Every day one english word

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In terms of vocabulary development, we were all little geniuses in childhood, learning hundreds of new words every year. By the time we entered first grade, most of us had active vocabularies of several thousand words.

Unfortunately, we weren’t geniuses for very long. By age 11 or 12, equipped with a sizable survival vocabulary, most of us lost some of our early enthusiasm for language, and the rate at which we picked up new words began to decline significantly. As adults, if we don’t make deliberate efforts to increase our vocabularies, we’re lucky to pick up even 50 or 60 new words a year.

The English language has so much to offer (between 500,000 and 1 million words, by most accounts) that it would be a shame to let our vocabulary-building talents go to waste. So here’s one way that we can regain some of our youthful brilliance: learn a new word each day.

Whether you’re a student preparing for the SAT, ACT, or GRE, or simply an unabashed logophile (or lover of words), starting each day with a fresh word can be intellectually nourishing—and more enjoyable than a bowl of All-Bran.

Here are three of our favorite daily word sites: all are free and available through e-mail subscriptions.

A.Word.A.Day (AWAD)

Founded in 1994, A.Word.A.Day at Wordsmith.org is the creation of Anu Garg, an India-born computer engineer who clearly enjoys sharing his pleasure in words. Simply designed, this popular site (nearly 400,000 subscribers from 170 countries) offers concise definitions and examples of words that relate to a different theme every week. The New York Times has called this «the most welcomed, most enduring piece of daily mass e-mail in cyberspace.» Recommended for all word lovers.

Oxford English Dictionary Word of the Day

For many of us, the Oxford English Dictionary is the ultimate reference work, and the OED Word of the Day provides a complete entry (including a wealth of illustrative sentences) from the 20-volume dictionary. You can sign up to have the OED’s Word of the Day delivered by e-mail or RSS web feed. Recommended for scholars, English majors, and logophiles.

Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Day

Less expansive than the OED site, the daily word page hosted by this U.S. dictionary-maker offers an audio pronunciation guide along with basic definitions and etymologies. The Merriam-Webster Word of the Day is also available as a podcast, which you can listen to on your computer or MP3 player. Recommended for high school and college students as well as advanced ESL students.

Other Daily Word Sites

These sites should also be useful to high school and college students.

  • Dictionary.com Word of the Day
  • The Learning Network (The New York Times)
  • The Quotations Page Word of the Day

Of course, you don’t have to go online to learn new words. You can simply begin making a list of new words that you encounter in your reading and conversations. Then look up each word in a dictionary and write down the definition along with a sentence that illustrates how the word is used.

But if you need a little encouragement to work on building your vocabulary every day, sign up for one of our favorite word-a-day sites.

learn a new word everydayIf you are learning a new language, it is essential to new words each day. Gaining a powerful vocabulary will guarantee that you will be able to express yourself effectively and sophisticatedly. Designating a “word of the day” for yourself will also ensure that you understand grammar to a greater extent and the lengths to which the language you are studying is developed. In this article, I will be discussing websites that are great for learning new English words. Each website has its benefits and disadvantages, so it is better to use several websites at a time to gain the most out of your learning process. Many of these websites have a word of the day app that you can download on your smartphone or tablet for easy usage. It is best to be connected to new words in any way you can!

1. A.Word.A.Day (AWAD)

You can see the word of the day, and yesterday’s word of the day, on the website or through an email subscription. The website is strikingly simple, but highly useful. It provides the pronunciation, meaning, etymology, and usage of the selected word. Below the entry, the owner, Anu Garg, also presents a thought of the day. The New York Times commented that this website is “The most welcomed, most enduring piece of daily mass e-mail in cyberspace.” In fact, it has over a million subscribers from over 170 countries.

2. Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Day

One of the most respected dictionaries in the world, Merriam-Webster has a sophisticated layout for its word-of-the-day page. It provides a definition (with sound of the word spoken included), a “Did you know” section, examples of its usage, a “Name that synonym” section, podcasts, and a word of the day calendar at the bottom. Those who are truly interested in words and their histories, this dictionary will be a treat. Its “Did you know” section is expansive, and allows readers to understand the nuances of each selected word. On the left of the presentation is an easy way to share the word of the day through Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus. You can even get the word of the day emailed to you through a subscription. It even has a section for learners called a learner’s dictionary. This dictionary also has a word-of-the-day category.

3. Wordnik

This website is all about words, with a word community, word of the day, and random word pages. On its word-of-the-day page, it has concise definitions of words with ample example sentences with the chosen word being used, extra notes on nuances, and also stats on its usage and even its Scrabble score. The fantastic thing about this page is that each word is accompanied with real examples from literature, not just sentences made up on the spot that sound unnatural. So, not only will you learn a new word each day, but also become knowledgeable in literature through this website. It also has an easy-to-access archive, and a convenient way of sharing words via social media.

4. Duolingo

This is perhaps the best language learning app and website out there. In turn, it is a great tool for learning new words. You can compete with your friends and family through the app, so you can gain that motivation needed to learn new words. It has a simple but pleasant layout, with many different exercises for learning: speaking, listening, writing, multiple choice questions, matching word exercises, and more. You can either strengthen what you already know, or venture into the world of new words each day. Duolingo focuses on obtaining a streak, so you know how many days in a row you have been learning a certain language (in our case, it is most likely English). There are many other language learning apps on the market, but it seems Duolingo takes the cake in terms of efficiency, user-friendliness, and motivation. It even has a cute owl mascot that cheers you on as you go through the exercises. I think that most people use the app rather than the website; however, both can be useful. It is important to download the necessary keyboards for the languages you are learning, though.

5. Dictionary.com’s Word of the Day

This is another popular option for learning new words easily. It shows the definitions in the form of a meme or picture you can conveniently share on social media (including showing the pronunciation and what kind of word it is). Below the definitions are citations of the word of the day’s usage from literature. Lastly, there is a section that discusses the origin of the word. You can sign up for an email subscription to the page, and seeing the visual archive of the word of the day for the previous day is just a scroll away.

6. Oxford Dictionary’s Word of the Day

Maybe the most trusted dictionary in the world, the Oxford Dictionary website also has a webpage that features a word of the day. For each entry, you have an audio pronunciation guide, a definition, the word’s origin, and an easy-to-share picture of the word with a pronunciation guide across social media. I like that the Oxford Dictionary focuses on archaic usages of words as well, as for wordaholics, these archaic definitions can be useful to know and interesting to understand. Like most sites of this nature, it also has an email subscription option. Another section of this website to check out if you have time is “Explore the English Language,” which has wordlists and word origin features.

7. New York Times’ Word of the Day

A standard in the news industry, it is also a fantastic tool for learning. The New York Times presents a word of the day daily, attached with a quiz. What is also useful is that it shows words in context of The New York Times itself. So, they will show how the word was used in news articles from the Times. Each entry has sections for definitions, examples of its usage in news articles, and a quiz at the bottom. After you finish the quiz, you will see a more detailed look into the chosen word, discussing its nuances. A great tool for learning more words, and more about them.

8. WordReference.com’s Word of the Day

The special thing about this website is that it offers two categories: basic word of the day, and intermediate word of the day. The basic word of the day is aimed at beginners and the intermediate word of the day is focused on people who have been learning English for some time. Though each category has entries that are filled with detail, there is a clear difference between basic and intermediate entries. In the basic section, entries have sections dedicated definitions, common uses, usage within pop culture, and a button that reads “see full definition,” which leads a user to an elaborated entry. For the intermediate entries, there are sections devoted to expanded definitions, example sentences, words most often used with the chosen entry, usage within pop culture, “did you know,” origins, and once again a “see full definition” button. This seems like the most comprehensive website for learning words and their background stories, so to say. You can get these definitions sent to you by email, and can also share them easily via Facebook and Twitter. You can scroll through entries as if you were on a common blogging site.

9. Vocabulary.com

This website tries its best to make learning new words enjoyable. It has word games to play, you can look up words, and it has word lists. They say if you start playing with language, you will learn it quickly. This website seems to take this approach. When learning is fun and flexible, words will be retained at a better rate. A great thing about its quizzes is that when you answer a question, it will describe the word in detail. The search option has examples sentences written by humans, not computers (it happens often it seems), examples sentences that are in touch with the real world of how English is being used, and claims to be the fastest-working dictionary. Its layout is user-friendly and intuitive. In the lists section, there are myriad lists focused on different subjects, ranging from baseball to movies. It is a highly enjoyable and engaging website for learning new words, and for studying English in general.

10. Word of the Day! App

For people who are crazy about checking other dictionaries for varying definitions, this is the app for them. This app features the following sources:

  • Merriam-Webster
  • Dictionary.com
  • Oxford English Dictionary
  • The Free Dictionary
  • The Learning Network
  • WordSpy
  • Latin Word of the Day
  • MedTerms
  • Yahoo! Education

You can conveniently compare definitions, and discover the nuances of words you want to delve into. In addition, you can “star” and “favorite” certain definitions and words. These starred and favorited words can be shared with friends, and the app will also alert you when new words have been entered into its system. It’s a free app, so it is a catch for those who don’t want to spend to learn. The entries for the words have audio recordings of pronunciation, root meanings, examples sentences, and connotations of chosen words.

