Every spanish word english

scrabble word fiesta

Last updated:

March 14, 2023

The following 35 Spanish words are more or less common in American English. They are used in Spanish almost every day, so if you are a native English speaker who wants to speak Spanish, it’s a good starting point!

Even if you already know these words, it is important to understand the differences in the way they are used between the two languages, especially if you ever plan on using them in Spanish!

Throughout this list you will be able to see and learn how we native Spanish speakers use (or don’t!) these words, and you will be given, when necessary, a quick explanation about the differences between the English and Spanish meanings. At the end of the post, you should know if you can use any one of these words in a Spanish-speaking environment or if you would do better to keep quiet.

All these words have approximately the same meaning and usage in Spanish and English nowadays.


  • People
    • 1. Aficionado
    • 2. Alcalde
    • 3. Amigo
    • 4. Buckaroo
    • 5. Caballero
    • 6. Cannibal
    • 7. Conquistador
    • 8. Desperado
    • 9. Matador
    • 10. Peon
  • Animals
    • 11. Albatross
    • 12. Burro
    • 13. Zorro
  • Clothing
    • 14. Bandolier
    • 15. Sombrero
  • Places
    • 16. Bodega
    • 17. Hacienda
  • Food and Drink
    • 18. Cacao
    • 19. Chorizo
    • 20. Daiquiri
    • 21. Oregano
    • 22. Tapas
    • 23. Vanilla
    • 24. Yerba buena
  • Music and Dance
    • 25. Flamenco
    • 26. Rumba
    • 27. Tango
  • Other
    • 28. Fiesta
    • 29. Siesta
    • 30. Adobe
    • 31. Corralito
    • 32. Crusade
    • 33. Galleon
    • 34. Lolita
    • 35. Telenovela

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an image of fans

1. Aficionado

In English, it’s someone who is very interested in and enthusiastic about a particular subject. I have seen an increase in the use of this word in English lately. You used to have football fans, now you have sports aficionados. 

What is funniest for me is the fact that in Spanish we more often use the word “fan” than aficionado. 

2. Alcalde

Alcalde (mayor, magistrate) has a Spanish origin.

However, be careful where you utter it because it means “pimp” in Latin America!

3. Amigo

In English, amigo is used to address or refer to a friend predominantly in Spanish-speaking areas. Amigo comes from the Spanish word amigo, which comes from the Latin word amicus (friend), which is derived from the verb amare (to love). Maybe this is why we love everybody in Spain!

4. Buckaroo

The word buckaroo comes from Spanish vaquero (cowboy), which is a person who manages cattle while mounted on horseback. The word vaquero derived from the word vaca (cow), which was borrowed from Latin (vacca — cow).

5. Caballero

Caballero, which has the meaning of knight or gentleman in English, comes from the Spanish word caballero. A caballero is someone who rides a caballo (horse), caballo comes from the Latin caballus (horse).

6. Cannibal

In English, a cannibal is a person who eats the flesh of other human beings. Cannibal comes from the Spanish word caníbal, which is just a variation of the word caríbal, which in turn derives from the word Caribe (Caribbean, Carib). 

7. Conquistador

Conquistador comes from Spanish conquistador, which is derived from conquista (conquest). Conquista was the result of borrowing the Latin word conquisita, which means conquest.

8. Desperado

Desperado is an adaptation of the Spanish word desesperado, which means desperate.

By the way, check out these Spanish-speaking singers and listen to Marta Sánchez’s song “Desesperada.” Sexy at its best!

9. Matador

Matador literally means “a person who kills.” It comes from the Spanish infinitive matar (to kill, to slaughter).

Curiously enough, people in Spain tend to avoid using the word matador. They normally say torero (bullfighter), which is basically a person who fights toros (bulls).

10. Peon

Peon comes from Spanish peón, which is used to describe any type of laborer. Imagine a person who has to work hard to earn their money, who comes home full of dirt and tired as a mug. There you have your peón.


an image of albatros

11. Albatross

It’s a large white bird with long, strong wings that lives near the sea. 

Arabic had the word al-gattas, which means “the diver.” From there, Spanish got the word alcatraz (gannet), which entered English as albatross. Then a weird thing happened, Spanish borrowed this word back from English, thus giving us our present-day Spanish albatros!

12. Burro

The Spanish burro derived from Latin burricus, which means “small horse.” 

13. Zorro

Zorro comes from the Spanish zorro, which is fox. Foxes are known for being clever, and you can say of someone that they are un zorro because they are just too smart!


two men in sobreros playing musical instruments and singing

14. Bandolier

The word bandolier comes from the Spanish bandolera, which is a band that crosses from one shoulder to the opposite hip where bandoleros used to put their weapons, and also bandolero (one who wears a bandolera, i.e., probably a bandit).

However, if you wear something across your chest nowadays, you say in Spanish llevar algo en bandolera (to carry across the shoulder).

15. Sombrero

The word sombrero comes from Spanish sombrero, which means, literally, “shade maker.” Easy!


wine shop

16. Bodega

Bodega comes from Spanish bodega (cellar), which derived from Latin-Greek aphotheca. It is interesting that the word aphotheca entered many other languages with the meaning of pharmacy (take as an example the Polish word apteka — pharmacy). 

17. Hacienda

The word hacienda, meaning estate, comes from the Old Spanish word fazienda. There are a lot of Spanish words starting with h- that used to begin with f- in Old Spanish. 

Food and Drink

chorizo sausage on the chopping board

18. Cacao

Cocoa comes from Spanish cacao, which derived from Nahuatl cacáhuatl. If you know some Spanish, you should recognize this word, since it has given us another, also delicious, food: el cacahuete (the peanut). Manteca de cacahuete (peanut butter), anyone?

19. Chorizo

A chorizo is a spiced pork sausage probably known worldwide. 

That being said, there is another meaning of the word that is not so delicious. A chorizo is a thief, and it has been consistently used to describe some Spanish politicians in the past few years. 

20. Daiquiri

Daiquiri comes from the name Daiquiri, a port city in Eastern Cuba.

Daiquiris contain rum, a lot of rum. Cuba’s most famous alcoholic drink is rum… I am just connecting some dots here.

21. Oregano

Oregano entered English via Spanish orégano, which means oregano or marjoram.

22. Tapas

The word tapas comes from the word tapar (to cover). Back in the Middle Ages, when you could not find a single tavern without flies, these little insects had a tendency to taste the drinks served. I guess they got drunk and died inside the beverage… Until one smart person thought it would be interesting to cover the glass with something in between sips. They started using a loaf of bread, then chorizo was added… You can imagine the rest.

If you want to know other curious facts about the origin of tapas, I recommend you visit this page.

23. Vanilla

Vanilla comes from Spanish vainilla, which in turn comes from Latin vaina (pod).

As you may already know, the Spanish suffix -illo/-illa is used as a diminutive, so a vainilla would be a small vaina.

24. Yerba buena

Yerba buena comes from Spanish yerbabuena, which, literally translated, means “good herb.”

Music and Dance

man and woman dancing tango on the street

25. Flamenco

Flamenco is one of those music genres you either love or hate.  Even people from the South of Spain, where flamenco originated, are divided into flamenco lovers and flamenco… not lovers.

The word flamenco is used to define a type of music and dance performed mainly by people of Gypsy origin. The word flamenco comes from the Middle Dutch word vlaminc (which means “from Flanders”), because in the past there was a theory that said Gypsies were of Germanic origin.

