. When you create your puzzle, please check it over it carefully to be sure unintended words were not added by our random letter generator.

STW members are able to save their worksheets. You are not currently logged in and will not be able to save this file.

Sample Word Search Puzzle Generator Images

Below are two examples of beginner and intermediate Word Searches! The Word Search Maker creates the puzzle page as well as a solution page.

Word Search Maker

Word Search Maker Solution

Word Search Puzzle Generator

Word Search Puzzle Generator Solution

A Gentle Introduction To
Word Puzzles

On this page I’ve collected a bunch of the most popular types of word puzzles in one place. This should help you understand how the most widely published puzzles work, so you can decide what kind of puzzle suits you.

With each puzzle, I’ve given you some useful background and a good example to play with — that’s really the only way to learn about word puzzles after all.

Along the way, I’ve also included lots of links to handy resources I’ve discovered over the years, including…

  • Great puzzle collections
  • Expert puzzle-solving tips
  • Indispensable puzzle makers and helpers

But I didn’t want to limit this page to the all time classics, because I know that some of my Word-Buff regulars are seriously clever puzzle creators. So I’ve set up a little place where we can…

Publish & Solve Our Own Free Word Puzzles!

Over time, we’ll build up a huge bank of high-quality, free word puzzles. And they’re the best kinds of puzzles of all ;-)

But right now, it looks like you’re still here. And I guess that means you want to know a bit more about the world’s favorite word puzzles. So let’s introduce them…

Acrostic Puzzles

At first glance, an acrostic puzzle looks a lot like a crossword. There’s a grid of black and white squares, for example, and a bunch of clues that have to solved in order to fill it in with letters. Don’t be fooled by appearances, though. The experience of solving an acrostic is completely different to that of a crossword.

Take a look at the example below as you read the discussion that follows it. If you like, click on the image to display a printed version of the acrostic to solve with pen and paper while you read…

Word Puzzle - Acrostic

As you can see in my example, the acrostic has three components. At the top is a grid of black and white squares, with rather intimidating looking indexes strewn throughout (don’t worry — they’re just handy labels). When the puzzle is solved, the letters in the grid will form a phrase (often a famous quote or saying).

Below the grid are two columns. The right hand column consists of very crossword-esque clues, and the left hand column contains the boxes into which you enter the answers to those clues. When all the answers have been completed correctly, the vertical column of shaded squares, consisting of the first letter of each answer (following a very long acrostic tradition!), will spell out a word, name, or phrase. We’ll call this the answer key.

The magic of the acrostic-solving experience, lies in the ingenious way that all these components hang together. In particular…

  • The answer key (i.e. the sequence of shaded letters) relates intimately to the phrase in the grid. If the grid phrase is a famous quote, for example, the answer key will typically spell out the name of the person behind that quote.
  • Obviously the clues help you fill in the grid, but as you make headway into the puzzle, things can happen the other way around — certain combinations of letters in the grid (e.g. TH_) enable you to make a good guess at certain letters in the clue answers, which then helps you solve the clues.
  • Sometimes it happens that you can work out the answer key before the puzzle is finished. That can help you fill in the grid, which in turn can help you solve your unfinished clues.

So the Clues feed the Grid which feeds the Answers… and so on until finally you sort of spiral in on the full solution and get rewarded with that ‘Aha!’ moment ;-)

Crossword Puzzles

No surprises here — these word puzzles have made their way into just about every major newspaper in the English-speaking world (and beyond!).

So I’m not going to insult your intelligence by telling you what a crossword puzzle is. Instead, I’ll just point you to Word-Buff’s Crossword Puzzle Guide, where you can find out much more about them.

Cryptogram Puzzles

Cryptograms are word puzzles in which your primary task is to decode a block of cipher-text. You are faced with a sequence of characters that looks like gibberish. The characters can be letters, numbers, or any other symbols you like. The idea is that each character represents a letter of the alphabet, and when all the characters are replaced with their corresponding letters, the gibberish turns into something meaningful and (hopefully!) recognizable.

