Every two weeks word

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

каждые две недели

каждую неделю

каждый две недели

каждую вторую неделю

раз в две недели

каждые 2 недели

раз в 2 недели

каждые два часа


Some cards expect a payment every two weeks while others use a 30-day cycle.

Некоторые карты ожидают оплаты каждые две недели, в то время как другие используют 30- дневный цикл.

His family however visited every two weeks.

About every two weeks someone jumps from the bridge.

Каждый две недели у кого-либо возникает потребность прыгнуть с моста.

He plans to read one book every two weeks.

One child dies every two weeks from a television, furniture or appliance.

Каждые две недели один ребенок погибает от падения на него мебели, телевизора и другой техники.

Worldwide, we lose one language every two weeks.

One injection every two weeks for three months.

By 1963 this process was necessary about every two weeks.

Продажи росли и к 1963 г. этот процесс необходимо было повторять каждые две недели.

About every two weeks someone jumps from the bridge.

I could box every two weeks if they let me.

You should be seeing your doctor or midwife every two weeks.

На данный момент вы, вероятно, будете посещать своего врача или акушерку каждые две недели.

You told us you could get them every two weeks.

Epic Games continues giving away free games every two weeks.

Epic Games сообщает, что они будут раздавать бесплатные игры каждые две недели.

New employees start every two weeks.

Her treatment would be six months of chemotherapy every two weeks.

You can choose whether you want a delivery every week or every two weeks.

Также при желании есть возможность получать выписки еженедельно или каждые две недели.

We have regular meetings every two weeks and discuss various phases.

We are delivering meaningful changes to the game every two weeks on top of the regular expansion content.

Мы вносим важные изменения в игру каждые две недели в дополнение к регулярному контенту.

Last, but not least, the update with new games every two weeks for desktops, tablets and mobile devices.

И последнее, но не менее важное: обновление новыми играми каждые две недели для настольных компьютеров, планшетов и мобильных устройств.

I’ve been watering it with half a glass of water every week, or every two weeks.

Я поливал его с половиной стакана воды каждую неделю, или каждые две недели.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат every two weeks

Результатов: 1348. Точных совпадений: 1348. Затраченное время: 121 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

every two weeks — перевод на русский

I make this trip every two weeks and I’m always looking forward.

Каждые две недели я совершаю эту поездку… и всякий раз мне не терпится поскорей приехать.

They want to pay us every two weeks now

Теперь они хотят нам платить каждые две недели.

Expect… a test every two weeks, two hours of homework, each and every night for the remainder of the year, for the rest of your Life.


We’ll meet every two weeks for now, unless something urgent comes up.

Мы будем встречаться каждые две недели, пока что-то срочное не случиться.

We’d see each other every two weeks or so.

Мы виделись каждые две недели или что-то вроде того. По вторникам.

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Blood counts were checked every two weeks in the first three months of therapy.

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Число клеток в крови проверяли каждые 2 недели в течение первых трех месяцев терапии.

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During periods of normal use,

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Во время обычной

эксплуатации необходимо очищать воздушные фильтры через каждые четыре недели.

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Pretrial detention should be reviewed regularly, preferably every two weeks.

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Поскольку ребенок растет быстро,

дальнейшие гемотрансфузии требуются примерно через каждые 2 недели— до самого рождения.

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Now we publish our newsletter, which all registered users will receive every two weeks.

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Сейчас мы публикуем нашу рассылку, которую все зарегистрированные пользователи получают раз в две недели.

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In Mauritania, for example, official gazettes that used to be published abroad one or


years late

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Мавритании официальные публикации, которые ранее издавались за границей с задержкой на один-



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The maximum loan amount will increase over time

at a rate of one hundred gold per day and one resource every two weeks.

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Максимальный возможный кредит увеличивается со временем(

On the basis of therapeutic injections, due to a half-life that’s 8 days,

the individual could get by with one injection every two weeks before hitting full bottom.

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На основании терапевтических впрысок, должных к полувыведению которое 8 дней,

индивидуал смог получить мимо с одной впрыской каждые 2 недели перед ударять полное дно.

There is no resident priest- every two weeks Father Avedis comes,

splitting his time between Vakifli and Iskanderun, another larger town in Hatay.