26. Rumba

Rumba comes from Spanish rumba, which is that impossible dance all my friends have mastered to perfection and I am not even able to describe.

If you like rumba, I really recommend you get familiar with the rumba catalana. I love it!

27. Tango

Tango is one of those sexy words the Spanish language has given the world. For free.

Whether you know how to dance a tango or not, just remember it is a word of Spanish origin. If you want to pronounce it correctly in Spanish, it should be said tan-goh


dressed up in a party clothing people laughing

28. Fiesta

I still have not met a person in the whole world who does not know or has not heard about the word fiesta. 

What is true is that the word fiesta entered English through Spanish. We also have fiesta (party), which comes from Latin festa.

29. Siesta

Siesta comes from Latin sexta hora (the sixth hour). The sixth hour refers to the prayer time at noon (six hours after dawn), but Spanish siesta starts after eating lunch, which can normally be 3 or 4 p.m.

If you are in Spain, bear in mind that most shops are closed during siesta time, which means if you need to buy something, you will have to wait until around 6 p.m.!

30. Adobe

Adobe is written exactly the same both in English and Spanish. Adobe comes from the Arabic word al-tob, which means something along the lines of “mud brick.”

There is one difference between the English and the Spanish, though: pronunciation. Remember that in Spanish we normally read words exactly how they are written, so we say ah-dóh-beh.

31. Corralito

Corralito comes from the Spanish word corral, which, like in English, is a pen or farmyard. Originally, the word corralito was used to define a closed playground where children could safely play without escaping.

However, the new definition of the word says that a corralito is a situation where a government closes the banks (the playground) so that money (the children) cannot be withdrawn (i.e., cannot escape). 

32. Crusade

Crusade is a blend of the Middle French croisade and Spanish cruzado. Both words came from Latin crux, crucis (cross).

Maybe you can understand now why the Stations of the Cross, or the Way of the Cross, are called Via crucis, and how the word crusade has developed the meaning it has today from its place in history.

33. Galleon

Galleon comes from Spanish galeón, which is a large sailing ship with three or more masts.

It is interesting how the word in Spanish has its accent on the last syllable, while in English it is on the first one. 

34. Lolita

I was so surprised when I discovered this word is actually of Spanish origin!

Lolita is the diminutive form of Lola, which in turn is short for Dolores (a female proper noun meaning “pains, sorrows”). That this word, closely related to religion, ended up meaning what it means today is strange to say the least.

35. Telenovela

The word telenovela is a fusion of two Spanish words: televisión (TV) and novela (novel). Watching a telenovela is indeed like watching a book be scenified on your TV. However, there is a difference between reading a novel and watching a telenovela. If you choose the latter, you can very well spend six months of your life waiting for the big climax to happen!

Nowadays, the word telenovela can also be used in Spanish to talk about people whose lives seem like a TV soap opera, full of drama, cliffhangers and love stories that can leave you breathless:

Su vida parece una telenovela. ¡Se ha divorciado 4 veces ya! (Her life looks like a telenovela. She has been divorced 4 times already!)

If you enjoy learning a new language with videos like telenovelas, you can try FluentU. FluentU is a language learning website and app that turns authentic, engaging video—like movie trailers, music videos, commercials and inspiring talks—into immersive lessons. All videos are curated specifically for language learners by language experts, so you don’t need to trawl the internet in search of truly authentic (and level-appropriate) videos. Plus, you can review what you learn in the videos with multimedia flashcards and personalized quizzes. 

So there you have it. 35 super awesome words of Spanish origin that have traveled time and space and have landed in American English.

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Discover 45 Spanish words in English you already know – courtesy of Busuu's language experts

Are you ready to pick up some Spanish vocab, pronto? If you think you’re starting with nada, think again. English is full of Spanish loanwords and cognates – which means you can already understand more Spanish than you think!

And it’s not just Spanish – you’ll also find that English is teeming with French words!

Spanish has a strong influence on American English in particular, where areas including Texas, California, Arizona, and Colorado (the latter literally meaning red-coloured) were once part of Mexico. 

Spanish colonialism in the 1500s imported many words into English, including war terms such as armada and embargo. Other Spanish loanwords are more recent from the 41 million native Spanish speakers living in the United States.

Here are 29 popular English words are close or direct translation from Spanish

You could probably guess that adios or fiesta come from Spanish, but did you know that patio, banana, and marijuana are also Spanish loanwords?


  1. Adiós – from the Spanish adios, literally meaning “may you be (commended) to God”.
  2. Aficionado – Spanish for a person who likes, knows about, and appreciates a pursued interest or activity. From the Spanish afición, primarily meaning hobby/ pastime, but it can also mean affection.
  3. Amigo – Spanish word for friend (male). The female version amiga isn’t officially recognized in English.
  4. Armada – Spanish for a fleet of warships
  5. Banana – English borrowed this from Spanish and Portuguese, who in turn most likely borrowed it from Wolof (West Africa)
  6. Bodega – Spanish for wine storehouse or winery
  7. Bonanza – Spanish meanings include calm sea and prosperity
  8. Breeze – from the Spanish brisa, for northwest wind
  9. Cafeteria – from the Spanish cafetería meaning coffeehouse
  10. Cigar – from the Spanish word for cigarette in Spain, cigarro (the actual word for cigar over there is puro)
  11. Embargo – from the Spanish word embargar, to bar
  12. Fiesta – Spanish for a festival or party, in particular a saint’s day celebrated in Spain, Latin America, and the Philippines with processions and dances
  13. Guerilla – Spanish word derived from guerra, war in Spanish
  14. Hola – A Spanish interjection meaning hi
  15. Incognito – from the Spanish incógnito, meaning having one’s identity concealed 
  16. Lasso – from the Spanish lazo, meaning snare or bow
  17. Loco – Spanish for crazy or frenzied
  18. Macho – Spanish for male when referring to animals. Worth noting: when referring to people, macho has negative, sexist connotations!
  19. Marijuana – from the Mexican Spanish mariguana or marihuana
  20. Mucho – Spanish for much or many
  21. Nada – Spanish for nothing
  22. Patio – Spanish for courtyard
  23. Plaza – Spanish for a public square or open area
  24. Pronto – Spanish for without delay
  25. Renegade – from the Spanish renegado, one who abandons their ideals or faith
  26. Siesta – Spanish for an afternoon nap or rest
  27. Tango – Spanish for the Latin dance of the same name
  28. Tomato – from the Spanish word tomate, from the Nahuatl tomatl
  29. Vigilante – Spanish for watchman or guard

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Discover 16 Spanish ‘food’ words that we already use in English 

There’s no area where Spanish influence is more visible in English than with food. 

