Definition of Euphemism
Euphemism is a figure of speech commonly used to replace a word or phrase that is related to a concept that might make others uncomfortable. Euphemism refers to figurative language designed to replace phrasing that would otherwise be considered harsh, impolite, or unpleasant. This literary device allows for someone to say what they mean indirectly, without using literal language, as a way of softening the impact of what is being said. The reason for this would be for the sake of politeness, discretion, and other means of mitigating communication. Euphemisms are used for certain abstractions such as death, sex, aging, getting fired, bodily functions, and others.
For example, in Disney’s The Emperor’s New Groove, the character Kuzco has decided to fire his advisor Yzma. Kuzco begins by stating directly that she is fired, without using a euphemism. However, when Yzma questions his statement, he replies with a string of euphemisms for someone losing their job:
Um, how else can I say it? You’re being let go. Your department’s being downsized. You’re part of an outplacement program. We’re going in a different direction. We’re not picking up your option. Take your pick. I got more.
This is a humorous and ironic twist on the use of euphemism in that the character uses so many to reinforce what he has already said directly.
Common Examples of Euphemism
There are many common examples of euphemism used in everyday conversation and writing. Here are some well-known uses of this figure of speech:
- porcelain throne (toilet)
- friends with benefits (friends having sex)
- pre-owned (something used)
- bun in the oven (pregnancy)
- number one (urination)
- number two (defecation)
- roll in the hay (have sex)
- see a man about a horse (go to the bathroom)
- senior (old)
- gentlemen’s club (strip club)
- economically challenged (poor)
- put to sleep (euthanize)
- between jobs (unemployed)
- upchuck (vomit)
- big-boned (overweight)
- blowing smoke (lying)
- split (divorce)
- enhanced interrogation (torture)
- well-off (rich)
- belch (burp)
- adult entertainment (pornography)
- correctional facility (prison)
- go around the bend (to go insane)
- thin on top (bald)
- had one too many (drunk)
Examples of Euphemism for Death
A very bitter phenomenon of life, death has been glossed over with several words so that its harshness and bitterness could lessen. Using euphemism to express death and dying may be a way to avoid confronting mortality or to gain some emotional distance from a sad circumstance. Here are some examples of euphemism used to express death or dying:
- Passed away
- Bought The Farm
- Kicked the bucket
- Departed
- Lost
- Gone
- Pushing up daisies
- Resting in peace
- Met untimely demise
- Meet the maker
- Going to a better place
- Six feet under
- Sleeping with the fishes
- Eternal slumber
- Over the rainbow bridge (for pets and animals)
- Demise
- Eternal rest
- Departure to heavenly abode
- Martyred
- Gone
- Slipped away
- Have left
- Breathing one’s last
- Gone to meet his Lord
- Has gone to meet his Maker
- God has called him
Euphemism For Fat
There are several euphemistic expressions used for fat persons. Some of them have been used in the sentences below.
- He is selling plus-sized undergarments.
- They are looking at real women having curves.
- She is just big-boned and nothing else.
- There is nothing wrong with him. He is just shorter than his weight.
- All of his friends are chubby fellows.
- She has become a bit plump after two years.
- Although she tries, she is not a model material.
- Why are you looking lean challenged?
Euphemisms for Propaganda
Propaganda is often glossed over with general euphemistic terms. For example, Americans often call their missions in foreign countries peacekeeping missions, while the civilians killed during skirmishes are collateral damage. Similarly, several other such terms are used to lessen the harshness of the situation such as neutralizing militants instead of killing freedom fighters’ grave mistakes instead of mistaken deadly attacks, intense competition instead of rivalry, and contain instead of threatening. Some euphemisms are specifically coined for propaganda to spread a certain perspective such as during the war times. Some of them are given below.
- The pilot has dropped bombs, causing collateral damage.
- The soldiers have neutralized the ultras.
- Most of the players are charging the opposite goalpost.
- They are in his good books these days.
Euphemism for Attraction
Some euphemisms are specifically used for attractive persons. Some of them are used in the sentences below.
- She is full of charm even though in rags.
- They are completely bewitched by her aura.
- The beguilement of guests lies in her beauty.
- The leader has such charisma that the audience were mesmerized.
- He is revealing some sort of magnetism.
- Some other such words are sexiness, personal appeal, and charm.
Euphemism for Physically Challenged
- Challenged
- Handicapped
- Differently-abled
- Disabled
- Disability
- Special people
- Differently-abled person
- Out of commission
- Disarmed
- Infirm
- Invalid
- Out of one’s feet
- Dog tired.
Euphemism in Macbeth
Some of the best euphemisms given in Macbeth are as follows.
- No more that Thane of Cawdor shall deceive Our bosom interest. (Act-I, Scene-III)
- Stay, you imperfect speakers. (Act I, Scene-III)
- His wonders and his praises do contend Which should be thine or his. (Act-I, Scene-III)
- According to the gift which bounteous nature Hath in him closed. (Act-III, Scene-III.)
These are some euphemisms such as “out bosom interest”, “imperfect speakers”, “wonders and praises” and “bounteous nature.”
Euphemism For Stubborn
- Hell-bent
- Inexorable
- Persistent
- Resolved
- Set
- Single-minded
- Tenacious
- Unflinching
- Determined
Note: However, some could have negative connotations, depending on the usage and context.
Famous Examples of Euphemism
Euphemism is also found in many famous examples of movie and television quotes, drama, speeches, lyrics, and prose. Here are some famous examples of euphemism and to what they refer:
- “Perhaps we have been guilty of some terminological inexactitudes.” (Winston Churchill, not telling the exact truth)
- “The question is…are you still master of your domain?” (Seinfeld episode about masturbation)
- “I brought juice boxes!” (Will and Grace episode, boxes of wine)
- “Oh, fudge. Only I didn’t say fudge.” (A Christmas Story, profane word)
- “The love shack is a little old place where we can get together.” (Love Shack, B52s, rendezvous place)
- “Gimme some sugar.” (Evil Dead, kiss)
- “Oh no, she’s all there. Too much there is the problem.” (Driving Miss Daisy, an older woman’s mental fitness)
- “I slipped my moorings.” (David Petraeus, extramarital affair)
- “Another bride, another June / Another sunny honeymoon / Another season, another reason / For makin’ whoopee” (Makin’ Whoopee, Ella Fitzgerald, having sex)
- “At least I’m housebroken.” (The Big Lebowski, uses the bathroom properly)
Difference Between Euphemism and Political Correctness
Some people may have trouble distinguishing euphemism from political correctness. However, there are distinct differences between the two. For example, whereas people used to use the phrase “disabled person,” it is now considered politically correct to say “person with disabilities.” This change in phrasing is not meant to be euphemistic or an indirect way of expressing something unpleasant or undesirable. Instead, politically correct phrasing is meant to express something in a more direct and respectful way.
Political correctness differs from euphemism in that it is not a figure of speech and does not utilize figurative language. In fact, political correctness is considered avoidance, almost to an extreme, of expressions or actions that people perceive as exclusive, marginal, or insulting to others who face discrimination or disadvantage of some kind. Therefore, the purpose of politically correct phrasing is not to replace words with others that are less offensive or inflammatory. Instead, the goal of political correctness is to avoid such indirect expression altogether.
Writing Euphemism
Euphemism is a useful literary device for writers. This figure of speech allows a writer to address potentially sensitive, offensive, or unpleasant subjects in a more delicate or less damaging manner than literal words or phrasings would be. In addition, euphemisms can add to the poetic nature of writing as a means of describing something in a more figurative manner. They can also elevate a writer’s prose.
It’s important for writers to understand that overuse of euphemisms can be confusing and lose their meaning for readers. In addition, depending on the tone of a written work, euphemisms can actually be more crass, unpleasant, or offensive than direct and literal wording. Therefore, euphemisms should be carefully and appropriately selected by writers in order to be effective. Here are some benefits of incorporating euphemism into writing:
Communicate Meaning for Painful Subjects
Writers often tackle subjects that can be painful, such as death or heartbreak. Euphemism is an excellent literary device for writers, and poets, in particular, to communicate meaning when it comes to these painful subjects. Figurative language through euphemism can allow readers to feel less confronted as they might by harsh, literal wording. As a result, meaning is enhanced through the figure of speech.
Incorporate Humor for Reader
Euphemism is often inherently humorous. In attempting to replace wording or phrasing that is impolite or offensive, euphemisms can range from being unclear to nonsensical. They have no meaning as stand-alone phrases without the context of the literal abstraction. However, euphemisms can be a way for writers to incorporate the ridiculous in their writing as humor for the reader.
