Every single word meaning

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

каждое слово

каждое отдельное слово

каждое сказанное слово

каждое ее слово

каждому его слову

каждым словом

все слова

Avoid translating every single word literally.

Тем более не нужно дословно переводить каждое слово.

I can relate to every single word of this post except the 36 week part.

Здесь можно отстоять каждое слово, за исключением последних шести слов.

Listening to Louise was pure magic; every single word went straight into my heart.

It’s like learning Shakespeare; every single word needs the right intonation.

You can control every single word on your resume.

You can’t ask them to repeat every single word.

Unfortunately, every single word out of their mouths was a lie.

I want to know every single word he said.

Affected people are being concerned, who pay attention to everything, every single word.

Речь идет о травмированных людях, которые обращают внимание на все, на каждое слово».

I stayed up all night writing that paper, and I wrote every single word.

Я всю ночь писала эту работу, я написала каждое слово.

A translator is faced, for nearly every single word, with selecting the «best» translation.

Переводчик стоит, почти каждое слово, при выборе «лучших» перевода.

You don’t have to remember every single word of it.

I loved every single word, paragraph, and page.

When reading in a foreign language, don’t worry about understanding every single word.

Когда ты слушаешь иностранную речь, не пытайся понять каждое слово.

He encircled everything, studying every single word, every single sound.

Она завороженно слушала, стараясь запомнить каждое слово, каждый звук.

And I wanted to cling to every single word I heard.

Мне хотелось впитать каждое слово, какое я слышал.

Even though the stutter represents my need to control every single word that I say…

Хотя заикание заставляет меня контролировать каждое слово, все, что я говорю…

She repeated the question, this time placing emphasis on every single word.

И он снова перечитал заметку, на этот раз взвешивая каждое слово.

It might take her hours to reply, only because she is analyzing every single word that you said.

Может потребоваться время, пока она ответит, потому что она анализирует каждое слово, которое вы написали.

Avoid translating every single word literally.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 266. Точных совпадений: 266. Затраченное время: 128 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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Affected people are being concerned, who pay attention to everything, every single word.”.

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Речь идет о травмированных людях, которые обращают внимание


все, на каждое слово».

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Ты знаешь, что я помню каждое слово, что мы сказали друг другу?

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Как сделать, чтобы рапорты у всех совпадали, даже если каждое слово в них- ложь?

And they have been listening to every single word we have said for God knows how long.

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И они слушали каждое слово, что мы говорили Бог знает как долго.

You know, for months, I wrote down every single word Ansel said, the entire history of our people.

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Знаешь, месяцами я записывал каждое слово, которое говорил Энсел, всю историю наших людей.

And then, after school, the two of us would sit down with her homework and review every single word.

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И потом, после школы, мы вдвоем садились С ее домашним заданием и проверяли каждое слово.

So let me ask you… has every single word you have said to this court been absolutely, 100% true?

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Значит, разреши мне спросить тебя… было ли каждое слово, сказанное тобой в суде, абсолютно, 100% правдивым?

We are responsible to our consumers for each product we supply and for every single word indicated on the products’ packing.

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When men rise to positions of prominence and are giving forth the Word of God,

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Когда люди занимают видные положения и проповедуют Слово Бога, они должны предусматривать


действие и,

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If the people I speak to use their mother tongue without adapting it for me, I

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Если данный язык является родным для моего собеседника и он говорит свободно,

In mantras every single word is meticulously chosen and the words themselves are connected with each other so that in

this combination they follow a pace of proper, balanced and even breathing.

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В мантрах тщательно подобрано каждое слово, сами же слова связаны между собой так,

чтобы в совокупности задавать правильное, равномерное, ритмичное дыхание.

It seemed to him as if he could remember every single word of the long discussion he had had with Lebrun,

when between them they had settled the details of Lebrun’s harebrained scheme.

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когда они обсуждали детали предложенного Лебреном рискованного плана.

Familiarize yourself. Unless you wanna keep these

people from their families you’re gonna say every single word that’s on those pages and I could care less whether you agree with them or not.

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Ознакомься с ним, потому что, если ты не хочешь задерживать всех этих хороших людей от их семей,

ты скажешь каждое отдельное слово, которое есть на этих страницах, и мне плевать, согласна ты с ними или нет.

He sent the story to the magazine only on 20 February 1902 with apologies, explaining the delay with his deteriorating health, and with a kind of warning,

that he would be»challenging the censors for every single word» and won’t let the badly mangled text published.

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Он послал рассказ в журнал только 20 февраля 1902 года с извинениями, объясняя задержку ухудшением его здоровья, и с предупреждением,

что он будет« спорить с цензорами за каждое слово» и не позволит сильно исковеркать текст.

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its causes and consequences and the peace process made by the head of the Armenian State during the press conference is pure fiction, to say the least.

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Каждое слово в этих и других заявлениях об этом конфликте,

его причинах и последствиях и мирном процессе, сделанных главой армянского государства в ходе указанной пресс-конференции, является, мягко говоря, чистым вымыслом.

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Understanding the need to prepare contents of this programme according to our website tradition,

I wanted to write down a single word for every broadcast second- LOVE.

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Понимая надобность создания содержания этой передачи в рамках традиции нашего сайта,

мне хотелось написать только одно слово в каждой секунде- ЛЮБОВЬ.

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That single word has become part of our every day vocabulary that we use in personal conversations.

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То одиночное слово имеет, котор стали часть нашей каждой терминологии дня мы используем в личных переговорах.

When the Apostle John uses the word“all,” it doesn’t mean every single person, but all people groups.

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Когда апостол Иоанн использует слово» все,» Это не означает, что каждый отдельный человек, но все группы людей.

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For example, someone might say «That happens to me every single time I go there,» when they could say «That happens to me every time I go there.» Is it just a way of emphasizing the word «every»?

When spoken with anger or frustration, the first syllables are emphasized. It can be spoken as «ev‘ery sing‘le time» in a syncopated rhythm, like pounding a table with a fist.

But does the word «single» carry any extra meaning, or is it just a way of underlining «every» (and «single» is redundant)?