Vocabulary Builder

Vocabulary Builder

If improving vocabulary is one of your resolutions for 2019, you are in the right place. Bookmark our site www.addicted2learn.com to read and learn a new word every day with this vocabulary builder series

For the latest vocabulary May Series: Vocabulary Daily- May Series – Learn a new word every day




Meaning: feeling and admitting the guilt or wrong committed by self.

Usage: She was contrite for her behavior yesterday. She admitted her mistake and rendered an apology letter.

Vocabulary Builder Contrite: Feeling and Admitting the guilt or wrong committed by self.

Vocabulary Builder
Contrite: Feeling and Admitting the guilt or wrong committed by self.

That’s all we have for the month of April. Hope you enjoyed the learning experience with these posts. We will be posting the may series for the same on our website. For your convenience, we’ll drop a link here – Enjoyed reading the daily updates? Please share and inspire the people around you.




Meaning: Someone who is inexperienced and has little knowledge, or skill of something; A beginner, trainee or a newbie.

Usage: Tim was a tryo in vocabulary and grammar a few months ago, but his dedication and zeal to learn made him an expert in the English language.

Tyro: Someone who is inexperienced and has little knowledge or skill of something; A beginner, trainee or a newbie.
Tyro: Someone who is inexperienced and has little knowledge or skill of something; A beginner, trainee or a newbie.




Meaning: Taste or smell that is sharp, strong, spicy or acidic.

Usage: Since the restaurant has an open kitchen, many guests complained about the pungent smell in the atmosphere.

Vocabulary Builder Pungent: Taste or smell that is sharp, strong, spicy or acidic.
Vocabulary Builder
Pungent: Taste or smell that is sharp, strong, spicy or acidic.




Meaning: Unable to think properly; Confused; Puzzled

Usage: Tony stood bemused at the parking area unable to find his Car.

Vocabulary Builder Bemused: Unable to think properly; Confused; Puzzled.
Vocabulary Builder
Bemused: Unable to think properly; Confused; Puzzled.




Meaning: Someone from the low social position suddenly acquires wealth, position and power.

Usage: When the parvenu won the lottery, he had joined social clubs, took partnership in businesses and took every possible measure to portray himself as the wealthiest businessman.

Vocabulary Builder Parvenu: Someone from the low social position suddenly acquires wealth, position and power.
Vocabulary Builder
Parvenu: Someone from the low social position suddenly acquires wealth, position and power.




Meaning: To refrain from expressing an opinion or taking a decision; being cautious and careful about what you say because you are frightened or uncertain.

Usage: When you participate in group discussions and debates, you don’t pussyfoot. You just express your ideas and opinions frankly.

Vocabulary Builder Pussyfoot: To refrain from expressing an opinion or taking a decision; Being cautious and careful about what you say because you are frightened or uncertain.
Vocabulary Builder
Pussyfoot: To refrain from expressing an opinion or taking a decision; Being cautious and careful about what you say because you are frightened or uncertain.




Meaning: Amazing, Magnificent, Wonderful.

Usage:Awe, What a frabjous day it is !’ All of us finally agreed to sort out the differences amongst us’

Vocabulary Builder Frabjous: Amazing, Magnificent, Wonderful
Vocabulary Builder
Frabjous: Amazing, Magnificent, Wonderful




Meaning: total agreement between/among two or more people; accord or consent among the members.

Usage: The decision to elect the vice-president of the Party by means of voting was unanimous.

Vocabulary Builder Unanimous: Total agreement between/among two or more people; Accord or consent among the members.
Vocabulary Builder
Unanimous: Total agreement between/among two or more people; Accord or consent among the members.




Meaning: A standard or a base for judging and deciding something.

Usage: In choosing a skilled cook, the right criterion is creativity.

Vocabulary Builder Criterion: A standard or a base for judging and deciding something.
Vocabulary Builder
Criterion: A standard or a base for judging and deciding something.




Meaning: Quick or eager to quarrel, argue or fight; expressing one’s opinion forcefully and in an aggressive manner.

Usage: Tanya’s pugnacious behavior is one reason why many of her friends avoid talking to her.

Vocabulary Builder: Pugnacious: Quick or eager to quarrel, argue or fight; expressing one's opinion forcefully and in an aggressive manner.
Vocabulary Builder: Pugnacious: Quick or eager to quarrel, argue or fight; expressing one’s opinion forcefully and in an aggressive manner.




Meaning: An idea or belief that seems to be true but is actually false and misleading.

Usage: It is a common fallacy that only women are good at cooking.

Vocabulary Builder Fallacy: An idea or belief that seems to be true but is actually false and misleading.
Vocabulary Builder
Fallacy: An idea or belief that seems to be true but is actually false and misleading.




Meaning: Praising someone too much or displaying exaggerated affection especially with an intention to gain some favor.

Usage: Since John wanted a promotion, he spends most of his time fawning over his higher officials.

Vocabulary Builder: Fawning: Praising someone too much or displaying exaggerated affection especially with an intention to gain some favor.
Vocabulary Builder: Fawning: Praising someone too much or displaying exaggerated affection especially with an intention to gain some favor.




Meaning: A young child who is extremely talented and shows exceptional skills and abilities.

Usage: Peter is considered a prodigy ever since he won the National level chess championship.

Vocabulary Builder: Prodigy: A young child who is extremely talented and shows exceptional skills and  abilities
Vocabulary Builder: Prodigy: A young child who is extremely talented and shows exceptional skills and abilities




Meaning: Characterized by mixed Feelings about someone or something; Uncertain and Indecisive about someone or something.

Usage: Patricia was ambivalent about her weekend vacation because she had many things pending on her to-do list.

Vocabulary Builder Ambivalent: Characterized by mixed feelings about someone or something; Uncertain and indecisive about someone or something.
Vocabulary Builder
Ambivalent: Characterized by mixed feelings about someone or something; Uncertain and indecisive about someone or something.




Meaning: Indicating favorable results or showing great chances of success.

Usage: Since the circumstances were propitious, the political party had decided to give the ticket to a young eligible and a popular figure.

Vocabulary Builder Propitious: Indicating favorable results; showing great chances of success.
Vocabulary Builder
Propitious: Indicating favorable results; showing great chances of success.




Meaning: Attractive and flashy in appearance but poor and cheap in quality.

Example: Though the wedding gown was fabulous, the jewellery that she wore was a bit tawdry.

Vocabulary Builder Tawdry: Attractive and flashy in appearance but poor and cheap in quality.
Vocabulary Builder
Tawdry: Attractive and flashy in appearance but poor and cheap in quality.




Meaning: Someone who is bad-tempered, and difficult to deal; Argumentative, Uncooperative and Irritating.

Usage: Keith often complains that his sales manager is mean, biased and cantankerous.

Vocabulary Builder:  Cantankerous: Someone who is bad-tempered, and difficult to deal; Argumentative, Uncooperative and irritating.
Vocabulary Builder:
Cantankerous: Someone who is bad-tempered, and difficult to deal; Argumentative, Uncooperative and irritating.




Meaning: To advocate or to support a particular belief, cause or ideology.

Usage: Swami Vivekananda espoused the ideology of spiritual enlightenment for the youth of India.

Vocabulary Builder Espouse: To advocate or support a particular, belief, cause or ideology.
Vocabulary Builder
Espouse: To advocate or support a particular, belief, cause or ideology.




Meaning: To be in a harmonious agreement; to Confirm to the agreement or requirement of a situation.

Usage: Congruous in their decision to buy a home, their only battle is to choose between an independent home and an apartment.

congruence: To be in a harmonious agreement;  to Confirm to the agreement or requirement of a situation.
congruence: To be in a harmonious agreement; to Confirm to the agreement or requirement of a situation.




Meaning: Not likely to harm, offend or upset anyone; Harmless and not offensive.

Usage: Tanya took offense at Tim’s innocuous comment about her spicy meal.

Vocabulary Builder Innocuous: Not likely to harm, offend or upset anyone; Harmless and not offensive
Vocabulary Builder
Innocuous: Not likely to harm, offend or upset anyone; Harmless and not offensive




Meaning: Seeming to be believable, reasonable and is likely to be accepted as truth.

Usage: The principal of the school goes on to test the plausibility of a fuel-free vehicle designed by the students.

Vocabulary Builder: Plausibility: Seeming to be believable, reasonable and is likely to be accepted as truth.




Meaning: A speech or a piece of writing which makes no sense and is utterly foolish.

Usage: Although, all the tickets were sold, the majority of the audience left in the middle of the show when the comedian started talking gibberish.

Gibberish: A speech or a piece of writing which makes no sense and is utterly foolish.
Gibberish: A speech or a piece of writing which makes no sense and is utterly foolish.




Meaning: 1. A Musical entertainer based on funny stories and jokes for children. 2. A drama or a play that involves an expression of body, face, gesture along with music

Usage: While the Children enjoyed watching pantomimes at the fair we went shopping for groceries.