Use of Euphemism in Sentences
- Our beloved teacher, Joseph has left us for his heavenly abode today morning.
- Several rebels were wiped out in the forces’ action in self-defense.
- More than two ultras were neutralized.
- Two air force fighters were involved in surgical strikes.
- His father passed away yesterday.
Examples of Euphemism in Literature
Euphemism is an effective literary device. Here are some examples of euphemism and how it adds to the significance of well-known literary works:
Example 1: The Wife of Bath’s Prologue from The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer
In wyfhod I wol use myn instrument (In wifehood I will use my instrument)
As frely as my Makere hath it sent. (As freely as my Maker has it sent.)
In this section of The Canterbury Tales, the Wife of Bath uses a euphemism to refer to her sexuality as a woman. The Wife says she will use her “instrument” in wifehood, which is figurative language for her lust, physical attributes and nature, and sexual power. Chaucer’s utilization of this euphemism makes the situation less shocking due to the fact that women were meant to be pure and chaste–especially in wifehood.
Ironically, even though Chaucer uses euphemism as a literary device to avoid the Wife directly describing her “instrument” of sexual power, he invokes a sense of the divine associated with this socially impolite and scandalous assertion of female sexuality. In the second line, the Wife indicates that her “Maker,” meaning Creator, has sent this “instrument” freely. This line underscores the seemingly useless purpose of euphemism in describing something natural. In addition, it underscores the idea that a creator would not freely give someone, including a woman, an attribute that isn’t intended for use.
Example 2: The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
‘What’d you do?’ I said. ‘Give her the time in Ed Banky’s goddam car?’
In this quote from Salinger’s novel, the main character Holden Caulfield is questioning one of his fellow students, Stradlater, about his date with a girl named Jane. Holden essentially grew up with Jane, and he knows that Stradlater is something of a sexual predator when it comes to girls. However, Holden can’t bring himself to directly ask Stradlater what happened on their date, and especially whether Stradlater and Jane had sex.
Therefore, Holden uses the euphemism “give her the time” to indirectly indicate what he wants to know. In addition, this euphemism is helpful as a literary device for the reader who wants to know the same information as Holden. By utilizing a euphemism rather than asking outright about the sexual encounter, both Holden and the reader can hope that Stradlater will provide an answer.
Example 3: Afterwards by Thomas Hardy
If I pass during some nocturnal blackness, mothy and warm,
When the hedgehog travels furtively over the lawn,
One may say, “He strove that such innocent creatures should come to no harm,
But he could do little for them; and now he is gone.”
In his poem, Hardy uses two euphemisms to reference death. The poet refers to his own death by stating “If I pass” and then refers to how others might reference his death with the phrase “‘now he is gone.’” These euphemisms add to the poetic value of this stanza. For example, utilizing the word “pass” as a figure of speech rather than the literal term “die,” underscores the feeling in the poem of the passage of time in addition to the passage of the poet.
The use of “gone” as a euphemistic figure of speech reinforces the permanence of death as a lack of physical presence. However, this figurative language also suggests that though the poet is physically “gone,” he is still remembered by others. As a result, the poet lives on in the memory of others in the poem and is immortalized by the poem itself.
Synonyms of Euphemism
There are a few synonyms of euphemism but not all words express the same meanings such as polite term, mild term, indirect term, understatement, underplaying, politeness, genteelism, or coy term. None of them, however, is the exact substitute for euphemism.
Проектная работа Эвфемизмы. Разработала Усольцева Дарья Андреевна, 9 класс. МОУ «Лицей №26», г. Подольск
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1. Introduction
There are words in every language which people instinctively avoid because they are considered indecent, indelicate, rude, too direct or impolite. Such words are often described in a round-about way, by using substitutes called euphemisms. This device is dictated by social conventions. Euphemisms can be used to hide unpleasant or disturbing ideas, even when the literal term for them is not necessarily offensive. This type of euphemisms is used in public relations and politics where it is sometimes called doublespeak. Sometimes using euphemisms is equated to politeness.
The word “euphemism” comes from the Greek word “euphemo”, meaning “good, fortunate, kind”. Etymologically the eupheme is the opposite of the blaspheme (evil-speaking). Linguists suggest different groups of euphemisms. Such scholars as A.S.Kurkiev, L.P.Krysin, V.P. Moskvin give their classifications of these words. Taking everything into consideration we believe that euphemisms can be divided into several groups according to their spheres of application. The most recognized are the following:
1) moral
2) religious
3) medical
4) superstitious
5) political
6) professional.
In our paper we tried to explain and give examples of these groups, dwell on the concept of political correctness, and attempted to find some examples of euphemisms usage in literature. We also compared the use of euphemisms in English and in Russian.
Thus, the objective of our work is to explain the stylistic device called euphemisms and give examples of their use in everyday speech in the English and Russian languages. To achieve this objective we put forward the following tasks:
— to acquaint English learners with the concept of euphemisms;
— to explain the reasons for their appearance in the language;
— to explain what political correctness is;
— to look through newspapers offering jobs and find examples of euphemisms in job titles in Russian in comparison with English;
— to hold a survey among 9th-grade students as to their use of euphemisms;
— to provide teachers of English with supplementary material to be used in their teaching practice.
Field of research: the vocabulary of the English language.
Object of research: classification of euphemisms and historical events and conditions that brought about their appearance in the language.
The methods of investigation: the descriptive method, the method of classification, the comparative method.
The work has practical significance both for teachers and for students as the information given here will broaden the students’ outlook, enrich their vocabulary and give them motivation for further studying.
2. Classification of Euphemisms
Neil Postman in his book “Crazy Talk Stupid Talk (New York, Delacorte Press, 1976), suggests that a euphemism is an exalted term used in place of a down-to-earth term, or “an attempt to give prettier term to an uglier reality”.
A great number of euphemisms in English came from the words with Latin roots. After the Norman conquest of England in 1066 the community began to make a distinction between a genteel and an obscene vocabulary, between the French words of the upper class and the lusty Anglo-Saxon of the lower. That is why a duchess perspired and expectorated, while a kitchen maid sweated and spat.
In the mid-19th century, the human form and its functions were so taboo that any words even hinting that people had bodies were banished from the polite discourse. It became impossible to mention legs – you had to use limb, or even better, lower extremity. You couldn’t ask for the breast of a chicken, but instead had to request the bosom, or make a choice between white and dark meat.
Linguists suggest different groups of euphemisms. A.S.Kurkiev distinguishes between five groups of euphemisms: those which appeared because of: 1) superstitions; 2) fear and displeasure; 3) sympathy and pity; 4) bashfulness, shyness; 5) politeness.
L.P.Krysin, in his turn, believes that euphemisms exist in two spheres – in private life and in social life.
V.P.Moskvin claims that euphemisms are used in six functions: 1) to avoid scary objects; 2) to avoid using words denoting unpleasant objects; 3) to change things which are considered indecent; 4) to change the names of places that can frighten people; 5) to disguise the real essence of an object; 6) to change the names of the organizations and job titles which are considered non-prestigious.
Having considered the above mentioned classifications, we have divided euphemisms into several groups according to their spheres of application. The most recognized are the following:
— moral
— religious
— medical
— superstitious
— political
— professional
3. Moral euphemisms
Moral euphemisms may be used in order not to hurt someone’s feelings. For example, a liar can be described as a person who does not always tell the truth and a stupid man can be said to be not exactly brilliant, etc. The English language contains numerous euphemisms related to dying, death, burial, and the people and places which deal with death. The practice of using euphemisms for death is likely to have originated with the magical belief that to speak the word “death” was to invite death. So, a common theory holds that death is a taboo subject in most English-speaking cultures for this very reason. It may be said that one is not dying but fading quickly because the end is near. Contemporary euphemisms for death tend to be quite colourful, and someone who has died is said to have passed away, passed on, bought the farm, kicked the bucket, gone south, gone west, shuffled off this mortal coil (from W. Shakespeare’s Hamlet), etc. When buried they may be said to be pushing up daisies, sleeping the big sleep, checking out the grass from underneath or six feet under. There are hundreds of such expressions in use. One of them is an old Burma jingle: “If daisies are your favourite flowers, keep pushing up those miles per hours”.
Euthanasia also attracts euphemisms. One may put one out of one’s misery, put one to sleep or have one put down. The latter two phrases are usually used with dogs, cats and horses which are euthanized by a veterinarian. Dr. Bernard Nathanson pointed out that the word “euthanasia” itself is a euphemism, being Greek for “good death”.
Another word which produced many euphemisms is lavatory. Here are some of them: powder room, washroom, restroom, retiring room, comfort station, ladies’ (room), gentlemen’s (room), water-closet, wc, public conveniences and even Windsor castle (which is, actually, a comical phrase for wc.).