Edit: The same question goes for «every last», even though it isn’t as rhythmic. Thanks to V.V. for finding this similar idiom.

asked Oct 19, 2015 at 23:56

Brent Washburne's user avatar

Brent WashburneBrent Washburne

1,5811 gold badge13 silver badges15 bronze badges


«Every single»means ‘ everyone without exception ‘ Oxford Guide to English Grammar J.Eastwood.Every single child was given a medal.

answered Oct 21, 2015 at 14:55

V.V.'s user avatar


7596 silver badges9 bronze badges


Since ‘every’ is a singular quantifier, ‘single’ is redundant.
Redundant words are used for emphasis.
‘Every’, ‘all’, ‘any’, and sometimes ‘each’ are universal quantifiers.
They specify all members of a set.
‘No’ is also universal because it specifies all members of the set formed by the inverse of a certain set.
The following are equivalent:
All Xs are Y. {ex: All cats are mammals.}
Any X is Y.
Each X is Y. {assuming no subset of Xs was recently mentioned}
Every X is Y.
No X is not Y.
Redundant combinations, such as ‘each and every single …’ merely emphasize
that the reference is to all members.

answered Oct 21, 2015 at 21:22

Noami's user avatar


  • 1
    to write down every single word

    pierakstīt katru atsevišķo vārdu

    English-Latvian dictionary > to write down every single word

  • 2



    1) einfach; einzig [Ziel, Hoffnung]; Einzel[bett, -zimmer]; einfach [Größe]; einzeln

    single fare — Preis für [die] einfache Fahrt

    one single… — ein einziger/eine einzige/ein einziges…

    at a or one single blow or stroke — mit einem Schlag

    a single man/woman/single people — ein Lediger/eine Ledige/Ledige

    every single time/day — aber auch jedesmal/jeden Tag

    not/never for a single minute or moment — keinen [einzigen] Augenblick [lang]



    1) : einfache Fahrkarte

    [a] single/two singles to Manchester, please — einmal/zweimal einfach nach Manchester, bitte

    3) in pl. Single, das; Einzel, das

    men’s/women’s or ladies’ singles — Herren-/Dameneinzel, das

    Phrasal Verbs:

    academic.ru/91609/single_out»>single out

    * * *


    1) einzeln

    2) Einzel-…

    3) ledig

    4) einfach


    1) die Single

    2) einfache Fahrkarte


    — singles
    — singly
    — single-breasted
    — single-decker
    — single-handed
    — single parent
    — single out

    * * *



    she didn’t say a single word all evening sie sprach den ganzen Abend kein einziges Wort

    patience is the single most important quality Geduld ist die absolut wichtigste Eigenschaft

    with a single blow mit nur einem Schlag

    not a single person [überhaupt] niemand

    not a single soul keine Menschenseele

    every single thing [absolut] alles

    every single time jedes Mal

    2. (having one part) einzelne(r, s)

    in single figures im einstelligen [Zahlen]bereich

    single-flowered BOT einblütig

    he’s 49 and still single er ist 49 und immer noch nicht verheiratet

    he is a single parent er ist allein erziehend

    single father/mother allein erziehender Vater/allein erziehende Mutter

    II. n

    1. BRIT, AUS (one-way ticket) Einzelfahrkarte f, Einzelfahrschein m, einfache Billet nt SCHWEIZ

    do you want a single or a return? möchten Sie eine einfache Fahrkarte oder eine Hin- und Rückfahrkarte?

    2. (one-unit dollar note) Eindollarschein m, Eindollarnote f

    4. SPORT (in cricket) Schlag für einen Lauf; (in baseball) Lauf zum ersten Base

    5. (single measure of drink) Einheit f (eine Maßeinheit eines alkoholischen Getränks)

    III. vi SPORT mit einem Schlag das erste Base erreichen

    * * *


    1) einzige(r, s)

    not a single one spoke up —

    the single most expensive product —

    2) einzeln; einfach; einfach; einfach

    single pneumonia —

    3) unverheiratet, ledig

    marital status? – single — Familienstand? – ledig

    I’m a single man/girl — ich bin ledig

    1) (


    ) Schlag für einen Lauf; Lauf zum ersten Mal; Zweier

    2) Einzelfahrschein

    , Einzelfahrkarte

    ; Einzelzimmer

    ; Single

    ; Einpfund-/Eindollarschein

    a single/two singles to Xanadu — einmal/zweimal einfach nach Xanadu

    * * *

    1. einzig:

    2. einzeln, einfach, Einzel…, Ein(fach)…, ein…:

    single-decker FLUG Eindecker m (Br a. einstöckiger Bus);

    3. einzeln, Einzel…:

    4. alleinstehend, ledig, unverheiratet:

    single man Single m, Alleinstehende(r) m, Junggeselle m;

    5. einmalig (Zahlung etc)

    6. fig einmalig, einzigartig:

    7. ungeteilt:

    8. BOT einfach, ungefüllt (Blüte)

    9. TECH einfach, nur einen Arbeitsgang verrichtend (Maschine)

    10. fig aufrichtig (Hingabe etc)

    B s

    1. (der, die, das) Einzelne oder Einzige

    2. Br

    a) einfache Fahrkarte

    b) FLUG einfaches Ticket

    3. Einzel-, Einbettzimmer n

    4. pl Tennis etc:

    a) Einzel n (Wettbewerb)

    men’s singles Herreneinzel

    5. Single f (Schallplatte)

    6. US Eindollarschein m

    7. Single m, Unverheiratete(r) m/f(m):

    8. JAGD Br Wedel m, Ende n (des Rehwilds)

    a) auslesen, -suchen, -wählen ( alle:

    c) herausheben

    * * *



    1) einfach; einzig [Ziel, Hoffnung]; Einzel[bett, -zimmer]; einfach [Größe]; einzeln

    single fare — Preis für [die] einfache Fahrt

    one single… — ein einziger/eine einzige/ein einziges…

    at a or one single blow or stroke — mit einem Schlag

    a single man/woman/single people — ein Lediger/eine Ledige/Ledige

    4) einzeln

    every single time/day — aber auch jedesmal/jeden Tag

    not/never for a single minute or moment — keinen [einzigen] Augenblick [lang]



    1) : einfache Fahrkarte

    [a] single/two singles to Manchester, please — einmal/zweimal einfach nach Manchester, bitte

    3) in pl. Single, das; Einzel, das

    men’s/women’s or ladies’ singles — Herren-/Dameneinzel, das

    Phrasal Verbs:

    * * *


    Einzel- präfix.

    alleinstehend adj.

    einzeln adj.

    einzeln/ledig adj.

    einzig adj.

    ledig adj.

    unverheiratet adj.