Popular Spanish words in English from Latin cuisine that need no introduction include nacho, tortilla, taco, jalapeño, guacamole, burrito, queso, quesadilla, chorizo and vanilla. But there’ll be others you might not have heard of:

  1. Avocado – a modification of the Spanish aguacate, from the Nahuatl āhuacatl
  2. Burrito – need we say more?
  3. Barbecue – comes from the Spanish barbacoa, the structure for cooking meat over a fire
  4. Chilli – hot or sweet peppers or a meat sauce made from them and comes from the Spanish chile.
  5. Chorizo – need we say more?
  6. Cilantro Spanish word for what the plant that cilantro (or coriander, according to the Brits) grows on 
  7. Guacamole – need we say more?
  8. Jalapeño – need we say more?
  9. Nacho – need we say more?
  10. Quesadilla – need we say more?
  11. Queso – need we say more?
  12. Salsa – the Spanish word for sauce, which in Spanish speaking countries, can include variations that don’t include tomatoes
  13. Taco – need we say more?
  14. Tortilla – tortilla is spelled the same in Spanish; but if you say tortilla to a Spaniard, their minds will first conjure up an image of an omelette, not a wrap, thanks to the one of the most traditional dishes in Spain, tortilla de patata (potato omelette).  
  15. Tequila – named after the town in Mexico, where the spirit originates
  16. Vanilla – from the Spanish vainilla

Introducing 7 Spanish nature words you’ll find in English

Nature enthusiasts might also be surprised to find loanwords from S

  1. Savanna – from the Spanish sabana
  2. Sierra – Spanish for mountains, hills or mountain range (and saw – the DIY tool, not the verb)
  3. Mesa – from the Spanish mesa, which literally means table  
  4. Pueblo – a cliff-style dwelling of Native Americans, which is named after the Spanish word for village.
  5. Tornado – derived from the Spanish tronada,  – a (rarely used) word for thunder – nowadays, Spaniards use tornado or trueno
  6. Hurricane – English adaptation of the Spanish huracán, a Spanish loanword from Taino. 
  7. The El Niño and La Niña weather patterns – translate to the boy and the girl.

Worth noting: English also often uses Spanish names for animals that are native to the Americas. Think armadillo, llama, alpaca, chinchilla, iguana, bronco, and even mosquito. The English word alligator comes from el lagarto, the Spanish word for lizard.

Wait, there’s more! Here are 12 great examples of Spanish cognates

Cognates are words that come from the same linguistic root – in this case, Latin. 

This includes words that are the same in English and Spanish, as well as words with variations in spelling and pronunciation. 

If you’re learning Spanish, look for cognates that can help you guess the meanings of words. There are loads of these handy word pairings in English that make Spanish easier than almost any other language to learn. 

Here are a 12 great examples: 

  1. Universidad – university
  2. Montaña – mountain
  3. Excelente – excellent
  4. Problema – problem
  5. Carro – Car
  6. Parque – park
  7. Comenzar – to start, commence
  8. Necesitar – to need
  9. Árbol – tree (arborist, arboretum)
  10. Creer – to believe (credence, credible, creed)
  11. Hospital – hospital
  12. Personal – personal

Top tip: You can also guess something about a Spanish word from common suffixes. For example, –ito or -ita means a smaller version of something, like casita (small house), or the cute nickname amorcito (little love).

But beware of false friends in Spanish and English

Hold on a minute! 

While cognates are very useful, proceed with caution. Not every similar-sounding word in English and Spanish shares the same meaning. We call these tricky words “false friends”, because they seem familiar but could betray you. 

Here are some examples of false friends in Spanish and English:

  • Lectura means reading, not a lecture
  • Embarazado means pregnant, not embarrassed
  • Librería means bookstore, not library
  • Sensible means sensitive, not sensible

And that’s a wrap – you’ve just learned (nearly) all there is to know about the Spanish words that have made their way into the English language. 

Our advice? Pay attention when you’re hearing or reading Spanish – even a beginner can pick up a word or two. Stay vigilant, and soon, you’ll fill in the rest. Adios! 

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  • 6 cool Spanish words that don’t exist in English
  • 48 common Spanish phrases to survive any situation
  • 8 Spanish songs that will boost your language skills

When Spanish Words Become Our Own

Adopted and Borrowed Words Enrich English

Una alpaca. (An alpaca.).
Photo by Guido612; licensed via Creative Commons.

Rodeo, pronto, taco, enchilada — English or Spanish?

The answer, of course, is both. For English, like most languages, has expanded over the years through assimilation of words from other tongues. As people of different languages intermingle, inevitably some of the words of one language become words of the other.

It doesn’t take someone who studies etymology to look at a Spanish-language website (or the websites in nearly any other language) to see how English vocabulary, particularly as it relates to technical subjects, is spreading. And while English now may be giving more words to other languages than it is absorbing, that wasn’t always true. For the English vocabulary today is as rich as it is largely because it accepted words from Latin (mostly by way of French). But there’s also a small share of the English language that is derived from Spanish.

Words From Various Origins

Many Spanish words have come to us from three primary sources. As you can hypothesize from the list below, many of them entered American English in the days of Mexican and Spanish cowboys working in what is now the U.S. Southwest. Words of Caribbean origin entered English by way of trade. The third major source is food vocabulary, especially for foods whose names have no English equivalent, as the intermingling of cultures has expanded our diets as well as our vocabulary. As you can see, many of the words changed meaning upon entering English, often by adopting a narrower meaning than in the original language.

Spanish Words Assimilated Into English

Following is a list, by no means complete, of Spanish loanwords that have become assimilated into the English vocabulary. As noted, some of them were adopted into the Spanish language from elsewhere before they were passed on to English. Although most of them retain the spelling and even (more or less) the pronunciation of Spanish, they are all recognized as English words by at least one reference source.

A–B: Adios to Burro

  • adios (from adiós)
  • adobe (originally Coptic tobe, «brick»)
  • aficionado
  • albino
  • alcove (from Spanish alcoba, originally Arabic al-qubba)
  • alfalfa (originally Arabic al-fasfasah. Many other English words beginning with «al» were originally Arabic, and many may have had a Spanish-language connection in becoming English.)
  • alligator (from el lagarto, «the lizard»)
  • alpaca (animal similar to a llama, from Aymara allpaca)
  • armada
  • armadillo (literally, «the little armed one»)
  • arroyo (English regionalism for «stream»)
  • avocado (originally a Nahuatl word, ahuacatl)
  • bajada (a geological term referring to a type of alluvial slope at the base of a mountain, from bajada, meaning «slope»)
  • banana (word, originally of African origin, entered English via either Spanish or Portuguese)
  • bandoleer (type of belt, from bandolera)
  • barbecue (from barbacoa, a word of Caribbean origin)
  • barracuda
  • bizarre (some sources, not all, say this word came from the Spanish bizarro)
  • bonanza (although the Spanish bonanza can be used synonymously with the English cognate, it more often means «calm seas» or «fair weather»)
  • booby (from bobo, meaning «silly» or «selfish»)
  • bravo (from either Italian or Old Spanish)
  • bronco (means «wild» or «rough» in Spanish)
  • buckaroo (possibly from vaquero, «cowboy»)
  • bunco (probably from banco, «bank»)
  • burrito (literally «little donkey»)
  • burro