Pregnancy is another topic for delicate references. Here are some of the euphemisms used as substitutes for the adjective pregnant: in an interesting condition, in a delicate condition, in the family way, with a baby coming, etc.
The life of euphemisms is short. They very soon become closely associated with the object they name. Thus, the apparently innocent word trousers, not so long ago, had a great number of euphemistic equivalents, some of them quite funny: unmentionables, inexpressibles, indescribles, unwhisperables, you-mustn’t-mention ‘ems, sit-upons. Nowadays, however, nobody seems to regard this word as indecent any more, and so its euphemistic substitutes are no longer used.
A landlady who refers to her lodgers as paying guests is also using a euphemism, aiming at half-concealing the embarrassing fact that she lets rooms.
Fiction writers often ridicule pretentious people for their weak attempts to express themselves in a delicate and refined way. “… Mrs. Sunbury never went to bed, she retired…” (From “The Kite” by W. S. Maugham). To retire in this ironical sentence is a euphemistic substitute for to go to bed. Another lady in “Rain” by the same author, surpasses Mrs. Sunbury in the delicacy of her speech. She says that there are so many mosquitoes on the island where the story is set, that at the Governor’s parties “…all the ladies are given a pillow-slip to put their lower extremities on… (in Russian – нижние конечности). The substitution makes her speech pretentious and ridiculous.
Eating is also regarded as unrefined by some people. Hence such substitutes as to partake of food, to refresh oneself, to break bread, to have a bite.
There are words which are easy targets for euphemistic substitutions. These include words associated with drunkenness, which are very numerous. The adjective drunk has a great number of such substitutes, some of them delicate, but most comical. For example, intoxicated, under the influence, tipsy, mellow, fresh, high, merry, overcome, full, drunk as a lord, drunk as an owl and others.
4. Religious euphemisms.
The Christian religion also made certain words taboo. The proverb “Speak of the devil and he will appear” must have been used and taken quite literally when it was first used. And the fear of calling the devil by name was certainly inherited from ancient superstitious beliefs. So, the word devil became taboo, and a number of euphemisms were substituted for it: the Prince of Darkness, the black one, the evil one, dickens, deuce, black lad, black Sam, black gentleman, etc.
The word God due to other considerations, also had a great number of substitutes which can be still traced in such phrases as Good Lord!, By Heavens!, Good Heavens!, My Goodness! Goodness Gracious!
5. Euphemisms connected with superstitions.
Superstitious taboos gave rise to the use of other type of euphemisms. The reluctance to call things by their proper names is also typical of this type of euphemisms, but this time it is based on a deeply-rooted subconscious fear. Superstitious taboos have their roots in the distant past of mankind when people believed that there was a supernatural link between a name and the object or creature it represented. Therefore, all the objects denoting evil spirits, dangerous animals, or the powers of nature were taboo. If uttered, it was believed that unspeakable disasters would affect not only the speaker but also those near him. That is why all creatures, objects and phenomena threatening danger were referred to in a round-about descriptive way. So, a dangerous animal might be described as the one-lurking-in-the-wood. Thus, people were very much afraid of the bear, which was a really scary animal. In fact, bears kept early northern Europeans in such a fear that they referred to them by substitute names because people thought that uttering their real name might attract these ferocious beasts. Instead, they talked of the honey eater, the licker, or the grandfather (in Russian — Михайло Потапович). Naturally, society’s fear of bears had decreased, perhaps simply because people have little chance to encounter them except for in zoos, and therefore there is no longer the need to invent other names for bears.
When mortal diseases were spread all over the country, people naturally were afraid to pronounce the words plague or smallpox, etc. Instead, the expression the black death was used, though the word death itself was a euphemism.
6. Euphemisms connected with illnesses.
Doctors often use euphemisms in order not to frighten the patients about their illnesses.
Patients who received the condition described as heart failure believed that the illness would have more serious consequences for their life, that it would last longer and people were more anxious and depressed than those who received the condition described using the euphemism. Doctors are encouraged to be open with their patients and to respect them. The choice of language, therefore, presents a dilemma for doctors. The term “heart failure” may be a sign of openness but, on the other hand, may evoke a more negative response from the patient. In contrast, a euphemism may be less open but more protective of the patient’s experience. That is why instead the doctors say:
— Your heart is not pumping hard enough.
— Your heart is a bit weaker than it used to be.
— Your heart is not pumping properly.
— Your heart is not working as well as it should, causing pressure on the lungs.
— Your heart is not as strong as it should be, etc.
Mental diseases also cause the frequent use of euphemisms. A mad person may be described as insane, mentally unstable, unbalanced, not quite right, not quite there, off one’s head, crazy as a bedbug, cuckoo, nutty, off one’s nut, loony, a mental case, a mental defective, etc.
A clinic for such patients can also be discreetly referred to as, for instance, an asylum, sanatorium, (mental) institution, and, less discreetly, as a nut house, loony bin, etc.
In the story by Evelyn Waugh “Mr. Loveday’s Little Outing” a clinic of this kind, treating only very rich patients, is described as large private grounds suitable for the charge of nervous or difficult cases. This is certainly the peak of euphemistic delicacy.
The great number of humorous substitutes found in such groups of words prove particularly tempting for writers who use them for comical purposes, The following extract from the Roald Dahl’s book “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” demonstrates the range of colloquial and slang substitutes for the word mad:
“He’s gone off his rocker!” shouted one of the fathers, aghast, and the other parents joined in the chorus of frightened shouting.
— He’s crazy! They shouted.
— He’s balmy!
— He’s nutty!
— He’s screwy!
— He’s batty!
— He’s dippy!
— He’s dotty!
— He’s daffy!
— He’s goofy!
— He’s beany!
— He’s buggy!
— He’s wacky!
— He’s loony!
“No, he is not!” said Grandpa Joe.
This is the way people spoke about Mr. Willy Wonka, the owner of the Chocolate factory.
7. Euphemisms and political correctness.
Political vocabulary contains many euphemistic expressions, one of the most popular is the one denoting war, e.g. armed struggle, conflict, confrontation, counter-attack, incident, intervention, limited action, operation. Nowadays, however, mass media pay a great attention to the, so called, political correctness, which has become the way of life in the USA and in many west-European countries. Politically correct means “socially acceptable”, so as not to humiliate, insult or offend the representatives of any ethnic or social groups of people. For example, “socially acceptable” are the words like African-American instead of unacceptable Negro (black), financially challenged instead of poor, hearing impaired instead of deaf, senior instead of old, etc. So, political correctness isn’t only to alleviate the things as they are, but to correct the real or supposed discrimination. One of the main language means to achieve this aim is euphemisms. Euphemisms help people to avoid situations which can lead to conflicts. So, politically correct words or terms are used to show differences between people or groups in a non-offensive way. This difference may be because of race, gender, beliefs, religion, sexual orientation, or because they have a mental or physical disability, or any difference from what is considered the norm. Thus, people who are blind or deaf may be referred to as vision impaired and hearing impaired. People who cannot speak are never dumb but mute or without speech. The overall terms handicapped and disabled are no longer considered appropriate. Instead, the term challenged is used. However, sometimes the terms ending in challenged sound rather ridiculous, for example, someone who is very short might be described as vertically challenged. People also say that things that are obviously bad are called by something else which hides the fact that they are bad. For example, young people who are in trouble with the law, instead of being called juvenile delinquents became children at risk.
Back in the 1990s, lots of jokes were made about “political correctness”, and almost everybody thought they were really funny. Unfortunately, very few people are laughing now because political correctness has become a way of life in America. If you say the “wrong thing” you can lose your job or you can rapidly end up in court. We have found some examples of political correctness, though these examples seem rather ridiculous to us:
1. The BBC has dropped the use of the terms Before Christ (BC) and Anno Domini (AD) on one of their programmes and decided that the terms ‘Before Common Era’ / ‘Common Era’ are more appropriate.
2. The European Parliament introduced proposals to outlaw titles stating marital status such as ‘Miss’ and ‘Mrs’ so as not to cause offence. It also meant that ‘Madame’ and ‘Mademoiselle’, ‘Frau’ and ‘Fraulein’ and ‘Senora’ and ‘Senorita’ would be banned.
3. A school in Seattle renamed its Easter eggs spring spheres to avoid causing offence to people who did not celebrate Easter.
4. A UK council has banned the term brainstorming – and replaced it with thought showers, as local lawmakers thought the term may offend epileptics.
5. A UK recruiter was stunned when her job advert for ‘reliable’ and ‘hard-working’ applicants was rejected by the job centre as it could be offensive to unreliable and lazy people.