    English-german dictionary > single

  • 3



    1) solo, único

    2) individual

    3) soltero

    4) de ida, sencillo


    1) (disco) sencillo, single

    2) billete sencillo

    — singles
    — singly
    — single-breasted
    — single-decker
    — single-handed
    — single parent
    — single out

    solo / único



    billete de ida

    a single to Castleford, please un billete de ida a Castleford, por favor


    Del verbo singlar: ( conjugate singlar)

    singlé es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) pretérito indicativo

    single es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) presente subjuntivo

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente subjuntivo

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) imperativo

    single /’siŋgel/ sustantivo masculino
    1 (Mús) single
    2 ( en tenis)


    single‘ also found in these entries:
    billete — cama — casarse — desfilar — fila — gramaje — india — indio — individual — monetaria — monetario — monocultivo — monofásica — monofásico — monoplaza — no — pasar — sencilla — sencillo — singularizar — sola — solo — soltera — soltero — triste — unicameral — unicelular — unifamiliar — año — boleto — crema — habitación — labio — madre — ni — palabra — pasaje — quedar — seguir — suelto — único — uno
    currency — file — navigate — section — single — single currency — single out — single parent — single-breasted — single-family — single-figure — single-handed — single-minded — single-mindedness — single-sex — single-space — single-spacing — anything — bachelor — blossom — cloud — coil — curriculum — hair — individual — odd — one — scrap — session — shred — sitting — solitary — stair — standing — straw — whisker — work


    4 (separate, individual) cada







    habitación individual



    I ‘sɪŋgəl


    every single day — todos los días sin excepción, todos los santos días (fam); (with neg)

    a) ( for one person) < room> individual; <bed/sheet> individual, de una plaza (AmL)

    c) (BrE Transp) <fare/ticket> de ida, sencillo

    Phrasal Verbs:



    1) (Audio, Mus) single m, (disco m) sencillo m


    a) ( ticket) (BrE) boleto m or (Esp) billete m de ida

    b) ( room) (habitación f) individual f or sencilla f

    singles bar — bar para personas en busca de pareja


    we didn’t see a single car that afternoon — no vimos ni un solo coche esa tarde

    it rained every single day — no dejó de llover ni un solo día, llovió todos los días sin excepción

    not a or one single person came to her aid — ni una sola persona fue a ayudarla

    the single biggest problem — el problema más grande

    I couldn’t think of a single thing to say — no se me ocurría nada que decir

    4) individual; para un solo coche; sencillo; simple

    figure 1., 5)

    5) soltero; sin pareja; de soltero; single-parent

    6) de ida

    4) (Cricket) tanto

    5) Brit) billete

    or moneda

    de una libra; billete

    de un dólar

    6) singles

    a) (Tennis etc) individuales



    single cream N — crema de leche líquida, nata líquida (Sp)

    the Single European Market — el Mercado Único Europeo

    single honours N

    single parent N — madre soltera, madre sin pareja; padre soltero, padre sin pareja

    single supplement, single person supplement, single room supplement N — recargo por reserva individual

    * * *

    I [‘sɪŋgəl]


    every single day — todos los días sin excepción, todos los santos días (fam); (with neg)

    a) ( for one person) < room> individual; <bed/sheet> individual, de una plaza (AmL)

    c) (BrE Transp) <fare/ticket> de ida, sencillo

    Phrasal Verbs:



    1) (Audio, Mus) single m, (disco m) sencillo m


    a) ( ticket) (BrE) boleto m or (Esp) billete m de ida

    b) ( room) (habitación f) individual f or sencilla f

    singles bar — bar para personas en busca de pareja

    English-spanish dictionary > single

  • 4



    1) единственный, только один

    The note was written on a single sheet of paper. — Записка была написана на одном листке бумаги.

    single purpose

    — singles thought in one’s mind
    — single objection
    — single example
    — single fight
    — not a single word
    — single pair of shoes
    — man of single purpose
    — be inspired by a single purpose
    — sew smth in a double, not in a single thread
    — there is not a single room free left
    — made of a single piece

    single glove

    — single sock
    — single articles
    — single file

    There is no need to write down every single word I say. — Не нужно записывать каждое мое слово.

    — each single plant
    — walk in single file
    — take smth by single pieces

    4) рассчитанный на одного человека, один раз

    single ticket

    — single bed
    — two single rooms

    5) холостой, незамужняя

    single man

    — single woman
    — single state
    — apartment suitable for a single lady
    — be single
    — misfortunes never come single

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > single

  • 5

    every day tous les jours, chaque jour;

    of every age/every sort/every colour de tout âge/toute sorte/toutes les couleurs;

    in every way par tous les moyens; à tous (les) égards, sous tous les rapports;

    proverb every little helps les petits ruisseaux font les grandes rivières;

    (b) tout;

    every two days, every second day, every other day tous les deux jours, un jour sur deux;

    three women out of or in every ten, three out of every ten women trois femmes sur dix;

    (c) tout;

    I have every confidence that… je ne doute pas un instant que…;

    de temps en temps, de temps à autre

    Un panorama unique de l’anglais et du français > every

  • 6

    (a) 45 tours

    m inv

    , single


    ; single


    Theatre we only have singles left il ne nous reste que des places séparées

    (c) chambre


    pour une personne ou individuelle;


    what would my single best investment be? quel serait le meilleur placement?;

    in any single year, average sales are ten million sur une seule année, les ventes sont en moyenne de dix millions;

    every single apple or every single one of the apples was rotten toutes les pommes sans exception étaient pourries;

    every single time I take the plane, there’s some problem chaque fois que je prends l’avion, il y a un problème

    (c) simple; singulier;

    (d) à une place, pour une personne;



    a single man/woman un/une célibataire;

    the single fare is £12 un aller simple coûte 12 livres


    British single cream crème


    (fraîche) liquide;

    British University single honours = licence portant sur une seule matière;

    single room chambre


    pour une personne ou individuelle;

    Computing single sheet feed alimentation


    feuille à feuille;

    Politics single transferable vote scrutin


    uninominal préférentiel avec report de voix;

    Computing single user licence licence


    individuelle d’utilisation;

    single yellow line = ligne jaune indiquant que le stationnement est autorisé à certaines heures

    sélectionner, distinguer;

    they were all guilty, so why single anyone out? ils étaient tous coupables, alors pourquoi accuser quelqu’un en particulier?