Here’s an example of a cryptogram that has been embellished with a theme and an author of the encrypted phrase — just to spice things up a notch…

Topic — Realism

In this example, I’ve given you a toehold into the grid by telling you that the number 22 represents the letter T. The cryptograms you meet won’t necessarily have hints, or themes for that matter (though the themeless cryptograms seem a bit dry and academic for me).

As you work your way through the puzzle you make educated guesses at the letters being represented by certain characters by focusing on key word patterns. I’ll let you have a go at the one above to get a feel for what I mean by ‘key word patterns’ here.

Jumble Word Puzzles

At its simplest, jumble word puzzles are about anagrams. In case you’ve forgotten, an anagram is just a sequence of letters that you have to unscramble to form a word or phrase. But an anagram — even a really tricky one — is hardly inspiring enough to warrant a place on this prestigious word puzzles list, right? That would be like a crossword puzzle with just one clue.

As with most word puzzles, a good word jumble should have several mini puzzles, tied together with a theme — preferably something curious or chuckle-worthy. And that is exactly the kind of jumble puzzle that became famous in newspapers around the world in the 1950s.

Like this one — let me explain how it works…

On the left had side of the puzzle you can see four horizontal rows of squares. These are basic anagram puzzles. See how some of the squares have circles inscribed?

These letters form the basis of a fifth anagram puzzle represented by the row of squares with circles inscribed at the very bottom of the puzzle.

Now the anagram at the bottom of the word jumble — technically, the solution to the puzzle — is often a phrase, and obviously requires a clue. Where is it?

In this example, the clue is the cartoon. The answer to the final anagram should make the text of the cartoon make sense, and will usually be something funny. Well … ok … groan-worthy at least ;-)

To see what I mean, have a go at solving this puzzle. When you’re done, you can check your answer by clicking on the image.

So you can see here how a good word jumble goes well beyond simple, unconnected anagrams. A theme, usually humorous, is provided, often in the form of a cartoon or riddle, and this theme ties all the small puzzles together into a meaningful whole. The result is that small-but-satisfying ‘Aha!’ moment that signifies the puzzle maker has done a good job.

Wordsearch Puzzles

Word Searches are perhaps the simplest of the classic word puzzles. Not that they are necessarily easy to solve mind you. A tricky one can take hours! But the idea is ridiculously simple…

You are presented with a list of words and a grid filled with a random-looking arrangement of letters. Your job is to find each word in the grid such that the letters in the word form a straight line-segment (horizontal, vertical, diagonal, forwards, or backwards). Here’s an example of a wordsearch puzzle I created for spelling bee practice. To get you started, I’ve highlighted the word PRIVILEGE, so this one no longer appears in the list of unsolved words.

NOTE — The example word search puzzle below is not printable. Even better! You can solve it online right here using your mouse and keyboard. It’s all pretty intuitive, but if it doesn’t seem to be behaving for you, just click Help.

Go on. See how long it takes you…


You must use a Java enabled browser to solve this puzzle.

As you might gather from this example, wordsearch puzzles are particularly good for reinforcing spelling. The reason for this is that you have to scrutinize each letter and its successor in the grid, rather than just glancing at letter sequences as we do when we read. You are forced to notice explicitly that COMMITMENT has two Ms rather than one, because if you search for that word spelled with one M you simply won’t find it. You’ll be forced to go back to your list, re-examine the word, and consciously register the double-M.

The use of themes, rather than ad hoc word lists, can also be used to improve vocabulary and general knowledge. If the theme is ‘Christmas’, for example, the solver may come across a new word, like YULETIDE, and remember forever after that this word is closely connected with Christmas. It’s not as good as a definition, but it’s certainly better than having no idea at all, right?

Want to Publish Your Own Word Puzzles?

Maybe Word-Buff can help. You see, I want to help innovative word puzzle creators find an audience. And I also want to help my puzzle-hungry visitors find high quality, free word puzzles. So…

I’m going to let you publish your word puzzles here for free and get tens of thousands of eyeballs on your work every month! As long as your puzzles are original, clearly explained, professional looking, and fun to solve, I’ll publish them here for you.

Interested? Great! Let’s do it…

Word Puzzles Other Visitors Have Published

Click below to see the word puzzles submitted by other Word-Buff visitors…

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