6. Some US schools now have a ‘holiday tree’ every year at Christmas, rather than a Christmas tree.
8. Professional Euphemisms
Political correctness is often used in some job titles. Using euphemisms in job titles helps to reduce the negative attitude to people who do some unpopular jobs of attending personnel. As society can’t do without these professions the only way to attach significance to them is to change their names with the help of a euphemism so that they sounded more pleasant to ear. Job title euphemisms are most closely associated with softening the demeaning nature of a job, so that the employees performing the roles will take greater pride in their work. Workplace euphemisms can be used to create a feeling of solidarity amongst employees and help develop a sense of company belonging. At Disney, for example, every employee is called a Cast Member, irrespective as to whether you are in an accounts department or dressed up as Goofy.
Most euphemisms are used in naming the jobs of a cleaner and a janitor. To empathize the importance of people responsible for cleaning premises or streets instead of garbage collector people use the expressions sanitation man, sanitation engineer or garbologist. Instead of road sweeper they say street orderly, instead of janitor – environmental hygienist, custodian or building engineer. Accordingly, the place where they keep the things for cleaning is called Custodial instead of Janitorial.
Service staff is also considered to be unpopular. In English they practically don’t use now the word servant as it sounds humiliating. It has been changed by a stylistically neutral word housekeeper, and in American English one can meet the word help which means a person who helps about the house, underlining the fact that the word is done according to a person’s own wish to help.
Euphemisms are also used to change the jobs of some unimportant office clerks. For example, instead of filing clerk (делопроизводитель) in British English one can meet the expression information retrieval administrator; instead of secretary they say personal assistant or administrative assistant; instead of clerk in the law office – service lawyer is used.
The profession of a teacher is treated now with less respect than it used to be. To express more respect to this profession new euphemisms appeared both for the profession itself and the activity the teachers do. So, teachers turned to be educators, classroom managers, learning facilitators who possess efficient instructional delivery skills that they demonstrate during their microteaching sessions. Pupils don’t study but spend time on tasks in their learning environment.
Some more examples:
euphemism |
job |
exterminating engineer vermin control officer |
rat catcher |
noctician |
night-watchman |
vehicle appearance specialist |
car washer |
nursing-home care assistant |
nurse |
childminder daycare provider childcare provider |
nanny |
waste management disposal technician |
bin man |
information adviser |
librarian |
debt management officer field force agent |
tax collector |
vertical transport engineer |
lift engineer |
wet leisure assistant |
lifeguard |
welcoming agent |
receptionist |
All the examples point out that in society there have always been and still will be low-paid, hard and non-prestigious jobs whose status can be risen only in words. For some people, important sounding job titles are signs of what they are worth, even if their salaries don’t match. However, these euphemistic job titles can cause a lot of arguments whether or not to use them as they cause a lot of misunderstanding.
The unfortunate occasion of being dismissed from employment can be expressed in numerous ways. Some of the most familiar expressions are:
— to be made redundant
— to receive a pink slip
— to be dismissed
— to be discharged
— to be laid off
— to lose one’s job
— to be fired
— to be got rid of
— to be given the boot
— to get the sack
— to be sacked, etc.
These homely expressions can be seen in newspaper headlines:
Pentagon gives pink slops to thousands of soldiers, including active-duty officers.
Thousands of Woolworths staff face sack in Christmas week.
Thousands of Doctors fired by United Healthcare.
9. Euphemisms in Russian
The appearance of euphemisms in Russian is closely connected with the process of globalization, introduction of information technology into different spheres of life and the influence of the world culture. One can notice that the level of aggressiveness in people’s speech has become quite high in recent years and the process of speech euphemisation is becoming the characteristic feature of modern society. Euphemisms lessen the negative characteristic of the message and are used in different spheres of person’s life – in politics, in interpersonal relations, in everyday life, etc. According to the classification of some Russian linguists in Russian as well as in English euphemisms can be divided into several groups:
1) Religious euphemisms (лукавый instead of дьявол);
2) Political and economical euphemisms (принцип взаимности instead of око за око, товары повышенного спроса instead of дефицит);
3) Moral and socially important euphemisms (в интересном положении instead of беременна; афроамериканец instead of негр, лицо с ограниченными возможностями instead of инвалид);
4) Euphemisms connected with superstitions (уйти в мир иной instead of умереть);
5) Professional euphemisms (менеджер по клинингу instead of уборщица).
We would like to give more detailed attention to professional euphemisms. As it has been mentioned above, professional euphemisms are not new in English though in the Russian language this phenomenon is comparatively new. We have analyzed the newspapers “Работа для вас”, «Из рук в руки» and the sites |Avito”, Superjob”, “Headhunter” and found out that the first place euphemisms are attached to the professions connected with cleaning: клининг—менеджер, специалист по клинингу, техслужащий, оператор профессиональной уборки instead of уборщик помещений; смотритель, менеджер по уходу за территорией, мастер чистоты, рабочий по благоустройству instead of дворник.
The second place is occupied by jobs of office clerks: экспедитор, специалист отдела доставки instead of курьер; офис—менеджер, ассистент, помощник руководителя instead of секретарь; менеджер по отгрузке, сотрудник склада instead of грузчик; секьюрити, сотрудник безопасности, специалист по безопасности instead of охранник; специалист по продажам, менеджер, продавец—консультант, работник кассы, сейлзменеджер instead of продавец.
The third group of euphemisms names the professions in agriculture: оператор машинного доения, специалист по доению instead of дояр; механизатор, сотрудник транспортного отдела, водитель сельхозтехники instead of тракторист; рабочий сельхозпроизводства, оператор по уходу за животными, работник фермы – пастух.
The fourth position is occupied by euphemisms concerning the jobs done about the house: ландшафтный дизайнер, фитодизайнер, рабочий зеленого хозяйства instead of садовник; помощник по хозяйству, управляющий домом, горничная instead of домработница; персональный водитель instead of шофер.
Finally, the last group of jobs subjected to euphemism change belongs to the professions that give different services to people, for example, мастер маникюра, менеджер ногтевого сервиса, менеджер салона красоты instead of маникюрист; стилист, мастер салона красоты instead of парикмахер; дизайнер, конструктор одежды, модельер, портной instead of швея; менеджер ресторана, специалист по работе с клиентами instead of официант.
As we can see a lot of words are changed by their foreign synonyms as euphemisms (дизайнер, менеджер, секьюрити, сервис, etc.). Probably, these words sound more enigmatic and important for a Russian listener. Sometimes people don’t quite understand the meaning of these words, and it disguises the real essence of the job, making it seem more prestigious.
10. Examples of Euphemisms
Here are some more examples of euphemisms:
- Correctional facility — jail
- Departed — died
- Differently-abled — handicapped or disabled
- Fell off the back of a truck — stolen
- Ethnic cleansing — genocide
- Negative patient outcome — dead
- Collateral damage — accidental deaths
- Letting someone go — firing someone
- Put to sleep — euthanize
- On the streets — homeless
- Big-boned — heavy or overweight
- Chronologically-challenged — late
- Use the rest room — go to the bathroom
- Economical with the truth — liar
- Powder your nose — the rest room
- Between jobs — unemployed
- Domestic engineer — maid
11. Survey
At school students also use euphemisms without thinking that they really do it. We made a survey and asked 9th-grade students if they know what euphemisms are. Most respondents couldn’t answer this question, but they were really interested to know what it is. Immediately an example of a euphemism was given: when pupils want to go to the toilet 100% of those asked said that in this case they ask the teacher: “May I go out?” They believe that the word “toilet” is not good to say aloud in class, so it is changed for this neutral expression.
When asked in what field the euphemisms need to be used, 33% of respondents supposed that euphemisms are necessary in ritual service, 17% — in consumer service, 18% — in medicine 18% — at school and 14% of those asked couldn’t give a definite answer. Thus, according to the survey we made sure that most students think euphemisms are really important in some spheres of life.
12. Conclusion
Having studied the material about euphemisms, we have come to the conclusion that euphemisms allow us to soften difficult or unpleasant things when we speak, especially to children, or people who might be offended or disturbed by the situation we are talking about. They can be used to shelter children from adult subjects, avoid awkward moments of truth with loved ones, and avoid politically incorrect phrasings in public. Political correctness and politeness are both filled with euphemistic phrases. The high usage of euphemisms by organizations and individuals in formal documents and everyday conversation alike shows how much we value politeness.
No doubt, using euphemisms is not a bad thing if we don’t want to offend people’s feelings. However, we strongly believe that some terms should be named as they are, because in some situations using word substitutes makes the phenomenon sound funny and ridiculous.