    Un panorama unique de l’anglais et du français > single

  • 7

    Every is most frequently translated by + plural noun: every day = tous les jours. When every is emphasized to mean every single, it can also be translated by chaque. For examples and exceptions, see the entry below.

    Big English-French dictionary > every

  • 8

    1 ( sole) seul ; a single rose/vote une seule rose/voix ; in a single day en une seule journée ;

    2 ( not double) [sink] à un bac ; [unit] simple ; [door] à un battant ; [wardrobe] à une porte ; [sheet, duvet] pour une personne ; inflation is in single figures Econ l’inflation est inférieure à 10% ;

    3 ( for one) [bed, tariff, portion] pour une personne ;

    6 (describing main cause, aspect) the single most important event/factor l’événement/le facteur principal ; the single most important reason for the decline is… la cause majeure du déclin est… ; heart disease is the single biggest killer in Britain les maladies cardiaques sont la cause majeure de décès en Grande-Bretagne.

    single [sb/sth] out, single out [sb/sth] [person] choisir ; to be singled out for faire l’objet de [special treatment, praise] ; être l’objet de [attention] ; être la proie de [criticism] ; to single sb out for criticism prendre qn pour cible de ses critiques.

    Big English-French dictionary > single

  • 9


    1) jeder/jede/jedes

    every [single] time/on every [single] occasion — [aber auch] jedes Mal

    he ate every last or single biscuit — er hat die ganzen Kekse aufgegessen

    every one — jeder/jede/jedes [einzelne]

    2) after possessive adj.

    she comes [once] every day — sie kommt jeden Tag [einmal]

    every three/few days — alle drei/paar Tage

    every now and then or again, every so often, every once in a while — hin und wieder

    4) unbedingt, uneingeschränkt [Vertrauen]; voll [Beachtung]; all [Respekt, Aussicht]

    I wish you every happiness/success — ich wünsche dir alles Gute/viel Erfolg

    * * *


    1) jede (-r, -s)

    2) jede (-r, -s)

    3) all

    4) jede (-r, -s)


    — everyone
    — everyday
    — everything
    — everywhere
    — every bit as
    — every now and then / every now and again / every so often
    — every time

    * * *


    he seemed to dog her every step er folgte ihr auf Schritt und Tritt

    to cater to sb’s every wish auf alle Wünsche einer Person gen eingehen

    2. (as emphasis) ganz und gar

    every bit ganz genauso

    every bit as… as… genauso… wie…

    to have every chance that… die besten Chancen haben, dass…

    to be every inch a gentleman von Kopf bis Fuß ein Gentleman sein

    to be every inch a liberal durch und durch liberal sein

    to know every nook and cranny of an area jeden Winkel eines Gebiets kennen

    to have every reason to do sth allen Grund haben, etw zu tun

    every which way esp AM (sl) in alle Richtungen

    to attend to sb’s every whim and fancy jdm jeden Wunsch von den Augen ablesen

    * * *



    1) jede(r, s)

    every single time I… — immer wenn ich…


    I have every confidence in him — ich habe unbedingtes or uneingeschränktes Vertrauen zu ihm

    I have/there is every hope that… — ich habe allen Grund/es besteht aller Grund zu der Hoffnung, dass…

    we wish you every success/happiness — wir wünschen Ihnen alles (nur erdenklich) Gute/viel Glück und Zufriedenheit


    every fifth day, every five days — jeden fünften Tag, alle fünf Tage

    every so often, every once in a while, every now and then or again — hin und wieder, ab und zu, gelegentlich


    they catered to his every whim — sie erfüllten ihm jeden Wunsch

    his every word — jedes seiner Worte, jedes Wort, das er sagte

    * * *

    1. jeder, jede, jedes:

    2. jeder (jede, jedes) (Einzelne oder Erdenkliche), aller, alle, alles:

    3. vollständig:

    every bit (of it) umg völlig, ganz und gar;

    every day jeden Tag, alle Tage, täglich;

    every once in a while, every so often umg gelegentlich, hin und wieder;

    a) jederzeit,

    b) jedes Mal,

    c) völlig, ganz;

    * * *


    every [single] time/on every [single] occasion — [aber auch] jedes Mal

    he ate every last or single biscuit — er hat die ganzen Kekse aufgegessen

    every one — jeder/jede/jedes [einzelne]

    2) after possessive adj.

    she comes [once] every day — sie kommt jeden Tag [einmal]

    every three/few days — alle drei/paar Tage

    every now and then or again, every so often, every once in a while — hin und wieder

    4) unbedingt, uneingeschränkt [Vertrauen]; voll [Beachtung]; all [Respekt, Aussicht]

    I wish you every happiness/success — ich wünsche dir alles Gute/viel Erfolg

    * * *


    all adj.

    jeder adj.