C: Cafeteria to Criollo

  • cafeteria (from cafetería)
  • caldera (geological term)
  • canary (Old Spanish canario entered English by way of French canarie)
  • canasta (the Spanish word means «basket»)
  • cannibal (originally of Caribbean origin)
  • canoe (the word was originally Caribbean)
  • canyon (from cañón)
  • cargo (from cargar, «to load»)
  • castanet (from castañeta)
  • chaparral (from chaparro, an evergreen oak)
  • chaps (from Mexican Spanish chaparreras)
  • chihuahua (dog breed named after Mexican city and state)
  • chile relleno (Mexican food)
  • chili (from chile, derived from Nahuatl chilli)
  • chili con carne (con carne means «with meat»)
  • chocolate (originally xocolatl, from Nahuatl, an indigenous Mexican language)
  • churro (Mexican food)
  • cigar, cigarette (from cigarro)
  • cilantro
  • cinch (from cincho, «belt»)
  • cocaine (from coca, from Quechua kúka)
  • cockroach (Two English words, «cock» and «roach,» were combined to form «cockroach.» It is believed, but isn’t certain, that the words were chosen because of their similarity to the Spanish cucaracha.)
  • coco (type of tree, from icaco, originally Arawak ikaku from the Caribbean)
  • comrade (from camarada, «roommate»)
  • condor (originally from Quechua, an indigenous South American language)
  • conquistador
  • corral
  • coyote (from the Nahuatl coyotl)
  • creole (from criollo)
  • criollo (English term refers to someone indigenous to South America; Spanish term originally referred to anyone from a particular locality)

D–G: Dago to Guerrilla

  • dago (offensive ethnic term comes from Diego)
  • dengue (Spanish imported the word from Swahili)
  • desperado
  • dorado (type of fish)
  • El Niño (weather pattern, means «The Child» due to its appearance around Christmas)
  • embargo (from embargar, to bar)
  • enchilada (participle of enchilar, «to season with chili»)
  • fajita (diminutive of faja, a belt or sash, probably so named due to strips of meat)
  • fiesta (in Spanish, it can mean a party, a celebration, a feast — or a fiesta)
  • filibuster (from filibustero, derived from Dutch vrijbuiter, «pirate»)
  • flan (a type of custard)
  • flauta (a fried, rolled tortilla)
  • flotilla
  • frijol (English regionalism for a bean)
  • galleon (from Spanish galeón)
  • garbanzo (type of bean)
  • guacamole (originally from Nahuatl ahuacam, «avocado,» and molli, «sauce»)
  • guerrilla (In Spanish, the word refers to a small fighting force. A guerrilla fighter is a guerrillero.)

H–L: Habanero to Llama

  • habanero (a type of pepper; in Spanish, the word refers to something from Havana)
  • hacienda (in Spanish, the initial h is silent)
  • hammock (from jamaca, a Caribbean Spanish word)
  • hoosegow (slang term for a jail comes from Spanish juzgado, participle of juzgar, «to judge»)
  • huarache (type of sandal)
  • hurricane (from huracán, originally an indigenous Caribbean word)
  • iguana (originally from Arawak and Carib iwana)
  • incomunicado
  • jaguar (from Spanish and Portuguese, originally from Guarani yaguar)
  • jalapeño
  • jerky (the word for dried meat comes from charqui, which in turn came from the Quechua ch’arki)
  • jicama (originally from Nahuatl)
  • key (the word for a small island comes from the Spanish cayo, possibly of Caribbean origin)
  • lariat (from la reata, «the lasso»)
  • lasso (from lazo)
  • llama (originally from Quechua)

M–N: Machete to Nopal

  • machete
  • machismo
  • macho (macho usually means simply «male» in Spanish)
  • maize (from maíz, originally from Arawak mahíz)
  • manatee (from manatí, originally from Carib)
  • mano a mano (literally, «hand to hand»)
  • margarita (a woman’s name meaning «daisy»)
  • mariachi (a type of traditional Mexican music, or a musician)
  • marijuana (usually mariguana or marihuana in Spanish)
  • matador (literally, «killer»)
  • menudo (Mexican food)
  • mesa (In Spanish it means «table,» but it also can mean «tableland,» the English meaning.)
  • mesquite (tree name originally from Nahuatl mizquitl)
  • mestizo (a type of mixed ancestry)
  • mole (The name for this delightful chocolate-chili dish is sometimes misspelled as «molé» in English in an attempt to prevent mispronunciation.)
  • mosquito
  • mulatto (from mulato)
  • mustang (from mestengo, «stray»)
  • nacho
  • nada (nothing)
  • negro (comes from either the Spanish or Portuguese word for the color black)
  • nopal (type of cactus, from Nahuatl nohpalli)

O–P: Ocelot to Punctilio

  • ocelot (originally Nahuatl oceletl; the word was adopted into Spanish and then French before becoming an English word)
  • olé (in Spanish, the exclamation can be used in places other than bullfights)
  • oregano (from orégano)
  • paella (a savory Spanish rice dish)
  • palomino (originally meant a white dove in Spanish)
  • papaya (originally Arawak)
  • patio (In Spanish, the word most often refers to a courtyard.)
  • peccadillo (from pecadillo, diminutive of pecado, «sin»)
  • peso (Although in Spanish a peso is also a monetary unit, it more generally means a weight.)
  • peyote (originally Nahuatl peyotl)
  • picaresque (from picaresco)
  • pickaninny (offensive term, from pequeño, «small»)
  • pimento (Spanish pimiento)
  • pinole (a meal made of grain and beans; originally Nahuatl pinolli)
  • pinta (tropical skin disease)
  • pinto (Spanish for «spotted» or «painted»)
  • piñata
  • piña colada (literally meaning «strained pineapple»)
  • piñon (type of pine tree, sometimes spelled «pinyon»)
  • plantain (from plátano or plántano)
  • plaza
  • poncho (Spanish adopted the word from Araucanian, an indigenous South American language)
  • potato (from batata, a word of Caribbean origin)
  • pronto (from an adjective or adverb meaning «quick» or «quickly»)
  • pueblo (in Spanish, the word can mean simply «people»)
  • puma (originally from Quechua)
  • punctilio (from puntillo, «little point,» or possibly from Italian puntiglio)

Q–S: Quadroon to Stockade

  • quadroon (from cuaterón)
  • quesadilla
  • quirt (type of riding whip, comes from Spanish cuarta)
  • ranch (Rancho often means «ranch» in Mexican Spanish, but it can also mean a settlement, camp or meal rations.)
  • reefer (drug slang, possibly from Mexican Spanish grifa, «marijuana»)
  • remuda (regionalism for a relay of horses)
  • renegade (from renegado)
  • rodeo
  • rumba (from rumbo, originally referring to the course of a ship and, by extension, the revelry aboard)
  • salsa (In Spanish, almost any kind of a sauce or gravy can be referred to as salsa.)
  • sarsaparilla (from zarza, «bramble,» and parrilla, «small vine»)
  • sassafras (from sasafrás)
  • savanna (from obsolete Spanish çavana, originally Taino zabana, «grassland»)
  • savvy (from sabe, a form of the verb saber, «to know»)
  • serape (Mexican blanket)
  • serrano (type of pepper)
  • shack (possibly from Mexican Spanish jacal, from the Nahuatl xcalli, «adobe hut»)
  • siesta
  • silo
  • sombrero (In Spanish, the word, which is derived from sombra, «shade,» can mean almost any kind of hat, not just the traditional broad-rimmed Mexican hat.)
  • spaniel (ultimately from hispania, the same root that gave us the words «Spain» and español)
  • stampede (from estampida)
  • stevedore (from estibador, one who stows or packs things)
  • stockade (from a French derivation of the Spanish estacada, «fence» or «stockade»)