In our work we have explained the concept of euphemisms, dwelt on their classification, explained what political correctness is and found the examples of euphemisms usage in Russian and English job titles. However, there is still much to study. Actually, the investigation of this phenomenon is of great importance for complex studying of both, English and Russian and for intercultural communication in order not to be trapped while travelling abroad. The process of forming euphemisms still needs careful and thorough studying as the world around us is constantly changing.
Of course, we couldn’t cover all aspects of euphemisms forming in this paper, we’ve only touched upon some of them. However, the facts mentioned in it seem to be quite interesting in language learning. That is why we suppose the work has practical value both for teachers and for students as the information given here will broaden the outlook of English learners and enrich their vocabulary. The material of the paper can be used by teachers in their practice.
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source of synonymy also well worthy of note is the so-called
euphemism in which by a shift of meaning a word of more or less
‘pleasant or at least inoffensive connotation becomes synonymous to
one that is harsh, obscene, indelicate or otherwise unpleasant.1
The euphemistic expression merry
coincides in denotation with the word drunk
substitutes, but the connotations of the latter fade out and so the
utterance on the whole is milder, less offensive. The effect is
achieved, because the periphrastic expression is not so harsh,
sometimes jocular and usually motivated according to some secondary
feature of the notion: naked
: in
one’s birthday suit] pregnant :
: in
the family way. Very
often a learned word which sounds less familiar is therefore less
offensive, as in drunkenness
: intoxication;
sweat :
: perspiration.
can also be treated within the synchronic approach, because both
expressions, the euphemistic and the direct one, co-exist in the
language and form a synonymic opposition. Not only English but other
modern languages as well have a definite set of notions attracting
euphemistic circumlocutions. These are notions of death, madness,
stupidity, drunkenness, certain physiological processes, crimes and
so on. For example: die
: be
no more :
: be
gone :
one’s life :
: breathe
one’s last :
: join
the silent majority :
: go
the way of alt flesh :
: pass
away :
: be
gathered to one’s fathers.
prominent source of synonymic attraction is still furnished by
interjections and swearing addressed to God. To make use of God’s
name is considered sinful by the Church and yet the word, being
expressive, formed the basis of many interjections. Later the word
by the phonetically similar word goodness:
For goodness sake Goodness
gracious] Goodness knows! Cf.
Jovel Good Lord! By Gum! As
His father made a fearful
said: “By Gum, you’ve done it now.” (Belloc)
certain similarity can be observed in the many names for the devil
Old Nick). The
point may be illustrated by an example from Burns’s “Address to
the Devil»:
О thou!
Whatever title suit thee,
Hornie, Satan, Nick, or Clootie …
always tend to be a source of new synonymic formations, because after
a short period of use the new term becomes so closely connected with
the notion that it turns into a word as obnoxious as the earlier
§ 10.8 Lexical variants and paronyms
There are many cases of
similarity between words easily confused with synonymy but in fact
essentially different from it.
a diachronic analysis of this phenomenon see p.p. 73
variants, for instance, are examples of free variation in language,
in so far as they are not conditioned by contextual environment but
are optional with the individual speaker. E. g. northward
/ norward; whoever
/ whosoever.
variation can concern morphological or phonological
features or it may be limited to spelling. Compare weazen/weazened
and dried in appearance’, an adjective used about a person’s face
and looks; directly
may be pronounced [di’rektli] or [dai’rektli] and whisky
its spelling variant whiskey.
variants are different from synonyms, because they are characterised
by similarity in phonetical or spelling form and identity of both
meaning and distribution.
cases of identity of stems, a similarity of form, and meaning
combined with a difference in distribution should be classed as
synonyms and not as lexical variants. They are discussed in many
books dedicated to correct English usage. These are words belonging
to the same part of speech, containing identical stems and
synonymical affixes, and yet not permitting free variation, not
optional. They seem to provoke mistakes even with native speakers. A
few examples will suffice to illustrate the point. The adjectives
synonymous when meaning ‘characterised by luxury’. Otherwise,
restricted to the expression of abundance (used about hair, leaves,
flowers). Luxurious
the adjective expressing human luxury and indulgence (used about
tastes, habits, food, mansions). Economic
interchangeable under certain conditions, more often, however,
a technical term associated with economics (an
economic agreement). The
second word, i.e. economical,
an everyday word associated
with economy; e. g. economical
stove, economical method, be economical
of one’s money.
of this type should not be confused with paronyms,
words that are kindred in origin, sound form and meaning and
therefore liable to be mixed but in fact different in meaning and
usage and therefore only mistakenly interchanged.
term paronym
comes from the Greek para
and onoma
it enters the lexicological terminology very conveniently alongside
such terms as synonyms, antonyms, homonyms and allonyms.1
authors suggest various definitions. Some define paronyms as words of
the same root, others as words having the same sound form, thus
equalising them with word-families or homonyms. Any definition,
however, is valuable only insofar as it serves to reflect the
particular conception or theory of the subject one studies and proves
useful for the practical aims of its study. As the present book is
intended for the future teachers of English, it is vital to pay
attention to grouping of words according to the difficulties they
might present to the student. That is why we take the definition
given above stressing not only the phonetic and semantic similarity
but also the possible mistakes in the use
a term offered by N.A. Shechtman denoting contextual pairs
semantically coordinated like slow
and careful,
quick and
these “hard words”. This is the case with the adjectives
first of these means ‘clever’ and may be used both of man and of
his inventions and doings, e. g. an
ingenious craftsman, an ingenious device. Ingenuous means
‘frank’, ‘artless’, as an
ingenuous smile.
likeness may be accidental as in the verbs affect
first means ‘influence’, the second —
produce’. These come from different Latin verbs. The similarity may
be also due to a common source. It is etymologically justified in
each other’ and alternative
a choice’, or consequent
and consequential
or continuance
uninterrupted succession’ and continuation
has two distinct meanings ‘beginning again’ and ‘sequel’ as
continuation of a novel.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A euphemism () is an innocuous word or expression used in place of one that is deemed offensive or suggests something unpleasant.[1] Some euphemisms are intended to amuse, while others use bland, inoffensive terms for concepts that the user wishes to downplay. Euphemisms may be used to mask profanity or refer to topics some consider taboo such as disability, sex, excretion, or death in a polite way.[2]
Euphemism comes from the Greek word euphemia (εὐφημία) which refers to the use of ‘words of good omen’; it is a compound of eû (εὖ), meaning ‘good, well’, and phḗmē (φήμη), meaning ‘prophetic speech; rumour, talk’.[3] Eupheme is a reference to the female Greek spirit of words of praise and positivity, etc. The term euphemism itself was used as a euphemism by the ancient Greeks; with the meaning «to keep a holy silence» (speaking well by not speaking at all).[4]
Reasons for using euphemisms vary by context and intent. Commonly, euphemisms are used to avoid directly addressing subjects that might be deemed negative or embarrassing, e.g. death, sex, excretory bodily functions. They may be created for innocent, well-intentioned purposes or nefariously and cynically, intentionally to deceive and confuse.
Euphemisms are also used to mitigate, soften or downplay the gravity of large-scale injustices, war crimes, or other events that warrant a pattern of avoidance in official statements or documents. For instance, one reason for the comparative scarcity of written evidence documenting the exterminations at Auschwitz, relative to their sheer number, is «directives for the extermination process obscured in bureaucratic euphemisms».[5] Another famous example of this is during the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine Russian President Vladimir Putin famously used in his speech starting the invasion calling the invasion a «special military operation».[6]
Euphemisms are sometimes used to lessen the opposition to a political move. For example, according to linguist Ghil’ad Zuckermann, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu used the neutral Hebrew lexical item פעימות peimót («beatings (of the heart)»), rather than נסיגה nesigá («withdrawal»), to refer to the stages in the Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank (see Wye River Memorandum), in order to lessen the opposition of right-wing Israelis to such a move.[7]: 181 The lexical item פעימות peimót, which literally means «beatings (of the heart)» is thus a euphemism for «withdrawal».[7]: 181
Euphemism may be used as a rhetorical strategy, in which case its goal is to change the valence of a description.[clarification needed]
Controversial use[edit]
The act of labeling a term as a euphemism can in itself be controversial, as in the following two examples:
- Affirmative action, meaning a preference for minorities or the historically disadvantaged, usually in employment or academic admissions. This term is sometimes said to be a euphemism for reverse discrimination, or, in the UK, positive discrimination, which suggests an intentional bias that might be legally prohibited, or otherwise unpalatable.[8]
- Enhanced interrogation is a euphemism for torture. For example, columnist David Brooks called the use of this term for practices at Abu Ghraib, Guantánamo, and elsewhere an effort to «dull the moral sensibility».[9]
Formation methods[edit]
Phonetic modification[edit]
Phonetic euphemism is used to replace profanities and blasphemies, diminishing their intensity. Modifications include:
- Shortening or «clipping» the term, such as Jeez (Jesus) and what the— («what the hell»).