    English-german dictionary > every

  • 10

    1. прил.
    1) один;
    единственный I don’t see a single building around. ≈ Я не вижу ни одного здания вокруг.
    2) одиночный, одинарный single bedroom ≈ спальня на одного человека;
    одноместный номер( в гостинице) single ticket ≈ билет в один конец
    3) единый;
    однократный, одноразовый single tax ≈ единый земельный налог
    4) отдельный;
    взятый в отдельности;
    each single word ≈ каждое отдельное слово
    5) одинокий a single tree ≈ одиноко стоящее дерево single man ≈ холостяк
    2. сущ.
    1) партия( в теннисе, гольфе), в которой участвуют только два противника
    2) билет в один конец
    3. гл. выбирать, отбирать (тж. single out) His book has been singled out for special praise. ≈ Его книгу отметили как особенно хорошую.
    лицо, не состоящее в браке;
    незамужняя — young *s несемейная молодежь( разговорное) один доллар (бумажный) — ten dollars in *s десять долларов бумажками в один доллар проездной билет (в одном направлении) номер, комната на одного (спортивное) игра с участием двух противников;
    одиночный разряд( шахматное) изолированная пешка пластинка на 45 оборотов с записью одного популярного произведения на каждой стороне единственный, один — this beetle has a * pair of wings у этого жука одна пара крыльев — I did not see a * flower я не видел ни единого цветка — a * purpose единственная цель — a man of * purpose целеустремленный человек — * farrowing( сельскохозяйственное) разовый опорос — to take by * pieces брать по одному куску одиночный;
    расположенный по одному;
    одинарный — * file (военное) колонна по одному — * rank (военное) (одна) шеренга — to walk in * file идти гуськом — a * eye-glass монокль — articles sold * товары, продающиеся некомплектно годный в одном направлении (о проездном билете) отдельный;
    взятый в отдельности;
    обособленный — each * fibre каждое отдельное волокно с участием одного с каждой стороны( о схватке) — * fight борьба один на один, единоборство — a * game at tennis одиночная игра (в теннис) взятый отдельно, существующий сам по себе — the * greatest factor самый важный отдельно взятый фактор — the largest * group in parliament самая большая из всех групп в парламенте (но не имеющая абсолютного большинства) — the strongest * force самая мощная из всех сил( но не превышающая всех остальных вместе взятых) (эмоционально-усилительно) каждый;
    любой без исключения — every * citizen все граждане без исключения — every * day каждый божий день — every * moment ежесекундно, беспрерывно единый, общий — people worked with a * object люди работали, воодушевленные единой целью — they spoke with a * voice они высказались единодушно — a * standard for men and women единая мерка для мужчин и женщин, единый подход к обоим полам целый, сплошной — made of a * piece сделанный из одного куска одинокий — he was left alone, * and unsupported он остался один-одинешенек, без всякой помощи — a * tree одиноко стоящее дерево холостой;
    незамужняя — * state безбрачие — * man холостяк — * woman незамужняя женщина — to remain * остаться холостым или незамужней рассчитанный на одного — * bed односпальная кровать — * room комната на одного человека — * harness (сельскохозяйственное) одноконная упряжь( редкое) простой, искренний, бесхитростный;
    бескорыстный — a * devotion искренняя преданность безраздельный( о внимании) — an eye * to the truth забота только об истине (ботаника) немахровый (о цветке) > * heart прямодушие, честность > * blessedness безбрачие, холостая жизнь > misfortunes never come * беда никогда не приходит одна;
    пришла беда — отворяй ворота определять — to * one’s aim определить цель (редкое) отделять, разделять( редкое) отделяться, разделяться( сельскохозяйственное) прореживать (посев)
    ~ combat единоборство;
    by instalments or in a single sum в рассрочку или сразу всю сумму
    single билет в один конец ~ выбирать, отбирать (тж. single out) ~ годный в один конец (о билете) ~ единственный ~ единый ~ один, единственный, одинокий ~ один;
    there is not a single one left не осталось ни одного;
    a single eyeglass монокль ~ одинокий;
    незамужняя ~ одиночный, предназначенный для одного;
    single bed односпальная кровать;
    single room комната на одного человека ~ отдельный ~ партия (в теннисе, гольфе), в которой участвуют только два противника ~ прямой, искренний;
    безраздельный (о привязанности)
    ~ одиночный, предназначенный для одного;
    single bed односпальная кровать;
    single room комната на одного человека
    ~ один;
    there is not a single one left не осталось ни одного;
    a single eyeglass монокль
    ~ price system система единых цен
    ~ одиночный, предназначенный для одного;
    single bed односпальная кровать;
    single room комната на одного человека
    ~ один;
    there is not a single one left не осталось ни одного;
    a single eyeglass монокль

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > single

  • 11


    1) cada, todo

    2) cada

    3) todo

    4) cada

    — everyone
    — everyday
    — everything
    — everywhere
    — every bit as
    — every now and then / every now and again / every so often
    — every time


    every weekend cada fin de semana, todos los fines de semana


    to be every bit as… as… ser igual de… que…



    pleno, entero




    every room was searched — se registraron todas las habitaciones, se registró cada una de las habitaciones

    every day/minute is precious — cada día/minuto es precioso

    every three days, every third day — cada tres días

    3) (very great, all possible)



    1) cada

    every three days, every third day — cada tres días

    every bit of the cake — la torta entera

    every bit as clever as… — tan or (LAm) igual de listo como…

    I have to account for every last penny — tengo que dar cuentas de cada penique que gasto

    I enjoyed every minute of the party — disfruté cada minuto de la fiesta

    every now and then, every now and again — de vez en cuando

    every other or second month — un mes sí y otro no, cada dos meses

    he’d eaten every single chocolate — se había comido todos los bombones, se había comido hasta el último bombón

    every so often — cada cierto tiempo, de vez en cuando

    he brings me a present every time he comes — cada vez que viene me trae un regalo

    — every man for himself


    not every child is as fortunate as you — no todos los niños son tan afortunados como tú

    every one of them passed the exam — todos ellos aprobaron el examen

    he spends every penny he earns — gasta hasta el último centavo que gana

    I mean every word I say — lo digo muy en serio

    3) todo


    I have every confidence in him — tengo entera or plena confianza en él

    every effort is being made to trace him — se está haciendo todo lo posible para localizarlo

    I have every reason to think that… — tengo razones sobradas para pensar que…

    * * *



    every room was searched — se registraron todas las habitaciones, se registró cada una de las habitaciones

    every day/minute is precious — cada día/minuto es precioso

    every three days, every third day — cada tres días

    3) (very great, all possible)

    English-spanish dictionary > every

  • 12

    sin·gle [ʼsɪŋgl̩] adj

    she didn’t say a single word all evening sie sprach den ganzen Abend kein einziges Wort;

    patience is the single most important quality Geduld ist die absolut wichtigste Eigenschaft;

    with a single blow mit nur einem Schlag;

    not a single person [überhaupt] niemand;

    not a single soul keine Menschenseele;

    every single thing [absolut] alles;

    every single time jedes Mal

    in single figures im einstelligen [Zahlen]bereich;

    single-flowered bot einblütig

    she’s 35 and still single sie ist 35 und immer noch nicht verheiratet

    he is a single parent er ist allein erziehend;

    single father/ mother allein erziehender Vater/allein erziehende Mutter n

    1) (Brit, Aus) ( one-way ticket) Einzelfahrkarte f, Einzelfahrschein m;

    do you want a single or a return? möchten Sie eine einfache Fahrkarte oder eine Hin- und Rückfahrkarte?