Vocabulary builder Pantomime:    1. A Musical entertainer based on funny stories and jokes for children. 2. A drama or a play that involves an expression of body, face, gesture along with music
Vocabulary builder: Pantomime: 1. A Musical entertainer based on funny stories and jokes for children. 2. A drama or a play that involves an expression of body, face, gesture along with music




Meaning: The practice of granting undue favor to one’s own relatives and friends in jobs, businesses, sports, entertainment, etc; Favoritism; Partiality

Usage: Kangana Ranaut (a Bollywood Actress) takes a dig at Karan Johar by calling him the flag bearer of Nepotism on the show Coffee With Karan.

Vocabulary Builder Nepotism: The practice of granting undue favour to one's own relatives and friends in jobs, businesses, sports, entertainment etc. Favoritism, Partiality.
Vocabulary Builder
Nepotism: The practice of granting undue favour to one’s own relatives and friends in jobs, businesses, sports, entertainment etc. Favoritism, Partiality.




Meaning: Powerful, Strong and capable of influencing.

Usage: The Vice-chancellor appreciated the gold medallist and said that he would become a puissant man.

Vocabulary Builder: 06-04-2019  Puissant : Powerful, Strong and Capable of influencing.
Vocabulary Builder: 06-04-2019
Puissant : Powerful, Strong and Capable of influencing.




Meaning: Being or appearing to be excessively friendly or intimate.

Usage: Tim kept a close eye on his son because he was getting palsy-walsy with the street goons.

Palsy-Walsy: Being or appearing to be excessively intimate or friendly.
Vocabulary Builder 05-04-2019
Palsy-Walsy: Being or appearing to be excessively intimate or friendly.




Meaning: Intelligent, clever or skillful in thinking or moving.

Usage: The teacher was adroit at asking questions and dealing with mischievous children.

Adroit:  Intelligent, clever or skillful in thinking or moving.
Vocabulary Builder 04-04-2019
Adroit: Intelligent, clever or skillful in thinking or moving.




Meaning: An exclusive narrow group of people united to pursue a common interest or to fulfill a common objective.

Usage: The Chess team in the school is a real clique; they all work together, move together and eat together.

Vocabulary Builder: Clique: An exclusive narrow group of people united to pursue a common interest or to fulfill a common objective.
Clique: An exclusive narrow group of people united to pursue a common interest or to fulfill a common objective.




Meaning: To laugh in such a manner that completely shows the teeth

Usage: The Children at the park were grinning when the joker presented the gifts in a funny manner.

Grinning: To laugh in such a manner that completely shows the teeth.
Grinning: To laugh in such a manner that completely shows the teeth

Comeback tomorrow on the same page to learn a new word every day.




Meaning: Growing and developing vigorously and successfully

Example: Impact of Globalization and the growth of FDI has created many flourishing opportunities for young entrepreneurs.

Flourishing: Growing and developing vigorously and successfully.
Flourishing: Growing and developing vigorously and successfully.

Comeback tomorrow on the same page to learn a new word every day.

For March Vocabulary Series: Visit: Learning English – Learn a new word every day

We would like to thank our readers for showing us their commendable support. We have received emails from our lovely readers stating that they enjoyed learning new words every day. Some of them even stated saying that they started implementing it in their daily routine. With many requests from our readers, we have decided to start the same series for this month.

Some Tips to improve vocabulary:

  1. Learn new words every day
  2. Learning new words will not be sufficient, try to include those words in your daily conversations.
  3. Keep discussing those words with someone who is interested in vocabulary.
  4. Carry a dictionary. Wait, that doesn’t mean that you carry a huge bulky dictionary, You have many apps available on both android and ios platforms. Download them.
  5. Understand the root words. This will make your job easier.
  6. Use flashcards to memorize the new words.
  7. Read everyday
  8. Make a note of word that you don’t know and refer that in a dictionary.
  9.  And you can visit us and bookmark our site: www.addicted2learn.com to learn a new word every day.
  10. You can also find many apps that notify you of a new word every day.

If you enjoyed reading this post, do share it. Because everyone deserves to learn.

We would like to thank our readers once again for showing us so much love. It is all your support that we always give our best to bring out the best content for all of you.

Common phrases for every day in English

как по английски будет каждый день

A list of phrases that can be useful in a conversation every day. English for every day.

English phrases you need to know!

Hello to my subscribers and all the random visitors to my blog about spoken English. In this short article, I would like to share with you useful everyday phrases. They are widely used in speech and it would be very nice to know them.

Common phrases in English

Phrase Transfer
I don’t mind. I have nothing against it.
I think so. I agree.
You’ll make it. You will succeed.
That’s the whole point. This is the whole point.
Easy! Take it easy. Don’t be on the rampage. Take it easy.
Calm down. Take it easy.
Don’t worry. Relax. Don’t worry. Take it easy. Relax.
It makes things easier. It’s easier (to experience / endure pain) this way.
I haven’t given it much thought. I haven’t thought about it yet. (about plans for the future)
It serves you / smb. right. So you / someone needs it.
You’ll hear from me. I will let you know / inform about myself.
It’s going to be all right All will be well.
You bet! You also ask!
Sounds good to me. That’s fine for me.
Time’s up. Time is over.
Hear me out! Listen to me!
I couldn’t reach you. I couldn’t get through to you.
Let happen whatever would happen. Let it be what will be.
It never crossed my mind (that) It never occurred to me that
Don’t mention that. Don’t talk about it.
I don’t give a damn / a shit I don’t care, I don’t care

Source: https://enjoyenglish-blog.com/razgovornyj-anglijskij/razgovornye-frazy.html

Birthday greetings in English

как по английски будет каждый день

The simplest congratulations are, of course, Happy Birthday! But this is not the only option. If you have to wish someone a happy birthday, then you’ve come to the right place. On this page you will find the most popular birthday greetings in English.

May all your dreams come true
May all your dreams come true

Wishing you all the best on your special day
I wish you all the best on this wonderful day

May your heart be filled with happiness!
Let your heart be filled with happiness!

May this year be your best ever.
May this year be the best in your life.

With all my heart I wish you
With all my heart I wish you

Wish you the best birthday ever! Hooray!
Wishing you the Best Birthday Ever! Cheers!

Congratulations on this great event!
I congratulate on this great event!

Many happy returns of the day!
I wish you many years of life!

You deserve the very best in life.
You deserve the very best in life.

A birthday is the most special day in one’s life. Enjoy it to the fullest.
Birthday is a special day in life. Enjoy it to the fullest.

Wishes to a friend or girlfriend

Have a wonderful birthday. I wish your every day to be filled with lots of love, laughter, happiness and the warmth of sunshine.
Have a wonderful birthday. I wish that every day was filled with endless love, laughter, happiness and the warmth of sunlight.

Let’s light the candles and celebrate this special day of your life. Happy birthday.
Let’s light some candles and celebrate this special day in your life. Happy birthday.

The years we shared while growing up are treasures to me. I can remember our every moment of laughter. Happy Birthday, my dear friend.
The years we have shared are growing like a treasure for me. I remember every moment of our laughter (happiness). Happy birthday, my (me) dear friend (girlfriend).

I always wished to be a great friend. But there is no way to be a better friend than you in the world. happy birthday.
I’ve always wanted to be a good friend (s) like you. But there is no better friend (girlfriend) than you in the world. Happy birthday.

If I’m given the opportunity to pick my best friend, then I will choose you always as my best friend because I need you more than anyone. Happy Birthday.
If I am given the opportunity to choose my best friend, then I will always choose you as my best friend, because I need you the most. Happy birthday.

Wishes to mom, dad, sister and brother

Dear momWithout you I don’t know what I’d do But with you I know there is nothing I can’t do

Happy birthday

Mom, there is no other person who can take the place of yours in my heart. I’m so lucky that I’ve found the best mother in this world. Happy birthday.
Mom, there is no other person who can take your place in my heart. I am so lucky to have found the best mom in this world. Happy birthday.

Mom, you are my angel. My heartfelt greetings to you on this special day. happy birthday.
Mom, you are my angel. My sincere congratulations to you on this special day. Happy birthday.

happy birthday dad. Loving wishes for the most amazing Dad in the world! Stay fantastic!
Happy birthday dad. Loving wishes for the most amazing dad in the world!

Your simple words can bring a smile on my face, can keep me laughing always. Happy Birthday sister.

Happy birthday female

A characteristic and distinctive feature of declarative affirmative sentences in English is the observance of a firm (direct) word order. This means that in the first place in a sentence the subject is usually put, in the second place — the predicate, in the third place — the addition and then the circumstances.

Source: https://catchenglish.ru/razgovornik/happy-birthday.html

A New Word In English Every Day (Top 3 Subscription Sites)

как по английски будет каждый день

It is advisable for language learners to learn at least one new word in English every day. All children are little geniuses, they learn many new words every day. By the time a child starts first grade, his vocabulary is several thousand words. 

Unfortunately, we remain geniuses for a very short time. At the age of 11 or 12, we have a significant lexicon to survive, and most lose enthusiasm for the language, and the speed at which we pick up new words is greatly reduced. So, if an adult does not make a deliberate effort to increase vocabulary, then he will hardly learn 50 or 60 new words a year.

The English language has such a rich vocabulary (at least half a million words) that it would be unwise not to take advantage of this potential. So, here’s one way to give us back our old talents: learn a new word in English every day.