- Mispronunciations, such as oh my gosh («oh my God»), frickin («fucking»), darn («damn») or oh shoot («oh shit»). This is also referred to as a minced oath.
- Using acronyms as replacements, such as SOB («son of a bitch»). Sometimes, the word «word» or «bomb» is added after it, such as F-word («fuck»), etc. Also, the letter can be phonetically respelled.
To alter the pronunciation or spelling of a taboo word (such as a swear word) to form a euphemism is known as taboo deformation, or a minced oath. Feck is a minced oath originating in Hiberno-English and popularised outside of Ireland by the British sitcom Father Ted. Some examples of Cockney rhyming slang may serve the same purpose: to call a person a berk sounds less offensive than to call a person a cunt, though berk is short for Berkeley Hunt,[10] which rhymes with cunt.[11]
Euphemisms formed from understatements include: asleep for dead and drinking for consuming alcohol. «Tired and emotional» is a notorious British euphemism for «drunk», one of many recurring jokes popularised by the satirical magazine Private Eye; it has been used by MPs to avoid unparliamentary language.
Pleasant, positive, worthy, neutral, or nondescript terms are often substituted for explicit or unpleasant ones, with many substituted terms deliberately coined by sociopolitical movements, marketing, public relations, or advertising initiatives, including:
- «meat packing company» for «slaughter-house» (avoids entirely the subject of killing); «natural issue» or «love child» for «bastard»; «let go» for «fired», etc.
Over time, it becomes socially unacceptable to use the latter word,[citation needed] as one is effectively downgrading the matter concerned to its former lower status, and the euphemism becomes dominant, due to a wish not to offend; see euphemism treadmill.
- Metaphors (beat the meat, choke the chicken, or jerkin’ the gherkin for masturbation; take a dump and take a leak for defecation and urination, respectively)
- Comparisons (buns for buttocks, weed for cannabis)
- Metonymy (men’s room for «men’s toilet»)
The use of a term with a softer connotation, though it shares the same meaning. For instance, screwed up is a euphemism for fucked up; hook-up and laid are euphemisms for sexual intercourse.
Foreign words[edit]
Expressions or words from a foreign language may be imported for use as euphemism. For example, the French word enceinte was sometimes used instead of the English word pregnant;[12] abattoir for «slaughter-house», although in French the word retains its explicit violent meaning «a place for beating down», conveniently lost on non-French speakers. «Entrepreneur» for «business-man», adds glamour; «douche» (French: shower) for vaginal irrigation device; «bidet» (French: little pony) for «vessel for intimate ablutions». Ironically, although in English physical «handicaps» are almost always described with euphemism, in French the English word «handicap» is used as a euphemism for their problematic words «infirmité» or «invalidité».[citation needed]
Periphrasis, or circumlocution, is one of the most common: to «speak around» a given word, implying it without saying it. Over time, circumlocutions become recognized as established euphemisms for particular words or ideas.
Bureaucracies frequently spawn euphemisms intentionally, as doublespeak expressions. For example, in the past, the US military used the term «sunshine units» for contamination by radioactive isotopes.[13] Into the present,[when?][citation needed] the United States Central Intelligence Agency refers to systematic torture as «enhanced interrogation techniques».[14] An effective death sentence in the Soviet Union during the Great Purge often used the clause «imprisonment without right to correspondence»: the person sentenced would be shot soon after conviction.[15] As early as 1939, Nazi official Reinhard Heydrich used the term Sonderbehandlung («special treatment») to mean summary execution of persons viewed as «disciplinary problems» by the Nazis even before commencing the systematic extermination of the Jews. Heinrich Himmler, aware that the word had come to be known to mean murder, replaced that euphemism with one in which Jews would be «guided» (to their deaths) through the slave-labor and extermination camps[16] after having been «evacuated» to their doom. Such was part of the formulation of Endlösung der Judenfrage (the «Final Solution to the Jewish Question»), which became known to the outside world during the Nuremberg Trials.[17]
Negro is an example of a once-innocuous euphemism that has become outdated and offensive.
Frequently, over time, euphemisms themselves become taboo words, through the linguistic process of semantic change known as pejoration, which University of Oregon linguist Sharon Henderson Taylor dubbed the «euphemism cycle» in 1974,[18] also frequently referred to as the «euphemism treadmill«. For instance, the act of human defecation is possibly the most needy candidate for a euphemism in all eras. Toilet is an 18th-century euphemism, replacing the older euphemism house-of-office, which in turn replaced the even older euphemisms privy-house and bog-house.[19] In the 20th century, where the old euphemisms lavatory (a place where one washes) or toilet (a place where one dresses[20]) had grown from widespread usage (e.g., in the United States) to being synonymous with the crude act they sought to deflect, they were sometimes replaced with bathroom (a place where one bathes), washroom (a place where one washes), or restroom (a place where one rests) or even by the extreme form powder room (a place where one applies facial cosmetics). The form water closet, which in turn became euphemised to W.C., is a less deflective form.[citation needed]
Another example in American English is the replacement of «colored people» with «Negro» (euphemism by foreign language), which itself came to be replaced by either «African American» or «Black».[21] Also in the United States the term «ethnic minorities» in the 2010s has been replaced by people of color.[22]
Venereal disease, which associated shameful bacterial infection with a seemingly worthy ailment emanating from Venus the goddess of love, soon lost its deflective force in the post-classical education era, as «VD», which was replaced by the three-letter initialism «STD» (sexually transmitted disease); later, «STD» was replaced by «STI» (sexually transmitted infection).[23]
The word shit appears to have originally been a euphemism for defecation in Pre-Germanic, as the Proto-Indo-European root *sḱeyd-, from which it was derived, meant ‘to cut off’.[24]
Mentally disabled people were originally defined with words such as «morons» or «imbeciles», which then became commonly used insults. The medical diagnosis was changed to «mentally retarded», which morphed into a pejorative against those with mental disabilities. To avoid the negative connotations of their diagnoses, students who need accommodations because of such conditions are often labeled as «special needs» instead, although the word «special» has begun to crop up as a schoolyard insult.[25][better source needed] As of August 2013, the Social Security Administration replaced the term «mental retardation» with «intellectual disability».[26] Since 2012, that change in terminology has been adopted by the National Institutes of Health and the medical industry at large.[27] There are numerous disability-related euphemisms that have negative connotations.
See also[edit]
- Call a spade a spade
- Code word (figure of speech)
- Dead Parrot sketch
- Distinction without a difference
- Dog whistle (politics)
- Double entendre
- Dysphemism
- Emotive conjugation
- Expurgation (often called bowdlerization, after Thomas Bowdler)
- Framing (social sciences)
- Minced oath
- Minimisation
- Persuasive definition
- Polite fiction
- Political correctness
- Political euphemism
- Puns
- Sexual slang
- Spin (propaganda)
- Statistext
- Word play
- Word taboo
- ^ «Euphemism». Webster’s Online Dictionary. Archived from the original on 2007-07-28. Retrieved 2014-03-16.
- ^ «euphemism (n.)». Archived from the original on 7 January 2014. Retrieved 7 January 2014.
- ^ φήμη Archived 2021-06-14 at the Wayback Machine, Henry George Liddell, Robert Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon, on Perseus
- ^ «Euphemism» Etymology». Online Etymology Dictionary. Archived from the original on 20 March 2015. Retrieved 10 June 2015.
- ^ Timothy Ryback (November 15, 1993). «Evidence of Evil». – The New Yorker. Archived from the original on June 18, 2018. Retrieved December 1, 2015.
- ^ «Year in a word: ‘Special operation’«. Financial Times. 29 December 2022.
- ^ a b Zuckermann, Ghil’ad (2003), Language Contact and Lexical Enrichment in Israeli Hebrew. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-1403917232, 978-1403938695 [1] Archived 2019-06-13 at the Wayback Machine
- ^ affirmative action as euphemism
- «Style Guide». The Economist. March 10, 2013. Archived from the original on 2014-02-03. Retrieved 2013-03-10.
Uglier even than human-rights abuses and more obscure even than comfort station, affirmative action is a euphemism with little to be said for it.
- Custred, Glynn & Campbell, Tom (2001-05-22). «Affirmative Action: A Euphemism for Racial Profiling by Government». Investors Business Daily. Retrieved 2013-03-10.