T–Z: Taco to Zapateado

  • taco (In Spanish, a taco can refer to a stopper, plug or wad. In other words, a taco originally meant a wad of food. Indeed, in Mexico, the variety of tacos is almost endless, far more varied than the beef, lettuce and cheese combination of U.S.-style fast food.)
  • tamale (The Spanish singular for this Mexican dish is tamal. The English comes from an erroneous backformation of the Spanish plural, tamales.)
  • tamarillo (type of tree, derived from tomatillo, a small tomato)
  • tango
  • tejano (type of music)
  • tequila (named after a Mexican town of the same name)
  • tobacco (from tabaco, a word possibly of Caribbean origin)
  • tomatillo
  • tomato (from tomate, derived from Nahuatl tomatl)
  • toreador
  • tornado (from tronada, thunderstorm)
  • tortilla (in Spanish, an omelet often is a tortilla)
  • tuna (from atún)
  • vamoose (from vamos, a form of «to go»)
  • vanilla (from vainilla)
  • vaquero (English regionalism for a cowboy)
  • vicuña (animal similar to a llama, from Quechua wikuña)
  • vigilante (from adjective for «vigilant»)
  • vinegarroon (from vinagrón)
  • wrangler (some sources say word is derived from Mexican Spanish caballerango, one who grooms horses, while other sources say the word comes from German)
  • yucca (from yuca, originally a Caribbean word)
  • zapateado (a type of dance emphasizing movement of the heels)

As you study a foreign language, it is quite likely you will encounter words that have been borrowed from English. However, this process works both ways and English has also adopted a number of ‘loan’ words from foreign languages too. In fact, you probably use several of these words on a regular basis, without giving it much thought.

While these loan words come from various different languages, Spanish words feature prominently. Indeed, over the centuries, Spanish words have travelled all over the world, thanks to factors like Spanish colonialism, migration, the Hispanic influence on art and culture, and inventions and innovations with a Spanish origin.

For example, if something is invented in the English-speaking world, the inventor will typically name it and that chosen name will often be adopted by other languages too. The exact same thing happens if a piece of technology, or even an idea, originates in a Spanish-speaking region.

Spanish Words That Are Used in English

Below, we take a closer look at some of the most common examples of Spanish loan words used by English speakers, along with an explanation of the origin of the word. In each case, the word has retained its original spelling and has essentially become a recognised part of the English language, despite having its roots in Spanish.

1. Siesta

Siesta, Spanish word

Although the concept of an afternoon nap is observed in a huge number of other countries, it is most closely associated with Spain and other cultures with a clear Hispanic link, such as the Philippines. The word itself means ‘nap’ and is used in various languages, including English, to describe the practice.

2. Plaza

The word ‘plaza’ roughly translates to ‘public square’ and has a prominent role in Hispanic culture. Most of the colonial cities in Spanish America and the Philippines were built around a square section, which would typically contain some of the most important buildings, such as law courts and administrative centres.

3. California

California, Spanish word

The largest state in the United States of America in terms of population, California shares a border with Mexico and has a fascinating history. It was previously part of the Spanish Empire’s ‘New Spain’ colony and briefly became part of Mexico during the 1800s. It is said to be named after a mythical island from a 16th century Spanish novel.

4. Guerrilla

Translating to ‘little war’, the word guerrilla is typically used to describe small groups of combatants using unconventional tactics to fight a larger, more conventional army. The phrase is believed to originate from the Peninsular War, where Spanish fighters fought against Napoleon’s forces.

5. Mosquito

It is believed that the word ‘mosquito’ actually has North American origin, with the first recorded usage occurring in the 16th century. However, the word itself is Spanish, translating to ‘little fly’. Its adoption is likely the result of European colonisation of the continent, which began in 1492 with a Spanish expedition led by Christopher Columbus.

6. Fiesta

Fiesta, Spanish word

The Spanish word for ‘festival’, it was originally used predominantly to describe religious celebrations in Spanish cultures, but is now often used by English speakers when referring to any festivities. The car manufacturer Ford also has a vehicle called the Ford Fiesta, which is one of its best-selling models.

7. Tequila

A popular drink all over the world, ‘Tequila’ is a drink of Mexican origin and its name has a very simple explanation. It was first created near the Mexican city of Tequila, Jalisco. During the 19th century, it began to be exported to the United States and its name was shortened from ‘Tequila Extract’ to ‘Tequila’.

8. Armada

The Spanish word for a naval fleet, the word ‘armada’ entered the English language during the 16th century, when a naval invasion was sent to England by Philip II of Spain. This is commonly referred to as the Spanish Armada and the word ‘armada’ is now used within the English language in a more general sense to refer to warships.

9. Macho / Machismo

Historically, the Spanish word ‘macho’ referred to the masculine role men were expected to play in Iberian cultures. The concept of ‘machismo’ made its way into other cultures through things like literature and the arts and is now used to describe a particular version of manliness, built on self-reliance and strength. In more recent times, the word has also developed negative connotations, being linked with ideas like male aggression and oppression of women.

10.  Armadillo

armadillo, spanish word

Originating in South America, armadillos are mammals and are perhaps most notable for their leathery armoured shell, which offers them protection from predators. Given their geographical origin, it is perhaps little surprise that their name is derived from Spanish. In actual fact, it literally translates to ‘little armoured one’.

Spanish Words That SHOULD Be Used in English

In addition to the hundreds of Spanish words that have been adopted for usage within the English language, we have compiled a list of Spanish words that we believe should be adopted. All of these words currently have no direct English language equivalent and so are considered to be ‘untranslatable’.

 Anteayer  A singular word meaning ‘the day before yesterday’.
 Sobremesa  The point at the end of a meal, after everyone has finished,  but the conversation continues.
 Enchilar  To become red in the face after eating food containing chilli
 Vergüenza  ajena  Shame or embarrassment felt on behalf of others, even if  they do not feel it themselves.
 Quincena  A period of 15 days; or the 15th day of the month, marking  the halfway point.
 Entrecejo  The hairless space in between the eyebrows.
 Lampiño –  imberbe  A man who either cannot grow facial hair, or has very  sparse facial hair, which looks terrible.
 Estrenar  To wear a new item of clothing or use a new purchase for  the first time.
 Te quiero  Used when you like someone as more than a friend, but do  not quite ‘love’ them yet.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is a list of English language words whose origin can be traced to the Spanish language as «Spanish loan words». Words typical of «Mock Spanish» used in the United States are listed separately.


via Spanish abacá from Tagalog abaká
from Spanish , from Ohlone aluan or Rumsen awlun.
from Spanish ‘adiós’ meaning «goodbye» < latin ad deus «to god» (short for «a Dios seas», «a Dios seades», literally, «may (you) be (commended) to God»)
From Egyptian via Arabic «Al-tub»
from past participle of aficionar, to inspire affection, from afición affection, from Latin affection-, affectio, from afficere .
from alcatraz, see below.
from alcalde, magistrate.
(meaning «gannet») from Arabic غطاس al-ġaţţās («the diver»)
via French, Spanish alidada and Medieval Latin alhidade from Arabic العهدة al-idada, «the revolving radius»
from el lagarto, «the lizard» < latín lacartus < lacertus.
via Spanish, from Aymara allpaqa
from Old French alutel, via Spanish and Medieval Latin from Arabic الأثال al-ʾuṯāl, «the sublimation vessel»
from Spanish and/or Portuguese amigo, «friend»; from Latin amicus meaning «friend,» derived from amare (to love).
Mexican Spanish from Nahautl amolli meaning «soap root.»[1]
from the village of Montilla «little mount», Province of Córdoba, Spain
from Mexican Spanish (chile) ancho, «wide (chili)» < latin amplus
from Spanish anchoa or more probably Portuguese anchova meaning «bluefish»; from Genoese or Corsican dialect; ultimately from Latin apua meaning «small fish» and Greek Αφυε aphye meaning «small fry» or from Basque anchuva meaning «dry»[2]
from American Spanish
from Mexican Spanish from Yavapai epache meaning «people» or from Zuni apachu meaning «enemy»[3]
«armed [fleet]» from the Spanish navy, La armada española
from armadillo, «little armored one»
from arroyo, «stream» < arrugium
alteration of Spanish aguacate, from Nahuatl ahuacatl.
via Spanish from Quechua ayawaska meaning «soul vine.»