    English-German students dictionary > single

  • 13
    single ***** sin·gle


    1) solo (-a), unico (-a)

    2) unico (-a), semplice, di (sola) andata

    3) celibe, single


    , nubile, single




    etc, biglietto di (sola) andata

    a single to Oxford, please — un biglietto di sola andata per Oxford, per favore



    English-Italian dictionary > single ***** sin·gle

  • 14



    1) один; единственный

    I don’t see a single building around. — Я не вижу ни одного здания вокруг.


    3) единый; однократный, одноразовый


    а) отдельный; единичный; взятый в отдельности


    б) каждый; любой без исключения

    5) единообразный; унифицированный



    7) целый; не разделённый





    1) неженатый мужчина; незамужняя женщина

    Some of the guests were married, but there were a few young singles too. — Некоторые из гостей были женаты, но присутствовало также несколько холостяков.

    2) спорт. одиночные состязания, одиночный разряд




    купюра в один доллар, один фунт



    1) выделять , выбирать, отбирать

    to single smb. out for praise / a reward — отметить кого-л. похвалой, наградой

    You have been singled out to represent the school. — Вас выбрали представлять нашу школу.

    He singled out technology as the core of the problem. — Он отметил, что суть проблемы в технологии.


    Англо-русский современный словарь > single

  • 15



    յուրաքանչյուր, ամեն մի. every man/family/morning ամեն, յուրաքանչյուր մարդ/ընտանիք/առավոտ. every time ամեն անգամ. hear every word յուրաքանչյուր բառ լսել. save every penny խնայել յուրաքանչյուր պեննի/կո պեկ/դրամ, in every possible way յուրաքանչ յուր հնարավոր ձևով. every success ամեն (այն) հաջողություն. with every good wish լավագույն ցանկություններով. have every reason բոլոր պատճառներն ունենալ. every now and again/ then ժամանակ առ ժամանակ, շարունակ. every one (of them) յուրաքանչյուրը (նրանցից). every other day օր ու մեջ. every single one of us մենք ամեն մեկս. She’s every bit as good Նա նույնքան լավն է

    English-Armenian dictionary > every

  • 16


    ipi-apak [ izen plurala ] details


    2. ( kontatu, esan) every single little detail; gertatutakoa ipi-apa kontatu zidan she told me every little bitty thing about what happened | she told me what happened in great detail

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > ipi-apa

  • 17
    full-text index


    an index consisting of every single word of every document cataloged

    The ultimate business dictionary > full-text index

  • 18

    * * *


    weighing up; weighing

    * * *


    <-, -en>

    f weighing up, consideration

    so eine Situation bedarf der Abwägung eines jeden Wortes a situation like this calls for every single word to be carefully considered

    * * *

    bei Abwägung aller Dinge on balance

    * * *

    ungen f.

    consideration n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Abwägung

  • 19

    Ab·wä·gung <-, -en> f

    weighing up, consideration;

    so eine Situation bedarf der Abwägung eines jeden Wortes a situation like this calls for every single word to be carefully considered

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch für Studenten > Abwägung

  • 20


    * * *

    1 ( ciascuno) every, every single, each; ( tutti) all: ogni giorno, mese, anno, every day, month, year; ogni giorno della settimana, every day in the week; ogni lunedì, martedì ecc., every Monday, Tuesday etc.; mi telefonava ogni giorno, he phoned me every (single) day; in quell’emporio si vendono prodotti di ogni genere, all kinds of products are sold in that store; questo computer esegue ogni sorta di operazioni, this computer carries out all sorts of operations; il problema è stato considerato sotto ogni aspetto, the problem was studied from every angle; ogni documento dev’essere autenticato, each (o every) document must be authenticated; ogni villetta ha il suo giardino intorno, each house has a garden round it; ogni partecipante riceverà un premio di consolazione, each participant will receive a consolation prize; ogni uomo ha diritto alla propria libertà, every man has (o all men have) a right to freedom; ogni sua parola era un ordine per noi, every word he spoke was an order for us; sarà preso in esame ogni singolo dettaglio, each (o every single) detail will be taken into consideration; descrisse ogni singola fase dell’esperimento, he described each (o every single) stage of the experiment; ogni regione ha le proprie specialità, each region has its own specialities // ogni cosa, everything: mi ha riferito ogni cosa, he told me everything; l’incendio aveva distrutto ogni cosa, the fire had destroyed everything; rimettete ogni cosa al suo posto, put everything back in (its) place // con ogni cura, with all possible care // da ogni parte, everywhere // la vita di ogni giorno, everyday life // ti auguro ogni bene, I wish you all the best ∙ Come si nota dagli esempi, in questo significato si usa preferibilmente each con riferimento a un gruppo determinato di persone o cose

    2 ( qualsiasi) any, all: uomini di ogni età, men of any age (o of all ages); gente di ogni razza, people of any race (o of all races); ad ogni costo, at any cost (o at all costs); ad ogni modo, ( tuttavia) anyway; in ogni caso, ( comunque) anyhow // in, per ogni dove, (letter.) anywhere // fuor d’ogni dubbio, beyond all doubt // oltre ogni dire, beyond all description

    3 (con valore distr., spec. con numerali) every: c’è una stazione di servizio ogni 20 km, there is a service station every 20 km; ogni due, tre settimane, every two, three weeks (o every second, third week); in Inghilterra le elezioni hanno luogo ogni cinque anni, in England elections take place every five years; ci sarà una guida ogni venti persone, there will be a guide for every twenty persons; prenda queste capsule ogni sei ore, take these capsules every six hours // ogni tanto, every now and then (o every so often) // una volta ogni tanto, once in a while.