Whether you are an aspiring student or a student preparing for IELTS, TOEIC, or other international exams, start your day with a fresh word. It’s intelligent, inspiring, and maybe even more enjoyable than a hot cup of coffee in the morning.

Here are three great sites for learning new English words every day (all free and available via email subscription).

A.Word.A.Day (AWAD)

Founded in 1994, A.Word.A.Day on Wordsmith.org is the creation of Anu Garg, an Indian software engineer who clearly enjoys sharing his love of word magic.

The simple design of this popular site (over a million subscribers from over 170 countries) offers concise definitions and examples of words that relate to a variety of topics. Themes change every week.

The New York Times considers it to be the friendliest, most enduring daily mass mailing in cyberspace. Recommended for all word lovers.

Oxford English Dictionary Word of the Day — OEDWOTD

For many of us, the Oxford English Dictionary is our last resort, and an OEDWOTD subscription provides a new word every day with complete information on it, including many illustrations. You can register and receive new words via email or RSS feed. Recommended for students, philologists and linguists.

A new word in English every day with the Merriam-Webster Dictionary

This site does not provide as much information about the word as the previous one, but it does offer pronunciation and audio narration of the word with basic definitions and etymologies. Merriam-Webster Word of the Day is also available as a podcast that you can listen to on your computer or MP3 player. Recommended for high school and college students as well as advanced ESL students.

Other daily Word sites

These sites can also be helpful for high school and college students:

Source: https://lingvana.ru/novoe-slovo-kazdiy-den.html

11 Instagram Accounts for Learning English | Media portal — Kazan (Volga region) Federal University

Time is the most valuable resource. You can read how to use it to the maximum in the previous review. And this time we have prepared a list of 11 Instagram accounts for learning English. They will allow you to spend time on the social network with the benefit of self-development. We described their features, training format, and discussed all the pros and cons. Choose the profiles you like and learn English with ease.


This is one of the most popular accounts with over 800 thousand subscribers. The profile is bright, with a lot of pictures from popular films, cartoons and TV series. Association with a famous character makes it easier to remember the word.

In the group, they lay out 3 words a day with transcription and translation. There are also examples of sentences with new vocabulary, translation and reading rules are attached to them. For a beginner, transcriptions of sentences written in Russian letters will be useful.

For example, let’s give the caption to the picture above:

“You are not such a talkative person.

[yu] [a:] [note] [sat] [e] [this: ketiv] [ˈpё: sn].

[ju] [ɑː] [nɒt] [sʌʧ] [ə] [ˈtɔːkətɪv] [ˈpɜːsn].

You’re not a very talkative person. «

The authors of the account recommend writing a new word three times in the comments in order to remember it faster. This method is practiced on many pages, and it will be even more effective if you compose new sentences with these words.

Lazy English has an interesting twist: at the end of the day, they check how the participants have memorized the words. Previously, this was done with the help of video, but now instead of it they use the carousel or gallery function, that is, several photos in one post that must be scrolled to the right.

But the meaning remained the same: by the way, a word in Russian is given three words in English, similar in spelling, but only one of them is the correct translation. We met such a verification option only in this account, which we consider to be another plus to subscribing to it.


The group specializes in business vocabulary. For example, here you can find translations of the phrases “Provide financial assistance”, “Disseminate information”, “Close a business”, etc. But the account will be useful not only for those who work in sales and marketing. Most phrases and idioms can be used in everyday life.

Kind of a stable expression “Flavor of the month”, which means people who are popular at the moment. But the minus is that the authors do not provide translation of phrases into Russian and their transcriptions. In the example of a post, you can see that a phrase or an idiom in English is written with its meaning and method of use — all this without translation. Therefore, the group is suitable for a more advanced level of language learning.

Although, if you scroll back, you can find cards with the translation of phrases into Russian and their transcription.


Learning English in this account is based on the “Learn, Repeat, Check” principle. Every day, the authors publish a post with 3 new words or phrases and an audio recording of their pronunciation. The next similar post reinforces what was learned, and the third one checks how the words are remembered. It happens as follows: words are given in Russian, and in the comments you need to write their translation into English.

Topics change every week, which systematizes knowledge and allows you to gain a certain vocabulary. Also in the profile there is a heading «Let’s play», where in each next comment you have to write a word starting with the last letter of the previous one. The principle of the familiar game «in the city», but the vocabulary in this case is not limited.

The disadvantages include unattractive, uniform images. But this profile is definitely useful if you want to learn English and are ready to donate beautiful pictures in the feed. In addition, recently the authors began to post posts in a different format: the top 10 TV series for learning English, «write a translation of the phrase», etc.

In a word, the account is developing and becoming more interesting.


The profile is led by a certified English teacher Anastasia Abramova. On her blog, she shares information on grammar and vocabulary of a foreign language. For example, what are the differences between the past tenses and how to properly compliment.

In addition, the teacher gives advice on learning English: explains how much time should be devoted to the language every day and how to learn to understand spoken language.

There are also entertaining posts where in the commentary you need to write an association in English to a word from the previous person.

Posts are posted almost every day, Anastasia answers all questions and comments from subscribers. and quite friendly.


Another author’s blog, this time from the language coach Oksana Yavna. Oksana teaches her own courses on teaching English, but their advertising is practically not found in the profile, with the exception of rare mentions of classes — this is a big plus for an Instagram account. The most important advantage of English_training_camp is quality materials. The girl uses so many different learning methods on her profile that you will definitely improve your English!

Oksana invites subscribers to watch excerpts from TV shows in English, explains the difference between similar language constructions, features of grammar and vocabulary, conducts a dictation and even a non-standard game in which subscribers guess the page number from a book, and in return receive a new word to memorize. The page design and communication between Oksana and subscribers deserve a separate like. The profile is less than a year old, and during this time it has become much more attractive and interesting not only in content, but also in design. Therefore, we definitely recommend that you subscribe to it.


There are many different ways to learn English. The authors of this blog believe that the easiest way to learn a language is through music. Indeed, who doesn’t love her? Moreover, many people want to understand the words of songs and sing along with their idols.

In the profile, every two days, a new clip is uploaded with English text superimposed on it, and in the post description they give a translation of individual keywords and the entire song. For people who are passionate about music, this option will help you track song releases, meet new artists and have fun learning English.

The only downside is that not everyone may like specific compositions. But we advise you to look at this profile, because here you can find clips of different genres: from pop music to rock, and you can find what is close to you.

@ english.govori.project

The profile is moderated by Olga Sazonova, founder of the «Speak Project» project. She has Cambridge certificates, and for 14 years she has been teaching English courses for adults.

Olga is known on Instagram as a blogger specializing in English. Therefore, the profile differs from others in its special design. Here you will not find pictures with English phrases superimposed on them, as in all the others: only professional photos and vivid images. And not so long ago, Olga began to upload videos with a personal explanation of phrases and phrases. We think there will be more such posts soon.

The girls will definitely like the profile, because the key topics of the page are fashion, cinema and shopping. For example, a recent blog post explains what a smoothie is and how does this word come in handy for drivers? But besides such lifestyle topics Olga gives a lot of teaching material.

She shares life hacks for learning a language, tells how she herself started from scratch and overcome problems like laziness and fear, and lays out frequently used words and phrases with translation. The downside is that posts are published irregularly: from twice a day to one in two weeks.

But in general, Olga is an example of how an instablogger can make posts not only beautifully, but also for the benefit of others.


Detail is what defines this profile. In it, all topics from grammar to complex vocabulary are analyzed in detail, using different formats. Materials are divided into headings: «Riddle», «Quote», «», «Dictionary», «Test», etc. To learn English, you will be asked to try hard.

You will need to listen to songs in English and write down certain words from it, translate the text, listen to lessons on the pronunciation of all sounds in English, learn words on the topic and participate in interactions.

But do not be afraid that all this is difficult: the authors of the page answer all questions and help subscribers in every possible way.

A separate section “Humor” seemed interesting to us, in which jokes or funny situations are posted, and the translation to them must be written by the subscribers themselves. In addition, the authors publish funny phrases that you can use in everyday life. Posts are posted, as a rule, every other day, but sometimes less often. If you devote at least 10 minutes daily to studying them, then this page may well replace the hours spent reading textbooks and dictionaries, because everything is already collected in one place.


If your goal is to learn as many words as possible, then this account is perfect. Here, every day, a large amount of vocabulary is laid out in the form of a list of words, idioms and constructions on a specific topic. The disadvantage is that they are accompanied only by translation without transcription, so for those who are not sure of their pronunciation, this kind of language learning can be difficult.

In addition, most people find it difficult to learn new words just from the provided list. It is much easier to memorize with the help of association or doing some kind of task. There are no such ways to consolidate knowledge here. The profile also focuses on vocabulary, and English grammar is not considered in it at all.

Despite the disadvantages, the account is quite informative and useful, so we advise you to look at it and determine if this format of language learning is right for you.


This account will be useful not only for beginners, but also for experienced connoisseurs of English. It describes the differences between words that are similar in meaning or pronunciation, which at least once, but everyone has confused. For example, “Beside” and “Besides” or “Often” and “Frequently”.