- Bayan, Rick (December 2009). «Affirmative Action». The New Moderate. Archived from the original on 2013-03-06. Retrieved 2013-03-10.
- George F. Will (April 25, 2014). «The Supreme Court tangles over euphemisms for affirmative action». The Washington Post. Archived from the original on May 26, 2015. Retrieved May 26, 2015.
- M. Ali Raza; A. Janell Anderson; Harry Glynn Custred (1999). The Ups and Downs of Affirmative Action Preferences. Greenwood Publishing Group. p. 75. ISBN 978-0-275-96713-0. Archived from the original on 2016-04-25. Retrieved 2015-10-27.
Chapter 4: Affirmative Action Diversity: A Euphemism for Preferences, Quotas, and Set-asides
- A Journalist’s Guide to Live Direct and Unbiased News Translation. Writescope Publishers. 2010. p. 195. ISBN 978-0-9577511-8-7. Archived from the original on 2016-05-03. Retrieved 2015-10-27.
In modern times, various social and political movements have introduced euphemisms, from affirmative action to political correctness to international conflicts, which are linguistically and culturally driven.
- «Style Guide». The Economist. March 10, 2013. Archived from the original on 2014-02-03. Retrieved 2013-03-10.
- ^ Enhanced interrogation as euphemism
- David Brooks (December 12, 2014). «Shields and Brooks on the CIA interrogation report, spending bill sticking point». PBS Newshour. Archived from the original on 2017-09-16. Retrieved 2014-12-14.
[T]he report … cuts through the ocean of euphemism, the EITs, enhanced interrogation techniques, and all that. It gets to straight language. Torture – it’s obviously torture. … the metaphor and the euphemism is designed to dull the moral sensibility.
- «Transcript of interview with CIA director Panetta». NBC News. 2011-05-03. Archived from the original on 2022-04-15. Retrieved 2011-08-21.
Enhanced interrogation has always been a kind of handy euphemism (for torture)
- Pickering, Thomas (April 2013). «America Must Atone for the Torture It Inflicted». The Washington Post. Archived from the original on 2013-04-19. Retrieved 2013-04-22.
- David Brooks (December 12, 2014). «Shields and Brooks on the CIA interrogation report, spending bill sticking point». PBS Newshour. Archived from the original on 2017-09-16. Retrieved 2014-12-14.
- ^ although properly pronounced in upper-class British-English «barkley»
- ^ «definition of «berk»/»burk»«. Collins Dictionary. Archived from the original on 2014-07-27. Retrieved 22 July 2014.
- ^ «Definition of ENCEINTE». Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. Archived from the original on 2017-06-13. Retrieved 2017-05-20.
- ^ McCool, W.C. (1957-02-06). Return of Rongelapese to their Home Island – Note by the Secretary (PDF) (Report). United States Atomic Energy Commission. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2007-09-25. Retrieved 2007-11-07.
- ^ McCoy, Alfred W. (2006). A question of torture : CIA interrogation, from the Cold War to the War on Terror. Internet Archive. New York : Metropolitan/Owl Book/Henry Holt and Co. ISBN 978-0-8050-8248-7.
- ^ Solzhenitsyn, Alexander (1974). The Gulag Archipelago I. New York: Harper Perennial. p. 6. ISBN 0-06-092103-X
- ^ «». Archived from the original on 28 May 2013. Retrieved 20 May 2017.
- ^ «Wannsee Conference and the «Final Solution»«. Archived from the original on 2018-07-10. Retrieved 2015-06-05.
- ^ Henderson Taylor, Sharon (1974). «Terms for Low Intelligence». American Speech. 49 (3/4): 197–207. doi:10.2307/3087798. JSTOR 3087798.
- ^ Bell, Vicars Walker (1953). On Learning the English Tongue. Faber & Faber. p. 19.
The Honest Jakes or Privy has graduated via Offices to the final horror of Toilet.
- ^ French toile, fabric, a form of curtain behind which washing, dressing and hair-dressing were performed (Larousse, Dictionnaire de la langue française, «Lexis», Paris, 1979, p. 1891)
- ^ Demby, Gene (7 November 2014). ««Why We Have So Many Terms for ‘People of Color‘««. NPR. Archived from the original on 12 December 2019. Retrieved 12 December 2019.
- ^ Demby, Gene (7 November 2014). ««Why We Have So Many Terms for ‘People of Color‘««. NPR. Archived from the original on 12 December 2019. Retrieved 12 December 2019.
- ^ «STI vs. STD: Overcoming the Stigma | Power to Decide». Archived from the original on 2022-02-25. Retrieved 2022-02-25.
- ^ Ringe, Don (2006). From Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Germanic. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-955229-0.
- ^ Hodges, Rick (2020-07-01). «The Rise and Fall of ‘Mentally Retarded’«. Medium. Archived from the original on 2020-12-07. Retrieved 2021-02-13.
- ^ «Change in Terminology: «Mental Retardation» to «Intellectual Disability»«. Federal Register. 2013-08-01. Archived from the original on 2021-03-08. Retrieved 2021-03-10.
- ^ Nash, Chris; Hawkins, Ann; Kawchuk, Janet; Shea, Sarah E (2012-02-17). «What’s in a name? Attitudes surrounding the use of the term ‘mental retardation’«. Paediatrics & Child Health. 17 (2): 71–74. doi:10.1093/pch/17.2.71. ISSN 1205-7088. PMC 3299349. PMID 23372396.
Further reading[edit]
- Keith, Allan; Burridge, Kate. Euphemism & Dysphemism: Language Used as Shield and Weapon, Oxford University Press, 1991. ISBN 0-7351-0288-0.
- Benveniste, Émile, «Euphémismes anciens and modernes», in: Problèmes de linguistique générale, vol. 1, pp. 308–314. [originally published in: Die Sprache, I (1949), pp. 116–122].
- «Euphemism» . Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 9 (11th ed.). 1911.
- Enright, D. J. (1986). Fair of Speech. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-283060-0.
- Fussell, Paul: Class: A Guide Through The American Status System, Touchstone – Simon & Schuster Inc., 1983. ISBN 0-671-44991-5, 0-671-79225-3.
- R.W.Holder: How Not to Say What You Mean: A Dictionary of Euphemisms, Oxford University Press, 2003. ISBN 0-19-860762-8.
- Keyes, Ralph (2010). Euphemania: Our Love Affair with Euphemisms. Little, Brown and Company. ISBN 978-0-316-05656-4.
- Maledicta: The International Journal of Verbal Aggression (ISSN US).
- McGlone, M. S., Beck, G., & Pfiester, R. A. (2006). «Contamination and camouflage in euphemisms». Communication Monographs, 73, 261–282.
- Rawson, Hugh (1995). A Dictionary of Euphemism & Other Doublespeak (second ed.). ISBN 0-517-70201-0.
- Smyth, Herbert Weir (1920). Greek Grammar. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. p. 678. ISBN 0-674-36250-0.
- Heidepeter, Philipp; Reutner, Ursula. «When Humour Questions Taboo: A Typology of Twisted Euphemism Use», in: Pragmatics & Cognition 28/1, 138–166. ISSN 0929-0907.
External links[edit]
The dictionary definition of euphemism at Wiktionary
Ever encounter euphemism examples that make you go… huh?
I distinctly remember standing in my grandmother’s kitchen one night when I was eight years old.
The adults in my extended family were sitting around the kitchen table drinking wine. Suddenly someone exclaimed, “That’s BS!”
I popped around the corner, eyes wide, and asked, “What’s BS?”
I watched their eyebrows lift. Waited as they scrambled for an answer. And then my aunt quickly answered, “It means baby shoes.”
They all laughed.
And I went back to what I was doing, not convinced she was telling the truth.
This may not have been my first experience with euphemistic language, but it certainly stuck with me over the years.
As I got older, I began to recognize there’s often a more polite way to say something:
Enter the euphemism.
What is Euphemism?
The folks here at Smart Blogger define euphemism as a “good way to talk about a bad thing.”
I’d expand that definition a bit and call it a polite expression for an unpleasant reality or things that might otherwise be considered taboo or have a negative connotation.
As a writer, there will be times that a polite euphemism is necessary. Other times, using them could even improve your writing.
Let’s look at some other related literary devices (aka literary terms) you can use to build out your writerly toolbox.
Innuendo hints at the truth without directly stating something unpleasant or inappropriate.
For example, someone might indicate they got “extra help” on a test rather than admitting they cheated.
Political Correctness
Being “PC” often involves language filled with euphemistic-sounding language. But in reality, political correctness is intended to be respectfully and directly polite.
For example, it’s politically correct to speak of someone’s struggles with mental illness rather than call them “crazy.”