    * * *

    [‘oɲɲi, ‘ɔɲɲi]

    2) (qualsiasi, tutti)

    ogni ora, ogni 10 metri — every hour, every ten metres



    Ogni si può tradurre in inglese in tre modi diversi: si usa every quando si vuole sottolineare l’omogeneità di un insieme di fatti, avvenimenti, cose o persone ( andiamo a sciare ogni anno = we go skiing every year); quando invece si vuole sottolineare ciascuno dei fatti ecc. presi separatamente, si preferisce each ( la situazione peggiora ogni anno = each year the situation is getting worse), che è obbligatorio usare se il riferimento è a due fatti, ecc. (in una partita di pallavolo, ogni squadra è composta da sei giocatori = in a volleyball match, each team is made up of six players); infine, se ogni significa qualunque, tutti, si traduce con any ( in ogni caso = in any case). — Si veda anche la voce ciascuno

    * * *


    /’oŋŋi, ‘ɔŋŋi/

    Ogni si può tradurre in inglese in tre modi diversi: si usa every quando si vuole sottolineare l’omogeneità di un insieme di fatti, avvenimenti, cose o persone ( andiamo a sciare ogni anno = we go skiing every year); quando invece si vuole sottolineare ciascuno dei fatti ecc. presi separatamente, si preferisce each ( la situazione peggiora ogni anno = each year the situation is getting worse), che è obbligatorio usare se il riferimento è a due fatti, ecc. (in una partita di pallavolo, ogni squadra è composta da sei giocatori = in a volleyball match, each team is made up of six players); infine, se ogni significa qualunque, tutti, si traduce con any ( in ogni caso = in any case). — Si veda anche la voce  ciascuno.

    agg. indef.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > ogni

  • From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Every Single Word
    Personal information

    Dylan Marron

    Website www.dylanmarron.com/every-single-word
    YouTube information
    • dylanmarron
    Years active 2015-present
    Subscribers 19.9k[1]

    Every Single Word (Spoken by a Person of Color) is a Tumblr blog and YouTube channel that features videos on all the lines spoken by people of color (POC) in both contemporary and classic films. Created by Dylan Marron, the videos are an attempt to highlight the lack of casting and involvement of POC in Hollywood produced films, in addition to highlighting his own experiences in attempting to be cast in films as a Venezuelan American.[2][3]

    The reasons for such low amounts of casting of POC in films is stated by Marron to be about fear, because the «people who finance the movies are not going to want to throw millions behind a movie of a non-famous person of color». In addition, default casting for films, even for works or scripts with no specified races for the characters, is to choose white actors. The novel The Fault in Our Stars by John Green is noted by Marron as a work with no races given for the characters and one that has had worldwide success in its book form, but the main cast for the film were chosen by the producing studio to be entirely white.[4] Manohla Dargis, writing for The New York Times, noted that Marron’s videos show that even when POC are cast in films, they are often cast in stereotypical roles that function as tokenism for the casting quota.[5] The Boston Globe compared Marron’s videos with other statistics presented in the «2015 Hollywood Diversity Report», which showed that scriptwriters and directors are also rarely POC, along with lead roles in films.[6]

    Several celebrities have praised and shared the blog with their fans, including Aziz Ansari, Junot Diaz,[7] Kerry Washington,[8] and Chirlane McCray.[9] The blog was named by Tumblr as the most viral blog of 2015.[10]


    Marron began producing the video cuts in June 2015 and the popularity of the blog began to increase soon after beginning the project. The idea for the blog came after Marron started a play titled «Every Single Word» for his theater group, called the New York Neo Futurists, which involved a large number of short play pieces by different members. Marron’s act consisted of him saying every line by Anjelah Johnson-Reyes in Enough Said. In 2014, while re-watching the film, he realized that the writer was unable to view POC as separate from service jobs and caused him to form his act for the group. This act eventually led to his investigation of other films and the creation of his video cut blog.[11][12]

    The coverage of POC representation in the Harry Potter series by Marron resulted in some controversy. Some fans were upset that the videos pointed out the low representation, «5 minutes and 40 seconds long – out of 1,207 total minutes of run-time» and the whitewashing of the character Lavender Brown from the black actresses that had played her in the first five movies to the «blond woman» from the sixth movie on, when the character has a heavier involvement and lines in the plot.[13] After doing videos on a number of popular movies and series, Marron decided to do a series of videos on every Academy Award for Best Picture winner since the first award in 1929, in chronological order so that any differences in POC casting can be seen in relation to historical time period.[14] Marron also created a series of videos looking at all the films directed by Nancy Meyers, six films in total. He found that POC representation across all of the films made up only 0.7% of run-time and that most of the characters were not named and were presented as working service jobs.[15]

    A «Every Single Word: The Oscars» live event was conducted by Marron on February 28, 2016 in New York City, where the words spoken by people of color during the Oscars was live cut during viewing.[16]

    Media featured[edit]

    * The films and television shows below are presented in chronological order except for those released in the same year, which are presented alphabetically:


    Title Year released No. of POC Length of video

    (in seconds)
    Wings (silent film) 1927 0 (seen) 0:14
    The Broadway Melody 1929 0 0:08
    All Quiet on the Western Front 1930 0 0:09
    Cimarron[17] 1931 5 2:10
    Grand Hotel 1932 0 0:08
    Cavalcade 1933 0 0:10
    It Happened One Night 1934 2 0:52
    Mutiny on the Bounty 1935 7 3:57
    The Great Ziegfeld 1936 2 0:39
    The Life of Emile Zola 1937 0 0:08
    You Can’t Take It with You 1938 2 1:49
    Gone with the Wind[14] 1939 11 14:52
    Rebecca 1940 0 0:06
    How Green Was My Valley 1941 0 0:07
    Jaws[8] 1975 0 0:07
    E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial[18] 1982 1 0:09
    Mrs. Doubtfire[18] 1993 2 0:10
    Titanic[19] 1997 3 0:54
    What Women Want 2000 10 2:06
    Harry Potter film series[9] 2001–2011 13 6:18
    The Lord of the Rings trilogy[20] 2001–2003 4 0:46
    Wet Hot American Summer[21] 2001 0 0:07
    Something’s Gotta Give 2003 4 1:53
    Wedding Crashers[22] 2005 3 0:39
    The Holiday[23] 2006 6 0:37
    Juno[24] 2007 4 1:26
    500 Days of Summer[4] 2009 4 0:30
    It’s Complicated[23] 5 0:45
    Black Swan[25] 2010 1 0:24
    Friends with Benefits[25] 2011 4 0:54
    Midnight in Paris[26] 2 0:13
    Moonrise Kingdom[2] 2012 1 0:10
    American Hustle[25] 2013 5 0:53
    Enough Said[27] 1 0:45
    Frances Ha[28] 4 0:30
    Her[4] 4 0:46
    Birdman[20] 2014 9 0:52
    The Fault in Our Stars[4] 1 0:41
    Into the Woods[2] 0 0:07
    Maleficent[29] 1 0:18
    Noah[27] 0 0:10
    Spotlight[15] 2015 4 0:27
    The Intern[23] 5 0:26