Agree that sometimes it is difficult to use such similar words. And in this profile, everything is explained simply, with examples of use and sometimes with transcription, if the words are spelled almost the same, but they sound different.

Posts are posted regularly, but not often — sometimes every three days.


Source: https://media.kpfu.ru/news/11-instagram-akkauntov-dla-izucenia-angliiskogo-azyka

15 Daily Tips: Learn English Today!

Some people cannot bring themselves to learn English, even if they need it for work, travel, etc. They push back as much as they can, complaining to others that there is no time, place, or money to study.

Or maybe there is no desire, there is not enough motivation? What if you need to master the language, but there is no desire for it? We advise you to read our article «How Learning English Changes Your Life», you may want to make your life a little better too.

And to make these changes easy, let’s try to turn learning English into an unobtrusive daily ritual that will not take much time and money.

By dropping the phrase “I don’t have time,” you will realize that you have time for virtually everything you want to do in life. We invite you to take advantage of our learning tips. The proposed useful activities will harmoniously fit into your day, take a minimum of time and help improve your language skills. You can choose the most convenient and interesting tips for yourself, or use them all together.

1. A clear plan

We put this important point in the first place. No matter how great the advice you get, it won’t do you any good if you don’t have a goal and a lesson plan for yourself. Mark in your diary how many hours per week will you spend in English.

Distribute the study time evenly, it is enough to practice 30-60 minutes a day to feel the progress. But before that, write down a clear, achievable goal. At least once a day, re-read what and why you want to achieve, what deadlines you must meet.

Don’t forget, dreams do come true!

Time spent: You will spend about 20-30 minutes on setting a goal and making a plan.

2. Passive listening

Is it time-consuming to commute to work? Why not spend it profitably? If you don’t get excited about talking in transport, discussing politics and market prices with unfamiliar passengers, turn your attention to your mobile. Rather, do not burrow, but listen to him. Download English songs, podcasts or audio lessons to your gadget, turn them on when you want to isolate yourself from the outside world.

Time spent: You will not spend a minute on training, only 10-15 minutes a day on downloading files. The method is suitable for the busiest people. And so that you do not waste time looking for the files you need, we have made for you good selections of «5 great sites with audio recordings» and «6 sites with podcasts in English.»

3. Daily entries

Do you have a diary? Great, then you’re probably used to making notes in it. You can continue, but in English. When you plan for the next day, try to write a lot and in detail. If you are just starting to learn a language, let it be a listing of the nouns you know. «Continuing» can make sentences. Besides, make shopping lists, write down recipes and all kinds of tips in English.

Time spent: In fact, you are not wasting your time, just doing the usual things in English. However, if you want to not only strengthen your knowledge, but also increase your vocabulary, you can try using 1-2 new words daily. You will spend just a few minutes working with the dictionary.

4. System language

Change the system language of your computer, mobile phone, tablet. This will help you learn a small, but very valuable group of words. For example, we get up every morning when the alarm clock rings on our mobile, so now you will firmly remember that an alarm clock is an alarm clock.

Time spent: It will take 2-3 minutes to change the settings of the gadget. You will automatically learn new words. A great way for those who do not like to cram new vocabulary. However, it allows you to master only a narrow group of words.

5. Fun apps or tutorials

Some fun is good for learning English, play more often! hundreds of free apps and programs for language learners… They train memory, expand vocabulary, teach pronunciation and spelling. And all this in an easy, playful way! You yourself will not notice how you will get involved in the game and will spend more and more time doing interesting and useful activities.

Time spent: from 10 minutes. You can quickly find useful programs for your gadget in our selection of «The 28 Best Apps for Learning English for Android and iPhone.»

6. Events in the world

Each of us watches the news at least once a day. If your level of knowledge allows you, watch them in English. Believe me, it will be interesting to know the point of view of foreign media on a particular issue. Do you think that they are too politicized, Americanized or completely lying? This is not a reason to give up BBC views during breakfast. You need to know what they are planning abroad!

Time spent: In order not to waste time watching TV, watch the program in English during breakfast or dinner. Spend a couple of minutes choosing a site convenient for you from our article «5 best sites where you can watch news in English.»

7. Social networks guard your knowledge

Source: https://englex.ru/15-tips-for-everyday-about-english-learning/

Is it realistic to learn English in 30 minutes a day?

But not everyone has the opportunity to devote a lot of time to learning the language. How to deal, for example, for an entrepreneur immersed in business development 24/7? English teachers have found a way out.

There are tons of techniques on the Internet that promise to help you learn English in 30 minutes a day. Many books have been written with detailed explanations. And we decided to figure out whether it is really possible to learn a foreign language, devoting half an hour to classes every day.

A bit of numbers and calculations

At first glance, it seems that 30 minutes a day is extremely short for language learning. After all, we are accustomed to that this is a laborious and long-term business.

Half an hour a day is 15 hours a month or 180 hours a year. When viewed from this angle, it no longer seems that too little time is devoted to classes. The standard English course is designed for 3 lessons per week for 1,5 hours. With such a schedule, 18 hours a month are obtained. Not much more than doing half an hour a day.

Why the 30 minutes a day system is so controversial

During training, the vast majority of people form a false perception of its effectiveness.

Let’s explain what this means. 95% of people believe that being tired after taking an English class is a testament to the learning outcomes. The brain receives a lot of information and digests it.

But in reality, fatigue only means that attention is declining and it is more and more difficult to maintain it. The maximum learning outcome is achieved precisely in the first 30-50 minutes, depending on the level of interest in the topic. At this time, neurons are fully ready to perceive new information.

That is why lessons in schools last 40 minutes — children’s brains are simply not able to stay in concentration mode any longer without interruptions.

The meaning of the «30 minutes a day» system

The technique of learning English in 30 minutes a day is not designed for instant results — you cannot begin to communicate freely with native speakers in a month. But the main advantage of the system is continuity.

The Heinrich Ebbinghaus curve shows how information is forgotten. The next day, the brain loses up to 50% of the acquired knowledge — associative chains are created slowly, so the information does not have time to be fixed in the memory.

But if you repeat it for 3 days in a row, then on the 4th day the loss will be only 10%. If there are 2-3 days between repetitions, as many classical learning systems suggest, then memorizing 90% of new information will take about 2 weeks instead of 4 days.

If you study 30-10 words 12 times a week using the “2 minutes a day” technique, then you can actually learn 80-100 new words in a month. If you do not miss classes, it is quite simple — a properly constructed repetition schedule will speed up the study at times.

The required minimum for everyday communication — 350-400 words — can be learned in 4 months — and this is with independent studies.

How to use the 30 minutes a day system

The technique for learning English in 30 minutes a day is based on small, multidisciplinary exercises. Here we will provide a complete set, as advised by the creators of the technique.

Exercise 1. Vocabulary
It takes 10 minutes to learn new words. This is a basic exercise until you have enough vocabulary to understand 90% of any information read or heard without difficulty.

Learn what is more convenient for you. But the classic method with cards proved to be the best. By the way, on many interactive portals for learning English — LinguaLeo, DuoLingo, EnglishDom — this method is the main one. You can do the exercises right there.

Together with new words, we recommend that you immediately learn the table of irregular verbs so as not to slow down when mastering grammar.

Exercise 2. Dictation
Trains at the same time listening comprehension, grammar, spelling and punctuation. To write a dictation, it is not necessary to strain someone and force them to dictate the text. Use resources with recorded dictations for this:

  • Dictationsonline is a great resource for language learners of all levels. The text is read by professional speakers, so it is clear from the first listening.
  • Rong-Chang is a large collection of dictations on various topics. True, the site does not have a gradation in complexity, so we recommend listening to dictations from the first issue without skipping.
  • Breaking News English is an excellent collection of online dictations that are divided into phrases for convenience. You can immediately write and check the result.

On average, writing and checking a small dictation takes 15–20 minutes.

The exercise should be repeated 1-2 times a week.

Exercise 3. Composition
It takes 8-10 minutes to write an essay for 15-20 sentences. You can choose any topic — from the story of a recently watched movie to a fantastic micro-story.

The main thing is that the topic is not boring, and you get pleasure from the composition — then the exercise will bring results. To avoid mistakes, use simple sentences at first and only those grammatical constructions that you know. But gradually you can complicate the essays.

You need to repeat the exercise 1-2 times a week.

Exercise 4. Grammar
Learning English grammar is much easier today than it used to be. Interactive sites allow you to immediately see your mistakes and correct them. The main functions of such applications are similar — just choose the one that is most convenient for you.

In 20 minutes, you can complete 3-5 grammar exercises.

You need to repeat 3-4 times a week.

Exercise 5. Reading Books
It is worth starting with books with simplified vocabulary, but after six months you will be able to understand almost all the works that you want to read. The internet is full of book selections in English for beginners — pick up and start reading.

Unknown words that have come across in books, be sure to write out and add to the dictionary of the studied words. They must be repeated in order to fix them in memory.

Even if you read 20-2 pages in 3 minutes, it will give results.

You need to repeat the exercise 2-3 times a week.

Although this exercise can be given a lot more attention. Indeed, in a long line you can carve out 15 minutes for reading, and in transport on the way to work — all 30. It all depends on the desire and how much you will be captured by the book.