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Александрет), большого города


провинции Атай.

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increasing the workload mainly due to the weights and increasing the number of approaches.

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увеличивая нагрузку


основном за счет отягощений и увеличения количества подходов.

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One voucher, equivalent to approximately US$ 8, distributed every two weeks and exchangeable for various food and hygiene items in agreed shops;


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Один ваучер на сумму примерно 8 долларов США, 25 который выдается раз в две недели и обменивается на различные продукты питания и предметы гигиены


определенных магазинах; и.

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The program includes three full-day excursions every two weeks to London and Brighton.

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On 13 May Chris announced that there

would be a vlog posted on the official IAMX YouTube channel every two weeks, which would allow the fans to view the recording

process of the new album.

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Мая Крис Корнер анонсировал видеоблог,

который будет выходить


официальном канале IAMX на YouTube каждые две недели, что позволит фанам наблюдать за процессом создания альбома.

For this, it is enough to wash the baby’s head every two weeks with the addition of small amounts of the product.

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Для этого достаточно раз в две недели мыть голову ребенка с добавлением небольших количеств средства.

The Committee also recommends that the States parties ensure by strict legal provisions that the legality of a pretrial detention is reviewed regularly,

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Комитет рекомендует также государствам- участникам принять строгие законодательные положения, обеспечивающие пересмотр законности содержания под стражей до суда на регулярной основе,

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The Committee also recommended that States parties»ensure by strict legal provisions that the legality of a pretrial detention is reviewed regularly,

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Комитет также рекомендует государствам- участникам» принять строгие законодательные положения, обеспечивающие пересмотр законности содержания под стражей до суда на регулярной основе,

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UNMIS attended all meetings of the Ceasefire Political Commission and continued to participate and

chair the Ceasefire Joint Military Committee meetings conducted every two weeks.

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Представители МООНВС присутствовали на всех заседаниях СПК и продолжали участвовать


заседаниях Совместного военного комитета по прекращению огня,

проводимых раз в две недели, выполняя на них председательские функции.

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Saturday there is a public guided

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All your questions will be answered in a personal consultation every two weeks, any problems will be discussed

and you will receive step-by-step instructions for a balanced, tasty and healthy diet that helps you keep your feel-good weight.

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Каждые две недели Вы будете получать ответы на все вопросы в ходе личной беседы, обсуждаться будут возможные проблемы,

и Вы шаг за шагом получите инструкции к сбалансированному, вкусному и здоровому питанию при одновременном поддержании Вашего здорового веса.

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Results: 248,
Time: 0.0254





every two weeks
каждые две недели

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «every two weeks» в других словарях:

  • Two Weeks Notice — Infobox Film name =Two Weeks Notice caption =Theatrical release poster director =Marc Lawrence writer =Marc Lawrence starring =Sandra Bullock Hugh Grant producer =Sandra Bullock distributor =Warner Bros. released =December 18, 2002 runtime =101… …   Wikipedia

  • every — 1. differences between each and every. Both words denote all the people or things in a group, and both normally govern a singular verb (for some exceptions see each). But each is a pronoun (as in I ll take three of each) as well as an adjective… …   Modern English usage

  • (Every Time I Turn Around) Back in Love Again — was a hit song for R B/funk band L.T.D. Released from their Something to Love album, it spent two weeks at number one on the R B singles chart in the fall of 1977. It would also become their biggest crossover hit, peaking at number 4 on the… …   Wikipedia

  • every — / evri/ determiner 1 each one of a group of things or people that make a group or set: Every student has to fill in a questionnaire. (=all the students) | every single: Unfortunately the President disagreed with every single thing his aides said …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • every */*/*/ — UK [ˈevrɪ] / US determiner Summary: Every is generally used before a singular countable noun. The only exceptions are at Sense 2, where every can be used in phrases like every three hours , and at Sense 3. A noun subject that follows every is… …   English dictionary

  • Every Time Two Fools Collide — Infobox Album Name = Every Time Two Fools Collide Type = Album Artist = Kenny Rogers Dottie West Released = 1978 Recorded = 1977 1978 Genre = Countrypolitan Length = Label = United Artists Records Producer = Larry Butler Reviews = * Allmusic… …   Wikipedia