from Spanish or Portuguese banana, probably from a Wolof word,[4] or from Arabic بأننا “ba’ nana” fingers[5]
from Spanish bandolero, meaning «band (for a weapon or other) that crosses from one shoulder to the opposite hip» and bandolero, loosely meaning «he who wears a bandolier»
from barbacoa, from Spanish, taken from Caribbean Taínos barbacu, cooking set-up with wood tray at a height over fire
from barracuda May have come from barraco, meaning overlapping tooth
from Spanish barranca or barranco, ravine
from Spanish barrio, «neighborhood», from Arabic بري barri, wild
from bastonada, from Spanish bastón, cane
from Spanish and/or Portuguese bodega, meaning cellar < latin-greek aphothekam.
from bodegón
from Spanish bolero
from bonanza meaning «prosperity» < latin bonantia < bonus «good».
from Spanish bonito, meaning «beautiful» < latin bonus «good».
from brisa «cold northeast wind» or from Frisian briesen — to blow (wind)[6]
from bronco meaning «coarse»
from vaquero meaning «cowboy», ultimately from Latin «vaccarium» «cowboy» (vacca «cow»).
diminutive of burro, a dish originally from Northern Mexico, literally «little donkey»
from burro, «donkey» < latin burricus «small horse».


from Spanish caballero meaning «knight/gentleman», from caballo, «horse», Celtic caballos «horse».
from Spanish cabaña or Portuguese cabana < latin < capanna; both meaning «cabin»
from Spanish, from Taíno cacike or Arawak kassequa, both meaning a chief
from cafetería, «coffee store»
from Vulgar Latin calafodium «to dig a protected place» and Louisiana French calabouse, from Spanish calabozo[7]
from Spanish caldera meaning «cauldron» from Latin caldaria, «cooking pot.»
place name first seen in print in 1510 Spanish novel ‘Las sergas de Esplandián’ by Garci Rodríguez de Montalvo
from camarilla, «small room» diminutive of cámara «room» < latin camara.
from camino a path or road, from Celtic cammanos «road».
from Spanish caníbal, alteration of caríbal, from Caribe
from Spanish canoa, from Haitian canaoua
from cañón with same meaning. Derived from caño, «a pipe, tube, gorge, tube;» ultimately from Latin canna meaning «reed.»[8]
from Spanish from Visayan language kalabaw, from Malay language kerabau.
from Spanish, meaning «heck»; expression of dread, displeasure, or disapproval, euphemism for carajo
from carbonada, from carbón meaning «coal»
from the verb cargar meaning «to load»
from Spanish Caribe, from name of Carib Indians of the region.
from cazabe, from Taíno caçábi
from caudillo, from Latin capitellium «head» meaning «leader»
from cedilla, archaic spelling zedilla (little z)
from Spanish, chaparro loosely meaning small evergreen oak, from Basque txapar, «small, short»
from Mexican Spanish chaparreras, leg protectors for riding through chaparral
from Spanish, literally: «squash», from Nahuatl chayotl meaning «spiny squash»
from Spanish chicha, from Kuna chichab, meaning «maize» or from Nahuatl chichiatl, «fermented water.»
from chicle «gum», from Nahuatl tzictli «squishy stuff» or Mayan tsicte.[9]
from Spanish chile, from Nahuatl chilli
from Spanish, smoked jalapeño, from Nahuatl chilpoctli
from Spanish chocolate, from Nahuatl xocolatl meaning «hot water» or from a combination of the Mayan word chocol meaning «hot» and the Nahuatl word atl meaning «water.»
from the native name Chahta of unknown meaning but also said to come from Spanish chato (=»flattened») because of the tribe’s custom of flattening the heads of male infants.[10]
from chorizo, «sausage»
from churro, «fritter»
cienega or cienaga
from ciénaga, «swamp» < latin caenus «mud» and native suffix -aka, caénaka.
from Spanish cigarro meaning «fag (UK), stogie, stogy», from Mayan sicar or sic, «tobacco»
from French cigarette «little weed», diminutive of French cigare «stogie», from Spanish cigarro meaning «fag (UK), stogie, stogy.»
from Spanish cilantro < latin coriandrum, «coriander»
from Spanish, coca meaning «coke», from Quechua kuka
from Spanish cucaracha
cocoa or cacao
from Spanish cacao, from Nahuatl cacáhuatl
from Spanish cojones < latin coleones meaning «balls, testicles», to denote courage
from Spanish colorado < latin coloratus, red or colored
from French camarade meaning «friend», from Spanish camarada < latin camara «room», «pal, mate»
from Spanish, from Quechua kuntur
from conquistador meaning «conqueror», from conquista < latin conquisita, «conquest»
from coquina, dim. form of «concha» meaning seashell; a sedimentary rock of NE Florida
from cordillera, «range» < cordel «cord».
from corral meaning «pen, yard» from Portuguese curral meaning «pen» of unknown; perhaps ultimately from Afrikaans kraal or from Vulgar Latin currale loosely meaning «enclosure for vehicles.»[11]
a bullfight (literally: «raced»)
from Spanish coyote, from Nahuatl coyotl
from Spanish vaquero, an individual who managed cattle while mounted on horseback, from vaca, «cow», from Latin vacca
from French créole, from Spanish criollo, from Portuguese crioulo, raised in the house
from Old Spanish cremesín, via Medieval Latin cremesinus from Arabic قيرميزل qirmizI, from Persian قرمز qermez kermes; ultimately from Sanskrit कृमिज krmi-ja meaning «worm-made.»[12]
blend of Middle French croisade and Spanish cruzada; both ultimately from Latin crux, crucis «cross»
from cuadrilla «group of people» diminutive of cuadro «square» < latin quadrus.
from Spanish cumbia, a popular dance (for couples) originating in Colombia.


from Daiquiri, a port city in eastern Cuba
from Spanish dengue meaning «fever», from Swahili dinga, «seizure»
from Spanish derecho meaning «straight» or «masculine of right side» < latin directum, a widespread and long-lived convection-induced straight-line windstorm
from Spanish descamisado, «without a shirt» < camisa «shirt» < celtic kamisia.
from Spanish desesperado, desperate
from Spanish doblón : meaning «two-sided» for two-headed coin («doble» is double in Spanish < latin duplex).