Exercise 6. Listening to audiobooks
It is a little more difficult to perceive the language by ear. We recommend starting with children’s fairy tales — they are as simple and understandable as possible in vocabulary, and the announcers speak slowly.

20 minutes is one little tale.

You need to repeat the exercise 2-3 times a week.

What is the result? Does the method really work?

To create a complete training system, you simply distribute all the exercises evenly in your schedule. And you know what? The method really works!

With 30 minutes of classes a day, you can reach the Intermediate level effortlessly in six months.

The main thing is not to miss. After all, the system of half-hour training will give good results only if the classes are continuous — without days off, holidays and force majeure. Even one missed class can kill the results of an entire week. So for those who like to be lazy sometimes, this method will not work. And for those who do not have enough time for full-fledged training, it will seem like a real godsend.

Learn English effectively and with fun!

Bonuses for readers

Get free access to three months of learning English with EnglishDom online courses until September 30, 2018.

We will be glad to see you in individual lessons of the course «English for IT Professionals».

Source: https://geekbrains.ru/posts/english_in_30_minutes

154 colloquial phrases in English for every day

Spoken English includes many speech clichés — phrases used as ready-made formulas for common situations. These can be expressions from one word (hello) or from several (to tell you the truth). This collection contains colloquial phrases in English that will come in handy in everyday speech.

Speech patterns are an important part of spoken English

Spoken English can be understood as the informal style of speech that native speakers use to communicate with each other. It is replete with idioms, slang, quotes from bearded jokes and jokes from local TV. To fully participate in the communication of, for example, Americans, it is advisable to live in the United States.

But more often colloquial English is called purely functional English, when it is required to explain that part A is inserted into part B, and not vice versa. The main thing here is to know a minimum of vocabulary and grammar, to have enough practice, and everything else is an optional luxury.

Colloquial phrases in English also apply to this minimum. These cliché phrases, blank phrases are capable of solving the lion’s share of communication tasks by themselves. For example, everyday details of communication such as greetings and goodbyes, wishes for a good day, expressions of gratitude and an apology are completely clichéd.

By inserting the necessary blanks, you give the statement a touch of confidence or uncertainty, a joyful or dissatisfied attitude towards the event. In a word, colloquial phrases-templates are very convenient.

Phrases and Expressions in Video Tutorials

Below I provide a list of expressions, compiled from personal experience, and examples for them. But I also want to recommend you interesting video tutorials on the Puzzle English service — a lot of conversational topics, expressions, and individual nuances are simply and interestingly analyzed. Great, the lessons are complete with exercises.

If you are not familiar with this service, I recommend starting with a vocabulary test.

Greetings and goodbyes

Greeting formulas include not only the greeting itself, but also the following question like «How are you?», «How are you?» etc. Let’s start with greetings and goodbyes:

Hello Hi Hello
Hi Hi
Good morning Good morning
good afternoon good afternoon
Good evening Good evening
Good bye (Bye) While
see you later (see you) До скорого
Have a nice (good) day Have a nice day


  • Hello и Good bye — the most neutral forms of greeting and goodbye, which are suitable for any situation. Hi — a more conversational, friendly form.
  • Phrases are used for greetings good morningafternoonevening, but not good night Is a good night wish.
  • In English, as in Russian, there are farewell words that imply parting forever, for example farewell (goodbye) — this word with a bookish connotation is found more in historical films, and not in everyday speech.

The greeting is usually followed by a formal question like «How are you?» Here are the main question and answer options:

How are you? Like you? How are you?
How are you doing? How are you?
How is it going? How are you?
end Fine
Good Well
I’m ok Normally
How about you? And how are you?
Y Tu? And you have?


  • Before fine, good or ok should add thanks or thank you, thanking the interlocutor for being interested in how you are doing: Thanks, I’m fine.
  • Question «How are you?» Is just a greeting, a courtesy formula. You shouldn’t tell in detail how you are doing or, even worse, complain about life.
  • For more information on the intricacies of greetings, see the article: How to respond to greetings in English?

By the way, if you want to know how to learn expressions better, where to find examples, I recorded a video with a few tips:

Expression of gratitude and response

In 99% of cases, the words are suitable for expressing gratitude and answering it: «Thank you.» — «You are welcome.» This formula is exactly the same as the Russian “thank you, please”. But there are other options as well. Here are some popular formulas for expressing gratitude:

Thank you Thank you
Thank you very much Thank you very much
Thanks a lot Thank you very much huge
Thank you so much Thank you very much
Cheers (informal) Thank you (informally)
I appreciate it I appreciate it (appreciate your help)
You’re welcome Please

And answers to gratitude:

Welcome Please
Always welcome You’re welcome
That’s all right Not worth it
Don’t mention it It’s my pleasure
not at all It’s my pleasure
It’s nothing Not at all Trivia
No problem (informal) No problem (informally)

Apologies and replies to apologies

Sorry Sorry
Excuse me Sorry
I’m so sorry! I am so sorry!
It’s ok! Everything is fine! (Never mind)
No problem! No problem!
It’s fine All perfectly


  • In short, the difference between sorry и excuse me in that sorry they say after they have done something (stepped on their foot — Oh, sorry!), and excuse me — when they are just going (Excuse me, can I take your pen, please?). That is sorry — this is when they express regret about something, and excuse me — to attract attention, apply, ask for something.
  • In response to sorry usually say ok, it’s fine, no problem, approximately as we answer «oh well!» or «it’s okay.»

Expressing confidence and uncertainty

In conversation, words are often used that indicate the confidence or uncertainty of the speaker.

Expression of confidence

I’m sure I’m sure
I’m pretty sure I’m pretty sure
I’m absolutely sure I am quite sure
I’m certain I’m sure / convinced

Source: https://langformula.ru/english-phrases/

Everyday classes for those with intermediate English

When I wanted to start for a long time, but I was too lazy

SM has collected recommendations for those who have not jumped in English above the Intermediate level, but would like to. Forcing yourself to do it is hard, and it’s not just your laziness — it’s usually hard to figure out where to start and where to start. If you are familiar with this problem, this guide is for you.

Practice English by ear — 15 minutes

There are several sites and programs for training listening (listening). Here they are:

What it is: Recordings of short assignments for all occasions.


— After each recording there is a small test to check what you heard; — The system itself calculates your correct and incorrect answers;

— Large selection of topics and exercises.


— The interface has remained from the days of the narod.ru website;
— Some recordings have noise. However, this can be attributed to the pluses if you are going to take exams in English: there you can often encounter obstacles that prevent you from hearing what is being said.

What it is: a collection of video and audio exercises for training English in dialogues.


— Beautiful and user-friendly interface; — There is a transcript of all dialogues; — There are different accents of English — from British to Japanese;

— There is a small dictionary after the audio.


Not a very large selection of exercises.

What it is: an English listening simulator.


— Suitable for all levels, even the most basic; — Large listening base; — You can include subtitles under each audio file;

— You don’t need internet to listen.


You cannot add new listening words automatically to your personal electronic dictionary unless you are a student at Skyeng Online School.

Reading — 15 minutes

If you are a fan of the phrases “I’ll go to bed early today”, and then find yourself reading interesting facts on Wikipedia far after midnight, then this site is for you. It contains interesting random facts and biographies, but they are written in a simple and understandable language.

Many respected foreign media began to write materials specifically for those who are just learning English. Want to start your morning off with a cup of coffee while imposingly reading the Times Magazine summaries? Please.

This is a simple browser application to read anything in English with any level of English. Download it and tackle any articles. If you come across an incomprehensible phrase, select it with the cursor. The translation will appear immediately.

New words — 10 minutes

What words to learn to speak English easily?

This is a trainer app with over 200 English words. Everything is served in a playful way, all words have voice acting and funny pictures to make it easier to remember. The words are broken down into different topics and situations. In fact, scientists have proven that in order to speak English well, it is enough to learn only 000 words. It is important to know which ones to teach.

There are many grammar rules collected on this site, and all are presented in the form of fun tests and explanations. Try taking one test a day.

Subscribe to this newsletter. Once a week, on Tuesdays, you will receive an interesting letter, where the basic rules of English are sorted out.

We make a selection of channels to which it is useful to subscribe if you are learning English. The authors of the channels in our usual language (without any officialdom) explain the rules, idioms and introduce you to interesting vocabulary.

If doing all this yourself seems like a daunting task, you will need the help of a teacher. Try signing up for a free introductory lesson at Skyeng and they will tell you what classroom tutoring options are online. And yes, keep the promo code MAGAZINE, it will give two free lessons when you pay for the first course at school.

Reading the articles is useful. Working with a teacher —

doubly useful

Source: https://magazine.skyeng.ru/intermediate_english_practice/

How to independently learn English at home? 5 ways

There are a lot of ways on how to learn English in 5 minutes, in a day, a week and even a month on the Internet, but you should immediately learn one rule: to get something, you have to give something.

In our case, to learn English to a certain level, you will need to give your time and effort. This applies not only to English, but also to other languages ​​- you need to learn daily and the sooner you want to progress, the more time you need to devote to the day.

English levels

Let’s concretize the meaning of the word «learn» a language. There are 6 levels of language proficiency:

   A1 (Beginner, Elementary). Basic level, knowledge of several common phrases, words.