  • every — eve|ry [ evri ] determiner, quantifier *** Every is generally used before a singular countable noun. The only exceptions are at Sense 2, where every can be used in phrases like every three hours, and at Sense 4. A noun subject that follows every… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Every Little Thing (band) — Every Little Thing Kaori Mochida and Ichiro Ito of Every Little Thing pose in an Aoyama cafe, Tokyo, 2008. Background information Origin Tokyo, Japan …   Wikipedia

  • Two by Twos — Prominent early preachers (left to right): William Gill, William Irvine, and George Walker Classification Protestant Polity Episcopal Geographical areas …   Wikipedia

  • once every three days — once every three days/four years/etc phrase happening one time every three days four years etc We have a General Election once every four or five years. ‘And how often did you receive the phone calls?’ ‘Probably once every two weeks or so.’… …   Useful english dictionary

  • once every four years — once every three days/four years/etc phrase happening one time every three days four years etc We have a General Election once every four or five years. ‘And how often did you receive the phone calls?’ ‘Probably once every two weeks or so.’… …   Useful english dictionary

  • #1


My question is as same as the subject.

When I mean «every other week», I can use «once every other two weeks» or «every two week»?

or both are right?

biweekly = fortnightly = every other week = (once ) every two week

<- do these words the same meaning? right?

I appreciate it if you would answer my question.

  • PaulQ

    • #2

    Bi-weekly is a very rare word and is not used as most people find it ambiguous.

    Bi-weekly means twice every week ->
    1885 Farrar Cambr. Bible Sch. Luke xviii. 12 The bi-weekly fast of the Pharisees..The days chosen were Thursday and Monday.

    «once every other two weeks» = once every four weeks and nobody would ever say this.

    «every two week» :cross:
    «every two weeks» :tick:
    «every fortnight» :tick:

    • #3

    To me:
    Biweekly means every two weeks.
    Bimonthly means every two months.
    And biennially means every two years.

    But since some people do use «bi-» to mean «semi-«, if I want to be clear about it, I say «every other week» or «every two weeks», etc.

    • #4

    The dictionaries show both meanings and generally recommend avoiding the bi- words:)

    Arbîter 🧐

    • #5

    The dictionaries show both meanings and generally recommend avoiding the bi- words:)

    Yes, and that’s why English is such a confusing language to learn.

    When people say «Bicentennial» in the United States, usually they’re referring to the 200th birthday of the nation. However, that word also means twice per year. As the saying goes, context is king! 🤷‍♂️


    • #6

    However, that word also means twice per year.

    :confused::confused: If you mean bicentennial, I’ve never seen or heard it used to mean anything but a 200-year period, whether as noun or as adjective.


    • #7

    However, that word [«Bicentennial»] also means twice per year.

    No, it does not.
    Bi — two; twice
    Centennial — relating to a period of 100 years.

    biannual -> twice each year
    biennial -> lasting for two years; occurring once every two years.



    Автоматический перевод

    каждую неделю

    Перевод по словам

    every  — каждый, все, всякий, полный, абсолютный, каждый, любой
    week  — неделя, шесть рабочих дней недели, целая вечность


    She housecleans every week.

    Она убирает дом каждую неделю.

    They meet together every week.

    Они собираются вместе раз в неделю.

    He tubed every test last week.

    На прошлой неделе он завалил все зачёты.

    She washes the linen every week.

    Она стирает бельё каждую неделю.

    The teacher tests us every week.

    Учитель тестирует нас каждую неделю.

    She saves part of her pay every week.

    Каждую неделю она откладывает часть зарплаты.

    She gets a manicure every week or so.

    Она делает маникюр каждую неделю или около того.

    ещё 23 примера свернуть

    Примеры, ожидающие перевода

    The fruit is sprayed every four weeks.  

    I have my hair trimmed every six weeks.  

    Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

    • as inbiweekly

    synonyms for once every two weeks

    • fortnightly
    • twice monthly

    Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

    On this page you’ll find 3 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to once every two weeks, such as: fortnightly, and twice monthly.


    File Your Answers To This Tax Terms Quiz!



    OCTOBER 26, 1985

    Choose the synonym for future






    adjectiveoccurring every two weeks

    • fortnightly
    • once every two weeks
    • twice monthly

    Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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