El Dorado
from El Dorado, literally, «the golden one»
El Niño
from El Niño de la Navidad, literally, «the Christmas child» due to the warming of Pacific waters seemed to warm around Christmas
from embarcadero a boat dock, from barca «rowboat».
from Spanish embargar, to «seize» or «impound» < latin imbarricare.
from escabeche, «pickle» < Arabic assukkabáǧ.
from Spanish escopetero, «musketeer», from escopeta «shotgun» < italian schioppetto.


from Federales, «federal police»
from the Spanish fiesta meaning «party» < latin festa
«Spanish genre of music and dance typical of the gypsies». From Dutch flaming «from Flanders» (in the past it was believed that the gypsies were of German origin)
from La Florida, the flowery or plant-filled place or pascua florida, «flowery Easter.»
diminutive of flota, «fleet»


from Spanish «galeón» (a large sailing ship having three or more masts, from the 15th to 18th century)
from Mapuche «Argentine cowboy»
from Latin expression gratias agere («to give thanks»)
probably from griego («Greek»), in reference to the language (cf. Greek to me), and originally referring to any type of foreigner
via American Spanish from Nahuatl ahuaca-molli («avocado sauce»)[13]
from Spanish obsolete meaning «small war» or current meaning «fire-armed group» (raised out of unbalanced democracy) from guerra «war» < Gothic werra «war» (Spanish pronunciation: [ɡeˈriʎa])


from the Spanish for the name of the Cuban city of La Habana, which is known as Havana in English. Although it is not the place of origin, it was frequently traded there.
from Old Spanish facienda, «estate»
from Spanish jaquima, «halter.»
Spanish greeting, equivalent to «hello»
From Spanish hispanic. Also came from Latin Hispania, the whole Iberian peninsula (Spain and Portugal) called by Romans.
from Spanish hombre, «man» < medieval homre < latin hominis
from Spanish juzgado, courthouse, from juzgar < latin iudicare «to judge»
from Spanish huracán, from Taíno hurákan; akin to Arawak kulakani, thunder


via Spanish inca, from Quechua Inka, literally: «lord, king.»[14]
from incomunicado, without communication (in the mountains, in the jail,…), «in solitary confinement.»
from Spanish iguana from Arawak iwana.


from Spanish piedra de ijada, «stone of flank.»
from Spanish, a type of spicy chilli named after Jalapa de Enríquez, a town in Mexico, and the capital of the state of Veracruz
via Spanish charqui, from Quechua ch’arki, «dried flesh»
from Spanish junta literally «joint»; a board of joint administration; sometimes used to refer to military officers command in a coup d’état. As an adjective, it means «together».


from Spanish cayo, from Taíno cayo (this is English ‘key’/’cay’/’quay’ as in an island, reef or a linked series of them, not the ‘key’ with which one locks/unlocks doors)


La Niña
«The little girl», complementary weather pattern to (q.v.) El Niño
from la reata, meaning «the strap, rein, or rope» from reatar («to tie again») from atar «to tie (up);» from Latin aparte, «to join.»[15]
via American English from Spanish lazo meaning «tie; or rope» ultimately from Latin laqueum, «noose, snare.»[16]
English short for the Spanish word latinoamericano, formed by latino «related to the Latin empire and language» and americano «from the Americas»
via Spanish llama, from Quechua llama
from Spanish llano «plain» < latin planus; vast tropical grassland plain situated to the east of the Andes in Colombia and Venezuela.
from loco, «mad» or «crazy»
from the diminutive for Lola, short for Dolores


from macho «male, brave» < latin masculus, the property of being overtly masculine.
via Spanish mayordomo or Italian maggiordomo (both meaning «butler») from Latin maior domus meaning «mayor of the place.»
from mano, «hand». Stone handtool
from Spanish manzanilla, a natural tea for some superficial pains. The word is diminutive of manzana «apple»
from Spanish marihuana meaning cannabis.
from the Spanish cimarrón, which was derived from an Arawakan root
from matador meaning «killer» from matar («to kill») probably from Arabic مات mata meaning «he died», also possibly cognate with Persian مردن mordan, «to die» as well as English «murder.» Another theory is that the word «matador» is derived from a combination of the Vulgar Latin mattāre, from Late Latin mactare (to slaughter, kill) and the Latin -tor (which is cognate with Greek τορ -tōr and Sanskrit तर -tar-.)[17]
a type of music and dance originating in the Dominican Republic
from mesa, table < latin mensa. The corresponding Spanish word to a flat top mountain is meseta
from Spanish mezcal, from Nahuatl mexcalli
from Mexican Spanish mezquite, from Nahuatl mizquitl
from mestizo «racially mixed» < latin mixticius «mixed» or «mongrel», in Spanish, refers to a person of mixed European and Native American descent.
dim. formed from «mojado» (wet or dripping) probably referring to the mint leaves in the well known Cuban drink
also from Spanish as Guacamole, from Nahuatl molle or molli («sauce»)
from montaña, a mountain
from mosquito, literally «little fly» < mosca «fly» < latin musca.
from Spanish or Portuguese mulato meaning «octoroon, sambo» from mulo «mule» > «hybrid». in Spanish, refers to a person of mixed European-African descent.
from mustango, mestengo, mestencoor mesteño, «without known master or owner» (archaic)
from mestizo, «racially mixed.»or «mongrel»


from Nacho, a nickname for the given name Ignacio, inventor of the snack
from «nada» meaning » nothing.»[18]
from Spanish, Portuguese, or Italian negro, «black», from Latin nigrum (nom. niger) and Greek νέγρος négros, both meaning «black.».[19] In Spanish it might be derogatory (depending on intonation and facial expression on some Latin countries).
from Nevada («snowy») after the Sierra Nevada («snowy mountains»)
from nuestro amo, «our master».


an interjection, an expression of approval or triumph, similar to the Italian bravo (capable), by spectators of bull fights or football (soccer) matches
from orégano, «marjoram»


from pachuco, «fancy-dresser.» or «unsuitable or bad-looking attire»
from Spanish paella, from Valencian paella «pan» and the dish name. Originated in Latin patella, also meaning «pan.»
from palmito, «palm heart, little palm», diminutive form of the word for palm.
via Spanish, from Quechua pampa, plain
from papaya, akin to Arawak papáia
from Spanish páramo (moorland)
from patio, inner courtyard, «an open paved area adjacent to a home»
from pecadillo, «small sin»
from Spanish pecarí, from Carib pakira or paquira.[20]
from Spanish peón («laborer»)
from Spanish, from Nahuatl peyotl («caterpillar»)
via Spanish Filipinas from Latin Philippinae, «islands of king Philip II of Spain»; ultimately from Greek Φιλιππίναι Philippinai from the Greek phrase Φίλος ίππος Νησιά Fílos Íppos Ni̱sí, «Islands of the Horse Friend.»
from picadillo, «hash»
pimento or pimiento
from pimiento, «pepper.»
piña colada
from Spanish piña (pineapple), and colada, which means strained, from the Spanish verb colar («to strain»)
from piñata («jug, pot») from Latin pinea, «pine cone.» or «birthday batting-pony game for kids»[21]
piñon or pinyon
from piñón, «pine»
from pinta, «he/she/it paints»; also archaic Spanish for pintada, «painted»
from pintar, «to paint»; a white horse with a coat «painted» in large patterns of any other color.
from Carib language
from pisco, «turkey»
placer mining
from placer, «sand bank» or «pleasure»
from platina, «little silver» (now platino)
from playa, «beach» < latin plagea
from plaza, «public square, spot or place» < latin platea.
from Spanish or Italian político meaning «politician, political agent;»[22] ultimately from Latin politicus meaning «of citizens or the state, civil, civic,» from Greek πολιτικός (Ancient Greek: πολῑτικός) politikos, «of citizens or the state,» from πολίτης (plural: πολίτες) polites (citizen) from πόλις polis, «city.»[23]
from poncho, from Araucanian pontho meaning «woolen fabric.»[24] or «Short of Proper name Alfonso»
from Peninsular Spanish patata, itself from batata, «sweet potato», from Taíno and papa, «potato» from Quechua
from potrero, archaic term for «tongue of land»
from Spanish «soon, prompt»
from pronunciamiento proclamation, «military coup d’état», usually establishing a military dictatorship (often a junta)
from Spanish «cougar, panther», from Quechua
via Castilian pueblo from Latin populus («people») or «Population of Country-side or outskirts».