   A2 (Pre-Intermediate). Slightly above baseline. You can tell about yourself in several sentences (having previously written and learned the text), read simple (very simple) texts, understand individual phrases and words by ear.

   B1 (Intermediate and). The average level, you can read children’s literature in English, talk on simple everyday topics, correspond in social networks. networks.

   B2 (Upper intermediate). The level is above average. You can talk on various topics with native speakers, read various literature in English, express your thoughts more or less well without preparation.

   C1 (Advanced). Advanced level. Here you can already properly load the average American with oral speech, you understand their mentality, you are good at expressing your thoughts, persuading, and it is appropriate to joke.

   C2 (proficiency). Coolest level. Proficiency at the Native Speaker level. You understand any speech or writing, you can defend your doctoral dissertation. As a rule, you know English even better than your native language.

A few tips

In addition to your time, you can also spend your money, in some cases, even very considerable. The best way to learn any language is to leave for a country where this language is used and live there for at least six months in complete isolation from your native language. This is the whole point, you need to maximize the time spent with the target language and minimize the time spent with the native language. Read, write, speak and think in the target language. It’s not easy, but funny

Source: https://ravesli.com/kak-samostoyatelno-vyuchit-anglijskij-yazyk-doma-5-sposobov/

English kindergarten Our Children — Our School

    • Welcome to our school! We are convinced that education needs a holistic approach
    • Benefit XNUMXst century children who are born smarter and more spiritual than their predecessors.
    • Create a comfortable and attractive place for children to learn English.
    • Help children discover their inner strength and grow with dignity.
    • To provide children with a multifaceted and wide range of English kindergarten activities that ignite children’s curiosity and instill a lifelong love of learning.
    • Guide and support children in healthy emotional, social and physical development.
    • Honor and respect in children their truth and natural purity.
    • To give kindergarten pupils the opportunity not only to learn, but to feel the language, which is a prerequisite for mastering English perfectly.
    • A unique approach to early education in a children’s English center with branches in the south-west and ZAO Moscow. Our main goal is to provide the necessary support that every child needs to believe in his unlimited potential.
    • One of the best gardens in Moscow according to ForbesLife.
    • A loving classroom atmosphere that encourages everyone to exercise morality in communication, share and enjoy happy moments.
    • One teacher for five children.
    • Teachers, native speakers — not only women, but also men.
    • The curriculum of a private English kindergarten in Moscow includes celebrations of days of culture, friendship, harvest, peace, children of the universe, smiles and other unusual events with a language bias.
    • Play Centers are organized in such a way as to match the abilities of each child in the development of his individual learning characteristics.
    • A lovely playground in the yard and a spacious Indoor Sports Hall.
  • A person who speaks foreign languages ​​is always more likely to succeed in life. He will find work in a prestigious company easier, he will move up the career ladder faster, he will feel comfortable abroad. A kindergarten with in-depth study of the English language will help your child become bilingual from an early age. At this age, vocabulary, pronunciation and grammatical constructions are learned much faster and easier than in high school, not to mention adult courses.After attending Our Children — Our School English kindergarten, your child will outperform most of their peers in language skills and general development … For many years of work, we have earned an excellent reputation, so our graduates easily enter the best Moscow schools. They can also continue their education in Europe, the USA or Canada. We accept children from 2,5 to 7 years old. The group size can be up to 20 people, but there is a caregiver for every 5 children. Native speakers and early childhood development specialists work with babies. Classes don’t just help you learn the language. They develop self-confidence and creative skills, teach the correct behavior in society and the search for a way out of difficult situations. Communication and games are held in English.

    How is a good English kindergarten different from an ordinary one?

    There are many English-speaking kindergartens in Moscow. All of them can be divided into 3 groups.

    • Separate lessons several times a week. This is a good option for preparing for school, but it will not give a serious knowledge of the language.
    • Classes with teachers who know the language, but are not native speakers. This format provides immersion in the language environment, but correct pronunciation and other subtleties elude the child.
    • Teaching by native speakers. The optimal solution, as children hear and perceive the correct foreign speech. In the future, they will have no problems communicating with foreigners.

    Our Children — Our School kindergarten belongs to the third group. All our teachers are native speakers. Classes are held according to the British method, knowledge is acquired in the form of a game and in the process of communication. First, children learn poems and sayings, communicate, expand their vocabulary, and then begin to speak English fluently themselves.

    Our main advantages

    • We care about the all-round development of every child: mental, emotional, social and physical. The program includes creative activities, reading, games and walks.
    • During classes, curiosity awakens in children. From an early age they understand that learning is interesting. At school age, they will strive for new knowledge not only at school, but also outside of it.
    • In our private kindergarten with an English bias, there are sections and workshops of interest. These are martial arts and gymnastics, chess and robotics, a creative workshop and a theater studio.
    • We guarantee an individual approach to everyone. Our kids do not get bored or overworked. Their skills are multiplied optimally. You can start classes at any age.
    • We have a summer school and a language camp. Your child can combine fun relaxation with development and immersion in a natural language environment. He will start the next school year prepared and rested.

    The cost of kindergarten with a native English speaker is an investment in the child’s future. It always pays off as it is a great start to a brilliant education.

    If you live in the SEAD or ZAO Moscow, bring your children to Our Children — Our School! You will soon notice that they have become fluent in English!

Source: http://oc-children.com/ru/

Learn English words — for learning 10 words every day

Having a large English vocabulary is vital. Indeed, in order to understand the interlocutor, even grammar is not as important as sufficient vocabulary. The same goes for communication. You will be understood if you make a mistake in the tense of the verb, for example, but if you cannot say a specific word, then this will significantly complicate communication.

We recommend that you take note of the list of English words to learn from this article, which will come in handy in the most common situations in life.

To learn English words quickly and effectively, you can use familiar flashcards, the association method, special online lessons and programs.

Method of associations

Many people love the method of associations in learning English words, and it consists in the fact that you associatively memorize a word, in accordance with what it looks like to you in your head. If your imagination is not so developed, use the method of cards, which is convenient because you do not need to memorize images. It is enough to do a self-check from time to time on the words that you have learned recently.

Flashcards for learning English words

The method of using the cards is quite simple and several times a generation of Ying-Yaz students have used this method. To do this, you need to make a deck of cards, where on top there will be a word in Russian, and on the other hand — in English. The man flips through the cards and names the word.

If he does not remember, he puts the card down to the bottom of the deck to repeat it again and so on until all the words are remembered. The same deck should be used no earlier than a week later to make sure that all the words are firmly rooted in memory.

Here’s what English flashcards might look like:

And it doesn’t matter on what medium the cards for learning English words are located — on paper or in electronic form. Many English vocabulary programs use flashcards. This trend has not been spared by our online trainer for learning words.

Recollection Method

The most enjoyable method of learning English words is with the help of pleasant memories or interesting films, books, communication with people. In this case, you do not need to forcefully try to remember anything. You just need to think correctly, think about the context in which you met a new word and remember. Quite often, talking with native speakers, you can improve your English level at times.

Mnemonic method

Today, another way of learning words and replenishing your vocabulary has become popular — the mnemonic method. To do this, you must compose a short story from a list of words that you need to learn.

Thus, thanks to the logical sequence of words, you can learn many times more.

Moreover, if you compose a text from words in English, then remember how the word is spelled, if in Russian, then how it sounds and how it is translated (for this you need to use the transcription of an unfamiliar word right in the text).

If you learn 10 words a day, then in a few months you will be much more confident in speaking and successfully understanding English by ear.

What words to study?

It is very interesting, but the fact is that English words for learning for every day are best taken from those words that are used most often and so move deeper into the language until the frequently used words are familiar to you.

The study confirmed that the 10 most frequently used words in English make up 25% of the words that are used every day. That is, these 10 words can be a great foundation for learning English. Examples of such words are, to, be, we, after, on, there, who, their, me.

It will be useful to draw up an algorithm for learning English words that will systematize your knowledge. So, you can learn first 10 verbs, then 10 adjectives, 10 nouns, or you can learn words by topic.

How many words you need to learn every day, you decide for yourself. But still it is better to listen to the opinion of experts and define for yourself at least 8-12 words.

Programs for learning English words

Learning English words online is a convenient way to learn a language quickly and comprehensively, because, as a rule, such programs are adapted for people with different levels of language, everyone will find something for themselves that will be interesting to him.

By the way, our Lim English English vocabulary program allows you to learn up to 20 English words in one lesson. And believe me, this is a lot and is quite consistent with the daily norm. Check out what the screenshot of the exercise looks like:

Register and start learning words online

English words by groups for memorization

We suggest that you go through a fourteen-day marathon for learning English words. Every day you will learn 10 words. As words for every day, we have selected the most frequently used and recommended by English teachers.

Are you ready? If yes, then let’s start, see you in 2 weeks!

Day 1

Meeting and goodbye
Hi! [haɪ] Hi!
What’s up! [wɒtsʌp] How are you?
Awesome, thanks! [ˈƆːsəm, θæŋks] Excellent thank you!