No an idiom is not a dumb-dumb (you’re thinking of idoit!)
Idioms are often cultural words or phrases that imaginatively convey an idea. It’s a literary device that’s not meant to be taken literally.
For example, people often joke about brides and grooms getting “cold feet” right before the wedding.
When the substituted word or phrase has a negative connotation rather than a positive one, you might be dealing with a dysphemism.
For example, someone might refer to a cemetery as a “boneyard.”
And of course, no polite conversation on euphemisms would be complete without sharing one of my favorite George Carlin bits.
(Warning: Georgie uses some pretty strong language at times, so cover your youngster’s ears)
Now that you have that euphemism definition, let’s look at some common types of euphemism and explore the colorful world of figurative language further.
66 Examples of Euphemisms That’ll Transform Your Writing
Given our Puritanical roots here in the US, it’s no wonder euphemisms are everywhere. From bodily functions to religion to money, there are lots of topics folks are uncomfortable discussing.
Let’s look at the nine most common euphemism categories and several examples of each.
Examples of Euphemisms in Everyday Conversation
- The car isn’t used; it’s “certified pre-owned.”
- She’s not sick; she’s “under the weather.”
- He’s not a liar; he’s “creative with the truth.”
- They’re not in a sexual relationship; they’re “friends with benefits.”
- People don’t go to prison; it’s a “correctional facility.”
- He’s not poor; he’s “economically disadvantaged.”
- She didn’t break up with him; she “needed some space.”
Famous Examples of Euphemism
- It wasn’t a lie; it was a “terminological inexactitude.”
Perhaps we have been guilty of some terminological inexactitudes. – Winston Churchill, to the British House of Commons in 1906
- He didn’t say the f-word; he said “oh, fudge.”
Only I didn’t say “Fudge.” I said THE word, the big one, the queen-mother of dirty words, the ‘F-dash-dash-dash’ word! – Ralphie, from the 1983 movie A Christmas Story
- She’s not talking about her buttocks; she’s referencing her “boom boom.”
Cause I got that boom boom that all the boys chase; All the right junk in all the right places. – Meghan Trainor, from her song All About That Bass
- He didn’t engage in an extramarital affair; he “slipped his moorings.”
I can, however, try to move forward in a manner that is consistent with the values to which I subscribed before slipping my moorings. – Former CIA Director David Petraeus, in apologizing for his affair
- He’s not trying to make direct physical contact; he wants to “get to second base.”
Me, I’m trying just to get to second base, and I’d steal it if she only gave the sign. – Billy Joel, comparing himself to Pete Rose in the song Zanzibar
- It’s not sexual intercourse; it’s “making whoopee.”
Another bride, another June; Another sunny honeymoon; Another season, another reason; For makin’ whoopee – Ella Fitzgerald, in her classic 1958 song Makin’ Whoopie
- Janet Jackson’s breast wasn’t exposed; it was a “wardrobe malfunction.”
I am sorry that anyone was offended by the wardrobe malfunction during the halftime performance of the Super Bowl. It was not intentional and is regrettable. – Justin Timberlake, apologizing for his part in the accidental exposure during the 2004 Super Bowl
Work-Related Euphemisms
- You’re not fired; you’re being “let go.”
- He’s not unemployed; he’s “between jobs.”
- She didn’t get fired; she “chose to resign.”
- You’re not unable to find a job; you’re just “considering your options.”
- She’s not in a job that’s below her career level; she’s just “under-employed.”
- He wasn’t fired; his company is “downsizing.”
- They didn’t decide to quit and find other work; they wanted to “pivot” their career.
Financial Euphemisms
- He’s not cheap; he’s “economical.”
- The bill isn’t past due; there’s an “outstanding payment.”
- They aren’t chronic over-spenders; they’re just experiencing “lifestyle inflation.”
- It’s not a purchase you’re trying to justify; it’s an “investment.”
- She’s not on a budget; she’s “thrifty.”
- Someone didn’t try to persuade them with a financial bribe; they were “paid off.”
- The company didn’t illegally change the information in their accounting; they “cooked the books.”
Euphemisms for Death & Dying
- He didn’t die; he “passed over to the other side.”
- She’s not deceased; she’s the “dearly departed.”
- They didn’t die; they “bought the farm.”
- She’s not deceased; she “kicked the bucket.”
- The family dog didn’t die; they went “over the rainbow bridge.”
- He’s not deceased; he’s “sleeping with the fishes.”
- They didn’t die; they “met an untimely demise.”
Examples of Religious Euphemisms
- You don’t mean to take the Lord’s name in vain; you’re simply saying “Gosh, Golly, Ye Gads, or by Jove.”
- It’s also potentially blasphemous to call on Jesus Christ; you might say “Gee Whiz, Cripes, Jeepers, Jiminy Cricket, or maybe even Jibbers Crabst).
- It’s not speaking of damning someone or something; it’s “Durn, Darn, Dang, or Doggone.”
- It’s possibly problematic to use the term Lord the same way; you might exclaim “Lordy, Lawd, or Lawdy.”
- It’s also not talking about Christ’s wounds; it’s “Zounds.”
- They’re not an Atheist; they have “theological ambivalence.”
- You wouldn’t say hell; instead, you’d say “what the Sam Hill?”
Examples of Euphemism in Literature
- Holden Caulfield isn’t asking Stradlater if he had sex on a date; he’s asking if “he gave her the time.”
“What’d you do?” I said. “Give her the time in Ed Banky’s goddam car?” – Scene from J.D. Salinger’s novel The Catcher in the Rye
- She’s not talking about her sexual appetite; she’s referencing her “instrument.”
In wifehood I will use my instrument, As freely as my Maker has it sent. – The Wife of Bath’s Prologue from Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales
- He’s not speaking about sexual intercourse; he’s telling her father that his daughter is “making the beast with two backs.”
I am one, sir, that comes to tell you your daughter and the Moor are now making the beast with two backs. – Iago in William Shakespeare’s play Othello
- He doesn’t want to be called insane; he’d rather you refer to him as “differently moraled.”
Don’t ever call me mad, Mycroft. I’m not mad. I’m just… well, differently moraled, that’s all. – Acheron Hades in Jasper Fforde’s novel The Eyre Affair
- He’s not talking about his potential death; he wants to communicate what happens if he “passes during some nocturnal blackness.”
If I pass during some nocturnal blackness, mothy and warm, When the hedgehog travels furtively over the lawn… – Stanza from Thomas Hardy’s poem Afterwards
- The animals aren’t getting less to eat; there simply needs to be a “readjustment of rations.”
It had been found necessary to make a readjustment of rations. – Squealer, to the other animals in George Orwell’s novel Animal Farm
- They didn’t have sex that resulted in pregnancy; he “plowed her” and she “cropped.”
She made great Caesar lay his sword to bed; He plowed her, and she cropped – Agrippa, speaking of Cleopatra in Shakespeare’s play Antony and Cleopatra
Euphemisms for Bodily Functions
- He didn’t pass gas; he “broke wind.”
- They don’t have a cold; they have “the sniffles.”
- She’s not menstruating; it’s her “time of the month.”
- You don’t talk to your children about sexual intercourse and pregnancy; you tell them about “the birds and the bees.”
- He doesn’t have to urinate; he’s going to “see a man about a horse.”
- They didn’t vomit; they “tossed their cookies.”
- She’s not crying; her “eyes are leaking.”
Other Common Examples of Euphemisms
- You’re not old; you’re “over the hill.”
- She’s not pregnant; she “has a bun in the oven.”
- It’s not a strip club; it’s a “gentleman’s club.”
- It’s not an annoying telemarketer calling; it’s a “courtesy call.”
- The item isn’t stolen; it just “fell off the back of a truck.”
- It’s not a tiny cramped apartment; it’s “cozy.”
- It’s not pornography; it’s “adult entertainment.”
- They didn’t get a divorce; they “consciously uncoupled.”
- It’s not a lie; it’s an “alternate fact.”
- It’s not torture; it’s “enhanced interrogation.”
This certainly isn’t a comprehensive list of all the numerous euphemisms out there, but it should give you an idea of the types of phrases you can work into your creative writing (or everyday speech).
Euphemism Examples for the Tactful Writer
The next time you find yourself writing about a sensitive subject, you now have another literary device to use.
Your readers likely don’t need things softened to the point of “baby shoes,” but you can still avoid collateral damage on your way to a compelling piece of writing.
So forget about writer’s block: Roll up your sleeves, sit your “boom boom” in your favorite writing chair, and pull out your favorite trick to get you inspired to write.
You only have one life to live — and lots of words to write — before you “meet your maker.”