from cuarterón, «fourth»
from quesadilla meaning a traditional Mexican dish made with tortillas and cheese, diminutive of queso, cheese.
from Spanish, from Nahuatl «quetzalli»: a group of colourful birds of the trogon family found in tropical regions of the Americas. It also may refer to Guatemalan quetzal, the currency of Guatemala.
via Spanish quinua, from Quechua kinwa
from Spanish quince años, literally: «fifteen-year-old-girl»; a girl’s fifteenth birthday celebration similar to a «sweet sixteen»; with special rituals in South America.
from fictional character Don Quixote as in «tilting at windmills»
from Spanish cuarta literally: «quarter»; a short horseman’s whip, from «one fourth» (of a vara)


from rancho, a very small rural community, smaller than a town; also a very humble dwelling in South American Spanish.
from reconquista, «reconquest»
from Mexican Spanish remudar, to exchange (horses)
from renegado, «turncoat, heretic, disowned»
from rumba synomyn of Big-Party
from rincón, «meadow» or «corner-side»
from Spanish róbalo meaning «bass, sea wolf,» a tropical marine game and fish food
from Spanish roble, «oak tree» < latin roboris.
from rodeo and verb rodear (to go around) or «go-after and animal»
from rumba or «farra» synomyn of Big-Party


from saguaro, from Piman
from salsa, «sauce»
from zapotillo
from French sarabande in turn from Spanish zarabanda
from sabana, «veld», from Taíno zabana
from Spanish or Portuguese sabe, «knows»; sabio, «wise, learned» < latin sapidus «with sapience».
perhaps from Mexican Spanish jacal meaning «hut», from Nahuatl xacalli
from Old Spanish Xerés [ʃeˈɾes], modern Spanish Jerez [xeˈɾeθ].
from sierra, a mountain range
Sierra Nevada
literally «snowy mountains»
from siesta, «nap», from Latin Sexta [hora] «sixth hour»
from silo
from sombrero (literally, shade maker), «hat»
from estampida
from estibador (literally, one who stuffs), «ship loader»
from a French derivation of the Spanish estocada, «stab»
meaning «charming, confident, and elegant» < latin suavis «sweet».


from taco, «plug»[25] or from Portugues Bat
from Spanish tamales, pl. of tamal, from Nahuatl tamalli meaning dumpling made from corn flour
from Spanish tango.
from tapioca, «cassava»
ten-gallon hat
from Spanish tan galán meaning «so gallant (looking)»; alternate theory is the gallon of Texas English here is a misunderstanding of galón meaning braid
Spanish for trembling, or earthquake; from temblar, to shake, from Vulgar Latin *tremulāre, from Latin tremulus
from tequila, from the town Tequila, where the beverage originated
telenovela or telenovella
from telenovela, «soap opera» or to some extent «TV-drama-show»
from tilde from Spanish ‘ symbol above some vowels
from Spanish (Nahuatl influenced) tabaco, «snuff»
from Spanish tomatillo, «small tomato» (see Physalis philadelphica)
from Spanish tomate, from Nahuatl xitomatl
from toro, «bull»
from Spanish tronada, «thunderstorm», influenced by tornar, «to turn»
from tortilla, literally «small cake». In Mexico is a type of thin flatbread made of finely ground wheat flour. Now is called «omelet» in Spain
tostada (toast) and tostada (tortilla)
from tostada, «toasted»
from Spanish atún, from Arabic تون tun, from Latin thunnus, from Greek θύννος, thynnos (=tuna fish)
from turista, «tourist» as either gender M/F


from vamos, meaning «let’s go»
from Spanish vainilla, diminutive of Latin vaina, from vagina meaning «pod»[26]
from the Spanish word vaquero
from the Spanish word vértigo
via Spanish, from Quechua wik’uña
from Spanish vigilante, meaning «watchman.» < latin vigiliā «sleepless night, vigil».


from Italian guappone, from Spanish guapo, «handsome» or «attractive».


yerba buena
from Spanish yerbabuena meaning «good herb» (infused in Tea which has a Mint smell) < latin erbam bonam


from Spanish zorro, a fox, originally «smart» (of Basque origin)

See also[edit]

  • List of Spanish words of Indigenous American Indian origin
  • List of U.S. place names of Spanish origin
  • List of English–Spanish interlingual homographs


  1. ^ Harper, Douglas. «amole». Online Etymology Dictionary.
  2. ^ Harper, Douglas. «anchovy». Online Etymology Dictionary.
  3. ^ Harper, Douglas. «Apache». Online Etymology Dictionary.
  4. ^ Harper, Douglas. «banana». Online Etymology Dictionary.
  5. ^ Dan Keppel, Banana, Hudson Street Press, 2008; p. 44.
  6. ^ Harper, Douglas. «breeze». Online Etymology Dictionary.
  7. ^ Harper, Douglas. «calaboose». Online Etymology Dictionary.
  8. ^ Harper, Douglas. «canyon». Online Etymology Dictionary.
  9. ^ «chicle», Mexicolore
  10. ^ Harper, Douglas. «Choctaw». Online Etymology Dictionary.
  11. ^ Harper, Douglas. «corral». Online Etymology Dictionary.
  12. ^ Harper, Douglas. «crimson». Online Etymology Dictionary.
  13. ^ Harper, Douglas. «guacamole». Online Etymology Dictionary.
  14. ^ Harper, Douglas. «Inca». Online Etymology Dictionary.
  15. ^ Harper, Douglas. «lariat». Online Etymology Dictionary.
  16. ^ Harper, Douglas. «lasso». Online Etymology Dictionary.
  17. ^ «matador», dictionary.com
  18. ^ «nada», dictionary.com
  19. ^ Harper, Douglas. «Negro». Online Etymology Dictionary.
  20. ^ Harper, Douglas. «peccary». Online Etymology Dictionary.
  21. ^ Harper, Douglas. «pinata». Online Etymology Dictionary.
  22. ^ Harper, Douglas. «politico». Online Etymology Dictionary.
  23. ^ Harper, Douglas. «politic». Online Etymology Dictionary.
  24. ^ Harper, Douglas. «poncho». Online Etymology Dictionary.
  25. ^ «taco», Wordreference.com translation
  26. ^ Harper, Douglas. «vanilla». Online Etymology Dictionary.

External links[edit]

  • Montague, Artur, El elemento español en el vocabulario inglés: prolegómenos a una lista. AIH. Actas IV (1971). (in Spanish)
  • Online Etymology Dictionary
  • List of English words of Spanish origin

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