Source: https://lim-english.com/posts/izychenie-angliiskih-slov/

How not to learn English: 5 common mistakes and how to avoid them

English has long ceased to be just a subject from the school curriculum. It is the most popular of all foreign languages. Why? 

Here are some reasons why you need to learn English. 

  • English is a lingua franca, that is, the language in which it is customary to communicate with each other, if other languages ​​are native to the interlocutors. The language of international communication is spoken by tourists, pilots and flight attendants, diplomats and businessmen, presidents and entrepreneurs.
  • You get access to the English-speaking segment of the Internet. A huge amount of information (films, books, articles, stand-ups,) becomes available to you in the original source.  
  • Your value as a specialist in the labor market is increasing. An engineer who knows his business well and speaks English will be able to get a job in a foreign company and receive a higher salary than just a Russian-speaking engineer.

Mistake 1. Memorizing word lists

An extremely popular but harmful practice that everyone — from school teachers to “experts” in English learning communities commit to sin. 

Your school teacher must have given you a long list of new words to memorize for your next lesson more than once. Or maybe you yourself reposted such lists on your wall, and then reproached yourself for not having time to sit down and learn it by heart. The good news is, it’s best not to do this at all. 

It makes no sense to memorize words separately from the context. Such memorization is like a dead weight in the memory. The likelihood that a word from the list will pop up in your head at the right time is minimal.


Learn words in context. Compose and write a sentence with each new word. It is desirable that the proposal evokes a vivid association. For example, it concerned you personally or your loved ones. If you are still afraid to fantasize, just write out those sentences in which you met a new word. 

Mistake 2. Trying to understand every word

When reading or listening to an authentic text in English, new words and expressions are inevitable. It doesn’t matter what level you have. A common practice among beginners is to stop and try to translate every word. 

This slows down progress. Instead of going forward, you get stuck on incomprehensible words, get scared, lament, and cannot budge. 


Try to capture the general meaning. Don’t let yourself focus on unfamiliar words. It can always happen that the interlocutor uses a word or expression that has not been encountered before.

It is unrealistic to know all-all words (believe me, even native English speakers do not know this). It is much more important to be able to understand the essence. If the word does not interfere with the understanding of the meaning — move on. The mechanics are similar to how small children learn their native language.

They immediately learn to understand whole phrases without focusing on the meaning of individual words. 

Mistake 3. Search for «fast and easy» English «in 2 hours»

It is not uncommon to find tempting ads on the Internet that promise you excellent English in record time. This is another example of how not to learn English. 

Be realistic — it is impossible to have a good command of a foreign language in a short time. If a school or tutor promises you this, alas, this is a marketing ploy. 


Enjoy the process. It’s not about speed, it’s about quality. Learning English, like any foreign language, can be fun and exciting. Olga Zueva, Head of the Department of English at Foxford’s online home school, recommends linking the study of English with her area of ​​interest to improve the efficiency of the process. For example, with cooking. 

«If you love to cook, check out Gordon Ramsay’s or Jamie Oliver’s recipes, keep a cookbook in English, and name them in English when adding ingredients to a salad.»

Mistake 4. Exercise irregularly 

All week you could not sit down at textbooks, but on Sunday you pored over them for 4 hours in a row? Didn’t find time for classes for a month, but on the night before the Cambridge exam you decided to master the entire C1 level program? Do not do like this. 

The effectiveness of haphazard learning is very low. After four hours of the same activity, concentration and performance decrease. 


Do it systematically. It is better to practice every day for 20 minutes than once a week for 4 hours. You will spend less time in total, but the results will be many times higher. This is how our brains work. 

It is helpful to incorporate English into everyday life. For example, you can change the interface language on your phone or arrange English language days to overcome the barriers to speaking. This is what Victoria Deminenko, a seventh-grader, who studies at Foxford’s online home school, does. 

«English Days are the days when you fully speak, write and even shoot Instagram Stories in English.» 

This practice will add regularity to your interactions with the language. 

Mistake 5. Constantly translate into your native language

Many beginners start to create a glossary of unknown words by writing down a foreign word and translating it into their native language. This is the wrong approach to learning English. 

You will constantly translate phrases in your head and spend more time finding the correct equivalent. And since there is a whole layer of words for which there are no analogues in the Russian language, sooner or later you will come to a dead end. 

For example, facepalm is a popular expression among teenagers. You probably know the feeling when you realize the meaninglessness of further dialogue with a person, or someone said hopeless stupidity and all you want is to cover your face with your hand. The expression has no capacious analogs in Russian and has migrated into adolescent slang unchanged — «facepalm». 

Another example is the word siblings, which means brothers and sisters. In Russian we will ask: «Do you have brothers or sisters?» In English, you can say faster and shorter: Do you have any siblings ?. 


Learn to think in English, not translate. It is better to write down the meaning of an unfamiliar expression than to translate it. Knowing the English definition, you will understand what a word means (even if you don’t remember its translation) and will be able to communicate your thoughts faster. 

To master English at a high level, you need to learn to think like a native English speaker. To do this, it is necessary to learn not only grammar and other aspects of the language, but also to get acquainted with the culture and mentality of the speakers. 

If you want to start thinking in English, use it more and interact with it in real life. When you constantly “stew in the language”, willy-nilly you understand the logic and assimilate the thinking of its speakers. 

“At our school, we strive to teach English so that children see it as a living environment, a tool for learning about the world. Therefore, we not only provide a good grammatical and lexical base, but also constantly show how you can use English in life, ”says Irina Ganina, an English teacher with 10 years of experience. 

You only need to constantly translate in one case — if you decide to study to be a translator. 


Learning English is important and necessary. This will help you become a sought-after specialist, broaden your horizons and become an impetus for new acquaintances and travel.

To improve your learning experience, follow our tips. And if you want to study with like-minded people from all over the world, come to Foxford. Here the teachers of English “burn” with their subject and infect students with this love.

Source: https://externat.foxford.ru/polezno-znat/mistakes-learning-english

14 exercises every day to improve your English skills

Do you want to speak English at a native speaker level? We know the secret weapon — practice, practice and practice.

When children begin to learn their native language, they first of all listen to speech. Then they start talking, reading, and finally writing. To improve your English proficiency, you need to constantly practice these four basic language skills — listening, speaking, writing and reading.

But how do you do it regularly? Just make English a part of your daily life. This is easier than it might seem at first. We’ve selected the best exercises to help you learn every day and improve your English skills anywhere, anytime.

Listening exercises

Going to work? Listen to songs in English. Do you clean at home? Listen to the podcast in English. Walking your dog? Listen to the news in English. You must understand — practice is very important if you want to communicate fluently in English.  

Here are some helpful exercises to help you practice on a daily basis:

  • Practice listening in your spare time

This exercise is simple but essential for improving your English language skills. If you want to improve your listening skills quickly, you should practice for several hours a day. If you are too overwhelmed with daily activities and do not have time for regular practice, try listening to songs or audiobooks in English in your free time.

In everyday life, walking, playing sports, and commuting to work mostly involves you only physically, without deep thought processes. Don’t waste this precious time scrolling through your social media feed. Listen to songs or audiobooks in English instead. From now on, most of the songs on your player should be in English. Regardless of your favorite genre, pay close attention to the lyrics to the song and try to grasp the meaning.

By taking this approach, you can practice listening every day without spending a lot of time. In fact, listening exercises also provide a deeper understanding of cultural and linguistic characteristics. Even if you are not completely focused on what you are listening to, you will still benefit from it.

  • Make the most of podcasts

Many foreign language students love podcasts. By choosing this type of content, you are given the opportunity to practice skills, as well as receive useful information on topics of interest to you: art, sports, politics, communication, etc.

There are also special educational podcasts created for language learners. You can also choose a podcast that matches your level of English. By listening carefully to podcasts, you can also improve your overall speech quality. Pay attention not only to what is being pronounced, but also to how.

Just download the podcast app on your mobile phone and listen to them even on the go. Where can I download such an application? Visit iTunes or Stitcher and you’re sure to find the app that’s right for you.

  • Watch movies, TV shows and news

Start watching movies or TV shows with subtitles, but try not to read them all the time. If you are reading slowly, you can pause the video file, read the subtitles, and start playback again. When you are completely used to listening to the text, not paying attention to the subtitles, turn them off.

Alternatively, you can try watching movies with deferred subtitles. This is useful when watching movies on a laptop or computer. When you watch a movie with subtitles without delay, you run the risk of wasting all your viewing time reading the subtitles. In this case, reading skills are practiced, not listening skills.

With deferred captioning, you will have no choice but to listen to the dialogue to get a sense of it. Just install a media player (ex: VLC, KMPlayer) that allows you to delay the display of subtitles by about 2 seconds. If you understand the dialogues, don’t read the subtitles.

  • Look for English exercises online

There are many online resources, such as Cambridge English, to help you improve your listening skills. You can also download some specialized applications to your mobile phone. Typically, these applications include a variety of lessons and tests based on your level of proficiency in a foreign language (basic, intermediate or advanced).

Exercises to improve your speaking skills

Want to speak English like a native speaker? There are several ways to improve your speaking skills.

Source: https://preply.com/blog/2018/08/07/uprazhneniya-dlya-uluchsheniya-vladeniya-anglijskim-yazykom/

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