    Television shows[edit]

    Title Year released No. of POC Length of video

    (in seconds)
    Girls (pilot) 2012 3 0:25


    1. ^ «About dylanmarron». YouTube.
    2. ^ a b c McDonald, Soraya Nadia (July 10, 2015). «Meet Dylan Marron, the actor and playwright behind those ‘every single word spoken by a person of color’ YouTube videos». The Washington Post. Retrieved October 10, 2015.
    3. ^ Harris, Aisha (June 24, 2015). «A Brilliant Video Series Shows Just How Few Words Are Spoken by People of Color in Movies». Slate. Retrieved October 10, 2015.
    4. ^ a b c d Gajanan, Mahita (July 8, 2015). «Famous films re-edited to highlight Hollywood’s race problem». The Guardian. Retrieved October 10, 2015.
    5. ^ Dargis, Manohla (August 5, 2015). «Report Finds Wide Diversity Gap Among 2014’s Top Grossing Films». The New York Times. Retrieved October 10, 2015.
    6. ^ Brodeur, Michael Andor (June 30, 2015). «‘Every Single Word’ captures Hollywood’s lack of diversity». The Boston Globe. Retrieved October 10, 2015.
    7. ^ Coggan, Devan (July 15, 2015). «This video project cuts together every line spoken by people of color in movies». Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved October 10, 2015.
    8. ^ a b Biese, Alex (October 9, 2015). «Dylan Marron on ‘Every Single Word’«. Asbury Park Press. Retrieved October 10, 2015.
    9. ^ a b Murphy, Shaunna (August 28, 2015). «Could The ‘Every Single Word Spoken’ Project Make The Next ‘Harry Potter’ More Diverse?». MTV News. Retrieved October 10, 2015.
    10. ^ Vitto, Laura (December 7, 2015). «The 10 most viral Tumblr blogs of 2015». Mashable. Retrieved February 24, 2016.
    11. ^ Desta, Yohana (July 8, 2015). «Bold video series shows how rarely people of color actually speak in films». Mashable. Retrieved October 10, 2015.
    12. ^ Zakarin, Jordan (June 29, 2015). «Meet the Man Fighting Hollywood’s Race Problem, One Supercut at a Time». Yahoo! Movies. Retrieved October 10, 2015.
    13. ^ Minkel, Elizabeth (September 22, 2015). ««Your fave is problematic»: why are we so bad at talking about diversity in pop culture?». New Statesman. Retrieved February 24, 2016.
    14. ^ a b Luers, Erik (December 29, 2015). «Interview: Meet Dylan Marron, the Man Behind The ‘Every Single Word Spoken By a Person of Color’ Video Series». Indiewire. Retrieved February 24, 2016.
    15. ^ a b Rodulfo, Kristina (April 27, 2016). «These Videos Chart Every Word a Person of Color Speaks in Major Films». Elle. Retrieved May 2, 2016.
    16. ^ Biese, Alex (February 22, 2016). «Oscar week: Dylan Marron returns to ‘Fan Theory’«. Asbury Park Press. Retrieved March 9, 2016.
    17. ^ Wilson, Christopher W. (November 17, 2015). ««Cast as white by default»: Exploring the lack of diversity in movies». National Museum of American History. Smithsonian Institution. Retrieved February 24, 2016.
    18. ^ a b Timi-Biu, Yero (September 10, 2015). «Every Single Word Spoken by a Person of Colour: A Painful Truth». Rife Magazine. Watershed. Retrieved October 10, 2015.
    19. ^ Cooper, Chasity S. (February 28, 2016). «This Shocking YouTube Series Proves Just How Little Screen Time Actors of Color Actually Get». Teen Vogue. Retrieved March 9, 2016.
    20. ^ a b Kabango, Shadrach (August 5, 2015). «‘Every Single Word’ points out who’s missing from the movies». CBC Radio. Retrieved October 10, 2015.
    21. ^ Molloy, Tim (August 17, 2015). «Straight Outta Maine: Why is Hollywood so white?». Boston.com. Retrieved October 10, 2015.
    22. ^ Rutherford-Morrison, Lara (July 9, 2015). «Man Edits Movies To Scenes With People Of Color To Show Just How Problematic Representation Is In The Industry». Bustle. Retrieved October 10, 2015.
    23. ^ a b c Cook, Erin (April 29, 2016). «These Clever Videos Collate Every Time A Person Of Colour Spoke In Major Films». Marie Claire. Retrieved May 2, 2016.
    24. ^ Molina, Mary Angelica (September 11, 2015). «When Dylan Marron Edited White People Out Of Hollywood Movies, There Was Barely Anything Left». NALIP. National Association of Latino Independent Producers. Retrieved October 10, 2015.
    25. ^ a b c Wilkinson, Emma (July 8, 2015). «Silent Screen: Site Highlights Lack of Dialogue for Minority Actors». NBC News. Retrieved October 10, 2015.
    26. ^ McCord, Shakeitta (August 2, 2015). «‘Every Single Word’ Videos Show Us What Popular Movies Look Like Without White People in — It May Shock You». Atlanta Blackstar. Retrieved October 10, 2015.
    27. ^ a b «He’s Shared ‘Every Single Word’ — But It’s The Silence That Rings Louder». NPR. July 11, 2015. Retrieved October 10, 2015.
    28. ^ Berkowitz, Joe (July 6, 2015). «These Movies Are Shockingly Short When Reduced To «Every Single Word Spoken By A Person Of Color»«. Fast Company. Retrieved October 10, 2015.
    29. ^ Brown, Jeffrey (August 7, 2015). «Why do most movies still fail to reflect U.S. diversity?». PBS NewsHour. Retrieved October 10, 2015.

    Further reading[edit]

    • Turner, Valerie Sing (Winter 2016). «The Danger of a Single Story». Canadian Theatre Review. University of Toronto Press. 165: 20–25. doi:10.3138/ctr.165.004. S2CID 147236746. Retrieved May 2, 2016.

    External links[edit]

    • Every Single Word on Tumblr
    • Every Single Word on YouTube

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